Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

(Episode 98)


Why are you here?

Assistant Inspector Park

had to rush to the hospital because of his kid.

I heard you hit the big time.

Of course.

He's one of a kind.

Drink away. Drink.

Yes, yes. Don't worry, and drink.

What's keeping you?

I don't think I can see you tonight.

I have cops on my tail.

I'll call you again.

Okay. I got it.

What will we do?

Let's pull out.

We'll just leave like this?

It's over.

We should wait a bit more.

Spotty hasn't shown up yet.

Don't come again, even if Park asks you to.

What is your problem?

Are you worried about me?

What else is it?

Do you still have feelings for me?

You said you weren't interested in me.

I don't want you messing things up again.

Losing Spotty once is one time too many.

Senior Inspector Hwang, it's me.

I was about to meet Spotty,

but the police were following him.

What happened?

It must've been Cha Taejin.

You should cut contact with Spotty for now.

Why aren't you sleeping?

I'm angry about something.

I heard my father-in-law called you in.

But why didn't you tell me?

Why would I tell you?

It wasn't anything good.

How did you find out?

Dohyeon came to my office this afternoon.

Mr. Jin Dohyeon did?

What are your feelings toward him?

I'm grateful.

He saved Uri.

And he's family now.

Is that it?

What more can there be?

From what he said today,

it seems like he's even thinking of marriage.

Don't be ridiculous.

I think it's ridiculous, too.

You should make that clear to him at this point.


What about Inspector Cha?

What about him?

It's just that

I don't think you've made a clean cut.

You're still hung up on him.

No. I'm completely over him.

That's good.

I don't want you hung up

on someone who's done with you.

That's not like you, either.


Are you worried about me?

What else is it?

Do you still have feelings for me?

You said you weren't interested in me.

I don't want you messing things up again.

Losing Spotty once is one time too many.

I feel bad.

Suja took some extra orders,

so I don't have enough rice.

Can't I bring the lunches to the station later?

That would be fine,

but it'd be a hassle for you.

Don't pretend you care

after upsetting me last night.

I'm sorry, Mother.

I overslept.

It's okay, my respected daughter-in-law.


Mom, that's too much.

Gunghwa chewed me out for being mean to you.

Am I really mean to you?

Be honest with her, Bora.



How dare you both...


Bora is doing volunteer work today.

Volunteer work?

She's long been volunteering at an orphanage.

She'll be home a bit late today.

But she's very frail.

You should come right home after work...


Okay, fine.

Why are you yelling?

I made dried pollack soup.

Have some broth, even if you're not hungry.

It'll make you feel better.

Yes. Eat up and feel better.

What? I didn't drink that much anyway.

And yet you went on a drunken rant?

You must be feeling sick

after going on a drunken rant

when you can't even drink.


You drank?


Because of me?

Huh? No, no.

Don't deny it.

It was because of you.

Geez. You must be worried about your mom.

So why cause her grief?

She's always anxious to provide you with the best.

Mom, Gyeonga won't be making lunch today.

Why not?

I'd like to take Juyeong out to lunch with her.

Good thinking.

The way he left last time

has been nagging at me.

What's gotten into you?


To think of inviting Juyeong to lunch.

Make sure you look nice.

It'll upset Juyeong if you show up

looking disheveled.

I look great with just a bit of lipstick.

Are you that happy?

Of course.

I'd been hoping we could do something like this.

You should've said so. Why didn't you?

I don't know. It's harder than it seems.

Is that why you kept so much from me?

I'll tell you everything from now on.

Don't worry.


It's me, Juyeong.

How are you?

Oh. Okay, okay.

I know where that is.

Okay. See you later.


What's going on?

Mr. Cha is buying me lunch.

It seems like things are looking up.

I told you. The men in that family are winners.

I feel bad, though. You'll have to eat alone.

Bora is away volunteering, right?

Don't worry about me, kiddo.

Hey, did President Gu call?

She says she'd prefer the video

that you and Bora made, rather than this.


Maybe she doesn't want to hire models.

Oh. Shall we post it on social media as a test?

Sure, why not?

We'll decide after gauging the response.

You know we must work on the contest, too, right?

So we'll go full throttle starting this weekend.

We're already going full throttle.


What brings you here?

Oh. My daughter couldn't bring the lunches,

so I'm here to make the delivery.

Oh, my. How could your delicate wrists

carry something so heavy?

You should've called me about something...

