Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

What a joke..

2:00am and the person {is doing such a noise}..

Give me a break x3

Let me do my job!

Hey guys, genki?

This is Vivian from vivian uru's channel and welcome! ^^

Do you remember the segment that I teach Japanese phrases / words?

If yes, I decided to do it separately instead of doing at the end of the other videos, okay?

To celebrate the return of the mini corner,

I've selected 5 famous phrases from an anime to teach you! =]

If you haven't watched my previous video,

I've made a cool review video of the DN's live action {Netflix}.

If you haven't watched it yet, I'll leave the link of the video in the description or card, okay?

But yeah, back to the subject!

Are you ready to learn some Japanese with me and DN? Let's start with the intro!

Well, the 1st phrase is from Light that he uses quite often which is:

"Just as planned" which in Japanese will be:

Let's say it together!

Alright, guys?

To the people who would like to learn the phrase in Portuguese,,


The next phrase is L's which is:

"I don't know a thing anymore"

In Japanese it'd be:

Let's say it together!

To the people who'd like to learn Portuguese:

Alright, guys?

The next phrase is Ryuk's which is:

"Humans are interesting"

In Japanese it'd be:

Let's say it together!

Alright, guys?

Now let's try in Portuguese!


The next phrase is Near's which is:

"It's not a matter of achieving or not, you gotta do it"

In Japanese it'd be:

Let's say it together!

Let's try in Portuguese now!


And now, last but not least, I couldn't finish this video without teaching you,,

Light's famous line!

The potato chip one xD

The famous line is:

"I'll take a potato chip and eat it!"

"I'll take a potato chip and eat it!" in Japanese would be:

Let's say it together!

Alright, guys?

Let's try in Portuguese now!

Okay, everyone?

I hope you all enjoyed the return of this segment!

If there's any other phrase or word that you'd like to learn in Japanese or Portuguese,,

or if you want to learn a phrase from an anime or dorama,,

leave a comment with your request and it'd be a pleasure to teach you, okay?

I hope you enjoyed the video, that's all for now :]

Thank you so much for watching and I truly hope to see you all in the next video, okay! =D

Big kisses and mata ne~! <3

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Aprendendo JAPONÊS com ANIME | Learning JAPANESE | ポルトガル語を学ぼう {ENG SUB+日本語字幕}• Vivian Uru - Duration: 6:28.


Easy Ways To Use Your NMRA Standards Gauge - Duration: 11:35.

some of you may be familiar with the NMRA gauge the standards gauge and some of

you may not if you are new to model railroading you might not know what it

is for and this is why I'm doing this I had a video that I did about a year ago

where I showed this and a little modification that I made for this and

someone asked me what is that for because they had no idea what an NMRA

gauge was for so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go and show you how to use

the NMRA gauge all these little pins and gouges in here I'm going to

show you what to do with it and I'm gonna show you how to use this as how I

use this for clearance so let's get going with this right now I'm Tom Kvichak

and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was created to help other

modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of building a model

railroad now this is what we're talking about today that nm are a standards

gauge now you may not be familiar with everything on here and what did

everything is for I made this little gizmo about a year ago so so I wouldn't

lose my NMRA gauge the reason I have two is because I lost this one so I went

out and bought another one and as soon as I found the other one I found this

one so what I did was I put this little gizmo on the back of it so it's kind of

hard to lose but this also has another function you could lay this down on your

lay out on the track and check your clearances for your tunnel portals and

clearances for your scenery on the side there anything else your loading docks

and everything and I'll show I'll bring up a couple of pictures on that in a few

seconds here here I have the tool setting on the track so I could check

the clearance on both sides for the scenery I have it resting inside the

tunnel portal to see protective clearance on there and again on the

scenery on the brick wall or the stone wall on the side now on this one here I

may have to trim the bushes a bit and this is a scratch built tunnel portal

that I may and you could see it's off to one side

here whenever you purchase an NMR a standards cage this is what its gonna

look like it's gonna be in a little envelope like this this one's white

I had the older one this one here then I bought maybe 20 years ago it was in a

brown envelope but what you get with it is a little instruction sheet now I know

that the NMRA whenever you get an instruction sheet it is very confusing

now it says a lot of stuff on here and it refers you to other publications

right here that you're gonna have to look at and also it shows you a few

diagrams on the back and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go through this and

show you what each one of these little tabs and gouges are on this right here

but the first thing is the bottom of it here and this is for your track gauge

you see these two little tabs right there now I'm gonna put this up against

this track right here and you want to set it in there and then you make sure

that there you have no play in there whatsoever you go back and forth this

way and and check to see that there's no play on there now I'm gonna have to move

the camera to show you the rest of it but I'm going to show you something

on here for the wheels now the wheels are right here you check the wheels here

and then this one right here this little square notch on there that is for the

width of the wheel now I have an old model that I picked up at

a train show I think they use this in a club layout someplace and they use the

original plastic wheels on there and I took it off of there as far as the gauge

goes on the wheels that is alright it fits in there good as you can see there

but on this right let me turn this around so you can see

the wording on here this is a go/no-go and if the the wheelset falls into that

little hole that means the wheel is too narrow okay so this is an old old car

it's an old kit and they use the the original plastic trucks on it now I'm

going to show you this is a river rossi log car that I put together about a year

or two ago and it has the metal wheel sets on there so I'm gonna stick this up

right here like this and show you and that is engaged right there alright now

as far as the go/no-go okay the wheel doesn't fall down in the slot so that

means it's wide enough so we're good to go on this on these trucks right here

for this Rivarossi log car the one thing that may be confusing in the

instructions on here is if you could get a good look at it you have HO and O

okay so they're talking about two different standards gauge on here and

they have different wordings on the two different sizes now on the instructions

on the back they don't really tell you which one is which but you have to go by

the wording on it because the wording on this one here is on the scale one now

this is the same on both now this one over here flanges and points points is

the same on both of them and flanges is on the HO one and then you come over here

and here's the go/no-go like i showed you and the gauge for the wheel I'm just

going to try to explain it to you a little bit better because that you know

some of the instructions that you get when you buy the standards gauge

a little bit confusing and also what I talked about on here the other

references the standard s 3.2 s 4.2 and s 7 is these dimensions on the side see

they give you all the lettering on here and but they don't give you any

explanation on the instruction sheet you have to go to online and download the

PDFs and I'll bring them up on the computer and I'll show them to you on

screen here's the chart from the PDF file from the NMRA web page and I'll

put a link to it in the description below so you could access it we're gonna

do the track okay and that's these two pins on the bottom right here and we'll

just stick this on up against the inside rail and make sure we're good to go now

if it falls in that means your gauge is too wide if it sits up on top or goes

past it that means your gauge is too narrow so we're good to go on this one

right here now flange weighs is on the very top right here now we'll check the

flange weighs right here come over here set them inside and just run them run

along the Frog and your guide and you're good to go with these all right now

there's another one on here this one right here and this is to see the the

distance between your guide rail and your stock rail to make sure that it is

not too far apart now on my other NMRA gauge this one right here that one is

sitting right off on the top in between so and what you want to do is set it

right there in in between two to rail the guide rail and the stock rail and if

it falls down inside that means your gap in there is

too large and this this is pretty good right here and we'll do it on this side

here too and it doesn't fall in there you could tell by when you come over to

where it's tapered out you see it falls down and then it lifts up as it goes in


okay points points is over here okay now you want to check the points on your

turnout and bring it down here and as long as you good to go right there you

come along here and you can check right there and go the other way also as long

as you have a good gap in here see the way they show it on there these these

little pins that come down if you have enough space in there like right here

between your stock grill and your point you're good electrical electrically and

mechanically you're you're spaced far enough away so we're good to go on that

right there you could also check your track gauge

right here and bring it up both ways

to make sure you're good to go all the way up the standards gauge that

I have right here is only one tool for checking clearances on your turnouts and

clearances on your track now there are many many more tools available and I

have a few here that I'm going to do another video on I don't have all the

tools I'll show you the tools that I have that I use for checking clearances

and radiuses on my model railroad go check tom's trains and things dot-com I

have a lot of stuff on my web page a lot more is going up on my web page in the

future so check that out there I have a lot of valuable links on there and so

take care and we'll see ya

For more infomation >> Easy Ways To Use Your NMRA Standards Gauge - Duration: 11:35.


Talia al Ghul Reveal Scene | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.

But l never escaped.

But the child.

The child of Ra's Al Ghul made the climb.

But he's not the child of Ra's Al Ghul.

l am.

And though l'm not ordinary...

...l am a citizen.




My mother named me Talia, before she was killed...

...the way l would have been killed, if not for my protector...



l climbed out of the pit.

l found my father...

...and brought him back to exact terrible vengeance.

But by that time...

...the prisoners and doctor had done their work to my friend.

My protector.

The League took us in.

Trained us.

But my father could not accept Bane.

He saw only a monster.

His very existence was a reminder of the hell he'd left his wife to die in.

He excommunicated Bane from the League of Shadows.

His only crime was that he loved me.

l could not forgive my father.

Until you murdered him.

He was trying to kill millions of innocent people.

lnnocent is a strong word to throw around Gotham, Bruce.

l honor my father by finishing his work.

Vengeance against the man who killed him is simply a reward for my patience.

You see...'s the slow knife...

...the knife that takes its time.

The knife...

...that waits years without forgetting...

...then slips quietly between the bones.

That's the knife...

...that cuts deepest.


Maybe your knife...

...was too slow.

The truck is under attack.

Gordon. You gave him a way to block my signal.

No matter.

He's bought Gotham 1 1 minutes.

Come on!

This way!

Stay there! What are you doing?

Blake, MCU! l'm getting these boys to safety!

You'll get us all killed!

lf anyone crosses this bridge, they'll blow the city!

lt's gonna blow anyway! We need to open this bridge, now!

Detective, if you take one step forward we will shoot you!

lf you take two steps forward, we will blow the bridge!

Okay, go back by the bus and wait for me, all right? Go back and wait.

Prepare a convoy. We must secure the bomb until it detonates.

