Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

COCONUT BONBONS! (🇧🇷 Bombom Prestígio) • Healthy treats •

In a small bowl mix together:

1/3 cup of coconut butter

and 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes.

Reserving it for later.

Next, let's get 150g of 80% dark chocolate - chopped

Using a double boiler, we're going to melt 2/3 (100g) of this chocolate.

Once melted, take it out of heat and add the remaining chocolate.

Stirring constantly until everything is melted.

Get a bonbon mold and pour around 2 tablespoons of melted chocolate per cavity.

Move it around so the chocolate can spread around the surface of the mold.

In case you don't have this kind of bonbon mold...

You can also use an ice cube mold/tray!

Place on a baking tray and refrigerate for 5 minutes. ⏰

Take it out of the fridge and add:

1 teaspoon of the coconut filling to each of the bonbons you're making.

Finally, let's cover each bonbon with another tablespoon of melted chocolate.

Basically sealing the bonbon, you know?

Bring it back to the fridge, refrigerating for more 10 minutes. ⏰

Finally, gently twist the mold to release the now ready bonbons!

Finish by turning it upside down and tapping to finish the job.

It's DONE! 🎉

Following this recipe will give you 16 bonbons.

Each bonbon has only 2.7g of net carbs!


For more infomation >> Coconut bonbons • 🇧🇷 Bombom Prestígio • Healthy treats #3 - Duration: 2:01.


Ginny On The Street: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! - Duration: 1:06.

Hey Sean, what's with the long face?

We haven't had a single trick-or-treater all day.

It's like the don't even know that the A.R.T./New York Theaters are here...

on West 53rd Street and 10th Avenue.

Wait a minute. I have an idea!


Yoohoo! The A.R.T./New York Theatres are that way,

And there's candy!


(upbeat music)



For more infomation >> Ginny On The Street: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! - Duration: 1:06.


Deadpool Deflecting Bullets | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:41.

Great. Stuck in an elevator with five guys on a high- protein diet.

- Wade. - Dreams really do come true.

Just shut it!

- You're up next. - Thank you, sir. You look really nice today.

It's the green. It brings out the seriousness in your eyes.

- Oh, my God. Do you ever shut up, pal? - No. Not when I'm awake.

Bradley? Top floor, please.

Cover the elevator! The elevator!

Time to go to work.

Okay. People are dead.

If you didn't have that mouth on you, Wade, you'd be the perfect soldier.

I wouldn't do that if I was you, brother.

- Take the diamonds. They're yours. - I don't want your diamonds.

I want this.

But that is nothing. A souvenir.

Where did you find it? I want the source.

A small village, far inland, three days from here.

For more infomation >> Deadpool Deflecting Bullets | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:41.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B José do Patrocínio - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B José do Patrocínio - Duration: 4:51.


Activision EVIL Microtransaction that will destroy games like Destiny, Overwatch and Call of Duty! - Duration: 8:26.

Activision has been the leading video game publisher already for a long time, and you

probably have played a game before that was published by Activision.

Some popular games from Activision is Doom, Tony Hawk Pro Skater , Call of Duty , Overwatch

and of course Destiny.

And Activision has earned a lot of money with publishing these games, for a matter a fact,

Activision (after the merger it is called Activision Blizzard, and for now I will refer

it as activision) revenue was 6.6 billion dollars in 2016 , and this is up by 42% if

you compare it with the 2015 earnings of 4.6 billion dollars.

And a big chunk of the revenue is coming from in game content purchases like overwatch loot

boxes , call of duty supply drops and of course from Destiny Eververse.

This source of revenue has grown 125% year over year, to put this into perspective a

typical normal company will be happy if they can get a 5% revenue growth year over year,

so a 125 percentage growth is a number that can not be ignored by investors.

And investors will be looking at ways on how to accelerate this growth in revenue.

And as a result Activision will be pressured to make sure their shareholders are happy

by finding ways on how to do this.

And Activision might have found a way on how to increase these ingame purchases also known

as microtransactions ,that will fundamentally change how micro transaction works.

Recently a controversial patent has been approved and granted to Activision.

The patent's description explains that it's a system and method to encourage players to

spend money on microtransactions.

And they are not hiding the fact that the purpose of this patent is created to influence

players to spend more money on in game content.

The following description is coming from the patent itself which i will link below where

you can find the full description and explanation of the patent online.

The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related


Let's have a breakdown of the patent and see how this works.

The patent makes up of 3 engines: The Analytics and feedback engine,

The Pipeline Engine And the Microtransaction engine.

The Analytics and Feedback engine analyses player's data in order to create a profile

of the player based on how you play a game, and put you in scenario's where you will be

most effective with that specific profile.

For example the system can identify that you like to play as a sniper, and it can put you

in matches where snipers are more effective.

For example it can place you on a map where the lanes are more suitable for sniping, and

playing against players that have a more short range build basically making you the more

advantage player with your long range loadout.

So the Analytics and Feedback engine, maps their players with certain data and can deploy

them in situations that benefits them.

This engine is reinforced with the Pipeline Engine, which has the following description.

The pipeline engine may generate one or more soft reservations for players based on a match

score, game profile, player profile or any other information.

So what this basically does is it can queue you up and reserve spots in the queue for

your next match based on certain information coming from the Analytics and Feedback engine.

In the patent it gives you an example where the engine can identify that your two friends

match is ending soon and it can then reserve a spot for you in the next match so that you

can play together with your friends.

I can definitely see the benefits of this, I have never been matched up with my friends

in a match randomly without being invited to a fireteam.

If you want to play with friends you have to set up a fire team because the chances

are very low that you just bump into each other randomly in a match, strike or public


With this engine it can create the opportunity for you and your friends to bond more when

you spend more time together completing events in the game.

The final and most controversial part of the patent is the Microtransaction engine, which

according to the description may analyze various items used by marquee players and, if the

items are being promoted for sale, match the marquee player with another player (e.g.,

a junior player) that does not use or own the items.

Similarly, the microtransaction engine may identify items to be promoted, identify marquee

players that use those items, and match the marquee players with other players who do

not use those items.

