Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 19 2017

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss them!

Today, we're doing an overview of the entire first season and talking about what worked,

what didn't, and what could've been done differently.

First and foremost, if you haven't watched any of these episodes before, there are 60

videos before this one each going into minute detail about how each individual episode making

up this season went.

They're all linked in the playlist above!

Power Rangers begins with five teenagers known as Jason Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston,

Trini Kwan, and Kimberly Hart, who are brought together by a wizard in a timewarp named Zordon

and his robot assistant, Alpha 5.

They are given the powers of ancient creatures and dinosaurs to fight against the evil Rita

Repulsa and her gang of evil space aliens who want to take over the Earth.

When the Rangers finally start to get the hang of things, Rita reveals that she's

had a sixth Power Coin, which one piece of the puzzle that the Rangers use to morph or

change into their costumes, and she selects a new kid at school named Tommy Oliver to

become the new Green Ranger.

There's a five part saga that ends with Tommy becoming good and leaving Rita for forever,

joining the team as the sixth Ranger.

Oh, and he and Kim are dating now.

Kind of.

It's nebulous.

Later on, it's discovered that Tommy touched magic wax while working with Rita, which she

forms into a Green Candle, which will burn out into nothingness, draining Tommy of his


It makes sense because the one thing she created that did super well is now working against


Jason attempts to get the Green Candle in time to stop it from taking away Tommy's

powers for forever, but unfortunately, he fails.

The only choice Tommy has is to fuse his Powers with Jason's, stepping down from being a

Power Ranger.

Then, Rita decides to attack at full force, creating a zord for her right hand man, Goldar,

called Cyclopsis, which nearly defeats the Power Rangers for forever.

Just when things are looking grim, the Rangers win and when asked if they want to remain

Rangers, they agree to do so since there's still crime and whatnot in their city called

Angel Grove.

From there, the next big moment happens when the Rangers' parents are kidnapped, and

they must call on Tommy to infuse him with some unstable power to become the Green Ranger

again to help get their own Power Coins back from Goldar, and this brings Tommy back into

the group full swing before we end the season with Tommy fighting cautiously with the other

Rangers in order to preserve his powers while the other five continue to do their best against

Rita's monsters of the week.

So, what worked here?

For one thing, the different personalities of each of the Rangers.

Zack is the fun loving, cocky guy.

Billy is into science and incredibly intelligent.

Trini is very environmentally conscience as well as a strong fighter.

Kimberly is a valley girl who loves shopping and boys.

Jason is a blank slate who kind of just always does the right thing, and he's not afraid

to make decisions as the leader of the Rangers.

Tommy is very similar to Jason in that he tries his best, but he comes off as more naive

than the other Rangers as the one who has been a Ranger for the least amount of time

in this season.

Sometimes, he insists on going forth and saving the rangers despite the obvious risks of his

powers depleting which are noble as well as makes him a bit of a martyr.

Additionally, it's no surprise became such a massive hit when it did.

1993 was all about dinosaurs to begin with Jurassic Park coming out just months before

the first episode of Power Rangers, and it was a different type of show that American

children had never seen before.

A team of superheroes who were teenagers isn't necessary a new concept, but the way they

presented it as well as interspliced awesome Japanese fighting footage was.

Having such a diverse cast also ensured that there was almost no one left unrepresented

in race, ethnicity or even personality.

Additionally, almost all of the Rangers develop throughout the show, which was definitely

helped by the actors getting much more comfortable in their roles.

Billy sees the most development from a meek, nerd-like character who needs Trini as a translator

to become a damn good fighter in his own right who can speak normally to his friends.

Kimberly starts as vapid and stuck in her own head to become a character who seems to

really be influenced by those around her, becoming a much more caring person.

The other four Rangers remain pretty stagnant, the worst being Trini as nothing seems to

really change her as much as things just happen around her.

It's unfortunate because I feel like her character could've developed to where she

started by loving the environment and being very conscious of her friends by being a bit

crass and have an attitude beforehand.

Now there's a lot more than that that worked for the show, but let's get into what didn't

work, because it's there too.

First of all, the formulaic nature of the show probably straddles a line between working

for children and not working all on its own.

For instance, as a child (and even as an adult), I couldn't have cared less about the Megazord

battles, but they always had to happen in order to sell the toys.

