Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

ਵਡਹੰਸੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Wadahans, Fifth Mehl: ਤੂ ਬੇਅੰਤੁ ਕੋ ਵਿਰਲਾ ਜਾਣੈ ॥ You are infinite - only a few know this. ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਕੋ ਸਬਦਿ ਪਛਾਣੈ ॥੧॥ By Guru's Grace, some come to understand You through the Word of the Shabad. ||1|| ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਪਿਆਰੇ ॥ Your servant offers this prayer, O Beloved: ਜਪਿ ਜੀਵਾ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਚਰਣ ਤੁਮਾਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ I live by meditating on Your Feet, God. ||1||Pause||ਦਇਆਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਮੇਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਦਾਤੇ ॥ O my Merciful and Almighty God, O Great Giver, ਜਿਸਹਿ ਜਨਾਵਹੁ ਤਿਨਹਿ ਤੁਮ ਜਾਤੇ ॥੨॥ He alone knows You, whom You so bless. ||2|| ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਾਈ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ ॥ Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to You. ਇਤ ਉਤ ਦੇਖਉ ਓਟ ਤੁਮਾਰੀ ॥੩॥ Here and hereafter, I seek Your Protection. ||3|| ਮੋਹਿ ਨਿਰਗੁਣ ਗੁਣੁ ਕਿਛੂ ਨ ਜਾਤਾ ॥ I am without virtue; I know none of Your Glorious Virtues. ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਧੂ ਦੇਖਿ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਤਾ ॥੪॥੩॥ O Nanak, seeing the Holy Saint, my mind is imbued with You. ||4||3||

For more infomation >> ਇਸ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਸ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ - ਤੂਬੇਅੰਤੁਕੋਵਿਰਲਾਜਾਣੈ - Bhai Gursharan Singh Jee Faridabad - Duration: 1:07:33.


Learn colors with Mônica toy for children | Mônica cartoon for kids - Duration: 1:51.

Learn colors with Mônica toy for children | Mônica cartoon for kids

For more infomation >> Learn colors with Mônica toy for children | Mônica cartoon for kids - Duration: 1:51.


Rick And Morty Facts You Probably Never Knew Before - Duration: 10:28.

If you're a Rick and Morty fan, you probably think you know all there is to know about

the show, from its obscene origins to the fan theories about Evil Morty and truth of

Dimension C-137.

But show creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland have admitted that there are aspects of the

show that they'd probably never reveal, leaving dozens of Rick and Morty mysteries unanswered.

So, what do we know about Adult Swim's most popular animated series?

Are you ready to dive in and find out?


"Rhetorical question, Morty.

The answer is 'yes.'

You just have to be a genius."

House of Cosbys

Where would the animated television world be without Rick and Morty co-creators Dan

Harmon and Justin Roiland?

Believe it or not, fans have Bill Cosby to thank for bringing the pair together.

Sort of.

"He was a Cosby fan at heart, it's clear.

He searched and found a Cosby hair."

In 2005, Roiland created House of Cosbys, an animated series focusing on a Bill Cosby

superfan who builds a cloning machine to replicate the now-ostracized comedian.

Roiland submitted House of Cosbys to Harmon's Channel 101 film showcase, and the rest was


"I like to explore and I get into stuff.

And maybe I can look around, ya know.


Roiland said those early endeavors managed to earn a cease and desist letter from Bill

Cosby's lawyers, but Harmon knew he wanted to work with Roiland in the future.

It was the letter from Cosby's camp that prompted Roiland to come up with The Real Animated

Adventures of Doc and Mharti as a form of protest, which took other beloved characters

and made them do horrible things.

Doc and Mharti, of course, would eventually become Rick and Morty.

"Oh man, my kite's in a tree, Doc.

I'm so sad."

"Don't be sad, Mharti.

We can go back in time!"

Harmon told the Los Angeles Times that when Adult Swim approached him about creating a

series for the network, he was positive a collaboration with Roiland would be perfect,


"I thought about Justin because he is the Adult Swim brand.

He is the target for a lot of their stuff.

And he's also, like me, really passionate about story and franchise."

"I'm gonna tell you where to stick it.


"Got it."

"See, that sounds too sober!"

"No, it doesn't.

It sounds great!"

"I don't believe it"

Spontaneous pilot

Immediately after Harmon and Roiland sold their pitch to Adult Swim, the duo got started

on writing, a move that was spurred by Harmon's involvement as showrunner on the NBC comedy


With the knowledge that schedules would be tight, Harmon and Roiland knew that time was

of the essence, and so they wrote the pilot in just six hours.

Speaking with the Los Angeles Times, Harmon reflected on that whip-quick first writing

session, saying,

"[Roiland and I] were sitting on the floor, cross-legged with laptops and I was about

to get up and go home and he said, 'Wait, if you go home, it might take us three months

to write this thing.

Stay here right now and we can write it in six hours.'

He just had a premonition about that."

Roiland described the process as "kind of lightning in a bottle," feeling that he and

Harmon needed to get the story out, right then and there.

Suffice to say, countless Rick and Morty fans are glad that they did.

"It's just Rick and Morty.

Rick and Morty and their adventures, Morty.

Rick and Morty forever!


One hundred years Rick and Morty's things!"

The accidental catchphrase

What started out as an off-the-cuff remark has turned into an ironic yet iconic catchphrase.

"Wubba lubba dub dub!



That's my new thing, I'm kinda like what's his name, Arsenio.

Isn't that, that's what Arsenio used to say on his show."

While Rick first used "wubba lubba dub dub" to punctuate a gag, the true origins of the

phrase are later revealed.

"In my people's tongue, it means 'I am in great pain, please help me.'"

But contradictory to the phrase's troubling true meaning in the show, and much like its

rise to prominence, Rick's "wubba lubba dub dub" was entirely accidental.

"Know what I'm talking about Morty?

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Hahah, Morty… that's my catchphrase.


Remember how I cemented that catch phrase?"

The line was a last-minute rewrite, originally intended to be a reference to a bit from the

the Three Stooges, and then later revised to refer to Arsenio Hall.

When Roiland, who voices Rick, hopped in the recording booth, he got confused by all the

changes and decided to spit the line out wrong — on purpose.

He explained the mix-up:

"It was scripted as parenthetical Larry or Moe from the Three Stooges — 'wub wub wub

wub wub.'

And Rick was gonna fall on the ground and do that circle thing they do.

