Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

ਵਡਹੰਸੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Wadahans, Fifth Mehl: ਤੂ ਬੇਅੰਤੁ ਕੋ ਵਿਰਲਾ ਜਾਣੈ ॥ You are infinite - only a few know this. ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਕੋ ਸਬਦਿ ਪਛਾਣੈ ॥੧॥ By Guru's Grace, some come to understand You through the Word of the Shabad. ||1|| ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਪਿਆਰੇ ॥ Your servant offers this prayer, O Beloved: ਜਪਿ ਜੀਵਾ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਚਰਣ ਤੁਮਾਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ I live by meditating on Your Feet, God. ||1||Pause||ਦਇਆਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਮੇਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਦਾਤੇ ॥ O my Merciful and Almighty God, O Great Giver, ਜਿਸਹਿ ਜਨਾਵਹੁ ਤਿਨਹਿ ਤੁਮ ਜਾਤੇ ॥੨॥ He alone knows You, whom You so bless. ||2|| ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਾਈ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ ॥ Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to You. ਇਤ ਉਤ ਦੇਖਉ ਓਟ ਤੁਮਾਰੀ ॥੩॥ Here and hereafter, I seek Your Protection. ||3|| ਮੋਹਿ ਨਿਰਗੁਣ ਗੁਣੁ ਕਿਛੂ ਨ ਜਾਤਾ ॥ I am without virtue; I know none of Your Glorious Virtues. ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਧੂ ਦੇਖਿ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਤਾ ॥੪॥੩॥ O Nanak, seeing the Holy Saint, my mind is imbued with You. ||4||3||

For more infomation >> ਇਸ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਸ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ - ਤੂਬੇਅੰਤੁਕੋਵਿਰਲਾਜਾਣੈ - Bhai Gursharan Singh Jee Faridabad - Duration: 1:07:33.


BLACK & RED EASY MAKE-UP TUTORIAL NYX | My Dark Alternative Life - Duration: 3:24.

Hello you guys happy Wednesday! So today's video is going to be a make-up tutorial

Because it has been requested and I haven't done one in a while

I'm not sure what I'm going to call this look yet, but I'm going to be using black and red and..

More black and more red so, enjoy watching

Als always I'm going to start off with doing my eyebrows and I'm going to use the PS love brow kit for that

And the darkest color

Now I'm going to contour my cheeks and I'm going to use the PS Contourkit for that

Of course I have to apply eyeshadow and I'm going to be using this red kind of color from NYX and you know, apply it

Now I'm going to be applying eyeliner and I'm using this high definition eyeliner

and after this I'm going to be using a red lip liner actually, to line just a tiny bit under the black so it has this little spark of red

If you know what I mean

To finish my eyes off I'm going to be using this mascara

Now we're moving on to lipstick and I'm going to be applying black lipstick first

and I'm using the black lipstick from Stargazer

To make the lipstick matte I'm going to cover it up with black eye shadow

The finishing touch is going to be the red lip liner

Well, that was it for today's makeup tutorial. I hope you guys enjoyed today's look

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to not miss out on any of my other videos and I will see you guys in my next video

I love you and Stay Creepy!

For more infomation >> BLACK & RED EASY MAKE-UP TUTORIAL NYX | My Dark Alternative Life - Duration: 3:24.


New Lego Knockoff Transformers Galvatron Factory Battle Stop-Motion King Kong vs T-Rex A6952 Unbox - Duration: 14:43.

ha ha we have created the ultimate monster the cyber King Kong he will

conquer all transformers let's test him out let us

see if he will conquer even the bad guys who are on our side we do not like

transformers comfort Ron come here yes what is it your request of the mighty

Galvatron just spawn there okay that's a weird request why you want me to just

does not compute does not see I taught you walk circles one of the good guys

it's Grimlock haha let's see what clogged us Grimlock

New Lego Knockoff Transformers Galvatron Factory Battle Stop-Motion King Kong vs T-Rex A6952 Unbox

walk amongst the other Autobots let's see what happens when he ate Optimus


run bumblebee run up there goes bumblebee

hahaha the mighty monster completely obeys us he stops to look around

he stops do what what's he doing he's destroying the factory no stop I command

you stop

what happened I command you to stop and command you to do not eat me now do not

eat me no I was supposed to mean is going berserk

okay it's great to see you again today we have another Transformers legal

knock-offs and this is actually made by Hasbro it's the kre-o line this is the

Galvatron factory battle with 388 pieces and it includes all of these minifigs

over here Optimus Prime bumblebee vehicon kiss I work - ksi

workers and dr. little min and let's go ahead and check out some of the options

we have back here real cool so you can see there Galvatron Factory

and here is some of the options you got a firing whistle on Galvatron it looks

like it has a locking cockpit there

factory pieces that move in a movie pray cool so you can see the moving crane

actually has a magnet there so you could pick up the Viacom characters also let's

go ahead and check out what's inside that package 388 pieces this is a good

size set okay and the cool thing is these sets do have this nice little

carry case here so when you're done building it you can just go ahead and

put everything back in so here we have the instruction booklet which is very

similar to here is three other sets I've done this one and I've done that one set

of stickers that comes with it looks like

little Creole transformers poster here with a lot of the other set which I've

got some of the other set

okay guys so let's go ahead and take a look at this set first we're gonna start

with Galvatron he's really cool he's got this big machine gun arm you could see

like the bullets hanging off here he's got this little claw that rotates here

his arms rotate you can see the top of his body is like a regular lego guy that

connects to who these huge legs on ball joints so he does bend at the knee and

he does turn up top because everything is on a ball-joint

so really cool and then we have this little tiny Grimlock so 360 degree

movement on the head the mouth does open and close the arms rotate in and out 360

degree movement on the legs and he's got like a firing blaster for a pig okay so

let's go ahead and check out the factory itself so the factory itself is really

cool down here you've got like dump it and flames so this would be like a

melting pit here this platform here will lower you have ah like all the little

LEGO pieces here you could dump it or roll down the platform into the smelting

or melting pot whatever you would call it over here this piece here will drop

down and let like people into the factory up

here you've got the crane with controls and the crane itself the arm will lower

and you can make it go up different positions it will move outward so you

can have it pick up through your stuff or move it inward to hold on to stuff it

picks up and the thing is two of these guys here have like magnets on the back

so you could have the crane pick them up through the magnets on the back and then

just pick them up or you could have the crane pick up Bumblebee cool

oh no the cranes go bumblebee they're gonna melt them down into scrap metal ah

okay and here's the other part of the factory one thing I think is hilarious

is this little Nazi guy and this mad scientist I'm a bit more hilarious and

then you've got the video screens here they've got like claws here that move up

and down the video screen itself will go backward and forward a little bit there

you see like the factory supports and everything and then going up here you've

got really cool screens so you got like a screen here with like bumblebees bio

and other Transformers vials here you see like

a little whiting on the street and then you have two heads here too so this is

definitely a factory for making bad news so movie awesome that was fun build kiss

ha ha Wow guys that was fun that was a lot of fun making the lego knockoff set

and also destroying it with cone you guys enjoyed the video please go ahead

click like drop me comments let me know what other type of videos you want to

see and I do got over a thousand videos guys the majority are Jurassic world

Jurassic Park dinosaurs videos King Kong and Godzilla so keep watching keep being

awesome and I will see you click the subscribe button below

also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Lego Knockoff Transformers Galvatron Factory Battle Stop-Motion King Kong vs T-Rex A6952 Unbox - Duration: 14:43.


