Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 19 2017

[2017,10.16 MON PM 8:00 KST] [HIGHLIGHT]


[HIGHLIGHT - Can Be Better]

[HIGHLIGHT - Celebrate]


Everyone, it's been a while Let us say hello. 1, 2, 3.

Hello, we're HIGHLIGHT.

It's HIGHLIGHT's third album this year.

It's for you, and...

- Wait. - At the back. - We know that you've missed us.

But those at the back, coming forward doesn't mean you'll get a better view.

So I'd like to ask you to take just one step back.

Then we can go on.

Or else we can't go on. So those at the back, please take a step back.

Just a little please. Or else we really can't go on with the show.

Pretty please.

Not only here but also LIGHT around the world are watching through V LIVE.

Let's introduce ourselves one by one.

- Starting from Yoseop. - OK. Hello.


A lot of people are here today. I'm happy to be with you at the start of our album.

Please be careful of your safety. Thank you, this was Yoseop.

Hello everyone, I'm Dongwoon. Nice meeting you.

HIGHLIGHT just came back with a new album. Have you all heard it?

Obviously, since we just performed and all.

Anyway, thank you so much for coming.

And thank you fans for watching through V LIVE.

Let's have a fun time together.

Hi, I'm Doojoon.

The weather's gotten cold. Thank you so much for coming.

You all are priceless, so let's keep safe today.

You don't know those at the front, right?

Let's keep our manners and be a mature LIGHT. I hope we'll all be able to return home with a smile.

- OK? - Yes! - Thank you. Enjoy today. This was Doojoon.

Hello. I'm Gikwang.

It's our 8th anniversary, right?

I'm happy to be with you on this good day.

And I'm happy because I feel like I got the best present on this good day.

What's that? Your scream!

It's been a while since I heard a scream that makes my eardrums burst. It feels so good.

And thank you fans who are watching through V LIVE.

I hope we'll have a fun time today. Thank you.

Hello, I'm Junhyung.

Honestly, although this isn't a big stage, I was the excited more than ever.

Sometimes on stage, we feel some sort of catharsis. I got a strong feeling of that today.

And I feel good because I think you all are enjoying this.

We prepared a lot, so watch us until the end while being careful about your safety.

And I ask fans watching through V LIVE

to also watch us until the end.

Just now, we performed our title song "Can Be Better" and track 1 "Celebrate."

How did you like them?

I think they were very different from what we've done before. Right?

Though it's your first time hearing them, many sang along and cheered us on. It felt good, right?

Yes. As said before, we came back with a new album titled "Celebrate."

Today's Oct. 16.

We prepared a lot to make the album like an 8th anniversary gift for you.

The album "Celebrate" is literally for you.

Did you see the music video?

Did that satisfy your curiosity about the butcher shop?

How was it? Were there any funny episodes during the movie or the jacket album shoot?

Speaking of funny episodes, I'd like to mention about the butcher shop.

After rumors circulated that we were shooting our music video in a butcher shop.

A lot of people were saying, "Is that a horror genre?" "Is it OK to see this MV during winter?"

Many people worried a lot.

In order to make the movie fun, we went to not only a butcher shop but also the dry cleaner's.

Han River, rooftop, hair salon...

Going to a lot of places wasn't easy but it was fun.

The fine dust level was at its max, so it was very hard.

- The yellow filter in the streets scene... - The bridge part? - Yes.

That was fine dust.

I caught a cold.

- Want a pity party? - Please laugh even if I'm not funny.

He's wearing oversized clothes today that his face looks even smaller, right?

- Amazing. - Thank you. - Jealous.

- Gikwang, did you have a special episode while working on the album? - How was it?

- Talk about the choreography. - Everyone, how was the choreography?

I'm not sure whether it satisfied your expectations...

But in our previous album...

We also practiced hard for the songs in our previous album...

- Cute! - Me?

Or the choreography?

OK. The choreography isn't supposed to be cute.

- What we prepared.. - Is amazing. Swag! - Yes, we wanted it to be a cool choreography.

Freemind has always helped us,

- but this time, someone named Dadi Ninja. - A Japanese.

We made this choreography with a Japanese trainer.

So I think you'll really...

- I got it. – OK. I heard it. - I hope you'll enjoy.

I'm not sure how long we can do our album activity, but while...


We'll do our best to show you good performances. Look forward to it.

Junhyung was in charge of the overall production in this album again.

Before the showcase, you briefly introduced the album during the press conference.

But tell us a bit about the album again in front of the fans.

- Anything you can say. - OK.

This album.... Maybe those here didn't get to listen to it all because you were busy coming in...?

You heard it all?

We were thinking about making "Can Be Better" track number 1.

But then "Celebrate" contains the overall story of this album, and it's like a letter for you all.

So we put that in as track 1 so that you can listen to it before the title.

As you probably already know, the lyrics of contain stories that only we know.

The song not only celebrates us

but you as well, who made us who we are today.

So please listen a lot to "Celebrate." And I won't go into "Can Be Better."

Because you'll probably listen to this song until you get sick of it.

And "Take On Me" is about...

We wanted to describe how being with you makes us feel as if we're in another world.

"Take On Me" is about that.

"Whom A I" is...

When the guide song came out, I didn't expect this to be a great song.

But the members sang very well to make this song sound great.

And "Love Like This."

Gikwang took part in writing and composing. When we first heard it,

we thought it was like a breath of fresh air, since we haven't done a future bass genre before.

