Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

The defense chiefs of Seoul, Washington and Tokyo agree to coordinate efforts to resolve

North Korea issues... using not only pressure... but diplomacy.

They also vowed to maintain a high state of readiness against any further provocations

from Pyongyang through continued combined exerdises.

Lee Unshin has the highlights from the tripartite meeting.

South Korea, the U.S. and Japan have kicked off their joint ballistic missile warning

and anti-submarine warfare drills on Tuesday.

The training includes missile detection and tracking exercises to enhance defense capabilities

against possible missile launches from North Korea.

The two-day drills, carried out in the waters off the Korean Peninsula and Japan,... are

the fifth of their kind.

On Monday, Seoul's Defense Minister, Song Young-moo, and his U.S. and Japanese counterparts,...

James Mattis and Itsunori Onodera, reaffirmed the need to up their military preparation,

by continuing to hold joint military drills against Pyongyang's growing provocations.

The three met on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum in the Philippines, and committed

to supporting trilateral efforts to tackle the North through maximum pressure.

Song added that South Korea is still prioritizing a peaceful solution,... but if Pyongyang were

to use military force on his country,...

Seoul would have no choice but to take strong action.

(Korean) "We understand the weight of engaging in a

war as such.

We would make all efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and economic way."

Tokyo's defense minister however endorsed Washington's view to consider "all options"

on the table... for dealing with the North's recent threats including a pair of missile

launches that flew over Japanese territory.

Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S., and Japan kick off missile warning drills - Duration: 1:44.


50 Shades of White (wall): Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:24.

Hi everybody welcome to another episode

of Exploring Photography

right here on AdoramaTV

brought to you by Adorama,

the camera store that has everything

for photographers.

I'm Mark Wallace and I'm hanging out here

in Kampuchea Party Republic studio

and I have this amazing infinity wall right here.

It's a white background.

You might have something like this in your studio,

maybe you have a white roll of seamless

and this video is all about working

with this big white beast.

How do you control that?

How do you get it to go from white to gray to black?

The reason I'm making this video

is because so many people have seen me take

photos on a wall just like this

and the wall goes to complete black or a really

dark gray and I get emails almost every day

saying how is that happening?

Well that's what we're going to talk about

in this video and we're going to end with a

really amazing portrait,

so let's get started right now.

Alright well now we

have a light and we have a model.

This is Kongka and so what we're going to be

doing is I'm going to just first show you,

that we have a light, a model and our

big white background but

when I take a photo at this distance,

right here so

look right into my lens.


What the heck?

The background is absolutely dark

so what is going on back there?

Well to understand that,

we need to break this down step by step.

We need to first understand

what we can do with the

ambient light because with their eyes

we see a white background but on the

picture it doesn't show up.

So what's going on?

We have to control the ambient

light, then we have to understand

something called the inverse-square law.

So we're going to do that really quickly

and simply then we're going to put

everything together to control that

background, to create a really beautiful

portrait so I'm really excited.

Let's get started.

To understand what's happening

with our white background we first need

to understand a very important principle

of flash photography and that is

when you add a flash to your photo you

actually have two exposures,

you have the ambient light,

that's light from the Sun

or light in the room like these fluorescent lights

and you have the light from the flash

and you can control those two things

independent of each other.

So the first thing we need to do

to control our big white background

is to control the ambient light.

So let me illustrate this.

So I have my flash turned totally off.

I don't have a trigger on my camera.

I have my camera set to f/9

aperture priority mode

and I've increased the ISO

to ISO 800

just for this illustration,

so let me show you what will happen here

if I take a picture just with the ambient light,

so we're going to look right in the lens

Kongka looks great.

BAM!so I take that

that's at 1/60th of a second

it's a really not a very good picture

because we don't have any flash

but you can clearly see that the camera

can see that white background

and it shows up crystal clear.

We don't want that,

we want to eliminate that

and the simplest way to do that is just to underexpose

the background, so what I'm going to do is

I'm going to change my camera to ISO 200.

That's my base ISO for this camera

and then I'm going to speed up the shutter speed

so from I think it was the 1/7th

of a second something like that.

I'm going to go to my camera's sync speed

that's the fastest speed

that my camera can use,

the fastest shutter speed that

my camera can use with the flash.

Now if you don't know about sync speed

fear not. I actually have a bunch of videos

about sync speed and I have link

to those in the description of this

video so if that's a new concept for you

just watch those videos

and it'll all make sense.

So now I have my camera at f/9

at sync speed 1/180 of a second

and at ISO 200 now let's

take that same a picture again,

so you're going to look right at me

same exact thing, click,

it's totally black, there's nothing there look

it's just blank and so what we've done

is we have eliminated the ambient light.

There is nothing that is showing up

on that white background

except the light that comes from our flash

and that means now that we can control everything

the only thing that's going to show up

on that background is the light

that comes from this flash

or other flashes

and so we can do some really groovy things

but now what we need to understand

is what happens when we move this closer

and farther away from our subject

and to the wall

and how can we make that brighter

and dimmer so we're going to do that next.

Now that we know how to control the

ambient light we need a quick refresher

on the inverse square law.

Now if the inverse square law is confusing

to you don't worry,

I've already made a video in depth about this

but let's just have a refresher.