Đập Hộp MacBook Pro 2017 New Unboxing - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Đập Hộp MacBook Pro 2017 New Unboxing - Duration: 2:20.


Overwatch Tracer 1v1 Guide - How To Win Fights, DPS matchups p1/2 | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 9:06.

Hey there!

This video is about how to win your 1v1 matchups with Tracer.

She is usually getting into situations where you need to outwit your opponent to win the


We are going to explain the situations and how you should approach them.

This video is the first part of a two part series.

Hello guys and welcome to the dojo!

We already have different drills for Tracer if you want to get better at aiming with her

or using the abilities in different situations.

This guide will cover how to deal with different opponents in 1v1 like situations.

There is usually no pure 1v1 happening during a live game, most often there are other teammates

on both side, however the guides against different characters should still apply in those scenarios.

Let's talk about how to play Tracer.

Your role is a flanker, meaning that you should look for openings in the enemy team and exploit


When we say opening, we think about a weak spot in the enemy team, like an opponent with

really low health or a mispositioned enemy hero who can not get help from the team.

In every other situation however, you should be patient.

Your kit allows you to do tremendous amount of damage in a really short time, however

you need to measure the risk and reward and should not jump into situations where you

may not gain much for risking your well being.

Instead of always playing in the backline of the enemy team, you should generally pick

your fights and stay safe until you see an opportunity to go in.

Most of these matchups need you to control your abilities well.

This means that you need to use your blinks and recall wisely, paying close attention

not to waste any of your abilities.

You generally want to try to go into a fight with 3 blinks and a recall available.

If you don't have blinks, you won't be able to maneuver around your enemy, and without

a recall, you only have one chance at killing your enemy.

Make sure you dodge and move on feet in order to preserve resources, and blink as a tactical

move to throw the enemy off or to dodge or bait abilities.

Another thing you need to focus on is using health packs during these duels.

You need to be able to traverse to the closes health pack without even looking at that direction.

This can save your life in a lot of situations.

The last general tip is to use terrain to hide from the enemy shots.

You are playing a really fast character, so peeking in and out of cover can be easily


Try to use walls and stairs to gain a bit more advantage over your enemy and sneak in

some extra damage.

A self plug here: the Overwatchdojo team has experienced coaches who you can take lessons


Head over to our Patreon for the details, or ask on our Discord if you are interested

in our services.

This keeps the dojo running, while also helps you getting better.

Alright, let's get to the 1v1 situations now.

We are going to dissect the matchups, give you tips on how to win them if they are winnable,

or explain why you need to abandon the situation against certain enemies.

Use this knowledge to decide whether you want to commit to killing a specific enemy hero

or draw back.

If you learn all the matchups and have good tracking skills, you will be a monster Tracer,

a force to recon with.

Let's do this.

Tracer vs Doomfist is a bait matchup.

Doomfist can be really frightening, as he can insta kill you with a well placed rocket


For this reason you generally want to avoid fighting in close quarters, as you can be

really easy to hit even with blinks.

Doomfist have relative low cooldowns, so after you see that the punch is not available, you

should try to kill him quickly.

He can jump up, making your tracking harder, but you should anticipate that.

The usual matchup goes like this: you see each other, and he starts to charge up the


You need to dodge it and then go really close and pump damage into him.

He is going to try to do an uppercut to get a better position for his slam.

Keep in mind that you can heal with the recall, while he can't.

If you anticipate this kind of behaviour, you can easily adjust your tracking to his

jumps, doing enough damage to bring him down.

His 250 HP can be cleared with two clips if he fails to land any ability to gain a shield.

Tracer vs Genji is a really hard matchup, better avoid.

Genji can basically kill you in one well placed combo.

Any damage to you can mean the end of the fight.

You generally want to avoid fighting Genji in 1v1 situations, as he is able to move in

unusual ways.

The matchup is usually about the Genji trying to poke you down until he can dash in safely

with a combo.

If you really want to fight him, you should try to bait the dash AND the reflect and go

against him in that small window.

Recommended to just run away and pick another fight.

Tracer vs McCree is a bait matchup.

Kinda hard, but can be learned.

One of the basic skills you learn as McCree is how to stun and headshot a Tracer.

This is the combo he can go for if he wants to get rid of you.

You need to learn how long the stun can get you, and you should not forget that McCree

can roll in to close the gap and stun from there.

If you are able to bait the flashbang out, you are generally good to go, as McCree have

no tools to get away from your DPS.

It's a lot easier for you to hit him than the other way around.

Baiting the flash can be done with two blinks, or blinks and recall.

It's usually a good practice to try to harass him and see if he throws a panic flash.

Then go all in.

However you want to be on the safe side generally, making sure that he uses the stun.

Otherwise just pull back.

When baiting, blink towards to the side and blink behind him right away OR blink towards

and back to the initial position right away.

If you have your recall, you can blink towards the side and recall quickly.

After the flash is out of the game, just make sure you stay out of point blank range and

dps him down.

Jumping can help you keep the momentum even if stunned, making it harder for him to score

a headshot.

Tracer vs Pharah is a fight you don't want to pick.

This matchup can be won if the Pharah is not paying attention and you can get close to

her for some reason.

Pharah can kill you with a direct hit and a melee.

The splash still hurts you a lot, you need 2 of those to go down.

If she lands for some reason, you can jump her from and angle, but have the recall ready.

Again, not a fight you really want to participate in, find better targets.

Tracer vs Reaper is a distance keeping matchup.

You want to stay out of his range and avoid the shotguns.

If you are standing far enough, you should be able to outdamage the Reaper.

After the wraith form is used, you can blink around him to score your hits and kill him.

Tracer vs Soldier is a bait matchup.

It's also a really hard one, as Soldier has a lot of tools to make your life hell

and be safe while dueling you.

Your best bet is to jump on him from an unexpected angle.

