Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 23 2017

Time Traveler At Area 51 Claims He Is From 55000 Years in the Future

S-4/Area 51 deep inside the Papoose Mountain in Nevada.

Down on the fifth level, only accessible by one elevator scientists were suited up to

meet an alien, an extraterrestrial being housed in an underground lab.

This extraterrestrial or alien was called J-Rod named after it pointed to the letter

�J� on a computer keyboard and then at the � hyphen.

It talked telepathically to the scientists telling them that the letter �J-� meant

15 in hieroglyphics similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, the number of light years away his planet


Telepathically, the alien told the scientist they had come to obtain samples of human genomes,

to correct serious problems with their civilization.

Emigrate While You Still Can!

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It was later revealed the alien was not an alien at all but a human, a time traveller

from 55,000 years in the future nearing the end of mankind, with a technology so advanced

that it was incomprehensible for us to understand.

Area 51 is a US Air Force base in southern Nevada, rumored to be where the US government

hides alien visitors.

The intense secrecy surrounding Area 51, the very existence of which the US Government

barely acknowledges, has led it to become the frequent subject of conspiracy theories

and UFO folklore.

See full video of The Area 51 Time Traveller From 55000 Years in the Future.

The link is below in our description.

For more infomation >> Time Traveler At Area 51 Claims He Is From 55000 Years in the Future - Duration: 2:03.


ЛУЧШИЕ ГОЛЫ НЕДЕЛИ #4 FIFA 18 - Duration: 3:51.



For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЕ ГОЛЫ НЕДЕЛИ #4 FIFA 18 - Duration: 3:51.


Ana Maria Braga nega ter enfrentado novo câncer de pele: 'Estou muito bem' - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Ana Maria Braga nega ter enfrentado novo câncer de pele: 'Estou muito bem' - Duration: 6:42.


Look what you made me do | Parody 【Vietsub - Undertale】 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Look what you made me do | Parody 【Vietsub - Undertale】 - Duration: 3:13.


HUNTER.FM NEEDS HELP! - Duration: 6:15.

Hello, this is Raylan, creator and administrator of Hunter.FM!

I'm recording this video to update you on the situation of Hunter.FM on YouTube.

Please, i request that you watch this video until the end

Give like in this video, this is very important!

As some of you already know, the channel has become the target of Sony Music Entertainment.

Almost 3 months ago we received two strikes on the channel on two livestream of Hunter.FM

The most popular POP MUSIC 2017 and the POP2K HITS

The strike was issued because we are playing songs, which are owned by Sony

This happened because the network that gave us support with the necessary licenses,

to play the songs protected by copyright, unfortunately ended its activities.

During this time that we stayed off YouTube, I tried to make a deal with Sony Music

but not only with them, I tried also with Warner and Universal Music

by also playing music owned by these record labels.

Note that if it was not for Sony, any of the others could also issued a strike.

So it's important to have agreements with these 3 major labels.

But unfortunately we did not have a positive return, and in many cases, we had no return.

Look, the Hunter.FM has almost 10 years online, before going to YouTube Hunter was already operating on the official website:

in which we are there until today

Our goal has always been to touch and spread the latest hits

At its release, Hunter.FM was immediately a success on the internet, because of this feature.

So in recent months, almost 1 year hehe, we saw on YouTube a new opportunity

and we start with the same goal, and the result was INCREDIBLE

On YouTube we were able to create a form of entertainment in live radio format

that makes sense to the pop music audience

we join the radio with video clip, entertainment by the chat and real interaction through the TOP 5

The community loved the idea of Hunter.FM on YouTube

this way, our live broadcast here by the official channel, reached more than 8 million people in the first few months online

Due to the high popularity in the platform, in the category of music, the livestream of Hunter.FM was the number one in the ranking of "YouTube Live Brazil"

being recommended several times on the YouTube homepage. You are GREAT!


According to the various messages that are sent to us, you like Hunter.FM because it always promotes new pop music

so that they become hits in the future, and that's what we believe Hunter.FM is interesting for record labels

Several listeners from Hunter.FM listen to keep up to date with the latest releases from their favorite artists.

many of you say "the Hunter.FM is the best radio to promote new pop songs on the internet".

Doing one of the most common works of the traditional Top 40 style radio, which is to play new songs to make them popular

in the case of Hunter.FM, we are doing this on all the digital platforms that the Internet offers, promoting a huge dissemination of the artists.

Our intentions are the best possible.

We believe that Hunter.FM is a great opportunity to promote the new releases of the record labels

an additional power for the songs to become better known.

There are many messages sent to us requesting permanence of the Hunter.FM in YouTube of official form.

but for this to be possible, we need your support! Oor Hunter.FM to be able to get back on YouTube live, it will depend a lot on you.

Me and the Hunter.FM team have come to the conclusion that we need to show the labels how Hunter is important and interesting to them

and show how important you listeners are.