In this manner, the microtransaction engine may leverage the matchmaking abilities described

herein to influence purchase decisions for game-related purchases.

So there are two parts with this microtransaction engine.

You can be match up with someone else that does particularly well with for example a

weapon, which might influence you to go and buy that weapon.

On the other hand once you have bought a specific item lets say again you bought a weapon, in

that case the microtransaction engine will put you in situations where you will benefit

a lot from the item your purchased, in order to make you feel good about the item you bought,

which will encourage you to buy additional items in the game.

This is the part of the patent where I have problems with.

To a certain extent I believe that the Analytics and Feedback engine and the pipeline engine

can actually help you enjoy the game more.

The analytics and feedback engine can identify that I for example like PVP Control and match

me up with more of those matches, and the pipeline engine can help me match up with

players that I like to play with.

However I don't like the game to tell me what I should do, as a gamer I bought the game

and I want to decide what kind of activities I am playing and not an algorithm influencing

what I should play.

For example with Destiny 2 I like to play control in the quick play mode which can consist

of control but also other modes, and although it would be great if the engine can match

me up more with Control and not supremacy or clash in the same playlist.

The better solution is actually for me to have a choice on only playing control, or

only playing clash or supremacy.

The pipeline engine is great if you want to play with friends, but sometime gaming is

kind of a ME time, and here I also want a choice to choose to play with friends or not.

And CHOICE is lacking, if there is a microtransaction engine in place that is trying to influence

you by cherry picking what kind of gaming experience you should have, and all of this

is behind the screens because you won't know when this system is activated.

And that makes the whole gaming experience obsolete if you are not sure whether that

experience you just had was a genuine one that was a result because of your own skills,

or whether it was the microtransaction engine that has influenced the game.

It is like Big Brother is watching every move you make in the game, that would fundamentally

destroy your gaming experience.

To be fair Activision did clarify in a statement that this patent was only "exploratory", and

such a system has not been used in any games.

Well this statement is technically correct it has not been used in any games YET, because

the patent just got approved, it would definitely take several years before Activision develops

a system that can integrate this with any games.

And remember what I said in the beginning that microtransactions has grown 125% year

over year.

Whether we like it or not Microtransactions are a substantial revenue driver for game

developers and the unfortunate truth is that unless we stop buying ingame content microtransactions

will be there to stay.

At the moment there is a general consensus that microtransactions are ok as long as it

is cosmetic and it does not affect the way you play the game.

But with patents like these we as gamers have to be careful and make sure that microtransaction

will not go towards that direction and squeeze every penny out of the players.

Because if it does it will not only destroy our gaming experience but also the games that

we love as well.

So if you are watching this video, please share this with your friends and your fellow

gamers and lets make some noise that we as gamers will not allow this to happen to our

beloved games.

Thank you all so much for watching this video.

I really enjoyed doing the research and provide you all the information about this subject

in a compact video.

I hope you enjoyed watching this and have a better understanding of this patent.

A positive like rating is appreciated.

Subscribe for more.

And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Activision EVIL Microtransaction that will destroy games like Destiny, Overwatch and Call of Duty! - Duration: 8:26.


ما هي أضرار التدخين على صحة الأنسان؟؟ أتحداك أن تضع سيجارة بعد المشاهدة!!!حقائق صادمة - Duration: 6:45.

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

Click on Automatic translation and select the language and translate the video text to all

For more infomation >> ما هي أضرار التدخين على صحة الأنسان؟؟ أتحداك أن تضع سيجارة بعد المشاهدة!!!حقائق صادمة - Duration: 6:45.


The money behind Microtransactions - Duration: 11:19.

Greetings, Earthlings!

Welcome to the Madqueen Show, I am your host the Madqueen

And Mr Ruvver

On today's menu, we are going to talk about the microtransactions in gaming

As we know, in these past years, microtransactions have become a thing in video gaming

Paying more for a game you already paid 60 euros for

Microtransaction is a business model where users can purchase virtual goods via micropayments

You can find two types of games where you can find these micropayments: free-to-play

games, and premium games

What you can get via microtransactions may vary depending on the game, ranging from aesthetic

items that do not affect your gameplay or pay to win assets, that gives you an edge

and advantages over other players that have not invested real money

South Korean developers Nexon started Free-to-Play business model back in 1999 with QuizQuiz

In this trivia-game, you win in-game currency that allows you to buy items to make your

avatar look cool or pay-to-win sunglasses that made you have an advantage in a true-false game

The first case of microtransactions in a AAA game was in Dead Space 3, back in 2013

In this game, you could buy with real money weapons and armor that are not available early

in the game, so if you paid money, you get access to end-game items

EA's Dead Space 3 began the trend of games that could ask for more money from the player

after a full purchase

Wait, EA started this trend?

How could I not imagine this

Cosmetic purchases, skins for your character,

weapons, customization options or just plain progress

Microtransaction has become a tool to squeeze more money from costumers

First, let us talk about free-to-play games

You are able to play them for free, and if you want to progress further in the game in

a faster way, you have the possibility to cut corners by paying money to get that advantage,

like getting better characters, play the game more time, new skills, better weapons, or

things like that In these free to play games, microtransactions

are the source of income of the developers, as these games are delivered for free and

payments inside the game are optional

Games like DOTA2, League of Legends, Hearthstone or mobile games like Clash of Clans fall in this category

As we said, you can play these game for free, but paying money will grant you an advantage

or simply avoid hours of countless grinding to progress in the game

In the Hearthstone example, paying real money will grant you extra packs

These packs do not grant you cards that you do not own, but it will provide you with several

more that you can dust to craft the ones you want to have

When we download a free to play game we may have the impression that these type of games

move a business way smaller than AAA games

As graphics and gameplay is much simpler and they do not make you pay for it to start with,

but with these microtransactions, League of Legends made 1.3 billion dollars and the company

Supercell that created Clash of Clans earned a whopping 2.3 billion in revenue the past

year with all his free to play games for mobile devices

2.3 billion that is half of the total revenue of Electronic Arts for 2017 doing AAA games

so it's not bad for a fraction of the investment

On the other side, we have premium and expensive games that also include this kind of payments

Titles as Overwatch, Deus Ex or FIFA include the option to get new assets via micropayments

This is especially visible in games as FIFA, EA made 1.3 billion in extra content in 2016

and half of it came from Ultimate Team mode

In their annual report, EA stated making 2.4 billion dollars form digital revenue in 2017,

59% of the total revenue of the company

Oh, fuck

Can you whistle for me?