And in the recording, that was a last minute rewrite that I didn't read, and I just didn't

know what the f— I was looking at, and I just did it wrong."

"I thought it'd be funnier if he didn't get it right, ya know.

'Isn't that what Arsenio… isn't that the Arsenio thing?

Wubba lubba dub dub?

Is Arsenio?'"

Of course, the whole "woop woop" thing is a tried and true cartoon tradition… just

with a Rick and Morty spin.

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

Mental illness

The timid grandson and the super-genius grandpa pair aren't just rooted in the Back to the

Future trilogy — they grasp onto a darker, more complex foundation as well.

On the Rick and Morty season one DVD commentary, Harmon describes the pair as "an accurate

personification of bipolar disorder," with Rick being the manic "side" of the brain and

Morty, the depressive.

"Aw jeez, Rick."

It makes sense, given how Rick and Morty are able to maintain a generally functional relationship

despite being vastly different.

By the sounds of it, Rick and Morty could very well be two halves of one whole, adding

a mind-blowing notion to the series' already rich, complex universe.

"You're a perfect impenetrable suit of human armor, Morty.

Because you're as dumb as I am smart.

Which is why when I say *BELCH* shut up, it's really good advice."

The classic theme song

Rick and Morty is jam-packed with sci-fi references, from obscure '70s flicks that center around

massive floating heads to movies that star freaky horror insects.

To imbue the out-of-this-world vibes of the genre into every nook and cranny of the show,

Harmon and Roiland turned to two beloved television series when crafting the theme song.

Roiland revealed to TVOvermind that Doctor Who and Farscape were the biggest inspirations,


"I told [Ryan Elder] I was a big fan of Farscape and that I wanted to combine Farscape's theme

with Doctor Who's theme, and that's basically what our theme song is.

It's this amazing original piece that takes the best aspects of those two themes and mashes

them together."

The end result is a trippy track that Roiland calls "super sci-fi."

What's in Rick's flask?

Fans have long debated what Rick's drink of choice is, including delectable-sounding galactic

cocktails like "super seed juice" and "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" from Hitchhiker's

Guide to the Galaxy, and even 200-proof alcohol.

But Harmon has a wildly simple theory, saying,

"I tend to assume vodka."

Harmon's fully aware that such an earthly drink seems out of character for Rick, as

he could easily use sci-fi tech to augment anything he sips, but Harmon believes Rick's

addiction to his flask "anchors his identity," saying,

"I think the reason he doesn't do that is because he's a little afraid he'll lose sight

of who he is."

So we sort of know which drink Rick is tethered to…

"I have a lot of vodka."

"I'll take one of those."

...but will we ever know why he started drinking in the first place?

Short answer: no.

According to Harmon, Roiland has argued that revealing that part of Rick's backstory would

be "very shark-jump-y," likening it to finding out the Fonz from Happy Days "didn't always

wear leather jackets."

"Cuz I'm the Fonz!


The worst episode

Ask any Rick and Morty fan what their favorite episode is, and they might tell you "A Rickle

in Time."

The episode has popped up on numerous "best of" lists, held in high esteem for its co-existing

timelines, overlapping possibilities, and nuanced commentary on morality.

But there are two people who weren't so keen on it: the guys in charge, Harmon and Roiland.

Before "A Rickle in Time" became a fan favorite, it was a daunting project for the co-creators,

as it was the introductory episode after a 15-month hiatus between the first and second


Roiland confessed to Rolling Stone that the whole process was "just brutal," and that

it nearly defeated him and Harmon, saying.

"It broke us to a certain extent.

We were so close to something amazing and we never really got there from a structural


Harmon agreed, admitting that he and Roiland genuinely thought it would be the worst episode

of the second season, saying,

"It went off the deep end conceptually and got really over-complicated.

We're pretty convinced that the first episode might be the worst for that reason."

Considering the episode's focus on uncertainty, it's actually kind of ironic that Harmon and

Roiland were sure it'd be a flop — and were proven completely wrong.

"Oh no, what are you doing?!"

"I'm not sure."

"I'm really uncertain about everything, even kicking your ass!"

Harmon's divorce

During production of the show's third season, Dan Harmon was going through a divorce from

his now ex-wife Erin McGathy, a podcast host, artist, and comedian.

The pair became engaged in December 2013, and married in what appeared to be a hilarious,

unique, and love-filled wedding at Los Angeles' Natural History Museum the following November.

Less than a year later, however, McGathy dropped a bombshell on Twitter, confirming she and

Harmon were splitting up.

While divorce in any circumstance is difficult, there's something devastating about Harmon's

from McGathy in relation to Rick and Morty.

After the series' end credits, a series of silly splash screens appear, one of them being

Harmon's own "vanity card" that reads "Harmonious Claptrap" in scribbly, child-like handwriting.

In the first two seasons of Rick and Morty, the slate features clay versions of Harmon

and McGathy snuggled up on the couch, watching television, with a cat on their lap and a

dog panting happily on the floor.

Post-divorce, there's a new vanity card that shows Harmon sprawled out on the same couch

alone, with a bottle of liquor in his hand and booze strewn about the floor.

It's an image harrowing enough to break your heart.

Ladies room

For the first two seasons, the Rick and Morty writing staff was predominantly male, and

was described as a "very, very tiny little writers' room with a lot of heavy lifting

from everybody," but the series' group of scribes knew they needed a shake-up.

"You think it's efficient to get rid of women?"

"You ever see a line for the men's room?

Do you hear me, Summer?"

Season three saw the first "gender-balanced" writers' room in the show's history, and both

Harmon and Roiland credit female writers for playing a massive role in how the third season

panned out.

Not only did they help ease self-doubt behind the scenes and contribute to a renewed creative

energy, the female writers also allowed room for everyone to pitch ideas for Beth and Summer


Harmon explained,

"When you have a mixed room, it's not about the women going, 'Here's a bunch of secrets

about women.'

It's more about everyone being freer to just pitch randomness.

So the result is you see cool stuff happen with Beth and Summer this season."

"Thanks, girls.

You know, you girls are really *BELCH* something, I'll tell you that.

You know, when we first got here, I was like…


"Get them a ship, now!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Rick And Morty Facts You Probably Never Knew Before - Duration: 10:28.


Belén Esteban desmiente su boda: «Que no os engañen» - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban desmiente su boda: «Que no os engañen» - Duration: 4:08.


Foursome Season 3 - Official Trailer! - Duration: 1:35.