We need to "make noise" on the internet, on the record labels' social networks, so they can notice how much you want Hunter.FM back on YouTube.

Show that the intentions of Hunter are the best possible, we want to spread the news of pop music through the radio.

So, if you want the return of Hunter.FM on YouTube, here in the description are the link of the social networks of the 3 main record companies that we need the support.

Sony, Warner and Universal. Go to these social networks, send messages or posts requesting licences for Hunter on YouTube.

Let's create the hashtag #HUNTERFMONYOUTUBE

Send the messages along with the link of this video, so they can understand what we are doing.

But look, write messages respectfully, okay?

Here on YouTube we have 230,000 subscribers, if at least half of you send messages to them, I'm sure we will achieve our goal!

Let's beat the likes record in this video, give like, make comments, share!

Guys, this is very important for the YouTube algorithm to realize that this video is relevant and delivered to more subscribers so we can achieve our goal.

Again, the link of the social networks of the record labels, are here in the description.

Send messages to them requesting permission for Hunter.FM to work on YouTube.

Your support is very important to get back on YouTube.

I'm sure many of you have made great friends through Hunter's chat here on Youtube, and that some even miss Nightbot ...

To get back to all of this, we need your help!

If you work at any of these 3 labels want to help us, the Hunter.FM contacts are here in the description! Thank you.

I would like to warmly thank you for all the support messages we received.

which motivates us to insist on Hunter.FM on YouTube.

Like, comment and share this video!

We count on you!

See you later

For more infomation >> HUNTER.FM NEEDS HELP! - Duration: 6:15.



So cold!

-Hiiii. -Hiiii.

We're still on our road trip. It's nice.

-And we're still in Dalarna. -That's also nice.

And this is a Q&A, which is also nice.

Three "Nice" in one.

-Do you know what would have been more nice? -What?

To have a bucket!


-We've got a gift. -What's that?

They don't usally...


You should put these things in your mouth.

I was like "motuths"

What do you mean "in your mouth"?


In my mouth? Is this some kind of teeth protection.

How do I do it?


How am I suppose to...

Like this?

Kiss me.


"If you could choose..."

..."would you always chew gum, or never chew gum?"

Is it something in the end I don't hear?

"Would you never chew gum, or always chew gum?"


"Always have gum under your shoe?"


-I would say "always have gum under my shoe". -What?

I would easily choose "never chew gum". -Why?

Because I could take a sweet or something else instead.

Yeah, but it's nice to chew gum.

Yes, but is so much "un-nice" to walk around with gum under your shoe.


"Tell us about the first time you uploaded something on YouTube".

-Good! -Yay!

-Are we done with these now? I just need to ask. -Yes.

-Nice gimmick. -Really nice.

I uploaded an intro-video. I say some things about myself, who I am and what I do.

And included some sketches in the same video.


Hi everybody!

Whatup? Whatup?

I'm Athena Afshari.

Must be so nice to have such a clean YouTube history.

Why? Oh, you mean that you uploaded something embarrassing first time you uploaded something.

It was 2008 so I was pretty young.

What did you do?

Ehm... It was a video that was about how you play a class called "Rune priest"... the game "Warhammer online", that I played back then.

And I'm at home in my small cabin that I lived in at my parents.

-With a small mic that barely had any sound. -Oh wow...

And then I try to speak with some kind of fake-British that I though was correct.

No, oh god. Ahh!

"Greetings everyone. My name is Halroni, and this is my freshly dinged... or quite freshly dinged rune priest".

"How far to the north have you been in Sweden?"

Ehm... Piteå.

Eh, I... What's the place on "Ö" called?

-Öland? -No!


It's a place that starts with "Ö".


Oh sorry...

"What dance move is a big no no?"

Wow... There are a lot of dance moves that is a big no no, and I do them all.

Exactly, I would say that there are no dance moves that are big no no's.

-Because you need to be yourself on the dancefloor. -Yes, I feel the same way.

But I can fell that... this...

When people are sneaking up to you.

I think that can be pretty unpleasant. You know...

-Have you seen it? -I know exactly what you mean.

The only thing I did was holding on to everything, because I knew that something would fall...

...if you were standing that close.

Eh... Or the "finger dance".

-What's that? -It's like this...

Should you point at people that you talk with?

You're like "Hi there, hello, hello".

And you do like this with you tounge.

No, stop it. Stop it now!

-I think it's time to end this. -Me too.

We'll continue our road trip. The car is ready.

Don't forget to write new questions in the comment section and we'll bring them up in our next Q&A.

Very important, and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

Why should you do that?

Because then you get notifications where you can see what we're doing.

You can be in our competitions and win a lot of stuff.

And you can see our Bucketlist-episodes that airs every Thursday at 3pm.

Kisses & hugs!

For more infomation >> COKETV'S ROAD TRIP! | FÖRSTA YOUTUBE-FILMEN? | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 4:40.