We worked hard on it, and an amazing song was made.

Gikwang's style is contained in the song. I think he tends to like sexy songs.

So Gikwang's unique sexiness is contained in that song.

And the instrumental music at the end is included

so that you can sing along to it when you're bored.

I hope you'll love every single one of them.

Yes, we...

OK, I heard it. It's registered in my brain now.

I think we should listen to another song now.

The one that we just mentioned, "Who Am I."


To be dancing first and then being still made my body twitch.

- You almost danced, right? - I did.

It's an amazing song. It's such a good song.

We're showing these performances for the first time.

- Yes. - As time passes, we'll get better and riper.

So I hope you'll be with us for a long time.

It was a random confession, but...

- Then let me make a random confession, too. - Go ahead. - What is it?

- A random confession. - OK, heard it and it's stuck in my ears.

As soon as we started "Can Be Better."

This mic delivers not only our voice but also the audience's scream.

I had two in-ears on, and I was taken aback at how the fans' scream was.

- I thought the MR had the scream originally. - I know.

I thought the scream was recorded in the MR.

I just wanted to say that LIGHT has an amazing vocal cord.

Yes. Now to the bridge talk.

"What was the highlight moment over the past 8 years since the debut?" is the question.

- All of a sudden? - Yes, we have to move on.

- The highlight in my memory over the 8 years. - When was the highlight?

- The highlight moment in my memory is when HIGHLIGHT began. - Right.

Beginning of this year, right?

- Since the 777 party? - That also lingers in my memory.

When the name HIGHLIGHT was announced... I think that was the highlight of my life.

Of course, we will strive harder to become a highlight not just now

but for us and all of you to become a highlight.

8 years... That gives me a lot to say.

But I feel like I've become closer to you after becoming HIGHLIGHT.

I think we've become much closer.

So I'll go with when "Plz Don't Be Sad" came out.

When that smile logo first came out, and you all were trying to guess what that was.

- I remember those heart-fluttering moments. - They're in our memories. - Yes.

- How about you? - The highlight moment of my life is always being broken by a new one.

When we first started, just when I thought, "We're having our highlight moment,"

all of you presented us with a bigger highlight moment.

So I'll tell you when there's no more highlight in my life.

Then you won't really have the chance to say your highlight moment.

- Don't think I'll have the chance. - I know.

- Because it'll always be a highlight moment. - No need, because we're HIGHLIGHT.

It's about the same for me. But if I have to choose one, it's our first solo concert.

- The time when we had our first solo concert. - It was nice.

When we did an opening with "Can You Feel It," LIGHT looked totally beautiful.

I can't forget that scene. I can never forget that.

How can they be more beautiful than when they were BEAUTY?


As long as you shed light onto us,

we'll keep growing and repay your kindness.


- There were many highlight moments. - Yes.

I have to say the 5th highlight.

It's not fun to say "now," right?

- It's not fun to say now, so... - Over there, can you move a little to the back?

Can you move a little to the back over there?

- Yes, not to the front but the back. - Not to the side, but to the back.

To the back, please.

- Please move to the back, since someone said "why move to the side?" - To the back.

- Like this. - Everyone, please don't fight.

Take a step back and there's no need to fight.

Gikwang was gonna say that amazing highlight, but if things look unstable over there

You won't be able to hear Gikwang's amazing highlight.

I won't say mine if you don't move to the back.

I just thought of an amazing one.

Everyone, Mr. Lee Gikwang with an amazing highlight. Clap!

What could Lee Gikwang's highlight could be?

What is it? I'm so curious.

What is it!

- That's... - No! Since we took the time, I think something amazing will come out.

No, you don't have to expect too much.

It's something that was all over social media.

- When we did the joint concert in Incheon. - The Hallyu Concert. - It's the Hallyu Concert?

I saw something like this.

"A scene where other singers and fans were watching HIGHLIGHT and LIGHT having a date."

I saw this. I think I said this before, but

I'm so happy that HIGHLIGHT's fans are LIGHT, and that LIGHT's singer is HIGHLIGHT.

It was a day for us both to be proud of each other.

So I think that day was a big highlight for both groups.

- That was an amazing highlight. - Not bad, right? - No.

Yeah. I agree with that.

- What was the happiest moment of your life? - What's the difference?

- The questions are about the same. - I can't tell the difference.

- It's written like that in the script. - I only follow the script.

- Yeah. - Highlight. - Then let's skip this.

- No, because... - It's the same thing. The most memorable moment over the past 8 years. - Yes.

Then can we just talk about whatever we want?

- A lot has went on over the 8 years. - A lot.

Before we made the name HIGHLIGHT, we had had lots of memories as BEAST.

And after BEAST, we had many team names

like YoonYongYangLeeSon, and you all were like Mijung or something like that before LIGHT.

- Yeah. - In retrospect, it makes me happy because

- it's as if we'll be sharing memories for not only 8 years but also 80 years. - Right.

It's already been 8 years.

There are some who's been with us from the beginning, and some who's recently joined us.

You are somewhere in there.

But regardless of when we met, whether it's years or months before.

We've all came together like this for the same thing.

So be careful about your safety.

And that makes today a very meaningful day, right?

- Dongwoon. - It's a meaningful day.

Unfortunately, as we said in V LIVE yesterday, we couldn't be together on our 7th anniversary.

- Yes. - We couldn't be together for various reasons.

