Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

Internet Addiction

Social media, technology, and the Internet are some of the

most addicting things we use on a daily basis, especially when

it comes to the younger generation. With the constant

access to the Internet, on our computer, phone, tablet, and so

on, we are always connected to this vast knowledge of

information that we lose ourselves in this cyber world

and neglect the world we actually reside in. At family

gatherings where people use to converse with one another,

sharing great times, we now have people glued to their phones,

distracted in cyberspace, checking their emails, text

messages, social media accounts for new likes, comments, shares,

playing games, and so on. We've lost ourselves in this cyber

world that we can't seem to control in our daily life. We

are even brainwashed into believing lies told to us from

corporations and news networks as long as it's online and we

can trust them. The constant need to be on our phones and

computers also puts strain on our physical bodies. We extend

our neck out and down, causing neck and back pain, making our

spine go out of it's natural alignment. Our eyesight is also

diminishing since we are focusing on a screen just a few

inches in front of us. Due to the lack of exercise, we also

experience tight, achy muscles, weight gain, or even blood clots

due to the lack of movement. With the constant exposure to

information comes great responsibility, yet many tend to

lack this. With children becoming exposed to things they

shouldn't at such a young age, they are "growing up" much

quicker than they should. Parents are just as bad since

you may see a parent and child side by side on their phone.

Children that have been exposed to technology early in life, are

always on it, tend to be more unhealthy and have higher

chances of depression, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness.

Some parents are so engrossed in it themselves that they don't

even know how to parent their own children or put restrictions

on their devices. However, with this negative aspect comes a

potential positive one, that children are learning how to use

essential tools and skills required to continue expanding

the technology that presently exists. But does this benefit

outweigh the risks and side effects? This trend cannot be

corrected unless we learn to limit our exposure to

technology. These days it's nearly impossible. Children

should not be permitted to have access to the Internet, a phone,

or so on until they are older, definitely not before their teen

years and puberty, and teens should be limited. They should

be encouraged to play with friends outside, physical

activities, MOVE, and eat healthy. And furthermore,

it's parent's responsibility to demonstrate to their child how

they should behave and discipline them accordingly.

When parents slack and don't put restrictions on their child,

we end up with out of control kids diagnosed with a myriad of

disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct

disorder, ADHD, as well as attention and sleep disorders

and learning disabilities, and so on.

Building a healthier future starts with us!

For more infomation >> Internet Addiction - Duration: 4:12.


Prioritizing One's Energetic Signature - Duration: 3:31.

Prioritizing One�s Energetic Signature

by Limitless dreamer,

It is only when we are completely valuing our very own energetic signature that we have

the key to unlock our highest potential in manifesting our dream reality.

Otherwise, we are giving the energetic go-ahead to the external to intrude our internal, placing

ourselves into a state of constantly absorbing emotions that are not our own at all.

When someone is blaming us, it is not the words that take effect but the underlying


The more we hone our Intuition the clearer we see someone�s Intention.

The initial feeling we have is the reflection of the other�s energetic transmission.

Shooting back (=re-act) simply means that we allowed our energetic space to be intruded

by picking up the external emotion, or in other words, we placed the external energy

above our very own energetic signature.

Accordingly, each time we face another Soul�s attempt to energetically pierce through our

space poses a great learning opportunity to take a step back and leverage the unconditional

Love emanating from our Heart (=respond) instead of feeding our wounded Ego.

The more unconscious we are about our energetic signature the less visible our own unique

Light becomes to us, until we finally firmly assume the external to be our internal and

vice versa.

It is in this state that we are squandering our creative power and the only way to turn

the tide is to go inward again, a decision that doesn�t need to be forced or rushed

but develops naturally within each Soul�s Light mixture until the longing for the return

from the state of creating unconsciously to creating consciously is rising again.

We are always going to be flowing in perfect Harmony with the Universe, the only change

taking place at this cosmic juncture is the change in perspective from Unawareness of

the Perfection to Awareness of the Perfection.

Within the Universe of Separation, where Truth has been turned upside down on every level,

on the surface we might see nothing but imperfection, especially on Earth, yet in Truth all is perfectly

flowing as the whole Universe of Separation has been morphing back into Oneness from the

very moment of its creation because the state of illusory Separation cannot be anything

else but temporary.

The return to Oneness was and is granted.

Having said that, honoring one�s energetic signature by turning inward means coming home

to one�s Soul�s Wholeness, making for the inner decluttering of external Truth,

all of which is instigated by the Soul�s choice of being �alone� temporarily as

only the experience of being alone enables us to see our very Soul�s Wholeness.

Only by being al-one we eventually truly experience the epiphany

of All-One.

For more infomation >> Prioritizing One's Energetic Signature - Duration: 3:31.


The IBM Cloud: Blockchain - Duration: 0:16.

Trace every precious product, every step of the way with a Blockchain built for business.

The IBM Cloud.

The cloud for business.


For more infomation >> The IBM Cloud: Blockchain - Duration: 0:16.


HUGE Fall Try On Clothing Haul 2017 - Duration: 7:11.

Hey guys, what's up? It's michelle I am back with another try on haul video I know

I've done quite a little bit more damage this time. This is going to be a huge huge

Fall clothing haul and keep in mind did not get all of these items all at once cuz that would be crazy

As always i'll be leaving all the links to all the items I got down below in the description box

So it make sure to check that out, so this is my first top that I got it's so cute

I think I have something like this already in my closet, but I just can't resist this color

It's very cropped and very fitted which I really like

Except for the sleeve it's quite too much like are you really that extra, but yeah?