Generally, first of all you need to bait the rocket.

You are doomed if it hits you.

Soldier can sneak in damage continuously, unlike McCree, as it is a lot easier to hit

you with the gun.

Baiting the rocket should be your first priority, and it is done like the McCree flashbang,

however it has a lot more range.

Soldier players usually try to damage you with basic shots first and then fire the rocket.

After the rocket is out of the equation, he still has the biotic field to heal up.

You should to wait it out in nearly all cases, or harass the Soldier from close so he tries

to escape when you already have some damage on him.

Waiting is usually better, try to go for a heal pack in the meantime.

Then you have a small time window where you can jump him and score a kill.

Tracer vs Sombra should be an easy matchup, but we usually avoid it.

Sombra is really elusive and can not be beaten if she fights near an hp pack.

In case you still want to go for it: if she tries to hack you, just damage her.

If the duel opens with you being hacked, you should dodge like mad until the abilities

are available.

If you are sure she can not tp away, you can usually win the fight.

Your DPS is much better than hers, and you can heal on spot.

Tracer vs Tracer is a skill matchup.

You need to aim well in order to bring the enemy Tracer down, this is the most important


Recall timing is the next biggest thing, you should just wait until you take a lot of damage

at once (close to 50% of your health) and recall then.

You should also pay attention to recall later than the enemy.

Keep track of the movement pattern and use the time window between her recall and yours

to do permanent damage, and recall after that.

Regarding blinks: syncing your blinks with the enemy Tracer's damage output will make

it harder for her to hit you.

This means that you should damage her while she reloads, and blink when she starts to

fire at you.

If you want to practice the aforementioned matchups, your best bet is to get a buddy

to play with and do custom game 1v1 games.

This can also be done by just hosting a custom game with the title "1v1 me as Tracer"

or something like that, people will usually join.

Just make sure you have only one open slot in your game.

Our Discord server has a dedicated channel for partnering up to practice 1v1 games.

Come join us now and be part of a great OW community looking for improvement together.

All right, this was the first part of our How to play 1v1 matchups with Tracer guide.

If you like what we are doing, subscribe, like and share this video.

See you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Overwatch Tracer 1v1 Guide - How To Win Fights, DPS matchups p1/2 | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 9:06.


Osoba, dzięki której jest nam tak dobrze w łóżku! - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Osoba, dzięki której jest nam tak dobrze w łóżku! - Duration: 2:16.



- Losing my virginity on Halloween, take one.

Today, I'm gonna be telling you guys

the story of how I lost my virginity.

Let's give you some context on how I met the girl.

I, if you may not know, am a magician.

I do magic, like so.

Wow, magic!

This was the year that I was the

host of my city's talent show.

Couple of days after I host the talent show,

this girl at the mall comes up to me and is like,

- Hey, you're the magician, right?

You host the talent show?

- Yeah I am, (laughs) famous. I'm famous.

- And you like, you make Youtube videos too, huh?

- Yeah... you're a stalker? Question mark?

My name's Anna Humutubutubu.

- Wow, nice to meet you Hannah Anabadabadu.

- Cool, I'm gonna add you on Facebook tonight.

You're not gonna be weirded out by it.

- Maybe just a little bit.

I might be just a little bit weirded out.

And then we parted our separate ways,

and like she said, she added me on Facebook,

and I started scrolling through her pictures, as a guy does.

And I start seeing some pictures, I'm like oooh.

Ooh shit.

Ooh shit.

She look good.

She look good.

She actually DMs me that night and I'm like,

what's good?

Alright, we start talking and

we, like, start flirting and all that good stuff.

I'm texting her at my friend Jesse's house,

and she's like, "Hey... you should come over,

I'm like house-sitting this house."

And I'm like, "house, house-sitting a house?"

Oh, I know what this is code for.

This is code for, sex.

It's code for sex, I never had sex before.

Oh geez, oh boy.

I don't tell her this though because

why, why would I tell somebody, you know, that I'm a virgin?

That's so, that's so lame.

I'm like, "Yo Jesse,

dude, this girl wants to have sex, I don't have any condoms,

and I'm too nervous to go buy them from a store, man,

you gotta help me out here."

And he's like--

- "Yeah, man, for sure, here's one of my condoms."

- So we plan to meet on the sexiest day of the year,


So we decided after we were done trick-or-treating,

we would come and link up.

So we did.

And I will literally walk four miles,

to have sex, guys.

This is, this is what men do.

Men do these things.

I'm not gonna tell you the details

of losing my virginity,

but I do want to mention,

I'm about to finish, you know,

sex is going on and I'm about to finish,

and then, I feel a pop.

And that's the moment I think I really

discovered what anxiety is,

because I thought that, aw shit,

the first time I have sex,

I got her pregnant.

Oh boy.

Now, here's the thing,

I didn't tell her any of that happened.

Why would I?

Why would I let the other person know?

And for about a week straight,

I literally thought I was going to be a dad.

And then you know,

a month ticked by and she didn't tell me she was pregnant,

so I just kinda thought,


okay cool.

And the only thing that pissed me off

about that Halloween night was,

well, besides the fact that I thought I was gonna be a dad,

was this one house gave me a frickin' apple.

Who does that?

What kind of sick, twisted human being?

If you give people apples for Halloween,

you're either a dentist or a dumbass, okay.

That's all I gotta say.


Well, that's that.

If you like this video, please tap that like button.

If this is your first time to this channel,

and you like this video, tap that subscribe button.

If you want to see more of these videos,

I make these every single Wednesday,

tap that video on the screen.

If you wanna support these videos, you wanna see more made,

click that patreon link down below,

you can donate and get some cool stuff.

With that all said, thank you very much for watching.

My name's Elijah Pysyk.

The end.

For more infomation >> I LOST MY VIRGINITY ON HALLOWEEN! - Duration: 3:35.


عــــــــاجل: الاتحاد الأوروبي ينتفض ضد الجزائر تزامنا مع وصول المبعوث الأممي - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: الاتحاد الأوروبي ينتفض ضد الجزائر تزامنا مع وصول المبعوث الأممي - Duration: 3:04.


Can You Buy Happiness? - Duration: 5:23.

