Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 2 2017

Welcome to the 44th Digital Basement Lab.

Do guitar sounds change by a guitar cable plug?

Today we'll change the plug to see.

It is well known that guitar sounds change by a cable

and many people have their favorite one.

However, most people pay less attention to plugs.

Here we collected various plugs which are available at musical instrument shops.

I would like to check how guitar sounds change by changing just the plug, using the same cable.

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> 【English Sub】ケーブルのプラグを替えるとギターの音はどう変わるのか?【デジマート地下実験室】Do guitar sounds change by a guitar cable plug? - Duration: 9:27.





Поучение за Господна трапеза 1 - Duration: 1:20:30.

For more infomation >> Поучение за Господна трапеза 1 - Duration: 1:20:30.


টেলিপর্দায় প্রেমিক-প্রেমিকা, বাস্তবে এঁদের সম্পর্কটা ঠিক কেমন,Aakash 8 serial Lagnosubho - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> টেলিপর্দায় প্রেমিক-প্রেমিকা, বাস্তবে এঁদের সম্পর্কটা ঠিক কেমন,Aakash 8 serial Lagnosubho - Duration: 1:48.


ВСЁ, #ШО НУЖНО ЗНАТЬ О КЛУБЕ 27 - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> ВСЁ, #ШО НУЖНО ЗНАТЬ О КЛУБЕ 27 - Duration: 6:28.


COMO LIDAR COM AS CRÍTICAS DAS PESSOAS - #25 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> COMO LIDAR COM AS CRÍTICAS DAS PESSOAS - #25 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:38.


MAMA CANTIK - Chandraliow x Rayi Putra x Ananta Vinnie x Cianicolay - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> MAMA CANTIK - Chandraliow x Rayi Putra x Ananta Vinnie x Cianicolay - Duration: 4:49.


KSW 40: Jewtuszko vs Zawada - Duration: 2:51.

My perfect fight?

We shake hands and five seconds later, he's out cold and I'm announced the winner

The doctors wake him up

I'm celebrating, congratulate him and come back home

I haven't fought for almost two years

but my dream is to return with a bang

I'm facing David Zawada

I won't talk much about him

Today I hate him, after the fight we can be friends

I don't watch my opponents' fights, that's my coaches' job

I focus on being

This is my last fight on KSW contract

I have to prove that I'm worth much more money

because my fights are spectacular

In the upcoming future I see myslef facing a very good friend of mine

This two are like brothers

They always rise up to the challenge

Never reject even a short-notive fight

They win in style and come back stronger from losses

The KSW circular cage welcomes back the most famous firefighter in MMA

and one of my favourite fighters

Good luck bro!

For more infomation >> KSW 40: Jewtuszko vs Zawada - Duration: 2:51.


MORNINGTON ROSE GARDEN - Featuring No Roses - Duration: 13:10.

I'm going to take you for walk around Mornington today and this this is Monty

who's coming for a walk with us. See the Ducks.... look at the little ducklings...Quack quack

You can tell it's spring now.. last year I actually put a photograph of this up to

ask on, I think it was on my Facebook or Twitter, what the name of this plant is

All the crocuses are coming up, daffodils are starting to come up and I know it's

all upside down for the rest of the world because pretty much everyone else

is going into winter but it's so nice to be coming into spring in Australia.

Houses in Australia are invariably single-storey,

until you get into the city centers, it goes back to the old history where

everybody was given a plot of a certain size.... certain square meteragej-- square

yards and so they tended to build single-story, what are known in Europe as

bungalows. I'm not sure what you would call that in the US or other parts the

world. Comment down below what you call a single-story dwelling. Lemon trees....

the lemons in Victoria are great. This tree over here is bursting with lemons. I

love it when the lemons come into season there's so much you can make with lemons.

I'll tell you what I'll leave.... Have we got a lemon playlist?.... we'll make a lemon playlist

because some of the lemon drizzle cake, the lemon tarts, lemon curds so good. I'll

leave a link to lemon recipes, get and check them out.

Lemon season is here again so it's time for us to start making recipes with

lemons. I said when we were coming out Michele come here! look when we come

out today...Look at the pair of us. I think our kids think we we dress from the local

hippie shop,

very colorful. Whenever we walk this route with Monty, now Monty's a a rescue

dog belongs ...who belongs to my mother. Whenever we walk this area there are

certain spots where Monty wants to stop and pee, same places every walk and he

has this sort of hesitancy you know as he's coming up toward them, he's not sure

if you're going to pull him past or whether you're going to let him actually stop and

do his business. Now I'll show you some of the different barks that we have on

our trees here in Australia. I don't mean barks as in dogs but look at this. I

don't know if you can see just how gnarly and black and this is a eucalypt.