I think I'm going to like cut this off. Tell my mom to cut it off a little bit, then I got this blue

it's not really oversized but sort of oversized sweater and

I am loving dark colors lately, so I got this very dark

Royal blue, I really like how its plain, but the straps has like

These riding on okay?

My items are very wrinkly cuz you know it's from the packaging so how I got time to iron it yeah, but I've been loving

obsessing over any tops that are satin material or like I don't know silk like these shiny materials and

That it's wrapped around like it's like a wrap around top

This is my style in one top so this is a very velvet

Pink top that I love it's so soft

I love this color, and this has the band ac/dc on it

It's not cropped or anything, but I like to pair this with leggings or just you know I can tie the bottom

And I'll be cute okay, so this top is so perfect for a fall. This is a crop thin

sweater and it stays forgotten

And I love how it has a rose on there

I think that's so cute, but yeah, it looks like I cut it, but I really didn't I promise I didn't

I don't really like the neck of this because it's just like it's not your neck

But it's not like a regular neck you know so this leaves are cuffed, which I like that again. This is another wrinkly, item so

Excuse that it's a lace-up white sweater with the little black

Detailing on the sides and at the bottom, and it gives me some sporty vibes, but cute at the same time

This next item I got is another white top what I really like most about this is that it has

This little lace thingy at the photo it has these little


Buttons, and yeah the back looks like this

I love how it cinches and like that so I never really owned a bodysuit ever in my closet so I

Decided to get this one. This is so unique. I think it's so cute

It has these mesh

Right here, it's like mesh

near like the shoulder part


It has some polka dots. I love that and then over here, and you have the chest area. It's like a

flared out

What is it it's like I supposed to be off the shoulder but not really because of the mesh and then at the back

It's just tied around like this so you have a little pull right there

And yeah, I think this is so cute, and then the last item before I move on to unity pants is


jean jacket right here I

And love I have always owned one jean jacket, which is that blue jean jacket that always weird?

But I never really owned like anything like this. It's like oversized so I can pair this with anything and just

A complete outfit together now moving on to the bottom where and I got this leggings tights

I like how it has stripes down all the way up the side, and it's a camel

Design, so I never really own anything camel so this is really really cute, and then I got this jeggings pants

Checking some jeans and my GU baby didn't know oh, yeah, it's high-waisted, and there's some slits right here this one right here

It's a little bit big on me, but I can just fix that so it has stripes on the sides

And then there's like these little color

Blocks near the knee and it gives me Halloween buds

You know because orange black and white I've been seeing these pants where there's slits on the sides, or there's like buttons on the sides

Trend going on so I decided to get my hands on these I got like three

So this one is just black and it has white detailing on the side with buttons and I got the same one in

red because why not

It looks so cute, and I never really owned any color pants

So this is a new addition to of my closet for sure the material is very I wouldn't say yeah

Yeah, I would say it's very thing

But it's not to the point where it's see-through

It's the same thing it has to be buttons on the side, but it's except. It's in velvet

Unfortunately, it's too long for me, so I'm gonna have to trim it a little bit, but yeah, I really like the material

Velvet and the color so that is all I have for this fall try on called

Give this video a thumbs up if you really enjoy hollows because I love watching haul videos

I don't know, but in the future. I'll probably do more

I'll probably do some more damage

So you're gonna expect another and new video what happened turn now echoes LAN kitchen

So you know whenever I upload be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in my next video


For more infomation >> HUGE Fall Try On Clothing Haul 2017 - Duration: 7:11.


Daily messages, April 2016: Transforming the history of humanity - October 19, 2017 - Duration: 23:08.

Today we will continue with the study of the daily messages of Saint Joseph,

entering the month of April 2016,

and we will do it in a different way, with a different inspiration.

We are in the town of Assisi, in Perugia, Italy,

where Saint Francis left imprinted his experience of service for the neediest,

of the forgetting of self,

of the love for his fellow beings and for the Kingdoms of Nature, of unity with God.

Arriving here with the pilgrimage for peace,

we thought of recording a program of Saint Joseph to leave everyone with all the airs of this place,

which holds a precious treasure in its silence.

And seeking a confirmation, we began to study the messages of the month of April

and, in Saint Francis, we found a living example of all the instructions

that Saint Joseph was giving us;

it was like reading His words and finding his example here, so as to know how to follow them.

Let us allow ourselves to be flooded by the silence of Assisi, by the poverty, by the simplicity,

and by the humility of Saint Francis,

that today, together with Saint Joseph, he may teach us the art of serving.

Thinking about the little we know of the life of Saint Francis,

we see that his example is very close and accessible to any of us.

Saint Francis had everything, a young man given to the things of the world,

who was touched by God and woke up to planetary reality,

to service on all of its levels, beginning by giving everything to those who were poorest,

by being among those who were most in need,

until finding in his closest brothers and sisters the focus of his service,

learning to love the imperfections of those who surrounded him,

so that they might be transformed based on this love.

He learned to serve the Kingdoms of Nature

and to find in them the presence of God.

And in the end, he learned to find all things in God,

and in the solitude with God, he served all life, all of Creation,

having as sustenance the truth that the Creator is in all things,

and by loving Him and serving Him. Even if in silence and solitude,

we can transform the history of humanity just as Saint Francis of Assisi did.

In our life, we follow a path similar to that of Saint Francis:

most of us used to live an ordinary life,

filled with the needs of survival,

with the search for comfort, for distraction, and for pleasure,

until God awakened us to a higher reality.

He had us see that, in truth, He had not created humanity simply

to grow, study, work, and enjoy retirement at the end of life.