I understand that, but my god, they got so repetitive and boring toward the end there.

Furthermore, the show has a lot of hindrances and hoops to jump through solely because they're

adapting a Japanese tv show.

This sometimes makes things nonsensical or just plain weird, such as when Billy and Trini

are just not around at all in an episode called A Pressing Engagement until they're needed.

The writers definitely struggled with this concept at the start because, well, who wouldn't,

but it doesn't make for great television.

Also, the end of the season seems to become all about Tommy, especially after he comes

back, to the point that my favorite episodes of Mighty Morphin Season 1 are all in the

ones where Tommy isn't present.

It's not because Jason David Frank is any worse than anyone else on the show or anything.

It's just frustrating to see all this attention given to one character when someone like Trini

and Jason desperately needed some attention put onto them.

So, what could they have done differently?

Frankly, I think integrating Tommy into the team more would've helped a lot of the issues

as well as created some conflict between the Rangers.

There's an episode toward the end of the season called "On Fins and Needles" where

Jason and Tommy are at each other's throats due to a spell from Rita, and it's one of

the more interesting episodes because there's actual conflict between our heroes.

In fact, right before Tommy shows up, there's an episode called "Switching Places" where

Billy and Kim switch bodies (somehow), and there's a scene with Billy and Kimberly

screaming at each other in the hallway.

No spell.

No idea that Rita had anything to do with it.

They're just angry at each other, and I like it because being friends with someone

has its peaks and valleys, whether you're saving the world or just sipping drinks at

a juice bar.

I also feel like there was so much world building and storytelling that they could've done

that just wasn't.

For example, why does Rita have the sixth Power Coin?

Where did Zordon even come from?

What about Alpha?

I understand there's more seasons, but man, there's 60 episodes here to explore things.

It's a shame that there's a lot of unanswered questions, but I get it.

Kid's show and all.

What are your thoughts of the first season of this show?

Do you love it?

Do you absolutely hate it?

Let me know down below, and if you like this video, give me a thumbs up and subscribe so

you never miss an episode of Ranger Reviews!

So, what have we got coming toward us Season 2?

I'll just say: new villain, new zords, new Rangers.

Get ready.

Until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Season 01 Overview - Duration: 7:23.


The Blacklist 5x05 Promo "Ilyas Surkov" (HD) Season 5 Episode 5 Promo - Duration: 0:16.

Next Wednesday...

A Blacklister with the power to level cities.

I want a name.

I'll do what I can.

And someone close to Liz won't make it out alive.

New The Blacklist, next Wednesday on NBC.

For more infomation >> The Blacklist 5x05 Promo "Ilyas Surkov" (HD) Season 5 Episode 5 Promo - Duration: 0:16.


DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix) - Duration: 3:29.

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix)

For more infomation >> DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You (Measure This Remix) - Duration: 3:29.


Modded Minecraft (MewsCraft) ep 7 - Nekomews + Red - Duration: 2:06:04.

For more infomation >> Modded Minecraft (MewsCraft) ep 7 - Nekomews + Red - Duration: 2:06:04.


I Wish I Didn't Pass By That Halloween Store - Duration: 5:03.

I passed that girl, that girl on the missing flyer from two weeks ago.

I passed her in the window of a Halloween pop-up shop, hanging as one of the decorations.

Two weeks ago, she had disappeared into thin air.

The police ruled it as a runaway case and then left it as that.

Her family had put up posters, and even dedicated a website to finding her, despite the police's


I didn't know her on a personal level; she was a junior, and I was a senior.

The social hierarchy didn't end there; she was pretty, and the only person who ever called

me handsome was my mom.

It was safe to say, the only time we would ever cross paths would be if she needed a

tutor for AP Calculus.

Pausing outside of the front of the window, I just stared at the limp body hanging.

Above her, the sign on the top of the store read; "WITCHES STITCHES – PREMIUM HALLOWEEN


Every year near Halloween, a pop-up store will take over an empty car dealership and

utilize the space with Halloween decorations.

Coffins, headstones, and porch props would cover every square inch of the floor, while

pre-packaged costumes lined the walls from top to bottom.

I looked back at the girl hanging in the display.

Her body had been painted ivory white, her white-blonde hair almost blending in with

her new 'skin tone'.

