Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

Hi everyone, we're currently in Wellington, New Zealand

We just arrived this morning

and as you can see we're in a beautiful setting

with lots of beautiful little houses

and just enough greenery

I hope you'll enjoy the video

For more infomation >> New Zealand road trip: north island - things to do and most beautiful places - Duration: 9:24.


Flora Matos - Perdendo o Juízo (Donnar Remix) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Flora Matos - Perdendo o Juízo (Donnar Remix) - Duration: 2:43.


Chit-Chat · Inktober Day #18 - Duration: 3:16.

Good evening guys, it's day 18.

I don't know about you lot but I'm getting more and more excited as the end of the month


It'll feel like such an achievement to get through it in it's entirety and we're

so close now.

Today's house is haunted by witches but to be honest I feel like it's the kind of

thing where, the local villagers say the house is haunted but really the witches are just

living there, minding their own business.

Kind of like how we say 'shark-infested waters' but really, sharks just live in the water

and we're more likely to be the ones infesting it.

Anyway, this house was a lot of fun to draw because I went into it without much of an

idea of how I'd do it.

It was kind of like creating my own storybook world, made me feel like I was illustrating

a children's book or something.

And I'm happy with how it turned out.

You guys, I was supposed to edit this video this morning and I have been putting it off

all day.

Mainly because, I really don't have anything to say today.

I know I've been answering your questions and I've been really enjoying that, I know

you guys appreciate my little nuggets of fake wisdom and just the general motivational stuff…

but yeah, today, I gots nothin.

Like my brains just kind of empty.

Happy empty, but empty.

But I still wanted to talk to you all a little bit, see how you're getting on.



This is one of three videos that I filmed yesterday and I filmed another three today,

which is a bit intense but I'm desperate to get on with a couple of other things before

the weekend and then have some chill time on Saturday, bottle of prosecco, bit of popcorn,

maybe a bubble bath… y'know.

I've just signed up to this new subscription box called Face….something.

I saw it on a vlog I was watching and really impulsively decided to buy it, but basically

they send you a load of sheet masks every month.

So like I guess four different face masks to moisturise or clear your pores or whatever

else they might do.

I really didn't look into it as much as I normally would when buying something I just

thought, hmm that looks cool I want it.

But hopefully those will arrive sometime soon and I'll be able to have a little pamper.

How do you guys like to unwind?

I know a lot of you have work or school and are tackling inktober on top of all that,

do you get a spare moment to relax?

I know I really haven't said much of anything today but, sometimes it's just nice to check

in and have a casual chat.

I try to do a voiceover on all these videos, if there isn't a voiceover, please know

that it's because I really can't that day.

And let me know if you'd rather me just put on music than ramble on like I have today.

Anyway, happy Day 18, thanks for joining me, I'll see you tomorrow for the next video.

And if there's anything you imperatively want me to talk about, please do leave your

suggestions below.


For more infomation >> Chit-Chat · Inktober Day #18 - Duration: 3:16.


Wild Orange Oil – doTERRA Sourcing Brazil's Orange Essential Oil - Duration: 5:38.

We found that the South Brazil had the perfect climate for citrus growth, the

ideal place for growing high quality citrus of the finest possible quality,

and as a consequence produce the best possible citrus oils in the world.

I was born in Sicily, myself actually, moved to Brazil when I was very young,

I was about 20 years old so quite a long time ago. And my great-grandfather

started producing citrus essential oils in Sicily around 1873, that's a date that

we had believed he started to do that. And at that time my

great-grandfather was extracting citrus essential oil by the sponge method which

was completely manual.

We try today to do exactly what my great-grandfather started, in the same manner.

Although we use machines to do that nowadays the spirit is still the same.

We have a fantastic relationship with the small farmers in our area. They

support us, they've been supporting us for 44 years and we have been supporting

them, so it's a great thing that goes on and really works.

My grandfather used to take me to the factory in Sicily when I was very very

young, I mean when I was a little kid, when I was about

three or four years old, of just taking me around and I was absolutely

fascinated by looking at those people extracting the essential oils,

I always knew that I wanted to do this from the very beginning. It's truly

something which comes from my family heritage and something that my great

grandfather started to do that my grandfather did that my father did and

I'm still here and hopefully the following generation will keep on doing

the same.

For more infomation >> Wild Orange Oil – doTERRA Sourcing Brazil's Orange Essential Oil - Duration: 5:38.


