Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

Somewhere along this journey, you

may see some personality quirks that are weird.

Every scene in a movie is trying to accomplish something.

Do all the things that you have in your mind that

will inform the audience when they see this character.

"Oh that's who that is."

After taking this class you will be able to walk into a room,

present your best self, and be happy with the result.

We're going to do this iconic scene from Pulp Fiction.

When you're at home preparing, you break down

what he's trying to convey--

the person he's speaking to, and to the audience.

Truth is, you're the weak and I'm the tyranny.

What is that?

What is he--

What is he saying?

I'm the evil of the world and I have dominion over you.

If you have a personal biography for your character,

that's a way to get inside of him.

Figure out, why does he talk this way?

Is he a loner?

Does he have friends?

Is he a cynic? Learn what acting techniques are

in other cultures.

You might find it more interesting than the way

we normally do it.

In an audition don't say to them,

"I don't think my character would do that."

Because your character won't do that,

because you won't be hired, and you

won't be getting that check.

I made a decision early in my life

that I wasn't going to live and die in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Being able to embody a lot of different characters in film

has been very cathartic.

Being able to let go of the anger or the disappointment

that I had in my life.

Essentially, we're entertainers.

Find a way to make yourself special.

Give it something that will distract people

from their daily lives in a way that

allows them to live in this moment with us for a while,

and leave there and be energized by it and love it.

I'm Samuel L. Jackson and this is my MasterClass.

For more infomation >> Samuel L. Jackson Teaches Acting | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:07.


Triángulos semejantes | Demostrando Pi - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Triángulos semejantes | Demostrando Pi - Duration: 4:46.



For more infomation >> UKRAYNA'DA SOKAK RÖPORTAJI VOL. 2 / СДЕЛАЛИ ИНТЕРВЬЮ! - Duration: 6:29.


Mountain biking in Hossa national park, Finland - Harjujen huikonen trail - Duration: 12:13.

It's so handy to have a cabin close to the national park -

- today we are riding MTB in Hossa, Finland!

Hello there - today we are mountain biking in Hossa national park

Here is some info about the trails -

We have already ridden these two -

Today we ride a trail called "Harjujen huikonen" -

- starting from here.

We just have to follow those yellow tags.

The visitor center of the national park is just across the road.

We ride the route anti-clockwise.

It says there are some steep hills in the other end -

- but we go on foot if necessary. Let's go!

Coffee tastes so good outside! Have you noticed?

I just ate my porridge in the morning and -

- took the coffee with me.

It is nicer to have it here than in the cabin.

The trail is so wet that you can even hear it!

Looks like too deep...

I'll pass it by. There is at least half a meter of water.

There is some ascent here!

Too steep for me to ride -

- but so it be.

Not claiming on the views!

Don't be afraid!

Sorry about that!

All right!

We left from here, had a coffee in Iikoski -

- came all the way here -

- and we are now here at Hakokoski.

Isn't this a good place to grill a sausage on a fire?

Calm weather and big humidity -

- it takes a bit time to make fire.

Some energy to go forward!

It is so nice to sit here in the shelter by the fire -

- it's a pity to leave -

- but I guess I have to, it is going to rain.

The route description was right -

- abut the steep hills!

What an exceptional terrain and view here.

That was river Huosivirta -

- a familiar place from the other videos-

- please watch also on the other MTB videos from here -

- but this is the last one for now.

Värikallio rock paintings we did not visit -

- but now we have a reason to come back some day.

Thanks for watching - see you next week!

Here is my drone!

Only one meter from the rapid -

I tried to fly without GPS -

- but it did not work too well .

Luckily it fell here on the ground!

For more infomation >> Mountain biking in Hossa national park, Finland - Harjujen huikonen trail - Duration: 12:13.


The Portal - Duration: 0:59.

The Portal

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light

There are several videos and their links below in our description.

These videos are informative and approved by Cobra for your viewing.

For more infomation >> The Portal - Duration: 0:59.