I've decided to join you guys

on your epic beach vacay!


Things are about to get real romantic.

About that...


Distance makes the heart grow harder.


I stand by what I said.

I'm still super stoked to soak up some rays

with my baes.

ALL: Yeah!

You're as island-y as an Island's restaurant...


...which is not!

It's not.

Everything's too good.

It's only a matter of time before something goes wrong.


See! It begins.


♪ Jump up and down ♪

♪ Wave them hands around ♪

You tried to bang my sister!

I didn't try to bang your sister.

I was in love with her.


-Wait. -What?

You're such a good friend.

You are only here to win Andie back.

What, you afraid the best man's gonna win?

I'm completely banana-splitting.

Is this really happening?


♪ Make it super loud, super loud ♪

♪ Super loud, super loud, loud, loud ♪


The "A" in Andie stands for--







♪ Make it super loud ♪♪


For more infomation >> Foursome Season 3 - Official Trailer! - Duration: 1:35.


Intro Maxence [INTRO #228] - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Intro Maxence [INTRO #228] - Duration: 0:16.


Opening Ceremony of The 22nd Busan International Film Festival [ENG/2017.10.18] - Duration: 58:33.

(Busan Movie Hall, opening ceremony venue)

(22nd Busan International Film Festival)

KBS Special live airing.

The 22nd Busan International Film Festival live.

I'm host Lee Inhye.

Hello, I'm Kim Taehun.

Hello, I'm film critic Choi Gwanghui.

The 22nd Busan International Film Festival's

opening ceremony will take place here soon.

Excitement is already running high at the venue.

The Busan Film Festival is Asia's top film festival.

This year, I'm thrilled to see

which movies will be screened

and which stars will appear here,

along with the excited fans in attendance.

I feel two things whenever I'm here.

I feel both the warmth of my hometown and also

a sense of setting sail into an ocean of movies.

I feel the same way

here at the 22nd Busan International Film Festival.

The 22nd Busan International Film Festival is aired

through KBS and can be viewed all over the world.

We're broadcasting live in over 100 countries

through KBS World.

We'll bring you the ceremony in vivid detail.

It's getting dark here in Busan.

The anticipation is building as night begins to fall.

And I feel like certain people

are heating up this place even more.

I'm referring to the stars in attendance.

Let's see what reporter Kim Miju has to say.

Ms. Kim Miju?

I'm Kim Miju, here on site.

Numerous actors and directors are waiting here

before stepping onto the red carpet.

I'll convey all the details from here.

The first person I'll talk to is famous actor

Shin Seongil.


You're in charge of Korean movies here today.

How do you feel?

I'm 80 years old now.

According to Korean age, I'm 81.

I could have died a long time ago.

Since people live to age 100 nowadays,

although it feels late to do this,

I also think it's the perfect age to do it.

I'm happy to have this role.

I'm very happy.

You seem happy.

Who is this lovely lady next to you?

I'm his granddaughter.

- My daughter's daughter. / - I see.

How do you feel being here with your grandfather?

It's a huge honor.

I bet.

In terms of Korean film, you're living history.

You've helped many younger actors.

Do you want to tell them anything?

When I acted,

it was the 1960s, and we didn't do silent films,

but audio and video weren't recorded

at the same time, so it's different from today.

But we worked hard.

Just like how handmade products

are worth more, movies made in the 1960s

are like handmade products.

The mechanisms today are different,

and I can't forget the 1960s,

the era when I did most of my work.

Looking through films on the list,

I was the lead in 506 of them.

506 films is an impressive feat.

And eight films were chosen this time.

The programmers worked hard.

In the pamphlet,

there's 55-year-old history.

I was moved seeing them listed

and felt like I'd worked hard.

I paid a lot of taxes!

I'm proud of being so patriotic.

We look forward to your future works.

Thank you for the interview today.

That was Shin Seongil and granddaughter Park Jiyeong.

I'll be back later.

I'm Kim Miju at the Double Cone carpet.

Hearing Shin Seongil's words of wisdom

and seeing the red carpet,

I can feel the heat rising in here.

300 films from 75 countries will be screened here.

What makes these films so special?

Overall, the focus is on Asian films.

Looking at the trends, many are Asian films.

More films from Taiwan and Hong Kong than before.

As for Taiwan, Hong Kong,

and the greater China area excluding the mainland,

20 films were selected.

It's unprecedented.

Many Taiwanese and Hong Kong directors

usually go to mainland China,

so we're able to see new directors

filling their spots quite nicely.

Hong Kong film "Somewhere Beyond the Mist"

and Taiwanese film "The Last Verse" will be screened.

Hong Kong movies were most popular

in Korea in the 1980s and 90s.

Perhaps they'll become popular again in 2017.

But this is Busan.

People here are more interested in Korean film.

What's special about the Korean films?

Starting with "Glass Garden,"

30 movies will be screened.

To sum up what's special about the Korean films,

they're a mix of rookie and veteran directors.

16 movies are in the Panorama section.

Over half of these are unreleased.

Jeon Sooil started as an actress.

Pang Eunjin also has a film.

We also have some films from newer directors.

In the Korean short film category,

we had preliminaries for the first time.

So expectations are high for solid works.

We're here enjoying this festival,

but we do have some bad news to share.

In May, the passing of organizer Kim Jiseok

brought great hardship

to many of the people working here.

There's an event for him, right?

He passed away during the Cannes Film Festival

back in May, saddening many in the industry.

In his memory,

the Jiseok Award will be granted this year.

Kim Jiseok worked on a certain project with great zeal.

It was called Platform Busan.

It was a place for independent filmmakers to talk.

This platform begins this year at this festival.

He has physically left us,

but his spirit lives on at the Busan International

Film Festival forever.

There is such a wide variety of programs

that I'll have a lot of fun this time.

We have to bring up the red carpet.

It's the jewel of the opening ceremony.

With the opening ceremony before us,

many stars are arriving one by one.

Let's go to the red carpet.

Who's coming?

It's Kim Dongho, the festival board president

and festival commissioner Kang Suyeon.

Many are greeting the audience on the red carpet.

He's greeting guests as the head of the festival.

That's SHINee's Minho.

He started as a singer,

but now he's very active as a film and drama actor.

He's an example of a great idol-actor.

An acting idol.

He starred in "Derailed"

with top actor Ma Dongseok last year.

- We should call him Choi Minho. / - Right.

He's most beloved by the younger attendees.