Kis Month mai paida hone wale bache khush Qismat hote hain | Monthly paidaish ka zindagi par asar - Duration: 12:11.

Kis Month mai paida hone wale bache khush Qismat hote hain | Monthly paidaish ka zindagi par asar

For more infomation >> Kis Month mai paida hone wale bache khush Qismat hote hain | Monthly paidaish ka zindagi par asar - Duration: 12:11.


Update 1.7 is Here! | Disney Club Penguin Island - Duration: 1:04.

1.7 Tour Guide Updates

Everyone can join DJ Cadence's team dance battles

Everyone can visit Franky's Diner

Members can play tunes with new instruments

Everyone can help defeat ghosts...

and earn the All Hallows' Tee!

New fabrics and decals for members and emojis for everyone

Members can share Halloween treats with everyone

With a paid membership you can customize your penguin,

play adventures, and so much more!

Club Penguin Island is available for download today.

Be sure to ask a grown up first.

For more infomation >> Update 1.7 is Here! | Disney Club Penguin Island - Duration: 1:04.


The Show: Episode 1 - IG Tips and Tricks, Instagram Scheduling Apps - Duration: 12:02.

Hey, hey here we are it's episode 1 of the show yep, that's what I'm calling it

Wanna know why? I'm not very good at naming things

and so I try to usually name things pretty literally like my website is my name I

Can't help it, so I'm so excited that you're here. It's episode 1. Let's get into it

Before we get into any questions or things like that

I really just want to talk a little bit about why I decided to start this show and

What I envision for it so I really decided to start the show for so many reasons

But the first is that I just became very inspired

By all the YouTube videos that I was starting to watch so

Recently I got really into watching a lot of YouTube videos outside of kind of the infopreneur

Niche and I was inspired by the way

That I felt very connected to people really quickly and so I would just binge watch like all of their content

Obsessed with you follow you on Instagram

And I was really inspired by the idea that

You could get to know somebody and connect to somebody so easily through video, and I was just really inspired by the laid-back

casual and easy aspect of a lot of those YouTube videos

And I wanted to create something a little bit more different than what I see other people working in social media or in other

info-related fields doing. I didn't want it to be like a series of how-to videos

Because I already creates so much how-to

Content on my Instagram and then on my blog and in my Facebook group and through my paid courses and things like that


because social media is changing so quickly and

That's pretty much where I live is on social media

And what I teach about I wanted to create something that felt more like a conversation

And less like me just talking at you

I want you don't feel like you're part of this show and you can ask questions and like

your feedback and your questions are gonna be answered and valid because there's no stupid question and

I don't want anyone to feel like they're dumb or like they don't get stuff just because

They don't know something that I know. I still have so much to learn and I love learning from you, too.

So I want you to feel like you can ask me questions anytime in the comments on Instagram

Wherever I'll leave my handle here

You can DM me on Instagram anytime and ask me questions

And I'll put them in the vault and make sure I answer them here, so

That's why I started the show

So I'm really excited to answer this question because

Instagram has been changing so much recently it just feels like there's a new change every single day

And I know it can be super super overwhelming

It's even

Overwhelming for people who work in social media because we have to adapt to those changes all the time and that can be a lot

Of work especially when you're dealing with clients who have questions about that so I know it can also be confusing if social media is

Not really your jam and you're just kind of like winging it

Or you're just doing it because you know you need to be there

And it can be overwhelming when you feel like there's changes that you can't keep up with so the question was

What are one to two pieces of specific advice or one to do things that you need to be doing that would transcend all?

Instagram changes like no matter what changes

What can you do?

That you need to keep doing and I knew the answer immediately

So my answer is this

Make the content and engage and that's super simplistic right like

What could I possibly mean by that there are so many

different ways to interpret that and the reason why I make it so simplistic is because

Every audience is different

Every business is different, and it's not a one-size-fits-all answer, but if you continue to make good content that your audience


Because let's face it, Instagram is a very very visual place

There are other places in marketing that are not as visual

That can be used in different ways but on Instagram, It's very important to have images and graphics if you're using them

That are very appealing very attractive and so making good content is super important

and if you don't feel like you're there yet, that's okay because if you look at pretty much any

Successful Instagrammer's feed you'll notice if you go

Scrolling down that they change over our time. Almost every account

Looked like

Not very good at some point and then they learn and they get better and they dedicate themselves to making better content for their audience

And you can use your audience's feedback

to do that and that's why stories is so great too because we can ask questions about what our audience likes and doesn't like and