Improvement pill here today I want to discuss a very touchy subject it's

something that many people don't like to talk about and it's the relationship

between money and happiness can money actually buy happiness but before we get

started I do want to thank my sponsor this week Squarespace for making this

video possible they helped me remake my website which

you guys can check out at improvement pill net so can money actually buy

happiness well a study conducted in 2010 at Princeton University looked at a

large group of people how much money they made and also their levels of

happiness on a day to day basis the researchers came to the conclusion that

yes making more money will make you happier but only until you reach an

income of about seventy five thousand dollars a year they found that people

with low incomes tend to have problems that people with higher incomes do not

things like the pressure to pay your bills putting a roof over your head and

covering medical emergencies can cause high levels of stress which affects your

overall happiness so having more money was equivalent to having less problems

and because you have less problems you were happier this particular study was

referred to a lot in TED Talks by social media influencers and even motivational

speakers and I feel like a lot of people now believe that well you only need to

make about seventy five thousand dollars to be happy right there's no point in

making any more money because it's not gonna improve your life but just how

true is this statement well a study conducted this year by Professor

Whillans at the Harvard Business School found that the way you spend your money

can actually have a huge effect on your levels of happiness they found that

people who spent more money on services like a personal maid a laundry service

or even a grocery delivery service reported being significantly happier

than their counterparts who made the same amount of money see it turns out

that by having less responsibilities and chores you can spend more time on the

things you actually enjoy like your family your friends or your hobby and

it's this freedom that drastically increases your levels of happiness so

it's not really right to say that making more than $75,000 will not make you

happier because if you think about it it's pretty expensive to hire made or

have your groceries delivered to you if you only make seventy five thousand

dollars a year but what this study really teaches us is that it's not how

much you make it's how you use it let's say for example you're

someone who makes $100,000 or even 150 thousand dollars a year and you can

afford to hire people to do your chores this doesn't necessarily mean that

you're gonna be happy because jobs that pay this much tend to require very very

long hours and if that's the case there's a high chance that you'll

actually be less happy than someone who makes a bit less than you but has a lot

more free time on their hands and this is a common trap that I noticed a lot of

people fall into there's so many of us that are told to go to school get that

degree to finally secure that high paying job so many of us are under the

assumption that if we make a certain amount of money if we can get our yearly

income to seventy five thousand a hundred thousand two hundred thousand

we'll be happy but we fail to recognize that the amount of freedom we have is

just as important without any time to do the things you want to do life is just

not that great so instead we should be focusing on ways to make a decent sum of

money without having to sacrifice too much of our free time and this is a

concept that really drove me down the path that I'm on today see when I was

younger I worked very very hard to climb the ladder I was convinced that once I

reached the top and made more money I would be happier but when I finally

climbed to the top and started my own sales company I realized that it wasn't

that great I was making a generous living but spent close to a hundred

hours a week trapped in the office I'll get back home exhausted eat pass out

just to wake up early to start my hour-and-a-half commute back to the

office again I had never felt so enslaved before in my life I literally

had no freedom to do anything that I liked it got to the point where I said

you know what I've had enough there has to be another way where I can make a

living without having to sell my soul and that's what eventually led me to the

world of digital marketing which is a topic that I covered deeply in another

video of mine if you're interested in that you can check it out in the link in

the description below but there's also different ways of obtaining more freedom

I've had many friends who were able to negotiate remote work where they were

allowed to complete their work on their own time from wherever they wanted and

this gave them dozens of hours per week to do whatever they liked another option

is to carefully choose a career that actually interests you something that

you are at least somewhat passionate about and by doing

this you won't feel like you're wasting your time working in your field of

choice so remember guys there's a sweet spot that you want to be at to get the

most out of your money you want to be making enough so that you're not

stressed about the bills but at the same time you want to make sure you have

enough freedom to enjoy the things in life that make you happy

so can money buy happiness yes it can but you have to be smart about it again

I would like to thank our sponsors Squarespace for making this video

possible I've been thinking about rebuilding my website for quite a while

now and Squarespace made the entire process extremely easy they have a bunch

of high-quality templates that you can choose from and the editing process is

simple and straightforward you can drag and drop your pages to rearrange them

you can click on any feature on a page and adjust how it looks it's great for

those of you that are somewhat intimidated by the idea of building your

own website head on over to Squarespace calm forward-slash improvement pill for

10% off their yearly plan

For more infomation >> Can You Buy Happiness? - Duration: 5:23.



For more infomation >> PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE🍟ADELGAZAR SIN HACER DIETAS - Duration: 2:29.


Slytherin Lookbook | Harry Potter Style WITH ShippersGuideToTheGalaxy - Duration: 4:26.

Two Slytherins, one video! Don't say I never treat you! This is my glorious

friend Shippers Guide to the Galaxy, she has no other name! That is her channel name

which you should definitely check out! Today we're going to be doing a

fantastic Slytherin Look Book! Welcome! Yes! thank you for having me! I am

very excited to show people what Slytherin's look like during their regular

hours... just walking the streets that kind of thing! Cruising

the mean streets with a scheme! So get ready because we're gonna debut some

pretty hardcore looks for you and you're gonna love them! You are!


YEY! Thank you so much to Sasha from Shippers Guide to the Galaxy

for slithering around with me today! Every day we're slithering! Every day! I

mean that's just the case! SNAKEING around town! So I hope you enjoyed some

of these looks, why don't you comment and let us know your favorite look in the

comment section below and if you're interested in hearing anything more

about Slytherin, perhaps about some ships...some of your favorite pairings may

be Drarry or Dramione... we've got all of that over on Shippers Guide to the Galaxy and

sometimes we're dressed like Slytherin's and sometimes we're not but you're

not gonna know unless you come over! Sasha and I have also filmed a collaboration

over on her channel so that'll be coming up soon so if you also want to see me

talking more about Slytherin's who are finding love outside of the dungeon then

head on over! We've got a lot of thoughts! Yes check it out, it's a good time. Also, I

can't promise that Drapple is making an appearance! That is all you ever need!

So thank you very much for joining us today, lots of love to all of you snakes

all of you lions, all of you eagles, and all of you badgers....we will see you soon!

For more infomation >> Slytherin Lookbook | Harry Potter Style WITH ShippersGuideToTheGalaxy - Duration: 4:26.


Trump Just Busted Obama At The Center Of Dems' BIGGEST Scandal Yet That'll Rip Their Party Apart. - Duration: 5:25.

Over the past 24 hours, a massive scandal of historic proportions just bust blown wide

open involving Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

We learned of Hillary's blatant act of treason against the United States while she was Obama's

Secretary of State, where she transferred 20% of the United States' uranium to Russian

mining companies in exchange for a $145 million donation to her Clinton Foundation.

Now we're learning about the sick role that then President Obama played that's so outrageous,

that the Senate has now taken action to make Obama pay for his crimes.

In the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, many stories began to circulate

about Hillary's Clinton's shady relationships with various foreign entities.

In the book Clinton Cash published in May 2015, the exposé revealed how Hillary benefited

directly from a "pay-for-play" scam she worked while she was Secretary Of State, where

she schemed up a sweet deal to transfer 20% of the United States' uranium to Russian

mining companies in exchange for a $145 million donation to her Clinton Foundation.