He seems to be that kind of guest.

That's why he was greeted with

roars from the crowd when he arrived.

I don't think this person is in the film industry.

- She is. / - She is?

She does comedy, TV, and dramas.

- She's Kim Hyeonsuk. / - And Seo Gapsuk.

They appeared in the film "America Town."

Kim Hyeonsuk started out as a comedian

but has solidified her place as an actress.


Seo Gapsuk was most active in 1990s films,

bringing us some great acting.

She hasn't been on this red carpet in a while.

We'll be very moved by her.

There are many foreign actors

who come to the festival as well.

As the closest country to us,

Japan has many actors who walk the red carpet here.

Some haven't arrived yet, like Aoi Yu.

Famous stars, such as Miho Nakayama

of "Love Letter," are expected to come today.

As we stated earlier,

since many Chinese films are screening here,

many Chinese stars are expected

to attend the festival this year.

I think he's an event organizer.

You can see many actors

and organizers at the festival,

but don't forget about the dresses.

- That's right. / - Sure.

It's like a housewarming event.

They're affectionate right at the entrance.

We're watching the guests be greeted.

The crowd tonight is simply huge.

It certainly is.

It's a bit chilly today.

Despite that, many Busan residents

and other attendees have come to the festival.

Miho Nakayama is finally here.

The heroine of "Love Letter."

That's a Korean actor, Kim Jaewuk,

linking arms and arriving with her.

They were in the same film,

"Butterfly Sleep," which will be screened here.

Director Jeong Jae-eun cast them.

It is a joint Korea-Japan production,

and star Japanese actress Miho Nakayama

worked with Kim Jaewuk.

The fans are raucously greeting them.

They sure are.

We're filming live outside and can hear nothing

but the screams of the crowd.

Director Jeong Jae-eun's film "Butterfly Sleep"

is in the Gala Presentation category.

That's a special category.

I see.

It'll be screened in the Gala Presentation category.

I'm curious to see how well

these two stars, famous in their respective countries,

acted in the film,

and how they'll look in it.

Hearing that, I can't wait to see the film.

Park Sungwoong already arrived.

He was in the film "Method"

and is going to meet the crowd soon.

The movie Park Sungwoong appeared in

was made by actress-turned-director Bang Eunjin.

"Method" is her latest work.

He acted along with Oh Seungeun.

They're considered method actors.

Oh Seungeun began as an idol singer,

and the two of them showed us deep

emotional delivery in fine detail in the film.

That's Yu Inna.

Sorry, I meant Yu Inyeong, who was in "Misbehavior."

That was director Kim Taeyong.

He just arrived.

Seeing the two walk in together,

the actors on either side look huge.

Lee Wongeun played the role

of the student in "Misbehavior."

The woman there is Lee Wongeun.

Yu Inyeong is walking in by her side.

The original lead was supposed to be Kim Haneul.

She was supposed to be the host for

the Busan International Film Festival this year,

but she is pregnant and can't walk the red carpet.

The baby is good news, but it's unfortunate

that we can't see her here at the festival.

Korean and foreign stars and directors

are streaming into the venue.

The weather is a bit chilly,

but the atmosphere in here is warm.

It was windy during the rehearsal,

but now that the real event has begun,

there's a feeling of warmth.

It's raining outside, but as we showed you earlier,

the hall of the venue has a ceiling.

It's set up so that we can avoid the rain.

Fans can watch the films in an outdoor setting

without getting wet.

Rookie actor Go Wonhui just arrived.

At the opening ceremony this year,

about 200 stars, both from Korea and abroad,

will walk the red carpet.

We just mentioned Go Wonhui walking

the red carpet, and whenever stars enter,

we'll check out the red carpet and introduce them.

Let's talk about the opening film.

What film was chosen to open the festival?

The opening film for this year's festival

is "Glass Garden" by director Shin Suwon.

Its explosive popularity resulted in

all the seats being sold out.

Explosive is the right word.

Before the opening ceremony itself begins,

we're going to have some interviews

about the ceremony with reporters.

Let's check out the opening film "Glass Garden,"

which is massively popular.

"Glass Garden" is a mystery film about

suspicions about a bestselling novel

and tragic secrets.

The lead, Jaeyeon, is a secret scientist

who believes humans can use photosynthesis.

Moon Geunyoung is the lead actress.

Jaeyeon lives in isolation in a forest greenhouse

and researches artificial blood with chlorophyll.

However, a novelist happens to witness her life

and writes a novel about her.

The novel is about a girl who bleeds green blood.

The novel becomes a bestseller,

and shocking secrets then unfold

surrounding Jaeyeon's life and the book.

"Glass Garden" is notable for its casting,

dreamlike forest setting, and director's unique vision.

Hearing that, I can't wait to see it.

Moon Geunyoung hasn't acted in a film for a while.

I can't wait to see how her acting has changed.

She took a break from acting in February

due to acute compartment syndrome

and underwent several surgeries.

This is her first film since her recovery.

Jaeyeon, played by Moon Geunyoung,

is a dreamlike character with many secrets.

Her character is a mix of purity and cruelty.

The character is unique in Korean cinema,

and Moon Geunyoung was attached to the role.

She said it was difficult to readjust

after being in character for so long.

Director Shin Suwon, who's holding the megaphone,

is rather unfamiliar to us,

but he's known as a talented director

who's received awards at many film festivals.

Shin Suwon has a unique background.

He used to be an elementary school teacher.


But he wanted to make movies so badly that he quit

and enrolled in a film school to study,

eventually debuting as a director.

His films, including "Pluto" and "Madonna,"

have received awards at Cannes, Berlin,

and other film festivals around the world.

His movie "Pluto" was screened at

the Busan International Film Festival in 2013.

Festival director Kang Suyeon said that

"Glass Garden" is a unique film

that can't be described in broad strokes.

What moved him?

"Glass Garden" raises

poignant questions about the coexistence

of humans with each other and with nature.

It's a mystery-fantasy film,

and the forest scenes are mysterious and remarkable.

He mentioned that the process of melding

science with art was "bizarre."

The plot progresses slowly

so the story can be followed.

For this reason, viewers are slowly

drawn deeper into the film.

This lets viewers get more absorbed in the film.

As the time for the opening ceremony approaches,

the mood here is heating up.

Let's check out the red carpet together.

Who's coming in right now?

Asian actors are making their entrance.

We were at the front conducting

name checks until last year.

Now they're being treated more respectfully.