Things like that especially with the addition of polls so good Insta yes

So that's the first thing is to make good content the second thing is


That is what social media is for it's to engage with your audience be able to ask them questions

And learn more about them, so while it is a good marketing tool

You can kind of tell people about what you're selling and even sometimes you can sell them directly on the platforms

Social media is really a social

Place the point is to be social with people and the more that you do that and the more that you're really

Meaningfully engaging with people the more. They'll be attracted to you, so I

Remember when I was first growing my Instagram account

The most important, I was making good content

I knew that I was doing that but the most important thing that I was doing and

the reason why my following grew so quickly was because I was able to

constantly be

Talking to people and that can be stressful if you're not really a talker if you're more of an introvert

But luckily we're behind screens on Instagram and so you can be whoever you want to be and you can

talk to whoever you want to talk to and so that's

What you need to do is to just engage with people and when I say meaningfully engage?

I mean ask people questions give people meaningful compliments

And you know none of that just I even do it sometimes, but try not to just leave emoji

comments and things that say like nice like

That's not gonna get a response and the point is

The point of engaging if you're gonna spend your time doing it is to start a meaningful conversation and say something

that will make people come to you and your

Feed and so those are the two pieces of advice that I give if you're gonna do anything on Instagram

work on making better content and

Engage people as much as you can

Okay, so I'm really excited to answer this question from Andrea

I was so excited to get someone write in and say that they wanted me to answer this question for them

And they asked what kind of monthly reporting tools

and other tools I use for Instagram so

Let's get into it so in terms of reporting tools probably my favorite one is Instagram itself

I feel like Instagram has done a really good job at

Creating their analytics so that they give us the information that we need to have and not a whole lot more so

They're pretty simple

But I think that's good for most users because you don't need a ton of analytics

You need to know how many people are clicking on your thing on your link not your thing on your link

And you need to know which photos are doing the best for you so the Instagram analytics are gold for that

They're really easy to look at you can look at you know how many comments each photo gets how much

engagement over a long period of time or a short period of time and you can kind of really easily hone in on

What your audience is liking and so I think those are probably my favorite

analytics tools there are other analytics that you can use I really like iconosquare because it'll give you a

Daily report so you can see how many followers did I gain today, and how many did I lose and you know?

What is the net on that so even if you lost 10 followers you can see oh well I gained

6 more and maybe those six more are

Better followers for you because they didn't unfollow you maybe those ones aren't gonna unfollow you and you can go in and say okay

I'm gonna engage with those six people today

Because I know that they're here and really acknowledge that they're there and then maybe they won't unfollow

So I think Iconosquare also gives really good

Analytics and another that I really love and I actually do use this to schedule my feed or plan my feed - right now

It's called preview, and it's just a really good app

The Creator is doing a really good job of continuing to better the app and things like that

They have really really good hashtag analytics, so you can create groups of

Hashtags in there, and then you can you know test them against each other and see which ones are doing better

It'll even help you find new

Hashtags that are related to ones that you're using and I really like the analytics there

and there's also something called the spy feature in preview which I really like you can look up like a

competitor or something like that and

See which kinds of hashtags they're using and see how their analytics are doing - which. I think is really cool

Don't get too hung up in it on it, but I think it's nice to know what other people are doing

Especially if they have a similar audience to you, so I like preview as well most

Instagram schedulers, also have some built-in analytics

So I know that later and planoly and plann also all have like some built-in analytics and those can be useful, too

But don't go crazy like you don't need to be on every

analytics reporting app there is like just stick to your scheduler and

Instagram analytics, I think you're good to go you don't need to be like

out-of-control looking at every analytics

App there is if you're just making sure you're paying attention to what your audience is liking the most. I think that's the most


metric that you can really measure so in terms of what other tools I use for Instagram I

Really don't use very many because I try to keep my Instagram workflow super simple so like I said I use preview to plan my

Feed I use a color story to edit my photos, and then I occasionally like for my stories. I make really cute

animated slides on I used spark post and iMovie to do that and

That's pretty much it. I don't use a whole ton of apps because

I don't need to oh yeah

I do sometimes use boomerang too because it's just fun and sometimes I do it outside of the stories

And I want to do a boomerang like for a feed which

I think can be super fun like makes it a little bit more and once in a while

So that's pretty much it nothing too crazy. I try to keep my workflow really simple that's about it

So I'm really excited that you're here

Thank you so much for watching this first episode of the show I will be back next week with three more questions

So if you have one about Instagram about social media about online business

About what lipstick I'm wearing whatever you want leave those below in the comments

I will be sure to write them down and respond to you

I want you to feel like this is a home for you to come and ask whatever questions you have

you can also hit that red subscribe button that would mean so much to me and

Share it out on all your social media feeds

I can't wait to see you next week make sure you subscribe so that you will see this updated in your YouTube every week

For more infomation >> The Show: Episode 1 - IG Tips and Tricks, Instagram Scheduling Apps - Duration: 12:02.