Don't kill him, l want him to feel the heat.

Feel the fire of 12 million souls you failed.

For more infomation >> Talia al Ghul Reveal Scene | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.


Волшебный Глинтвейн. Откровенно о взаимках. Bla bla video - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Волшебный Глинтвейн. Откровенно о взаимках. Bla bla video - Duration: 12:07.


Madam Jeong's One Last Week | 정마담의 마지막 일주일 [KBS Drama Special / 2017.10.18] - Duration: 1:04:42.

(Busan, 2008)

(Madam Jeong)

(Works at a hostess bar but is currently running away)

Madam Jeong!

Stop right there!

(Ttaengbari, Ttaengbeol Gang leader)

I'm dead.

I'm going to go nuts!

Taxi! Taxi!

Thank you.

Madam Jeong!

Stop right there

Mister, go!

Go now!


Where are you headed to?


Where are you headed to?

Busan Station...

No, the bus terminal.

Please go to Ulsan.


70m! Only 70m left!

Park Taehwan's last spurt!

Oh, he's going to create history today!

He's almost there!

Only 15m left!

It's a world record! Park Taehwan!

Gold medal!

Wow, gold medal!

Mister! Let's just go to Seoul!

Sure, let's go!

Let's go to Seoul!


(Theft suspect)

($5,000 reward, Madam Jeong)

($10,000 reward)

(7 years later, Seoul, 2015)

Gosh, she's never home!

I need her signature.

Is anyone living here or not?

I guess someone is living here,

seeing things get delivered every day.

I don't exist in this world.

This is my spaceship.

I need to take care of everything here

without going outside

until I reach my destination in 7 years.

(Gets up)

Oh, my goodness!

(Goes to work)


(Three gwang)

(One go)

(Two go)


(Three go)

(Gwon-daguri wins)

(Gets off work)

I lost badly.

(Future planning)

(Quebec, capital of Canada, Canadian dream)

What Canadian people like is...




I can start my new life soon.

As soon as my APB is removed,

I will find the money

and go straight to the airport.

I will take the earliest flight to Canada.

Everything is going well.

(Madam Jeong's One Last Week)

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-7)

Black bean noodles that everyone loves

and the iron plate have come together

to create a new dish!

It's so glossy and amazing!

You can't help but just gulp it down!

Hey, don't eat the bowl!

It's really delicious.

I think I'm going crazy.

I can actually smell black bean noodles.

(Mover 24 Express)

Oh, right.

You have black bean noodles on a moving day.

Should I just have it for this once?

I held myself for all these years. I can do it again.

I'm out, so please leave it in front of the door.

The money is in the plastic bag.

Why didn't he put the change in?

That wasn't a tip.

Ow, my back.

I should exercise more.

I'm already out of breath.

Why isn't he coming?

I left the bowls outside a while ago.

He's here.

Mister, the change...

Everything was going well...

Until I met that child.


A culprit in hiding who was waiting for

the statute of limitations to be expired

was caught after a neighbor's report.

Lee was living alone in a semi-basement room

and got involved in an argument with the landlord

for not paying the rent for months.

A neighbor reported to the police

and the culprit got caught.

What took you so long?

I almost thought you got in trouble.

I don't have this number saved.

You should've texted me first.

You startled me.

Who else would call you?

There's no need to be startled.

(Ms. Shin, Madam Jeong's friend, sells burner phones)

Oh, right.

That's not the problem right now.

What? You want me to get another burner phone?

I recently changed my phone and account.

That's not it.

Ttaengbari got released from prison!

He was released on parole for being a model prisoner.

What are you going to do?


What's this?

Oh, no!

My toilet paper!


Hey, you stop right there!

Hey, I told you to stop right there!

Hey, you in a trench coat!



Are you a spy?

No, I'm not a spy.

I'm a secret agent.

- It is... / - From the National Intelligence Service?

No, there's something else.

It's more secretive.

It's a total secret.

Then do you help weak people?


You shouldn't tell anyone

about meeting me today, kiddo.

That's not my name.

It's Eunmi, Park Eunmi.


By the way...

Can I borrow your cell phone?


I'll use it just once.

I want to call my grandma.

Go home and call her.

You said you help weak people.


What's wrong with you?

What did I do?

- Can I take it home? / - Do whatever you want.

Did you touch my wallet again?

- No. / - Why you little!

- I didn't. / - How dare you!

Why are you crying?

Get over here!

Open the door!

Did you think I couldn't find you?

Open the door!

Running away won't solve anything!

- Open the door! / - Open!

- We know that you're in there! / - Open the door!

- Open! / - Open the door, you scumbag!

Hurry up and open the door!

We know that you are in there!

I thought they were banging my door. Gosh...

- Open the door! / - You are in there, right?

They won't open.

Let's come back.

Did they leave?


What are you going to do?

You don't have any money, right?

What do you mean, what am I going to do?

We will have to get another insurance money.

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-6)

- I didn't do it. / - Don't lie.

What are you looking at?

Are you glaring at me?

If you hit me again,

I'm going to tell grandma.



Go ahead.

Go ahead!

Both the mother and daughter...

Ow, it's hot!


How dare you run away?

Who is it again?


Please open the door.


- Miss. / - No!


- I can't! / - Miss.

- Where did she go? / - Miss.

Hey, Park Eunmi!

Miss! Miss!

Please open the door!

Miss! Miss!

Hey, open the door!

Open the door!

Hey, open the door!

I said, open the door!

Hurry up and open the door!

Come out right now!

- Geez. / - My goodness!

What's going on?

- Ma'am! / - Did a burglar break into your house?

Someone took my child and won't open the door.

- This is kidnapping. / - Oh, my...

The woman who doesn't come out of the house did that?

- She must be insane! / - Oh, my goodness!

- Hey! / - I knew she would create trouble one day!

Call the police!


I was here for too long.

I should run.

Park Eunmi, come on out!

Oh, my!

What is it?

I want to go with you.

- Go back to your home. / - No, I want to go with you.

I want to live with my grandma.

Go ahead. Why are you doing this to me!

Let go of me!

You are a secret agent.

You should help the weak!

This is nuts!

Let go of me. I said, let go!

Oh, my!

Miss, are you sick?


Oh, my goodness...

This is so complicated.

Why are you following me?

I'm going to my grandma's house

Then you go ahead first.

I said, go.


Does your grandma live alone?

How many rooms are there at your grandma's place?

Does she have any empty rooms?

This is my grandma's house.

No, it's my house.

There's no grandma living here.


Are you looking for the old lady who lived here before?

She's hospitalized because she's sick.

Why are you coming back?

It's not here?

Where are you going?

She told me to comeback

if things get tough with living with mom.

My grandma shouldn't get sick.

There's no one by that name.

She said...

She definitely was hospitalized here.

About 6 months ago.

Was it 7 months?

Her last name is Yang.

And her first name is Sunhui.

That's odd.

- Oh... / - She's there, right?



Say hello to you grandma.

My grandma is in there?

Yes, for sure.

I asked the doctor myself.

He said he will call you when she gets all better.

You can meet her then.

Why can't I see her now?

It's written there.

Can't you read?

You can't?

Grandma, get better soon.

I came back to live with you again.

I'm sorry for leaving with mom.

Let's live together like we did before.


I told you to go home. You met your grandma.


I'm going to stay with you

until my grandma gets all better.

If I go home,

that man will bully me again.

He always beats me up

and lies to me.

He causes car accidents on purpose

to get insurance money.

He says he won't do it again, but he still does.

Insurance money?

He gets insurance money

when I get hospitalized for car accidents.

What a bastard...


Do whatever you please.

Let's say good-bye here.

What are you doing? You're stretching my coat.

If you leave me here,

I'm going to tell everyone that you're a secret agent.

Do you know what happens if

you reveal a state secret?

If you go now,

I will report to the police that you kidnapped me.


Do you even know what kidnapping is?

The KCDC has

confirmed that there are 10 more MERS patients.

And three of them are in critical condition.

Pharmacies and supermarkets

are selling hand sanitizers and masks...

Her shoes have become a rag.


What's this?

This is great.

It's been so long.



What are you doing?

This place is really cool.

It's like the movie "Frozen."


You are still a kid.

Is it fun?

I haven't seen it yet.

Mom said she'll take me to the movies

but we ended up living with that man, so...

Let's go in.

It's so cold!

It's okay. You won't die.

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-5)

Hello, boss.

How did it go?

I looked into it

and there are rumors saying that

after being possessed, she only walks around at night.

And also that she was stabbed

while running a hostess bar.

But it's certain that a woman was in hiding.

She didn't go out of the house for years

and suddenly disappeared with a kid next door.

Why with a kid next door?

I don't know.

- You call that an answer? / - I'm sorry.

Did you not control them properly while I was gone?

It's just a mess.

I'm sorry, boss.

I don't know. I really don't know.

I mean it.

There isn't anyone around here who has seen her face.

I have no idea why she took our child...

Oh, I saw something when I went to her house.

I saw "D-6" written on the wall.

That's all I know. I mean it.

I'm sorry. Please don't kill me.

I'm really sorry

but we are looking for our child too.


How can a kid's hair be so tangled

just like my life?


Did you finish it?


A kid from Gangseo-gu, Seoul...

She ate all the eggs too!

Has gone missing. The police has begun investigating.

The father of the child saw his child

going into the next-door house

and it seems to be a case of kidnapping.


This is nuts!

Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education

has ordered schools to be closed down due to MERS.

All of kindergartens and schools of

Seocho-gu, Gangnam and south Gyeonggi-do

will be closed down as of today.

This place is just like her.


Why are you here?


Let me go in.

My legs are shaking.

Are you crazy?

I doubted myself after seeing the news...

But I guess it's true.

Why did you kidnap her?

I can't help you. Leave.

I didn't kidnap her!

That's not it.

It's not strong enough.

(Woori soju)

You are...

So great at making pancakes.

You really are.

I really craved this.

When it rains, I always think of this.

You had it a lot with Ajeong in the past.

Don't you get sick of it?

Oh, right.