What happens with the inverse

square law is it's the law

that illustrates how the power

of the light falls off from the source

and so it comes out really strong right

here and then it just has a little cliff

wow it gets much, much less powerful

and then it just sort of evens out

as it goes along

and so we have this really strong light

and then it drops off

and then it evens out back here

and that has a lot of implications for us

when we're shooting with a white wall,

and so Kongka, you're going to come right

back out and we're going to illustrate this

and so here's what we're going to do.

So we're going to start with you

close to this light. I'm going to turn

this guy on and we're going to shoot

with model close to our light.

Now remember the light is falling off

rapidly, so that means that the light

is much more powerful here

than it is back here

which means that she's going to be exposed properly

but the white background is going to be underexposed

making that darker

and her perfectly illuminated.

So I'm going to meter this

and so we'll do that.

I hope this meter should meter right about f/8

so we'll do that and it's exactly f/8

ISO 200 f/8 and I'm a shooting at sync speed

which is 1/180 of a second.

Look right in my lens,


so we're going take this shot

and it looks just like it did before.

We have that dark grey background.

Now watch what happens

remember this light is falling off,

with an evening out

so we're going to have you come back here

much closer to the backdrop.

Remember the light now is evened out

and so the backdrop,

the white background and Kongka

are both going to be exposed

about the same so I'm going to meter this again

because we don't have as much power

as we did before,

so I'll meter this.

That meters at f/3.6,

so I'm going to adjust my aperture accordingly

and we're going to take a photo,

beautiful I love that right there

and look now we have a perfectly

exposed model

and a nice white background.

That's what the inverse law

does for us,

so if you want a dark background,

you got to make sure that your

light and your model are close together.

If you want a nice white background

make sure that your light is farther away

and that your model and your white background

are closer so that, that inverse-square law

works for you.

Alright we know how to expose

the ambient light so that we have a black

background. We know how to use

the inverse square law

to control the different shades of gray

that we have on our background

let's put that all together

and make a really nice portrait

Kongka is out here she has a nice white

top and black pants

and that is going to be nice and contrasty

with the background.

We're going to let that fall into darkness,

now to do this I want soft light,

so we're starting with our fill light.

This is this giant 7' silver umbrella

that's just going to sort of shower down light.

It's going to bounce off the white floor

and fill in but we want nice directional light

as well and so we have this small softbox

and that is going to come from the side

and make sure we have fall-off

and so that's going to sculpt her cheeks

and give us some directional soft light

now because these are so far from the

background Kongka's white top

is going to contrast with this dark background,

it's going to fall into darkness

not completely into darkness,

we just want a dark gray

but that is exactly how it's going to work out.

We're going to shoot this outfit

and maybe a couple of different wardrobe changes

and I'm going to show

you the results, so let's get started right now

I love these images, I think they're soft

and wonderful. Thank you so much

Kongka Chan and you know what she won

Cambodia's Next Top Model

and if you want to see all of our amazing pictures

and behind-the-scenes stuff here is her

Instagram so you can make sure you check

that out. I want to tell you about two

other videos that I've made,

about white backgrounds.

I did one called white paper tricks that will show you

how to sculpt really interesting things on a white

background using some of the principles

that I taught today

and I also want to remind you

about the inverse square law video

that is a deep dive into the

inverse square law,

if that's a little bit confusing to you.

I have provided links

to both of those videos

in the description of this video

and a link to her Instagram account

in this video and so thank you so much.

How do you say thank you in Camia?



thank you.

Don't forget to subscribe

and we will see you again

next time.

For more infomation >> 50 Shades of White (wall): Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:24.


Gay Actors Speak Out Over Sexual Abuse | - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Gay Actors Speak Out Over Sexual Abuse | - Duration: 1:21.


TechSmith Snagit 2018 Overview - Duration: 1:13.

TechSmith Snagit takes the hassle out of creating images and videos.

Simply click-and-drag to capture exactly what you need.

You can capture fullscreen,

a small selection,

and more!

Once you have your screen shot, there's no need to jump into a another program to edit.

Make all of your edits in Snagit!

Get your point across clearly by adding arrows,


numbered steps,

or, simply record your screen to make a short video.

Snagit is the only screen capture tool with built-in image editing and screen recording.

So whether you need to explain a process,

make training materials,

or create visual marketing content,

Snagit lets you create incredible visuals for everything you do!

Join the millions of people who use Snagit every day to quickly and clearly communicate.

With TechSmith Snagit, go beyond ordinary screen capture,

and easily create high quality images and videos, every time.

For more infomation >> TechSmith Snagit 2018 Overview - Duration: 1:13.


EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Diviners feat. Contacreast - Tropic Love -supervina - Duration: 4:42.


Best EDM Mix 2017

Best Music Mix 2017

Diviners feat. Contacreast - Tropic Love [NCS Release]

supervina channel

For more infomation >> EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Diviners feat. Contacreast - Tropic Love -supervina - Duration: 4:42.


Children of the Sea – VLOG – Road to Tarifa - Duration: 8:47.