Something like this...

Pardon? Oh, no.

I can't impose on you.

It's no imposition.

I get to enjoy such delicious lunches.

If you give me your phone number,

next time I can help...

- We're back. / - We're back.

- Nice to see you. / - Ms. Lee.

Welcome back.

You're all hungry, right?


Oh, long time no see.

Let's hurry upstairs before the food gets cold.

- I'll take that. / - It's fine, it's fine.

This way.

Thank you.

- Easy does it. / - Thank you.

Why is he fussing like that?

This is why I say you're slow on the uptake.

Can't you tell?

He's smitten with her.

Yes, Dad.

I'm at the Korean restaurant by your station.

We're having lunch with Juyeong.

Can you pop by?

Okay. I'll be there.

So is the business doing well?

It's not bad, considering that I just started out.

Of course. You're such a great cook.

The response has been quite good.

Some people even post comments on the website.

A user named "Romantic Macho Man" posts every day

about how delicious the lunches are.

My mom is having a blast reading the comments.

Oh, my. Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Don't mind me.

Come, Inspector Cha.

I have to step out.

Enjoy your lunch.

See you next time.

Okay then.

Hello, Mother.

Hi. It's been a long time.

Why the surprise visit?

I have something to talk to you about.

Go ahead then.

You don't have to leave.

A delivery order just came in.

Have a good talk then.

I'm off.

You don't look well.

What do you mean?

You look tired.

Are you not feeling well?

Maybe it's because I had trouble sleeping.

You don't look well yourself.

How's Taejin?

Is he still dating Officer Moo?

I think they broke up.

He's distraught, although he won't let it show.

Please tell him I'm sorry.

I should've ended things before showing up.

It was my mistake,

but I'll make it up to him tenfold.

Something's wrong, right? Right?

I'm going overseas for a short while.

Why all of a sudden?

Did those thugs do something to you?

No, it's not that.

Now that we're separating,

it's distressing to see him,

so I'll go abroad for a change of pace.

You're really okay, right?

I'm perfectly fine.

You must call me if anything happens.

Nothing will happen.

I keep telling you not to worry.

Don't worry.

The food was great here.

You seem to be in a good mood.

I do?

It was very tasty.

It's nice here, right?

Of course. It's fantastic.

I'll buy next time, so let's come again.

Together with Mom and Dad.

I can buy, too.

I get paid every month.

Then Taejin can buy today,

and Juyeong can buy next time.

What do you do as a hobby?

Is there a sport you enjoy?

I play a bit of tennis.

What about you?

He's good at kendo, judo... You name it.

Wow. Should I learn judo from Taejin?

Then I can learn tennis from you.

Try this.

It's like honey.

Go ahead.

It really is like honey.

Good job, Mom.

I'll bring the lunches next time no matter what.

It was no big deal.

These aren't heavy at all.


Sure. He can ignore me, since it's over between you.

But it still hurts my feelings.

He came to our house

pleading for my blessing,

so how can be so cold now?

He said he had plans.

Give me a break.

He made it up since he was uncomfortable.

It's understandable, since even married couples

become strangers after a divorce.

Please, Mom.

Okay, fine.


Oh, hello.


I trust you've been well.

This is my boss.

I think we've met before.

I'm Moo Suhyeok.

I told you.

This is Officer Moo's older brother.

Please take good care of Juyeong.

He's the one taking care of me.

I rely on him a lot.

Please sit down and chat.

I have to something to attend to.

- See you again. / - You, too.

He seems very pleasant.

Of course.

The entire family is very nice.

It's true.

I stayed with them for so long,

but Ms. Lee never made me feel unwelcome.

Gunghwa is a really nice person, too.

She and Taejin made such a great couple.

Um... I'm going to use the restroom.


Oh, no, no.

It's not much.

I'm not that well off these days.


I was going to give it to you first.

What is it?

I want to give you spending money.

There's no need.

I get paid monthly, too.

Take good care of my mom, Mr. Cha.

Of course I will.

And call me from now on

if you need any help.



Did you have lunch?

I know a great black bean noodle place.

We should go.

You eat black bean noodles when you feel down.

Are you mocking me?

Geez, Dad.

How can I bear to eat noodles right now?

I'm just worried you might collapse again.

Disapprove if you must,

but you still need to eat.

You're trying to weasel your way out of this,

but there's not a chance of it.

So let's do this

and see who wins.

You little punk.