I walked up closer, chills going up and down my spine.

Her eyes had been hollowed out, a black gaping hole had replaced where her eyeballs should've


The worst part was her mouth – it was stretched out.

The corners of her mouth were stretched to her ears, the skin on her lips ripping and

cracking, like old foundation in the walls.

To top it all off, stuffed in her mouth was an oversized round lollipop.

"Ooh, cool!"

Someone exclaimed from behind me, pointing up at the same hanging 'decoration' I

was looking at.

I looked behind me and saw a fourteen-year-old twerp perched on his bicycle, chewing on his

gum, smacking it in between chews.

I grimaced; how did he not realize he resembled a cow eating?

"I bet Old Man Harris is going to buy it and put it in his haunted house this year!"

He smacked his gum, and I was just about ready to smack him across the face.

Ignoring him, I walked towards the front door, and pulled.

The chimes above me sang, and a very bored looking employee glanced up from her tabloid


In a monotone voice, she greeted me: "welcome to Witches Stitches," and then went back

to her magazine.

It was as if the life inside her had been sucked out and stuck into one of those prop


I guess good customer service didn't exist anymore.

I walked through the aisles, looking at the Halloween costumes that hung on the wall opposite

to me – Sexy Nurse, Cat Woman, Heiress in Parisian Jewelry Heist, Gorilla, and so forth.

What happened to traditional Halloween costumes?

A witch?

A black cat?

Not these sexy-insert-noun-here, costumes that could be mistaken for something a couple

would use in the bedroom for roleplay.

Walking through the aisles, I peered closer at the decorations throughout the store – those

seemed realistic too, but there was some more eerie, more sinister about the one hanging

in the window.

I almost dropped the Jason mask I was holding in my hands when I heard it – a high-pitched

scream, piercing through the walls of the store.

I looked up, quickly walking to the entrance.

The bored employee was standing with the door cracked open, her eyes bulging out of her


We both stared at the couple in front of us – a man with glasses, appearing to be in

his late 40's was trying to calm his wife, a blonde hair woman with one too many fillers

in her face.

She was screaming, pointing at the decoration hanging, and then pointing to the employee.







She was hysteric, pointing at me, yelling at me to call the police.

I stood frozen in place.

After a deep breath I looked at the employee, "where did you get that decoration from?"

She looked at the crowd that the woman was attracting and lowered her voice so that only

I could hear.

"My boss orders it from some weird guy who dedicates his whole life making these decorations

– there's only one for each decoration.

He makes like, ten a year.

Last year, we had two infant Siamese twins – those sold immediately."

My stomach lurched.

These 'one of a kind' decorations seemed life-like for a reason; they were real people.

For more infomation >> I Wish I Didn't Pass By That Halloween Store - Duration: 5:03.


TOP 50 SEXY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!!! - Duration: 9:30.

With Sub Player it's Normally Connor


What is going on run Welcome to the very First Ever Episode Where I click Menu to Watching a video About sexy halloween Costume ideas

You know what it's halloween Season Halloween

Is right Around the Corner it's Time for us to talk about this because you need A

Costume I need a, costume interesting the other Needs Costume you know Everyone Needs a costume halloween

Is right Around the Corner and you know

Mia Right the Making of This Video I Have About 20 subscribers

So I'm just trying to Cash in on that YouTube Revenue

It's some Money get Myself in The search Optimization Whatever you want to Call this Worldwide

Spiderweb of Ideas Anyways I'm trying to Cash in on YouTube I'm trying to scam Youtube Into making Myself

Money Or at least Growing my Channel and Hopefully Make me Money one day but

Anyways Thank you so much for Watching I'm your host Art Howe and With that let's get right, Into the Costume ideas

We're Organizing this List by Categories not

By a number Because you know

The ideas I can't rank all of These one To 50 so anyways first up film and TV

I was working in The Lab Late One Night my eyes

Would be A historical Figure but

Also sexy at the same Time you, want me Trendy you want People to think wow this Person Is so cultured


Anyone Ok, Ollie Hamilton Only 120 Dollars dress up like

One of the Hottest People on Broadway right now I'm sure you'll Simper Senor Trying to Impress and

Sex That Person you're Trying to Sex Anyways this next item on the List Is for People

Who want to be the villain Alright you you feel like you'd a member of the empire you want to be the bad Guy on?