Moin Moin

we're still in Cherbourg this morning

we have a small time window

good winds to get a bit further

towards west

there will probably be the end of our journey

but we now again have good

160 nautic miles ahead of us

will firstly have to use our motor

and from noon on

with good currents and wind from our back

hopefully arriving in Brest really soon

*french-english gibberish*

yeah... 7 in the morning

just got stopped by the coast guard

wanted to check out what we're doing here

asking some unnecessary questions

like "is the owner here" .... "and where do you want to go"

well, now we have to explain ourselves, they do some routine check-ups

either I'll talk to them in french

or it'll become clear on it's own... but it's looking well

so eventually I can go back to bed again

before I have guard in one hour

they usually check where we come from

and where we want to go

and who's on board

whethere we are one nationality

or different nationalities

and then you have to keep in mind

it's during the week

and during the week, there's work to do!

you can arrive without problems on a sunday

but now everbody's working, at 7 in the morning

today we'll try out the drone

last sunrise, we're on the way to Brest

in a few hours we'll arrive at the harbour

really important: ND-filters

so everything is looking nice

thanks again for this to

who spontaneously sent them to us

that worked out pretty well actually

we just arrived in Brest

unfortunately we didn't make it to Tarifa

so this is gonna be our final harbour

erm, yeah, we'll just start docking somewhere here

and then we'll see where we can stay

the sailing tonight was pretty nice

had nice swell waves

with 3-4 meters hight from the front

still by hurricane "Ophelia" with wind from our back coming from east

yeah it was impressive

we got throught pretty easily, sailed 140 nautic miles since yesterday morning

yeah it definetly was

a really cool tour with "Children Of The Sea"

was great fun. I think everybody also learned quiet a bit

first experience of sea sailing

we already thought about cool new adventures

where we'll sail in near future

it's planned and we hope

that we will then arrive at our planned destination

got the rental car

just playing some tetris here

so everything fits inside... but it's looking good!

was a sick tour

we just made it to Brest though.. but well, at least

we continue with our "Budget" rental car to Tarifa

and will have a great time there and hopefully see Tobi and Cati again

and can finally kite!

who are going to come with another catamaran from Mallorca to us

and will then continue to Morocco

we have to start now

still have a long journey ahead of us, around 20 hours... we drive without toll

and yeah

tomorrow then in Tarifa

all our friends from Germany will arive and it's going to be an awesome time

and together wil KiteWorldWide we'll be there in a house

directly in the old town of Tarifa

and we'll show you some parts of the city

and I think you all will like it


take one more Snickers for your pocket

well sailed, dude!

bye dude



yeah, 3 in the night at the airport of Bordeaux

and still on the way

still on the way to Tarifa

only 15 hours left

that's nothing!

first stop for refueling

1000km left

will arrive tomorrow around afternoon


arrived at our hood in Tarifa, feels like home, nice weather... and... we live in the ghetto!

going to be heavy now to the fourth floor

how sick is the appartment which Loni booked!?

with elevator


that's why she has too cook today

oh... thought it's a light switch

where is the light switch?

no... this?

fuck, another bell, dude, ciao!

I... I thought it's a light switch


it was him!

excuse me


*spanish gibberish*


everything's put in

what do we do first!?

skate or dieeeee!

Yung-L knows what's up!

ok let's go!

For more infomation >> Children of the Sea – VLOG – Road to Tarifa - Duration: 8:47.


EconoMinute: Universal Basic Income - Duration: 6:28.

Capitalism has always, from its beginning, failed in a fundamental task: it failed

to provide meaningful work, even under its own terms of exploitation, for

everybody. It couldn't do it! Its own mechanisms mean, that when you even get

near to full employment, the position of workers bargaining for wages, allows them

to put to push the wages up, which makes the employer react by saying "well I'm

not going to pay you that higher wage, so I'm firing you. I'm not hiring you,"

plunging them back into unemployment. It's its own mechanisms, make a long

story short, that prevent the system from ever achieving full employment. It's always only a question of how many people will be unemployed, how bad will

it be, how long will it last, all of that, and the problem is that's not a viable

system. Why? Because people who are literally without work and therefore

without income, are going to have very little to lose, unless they quietly walk

off into the woods and die, which some do, but most won't, they are going to try to

find another way to exist, and they become the beggars, and they become the

thieves and they become the marauding gangs, whatever you want. So the system

has to come up with that, and so it invented, took centuries. It invented what

we nowadays call welfare, or the safety net, or of a whole variety of terms like

this, in which you basically say, not what kind of system leaves large numbers of

people bereft, and even if it pays them, pays them so little that they can't live,

we're gonna solve this problem by, let's see, taxing a bunch of money from those

who have it, in order to basically give it to these people so they don't make

trouble. We say to them: "Okay live over there, in a shitty part of town, but we'll

give you enough that you can, you can eat, we'll give you a food stamp, and we will

give you a section 8 voucher to live in public housing,

and we will give your kid a free breakfast at school if they qualify,

because we pay you so little that your life is miserable. and we'll, and that'll

be called if you blump it all together, a guaranteed basic income. Hmm...the rational

response to this would be, wait a minute, why do we have a system that creates

this thing? We don't do that! We dare not ask those questions in our culture. So, we

have basic income, welfare charity, whatever you want to call it, to keep

these people going. But, no sooner do you do this, then you set up a struggle: all