We're viewing them from far away.

There's nothing more enthusiastic

than the applause and cheers from the crowd

when these stars enter.

It's beautiful to see the citizens here

cheering and clapping even when

foreign actors or producers they don't know walk past.

Inside the hall,

since they're all colleagues,

rather than saying that stars have gathered,

it's more like a meeting of former colleagues.

Here's another thing for us to see.

Director Oliver Stone is here.

Oliver Stone is a panelist

for the New Currents category.

He directed the film "Snowden."

He's a top Hollywood director

who has shown us his potential power.

He's brought us politically-tinged movies

since the 1980s, with "Platoon" and "JFK."

He's a big-name director known worldwide.

I remember "Born on the Fourth of July."

Right next to him is

Korean director Jang Seonwu.

It's been so long.

You're watching the New Currents director and panelists

arriving on the red carpet.

The New Currents category

is a competitive category at the festival.

Only New Currents is competitive.

Five people are tasked with

judging the New Currents movies.

They are directors Oliver Stone,

Bahman Ghobadi,

French director Agnès Godard,

and Lav Diaz, who is hugging Oliver Stone.

He's a Filipino director.

Next to him is director Jang Seonwu.

His last work? "Resurrection of the Little Match Girl."

I hope to see him more often.

He brought us many groundbreaking

and sensational films in the 1990s,

including "A Petal," "Lies," and more.

He was called a social commentary director.

He's a very famous director.

They're taking their time entering,

enjoying the opening of the festival.

The New Currents judges

are from various countries and fields.

As we stated earlier, Oliver Stone

is one of the best directors in Hollywood.

Bahman Ghobadi

is known for "A Time for Drunken Horses"

and other films based on novels,

and is a top Iranian director known worldwide.

Agnès Godard

worked mainly with director Claire Denis.

The person who just passed by is actor Jo Seongha.

Jo Seongha.

His short hair makes quite the impression.

He's very active in dramas and film.

And he's come to the festival.

He'll be in the film "Taklamakan,"

which will be screened here.

I see Park Heesoon.

She appears in the film "A Haunting Hitchhike"

by director Jeong Heejae.

It's starring No Jeongeui, Kim Goeun,

and Park Heesoon.

I remember Miho Nakayama

as being born in 1970.

I don't think you need to bring that up.

She's in her 40s but looks as young as ever.

An actress' age...

This is known as one of the film festivals

that foreign stars most want to attend.

It is?

Festival board president Kim Dongho

really flexed his capabilities.

In the early days of film festivals,

he sat with those in the film industry

on the streets of Nampo-dong and drank rice wine,

creating a new atmosphere, and was praised

by foreign and Korean directors and actors alike.

Kim Raewon is right there.

She's here for the film "RV: Resurrected Victims."

I can't to see Kim Raewon

and Kim Haesuk's onscreen chemistry.

"RV: Resurrected Victims" just came out.

They play a mother and son in the film.

It's about chasing down a mother who died

and then came back to life.

And this is the home turf of

- director Kwak Gyeongtaek. / - True.

He's receiving tons of applause.

"Friend" brought director Kwak Gyeongtaek

into the limelight, and it takes place in Busan,

so from his point of view,

it's even more moving to have his film screened

at the Busan International Film Festival.

Jo Jinwoong is here, too.

He's one of the hottest actors nowadays.

He's lost a lot of weight.

He was in the movie "Man of Will."

His jawline is something else.

When Jo Jinwoong was playing supporting roles,

he had the feel of a supporting actor,

but now he's dominating as a lead actor,

so he exudes a lead actor feel.

No matter what the role,

he always fits it perfectly, and that's not easy.

He's really an actor-like actor.

Actors and producers from abroad

are arriving as well.

Many foreign stars are here, too.

It's no exaggeration to say that

over half the stars here are from abroad.

Many movie stars come to Busan.

That's how globally recognized

the Busan International Film Festival is.

It's a sign of the event's popularity.

This is the biggest film festival in Asia.

Nobody can contest that.

It's the prime film festival of Asia.

Many foreign stars recognize it.

Aside from the New Currents panelists,

many foreign filmmakers are in attendance.

Mainly, Berlin Film Festival director

Christof Teriete,

and Cannes consultant Pierre Rissient.

Sochi Film Festival director Sitora Alieva,

known as a giant in the film festival industry,

and other major figures, have all come to Busan.

Hearing the cheers, it seems another star is here.

It's Yoon Kyesang.

He appeared in "The Outlaws" with Ma Dongseok.

I believe it's no. 1 in the box office currently.

He's removed his label of singer

and fully entered the world of acting.

He's a solid actor.

He's greeting a major film industry elder.

The people entering are being very polite.

But the actors...

Moon Sori has just arrived.

She's known as an actress,

but just debuted as a director. / - Yes, recently.

She made her directing debut in "The Running Actress."

Moon Sori's real husband,

Jang Junhwan, played the role

of the husband in the film.

After firmly refusing to be in it,

at Moon Sori's request, he ended up doing the role.

When an actor enters, it seems like

they must be moved greeting such a senior actor.

It must be one of the happiest moments as an actor.

That's Son Yejin.

Son Yejin was most recently in "Princess Deokhye,"

although the film was released a while ago.

That film was a box office hit.

She's very active nowadays.

She hasn't been in a film in a while.

We're glad to see her here.

I remember that she came here last year.

Didn't she?

I was doing a live broadcast here,

but I don't remember.

You were?

As we focus on some people,

we can end up missing others.

That's Shin Seongil.

He's searching for something.

Song Ilgook.

With his twins.

I mean triplets.

He's here with Daehan, Minguk, and Mansae.

They've grown so much.

I personally hope that

one of them will become an actor,

just like Song Ilgook.

I think the actors are almost finished

walking the red carpet.

There's not much time left until the real event,

so we'll start slowly wrapping things up now.

Before the celebratory performance

to kick off the festival,

let's go back to reporter Kim Miju

and see what it's like over there.

I'm Kim Miju, at the Double Cone area.

All the stars of the film industry are here.

I'm really enjoying the eye candy.

One person in particular caught my eye.

Let's talk with actress Moon Sori.

- Hello. / - Hello, nice to meet you.

How does it feel to be at the festival?

Whenever I come to film festivals,

I'm always happy to see great films.

I get very excited.

You're so beautiful...

- No, you are. / - Thank you.

Do you have a style concept for the red carpet?

Just something that suits my position and age.