Phai Nhòa Cảm Xúc - Bình Minh Vũ ft. Mr. Siro 「Acoustic/Lyrics」 #Chang - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Phai Nhòa Cảm Xúc - Bình Minh Vũ ft. Mr. Siro 「Acoustic/Lyrics」 #Chang - Duration: 4:19.


Trelinka "u Szwagra" - Video Dowcip CENZURA - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Trelinka "u Szwagra" - Video Dowcip CENZURA - Duration: 10:11.


ช่อง Youtube ครูโน๊ตลูกอีสาน ร่วมถวายอาลัยพ่อหลวง รัชกาลที่ ๙/ ด้วยสำนึกในพระมหากรุณาธิคุณเป็นล้นพ้น - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> ช่อง Youtube ครูโน๊ตลูกอีสาน ร่วมถวายอาลัยพ่อหลวง รัชกาลที่ ๙/ ด้วยสำนึกในพระมหากรุณาธิคุณเป็นล้นพ้น - Duration: 4:27.




man utd

harry kane

real madrid



For more infomation >> ОЗИЛ ПЕРЕЙДЁТ В МЮ, КЕЙН В РЕАЛ, КОУТИНЬО В БАРСЕЛОНЕ - Duration: 7:48.


Essence of Murli 24-10-2017 - Duration: 7:04.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 24th October 2017

( Sweet Sweet Shiv Baba has come to make us impure souls pure Lets hear what Sweet Sweet Baapdada is teaching us today )

Essence:Sweet children, remain in the service of making this impure Bharat pure. Remove all obstacles.

Never become disheartened. ( In our task of service of making Bharat pure, obstacles will come, but Baba says do not become disheartened )

Question: While living at home with your families, which awareness is it necessary to have?

Answer: While living at home, let there be the awareness that you are Godly students.

Students always remember their studies and their teachers.

They never waste their time making mistakes. They value time a great deal.

Question: What is the greatest ignorance that people have?

Answer: They call the One whom they worship, "The One who is beyond name and form." This is the greatest ignorance.

They call out to Him, they build temples to Him and worship Him.

Therefore, how could He be beyond name and form? You have to give everyone God's true introduction.

Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood!

Essence for dharna: 1. Study the simple study of remembering Alpha and beta and also teach it to others.

Stay in unadulterated remembrance. Remove this land of falsehood from your intellect.

2. Become God's helpers and do the service of making impure Bharat pure. Become complete helpers of the Father.

Blessing: May you be an angel who is free from bondages of the body, bodily relations and possessions and is liberated in life.

An angel means one who doesn't have any relationship of attachment with the old world and old body.

The soul has a relationship with the body, but not a relationship of attachment.

To have a relationship of karma with the physical organs is a different matter,

but you should not have any karmic bondage.

An angel means one who is free from any bondage of karma while performing actions: no bondage of the body,

no bondage with the relations of the body and no bondages with possessions of the body.

Those who remain free from such bondages are angels who are liberated-in-life.

Slogan: Even more valuable than physical wealth is the wealth of spiritual love.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 24-10-2017 - Duration: 7:04.


Glücklicher ohne Masturbation und Pornos (Web-Doku) - Duration: 16:23.

For more infomation >> Glücklicher ohne Masturbation und Pornos (Web-Doku) - Duration: 16:23.


[Lồng Tiếng] Cổ Tịch Thời Tiên Tần - Tập 13 I Trương Hàn, Cổ Lực Na Trát - Duration: 45:33.

♫ Within a picture, the characters appear strong. ♫

♫ Withered flowers dance lightly stirring up the water of emotions silently. ♫

♫ Don't ask who weighs more in the heart. ♫

♫ Take up a pen and tell a thousand turbulent stories. ♫

♫ The rainbow streak across the horizon. ♫

♫ Does it know your whereabouts? ♫

♫ Pain spread throughout the land. ♫

♫ How long do we have to wait until it turns cold? ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. ♫

♫ Don't ask why I broke up the relationship in an instant. ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. ♫

♫ This hurdle is difficult for people to pass even in a thousand years. ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. ♫

♫ Don't ask for whom this lonely zither is playing for. ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. I sigh. ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. ♫

♫ Don't ask for whom this lonely zither is playing for. ♫

♫ I wish. I hope. I sigh. ♫

The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Legend of the Scarlet Shadow

Episode 13

It would be best if you stayed away from me.

People who get too close to me,

all don't have happy endings.

If you are really a man,

then take out your own courage

to protect the one that you truly love!

If you don't even have this bit of confidence,

then between the two of us there is no such thing as a fair competition to talk about!

Brother Shangguan, look!

Well Mansion?

Boss, are you really not leaving with them?

What I should and should not do, I know it the best.

Su Mo is not the kind of person who is greedy for wealth and fame.

That is because she has never obtained fame.

