Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

Awesome house diy from cardboard house project

For more infomation >> Awesome house diy from cardboard house project - Duration: 3:58.


Behind the scenes: HORROR NIGHTS – TRAUMATICA 2017 - Duration: 2:56.

2017 marks a new beginning for us all.

We have created an immersive world of boundless

possibilities with five combatting factions,

all with their own skills and characters.

The guests aren't just spectators,

they are actual characters in the story.

So the characters might see you and interact with you

as if you are residence of this world.

It's very exciting, I've never seen

a haunt park do anything like this

on this level and I think guests

are really going to like it.

The quality here is something I find hard to describe.

We've built five solid houses, and I would like to thank

the planning authorities for their support.

It goes to show that we always think long-term

and that we have built lasting infrastructures

here that give you a subtle feeling of highest quality.

This all has, of course,

given us a wide scope of possibilities

with the five houses.

We were able to increase the quality

of our buildings exponentially,

not to mention the special effects within:

from the fake blood pools to the bungee effects,

cars driving through walls,

performers coming from all angles, the list goes on.

We work with over 270 artists,

which is a new record for us.

We have three and a half hours to get them

all into make-up and costumes.

All of this with only seven make-up artists

from the USA, under the direction of Bill McCoy,

who developed special make-up techniques

to achieve the highest quality make-up in such short time.

The highlights we are going to have,

lots of big monsters, we have five different groups

of very different characters.

Each group is completely different but they are all tied together

in one beautiful bubble of a world.

What we are trying to achieve is total immersion.

We are one cog in the wheel here at the make-up team.

For the watch to work,

if everything works together,

it is going to be great.

For more infomation >> Behind the scenes: HORROR NIGHTS – TRAUMATICA 2017 - Duration: 2:56.


The Latte and The Lady - Jack Marshall Can't Do This - Webseries - Episode 10 - Duration: 4:41.

This is Davidson's, the only coffee shop in the county.

Although, you will be relieved to know that they make a killer latte,

so I am feeling better and better about this whole one-year business every day.

Most people here don't either know who I am or seem to care,

so it would appear that I am incognito.

It's so good.


They make latte art.

Mine was a candle.

I'll make sure to post a picture of it as soon as the video goes up.

But right now...

We are waiting for Donni to call.

I was hoping she would call right when I - -

Well, let's hope she calls soon because

aside from this exotic location,

she is our only attraction today.

So...just gonna...

[Beeps of Incoming Call]


I thought you'd frozen to death.

Nothing that exciting I'm afraid.

How's my favorite wilderness adventurer?

Ugh, cold, wet, tired. Sorry I'm late. -Oh!

So you're having the time of your life then.

Yeah, absolutely!

What about you? Oh, you finally managed to get out of the house.


Yeah, I was beginning to think other people didn't exist.

Except for maybe House. Does he count?

Yeah, but you can't trust that lying cellar-tripper, can you?

Did you watch my video?

Yeah, we've watched them all.

If nothing else to have a research team full of fans in northern Alaska.


Yeah, we have some special names for Arthur.

None of which I can repeat.

Mm-hmm, this actually makes me very happy.

What is it? What's going on?

I don't know. A really beautiful girl just said my name.

Your name? -Mm-hmm. Yeah, she's on the phone

Yeah, tilt your head like that. It looks totally natural not weird at all.

Is she still talking about you?

No, it was probably just a mention.

Maybe I'm not as incognito as I thought.

So, that's it. You're just done listening.

Well, yeah!

Not to be narcissistic, but if she's not talking about me then what's the point?

Uh, that's incredibly narcissistic.

Um no, Donni, it's polite because you can't just listen to another person's conversation - -


What is it?

I don't know. She just asked if "he's in town".

Hmm, you?

I don't know. Maybe.

What's she saying now?

She just said, "If he is, I haven't seen him yet."

Well, that tracks right.

Jack, you are about as subtle as a dump truck.

Leave me alone.

This is harder than it looks.

Is this what we've come to now? Just eavesdropping over lattes?

Well, actually, my latte has notes of coriander

and cinnamon and chocolate and the foam is - -

O.S. Female Voice: I'm not going to Miami or Los Angeles.

Kay, she's talking about travel. She's not happy.

She's leaving.

Mmm, why don't you just ask her what she was talking about?

O.S.: Then he can tell me himself.

She sounds mad. -Yeah.

She just hung up. She's coming this way.

[something falls to floor] O.S.: Ugh, sorry.

O.S.: Thanks. -Yeah, no problem.

Well, that will go down as an unsolved mystery.

Did you see her?

I could hear her.

She was...



Well, I-I just,

I'm saying it's gonna be easier to stay here.

Attraction makes guys like you do stupid things.

Besides it sounds like she has problems of her own.

Well, problems, Donni, are just opportunities waiting for a solution.

Oh, okay sensei.

