Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 20 2017

Hi guys!

Last time i uploaded a talking video

you guys liked it

so I'm filming another talking video!


So today I want to talk about


Yesterday, I read the news about

a physically violent racism towards a Korean student in Brighton

He got beaten up just because he was asian

and really broke my heart

As you may know, I lived in many countries

(Although my stories are incomparable with the victim in Brighton)

Tbh I really can't count the times I experienced racism since I was little

I experienced it countless times

Not just me

but I also witnessed my parents being mistreated because of racists

Yeah, so, we always had to face racism

because I didn't grow up in Korea

So since I grew up in Spain

So I had many Spanish friends

and I'm not saying that all Spanish kids were racists

Actually I don't think I really experienced racism when I was little

but rather when I was getting older

I think it started around when I was 10

and from 10 you start to become independent and walk around alone and stuff

Back in those days, Korea wasn't really known

So it was normal that people immediately assumed that I was Chinese

they just judged it immediately

So when I just walked around

People would shout: China! China!

China means Chinese

I am not saying I don't like Chinese people

But rather, who are these people? I'm just walking but why they assume and shout that I am Chinese?

I mean, the only reason is

to ridicule me, you know? There's a condescending motivation there


So as I grew up I automatically accepted the fact that people just don't even think that I might be Korean

So I moved to the States when I was 12

I didn't really see people shouting racist stuff to me BUT

but there was ALWAYS indirect racism

For example, once when was running an errand at a bank

but the person who worked there very condescending

Even though I spoke good English!

Like, I was confused, why is this lady treating me like this?

Even when I repeated myself she would be like:

"What? What? I don't understand you"

Like this! So I'm like "she crazy?"

I remember being super upset

But I held my anger, and patiently repeated the sentences (to make her look bad)

That was one experience

and I also witnessed it through my parents

I remember my mom being super upset

and asked for a manager of the store

but got completely ignored. (our basic customer's right was neglected)

So I remember that clearly

When I lived in California, I went to school there

and there were many Koreans there, actually

There was discrimination even between KOREANS

Specifically between Korean-Americans, and Korean Immigrants

(it's not just only white Americans who discriminated)

So it wasn't even the WHITE Americans, but the KOREAN-Americans who discriminated us

especially because we couldn't speak English properly

The one thing that really stayed with me was

when I was angriest, and very sad at the same time

So whenever a non-Korean person discriminated me, calling me Chinese out loud or something

in Spain, Korean-Spanish or Korean Immigrants always stuck together

But in California, the Korean-Americans were SO discriminating against us!(me and my Korean immigrant friends)

They looked so annoyed at us, so I asked "Why do you look at us like that? Why do you laugh at us?"

I think they said "When you speak Korean is loud" or something like that

it was nonsense

And they said "Why don't you learn ABC first?!"

and one of them shoved her faced at me

I mean, I couldn't understand! We were all the same, we were Koreans!

So I was so angry, upset, and sad

and thought "We are all Koreans, why do these Koreans discriminate us because we can't speak English fluently?"

and so I got super angry

There was loud music and stuff at a fun school party but I was super upset so

I pushed her (she didn't fall or anything, just pushed her away from me)

Telling her "YOU should learn GANADARA(Korean vocabulary) first!!"

and said "You are a shame to Koreans!"

I remember immature self dealing the situation immaturely

But at the end, because of what happened,

I pushed myself a bit more to learn English, I mean I didn't go crazy, but I remember trying to practice more

So later Imoved to France in my 20's

there as well...yah...I was discriminated just because I was Asian

Like literally, I would walk, and these random people would tell me "Go back to your country"

just without any reason!

Also drunk people would shout

So basically, there was racism any country I went to!