So I'm happy to be meeting you in person, and also though the screen, on the 8th anniversary.

I'm just so happy to keep the promise.

We'll now begin the cake cutting ceremony that I prepared.

- Yeah? Really? - There's a cake?

- The cake.. - How is he going to save this corner?

- Where does his boldness come from? - There's no cake.

- I just thought of a game. Can we do that? - OK.

A game? All of a sudden?

A short game. I think we did this in a fan meeting before. It goes like this.

We all congratulate each other.

A corner where we congratulate each other.

- What corner was that? - Was it done by facing the camera? - What?

Facing the camera... Was that to myself?

I think it'll be more fun to talk about the cake brand.

- Croissant from Paris Baguette! - This goes on V LIVE. - That's too hard.

When we were doing "Can Be Better," I noticed that our fans are very witty.

We pretend to throw something at the beginning, and some pretended to catch that.

And that, too. What's my part?

Your part?

- "The memories to the sky" that part. - They looked up? - I threw this up. - OK.

- And no one looked. - OK.

- You have to all look up together. - Everyone, look up together.

During the choreography, when we're throwing something or looking up,

- Looking up together with us will make things more fun. - Yes.

And there are those who are holding a camera.

When we throw it like this, take pictures like this please.

Let's do this.

- Let's do this. - How do we do this?

- How do we do this? - Gikwang is so passionate.

- "Let's do this!" – Let's do it since Gikwang wants to. - You know why? – Why?

- No script. - Yeah, since there's no script.

- OK. - What's the part?

- Doesn't someone sing in that part? - No one sings. - The intro. - It's the intro.

- This part right? - Here we go.

5, 6, 7, 8.

- We can't see. - That person received it.

- Congrats! - Congrats!

- That's right. - We sound very confused because

this showcase is 100% freestyle.

- That's right. The crowd is super hot. - Freestyle.

Let me tell you this again. Safety comes first! Especially, the right side. The audiences on this side are so orderly.

- The front rows look very crowded. - Starting from the middle row, things look okay.

Some of you think we are not talking about you.

Please step back a little and give some room to others.

- Good. - I am so glad to be here with you.

We still have more to go... "Can Be Better" and "Celebrate".

But I made a mistake earlier.

- Where? - You did? Where?

- For "Celebrate". - Show us...

- We know it now because you said it. - I am telling you this because they might have this recorded.

- Maybe it's not recorded. - But maybe it is...

Dongwoon, whatever you did is right. Nothing is wrong.

- But I didn't make it obvious. - Yes.

- It's just about us. - It wasn't wrong. It was different.

- But it's not cool to dance differently from everyone else. - The dance wasn't wrong. It was just different.

Too bad. But we still have more to go.

Our choreography is fun too so...

- It's right? No? - You will want to dance along... - There's a lot?

- You don't want to do this dance? - I know.

We didn't have this at first but we added it at the last minute.

This dance is easy to learn.

- Should we tell them the behind the scene stories? - What?

During the game event, Yoseop came up with the idea on the stage.

- Yes. - During the "Beautiful Night" performance, he was like "Let's do this dance".

- We learned it a day before the performance... - Our fans are smart.

- We can't hide things well. - Yes.

- We gave out so many spoilers. - Yes.

We gave out so many spoilers about our choreography.

- Yes, we did that so many times. - Someone said this looks like masked dance.

I saw it online.

Also, I did this dance from "Can Be Better" when we performed "Calling You" at Kyunghee University.

I wanted to give out dance spoilers but people thought I was acting cute.

So I was sad...

Now, you know our choreography so it would be fun to find spoilers now.

- Can we continue to talk to them? - Yes, we have to.

We should tell them about our future plans.

As you know, we will perform on music shows in several days.


We have many things in our mind.

We can't tell you now but we have some plans to surprise you big time.

- That's right. - What?

- Did you catch something? - They gave me something. - Good job.

- What did you give it to him? - She gave me back what we gave her earlier.

Just like what Yoseob said...

- I want to tell you this plan but I can't say it now. - Hey all.

If we have a great promotion for this album, we will definitely have more opportunities

to create great memories together.

Please wait until then.

- Now... - We have to say bye.

Let's share our feelings about today's showcase.

Yes, October 16th is very special to me. It's like my another birthday.

I was so glad to be here with you today...

It's cold outside but you had to wait for a long time, right?

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I want to apologize to you about it.

Please get home safe and bundle up to stay warm, okay?

Thank you for coming.

Thank you.

Thank you for joining us today.

Right now, you are watching us on the best Korean portal website, NAVER.

There are many journalists and fans here at the showcase.

Let's give them a short screenshot time.

Please take good pictures of us and use it for your articles.

Screenshot time!

- Where do I have look at? - The red light.

This one? This one!

Let's look to the right for the audiences.

To your left.

Thank you for joining us.

We will do our best for the promotion. Please continue to support us. Nice!

We are back with our 8th anniversary album.

When we released our previous album to celebrate October 16th, we released a song called "12:30".

For this album, we wanted to have exciting celebration with you.

So we are back with exciting, upbeat, and energetic songs.

Please continue to support and love us.

If you do that, we will definitely pay you back with something crazy.

Thank you.


Before the press conference...

We have to go... It's so sad but we have to go...

We will sing several more songs before we go. Don't worry.

Before the press conference, we ate...

Let me tell you what we ate.

I ate seaweed soup.

