in this video I'm going to show you guys how to Parallel Park to pass your driving
test and here's what my students are saying about the parallel parking
technique that I'm going to share with you guys Mandeep did an awesome job
teaching my daughter how to parallel park after having some trouble passing her
driving test she passed and was able to parallel park in 18 seconds! 18 seconds
guys can you believe that? the same method
that you guys are going to learn she used the same technique and she was able
to parallel park in 18 seconds I think that's a record. so comment below if you
guys break that record in your driving test here's another one Mandeep was a
great teacher oh thank you so much and his parallel parking technique was a fool
proof so this student used the same parallel parking technique that I'm just
going to share with you guys and here's another one
he helped me pass my parallel parking not just for driving tests but for everyday
life as well I tell you guys this parallel parking technique that I'm about to show
you guys it's definitely going to help you in your driving test but this parallel
parking technique it will also help you in everyday life as well if I need
to parallel park somewhere I use the same parallel parking technique that I'm
going show you guys right now so it's good for
your driving test and it's good for daily life as well so let's go in the car and
look at this awesome parallel parking technique ok guys so in this parallel
parking video we are not just going to look at how to do parallel parking but we
will also look at what are the general mistakes
the most common general mistakes when students are doing parallel parking in
their driving test so the step number one is your signal so right now we are
in parked position here and the curb is on the right side so
that means before we start doing our parallel parking before we start moving
we have to indicate and shoulder check so if the curb is on the right-hand side
then we signal left left and left shoulder check to indicate other drivers other traffic
that we are going to start moving from parked position as we are approaching to
the space where we want to parallel park we put the right signal on to indicate
the traffic behind us that we are going to parallel park here now obviously in a
parking lot there is not a lot of traffic but in your driving test you still have
to show to your examiner that you know about the rules okay so in Manitoba they
ask you to do the parallel parking in MPI parking lot. A lot of time it's gonna
be empty there's not a lot of traffic but you have to pretend like you're on a
busy street and you're checking traffic all the time so that's why the
signals are very important when you're doing parallel parking in your driving
test if you don't put the signal on they will deduct points In Manitoba
if you don't put the left signal on that's a one-point deduction if you
don't shoulder check that's another point second
deduction and if you don't have your right signal on that's gonna be a
deduction as well they will also check how far your car is
from the poles so when you're parallel parking you should have about two feet
distance or maximum three feet from the yellow post now you have to same idea
here you have to pretend like you're on a busy street you're not in a parking
lot and you should be in the middle of the street when you're doing this
parallel parking okay so if you're too far from the yellow post that means
you're blocking the whole street that means you're in the left lane and you're
blocking all the traffic so let's continue our parallel parking so now we
have our right blinker on then we look for this yellow post so this yellow post
right here represent the back side of the car so we are looking for this
yellow post in the back triangular window of our car so now we see a yellow
post here and the most common question I get asked is okay this is
great Mandeep but if I'm taking my personal car and if I don't have that
triangular window in my car what I do that's a very good question if you don't
have that triangular window in your car and you're gonna be taking a personal
car for your driving test you can simply look for this yellow pole or you can
line up the yellow pole with the back seat same thing in real-life
situation if you want to be parking in between the cars
this yellow pole will represent the back side of this car so the brake light or
the rear bumper of the car so when you see that yellow post here the next step
to our next step for our parallel parking is to shift into reverse
check on both sides make sure there's no traffic again remember you
have to pretend like you're doing this on a busy street not in a empty parking
lot so you're checking traffic you're looking for pedestrians you're looking
for cyclists all right so you want to show that your examiner need to see
that you're checking you're doing your 360 check when you're doing parallel
parking so crank the wheel all the way to the right check again so left
shoulder check again just to make sure it's cleared and then we start to back
up now the next step is as you're reversing for your parallel parking I want
you to look in the left mirror here we are looking for two yellow poles in the
left mirror now in real life the two yellow poles they will represent the
front headlights of that second car so right now we just gonna focus on more on
the left mirror you should be looking around when you're looking
in your mirror your this mirror is your main focus but at the same time you
still wanna look around to make sure you're not gonna interfere with
something okay so now we see a yellow pole here so we are looking we
need to see both yellow we see one and now we see both yellow poles in
the left mirror so basically what we are doing is we are setting the angle of the
car so now we have both yellow poles in the left mirror and in real life that's
that's gonna be the front of the second car so now we can straighten out
our tires so we turn the steering one and half time to the left and then we
back and straight now guys this step right here is the most important step
when you're doing parallel parking if you back up too much that means you're
gonna bump into the curb or you if you're going too fast you can go over
the curb as well and that's gonna be automatic fail
now in Manitoba if you bump into the curb you don't lose any points but I
know in lot of other provinces if you bump into the curb that's an automatic
fail so make sure when you're reversing you can look in your right mirror to
gauge your distance and that judgement it's obviously it's gonna come with more
practice more experience and that's why you have to parallel park as many
times as you can before you go for your driving test so what you're looking for
is when you're backing off you want to see when you notice the back tire
is about a foot away or ten inches or 12 inches away from the curb that's when
you turn the steering completely to the left side and then back up more okay so
now it's a very important step so let's watch it again okay so here
this is a perfect distance so the back tire of the car is about our 10 or 12
inches from the curb that's when I will crank the wheel all the way to the left
and then I back up more as I'm reversing I'm still looking in my mirror to make
sure I'm not going too close to the curb and I'm also doing I'm also looking over
my shoulder to make sure I'm not going to close or to the back car here okay
so now the when the car is parallel to the curb that's when we stop you can
move forward to center yourself and when you're examiner give you the okay
you're parallel parking is perfect before you move out you have to signal left
again left shoulder check to indicate that you're going back in the traffic
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