LAST DAY RIDING LES DEUX ALPES - bikepark vlog -subtitled- - Duration: 9:51.

somehow the sun is gone... heading back down...

in the beginning the sunrise was awesome but now it's suddendly clouded...

now I'll have to look out for a blue guy down there - maybe he's walking down the trail

but I can't see him

I bet I'll ride down the trail and he's still sleeping there like I left him 3h ago...

is he still lying there? lets see

looks like he's gone

at least he's awake.. still breathing, poluting the enviroment with his C02

not yet warmed up

sliding on the wood

look at this...

expected you! - had to check if you're still alive

don't crash! - nah I won't, cya

sick segment

even less snow!

this trail is in way better shape than last year - couldn't see a line then

the rocky line! *humming the theme*

that wasn't smart

I have to follow the arrows...

can't see any at the moment

only just...

works somehow...

tim's alive - the wallride worked! sick!

took the top line! - that was ok... -yes took that gully too

there's a drop - no it's not?!

almost missed the berm

tim still behind? yeah...

was it here? no there was a more tricky section...

good thing the clay is dry

on the brakes the whole time

how narrow can a trail be? - like this!

ok that was ok... quite easy

that's the dumb gap ... without a landing

should have been faster

on the brakes again..

there is the tricky corner

lets see what tim does... tight turn!!

can't see anything but braking bumps!

uhm i don't know going low

fun! - but hard on the brakes.. - yeah the brakes...

lower part was annoying

sharp rocks

now I know why this is a black trail - lower line

the ultimate erosion trail

when you want to ride the red or black trail you have to hike..

with momentum you can get pretty high here

something's burning!

fire up there

probably going to crash

what went wrong? - ate dust!

grass is burning


that's the big one...

could double that... will I do it? probably next lap

loose moments!

(dereailleur broke) I can just roll down

the derailleur mustn't get into the wheels or else...

1500m descend if everything goes as planned

when the lift shakes at the pylons... it's pretty unpleasant... at least for someone who likes his bike

but it seems to be fixed

For more infomation >> LAST DAY RIDING LES DEUX ALPES - bikepark vlog -subtitled- - Duration: 9:51.


MINICRAFT FIRST VIDEO SURVIVAL PART 1 !!!!!!!! - Duration: 24:34.

For more infomation >> MINICRAFT FIRST VIDEO SURVIVAL PART 1 !!!!!!!! - Duration: 24:34.



Good morning, guys and welcome to this video.

I'm still in Istanbul and being in Turkey, my breakfast is with Starbucks.

Time ago I asked to Humansafari how to overcome the embarrassment to vlog in public places

"It's hard. I'm still a little ashamed in Italy, less abroad. In that moment you seem an idiot."

The truth is that here I'm less embarrassed because nobody understands me.

By the way I'm going to take the ferry because I want to show you something

of the european side of Istanbul.

I've just went out the ferry.

I'm on the european side, you can see the mosquees

And I don't know where to go.

Thanks God my guide is really good and she suddenly told me what to do.

I'm recording this now, from home, because I'm editing the video and I've noticed that my camera is very bad in low-lights places.

And I'm really sorry about that because I cannot show your everything.

But anyway...that's Basilica Cistern.

I just went out of the Basilica Cistern

I'm sorry to not be able to show you more.

and I have Ayasofya on this side and Sultanahmet on that side.

Meanwhile I wait my guide, I want to find a Monster.

For more infomation >> ISTANBUL #2 : BASILICA CISTERN & AYASOFYA - Duration: 6:20.


IMPORTANTE SOLTAR A BAGAGEM by Kryon - Duration: 34:08.

For more infomation >> IMPORTANTE SOLTAR A BAGAGEM by Kryon - Duration: 34:08.



For more infomation >> DONAS FRITAS Y AL HORNO | LOS BARONI | FRIED AND BAKED DONUTS - Duration: 15:35.


Corri che ci sono le maschere brutte - On the run by Sebastiano Serafini - Duration: 2:28.