I had seaweed soup for no reason but Junhyung said, "Is this your birthday"?

I laughed about it but now that I think about it... It is our birthday today.

I am glad that I had seaweed soup.

The weather is cold now, right?

I wanted to perform good for you so I went to see a doctor and had a shot.

I am sure I wasn't perfect today because it was our first time performing it.

- I know. - You did perfect.

I will do much better next time.

I am not satisfied yet.

I will do my best for you.

Thank you for joining us today. Thank you.

I always go last...

What is it?

We are not here to just joke around and laugh but we are here to celebrate together...

- Let me be serious. - We can joke around or laugh?

- You can... - Did we just joke around and laugh?

You kept saying, "What is it"? to me.

- You don't have to be funny. - I know.

- Let's just have fun. - I just can't wait to hear you out. - Just be yourself.

This year, I released my solo album and HIGHLIGHT album.

I am having a great year releasing albums and spending time with fans.

Through our album, "Celebrate",

we want to create fun memories with our fans.

We wish this album will make both our fans and HIGHLIGHT happy. Please check out our songs.

Please check out our performances and support us.

We colored the mic white.

- We didn't buy them. - We just colored them.

- They are expensive. - That's right. - It's nice, right?

We will sing for you until this mic turns black.

- Next... - Next song... - Before it gets cool down...

Let's get it on now. Sing with us, "Calling You".

You can sing along with us.

Let's go!

[HIGHLIGHT - Calling You]



Don't be sad!

[HIGHLIGHT - Don't Be Sad]

Make some noise!


Make some noise.

Let's have fun!

[HIGHLIGHT - Beautiful Night] This is the last song.

I can't hear you.


Say what?

Make some noise.

Thank you.


- Bye. - Are we done? - Bye.

- Bye. - Are we done? - Hold on...


Because we are too sad to go now...

- This is the end of the showcase. - No more. - "Beautiful Night" is the last performance.

But for our fans here and V LIVE viewers,

we will perform "Can Be Better" one more time.

Please look carefully to find interesting performances in it.

Wait, I took off my jacket thinking it was over.

- There. - Dongwoon, you still look handsome.

Are we going to dance?

We will dance and... Right now, 110,000 viewers are watching us on V LIVE.

- Because it's so good. - Yeah.

- Dongwoon will... - It's a special encore stage. - Yes.

- I wanted to have an encore stage. - I know. - Because we don't want to go.

Please give us enthusiastic reactions as if this is your first time seeing us perform the song.

- It's your first time seeing us perform this. Delete your memory. - Let's have fun. Let's go.

- Let's go. - This is the last song.

[HIGHLIGHT - Can Be Better] Louder!

- Thank you all. Be home safe. This was! - HIGHLIGHT! Thank you.

- Thank you! Get home safe! - Thank you.

Don't fight on your way out! Be nice to each other on your way home! Bye!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [FULL] 171016 V LIVE - HIGHLIGHT COMEBACK SHOWCASE [CELEBRATE] - Duration: 1:04:34.


Bò giống ba tri, Clip cận cảnh lên bò giao cho khách. LH: 093 476 4948 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Bò giống ba tri, Clip cận cảnh lên bò giao cho khách. LH: 093 476 4948 - Duration: 1:46.


เจาะลึกนิสัยราศีธนู 14 ธันวาคม - 14 มกราคม | VZMART - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> เจาะลึกนิสัยราศีธนู 14 ธันวาคม - 14 มกราคม | VZMART - Duration: 12:02.


Halloween cupcakes / How to make Halloween cupcakes tutorial - Duration: 7:40.

hi everyone this is Veronica from and in today's video

I'm not going to show you cakes because sometimes I don't feel like doing cakes

and to be honest with you with you when have kids and you have a full-time job and

you're doing videos, sometimes you can feel a little bit tired and more if you

have to do cakes so in today's video I'm going to show you how to decorate some

beautiful Halloween cupcakes this one's you can make with your kids or your

friends these are super easy to make and they're gorgeous they're kind of scary

or kind of like fun, scary, cute, well let me show you how to make them.

I'm gonna use a tip number top with white American buttercream let it crust

and then I'm gonna try to smooth it out a little bit more with paper napkin


okay so for this one I'm gonna pipe just a little bit of luck so now with a white