It's not like America has less racism,

In my opinion, it was about the same in any country

There were so many unfair situations,

and there were just this....inexplicable indirect discriminations as well

agh..there are just so many

So, In America, I don't know about these days, but there was always this

indirect racisms

In France, they were pretty straight forward about it

And in Spain, can't remember much cuz I was young, but I was ridiculed

In France, though,

I don't remember if I told you this

when I was discriminated,

in contrary, I became more motivated, it pushed me to study the language faster

The present, however, is very ironic because I'm married to a white European hah

BUT, in the past, when I was a teenager, I was so fed up by racism that

I HATED ALL white Americans

This was when I was 14-15years old

I just despised white people

I was so stressed because of everyday discrimination, and that led to hate

but after I got in college

I started to meet new people

I mean, there are racists out there

but I realized that I was generalizing ALL people because of the fault of few

and that made me equal to racist. I was being racist

So later I stopped generalizing, I stopped judging and opened my heart

The more new friends I made, I learned

So if anybody is racist towards you,

it doesn't mean that the whole country is like that

it's the fault of individuals, and we gotta remind ourselves like that

If you to any country and experience racism,

THAT racist is the idiot

That person is narrow minded, or poorly educated

or it could be someone who never moved out from that neighborhood, who knows

I haven't experienced a lot of racism in London(it does happen though) but

but I am always alert

Yeah, the world is big

and there are tons of weird people

If you ever get discriminated because you are Korean, or Chinese, or..Vietnamese

The person who does that is the problem, that person is mentally unstable

they are in the WRONG

You are totally the normal person, so don't be ashamed, don't lose your confidence,

I always remind myself like that

I get messages like, you are afraid to travel because you are scared of racism,

But don't be scared

There are idiots everywhere

Anyway, yeah!

And also lastly,

ask yourself: Do I have any ethnicity I judge automatically?

Don't forget to check yourself

Check if you consider your ethnicity to be 'better' than others, because that's racist

Check if you do racial jokes that might condescending to others

Gotta rethink about yourself too!

Like my teenager year!:I hated white people in general and didn't admit I was being racist

BUT if you look at people and treat them like different individuals, your heart will open up!

For you guys who are traveling, or are studying, or moved overseas

Chin up! You are strong! If someone tries to let you down, ignore, and be courageous!

So yeah.

See you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> Racism I Experienced As An Asian - Duration: 10:04.


Flakka Zombi Kıyametini Başlatabilir mi? - Duration: 11:20.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları!

Flakka'nın zombi kıyameti ile olan ilişkisi hakkında kafanızda ki tüm soru işaretlerine

cevap bulacağınız bir video ile sizlerle beraberiz…

Flakka son dönemlerin en çok tartışılan konusu...

İlk olarak 2011'de Amerika'da ortaya çıkan ve 'zombi hapı' adı verilen

sentetik uyuşturucu, dünyaya hızla yayılıyor.

Amerika'nın ardından Brezilya'da görülen hapı kullananlar tıpkı bir zombi gibi davranıyor

ve 'yamyam' özellikleri gösteriyor.

Amerika'da hapın etkisindeki bir kişi bir evsizin yüzünü, bir başkası da oda

arkadaşının beynini yedi.

Amerika Miami'de 2012'de Rudy Eugene adlı bir adam bir evsizin yüzünü yemeye başladı.

Polis geldiğinde, Rudy Eugene, kurbanının yüzünün yüzde 80'ini yemişti.

Polisin uyarılarına rağmen yamyamlığı devam eden katil, vurularak öldürüldü.

Otopsi sonucu Rudy Eugene'nin Amerika sokaklarında "Ivory Wave", "Vanilla Sky", "Bliss"

ve "Purple Rain" adıyla satılan sentetik uyuşturucunun etkisi altında olduğu saptandı.

Bu uyarıcı piyasaya 2011'de sürülmüştü.

2011'de Indiana'da bir adam yol kenarında bir bayrak direğine tırmanmış ve yoğun

trafiğin bulunduğu bir caddeye atlamıştı.

Pensylvania'da bir başka adam manastıra girip rahip bıçaklamıştı.

Batı Virginia'da bir kadın çırılçıplak soyunmuş, cildinin altında bir şey olduğunu

sandığı için kendini parçalamıştı.

Bu üç olayda da failler yeni sentetik uyarıcının etkisi altındaydı.

Bu uyarıcıyı alanların vücut ısısı hızla yükseliyor, bu nedenle insanlar bir

şeyin kendilerini yaktığını düşünüp ya soyunuyor ya da derisini yüzmeye çalışıyordu.

Flakka, uzun süre Amerika'da yasal olarak satıldı.