I'm just saying you're living in a pretty small box right now. Lots of things could go wrong.

Would you relax? It's not like I'm gonna see her again



Jack, you need to turn in the phone right now - -


For more infomation >> The Latte and The Lady - Jack Marshall Can't Do This - Webseries - Episode 10 - Duration: 4:41.


'Kitchen Fight' Ep. 3 Deleted Scene | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 1:02.

I need those frittatas up now!

(BRITISH ACCENT) Hello, I'm so sorry to disturb you.

I was wondering perhaps if you've found a pair

of sunglasses here?


These are fine, expensive glasses I seem to have lost,

and I was just curious if perhaps you came upon them.

Wait, I know you.

No, impossible.

Drop the accent. Okay? I know you.

You came in the other day with a wig and a mustache on.

(NORMAL ACCENT) Okay, so, what of it?

Do me a favor.

Turn around, and please leave my kitchen, sir!

What, are you brandishing a knife?

You think that's supposed to threaten me or something?

You want to see what threatening with a knife looks like?

-I'll show you what threatening with a knife looks like. -Yeah, show me! Show me!

-I'll show you what it looks like. Come here. -Hey, what are you, nuts?

CHEF: This is what it looks like!

For more infomation >> 'Kitchen Fight' Ep. 3 Deleted Scene | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 1:02.


# VLOG10: Me SINCERIZO 😱 y nos ponemos al día + TRATAMIENTOS + RUTINAS... | Lalia Benchelef - Duration: 21:13.

For more infomation >> # VLOG10: Me SINCERIZO 😱 y nos ponemos al día + TRATAMIENTOS + RUTINAS... | Lalia Benchelef - Duration: 21:13.


Road rage, Canada style - Duration: 0:56.

(horn honks) - Come on, move!

- Calm down, sweetie.

- I am calm.

Have you seen this guy?

He's been standing there the entire time.

Go around him, come on!

- You're being childish.

- Oh really?

Have you seen them?

They're the children, not me.

I'm not gonna say anything.

Hustle guys!

'Kay, I have to say something.

I'll be right back.

You stay here.

Alright, everybody gather around right now!

Take a knee!

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take,

so get the puck in the back of the net and let's go!

(players shouting)

(jazzy hip-hop music)

For more infomation >> Road rage, Canada style - Duration: 0:56.


Wymiana łożysko koła tylnego VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:41.

Use a phillips screwdriver

Using a punch and a hammer take out the wheel bearing cap

Use a socket №30

Treat the brake drum seat with a copper grease

For more infomation >> Wymiana łożysko koła tylnego VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:41.


Solar Wind at Martian Moon Could Impact Future Missions - Duration: 2:01.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

Both are small, airless bodies with irregular shapes.

To better understand these moons, scientists at NASA's

Goddard Space Flight Center simulated the solar wind

environment at Phobos.

Phobos orbits incredibly close to Mars, only thirty-seven

hundred miles above the surface.

In fact, it whips around the planet in less than eight hours!

Because it has no atmosphere or magnetosphere, Phobos plows

directly into the solar wind for part of its orbit.

The solar wind consists of negatively charged electrons,

which are light, and positively charged ions, which are heavy.

Normally they exist in equal numbers, so the solar wind is

electrically neutral.

Phobos, however, absorbs the solar wind on its dayside,

leaving a void over its night side.

Because the electrons are lighter than the ions, they rush

in to fill the void.

This creates a field of negative electric potential over Phobos

and statically charges its night side.

The ions are attracted to the field and pulled in farther

downstream, restoring the solar wind's density and neutral


The simulation also looked at a massive crater called Stickney.

It showed that when Stickney falls into shadow, electrons

initially move into the crater, and the associated electric

potential forces the ions to keep up.

On the smaller scale, this electrically charges the crater

interior through the same process that charges the larger

night side.

Phobos is often cited as a target for future exploration,

but roving around on the night side, or within shadowed

craters, could build up static electric charge, possibly

affecting sensitive equipment.

Mission planners will have to face this challenge as they set

their sights on the moons of Mars.

[ Music ]

[ Satellite beeping ]

For more infomation >> Solar Wind at Martian Moon Could Impact Future Missions - Duration: 2:01.


GWF THREE COUNT, Episode 10 [English Subtitles] | German Wrestling Federation - Duration: 22:34.

[RAMBO] He is a loser

and will always be a loser!

[AHMED] Sorry, that I accused you of this.

[LUCKY] It's ok, Ahmed. But I know who told you that.

[CHRIS] I will take my opportunity and take your title.

[WEBER] Here I've got the card for Three Count, episode 10.

So, we do it like that? [RAMBO] Yes, like that.

[ALI] You against Cem at Legacy.

The loser will leave the country.

[ORLANDO] Ok, the loser will leave the country!


[CHRIS] Ok, thank you. We will continue later. [ROOKIE] Ok.

