Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

some of you may be familiar with the NMRA gauge the standards gauge and some of

you may not if you are new to model railroading you might not know what it

is for and this is why I'm doing this I had a video that I did about a year ago

where I showed this and a little modification that I made for this and

someone asked me what is that for because they had no idea what an NMRA

gauge was for so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go and show you how to use

the NMRA gauge all these little pins and gouges in here I'm going to

show you what to do with it and I'm gonna show you how to use this as how I

use this for clearance so let's get going with this right now I'm Tom Kvichak

and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was created to help other

modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of building a model

railroad now this is what we're talking about today that nm are a standards

gauge now you may not be familiar with everything on here and what did

everything is for I made this little gizmo about a year ago so so I wouldn't

lose my NMRA gauge the reason I have two is because I lost this one so I went

out and bought another one and as soon as I found the other one I found this

one so what I did was I put this little gizmo on the back of it so it's kind of

hard to lose but this also has another function you could lay this down on your

lay out on the track and check your clearances for your tunnel portals and

clearances for your scenery on the side there anything else your loading docks

and everything and I'll show I'll bring up a couple of pictures on that in a few

seconds here here I have the tool setting on the track so I could check

the clearance on both sides for the scenery I have it resting inside the

tunnel portal to see protective clearance on there and again on the

scenery on the brick wall or the stone wall on the side now on this one here I

may have to trim the bushes a bit and this is a scratch built tunnel portal

that I may and you could see it's off to one side

here whenever you purchase an NMR a standards cage this is what its gonna

look like it's gonna be in a little envelope like this this one's white

I had the older one this one here then I bought maybe 20 years ago it was in a

brown envelope but what you get with it is a little instruction sheet now I know

that the NMRA whenever you get an instruction sheet it is very confusing

now it says a lot of stuff on here and it refers you to other publications

right here that you're gonna have to look at and also it shows you a few

diagrams on the back and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go through this and

show you what each one of these little tabs and gouges are on this right here

but the first thing is the bottom of it here and this is for your track gauge

you see these two little tabs right there now I'm gonna put this up against

this track right here and you want to set it in there and then you make sure

that there you have no play in there whatsoever you go back and forth this

way and and check to see that there's no play on there now I'm gonna have to move

the camera to show you the rest of it but I'm going to show you something

on here for the wheels now the wheels are right here you check the wheels here

and then this one right here this little square notch on there that is for the

width of the wheel now I have an old model that I picked up at

a train show I think they use this in a club layout someplace and they use the

original plastic wheels on there and I took it off of there as far as the gauge

goes on the wheels that is alright it fits in there good as you can see there

but on this right let me turn this around so you can see

the wording on here this is a go/no-go and if the the wheelset falls into that

little hole that means the wheel is too narrow okay so this is an old old car

it's an old kit and they use the the original plastic trucks on it now I'm

going to show you this is a river rossi log car that I put together about a year

or two ago and it has the metal wheel sets on there so I'm gonna stick this up

right here like this and show you and that is engaged right there alright now

as far as the go/no-go okay the wheel doesn't fall down in the slot so that

means it's wide enough so we're good to go on this on these trucks right here

for this Rivarossi log car the one thing that may be confusing in the

instructions on here is if you could get a good look at it you have HO and O

okay so they're talking about two different standards gauge on here and

they have different wordings on the two different sizes now on the instructions

on the back they don't really tell you which one is which but you have to go by

the wording on it because the wording on this one here is on the scale one now

this is the same on both now this one over here flanges and points points is

the same on both of them and flanges is on the HO one and then you come over here