There's someone who saw Ttaengbari in Seoul.

Near Wangsimni or something...

I heard it a few days

after we had the phone call.

Is that so?

Thank you and I'm really sorry to bother you.

What are you saying?

We are like family.

You are my forever Captain Jeong.

Now that I think about it...

It was really happy when

we used to take kids' money back at home.

We were so cool then, right?

You must be insane.

Ow, my back.

(20 years ago)

- What's wrong? / - Honey, save me.

Ajeong knocked Janggun down

so I scolded her a little.

I'm your mom. I can say that much, can't I?

She's lying!

And that woman didn't just use words.

- That woman? / - She hit her!

How dare you say, that woman?

You are so rude.

Oh, honey. Don't get worked up.

This happens all the time.

I'm the one at fault.

He only cared for his mistress.

You father failed the brewery

and your family got blown to the shed.

How shameful.

Blown to the shed?

It's blown to shreds.

Can you move down a little?

I don't even have space

to turn my body in this tiny room.


I'm going to sleep.


By the way...

What are you going to do with that kid?

I don't know what she's going through

but just sent her to her parents.

It's her fate.


I feel so bad.

She had been getting beaten up by her stepdad

and left home to find her grandma who raised her.

We found her...

But she had already passed away.

That's unfortunate.


(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-4)

Where did she go?

I can't find her anywhere.

Let her be. She must've gone home.

Let's eat.

My stomach hurts.

She wouldn't have gone home.

Where on earth did she go?

She will be back soon.

You are okay with noodles, right?

I have a bad feeling about this.

One's missing.

Oh, my!

Oh, my goodness! No!

Not that one!

It's here.

- Ask her then. / - Excuse me.

Excuse me.


You don't even know where you are going.

Do you live here?


An old lady who was living here...

Didn't she used to live here?

Why are people suddenly looking for her?

What is she saying?

Someone else came here?

Are you sure you're grandma is here?

That's odd. There's no one by that name.

My grandma's name is Yang Sunhui.

Hold on. Let me check again.

How can we find her when

we don't even know how she looks?


How can you not have a single photo of your child?

There are tons of girls with a woman

in such a big hospital.

- This is annoying. / - I'm sorry.


How does Madam Jeong look?

She looks extremely shameless and rude.

Hey, Park Eunmi!

I got you!

You are so mean!

Why did you lie?

Why? Why?


Stop right there!

I got you, you brat.

This place is so big.

Hey, kiddo.

What's your name?

Is it Eunmi?

Let's go have a little conversation with me.

Let's go.

It's alright.

What are you doing?

Let her go now!

I'm not a spy.

I'm a secret agent.

Oh, the thing is...

We are police officers.

She resembles the girl we are looking for.

Police officers?

I can totally tell that you are thugs.

Doctor, your name is Kang...

Kang Palbok?

She's a MERS patient.

What? MERS?

She was confirmed just now.

Oh, no. Her face is getting red from the fever.

Let go of her hand right now.

Physical contact is dangerous.

- It's contagious. / - Contagious?

That's nasty.

They were so quick to find us.

This is all your fault!

It all failed because of you!

I shouldn't have taken you with me.

Oh, right. Give it back.

You stole my money.

This is all I have left after the taxi fare.

That money is the old version, right?

You are so cunning for a child.

If you start stealing money already,

you will end up like me...

Don't ever touch someone else's things again!


I have no feeling in my legs.

Hey! That's disgusting.



This is how you save.

One shot, two kills.

Thank you. Here's one for you.

It's alright.

You have it all.

Let's sit down for a second.

Goodness, my stomach hurts.

I think I've got a stomachache

from all the stress.

You stay here for a second.

I will be back soon.

It will do us no good

if we stay together any longer.


Come back soon.


(Hello, I lost my parents and I'm leading a tough life...)



Drink up.


Can you not go to school and just stay with me?

I'm not scared of that woman when I'm with you.

You brat.

I can't be with you all day long.

I have to go to school

to pay for this black bean noodles.

Do you even know that?

Is that so?

Jeong Ajeong!



Buy a snack when you are hungry and I'm not there.

Hide it well.

Don't let her take it away.


Then, come home early.


Pinky swear?

Come back early.

Come back soon.



Am I late again?

Well, the thing is...

I put rat poison in leftover rice to catch rats

but I think she ate it.

I was so shocked.

My heart is still racing.

I put it up on the shelves

but I don't know how she found it.

I just have no idea.


I told you that she'd be back.

Are you her mother?

How could you leave your child alone for so long?

The world is dangerous.

We kept her with us as someone reported.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I'm late.


Does it fit?

It should be a little big for you to wear it for a long time.

It's a little big.

That's good.

Let's stop for a while.

Let me look at the sky.

Do you think she still has the money?

Isn't it quite obvious?

She should still have the money.

If she used it, she would've been caught already.

Madam Jeong...

She was clever unlike the other girls

from the hostess bars.

She was also a coward.

(Busan, 2008)

My goodness.

Who did this to your pretty face?

I told you not to beat her up so much.

Bring it.

- Darn it! / - Hey!

Boss, boss!

Hey, Madam Jeong!

Are you crazy?


Oh, right.

This is a burner phone.

They can't track you down with this

so feel free to use it.

A burner phone...

Who sells these phones?

Yeah, we almost got caught.

We are going to go into hiding right away.

I should leave Seoul.

Please take my things to the station.


I've got to go. I have a guest.

Okay. Bye.

I will see you at Seoul Station later.

I will call you again.

Good job.

Why did you say no

when you are so good at it?

You sell burner phones

and now you sell your friend.

Chew properly and eat slowly.

Drink some water.

I'm going to

open up a small store in the countryside of Canada

and sell Melona ice cream.

I saw online that Canadians love Melona.

It sells really well.

So your dream is Melona?

That's right.


It's to open a store.

Dajeong Mart.

Why Dajeong?

That's my name.

That's a pretty name.

Just my name?

My face is pretty too.

Gosh, she's so impatient.

Hey. We are almost there.

Madam Jeong.

It's me.

You've gotten really pretty.

I missed you so much.

Where did you hide my money?

I found it, boss!

Bring it here.

Did he find it?

He found it, boss.

Hey, did he find the money?

Good work.


Do as I say from now on.

Yes, boss.

What are you going to do with the child?

Oh, the girl?

I'm going to send her home.

I don't want to go home.

When is Miss Dajeong coming?

Please, I beg you.

Don't send her back home.

Something terrible will happen.

Are you nearing your death?

That's not like you.

What are you doing?

The boss said not to create any more trouble.



Are you insane?

We got a call from the boss.

Take it.


I understand that what Madam Jeong

did was detestable.

But we are not in charge of Seoul

so I can't take care of the situations.

I will just sell her away to an island or something.


The money.

That money is actually our gang's money.

We've spent a lot of money to look after you in prison.

So I think it's only right that

the gang takes the money.


What are you doing? Take the bag!

You brat!

(Expiration of the statute of limitations, D-1)


Drink up.

Drink it.

Just like your mom,

I'm sure you're a heavy drinker.

You think I'm a joke?

You do, right?

You do think I'm a joke, right?

Who is it this time?

Who are you?


I'm from Hanguk Life Insurance.

(Hanguk Life Insurance)

I think we paid you too much insurance money.

There have been many accidents, right?

We didn't get that much.

We need to get the medical records again

from the appointed hospital.

Do you want to go now with me?

That would be easier.

If you pass the date,

it will get handed over to the police.

Then things will get complicated.

Madam Jeong.

I questioned myself for coming here.

But I guess I was right about you.

We meet again.


Shut your mouth!

I will kill you all if you don't keep your mouth shut.

Stay quiet!

Where did you hide my money again?

You can't beat me.

What should I do with you?

Should I mess up your face

so that you won't be able to go outside?


Not that.

- Not that one! / - Let go!

Who are you?



Let go! Give that to me!

- Give that to me! / - What the!


Stop the act, you sly thief.

What? You don't want me to take your money?

You stole my money.

Did you think you'd be alright?

Should I make you

regret forever every time you see your face?

- What? / - Get him!

Let go of me!

Let go!

Let go!

- She's with him! / - Get her.

Yes, sir.

Let go!

You know, right?

I'm a secret agent.

A woman in her 30s had been hiding

for 7 years, waiting for statute of limitations to end.

A day before the expiration, she changed her mind

and turned herself in.

She was wanted for theft.

She visited the house of the child she kidnapped

with her gang before turning herself in.

Meanwhile, the child was involved

in many accidents right after her stepdad

registered her for insurance.

The police began investigating for insurance fraud...

You are clear with the kidnapping.

The theft in Busan...

I was hoping for it to be acknowledged as

embezzlement of a lost property.

But unfortunately, I think it will be difficult.

Your sentence could've been reduced.

But it's a shame.

Oh, I have good news.

It's about Eunmi.

The insurance company and the police

proved that it was an insurance fraud.

The mother and stepfather are being investigated.

Child abuse is difficult to rise to the surface but

they were able to find proof thanks to the kidnapping.

It worked out well.


In 7 years, I slept so well that

I didn't even have a dream.

Hello, miss.

I'm doing great.

I'm not sick

and I have great appetite.

My teacher says I can't meet you now.

And I can't call you either.

That's why I'm writing a letter.

- Ta-da! / - Wow!

I learned a song from "Frozen" at school.

I will teach you later.

Thank you, miss.

For taking me away from home,

taking me to my grandma,

taking me to the sauna

and getting me a pair of sneakers.

Thank you for everything.

Miss, I miss you.

I want to go to Canada with you.


You are...

A good person.

I know that.

(Dajeong Mart)

(To Canada)

This little brat...

Is making me feel excited.

(To Canada)

(Madam Jeong's One Last Week)

Two ades.

Here you go.

- Here. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Good-bye.

Did you calculate properly?

Yes, I did.

(Dajeong Snack Bar)

Do you have any Melona?

- Oh. / - Oh.

Yes, I have a Melona.

Thank you!