[CHRIS] Hey Orlando, how are you?

[ORLANDO] It's ok.

[CHRIS] I am really sorry for you.

[ORLANDO] I know, I know.

[CHRIS] You know, you really deserved this

and the fans deserved you as the Champion.

[ORLANDO] No matter. The new champion is awesome isn't he?

[CHRIS] Pascal?


[VINCENZO COCOTTI] Ahhh, the champion is here!

[MARTIN GUERRERO] This is not funny at all.

[VINCENZO] This wasn't actually a joke.

You are still Loserweight Champion,

because you don't listen to Vincenzo.

[MARTIN] What did I do wrong?

[VINCENZO] You need to demand stonger opponents.

[MARTIN] Even stronger? The last guy was about two metres tall.

[VINCENZO] No, Vincenzo means more famous guys,

more experienced ones.

[MARTIN] Why? That doesn't make any sense at all.

[VINCENZO] Yes, it does.

Because, when the match maker realizes

that you don't have enough experience

he will give you weaker and smaller opponents

and he will feel compassion for you.

[MARTIN] So, who do you suggest as my next opponent?

[VINCENZO] Listen, you will demand a title vs. title match

against the Berlin Champion.

[MARTIN] Against the Berlin Champion???

[VINCENZO] Yes, indeed. And if you have just one chance to pin him

then you put your legs on the ropes and

become Berlin Champion.

Just like Vincenzo did.

Let's go.

[TONI HARTING] Rambo, we have a question.

[RAMBO] Hurry up, I don't have time.

[TONI] I've heard that you and Vincenzo

won't demand a rematch for the tag team titles.

[RAMBO] Why do want to know this.

And who says this?

[TONI] Come on, you will fight against Ahmed.

[RAMBO] Yeah, ok. So, do you want to fight

against the Mafia for the tag team titles at Legacy?

You want that, right?


[RAMBO] Well, that's fine with me. Let's do it.

And you write down: "The Cash Money Mafia vs.

Toni and Ronaldo at Legacy for the tag team titles."

Are you satisfied now?

[RONALDO] Well, could we? ... No, doesn't matter.

[TONI] I promise that this will be a great match.

[RAMBO] You know what, I don't care.

You got your match, so leave.

Get out! I need to rest.

[LUCKY KID] You really think you know a person,

and then you get enlightened.

[TARKAN] That's the story of my life.

[LUCKY] Yes, sure. You are the victim.

I'm perfectly aware that you made disparaging remarks about me in front of Ahmed.

[TARKAN] What did I do?

[LUCKY] You went to Ahmed to tell shit about me just for your own advantage.

[TARKAN] So, you really think I speak about you..

[LUCKY] I know it! Damn!

[TARKAN] If you know this you didn't understand a thing.

[LUCKY] Yes, I understand. The little lion doesn't get anything.

The great superstar Tarkan Aslan knows everything.

But you know what, I don't care. I don't care at all.

I asked for a match: Me and Ronaldo against you and Cash Money Erkan.

[TARKAN] Are you serious?

[LUCKY] I am damn serious!

And I will show you, what it's like

when a real lion stands in front of you.

[SLIM JIM] We are the Purple Star Circus.

I am the crazy clown Slim Jim

and this is...


[SLINKY] I come from the "Karl Bonhoeffer" sanatorium for the mentally ill.

[SLIM JIM] And I am from the circus tent "Shake".

Stop that!

[SLINKY] What did we achieve?

[SLIM JIM] Nothing!

[SLINKY] But I am... I was Loserweight Champion.

[SLIM JIM] You should't show off about this.

What do we want to achieve? That's easy:

We wanna win for once and become tag team champions.

[SLINKY] World Champion... yeah.

[SLIM JIM] Egoist.

[MARTIN] Hey Tarkan, how are you?

Do you have a minute for me?


[MARTIN] I wanted to ask you, if you are interested in a title vs. title match?

Your Berlin Title against my Loserweight Title.

[TARKAN] Sure. [MARTIN] Really?

[TARKAN] Anytime you want. Tell me when, tell me where.

[MARTIN] Thank you.

[TARKAN] That's how I am, you know?

Hey ref, do you have a moment?

[REF] Uhhhm, yes.

[TARKAN] Well, then I got a job for you. Watch this!

Now do your job.

Doesn't this look like a pin for you?

[REF] 1...2...3

[TARKAN] So come on...yes.

Is he kidding me? "Do you have minute for me?"

Just idiots in here. Title vs. title, pfff.

I am the king you douchebag.

[WEBER] "We do the card like this.

P.S. Forget about the presidency.

You need to become matchmaker.

That's the most important thing to control the GWF."

From whom is this fax?

For more infomation >> GWF THREE COUNT, Episode 10 [English Subtitles] | German Wrestling Federation - Duration: 22:34.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 299 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 299 - Duration: 6:13.