and here's the go/no-go like i showed you and the gauge for the wheel I'm just

going to try to explain it to you a little bit better because that you know

some of the instructions that you get when you buy the standards gauge

a little bit confusing and also what I talked about on here the other

references the standard s 3.2 s 4.2 and s 7 is these dimensions on the side see

they give you all the lettering on here and but they don't give you any

explanation on the instruction sheet you have to go to online and download the

PDFs and I'll bring them up on the computer and I'll show them to you on

screen here's the chart from the PDF file from the NMRA web page and I'll

put a link to it in the description below so you could access it we're gonna

do the track okay and that's these two pins on the bottom right here and we'll

just stick this on up against the inside rail and make sure we're good to go now

if it falls in that means your gauge is too wide if it sits up on top or goes

past it that means your gauge is too narrow so we're good to go on this one

right here now flange weighs is on the very top right here now we'll check the

flange weighs right here come over here set them inside and just run them run

along the Frog and your guide and you're good to go with these all right now

there's another one on here this one right here and this is to see the the

distance between your guide rail and your stock rail to make sure that it is

not too far apart now on my other NMRA gauge this one right here that one is

sitting right off on the top in between so and what you want to do is set it

right there in in between two to rail the guide rail and the stock rail and if

it falls down inside that means your gap in there is

too large and this this is pretty good right here and we'll do it on this side

here too and it doesn't fall in there you could tell by when you come over to

where it's tapered out you see it falls down and then it lifts up as it goes in


okay points points is over here okay now you want to check the points on your

turnout and bring it down here and as long as you good to go right there you

come along here and you can check right there and go the other way also as long

as you have a good gap in here see the way they show it on there these these

little pins that come down if you have enough space in there like right here

between your stock grill and your point you're good electrical electrically and

mechanically you're you're spaced far enough away so we're good to go on that

right there you could also check your track gauge

right here and bring it up both ways

to make sure you're good to go all the way up the standards gauge that

I have right here is only one tool for checking clearances on your turnouts and

clearances on your track now there are many many more tools available and I

have a few here that I'm going to do another video on I don't have all the

tools I'll show you the tools that I have that I use for checking clearances

and radiuses on my model railroad go check tom's trains and things dot-com I

have a lot of stuff on my web page a lot more is going up on my web page in the

future so check that out there I have a lot of valuable links on there and so

take care and we'll see ya

For more infomation >> Easy Ways To Use Your NMRA Standards Gauge - Duration: 11:35.


Волшебный Глинтвейн. Откровенно о взаимках. Bla bla video - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Волшебный Глинтвейн. Откровенно о взаимках. Bla bla video - Duration: 12:07.


Madam Jeong's One Last Week | 정마담의 마지막 일주일 [KBS Drama Special / 2017.10.18] - Duration: 1:04:42.

(Busan, 2008)

(Madam Jeong)

(Works at a hostess bar but is currently running away)

Madam Jeong!

Stop right there!

(Ttaengbari, Ttaengbeol Gang leader)

I'm dead.

I'm going to go nuts!

Taxi! Taxi!

Thank you.

Madam Jeong!

Stop right there

Mister, go!

Go now!


Where are you headed to?


Where are you headed to?

Busan Station...

No, the bus terminal.

Please go to Ulsan.


70m! Only 70m left!

Park Taehwan's last spurt!

Oh, he's going to create history today!

He's almost there!

Only 15m left!

It's a world record! Park Taehwan!

Gold medal!

Wow, gold medal!

Mister! Let's just go to Seoul!

Sure, let's go!

Let's go to Seoul!


(Theft suspect)

($5,000 reward, Madam Jeong)

($10,000 reward)

(7 years later, Seoul, 2015)

Gosh, she's never home!

I need her signature.

Is anyone living here or not?

I guess someone is living here,

seeing things get delivered every day.

I don't exist in this world.

This is my spaceship.

I need to take care of everything here

without going outside

until I reach my destination in 7 years.

(Gets up)

Oh, my goodness!

(Goes to work)


(Three gwang)

(One go)

(Two go)


(Three go)

(Gwon-daguri wins)

(Gets off work)

I lost badly.

(Future planning)

(Quebec, capital of Canada, Canadian dream)

What Canadian people like is...




I can start my new life soon.

As soon as my APB is removed,

I will find the money

and go straight to the airport.

I will take the earliest flight to Canada.

Everything is going well.

(Madam Jeong's One Last Week)

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-7)

Black bean noodles that everyone loves

and the iron plate have come together

to create a new dish!

It's so glossy and amazing!

You can't help but just gulp it down!

Hey, don't eat the bowl!

It's really delicious.

I think I'm going crazy.

I can actually smell black bean noodles.

(Mover 24 Express)

Oh, right.

You have black bean noodles on a moving day.

Should I just have it for this once?

I held myself for all these years. I can do it again.

I'm out, so please leave it in front of the door.

The money is in the plastic bag.

Why didn't he put the change in?

That wasn't a tip.

Ow, my back.

I should exercise more.

I'm already out of breath.

Why isn't he coming?

I left the bowls outside a while ago.

He's here.

Mister, the change...

Everything was going well...

Until I met that child.


A culprit in hiding who was waiting for

the statute of limitations to be expired

was caught after a neighbor's report.

Lee was living alone in a semi-basement room

and got involved in an argument with the landlord

for not paying the rent for months.

A neighbor reported to the police

and the culprit got caught.

What took you so long?

I almost thought you got in trouble.

I don't have this number saved.

You should've texted me first.

You startled me.

Who else would call you?

There's no need to be startled.

(Ms. Shin, Madam Jeong's friend, sells burner phones)

Oh, right.

That's not the problem right now.

What? You want me to get another burner phone?

I recently changed my phone and account.

That's not it.

Ttaengbari got released from prison!

He was released on parole for being a model prisoner.

What are you going to do?


What's this?

Oh, no!

My toilet paper!


Hey, you stop right there!

Hey, I told you to stop right there!

Hey, you in a trench coat!



