Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 2 2017

4 points to zero.

4 points to 1.

4 points to 2.

Okay, what?

You don't like 'em?

I thought you selected them personally.

Excuse me?

Every time a match ends

You make this little gesture,

Like you're critical of their performance.

It's not their performance, it's yours.

Your gambit.

You could have taken all of them two moves earlier.

You think so?

I know so.

Can we change this up?

How 'bout we give her a shot?



We stick to the cadet list we have, ranger.

Only candidates with drift compatibility..

Which I have, marshal.

Mako, this is not only about a neural connection.

It's also about a physical compatibility.

What's the matter, marshal?

Don't think your brightest can cut it in the ring with me?


Four strikes marks a win.

Remember, it's about compatibility.

It's a dialogue, not a fight.

But I'm not gonna dial down my moves.


Then neither will I.



21. Concentrate.


Better watch it.




I've seen what I need to see.

Me too.

She's my copilot.

That's not going to work.

Why not?

Because I said so, Mr. Becket.

I made my decision.

Report to the shatterdome in two hours

And find out who your copilot will be.


What was all that about?

I mean, I'm not crazy. You felt it, right?

We are drift compatible.

Thank you for standing up for me.

But there is nothing to talk about.

That's my room.

Excuse me.

I mean, come on. I thought you wanted to be a pilot.

Mako, this is worth fighting for.

We don't have to just obey him.

It's not obedience, Mr. Becket.

It's respect.

Would you at least tell me what his problem is?

For more infomation >> Raleigh vs Mako / Candidate Trials | Pacific Rim (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:46.


Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.

You guys, we're going to Disney World shortly and I have a super great tip for

not standing in line! Stay tuned. What, these? Oh yes, those are my Maleficent

horns. I made them. Because I'm crafty like that. So I discovered a killer tip

for not standing in line probably seven or eight years ago and it has made every

Disney vacation that we've ever taken since then awesome. We've tried this at

Disney World, we've tried this at Disneyland, we've done it at Magic

Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, you name it. This sucker works so I am

going to be reviewing an app today called RideMax. So here we are at the

RideMax home page. Once you've paid your $20 you get an account and

you can either create a new plan or look at the ones you've already created. So

let's create a new plan. You tell it which park you're going to go to, what

day you're going. what time you're gonna arrive, what time you're gonna leave, you

schedule your lunch breaks, the whole thing in this app. So I said on Wednesday

the 18th I'm gonna go to Magic Kingdom we're gonna arrive at 8 o'clock and

we're gonna leave by 2 because that's my my strategy. We go early and leave after

lunch. That way the kids are not completely wiped out because you've been

there all day. Then you just go down the list of rides and you tell it everything

that you want to go on. You can also schedule in lunch breaks so let's say

that you had an 11:00 a.m. reservation at Be Our Guest. You could go ahead and

schedule that in here. Then you go over to the Fast Pass tab (say

that five times fast!) and tell it everything you already have a Fast Pass

reservation for. You can also let it choose the time of the Fast Pass - "let

Ride max choose my Fast Pass time" - but that really only works if you are

booking this 60 days out. If you are doing this two weeks in advance like I

usually do you have to have your fast past reservations already made. So if you

have those put them in. If you walk really slowly, if you have a kid in a

stroller or if you have somebody in a wheelchair in your party you can always

say we're gonna walk slower than normal, but I usually leave it at normal. And then

you hit make my plan. This typically takes 30 to 45 seconds. So you can see

all the different plans that I've been making and some old ones - there's 2015

2016. And I just keep making a plan until I come up with the one that works for me.

So now it is ready for us to take a look at it. You click on it and it shows you

the itinerary that it has come up with. So the first thing I do is look at the

estimated wait times - 1 minute, four minutes, 1, 5, 7, 5, 20 for Space Mountain. I can deal

with that because you're inside in the shade. Normally I am so spoiled using

this app that if I have to wait longer than about 15 minutes I modify the plan

and I come up with something else! But I can handle waiting 20 minutes inside

Space Mountain. So look at that! This is between 8 a.m. and noon. Look how many

rides we've got scheduled and that includes lunch in there! We'll be all done

and we can take off at 12:30, or I might add more rides into the mix. I could

modify it and add a few more things. You might be thinking there is simply no way