Take the call.

Get out.


Get out!


Recipient unavailable. Connecting to...

Darn it.

So he won't take my calls?

That old fart. He should temper himself.

Go easy on him.

Don't be too pushy.

If something happens to him,

you'll regret it forever.

Answer the phone.

Who could it be now?


Mr. Tall.


- We're back. / - We're back.

Oh, hi.

Working hard as always?


Good job today.

We didn't do much.

I heard it was nuts today.

Don't get me started.

It was straight out of an action movie.

But it started out as nothing, right?


He said he was pushed, and a fight broke out.

Man... The families got involved in no time,

and it turned into a crazy brawl.

That's because people are so stressed these days.

Thank goodness the situation was diffused.

Many people are out of control these days,

even when we show up.

They think so little of the police.

In any case, we do work hard

to maintain peace in the neighborhood.

Anyway, good job, you two.

Let's all get ready to go home.

I'm the Giraffe Class homeroom teacher.

It's about Uri.

Please call as soon as you get this text.

I wonder what this is about.

- Is it good? / - Yes. It's very, very good.

This? This?


Officer Moo.

Is it Mom?

Uri's doing just fine with me.

She had a spat with a friend,

but that's over,

so you need not worry.

I just talked to her teacher on the phone.

Uri, isn't the ice cream yummy?

Yes, Mom. It's so yummy.

You heard, right?

Don't worry, and just work.

I'll take Uri home

after our little date.

Goodbye then.

Uri, which is yummier? This, or this?

They're both yummy.


That's right.

Unless he's crazy,

he won't approach Jin that easily again.

What are we going to do now?

What can we do

but wait until he reappears?

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

How will we catch someone

who's always been on the run?

But why did you call Officer Moo last night?

Oh. My kid suddenly got sick,

so what else could I do?

With the situation so tense where you were,

I couldn't leave you there alone.

Don't ever call her again.

I can manage on my own.

You're acting strange.

Officer Moo is a police officer.

We're doing this to catch a bad guy.

Gender doesn't matter in the police force.

Do you have feelings for her?

Your mom really is a great cook.

I need to learn if I'm going to get married.

Your talk must've gone well.

You know...

Inspector Cha's not easy to win over.

But he's not completely standoffish, either.

That's good enough, given how he is.


What can I do but keep trying?

Anyway, see you tomorrow.

President Yun, what's going on here?

How low can the price go?

Tell that man

I'll go along with that price,

but we must sign this weekend, or the deal's off.


Hey. I need my pills.


Why does the water taste funny?

I made tree aralia tea.

They say it's good for high blood pressure.

Don't look at me like that.

It's just out of habit.

In any case, we did live together for 20 years.

Who called, that you're so upset?

None of your business.

Cha Taejin, right?

Did you relay my message to him?

I told you to warn him not to be stupid,

didn't I?

He refuses to see me.

But you're still his mother.

You must stop him the best you can.

You can't stop your own son, either.

Can you stop your son?

Of course I can.

Dohyeon will eventually listen to me.

So you stop your precious son, too,

before he's utterly destroyed.

Why are you out here?

I came to fetch my dear wife.

- You must be tired. / - I am.

My legs ache badly for some reason.

Here. Get on my back.

Geez. What if our neighbors see us?

Who cares?

Come on. Get on my back.

I'm heavy, right?

Yes. Very.


You should say that I'm light.

- Isn't this nice? / - I'm happy.

Good grief.

What if our neighbors see them?

It's nice that they're lovey-dovey.

Suhyeok is actually quite romantic.

I don't recognize my son anymore.

Mom, where's Uri?

Oh. Dohyeon said he'd bring her home after dinner,

but they're running late.

Mom, do you know what time it is?

Where are you?


What took you so long?

We're starving to death.

I said you should eat with us.

Wasn't that good of me?


Let's eat before anything else.

Let's have a nice, civilized dinner.

You won't insist on going Dutch again, right?

After all, we're family now.

It's very late.

Uri, we should go.


Oh, right.

I have a gift for you, Uri.


Oh? What's this?


Wow, they're pretty.

Thank you.

May I open one?


This is edible.

Wow, how pretty.

Wow, it's so pretty.

Look, Mom. It's pretty, right?

Yes, it's pretty.

Your mom must be jealous.

Should we give her one, too?


Wouldn't life be sweet

if we lived every day like today?

I'm sorry,

but I can't accept this.

