hi guys how are you I hope you guys are doing good
I hope you've watched the last video which I spoke about part-time jobs and
walking interview and some interview tips click on the link below if you want
to watch our previous video and click here for the first video that is how to get a
job in Dubai so today we are going to discuss about Q&A I think I just spoke a
brief about it in the last video so I'm going to talk about some comments that
was there in YouTube the first video and I'm just going to read out the question
what the person has and I'll try to answer this if not I can get back to you
on the #askhellodubai so I can answer you the question on this the
first question was from Mohammed Yasin sir I m a Ship building diploma
engineer can I get a job in UAE? please help me. Now Mahmoud is not mentioned if
he is already in Dubai or if he is in India
nothing has been mentioned so can I get a job in Dubai of course you can just
join the telegram link which is there on the first video if anyone is missed it
and please help me definitely want to help everybody hello dubai
is here to help everybody not only Mohammed Yasin but every guys will be
like this so I want to help everybody in whatsapp we start with whatsapp and
then we are now telegram shipbuilding diploma engineer have you
completed a diploma do you want in a ship building job so that queries has to
be little specific about it so that no, we can filter it in such a way that
all your questions can be clarified on my first video or on the telegram group
I have mentioned there is an excel sheet that I've created now this is on your
name your profile and which city you are belong to which country on and basis
on that I filter out everything and post jobs on daily basis so if you fall
into that category if you go into the shipbuilding probably just mention that
in your profile and that will be helpful so let's go to the second query there's
a person by name Surya bhai thanks for the video I'm looking
for a job in Dubai shopping mall can you tell me brother how much do they pay
initially Dubai shopping mall if you go to the website emaar.com they have the
website the career website not only in Dubai shopping mall there is Majid
Alfuttaim, which is Deira city centre there are other shopping mall thats
available in UAE. Mall of emirates and you can go to the career website
apply from there how much do they pay I cannot tell you the exact amount
probably they pay about 2.5k to 3.5k up to 4.5k that depends
on your experience and most of the time they pay for the accomodation and your
food again I'm not very sure that depends on how much experience you have
go to the career website do follow my updates on a telegram you will get some
openings about jobs into by shopping mall let's go to a third query the user
name is dots dots m does anybody know if the UAE require applicants to take
any kind of assessment test or a math test? No. If you are talking about
assessment tests yes for driving if you are applying for driving license you
need assessment test a math test. No. If you're looking if you're in a nursing
profession or if you're looking in a doctor profession yes you need to do DHA
Dubai Health Authority has this assessment test where it is pre request
that you have to pass this test in any country which our country belong to your
home country you can apply your test from there and if you want any queries
do let me know the next question by Hindi Mei video bana wo so see I know
there are lot of guys were from Pakistan I'm not talking about how the language
is English or in the Tamil or Telugu or Malayalam I am trying to talk in layman
terms simple words nothing no no technical jargon doing from technical I
don't use a cloud or any technical words that I use I use plain English so it's
easy for everyone to understand so if you're talking with different element or
make a video in Hindi. I am a North Indian basically but my
Hindi is not very good it will be very honest about it so I try to keep it if I
can if maybe in the future videos if there's a lot of requests definitely I
will try somebody else to make you help to speak in Hindi but I can only speak
in English so let's go to the next question
okay this supposed to be a thing is Mohsin Shake hi bro you're doing a
great job nice video thank you so much I am from the IT field I want to do a job
in Dubai. any help now in the telegram group if you have noticed before
Rittu, part of the team he has mentioned that what kind of IT field are you
looking so IT is like an ocean are you looking at PHP are you looking at
software testing are you looking at CCNA ITIL what have you been what what is
your background so if there's a LinkedIn profile or
somewhere then probably we can definitely check so next question yeah I
think I made two questions one was the keywords this was a question that I
missed somewhere what are the keywords for web development in fact this was
spoken on the first video and sorry about it I have not we have not done a
keyword research we have done little bit whatever we have come across probably
shooting this video or helping out posting jobs we forgot those keywords
thank you so much for reminding I don't recall that person's name but they
mentioned in the comment section so definitely I'll work on the keywords and
not in the next video problem telegram or in the next video
definitely I'll put this across now next query Lippon Choudhury
bro I'm looking for a lecturer. can you help me? there lot of opening for
lecturers in Dubai see I mentioned this in the first video that it is advice you
guys come down to UAE and so it's for a job rather than applying for India
high-profile jobs like CEO or a VP or a project managers being recruited from
India or any other country I've spoken to a few people of course they're agents
who can take care of it and now they'll ask you some amount and it when you come
down here and we'll give you a job and all that I don't know I don't support
that I don't ask anybody any money for this
I'm doing all you're all doing this for a cause you're helping people so that's
why the group name is called helping hand so we're all here for a cause I know
every single pi dirham know rupee is important here
so don't pay for any money come down to Dubai there is links on the first video
where there's a package that I've arranged so you can use that and come