Then General Baili, what about you?

You initially had nothing,

yet you are the great General of Dong Ling.

Serving below one but above a million.

That's why

I am extremely familiar with the term 'fame.'

How much it can be used.

Let me put it like this.

There was a frog who always lived in a well.

The sky he saw from there, was only so big.

But one day, he jumped out of the well.

Then he realized how big the world was and how rich it was.

A person told him that he could have all of this.

Do you think

this frog will go back into the well again?

-Su Mo is not how you...-I'm talking about me.

In front of fame and fortune, very few people won't be lost.

Miss Fu'er,

what are you thinking about?

If you want me to do something,

you can tell me with ease.

General Baili,

I want to return to Su Mo's side. Can't I?

I can guarantee it! If Su Mo summons the Vermilion Bird,

she definitely won't treat Dong Ling as an enemy!

On the contrary, she will ask the Vermilion Bird to protect everyone's safety.

It will include Dong Ling, too!

You really are our Mysterious Lady of the Azure Dragon.

You are so kind.

Then, General Baili,

-are you agreeing to it?-As long as you like it,

I will support you.

Say, do you think I didn't look detailed enough?

You looked at each man's body multiple times.

And you say you didn't look in detail?

You also don't feel impudent?

This is work, do you understand?

Is it?

What nonsense are you thinking about?


are you really sure

that what you saw on the mountain was the Well Mansion's mark?


At that time, the knock out medicine had just passed, so I was a little out of it.

Perhaps it was.

So stupid!

Why am I following an idiot like you?

Those two are like you,

but me? Why is my life so terrible?

Little Imp, stop talking nonsense okay?

That answer isn't meaningful at all!

Do you know what it means when those who are closely involved cannot see the truth?


What's so scary about a snake?

What? I couldn't have mistaken it?

You're scaring people?

I'm a child, she's

You panicked for no reason yourself, what are you being angry at him for?

I think between the two of you, one is startled over nothing, the other is blindly brave.

You won't even know how you died.

Cold-Face Ghost!

Say it again.

Cold-Face Ghost!

Don't hold things against women and children, okay?

Do you like Shangguan Jin?

Little Imp, what nonsense are you saying?

What else? Look at Chi Yu,

he's so mean and is petty.

Look at Shangguan Jin, he's pretty and noble.

Many people like him, but you always create trouble.

You'll be spanked by Chi Yu!

If you continue speaking nonsense, do you believe I'll spank you first?

-Stop there! Don't run!-Come catch me!

Little Imp!

Is there anyone here?

It looks like this place has been abandoned for a long time.

The well is dry; there is no water.

Naturally, no one will be here.

How about we split up to look?

How can there be no water in this big mountain?

I'll go look over there.

Is there anyone here?

Is there anyone here?

Is anyone here?


This well has already run dry; there is no water.

Miss Fu'er, rest here first.

I'll go find some water for you.

I'll have to trouble you.

Is there anyone here?

Su Mo!

Grandpa, I've traveled all day

and I'm very thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink?

Wait a second.

-Grandpa, don't give it to her!-Go!

Don't give it to her!


Miss, we only have this little water. Drink it.

Give it back to me; give it back!

This is water that Grandpa spent many days to dig out!

Grandpa couldn't even bear to drink a little and gave it all to you!

Don't listen to the child.

Go ahead and drink.

You've traveled all day, you should be tired.

I can dig out water again. Drink, it's alright.

There's finally water! Give me some!

-You can't drink it!-Why not?

This is the water that Grandpa spent many days digging. You cannot drink it.

Isn't it enough to just give money?

You always talk about money. Can money do everything?

Money can't buy everything!

Poor people! Only poor people say that!

Stop calling us poor people!

-All your money was earned by your father, what capability do you have?-You-!

You country girl! Don't think that I won't hit you just because you're a girl!

You-! You all!

You're all bullying me, right?

Fine! I'm not going with you all anymore; I'm going home!

-Pei Pei!-Miss Su!

He's a stubborn child. I'll go persuade him.

I'm sorry, Grandpa. I'll give this back to you.

This is for you. All of you should just drink it!

You young people came so far to here.

It must have been difficult.

Just drink this little water.

If it was in the past, this water wouldn't have counted for much.

Our well water used to be plentiful and sweet.

Even people from the nearby villages would often come here to draw water to drink.

But, we don't know why,

three years ago, the water supply suddenly dried up.

No matter how far we dug, we couldn't find water.

Then why didn't you move away?

A lot of families

did move away from here when they couldn't take the lack of water anymore.

But I can't leave. I am the village leader here.

This place is where generations of our family have lived.

My disobedient older grandson eventually left me.

He said that water can't be found here anymore.

But I don't believe it! I must definitely find water here!

Let's go and find the water supply.

Don't you want to?

If we leave just like this, Grandpa definitely won't give up.