(Dajeong Snack Bar)

For more infomation >> Madam Jeong's One Last Week | 정마담의 마지막 일주일 [KBS Drama Special / 2017.10.18] - Duration: 1:04:42.


How to Library - Duration: 5:23.

I want to talk to you about a card that is really important to adulting.

It's not a credit card, it's not an ID.

In fact, you've probably had one since you were a little kid.

It's a library card.


In elementary school, most of us learn that libraries are rooms filled with books, which

sounds awesome, but that's underselling it, frankly.

Librarian Julie Biando Edwards, author of Transforming Libraries, Building Communities,

says that "The public library is the Room of Requirement."

Public libraries reflect the needs and desires of the communities they serve.

They're often filled with books, but they're also meeting places for... ukulele classes

or improv groups.

They're computer labs and 3D printing workshops.

They're concert venues, movie theaters, and ballrooms.

I've played my fair share of shows at libraries.

Just like the Room of Requirement, the library is whatever a community needs it to be.

For instance, I live in a town nicknamed "the garden city" and we're surrounded by rivers,

so at our library we can checkout heirloom seeds for a garden or life jackets for kids

because those are things we need and want in our community.

No matter where you live though, the easiest way to utilize everything the library has

to offer is with a library card.

Most public libraries serve a specific area, and in the US it's frequently by county.

So when you move to a new county, you probably need a new library card.

To get one, go to the library you'll frequent most.

This could be a large central library, or it could be a smaller branch library.

All public libraries within a community are connected, so just pick the branch that's

most convenient to you.

A note here, that if you're unable to get yourself physically to a library, just call or email your local library

Some libraries have mobile branches,

some have mail services, or even home visits.

Libraries are for everyone.

If you're getting your library card at bigger library, there will probably be signs directing

you to a kiosk to put in your name and local address for your card.

If it's a smaller library, just go right up to the person at the circulation desk and

proudly tell them you would like your library card, please!

Make sure to ask about how many items you can check out, how long you can check items

out, what the late fees are, and also what else the library has to offer.

So what does the library have to offer?

Physical books, for sure, but with your library card you can also download free e-books and


Some libraries even have e-readers or ipods you can check out.

And you can ask your local librarians how to download from the library website both in the library

and at home.

When it comes to libraries, we always think of books, but libraries love all media: Books,

DVDs, CDs, records, magazines, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, mp3s, mp4s... if it

stores information, it can probably be found in a library.

For that matter, if it reads information, it can be found in a library.

Many libraries check out computers and DVD players if there's a need for those things

in the community.

Let's be honest, you probably don't have a DVD player anymore, and you probably don't want to buy one

just so you can watch that one DVD you have.

If you can't find what you're looking for, remember that your library is just a

branch of a much larger resource tree.

You can request a book from another branch, or a partner library.

Often, county libraries are connected across the state or region and they all share inventory.

You can request any item in your library's system by placing a hold on it.

Most libraries are set up so you can place a hold online, then a library circulation

assistant will pull that item from the collection for you and set it aside under your card number

until you can come pick it up.

Or, if it's at a partner library, they'll send it by courier to your library where a

circ assistant will put it aside for you.

Usually you have about a week to pick it up.

This is really nice when you want a popular item that's always checked out.

By placing a hold, you're reserving your spot in the queue to check that item out.

It also helps librarians see which items are popular and they can order more.

If none of the libraries in your partner system have the item you want, then libraries use

I.L.L. or Interlibrary Loan.

This is when a library basically checks a book out on your behalf from another library

outside its system and then lends it to you.

These items are usually rare, which is why they're only in one or a few libraries,

and have a shorter check-out time.

Some are so rare that they can be shared between libraries, but you can't check them out

and leave the library with them.

In that case, the ILL librarian will set you up in a room to study the item and maybe make


And if not even the magical ILL librarian can find the item you want, then maybe they'll

just have to find a way to acquire that item for the collection.

It's the room of requirement after all!

And in order for libraries to fulfill the needs of their communities, librarians rely

on their community members to tell them what they want to see in their library.

Finally, don't forget to be patient and kind when it comes to requesting changes to your local


Librarians are balancing the needs and wants of every person in your community.

Which is pretty amazing. Good people, librarians.

Thanks for watching this episode of How to Adult!

It's impossible to cover every service libraries offer in one video, so let us know your favorite

thing about your library in the comments below!

How to Adult is produced by Complexly.

Check out to learn more about How To Adult and a buncn of our other shows including

Crash Course Literature or Crash Course Computer Science

Two important parts of libraries!

[off-screen] Let's get that balled.

Let's get it balled.

I want to tell you about a card. A card that's really important.

It's this WhiBal card.

[off-screen] It's backwards.

[laughing] It's this WhiBal card.

It's this one. It's a Michael Tapes design.

[off-screen] Oh, point to me too.

[off-screen] Beautiful.

Crisp like a totinos pizza.

For more infomation >> How to Library - Duration: 5:23.


Pojedynek ośmiostrzałowców | Kulisy meczu ze Śląskiem - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> Pojedynek ośmiostrzałowców | Kulisy meczu ze Śląskiem - Duration: 11:14.


Father John Misty - "Bored In The USA" [Live in Asheville] - Duration: 4:39.

- Thank you for this.

♫ How many people rise and say

♫ My brain's so awfully glad to be here

♫ For yet another mindless day

♫ Now, I've got all morning to obsessively accrue

♫ A small nation of meaningful objects

♫ And they've gotta represent me too

♫ And by this afternoon, I'll live in debt

♫ And by tomorrow, be replaced by children

♫ How many people rise and think

♫ Oh good, the stranger's body's still here

♫ Our arrangement hasn't changed

♫ Now, I've got a lifetime to consider all the ways

♫ I've grown more disappointing to you

♫ As my beauty warps and fades

♫ And I suspect you feel the same

♫ When I was young

♫ I dreamt of a passionate obligation to a roommate

♫ Is this the part where I get all I ever wanted

♫ Who said that

♫ Can I get my money back

♫ Just a little bored in the USA

♫ Oh, just a little too bored in the USA

♫ Save me, white Jesus

♫ Bored in the USA

♫ Fuck

♫ And they gave me a useless education

♫ And a subprime loan

♫ On a craftsman home

♫ Keep my prescriptions filled, barely

♫ And now I can't get off

♫ Oh Lord, and I can barely deal

♫ Oh

♫ Bored in the USA

♫ Oh, just a little too bored in the USA

♫ Save me, President Anyone

♫ Bored in the USA

♫ Wait, how did this happen?

♫ Bored in the USA

♫ Well I'll tell you

♫ That's how

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "Bored In The USA" [Live in Asheville] - Duration: 4:39.


French McDo made Veggie Burger for vegetarian !!! - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> French McDo made Veggie Burger for vegetarian !!! - Duration: 5:33.


Your Most Epic Moments in Gaming - EXPERIENCES - Duration: 6:55.

Greetings eartlings!

Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen!

And Mr Ruvver

On today's menu, YOU are the menu, as we're going to talk about your experiences

And today we have


2236gaming says: When I found a NES in a trash basket; box, controllers and everything

It didn't work at first until I replaced the RF Switch... and it worked!!, it was alive!!!

I had an Atari 65XE at the time, and I jumped to the next-gen thanks to someone who didn't

notice that the NES was OK

That's a very epic way to start the video

That's amazingly epic!

I'm wondering what was he doing looking in the trash?

He had an Atari so maybe he was throwing bad games…

That's so cruel and accurate

Mengus Dew says: My first fatality in Mortal Kombat arcade

Oh, that's a moment to die for

Yes, the first fatalities and the first transitions

When you saw the blood of your enemy all over the place

Yes, that's pretty epic

I remember my first times with that too

Daniel Kunkle says: One of my most epic game moments was the first time I played Mass Effect

The final battle was an epic experience and in the end, it's implied, at first, that your

character may have fallen in the final moments as debris from the Reaper called Sovereign

crashed into your location and possibly crushed you

But then there is movement and suddenly your character comes charging over the wreckage

and you know that you are victorious

I literally threw my fist into the air and shouted for joy

These are the moments when you say "See!

I play video games for THAT!"

Serim Jameson says: "Having a Halo 3 multiplayer match glitch out

leaving me the only member of my team

Spent the entire match using only sticky grenades

Didn't win, but boy was the enemies screaming worth it"

That sounds so fucked up!

But also pretty damn epic!

I would pay to see his face like "Die fucker!!"

Because that's what I would do!

Luke Mines said: Star Wars force unleashed, crashing the star destroyer into the planet

Oh! You COULD do that!

Totally envy, I played Force Unleashed on the Wii and that scene was cinematic

Yep, totally comedown

The Reading Cave says: The most epic moment I had in a video game was in Animal Crossing:

New Leaf for the Wii!

After days and days of partying with my animal neighbors, getting swollen from bee attacks

after shaking too many trees, and dealing with a con-artist raccoon who ran the village's

only shop, I was FINALLY able to upgrade my house as far as it could go

I still remember crying and my heart being filled with pure joy

I never thought it was possible to have an epic moment with Animal Crossing

I mean, seriously

Well, depending what you do with the animals, on the other hans...

You mean HAND

No, I mean Hans

He's a friend of mine, kind of perv, he likes…

Travis Byers says: "I was playing Fallout 3 on a Saturday morning and every other week

they test the air raid siren in my village, just so happens, I'm walking just leisurely

through the downtown DC area when out of absolutely nowhere a mini-nuke goes off and the air raid

siren goes off in town, I had chills for days"

That's an awesome coincidence

That is a great timing indeed

I'm sure he tries to do it on purpose and fails

100% positive

Ogre says: I cried a bit at the end of Wolfenstein New Order

Oh… that sometimes happens

Not to me, of course, I'm very macho

You cried like a baby with the ending of Horizon Zero Dawn

No I didn't

It was a shard

From, you know, a machine

Yep, totally convincing

Lord Runolf says: Epic Moment: Skies of Arcadia

- the enemy has all the MacGuffins; they're moving in on the superweapon, and they have

a fleet of warships to your one -- then everyone you ever helped in the game shows up with

their own ships to get you back in the fight!