Hillary's scam involved kickbacks, extortion and money laundering to grow Vladimir Putin's

atomic energy business inside the United States.

Now breaking reports are confirming Obama's dirty role to sweep the entire thing under

the rug and bury the entire investigation.

Back in 2009, "Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear

industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails

as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes

and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents

show," The Hill reported.

But because this racketeering scheme financially benefited the Obama Administration, the investigation

was swept completely under the rug and Obama prevented the FBI that he controlled from

spilling the beans.

"Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ)

continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American

public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period

when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin's commercial

nuclear ambitions," The Hill went on.

Now Trump officials are stepping in, where breaking reports confirm that the Senate has

just launched a full-scale probe into the nuclear bribery case, where they're demanding

that officials within the FBI disclose exactly what they knew before Obama and his minions

approved the uranium deal with the Russians.

Senator Chuck Grassley will lead the investigation, where he'll be interviewing Attorney General

Jeff Sessions during an oversight hearing that's scheduled to be held on Wednesday.

Info Wars reported:

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the committee chairman, gets his first chance to raise the

issue in public on Wednesday when he questions Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an oversight


Though the hearing was scheduled for other purposes, aides said they expected Grassley

to ask Sessions questions about a story published in The Hill on Tuesday that disclosed the

FBI had uncovered evidence showing Russian nuclear officials were engaged in a racketeering

scheme involving bribes, kickbacks and money laundering designed to expand Russian President

Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business on U.S. soil.

The evidence was first gathered in 2009 and 2010 but Department of Justice officials waited

until 2014 to bring any charges.

In between that time, President Obama's multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment

in the United States (CFIUS) gave approval to Russia's Rosatom to buy a Canadian mining

company called Uranium One that controlled 20 percent of America's uranium deposits.

But it gets worse.

Robert Mueller, who's currently investigating Trump's supposed "collusion" with the

Russians, was the head of the FBI at the time and was working directly with Obama to hide

all the evidence of this bribery scheme between Hillary's State Department and the Russians!

"This is the type of crooked, underhanded behavior we've come to expect from Robert

Mueller and his witch hunt against President Trump," Truth Feed News reported.

From The Daily Wire

Robert Mueller, who is the special counsel in charge of the Russia investigation, oversaw

the FBI when the agency allegedly hid evidence it had collected that showed that Russian

officials were engaged in a bribery scheme aimed at growing their atomic energy business

inside the United States.

The details were outlined in a report on Tuesday which showed that the evidence was withheld

even from lawmakers as they questioned the Obama administration's approval of the sale

of Uranium One to Russia's Rosatom, which led to Russia controlling 20% of U.S. uranium.

Ever since Hillary Clinton lost the election, butt-hurt liberals across America have been

pushing the non-stop narrative that Trump became president by "colluding" with the


How ironic is it that now Hillary and Obama have been caught in a scheme with the Russians

that's so extensive, if justice was actually served, they could both be thrown in prison

for the rest of their lives!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Busted Obama At The Center Of Dems' BIGGEST Scandal Yet That'll Rip Their Party Apart. - Duration: 5:25.


Rick And Morty Facts You Probably Never Knew Before - Duration: 10:28.

If you're a Rick and Morty fan, you probably think you know all there is to know about

the show, from its obscene origins to the fan theories about Evil Morty and truth of

Dimension C-137.

But show creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland have admitted that there are aspects of the

show that they'd probably never reveal, leaving dozens of Rick and Morty mysteries unanswered.

So, what do we know about Adult Swim's most popular animated series?

Are you ready to dive in and find out?


"Rhetorical question, Morty.

The answer is 'yes.'

You just have to be a genius."

House of Cosbys

Where would the animated television world be without Rick and Morty co-creators Dan

Harmon and Justin Roiland?

Believe it or not, fans have Bill Cosby to thank for bringing the pair together.

Sort of.

"He was a Cosby fan at heart, it's clear.

He searched and found a Cosby hair."

In 2005, Roiland created House of Cosbys, an animated series focusing on a Bill Cosby

superfan who builds a cloning machine to replicate the now-ostracized comedian.

Roiland submitted House of Cosbys to Harmon's Channel 101 film showcase, and the rest was


"I like to explore and I get into stuff.

And maybe I can look around, ya know.


Roiland said those early endeavors managed to earn a cease and desist letter from Bill

Cosby's lawyers, but Harmon knew he wanted to work with Roiland in the future.

It was the letter from Cosby's camp that prompted Roiland to come up with The Real Animated

Adventures of Doc and Mharti as a form of protest, which took other beloved characters

and made them do horrible things.

Doc and Mharti, of course, would eventually become Rick and Morty.

"Oh man, my kite's in a tree, Doc.

I'm so sad."

"Don't be sad, Mharti.

We can go back in time!"

Harmon told the Los Angeles Times that when Adult Swim approached him about creating a

series for the network, he was positive a collaboration with Roiland would be perfect,


"I thought about Justin because he is the Adult Swim brand.

He is the target for a lot of their stuff.

And he's also, like me, really passionate about story and franchise."

"I'm gonna tell you where to stick it.


"Got it."

"See, that sounds too sober!"

"No, it doesn't.

It sounds great!"

"I don't believe it"

Spontaneous pilot

Immediately after Harmon and Roiland sold their pitch to Adult Swim, the duo got started

on writing, a move that was spurred by Harmon's involvement as showrunner on the NBC comedy


With the knowledge that schedules would be tight, Harmon and Roiland knew that time was

of the essence, and so they wrote the pilot in just six hours.

Speaking with the Los Angeles Times, Harmon reflected on that whip-quick first writing

session, saying,

"[Roiland and I] were sitting on the floor, cross-legged with laptops and I was about

to get up and go home and he said, 'Wait, if you go home, it might take us three months

to write this thing.

Stay here right now and we can write it in six hours.'

He just had a premonition about that."

Roiland described the process as "kind of lightning in a bottle," feeling that he and

Harmon needed to get the story out, right then and there.

Suffice to say, countless Rick and Morty fans are glad that they did.

"It's just Rick and Morty.

Rick and Morty and their adventures, Morty.

Rick and Morty forever!


One hundred years Rick and Morty's things!"

The accidental catchphrase

What started out as an off-the-cuff remark has turned into an ironic yet iconic catchphrase.

"Wubba lubba dub dub!



That's my new thing, I'm kinda like what's his name, Arsenio.

Isn't that, that's what Arsenio used to say on his show."

While Rick first used "wubba lubba dub dub" to punctuate a gag, the true origins of the

phrase are later revealed.