God spoke to our heart, giving us a meaning for our existence,

and each one of us, in the way that we were able,

answered and still answer this Celestial Call

that each day expands and deepens in our lives.

In the first steps of our spiritual life,

we discover service as a simple path for the awakening of love,

to move out of the gross indifference that so often blinds us,

to learn to do something for our fellow beings and not just for ourselves.

And some more, some less, we trod the path of giving of self.

Inspired by Saint Francis and so many other examples of charity,

we went to the poorest, to donate food, a shelter, a smile,

and little by little, our hard heart gradually opened and expanded,

showing us that it is alive within us.

Many times we remained at this point, because of not knowing how to deepen our spiritual life,

and Saint Joseph comes to be another hand that helps us and gives us the impulse to walk on.

On the first of April, Saint Joseph speaks with love to all servers,

all those spirits who have already learned to serve,

and those who are beginning to take their steps in a life of service.

He speaks to us about a service that begins in the very depths of our being,

which goes beyond all of our longing to be with the poor,

of donating food, of offering shelter.

A service that does not exclude actions that place us in close contact with a need,

but rather deepens what until today we know as an act of service.

In previous studies, Saint Joseph revealed to us the art of serving through prayer,

which is also an invisible service,

but which resounds deeply in the human heart and also even relieves the Heart of God.

Now we will learn to deepen in service,

uniting with what we already know: the service of fraternity,

of self-surrender, and of unity with one's fellow being.

On the first day of April, Saint Joseph began by telling us the following,

If you want to learn to serve, you will have to be meek, humble, and simple.

The true server does not impose their service.

It is the Father Who has your surrender

at His disposal to draw to Himself the hearts most in need

and the more urgent situations,

to be healed and resolved under the spirit of love and of peace.

When we begin to serve, it is normal for us

to seek out the places, the situations, or ourselves;

we go to those places that encourage us, that bring us enthusiasm,

that give us certain impulses,

also so that our personality can gradually adhere to service.

Some may want to be like Saint Francis,

searching for extreme situations, absolute surrenders,

letting themselves be taken by a "holy madness".

But gradually, as we grow spiritually,

we encounter aspects of our consciousness that are gratified by serving,

that become exalted and aggrandized

because of serving in a world in which indifference is the usual experience of humanity.

And in this sentence, so simple, spoken by Saint Joseph, we find

that He comes to work with this in us, making our service purer and purer,

so that we may be not only beings of goodwill, but also instruments of God.

Thus, He invites us to be attentive to any personal will when it is time to serve,

any preference for serving something in a certain way,

because this is the difference between our doing good things for ourselves

or our fulfilling the Will of God.

We understand here that Saint Joseph calls on us so that, in the time to serve,

we are able to offer our heart to God,

letting Him guide us to where it is most necessary,

since He is Who knows which are the truly most urgent situations.

Because we may, for example, want to serve in another city,

in another country, with distant peoples,

and all of a sudden, God shows us the urgency of aiding this soul that is beside us,

becoming lost for not having our assistance.

Continuing with our study, thinking about the words of Saint Joseph

and of the life of Saint Francis,

we will concurrently find that moment

in which other brothers join Saint Francis,

and who in the impetus of their awakening, aspire to serve the poorest

and find a true meaning for their lives.

In this moment, then, Francis finds himself before a new challenge,

a new service, which is that of group life.

Today we are called to form a kind of army for peace,

a group of souls that is capable of living under a single purpose

and a single will, which is the Will of God.

and just as Saint Francis found himself before this challenge,

in the deepening of our spiritual life, we also find ourselves before it.

So Saint Joseph teaches us to include group life n the life of service,

and tells us:

Children, the greatest service in these times is the experience of love

and unity among the soldiers who are self-called.

When your souls learn to love and to move beyond the obstacles imposed

by your own inability to accept the differences and limitations of others,

when you are able to live unity and fraternity without fear,

without competing, without offending,

you will see that you will open a larger door into the world

than the one you open with a plate of food for a poor and famished soul.

If servers were to discover that the essence of service

is the love and union among themselves,

if they build between themselves an unbreakable fortress

based upon a unity and love of the Divine Plan,

then, yes, in these times

and in the times to come

they will be true instruments of God.

Today, with the words of Saint Joseph and the impulses of Saint Francis,

we did not want to linger over those things that we all know well,

which are the ones that prevent us from living this love and from deepening in our service.

Because we believe that most of us have already lived or are living

an experience in which there is a perception of a lack love for fellow beings,

a unity, that there is a lack understanding.

So, let us place our consciousness upon that which inspires us to love others.

Having the certainty that arises in our hearts upon hearing the words of Saint Joseph,

that our service is really broader,

and that we become instruments of God when we unite,

when we overcome the barriers of imperfection,

and when we place a foundation of love under the imperfections of our brothers and sisters,

so that we may transform together.

And with this study, we will go a little beyond what seems utopian or even naïve,

recognizing all the aspects that pull us backwards,

but putting our attention on what leads us forward,

seeking ways of living that to which Saint Joseph summons us.

On the following day, the 2nd of April of 2016,

Saint Joseph spoke to us about how to love our fellow being, how to live true love.

In reality, there is no handbook to live love,

because each one of us expresses it in a different way

and each situation we experience places us before a new challenge, a new way of loving.

So the words of Saint Joseph are like constant impulses

that help us step out of ordinary human thinking

and place us before a new behavior

that, in spite of being very simple,

we are so bound to the ancestral way of living of humanity.

He tells us:

In order to love your fellow being, you must be humble of heart.

There is no true love that is not born of the Source of Divine Humility,

because true love does not seek feedback, nor merits;

it does not create possessions or property,

it does not expect to be loved for love,

it does not expect the other to be perfect in order to love them.

