Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 19 2017

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the 1 bitcoin show today is October 18th 2017 buy and hold strong

hand welcome to Tel Aviv I landed here at

about 3:00 in the morning I think it's 11:00 in the morning now my

Airbnb I dropped some of my stuff off off there there it'll be ready by 2:30

so I decided hey why not go to the beach in Tel Aviv show all of you people who

aren't familiar with Tel Aviv what what the beach looks like and I was thinking

when I've been walking around this morning I actually I read an article in

a British paper that I found in the Brussels Airport and it was talking

about how America is the land of opportunity and it's funny because

that's obviously Americans were familiar with that term and we grew up thinking

that america is the land of opportunity and compared to many places it is the

land of opportunity but bitcoin that is the true land of opportunity and in his

defining redefining how what how we define what the land of opportunity

really is what does that really mean so in bitcoin you can be anywhere in any

specific land it doesn't matter what specific land you're in but you've got

some incredible opportunity you can start your own coin your own fork of

bitcoin start your own bitcoin business no one can stop you from

no one can stop you from innovating with Bitcoin

and that's incredible opportunity but at the same time some of you were gonna say

well in the United States there's certain regulations you can't just start

a coin based competitor indeed if you tried to do that in a very public manner

you probably they would come for you the government would find you a rescue who

knows but still that doesn't mean bitcoin isn't a land of opportunity

because in the countries think of it this way in the countries with the least

opportunity with very oppressive governments or are just very the

government's taking their countries down terrible fiscal paths is such as been as

well as if Bob ley Mozambique you've got some opportunity there because the

governments are so fascinated with doing the wrong thing economically embezzling

as much money as possible for themselves do they kind of just have a they know

they're not smart enough to even understand what bitcoin is and I know

for a fact and we've had people in these shows I'm not gonna name names but you

can read into it if you want to people in these countries they do what they

wanted when it comes to a Bitcoin when it when it comes to Bitcoin because the

government's just can't get involved with them right not now a new something

some of them might be secretive some of them might not be but the point is this

if you are in a country that is down on its luck that's a very poor country

you've got even more opportunity you've got more opportunity through Bitcoin

than you would have through just doing the normal fiscal just economic stuff in

your country whatever all the hoops you have to jump through to start a business

there on the street I mean some of the regulations in the African countries

these countries are so poor you'd be amazed all the the things they make you

go through and makes no sense that they do it but they do and so big point is

the opportunity to start your own business making a web based business and

they won't even find out about it you won't have to worry about starting a

standalone business in your in your country but even so some you're gonna

still say well I'll leave in those countries are gonna crack down

eventually well then there's another opportunity that Bitcoin gives some of

its wealthiest holders I guess and that's the opportunity to start their

own country say you know what we're gonna opt out of the system totally

we're not we're just gonna go to some country buy up a bunch of land and say

this is our country now and there'll be such a poor country they'll agree and

obviously there is a guy out there who's talking about that now and I call him

the king of the trolls now let me tell you I don't like what he does I don't

like him spending his billions on trying to hurt Bitcoin but if he's gonna spend

his billions of Bitcoin on creating a country that's free for everyone to do

whatever they want to with Bitcoin then more power to and then more patent I'm

gonna support it you know I'm not gonna just be down I'm not gonna

I'll call him by his name if he does if he really does that and when in those

matters I'll call him by his name cuz that's that's a good thing to do we we

need I mean it would be awesome to have a country that is outside of the

traditional financial markets or traditional financial rules of judicial

finance the transitional rules in general again a country of true

opportunity using the Bitcoin of true opportunity it would make it a lot

easier for us big point users to take advantage of opportunity if

was a country like that so more power more power to him

alright now another option is okay you're in a Western ear in America

you're starting your business it's going well it's internet-based it's bit its

Bitcoin base but then you start having some troubles well you can move to

another country or you can sit there and complain about America but look dudes

traveling is very possible here just you're gonna have to if you you have to

decide what you want more your Bitcoin this is your free way of life or living

in the United States because you can jump from country to country if you if

you're nimble enough you can set your life up in a way where you don't have to

depend on oil country and that is freedom and that is opportunity right

there and I you know I love the United States

is a great place to live it's very comfortable it's such a high standard of

living unbelievable and I haven't been put in a position where it's cramping my

style at the same time I look I'm on a path

now where I want to live in a few different places during the year I only

want to come back to the United States four times a year that's my goal for

2018 and so I'm down that path where I'm very comfortable where if something

happened in the United States okay I'll just move somewhere else obviously

people know that I like Australia a lot have obviously been there three

different times here in Israel I've been in the last three years now three

different I like it here a lot I mean I like a lot of places a lot and so people

are wondering like Adam you've got all this Bitcoin maybe that node I haven't

used any of my big coin on this this is just from saving and just being thrifty

a thinking ahead planning ahead and so if you need help doing this again you

can email me at Adam at reservoir help calm this is one of the things I consult

with and you know teaching people to be more independent so they can but the

first thing is you work for yourself you do an internet based business and

there's so much opportunity in visiting the Bitcoin world in

land of opportunity where you could that can be your first step if you're a young