Instead, why not help him find the water supply

and then leave at ease?

Okay! Then what about Shi Pei Pei?

Don't worry. Hong Tai can take good care of him.

You all are going to help us find the water supply?

Yes, Grandpa.

In the past, we also asked some able people to come.

But there wasn't anything they could do either.

You're just a little lady, what method would you have?

Elder, please don't worry.

She has a dog's nose. She can definitely find it.

Nonsense! You're the dog!

Grandpa, I will definitely help you find the water source.

I'm leaving!

I'll go back and find my father!

When my Young Master was little, he was just like you.

I'm not the same as your Young Master!

That's right! The Young Master of the Shi family isn't the same!

Go back and tell your Young Master that I'm not joining them anymore!

Why are you following me?

You are the Young Master of the Shi family.

But I only follow one thing,

I only listen to our Young Master.

He wants me to follow you, so I'll follow you.

What a nag!

If you like following, then follow!

How annoying!

Grandpa wanted me to give this to you, even if it's a bit small.

Do you take me for a beggar?

If you don't want it, then fine!

The village was just fine, how did the water dry up?

Look at the marks on the mountain.

There should have been a waterfall here in the past.

Also, those dead trees.

They should be types of trees that only grow where there's water.

Logically, something like this shouldn't have happened.


Aren't you especially sensitive to water sources?

Can you try and see if there's any water sources nearby?

There is, but it's very deep down.

Then let's hurry and go.

I found you!

You have water, yet won't let me drink it!

You brat, give it to me!

Give it back to me! Give the water back to me!

Give it back to me!

Why did you spit it out?

What kind of water is this? It's disgusting and dirty!

I'll pour it all out!

Give it back!

I was collecting this for many days for Grandpa to drink! Make up for it!

Make up for it? Fine, fine.

This is a very good gemstone. It can buy your entire stupid village. Here!

Are you crazy?

Stop there!

Have you gone crazy?

Don't come over! What are you doing?

Go away!

-Give the water back to me!-Water?

You-! For water, is it worth you working so hard?

Isn't it just water? Can't you just collect more?

You make it sound so easy!

My grandpa, to let the people at home have water to drink and live,

every day he goes around everywhere digging!

When the water seeps out of the ground a little,

then he puts it into the water holder,

then he only gives us water when the sand has come out!

To pay someone to dig a deeper well, my older brother

went very far away to mine rocks!

There were many times when he almost died inside the quarry!

Also, my second older brother! Everyone in the village

put their lives on the line for this little water,

yet you poured all the water out!

That's because you didn't have the capability!

Then go! You go dig!

If you can get water, then I'll-!

-You'll what?-I will-!

Call me "Grandpa!"

Fine! As long as you can dig out water!

Fine! I'll dig! I'll definitely find water!

If I can't, then I'll call you Grandpa!

Pinky promise!

Lead the way!

Su Mo! Su Mo!

You brat, why are you running? Wait for me, Su Mo!

Wait for me!

Su Mo?

Su Mo! Is that you?

Su Mo! Don't play tricks on me!

I'm coming in!

Su Mo?

Su Mo!

Su Mo, is it you, Su Mo?

Su Mo! Don't scare me, Su Mo!

Miss, who are you?

Why did you tie me here?

Hurry and let me go!

You're not human.

Just what are you?

Hurry and let me go!

You saw?

If you can see it, that means

you are the Mysterious Lady of the Azure Dragon!

Since you know,

hurry and let me go!

Let you go? What a waste!

It looks like you couldn't wait.

The blood of the Mysterious Lady of the Azure Dragon,

you only need a little,

and you'll become the strongest python demon.

General Baili, you kept your promise and was so generous.

That's why I dared to work with you.

If a woman is too stubborn, there is nothing lovable about her.

No matter how stubborn a woman is, when she is in your hands,

they'll become as obedient as a little cat.


The act must go on.

Let me have another taste.

Brother Shangguan, this way!

We're already close to the water source. Why is it like this?

We should be getting closer to why the water source dried up.

-The truth?-Mo'er,

in a bit, no matter what appears,

don't panic. We will protect you.

Do you two know something?

Let's go.

That should be where the water source starts.

That place is so hot, but it's so cold here.

This must be the headwaters.

Also, I feel like the water here must definitely be great.

Do you hear that?

What is that sound?

Let's go in to look.

You cannot go in.

Why not? I'm sure that this must be the headwaters!

The headwaters will not dry up for no reason.

Also, look at the bodies around here.

If they weren't poisoned, their blood was entirely drained.

Also, that strange sound.

I feel like whatever is inside that cave isn't kind.

That's right.

Based on your minimal martial arts,

going in would just distract me. You cannot go in.

Brother Shangguan!

You'd best stay here to wait for us.

In two hours, if you don't see Chi Yu and I come out,

then immediately go back to find Hong Tai.

-Let's go.-Wait a second!