True love is that which recognizes the essence of each being,

that knows what they are and that they do not in any way resemble what they appear to be.

This is why I tell you that, in order to love, you must be humble.

In many places we find that teaching about a love that holds nothing of itself,

without a need for feedback, including in the words of Saint Francis, in his life, in his example.

It is something that God calls us to live in many ways,

yet is difficult for us, because humility is still a great mystery for us.

Let us thus be open to have small experiences of love,

even though it may seem forced or not very real to us;

because it is through practicing and trying

that our heart finds the real one within itself.

We still do not live humility and have not awakened love,

because we risk little in loving another,

when they ignore us, to serve the one who does not see our service,

forgive those that do us harm and love those who persevere in evil,

praying that one day they will find a Light that will guide them.

Saint Joseph is calling upon us to live a love that, besides not asking for feedback,

many times will be seen only by God.

And there is where we consolidate our humility and awaken our Faith.

On that same 2nd of April, He tells us:

It is not simple, for a humanity that has always cultivated pride,

recognition, and superiority,

to live a love that does not give visible returns to human eyes.

This love has its true merit in the life of the spirit.

Even if you love someone who hates you

and that never may want to receive your love,

that invisible experience will remain engraved in the human consciousness.

When we think of Saint Francis, the image comes to our heart of a free spirit,

free from itself, free of the conditions of its period,

free from the atavisms that prevented it from living love,

free of the conditions that so many times the human being imposes on loving someone.

And upon reading this message of Saint Joseph,

we find the invitation to live freedom,

the invitation to make a decision in our lives

of stepping out of the captivity of indifference,

of selfishness, and to launch into the true adventure,

which is to live the love for which God created us.

Saint Joseph says:

The one who decides to live a slightest experience of love and of forgiveness

as I have asked of you so many times

and does not fear being empty of self, in order to recognize their own errors,

will see before them the doorway to their own liberation.

There is no greater freedom than unconditional love,

of giving without the need to receive.

The greatest prison for humanity is the permanent quest for results,

for recognition, and for the superficial love of others.

You spend the greatest part of your lives struggling to be "someone",

when in reality you are here to be "no one"

It is why, My beloveds, that true joy is known to few,

and wholeness to almost none.

Let us finish our study with this call to live wholeness.

And let us ask our heart today,

"Do you want to be whole in God?"

And we open ourselves to receive all the impulses that will come from the Father,

so that we may live His Will.

Which will not be something easy,

but we believe there is nothing so yearned for by our spirit in this time

than that of finding wholeness in something real

and setting aside the independence we sought so much,

to finally find freedom.

Let us continue then with the studies of the daily messages of the month of April 2016,

inspired by Saint Francis and by all those examples of holiness

that God places on our path, so that we may learn how to love.

We invite all to deepen in these messages

and we wish you all a successful study,

a good coming together with the wholeness of the Heart of God.

For more infomation >> Daily messages, April 2016: Transforming the history of humanity - October 19, 2017 - Duration: 23:08.


The IBM Cloud: Built for Your Business - Duration: 0:41.

It can detect a threat using AI, and respond 60 times faster.

It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server.

It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so they're used by no one else but you.

It is. The Cloud.

The IBM Cloud.

The cloud that's designed for your data.

AI ready.

Secure to the core.

The IBM Cloud is the cloud for business.


For more infomation >> The IBM Cloud: Built for Your Business - Duration: 0:41.


Wolverine vs Helicopter | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

Come get me.

Blow his brains all over the road!

Damn it!

Alpha one, do not lose him!

Alpha two! Target coming to you!

Pull up!

Pull back! Pull back!

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Helicopter | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


PLAYING THE TUMBLIN' MONKEYS GAME! | KayBee Kids - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> PLAYING THE TUMBLIN' MONKEYS GAME! | KayBee Kids - Duration: 7:52.


Ep107: Did Roosevelt Actually Have Polio? [My Incredible Opinion] - Duration: 4:07.

Today in the Polio Mailbag, a reader asks: Did Franklin Delanor Roosevelt actually have


If you're new around here, I've been explaining that polio was in fact one of many man-made

paralytic diseases that began occurring in the late 1800s.

FDR, later to become the president of the United States, was the poster-boy for polio

for years and years.

His condition helped bring awareness (and fear) of the disease to the forefront of the

American Public.

In the summer of 1921 at age 39, Roosevelt took a summer swim in the cold waters of coastal


The next day, he developed a fever, some paralysis in his legs, his face, and a tingling sensation,

almost painful on his skin.

He was originally diagnosed with Infantile Paralysis, which was yet another name for


There is speculation that he may have actually had Guillan-Barré syndrome based on the specifics

of the onset & symptoms of his disease.

Others, like the late Dan Olmsted have theorized that is was in fact polio, meaning the specific

polio caused by the poliovirus.

So the question is, did FDR actually have polio?

Unfortunately, the answer is, we have no way of knowing.


Even if he were alive today, almost 100 years later, the best doctors on the planet would

have a difficult time saying for sure what it was.

Unless they could go in and biopsy your nervous tissue (not a popular operation for living

human beings) and find one specific virus at the specific sites where damage was occurring,

it would be impossible to definitively say what's paralyzing you.

They could look for a specific virus in your spinal fluid, but even that doesn't say

for sure what is causing the paralysis.

And these procedures would have to happen while you have an active infection.

Once the infection had cleared and the damage was done, even an autopsy would not be able

to say definitively what had caused the paralysis.

Motor neuron damage looks nearly identical under the microscope whether from pesticides

or viral infections.