the people who have money, a job, income, they're gonna have to now be taxed to

raise the money to take care of the people on the basic income. They don't

want that. They worked hard for their money. Don't take it from me! Every

right-wing jerk in any culture, has always seen a great opportunity here, to

deal with the anger of those one step above those on welfare, who don't want to

be told you have to pay for. Of course, the answer for the masses would be: "make

the rich pay," and the rich understand this all too well, which is why they buy the

politicians to make sure that's not the way it's done, and then they make sure

that the way they escape their share of taxation, is to set the workers against

the unemployed, in an endless, horrible fight that often leads to violence, and

that leads to social conflict, and that leads to Brexit votes, and to Trump

elections, and all the rest. Two years ago a French economist then Thomas Piketty

writes a famous book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century," 600 page book. His

book shows in every capitalism that the world has seen, any country, any time, you

let capitalism function, it creates an ever widening gap between rich and poor.

The only time that is constricted is when people rise up, like they did in the

1930s, and change it all out of rage about this thing.

And as soon as that rage passes, it's undone, like we undid the New Deal, and we

start to say, which we are now in the middle of, you know. So what's the

my response? We don't need, and we don't want, because it's socially destructive and

socially divisive, to have one group of people who work ,and another group of

people who don't. Give everyone reasonable work, and give everyone

reasonable pay. Our societies are being torn apart by struggles over

redistribution. do we take, and from whom, to give to those less fortunate, as if it

was a matter of fortune, rather than an economic system that doesn't work.

Redistribution tears societies apart. It''s the parallel: you're going

into the park on a Sunday afternoon, you're a married couple, you have two

children, one is six and one is seven, and you stop because there's a man

selling ice cream cones, and you give one of your children an ice cream cone that's got

four scoops, and the other one an ice cream cone with one scoop, and you

continue walking. Those children are going to murder each other: they're gonna

struggle. What are you doing? And don't then come up: "okay you've had,

you've eaten your, this part of your scoop, so give the other part of your

scoop to your sister or your brother." Stop! The resentment of the one who has

to lose his ice-cream or he,r you see where I'm going. Every parent who isn't a

ghoul, understands: give each child the same damn ice-cream cone,

two scoops each. You don't need redistribution, if you don't distribute

it unequally in the first place. Capitalism is congenitally incapable of

distributing equally.

For more infomation >> EconoMinute: Universal Basic Income - Duration: 6:28.


Giva Divas - 2017 Arcadia Invasion Taiwan 藝人介紹 (上)|Don Diablo, DVBBS, Cosmic Gate, Paul van Dyk - Duration: 22:02.

For more infomation >> Giva Divas - 2017 Arcadia Invasion Taiwan 藝人介紹 (上)|Don Diablo, DVBBS, Cosmic Gate, Paul van Dyk - Duration: 22:02.


HULK Surprise Toys and Hulk Smash Dozer - Duration: 10:25.

HULK Surprise Toys and Hulk Smash Dozer

Hulk Smash

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

Wow, it's Hulk surprise toys and Hulk smash dozer

It's an Avengers toy party with Hulk surprise egg. Hulk toy teams up with a Iron Man toy and Thor toy

And there's more surprise toys watch

Wow there's so many Hulk surprise toys, I can't even see the Hulk surprise eggs anymore, which toys should we open up first Dino friends?

How about this one

It's a Marvel's mystery mini

I see a Thor toy a Spiderman Toys and a Hulk Toy.

Hulk toy looks awesome. Let's check it out. There's even Phoenix and Doctor doom

Theres so many awesome toys to collect.

Which one do you wanna get guys? Let's get another Hulk Toy.

Here we go

Snippy Snip time

Awesome guys we got Hulk

ans he's a bobble head, bobble bobble bobble

He's super awesome. He's a little tiny Hulk

and he's all ready to Hulk Smash

So cool. Let's do a Hulk flip

And next we're gonna open up this Ninja Turtles mystery mini here we go guys


We got Donatello

Donatello wears a purple mask and he's a really smart engine turtle he always invents gadgets check out

There's this green shell and he's all ready to do battle here are his weapons. Let's put him on first

He has this super cool stuff. Let's put it on Donny

Then he has this wrench he uses it to fix and invent things

Here's Donatello's collector's card his nickname is Donny. His ability is in Jitsu and Chuck no wizardry

He uses his bow staff and a wrench as a weapon and work is a crimefighter

Awesome, let's do a turtle spin whoa?

Now it's open up that one in the back. I see spider-man

There's spider-man and there's iron spider-man and there's even venom so cool

We can again

Whoa we got this robot. He looks so cool his face is inside the TV screen. He looks really angry

He's got these big guns for his head, and he's all purple. Let's check out the collector's card guys

Here's the collector's card you see him well. He's right here. He's our missoula

He's a bad guy and even as a missile launcher on him

But don't worry spider-man can beat him BAM. Let's see the darkness

Super cool guys. I see a Captain America Iron Man Hulk and Thor

She-she-she I wonder who's inside here

How cool we got Captain America it looks like Captain America's rushing through the bricks

He smashed to them with his shield which is made of antonetti and steel

He can use it for defense and he can throw it to attack


Captain America is the leader of The Avengers?

for action

And what's this guys well, it's a Batman vs. Superman mighty mini. I see Superman

They're a golden Superman Batman and an armored Batman and Superman - how cool

Hurry again

We got a Batman let's build Batman guys. Here's his body and here's his legs. Let's put it on

And now we're gonna put on his hands and

The last part is the Batcave

When you got Harvard Batman Batman is wearing his super heavy armor

So you can use it to fight against Superman when he's wearing his armor he becomes super-strong and his defense is really powerful

Turn to blast off them in

And what's this one guys?