that you can go on this many rides in such a short period of time, but as

somebody who's used this app over and over on multiple trips on multiple times

of year at multiple different parks these times are extremely accurate. So if

you're at the park, you have used all of your fast passes and now you're gonna

make a new reservation you can go ahead and do that from your phone while you're

standing in the shade in the corner. Add a couple more rides to this plan. Either

make a new plan or modify the plan. You can do this all on the fly on your phone

while you're there in the park. You don't have to plan ahead but I typically plan

it... you know a week or two in advance so that the day we go to the park we are

set to go. So that is my secret weapon for going to

Disney and having a great time. Try it this way. I guarantee you you will not

regret it. Best 20 bucks ever! What, these? Oh yeah,

these are my Not So Scary Halloween Party

ears. Made those too. Thank you so much for watching this video! If you liked it hit

the thumbs up button down below, leave a comment -I love to answer all of the

comments I get personally - and if you happen to live in the Savannah area

subscribe to my channel. I talk about all things real estate and sometimes things

not real estate on my channel every Monday. So subscribe and get

notifications every time I come up with a new video. Thanks again for watching

and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.


Parenting Hacks: New parent orientation, musical lesson with Protective Life - Duration: 3:05.

(lullaby music box plays)

- Okay mom- and dad-to-be.

Time to play "guess the baby food."

This is so going to get you ready to be a parent.

- That's a fun game, but let's get real.

Break it down, honey.

♫ These games are really funny

♫ The food is really runny

♫ But here is what it's really gonna be like, honey

♫ We couldn't be happier

♫ It's a great new chapter

♫ But this cute thing's gonna act like a velociraptor

♫ I know you have some questions

♫ We have a few suggestions

♫ So buckle up, we're going fast,

♫ Here comes your baby lesson

♫ Lesson one

♫ Diaper changing, yeah I know

♫ Probably the thing your dreading most

♫ 'Cause poop is so gross, right

♫ Well I gotta little revelation

♫ The poop isn't the worst part, for your information

♫ The worst part when you take off that diaper they wear

♫ The little one is gonna feel some refreshing air

♫ And there will be a powerful stream that you discover

♫ So, lesson one when you take that diaper off

♫ Use a cover

♫ Lesson two

♫ Getting older now, the baby was here

♫ Now he's there, you don't know how

♫ You baby proof the house

♫ But she's still on the loose

♫ She went and stole every single pair of your shoes

♫ You try to feed her but she doesn't like it in her chair

♫ But she will eat anything you put down there

♫ So, lesson two, if she's fussy and won't eat no more

♫ I don't know maybe just feed her straight off the floor

- Don't judge me.

It works, and when your baby is starving

you're gonna get on the floor.

♫ Lesson three

♫ For this one here's the present that we brought

♫ Is this a Silverado

♫ No it is not.

♫ You see we spend thousands of dollars every year

♫ On toys we think are really cool, but look here

♫ Our daughter's favorite gift when she was one year old

♫ Was a box full of remote controls

♫ Yeah, no matter how much your toy rocks

♫ Your baby would rather play with this here box

♫ So, lesson three, believe me you'll save a lot of cash

♫ Wrap it up and give them something

♫ that you found in the trash

♫ Lesson four

♫ Now you're in the weeds

♫ And a moment of peace and quiet is all you need

♫ But let us warn you

♫ When you listen and don't hear a sound

♫ There is something terrible going down

♫ We heard silence, we never heard it before

♫ We found her climbing onto the dishwasher door

♫ It got quiet, we knew that he was being naughty

♫ We found him trying to drink water out the potty

♫ So when it's calm you know something bad's unfolding

♫ Lesson number four, silence is not golden

♫ Lesson five

♫ Any good news here, I know your probably asking

♫ Well you're gonna get good at multitasking

♫ When cooking dinner one hand'll have to be enough

♫ While using your feet to wipe the floor and clean up stuff

♫ But if you're patient and you get them past the early days

♫ They'll be a time when they're helping out in many ways

♫ The day that our kids learned to help clean the place

♫ I think I saw tears of joy running down her face

♫ Lesson five, don't give up, the future is bright

♫ At the end of the tunnel there is still a light

- Look, we've been at this parenting thing for 10 years now

and frankly, you never stop learning.