Personally, I believe FDR's paralysis came from a viral infection aggravated by heavy

pesticide ingestion, BUT I don't believe that it was true "polio", meaning paralysis

specifically caused by the poliovirus.

He was 39 years old when it struck, and given that the poliovirus is thought to have been

circulating everywhere at the time he was a child (the 1880s), it's very difficult

for me to believe that he hadn't already been exposed (and developed immunity) to all

three polioviruses by the time he was 39.

Also, he developed extreme pain from touch, a sign that the back of his spinal cord had

become affected, something not associated with the poliovirus.

Many of you probably have a family story of Grandma or Aunt Sue having polio when they

were a child.

This is not to minimize their suffering in any way, but the reality is: we don't know

why they were paralyzed.

They didn't know, and their doctors didn't know – they THOUGHT they knew, but we now

realize that doctors had NO WAY of knowing and got the diagnosis wrong half the time.

Your Grandma or Aunt Sue were told they had Polio, and grew up believing that, but it

could have been any number of things.

Regardless, whatever they had, including FDR, was most likely the result of man-made actions

and not some freak natural occurrence.

And that is my incredible opinion.

For more infomation >> Ep107: Did Roosevelt Actually Have Polio? [My Incredible Opinion] - Duration: 4:07.


A Q&A with Rae Spoon (in my prairie kitchen!) - Duration: 4:35.

- I told you not to try to break my ice.

It doesn't break.

- No worries, how about we just skate on it?

- Okay.

- We're gonna skate on Rae's ice.

So, Rae, I have this burp inside that's

gonna come out any second.

So you might not get any warning when it comes.

I'm just letting you...

- Okay, I've been hanging out with a baby all day so...

- Baby, Stump Kitchen, same for burps.

So tell us about your diet.

What kinds of foods do you put into your body?

- I am vegetarian.

And then I try, I don't eat dairy like milk.

- Does it make you fart funny?

- Mm-hmm, yeah. - Yeah.

Do you have any animals?

- As of tomorrow, I have a cat, mm-hmm.

- Oh, there's the burp; there's the burp.

It just came.

Wow, congratulations.

- Well, thank you. - That sounds amazing.

- Her name is Sigourney.

Do you have any animals?

- I don't have any animals, no.

However, I often dogsit for my sister

who has a beautiful French bulldog named Jezebel.

I don't know if you've ever been around a French bulldog,

but they're like (snorts) all the time.

- Yeah, I'm like that.

- Do you like to cook?

- Do I like to cook?

I like to cook.

It tells me that I'm home.

But usually the first thing I do when I get home

from tour is I burn something epically

because I'm tired.

So, I always burn something.

- What's your favorite thing to eat while you're on tour?

- Anything that I eat makes me happy.

- Just aim your (beep) face, just...

- Yeah, exactly.

It's a game called "Looking for Food you Can Eat."

Probably get that with gluten-free when you're traveling.

It's a game.

- Definitely, do I need to bring my own food processor?

I don't know.

Do I need to bring my own apple tree?

I don't know.

- Oh yeah, and you can't even eat Oreos

'cause that's my fall back.

Just eat a bag of Oreos.

- So what's your favorite thing to make at home?

- I make a lot of things.

I bought a tortilla press when we went to Victoria

'cause I found the tortillas substandard

at the grocery store there.

It's very easy to make them... - Cool.

- With masa de harina.

I like to make those.

And, yeah, I cook a lot.

- Huh, nice.

- KFT, Kentucky fried tofu, and I can make it

into like a hot wing type thing.

Are you from Edmonton?

- Yeah, born and raised.

1982, on a cold January night.

- Ah, 1981, January, Calgary.

- What date?

- The sixth.

- Ah, the twenty-fifth.

So you are a Capricorn.

- Mm-hmm, but Wikipedia says I was born in '82.

- Damn you, Wikipedia.

- I don't know why, but I left it like that.

- So, what do you think you would be doing

in your world if you were not a musician?

- Hmmm, I don't know.

Maybe I'd work at the SPCA.

The cats are cute. - They are.

- It's nice there.

- Yeah, I don't know what else I would be doing.

- Yeah, what would you be doing if you

weren't hosting Stump Kitchen?

- I would be sad.

Like embroidering or doing crochet work.

That's pretty in right now.

I don't know what I would be doing.

Have you ever held a stump before?

- No.

- Do you want to?

- Yes.

Gee, it feels about like a microphone; you're right.

- Yeah!

- Sing into this.

- Do you wanna squeeze right here?

That's a fun thing to do. - Cool.

- And then do you feel my wrist and all

my little bones and stuff.

- And you play ukulele don't you?

- I do!

- I have this memory 'cause I don't drink,

and it's so scary but you told me that you

played one of my songs at one of those bars?

- That's right; you've got an amazing memory.

Oh, s**t!

- I didn't play my song when I was busking.

- What did you play?

- One time I just sang that Sh boom, the chorus,

for like 20 minutes, and then someone came back

and told me to learn another song.

♫ Sh boom, sh boom

♫ Sh boom, sh boom

♫ Sh boom, sh boom

- Sh boom, just keep it on repeat.

That was Vancouver, Commercial Drive liquor store.

- Did you make good money?

- No.

Oh, 2002.

- Oh, you were young then.

- Well, I guess I was.

- Yeah, we were young then.

That's right, we were.

We were young.

- We're young now.

- We're f*****g young now.

- I've been holding a baby all day

so I was cradling what I thought was the head, supporting.

♫ Rock-a-bye, baby

For more infomation >> A Q&A with Rae Spoon (in my prairie kitchen!) - Duration: 4:35.