The Dark Side Darth Vader only

$40 all right it's 2017 so enough of this Massage me Enough of This women can't Act alright I've Seen

I've Heard that enough women Can Act you know whoo this can, be a part of Movies I've Ever hit

Ghostbusters Only $40 you want to be one of Those People that Says only 90s Kids Remember This

Finding Nemo all right Only $30 you find A dory Costume - There

Everything Is There you find A lot of normal Nemo and dory closet but you can't find A sexy Female Costume like This

Anywhere Else You want to Watch the TV all doing good here okay this There's Nothing More

TV like in A sexy Costume Than Viscosity all right TV Remote it's Pink even A good pic

TV Remote, Is Pink $40 Cash in Right here but

no One Wants me a TV Comes one That means this is Dumb I mean some People Clearly do because People Have Actually Bought this Costume but

You want to be unique Character on a tV Show Popular TV Show Maybe the hottest TV Show on the Streets right now all right

New Season Coming out Around Halloween

Stranger Things Season - Ever Heard of it

Anyways You wanna be A sexy Little Kid Because Elves Right Here and They're Turning her Into A sexy Costume A lot of People are

Outraged over it and you know I Didn't see why you know if you like to be Controversial and The and you you

Want to Cause some Uproar all right only $60 so here you go you wanna be?

Repulsive and sexy at the same Time, do you, like, Mean Still Kids, Movies trek Only $30

my Monster from his slab Began to Rise and Suddenly

to my

It's Probably Always Gonna be for Kids and this next Costume is no longer sold online so you're Gonna have to get creative but if

You Can find it you Can find someone who Owns it Or find

Some Store That Somehow Still sells it bert and Ernie From sesame Street

All Right like i said I can't find a price for you but it's There if you find it but

Don't want to be the Supporting Actor or supporting Actress everyone's to be the Main

Character They'll Leave the Top da so we've got you between 20 $50

Big Bird This next One Might be for True fan Success which means it's the most expensive One

$60 but of Course you Can't go Without the cookie Monster do you want to be the most notorious Character for the most Iconic

Pixar Movie of all Time and save A ton of Money

Only $20 you'd Be Solely Responsible is 8 Or if you only go even Further back only


Sexy Teletubbies Costume Come & Get it we've got Another meme here There's like a Million

Costumes for it but We've got Minions for $40 and Finally Another Costume Which is also very Hard to come by but it does Exist

For the Most iconic

Children Show Possibly of all Time

Spongebob Squarepants This next Category Is Just gonna be general Halloween

It was a Graveyard smash?

First Time all this you Can Totally tell a ton

Of Work Went Into This Piece Clearly Reflected in The Price Tag?

$50 but you find A bat Costume if You want to get A

Little Spooky or Scary your Neighbors a little bit You've got

A ghost for only $30 one of the Cheaper items on the List we've got Spider?

I mean it's some sort of Witch or Spider a Combination

I don't know this One's Pretty lazy but it's only Gonna cost you $15 if You Just want to Keep it fun for Everyone

Family-Friendly we've got A?


Pumpkin Costume Now There are A ton of sexy animal Costumes that could have fun on this List but I'm Just Going to Keep it

Because you know sexy Animal Classes are Fun and Funny but They're all kind of the Same so without Further, Ado?

Probably The biggest Ripoff of Any Costume on this List you

Want to Spend Fifty Dollars to look like a gorilla

Be my guest

I'm not gonna stop There's gonna Be a little more Realistic than the Finding Nemo Costume and Actually Just be a Goldfish I guess it's

Not the Same Species of Fish but you, don't i mean this would be a Fish in general Goldfish

$45 This Last One Might Burn a hole in your wall but you know what it might be Worth It Because it's A very

Unique and Well Crafted Costume Lobster for $100

The next Two items are Gonna Be Pretty Hard to come by but if you find them you're Pretty Lucky because they do Exist

Burger and Think

You Can't Have a burger Without a sign you need a side you need something to Compliment the Burger so for only

$30 French Fries a Burger and Fries Are great but you Can't Have That Without Ketchup and Mustard