How do you do it? All your epic moments are fucking epic, I don't have these epic moments

I only kill demons at Doom and that's it

But you're so fucking epic!

Ryan Henwood says: Wiping out a shitload of zerg in brood wars while getting a blowjob

That's pretty epic indeed

Don't you have a similar anecdote beating Tekken 4 in hard level with your girl


Sean Evans says: Bioshock Infinite

Pretty much the entire ending reveal sequence

The whole second half is all revealing

That's a lot of time to be in tension

He'll end up with a cramp and, he'll need the blowjob of Ryan to relax the muscles


No, just saying

And these are your experiences with the most epic moment in games!

And some are REALLY epic

The question for next video is: What's your first video game crush?

Don't say Lara Croft, please, make it original

Well folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do, please click that subscribe button to join the MadQueen Army!

See you in next videos and Stay being amazing!

For more infomation >> Your Most Epic Moments in Gaming - EXPERIENCES - Duration: 6:55.


WHAT IS FEAR? # 8 | ANIMATED SERIES | #FNAFHS 2 - Duration: 13:40.

Well! This will be enought for the eliminatory

So...when it is my turn to sing?

You're not going to sing.

Well, we still can...


That wasn't our deal!


You and me never will have a deal!

You are wrong about that!

We have already a deal...



You don't even know what that is!

Take it easy guys! We are all family!


Your wife arrived!


Of course! Now she arrives!

The family is united now!..Which instrument do you play?


OMG! That is style! I love you hair! Tell me your secret! Right now!

OMG! Finally I find someone with good taste!

Tell me everything!

Great! Booger hair and strawberry toast are "best friend" now.

Well! Let's begin!


This can't be! It was here!

It seems you are losing memory...

I put over here after the last practice! I'm sure!


It was you!

Well...I ...I needed a bed for Guiller...

TCHSSS TCHSSS! If I hear the name of that stupid bird again one more time!

I am making turkey tonight!

Technically...It is a pidge...



So...You have to play something new for today...


This could work...


Are you sure?


So, it's decided!

This will be my new instrument for today!

Ha! perfect!

Now it just left you wear my costumes!

Ah...the costumes...


I can't move with that

What he is saying is...


I said...wear it!

And...where they are?

Fred...It's not funny ... We should be in the practice...

Well...well...when the prey Appear


I was not expecting to see the king again...walking around for the forbidden lands.

Eh...Ehehe...I don't know what you talking about!

C'mon... Don't be humble with me...

Hehe...Seriously...I don't know what you are talking about...

Okay! Are you trying to fool me?


I came here looking for a friendship and what do I find? mockery? contempt?

What ? no?!

Maybe you are the king of the docks...but here...we have another rules!

Fred..if you have something to say...this is the moment.

Let's begin with the tribute...




Freddy? You...can' anything...without me.... Weak!


A complicated situation ins't it?


I am...Don't cares..Here the important thing is who you are ...normal? feel..


It feels the same in both sides..

Now you will know why we call this place "the forbiddends lands"

I'm...not afraid...

Are you sure?

Uh....Grrr! I'm not afraid!

Forgive me, I didn't hear you...


Uh...uh... Arrrggg! I not...




What!? little friend.


Am I? Well... I feel that we already had this talk..hehe.

He will need a good nap...

But...I was about of...and...

Calm down! Your own battle will arrive soon!

Now that you found the brave, it's time to recover your friend from the shadows!

and this one...It's on the house.


Seee ya! Little friend! You will know when it is your moment!

The...shadows? AGAIN!!? WAIT? WHO ARE YOU? EHH!? EHH!?


Ay mama changa!

Uh...Freddy...uh uh

We are all afraid

For more infomation >> WHAT IS FEAR? # 8 | ANIMATED SERIES | #FNAFHS 2 - Duration: 13:40.


3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 8:46.


Hackers & Cyber Attacks: Crash Course Computer Science #32 - Duration: 11:53.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!

Last episode, we talked about the basics of computer security, principles and techniques

used to keep computer systems safe and sound.

But, despite our best efforts, the news is full of stories of individuals, companies

and governments getting cyberattacked by hackers, people who, with their technical knowledge,

break into computer systems.

Not all hackers are bad though.

There are hackers who hunt for bugs and try to close security holes in software to make

systems safer and more resilient.

They're often hired by companies and governments to perform security evaluations.

These hackers are called White Hats, they're the good guys.

On the flip side, there are Black Hats, malicious hackers with intentions to steal, exploit

and sell computer vulnerabilities and data.

Hackers' motivations also differ wildly.

Some hack for amusement and curiosity, while cybercriminals hack most often for monetary


And then there are hacktivists, who use their skills to promote a social or political goal.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Basically, the stereotypical view of a hacker as some unpopular kid sitting in a dark room

full of discarded pizza boxes probably better describes John Green in college than it does hackers.

Today, we're not going to teach you how to be a hacker.

Instead, we'll discuss some classic examples of how hackers break into computer systems

to give you an idea of how it's done.


The most common way hackers get into computer systems isn't by hacking at all; it's

by tricking users into letting them in.

This is called social engineering, where a person is manipulated into divulging confidential

information, or configuring a computer system so that it permits entry by attackers.

The most common type of attack is phishing, which you most often encounter as an email

asking you to login to an account on a website, say your bank.

You'll be asked to click a link in the email, which takes you to a site that looks legit

to the casual observer, but is really an evil clone.

When you enter your username and password, that information goes straight to the hackers,

who then can login to the real website as you.

Bad news!

Even with a 1/10th of one percent success rate, a million phishing emails might yield

a thousand compromised accounts.

Another social engineering attack is pretexting, where attackers call up, let's say a company,

and then confidently pretend to be from their IT department.

Often attackers will call a first number, and then ask to be transferred to a second,

so that the phone number appears to be internal to the company.

Then, the attacker can instruct an unwitting user to configure their computer in a compromising

way, or get them to reveal confidential details, like passwords or network configurations.

Sorry, one sec…

Oh. Hey, it's Susan from It. We're having some network issues down here, can you go ahead and check a setting for me?"

... and it begins.

Attackers can be very convincing, especially with a little bit of research beforehand to

find things like key employees' names.

It might take ten phone calls to find an victim, but you only need one to get in.

Emails are also a common delivery mechanism for trojan horses, programs that masquerade

as harmless attachments, like a photo or invoice, but actually contain malicious software, called malware.

Malware can take many forms.

Some might steal your data, like your banking credentials.

Others might encrypt your files and demand a ransom, what's known as ransomware.

If they can't run malware or get a user to let them in, attackers have to force their

way in through other means.

One method, which we briefly discussed last episode, is to brute force a password, try

every combination of password until you gain entry.

Most modern systems defend against this type of attack by having you wait incrementally

longer periods of time following each failed attempt, or even lock you out entirely after

a certain number of tries.

One recent hack to get around this is called NAND Mirroring, where if you have physical

access to the computer, you can attach wires to the device's memory chip and make a perfect

copy of its contents.

With this setup, you can try a series of passwords, until the device starts making you wait.

When this happens, you just reflash the memory with the original copy you made, essentially

resetting it, allowing you to try more passwords immediately, with no waiting.

This technique was shown to be successful on an iPhone 5C, but many newer devices include

mechanisms to thwart this type of attack.

If you don't have physical access to a device, you have to find a way to hack it remotely,

like over the internet.

In general, this requires an attacker to find and take advantage of a bug in a system, and

successfully utilizing a bug to gain capabilities or access is called an exploit.

One common type of exploit is a buffer overflow.

Buffers are a general term for a block of memory reserved for storing data.

We talked about video buffers for storing pixel data in Episode 23.

As a simple example, we can imagine an operating system's login prompt, which has fields

for a username and password.

Behind the scenes, this operating system uses buffers for storing the text values that are entered.

For illustration, let's say these buffers were specified to be of size ten.

In memory, the two text buffers would look something like this:

Of course, the operating system is keeping track of a lot more than just a username and

password, so there's going to be data stored both before and after in memory.

When a user enters a username and password, the values are copied into the buffers, where

they can be verified.

A buffer overflow attack does exactly what the name suggests: overflows the buffer.

In this case, any password longer than ten characters will overwrite adjacent data in


Sometimes this will just cause a program or operating system to crash, because important

values are overwritten with gobbledygook.

Crashing a system is bad, and maybe that's all that a mischievous hacker wants to do,

be a nuisance.

But attackers can also exploit this bug more cleverly by injecting purposeful new values

into a program's memory, for example, setting an "is admin" variable to true.

With the ability to arbitrarily manipulate a program's memory, hackers can bypass things

like login prompts, and sometimes even use that program to hijack the whole system.

There are many methods to combat buffer overflow attacks.

The easiest is to always test the length of input before copying it into a buffer, called

bounds checking.

Many modern programming languages implement bounds checking automatically.

Programs can also randomize the memory location of variables, like our hypothetical "is

admin" flag, so that hackers don't know what memory location to overwrite, and are

more likely to crash the program than gain access.

Programs can also leave unused space after buffers, and keep an eye on those values to

see if they change; if they do, they know an attacker is monkeying around with memory.

These regions are called canaries, named after the small birds miners used to take underground

to warn them of dangerous conditions.

Another classic hack is code injection.

It's most commonly used to attack websites that use databases, which pretty much all

big websites do.

We won't be covering databases in this series, so here's a simple example to illustrate

this type of attack.

We'll use Structured Query Language, S-Q-L, also called sequel, a popular database API.

Let's imagine our login prompt is now running on a webpage.

When a user clicks "login", the text values are sent to a server, which executes code

that checks if that username exists, and if it does, verifies the password matches.

To do this, the server will execute code, known as a SQL query, that looks something

like this.

First, it needs to specify what data we're retrieving from the database.

In this case, we want to fetch the password.

The server also needs to specify from what place in the database to retrieve the value


In this case, let's imagine all the users' data is stored in a data structure called

a table labeled "users".

Finally, the server doesn't want to get back a giant list of passwords for every user

in the database, so it specifies that it only wants data for the account whose username

equals a certain value.