Çünkü içindeki maddelerin kullanım oranı, yasal sınırların altındaydı.

Bu maddenin adına banyo tuzu denildi.

Çünkü şekli banyo tuzu gibiydi.

Çin'de üretiliyor ve bir dozu sadece 25 dolara satılıyordu.

Rude Eugene olayından sonra Louisiana Toksik Maddeler Merkezi Müdürü Mark Ryan, New

York Times'a 'zombi hapının' nasıl üretildiğini anlattı ve yetkilileri dikkatli

olmaları konusunda uyardı.

Hap olarak adlandırdığımız bu uyarıcı, toz halinde ve sıvı halde kullanılıyor.

Uyuşturucu tacirleri bu ilacın içerindeki maddelerin miktarıyla oynayabiliyor.

Daha önce kişiler kendisine zarar verirken Rude Eugene olayında olduğu gibi başkalarına

zarar vermeye başlamıştı.

Yine Miami'de bir evsiz sağa sola saldırınca polis müdahale etmişti.

Evsiz, polis ekiplerine direnip "I will eat you all" (Hepinizi yiyeceğim) diye

bağırmış ve bir polisin elini ısırıp ciddi şekilde yaralamıştı.

Baltimore'da Morgan State Üniversitesi'nde okuyan biri, oda arkadaşına saldırıp,

beynini ve kalbini yiyerek öldürmüştü.

Yine bir kişi saldırıya uğramış, yanında taşıdığı biber gazı sayesinde sadece

yanağından yaralanarak kurtulmuştu.

Bu olayların hepsinde saldırganlarda bu uyuşturucu maddeye rastlanmıştı.

Yani tacirler uyuşturucunun dozuyla oynamış ve insanları birer zombiye dönüştüren

formüle ulaşmıştı.

Uyuşturucu, beyindeki insan olma özelliğini, "ben" durumunu yok edip, hayvani iç güdüleri

ortaya çıkarıyor.

Kalp atışı aşırı artıyor, duygular çok güçleniyor, kişi kendini bir süper

kahraman gibi hissediyor.

Beyne giden acı resptörlerini devre dışı bıraktığı için tesir altında ki kişi

kendisine ateş dahi edilse acı hissetmiyor.

Beyne giden sindirim sistemi resptörleride aynı şekilde baskılandığı için kişi

ne kadar yerse yesin kendisini hep aç hissediyor buda benlik duygusunu kaybeden kişileri iç

güdüsel olarak hem cinslerini yemeye sürüklüyor.

İlaç, kişinin ruh halini düzenleyen hormonları baskı altına alıyor ve kalıcı hasarlara,

kalp yetmezliğine hatta tek kullanımda bile ölüme sebep olabiliyor.

Bazı vakalarda kişilerin zihinsel faaliyetlerinin kalıcı olarak kaybettiği bile görülmüştür.

2016'nın sonlarına kadar çok nadir olarak sadece Amerika Birleşik Devletlerin'de

görülen uyuşturucu bu tarihten itibaren bir anda tüm dünyaya hızla yayılmaya başladı.

Amerika'dan önce Brezilya'ya oradan İspanya'ya ve son olarakta Türkiye'ye kadar uzandı.

Ülkemizde henüz birbirini yiyen insanlar yok ancak çok yakında haberlerde bu gibi

olaylar duyma olasılığımız çok yüksek.

Konuya İlgi duyan araştırmacılarsa vakaların bilinenden çok daha fazla olduğunu ancak

yetkililerin bu durumu halkta panik yaratmamak için gizlediğini söylüyor.

Zombi olgusu günümüz dünyasına Holywood filmleriyle girmiştir.

Bilinen holywood zombileri öldükten sonra dirilip insan etiyle beslenen ürkütücü


Pek çok holywood filmi belli başlı kaynakları ve görüleri konu almaktaysada bu filmleri

bir standart olarak kabul etmemek gereklidir.

Aslında zombi salgını tarihin çok eski çağlarından beri farklı isimlerle bazı

uygarlıklarda ve kehanetlerde dillendirilen bir olguydu.

Ayrıca semavi dinlerde'de belirtileri zombi salgınıyla son derece örtüşen hastalıklardan

kıyamet alameti olarak bahsedilmektedir.