What The Cast Of Mean Girls Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:09.

Mean Girls is over ten years old, but there's really no limit for how many times we'll watch

it and love every minute of it.

But while we were all still waiting for "fetch" to happen, the cast grew up and moved on from

their roles in the iconic film.

So what does the cast of Mean Girls look like today?

Find out!

Daniel Franzese

If you've ever uttered — or screamed at the top of your lungs:

"She doesn't even go here!" can thank Daniel Franzese's character Damian for that.

After Mean Girls, Franzese veered more towards television, and even appeared in an episode

of Party Down with on-screen BFF Lizzy Caplan, though he told Entertainment Weekly in 2015

that he still gets recognized for his iconic Mean Girls role every single day.

He made headlines in 2014 when he came out via an open letter to none other than…


"You became an iconic character that people looked up to; I wished I'd had you as a

role model when I was younger."

In 2016, with the secret help of a friendly barista, Franzese proposed to his boyfriend

in the Starbucks where they first met.

"I went in for a grande Americano but I left with a venti Puerto Rican."

"You go, Glen Coco!"

Jonathan Bennett

If there are only two things we took away from Mean Girls, it's that "the limit does

not exist" and that it's always October 3rd.

For that, we thank Jonathan Bennett's character, Aaron Samuels.

After Mean Girls, Bennett went on to pursue acting, scoring small parts in various films

and TV shows.

He resurfaced in 2014 for season 19 of Dancing With The Stars alongside Allison Holker — and

unfortunately, didn't win.

Right after his season of Dancing aired, it appears that Julianne Hough accidentally outed

Bennett on Extra.

According to The Huffington Post, Bennett's rep never responded to Hough's comment, and

to this day, Bennett has yet to publicly come out — but yes, he knows his "hair looks

sexy pushed back."

Lacey Chabert

While Mean Girls provided many of these actors with their breakout role, Lacey Chabert had

already found success on the television show Party of Five.

While Chabert did a fabulous job playing "Toaster Strudel heiress" Gretchen Weiners, she didn't

initially see herself as a good fit for the character.

She told Entertainment Weekly,

"I thought I was really wrong for Gretchen.

The character description physically was very different from me."

"It was so sad."

We think she made it work!

After Mean Girls, Chabert continued to appear in films while also working as a voice actor,

and in 2016, she gave birth to a daughter.

She talked to People about life as a working mom, saying,

"As a new parent, I feel like I'm that typical new parent that's nervous about everything,

this is actually the first time I've been away from her.

I'm nervous today like, 'Hey, she's without her mom.'"

She went on to reveal the one Mean Girls line fans still ask her to say on a daily basis...

"That is SO fetch."

Lizzy Caplan

Lizzy Caplan played the witty, sarcastic Janis Ian flawlessly — so much so that she says

she's often typecast based on her Mean Girls role.

For example, her character in Party Down is basically Janis Ian in a bowtie.

Caplan got so sick of being typecast that she almost quit acting.


"Oh no, she did not!"

She revealed to Rolling Stone in 2014, "I didn't want to be continually rejected.

I was right at the doorway of believing I couldn't do anything else."

However, she was soon cast as Virginia Johnson in Showtime's Masters of Sex, which she says

came "right in the nick of time."

And in 2016, Caplan got engaged to actor Tom Riley.

"Suck on that!


Amanda Seyfried

Though she originally auditioned for the role of Regina George, Amanda Seyfried told Entertainment

Weekly that she's forever grateful for her role as Karen.

"You're not stupid, Karen."

"No, I am actually."

She explained, "You only get so many breaks in your life.

I just wanted to be in the movie."

And while Karen and her five senses might not have been the sharpest tool in the shed,

unlike her character, Seyfried was smart enough to turn her Mean Girls role into a successful

acting career.

She went on to star in huge films like Les Miserables and Mamma Mia.

In 2017, the actress eloped with actor Thomas Sadoski and gave birth to a daughter.

"I love being a mother.

I love my family so much.

I'm like, I couldn't be more in awe of my life."

Lindsay Lohan

Before starring in Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan already had quite a few title roles under

her belt.

Though she originally wanted to play the role of Regina George, according to Entertainment

Weekly, director Mark Waters pinned her as the heroine, Cady, right away.

Soon after Mean Girls, however, Lohan's name seemed to appear in the tabloids more often

than in movie credits.

As detailed by E! Online, she faced a number of arrests and even did some jail time in

the following years.

More recently, she seems to be in the process of turning her life around.

In the beginning of 2017, Lohan appeared on The View to discuss her activist work.

"I'm in such a different place in my life and head space and I have the time now where

I can do some good and actually get on the ground and see what's happening."

When asked about a Mean Girls reunion, Lohan seemed to be 100% on board.

"I'm like, we have to do it.

I'll write the treatment if Tina's too busy.

Like, it's fine.

So, hopefully.

I mean, they should."

Rachel McAdams

Regina George was your typical passive aggressive — and sometimes just plain aggressive — high

school bully.

When it came to casting George, Rachel McAdams scored the part over both Lindsay Lohan and

Amanda Seyfried, Lohan revealed to Entertainment Weekly.

On playing the role, McAdams said,

"I loved Regina.

She seemed so deliciously wicked and borderline evil."

McAdams' fame didn't stop post-bus accident.

She's since starred alongside actors like Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr., and Channing

Tatum, and was even nominated for an Oscar in 2016 for her role in Spotlight.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Despite all of her Hollywood success, McAdams promised fans that she's never too good for

a Mean Girls reunion.

"I loved doing that movie.

I love Tina Fey.

I love the girls."