I was looking forward to the new video of our favorite falling man

Sebastiano Serafini the Japanese idol

with the most soft hair in the web!

who nowadays has opened an Italian channel about his Japanese life

I recommend it, you can found the link here and in the info box

Today we're talking about On the Run

a video for which I helped Sebastiano creating a storyboard

wich I think was intresting

but unfortunately, due to time and budget problems

it could not be realized, sooo

Hey, I've tried my best to give it a sense to this video!

We are in an abandoned construction site

left even by the old men who usually enjoy looking at works

While Sebastiano sings with a jacket that could drive crazy any metal detector

a poor girl is dragged by two shady man

that put her a gas mask

to protect her from their terrible breath after a garlic dinner

At some point, randomly, comes another figure

wearing a medieval mask from the plague doctor

who pretends to take notes

In the meanwhile, in the abandoned construction site, a band plays

in on the saddest tour ever, worst than the one of Mariottide in the bathroom area.

The girl is taken off the mask and she immediately rebelled for the kidnapping

but mostly for the air, more smelly than the sewer where Pennywise lives.

Someone grasps a pair of scissors for obscure reasons.

Or maybe he was just a hairdressing wannabee..

With the gentleness of a woman in her period

the girl tears her mask off the man's face

Meanwhile, Sebastiano walks around and makes noises gazing at... nothing

The man without the mask is shocked by the garlic smell

and pushes around his colleagues taking the girl away

The singer's noises continue and they make the two characters running away

The masked man look for the fugitives but they can't find them

Meanwhile, Sebastiano has headaches

Or maybe he's annoyed by the 20cm long nails he has on his shoulders

and he's scratched every time he lean against the wall

Without anyone noticing, the two protagonits manage to escape

Anyway, the doctors are looking in the opposite direction

and the singer is looking in random places

Plus, he has a headache, he doesn't have the time to look for people!

However, he still scolds his minions

who eventually get tired and resign themselves.

Without employees, the boy can only sit down, crying dirty water

and maybe looking for a new stylist...

For more infomation >> Corri che ci sono le maschere brutte - On the run by Sebastiano Serafini - Duration: 2:28.


Unknown Soldier is selected - 10/24/1921 - Duration: 0:56.

Today in Military History, 1921,

U.S. Sergeant Edward Younger selects the body

of the first Unknown Soldier

to be honored from World War One.

On Memorial Day of that year, four unknowns were exhumed

from four World War One American cemeteries in France.

On October 24th, Younger selected the Unknown Soldier

from four identical caskets

by placing a spray of white roses on one.

He chose the third casket from the left,

and the soldier within was transported

to the United States aboard the USS Olympia

to his final resting place

in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C.

The tomb of the Unknown Soldier has been guarded

24 hours a day since 1937 by The Old Guard,

the oldest active infantry unit

in the United States Military.

Want to know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

Wanna know what happened tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Unknown Soldier is selected - 10/24/1921 - Duration: 0:56.


RUGBY 18 - Au cœur de l'action - Duration: 3:00.

Today, we're going to show you the main actions you can take in Rugby 18.

During every phase of play, your strategic choices, your timing,

and also the position, individual statistics, and fatigue of each player

are taken into account to determine who's got the advantage.

With the ball in hand, you can move around freely, either running normally or sprinting.

Keep an eye on your endurance gauge though,

because when you have no energy your player will move more slowly

and will be easier for your opponents to stop.

Try to smash through the opposing line using

dodges, dummies, fends, and 360-degree dodges.

You can also kick the ball with a punt, a bomb a grubber, or a drop goal near the posts.

Passing at the right moment is vital to advancing across the field.

You can send the ball wherever you want on your line,

but the further you throw it,

the greater the risk of an interception, deviation, or the ball being dropped.

Do a switch to trick your opponent,

or pass backwards to calm the game down a bit.

On defence, tackle your opponents to stop their advance,

whether by grappling or with a diving tackle.

Be careful though.

A missed tackle means your player takes time getting back up,

and they can even get hurt.

When the ball is on the ground, you can pick it up at a full run,

clear it with your feet, or jump on it to secure it.

During rucks, add players to the pack and link them at the right moment to increase your chances of winning it.