person especially pound that like button if you like this scenery I hope you can

hear me I am trying to speak very loudly because it is it's I'm right near a road

off so there's like a a road along the beach here in Tel Aviv I would call it a

Embarcadero so here we go here's some tits here and I've said these tips

before some of you are like oh I can never do this I don't have a phone at

all like when I had to call to Airbnb dude I just did it through Skype or

whatever I've got a Google phone number I do I use that through my computer I

mean you can get a Google phone number any state you like any area code you

want and and that helps with some other things too by the way so don't don't pay

for a regular four why do you have a cell phone

why if so you could show it off to someone or just get a cheap flip phone

sheet plan I don't know that saves you a lot of money never eat out never note

never go out to eat why do you need to go out you make your own food you're a

grown man for God's sakes I mean seriously if you're like by the time

you're 18 or teach yourself if you're not 18 you know how to cook yet teach

yourself to cook still you can go to the food store buy a block of cheese buy

some fruit that's ready to eat right there man I mean there's stuff at the

food store ready to eat tuna is ready to eat basically you do not need to go out

to eat at all for a year save some money you'll save thousands and you won't have

to work at Target anymore to be able to go on a bake cake again I just feel do

you have three thousand dollars a month you can spend that's $36,000 a year I

don't think that's that and that's probably a lot you know traveling around

it costs like seven hundred dollars for a flight $700 you save that from just

not eating not getting coffee at Starbucks

I mean what's its star but if you go to Starbucks every day

that's it and you don't do that for years saving $1,800 right there come on

right yeah 1,800 bucks stop drinking alcohol there's no there's no reason to

do it it's harder for younger people is all the peer pressure that cost a lot of

money and it hurts you makes you sicker you end up spending more money and if

you eat out all the time you're spending more money on health to going to the

doctor only drink tap water I only drink water man it's the healthiest thing in

the world avoid shook-up soda apple juice all even the health drinks all are

filled with sugar it cost a lot of money a-and it makes you sick and fat so

you're saving both ways there so this I mean this takes discipline so a lot of

you are just gonna laugh and say oh that's a joke this because you have to

discipline you're a part of the 80% you're not a long-term thinker and

that's all this preached on this channel saving and discipline look how that pays

off dude seriously man and I was just came from the beach and Spain go from

one beach to another man and you're just talking about Bitcoin all right so yeah

internet based business and yeah I think that's it for today I'll upload this as

soon as possible obviously I've got another one to upload maybe you've seen

that one by now i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister to disrupt meister

remember to subscribe this channel like this when you share this video

I do try to post a new video here every day maybe two lately I've been busy I'll

see you later bye bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC creates a new land of opportunity way of thinking. Live it! Love it! - Duration: 11:27.


How to install Tubebuddy on your browser@prOmediacollection - Duration: 6:36.

Other guys welcome back again to

prOmedia collection today. I'm going to show about


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prOmedia collection

So here, I just want to say that I just wanted to everyone that...

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updates, Have a nice day.

For more infomation >> How to install Tubebuddy on your browser@prOmediacollection - Duration: 6:36.


Train Video For Kids The Train Adventure Cartoon For Children - Duration: 1:03:34.

Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back, Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa, Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh, Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

For more infomation >> Train Video For Kids The Train Adventure Cartoon For Children - Duration: 1:03:34.


Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:13.

Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS]

For more infomation >> Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:13.


Bus Police Taxi Post Truck City transport for children - Duration: 3:11.

Golovolomkiny TV Cartoons

Types of city transport 1 series

Look at the bus stop waiting for bus Misha and his mother

And here's the bus Exactly according to the schedule

A bus is a car that transports passengers on a certain route

And here is the stop which is next to the house of Misha Golovolomkin

Here he and his mom have to get up

Misha's father Jenya Golovolomkin was late for the bus But it does not matter

The taxi car will help him

He dials the taxi service phone says the address and waits for his car which will deliver him to the address

Look the taxi car came to the address very quickly overtaking the bus

Look what an interesting car

This is a post truck

He delivers letters and parcels to the post office

And you know what this car is called

That's right It's a police car

It patrols the city and prevents delinquency

Did you like it? Want to know more?

Then subscribe to our channel Golovolomkiny TV

And watch new cartoons about cars!

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Bus Police Taxi Post Truck City transport for children - Duration: 3:11.


NS Trein Mat'64 (876) in Vlaardingen naar Hoek van Holland! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> NS Trein Mat'64 (876) in Vlaardingen naar Hoek van Holland! - Duration: 1:11.


మీ నోరు తడారిపోతుందా | Mouth Problems | Dental Problems | Tooth Problems | Dental | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> మీ నోరు తడారిపోతుందా | Mouth Problems | Dental Problems | Tooth Problems | Dental | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 2:04.


TOP 10 Bollywood Super Stars Who Went To Jail For CRIMES | You Don't Know - Duration: 10:28.

TOP 5 Indian Actresses Who Cut Their Hairs For Movies And Tv Serial | You Won't Believe

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