You know it's illegal to bribe public officials.

I can't lose my job,

since I must provide for Uri and myself.

Uri, get up. We need to go.

Don't forget to thank Mr. Jin.

Thank you.


Uri, don't forget the candy.

It was a gift from Mr. Jin.

Oh, right.

Uri, enjoy these.

Bye, Mr. Tall.


You look so tired.

Don't worry, Mom.


You call Mom "that woman," so how...

You're leaving this house?

Who says you can?

You can't stop me.

You have information about the murder?

Why is he calling from Officer Moo's phone?

He asked me to come alone.

Gunghwa's in love with someone else.

Who's that?

That woman will never give you a chance.

No. She'll come to love me,

because I'll make her.

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.98 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.18] - Duration: 31:57.


30K Thanks to Every Single Subscriber, This YouTube Channel is Changing my life / ROAD TO 100K - Duration: 8:27.

yo yo yo what's up everybody we hit 30k I can't believe it

yo I can't believe CPA Strength 30k I want to thank every single one of you

watching this you know of course you guys for watching this but every single

subscriber along the way definitely I want to thank you this is amazing is

amazing to me you know I've never done a collab with anybody I don't have any any

youtuber friends you know that gave me a shout out or anybody on social media

that gave a shout out I just started making videos I started my channel and

to April of 2011 that was after I started helping a friend on his YouTube

channel he had 600 subscribers and like a video with like 30,000 viewers 30,000

views on it and I was like why you know I cannot believe it look I'm on 32 so

that's the first time I got equated in in a in YouTube's and I I just kind of

fell in love with it a little bit and I made my own channel and I started

putting um when I start putting that first just rap rap stuff like videos of

like rap artists that I knew personally that I liked and I would say hey can I

put your stuff on YouTube or something cuz I like your song and I can't find

your song on there they're like yeah then I think I I put some videos up in

the CPA exam I I think and then I took those off because I wanted to make my

internet footprint small but then and then I would put back on then I would

get a job then I put bit then I would say but I'm

I miss like watching YouTube just not enough I thought I was a voracious

YouTube watcher in like 2013 2014 I started watching I stopped watching TV

and I just started watching YouTube all the time I started getting huge into

fitness I started watching uh pump chasers I can't believe I call pump

chasers now what it used to be physiques of greatness P og I mean it took me

forever to get him his pump chances but Chris Jones with a ghetto spatula I know

you've heard me talk about before but I just started watching them and then I

started doing my cardio and lifting and I kept on making some videos put her

back many County videos took him off and 20 in August to 2015 I quit my job that

I gave two weeks notice for first time ever I'm trying to be wanted to lift

weights and make a youtube channel so I've been lifting weights the whole

entire time the whole two years about 26 months and I told myself you know I

don't care those good because I know there's gonna be times where you get you

think this is stupid and don't erase your channel so I didn't erase my

channel I have about two years laughter that I just hit 30,000 subscribers I

love doing you know I just know I love doing these daily videos it's the

highlight of my day every day it's the main focus of my yay and so what I found

a passion that I'm just super passionate about so I know that if you don't have

something and look it took me what to say forty years to find the thing I'm

just like one of the something that I'm just super passionate about but I just

really can't live without right now you know I just hit thirty thousand

subscribers it's about there's about a hundred and fifty thousand channels with

more subscribers and CPA strength than me you know the person who was told that

I'm going to jail or I'm gonna die that's just what everyone told me when

that's just walking over the first I remember someone telling me that I was

going to jail was where I was like in the third and the third grade I can

specifically remember this guy telling me he's like you keep doing what you're

doing are you adding up there we were passing to jail because you're gonna end

up there keep on doing what you're doing it took me forever and I thought hey you