That value is copied into the SQL query by the server, based on what the user typed in,

so the actual command that's sent to the SQL database would look something like this,

where username equals philbin.

Note also that SQL commands end with a semicolon.

So how does someone hack this?

By sending in a malicious username, with embedded SQL commands!

Like, we could send the server this funky username:

When the server copies this text into the SQL Query, it ends up looking like this:

As I mentioned before, semicolons are used to separate commands, so the first command

that gets executed is this: If there is a user named 'whatever', the

database will return the password.

Of course, we have no idea what 'whatever's' password is, so we'll get it wrong and the

server will reject us.

If there's no user named 'whatever', the database will return no password or provide

an error, and the server will again reject us.

Either way, we don't care, because it's the next SQL command we're interested in:

"drop table users" – a command that we injected by manipulating the username field.

This command instructs the SQL database to delete the table containing all user data.

Wiped clean!

Which would cause a lot of headaches at a place like a bank... or really anywhere.

And notice that we didn't even break into the system – it's not like we correctly

guessed a username and password.

Even with no formal access, we were able to create mayhem by exploiting a bug.

This is a very simple example of code injection, which almost all servers today have defenses


With more sophisticated attacks, it's possible to add records to the database – like a

new administrator account – or even get the database to reveal data, allowing hackers

to steal things like credit card numbers, social security numbers and all sorts of nefarious


But we're not going to teach you how to do that.

As with buffer overflows, programmers should always assume input coming from the outside

to be potentially dangerous, and examine it carefully.

Most username and password forms on the web don't let you include special symbols like

semicolons or quotes as a first level of defense.

Good servers also sanitize input by removing or modifying special characters before running

database queries.

Working exploits are often sold or shared online.

The more prevalent the bug, or the more damaging the exploit, the higher the price or prestige

it commands.

Even governments sometimes buy exploits, which allow them to compromise computers for purposes

like spying.

When a new exploitable bug is discovered that the software creators weren't aware of,

it's called a zero day vulnerability.

Black Hat Hackers rush to use the exploit for maximum benefit before white hat programmers

release a patch for the bug.

This is why it's so important to keep your computer's software up to date; a lot of

those downloads are security patches.

If bugs are left open on enough systems, it allows hackers to write a program that jump

from computer to computer automatically which are called worms.

If a hacker can take over a large number of computers, they can be used together, to form

what's called a botnet.

This can have many purposes, like sending huge volumes of spam, mining bitcoins using

other people's computing power and electricity, and launching Distributed Denial of Service

or DDoS attacks against servers.

DDoS is where all the computers in the botnet send a flood of dummy messages.

This can knock services offline, either to force owners to pay a ransom or just to be


Despite all of the hard working white hats, exploits documented online, and software engineering

best practices, cyberattacks happen on a daily basis.

They cost the global economy roughly half a trillion dollars annually, and that figure

will only increase as we become more reliant on computing systems.

This is especially worrying to governments, as infrastructure is increasingly computer-driven,

like powerplants, the electrical grid, traffic lights, water treatment plants, oil refineries,

air traffic control, and lots of other key systems.

Many experts predict that the next major war will be fought in cyberspace, where nations

are brought to their knees not by physical attack, but rather crippled economically and

infrastructurally through cyberwarfare.

There may not be any bullets fired, but the potential for lives lost is still very high...

maybe even higher than conventional warfare.

So, we should all adopt good cybersecurity practices.

And, as a community interconnected over the internet, we should ensure our computers are

secured against those who wish to use their great potential for harm.

So maybe stop ignoring that update notification?

I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Hackers & Cyber Attacks: Crash Course Computer Science #32 - Duration: 11:53.


Windows Through a Sega Game Gear | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 3:55.



What are you doing?

Using Windows on a Game Gear....

Why are you doing that?

I don't know!...




He's not wrong, and indeed I'm not wrong.

Because here is Windows 10 running through a Sega Game Gear.

Look here's Youtube with Mike Jeavons, and here's me Googling my own channel, although

you can't see a damn thing on the Game Gear screen, especially not this one.

And here of course is Doom, the game which has transcended the decades.

But how can all this run on a humble 8 bit Game Gear.... oh, oh I see.

Well, I feel a little cheated now, but then I did say it was running through a Game Gear,

rather than on a Game Gear.

Yes, using some cunning and jiggery pokery, it's possible to use your Game Gear as a television

screen for well, pretty much anything you like.

Let me run you through the setup.

The Sega Game Gear TV Tuner appeared in the UK during 1992, with it's sole premise to

turn your Game Gear into a portable television, albeit with the blurry Game Gear screen.

You can actually plug an AV signal directly into the unit, or even use an external antenna,

but for the purpose of this video, I'm using the bog standard aerial to pick up good old


If you're in North America, you'd use VHF instead, activated by a simple switch on the


Since 2012, the UK has been devoid of an analog TV signal, much like most of the world, so

then how do we allow the Game Gear to pickup an image?

Let me introduce to my Frankenstein of wires which made this possible.

Although it looks like the Game Gear is playing cuphead here, all it's doing is acting as

an extended monitor for my Windows desktop.

To do that, first I connected a VGA output to this HD Video Converter.

This coverts the signal to HDMI which can then be passed through this HDMI2AV box, which

converts the signal yet again to composite.

This composite signal is then sent into my trusty Samsung VCR which itself contains a

UHF modulator, capable of turning this signal into something that the Game Gear TV tuner

can pick up.

From here, the process is then to feed this signal into a signal amplifier (you know the

kind you use to boost your TV's aerial reception) and then into a portable television aerial

which can broadcast the signal.

This effectively creates a mini broadcast station.

By duplicating a monitor display to the third monitor, hey presto, you can run anything

you want through the Game Gear.

Although why you'd want to for any practical sense beats me.

I really only did this because it can be done, and it was fun to setup, so why not?

OF course you're not just limited to using your PC.

You could easily send your Mega Drive's TV output through the same setup and finally

experience real Sonic the Hedgehog on your Game Gear.

And really that's it.

So I'll leave you with some more Cuphead and bid you good night.

Have a great evening!

For more infomation >> Windows Through a Sega Game Gear | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 3:55.


Kevin James Explains The Real Reason Why He Killed Off His TV Wife - Duration: 2:54.

For a comedy, this show has sure had its fair share of drama.

Producers of the CBS sitcom Kevin Can Wait shocked fans in August 2017 when they announced

that one of the show's core cast members, Erinn Hayes, had been let go ahead of the

show's second season.

Not only that, but her character Donna — the Gable family matriarch — would be unceremoniously

killed off.

Plus, her death, and the events leading up to it, wouldn't even be depicted on TV — at

least not right away — and would be covered by a between-seasons time jump.

Many fans suspected that Hayes' termination was simply a messy way to shoehorn in guest

star Leah Remini as a series regular.

It's no secret that the fan favorite previously worked opposite star Kevin James for nine

seasons on The King of Queens.

However, James has now debunked that rumor, claiming that the show needed a major shake-up

like this in order to survive ...

"But the water's choppy!"

"Oh is it choppy?"

"It's choppier than that!"

"Yeah, ooh ..."

James told the New York Daily News, "I get that people are like 'Whoa, why would you

do this?'

But it really felt like a thing like this was needed for this show to drive forward.

Now, I have to deal with my daughter in a different way, and she's gonna go to college,

or one's getting married, or the holidays.

And it deals with things in a different, weightier way."

According to James, his character was originally supposed to be a single dad.

But producers decided to round out the cast with a standard sitcom family before production


Sticking to those well-trodden tropes that come with the sitcom territory apparently

caused a major lull in the show's trajectory, according to its star.

"The plot of the show didn't have enough drive.

If we got through a second season, I wouldn't see us getting through a third one.

We were literally just running out of ideas."

Executive producer Rob Long shared similar sentiments to TV Line in an August 2017 interview.

Long said the goal was to give Kevin's character, quote, "a real drive" and "a real predicament."

Long added that the decision to kill Donna was also meant to honor her, and the actress

who played her: " … out of respect for the character of Donna — and certainly the way

that Erinn Hayes portrayed her — it seemed like the only right and fair way to treat

her character."

Since Donna's unexpected death, Kevin Can Wait has mostly danced around her absence,

and — as of the making of this video — has yet to fully explain how the beloved character

met her end.

But it's clear that Remini's guest stint on the series influenced casting in season two.

After all, she's now a full-timer, playing Vanessa, Kevin's former police partner.

And James clearly loves having the opportunity to once again share the small screen with

his one-time TV wife.

James gushed to the New York Daily News, "When she came on … it was just the greatest.

Fans loved it, everybody on the crew loved it.

We just knew right away, so we thought, 'How can we get her here full-time to be on the


Guess the writers at Kevin Can Wait figured that one out ...

"Was that so difficult?

I don't think it was."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Kevin James Explains The Real Reason Why He Killed Off His TV Wife - Duration: 2:54.