Leaning with my mistakes - Watercolor sepeed painting - Duration: 5:43.

whats's up guys It's Gus Romano and Welcome to my channel

today it is going to be a bit...

it's not different

I was trying to do something more realistic

but then..

I think I did something wrong with the watercolours

but... Let's see what do you think

I am not sure about this drawing but it is really different

I think it has a girly style.. I don't know

I think it was on the hair

when I add a lot of black to the hair

and it doesn't stand up as I wanted

It is a bit ... not cartoon it is a bit similar to a illustration

This drawing was inspired by a photo of Miranda Kerr

She is a model. And yeah! Hope you like it!

Tell me what do you think! I am not sure if I like this drawing

but I want to know if you like it or not

See you in a bit

hey guys! So what do you think about the drawing

As I told you it is a bit different from my style. It is a bit diferent from what I wanted to do

but.. yeah..

one thing about watercolour and learning new skills

is that you should try to try everything, practice a lot

so you know.. how you can do it and how you can avoid the mistakes

Now I know how ..

well now I know how I don't want to the hair anymore

because I really didn't like the hair of this drawing

I am just learning.. I am just learning with my mistakes and that is fine..

you asked me if I can help with some advises

because you want to start drawing and painting

I am always trying to say that the best advise is..

try to practice a lot. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

because no one has born with the skills to do it

Practice a lot . try to make as many mistakes as you can because you are only going to learn with it

and yeah I have learned something today

hope you liked the drawing and the video.. and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Leaning with my mistakes - Watercolor sepeed painting - Duration: 5:43.


10 Best Shoulder Passive Range of Motion Stretches (PROM) - Duration: 8:32.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you the top 10 passive

range of motion stretches for the shoulder. so let's get started.

So these top 10 are my favorite passive range of

motion stretches. there's no scientific research behind it, it's just what I

found that work best for me and my patients. so the first one is going to be

pendulum circles. pendulums are my favorite. they're a great way to really

loosen up that shoulder joint, relax those muscles, but the key is to make

sure you're moving your body to get your arm to move, not actively moving your arm.

so let's take a look at the circles. for shoulder pendulums you're just going to

dangle your arm down towards the floor. you're not actively gonna move your arm,

but you're going to use your body to move your arm making circles and then

reverse it the other way.

number two is going to be pendulums side to sides. so same kind of concept. it's

really just opening up that joint getting some passive movement, making

sure that you're not moving your arm, you're moving your body to make the arm

move, and that's what is making it passive. so let's take a look at side to

side. for shoulder arm swings from side to side, just dangle your arm down keep

it nice and relaxed. you're not actually moving your arm, but you're moving your

body side to side.

number three, pendulums front to back. now so same thing as the others, but this

time you're just going front to back, so now you're getting that movement in the

shoulder in all directions, but just getting it nice and relaxed, doing it

passively where you're not actively moving that arm. so let's take a look. for

shoulder arm swings front to back, just let your arm dangle down. you're not

actually moving the arm, but you're moving your body to make your arm move.

number four. using a pulley system is really really great. You're gonna do

flexion for this one, and you have to get a pulley, but you can also make them at

home. they're very easy to do and so this is a great way of getting that passive

range of motion in flexion by using your other arm to pull it up with the pulley.

so let's take a look. for pulley shoulder flexion, put the pulley in your hands. if

I need to stretch my right shoulder my left arm is going to come down pulling

my right shoulder up into flexion. keep your thumbs facing you.

number five. we're going to use the pulleys again, but now it's going to be

for abduction. so this time you're going out to the side, but same concept you're

just relaxing that arm and you're letting the other one pull the other one

up. so that is a great way to get that passive range of motion for abduction. so

let's check that one out. for pulley abduction, place the pulley in your hands

turn your thumbs towards you with your elbows out to the side. if I'm stretching

my right shoulder, my left one comes down as my right one goes up.

number six. using the pulley again, now we're going to do internal rotation

behind our back. this one's kind of uncomfortable it's an awkward position

to get in, but it's really great to be able to get that arm up behind your back if

you've got to scratch your back, wash your back, or if you're putting on a bra.

this is really going to help get that movement, but again it's doing it in a

passive way. so let's check it out. for pulley internal rotation grab the pulley

behind you. with the arm you want to stretch, pull up with the left to bring

up the right.

number seven is the pulleys for external rotation. so again this is one that might

not be super comfortable it's a hard one to get back, but by using the pulley to

help pull it back in to that external rotation in a passive way, you can really

gain a lot of motion with it, so let's take a look. for pulley shoulder external

rotation, have the pulley slightly behind you. if you're stretching your right

shoulder put your elbow out to the side in a comfortable position, and then pull

your left arm down to bring that shoulder up.