know those people that are like Oh find something you love and I'm like those

people are weird I don't know if they were lying about it because I certainly

didn't really find anything that I really really loved too much I mean not

like that I could make money at basically you know but I did if I find

it was this YouTube that I can make money I can't live without it I'm so

passionate you know I found the YouTube is a huge passion of mine I've never

been I've never worked this hard and I've never not worked as hard as this if

that makes any sense on a new video I can get up to 500 views in a day for a

new video if I look on counting for beginners number one the secret video I

use this thing this software called - bunny that that's helped my channel more

than anything else - bunny but it can tell me how many views a certain video

got the first day I put it out and it got seven views the first day the secret

it gets two to three thousand views every single day now it has about 650

thousand views currently okay it got seven the first day and my my whole

thing with that is I didn't look at it more than seven times that's crazy

like all those seven are my views so that's how we've come a long way so I

just say this because if you're not happy when you wake up in the morning I

know exactly how you feel I felt that way for so long for about 40 years to be

honest and I I wake up now when I wake up

really happy so I just kept on going I just kept on persevering and I just kept

on pushing and I hope that I can help somebody if you're having a I guess

maybe a bad life I hate to be negative but yeah I mean if you just feel like

you're having a bad life I I empathize with you I mean I feel that I I have

felt that and I'm not even saying that every day is good now every day is

awesome I have my bad days you know have my bad couple days but some days I wake

up and I'm super happy and some days the whole day I'm happy and some days I'm

happy a little bit of the day where I used to not be and I'm going to tribute

a lot a lot of my recent happiness and blessings to this YouTube channel to all

the subscribers and I truly truly appreciate every single subscriber I

really really do and I hope that a good portion of 30,000 people that are

watching now I'm going to stick around to a hundred thousand hopefully I get to

a hundred thousand pretty soon and you know I'm going to slow down and cherish

every 10,000 along the way and man anyways thirty thousand so on the road

to a hundred thousand I love doing this I love this is the best part of my day

everyday anyways till tomorrow I love you guys deuces

For more infomation >> 30K Thanks to Every Single Subscriber, This YouTube Channel is Changing my life / ROAD TO 100K - Duration: 8:27.


Rabie Hayane - Mashi Samouli (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Rabie Hayane - Mashi Samouli (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:20.


Teaching The Street Workout Guy how to Lift (ft. Tomas Channel) - Duration: 10:49.

What is up guys, Romeo here,

This is my 1st Hungarian video. I'm here with Tomas from Tomas Channel.

-Hey guys -And now we're gonna lift.

Our previous video was about street workout.

I died. But no problem, we still have some energy.

So we'll start with the deadlift. I don't know what it's called in Hungarian.. Maybe

Dead lift, or lift (word to word Hun). I think that everyone who knows this move

will call it deadlift (in English)

Yea, so let's stay with the DL and then some front squats

and some shoulder presses. We'll se how much energy we have.

But anyway, we'll start now.

Let's add some warm up weight.

So this is the warm up set.

Make sure to stand about shoulder width apart.

It can be more or less now, who cares.

The bar has to be above your mid foot.

If you bend your legs a bit, it should touch the bar.

Grab the bar.

Exactly next to your legs towards the outer side.

Focus on not placing pressure on your spine,

by bracing your glutes and by starting to press your arms

towards the back in order to activate the lats.

This ways your latissimi can take over the pressure.

Now your muscles will get strong instead of your spine breaking.


Chest up, butt out, push the bar,

and start to raise it.

Once I'm above the knees, I still keep pressing it into my quads.

And now I'm here.

I brace my abs all the time, except for know that I keep talking.

But originally you have to brace it and then lower the bar.

That's it. So let's do 8-10 reps.

Still warming up.

-Easy -Yes, this is still easy -I'll do it without problems.


Maybe I'll have some difficulties during its execution.

Aaaand nice.

Should I put it all the way down?

Yes, all the way.

It's going good for him.


Now we'll add some more weight.

Still warming up, but you can already act cool with this.

This is still less than our own bodyweight, but to make it more

comfortable, we can already start using chalk.

Just to make the grip easier and so that

our forearm strength won't limit us, just our posterior chain's total strength.

I won't speak anymore during the lift.

I'll focus on breathing. If we were to talk about a bigger weight, I'd

grab the bar in reverse with one hand and forward with the other,

which would make it even easier to hold. But this is not that weight yet.

We'll stay with the overhand grip.

Breathe out, breathe in.

Ah, I feel the pre-workout. That's the problem. I can't stop.

You can feel it quite well.

After a tiring day,

it can actually be very helpful to take such an enhancing... Thing.

He's in a good shape. He said he hasn't really done this before.

So regarding that, it's badass. I can see that he climbs around and

flies between the bars.

I wouldn't say..

I wouldn't say I expected something harder, nor something easier.

But it's surprisingly enjoyable.

Wow, I'm happy for that!

Now we can do 1 last set that is not a warm up but a real work set.

With a bigger weight that makes us tired, but then let's move on because

there are too many things to try out.