So, let's make that happen — stat!

"Please stop talking.


Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What The Cast Of Mean Girls Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:09.






A Canadian company, Leckie Studio Architecture + Design, based out of Vancouver, British

Columbia, Canada has created a design for an incredible off-grid home that can be assembled,

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If you have dreamt of owning a tiny home of your own, this may just be what you need to

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Created by Backcountry Hut Company, this model is known as the �Surf Shack� and the prefab

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The largest model can house up to 24 people � not so tiny!

The materials for these cottages can be dropped wherever you�d like via helicopter and can

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Customers can design the interior of the cabins themselves and pick from a wide array of options.

The company also has an in-house team of architects that are available to assist with permits,

documentation and customization.



Trabalho escravo! Essa é a melhor cobertura! - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Trabalho escravo! Essa é a melhor cobertura! - Duration: 1:44.


My First Time Driving a Ferrari 488 GTB! Old or New I Love Driving Different Cars! - Duration: 4:15.

Good morning Everyone! I'm Steve with Steve's POV.

This is the first time I am driving this car.

Can you tell what it is from the sound?

It is a Ferrari 488 GTB.

New Ferraris come with 7 years of free basic maintenance.

I am not sure if Japan is the same or not....

I am taking this car for that maintenance to Ferrari Los Angeles right now.

This is my first time driving a 488.

It sounds awesome!!

My first impression of the car is the difference of having turbos vs. a naturally aspirated car (NA).

Its not that you feel the turbos as much as you can hear them from time to time.

You can hear the turbos whistle from time to time.

Also, listen....

It sounds great but a little different than previous Ferrari's for sure.

Compared to the 458 Italia, the shift speeds seem a little slower.

We are of course in Race Mode right now...

We can't drive very fast right here, but I like Race Mode!

Listen to the shift speed...

It feels to me that the 458 had quicker shifting.

The 458 seems more aggressive than this 488.

This seems more set up for touring or easy driving.

It would probably be a good daily driver!

That's just my first impression...

and I am driving on surface streets, not a track...

The speed limit is 45 right here! LOL

I like the color of this car too.

White with black interior is nice!

These racing seats are also very cool!

The black with white stripe is nice!

A lot of carbon fiber in here too!

and I like the white stitching on the black dash.

The 458 also seems to accelerate quicker than this car...

But I like it a lot!!

The turbo sound is different than NA but I like it!!

The sound is an obvious difference.

It's an easy car to drive.

and fun too!

I love driving so many different types of cars!

Old cars and new cars too!!

I introduced you to a new 488 about a year ago....

You can see it at the link above me...

I didn't get to drive that one...

I just revved it up a bit.

This is truly the first time I got to experience the 488 on the road.

I love it!

Listen to that!!

For more infomation >> My First Time Driving a Ferrari 488 GTB! Old or New I Love Driving Different Cars! - Duration: 4:15.


Tutoriel - Changer son Aiguille - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Tutoriel - Changer son Aiguille - Duration: 4:47.


Harvey Weinstein Developed An Unhealthy Obsession With British Actress Kelly Brook - Duration: 2:15.

Harvey Weinstein left Kelly Brooke repulsed after he became obsessed

With her the Britt beauty was given her big break in Hollywood by the shamed movie mogul

He cast her in 2010 flick piranha 3d after a fellow producer

Spotted her in a cafe. He thought she used sex appeal and was keen to give her more work

But Kelly never had any interest his demeanour simply repulsed her the film grossed more than pound

75-million actress and model Kelly now 37 went on to appear on the cover of Playboy

earlier this month she branded Weinstein

65 a beast as women began accusing him of sex crimes including rape

The number claiming to have fallen prey now tops 50

Kelly slammed a listers for failing to speak out similar telling them in a tweet you put others at risk

She described their previous

Silence as shameful and demanded was a film career and an Oscar really worth protecting this beast

Alongside the tweet she posted a snap of Gwyneth Paltrow who says Weinstein asked her for a massage after

Summoning her to his New York hotel room when she was 22

Kelly told if working on piranha 3d in her 2014

Autobiography close-up, she never encouraged Weinstein's interest in her and kept well clear of him

Kelly believes she got her part due to her work attitude and talent nothing else

For more infomation >> Harvey Weinstein Developed An Unhealthy Obsession With British Actress Kelly Brook - Duration: 2:15.


1ª PARTE | Ceci Saia en CervinianShow ✨ - Duration: 9:37.

after a long of not having guests come over to the channel

and of...

fooling around the universe of internet

today we are back

welcome! to CervinianShow...

Ceci Saia

First time of Ceci Saia on the channel

how are you? how you doing?

how are you fede? everything ok?

good good, after some technical issues...


Thats life, thats how it is

thats life

I have a little question first

I dont know if we talked about this before

do you know how I make my scenes?

You told me once before that you made your scenes with ex...

no! powerpoint... right?

effectively they are made with


For more infomation >> 1ª PARTE | Ceci Saia en CervinianShow ✨ - Duration: 9:37.


Cigarettes After Sex - I'm a Firefighter - Duration: 4:27.