"In my people's tongue, it means 'I am in great pain, please help me.'"

But contradictory to the phrase's troubling true meaning in the show, and much like its

rise to prominence, Rick's "wubba lubba dub dub" was entirely accidental.

"Know what I'm talking about Morty?

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Hahah, Morty… that's my catchphrase.


Remember how I cemented that catch phrase?"

The line was a last-minute rewrite, originally intended to be a reference to a bit from the

the Three Stooges, and then later revised to refer to Arsenio Hall.

When Roiland, who voices Rick, hopped in the recording booth, he got confused by all the

changes and decided to spit the line out wrong — on purpose.

He explained the mix-up:

"It was scripted as parenthetical Larry or Moe from the Three Stooges — 'wub wub wub

wub wub.'

And Rick was gonna fall on the ground and do that circle thing they do.

And in the recording, that was a last minute rewrite that I didn't read, and I just didn't

know what the f— I was looking at, and I just did it wrong."

"I thought it'd be funnier if he didn't get it right, ya know.

'Isn't that what Arsenio… isn't that the Arsenio thing?

Wubba lubba dub dub?

Is Arsenio?'"

Of course, the whole "woop woop" thing is a tried and true cartoon tradition… just

with a Rick and Morty spin.

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

"Whoop whoop whoop."

Mental illness

The timid grandson and the super-genius grandpa pair aren't just rooted in the Back to the

Future trilogy — they grasp onto a darker, more complex foundation as well.

On the Rick and Morty season one DVD commentary, Harmon describes the pair as "an accurate

personification of bipolar disorder," with Rick being the manic "side" of the brain and

Morty, the depressive.

"Aw jeez, Rick."

It makes sense, given how Rick and Morty are able to maintain a generally functional relationship

despite being vastly different.

By the sounds of it, Rick and Morty could very well be two halves of one whole, adding

a mind-blowing notion to the series' already rich, complex universe.

"You're a perfect impenetrable suit of human armor, Morty.

Because you're as dumb as I am smart.

Which is why when I say *BELCH* shut up, it's really good advice."

The classic theme song

Rick and Morty is jam-packed with sci-fi references, from obscure '70s flicks that center around

massive floating heads to movies that star freaky horror insects.

To imbue the out-of-this-world vibes of the genre into every nook and cranny of the show,

Harmon and Roiland turned to two beloved television series when crafting the theme song.

Roiland revealed to TVOvermind that Doctor Who and Farscape were the biggest inspirations,


"I told [Ryan Elder] I was a big fan of Farscape and that I wanted to combine Farscape's theme

with Doctor Who's theme, and that's basically what our theme song is.

It's this amazing original piece that takes the best aspects of those two themes and mashes

them together."

The end result is a trippy track that Roiland calls "super sci-fi."

What's in Rick's flask?

Fans have long debated what Rick's drink of choice is, including delectable-sounding galactic

cocktails like "super seed juice" and "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" from Hitchhiker's

Guide to the Galaxy, and even 200-proof alcohol.

But Harmon has a wildly simple theory, saying,

"I tend to assume vodka."

Harmon's fully aware that such an earthly drink seems out of character for Rick, as

he could easily use sci-fi tech to augment anything he sips, but Harmon believes Rick's

addiction to his flask "anchors his identity," saying,

"I think the reason he doesn't do that is because he's a little afraid he'll lose sight

of who he is."

So we sort of know which drink Rick is tethered to…

"I have a lot of vodka."

"I'll take one of those."

...but will we ever know why he started drinking in the first place?

Short answer: no.

According to Harmon, Roiland has argued that revealing that part of Rick's backstory would

be "very shark-jump-y," likening it to finding out the Fonz from Happy Days "didn't always

wear leather jackets."

"Cuz I'm the Fonz!


The worst episode

Ask any Rick and Morty fan what their favorite episode is, and they might tell you "A Rickle

in Time."

The episode has popped up on numerous "best of" lists, held in high esteem for its co-existing

timelines, overlapping possibilities, and nuanced commentary on morality.

But there are two people who weren't so keen on it: the guys in charge, Harmon and Roiland.

Before "A Rickle in Time" became a fan favorite, it was a daunting project for the co-creators,

as it was the introductory episode after a 15-month hiatus between the first and second


Roiland confessed to Rolling Stone that the whole process was "just brutal," and that

it nearly defeated him and Harmon, saying.

"It broke us to a certain extent.

We were so close to something amazing and we never really got there from a structural


Harmon agreed, admitting that he and Roiland genuinely thought it would be the worst episode

of the second season, saying,

"It went off the deep end conceptually and got really over-complicated.

We're pretty convinced that the first episode might be the worst for that reason."

Considering the episode's focus on uncertainty, it's actually kind of ironic that Harmon and

Roiland were sure it'd be a flop — and were proven completely wrong.

"Oh no, what are you doing?!"

"I'm not sure."

"I'm really uncertain about everything, even kicking your ass!"

Harmon's divorce

During production of the show's third season, Dan Harmon was going through a divorce from

his now ex-wife Erin McGathy, a podcast host, artist, and comedian.

The pair became engaged in December 2013, and married in what appeared to be a hilarious,

unique, and love-filled wedding at Los Angeles' Natural History Museum the following November.

Less than a year later, however, McGathy dropped a bombshell on Twitter, confirming she and

Harmon were splitting up.

While divorce in any circumstance is difficult, there's something devastating about Harmon's

from McGathy in relation to Rick and Morty.

After the series' end credits, a series of silly splash screens appear, one of them being

Harmon's own "vanity card" that reads "Harmonious Claptrap" in scribbly, child-like handwriting.

In the first two seasons of Rick and Morty, the slate features clay versions of Harmon

and McGathy snuggled up on the couch, watching television, with a cat on their lap and a

dog panting happily on the floor.

Post-divorce, there's a new vanity card that shows Harmon sprawled out on the same couch

alone, with a bottle of liquor in his hand and booze strewn about the floor.

It's an image harrowing enough to break your heart.

Ladies room

For the first two seasons, the Rick and Morty writing staff was predominantly male, and

was described as a "very, very tiny little writers' room with a lot of heavy lifting

from everybody," but the series' group of scribes knew they needed a shake-up.

"You think it's efficient to get rid of women?"

"You ever see a line for the men's room?

Do you hear me, Summer?"

Season three saw the first "gender-balanced" writers' room in the show's history, and both

Harmon and Roiland credit female writers for playing a massive role in how the third season

panned out.

Not only did they help ease self-doubt behind the scenes and contribute to a renewed creative

energy, the female writers also allowed room for everyone to pitch ideas for Beth and Summer


Harmon explained,

"When you have a mixed room, it's not about the women going, 'Here's a bunch of secrets

about women.'