number eight. so now we're going to use a stick to get that passive range of

motion. you really want to let the stick do all the work. you're trying to

passively do this, so we're in the shoulder flexion for this one. let's

check it out. for shoulder flexion passive range of motion with a stick, you

can use a cane or a broomstick or PVC pipe if you have some. your arm is just

going to go along for the ride, so the other arm is going to do all the

movement. it's just going up and down and then the other ones just sitting on top.

number nine. now we're going to do abduction with the stick. so same kind of

concept, you're just letting that arm go for the ride on the stick, and you're

using the other arm to push it up. so this is a great way to get that passive

range of motion. make sure that you're just completely relaxed with that

shoulder, and let the other arm do all the work. so let's check it out. for

shoulder abduction passive range of motion with the stick, you can use a cane

a broomstick or PVC pipe if you have some. your arm is just going to go along

for the ride, and the other one's doing all the movements. so it's pushing the

arm up. just set your hand on top of the cane or the PVC pipe with your thumb

pointed upwards, and then just push your arm up as comfortably as you can.

the last one number 10, is going to be external rotation with the stick. so same

as all the others, you're really just relaxing that arm, relaxing that shoulder,

and letting the other arm push that stick to get that motion in the arm. so

remember make sure you're nice and relaxed. let's check it out. for shoulder

external rotation passive range of motion with a stick, you can use a cane a

broomstick or PVC pipe if you have some. the arm is just going to go along for

the ride, and the other one's going to do all the movement. bend your elbow and put

it by your side. keep it there the whole time. try not and let it come out. then

hold on to the pipe with your thumb up and then push outwards and come back in.

so remember make sure that elbow is not coming away from your side.

so there you have it. that's your top ten passive range of motion stretches for

the shoulder. remember you really want that shoulder and that arm to be

completely relaxed for the passive range of motion.

these are stretches when you're doing them passively maybe you can't do it

because it hurts actively or maybe you're on precautions because you've had

a shoulder surgery or something. so make sure you check to make sure it's okay to

do these, but it's a great way to start getting that motion when you're maybe

not ready to actively do it, or it hurts too much to actively do it. so if you

want to help support my channel, make sure you click on the link up here to

find out how, and don't forget to subscribe by clicking down here. and

remember, be safe (keep it passive), have fun.

and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> 10 Best Shoulder Passive Range of Motion Stretches (PROM) - Duration: 8:32.


A DAY WITH JORGE BLANCO AND R5 - (Show in Rome) - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> A DAY WITH JORGE BLANCO AND R5 - (Show in Rome) - Duration: 11:09.


Jeffree Star Purges "Friends"! Christen Dominique Creates a Makeup Line! | Makeup Minute! - Duration: 1:01.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 18, 2017

Tarte is having an amazing sale on their site TODAY ONLY, with up to 70% off the items you


But are they setting up for another controversy?

One of our reporters was doing some early-morning shopping, and found, in the notify-me slot,

someone else's email already filled in and clearly visible (we've obscured it here).

Is this simply a default email, or a foreshadowing?

Are you shopping?

Yesterday, Jeffree Star posted on Twitter: "Just did a social media PURGE and unfollowed

[slash] blocked all the fake pieces of s**t in the beauty community" with a fire emoji.



But why?

Of course, there's only one person who holds the truth.

How will this affect Jeffree Star products, marketing, and collaborations in the future?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Another influencer is coming out with their own company, take a look at the logo for Christen

Dominique's cosmetic line That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Jeffree Star Purges "Friends"! Christen Dominique Creates a Makeup Line! | Makeup Minute! - Duration: 1:01.


An update on Playerunknown's Battleground FPS Boosting on low end PCs - Duration: 4:04.

PUBG continues to grow like no game before it.

Some time ago I released my first video on some changes to configuration files and other

things you could do to get some extra performance on this game.

Since then the game has grown and changed a little bit, so I wanted to make a short

update video to reflect just that.

This extra video was made possible due to a kind sponsorship from

If you are looking for a quick way to sell PUBG, CSGO or TF2 skins give them a try.

I am aware there is a fair amount of trust required in services like that so I tried

several transactions and managed to sell a couple of skins very quickly and very simply

with no problem.

And everything I could find about this service pointed at them having a good customer support

team if anything happens.

So, if you want to sell some skins without hassle give them a try and let me know how

it goes over comments or twitter.

For starters we have the configuration file located in the game's configuration directory

in Appdata.

Any control over shadow resolution has apparently been removed so I have taken those variables

out of the file.

I have also added some other elements I had missed before and at the end of the file I

have left the main variable that controls some of the lightning related post effects

inside buildings.

By disabling it you gain some performance at the cost of visibility but many people

have asked for a way to revert that, so now all you have to do is remove the last line.

However, since we are talking about configuration files I have to make a disclaimer.

Blue hole, the developer of this game, has explicitly stated that changing the configuration

files is prohibited and paramounts to cheating.

This was apparently triggered by an update that added fog in the game as a post process,

which got people to start disabling post processing all together.