frosting I'm gonna make make the eyes to the ground you know I'm gonna switch

tips this is tip number 47 and the number 47 has two sides one that is

completely flat and one that has some bridges the how they say okay so what

I'm gonna do I'm gonna use the flat surface or the flat end and I'm gonna

start piping some like the bandage

now that he crossed a little bit I'm just going to push down you can even use

a piece of napkin

for this one I have a little bit of fondant

I just put the fondant on top of the buttercream and I kind of shape it up

and I'm gonna put the ice okay so with my round tip I'm gonna go around you can

put just your eyes on with a black buttercream this is a very easy one so

now I got a piece of saran wrap and I'm gonna get some of that frosting so now

I'm gonna put this on my piping bag and he has the one in

so I'm gonna make a cross first and then the next and I'm gonna connect from one

ninth to the other one

this is a Walton tip number two it's okay if you don't have a very pretty way

of writing this anyway it's supposed to be kind of like creepy so now we're

gonna grab a cupcake so this one I'm gonna put it on top like if it would be

some dirt okay so for this one we need a cookie

these are budding ice cream cones but this one we're gonna cut it to about

right here so I already have mine so I'm gonna have to do it

not glue them together I put all I have some melted chocolate dip the cone and

I'm gonna place this one in here now I'm gonna start painting the cone with some

chocolate this is a new purple colored buttercream and I'm gonna be using one

the tip number one n so now I have my cupcake and I got my ice cream cone

covered in chocolate I'm gonna place it on top and as a decoration for the head

I'm gonna have just a strip of fondant

hey guys thank you for watching this video I hope all these techniques in

these ideas you can apply them for this coming Halloween so if you liked the

video please give it a big thumbs up I'll appreciate it share with your

friend also appreciate it even more subscribe and if you want to get

notifications every time I upload a new video don't forget to click on the

little bell that is next to the button of subscribe and that will be sending

you the emails or any of these that I do on my channel if you want to interact

and a little bit more with me all the information is on the description box

below don't forget to check it out there's my website my facebook Instagram

and more information on the tutorials thank you for watching and I will see

you next week bye bye

For more infomation >> Halloween cupcakes / How to make Halloween cupcakes tutorial - Duration: 7:40.


New Dragon Ball Super Movie Coming In 2018?! - Duration: 4:24.

We recently got a hint that, Dragon Ball Super might release a movie in 2018.

Dragon Ball Z at its peak dominated the market with its movies, and were even releasing up

to 2 Movies a year.

From 1990-95, DBZ had released 10 movies, this gives you a clear idea about how much

business of Dragon Ball were movie centric.

The first DBZ Movie came in 1989- The Dead Zone and the last one in 2015 Resurrection


Over the years these movies gave us the fans some of the most epic moments like Gohan taking

down Bojack, Goku absorbing Spirit Bomb to take down Super Android 13, and gave the franchise

some invaluable characters like The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly!

This one guy Broly went on to become one of the biggest money making machine in the history

of anime.

He is almost in all the Dragon Ball Games and Merchandise set releases.

So, it's fair to say the Movie game brought Dragon Ball a lot of fame and money.

Although the last 2 Dragon Ball Z Movies- Battle of Gods and Resurrection F got outstanding

response from the fans, for some reason after starting the Dragon Ball Super series they

stopped making more.

Is it because they are already overloaded with the series?

Possible but then again back in the days, they were releasing 2 movies a year while

DBZ was being aired.

However, there might be one legit reason that is they are waiting for the fans who are watching

the dub version only to catch up.

Because, movies now are dubbed real quick, and is released world-wide same year if possible.

Now, The English Dub one is still in Champa Saga.

But, recently we got a hope of light, they might be bringing back the movie trend.

Before Battle of Gods was released in 2013, they had registered a domain,

then they did the same with Resurrection F. Now, has been registered.

Now, let me be very clear.

This is no official confirmation it could have been done by some other organization,

but the address registering it is indeed from Japan, and most likely TOEI is related with

it or maybe it was done on behalf of TOEI.

So there's a good possibility that it's legit, and you can get your hopes high.

Either ways if they do make a movie, what do you want it to be about, we actually have

a lot of options in hand, they could explore history tell us more about the Gods, Angels,

their origin and stuff like that, another thing is they could start making movies by


Dragon Ball Franchise is now bigger than ever before with whopping 12 Universes, they could

have our Z fighters got an adventure and have some epic action in those Universes that would

be interesting to watch, Mr.Popo is always an optioon, the guy is a legend, common belief

is he fathered both the Zenos, They could show things like back-story of Hitman Hit

or Jiren, but that wouldn't be business friendly.

Hey, let's have some fun, do one thing, actually suggest a plot in brief for the next

movie, I'll go through the comments and if I find some good suggestions, I'll make

another video and put it up on my Facebook Page.

Be sure to like it, a lot of exclusive stuff is coming there!

Just Search The Fan Guy over there.

Let me get this started- How about a movie where Vegeta wins it big or gets an epic moment.

Maybe something like U7 warriors went to visit U6, then they went to visit The Saiyan Planet-Sadal.

All on a sudden, shit goes wrong, there's an attack, Vegeta steps in and plays the most

vital role in saving them.

Then he could finally come down and deliver his line ' I'm Vegeta, the prince of all

Saiyans' and that would sound perfect.

Comment your opinion about this.

See you in the next, Dragon Ball Video.

For more infomation >> New Dragon Ball Super Movie Coming In 2018?! - Duration: 4:24.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC creates a new land of opportunity way of thinking. Live it! Love it! - Duration: 11:27.

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the 1 bitcoin show today is October 18th 2017 buy and hold strong

hand welcome to Tel Aviv I landed here at

about 3:00 in the morning I think it's 11:00 in the morning now my

Airbnb I dropped some of my stuff off off there there it'll be ready by 2:30

so I decided hey why not go to the beach in Tel Aviv show all of you people who

aren't familiar with Tel Aviv what what the beach looks like and I was thinking

when I've been walking around this morning I actually I read an article in

a British paper that I found in the Brussels Airport and it was talking

about how America is the land of opportunity and it's funny because

that's obviously Americans were familiar with that term and we grew up thinking

that america is the land of opportunity and compared to many places it is the

land of opportunity but bitcoin that is the true land of opportunity and in his

defining redefining how what how we define what the land of opportunity

really is what does that really mean so in bitcoin you can be anywhere in any

specific land it doesn't matter what specific land you're in but you've got

some incredible opportunity you can start your own coin your own fork of

bitcoin start your own bitcoin business no one can stop you from

no one can stop you from innovating with Bitcoin

and that's incredible opportunity but at the same time some of you were gonna say