It smells terrible.

It stinks!

Do you want it or not? It's an herb to keep poisonous bugs away!

My Old Father said that before someone enters a cave, they must have this in preparation.

Just in case!

Okay, we'll take it.

Chi Yu, Brother Shangguan, you must be careful!

What are you looking at? Can't I rest?

It's so obvious you're a rich young master.

You've never worked before, nor do you know the suffering of work.

That's right! I'm a rich young master, so what?

I was pampered since childhood. Compared to you commoners,

I'm not the same!

You lost! Call me Grandpa!

Who said I lost?

I haven't admitted loss yet! Don't even think of winning!

Those are called blisters. They'll heal after they rupture.

They'll rupture after they heal again.

After a long time they'll become calluses, so it won't hurt anymore.

Don't act like an expert!

Who wants to hear you talk?


I won't drink it!

Look, your lips are already cracked!

Why are you giving me water now?

Just now, I gave you a great gemstone to buy it from you.

Yet you wouldn't sell it.

Because you are working now. Only those people have the right to drink water.

Don't try to distract me. I'm going to dig out the water soon!

When that happens, you have to keep your promise and call me Grandpa!

Fine! If you have the capability, then show me!

I'll dig out water for you to see!

The water source became a crystal!

I've heard there was a type of demon magic;

they use the most pure spring water

and turn it into a crystal rock.

They use it to pull energy from the earth and sky to cultivate themselves.

There must be a snake demon here.

I can feel

that its energy is above us.

And I was wondering which direction's holy beast it was.

Indeed, you are only a snake demon.

That you two could come here, I'm very impressed with your bravery.

It's just a shame. Since you dared to trespass into my cave,

I can let you two...die!

I must drive you out of here today.

Entering my place, there is only death awaiting you!

Why is this water so bitter?

In the past, our village's water wasn't like this.

I must dig out water today! Come!

There's water! There's water!

We finally have water to drink!

This is great!

-There's water!-I won!

We finally have water to drink!

-This is great!-I won!

Are you dead yet?

I definitely won't die that easily.

I think that you have been a rich young master

and have been pampered for too long.

From the way I see it,

you're not much better than me.

Let's go.

Forget it.

That girl is quite obedient today.

We didn't let her enter the snake's cave,

and she really didn't come in.


Where is she?

-Su Mo!-Su Mo!

Brother Shangguan!

-Chi Yu! Hurry and come save me!-Su Mo!

Brother Shangguan! Chi Yu!

I'm here! Hurry and save me!

Chi Yu!

So you're not dead yet.

You two only peeled off one layer of my skin!

Shangguan Jin,

take Su Mo away first.

I'll hold off this demon.

No! If we're leaving, we'll leave together!

With you two here, none of us can leave!


Let's go!

-Chi Yu!-Chi Yu!

Brother Shangguan!

Right now, I'm going to kill the one you two love most.

To let you taste the pain of heartbreak!

Chi Yu!

Chi Yu!

Chi Yu! Chi Yu!

You are so incapable.

How can you protect your woman?

Your life is quite good.

Two men would give up their lives for you.

Right now, I will let you taste the feeling of losing the ones you love!

Chi Yu!

Every time.

Every time when there's danger,

they're always the ones saving me!

They did their best to protect me!

And I, besides being a little smart,

I can't help with anything!

Every time I hide behind them.

During fights I'm always protected.

It's all because of me that they were injured.

I can't wait for others to save me every time!

This time,

let me protect you two!

I'll let you see the power of the Vermilion Bird!

Go die!


Mo'er! Mo'er!

Mo'er, wake up!

Where is that snake?

Don't worry, she's dead.

Brother Shangguan, are you okay?

It's nothing serious, don't worry.

Chi Yu, how is Chi Yu?

What's wrong with Chi Yu?

That snake demon bit Chi Yu's shoulder earlier.

The poison has already reached his bloodstream.

Chi Yu is too heavily poisoned.

We have to quickly find a way to get an antidote to save him.

Flaming Grass...

The Flaming Grass can definitely save him!

Flaming Grass. Then I'll go look for it now.

You're injured, too. I'll go look for it.


It's fine; take care of Chi Yu.

Take care of yourself. I'll come back soon.

Timing & Subtitles brought to you by the Dancing Fingers @ Viki

Flaming Grass...

Where is it...?

Su Mo!

Su Mo!

Su Mo!

Su Mo! Have you come to save me, Su Mo?

Flaming Grass...

Su Mo!

Su Mo, you've finally come!

Hurry and save me. Hurry and free me.

Su Mo, hurry!

Su Mo! Hurry!

It's this one.

S-Su Mo!

Hurry and come save me, Su Mo!

Su Mo!

Su Mo! Don't go, Su Mo!

Su Mo!

Very good, Mysterious Lady of the Vermilion Bird.

You definitely didn't let my hopes down.