Now I don't know if this is an iron bark I'm not sure but may be somebody who

can...who knows their eucalypts a bit better can tell me and then just over

here completely different another eucalypts are these silver barks, they have

this beautiful smooth texture to them, they're quite unlike trees that I see in

other parts of the world. I don't know if you have this sort of tree where you are.

If you see this sort of thing in other parts of the world comment down below

let me know. It's a blue heeler. What's your name? hello Ned you,ve got

beautiful colours. What is he is he a mix or is he? ...He's a blue Heeler. He is pure yeah I said he

was a blue heeler coming up but he's lovely

Aussie dog, take care. To me Blue Heelers are real Aussie dogs

I've not seen them in other parts of the world, here's another one of those trees

coming up.

Crows or Ravens are the rats of the air. Not a big fan of the Ravens and the

crows they haven't got a pretty caw and they're noisy in the mornings and they

pester all the other the other birds, they tend to always attack them. Now

where should we take you? I know I'm going to take you up to the rose gardens

here in Mornington rose gardens. It's not too far, it's a decent 20-minute walk but

it's well worth it. There's loads of these areas throughout Australia throughout

Melbourne, throughout the whole of Australia, these great public park areas.

The water here, we've got the Ducks again There's loads of ducks in this pond and

there's a kid's skate park over there. We'll come back past it on the way down.This

fellow thinks I've got bread. Now if Monty was allowed off the lead he'd be

in there but they're not, you have just over here this whole enclosure is for

dogs and they can just run and play and that's where we take Monty if we want to

let them chase a ball.

What do you reckon Monty go in there and give them a chase. It's a gorgeous day I've

seen people come down here and feed bread on mass they really shouldn't I

mean literally sacks of bread so that's why the birds tend to come around you.

who's this Oh it's Willow is it. So this is quite a big dog free enclosure not many

dogs here it sort of comes in ebbs and flows, there's a couple more coming in

Guy coming in with what looks like a little french bulldog. Oh leash free

Michele's just reminded me not a dog free. Dog free park would be pretty poor for

dogs but there's a lot of those Labradoodle, cockadoodle lots of those

sort of blended dogs that have now, got their own breed and status. We used to

call mongrels when we were kids but they are beautiful. I find that

remarkable because there's a sign there saying MPRG right next to the

Mornington Peninsula rose garden and it's not, it's the Mornington Peninsula

Regional Gallery which is this place but odd they should use the same

initials as the Rose Garden which is literally just right next door .Now we're

about to see whether or not the roses are in full bloom full season because

this Rose Garden here it's absolutely beautiful when the Roses are all in

bloom. I think at this time of year it's probably not a lot of roses in bloom it

doesn't look too colourful from here. So no it's not can you imagine later on in

the spring when all of this is colorful you know it's absolutely popping with

different types of roses. Now here's an early bird look at this beautiful

Victoria Gold he's been a little bit burnt because there's still some cold

weather so it's getting the frost, there's a little little bug in there

but you can see just how many buds there

are. I mean this is going to be awash with color and just in case you're

wondering how I know the names, they're all labeled. Do you mind waiting there

Monty? you getting bored. so let's have a look around the rose garden see if we

can see if we can spot you any early arrivals. I wouldn't be surprised if

there are some winter flowering or early spring flowering varieties. A month from

now this place will be a rainbow of colors, all different varieties hopefully

if we if we're in this area during the the second half of a spring we'll come

down and and catch all these in bloom because it is absolutely beautiful.

The other big thing this is all free to come in here for the public, just to come,

a little walk, there are places you can sit down. I am determined to get a bit of

color, so we've come to the other side of the entrance of the Rose Garden. Here

where there are I think lupins and many more sort of earlier spring / winter

flowering plants. Take a look now I've just seen something over here that you

only really see in Australia, it's an indigenous plant, the didgeridoo plant

and I've only really seen this grow in Australia. I don't think it grows

overseas it has the most unusual bark it's quite smooth,

a little bit like the trees we were looking at earlier on but it has these

interesting markings. Got one here that's got something that looks a bit like a

boomerang. I often think we could export those to other countries because I've

never seen them growing overseas let me know what you think in the comments down

below. So these roses they haven't been identified we've just got a number and

I'm guessing, I'm guessing they can identify them through genes or something

good anyone want to have a guess. Now I did think these were lupins but

getting closer I don't think they are I'm not super good with my plants but

from a distance they look like lupins but it's certainly not. Just found another

one creeping down here.

Now here is a bird you don't see outside of Australia

that often and they're going to run away because I'm here

but these parrots. How pretty are they hello

and they're probably, you're probably going to nest in this tree and there's a

bunch of coots swimming towards me hoping that I've got some some snacks

for them

Hey guys how you doing? good day for it isn't it

yeah yeah.... who do you watch? huh... I don't know that, who's that. I'm hopeless aren't I

What what does he do? What's his name? Tanner Fox. American is he?