Why We Hallucinate While Falling Asleep - Duration: 5:05.

have you ever played a video game for so long but when you finally put on the

controller and are maybe falling asleep you see images of the game flash before

your eyes this happened to me a bunch of times personally one time I had played

so much Tetris and I was writing a paper in college that I got surprised that the

words on my screen weren't falling down I was like why are they all just staying

there I was expecting them to like start as very tired these hallucinations can

be other things too like jigsaw puzzles or apple-picking and they happen in the

weird limbo between wakefulness and sleep called hypnagogia in fact lots of

strange things can happen in this state like twitching or something called

exploding head syndrome don't worry no brain bits are involved in that one but

it can still get pretty trippy scientists don't know a ton about

hypnagogia but they are learning they consider it to be an altered state of

consciousness not unlike an LSD trip the hypnagogic state only lasts about 10

minutes as you transition from being awake to being asleep although sometimes

it's called the first stage of sleep and during this period of drowsy pre slumber

you can hallucinate you might feel like you're falling flying or floating you

might hear short phrases or sounds or see anything from amorphous shapes and

colors to clear images of people now this might seem like dreaming but it's a

little different most dreams happen during rapid eye movement or REM sleep

where your brain is much more active than during the rest of your shut-eye

and dreams are usually pretty vivid you're part of some kind of action or

story like going to outer space in a hot air balloon to meet a clown that sounds

like Sir Patrick Stewart but hypnagogic states are more like watching snippets

of films in an experimental art gallery Salvador Dali even famously used

hypnagogic imagery to inform his art disrupting his naps to get inspiration

it's not always the case but the imagery can come from something mundane or

repetitive you were doing while you were awake like playing Tetris that's why

this hallucination phenomenon is sometimes called the tetris effect

scientists don't know why these hallucinations happen because not

everyone gets them and they can be a symptom of disorders like narcolepsy

which is basically extreme sleepiness but one

idea is that some parts of your brain take longer than others to fall into

sleep mode as you're drifting off your brains electrical pulses or brain waves

start to slow down they shift from moderately fast alpha waves which are

typical of being relaxed but awake to slower theta waves of early sleep to

even slower delta waves of deep sleep but the slowing down isn't even EEG

measurements of brain waves suggest that your brain puts on the brakes faster in

the front than in the back and that means that the parts of the brain in

charge of vision or balance could be active for a bit longer which might

explain why so many hypnagogic hallucinations are visual or include

weird sensations like fallen and because your frontal cortex is snoozing during

this in-between state it can't help you sort out what's going on like it

normally does one of the most frightening things that can happen

during this drowsy low is hearing a loud exploding sound like a cymbal crash or

gunshot sometimes there's also a flash of light this is called exploding head

syndrome and while it doesn't hurt it can be so scary that it wakes people up

from their half-asleep State it's not clear whether this is just a specific

type of hypnagogic hallucination or whether it's something else some

neuroscientists consider it a sleep disorder and speculated might be from

tiny seizures or sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain

unfortunately most people who have this problem aren't as bothered by it once

they find out that it's not a sign of something more serious like brain cancer

another thing that can happen during hypnagogia is the hypnic jerk or sleep

starts despite the name it's not a hip new dance trend it's an involuntary

twitches jerks are basically just muscle contractions it's kind of like a hiccup

and they're perfectly normal most of the time neuroscientists don't

really know what causes them but they could happen because of the way your

body switches over to being asleep when you're awake you're getting lots of

signals from a part of your brainstem known as the reticular activating system

but come bedtime a cluster of cells deep in the middle of the brain starts to

block these signals and bring on sleep while this setup makes for a pretty good

transition to dreamland it's not entirely seamless so hypnic jerks could

be glitches that arise during this process the twitches might be related to

some aspect of your hypnagogic hallucinations and they could wake you

up but most the time you don't notice a thing so while this not

what a week not quite a sleep state can be pretty freaky usually it just passes

you by which is probably good because you have to go through it every single

night and not everyone wants to be as surrealist as dali thanks for watching

this episode of scishow if you want to learn more about weird brain things we

have a whole channel called scishow psychology over at slash

scishow psyche and for more of all kinds of science you can keep watching right

here or go to and subscribe

For more infomation >> Why We Hallucinate While Falling Asleep - Duration: 5:05.


【反黑】OCTB|27(Chinese & English Subtitles) - Duration: 45:28.

Episode 27

I am here today to officially inform you

that your daughter Yan Han

passed away two days ago at the St. Peter's Hospital.

What's that?



I love balloons!

Little Phoenix!!

That bastard kid! I'll get him for this!!

It is always the parent's fault for making enemies,

leading to the child's kidnapping.

Somebody wants revenge…


I'll handle it.

I have to do this myself.

Someday, someone will take me to my mommy.

Are you that person?

Your mother died?

My mommy's name is Yan.

I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…

Little Phoenix! I missed you!

Missed you too!

Thank you.

Dare team up with me?


Hey, isn't that Wong?


Apparently, the Commissioner quite enjoyed the show.

He promised the producer they can follow Wong around.

We have two candidates for the Chairman election…

Jake, and Fire-Shit.

Wilson, this is George.

Do something for me…

I want to know who this Mr. Danny Cheung is,

and if he's still a cop.

If he is,

inform his supervisor and ask him to stop immediately.

If he doesn't, he'll be in trouble.

Tell me the truth! Is Danny Cheung on a sting mission??

He is interfering with our plans!

Interesting… what are your plans?

All I need is to make one phone call

and you will be on probation, Chief Inspector!

You will lose decades worth of pension!

I knew you Brits were assholes.

But make no mistake.

In two years time,

we're the ones running the show!

Watch yourself.

Thanks for caring.

Officer Chan.


What's going on?

Officer Yeung was hit by a vehicle

not very long ago…

How is he?

We'll see…

Doctor, how is he?

Family members?

We are his colleagues. His family are all oversea.

Then I'm afraid I cannot tell you.

What do you mean?

How is officer Yeung??

Will you please make an exception.

His brain suffered a strong impact.

Some of his vital organs are badly damaged.

He is still in critical stage…

If you can contact his family,

prepare them for the worst.

Thank you, doctor.

We need to talk.

Come on.


Who do you think did it?

Someone they call Mr. George.

I believe he might be the one pulling strings.


Never heard of him.

Met him for the first time recently.

He seems to know a lot about me.

I'm beginning to suspect

that someone from the police force

must be closely connected to him.

I heard from a colleague,

that Officer Dice went to see officer Yeung

and had an argument with him

not long before he was killed.

Are you saying that George

is connected to Special Branch somehow?

You might not wanna hear this,

but there is something I want you to know.

The main reason why I left the force

is to investigate the triad's relationship with Special Branch.

Did you find anything?

About fifteen years ago,

George and his people used the Godfather and Zeus for money laundering.

They are directly responsible

for Zeus' death.

Recently, they are even

barging into Wo Hing Sing election business.

They made the Jake their Chairmn candidate.

The Jake is back?

I found out today myself.


Who would have thought?

That our greatest enemy turned out

not to be triads,

but one of our higher ranking officers?

I never expected this myself.

Now that the Baton is in my hands,

Mr. George risked his own identity

just for a chance at the Baton.

What's your plan?

I take him head on.

That is the only way

I can find out exactly why he wants the Baton so much.

It's too dangerous!

They even dare kill officer Yeung!

I have no choice.

If officer Yeung dies, there will be

no one left in the force to prove my identity.


There is a way.

How about I…

I know what you're thinking,

but this time around, no one can help me.

I'm going.

And for local news,

Overseas Chinese Daily News announced to stop publication for good.

Their representative claimed that they are closing down

as a result of market competition.

OCDN first began publication on June 5th, 1925,

and has a history of over 70 years.

More local news, the male hit by a car yesterday

died at the hospital today.

Officer Yeung Hin Jing was a Chief Inspector of Police…

Going home, boss.

Alright, I'll be gone when I'm done.

Go on home.

I thought I was a triad boss?

Why do I have to take care of numbers?

I'll be right back.

Yes, Mr. George.

Come back tomorrow, we're closed!

It's you?

What do you want?

Where's the Dragon-Head Baton?

I don't know.

I know nothing about it, man.

Is that so?

I really don't.

Now, get out of here!

Why so serious, man?

You have three seconds.



Look, all I know is…

You have to ask the General

if you want to see the Baton.

That's all I know..

Why you talking like you're my saviour?

Have you any idea

how much shit I had to go through?

Everyone out there heard

about your great betrayal…

Word began to spread that I was a spook too!

Have you any idea how I spent the next two years in jail??

You know what?

I hated you.

I really hated you.

Hated you for being such an awesome boss,

yet you also destroyed all my hopes and dreams…

To be honest,

if it wasn't for you,

I wouldn't have seen

the ugliness of this world.

You taught me what reality is.

Survival of the fittest, right?

Either you die,

or I do.


to be honest,

I should really be thanking you instead.

Without the great Phoenix,

there would not be The Jake today…

Mr. George set up a treatment for you.

Jake, your hand…

This is good stuff.

Yeah? I'll stock up.

We got so many boys, they'll take care of it.



Hey did you hear?

They're electing a new Chairman.

I couldn't care less who wins.

Just let us party, and it's all good!

Yeah, it's all good.

Room number, sir?

Isn't that…


You're in my seat.


I said… you're in my seat.

It's too noisy in here!

Turn that shit off a sec.

Jake, you think you're big time?

Get a life, you piece of shit!

What are you standing around for?

You're just a yellow piece of banana shit!

What? Wanna go??

You're not even worth it, loser!


Help him out!!

Stay back!!

How about that? There's nothing in here…


Why scream? Enjoying your scrambled eggs?



Which one of you beat up the bartender??

He did.

The… The Jake?

You're back?

I'm just having fun…

It's fine. It's alright then.

Enjoy yourself, Boss Jake!

Boss Jake…

Bring him over here.

Yes…Yes, sir.

Shrimp boy, hurry the hell up!

From now on, I run this joint.

These thugs belong to me.

Got it?

Got it…

Got it ???

Got it!!

Got it!

You guys got it?

Got it!!

I'm so happy you're back, Boss Jake!

Once my boss, forever my boss!

Boss Jake, you like the new pill??


Play some songs, will you?

Have…Have a drink, Boss Jake!

What's your name?

I… Wrinkles…

Wrinkles… I want some snake soup.

Sn…Snake soup?

Snake soup and women, the luxuries of life…

That's some great taste, Boss!

Guys, find him some snake soup.

I asked you to, piece of shit! Are you deaf??

Alright… I'll take care of it boss!

Boss Fire-Shit? What happened?

Where's Long-Legs?

Hey you.

Run it over again.

Yesterday, boss said he was going to stay behind

and finish counting the cash, so I went on home.

This morning I came back and found the door unlocked,

with the accounting book sitting right here.

I called him, but his phone is here.

Eighty year old fool…

He should have left a note or something, god damnit.

Did you touch anything?

Nope, didn't touch a thing.

You see that corner over there?

Everything's missing. I think someone swept it clean.

Boss Fire-Shit…

There's blood.

Why would there be blood here?