You're quite elegant.

Busan is your hometown.

In addition to that, the festival is held here.

I'm thrilled my debut film was chosen for the festival,

and I seem to have a special connection to Busan.

So I felt I had to come this year as well.

Please say something to your fans.

I'll come back to you with even better works.

Thank you, and enjoy the festival.

Thank you for the interview.

That was actress Moon Sori.

I'm Kim Miju at the Double Cone area.

Thanks for the Double Cone interview.

Since a lot of stars entered during that interview,

the red carpet introductions are nearly over,

but some stars are coming in late.

It's raining, so it seems

that's why the red carpet is taking so long.

Wow, An Seonggi just arrived.

Yes, he's walking in now.

And Kim Jaehong,

who was in the "Reply" drama series with An Seonggi.

Kim Jaehong?

That's An Jaehong.

An Jaehong and Lee Som.

They were both in the movie "Microhabitat."

That film is being screened at the festival,

so they're both here on the red carpet.

"Microhabitat" stars Lee Som and An Jaehong.

Nowadays, there's no way to meet an industry veteran.

It's harder and harder to see them in films.

So it's great to see An Seonggi at film festivals.

Plus Shin Seongil and board president Kang Suyeon.

As I mentioned earlier,

I was here last year, and this year,

so many more stars have come to this festival.

I can say that with confidence.

I see Jo Jinwoong and Yoon Kyesang on the screen.

This film festival is a space for them all

to enjoy themselves.

Son Yejin is waving to fans at the photo wall.

That white dress looks great on her.

I wore a white dress today, too,

but I can't compare to her.

Your dress is beautiful, too.

When many stars come to the opening ceremony,

the atmosphere heats up,

so even if they're not in any films being screened,

we're thankful that many actors come anyway.

Director Im Kwontaek is entering, among others.

We interviewed actor Shin Seongil earlier,

but Im Kwontaek is also a living legend of Korean film.

In the 1970s and 80s,

and even today, his films have

greatly influenced Korean society.

Song Ilgook is with Daehan, Minguk, and Mansae

and is passing the photo wall right now.

It must be so meaningful to walk the red carpet

- with his children while he acts. / - True.

The crowd is watching those three troublemakers.

The triplets are watching the crowd as well.

They're enjoying the red carpet in their own way.

I get so nervous on the red carpet.

But Mansae isn't nervous at all,

and he's enjoying it.

Moon Sori posed at the photo wall and is now entering.

She's wearing a simple black outfit.

You'd expect actresses to dress up in a flashy way,

but Moon Sori is dolled up neatly.

In past years at this festival,

many actresses showed off flamboyant dresses,

but nowadays, their face is the jewel.

That's why their dresses are relatively plain.

Actress' dresses on the red carpet

are subject to trends as well.

The hosts of today.

Jang Donggun and Yoona are here.

The original hosts were Jang Donggun and Kim Haneul,

but Haneul's role was given to Yoona.

I can't wait to see them and their chemistry.

They were in a TV drama together in the past

that I really enjoyed.

I wonder how their hosting will be.

We'll be able to witness it soon.

Jang Donggun has been at the festival before,

when his work was the opening film.

It was "The Coast Guard,"

directed by Kim Kideok.

And director Jang Jin's "Good Morning President."

He was here at the festival for those two films.

I remember.

So being the host here this year

is a new type of connection for him.

It's safe to say he is

the Busan International Film Festival man.

Yoona debuted in idol group Girl's Generation

but is now a full-fledged actress.

She was in the film "Confidential Assignment."

Her character has a crush on Hyun Bin,

who plays a North Korean spy.

She plays the daughter of Yu Haejin.

The seating is full now.

We've been waiting since 3 p.m.

to conduct the opening ceremony.

Despite the rain beginning around then,

many audience members waited

in a long line to enter the hall.

Since hosts Jang Donggun and Yoona have entered,

the film festival will begin soon.

The opening ceremony will start after a performance.

We can anticipate that.

It's far more glamorous than last year.

I think the atmosphere is more heated.

Organizations and scale do influence the festival,

but strong connections of stars and producers

also have a major impact.

There are Kim Hojeong and Kwon Haehyo.

They're both here as Acting Award judges.

The strong friendships of actors

bring a lot of them to Busan for the festival.

Board president and former director Kim Dongho,

and current festival director Kang Suyeon,

will both resign at the end of this festival.

This will be their final festival,

so it seems that

many foreign stars have personally come

to see them off well,

seeing this year's festival as a must-attend.

An Seonggi passed the photo wall and is taking a seat.

He's walking alongside Minister Do Jonghwan.

They're dazzling.

It's unusual to see Jang Donggun

as a host on any program.

That's why I'm looking forward to him

hosting the Busan International Film Festival.

This is not a common occurrence.

Especially since he acts so much.

He was recently in the film "VIP."

He's shaking hands with audience members.

It's not easy to meet an actor.

But here, attendees can meet actors

and even shake hands with them,

so it's a very meaningful night.

Those audience members have made

a great memory through this festival.

The red carpet entrance is now over.

Now we'll have a riveting congratulatory performance

to kick off the opening ceremony.

We have some time left before the performance.

First, let's introduce the recommended films.

Top directors from east and west are all here,

as well as rookie directors,

so there's a wide variety of films to see.

That's right.

Choi Gwanghui, can we see in advance

which films will be screened?

Befitting Asia's top film festival,

many acclaimed movies are here.

The category "A Window on Asian Cinema"

includes 50 films.

Examining the films at this festival,

one can observe the flow of Asian films.

My favorite films are Asian films.

This festival is basically the only opportunity

to see Asian films that aren't Korean.

Most films screening in theaters

are American or Korean.

Thus, this festival is the only chance in Korea

to see films from other countries.

"A Window on Asian Cinema"

features many gems this year.

We took a lot into consideration

and only chose the best of the best.

Let's check them out.

First is an Indonesian movie.

It's called "Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts."

It was filmed on the scenic

Indonesian island of Sumba.

It tells of the revenge of a woman

who was sexually assaulted.

Critics said that it birthed

a new genre in Indonesian cinema.

Mouly Surya, the director, had attended

the Busan International Film Festival Film Academy.

This film was recommended at Cannes.

Japanese film "The Ringside Story"

is about an unknown actor of 10 years

whose girlfriend gets into wrestling and ignores him.

Through a series of events,

he ends up competing in the K1 competition.