Are you a spy?

No, I'm not a spy.

I'm a secret agent.

- It is... / - From the National Intelligence Service?

No, there's something else.

It's more secretive.

It's a total secret.

Then do you help weak people?


You shouldn't tell anyone

about meeting me today, kiddo.

That's not my name.

It's Eunmi, Park Eunmi.


By the way...

Can I borrow your cell phone?


I'll use it just once.

I want to call my grandma.

Go home and call her.

You said you help weak people.


What's wrong with you?

What did I do?

- Can I take it home? / - Do whatever you want.

Did you touch my wallet again?

- No. / - Why you little!

- I didn't. / - How dare you!

Why are you crying?

Get over here!

Open the door!

Did you think I couldn't find you?

Open the door!

Running away won't solve anything!

- Open the door! / - Open!

- We know that you're in there! / - Open the door!

- Open! / - Open the door, you scumbag!

Hurry up and open the door!

We know that you are in there!

I thought they were banging my door. Gosh...

- Open the door! / - You are in there, right?

They won't open.

Let's come back.

Did they leave?


What are you going to do?

You don't have any money, right?

What do you mean, what am I going to do?

We will have to get another insurance money.

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-6)

- I didn't do it. / - Don't lie.

What are you looking at?

Are you glaring at me?

If you hit me again,

I'm going to tell grandma.



Go ahead.

Go ahead!

Both the mother and daughter...

Ow, it's hot!


How dare you run away?

Who is it again?


Please open the door.


- Miss. / - No!


- I can't! / - Miss.

- Where did she go? / - Miss.

Hey, Park Eunmi!

Miss! Miss!

Please open the door!

Miss! Miss!

Hey, open the door!

Open the door!

Hey, open the door!

I said, open the door!

Hurry up and open the door!

Come out right now!

- Geez. / - My goodness!

What's going on?

- Ma'am! / - Did a burglar break into your house?

Someone took my child and won't open the door.

- This is kidnapping. / - Oh, my...

The woman who doesn't come out of the house did that?

- She must be insane! / - Oh, my goodness!

- Hey! / - I knew she would create trouble one day!

Call the police!


I was here for too long.

I should run.

Park Eunmi, come on out!

Oh, my!

What is it?

I want to go with you.

- Go back to your home. / - No, I want to go with you.

I want to live with my grandma.

Go ahead. Why are you doing this to me!

Let go of me!

You are a secret agent.

You should help the weak!

This is nuts!

Let go of me. I said, let go!

Oh, my!

Miss, are you sick?


Oh, my goodness...

This is so complicated.

Why are you following me?

I'm going to my grandma's house

Then you go ahead first.

I said, go.


Does your grandma live alone?

How many rooms are there at your grandma's place?

Does she have any empty rooms?

This is my grandma's house.

No, it's my house.

There's no grandma living here.


Are you looking for the old lady who lived here before?

She's hospitalized because she's sick.

Why are you coming back?

It's not here?

Where are you going?

She told me to comeback

if things get tough with living with mom.

My grandma shouldn't get sick.

There's no one by that name.

She said...

She definitely was hospitalized here.

About 6 months ago.

Was it 7 months?

Her last name is Yang.

And her first name is Sunhui.

That's odd.

- Oh... / - She's there, right?



Say hello to you grandma.

My grandma is in there?

Yes, for sure.

I asked the doctor myself.

He said he will call you when she gets all better.

You can meet her then.

Why can't I see her now?

It's written there.

Can't you read?

You can't?

Grandma, get better soon.

I came back to live with you again.

I'm sorry for leaving with mom.

Let's live together like we did before.


I told you to go home. You met your grandma.


I'm going to stay with you

until my grandma gets all better.

If I go home,

that man will bully me again.

He always beats me up

and lies to me.

He causes car accidents on purpose

to get insurance money.

He says he won't do it again, but he still does.

Insurance money?

He gets insurance money

when I get hospitalized for car accidents.

What a bastard...


Do whatever you please.

Let's say good-bye here.

What are you doing? You're stretching my coat.

If you leave me here,

I'm going to tell everyone that you're a secret agent.

Do you know what happens if

you reveal a state secret?

If you go now,

I will report to the police that you kidnapped me.


Do you even know what kidnapping is?

The KCDC has

confirmed that there are 10 more MERS patients.

And three of them are in critical condition.

Pharmacies and supermarkets

are selling hand sanitizers and masks...

Her shoes have become a rag.


What's this?

This is great.

It's been so long.



What are you doing?

This place is really cool.

It's like the movie "Frozen."


You are still a kid.

Is it fun?

I haven't seen it yet.

Mom said she'll take me to the movies

but we ended up living with that man, so...

Let's go in.

It's so cold!

It's okay. You won't die.

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-5)

Hello, boss.

How did it go?