well in the United States there's certain regulations you can't just start

a coin based competitor indeed if you tried to do that in a very public manner

you probably they would come for you the government would find you a rescue who

knows but still that doesn't mean bitcoin isn't a land of opportunity

because in the countries think of it this way in the countries with the least

opportunity with very oppressive governments or are just very the

government's taking their countries down terrible fiscal paths is such as been as

well as if Bob ley Mozambique you've got some opportunity there because the

governments are so fascinated with doing the wrong thing economically embezzling

as much money as possible for themselves do they kind of just have a they know

they're not smart enough to even understand what bitcoin is and I know

for a fact and we've had people in these shows I'm not gonna name names but you

can read into it if you want to people in these countries they do what they

wanted when it comes to a Bitcoin when it when it comes to Bitcoin because the

government's just can't get involved with them right not now a new something

some of them might be secretive some of them might not be but the point is this

if you are in a country that is down on its luck that's a very poor country

you've got even more opportunity you've got more opportunity through Bitcoin

than you would have through just doing the normal fiscal just economic stuff in

your country whatever all the hoops you have to jump through to start a business

there on the street I mean some of the regulations in the African countries

these countries are so poor you'd be amazed all the the things they make you

go through and makes no sense that they do it but they do and so big point is

the opportunity to start your own business making a web based business and

they won't even find out about it you won't have to worry about starting a

standalone business in your in your country but even so some you're gonna

still say well I'll leave in those countries are gonna crack down

eventually well then there's another opportunity that Bitcoin gives some of

its wealthiest holders I guess and that's the opportunity to start their

own country say you know what we're gonna opt out of the system totally

we're not we're just gonna go to some country buy up a bunch of land and say

this is our country now and there'll be such a poor country they'll agree and

obviously there is a guy out there who's talking about that now and I call him

the king of the trolls now let me tell you I don't like what he does I don't

like him spending his billions on trying to hurt Bitcoin but if he's gonna spend

his billions of Bitcoin on creating a country that's free for everyone to do

whatever they want to with Bitcoin then more power to and then more patent I'm

gonna support it you know I'm not gonna just be down I'm not gonna

I'll call him by his name if he does if he really does that and when in those

matters I'll call him by his name cuz that's that's a good thing to do we we

need I mean it would be awesome to have a country that is outside of the

traditional financial markets or traditional financial rules of judicial

finance the transitional rules in general again a country of true

opportunity using the Bitcoin of true opportunity it would make it a lot

easier for us big point users to take advantage of opportunity if

was a country like that so more power more power to him

alright now another option is okay you're in a Western ear in America

you're starting your business it's going well it's internet-based it's bit its

Bitcoin base but then you start having some troubles well you can move to

another country or you can sit there and complain about America but look dudes

traveling is very possible here just you're gonna have to if you you have to

decide what you want more your Bitcoin this is your free way of life or living

in the United States because you can jump from country to country if you if

you're nimble enough you can set your life up in a way where you don't have to

depend on oil country and that is freedom and that is opportunity right

there and I you know I love the United States

is a great place to live it's very comfortable it's such a high standard of

living unbelievable and I haven't been put in a position where it's cramping my

style at the same time I look I'm on a path

now where I want to live in a few different places during the year I only

want to come back to the United States four times a year that's my goal for

2018 and so I'm down that path where I'm very comfortable where if something

happened in the United States okay I'll just move somewhere else obviously

people know that I like Australia a lot have obviously been there three

different times here in Israel I've been in the last three years now three

different I like it here a lot I mean I like a lot of places a lot and so people

are wondering like Adam you've got all this Bitcoin maybe that node I haven't

used any of my big coin on this this is just from saving and just being thrifty

a thinking ahead planning ahead and so if you need help doing this again you

can email me at Adam at reservoir help calm this is one of the things I consult

with and you know teaching people to be more independent so they can but the

first thing is you work for yourself you do an internet based business and

there's so much opportunity in visiting the Bitcoin world in

land of opportunity where you could that can be your first step if you're a young

person especially pound that like button if you like this scenery I hope you can

hear me I am trying to speak very loudly because it is it's I'm right near a road

off so there's like a a road along the beach here in Tel Aviv I would call it a

Embarcadero so here we go here's some tits here and I've said these tips

before some of you are like oh I can never do this I don't have a phone at

all like when I had to call to Airbnb dude I just did it through Skype or

whatever I've got a Google phone number I do I use that through my computer I

mean you can get a Google phone number any state you like any area code you

want and and that helps with some other things too by the way so don't don't pay

for a regular four why do you have a cell phone

why if so you could show it off to someone or just get a cheap flip phone

sheet plan I don't know that saves you a lot of money never eat out never note

never go out to eat why do you need to go out you make your own food you're a

grown man for God's sakes I mean seriously if you're like by the time

you're 18 or teach yourself if you're not 18 you know how to cook yet teach

yourself to cook still you can go to the food store buy a block of cheese buy

some fruit that's ready to eat right there man I mean there's stuff at the

food store ready to eat tuna is ready to eat basically you do not need to go out

to eat at all for a year save some money you'll save thousands and you won't have