Forget it

And NBA2k made 527 million from microtransactions

In sports games, these in-game payments are

incredibly obvious and annoying, now with the features of "building your dream team"

to play against other people in online mode, you need to amass a huge amount of in-game

currency to buy those packs that give you random players, and of course, the good players

have a very low chance to pop up

Yes, you can grind that currency just playing games, or use the mobile app

That doesn't sound that bad

However, it is so tedious and time-consuming that the game almost incites you to buy that

currency with real money

In NBA2k this is even more obvious, because besides that dream team mode called MyTeam,

if you want to improve your created player to play other online modes, you also need

that in-game currency, known as Virtual currency or VC

So it looks like 2k is saying "if you want to play and have fun with all the

online modes we offer, you need to pay more"

Having in mind that in every game you get along the lines of 800 VC, and having in mind

a game lasts 30 to 40 minutes, you can imagine how long you need to grind to get a significant

amount of currency

If you want to be competitive in these online modes, you are bound to spend real money in

an already expensive game

You can say the developers already spend a huge amount of resources building the game

You need also to pay a lot of money to be able to use the real names and the logos of

the NBA and its teams and to pay royalties to use the names of retired players, but just

remember the numbers given before: microtransactions in sports games are a billionaire business

Rockstar earned 700 million from 2015 to 2016 with GTA V purchases in-game

Having in mind GTA cost nearly 270 million dollars counting both development and marketing,

looks like they made some money back

Because in the 700 million that we just mentioned, the 80 million copies of the game sold are not included

In this kind of titles, there is a subtle difference on what you can get through microtransactions;

for instance, in Overwatch, you can spend extra money for vanity items that don't affect gameplay

In fact, Overwatch generated 80% of Blizzard's revenue from digital channels, up to 1.3 billion

from a player base of 30 million players…

And as we said, only for cosmetic items

Still cheaper than plastic surgery

As we can see, there are different ways to

get money from players

Recently we could see some controversy regarding Playerunknown's Battleground for implementing

microtransactions in early access stages of the game, as you may know; this game is still

in Open Access stages

People argue that this is a lousy movement from Bluehole

But as the creator Brendan Greene stated, if they want to include this characteristic

in-game, they need to polish every aspect and having a healthy market for everyone at official release

He also stated that every player would have a maximum quota of items that can purchase,

up to six per week

Another case is the new Star Wars game, Battlefront II

As we could see in the beta, your progress is linked directly to the purchase of loot

crates, which unlocks special cards and crafting materials that are used to improve your character's

performance and they are only available in these crates

As some YouTubers pointed out, that progress can be made by playing the game, but what

has been showed so far, that indicates an incredibly long grind, making it almost undoable

without paying extra money

EA announced that DLCs and all extra content was going to be delivered for free, but seeing

what we can get, I don't know which model I prefer

I mean, I do not mind loot crates at all, but linking your progression to these crates

and not to your performance when playing…

I think I am going to start not liking them.

They still have time to correct or tweak this loot crate mumbo jumbo, so we will see

Kinda dick move by EA

And the problem is that we are not surprised

There are plenty of examples of games with in-game transactions, like Rocket League,

Deus Ex, Assassins' Creed: Unity…

Some with great success and others that gave a lot of backlash to their companies

The worst part of microtransactions is that we're talking about one of the most expensive

goods in mass market: AAA video games

The average cost is of 60€, and now we need to add all the investment in micropayments

that you need to be able to beat or to even advance or be competitive in multiplayer modes

in some kind of games

Microtransactions are here to stay, they give extra revenue to developers and that makes

the industry of video games one of the most successful in the entertainment scene

On the other hand, it also makes the industry a viable one, where the budgets of some video

games are on a par with budgets of big blockbusters in Hollywood

Besides, consumers are now more informed about what they buy and developers cannot count

on the impulse buy caused by hype, as there are many sources of information regarding

the quality of a game days before it is released

Well folks, thanks for watching

I hope you find this information useful and amusing

If you like what we do, please hit that subscribe button to join the Madqueen Army

And if you are already part of this lovely community, hit that like button and leave

us a comment

You may also want to send me socks pictures, that would be lovely

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> The money behind Microtransactions - Duration: 11:19.


Conversei em tcheco usando minhas dicas de inglês... | TCHLOG #08 - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Conversei em tcheco usando minhas dicas de inglês... | TCHLOG #08 - Duration: 9:23.


3 Times Science Debunked the Paranormal - Duration: 6:00.


From spooky ghosts to UFOs to mysterious, floating lights, there are all kinds of weird

stories out there that seem impossible to explain unless there's something paranormal

going on.

But even the creepiest campfire stories can be debunked with the right questions and some

careful observation.

So here are three times scientists looked into something strange and found a perfectly

rational — although in some cases, still very unsettling — scientific explanation

for it.

Like in one supposedly-haunted lab in the UK.

In the late 1990s, people who worked there could often feel waves of fear or shivers,

and one engineer even saw a terrifying gray apparition from the corner of his eye.

But he figured there had to be a reason for it.

This engineer also happened to be a fencer, and one day he brought his foil -- a thin

fencing sword -- to the lab to adjust it for an upcoming competition.

When he set the foil in a clamp, the blade started vibrating, almost like a ghost was

shaking it.

Except, it wasn't a ghost.

By moving the foil around the lab and observing it, he figured out that the room contained

a low-frequency sound wave, which he eventually traced back to the lab's new fan.

That explained pretty much all of the spooky stuff that had been going on.