I am pretty sure I don't need to tell you my opinion on this, people have been looking

for performance or gameplay adjustments in configuration files since the start of PC

Gaming and threatening a ban over this is highly concerning (rather than just fixing

the way the fog is rendered in the game) but this is not an opinion video so let's leave

it at that.

With that in mind, I am going to go ahead and put a disclaimer.

If you choose to use this configuration file you do so at your own risk.

I have used the file so far without issue (and if this changes you will see a note in

the description) but there is still a risk.

Apart from that file there is a small tweak that a ton of people have sent me, from this

reddit thread linked in the description.

If you are using windows 10 you may get a performance increase by changing a small detail

in the executable.

Navigate to whenever your game is installed and then TSLGame, Binaries, Win64, right click

on TslGame.exe and go to properties.

On the compatibility tab you can select override high DPU scaling behavior and make

sure it is set to Application and then click ok.

I decided to look at the game in more detail in the same setup I use for the last video,

a dual core Intel Celeron and a GT 640.

Interestingly enough I do believe the game has received some optimization since my last

attempt, as I was getting similar performance indoors with the light post processing disabled

and at a higher internal resolution than before.

As you can see this is being limited mainly by the GPU in this instance so you can still

drop that internal resolution lower using the tool from the old video but before you

head that way you might want to test in different weather conditions.

Matches during rain hit a hard CPU bottleneck as well, in some instances hitting both the CPU

And the GPU

Since dropping the internal resolution will only help with the GPU this is a good opportunity

to remind you to be mindful about background programs and services and to make sure you

have as little background CPU use as possible.

Let me know if this changes help your performance.

This game is still in development so I would not be surprised if more information comes

to light regarding performance tweaking.

Is there a tweak you have been using to play this game?

Let me know in comments or send me a tweet or an email.

Thank you to the people in Patreon who help keep this channel going, I will see you all

on the next regular longer video.

For more infomation >> An update on Playerunknown's Battleground FPS Boosting on low end PCs - Duration: 4:04.


God Is Watching Over You! – Psalm 121 (Praying the Bible) - Duration: 12:13.

Hello, and welcome to the Empowering Word. I'm pastor Ken Brown. I am so thankful

that you joined me today. We are going to be praying the Bible, but

first I would just like to just take a moment to thank all of our Gideon 300

partners that have supported this ministry over the last four years and

have made these episodes—these Empowering Words—possible. Again, we are

in a new studio environment—here in California—and I am just so thankful and

so blessed and so humbled by today and this the ability for us to step

forward in a new way; in a new expression of ministry. I'm so thankful for those

that have been a catalyst to this point. A special thank you to David Diga

Hernandez and his team; and to all of those other ministries that have just kind of

been a part of this progression towards this day. So for all that,

I just want to say thank you and and without further ado I really want to

kind of get into today's message, if you will. I felt it was very appropriate to

kind of initiate our new time in this space by praying the Bible. This has kind

of been an anchor in this ministry; and our YouTube channel; and our Empowering Words

Praying the Bible to me, has so become just a part of my natural process

of daily devotion, if you will. It's not something that I'm doing by rote or

anything like that. I just really love reading the Bible and then taking

the Psalms—the prayers of the Bible— the the dynamics of when God begins to

move in a certain situation in the Scripture and to apply that in a

prayerful situation what it also does is it really connects the scripture to to

kind of my communication with God and so I

I do this as a matter of teaching but I also do this as a matter of hopefully

equipping you to do likewise to allow the Holy Spirit to make the words of

this book come alive that that literally in in many ways that the word would

become flesh once again that the Spirit of God would breathe upon this and give

it new life and empower your prayers with the very word of God and so today

that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna be reading Psalm 121 and it's a

it's an ascent it's a it's a psalm of ascent these were Psalms that were

either sung or or proclaimed as one would ascend to Jerusalem as one would

ascend to the temple to worship God to offer offerings to be a part of the

festivals and the festivities of the Jewish calendar year if you will and so

these you know much like Psalm 24 who may ascend the hill of the Lord and and

all of these kind of dynamic Psalms of ascent are really wonderful Psalms to

pray especially as you consider your journey with God your journey with

Christ and the dynamic of pursuing God and pursuing his presence in your life

now remember is the book of Hebrews teaches us we are the Temple of the Holy

Spirit so there's not a place that we're seeking it's a person that we're seeking

and said today as we read this summit I want you to kind of be in that in that

in in the in the mindset if you will that we are pursuing the presence of God

and the presence of God in our life as we read these these ascension songs and

so let's let's begin Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my

help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth he

will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed

he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor

beep the Lord watches over you the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun

will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the Lord will keep you from all

harm he will watch over your life the Lord will watch over your coming and

going both now and forevermore friends today this should be an encouragement to

all of us the psalmist begins by this dynamic of I lift up my eyes I lift up

my eyes to the mountains he's looking to the to the top of the mountain where the