Only $25 did I big Fan of Ketchup Mustard you wanted a little Spicy love Began Thick Give me Sriracha only

$15 and That Would go Really good on a taco

Only $30 this next item Is Pretty Expensive but it's Maybe the most Universally Loved Food

on the entire Planet

Pizza Only $60 Whether you have a Burger or Fries or Pizza or a taco

Even if You have Sauce if Somebody Thirst you need a drink

Okay to have some Diet Coke only $25 for Just Relax With a, nice Bottle of wine only $35 but it'S 2017

We need to be healthy no more Junk Food no more fast Food

How About a Carrot only $20 it's good for your eyesight to be even Better might be a little more expensive but Corn only

$65 Or Feel like that's like Myself I love

Eating nuts We dress up as Mr.

Peanut Only $20 Let's face it Even if We Keep our sexy halloween Costume it's Healthy not all

Over The Kids Are Gonna want to have and Care it's the Corner Beats Or Whatever right, okay so?

Let's just give Him

A gum ball if You Gumball Machine $25 a personal Favorite of mine Maybe my favorite Cause

on this Entire List I love Panda Express and Express Please Sponsor this Video I love Panda Express

For 250

$15 you Can't hate free Advertising and Brands Get A lot of free Advertising on halloween Because

Candy Costumes Are hot on the Streets Right now

Whether it's a, Jolly rancher $30 skittles

$40 Or A ring Pop you Can find it multiple Colors but I have to say it is hard to come by

You have to get lucky to find this Concert before I get to the final Category you've got

Everything that's Miscellaneous Stuff that Just Didn't fit the Categories above or below This

Dude The Most Remote

You want to dress Up for Christmas and Halloween the same Time sexy Snowman Only $30 Really Pokemon Pikachu?

$70 and your Teacher is to drop a crayon

$40 Feeling A pretty good couples Costume you like the Old Testament you want to save some Money

out of A neat

$40 for This Set Maybe the Best Value out of Any Costume on this List you got

Maybe the Most provocative Cosmo List for The 2017 Can't Judge

Hard Eyes Emotion Only $50 this next one Is hard to come by but i can't even

Regard to the fact of how Shiny it is to snapchat dog

And of Canada it's hard to come by but we've got a Canadian Lion Costume and Finally the best meme of

2017 The Fidget Spinner Only $40 Tensions Are Rising Politics, Is hot on the Street right Now and that's gonna be the last Topic

It was a Gravy on Smug?

People Floating the idea of A global Thermonuclear war

Soldiers Are hot on Streets Right now

$80 I like to call this Costume - Stolen

Valuable Or if You want to be the most inspirational Failed us candidate in The History of us Politics You've got

Hillary Clinton Only 40 Ohms if You Watch the debates last year you know ken Bone it's Maybe the hottest Topic of the debate

Including gun Reform

Only $100 for the Costumes on hurry Up and get and Finally you Probably knew it was Coming you want to be A?

sexy 70 Year Old man

President Trauma

$50 that's Gonna do it they need so much for Watching this Video if you Enjoyed leave a like

Be sure to subscribe if You want similar Content Let me Know

What you Thought About this Video in the Comments Below Positive or negative Feedback is always Appreciated

I really Can't articulate How lucky I am to be getting all this Feedback I've Been Getting Because it's Helping me Make These Videos Better

For you if This Video Gets A million likes I will wear A hat in the next Video so be sure to smash that like

Button Thank you so much for Watching happy halloween and until next Time I hope you have a good

Day yes Some Days Feel Unfazed like When I want my friends with a raise

I'm gone

For more infomation >> TOP 50 SEXY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!!! - Duration: 9:30.


How To Get Full Marks In VIVA Class 12 History Project File Work History VIVA Questions discussion - Duration: 21:16.

How To Get Full Marks In VIVA Class 12 History Project File Work History VIVA Questions discussion Part-2

For more infomation >> How To Get Full Marks In VIVA Class 12 History Project File Work History VIVA Questions discussion - Duration: 21:16.


Sarah Sanders Steps To Podium, Sends Fredrica Wilson Scurrying Back Under Rock She Crawled From. - Duration: 2:43.

Sarah sanders had to go face the media foaming at the mouth over the latest drummed up controversy

to hurt President Trump.

The media will literally stop at nothing to thwart Trump's agenda.