Yakın tarihimizde ise zombi olgusuyla sarsılan haiti'de pek çok olay yaşanmıştır.

Vudu inancına göre ölü, bir insan ya da Mambo tarafından yeniden diriltilebilir.

Zombilerin kendi bilinçleri ya da istekleri olmadığı için Bokor ya da Mambo'nun

kontrolü altındadırlar.

Zombi aynı zamanda vudu yılan tanrısı Niger-Congo'nun adıdır.

Kongo dilinde kullanılan ve tanrı anlamına gelen "nzambi" sözcüğüne benzemektedir.

1937 yıılında Haiti'deki gelenek ve adetler üzerinde yapılan bir araştırma sırasında

Zora Neale Hurston, 1907 yılında 29 yaşındayken ölmüş ve gömülmüş Felicia Felix-Mentor

ile ilgili bir söylentiyle karşılaştı.

Köylüler ölümünden 30 yıl sonra Felicia'yı yollarda sersem bir şekilde ve yanında birkaç

kişi ile birlikte yürürken gördüklerini söylüyorlardı.

Hurtson, bu bahsedilen insanlara çok güçlü ilaçlar verilmiş olduğu söylentilerinin

peşine düştüysede daha fazla bilgi vermeye istekli bireyler bulamadı.

80'li yıllarda Kanadalı etnobotanist Wade Davis zombilerin farmakolojik durumu ile ilgili

iki kitap yayınladı; The Serpent and the Rainbow (Yılan ve Gökkuşağı) (1985) ve

Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie (Karanlığın pasajı: Haitili

zombilerin etnobiyolojisi) (1988).

Davis 1982 yılında Haiti'ye gitmiş ve orada yaptığı araştırmalar sonucunda,

yaşayan bir insanın iki özel tür tozu almasıyla bir zombiye dönüştürülebileceğini

iddia etmişti.

Birincisi coup de poudre (Fransızca: 'toz çarpması') içersinde bulunan tetrodotoxin

(TTX) maddesi nedeniyle ölü benzeri duruma neden olur.

Tetrodotoxin Japonların yemek zevkini oluşturan, fugu ya da kirpi balığı içinde bulunan

zehirli toksin ile aynı özelliklere sahiptir.

Öldürücü etkisi olan bu maddenin 1 mg'lık dozu insanı günlerce bilincİ açık olmasına

rağmen, yarı ölü bir durumda bırakabilir.

İkinci toz ise (şaşkınlık veren halüsinasyon etkisi vardır) insanı bilinçsiz ve kendi

istemi dışında hareket eden zombi benzeri bir duruma sokar.

Davis aynı zamanda bu deneyimleri yaşamış Clairvius Narcisse'ın hikâyesini de popülerleştirmişti.

David'in yaptığı çalışmaların gerçekliği ve doğruluğu üzerinde halen şüpheci görüşler


Televizyonlar son sürat zombi salgınını temalı film ve dizilerle çalkalanırken

1970'lerde Dünya nüfusu azaltma projesinden bahseden Amerika'daki esrarengiz rehber

taşları'da bu tür bir hastalığa atıfta bulunuyordu.

90'lara gelindiğinde Meşhur illuminati oyun kartları Labaratuarlarda üretilen yapay

zombi virüsünü dillendirmeye başladı.

2010'lardan itibaren pek çok zengin ve ünlü isim zombi kıyameti için sığınak

hazırlamaya başlarken Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, İngiltere Ve hemen ardından

Fransa gibi büyük ülkeler Zombi kıyametine hazırlık için askeri tatbikatlar yaparak

gündeme gelmişti.

Yakın bir tarihte ortaya çıkan fema kampları eylem planıyla konu iyice hararetlenmiş

ve başkaca ülkelerde el altından hazırlık yapmaya başlamışlardı.

Bu gelişmelerin ardından bazı kişilerce dünya'nın 4 bir yanında gruplar kurulmuş,

sığınaklar gıda ve silah stokları gibi birikimlerle post apokaliptik bir dünyada

varlıklarını devam ettirmek için hızla hazırlanmaya başlamışlardır.