Call the scrum half as soon as you have the advantage

to win the ruck quickly and save your strength.

Once that's been won, pass the ball to your teammates,

clear it with your feet, or take off with the ball in hand.

Some hits can cause a contest for the ball where you can try to keep it,

or call on your teammates to start a maul.

On attack, adding players to the maul lets your team push further,

while on defence, the goal is to tire out the opposing pack as quickly as possible.

Good positioning gives an advantage in the scrum.

Once it's started, find the right balance and destabilize your opponents

to advance and keep possession of the ball.

In line-outs with 3, 5, or 7 players,

choose which player to pass the ball to, trick your opponents,

and follow up with a maul or a pass.

On defence, try to anticipate the thrower's actions to regain the upper hand.

After a try or a penalty, place the ball at the desired distance to convert it,

then line up your shot depending on your position, and the wind speed and direction.

Once you've started running, you can lightly adjust your shot by imparting an effect to your kick,

and send it straight through the posts.

For more infomation >> RUGBY 18 - Au cœur de l'action - Duration: 3:00.


Rip It or Ship It Book Tag (also a bit of unpopular opinion) - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Rip It or Ship It Book Tag (also a bit of unpopular opinion) - Duration: 8:49.


Как спастись грешному человеку? - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Как спастись грешному человеку? - Duration: 3:02.


Дом 2 новости 25 октября 2017 (25.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 25 октября 2017 (25.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:39.


Материнское выгорание. Как поддержать маму после родов? Интервью с Дарьей Федоровой. - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> Материнское выгорание. Как поддержать маму после родов? Интервью с Дарьей Федоровой. - Duration: 14:43.


Vladimir Jurowski – 10 Years – Janáček and Enescu - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Vladimir Jurowski – 10 Years – Janáček and Enescu - Duration: 3:36.


EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Itro x Valcos - Starbound [NCS Release]-supervina - Duration: 3:26.


Best EDM Mix 2017

Best Music Mix 2017

Itro x Valcos - Starbound [NCS Release]

supervina channel

For more infomation >> EDM MUSIC-Best EDM Mix 2017-Best Music Mix 2017-Itro x Valcos - Starbound [NCS Release]-supervina - Duration: 3:26.


Stormblood Primal Guide: Shinryu Extreme - Duration: 13:23.

Good day everyone, and welcome to Shinryu's Domain!

After having our memories rekindled by the Wandering Minstrel

we find ourselves challenged by the god of vengeance once again

but this time, at the peak of his power!

Shinryu's Domain is a mechanically-intensive trial

and as such

his abilities are best explained in a timeline format

alongside what other mechanics are executed at the same time.

But before we begin

it's important to first clarify a few aspects unique to this trial.

In addition to the boss himself

each of Shinryu's wings are also capable of casting spells independently

and in order to keep track of all three entities at once

it's highly recommended to have your enemy list active and easily visible.

And while players will find the starting platform to be largely intact at first

certain tiles will inevitably be damaged as the fight progresses.

Each tile may be damaged no more than once before breaking

and should the central tile be destroyed

the entire platform will collapse.

It'll be up to the players to properly manage which tiles are struck

by placing Shinryu's Tail Slap at desired locations

indicated by a green marker above the targeted player.

Provided the tiles struck were not destroyed

the tail will remain behind for a short period of time

and killing it will deal a significant amount of damage to the boss.

Ideally, players should preserve the tiles closest to Shinryu throughout the fight

which in turn makes maneuvering his other mechanics much more manageable.

It's also important to take note of

the on-screen progress bar, the Corrupted Aether

and Shinryu's exposed weakness, the Worm's Heart.

Shinryu will collect aether over time

and every time the progress bar completes

he will cast one of his Corrupted Aether spells.

If the heart is not destroyed before each cast

the next Corrupted Aether spell will immediately wipe the party.

And finally, due to mechanics that occur in the final phase of the fight

it's important to assign each DPS to a tank or a healer

forming four pairs total.