Baby I'm a firefighter 내 사랑, 나는 소방관이야

Trapped in a burning house in a silent picture 조용한 사진 속 불타는 집에 갇힌

I think there's no way out 우리 둘 사이의 사랑이 죽어가는 걸 지켜보는 것 외에는

Except to watch the love between us die 빠져나갈 방법이 없는 것 같아

That's called the falling angel 그건 타락한 천사라고 불려

It's an amusement park ride 그건 롤러코스터 비슷한

Some sort of a roller-coaster 놀이공원의 놀이기구

It takes you up and then it brings you down 그건 널 기대하게 만들었다가도 다시 실망시키고

It gives you butterflies 네게 짜릿한 기분을 선사해 주니깐

And now I'm longing for your kiss 그리고 난 지금 네 키스를 갈망하네

Bet you could read it on my lips 내 입술에서 읽을 수 있을 거라 장담할게

Waterfalls I'm jumping down 나는 폭포 아래로 뛰어내려

I know you're leaving baby 내 사랑, 네가 떠나는 거 알아

The birds are flying south 새들은 남쪽으로 날아가고

And There's nothing to say 더 이상 할 말이 없네

I need you here I need your love 난 내 안에 차고 넘쳐 죽을 정도로

Inside of mine like I could die 네가 필요하고 네 사랑도 필요한데

I need your love 난 내 안에 죽을 만큼의

Inside of mine like I could die 네 사랑이 필요한데

For more infomation >> Cigarettes After Sex - I'm a Firefighter - Duration: 4:27.



hey everyone it's sarah from today i'm going to show you ten

ways that you can up your lettering game number one make sure you have a really

good paper my favorite paper is marker paper when

you have better paper not only does your marker or your pen go on much smoother

it also doesn't eat up your brush pens and fray all of the tips so it not only

keeps your brushes lasting longer but it also makes your writing look way

better number two find the perfect pen there are so many different ways that

you can do lettering and calligraphy there's a million different pens and

they all achieve different results the best thing to do is to buy a few

different styles and try them out and see which ones that you gravitate

towards and then once you've found that one that just clicks either you feel the

most comfortable with it in your hand or maybe you like the way it looks at the

end the best once you found that pen start practicing with that one more so

than the others and then really develop your own style

number three don't stare while copying you should

never really copy anyone's work verbatim but sometimes you do need a reference

especially when you're a beginner and maybe if you don't have a lot of

experience with illustrating you might need to look at something as a reference

and that's okay but don't stare at it while you create your own artworks

because not only will not look good because you're focusing so much on the

other person's artwork and not really on what you're doing but it's also not

going to be your style so it's gonna look forced if you can look at it as a

reference and then pay attention to your piece then you'll see that your own

style will come through. it may not be perfect at first but eventually it will turn into

something that other people might want to look at as a reference

number four

vectorize your artwork - that is a great way to bring whatever you've done

up a level you can use vector projects for almost anything it's really good to

vectorize it because you can make it pretty much any size so that means you

can use it for large print scale things or even t-shirts or phone cases

then you can also really play around with it in Photoshop and illustrator

and add more effects to it, some 3d looks, there's so many things you

can do it that just take it up another level and of course I do have a tutorial

on how to vectorize your lettering so if you want to try it I will link that

above and go check it out if you have any questions make sure to leave a

comment below which leads me into number five ask questions if you have letterers

or artists that you follow on Instagram or YouTube and you really like

techniques that they show you don't be afraid to ask them how they did that tip

number six relax your hand when you first start you are probably going to be

very tense when you're lettering and you'll notice that that will show in the

way that you've gripped your tools I do this all the time so just think about it

when your lettering if you find that maybe it's looking a little robotic and

you wanted to have a little bit more flow just take a deep breath relax and

let your hand go a little bit and let the movements come from your wrist

number seven inspiration

when you want to sit down

and letter sometimes you don't know what to write and I think that's a common

problem for everybody especially myself so my advice to you is to go on

Pinterest and find quotes words lyrics anything that really rings a bell and

then create a board where you can pin all those that

way when you're ready to actually sit down and create something you don't have

to worry about what you're gonna write you can just go to your references grab

one of those and then just start practicing tip number eight go slow I

find that when I'm lettering and if something just isn't working out the way

I wanted to if it's a little wobbly or if it's just not it's just not what I

had imagined I find if I just slow it down and really pay attention to where I

am going with my pen that tends to help and then I usually get it a little bit

closer to what I had in mind then when I was at full speed tip number nine make

sure that you have read a little bit or studied a little bit on typography and

the core principles because those will get you very far you want to know how

letters are formed and how they are in relation to each other you want to make

sure that you're using a grid things that will just help you keep your

letters in line and make sure that it's readable these are all really important

especially when you're starting and then when you get a little bit better better

you can kind of break few of those rules not all of them because you still want

people to read what you write but you can break through them and play with it

but I suggest if you're having some issues read up a little bit on it and

take it back to the basics I'll link some really good blog post in the

description below that can help you out number 10

bring your lettering up a little bit try adding some shadows or highlights I find

when I letter something out and I feel like it's looking a little bland

or a little plain if my eye and some shadows or

like it really makes a pop and it just adds a bit of interest and it's pretty

easy to do I mean shadows can be a little tricky at first you want to make

sure you know where the sunlight is coming from so you get them all even

because if one letter shadow is different than another letter shadow

then the effect will be completely lost so you want to make sure you get that

right and if you do it adds a lot to your lettering so that's my ten tips I

do have one bonus tip and that is obviously have fun and when I say have

fun you can try lettering on other things besides paper try different

surfaces like bananas or bottles anything like that see what you have

lying around the house and then you know grab some sharpie oil paint pens or just

a regular sharpie and try it on different surfaces because this will

just add a level of interest to your work so I hope that's helpful if you

have any tips leave them below and let us know what your tips are I'd be happy

to hear them if you like this video give it a like and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> 10 TIPS TO UP YOUR LETTERING GAME - Duration: 6:52.


Seneca is Thrilled About Her Compass - Duration: 0:10.

Just bought my brand new Compass

from MJ at Sherwood Dodge

and I love it!


Thank you!

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