Isadora Pompeo - Pra Te Contar os Meus Segredos (Teaser) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Isadora Pompeo - Pra Te Contar os Meus Segredos (Teaser) - Duration: 1:30.


Batman vs Bane Sewer Fight | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:49.

Just a little further.

I had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me.

You made a serious mistake.

Not as serious as yours, I fear.


Let's not stand on ceremony here...

...Mr. Wayne.

Peace has cost you your strength.

Victory has defeated you.

Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated.

But we are initiated, aren't we, Bruce?

Members of the League of Shadows.

And you betrayed us.

"Us"? You were excommunicated... a gang of psychopaths.

I am the League of Shadows.

And I'm here to fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny.

You fight like a younger man.

Nothing held back.

Admirable, but mistaken.

Oh, you think darkness is your ally?

But you merely adopted the dark.

I was born in it.

Molded by it.

I didn't see the light until I was already a man.

By then, it was nothing to me but blinding!

The shadows betray you because they belong to me!

I will show you where I have made my home...

...whilst preparing to bring justice.

Then I will break you.

Your precious armory.

Gratefully accepted. We will need it.

Ah, yes. I was wondering what would break first.

Your spirit...

...or your body.

For more infomation >> Batman vs Bane Sewer Fight | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:49.


Batman vs Bane Final Fight | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:42.

So you came back to die with your city.

No. I came back to stop you.


That's impossible.

Cut on over to Fifth!

Here you go. Get on the bus. Go ahead.

You, come with me. You too.

Hey, you, you, and you, come here, come here.

Everyone else get on the bus, okay?

You guys, you go knock on doors and spread the word, okay?

The bomb is gonna go off.

Get out by the South Street tunnel or over the bridge.

You do two blocks and you get back to the bus, all right?

Go, go, go!

Is he back?

Keep your eyes open. Go, go.

Cover the doors!

Where's your trigger?!

Where is it?!

You'd never give it to an ordinary citizen!

Where is it? Where's your trigger?

Where is it?! Where is it?!

Tell me where the trigger is.

Then you have my permission to die.

I broke you.

How have you come back?

You think you're the only one who could learn the strength to escape?

Where's the trigger?

But I never escaped.

But the child.

The child of Ra's Al Ghul made the climb.

But he's not the child of Ra's Al Ghul.

I am.

And though I'm not ordinary...

...I am a citizen.

For more infomation >> Batman vs Bane Final Fight | The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:42.


דרורית גל פז, יועצת לעסקים משפחתיים, על סמינר 171 שיטות לשיווק בחינם של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> דרורית גל פז, יועצת לעסקים משפחתיים, על סמינר 171 שיטות לשיווק בחינם של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 1:27.


Home Remedies for Dark Circles - Treatment of Dark Circles - Duration: 2:31.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles - Treatment of Dark Circles 1. Cucumber Cut a cucumber into thick slices and chill in the refrigerator. Place a cold slice of cucumber on each eye for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the area with warm water. Do this twice a day for at least a week to notice the changes. Grate a small cucumber, extract the juice and refrigerate for a few minutes. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and apply it under the eyes. Let the skin absorb the juice for about 15 minutes. Then wash it with warm water. Do this twice a day for a week. Another way to treat dark circles is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts, then apply it on the skin near the eyes with a cotton. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash with water. Do this once a day for eight to 10 days. 2. Pope Cool two potatoes in the refrigerator for one hour. Peel and grate the potatoes to extract the juice. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and apply it around your eyes before bedtime. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash with warm water. Follow this remedy daily for a week or more to remove dark circles. 3. Bags of green tea Boil two green tea bags in half a cup of water for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags and cool them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Place cold tea bags over your eyes for about 15 minutes. Follow this remedy twice a day for at least 10 days to get positive results. 4. Rose water Dip the cotton balls in rose water and place them over your eyes. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then wash the area with warm water. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening, every day for two weeks. 5. Milk Dip cotton balls into cold milk that has been in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Place the cotton balls under your eyes and keep them there until they warm. Follow this remedy three or four times a day for a few weeks. 6. Mint Grind a handful of fresh mint leaves into a paste. Add the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mixture in the dark circles. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Gently dry the skin with a soft cloth. Do this once a day until you get positive results.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies for Dark Circles - Treatment of Dark Circles - Duration: 2:31.