Öyle'ki bu gruplar Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde festival adı altında tatbikatlar düzenliyor

hatta deepwebte kurulan bir forumda pek çok çeşitli ülkelerden katılan gruplar birleriyle

haberleşip fikir alış-verişi sağlıyor ve yeni üye alımları yapıyorlar.

Dünya'da pek çok insan bir zombi kıyametine nüfusun azaltılması için kesin gözüyle

bakıp hazırlık yaparken bazı kimselerde bu durumun tamamen hayal ürünü bir fantezi

olduğunu söylüyordu.

Flakka'nın meydana çıkışıyla Asla böyle bir şey olamaz diyen pek çok kişi

180 derece söylemlerinden döndü.

Dünya'da durum böyleyken ülkemizde'ki örümcek beyinli, cahil yobaz zihniyetin

duruma tepkisi ise her zaman ki gibi "Böyle bir şey olsa Kuran'da yazardı."

O yüzden yok demekten öteye geçememiştir.

Bu cahil ve yobaz arkadaşlara buradan söylemek istediğim şey ellerinden düşürmedikleri

cep telefonuda Kuran-ı Kerim'de yazmıyor ama var.

Konumuza dönecek olursak, Pek çok yayın organı ve youtube videosunda flakka ile zombi

istilasının başladığı savunulmaktadır.

Ancak bunlar temelsiz söylemlerdir.

Nihayetinde bu uyuşturucunun etkisi 4 – 6 saat sürmekte ve daha sonra kişi normal

haline dönmektedir.

Ayrıca bulaşıcıda değildir.

Bu bağlamda bu uyuşturucu ile etkili bir zombi salgını başlaması olanağı söz

konusu değildir.

Yine'de pek çok araştırmacı uyuşturucunun devlet eliyle yayıldığını iddia etmektedir.

Yine iddialar arasında flakkanın yakında başlayacak olan zombi salgını için bir

canlandırma olduğunu uyuşturucuyu biraz daha yayarak bu konuda eğittikleri kurumların

durumlarını gözlemlemek amacıyla ortaya çıkartıldığını savunuyorlar.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Flakka Zombi Kıyametini Başlatabilir mi? - Duration: 11:20.


மெர்சல் படம் பார்த்து விட்டு அஜித்தை கழுவி ஊத்திய VJ ரம்யா |Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> மெர்சல் படம் பார்த்து விட்டு அஜித்தை கழுவி ஊத்திய VJ ரம்யா |Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:05.


Arévalo pide perdón a la Casa Real y a Bertín Osborne y recibe un hachazo de Kiko Hernández - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Arévalo pide perdón a la Casa Real y a Bertín Osborne y recibe un hachazo de Kiko Hernández - Duration: 4:17.


Essence of Murli 21-10-2017 - Duration: 6:00.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 21st October 2017

( Today is auspicious festival of "Bhai Dhooj" Lets hear what Baba says in Murli of today )

Essence: Sweet children, if you make the slightest mistake, Maya

will swallow you in such a way that you will move away from God's company.

Therefore, be cautious and remain aware.

Question: What are the regulations for sitting in God's class?

Answer: Only those who have recognised the Father accurately can sit in this class.

Those who sit here need to have unadulterated remembrance.

If, while sitting here, you continue to remember others, that will spoil the atmosphere; it is also a great disservice.

Because the regulations here are very strict, there isn't that much growth.

Question: From which one thing can you tell what the stage of the children is?

Answer: In this diseased world of sensual pleasures, when you face a test paper and begin to cry,

one can tell what your stage is. You are forbidden to cry.

Song: Look at your face in the mirror of your heart!

Essence for dharna: 1. In order to become 16 celestial degrees full like the moon, make a complete donation of the five vices and become liberated from bad omens.

2. After belonging to the Father, don't perform any sinful actions.

Remove your attachment from the body and become a conqueror of attachment.

Blessing: May you be multimillion times fortunate and constantly progress by receiving the sustenance of congratulations in Brahmin life.

At the confluence age, Brahmins make progress with congratulations filled with special happiness.

The basis of sustenance in Brahmin life are congratulations.

From the form of the Father, you receive congratulations at every moment.

From the form of the Teacher, the words "Well done, well done", at every moment make you pass with honours.