Well, it's a Ghost Buster mystery minis

How cool there's all the Ghostbusters and here's the ghost scary let's open it up?

We got a Ghostbuster guys he's wearing glasses, and he's holding his gun capturing gun

it's connected to his backpack cuz that's where he's sourced it goes when he captures it who you gonna call when there's a ghost the



And next we have this super cool King Daley buzzer mystery minifigures

How awesome these are all the figures you can get they all look super creepy, but perfect for Halloween guys. Let's see who we get


We got a demon Diablo. He looks so scary

He's got these really big horns, and he's got a diamond red gem on his head and look at his TVs together his tone. Yeah

He's super scary. He's got a really long tail and a bunch of black spikes

But don't worry the Hulk is Hulk smash him Hulk smash

And next we have this Thomas and Friends mystery mini

There's 70 trains to collect and I see Thomas a tourist ring and a green train this

Mystery question mark is the train left inside golden Thomas is the most rare can we get it going down as guys let's try?

It here we go

We got a purple train. He looks so cute. He's all purple, and he's number 14

He's gonna black Jimmy and red wheels and you can see his name his name is Charlie. He's Charlie the purple train

Let's go for a ride Charlie well

Okay, guys time to check out the Hulk smash dozer. It's Hulk, and he has his supercool smash dozer

There's a Captain America on an iron patriot and a spider-man and you can combine them all together to make the super Hulk Smasher

Let's open up the Hulk Smasher here we go

There's so many pieces and this is the hog he looks so angry he's yelling

He's only happy

Let's do it again

Wow check it out. This is the Hulk smash Jersey Hulk's it's in there

He drives on his probationary meal, and there's four super fast wheels cleaning the front part. We can put this super awesome orange bulldozer

Wow now it's funky smashing today boom

It's a super giant head bam bam bam the Hulk can use it to punch bald guys

It's hard in this car right here

And this last part is the engine you put it on the front just like that so it can go really fast

The Hulk smash dozer is all ready, let's put the Hulk in

Well hawk looks so cool, but he's driving a car so we always have to wear a helmet. Here's his helmet

Wow now the Hulk is ready to turn

It's the scary demon Oh smash

The Hulk is so happy now because we have a special

But if you get him angry that he's gonna turn into the Red Hulk smash you

Time to blast off hmm

Now let's check out the hump. He lost so big. He's got a bunch of muscles like he's ready to a Hulk smash

The Hulk is a member of the Avengers and his real name is Bruce Banner a super smart scientist

But don't get him angry allies - Hulk smash

punk jump and Next

Iron Man is also a member of the Avengers his real name is Tony Stern a super-smart engineer that runs stark corporation

He wears his red and gold power armor suit that gives him the ability to fly super-strength and shoot blasters I bizarre

Next we have Thor is the gun

That can smash lightning

He wears awesome Asgardian armor

And he has a long red cape he's also a member of the Avengers

And he fights alongside Iron Man and Hulk turn to blast off

Now we have four superhero Avengers surprise eggs, there's a Captain America uh Hulk Hulk

Which one should we open up first how about Iron Man? Here's the Iron Man surprise egg chee-chee-chee, I wonder who's inside

Wow we had a little iron, man, he looks so cool, and he's a bobble head yes Iron Man is and Mister Rogers head

Turn the blast-off Iron Man

And then let's see this Captain America egg shaking shit. I wonder what's inside this egg


We got another superhero, it's Batman. He's wearing his blue suit and gold yellow utility belt

He looks super happy Batman is the defender of Gotham City and he fights alongside Superman and they formed the League of Justice

We have two surprises left, and they're both Hogg. Let's open up this one first. She said here we go

Who's Lois whoa we got vision? He's also a member of the Avengers, and he's a bobble head, too

Hey check out his forehead, but Yellowstone is the Infinity stone it's super powerful

And you can shoot rays out of it vision is a computer superhero that was made by Iron Man

No, he becomes vision, and he fights alongside the Avengers and we have one more to go

It's the last Hulk and shake shake shake. Let's see what we got

Super cool guys. We've got another ball head bobble bubble

Bubble this one is black panther black panther is wearing his black armor

And all that silver is making steel. It's really sharp if you cut through anything play paper is really good friend

Skills just as good as Captain America

Let's see em to a flip whoa-ho wow we got so many awesome hot surprise toys guys

Which one was your favorite superhero? I hope everyone has an awesome awesome day, and I'll see everyone in the next toy rex video

Thanks for watching dino panels you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the dino club

For more infomation >> HULK Surprise Toys and Hulk Smash Dozer - Duration: 10:25.


Famous Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy || Cheeryal || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 1:21.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

For more infomation >> Famous Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy || Cheeryal || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 1:21.


Ulefone MIX Performance Review: Benchmarks and Gaming - Duration: 5:53.