For the last set I'm a bit ashamed that I'm using a belt but

I'm saving my energy

But the belt

creates an intra abdominal pressure

by pressing and forcing my core muscles into the belt

and that stabilizes my torso.

So I can focus even more on lifting the weight and breathing properly.

This is what the belt's good for. But anyway..

I wouldn't wear it on the street.

-It's not a fashion gadget. -No, it's not

With the belt

He has to be careful that

Ah, let me breathe a bit.

Yeah, put it on. He has to check

What's the tightest whole he can put it in, and then adjust it one toward

the outside from that.

Brace your abs. You shouldn't be able to push it out all the way.

It should be a bit tight.

It's very strange for me cause I never held it like this before.

-Breathe in, brace.. -AAAHH f***!

Okay this was expected.

No one lifts above their bodyweight for the first time.

But... maybe.

That's it! Good job.

I had to run away from

the camera for a bit, because a wasp attacked me.

I had to escape. He's at a better level in powerlifting than me

in street workout, that's for sure.

Next one is the front squat.

Lift it up just like the DL.

But this is lighter.

We place it here and then squat from this position.

Make sure not to bend your lumbar.

You can hold your arms this way too. It shouldn't be held

with your arms

Instead it should be perfectly placed

between your shoulders

and chest.

And it has to be in perfect balance.

The bar should be pushing you exactly downward in your midpoint.

So you neither have to bend forward nor back.

-Breathing? -Yes. Breathing, obviously you breath between

2 reps, when you're at the top. And during reps I only brace

my abs, so I don't breathe.

You can even do bicep curls with this weight, so this is not really

a serious weight yet.

That's it and place it in.

Yesss, elbows forward.

Take a deep breath, brace your abs and squat.

Let's see his face. Okay, he's suffering so he's doing it right.

Now comes the shoulder press.

Here we have to pay attention to not just grab and lift it,

but grab it and then twist our wrists 45 degrees inwards,

and that's how we grab it. Then we raise the bar.

And it can start. Of course, my legs are straight and abs still tight.

And I won't bounce with my legs.

That's cheating, you'd have to lower the bar then.

And when I get tired, I start doing

Upper third reps

And I only come halfway down, so I can execute a few more repetitions.

Just like this.

He's doing it well. He tightens his legs and abs.

He's not breathing while pressing the weight.

Okay he's strong.

Good, one more.

Completely different gym experiences.

And now one of the stronglifts 5x5 training's main exercise

the well... barbell row in English.

In Hungarian, hm.. Bar.. E..

Rowing. Maybe.

Let's call it rowing in Hungarian.

Your thumb can be on the same side as the other fingers now.

because here you don't have to press,

so the weight will not fall on you, as it's pulling the other way.

And simply pull it to your chest.

This mainly targets the low back, glutes,

biceps, lats, traps,

and other muscles.

But a lot of stabilizing muscles as well.

This variation allowed me to lift and lower it quickly,

so this was mostly good for strength.

If I want a pump in my arms and back,

That's when I lift it slowly, hold it up isometrically.

And lower it slowly as well.

And I don't let it go all the way down,

Because then the pressure would decrease from my arms,

Well this is not new for me, because

I also regularly do these moves on the bar, but not by using weight,

instead I use my own bodyweight and I hang from the bar upside down.

Yeah, you did all the reps for sure.

He's serious cause he didn't even put it down once. He held it up in the air during the entire set.

Starting already with the harder version.

Shall I kick his ass?

Car loudspeaker: "Flower market.." -Oh wait, flower market! Quickly!

Okay here's the stretching thing

Almost every exercise targeted the quads, hamstrings,

and other leg muscles, so let's stretch that.

Sit on it with the back of your legs, the hamstrings.

Cross the other leg above it to place all the pressure on the foam roller.

And slowly roll back and forth.

There are some knods sticking out that force the muscle fibers further apart

which then stretches it more to allow for a quicker regeneration.

-Mother f**ker. -Yeah, it burns, right?

Anyway, this was it guys! Thanks for watching the video, I hope you liked it.

If you did, subscribe to my channel

-And to his too. -Here too.

Tomas Channel. I will place a link under the video. So thanks,

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> Teaching The Street Workout Guy how to Lift (ft. Tomas Channel) - Duration: 10:49.


Mercedes-Benz Rescue Assist App | Saving Valuable Time - Duration: 1:57.