Hurry and come back, Su Mo!

General Baili, you've finally come.

Miss Fu'er, don't talk.

You are very weak right now.

I'm sorry, Miss Fu'er.

It's my fault. I came late.

Or else...

you wouldn't be like this right now.

What's wrong?



Come, slowly.



Here, have some water.



This container of water

almost made you lose your life.

Fu'er, I'm sorry.

I really don't know

how I can make you not sad.

Seeing you so said, it makes my heart hurt, too.

I'm sorry.

In the future I will definitely protect you and not take a single step away from you.


Chi Yu! Wake up, Chi Yu!

Chi Yu?

Come, slowly.

Let's go.

I'll bring you to go find them now.

-Let's go.-Wait!

-Is there still some water?-There is.

Chi Yu.

-Come.-Hold this for me.

Miss Su Mo?

How will it work if you don't swallow it?

Chi Yu.



-It's so sweet!-Thank you, thank you!

Sir, all of you,

just what are you young people?

We are... We are only passing by.

If my Ah Su was here, it would be great.

That's right. If Ah Su was here, you all would definitely become friends.

Ah Su is a capable young man.

Is that so?

My Ah Su is a fated star constellation of the heavens.

Star constellation?

Timing & Subtitles brought to you by the Dancing Fingers @ Viki

For more infomation >> [Lồng Tiếng] Cổ Tịch Thời Tiên Tần - Tập 13 I Trương Hàn, Cổ Lực Na Trát - Duration: 45:33.


Thumbnail Secrets Exposed: Make Epic Thumbnails?! - Duration: 2:15.

*Arghhh* why won't anyone click on my thumbnails are you struggling to make

effective thumbnails these five awesome tips I learned from Vidsummit

help me make my thumbnails and they should help you make yours I upload

YouTube advice videos three times a week every Monday Wednesday Friday click

subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss a video! tip number one

Thumbnails without a face are 80% less likely to get clicked if you feature in

your videos include your face in the thumbnail make sure your face is prominent

and big tip number two make sure your face has tons of expression that's

something I need to fix up I'm gonna be doing a new photo shoot but you want to

show as much expression as possible the more expression the more

animated your face is the more people are gonna click don't forget to stay tuned

to the end the final tip is so simple yet so many people don't do it that's

coming up in just a bit tip number three you want your thumbnail

to be seen before everyone else's if they see your thumbnail first they'll be

more likely to click on your video you can do this by adding contrasting

backgrounds bright colors crazy facial expressions you're making sure your

thumbnails really pop, make sure you text your face your shirt and whatever

other images in your thumbnails don't blend in with the background you want

them to the contrast you want them to really pop when compared next to each

other and that's how you get more clicks tip number four this is something I

fixed up on my thumbnails make sure you include a little branding watermark so

people can recognize that its your thumbnail that's what I did with a little

stripe down the bottom of my thumbnails I fixed it up from a massive overlay

there's something really small so you can see it you know it's my thumbnail

but it doesn't take over the rest of the image the reason you want to do this if

your video pops you up in suggested videos and then someone's watching one

of your videos already and then they're like damn it's another one of his videos

I love them they'll instantly click without having to think about it that

leads to more views more subscribers and more watch time and now for a super

simple tip that barely anyone even does tip number five take a screenshot of the

thumbnails you're going to be trying to rank against and compare your own

thumbnail to theres while designing it It will help you make improvements you'll know

if you stand out and you know what's video is most likely will get clicked on

what software do you use to make your videos let me know in the comments below

if this video has helped you and you want to continue attacking the struggles

you face on YouTube please subscribe by hitting the circle over there and click

one of the videos below to continue learning about YouTube in a way you can

grow your channel once again thank you for watching have

an awesome day

For more infomation >> Thumbnail Secrets Exposed: Make Epic Thumbnails?! - Duration: 2:15.


Yeongju holds its 20th annual Punggi Insam Festival - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Yeongju holds its 20th annual Punggi Insam Festival - Duration: 2:30.


U.S trade deficit with S. Korea doubles since KORUS FTA took effect: U.S. envoy - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> U.S trade deficit with S. Korea doubles since KORUS FTA took effect: U.S. envoy - Duration: 1:34.


How To Make ? (Casi - Thend) - Duration: 9:04.