Hey, what's up!

This is Tech Brother.

I continue to review Ulefone Mix, and today's video is about performance.

I launch popular benchmarks and some games.

Ulefone Mix is budget bezel-less smartphone.

It comes with 5.5 inch HD display, with minimal bezels on sides.

Also, it is powered by MediaTek MT6750T processor, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal memory.

You can use microSD memory card up to 256 GB.

As for the graphics, Mali T860 MP2 provides good performance for most Android games.

I will show that later.

Ulefone Mix runs on stock Android 7.0 Nougat operating system.

It works very fast and smooth.

I don't notice any lags and break dows. 4GB of RAM provides good multitasking.

You can use up to 5 applications at the same time without slow downs.

One of the reason why smartphone interface works so fast is that there are no chinese

apps and settings.

It is pure Android system.

Now, let's check benchmarks.

First, I want to start AnTuTu test.

Ulefone Mix is budget smartphone for about $120.

So, I cannot expect very high performance.

As you can see, there is about 41000 points.

It is a typical result for this processor and budget category phones.

Now, let's see GeekBench 4.

This benchmark allows to see graphics capabilities of smartphone.

Here is in single core test, and in multi-core test.

And the last benchmark for this smartphone is 3Dmark.

Usually I use Sling Shot Extreme test to see the performance of mobile devices.

Ulefone Mix shows about points.

Ulefone Mix looks good for budget phone, but what about games?

As usual, I want to play three games: Mortal Combat X, Ashpalt 8 and Modern Combat 5.

These are one of the most demanding games, so if you can play them on your device, then

you can play any Android games.

I shoud say it is very unusual to play games on bezel-less phone.

It has a display for almost whole front panel, so you completely immerse yourself in the


I don't see any lags and problems with the first game.

The next game is Ashpalt 8.

Popular racing game with perfect graphics, bright colors and interesting story.

There is multiplayer, and offline modes.

Ulefome Mix has good graphics, but I think that smartphone has some problems with sensors.

When I first launched this game, I cannot control my car.

Then I reboot the smartphone, and control appeared, but it is very sensitive.

The slightest movement makes the car turn to the left and to the right.

It is not very comfortable.

I think my smartphone has some problems with gyro.

I will write in comments below, if I will find out what's the ptoblem.

And the last game is Modern Combat 5.

If you like shooting games from first person, then this one is for you.

Interesting story line and stunning graphics.

It is a pleasure to play this game on Ulefone Mix.

So, I can say, that Ulefone Mix has very good performance for budget smartphone.

To be honest, I did not expect this.

Usually, if budget phone has bezel-less design, then hardware is not very good.

However, Ulefone Mix looks decent for its price.

But I am little dissapointed with Asphalt 8.

It's very difficult to play this game, maybe my phone has problems with the gyro.

Thanks for watching!

Next video is about camera of Ulefone Mix.

Check out the description, maybe it is already here.

Subscribe to our channel – Tech Brothers.

For more infomation >> Ulefone MIX Performance Review: Benchmarks and Gaming - Duration: 5:53.


Цветок из верхушки ананаса. Если листья подсохшие - сделаем цветок! - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Цветок из верхушки ананаса. Если листья подсохшие - сделаем цветок! - Duration: 1:34.


Saw / Testere (2004) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - James Wan Filmi - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Saw / Testere (2004) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - James Wan Filmi - Duration: 1:41.


Top 3 Horrifying Riffs Made Metal! - Duration: 5:26.

for centuries people have used sound to invoke terror in the hearts of others our

obsession with feeling dread has inspired many artists to shock and


what is it in us that yearns to be frightened? In this video we'll check out

the top 3 scary riffs adapted for metal guitar welcome to the Shred zone

I'm shred master Scott this video is about the top three scariest riffs

adapted for metal guitar let's get right into it

horrifying riff number three is Michael Jackson's Thriller a staple tune heard

throughout the month of October the track is in c-sharp Dorian a minor mode

with a twist of major prepare to be terrified

a perfect song to scare the chicks and get you some action

horrifying riff number two is tubular bells also known as The Exorcist theme

written by Mike Oldfield The Exorcist was released in 1973

since then, the film has caused many a sleepless night for its viewers

injecting fear like a torrential stream of greed vomit

the main lick uses the high E string as a pedal tone making our heads spin with

alternating 7/8 and 9/8 time signatures how mortifying!! babes

will be smitten with this ultra sexy terror lick

finally the number one most horrifying Halloween riff is Halloween itself the

original Michael Myers soundtrack released in 1978 the music is by John

Carpenter containing a chilling motif to die for the piece occupies a five-four

time signature and modulates through a series of keys before coming to a

B minor climax let's give it a spin

mmm my need for evil has been temporarily satisfied let me know what your top

three horrifying riffs are in the comments below if you'd like to terrify

your senses with shred guitar and searing metal consider subscribing to

the Shred zone the women love it be sure to binge on my epic metal

playlist below until next time shred til you're dead

For more infomation >> Top 3 Horrifying Riffs Made Metal! - Duration: 5:26.


TechSmith Snagit 2018 - Upgrade Video - Duration: 1:24.

For over 25 years TechSmith Snagit has helped millions of people easily capture their screen and clearly communicate.