The foil shook because the sound wave was at its resonant frequency, a frequency that

easily made it start vibrating.

All objects have one, and it's also why if you run your finger

around a glass, it'll sing a nice little song.

This wave had a frequency of about 19 Hertz, or 19 vibrations per second, which is right

below the range of human hearing — what's called infrasound.

Studies have shown that strong infrasound waves can cause uneasiness and dizziness,

which can seem a lot like a haunting.

Because infrasound vibrates through your body's tissues, it can affect your sense of balance,

your breathing rate, and your blood pressure.

It can even cause apparitions, since the resonant frequency of your eyeballs is also about 19


So the ghost the engineer saw was caused by his eyeballs vibrating, which is super freaky, actually,

and kind of gross to think about, but at least it wasn't an actual ghost.

In some stories, something that's said to be paranormal is caught on camera, too.

The Internet is full of photos of long, rod-like insects with multiple sets of wings, and they've

been passed off as things like UFOs, aliens, and interdimensional creatures.

It turns out they're just bugs -- usually moths.

The creation of these ghostly images has to do with how cameras work.

Insects usually beat their wings a lot faster than a camera can capture an image

so something like a moth will flap several times while a camera is recording one frame.

And as it's capturing that image, the insect is also moving across its field of view.

The result is that the moth looks like

a blurry, elongated rod with multiple sets of wings.

If you've ever tried to take a long exposure photograph of anything, you have probably

seen something like this.

The length of the rod is related to how fast the insect is moving and how far it is from

the camera.

The faster and closer it flies, the longer your mysterious interdimensional visitor.

Cryptozoologists call these "rods" or "skyfish"

I like both of those names a lot, but as cool as they sound and as cool as it would be to have

alien Interdimensional skyfish flying around us, these are just mostly moths flying

to a different beat.

Finally, if you've been to the tiny city of Marfa, Texas, you might've driven down

US Highway 67 and spotted what looked like a UFO in the distance.

On some nights, these so-called Marfa Lights appear above the horizon, hovering and blinking

like spaceships.

There's even a viewing area for them along the road.

But surprise: They're also not aliens.

Local university students thought they might be caused by car headlights, so in 2004, they

did experiments to shed some light on the situation.

They set up cameras to monitor the lights and a box to measure the traffic on Highway


They also tracked a car driving down the road to see if the highway was directly visible

from the Marfa Lights viewing area.

The results weren't that spooky or surprising: they found that the Marfa Lights were probably

caused by the atmosphere reflecting headlights from the highway.

There was a direct relationship between the number of Marfa Lights and the amount of traffic,

and the group at the viewing area could even tell which lights corresponded to the car

they were tracking.

In 2008, these findings were supported by another team, who found that the lights could

also come from streetlights or campfires.

You'd think it would be pretty easy to tell whether what you're looking at is a pair

of headlights or an alien spaceship, but the Marfa Lights are tricky because they don't

really look like headlights.

They're often magnified and kind of shimmer.

That comes from a mirage, where light rays bend and displace an image.

Specifically, it's caused by what's known as a superior mirage, where an image appears

above where it should be.

It happens when a layer of warmer air sits on top of cooler air, which is the opposite

of normal -- usually, the lower layers of the atmosphere are warmer because they're

heated by the Earth's surface.

Air at different temperatures has different densities, so it bends light at different


When light rays pass through a temperature inversion, they can bend in a way that creates

an image above where the object actually is.

And to be clear, when it comes to the Marfa Lights, that object is just a car's headlights

on a lonely road.

Not an alien spaceship.

There are plenty of other stories of the paranormal that are still unexplained — whether because

they can't be replicated, or there isn't enough data about them to come to any conclusions.

But sometimes, all you need are the right questions and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Also, maybe a fencing foil.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow.

If you want to learn more about debunking myths and bad science, check out our miniseries on

Victorian pseudoscience.

And to learn more every day with us, you can go to and subscribe.


For more infomation >> 3 Times Science Debunked the Paranormal - Duration: 6:00.


This Is What Happened To Macy Gray - Duration: 4:20.

Macy Gray's distinctive, raspy voice was all the rage in 1999.

The Grammy-winner burned up the charts with hits such as "I Try" and "Why Didn't You Call

Me," and even made a cameo in the very first Spider-Man movie, but almost as quickly as

she rose to fame, she dropped out of the spotlight.

Here's why you don't hear much about this singer these days, and why she could be poised

for a comeback.

Her follow-ups flopped

Despite broad U.S. acclaim for her 1999 album, On How Life Is, and huge success in the U.K.

with her 2001 follow-up, The Id, Gray's third album, 2005's The Trouble with Being Myself,

was a major commercial disappointment.

Though it fared slightly better across the pond, the BBC said "her quirkiness was initially

endearing" but now "tends toward cartoonishness."

After a falling out with Epic Records, a revamped Gray jumped ship to Universal and followed

up with 2007's Big, which featured collaborations with stars such as Natalie Cole, Justin Timberlake,

and Fergie.

But despite the project's critical acclaim, Gray couldn't match her early commercial success.

When Big proved to be a flop, it seemed like everyone in the industry just walked away

from Gray.

She told the Telegraph in 2010 that artists of that caliber simply stopped calling her


The days of making music with chart-topping acts like Outkast and Carlos Santana appeared

to be over.

Her acting career sputtered

Gray made her debut as a thespian in 2001's Training Day, but starting in 2005, she began

to truly start flexing her acting muscles in a string of small parts in TV and on film,

most notably appearing in two Lee Daniels productions, Shadowboxer in 2005 and The Paperboy

in 2012, as well as joining an award-winning ensemble in 2010 in Tyler Perry's For Colored


But Gray has yet to land a major starring role or a promising breakout part.

Speaking to the Guardian in 2012, she looked on the bright side, saying acting is "a challenge

for me.

I'm not close to mastering it, so I enjoy getting better at it.

It's a good exercise for my brain and it's refreshing."

Her "Dancing" gig fizzled

The hit reality TV dancing competition Dancing with the Stars is often the go-to show for

former or fading celebrities in need of a serious publicity boost.