From the Satguru, the blessings you receive for every elevated action you perform

make you experience life to be easy and filled with pleasure.

Therefore, you are multimillion times fortunate because you have become the children of God, the Bestower of Fortune, and claimed a right to the complete fortune.

Slogan: Only those who receive everyone's blessings by doing true service are fortunate

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 21-10-2017 - Duration: 6:00.


New Bangla Funny Video | এ কেমন BF | Bangla Funny Video | New Video 2017 | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 4:50.

Subscribe our channel for next update

For more infomation >> New Bangla Funny Video | এ কেমন BF | Bangla Funny Video | New Video 2017 | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 4:50.


วาดตามที่ขอนะ - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> วาดตามที่ขอนะ - Duration: 0:55.


How To Increase Youtube Real Subscriber By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Youtube Real Subscriber By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 4:34.


How to play YouTube videos in Background hassle-free trick(android/ios Hack)-No EXTRA APPS - Duration: 2:19.

Open chrome

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For more infomation >> How to play YouTube videos in Background hassle-free trick(android/ios Hack)-No EXTRA APPS - Duration: 2:19.


மெர்சல் விஜயை ஒப்பிட்டு அஜித்தை கேவலபடுத்திய விஜய் டிவி ரம்யா | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> மெர்சல் விஜயை ஒப்பிட்டு அஜித்தை கேவலபடுத்திய விஜய் டிவி ரம்யா | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:05.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Minions Kids Songs Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 7:58.

Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Minions Kids Songs Video iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Minions Kids Songs Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 7:58.


YouTube's Monetization System – Debunked - Duration: 8:42.

So unless you're new to this platform, over the last year you've likely seen hundreds

of YouTubers complaining about YouTube's monetization system, calling it unfair, inconsistent,

lazy, and, political…

"And guys, the first thing today is that I don't think that I can call you beautiful

bastards anymore because apparently that, and several other things I do, are not, quote,

'advertiser friendly'."

"The text you see highlighted is an admission by the YouTube team that none of their rules

were broken, and it is immediately followed by a wild guess!

A line of reasoning that is so vague and vapid that it could be argued against any YouTube

video ever!

Any song, any monologue, any home video."

This is called selective enforcement.

When you have rules that are so general that you can prosecute pretty much anyone you want.

When you use that broadness to enforce a certain ideology, that's censorship."

"What is the purpose of having guidelines if it doesn't matter whether or not they're


All that's been violated is the trust of the creator."

"But for us creators, loyalty is a very delicate thing here.

Most YouTubers won't admit it but a YouTube channel is a business, and the minute that

business can't make money because of something you're deciding, the loyalty becomes very


Now while I wholeheartedly agree with these criticisms, within this video I'm going

to make a slightly different argument – and it's this.

By giving monetised content significant advantages, YouTube is, despite their protestations to

the contrary, 'telling content creators what to create', and this just adds to their

overwhelming stench of hypocrisy.

This, is YouTube's Monetization System – Debunked.

So, this video is primarily a rebuttal to YouTube's Advertiser-Friendly Content Guidelines,

which, as I'm about to argue, falsely asserts that, "We aren't telling you what to create—each

and every creator on YouTube is unique and contributes to the vibrancy of YouTube".

But before I make my case against this assertion, I think it's necessary that I first take

on the sentence that succeeds it, both to illustrate that I understand YouTube's situation,

and to make my case all the more clearer.

The sentence is as follows, "However, advertisers also have a choice about where to show their


Now, as someone who's worked in advertising, I appreciate that advertisers have a choice

about where to show their ads, but I happen to know, with certainty, that the vast majority

of advertisers don't choose which videos they'd like to show their ads on - YouTube


Most advertisers simple upload their ad, add a title and description, set a budget, select

which demographics they'd like to reach, and then YouTube does the rest...

And this explains exactly why brands such as Domino's appear to be happy advertise on

a video that calls everyone who voted for Brexit an idiot: "and it just kind of proves

that people over there aren't really smart but apparently it's just the accent makes

them seem smart…

You idiots!", but refuse to advertise on a video that respectfully articulates arguments

in favour for Brexit: "The main reason I'm voting to leave is because first of all, Britain

needs its own sovereignty!