I looked into it

and there are rumors saying that

after being possessed, she only walks around at night.

And also that she was stabbed

while running a hostess bar.

But it's certain that a woman was in hiding.

She didn't go out of the house for years

and suddenly disappeared with a kid next door.

Why with a kid next door?

I don't know.

- You call that an answer? / - I'm sorry.

Did you not control them properly while I was gone?

It's just a mess.

I'm sorry, boss.

I don't know. I really don't know.

I mean it.

There isn't anyone around here who has seen her face.

I have no idea why she took our child...

Oh, I saw something when I went to her house.

I saw "D-6" written on the wall.

That's all I know. I mean it.

I'm sorry. Please don't kill me.

I'm really sorry

but we are looking for our child too.


How can a kid's hair be so tangled

just like my life?


Did you finish it?


A kid from Gangseo-gu, Seoul...

She ate all the eggs too!

Has gone missing. The police has begun investigating.

The father of the child saw his child

going into the next-door house

and it seems to be a case of kidnapping.


This is nuts!

Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education

has ordered schools to be closed down due to MERS.

All of kindergartens and schools of

Seocho-gu, Gangnam and south Gyeonggi-do

will be closed down as of today.

This place is just like her.


Why are you here?


Let me go in.

My legs are shaking.

Are you crazy?

I doubted myself after seeing the news...

But I guess it's true.

Why did you kidnap her?

I can't help you. Leave.

I didn't kidnap her!

That's not it.

It's not strong enough.

(Woori soju)

You are...

So great at making pancakes.

You really are.

I really craved this.

When it rains, I always think of this.

You had it a lot with Ajeong in the past.

Don't you get sick of it?

Oh, right.

There's someone who saw Ttaengbari in Seoul.

Near Wangsimni or something...

I heard it a few days

after we had the phone call.

Is that so?

Thank you and I'm really sorry to bother you.

What are you saying?

We are like family.

You are my forever Captain Jeong.

Now that I think about it...

It was really happy when

we used to take kids' money back at home.

We were so cool then, right?

You must be insane.

Ow, my back.

(20 years ago)

- What's wrong? / - Honey, save me.

Ajeong knocked Janggun down

so I scolded her a little.

I'm your mom. I can say that much, can't I?

She's lying!

And that woman didn't just use words.

- That woman? / - She hit her!

How dare you say, that woman?

You are so rude.

Oh, honey. Don't get worked up.

This happens all the time.

I'm the one at fault.

He only cared for his mistress.

You father failed the brewery

and your family got blown to the shed.

How shameful.

Blown to the shed?

It's blown to shreds.

Can you move down a little?

I don't even have space

to turn my body in this tiny room.


I'm going to sleep.


By the way...

What are you going to do with that kid?

I don't know what she's going through

but just sent her to her parents.

It's her fate.


I feel so bad.

She had been getting beaten up by her stepdad

and left home to find her grandma who raised her.

We found her...

But she had already passed away.

That's unfortunate.


(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-4)

Where did she go?

I can't find her anywhere.

Let her be. She must've gone home.

Let's eat.

My stomach hurts.

She wouldn't have gone home.

Where on earth did she go?

She will be back soon.

You are okay with noodles, right?

I have a bad feeling about this.

One's missing.

Oh, my!

Oh, my goodness! No!

Not that one!

It's here.

- Ask her then. / - Excuse me.

Excuse me.


You don't even know where you are going.

Do you live here?


An old lady who was living here...

Didn't she used to live here?

Why are people suddenly looking for her?

What is she saying?

Someone else came here?

Are you sure you're grandma is here?

That's odd. There's no one by that name.

My grandma's name is Yang Sunhui.

Hold on. Let me check again.

How can we find her when

we don't even know how she looks?


How can you not have a single photo of your child?

There are tons of girls with a woman

in such a big hospital.

- This is annoying. / - I'm sorry.


How does Madam Jeong look?

She looks extremely shameless and rude.

Hey, Park Eunmi!

I got you!

You are so mean!

Why did you lie?

Why? Why?


Stop right there!

I got you, you brat.

This place is so big.

Hey, kiddo.

What's your name?

Is it Eunmi?

Let's go have a little conversation with me.

Let's go.

It's alright.

What are you doing?

Let her go now!

I'm not a spy.

I'm a secret agent.

Oh, the thing is...

We are police officers.

She resembles the girl we are looking for.

Police officers?

I can totally tell that you are thugs.

Doctor, your name is Kang...

Kang Palbok?

She's a MERS patient.

What? MERS?

She was confirmed just now.

Oh, no. Her face is getting red from the fever.

Let go of her hand right now.

Physical contact is dangerous.

- It's contagious. / - Contagious?

That's nasty.

They were so quick to find us.

This is all your fault!

It all failed because of you!

I shouldn't have taken you with me.