Gray cut a rug on the show in 2009, but despite a fun and sultry performance of Aretha Franklin's

"(You Make Me Feel Like) a Natural Woman," she was eliminated in the first round.

"It's a cool set.

All the people that work here are really nice.

It was fun.

It was a fun one week."

Parting ways so quickly meant Gray missed out on the opportunity to make the kind of

impression that might have helped revive her career, or at least introduce her to a new

generation of fans.

Her drug use spiraled

As her music career went south, Gray eventually admitted that her drug use was part of the


She told the Telegraph that, quote, "indulging in excess of everything" started to catch

up with her.

On an episode of Oprah's Where Are They Now?, Gray said she was out of control, but her

vanity reeled her back in ...

"I looked in the mirror one day and I had bags and my skin was doing weird stuff, and

that really scared me.

I swear to God I quit.

I quit that day."

Turning it around

Gray admitted she went through "a mid-career identity crisis," telling the Telegraph,

"A lot of people were in my ear telling me: this is cool and this is not cool.

They didn't know what they were talking about ..."

Gray says she was embarrassed by some of the personas she'd tried on over the years, sporting

wigs and crazy suits, and by the different directions her record company was pushing

her, leaving her feeling "brainwashed."

As she struggled to find a core identity as a musician, audiences moved on.

But everyone loves a comeback story, and Gray is poised for the climb.

On her 2016 album, Stripped, she branched off into jazz for the first time.

The project was critically acclaimed and peaked at number 3 on the Billboard jazz charts.

There's still much love among critics and fans for Gray's unique sound and vision, and

in February 2017, she was praised for the powerful message and soulful stylings of her

single "White Man," the video for which The Fader called a "moving portrayal of race in


She told Larry King in April 2017 that her new material is a welcome departure ...

"Yeah, it's definitely Macy Gray, but it's, uh, it's, it's wild, it's, uh, you haven't

heard what we're doing yet.

It's very fresh."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is What Happened To Macy Gray - Duration: 4:20.


Victoria Ruffo responde si trabajaría con su ex Eugenio Derbez - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Victoria Ruffo responde si trabajaría con su ex Eugenio Derbez - Duration: 1:20.


Happy ENERGY STAR Day 2017 Canada! - Duration: 1:09.


Today, it brings me great pleasure to recognize Canada's most popular energy efficiency program.

Many of you recognize the little blue symbol,

and today marks 16 years since it was introduced.

But do you know what it's really about?

ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between

the Government of Canada and more than 1,500 organizations from coast to coast to coast.

Together, we work to help Canadians save money on their utility bills, use our natural resources

more wisely, and ultimately protect our planet.

You'll find that familiar symbol on new homes and over 70 different kinds of products.

And now, manufacturing facilities can be certified, thanks to our new ENERGY STAR for Industry program.

Energy efficiency plays an important role

in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so thank you to all Canadians who choose ENERGY STAR.

And once again, HAPPY ENERGY STAR Day, Canada!

For more infomation >> Happy ENERGY STAR Day 2017 Canada! - Duration: 1:09.


Hornady Rollout, 224 Valkyrie and an AF Loader Update! - TGC News! - Duration: 10:26.

This week on TGC News, Hornady rolls out a ton of new stuff, Federal goes deep and an

update on the AF Loader!

SilencerCo is offering the first ever suppressed muzzle loader since the inception of the National

Firearms Act.

The Maxim 50 is a 50 caliber muzzleloader with a permanently attached sound moderator.

Able to be purchased without going to a gun store and filling out the 4473, you can even

get this shipped straight to your door in freedom loving states.

To find out more, check out the link in the video description or head over to

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things

you actually care about, My name is Jon Patton.

Continuing our NeoMag giveaways, our winner from last week is John Barger!

Congrats John!

And if you want to enter to win a free Neomag Tshirt and a free Neomag magnetic magazine

pocket clip, hit that link down in the description.

Now the news.

Let's start it off with a TON of new products from one company.

Hornady came out swinging with the announcement of 9, yes 9 new products for 2018.

Let's talk about a few of them.

First up, The Frontier Line of ammo.

Essentially this is a line of new ammo that will be loaded at the famous Lake City ammo

plant with Hornady projectiles.

Pretty cool to see Hornady getting into the more affordable target ammo side of things,

especially if it's being loaded by a respected brand like Lake City.

Next, Hornady annoys every 6.5 creedmoor owner in the country by releasing the 6.5 PRC or

precision rifle cartridge.

It was designed from the ground up to be a match round but is also useful for hunting

with the right bullet selection.

They've basically taken the 6.5 Creedmoor and turned it up to 11.

Better velocities, slightly better barrel life and slightly more recoil.

To understand it the best, here is a side by side ballistic chart comparison from hornady.

This is the same 147gr ELD Match Bullet, On the left is the 6.5 Creedmoor and the Right

is the 6.5 PRC.

About 200 feet per second faster across the board.

Pretty cool.

Next up on this massive list, Critical Defense Rifle ammunition.

This one has me pumped.

Initially being offered in .223, and 308, they've essentially taken the same bullet

technology with that FTX polymer tip and put it into a different bullet.

They're saying that this will help out of SBR's or at extended ranges with actual expansion.

The 223 will be offered in 55 and 73 grain varieties and the 308 will be a 155 version

off the bat.

Raise your hand if you want to see some ballistic gel testing with TGC's new high speed camera

and these rounds.

And cruising along, the new Subsonic line of ammo featuring the SubX bullet.

This bullet is designed to expand at lower velocities than some of their other bullets

and was specifically designed for the 300 blackout cartridge.

They have serrations that follow the nose of the bullet to allow the bullet to open

up at velocities down to 960 feet per second.

That's pretty slow.

They also claim that it will meet the FBI standards for ballistics for barrier penetration,

also very interesting.

Very few subsonic specific bullets in the blackout have good terminal performance so

this will be a fun one to check out in high-speed as well.