Which is a shame because it is critical we enact this agenda if we are to position the

United States for continued success.

The old way has not been working for the majority of Americans and we need a change.

The foaming at the mouth media tried to go after Sarah and questioned her about the claims

made by the ever vile Rep. Fredrica Wilson.

Who claimed Trump told the widow of Army Sgt.

La David Johnson that "he knew what he signed up for" to try console her.

Now Trump denies it but even if he said it so what?

I don't think it's that bad – our soldiers know what they signed up for – to serve

and protect this country and to remind a grieving widow of the higher calling, the real reason

for her sacrifice is not a bad thing – it's comforting actually.

What the heck would you say to a crying widow?

Basically anything you can to make her feel better, right?

There is not a script for such moments anyway.

Regardless, Fredrica Wilson took her moment of media spotlight to rip Trump and play politics

– now remember she is playing politics with grieving widows which is an utter disgrace.

According to the Hill Sarah Sanders had no time for this gross form of politics and slapped

Fredrica back under the rock she crawled from.

She said there was no recording but Trump had better proof that he is right and Frederica

is wrong – General Kelly.

"No," she said about the recording, "But there were several people in the room from

the administration on the call, including General Kelly."

The she silenced the room by reminding everyone that Kelly's son was killed in 2010 and

he supported what Trump told the widow.

"General Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate.

He thought the call was respectful and he thought that the president did the best job

he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country."

But Sarah was just getting warmed up,

"The hardest job he has is making calls like that.

I think it is appalling what the congresswoman has done in the way she's politicized this

issue and the way she is trying to make this about something that it isn't."

She's talking about you Fredrica.

Listen up because Sarah will not tell you again,

"To try to create something from that that the congresswoman is doing is frankly appalling

and disgusting."

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Steps To Podium, Sends Fredrica Wilson Scurrying Back Under Rock She Crawled From. - Duration: 2:43.


オースでベーコンエッグマフィンをかじってドンドンドン/Australia trip 1 - Duration: 5:01.

I just woke up 5 minutes ago.

I am going to go to Australia today.

Today I am going to go to Australia.

My eyes are swollen so I will put this hot eye mask.

My eyes are thin plus when my eyes got swollen

My friends usually say "Are you awake ?" lol

I will use this hot eye mask for 10 minutes

So I am trying this and I forgot what time it is now

I have to make sure my baggages are ready or not again


then put anything that I need in my suitcase

I am in an airport now

Green tea frozen latte


nuts something lol



until I am going to leave Japan

I cannot speak up here

1 hour left

Narita airport to Cairns


to Melbourne

Beautiful weather

I am in Cairns now

I have to go to Terminal 2

I am not sure this way is right or not

but I am walking this way

Wow it's so beautiful

Lots of natuuuuure

The sky looks so niiiice

Here ? here ?

maybe here

Previous place was arrival lol

I came back to departure

I ordered Bacon and egg muffin

Chocolate muffin

and Cafe late

For more infomation >> オースでベーコンエッグマフィンをかじってドンドンドン/Australia trip 1 - Duration: 5:01.


Victim-Player-Knower-Learner - Duration: 2:41.

Hey, everyone. So, I learned a lot at iflix especially working with Mark Britt our

Group Chief Executive Officer. And one of the most important things that I've

learned from Mark is this framework which he called victim versus player knower

versus learner. And I found this to be very powerful because it creates labels that

help us to check when we act or behave or say certain things that may not

necessarily be helpful or positive in situations so a victim is someone who

would normally say, "oh I'm sorry I came late because traffic was bad," essentially

blaming other people or other circumstances external to him. A player

in contrast says, "I'm sorry I was late I should have made more allowance for

traffic being worse than normal, next time I'm going to learn from it." And

so that's the difference between a player attitude and a victim attitude. So,

a knower versus a learner. A knower is that person who always says, "this is the

only way it can be done. I've been doing this for 20 years

this is the way it must be done," they're not open to other perspectives or other

views. A learner on the other hand might say from my experience I think this is

probably the best way that I would recommend, but do you guys have any other

views that we should consider," so he or she creates an openness to invite other

people to provide counter suggestions that can help build and create the best

possible solution. And so what we do at iflix is we have these labels victims

versus players, knowers versus learners and it allows us to

check ourselves whenever we find ourselves making a victim statement or

an knower statement. And even I sometimes get caught saying these things but

because we have labels we help reinforce these behaviors and remind ourselves,

"okay that sounded like a victim, I really need to frame it as a player, or boy did

I sound like a knower, I really need to rephrase it as a learner," so hopefully

that was useful.