More specifically

consider assigning melee DPS to tanks

and ranged DPS to healers

in the interest of making stacking easier.

Now then, with all that out of the way

let's get started with the fight proper.

Upon engaging the boss

players should immediately focus the Wyrm's Heart

as Shinryu will quickly begin channeling his first Corrupted Aether spell

Earthen Fury.

A massive raid-wide attack that always destroys the same two arena tiles

and damages three others.

Soon after

Shinryu will quickly refill his gauge to perform Tidal Wave

but not before tethering players of the same role together with Burning Chains.

Be sure to move away from your tethered partner once the chain has formed

and look for the geyser that signals the source of the knockback

and take note that displacement immunity skills such as Tempered Will and Surecast

work well to keep you in place.

At this point

the first green marker for Tail Slap will appear

this time targeting a healer.

To avoid breaking the damaged frontal tiles in our case

the marker is brought to the back of the platform.

Before the tail lands, however

Shinryu will summon three icicles at the back of the arena

that after a short delay

will charge across in straight lines

dealing damage and knocking back any players struck.

Be sure to turn around and finish off Shinryu's Tail

before bringing your attention back to the boss

and as always

keep an eye out for his cast bars in the enemy list

to anticipate one of two upcoming mechanics.


an ability that deals area damage centered around players

and becomes lethal if placed inside any of the water puddles.

Or Hypernova

a powerful blast that targets a random party member

and must be mitigated by stacking with other players inside a water puddle.

After a short delay

Shinryu will strike the center of the arena with his telegraphed attack Dragonfist

followed by a raid-wide Ice Storm in an attempt to finish off players low on health.

At this point

tanks should position themselves closely in preparation for the first Akh Morn

and all other party members should be ready to move out of Akh Rhai

a pulsing pillar of energy that targets a random player.

Upon filling his gauge once again

Shinryu will cast one of two possible Corrupted Aether spells

each interacting with water puddles differently.

In the case of Hellfire

players must be standing inside one of them to survive the attack.

And in the case of Judgment Bolt

the water puddles must be avoided instead.

Keep in mind, however

that Shinryu will also use Icicles to attempt

knocking players around during this mechanic

so be sure to locate them at the back of the arena

to avoid being knocked into, or out of the puddles.

Following a short delay

the second Tail Slap marker will appear

this time targeting a DPS.

Take note of what undamaged tiles remain

and choose a suitable location to drop it.

Before the tail lands

Shinryu will once again execute Levinbolt

prompting players to spread out in order to avoid overlapping damage.

Watch out for the upcoming Tail Slap

and be mindful of the raid-wide Ice Storm that follows.

At this point

Burning Chains will tether tanks and healers together

and shortly after

Shinryu will mark one healer and one DPS for Earth Breath.

These should be taken to opposite sides of the arena

while the rest of the party remains at the center.

Soon after

the second Akh Morn, and its accompanying Akh Rhai will be cast.

If available, consider using immunities to solo tank Akh Morn

as the following Ice Storm can be particularly dangerous.

Once his gauge has refilled

Shinryu will cast Diamond Dust

coating the arena in Thin Ice.

At the same time

Burning Chains will tether the two healers together.

It is recommended to simply have one of the healers

slide out and back in

to clear this mechanic without major complications.

Up next

four low-health Reiryu minions will descend upon the arena

these must be healed back to full health before they finish channeling their spells

or each remaining Reiryu will deal significant damage to the entire raid.

In the mean time

the third and final Tail Slap marker should make its way to one of the tanks.

Remember to take the current state of the arena into consideration

and give preference to preserving the frontal and middle tiles.

Once the tail has been dealt with

the third and most troublesome Akh Morn will be executed

alongside a rogue set of Icicles.

If available, tank immunities are highly recommended

to bypass this particular set of mechanics.

With his gauge filled once again

Shinryu will proceed to execute Aerial Blast

slowly knocking players away from the center

and culminating with a powerful knockback at the end of the cast.

At the same time

all four DPS will be tethered together with Burning Chains

so plan your escape route accordingly.