That's why we've teamed up with Protective Life

to help get your attention.

- Parenting is hard, we get it, and so do they.

And while this video was so much fun to make,

we know there's a serious side to providing for your family.

- Yeah, and Protective Life has all

of the resources that can help.

From budgeting, to college, to financial tips,

you can find lots of free and useful information

all in Protective's learning center.

- Our friends at Protective Life have been helping families

just like yours for more than 100 years.

- So, longer than us.

- Way longer.

For more infomation >> Parenting Hacks: New parent orientation, musical lesson with Protective Life - Duration: 3:05.


Prunelle et son trio infernal ! - FR - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Prunelle et son trio infernal ! - FR - Duration: 5:17.


Jetfire Wakes Up | Museum & Egypt Scene | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) CLIP - Duration: 9:12.

You got what I got?

- Yeah. - Blackbird.

There he is.

This guy's a legend, like the Chairman of the Board!

Yo, freshman, point the shard and watch the magic happen.

Shit. It's a Decepticon!

- Decepticon? - Decepticon?

Behind the MiG now!

What sort of hideous mausoleum is this?

Answer me, pawns and knaves!

Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath!

You little spinal-cord-based organisms!

Bugger it!

Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire!

Prepare for remote systems override!

- I tell you, this guy did not age well. - I don't think he's gonna hurt us.

I command these doors to open.

Fire! I said, fire!


- Damn these worthless parts. - Wait a second!

Itchy, wretched rust in my arse!

The museum is going to be very angry. Very angry.

We gotta catch that plane.

- Right. I'm on a mission. - Wait, wait, wait, wait!

- What do you want? - Look, we just want to talk!

I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission.

I'm a mercenary doom-bringer. What planet am I on?

- Earth. - Earth?

Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it "Dirt." Planet "Dirt."

Tell me, is that robot civil war still going on?

- Who's winning? - The Decepticons.

- Well, I changed sides to the Autobots. - What do you mean, "changed sides"?

It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision.

So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?

You mean you don't have to work

for those miserable, freaking Decepticons?

If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe.

I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddess.

- Who's your little Autobot? - You're cute.

Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Say my name, say my name.

What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?

At least he's faithful, Sam.

Yeah, well, he's faithful and he's nude and he's perverted.

Can you just... Can you stop?

- Hey, what are you doing? - It's just something

to think about. I won't argue with... What were you saying?

I told you my name was Jetfire, so stop judging me.

Somebody shit the bed this morning.

- Look at this guy. - I have issues of my own.

And it started with my mother!

My ancestors have been here for centuries.

My father, he was a wheel, the first wheel.

- Do you know what he transformed into? - No.


But he did so with honor, dignity, damn it!


My boosters are fried.

I think we can help each other.

You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know, I do.

I don't think he knows anything. Honestly, I don't.

I could do this all day. It comes in waves, these vivid symbols.

They're symbols, but they're in my mind. You see, all this is in my mind

and Megatron wants what's in my mind.

- Him and someone called The Fallen. - The Fallen? I know him.

He left me here to rust. The original Decepticon.

He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis.

These transcriptions, they were part of my mission,

The Fallen's search.

I remember now, for the Dagger's Tip, and the key.

Slow down. The Dagger's Tip? The key? What are you talking about?

No time to explain. Hold on, everybody! Stay still or you'll die!

Well, that wasn't so bad.

I just hope we're still on the right planet.

Hey, that freaking hurt!

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God, what a beautiful face.

This would be a perfect moment, except you landed on my testicles.

Please, get off.

God, my balls.


- Where are we? Simmons! - Hey! Yeah!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What is this? It's Vegas.

- You guys okay? - Yeah.

Hey, I think we're in Vegas!

That really, really hurt. You're just lucky that I didn't get hurt!

People could have gotten killed, okay? And if I would have gotten hurt,

- you would have heard... - Shut up.

I told you I was opening a space bridge. It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt.

When did you... When did you tell us? You didn't tell us anything.

You didn't tell us anything. Why are we in Egypt?

Don't you get snippy with me, fleshling! You were duly informed!

Can you just stop for a second? Can you focus?

Can you tell us why we're in Egypt

so we can all have a little bit of semblance of peace of mind?

This planet was visited by our race once before,

by our earliest ancestors, millennia ago.