And the last thing we're going to cover is the new Rapid Vehicle Safe.

Hornady has been jumping into the safe market in recent years and this continues that trend.

The thing that really stands out to me here isn't the way it presents the gun, which is

nice, but moreso the way this goes into your car.

So often you are left with just a cable lock, and shove it under your seat or being forced

to drill and mount stuff.

This uses an air bladder that essentially wedges in between your seat and the center

console for a tight fit.

Kind of ingenious actually.

And on the tail end of the new stuff are a couple new products for reloaders, a rotary

case tumbler and a media separator.

All in all, this is a massive rollout and even though hornady does this every year,

I love it.

I want to know which products stand out the most to you guys at home.

Sound off in the comments below!

And in kicking Nosler in the naughty bits news, there is a new kid on the block when

it comes to precision in the AR15 platform.

We covered the 22 Nosler in a recent #NotAReview and I was very curious about its ballistic

capabilities at extended ranges, well now I have to split my interest between that and

the brand new 224 Valkyrie developed by Federal.

Long story short, this new cartridge will sling a 90 grain bullet out to 1300 yards

and still be supersonic, out of an AR15.

Thats pretty damn impressive.

They're touting it as the first cartridge ever to do that in an AR15.

The biggest thing that stands out to me here is the bullet weight.

A 90 grain bullet in the match load will be able to resist the wind a lot better than

the heaviest 77gr 223 loads especially if it's exiting the barrel at similar or higher


I haven't seen any velocity data just yet from Federal but let's hope their claims hold


Initial ammo offerings will be the 90 grain sierra matchking that i mentioned, a 60 gr

Nosler ballistic tip, a 100 grain Fusion hunting round, and a 75 Grain Total metal jacket American

Eagle variant.

They've got all bases covered on that.

Another interesting thing is that they are claiming this has similar ballistics to 6.5

Creedmoor with half the recoil.

I mean 6.5 Creed isn't what I would call a heavy recoiling round but less recoil is always

a good thing.

You also have the added benefit of the rifle being an AR15 instead of an AR10 which will

most likely mean a lighter gun.

It also means that this round can be picked up by anyone of the millions of AR15 owners

out there that may not want to deal with the AR10 platform.

I gotta be honest I'm pretty pumped about the gundustry focusing on new cartridges and

new ways to get out to longer ranges.

It seems like we have a lot of precision shooting to get done.

Do you guys think the 224 Valkyrie will take off like the 300 blackout did or how the 6.5

creedmoor currently is taking off?

Just a quick update on a story we did a few weeks back on the AF Loader.

That was the automatic magazine loader and a bunch of interesting accessories from one

brand that was crowdfunding.

Well, as it turns out, IndieGoGo has completely shut them down.

At the top of the page it says "This campaign has been closed by Trust and Safety due to

a violation of our Terms of Use.

The campaign will no longer be accepting contributions, and the Campaign Owners no longer have access

to the campaign."

Ouch, talk about making someone's business come to a grinding halt.

We all know this was because it was a firearm related product and some of the rewards were

gun parts.

Regardless of how I felt about the products, this is not something I like to see.

Hopefully they find another way to get off the ground.

And of course we have some friendly fire questions.

First up, Jason Bower asks a question the comes up fairly often, is the Safety Harbor

50BMG AR15 upper worth the money.

Honestly, I'm going to say I doubt it.

With the RN50 from Serbu retailing for 1200 bucks, that extra 250 to 650 bucks isn't going

to add enough value to justify the price.

That is however without having ever shot either one of those.

Next, Judson Crossland is asking my opinion on a policy of zero strikes for an instructor

level course, if you muzzle anyone or yourself, you are asked to leave.

Dude I think that is spot on.

If someone is at that level or attempting to be at that level, they need to be proficient

enough and more importantly safe enough to pass things on properly to the students.

If I saw an instructor do something like that, I might leave the class.

Remember that "instructor" that shot the roof of an indoor range with a 44 mag and scared

the crap out of himself?


No tolerance is definitely the right move.

My question to you guys this week, What is the longest shot you've ever taken?

Was it 100 yards, maybe 1000 yards, or maybe even a mile or more?

Let me know down in the comments below and If you have a question you want answered here

on TGC News you can send it to me the friendly fire page on!

And that is it for this week's show, if you enjoyed the show, hit that like button and

share it with your friends, that is a huge help.

If you didn't let me know why down in the comment section below and if you haven't please

get subscribed you won't want to miss a single episode and as always, thank you all for watching,

we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Hornady Rollout, 224 Valkyrie and an AF Loader Update! - TGC News! - Duration: 10:26.


Pennywise make-up tutorial /Halloween make-up / Stephen Kings´s IT remake 2017 /horrorclown sfx - Duration: 12:01.

Hi an welcome to my channel. I did this tutorial for

all stuff you need for these two make-ups you can buy at

I really enjoyed doing this make-ups, I hope you like it, too. Have fun and enjoy.

First I´m transforming myself into the new Pennywise

I start glueing down

my bald cap in the middle of my forehead

I´m taking some liquid latex and soak some cotton wool in it

so that I can still put little cotton wool under it. I put as many inside as it takes to get the correct form of Pennywise´s big head

as soon as I have the perfect size I´m glueing down the rest of my bald cap

If you can´t make it alone at the back of your head just ask someone to help you.

as soon as I´m finished with this

I take a little cotton tip with acetone and make all the visible edges invisible

the next step isn´t that neccessary but I just did it

I´m putting down some skin wax on my eyebrows to cover them

and to make it easier to remove the make-up and all the latex stuff in the end

with white water make-up

I´m painting my forehead and head

Then I´m starting with the texture of the big head

this part takes most of the time. You just sculpt it until you like the form.