to work at Target anymore to be able to go on a bake cake again I just feel do

you have three thousand dollars a month you can spend that's $36,000 a year I

don't think that's that and that's probably a lot you know traveling around

it costs like seven hundred dollars for a flight $700 you save that from just

not eating not getting coffee at Starbucks

I mean what's its star but if you go to Starbucks every day

that's it and you don't do that for years saving $1,800 right there come on

right yeah 1,800 bucks stop drinking alcohol there's no there's no reason to

do it it's harder for younger people is all the peer pressure that cost a lot of

money and it hurts you makes you sicker you end up spending more money and if

you eat out all the time you're spending more money on health to going to the

doctor only drink tap water I only drink water man it's the healthiest thing in

the world avoid shook-up soda apple juice all even the health drinks all are

filled with sugar it cost a lot of money a-and it makes you sick and fat so

you're saving both ways there so this I mean this takes discipline so a lot of

you are just gonna laugh and say oh that's a joke this because you have to

discipline you're a part of the 80% you're not a long-term thinker and

that's all this preached on this channel saving and discipline look how that pays

off dude seriously man and I was just came from the beach and Spain go from

one beach to another man and you're just talking about Bitcoin all right so yeah

internet based business and yeah I think that's it for today I'll upload this as

soon as possible obviously I've got another one to upload maybe you've seen

that one by now i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister to disrupt meister

remember to subscribe this channel like this when you share this video

I do try to post a new video here every day maybe two lately I've been busy I'll

see you later bye bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC creates a new land of opportunity way of thinking. Live it! Love it! - Duration: 11:27.


Sleep Problems - Behind the News - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Sleep Problems - Behind the News - Duration: 3:29.


Comment retrouver la formule pour la somme de ln, ln(x)+ln(y) ? - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Comment retrouver la formule pour la somme de ln, ln(x)+ln(y) ? - Duration: 2:29.


Train Video For Kids The Train Adventure Cartoon For Children - Duration: 1:03:34.

Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back, Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa, Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh, Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

For more infomation >> Train Video For Kids The Train Adventure Cartoon For Children - Duration: 1:03:34.


Hill Climb Racing 2 Vehicles - Duration: 5:50.

Hill Climb Racing 2 Vehicles

For more infomation >> Hill Climb Racing 2 Vehicles - Duration: 5:50.


Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:13.

Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS]

For more infomation >> Pebelone - Shadows [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:13.


Bus Police Taxi Post Truck City transport for children - Duration: 3:11.

Golovolomkiny TV Cartoons

Types of city transport 1 series

Look at the bus stop waiting for bus Misha and his mother

And here's the bus Exactly according to the schedule

A bus is a car that transports passengers on a certain route

And here is the stop which is next to the house of Misha Golovolomkin

Here he and his mom have to get up

Misha's father Jenya Golovolomkin was late for the bus But it does not matter

The taxi car will help him

He dials the taxi service phone says the address and waits for his car which will deliver him to the address

Look the taxi car came to the address very quickly overtaking the bus

Look what an interesting car

This is a post truck

He delivers letters and parcels to the post office

And you know what this car is called

That's right It's a police car

It patrols the city and prevents delinquency

Did you like it? Want to know more?

Then subscribe to our channel Golovolomkiny TV

And watch new cartoons about cars!

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Bus Police Taxi Post Truck City transport for children - Duration: 3:11.


NS Trein Mat'64 (876) in Vlaardingen naar Hoek van Holland! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> NS Trein Mat'64 (876) in Vlaardingen naar Hoek van Holland! - Duration: 1:11.


NRI Q&A October 19, 2017, PFIC - Duration: 8:41.

In this video, we will take up two questions from NRIs related to PFIC

Browndoginthehouse asks how to deal with PFIC applicable for US based citizens staying in India which prevents mutual fund investments

There is also some confusion related to debt mutual funds

Crunchingnumber has also asked us about how to manage PFIC for US based NRIs in India

We need to first understand what is a PFIC? PFIC is Passive Foreign Investment Company

The first condition laid down by the IRS in the US is that 75% of the corporation's gross income is passive

The first condition laid down by the IRS in the US is that 75% of the corporation's gross income is passive

This means income other than that from company's regular operations

The second condition at least 50% of company's asset is in investments that produce income from earned interest, dividends or capital gains

This means that all foreign mutual funds, partnerships and other pool investment vehicles having at least one US shareholder is termed as PFIC

Debt fund or mutual funds will qualify under PFIC

This doesn't mean that they can't invest, The implication is that there are higher taxes

If there is a US diversified equity fund that is investing in the US and another US diversified equity fund investing in markets outside the US

Income from the offshore mutual fund will be higher but because of compliance issues mutual funds don't allow US nationals to invest in their funds

There is no bar, it is the rules which are complicated

Covering the PFIC complications in one video will be fair. It is better to consult a qualified tax advisor

You need to find out the implication of the foreign investment that you are planning

As per the IRS in January 2017, dividends, interest, royalties, rents, annuities, gains from property sale that gives to dividends and interest

...and a long list of other items will all come under PFIC

A money market fund bank account can be a PFIC unlike a simple bank savings account

These aspects have become more important after FATCA came into being

The difference between a person staying in the US and in India is the quantum of funds above which he has to apply in his annual returns

For more infomation >> NRI Q&A October 19, 2017, PFIC - Duration: 8:41.


Faisons les présentations! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Faisons les présentations! - Duration: 1:13.