Oh, right. Give it back.

You stole my money.

This is all I have left after the taxi fare.

That money is the old version, right?

You are so cunning for a child.

If you start stealing money already,

you will end up like me...

Don't ever touch someone else's things again!


I have no feeling in my legs.

Hey! That's disgusting.



This is how you save.

One shot, two kills.

Thank you. Here's one for you.

It's alright.

You have it all.

Let's sit down for a second.

Goodness, my stomach hurts.

I think I've got a stomachache

from all the stress.

You stay here for a second.

I will be back soon.

It will do us no good

if we stay together any longer.


Come back soon.


(Hello, I lost my parents and I'm leading a tough life...)



Drink up.


Can you not go to school and just stay with me?

I'm not scared of that woman when I'm with you.

You brat.

I can't be with you all day long.

I have to go to school

to pay for this black bean noodles.

Do you even know that?

Is that so?

Jeong Ajeong!



Buy a snack when you are hungry and I'm not there.

Hide it well.

Don't let her take it away.


Then, come home early.


Pinky swear?

Come back early.

Come back soon.



Am I late again?

Well, the thing is...

I put rat poison in leftover rice to catch rats

but I think she ate it.

I was so shocked.

My heart is still racing.

I put it up on the shelves

but I don't know how she found it.

I just have no idea.


I told you that she'd be back.

Are you her mother?

How could you leave your child alone for so long?

The world is dangerous.

We kept her with us as someone reported.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I'm late.


Does it fit?

It should be a little big for you to wear it for a long time.

It's a little big.

That's good.

Let's stop for a while.

Let me look at the sky.

Do you think she still has the money?

Isn't it quite obvious?

She should still have the money.

If she used it, she would've been caught already.

Madam Jeong...

She was clever unlike the other girls

from the hostess bars.

She was also a coward.

(Busan, 2008)

My goodness.

Who did this to your pretty face?

I told you not to beat her up so much.

Bring it.

- Darn it! / - Hey!

Boss, boss!

Hey, Madam Jeong!

Are you crazy?


Oh, right.

This is a burner phone.

They can't track you down with this

so feel free to use it.

A burner phone...

Who sells these phones?

Yeah, we almost got caught.

We are going to go into hiding right away.

I should leave Seoul.

Please take my things to the station.


I've got to go. I have a guest.

Okay. Bye.

I will see you at Seoul Station later.

I will call you again.

Good job.

Why did you say no

when you are so good at it?

You sell burner phones

and now you sell your friend.

Chew properly and eat slowly.

Drink some water.

I'm going to

open up a small store in the countryside of Canada

and sell Melona ice cream.

I saw online that Canadians love Melona.

It sells really well.

So your dream is Melona?

That's right.


It's to open a store.

Dajeong Mart.

Why Dajeong?

That's my name.

That's a pretty name.

Just my name?

My face is pretty too.

Gosh, she's so impatient.

Hey. We are almost there.

Madam Jeong.

It's me.

You've gotten really pretty.

I missed you so much.

Where did you hide my money?

I found it, boss!

Bring it here.

Did he find it?

He found it, boss.

Hey, did he find the money?

Good work.


Do as I say from now on.

Yes, boss.

What are you going to do with the child?

Oh, the girl?

I'm going to send her home.

I don't want to go home.

When is Miss Dajeong coming?

Please, I beg you.

Don't send her back home.

Something terrible will happen.

Are you nearing your death?

That's not like you.

What are you doing?

The boss said not to create any more trouble.



Are you insane?

We got a call from the boss.

Take it.


I understand that what Madam Jeong

did was detestable.

But we are not in charge of Seoul

so I can't take care of the situations.

I will just sell her away to an island or something.


The money.

That money is actually our gang's money.

We've spent a lot of money to look after you in prison.

So I think it's only right that

the gang takes the money.


What are you doing? Take the bag!

You brat!

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-1)


Drink up.

Drink it.

Just like your mom,

I'm sure you're a heavy drinker.

You think I'm a joke?

You do, right?

You do think I'm a joke, right?

Who is it this time?

Who are you?


I'm from Hanguk Life Insurance.

(Hanguk Life Insurance)

I think we paid you too much insurance money.

There have been many accidents, right?

We didn't get that much.

We need to get the medical records again

from the appointed hospital.

Do you want to go now with me?

That would be easier.

If you pass the date,

it will get handed over to the police.

Then things will get complicated.

Madam Jeong.

I questioned myself for coming here.

But I guess I was right about you.

We meet again.


Shut your mouth!

I will kill you all if you don't keep your mouth shut.

Stay quiet!

Where did you hide my money again?

You can't beat me.

What should I do with you?

Should I mess up your face

so that you won't be able to go outside?


Not that.

- Not that one! / - Let go!

Who are you?