And the effect that being in the EU has had no low-skilled workers, which the remain campaign

don't seem to be able to grasp."

The reason for this is because Domino's didn't choose which videos to show their ads

on - YouTube did.

And be this due to unintentional flaws within their algorithm or intentional allegiances,

for the purpose of my main argument, it doesn't matter... if YouTube deems a video that's

anti-Brexit 'advertiser friendly' but a video that's pro-Brexit not 'advertiser

friendly', then, while this is ironically profoundly anti-democratic, it's within

their right to do so – they're a private company, and it's their prerogative.

However, what's not within their right (and this is my main argument), is for them to

insist that they're not telling content creators what to create while simultaneously

giving massive advantages to monetised content.

You see, YouTube's algorithm strongly favours monetised content, because, understandably,

monetised content makes them money, while demonetised content is, according to them,

potentially abusive, harmful, offensive or violent – which are all things that they

don't want to associate with, let alone promote.

The result of this, however, is that by giving far greater exposure to content that they

politically agree with…

I mean, that's 'advertiser friendly', they're telling content creators what not

to create, and in doing so, what to create.

Channels like mine (that is, channels that criticise and ridicule religion), are screwed.

I simply don't have the "right" narrative; I'm not making the "right" videos.

According to YouTube, atheists simply don't like Domino's.

So, it's all very well complaining… but, what's the solution?

Well, I think I have one.

If YouTube really wants to have their cake and eat it too – that is, if they want to

demonetise content that they deem not 'advertiser friendly', while not implicitly telling

content creators what to create, then they need only do two things.

The first is that they have to be consistent.

If, for example, they're going to tell content creators that they have a policy not to run

ads on videos about tragedies, then they can't demonetise one video but allow monetisation

of another!

Or in other words, they have to cease this outrageous selective enforcement!

And the second is that with the exception of the ability to make money, they have to

give demonetised content the exact same opportunities that they give to monetised content.

If a demonetised video performs well, then they have to promote it as if it was monetised.

If YouTube was to make these two simple changes, then I, and many other content creators, while

still not being entirely satisfied with the situation, will accept their assertion that

they not telling us what to create, and that they actually care about their creators…

Or, alternatively, YouTube can say, as they have been saying trough their covert actions

for over a year now, 'Hey, we are a private company and we are going to continue to give

significant advantages to content that we politically agree with… ah, I did it again…I

mean, that's 'advertiser friendly', and that's our prerogative."

And to that I would say 'fine', I respect the honesty, as I respect your company, but

don't tell me that you're not telling me what to create, because by telling me what

I can't create, you're telling me what I can create.

Oh, and do us all the favour of rewording your Advertiser-Friendly Content Guidelines

to say "We will arbitrarily decide if your content is suitable for the advantages of

monetisation", because, as Counter Arguments eloquently put it, "What is the purpose

of having guidelines if it doesn't matter whether or not they're violated!"

You've fallen a long way YouTube.

You've violated the trust of the people who made you what you are, and you're currently

shitting on them as gratitude.

I hope that you can become great again, but for now, you've sold-out, and slowly but

surely everybody is recognising this.

As always, thank you kindly for the view, and if you happen to be a content creator

that's suffering from this system, then please do consider sharing this video.

The more voices we have, the louder we are, and maybe… just maybe, YouTube will hear


But, then again, this is unlikely, because this video isn't monetised…

And of course, an extra special and sincere thank you to my patrons.

Your support has never been more needed, and without you, YouTube would indeed have silenced

me, and so thank you.

For more infomation >> YouTube's Monetization System – Debunked - Duration: 8:42.


Impossible by Two Steps From Hell (Piano) - Duration: 9:31.

Hey audience!

I hope you enjoyed Impossible by Two Steps From Hell, my favourite from the new album

"Unleashed" and my biggest video since High C's, my very first Two Steps From Hell arrangement.

Videos like this are possible because of patron support so if you'd like to help me out too,

head on over to my Patreon where you can get some cool stuff like sheet music and mp3s

and you can vote on my next video.

So if you enjoyed this video, hit the LIKE button and leave a comment below and tell

me what you thought.

I upload new videos on Fridays so be sure to SUBSCRIBE and I'll see you in the next


See ya!

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