For more infomation >> Victim-Player-Knower-Learner - Duration: 2:41.


Buhe Bariyan | Punjabi Folk | Param Chopra | USP TV - Duration: 3:33.

Buhe bariyan te naale kanda tapp ke

Buhe bariyan te naale kanda tapp ke

Awaangi hawa ban ke...

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Chann chadheya te saare lokki paye takde

Chann chadheya te saare lokki paye takde

Doonge paniyan chh fir deeve paye balde

Deeve paye balde

Kande lag jaangi kacha ghada ban ke

Kande lag jaangi kacha ghada ban ke

Awaangi hawa ban ke...

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Dil diyan raahaan utte paer naiyo lagde

Dil diyan raahaan utte paer naiyo lagde

Muqadara de likhe hue mit naiyo sakde

Mit naiyo sakde

Mainu rabb ne banaya tere layi oye

Mainu rabb ne banaya tere layi oye

Mathey tera naa likh ke...

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Buhe bariyan te naale kanda tapp ke

Buhe bariyan te naale kanda tapp ke

Awaangi hawa ban ke...

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Baazi ishq di rutt lungi soneya

Baazi ishq di rutt lungi soneya

Main rabb to dua mang ke

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Buhe bariyan, Haaye, Buhe baariyan..

Buhe bariyan, Buhe baariyan..

For more infomation >> Buhe Bariyan | Punjabi Folk | Param Chopra | USP TV - Duration: 3:33.


🎼🎵🎸[LYRIC] EM GÁI MƯA (MR.SIRO) | iLoveGuitar9999 - Duration: 5:01.

New channel should be looking forward to everyone subscribing to follow ^^

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Have fun and practice successfully ^^ Thanks ^^

For more infomation >> 🎼🎵🎸[LYRIC] EM GÁI MƯA (MR.SIRO) | iLoveGuitar9999 - Duration: 5:01.


Parenthood is JUST like "The Walking Dead" | MOMCAVE | Parenting and "The Walking Dead" - Duration: 1:06.

Parenthood is exactly like "The Walking Dead." Once they become "walkers" you can

never take your eyes off of them. Only death, destruction, and injury will result.

Ravenous beings are clawing at your flesh and trying to sink their tiny

mouths into it! Personal hygiene takes a backseat to

just plain survival. Sex is a lovely distraction if you have the energy for

it but you got to hide from the walkers! Sometimes you take any babysitter you

can. Carnivals never turn out well. Circumstances make for strange alliances.

Horrible smells of bodily fluids that previously would have made you vomit are

no big deal. You might feel like you have things down, a routine, a system in

place and then the walkers evolve! Family always comes first. SO MUCHt clean up!

Sometimes you have no clue what is actually happening. Carol: "I don't know what the

hell's going on in the most wonderful way!" Hospital? It doesn't matter how sick or

injured you are, you got to deal with the walkers. When you mess up and you will

there will always be someone there to judge you whether it's the mean moms at

the bus stop or Cris on "The Talking Dead." I'm so tired.

For more infomation >> Parenthood is JUST like "The Walking Dead" | MOMCAVE | Parenting and "The Walking Dead" - Duration: 1:06.


Ugandan Ethnicity Tag - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Ugandan Ethnicity Tag - Duration: 6:16.


Silk Thread Designer Long Necklace - Diwali Special ( Eng Sub) - Duration: 10:10.

Hi Viewers..

We will see now how to make Silk Thread Designer Long Necklace.

I have used Loreals and Beads to make this Necklace

and I will explain in detail how to make Pendant

and the materials required to make this Necklace are..