Temple of the Lord is and where where it's believed in that sense that the

spirit about her the presence of God dwells and so he says where where else

could my help come from but from the Lord the and again this this dynamic of

Lord it's it's the Hebrew word Yahweh it is the I am it's the I am that I am I I

look to the I am I look to the i am-ness of God if I need help that's who I look

to I think it's also interesting here to note that it transitions from where the

the psalmist eyes are looking that the psalmist says I look to the Lord I look

to the mountain I I look to God from where my help comes from and there's

almost kind of this response there's a there's a shift within the psalm as the

psalmist begins to declare that that that God's eyes that the eyes of Yahweh

the eyes of God are on the psalmist are on the people of God are on Israel and

it's and it's this idea that that he will not let your foot slip that that he

watches over you that he who watches over you does not slumber he does not

rest there's no end and that there's this dynamic of of shade for the one

that is is under the the beating Sun or or from the moon the

the day and night that God is watching over his people friends today if you're

in Christ you are God's people you are God's child you are one that God has his

eye upon I mean we did talk about this when we were talking about the names of

God Elroy the God who sees me it's part of his name he sees me friends today I

want to encourage you with this and as we pray this I want I want this to be an

encouragement because God sees you I know that there might be times where in

your pursuit you feel as though you're the one that is doing all of the

pursuing you're the one that is seeking the help but that's not exactly the way

the real perspective is you see God is already watching over you God already

knows when you would need the help and he's already rolling up his sleeves on

your behalf he's involved in your life he he knows

you're coming and you're going he he desires to to bring you to a new place

his plans for you are not for harm but for good and so friends today I want to

us as we pray this prayer that there would be a sense of a revelation that he

is watching over us and so today let's let's pray this song

Heavenly Father I just thank you today we lift up our eyes to you but we we

just thank you so much that we know where our help comes from you are an

ever-present help in times of trouble Lord and we we just we seek you today

but we don't just seek your hand we seek your face we don't just seek what you

can do for us Lord we seek your presence in our lives we are we we desire to

ascend into your presence Lord and and and and in that we we humble ourselves

we we racking that you are God and we are your created

mankind and so today we we just thank you we praise you we worship You Lord we

thank you for the opportunity that we have that we can come into your throne

room with such boldness you are such a good good God and we thank you today

that your eye is upon us that you are watching over us your people your

children but I want to thank you today that you are working things in our lives

they learning you will not let harm come to your children then you let not let

harm come to us that you will keep our feet from slipping Lord as we are

focused on you is we turn our gaze to you as we look to you and we we catch

just a glimpse of your eye well Jesus today I asked that just the revelation

of who you are would be made known to each of those that are watching today

Lord I pray that there would just being a just up there just a sense of your

presence even now even now Lord that the one that is watching which is they would

have even perfect sleep perfect rest because Lord they would know that you

are watching over them in their comings and their going no matter where they

step their foot Lord wherever they are in a cubicle in a in a third-world

country in a in a high rise Lord you are there but I just declare your presence

and peace upon your people today Lord that they would just walk with it with

it just Lord with a confidence in you in you a confidence in your piece

low that you are watching over them even now and thank you for it I thank you for

your goodness I thank you that you were the God who sees us bless your name

today Lord we pray these things in your mighty son's name in Jesus name Amen

friends I am just so excited about what God is doing you need to know that he is

with you he is for you and he sees you even if some even if even if others

don't see you God sees you his hand is is already moving on your behalf

friends we need to live with this faith of understanding this this revelation we

need to live empowered by the word



For more infomation >> God Is Watching Over You! – Psalm 121 (Praying the Bible) - Duration: 12:13.


Kimmel meets Skarsgård EXCEPT it gets awkward - Duration: 1:06.

Nothing is more awkward than the following; - Meeting your GF's parents for the first time - Pulling out too late - Farting in public - Getting caught picking your nose - Not having anything in common with someone - Bill Skarsgard - The word awkward - These subtitles

For more infomation >> Kimmel meets Skarsgård EXCEPT it gets awkward - Duration: 1:06.


Levando o Evangelho a Outras Nações - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Levando o Evangelho a Outras Nações - Duration: 0:39.


Top 10 Alternate Versions Of Sonic - Part 5 - Duration: 5:27.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Well, well, well.

We meet again.

First, go watch Galavant, because it's awesome.

Second, you're back!

Guess that means it's time to scour the nets for more versions of the speedy blue


While I have you, if you're new to the channel, first of all why are you starting with Part


But also, if you like what you see, hit that subscribe button so you can see more.

Now let's hop right into things: it's time for the Top 10 Alternate Versions of

Sonic, Part 5!

Number 10: Jetset Sonic.

Jetset Sonic is a fanmade version of Sonic that combines our favourite speedster with

Beat, the protagonist of the Jet Set Radio series.