It's more about everyone being freer to just pitch randomness.

So the result is you see cool stuff happen with Beth and Summer this season."

"Thanks, girls.

You know, you girls are really *BELCH* something, I'll tell you that.

You know, when we first got here, I was like…


"Get them a ship, now!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Rick And Morty Facts You Probably Never Knew Before - Duration: 10:28.


Gerilyn Reviews Stephen King's IT | Watch & Go - Duration: 6:43.

- Hi, naturally curly world.

I'm Gerilyn. And, welcome to today's watch and go,

the series where we review movies, and TV shows,

and fun things while we do wash-and-gos on our hair.

Today, I am going to do

a scalp cleanse and also a face cleanse

and moisturizing deal-uh-ma-bobber

while reviewing the scary movie by Stephen King,

called It.

- You'll float too. (laughs) You'll float too.

You'll float too.

You'll float too!



(eery music)

- I wanted to try something a little different today.

I've never used

like a no water first scalp rinse before.

And, Cantu has one.

It's the Cantu apple cider vinegar root rinse.

And, I'm pretty pumped to use this one.

It's got tea tree oil in it

in addition to apple cider vinegar.

So, that's pretty exciting.

All I have to do is

just apply it to my scalp

and gently massage it in,

Oh, there it...(laughs) (foot stomping)

It feels so good.


This is great.

It's not like water

it's a little thick.

And, it's suppose to lather up but, who knows.

My scalp is really dirty, so I'm not sure if

it's actually gonna lather up

or just be like (laughs)

gotta put the whole bottle on there.

Pennywise the clown, in that old school movie

was gross and nasty

and he was just scary.

And, it looked like he'd never brushed his teeth,

like ever.

The first time I saw It, that old school movie,

I was about 12, 13.

And, my mom was like,

"Why you up, staying up late watching that movie?"

And I was like,

"This movie isn't scary. It's about a clown."

I learned ever since then

just listen to ya mama when she say

don't look at stuff like that.

Because, I could not go to sleep that night.

I am not afraid of clowns.

Pennywise, on the other hand, is psychotic

and he likes to kill the kids.

He's kind of a jerk.

I was really young when I saw the old school It.

So, I was scared, you know.

I was a kid. My imagination started running wild.

When Pennywise jumped out of the photo album,

and looked like he was coming right for me.

I was like, "No! Stop!"

Now that I'm older,

and the real world is way scarier than It,

the old school movie,

I was feeling like with this revamp,

with this prequel,

that I wasn't terribly scared.

I was looking forward to being terrified.

When, in fact, I kinda laughed

the whole way through.

The new Pennywise,

he just kinda looks like a

runway model

with really weird red hair.

He looks like the type of person

that if the wind was blowing

maybe like at 10 miles per hour,

he would just kinda go (sigh),

you know, just fall over.

So, that's not intimidating to me,

unless you have like an ax or a knife in your hand,

But, this guy was just like,

"Come here and play with me children.

"Hi, ugh. Be my friend. Come down here in the sewer.

"We all float down here."

Like, nah!

Just walk away from him.

That's all you gotta do.

Your mama told you not to talk to strangers.

(foot stomp) Why you talking to a clown in a sewer?

What's wrong witchu?

That's what we need to get to the bottom of.

I was disappointed by the fact that

he wasn't scary.

I liked his dancing.

The one thing I didn't like

was the one bully.

There was this bully, he had a mullett.

And, I'm never gonna player hate on a mullett because,

they're mulletts.

It's hair. I think they're cool.

If I could have a fro-let, I would do that,

but I just don't have the courage.

Anyway, this child

he's terrifying.

Like, he's the scary part of the movie.

And, I feel like we could've developed that

a little bit more.

He chased down these kids.

He was trying to murder these kids

because, Pennywise told him,

"You can do it. Kill the kids. Kill the kids."

And I was like, don't kill the kids.

Just go to therapy.

Alright, so I'm going to rinse out my root rinse.

And then, when I come back

I'm gonna go ahead and put on the root relief.

And, then apply some leave-in

and my really cool mask here.

So, I'll see y'all in a second.

I'm back. What I just did was

put this Cantu apple cider vinegar root relief

on my scalp, on my roots.

And it feels really good.

And then, I put on...

I sprayed on this Form multi-task leave-in lotion.

What I'm about to do now is apply this face mask.

This one in particular is the cucumber peel off mask.

I like it because it gives me a super deep clean.

Even though,

I was expecting something different

with the prequel to It,

the story itself and the heroes and stuff,

I really like the cinematography.

There were a lot of landscape shots.

I like the colors and how a lot of things

were very dark.

The contrast was very interesting too.

It definitely felt nightmare-ish.

Okay, so the mask is dried.

And, as you can see

I'm scarier than Pennywise the clown.

Oh, man. Ah.

(scary monster sound)

Okay. So, the mask is off.

Now, I'm gonna use the toner.

What I like the most about this particular toner

is that you can actually feel it working.

It's a black owned brand

and the mission of Eben

is to empower people of color

by providing them with skincare

that's specific to their melanin needs.

And, I feel like

my needs have been met.

So, I am going to rate It.

I'm gonna say three out of five stars.

I don't think it was the story for me.

I think it's a story for


Me, I wanted to see like gore and terror and all that stuff.

So, three out of five stars.

If you enjoyed this video,

give it a like, share, and subscribe.

And we show these videos every Wednesday.

So, we'll see you next week.


For more infomation >> Gerilyn Reviews Stephen King's IT | Watch & Go - Duration: 6:43.


Citi: Jonathan Rose - Rebuilding Urban America - Duration: 1:01.

over the next 40 years the United States populations are gonna grow by over 90

million people and almost all that growth is going to be in cities

what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become

cauldrons of prosperity the cities of opportunity but we have found is that if

that family is moved into safe green affordable housing places that have

access to great school systems access to jobs and multiple transportation modes

then the neighborhood begins to thrive and really really take off the oxygen of

Community Redevelopment is financing and all this rebuilding that that happened

could not have happened without organizations like Citi. Citi has

formed a partnership with our company so that we can take all the lessons from

the revitalization of urban America to other cities so we're now working in

Chicago and in Washington DC in Newark it's amazing

how important the safe affordable housing is to the future of our society

For more infomation >> Citi: Jonathan Rose - Rebuilding Urban America - Duration: 1:01.


How China Is Arming Poor, Dangerous Nations | China Uncensored - Duration: 5:56.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

gun control?

To the Chinese regime,

that means using both hands...

to give guns to some of the world's

worst violators of human rights.

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm Chris Chappell.

Check out these guns!

Sorry, these guns.