These are the barbecue pits.. kind of cool there's a group over here having a

barbecue so I won't disturb them. All right guys? now yeah. Nice little play

park, lots of little picnic tables, places to park. yeah you can if you want. Kids

love YouTube. YouTube is the future of entertainment or something like it you

know I'm sure there'll be someone to come along and knock it off the pedestal

but they'll always be this sort of social media entertainment because TV, as

far as I'm concerned and it's for me it's been like it most of our lives we

haven't watched television for decades but for the young generation, social

media, social TV is the way of the future and hopefully not too much of it so they

get out, play on the boards like this and enjoy themselves. So.

"Welcome to Steve's Kitchen". "Shout to Raymond Warner".......Beautiful

you guys are stars. Now with the Sun starting to go behind... behind that big

cloud I think I'm going to end the vlog here and of course we're doing the usual

video recipes on Steve's kitchen. I think tomorrow we're making almond milk, we've

got the new smoothie Tuesday series and The Weeknd cooking videos as well. So get

on your social media, share this, put a little sunshine in your friends and

families lives, share the video across and take care and in the meantime we

will see you very shortly. Be good.

For more infomation >> MORNINGTON ROSE GARDEN - Featuring No Roses - Duration: 13:10.


I Love You, America: The Song (Official) • I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:44.

I love you, America from sea to shining sea

From the East Coast to the West

And whatever's in between

I love you, America

The old red, white and blue

I love you, America

And everyone in you


I love you, men

I love you, women

I love straights and I love gays

I love all the Americans

From places far away

I love you if you're Haitian or Korean or Irish

I love that you're Mexican

And I love that you're from--

uh, Afghani--uh, Lyb--Tur--

- North Carolina. - Carolina

I love black people, I love whites

And Asians, too

I love Latinos, Muslims, Christians

Buddhists and the Jews

Wait a minute. What am I doing?

I'm listing kinds of people.

I'm categorizing human beings

and putting them into little, individual boxes.

I mean, whether I mean it or not,

I'm part of the problem.

I love you, mailman person

I love you, bus driver, too

I love you, police officer

Well, that's--yeah, that's easy for me to say.

I mean, I can walk into any encounter with the police

assuming they're gonna serve and protect me.

That's my luxury. That's called white privilege.

You know, a few years ago, I was sitting around

and I go, wow, there's a real epidemic

of cops murdering unarmed black teenagers.

And then I realized that's not an epidemic.

That's how it's always been.

I'm just aware of it now because of social media.

And I was so f***ing ashamed.

And, f***, I just wanna be a good ally.

How can I be a good ally?

- It's not my job to teach you how to be a good ally.

- Right, no, I know. You're right.

Of course. But there's no way I can know

unless someone whose experience I could never understand

is willing to-- - Sarah.

Seriously, take a class or something.

I'm busy. I'm not all black people.

I'm just me. I'm just Retta.

I love that about you

I love you, liberal bubble

I love you, racist South - Hey.

- I love you all so much

I wanna put you in my mouth

I love you, California

New York City, too

I love whatever this state is

Uh, I said California, right?

I love you, Indians

I mean, Native Americans.

Oh--First Americans.

Ugh, I can keep up.

I said I can keep up. [laughs]

I'm great!

I love you, America

Amber waves of grain

And those corn fields and those corn fields

And--Jesus Christ, there's so many corn fields.

We make so much corn. This is crazy.

Holy s***. F***.

I love you, America

Purple mountains majesty

From the Great Lakes to the Great Plains

To America's p***y, the Grand Canyon.

I love you, people who didn't sign waivers for this

I love super hot guys

And I love big, fat pieces of s***

I love-- Oh, that-- [coughs]

Oh, that's too high.


I love you, America

The old red, white and blue

I love you, America

But not everything you do

You know, sometimes I just--

I get really, really mad at you

and the stupid s*** that you do.

And how you vote for these rich f***s

that lie to your faces and then

systematically rape you of your rights

and your job and your healthcare.

And then you call me Hollywood elite?

Dude, I'm from f***ing New Hampshire.

And you're mad at me for wanting the best for you

and for getting pissed when you vote against

your own best interests.

I'm caring about you.

I'm condescending to you.


For more infomation >> I Love You, America: The Song (Official) • I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:44.


Andrea Larosa - My Journey - Duration: 2:16.

I started this particular type of workout more than four years ago.

my aim was to stay fit without having to rely on any specific equipment.

It was quite hard at first, but my results helped me find the right motivation.

I gradually fell in love with this discipline,

and as time passed by my objectives changed and I turned my focus on skills and freestyle.

I began to record myself during the training sessions to become aware of any possible mistake.

Since then, I have relied heavily on photography and videos to show my skills and exercises.