Let go! Give that to me!

- Give that to me! / - What the!


Stop the act, you sly thief.

What? You don't want me to take your money?

You stole my money.

Did you think you'd be alright?

Should I make you

regret forever every time you see your face?

- What? / - Get him!

Let go of me!

Let go!

Let go!

- She's with him! / - Get her.

Yes, sir.

Let go!

You know, right?

I'm a secret agent.

A woman in her 30s had been hiding

for 7 years, waiting for statute of limitations to end.

A day before the expiration, she changed her mind

and turned herself in.

She was wanted for theft.

She visited the house of the child she kidnapped

with her gang before turning herself in.

Meanwhile, the child was involved

in many accidents right after her stepdad

registered her for insurance.

The police began investigating for insurance fraud...

You are clear with the kidnapping.

The theft in Busan...

I was hoping for it to be acknowledged as

embezzlement of a lost property.

But unfortunately, I think it will be difficult.

Your sentence could've been reduced.

But it's a shame.

Oh, I have good news.

It's about Eunmi.

The insurance company and the police

proved that it was an insurance fraud.

The mother and stepfather are being investigated.

Child abuse is difficult to rise to the surface but

they were able to find proof thanks to the kidnapping.

It worked out well.


In 7 years, I slept so well that

I didn't even have a dream.

Hello, miss.

I'm doing great.

I'm not sick

and I have great appetite.

My teacher says I can't meet you now.

And I can't call you either.

That's why I'm writing a letter.

- Ta-da! / - Wow!

I learned a song from "Frozen" at school.

I will teach you later.

Thank you, miss.

For taking me away from home,

taking me to my grandma,

taking me to the sauna

and getting me a pair of sneakers.

Thank you for everything.

Miss, I miss you.

I want to go to Canada with you.


You are...

A good person.

I know that.

(Dajeong Mart)

(To Canada)

This little brat...

Is making me feel excited.

(To Canada)

(Madam Jeong's One Last Week)

Two ades.

Here you go.

- Here. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Good-bye.

Did you calculate properly?

Yes, I did.

(Dajeong Snack Bar)

Do you have any Melona?

- Oh. / - Oh.

Yes, I have a Melona.

Thank you!

(Dajeong Snack Bar)

For more infomation >> Madam Jeong's One Last Week | 정마담의 마지막 일주일 [KBS Drama Special / 2017.10.18] - Duration: 1:04:42.


WHAT IS FEAR? # 8 | ANIMATED SERIES | #FNAFHS 2 - Duration: 13:40.

Well! This will be enought for the eliminatory

So...when it is my turn to sing?

You're not going to sing.

Well, we still can...


That wasn't our deal!


You and me never will have a deal!

You are wrong about that!

We have already a deal...



You don't even know what that is!

Take it easy guys! We are all family!


Your wife arrived!


Of course! Now she arrives!

The family is united now!..Which instrument do you play?


OMG! That is style! I love you hair! Tell me your secret! Right now!

OMG! Finally I find someone with good taste!

Tell me everything!

Great! Booger hair and strawberry toast are "best friend" now.

Well! Let's begin!


This can't be! It was here!

It seems you are losing memory...

I put over here after the last practice! I'm sure!


It was you!

Well...I ...I needed a bed for Guiller...

TCHSSS TCHSSS! If I hear the name of that stupid bird again one more time!

I am making turkey tonight!

Technically...It is a pidge...



So...You have to play something new for today...


This could work...


Are you sure?


So, it's decided!

This will be my new instrument for today!

Ha! perfect!

Now it just left you wear my costumes!

Ah...the costumes...


I can't move with that

What he is saying is...


I said...wear it!

And...where they are?

Fred...It's not funny ... We should be in the practice...

Well...well...when the prey Appear


I was not expecting to see the king again...walking around for the forbidden lands.

Eh...Ehehe...I don't know what you talking about!

C'mon... Don't be humble with me...

Hehe...Seriously...I don't know what you are talking about...

Okay! Are you trying to fool me?


I came here looking for a friendship and what do I find? mockery? contempt?

What ? no?!

Maybe you are the king of the docks...but here...we have another rules!

Fred..if you have something to say...this is the moment.

Let's begin with the tribute...




Freddy? You...can' anything...without me.... Weak!


A complicated situation ins't it?


I am...Don't cares..Here the important thing is who you are ...normal? feel..


It feels the same in both sides..

Now you will know why we call this place "the forbiddends lands"

I'm...not afraid...

Are you sure?

Uh....Grrr! I'm not afraid!

Forgive me, I didn't hear you...


Uh...uh... Arrrggg! I not...




What!? little friend.


Am I? Well... I feel that we already had this talk..hehe.

He will need a good nap...

But...I was about of...and...

Calm down! Your own battle will arrive soon!