I´m taking some liquid latex and soak some cotton wool in it

I´m then just sculpting the wet latex cotton wool with my fingers or a spatula

I always have my Pennywise photo in front of me

to get as close as the original

as soon as everything has dried

btw you can also use a hairblower to dry it more quickly

I paint everything white with white water make-up

the little cracks I just sculpted are now being painted with grey water make-up

Temple and forehead area are contoured with grey water make-up

use some white water make-up to blend a nice transition

waterline and eyes are blackened with a kohl kajal liner

and blend with black eyeshadow

then I´m drawing with a thin brush

the eyebrow line with grey water make-up

Then I paint the rest of my face with

with white water make-up

lips and nose are painted red. I´m also doing this with red water make-up

with a cotton tip I´m tipping aroung the nose

so that the painted edge has a soft pass

the lips are drawn with a red lip liner first

and filled with red water make-up later

after that I´m drawing the curved lines

which are actually the most important thing in this new Pennywise make-up

to give the lips a more interesting look

I´m also taking some darker red make-up

That´s basically the whole make-up...not that difficult

now the hair :-)

I took some beards we sell at our shop, because they simply had the perfect colour

and glued them down with some Mastix skin adhesive

I didn´t need to use lots of hairspray

because the hair itself is just perfect frizzy for this

Again if you have problems in the back of your head

just ask a friend to help you

nearly done, last finishing, putting in some yellow contact lenses

and the teeth, cut them into the correct form

before you cut put them into hot water to form them

put on your Pennywise costume

andy you are ready for Halloween!

for all who didn´t like the new Pennywise make-up

and prefer the old classical Tim Curry Pennywise

take a look NOW :-)

like before I also start here with the bald cap

and fill it with cotton wool

and glue the edges down

actually the steps are really similar

I´m modeling cotton wool soaked with liquid latex

this time I try to make it as smooth as possible

a spatula is perfect for smooting

after this everything is painted white with water make-up

leave out nose and mouth

waterline of the eyes are painted black with a black eyeliner

with blue aqua make-up I´m painting little triangles on my upper eyelids

and little black lines under my eyes

don´t forget the remarkable eyebows, I love them here

the lips are painted red and the outer corners are drawn downwards

my Pennywise photo is still in front of me

to come as close as possible to the original

with black the lips are blended a little bit to the inner part of your mouth

when finished, I´m starting with the nose

and who would have guessed?...yeah again with latex and cotton wool

I don´t need any adhesive because this sticks very well

I try to form the nose as a ball

try to smooth this as good as possible

after the nose has dried I can paint it with red water make-up

nearly the hair

Again I´m using some real hair beards we sell at

I prepared them before with red water make-up

just cut them into pieces and start now to glue them on my head

they looked so nice and fluffy and came really close to the hair of the classical Pennywise

after glueing I´m cutting them

style them a little bit and you´re done :-)

this is also actually a Pennywise version

but no that wouldn´t be as scary as we want to be ;-)

put in the fitting contact lenses and teeth

and finish the look with the evil melted face

and of course I´m doing this with cotton wool and latex once more

as you can see you can modeling quite a lot with this really easy and cheap method

beginning with the evil eyebrow from the top to the bottom

and then paint with different colours

use different reds and a bit of purple, grey and black

the deepest parts are made up with black or a dark colour

here it is important that you don´t blend all the colours together

because then it would become only one boring grey, so it´s important to let the colour stand alone for itself, too

don´t mix, make the make-up interesting for the eyes, but blend the hard edges with a little bit of white

don´t forget the lips, for this look they don´t need to be that red

just fade them out with a bit of white

focus here and there with some black water paint

put on your Pennywise costume and BOOOHHHH!!!

you ARE Pennywise the dancing clown! >:-)

I´m really excited about Halloween and how many Pennywise versions or Horror clowns I will meet this year.

check out the info box for more details and the products I used.

thanks for watching and happy halloween!

For more infomation >> Pennywise make-up tutorial /Halloween make-up / Stephen Kings´s IT remake 2017 /horrorclown sfx - Duration: 12:01.


Katie Price Wants To Quit TV For a Job In ASDA - Duration: 2:32.

Katie Price wants to quit TV for a job at Asda in a bid to escape

The drama of her life and return to some normality the loose women presenter

39 has revealed that she was on the verge of depression after suffering a miscarriage and

Discovering that estranged husband Kieren hailer had cheated all in the same year

Model Katie who shot to fame when she was just 17

Has endured a most traumatic year to date after her mum was also diagnosed with a terminal illness

But in an attempt to restore some ordinariness in her life

Katie has admitted that she longs for a job in a

supermarket in an exclusive interview with the sun's Bazaar column, she said sometimes

I think I would love to be behind the chili Nesta and just play shops

I want to hear the beep noises and be on the checkout I crave normality and things like that

When people need me they realized that I am normal

But then they know what my job is and it is strange for them to put the two together

Because we're completely different this year has been so stressful

I feel like I couldn't run anywhere if you just think the past two months

I had a miscarriage God told Kieren was cheating that my mum is dying and the threats about Harvey

It's like how much can one person take I could either go down the route of depression

But I have decided I am going to get fit and find something to occupy me to make me feel good

The reality star has also been embroiled in an ongoing drama with love islands Chris Hughes

After he denied sending her texts Katy revealed to the 52 messages she claims to have received

From Chris last week including one, which he brand's girlfriend, Olivia Atwood famed hungry

For more infomation >> Katie Price Wants To Quit TV For a Job In ASDA - Duration: 2:32.


Burun Estetiği'nde Doğallık Nasıl Sağlanır? ►Euro D'de Op.Dr. Altan Yücetaş Anlatıyor! - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Burun Estetiği'nde Doğallık Nasıl Sağlanır? ►Euro D'de Op.Dr. Altan Yücetaş Anlatıyor! - Duration: 1:46.


Bonne journée ENERGY STAR 2017 à tout le Canada! - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Bonne journée ENERGY STAR 2017 à tout le Canada! - Duration: 1:21.


Göğüs Büyütme Estetiği'nde Doğal Görünüm! ► Euro D'de - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Göğüs Büyütme Estetiği'nde Doğal Görünüm! ► Euro D'de - Duration: 1:26.