It is based on a true story

and features actual wrestling and sparring athletes,

giving viewers a lot to enjoy.

But it's not just about sports.

It's a warm-hearted story

that tells of creating a world of pure passion

through wrestling.

Next is a Taiwanese movie.

It's called "Fission Tango,"

and it's a noir film about organ trafficking.

The human choices made

while organ trafficking are compared,

bringing out melodramatic and human elements.

The flashy imagery makes it a must-see

and makes "Fission Tango" truly enjoyable.

Next up is also a Taiwanese film.

It's called "Love Education."

This is the closing film of the festival.

It portrays the conflict and reconciliation

of a dying elderly man,

his wife, his second wife, and his daughter.

Through the director's keen eye,

the three women's lives are presented in vivid detail,

and it was lauded for showing the pain of modern China.

I've seen that director somewhere else before.

I'll say it later.

I'm most looking forward to the last film you showed.

"Love Education."

It was directed by Sylvia Chang,

who actually started out as an actress.

That's why I mentioned I'd seen her before.

Some may remember her from 1980s Hong Kong films.

She was in the "Aces Go Places" series

as an unruly prosecutor.

Now she's a recognized director.

It was a textbook film that exemplified

the Hong Kong action film wave of the time.

While we were talking about the recommended films,

the congratulatory performance has begun.

Let's check it out.

Ballerino Kim Yonggeol's performance

will kick off the festival's opening ceremony.

We don't see them on stage yet...

Now they're starting.

Classic ballet moves are combined

with modernized Michael Jackson moonwalking

and Korean dance, along with the Spanish tango,

to create a global performance.

This is the praise it received.

Ballerino Kim Yonggeol is from Busan.

He must be more attached to the performance

since this is his hometown.

(Opening ceremony congratulatory performance)

(Kim Yonggeol dance team with Ravel's "Bolero")

(Kim Yonggeol dance team with Ravel's "Bolero")

(The combination of Ravel's passionate "Bolero")

(with ballet movies, Korean dance, and Spanish tango)

(to create an intense and dazzling performance)

(Kim Yonggeol dance team with Ravel's "Bolero")

(The combination of Ravel's passionate "Bolero")

(with ballet movies, Korean dance, and Spanish tango)

(to create an intense and dazzling performance)

The 22nd Busan International Film Festival

Opening Ceremony.

Now I feel like we've started for real.

Ravel's "Bolero" was played to modern dance

to begin the opening ceremony just now

at the 22nd Busan International Film Festival.

This festival not only features movies,

but various other events as well.

I'll sum them up.

Director Seijun Suzuki's special exhibit was held

on October 14th and 17th in the movie hall.

Calling it Director Seijun Suzuki's special exhibit

may not ring a bell for most people,

so please introduce it to us.

He's one of Japan's top directors.

He's famous for Yakuza organized crime thrillers

and passed away in February.

He was over 90 years old.

While passionately involved in film,

he passed away in February,

so we are specially commemorating him here.

The special exhibit was created at this time for him.

We have lots of films in similar genres.

This festival is a rare opportunity

to see director Seijun Suzuki's movies,

which are unique and unfamiliar.

Not many people in Korea know of Seijun Suzuki.

But the reason we need to take an interest in him

is because he was a major influence

on directors Bong Junho and Park Chanuk.

Before that, he also greatly influenced

American director Quentin Tarantino.

It's important to look at his films

and observe the elements that influenced

Bong Junho, Park Chanuk, and Tarantino so much.

Inhye, if you don't return to Seoul today,

you should check out the exhibit.

I'm interested in the films,

but I'm also interested in taking part in

the special exhibits, so I'll be enjoying a lot here.

Director Oliver Stone has prepared "Master Class."

It'll open on Tuesday, October 17th at 4:30 p.m.

in the movie hall.

Please give us a short introduction of Oliver Stone.

I mentioned him briefly earlier,

but through "Platoon," "Born on the Fourth of July,"

and other works, his films have offered

intense social commentary on American society.

He recently made the film "Snowden,"

which was based on the true story of

the government's mass collection of personal data.

His films have often dealt with such heavy topics.

It's incredible that we can directly hear from

a great director like Oliver Stone at this festival,

and it's an honor for those in attendance.

If my memory serves me correctly,

Oliver Stone's wife is actually Korean.

So he may feel that this festival is extra meaningful.

The atmosphere is heating up even more

here at the 22nd Busan International Film Festival.

Unfortunately, we have to end things here.

How was it being here today?

I was very excited.

I felt that Korea had truly kicked off

Asia's top film festival as we filmed live here.

It baffled me that the weather got colder

right as we came to Busan.

So the actors on the red carpet

really went through a lot of difficulty.

Luckily, as the live broadcast began,

the wind picked up,

so it wasn't cold enough to worry about.

I feel like it's the first good omen at this festival.

You were here last year.

How is it compared to last year?

It was very windy, so my script blew away.

Since it was airing live, I was in trouble.

I'm just happy that

we wrapped up without that happening.

How should I put this?

I really want to mention this.

This festival went through the pain for two years

because Busan city got into organizing

the festival back then.

And there was a lot of conflict,

so it's true that for the past two years,

many actors boycotted the festival.

As stated earlier, after this festival, board president

Kim Dongho and director Kang Suyeon are resigning,

so we are starting a new chapter.

And this is the final page of the old chapter.

Film festivals are about variety.

A prerequisite of variety is autonomy.

We'll firmly plant roots so actors and audience members

can act with true autonomy

at the Busan International Film Festival,

and we pledge to reestablish

this festival's position as a hub of film in Asia.

I had so much more fun hosting

the Busan International Film Festival

with you two this year.

As an actress, I'm glad I could

take part in such a large film festival.

This was the opening of Asia's top film festival,

the Busan International Film Festival.

Many great programs will be held in the future

at the Busan International Film Festival,

so if you're not in Busan,

we hope you'll hurry over here

and watch the films and enjoy the events.

This has been KBS coverage of the opening ceremony

of the 22nd Busan International Film Festival.

Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by KBS Busan)

For more infomation >> Opening Ceremony of The 22nd Busan International Film Festival [ENG/2017.10.18] - Duration: 58:33.