Delta Passenger Says She Was Stopped From Singing National Anthem for Fallen Soldier | SML News - Duration: 5:24.

Delta Passenger Says She Was Stopped From Singing National Anthem for Fallen Soldier

  A Delta flight attendant prevented a Georgia doctor from singing the national anthem in honor of a fallen soldier whose body was being carried on the flight, according to a video by the doctor that has been making the rounds on Facebook.

Delta Air Lines said in a statement sent to The Times on Tuesday that it had contacted the passenger and was looking into what happened.

The airline said it did not have a policy regarding the singing of the national anthem on its planes.

The passenger, Dr.

Pamela Gaudry, an obstetrician from Savannah, Ga., made the video directly after the flight landed in Atlanta, saying she hoped that it would attract attention and even reach President Trump.

Gaudry, who said she was the wife of a Navy captain who died in the line of duty, said in the video that not singing was "the most uncourageous thing" she had done in her life.

"I'm humiliated by my lack of courage to sing the national anthem in my own country, on American soil, with a deceased soldier on the plane," she said in the video.

    But the doctor did receive her second wish, as the video was viewed more than a million times on Facebook and picked up by news outlets around the country.

Gaudry did not immediately return phone messages requesting an interview Tuesday morning.

The attention her video received underscored the ongoing controversy around the national anthem following Mr Trump's repeated criticism of N.F.L.

players who have knelt during performances to call attention to police violence against black people.

In response to questions about the doctor's video, the airline said that a Delta honor guard, a group of employees, many of whom are veterans, volunteer to greet every plane that carries a fallen soldier at the airport in Atlanta, as well as those in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and Washington.

"The ceremony is somber and dignified," said a Delta blog post from 2016, describing the tribute.

"The coffin is pulled from the aircraft, while flags from all five military branches are displayed behind a military escort." Dr.

Gaudry said that the plane's captain had announced that the flight from Philadelphia was carrying a fallen soldier, Army Staff Sgt.

Dustin M.

Wright, 29, who was one of three soldiers killed in an ambush in Niger earlier this month.

A fourth soldier was later found dead.

  The captain asked that the other passengers remain seated while the coffin, which had been accompanied by another soldier on the flight, was taken off the plane by an honor guard.

Gaudry said that she had been inspired to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the soldier left the plane and the coffin was carried out.

She asked other passengers to do the same, and some agreed, she said.

As the plane started to descend, she said on the video that a flight attendant told her that it was against company policy to proceed with the singing.

A second announcement was made, asking that passengers be quiet as the soldier left the plane to accompany the coffin, Dr.

Gaudry said.

The announcement did not mention that singing the national anthem was against company policy.

"We all sat in silence as the honor guard took the soldier off the plane," Dr.

Gaudry said.

Gaudry told Fox News that Delta had called her to apologize and that Sergeant Wright's family had also called, to thank her.

     . Whats Next.

For more infomation >> Delta Passenger Says She Was Stopped From Singing National Anthem for Fallen Soldier | SML News - Duration: 5:24.


EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Waysons - Daydream [NCS Release]-supervina - Duration: 4:26.


Best EDM Mix 2017

Best Music Mix 2017

Waysons - Daydream [NCS Release]

supervina channel

For more infomation >> EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Waysons - Daydream [NCS Release]-supervina - Duration: 4:26.


Homekeepers - Jodi Matthews "Revelation, Simply Put!" Part 3 - Duration: 28:30.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Jodi Matthews "Revelation, Simply Put!" Part 3 - Duration: 28:30.


"Tuve mucha suerte al estar en "Betty la fea": Patrick Delmas | El Espectador - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> "Tuve mucha suerte al estar en "Betty la fea": Patrick Delmas | El Espectador - Duration: 4:43.


Tips for Becoming Profeshional in Salmon Run | Splatoon 2 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Tips for Becoming Profeshional in Salmon Run | Splatoon 2 - Duration: 4:27.


World of Tanks funny Cartoons - Compilation #27 - Duration: 20:13.

World of Tanks funny Cartoons - Compilation #27

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