They're part of 22 million dollars worth of guns and ammunition

the Chinese regime has just donated to the Philippines.

The donation includes 3,000 assault rifles,

3 million rounds of assorted ammunition,

and 30 sniper scopes.

Look at those happy faces.

You can almost hear him going,

"pew pew pew!"

Though it's less funny

when you consider that the president of the Philippines

has bragged about personally using guns

to kill people.

Now you may think 22 million dollars in weapons

isn't all that much,

since you couldn't even buy

one antique Chinese bowl with that!

But it's just the latest in around 300 million dollars,

"in military and disaster relief assistance

in a little over a year."

And you could buy a lot of those antique bowls

with 300 million dollars.

Well, seven of them.

Plus 800 of these antique spoons.

The Chinese ambassador to the Philippines

Zhao Jianhua said the weapons deal was a sign that,

"China is a sincere friend

and sincere partner [to the Philippines],

and will remain so forever."

So why, you ask,

is China so generous with its arms?

Well, it actually follows a strategy

the Chinese Communist Party is using around the world.

Buying friends with the the most loving gift of all:

deadly weapons.

Last year,

following concerns that Filipino President Duterte's

War on Drugs was devolving into

roving death squads killing loads of people

outside the law,

the United States blocked the sale

of 26,000 rifles.

But does the Chinese Communist Party care

whether the Philippines shoots

some piddly little drug dealers,

or people who may or may not be drug dealers?

Or users?

Or students?

No way!

That's because

"China is vying to become Southeast Asia's

primary weapons vendor."

And the Chinese regime won't have any strings attached.

Strings like requiring the governments they work with

to follow the rule of law or whatever.

The Pakistan government refuses to stop terrorists?

No problem!

The Chinese regime has sold their navy

$4 billion dollars worth of submarines.

The US condemns Myanmar for ethnic cleansing?

No worries,

"China is Myanmar's biggest supplier of weapons,

providing most of its fighter aircraft,

armoured vehicles,

guns and naval ships."

In fact,

the top three buyers of Chinese weapons

are Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

Look, the Chinese regime just sells the weapons.

What other governments do with them

is their own business.

Guns don't kill people.

Oppressive regimes kill people.

With Chinese guns.

And it's not just in Southeast Asia.

It's the Middle East,


and Latin American as well.

Last year,

an Iraqi drone strike accidentally killed anti-ISIS fighters.

It was a Chinese drone.

In July,

Venezuela's national guard chief said they were,

"'saving lives' by using riot-control gear

supplied by China

when confronting anti-government protests."

Let's look at that.


a lot of life-saving going on here.

China has been selling a variety of weaponry

to Caribbean and Latin American nations, too.

And when it comes to drones,

China wants to be part of a potentially

10 billion dollar market.

It's this kind of sell-to-anybody attitude

that has put China in a position to battle it out

for the world's third-largest arms dealer.

Of course,

as you can also see from this chart,

no one can come close to exporting as much weapons

as the US and Russia.

But the US would never sell weapons

to countries with bad human rights records.

Maybe I should do America Uncensored.

But it's still true that China

is a special kind of arms dealer.

China's clients are countries,

"either too poor to buy Western or Russian armaments,

or who are subjected to arms embargoes

(such as Venezuela)."

The US is at least more selective

about what countries it sells to,

and the stuff that's made in America

is usually pretty good quality.

On the other hand,

most of what China sells is,

let's just say it's more on the

Robert Cop side of the spectrum.

Like that time China sold four brand new

attack helicopters to Cameroon.

And then "One of them crashed shortly after delivery."


That's not good.

Well, at least cheap Chinese weapons

have "become popular with warlords,

rebel groups

and militias around the world".

Fortunately for the the buyers of Chinese weapons,

the quality of made-in-China is getting better.

Like that CH-4 drone that

"experts believe...was engineered using information

stolen from U.S. defense contractors."

Intellectual property theft?

We should take it as a compliment that

America's killing machines are so good,

China wants them too.

And as long as there are countries

who don't mind pointing guns at their own citizens,

the Chinese Communist Party will be there

to make sure they have the guns to do it.

And if no one wants to buy them,

China will donate them.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again, I'm Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Guns, guns, guns!

Git yer Chinese guns!

Shaky human rights record?

Extrajudicial killings?

No credit,

no problem!

The Chinese military has all the best knock-off designs.

Guaranteed not to fall apart some of the time.

Buy yer weapons from China now!

Visit to find out how!

For more infomation >> How China Is Arming Poor, Dangerous Nations | China Uncensored - Duration: 5:56.


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For more infomation >> Mini Vídeo Calavera Halloween en tejido crochet tutorial paso a paso - Duration: 1:16.


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Xiaomi aims to ship 90 Million Smartphones in 2017 - Duration: 3:43.

For my experts 2017 to be besties are aimed to West ey in 2020

Now here according to one report

The drawing has had a splendid year so far now it expects to close a year with 90 million handsets

shipments the company is trying to fight back with a 4-0 y as we all know that sell coke attach a

Tiny smartphone maker Xiaomi expects to ship 90 million units by the end of this year so figure that if it achieves

Would be in highest company founder and chief SEO do Fisher

fully legit said

Sony has had a splendid run so far this year

keeping more than 10 million smartphones across all the reason you top rates in just last month the

Company is working to recapture the top vendor position in its home market of China in 2020

The company has been aggressively its funding its offerings to extend its reach in various markets

Not long ago. It launched the redmi 5 a flickering of 5 inch HD display


720 by 1 2 8 0 pixels display and qualcomm snapdragon

425 in the chinese market

at a price point of

5902 PS

sorry right before

Now it's better on expanding outside of China to strengthen its business with also


Now the company which entered India

Roughly three years ago has shipped more than 25 billion smartphones in the country

the company said earlier this month

now the company's increasingly facing competition from

Hawaii and other smartphone makers in its home country

according to one research freedom IDC

ShowMe saved a 10-point five million smartphones in China in the quarter that ended in June

Down from 17 point 1 billion it had shipped during the same period a year ago. It is worth noting that Xiaomi

now you have for a point note for Nikki gave him a

Samsung fares which was sitting seventy nine point eight million handsets in the quarter that ended in June

Now Simpson is the world's largest smartphone manufacturers in terms of keeping handshakes

according to IDC

We had Apple

Has saved 14 billion hand said pennies on the number to move away

Cuba thirty eight point five million hand said it is on the murky and of

Worshipped twenty seven point eight billion hundreds

It is on number four and at the last number is of Sami which has shifted twenty one point two million and said


this was all about the

Show me which is expecting the we go best in the year 2017

So we hope

It will be

so for the latest tech news in the news follows over of built on Twitter Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel

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