I believe…


No wonder you were team leader of OCTB,

your instincts serve you well.

You killed Long-Legs…

and officer Yeung…

How else do I prove to you

how powerful we really are?

What do you want?

The Dragon-Head Baton.

And if I say no?

Well, you have a father in Hong Kong

and a girlfriend in Canada.

Perhaps you will make the right decision

the day you find out they went missing…

Well? Should I make a call?

No. I'll give it to you.

Tonight at ten,

where we met with Mrs. Lui.

Who is it?

What did he ask for?


Tell me, man!

Who is it? What did he want?

Long-Legs has been murdered.

Who did it?

It doesn't concern you.

Right now, you have no choice

but to work with me.

Did Mr. George kill Long-Legs?

He told me straight up.

Everything he did was for the Dragon-Head Baton.


What the hell would the white people

put so much effort into finding our sacred Baton?

That is why I'm here today. To ask the Godfather for guidance.


We first began doing business with the Brits

during my father's era.

After the incident with Zeus,

the Brits went quite for nearly twenty years.

I haven't a clue why they would

want the Baton all of a sudden…

If my guess is correct,

the reason why George wants the Jake to be Chairman,

is to find the whereabouts of the Baton.

However, the Lard and Junior incident

caused the Baton to end up in the hands of Mrs. Lui.

The Ghost and the rest of the Hung Lok family

got caught up in it, and suffered huge casualties.


I don't think you'd want the same thing for your triad.

What should I do?

George is threatening me with the safety of my family.

He's forcing me to hand him the Baton tonight at ten.

That gives us about ten hours left.

I want to team up with you,

and find out where he is.

General, if he's capable of even threatening you,

he must be very high up the hierarchy.

Tell me,

what makes you think we can find him at all?


He is the untouchable. But someone else isn't…

You mean the Jake?

If we can find the Jake,

we can find Mr. George.

So what if you find him? We can't win this war.

We can't win,

but if we can buy us a little time,

there's a chance I may find the answer I'm looking for.

What do you want to know?

Why George put so much effort

into making sure he finds the Baton.


I'm with you.

White-Hair, the three of you…

I don't care what it takes,

find me the Jake

before six o'clock.

Get with it.

Yes, Godfather.

Don't fail me.

General, there is something else…

Yes, Godfather?

My experience tells me, you were undercover all along.


He is my closest. He won't tell.

Last night, the one last officer able to prove my identity

has been killed by George.

I am just a nobody.

I appreciate your honestly.

I will let you in on a little secret.

The power behind Mr. George,

is greater than even the police force combined.

How are you going to fight him?

I know that.

If you do, why are you still insisting?

Godfather, I believe there is something

that you may have forgotten about…

What is it?



Fire-Shit, I found the Jake.


A bar on Mody Road.

I'll be right there.

Hey, should we call the General?

The Jake's a little piece of shit.

I'll handle this myself!

The Chairman takes care of business.

Fire-Shit, what took you so long?

Where's the kid?

Upstairs. Been hanging around for hours.


You going up alone?

Yeah. So??

Let me tell you something.

This piece of shit used to be locked up with me.

Trust me, I guarantee I can make him see the Godfather.

Just grab a drink somewhere, I'll be done soon.

Alright. Do be careful.

I'll be fine.

Shit… bunch of drug addicts…

Wake the hell up, it's morning.

What ?

Your mother asked you to go home. Leave!!

What the hell do you want??

Are you leaving or not?

Shut up!!

Get out, all of you!

Yes, boss Jake.

Hurry up!

We're leaving…

How are you, sweetie pie?

It's been a long while, hasn't it?


You got yourself a new look.

What is it? Blondie?

Do you remember our time in jail?

I remember.

That's right.

You had the honour of of piggyback riding me every night while i pee…

You were a good boy.

Shit, now that I think about it,

I'm getting a hard on…

I heard that you're running

for Chairman against me, are you?

Have you gone completely mental?

Your boss Phoenix was a god damn mole.

Because of him, I sent to prison,

everyone knows that!

You were his thug, so you're partly responsible.

Tell me,

do you still remember the good times we had?

I remember…

Don't forget,

you were the love toy of countless inmates.

You had many husbands in there, myself included!!

If you make Chairman,

and word starts to spread about your love-life,

our family's dignity would be a joke.

Have you thought this through??

Want me to take off my pants right now

and wake you the hell up??

You have last chance.

Forfeit the election,

and I forget everything…


Laughing, are we?? Laughing?? You're laughing??

Do you know how long I've waited for this opportunity?

All these years,

and I never had the guts to coming looking for you…

How cowardly of me…

It took me a long while

to find the right dosage…

I kept it with me all these years,

but I never thought it would be for you…

The moment

it gets into your bloodstream,

You will feel everything, except for the pain… fascinating, right?

Enjoy the rest of it…

Enjoy every little part of this…

Also, thank you for reminding me just now…

of our wonderful past.

If I do make Chairman,

and you told everyone about our good times, it would really suck…

But it's okay… we can take care of that.

Feel it?

Almost done.

Look at you…

All quiet…

Too bad you can't see yourself…

Let me help you…

Fire-Shit, pick up!

Damn it, where is he?

Should we check it out?

I'm not sure about that…

What is it? Are you scared?

Clean the place up…

Why are you still vomiting?

I said clean it up!!!

Sorry, boss.

Jake, did Fire-Shit show up?


Ever put on makeup?


Hey,what is it?

The television crew came by, and wanted an interview with Wong.

He's putting on make up.

Make up? Seriously?

Officer Chan,

this is the makeover we designed for officer Wong. Do you like it?

Well? Great, isn't it?



Very handsome.

Since we are police officers,

shouldn't we be a little more… generic?

Yes, generic is good.


It must be the hair.

Maybe. Just fix it up a little.

I told you my hair was set too high!

Let's get to work then.

I'll help him out.

Please do help him out.


Oh man, this is not a solution…

he looks like a doll or something!

I guess it's the style?

Get back to work.

You should try setting your hair up straight too.

Just like him!

His eyebrows were drawn on!

Come on, get to work.


It's me. I need help.

What is it?

I am meeting George at the Kwai Chung containers tonight.

I'll call for backup…

No. He has connections, he'll know about it.

What else can I do?

Wait for my call. I'll contact you tonight.


Fire-Shit's not picking up,

White-Hair is now missing…

Godfather, we are out of time.

What should we do?

Call the General for me.

Tell him the Godfather can't help him tonight.

He's on his own.



What's the reason?

Okay. Okay. Thank you.

What is it?

White-Hair is dead.


His body was found in a back alley.

They're suspecting it's drug overdose…

Did you say drug overdose?

White-Hair doesn't do drugs…

He must have been framed.

My parents were police officers,

so I knew since I was a kid

which career path I was going to take.

The duty of the police is to serve and protect.

However, since I became a cop,

I found so many problems within the system.

So, I felt like I had to do something.

I knew I was swimming in dangerous waters,

it's like trying grab flea off a tiger.

I was never too confident that I could have won this war.

But I firmly believe

that as long as I'm willing to take the first step,

there will be others brave enough to step up and take the challenge.

When I was just a young boy,

all I did was hang out around the soccer courts.

It was just natural that I ended up a triad.

Those days,

all you needed was a reason

and you could grab Red Pockets in town.

Whenever there were deaths or other compensations, we just asked for money.

You know whose construction sites?

We were all in charge of security.

These days, the triad life is tough.

You can't even collect protection fees,

cops will be there the moment you arrive!

You think I really wanna run a restaurant?

It's tough business, I tell you…

having to wake up at five every morning!

I couldn't get through high school,

so if I don't do this, I have no other choice.

I'm envy those around me, climbing up the hierarchy…

Makes me wonder…

If I only had the chance to make it big…


To be honest,

if I could do it all again,

I wouldn't choose the triad path.

I'd just stay simple, and be a regular normal citizen.

Living a normal life.

For more infomation >> 【反黑】OCTB|27(Chinese & English Subtitles) - Duration: 45:28.


Płaska ziemia - eksperyment - teleskop - krzywizna ziemi? kula ziemska? - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Płaska ziemia - eksperyment - teleskop - krzywizna ziemi? kula ziemska? - Duration: 6:14.


Driverless Cars: Innovating Regulation - Duration: 2:37.

The current situation has very few rules of the road for autonomous vehicles.

But, in the future, there is going to have to be a coordinated effort to make rules and

regulations that are effective.

It's a delicate thing.

Too much regulation will stifle innovation, and you may not have autonomous cars sold

for 100 years.

But, if they are lax, we'll have more dangers than we may have benefits.

Safety has really been the guideline for rules of the road.

Safety for the driver, safety for people who are occupied in the vehicle, and safety for

pedestrians who are walking around.

There are dozens of safety rules.

There's a whole book of them in the codes of most states.

A number of states, but not the majority, have put in place certain rules regarding

when and whether driverless cars are on the road.

Under what conditions is it permitted on the highway?

Does it have to display the fact that it is driverless?

Is the driver have to be in the vehicle?

If so, what does he and she have as training?

California has probably more regs in place than other states.

But, to just say it as it is, there's a vacuum in terms of rules and regulations.

States, in general, control who can drive. Drivers license,

One of the benefits of the so-called driverless cars or autonomous vehicles is that older

people who currently could not have a license will be able to go from place to place.

People who have disabilities who currently can't drive, people who may be blind, people who

have paralysis of some type.

All of a sudden, they would get a new freedom, beyond the wheelchair, where they might be

able to go from place to place.

We're probably a long way off.

Some think 2040 before autonomous vehicles are the majority of vehicles.

Currently, almost 40,000 people a year in the U.S. die from automobile accidents, and that

with the reduction of human error, we will save thousands and thousands of lives.

For more infomation >> Driverless Cars: Innovating Regulation - Duration: 2:37.


BOONDOCKING in the Outer Banks - No Van, No Problem 7 - Ramblin' Dawgs - - Duration: 2:58.

We woke up, the windows were all frosted

The police knocked on the window

They wanted Tom's driver licence

And then they didn't want it anymore

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