TOP 10 Bollywood Super Stars Who Went To Jail For CRIMES | You Don't Know - Duration: 10:28.

TOP 5 Indian Actresses Who Cut Their Hairs For Movies And Tv Serial | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Bollywood Super Stars Who Went To Jail For CRIMES | You Don't Know - Duration: 10:28.





Yên Bái: Kỷ luật 127 Đảng viên liên quan Tham Nhũng và Sai phạm kinh tế - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Yên Bái: Kỷ luật 127 Đảng viên liên quan Tham Nhũng và Sai phạm kinh tế - Duration: 3:16.


Resident Evil 7 Part 10: Language:English - Tagalog (English Subtitle) HD CC - Duration: 1:10:06.


Welcome back again to our Resident Evil

Part 10....

recap on what happened

still have colds, co'z it was only earlier when I recorded part 9


what happened last time? oh yeah...

we discover how Mia

how he ended up with the Bakers

and apparently they were infested by Eveline

who some sort of

a Bio weapon

which is created by the company she works for...

well she is baby sitting her

well she didn't lie after all...

she told her the truth to Ethan


she is baby sitting someone


she didn't clarify

all the details about her job

and then...

everything went upside down...

which brought us here...

so while I'm was resting...

and during offline

I already aquired the machine gun.. inside the captains room

and also I did some little

tid bits of gathering some stuff..

so we'll continue..

our journey in Resident Evil 7

and this is part 10

so were are currently in the 3rd floor..

as you can see we have a machine gun...

hold on...

and i keep on saying...

on how this is connected to the

Resident Evil Universe

apparently we saw

a news paper

saying about the events

refering to...

Racoon City...

so that's clue or connection number 1

and apparently this might be the second one..


we can say that...


or the employer of Mia...

is like Umbrella Corp..

or maybe...

another company..

that is also developing also Biological


what the fuck!

oh shit... so that's how the bomb works

everytime I'm saying something

there's always a monster appearing...

ah! there's the cable!

really?! you really have to place two screws on it..

okay I'm taking that!

so I was saying...

we can like...

intelligently conclude..

that Mia's employer is...

either Umbrella Corp

or maybe another company...

maybe a competitor of Umbrella Corp

in making Bilogical Weapons...

apparently it can be a competitor

of Umbrella Corp.

and then maybe

the sabotage this mission

I don't know...

I need to run through the scenes

because the creators said that...

this happened

after RE 6

I don't know if I said it

before in the other episode..

there wasn't really a worldwide

Zombie Apocalypse...

like we saw in

other movies or series

like Walking Dead


I am Legend

co'z come to think of it..

it looks like Racoon City was only infested

and the Resident Evil 4

i just watched the 4th one..

it's kinda like

Resident Evil 4 was like...

oh shit!



there... it's like it's only Racoon City

the got infested..

but I don't think the virus spread globally...

this is where we were earlier...

and then we just got the fuse...

alright machine gun ammo!

okay.. more bombs...

oooh! a back pack!

we can go back now...

slide in!

bottom level and save Ethan!

intense.... cue in, intense music...

machine gun ammo!


looks like they are equiping us!

for a show down!

you know those game logic...

if they are equiping you...

expect heavy resistance!

if you've played The Last of Us

the vomiting guy...

that vomiting guy...

is like a bloater in The Last Us


why the sudden moaning moaning!

are you feeling something Mia? thats why you are...

hold that thought!

maybe something is in here...

why are you moaning????

what happened to you?

what are you? jumper?

okay... cutscene...

whoa! you're still alive?!

what the fuck?!

suddenly felt bad for the Baker family..

So this is what happened...

so they are not really kidnappers

or cannibals or whatever..

they were just victims of Eveline...

so they adopted Eveline

after the ship wreck

or maybe they also found Mia

or Mia try to find Eveline...

oooow... she's getting possesed again...


what the hell?!


what did Ido?

it's always our fault...

out of the boat....

some dead fish...


over hear!



this really big swamp land...

this is like the first part..

okay are we like invented?

ohh backpack...

I dont have any items...

are they watching us from the...


hey pick up the radio

oh that sweet music...

taking Mia's things.. tis is good!

ok... where's that son of a bitch...

okay I feel like...

we're closing to the end...

BAM! trying to run eh!

this the mine!

Mines of Moria!

oh it's booby trapped!

maybe Lucas is still here?

gotcha with the trap!

where did you came frome?

okay push?

Uncharted time!

we have something useful here maybe?


the space enough for that wagon...


are there any bloaters here?




maybe those are "medical" herbs.


who is this from?

who is this from?Lucas?

but when they

say she is getting old..

could it be Grand ma'

is Eveline?

if so....

I was trying to shoot her...

at the begining of the game

but they won't let me...

it should be over by then...


poor Grand Ma'


infection report... cannot readt it

target acquired...

we're in the 40 mins mark

let's try

to go for 1 hour and a half...

so we can reach the end...

is this like related to the T-Virus



this turned into like

The Last of Us...

you know that boss

with lots of molds...

oh shit!

is that Grand ma?

i don't have a magnum with me


is that you?

Oh shit! hey! asshole!


oh shit?!

it's colapsing!

time to go!

where are you stupid kid?

last two...


enhanced ammo!

let's get outta here...

ok it's look like we're going the hard way!


oh there you go!

can I fit there? I'm fat...

no.. yes...

apparently I skinny...

oh that's grand ma's chair!

is this Eveline?

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