Now that you found the brave, it's time to recover your friend from the shadows!

and this one...It's on the house.


Seee ya! Little friend! You will know when it is your moment!

The...shadows? AGAIN!!? WAIT? WHO ARE YOU? EHH!? EHH!?


Ay mama changa!

Uh...Freddy...uh uh

We are all afraid

For more infomation >> WHAT IS FEAR? # 8 | ANIMATED SERIES | #FNAFHS 2 - Duration: 13:40.


3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 8:46.


Kevin James Explains The Real Reason Why He Killed Off His TV Wife - Duration: 2:54.

For a comedy, this show has sure had its fair share of drama.

Producers of the CBS sitcom Kevin Can Wait shocked fans in August 2017 when they announced

that one of the show's core cast members, Erinn Hayes, had been let go ahead of the

show's second season.

Not only that, but her character Donna — the Gable family matriarch — would be unceremoniously

killed off.

Plus, her death, and the events leading up to it, wouldn't even be depicted on TV — at

least not right away — and would be covered by a between-seasons time jump.

Many fans suspected that Hayes' termination was simply a messy way to shoehorn in guest

star Leah Remini as a series regular.

It's no secret that the fan favorite previously worked opposite star Kevin James for nine

seasons on The King of Queens.

However, James has now debunked that rumor, claiming that the show needed a major shake-up

like this in order to survive ...

"But the water's choppy!"

"Oh is it choppy?"

"It's choppier than that!"

"Yeah, ooh ..."

James told the New York Daily News, "I get that people are like 'Whoa, why would you

do this?'

But it really felt like a thing like this was needed for this show to drive forward.

Now, I have to deal with my daughter in a different way, and she's gonna go to college,

or one's getting married, or the holidays.

And it deals with things in a different, weightier way."

According to James, his character was originally supposed to be a single dad.

But producers decided to round out the cast with a standard sitcom family before production


Sticking to those well-trodden tropes that come with the sitcom territory apparently

caused a major lull in the show's trajectory, according to its star.

"The plot of the show didn't have enough drive.

If we got through a second season, I wouldn't see us getting through a third one.

We were literally just running out of ideas."

Executive producer Rob Long shared similar sentiments to TV Line in an August 2017 interview.

Long said the goal was to give Kevin's character, quote, "a real drive" and "a real predicament."

Long added that the decision to kill Donna was also meant to honor her, and the actress

who played her: " … out of respect for the character of Donna — and certainly the way

that Erinn Hayes portrayed her — it seemed like the only right and fair way to treat

her character."

Since Donna's unexpected death, Kevin Can Wait has mostly danced around her absence,

and — as of the making of this video — has yet to fully explain how the beloved character

met her end.

But it's clear that Remini's guest stint on the series influenced casting in season two.

After all, she's now a full-timer, playing Vanessa, Kevin's former police partner.

And James clearly loves having the opportunity to once again share the small screen with

his one-time TV wife.

James gushed to the New York Daily News, "When she came on … it was just the greatest.

Fans loved it, everybody on the crew loved it.

We just knew right away, so we thought, 'How can we get her here full-time to be on the


Guess the writers at Kevin Can Wait figured that one out ...

"Was that so difficult?

I don't think it was."

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> Kevin James Explains The Real Reason Why He Killed Off His TV Wife - Duration: 2:54.


Blender and Microwave Toys Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes Cars Hotwheels Superheroes Kids Toys - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Blender and Microwave Toys Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes Cars Hotwheels Superheroes Kids Toys - Duration: 5:58.


Top 10 Most Dangerous Bacteria on Earth | dangerous bacteria - Duration: 8:32.


This bacteria was first documented in 1884.

More commonly known as MRSA (which stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus),

this �superbug� is very easily spread through human contact and can cause a range

of illnesses from skin disorders to deadly diseases like meningitis and pneumonia.

This is a bacterium that belongs to the Staphylococcus family.

This type of bacterial infection is found among people in the hospital.

Because many of the patients in hospitals have injury or their wounds are open so this

gives bacterium wasy access to body and star making infecton.

Most often treated with Penicillin type antibiotics.

Vancomycin is the strongest antibiotic that can be used to fight infections caused by




E. Coli, the most common bacteria found in Human body.

Most E.coli is completely harmless and survives happily in the human digestive system.

However, some strains of E.coli can cause serious illness and most commonly lead to

severe food poisoning as well as meningitis and infections.

Infamous E.coli inhabits in the intestine of the healthy individuals.

E.coli gets access to the body when a person eats fruits and vegetables that have not been


This leads to stomach aches, diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness among other symptoms.

This bacterium is known for being very resistant to antibiotics.

One of the rare strain of E. Coli results in bleeding in the intestine.

Other illness caused by this bacteria are Diarrhoea, Urinary Tract Infection, Meningitis.