After another brief delay

one DPS and one healer will be once again marked for Earth Breath.

These marked players should proceed to the edges of the arena just like before

or the Ice Storm that follows is sure to cause problems to the party.

At this point, Shinryu will take to the skies

and after a short time, proceed to dive across the center

before landing once again.

Upon his return

players should be ready to either spread out for Levinbolt

or stack inside a water puddle for Hypernova

followed by one final Akh Morn and Akh Rhai.

And with his bar filled one last time

Shinryu will begin channeling Tidal Wave once again

but before running towards the geyser

players should spread out to avoid overlapping damage from the Levinbolt

that occurs at the same time.

Following the knockback from Tidal Wave, or upon reaching 44% health

Shinryu will imprison all players with Dark Matter

prompting the end of Phase 1.

To clear the Active Time Maneuver comfortably

players should be ready to repeatedly hit at least two keys at once

such as left-mouse click and spacebar

or you might find it to be...

a fairly close call.

Phase 2 begins with the party being propelled into a new arena even higher above

and after a brief delay

Shinryu himself will follow suit.

Players must brace themselves at the edge of the platform

so that the landing impact knocks them into the next one.

Shortly after

the party will be met with the first wave of Shinryu's minions

each landing at their respective impact zone.

The main tank should quickly establish aggro on the Hakkinryu spawning in the center

and use a cooldown to mitigate its Death Sentence.

The second wave functions similarly

but this time including two Hakkinryu minions.

As before

have the main tank pick up the one at the center

and the off-tank pick up the one at the edge.

In the third wave, however

players must place meteors manually

and preferably as close to the edges as possible

to minimize incoming damage.

Thankfully, this time there will be no Hakkinryus present.

Once all minions have been defeated

healers should use their defensive spells

to mitigate the upcoming raid-wide Protostar

which deals damage depending on how long the party took to clear the minion phase.

At this point

players must position themselves close to, but not inside

the indicated blue impact zone

as Shinryu will extend his tail and invite players to return to the main platform.

The party must be sure to sprint past his tail together

as the boss will attempt to stun players with a barrage of green lasers

and those who fall behind are likely to be struck.

Phase 3 begins once Shinryu retracts his tail

and his first mechanic to watch out for

is Tera Slash

a powerful attack that deals heavy damage to the main tank and applies vulnerability

prompting an immediate tank swap.

Tera Slash will always critically hit

meaning Awareness is extremely useful to mitigate its damage.

The party markers we set up at the beginning of the fight

will come in handy at this point.

Shinryu will tether all players with Burning Chains

and mark each DPS with Atomic Ray, a stacking mechanic.

Once the chains have formed

each pair should run to their assigned spot

breaking their respective tethers

and satisfying the stacking condition for Atomic Ray at the same time.

At this point

Shinryu will cast Ice Storm

which now has the added effect of freezing stationary players

and combine it with either a delayed Levinbolt or Hypernova.

In the case of Levinbolt

players must keep moving around the same spot to avoid being frozen

and once Levinbolt has finished casting

move away from their previous locations.

On the other hand, if Hypernova is being cast

players must remain still and be frozen on purpose

as it prevents the upcoming fire damage from becoming lethal.

Up next, Shinryu will cast one of two possible abilities.

Benighting Breath

an extremely wide attack that shouldn't be difficult to avoid

if players remain close to the boss.

Or Wyrmwail

where players must collapse to the very center of the arena

and under the boss to avoid being struck

and quickly move back out once the cast has finished.

Before proceeding any further

Shinryu will target the current main tank with the next Tera Slash

and shortly after

a new set of Reiryu minions will appear

functioning exactly like the ones from Phase 1.

After a moderate delay, these mechanics will repeat

but upon reaching 22% health

blue spring pads should appear around the arena

allowing the party to ride on top of Shinryu.

Upon landing

players will find both wings to be casting spells

which should be focused down before each cast completes.

If you haven't yet

using your Limit Break here is highly recommended.

Once the wings have been destroyed

simply jump back down to the platform

and deliver the final blow to the god of vengeance!

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