They were on an exploratory mission to harvest Energon,

the lifeblood of our race.

Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self!

Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?

Let's not get episodic, okay, old-timer?

Beginning, middle, end. Facts. Details. Condense. Plot. Tell it.

Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine.

It harvests Energon by destroying suns.

- Destroy suns? - You mean blow them up?

Yes. You see, in the beginning,

there were seven Primes, our original leaders.

And they set out into the universe, seeking distant suns to harvest.

The Primes set out with one rule, never destroy a planet with life,

until one of them tried to defy this rule.

And his name forevermore was The Fallen.

He despised the human race

and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine.

The only way to activate it is with a legendary key

called the Matrix of Leadership.

A great battle took place over possession of the Matrix.

The Fallen was stronger than his brothers,

so they had no choice but to steal and hide it from him.

In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal the Matrix away

in a tomb made of their very own bodies,

a tomb we cannot find.

Somewhere, buried in this desert, that deadly machine remains.

The Fallen knows where it is

and if he finds the tomb of the Primes, your world will be no more.

Okay, so how do we stop him?

Only a Prime can defeat The Fallen.

Optimus Prime?

So, you've met a Prime?

Why, you must have met a great descendant.

Is he alive, here on this planet?

He sacrificed himself to save me.

So, he's dead.

Without a Prime, it's impossible. No one else could stop The Fallen.

So, the same energy that's gonna be used to reactivate the machine,

could that energy somehow be used to reactivate Optimus

and bring him back to life?

It was never designed for that purpose, but it's an energy like no other.

So, then how do you get us to the Matrix before the Decepticons get to me?

Follow your mind, your map, your symbols.

What you carved in the sand, it's your clue.

When dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, Three Kings will reveal the doorway!

Find the doorway!

Go now! Go!

That was my mission. It's your mission now.

Go before the Decepticons find me and find you.

For more infomation >> Jetfire Wakes Up | Museum & Egypt Scene | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) CLIP - Duration: 9:12.


Project Profile - Ash Bellett - Duration: 0:26.

My name is Ash. I'm a final year student at Monash studying Electrical Engineering.

My final year project is looking at the application of Ray Tracing to Wireless Channel Modelling.

It involves coding in MATLAB and conducting experiments with software-defined radio.

And I look forward to seeing you at Spark Night 2017

For more infomation >> Project Profile - Ash Bellett - Duration: 0:26.


Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:53.

U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing to goad North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,…

telling his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson not to waste time negotiating with Pyongyang.

Our Ji Myung-kil has more.

In a series of tweets on Sunday,...

President Trump appeared to undercut his own Secretary of State's diplomatic efforts to

resolve the nuclear standoff with North Korea Using his nickname for Kim Jong-un, Trump

said: "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary

of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.

Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done "

President Trump's comments came a day after Tillerson revealed the U.S. was directly communicating

with North Korea on its nuclear and missile programs but that Pyongyang had shown no interest.

During a trip to China,... Tillerson said Washington was probing North Korea to see

whether it was interested in dialogue and that it had a couple of channels open to talk

with Pyongyang.

Later Sunday evening... Trump took to Twitter again,... adding: "Being nice to Rocket Man

hasn't worked in 25 years, why would it work now?

Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed.

I won't fail."

Not long after Trump's final tweet on the matter,...

State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert confirmed that diplomatic channels are open

for now but won't be open forever.

It's unclear how successful diplomatic communications will be in curbing North Korea's nuclear ambitions...

since the leaders of both countries have been locked in an escalating war of words.

North Korea has continued to test missiles and is threatening to explode a hydrogen bomb

over the Pacific Ocean and shoot down U.S. military aircraft off its coast.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:53.


How To Add Google Analytics To Blogger - Hinglish - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> How To Add Google Analytics To Blogger - Hinglish - Duration: 4:12.


عــــــــاجل: في سابقة من نوعها.. "نايضة" بين البوليساريو والجزائــر..!! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: في سابقة من نوعها.. "نايضة" بين البوليساريو والجزائــر..!! - Duration: 2:24.


RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK RAP | Mad Clip - ΦΕΡΕ / FERE | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 3:54.