Everybody Hello Casi

The Voices I Use in Songs I Made for You Today

And I want to inform you about how I did it

In Incoming Mail And Facebook Messages

How Many Musicians Friend We Like

Questions asked I want to give a general answer

Every Monday if there is no problem

Video will be on Youtube Channel at in the evening

Do not be subscribed click on the ring and do not like it

I'm already speaking

Let's Have a Look at Pad at first

Sylenth At first I used both

Simple Sounds Single Listen

As Simple as Seeing

Look at the second melody

And a Plugin That Comes Into This Fl Studio

The name "Morpihine"

But I Read Morhipo Every Time


Look at the other Pluck

Then look at my rhythm

Kick And

A Simple Clap

And Then We Have Bass Drop

I used Sylenth in this


An Instrument Used by Turks

What is its name "


Turkish Instrument She Shared a Pack

I found it

Felan And May Be Even Older

And then I used Pianos from Refx Nexus

Individual Listening



Buda is a Free Plugin

You can search and browse the Internet Friends

Let's see

Listen to the ball

Extreme extreme extreme


Song Up a little bit higher

And Added A Loops Over

Here's a Ready Pack as You See

Simple And Nice

And The Second Melodic For A Little More

It's Adding a Better Air

The Song Rises And We Can Explode

How Much It Sounds Necessary When You Just Listened

Have You Never Wrote Another Melody

I hope you like Umar

But when it comes to the matter here

Just a Few Voices Added

The ear is very nice

For example when you are playing music you say "C "

"c " 'Den Write' or 'f ' 'den

Does not matter

Look at One Under One Its Voice That Sounds Flawless Just Melody Right Writing Important

And From Here Continues

And The End Of The Song From Some Of The Most Important Parts

How the End of the Song Done

If the End of the Song is Fine

Listener Listen It Back

Now look at the end

And a little bit at the end of the song

Do not Suddenly Release Space

What Have I done in Mix


Let's do it like this

This Xferin is a Free Plugin

Give Side Chain Effect to You

I've Used It Later Reverb

Filter Used

What I Used to Do in Melody


What Have You Ever Do When Using Eq That You See

I briefly talked about it

In this First Eq

Voice is a Downside

Sounds a little muffled and a bit rushed

A little bit of Midleri

First I got my tune up in the first Eq

Slightly Bass And Midler

If it is the second one


If it is here it will be Boguk again

You can also look at Burning Lights there

And Ya Can Be Completely In The Ear

Later See Pianomuza

Only Midilli in this

And I'm a little short and a little treasure

Basta What I used to look at her

I only used a tiny Eq on the Bass

I did not have a little bit of Tiz'i

Somewhere Over the Sound Burst Point

Birde Side Chain Buda Side Chain

KickStart Nicky Romero

And Getting Some Side Chain Completion

Neyde De Gene

I'm a little bit taller I've got a little bit of treble and SoundGozier Vermiþim

Best Flip Inside This Fl Studio


So a life saver like Reverb One

I can add Plugin

Generally Such

Every Monday

Videos on my YouTube Channel

Definitely Follow


Remember not to like

If you have a problem definitely cast a comment

I will reply to you shortly

Goodbye to see other videos

For more infomation >> How To Make ? (Casi - Thend) - Duration: 9:04.


Games for Kids Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run 2 Vs Minions iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 6:48.

Games for Kids Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run 2 Vs Minions iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run 2 Vs Minions iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 6:48.


Seller of air - Duration: 2:12.

I've been climbing here in search of good ideas. But it just so happened that nothing was here, I never have to use. Probably, the whole slope of this site is that it allows you to find some direction in a home business, the way business thinking, speculation on any feelings, qualities and other weaknesses of man. It just so happens that I have a whole bunch of ideas (no wait, just some) I am willing to share. Just want to mention that, most of what I write won't be useful to you in the version, where I about it will tell, but as I said above, use this as a "what to think". Not useful because I live in the glorious city of Bishkek where business (any home or a large) is living a completely different life, different from the nekoshenom possibilities of Russian expanses and the wallets of ordinary Russian people and their leaders. Briefly: a population of a million, the average salary is 50$ (this is the average, but many people get 300– 500$), a lot of foreigners – about 10 000, well, etc. By the way, about business. We have everything, and at very competitive prices. Make money is very difficult. Well, now to the whole idea. Let's start simple. Money is good to do nothing. Always have to start a million deal with three rubles (even American). So, when we got here talking about someone that he makes money out of nothing, it is often said: "he makes money out of thin air". How all this is utopian? The air seller! In fact, you can make a million on the sale of air. And maybe two! And in this sense, the main with extras not calculated. Don't know how they count the number of computers in the capital, but according to my calculations we only have laptops as much as they computers counted. So, there is a problem in Bishkek, as dust. Simple indoor dust. She is everywhere and sticks to everything. People clean try to get rid of it. Moreover, people who love their computers, trying to relieve them from this problem. So maybe, for convenience, to take the air, pump it into the spray can (something like this, which contain a deodorant) and sell it to everyone. The user directs the spray at an object, presses the button and the dust flies away from your favorite computer pieces. Here it is – the compressed air cost 3-5 rubles and the selling price of 30-50. By the way, I tried to analyze the market we have here in Bishkek – friends of foreigners say that they these things would buy, the dollar two or three. I know what the normal Russian person in this situation – it will just take a rag and wipe it the monitor and keyboard. But not all are "Russian".

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