I've taken part in a number of international contests.

I was awarded the International Champion title, and I had the opportunity to perform in several TV shows.

people seem to really appreciate what I do and my improvements.

but in all truth, they don't even imagine the hardwork and sacrifices behind my success.

now my main objective is to motivate as many people as possible

push them into healthy habits and help them not to give up

I want to show people that everything happens for a purpose

that nobody gives you anything for free

and that you must work hard to get where you want to get

you will go through hard times, but believe me,

just keep up the good work and you'll be fine

For more infomation >> Andrea Larosa - My Journey - Duration: 2:16.


Learn colors with superhero playing fun game on beach, sand, toys and more... | Videos for children - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Learn colors with superhero playing fun game on beach, sand, toys and more... | Videos for children - Duration: 10:19.


Russian Hobbit makes coffee - Duration: 3:34.

Hello dear friends! This Russian Hobbit.

Today is a day off and it means that there will be many guests.

And it's the perfect moment for a story about how to brew coffee.

First we need to grind coffee

And for this we will use our miracle-grinder

Well coffee have ground

in the furnace fire begins

start brewing coffee

take gorgeous copper Turk

(Kostya! Thank you for the gift)

We put on the stove

and pour water into it

and immediately mounds of freshly ground coffee

in the process of cooking several times I stirred the coffee

the moment of readiness of coffee - the most important secret of each coffee master

and I have this secret

and I tell you it is ready to open

come to visit me, I'll tell you everything and show

coffee is ready and we are going to drink

For more infomation >> Russian Hobbit makes coffee - Duration: 3:34.


விஜய்சேதுபதியின் மனைவி யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> விஜய்சேதுபதியின் மனைவி யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:51.


Aprender español: Las horas (nivel básico) - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> Aprender español: Las horas (nivel básico) - Duration: 8:50.


Волосы на микрокольцах, 50 см 1B | ВолосОк - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Волосы на микрокольцах, 50 см 1B | ВолосОк - Duration: 1:01.


Prawda o Hashimoto zwiastun - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Prawda o Hashimoto zwiastun - Duration: 1:55.


Sirf 5 second ka wazifa | Sirf Saat martaba is isam ko parhana | ya barru - Duration: 2:21.

Sirf 5 second ka wazifa | Sirf Saat martaba is isam ko parhana | ya barru

For more infomation >> Sirf 5 second ka wazifa | Sirf Saat martaba is isam ko parhana | ya barru - Duration: 2:21.


Mindful Morning Meditation by Thea Ge. - Duration: 10:02.

Good morning, this is Thea Ge. and welcome to this mindful morning meditation.

This 10-minute meditation will help you start your day in a positive and productive way.

It would be great if it's possible for you to listen to this guided meditation first

thing in the morning while you're setting your goals for the day ahead.

Take time and prepare yourself to connect with your deepest wisdom and highest potential

to start your perfect day and create the outcome you want for yourself today.

Find yourself a quiet place to sit.

Make sure that you are nice and comfortable.

Now close your eyes and take a deep breath…and exhale.

With your eyes closed, you begin to connect with your inner world of thoughts and feelings.

For the next few minutes, give yourself permission to enjoy this relaxing experience.

You are free from all of your responsibilities at this moment, so put aside all thoughts

of tasks or concerns that might be waiting for you.

Take a long, slow, deep breath in …and then release that breath.

Feel yourself relaxing.

Take another deep breath…and as you exhale allow your body to begin to relax.

Breath in…and out.

And with each breath allow yourself to relax a little more.

Begin to let go of all thoughts you are having right now.

Focus on your shoulders.

Continue to slowly breath in and out and notice where you feel tension in your body and try

to relax those areas.

With each breath you're feeling calmer and more peaceful and now you are ready to start

imagining your perfect day.

Let go of all your expectations, and allow yourself to experience this guided journey

in whatever way comes naturally to you.

Breath in…breath out.

Start by imagining yourself waking up in your home starting your day with a positive mindset.

Imagine the environment and the mood you want to start your day with.

Notice how your morning looks like, feels like.

How do you feel today?

Think about how your morning will affect your day ahead.

Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings…

Visualize a great start of your day.

Breath in…breath out.

See yourself looking and feeling great, respected, fulfilled and energized.

Going to work or meeting with your friends, walking in feeling confident, successful and


Whatever the day holds for you visualize a great and positive outcome and repeat the

mantra - today is going to be the best day ever!

Relax and allow yourself to fall into that delightful feeling while you're visualizing

your ideal day.

Breath in…breath out.

Breath in…breath out.

Now it's time to slowly become awake.

You may want to stretch out your arms.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale let yourself become fully awake and refreshed.

Slowly open your eyes and be ready for a brand-new day ahead of you.

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