This is the guy who made that dope song with Light

Remember that song with Light? I was singing along with them

Nice beat

That dude has a tattoo like Conor McGregor's

Or maybe it's actually him

McGregor has a monkey tattoo but this guy has an eagle

Kalash, kalash, kalash

They have lots of guns!

He looks like a Mexican

They starting to ride motorbikes in Greek videos too

His song song dealer... Oh look, it's Tupac

In Spanish and Greek many words end with "os"

One of the guys has a really small pistol

By the way, Mad Clip just released a new album

This song is from the new album

That's a BMW

I think it's the most expensive car that we've seen in Greek videos

Nah, there was a Ferrari

Ahhh, true, in a Snik video

By the way, there was a guy with a AK-47 in the Dealer video too

You mean Light?

Ah yeah, Light was holding a shotgun in Dealer

Yeah, that was Light

But here a guy holds a AK-47

Light killed that song

It's really dope

I wish Light was on this song too

He would kill it

Whoa, see! They ride bikes too

On the way to the Gucci store in Saint Petersburg

I think they make a lot of money if they can afford Gucci

I hope it's real Gucci

Some people just go and put a Gucci print on their own t-shirt

Good song, I liked it. It was wavy

It's pulsating

I wish the beat was a bit harder though

If the beat was a little harder, the song would be even cooler

But still good. Nice cars

Motorcycles too

Nice BMW too

AK-47s. Everything is on point

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK RAP | Mad Clip - ΦΕΡΕ / FERE | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 3:54.



Hello Everyone, this is Marty. Far too many airsoft players have been in a situation when you quickly draw you pistol, but there is no magazine in it. Cause you've lost it.

So this video is about 4 different hints you can use in order to not loose your pistol magazine.

Thanks to our sponsors. All links are below.

Fist off some general advice about any magazines. Tag them with your own mark, like your call sign. This way you increase the chance that some one will return it back to you. Cause we're all friends, right?

1. Tape

The cheapest and simplest way you can use to secure your magazine is electrical tape.

Just tape few stripes on the side of your mag and it will hold inside your gun much better. From now on you will probably need to use other hand to unload your pistol.

But remember to only use black tape. Because blue tape is for STALKERs.

2. Rubber

If tape only is too simple for you - you can use rubber instead. Wrap it around the bottom of your gun's handle and secure with tape.

This trick is especially useful for electric pistol mags, as such mags cannot be wrapped with tape easily.

3. Plastic holster

One of the main reasons for lost magazines is soft holster as it may accidentally press the mag release button while you walk or run.

In this case using hard plastic (automatic) holsters might be handy

Such holster secures your pistol safely and let's you avoid accidental pistol or magazine release.

I personally use replica of BLACKHAWK holster. But keep in mind that some holsters will require additional tuning as the size of airsoft guns usually differs from the real ones.

4. Grind the button off

And finally since we started talking about airsoft tuning - you can simply grind the button with a file so it can only be pressed with your finger.

This trick will only work on pistols with plastic buttons, like Glock. Actually, I was using this trick myself, before started using plastic holster.

I hope you like such a format of small airsoft life-hack videos. Hit thumbs up if you do and share this video with your friends.

Please let me know in the comments what other tricks you might be interested in.

Subscribe to my channel and check all the links in the description below. Don't lose your magazines!

For more infomation >> 4 СПОСОБА КАК НЕ ПОТЕРЯТЬ ПИСТОЛЕТНЫЙ МАГАЗИН - Duration: 2:59.


Two fatal weekend crashes - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Two fatal weekend crashes - Duration: 0:29.


Comment faire du bon Compost - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Comment faire du bon Compost - Duration: 5:16.


Comment faire une crème anglaise ? - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Comment faire une crème anglaise ? - Duration: 1:34.


அப்பாவையும் மகனையும் கூட விட்டுவைக்காத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> அப்பாவையும் மகனையும் கூட விட்டுவைக்காத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:34.


모닝구무스메17 モーニング娘 근황|NVM TV - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 모닝구무스메17 モーニング娘 근황|NVM TV - Duration: 2:58.


President Moon appears on local radio station as daily traffic reporter - Duration: 1:56.

Today is the day President Moon Jae-in and his Cabinet designated as an "alternative

holiday" to link the weekend and the Chuseok holiday,... which starts tomorrow, making

for up to 10 days off in a row for millions of Koreans.