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For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Rescue Assist App | Saving Valuable Time - Duration: 1:57.


American Horror Story 7x08 Promo "Winter of Our Discontent" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> American Horror Story 7x08 Promo "Winter of Our Discontent" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


最勤勞的一周…練三天!| 健身時音樂的重要性?(可開字幕) - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> 最勤勞的一周…練三天!| 健身時音樂的重要性?(可開字幕) - Duration: 7:12.


BAYONNE & CO - TRAVEL IN 2 MINUTES - Duration: 2:03.

Hi everybody,

With Traveling For Boxing I will travel worldwide

So after each trip, I will edit condensed video

In order to show you the cities and the activities that I did

This week I am in the French South-West Coast , LET'S GO

For more infomation >> BAYONNE & CO - TRAVEL IN 2 MINUTES - Duration: 2:03.


Krys'Pokegirls 38 : 754 Floramantis - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Krys'Pokegirls 38 : 754 Floramantis - Duration: 1:53.


HD Footage Футаж С Новым 2018 годом - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж С Новым 2018 годом - Duration: 0:39.

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For more infomation >> - Get free skins for CSGO, PUBG and more - Duration: 0:47.


INTERVIEW อกหักมารักกับผม "TOGETHER WITH ME" TUL MAX C'GAME PORSCH 20170922 #togetherwithmetheseries - Duration: 53:40.

For more infomation >> INTERVIEW อกหักมารักกับผม "TOGETHER WITH ME" TUL MAX C'GAME PORSCH 20170922 #togetherwithmetheseries - Duration: 53:40.


How to draw SHOES for kids - Duration: 4:19.

How to draw SHOES for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw SHOES for kids - Duration: 4:19.



For more infomation >> КАК ПОБЕДИТЬ ДАРТА ВЕЙДЕРА [ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ / STAR WARS] - Duration: 7:37.


Trung Quốc "Tiến Bộ" Trong Đàn Áp Tôn Giáo | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:29.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

religion in China is getting sinicized.

Hi, welcome back to China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

You've probably read so-called reports

that under the Communist Party in China,

people who practice religion are constantly oppressed,


even tortured.

Well, good news, everyone!

The Party has just released some new regulations

that should convince you that everything's going to change for the better.

Religions are going to "sinicize."

No, that's not what your new-agey friend

does with a neti pot to clear their sinuses.

English state-run China Global Television Network explains.

"The new regulations highlight religious and social harmony;

they call for respect between believers and non believers;

as well as between religions."

Wow, these new regulations sound like real progress has been made!

I can see now why the Communist Party

was so upset by that recent US report criticizing China's religious freedom.

The US report claims that

"the Chinese government tortures and imprisons

thousands for their religious beliefs."

Including Tibetans, Muslims,

Falun Gong, and Christians.

But that report covered China in 2016.

That was the old, antiquated China.

Now is the new, cool China—

the enlightened China

that's totally on board with religion.

Unless for some reason

China's state-run media isn't giving us the full picture

and this is instead part of some elaborate scam

to spread propaganda to the West.

But that wouldn't be very Christian of them, would it?

China has five officially recognized religions:

Buddhism, Taoism, Islam,

Christianity and Catholicism,

yes, in China

those last two things are different.

And if you want to practice religion,

and not get in trouble,

you need to belong to one of those official religions.

That's what Article 36 of China's constitution means when it says,

"Citizens of the People's Republic of China

enjoy freedom of religious belief."

The catch is that citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief

so long as they belong to one of those state-approved religions,

where the leaders are hand-picked by the Communist Party.

It's like, if you're given total freedom

to pick your school's vice principal

from among these three guys.

I'm sure they're all good choices.

Well, following China's announcement of the new regulations,

the Party-approved leaders from the five official religions

held a forum together

and decided they're all totally on board with the CCP's request

that they sinicize their religions.

"Sinicize" is just a fancy way of saying


Which in this case has nothing to do with Chinese culture.

This time,

it's a totally made up way of saying,

"[Religious] leaders must steer religions forward

with Chinese socialism."

That's how one Politburo member explained it.

He also said,

"Whatever your belief is,

you must first abide by law."

So to be clear, the hierarchy is:

The Communist Party;

Then socialism—

or whatever current system the Communist Party decides to promote;

Then Chinese law—

not the "freedom of religion" law,

the, um, other laws;

And then God.

So in China,

the "thou shalt have no other gods before me" thing is

...more of a suggestion.