It is also one of the common bacterial molds and causes pulmonary and blood infections.

Aspergillus was first catalogued in 1729 by the Italian priest and biologist Pier Antonio


It is found everywhere in the air.

This bacterium commonly affects people with critical conditions like cancer and asthma.

It is capable of causing serious heart and ling complications if not treated soon.

The infections caused by this bacteria is hard to diagnosed . This is because symptoms

are similar to those of cancer.

The fact that it is in air is makes it hard to control its spread.


It was first Documented in 1884.

Like other potentially dangerous bacteria such as E.coli, Streptococcus pyogenes can

be found in 5 per cent - 15 per cent of all humans, residing in the lungs or throat without

causing any harm.

This killer bacteria is responsible for the cause of bacterial meningitis.

When the immune system is compromised or something disrupt it, these bacteria transform into

virulent bacteria capable enough to kill those who are affected.

Streptococcus pyogenes causes over 700 million infections globally every year and has a high

mortality rate of 25 per cent in serious cases .

Luckily, the bacteria is affected by penicillin so is treated easily in most cases - however

several strains are building resistance to various other antibiotics.


Tuberculosis has been know by many names including scrofula and the White Plague and has been

a huge cause of death and distraction throughout history, with evidence found in bodies estimated

to be around 9,000 years old.

In the year 2007, there were 13.7 million chronic active cases in which 9.3 million

were new cases and 1.8 million resulted in deaths.

Active tuberculosis, particularly if it's a drug-resistant strain, will require several

drugs at once The most common medications used to treat tuberculosis include:


Rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane) Ethambutol (Myambutol)



Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known

as Bacillus anthracis.

Anthrax can be found naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals

around the world.

Anthrax was commonly used in warfare during early days.

It spreads through wound and cuts and is very deadly.

It affects both animals and human beings.

Antibiotics are usually used to treat anthrax.

Antibiotics that may be prescribed include penicillin, doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin.

Inhalation anthrax is treated with a combination of antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin plus

another medicine.

They are given by IV (intravenously).


This is the very COMMON one bacteria.

The good news is that there are vaccines available for it.

For people who have not got the vaccine should get the vaccine in case if they get injured

and there are chances that dirt-carrying spores might have entered their system.

The disease shows treble symptoms such as lockjaw and terrible spasms.

If any of these symptoms are observed then the patient needs to be immediately shifted

to ICU to increase the chances of recovery.

In cities, it is no longer a problem due to awareness.


The West African Ebola virus epidemic was the most widespread outbreak of Ebola virus

disease in history�causing major loss of life and socioeconomic disruption in the region,

mainly in the countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

This is one of the most deadly viruses in the world.

It destroys the ability of the blood to coagulate.

This leads to vomiting and diarrhea that makes the virus spread to other people.

When treating Ebola, it is important to have the individual in isolation to prevent its



This is the world most feared virus.

It is deadly.

It spreads when body fluids from an infected person to a non infected person are exchanged.

There is no cure for this virus.

People suffering from the virus take Anti Retro Viral medications to boost their immune

system and prolong life.

It is important to be faithful or abstain from

sex in order to protect yourself from getting this virus.

Scientists hope that in the future they will be able to find the cure for this virus.


This is a very dangerous virus that is spread from animals to human beings.

When the animal bites you, the rabies virus is transferred to your body and begins to

spread to the nervous system where it interferes with the function of your brain to the point

you become mad.

It is prevented by giving animals shots against rabies and ensuring that in case you get bitten,

you rush to the hospital.

The dog is the one that often spreads rabies.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Dangerous Bacteria on Earth | dangerous bacteria - Duration: 8:32.


Güney Kore'de sıradan bir kondom reklamı / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Güney Kore'de sıradan bir kondom reklamı / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 0:15.


Koreli bir kızın Türk kızına en çok benzediği an / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Koreli bir kızın Türk kızına en çok benzediği an / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 1:22.


Dream League Soccer 17 #6 - 0 - 0 .O time forte tanto quanto o meu! GANHEI?! - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Dream League Soccer 17 #6 - 0 - 0 .O time forte tanto quanto o meu! GANHEI?! - Duration: 12:32.


Koreli kız babasına fena yakalandı (adamın yüz ifadesi süper yia) / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Koreli kız babasına fena yakalandı (adamın yüz ifadesi süper yia) / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 0:31.


Finger Family Fruit Song #2 | Again Again - Duration: 1:27.

♫ Daddy finger, daddy finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Mommy finger, finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Brother finger, brother finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Sister finger, sister finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Baby finger, baby finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Daddy finger, daddy finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Mommy finger, mommy finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Brother finger, brother finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Sister finger, sister finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

♫ Baby finger, baby finger

♫ Where are you

♫ Here I am, here I am

♫ How do you do

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