Art and Ageism: Does Age Bring Out Our Best Work? Artists Over 50 - Duration: 9:33.

so I think what the overriding themes is that you know you know

we don't give a shit anymore or we give a shit differently .. well there

you go .. we give a shit differently now

Thank you so much for tuning back in to our 2nd Act with Paige and Silke for

your second act of life ...see even with this setup we can do it you do it we're

doing really good Paige welcome back you are still with us here in beautiful

Southern California yes I am Silke enjoying every moment of it we're about to head

back down to the beach yes I can't wait for that exactly

so today Paige what we want to talk about is something a little bit more fun

and we were recently down at the festival of arts where you know as you

know our director Rick he exhibits there's his beautiful images and he was

a fabulous artist even though he would claim he's not an Artist so and it will

and that's kind of what our topic is about today you know Rick's been there

10 years he's getting better and better and I ran across this article that said

that as we age you know and especially not today we're talking about the

population of artists that you tend to do more profound work and the articles

stated that that's that's even reflected in the act you know and some of the

better exhibits that are going on you're such a success people of Arts yeah so I

thought well gosh let me run that by page how does how does cuz I'm an artist

she'll have a take on this as to you know why that is why do we get more

profound or where do I just get more profound as they age well we can talk

about artists we can talk it talked about any profession but since we're

talking about artists I think as we age you're forced to get connected to

yourself whether you want to or not things happen in your life the universe

says you know what wake up shake it off you're not where you're supposed to be

you need to do this you need to get connected to yourself

so the more connected you get inwardly the

more you put out weirdly so if you're an artist think about it the more connected

you are in here and everything that goes on in your life and and the experiences

that you have and the type of hell um 50 I don't give a shit about what he says

anymore I'm gonna put something out there regardless and they do it that's

funny that you said that we had that exact comment from one of the artists at

the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts where we recently went into some interviews

with as you would guess artists who are over 50 let's see what they had to say

one of the things that I noticed in mediums that so tune into it is as I

then walk around this festival is that most of the artists are over

yeah there's a lot of a lot of us old boys here that's a great question yeah

I'd have to say yeah there's probably a certain age here but we welcome the

young well yeah it takes a while to establish yourself as an artist and this

particular show is very difficult to get into so if you're young and

up-and-coming even though you're talented you might necessarily get in on

your first try it's a juried show it takes a long time to think it's because

they've worked long and hard to get there I think it takes a long time to be

a good artist and I mean unless you're a genius

in an early age you really have gotten it all together well there's a school of

thought and it's a lot of it has been written about which I've wanted the

story that as we older as we become more profound yeah

yeah it has and I think you know after I'm 53 now so after reading after

reaching the fifty hurdle I like all of a sudden it's like time the days seem a

little more precious I spent years doing what clients wanted me to do so it was

very energizing for me to be able to get to this point where I could paint for

myself for what I thought was right and what gave me pleasure and not wasting

time on things that isn't that doesn't matter anymore to me it's easier it's

easier to be more authentic I think what I really liked was the

answer about doing this for yourself for myself right because now I don't give a

shit it doesn't it doesn't matter if someone doesn't like this then they

don't have to buy it you certainly are more comfortable if

people don't like it you know you're you're more accepting of everyone's or

at least I am I should say of everyone's point of view you know whether they like

it or not I feel more freedom to express myself before it wasn't that I was

afraid it was just that I kind of held myself back personally and now that I'm

the age that I am I've had a pretty full life and I feel that I can say and I

know what I want to say you know in my heart also yeah

well at this point in your life would have what are you most proud of what am

I most proud of just that I'm able to do it I think the fact that I'm making a

better living financially than I was doing anything else in my life her and

my own my own sense of satisfaction that I'm doing creating something beautiful

our partnership you know that we met we pulled this up it's our tenth year and

so we're I'm really proud that we pulled it off

yes we did it about what am I most proud of that I'm still able to produce on a

regular basis and I still have a demand for my work for very few people that get

to do something be able to make a living at it and

that's what I feel very fortunate I would say I'm grateful more than proud

I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've had in my life and my wonderful

family I'm grateful for my talent it's been it's been a good life I'm

thankful for that I I would have to say that I'm still doing it but you know I'm

still painting I still love what I do I get up every day thinking something

wonderful is gonna happen today and I know that I'm doing my passion it

takes discipline to do your passion but I'm doing my passion okay so I think

what are the overriding themes there is that you know you know we don't give a

shit anymore or we give a shit differently we give it both there you

give a shit differently now I think no I know that when you do become more

connected to your inner knowing and you switch careers or you say you know what

I want to take the career that I'm into in a different way because this is what

I want to do now because this is what feeds me instead of pleasing everybody

else there's a different kind of shift that fulfills you from the inside and

that comes outside and then more people are drawn to what you do whatever career

or passion that you go through yeah so what do our viewers listening what's the

takeaway for them it's time not to give a shit ha ha ha man do what you want to

do and don't be afraid of the ways additionally another big purpose of art

is healing we use art for healing every day when you walk into spa look at the

artwork that's on the wall if you walk into a healing studio look at the

artwork that's on the wall or a yoga studio look at the artwork that's on the

wall additionally to that is well or shall I say conversely I know in the

field of trauma I use a lot of art therapy many people use different kinds

of art therapy if they can't say what's going on in their body they can sure

paint it draw it rub it sketch it whatever it is and it doesn't have to be

perfect it's all about taking what's in here putting

out there ultimate healing well and what I love about the whole theme of art and

as we age like a fine wine we absolutely get better this is one of

those areas where it just gets better with age yeah you know and I have to

share that when I finally left my corporate job I knew that I wanted to

take up abstract art I am NOT an artist but the first painting that I did had so

much emotion come in as to all the crap that I'd to go through that boy when I

was finished that abstract I looked and I was like wow I got all of that emotion

out so just another way to use art in a healing for great well thanks Paige

we'll see you again soon on another episode of our second act with Paige and

selca for your second act of life thanks so much for joining us today for more

videos about living your life to the fullest after 50 just click on the link

right here next to me and if you haven't already done so please subscribe to our

Channel buttons right over here thanks for

joining us see you next time

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