President Moon took the time to reach out to people traveling to see family... and those

whose public duties prevent them from taking time off.

Our Blue House correspondent, Hwang Hojun, reports.

With the mass Chuseok exodus from Seoul to areas around the country, President Moon Jae-in

took to the radio airwaves on Monday morning,... not as the nation's commander-in-chief,...

but as a traffic reporter for the day.

(KOREAN-RADIO) "Hello, this is Moon Jae-in....

And here's the latest traffic update for your trip home."

( .... , .)

While giving the listeners the latest traffic condition, President Moon encouraged safe

driving, asking drivers to take rest stops on their long drives and to make sure to fasten

their seat belts at all times.

President Moon also said he hopes people will be able to get plenty of rest and spend time

with their families during the holiday, which is 10 days long this year thanks to Monday

having been designated a temporary holiday.

Moon also thanked public transportation workers, including bus, taxi and train drivers, as

well as maritime workers, for being on duty and sacrificing time with their families so

the rest of the country can have some time off.

On that note, President Moon also made phone calls to 11 citizens in the afternoon who

are also not able to spend time with their families.

Those include a researcher stationed in Antarctica, a former victim of the Japanese military's

sexual enslavement during World War II, the father of an Army recruit, a police officer,

and the chief security guard of the Dokdo Islets.

(STAND UP) According to the Blue House, President Moon's

radio appearance and multiple phone calls were opportunities to send his Chuseok greetings

to the Korean people and also to show his effort for better communication.

Hwang Hojun Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon appears on local radio station as daily traffic reporter - Duration: 1:56.


My Nickname Was Retard: How I Survived Bullying | Hear Me Roar - Duration: 4:28.

So a lot of people are given fun nicknames

when they're younger.

My nickname was retard.

I was diagnosed with autism at a very young age

and an autism diagnosis, it's like a box,

even if you're extremely capable mentally,

it's a box that's very hard to get out of.

Until I was six years old, I was barely able to speak

a straight sentence on my own.

My vocal and mental development were considerably delayed

compared to that of other students my age.

I remember one day I was in algebra class

and I was having a really hard time following

what was going on, math has never been my strong subject,

and I remember one day walking out of class

after a really hard day and somebody just said,

maybe if you weren't so retarded,

you'd be able to understand it better.

That was a regular day for me in school.

Most kids my age couldn't wait to go home for the day

so they could socialize with their friends after school.

Me, I didn't really have many friends.

I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep.

There were times that when I went home,

I would just sit in bed and contemplate killing myself.

What purpose do I have living in this world

if every day, I'm gonna wake up and it's gonna be like this?

When everyone else has given up on you,

it's hard not to give up on yourself.

So in high school, I was pushing very hard

to get into a high-level English class,

I was in the lowest level because they didn't believe

I was capable of anything more.

I remember taking a test, actually,

to which they claimed would have, if I passed it,

would have allowed me to go into the higher-level

English class, so I took it, and they still refused

to allow me to go into the higher-level class.

They claimed that I didn't do that well on the test.

However, when I asked to see the results,

they refused to show them to me or explain to me

what I did so wrong in the test.

I quickly realized that if I want the best education

available to me, I'm gonna have to start taking matters

into my own hands, and would have to start

educating myself, so that day, I went home

and I did what a lot of teenage kids do best,

I went on the internet, only instead of going on Facebook,

I started teaching myself all these different subjects

that I was not learning about in school.

I noticed how quickly I was learning just by teaching myself

for not even an hour every day and once I realized

that my empowerment came from within myself,

everything began to take off.

10 years ago, they said my speech would never amount

to anything more than basic.

In 2016, I was on a speaker panel at AIPAC

with thousands of people looking on.

Five years ago, they said I couldn't write.

Today, I write for two of Israel's largest newspapers

and get thousands of readers reading my articles

every single day.

Four years ago, they laughed at me when I said

that I would join the Israeli army.

What use does the state of Israel have

for someone as dumb and fat as I was?

Well, I just made aliyah, moved to Israel,

and in a few weeks, I'm gonna once again prove them wrong.

(inspirational music)

One message I wanna leave with you is this:

If anyone out there tells you that you're not capable

of doing something, for whatever reason,

just smile and tell them, watch me.

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