Don't know Beat?

Well, do you play Overwatch?

Because Beat is basically a white Lucio.

Cool, now we're on the same page.

Jetset Sonic, like Beat and Lucio, is on roller skates, has goggles, and grooves along to

some sweet tunes.

You can even get him as a skin mod in the new Smash Bros. Noice!

Number 9: Murder of me Sonic.

I actually had the Murder of Me Sonic in Part 4, but I only included the pre-transformation


That version was more realistic than usual, and wasn't even named Sonic.

But we soon see the real Sonic back, and looking all kinds of awesome with a wicked cape.

I don't care what Edna says in the Incredibles, Sonic is rockin that cape.

The art style changes somewhat as the comic progresses and it's really cool.

Definitely give it a shot!

Number 8: Solar Sonic.

Sonic the Hedgehog #71 saw a few different transformations out of Sonic.

He powered up to super sonic, and then to hyper sonic, which you guys will know from

the previous parts.

But he doesn't stop there, because apparently Nate Morgan's Super Emerald allowed him

to transform a few different ways to adapt to various environments.

His first transformation was Solar Sonic, which he turned into while running through

the Great Desert.

Sadly we don't actually see much of these transformations since they're just a one-off

for that comic, but who knows?

Maybe they'll be back later.

Number 7: Polar Sonic.

Polar Sonic was the second transformation Sonic went through on his quest to save the

island from the energy beam that was turning time backwards.

While powered up in ultra sonic mode, Sonic ran through the Southern Tundra, and the cold

snowy environment caused him to change into a white hedgehog that was much better suited

for the cold climate.

Pretty nifty.

Number 6: Eco Sonic.

Same issue, different Sonic.

When Sonic was running through the Great Rainforest, he turned into Eco Sonic.

In this form, he turns all green with a red jacket, and apparently he can, like, run better

through the forest?

Maybe he gets some hidden plant ability?

They don't really tell us much.

Let's make something up!

As Eco Sonic, he gains the ability of Photosynthesis, allowing him to recharge his energy from the




Number 5: Redhotsonic.

Here's a bit of a weird one, but as we get further in the parts, I need to widen the

playing field of what's considered "alternate versions".

And hey, there's a gaming YouTuber named RedHotSonic who plays, you guessed it, Sonic!

He's an English guy who really knows his Sonic, and plays the games with commentary.

The channel's great for new fans and old alike, and it features a bright red version

of Sonic.

Not Knuckles, Sonic.

It's a cool channel, and he has a pretty nice accent.

Kinda reminds me of Danny Burke, if Danny's voice wasn't so deep and manly.

Number 4: Somari.

Somari is the protagonist of the 1994 game "Somari".

No real surprise there.

But the weird thing is that in Somari, the main character seems to be a combination of

Sonic and Mario.

While he looks like Mario, he is playing a Sonic port, and he runs quickly just like

the guy he's replacing in the game.

This might be more of an alternate version of Mario, but considering he's in a Sonic

game AND his name has part of Sonic's name in it, I think it counts.

And yes, it really really should have been called Somario, but it wasn't up to me.

I'm sorry.

Number 3: Frenzy Sonic.

Here's a transformation of Sonic's that was first seen in Sonic colours.

When sonic uses the Purple Frenzy, he turns all purple and demonic and spooky.

This version is pretty sick, chowing down on bad dudes and even making himself bigger

the more he eats.

Then when he gets really big, he can even suck objects in.

Pretty cool.

Number 2: Sonic Pool.

Sonicpool is, well, a combination of Sonic and Deadpool.

Honestly, I'm not really sureu where this whole thing started, but I do know three things.

1: I love Sonic.

2: I love Deadpool.

And 3: I am rather fond of Jacksepticeye.

Sorry bud, I'm just not ready for the L word yet.

No matter how dreamy your eyes are.

As far as I can tell, Jacksepticeye originated this character, wearing a Deadpool mask with

Sonic spikes on it.

It looks pretty funny, plus I love Deadpool, plus I'm running out of damn ideas!


Number 1: Ghost of the Future Sonic.

Ghosts of the Future is a fan-made comic by EvanStanley, and it's just beautiful.

It's really neat to see the art style change and progress throughout the comics.

And of course, Sonic is looking pretty fierce, pretty similar to his usual look, but this

time, he's got bling!

I haven't read through the whole thing so I can't speak to the story, but if it's

anywhere near as good as the art, it's definitely worth a look.

I know nothing about art so I can't give an indepth critique, but like, I love the

colours, and the shapes, and like… did I mention the colours?

Seriously, I'm selling it short, Ghosts of the Future, check it out.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Gaming for more videos!

Do you have any other favourite versions of Sonic?

Please let me know in the comment section because it's getting tough.

50 versions later and it's getting tough.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.

Later gamers!

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