With the new Grab Text feature, you can capture text right from your screen.

or grab it directly from an image.

Keep your content current with Smart Move.

No need to go back and recapture an image or work with your designer.

Simply change what you need, and you're done!

With Snagit's ability to recognize text in any image,

you can now easily update that text in seconds.

You'll also get 64-bit processing power to capture and edit faster than ever.

And improved performance for smoother video recording.

Now, Snagit makes your edits more precise, with Snapping-on-the-Canvas.

And when you're done, drag-and-drop media from the tray for easy sharing.

TechSmith Snagit 2018 gives you powerful features that no other program can offer.

Upgrade today on Windows and Mac.

For more infomation >> TechSmith Snagit 2018 - Upgrade Video - Duration: 1:24.


🎃Halloween Special!👻 ⚠️will be deleted soon⚠️ #subtitles #learnGerman #Deutschlernen - Duration: 1:58.

Hello, dear German learners!

Hello, dear German lear ... Argh!

What happened?

I died!

I am a ghost!

I'm a ghost on Halloween!

And on Halloween

there is a very scary special offer!

If you are not

a member of the Academy yet,

then you can now

use the coupon code "Halloween"

and if you type "Halloween" as a coupon code,

then you can become for a spooky euro,

a single euro – one euro! –

a member of the Academy!

Is that scary or what?

For one euro member of the Academy!

I'm going to look for a house,

I can haunt!

All links and information

is of course in the description.

Of course, this offer is only valid until Halloween!

For more infomation >> 🎃Halloween Special!👻 ⚠️will be deleted soon⚠️ #subtitles #learnGerman #Deutschlernen - Duration: 1:58.


குதிரையை பெற்றெடுத்த பெண் எப்படி தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> குதிரையை பெற்றெடுத்த பெண் எப்படி தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:14.


The Best Jeep Wrangler Off Road Lighting | Light Bars + Rock Lights + Flood/Spot Light - Duration: 8:36.

I'm Ryan from, and in this video I'm gonna walk you through a couple

of different options you have for off-road lighting.

There are a lot of different types of lights that you can install on your Jeep.

You can use them for all different purposes, and we've been wheeling this Jeep all day


You can tell by how dirty it is.

But it's starting to get dark out, so now is when all of those lights are really going

to shine, no pun intended.

Make sure you subscribe to our website to check out all the videos we've been making

all day long today.

But for now, let me tell you a little bit about these lights before we hit the trail.

So the first light bar that I wanna talk about is right up here.

These are super popular right now.

This is a 50-inch lightbar by Raxiom, and this is their double row lightbar, so this

is going to have 105-watt LEDs.

This thing throws a ton of light.

Most 50-inch light bars are going to do that.

They're going to just throw a ridiculous amount of light.

It's honestly a lot more light than what a lot of us need when we're out on the trail

or in our everyday lives.

But a lot of people just like the way these look as well.

A lot of guys will install 'em and never even really use them.

What we're gonna use this light for is when we have a wide-open trail when we really wanna

see 100, 200 yards down in front of us, we have a campsite, we have a work area, we're

doing a nighttime in recovery and we just need gobs and gobs of light.

Now, the downside of something like this is because it is mounted up high and it is so

powerful that if you have any other Jeeps in front of you in line on the trail or certainly

anybody coming towards you, you're definitely gonna blind them.

You're going to ruin their night vision, so this is going to be for those certain circumstances,

but it's not an all-the-time light.

What we have here is Raxiom's smaller 21.5-inch lightbar.

Now, this is gonna be similar to that 50-inch except, of course, it's smaller.

It's going to still be a double-row lightbar, have the same LEDs, even have the same beam

pattern with the floodlights on the outside and the spot on the inside.

But this is going to be able to be mounted in a few additional locations.

That 50-inch you can really put only in one spot, this you can mount up on this bullbar.

There are a couple of bolt-on grill mounts that you can get for this light, so it is

a little bit more useful in that way, and it's also going to throw a little bit less

light which, as alluded to before, can be a good thing if you have somebody in front

of you on the trail.

You don't wanna completely blind them with the 50-inch LED.

So this is going to be a little bit more useful light.

You can also aim it down a little bit further.

So this is going to be something that we honestly use a lot more often than even the 50-inch.

Up here we Raxiom's 3-inch square LED lights and these are going to be the workhorse lights.

These are gonna be probably the lights that you will use more than of the other ones.

Now generally when I'm talking about lights up on the A-pillar like this, I wanna see

a spot pattern light.

When you have a flood pattern like this is, you can get some light bouncing off the hood

back into your eyes as the driver, and that can actually hurt your night vision.

But the way that we have these lights in is actually out toward the gutter, so whether

we're driving on the trail or one of those dark backroads without oncoming traffic, we

can flick these lights on.

We can keep an eye on the gutters of the road, check for any crossing wildlife.

Again, these are lights that are going to be very, very functional, very useful.

They still throw a ton of light, not as much as that 21 of course.

Of course not as much as the 50-inch, but they are gonna be a very useful light that

you're gonna find yourself flicking on and using all the time.

The last of the lights we're gonna talk about tonight are these Lite Spot Chasis rock lights.

I like these lights because they're a little bit unique for rock lights.