The new regulations

that Chinese state-run media are so eager to promote

are essentially about controlling religious institutions

and forcing religious believers to do what the Communist Party tells them.

The Party also has a specific concern

they're hoping to address with this:

Islamic extremism.

Mu Kefa,

deputy chairman of the China Islamic Association said,

"The goal of sinicizing the religion actually is to

guard against 'desinicization' in Islam,

a trend of misleading use of the halal concept."

Yeah, Halal Guys,

you aren't doing enough to sinicize.

Where's my General Tso's Chicken gyro?

But seriously,

it's like these Party-approved religious leaders

are just regurgitating mindless Party slogans.

But the real question is,

"Have these new regulations that

'highlight religious and social harmony' achieved anything?"

Let's take a look at the scene on the ground.

Oh, they're still demolishing Christian churches.


It turns out there's a bit more to the new regulations

than what English language state-run media told us.

The new regulations massively restrict religious freedom.

Impressive, considering I didn't think they had any more room to squeeze.

But the Communist Party leaders are real miracle workers.

Also, with the new regulations:

online religious discussion will be under surveillance.

Not that they weren't under surveillance before,

but you know,

it's always nice to have more laws making it official.

They also limit religious gatherings.

There's a bunch of new restrictions on building places of worship

and financing religious groups.

Foreign donations are outright banned,

and local "donations over 100,000 yuan

need to be reported to authorities."

The Chinese regime also gets new powers over setting up religious colleges.

Now all that is related to the official state-run churches and temples.

But let's say that you weren't interested in

having any of these guys for your vice principal.

You were looking at more of a Mr. Belding kind of guy.

Which is to say,

you're one of the millions of Chinese citizens

who worship in non-state approved churches.

Well, time out,

because for you,

things get even worse.

The regulations "increase existing restrictions

on unregistered religious groups

to include explicit bans on teaching about religion or going abroad

to take part in training or meetings."

But what's really amazing

is that so many people in China

are religious—

despite all the harsh regulations,

and a legacy of communism

that banned all religions under Chairman Mao.

Over the last 40 years,

religious belief has been on a sharp rise in China.

According to one study,

"85 percent of the Chinese

either hold some religious beliefs

or practice some kind of religion."

And by 2030,

China might have more Christians

than any other country on Earth.

But the Communist Party is worried.

That's why they're encouraging people to report on parents

who lure their children into religion,

and ordering Churches to install surveillance equipment.

The fundamental problem with religions

is that they provide an ideological alternative

to the wonderful world of Marxist Leninist Maoist Thought.

So the Communist Party views religions as as a challenge to their rule.

Which shows you just how much confidence

they have in their own wonderful system.

So the Chinese authorities continually try to clamp down on religions,

making sure they can never be more powerful than the Party.

And they try to reduce religious belief to Chinese patriotism,

to make sure believers put the Communist Party before their God.

And if religious believers refuse to comply,

well, let's just say they might be

going to Heaven a lot quicker.

What do you think of the new regulations?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Trung Quốc "Tiến Bộ" Trong Đàn Áp Tôn Giáo | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:29.


Tiger Shroff At Dance Plus Season 3| Best Performance | Dance Winners भी झुके Tiger Shroff के सामने - Duration: 5:07.

tiger shroff

For more infomation >> Tiger Shroff At Dance Plus Season 3| Best Performance | Dance Winners भी झुके Tiger Shroff के सामने - Duration: 5:07.


UNBOXING ART: Lady of Eternity Limited Edition Art Print Bundle - Duration: 4:08.

Welcome to Unboxing art, a series of videos dedicated to unboxing awesome art products

and appreciating pretty packaging!

I'm Angela R. Sasser and not only do I love creating art, I love unboxing it, too!

Today, I'm cheating a bit since I'm unboxing art that I created with my talented friend,

Sam Hogg.

I wanted to show everyone how I've bundled this gorgeous limited edition print for my

Patreon Patrons!

Watch on to see what lovely layers lie within.

If you liked the art in this video, this gold foil limited edition print is available only

to my Patreon Patrons at!

I'm giving away prints and magnets of her in addition to the standard rewards to anyone

who pledges to my Patreon from now until the end of my birthstone series in December!

If you'd like to watch more unboxing videos or learn more about my art, be sure to Like

this video and Subscribe to this channel for more.

Thanks for watching.

Wishing you all inspiration!

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