Silk Threads

Plier and Cutter

Copper Wire

Jump Rings


Gold Beads

Half Bead Pearls


Bail Beads

Plastic Beads

Chandbali Rings

Flower Caps

Ball Chain

Stone Chain

and Stone Balls

Viewers.. Firstly take the silk thread in 20 Strands and

apply glue to one end and leave the other end freely

Next take the plastic beads and wrap it with the silk thread

And to wrap the thread,

apply glue to the inner side of the bangle

stick the silk thread and warp it line by line like this

apply glue at the end and stick the thread

and cut the excess thread using cutter

As you can see, I have wrapped all plastic beads with two different colors


take the three Chandbali rings in different sizes(big,medium and small)

Wrap them with silk threads of different colors

Wrap Big - Pink, Medium-Orange and Small ring with pink color threads

Apply glue to the ring

and wrap the silk thread tightly,

line by line without any gaps

wrap the whole ring neatly with the thread

As you can see, I have finished wrapping for all the three rings


Now insert a Jump ring to it exactly in the middle

and close the jump ring with Plier

Now, we need to stick medium and small chandbali rings on top of the big one

for that,

apply glue on top of bing ring like this

stick the medium ring first on the top of bing ring

In the same way, stick the small ring on top this

Apply glue around the small ring and

stick the ball chain on that

cut the excess ball chain with the cutter

and adjust the ball chain to look in the same shape of chandbali ring

and next

apply glue just adjacent to the ball chain like this

stick the Stone chain

cut the excess chain with cutter and

adjust that to come in round shape using a headpin

apply glue again exactly in the middle of inner corner of the small ring

to stick the ball chain

cut the ball chain with the measurement of inner ring and stick on glue applied

Now apply glue on the edges of second (medium size) ring

stick the stone chain like this

Next, take the half bead pearls

and apply glue exactly in the middle of big chandbali ring as shown in the video

and stick the half bead pearl

apply glue around that pearl

stick the ball chain

and apply glue again around ball chain

stick the stone chain

and apply glue around stone chain

stick the ball chain and cut the excess chain with cutter

Repeat the same process on both sides of this design applied for Pearl

Left and right side of this design

stick ball, stone and ball chain respectively around each Pearl

and then, stick two half bead pearls on both sides of these designs as shown in the video

apply glue around them and

stick ball chain only

Repeat the same step on right side also

As you can see, the Pendant is ready now

Let it dry for few minutes

Next, take the copper wire

in the measurement required for the length of Necklace

Insert a Jump ring from one end of copper wire

and press it tightly using Plier

insert like this

Next, we need to insert beads and Loreals from other end of copper wire

Now take gold beads(5#)

and insert them one by one as shown in the video

I took 5 gold bead for this Necklace

Next, apply glue to the plastic beads already wrapped with silk thread

stick the flower cap like this

apply glue on the other side of bead and

stick another flower cap

repeat the same steps for other beads also

by sticking the flower caps on both sides

They are looking good, right?

Now insert these beads (alternate colors) with a stone ball in between them

Insert like this as shown in the video

I am inserting Orange first and then pink color beads into the wire

and next insert a stone ball

and insert Orange bead...

Insert 6 beads like this in alternate colors to one side of copper wire

Next take the Loreals

and insert as many as of them to the wire

as per the length that you wish for Necklace

insert one by one like this

As you can see, I have inserted all the Loreals one by one

as per the length of this Necklace

The Pendant got dried and is looking beautiful right?? Now take a bail bead

and attach that to the Pendant with the help of Jump ring

Open the jump ring using the Plier

and insert the Bail bead into this

Now insert the Pendant with Bail to the copper wire and then

and repeat the same process done for one side of copper wire

Insert Loreals and then

beads with alternate colors

As you can see, both sides of necklace are looking same and beautiful, right?

I have inserted gold beads as well on the other side

Now lastly take a hook and

insert a Jump ring

Open the jump ring slightly,

attach that to the hook

the chain hooks will be available in most of the fancy shops

tight them up with Plier

the hook is ready now

Insert it into the copper wire

and press it tightly towards beads

now hold it tightly and

spin/wrap the copper wire in the same place

and knot it at the end without leaving a gap

Cut the excess copper wire using cutter

As you can see, we have connected the both the ends of Necklace with the help of hook

Our Silk Thread Designer Necklace is ready now:)

If you want you can also place tags to this neckalce

You too can try this beautifully looking Designer Necklace

This will look so good in functions/parties

with any matching Saree / dress combination

Thanks for watching this video...

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Thank you..!

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