These are actually mounted on a magnet, which makes mounting the light very, very simple.

You can smack it on the pinch seam on the side of the body, where we have ours mounted.

You can put them underneath the Jeep on the bottom of the chassis itself.

You can put them on the skidplates if you wanted to.

Of course, they're not gonna be as well protected.

So you can really mount these lights anywhere you want, and that depends on how you're gonna

use them.

If you're gonna use them more like a puddle light, if you want your spotters to be able

to see you when you're out on the trail at night, or if you just wanna be a little bit

flashy when you're hanging out with your buddies.

Again, a lot of different uses for this type of light.

These lights are going to be a little bit more difficult to install than some of the

other lights we talked about, because of course you have get two wires to each of the light


They all have to run back to the same spot to the switch, and that switch has to be powered.

So again, a little bit more investment in the installation, but these do give you a

look and a function that the other lights we talked about just can't.

So those are the lights we have installed on this Jeep.

Now let's actually take you out on the trail and show you how these are used and what they

actually do in the real world.

So as you can tell ,it's fully dark out here.

I don't know how well you guys can see me.

I can hardly see anything because right now I don't have any of the auxiliary lights on.

I just have the factory JK headlights on, which we all know leave a lot to be desired.

So the first set of lights I'm gonna kick on is that 50-inch, and here we go.

It's like daylight in front of me.

Like I said, these lights throw an absolutely ridiculous amount of light.

In some scenarios, it's actually too much.

Right now, because I'm the only guy on the trail, being able to see all the way down

in front of me is a good thing and this light actually does have a purpose.

So, turn that one off and now the 21.5-inch.

And that's a much more manageable amount of light.

It's still a very, very useful amount of light.

It's still a very bright light.

I love where this one is mounted, which is right on top of the bumper hoop.

I think it's a really nice location.

I can aim it up or down, depending on where I prefer my light, and it's just a good amount

of light.

It's a good, useful amount of light, but if somebody was in front of me on the trail right

now, I wouldn't be completely blinding them, which is what I like out of this light.

It's a really nice size, and it just works really, really well.

All right, I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the 21.5-inch and hit the gutter lights on.

And these, I've said it before, these are the workhorse lights.

I really, really like having these lights on.

They give you a much wider viewing range than your headlights do, or even any of the other

auxiliary lights that are forward-facing.

I really enjoy having these lights.

In fact, having one of those duel A-pillar mounts so I can a set aiming out and a set

aiming forward, is one of my favorite setups.

Running a flood light like I have now aiming out, a spot aiming forward, is a great combination.

These are gonna be super useful.

Going down the trail now...this trail drops off a little bit, and when I don't have this

light on, I can't see that.

So, this is going to be a light that's gonna be great for trail use like we're doing right

now, like we're using them for right now.

But it's also going to be an absolutely great light for driving down those dark backroads,

especially if you live in an area like we do, where there are animals crossing in front

of you all the time, to avoid hitting them.

These are going to be very, very useful.

All right, now I'm gonna kick the gutter lights off, and we'll turn these rock lights on.

And I'm actually very surprised by how much light these throw from inside the cab here.

It actually does a nice job of lighting up to my left and my right even further around

the corner than the lights pods do that I put in the A-pillar.

But rock lights in general, they're gonna be more for your spotter helping you out than

it is for you as the driver.

I mean, I can lean out the window a little bit and they do help me to see, but this is

going to be so my spotter who's in front of me can see what I'm about to run over, so

I don't hung up on anything, so there are no surprises while I'm cruising down the trail.

That's what these are going to be super, super useful for.

So I have all of the lights on at the same time right now, and all I can see it say is,

"Wow this is a ridiculous amount of light."

Now I'm not gonna say there is no use for having all of these lights and having them

on at the same time.

In a recovery situation, if you're lighting up a party, you know, then these are going

to have some uses, but you're not gonna have all these lights on all at the same time on

an everyday basis.

But if you are looking for the ability to light up everything in front of you, having

all of these in place is gonna a good idea.

The other reason people install lights is just because they like the way it makes their

Jeep look.

They're not even looking at them for the functionality, and if you wanna have a bunch of installed

on you because you like the way they look, that's fine too.

So that's it for this video.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about off-road lights, the different types,

how they work in the real world.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to check out other videos like this one, other

great Jeep builds, and just generally some awesome Jeep content.

For more infomation >> The Best Jeep Wrangler Off Road Lighting | Light Bars + Rock Lights + Flood/Spot Light - Duration: 8:36.


சுவாமி நித்தியாநந்தா HEROINE ரஞ்சிதா இப்ப என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> சுவாமி நித்தியாநந்தா HEROINE ரஞ்சிதா இப்ப என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:31.


Weekly New Muslim Class in London Every Tuesday! - Duration: 0:40.

iERAs weekly new Muslim class in London will give you an opportunity to

learn and practice Islam at your own pace while meeting other people who are

on the same journey as you.

Every week we'll explore a different topic to help

you build and grow your Islam alongside a prayer workshop that will help you

connect with God through your prayer (salaah).

Classes are free and will be held once a week

on Tuesday evenings starting from 6:30 PM through till 8:00 PM with a prayer

workshop followed by a classroom session and discussion.

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