down to Dubai. what is the best time? this is a good time actually this is
September so September to January is a good time let's go to the next query see
there is there is something that I meant there is something that I've seen
another video it says please see my CV this is my email address this is my
phone number can you call them not only in this comment maybe there will be some
other videos that you might have commented has anybody called you? No
now there are hundred and eighteen comments will I go read every comment I'm not talking
negative here but practically just think about it it's very difficult for us to
call let's say they come up with this I mean I'm emphasizing on this telegram
group so you can actually join this group and you get regular
updates I'll go for another two more queries sir I'm working in a warehouse
this is from Samuel Sam I am working on our warehouse and logistic with seven
years of experience please share your share about your
package package so that I will come and stay and search for
for jobs in Dubai sorry this is from Samuel Sam so Samuel, I don't know if you
you are aware or if you're watching the if you are part of the group
there was a Walk-in interview for Alfuttaim logistics last friday
were there about thousand guys were coming to from 8 o'clock in the morning
until 2 o'clock at the optimum so first hundred will be entertained and I know a
friend's friend who was a driver is working at a shop so they wanted
somebody with experience in driving and he was working for Aramex I'm not
supposed to reveal the name but I'm telling you what his experience was and
he was shortlisted first hundred they were giving out coupons and I think if
those watching the video must know that there was huge crowd on Friday I've been
told my friends friend that huge crowd they were giving all coupons from Alfuttaim
logistics and this was conducted in a near Marks and Spencers opposite Alfuttaim
Tower so do look into all the ads that is posted don't miss out on this
sometime I might forget some I might forget posting it but make sure you got
to regularly check on papers or probably on websites that really help you there was
Alfuttaim logistics opening and if you're there probably you could have
definitely got shortlisted let me go the last query
I'm applying for a job this is from Rama Raj for a civil site engineer he's
helped me how to get a job from India this is my email address
don't mention your email address I've seen only guys we've mentioned they've
noticed there they might be a day they might be a lady also messaging or giving
our email address for security reasons I mentioned in the first video again I am
emphasizing please don't give any phone numbers don't give an email address
there are very good people out there in this world you know what I mean right
the very good people who'll spam you will call you whatsapp you and then
somebody will message me in I've seen cases in telegram and what's happened in
YouTube this guy is messaging me that guy is messaging me so why are you
opening up why are you showing your phone number in the website or in any
youtube comment people start adding you so avoid a word giving a email
address and I forgot to answer this question for a civil engineers site engineer
you know Dubai is made of all these big buildings and all I'm sure there should
be some good openings and you should come again to Dubai and search for a job
please apply please apply on telegram and other links if you have
any other queries just hash tag ask hello - by Twitter and YouTube comments
are always there telegram is there always there so thank you so much for
watching this video it was nice talking to all of you again
For more infomation >> Dubai Jobs Q&A! Your Questions ANSWERED! - Duration: 11:24.-------------------------------------------
Bangla New Waz 2018-Allahma Nurul Islam Olipuri Bangla Waz - Duration: 26:29.
Bangla New Waz 2018-Allahma Nurul Islam Olipuri Bangla Waz
Bạn có biết 10 vùng đất có con gái xinh đẹp nhất việt nam? - Duration: 4:57.
NinjaReady1 plays Gears Of War. Part 1 Walkthrough! (Prison Breakout) - Duration: 1:13:37.
【衝撃】 燃え盛る住宅から脱出した犬の口には、5匹の小さな命がくわえられていた。 - Duration: 3:43.
Medo | TD Jakes - Duration: 6:45.
Top 3 con giáp SỐ GIÀU KHÓ TRÁNH May Mắn Từ Giờ Đến Tết 2018 - Duration: 4:34.
Bembi 39: ...mir sin Frankforter, mir sin mim Herz debei. Created by B.S. #TagderDeutschenEinheit - Duration: 1:34.
Jailbreak the ROBLOX run away from security guards and police in cartoon the game Get Jailbreak #1 - Duration: 13:47.
English for Chinese Speakers 49 - 'make-up' or 'make-ups'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:08.
Hi once again everyone and welcome back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for
Speakers of Chinese (and its many language varieties)'. In these videos, as you know, I
show you, in detail each week, one common English mistake made by Chinese speakers.
This is video number 49
So, again, it's a very, cool, smart and obviously practical thing to do to try
to improve your English. So niice going. I hope you keep it up, and I hope you watch
all the videos that I've done if you haven't already. In these videos I
show you a slide, and on the slide there are two sentences: One is the correct way
we say it in English, the other is the wrong way that many Chinese speakers say
it. You need to decide which one is correct. Do that now, please. Read the
sentences, listen to me read the sentences, pause the video, think about
your answer and we will talk about the answer in detail after the slide.
There's an obvious reason why this mistake is in this video and it's
because many people make this mistake. If you made the mistake then you are
certainly not alone, and if you just happened to guess right without really
knowing why then you are certainly not alone. It only means that you need to
study. It doesn't actually take that much to get past these mistakes. You just
have to study and kind of get it into your head. What I recommend is that
you study these sentences in their entirety, you review them and you put
into practice what you've learned through speaking or writing or both...and
also it's obviously a very good idea to go outside of these videos and use the
huge number of resources to help you.
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