I hurt myself | Jason Farone - Duration: 1:48.

hey guys good morning happy hump day except this don't get humped around here

oh my god I am in a shitty mood today and here's why I feel so stupid I did

this to myself by the way like if I look shiny and weird right now like I'm doing

white face it's because I wear sunscreen every single day and moisturizer and I

just took Mickey for his long walk plus I'm sweaty a little bit got all ready

for you here's something being documented that's not gonna change

anything maybe you don't want to look like shit now turn it on I need to take

more pride in these so last night I've got a little twinge right little

irritation in my neck I'm like yeah I got it I'll just roll it out right you

guys know I've got like this roller stuff over here right so I get the

roller and my ball where's my ball here does this ball of destruction right here

it's just a soft ball which is actually really fucking hard I start like

twisting and turning and I I don't know I don't know how to really explain this

maybe I can just show you what I did so I get down on this thing right and I'm

like oh too hard anyway I woke up today and I've got a

massive neck ache and it's killing me ain't nobody got time for this it's just

one of those days it makes everything more difficult you feel like an injured

animal I'm not myself when I'm hurt and I hate it I want to go to the gym I want

to be able to look right right would be great looks like I'm just gonna load up

on painkillers and muscle relaxers and hope for the best I am fucking melting


For more infomation >> I hurt myself | Jason Farone - Duration: 1:48.


Belén Esteban desmiente a 'Lecturas': "No he anunciado mi boda, que no os engañen" - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban desmiente a 'Lecturas': "No he anunciado mi boda, que no os engañen" - Duration: 1:43.


Toño Sanchís estaba en el fisio, mientras Belén Esteban iba al juzgado - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Toño Sanchís estaba en el fisio, mientras Belén Esteban iba al juzgado - Duration: 2:59.


Sky Ladder using Fireworks! (RJ) - Duration: 1:02.

check out all my vidios on funny 0 loggy

please subscribe my channel or just check it out

thanks for watching funny 0 loggy

like share and subcribe

For more infomation >> Sky Ladder using Fireworks! (RJ) - Duration: 1:02.


[VOSTFR] [CC] BTS Eat Jimin et Jin EAT JINMIN Preview show 방탄소년단 잇진민 진 지민 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] [CC] BTS Eat Jimin et Jin EAT JINMIN Preview show 방탄소년단 잇진민 진 지민 - Duration: 1:25.


Cold Smoking foods at home - Duration: 6:00.

I want to share my idea that has occurred recently and is not yet implemented for the reason that it is winter. Don't really want to peck the ground with a crowbar. The idea is to cold smoked products at home. While the cost of production of the smoke house minimal: you can do a Sam or a pint of vodka, and then nothing at all. But there is a drawback: this kind of activities are possible or in the countryside, or on the dacha. Income, if all goes well (mostly sales), are obvious: 1 kg of meat on the market costs 60 RUB (everywhere differently, +/- 10-15 p.). If you buy from the population wholesale are much cheaper - you could even 35-40 a good pork to find. And in the trading network of 1 kg of smoked meat is 120-180 kg depending on manufacturer, quality and other things. Think for yourself: even if you sell for 100 rubles, you can make a profit with good cards 100%. Good alignment in the first place, sale, second, cheap material for Smoking (wood and sawdust), the good, the village is this good enough. And third, the price of the raw materials, i.e. meat. Even if the transport to hire, you can pay for it with their products, cheaper. But the initial investment is zero, if not to take into account the costs of raw materials. Even raw (that is, meat-bird), if you live in the village, probably have in the economy, and the first time it is possible to train your pig or chicken. If You are interested in all of this, I will describe the design of the smokehouse. 1. Need a rusty old barrel without a bottom. The older and rusty, yeah, the cheaper it will come to you. If there is such stuff in the household - even beauty. If not, then for such a valuable product it is possible to pay, as mentioned above, a liquid currency. And some of them will pay You, if only You got rid of the scrap metal. 2. Dig a small hole (depth 30-40 cm, 40-50 cm in diameter or square the same size). 3. At a distance of 3 m from the pits we dig up another one of the same depth and diameter slightly less than the diameter of Your barrel. 4. Connect the two pits excavated trench (it could be the chimney). A depth of about bayonet spade, too wide and about a shovel. 5. Cover the chimney with old sheets of iron (or something else, but not to light up), the top covered with earth. 6. On the second hole put in barrel. If the bottom or the remnants of the bottom of it is - you need to remove. Sprinkle with around the ground, to prevent access of air and the leakage of smoke. The smokehouse ready. In the barrel, put the rails across, 2-3 pieces. Hung on them (on hooks or tied with twine) meat, fat, fish, poultry. Hung to so that the pieces are not touched to each other and to the walls of the barrel, because these places will not prompted. So do not be concerned if the barrel is dirty. Previously, these products need to soak in brine for a few days. Specific recipes to give yet can't do their search. I will be glad to hear from You. In the end, the proportions of salt, spices and the exposure time in the brine (marinade, brine, call it what you want) can be set empirically, sacrificing a number of products. But then with pride I can say that it was Your exclusive recipe, developed by You personally. A barrel of products from the top cover with burlap. Build a fire in the pit (without the barrels). Smoking used hardwoods, fruit trees. Softwood smoke, they emit tar. From time to time to make sure that the fire is not ignited, and smoulder, and thus should be allocated a large amount of smoke. It is desirable to use sawdust those of fruit trees, better than the raw. And cover the pit with sheet iron, but not completely, but partially, and then completely extinguished. Time of Smoking is also different, depending on the size of the suspended products. The average is 12-24 hours. If it's fish, poultry or fat - 12, if you hung a pork roast - and not a day will suffice. Better to cut the meat into pieces 2-4 kg, cut it along the grain. In order that the meats had a nice appearance (red meat, visible white veins, "marble" structure) in the brine, adding sodium nitrate. I will not say anything about its impact on health, it is unlikely that it is good. But it's hard to find sausage without nitrate. About marketing considerations. While You are not registered individual entrepreneurs, to trade in the market You can't. Selling products as follows: 1. Pass the local cafe-bars, agreed to supply. First, it is possible to sample at a lower price. 2. Cut the products into small pieces (100 g to 1 kg). Packed in polyethylene film - it is now sold in rolls, it is very slim and handy for such things. Weigh each piece, write down on paper or printed labels, glue the corresponding piece on the film (price, weight, amount, and also your details as an advertisement). Ship it all in a bag and pass on the organizations where many people work - offices, banks, government agencies, etc. This smoker has been used at home many years ago, I smoked for themselves. Does not take much space, there are no requests. Option tested. So even if the business does not work, you can afford for dinner chicken smoked to cook or fish to beer bloat.

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