Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

Chopped Tomatoes - 3

Green Chillies - 3

Black Pepper seeds - 5

Cloves - 5

Coriander Leaves - few

Coriander Powder - 1 Table spoon

Cumin Powder - 1 T Spoon

Cumin seeds - 1/2 T Spoon (Optional)

Curry Leaves - 1 Bunch

Eggs - 5 (Boiled)

Garlic Pods - 5 (Peeled)

Ginger - 2 Inch Size

Green Cardamoms - 5

Onions - 2 (big Size)

Red Chilli Powder - 1 Table spoon

Mustard Oil - 3 Table Spoons

Salt - Tasty

Turmeric Powder - 1 1/2 T Spoon

Take a mixer Jar

Add Chopped Onions

Ginger Pieces & Garlic pods

Grind Like a Paste

Take out in a bowl and keep aside

Add Tomatoes in a Jar

Grind Like a Paste

Take out in a bowl and keep aside

Turn on the Stove

Keep the Non Stick Kadai

Add Mustard Oil

Wait until oil got heat

add the Boiled eggs and fry until all eggs turns to Yellow or Light Brown colour

Close the lid when you feel boiled egg will explode while frying

Take out in a bowl and keep aside

In the same pan with the remaining oil

Add Green cardamom, Cloves & Black pepper

Saute / Fry for 1 minute

Add curry leaves

Fry for Few Seconds

Add Green chillies

Fry for few seconds

Add Onion, Ginger & Garlic Paste (Slowly)

Saute for 5 to 6 minutes

Close the lid and saute for 5 to 7 minutes on low flame

Normally you can smell onion paste without rawness

Mix well

Add Red chilli powder

Mix well

Add Turmeric Powder

Add Coriander and Cumin Powder

Mix well

Add Black Pepper powder

Cumin Seeds (Jeera) - Optional

add Tomato Paste

Mix well

Close the lid and saute for 5 minutes to remove the rawness from tomato paste (usually when the oil separates from oil)

Add required water for gravy

Now at this time you can takeout all the masala ingredients like Cloves, cardamoms & black pepper

Add Salt as per your taste

Finally Add the Boiled and fried Eggs to the curry

Spread coriander leaves on top of the curry

Close the lid and cook for 5 to 10 minutes

Take out in a serving bowl and serve hot hot with white boiled Rice

For more infomation >> Basic Indian Egg Masala Curry for Beginners by Attamma TV - Duration: 10:05.


FTP TEST by BLOOD LACTATE ANALYSIS - #cycling - Duration: 11:15.

what's up guys what's up cycling

ffffffanatics i'm about to jump on the bike to do another threshold test i

did a test in the beginning of this year and i hit

375 watts on the threshold and today we're gonna see if we can match those numbers

Morning i have arrived in amsterdam we've got the the amsterdam velodrome

Right there behind me i've got an appointment with jim from the birth today he's from robic and we're gonna do my

my power test

threshold testing time


you should be able, after this period of rest, to go very deep during the test

we are going to find out

this is the testing area my bike is on the

cyclus 2, same cycle computer as i used

Beginning of this year very anxious to see what's gonna happen i've been

Resting a lot lately it was needed i was very tired for a long time so we're gonna

see if this is being enough

For me to recover and to really perform well on this test today this Jim and we've been talking about

last season my data of previous tests everything

From last year and the beginning of the season is right here we're gonna see how it goes we're gonna

see if i'm recovered or not i'm gonna change into my cycling kit and then

came on

today's test

Will be a little bit different than the tests i did in the beginning of this year the protocol is longer so we're gonna start

at 120 watts and then add 30 watts every six minutes

My previous test we added power every three minutes so this is twice as long

also we're gonna continue those steps every six minutes

even when i passed my threshold

expectation is my

maximum wattage i will reach it's gonna be a lot lower

but the threshold will be similar or better it depends on if i improved or not the way we measure

my actual threshold is gonna be by blood

testing jim is gonna

test my blood and

See how much lactic acid is actually in my

Blood so that's different from the masks that i used in the previous test i will use this skill from

Extremely light all the way to extremely heavy to measure what my perceived

exhaustion will be during the test this is the cyclist to global standard in


cycling performance

And a fan that's gonna be needed i think?

ready we're going to start with weight fat percentage and length no

185 i'm getting shorter and shorter i think it used to be 187

what's important, you can stand or sit during the test

you are allowed to drink during the test

the only thing you shouldn't do is shift gears

and try to find a cadence thats comfortable

between 80-110 rpm

Probably it will increase, because you will recruit more and more fast muscle groups

dont start at 110 without a lot of resistance

because it will get uncontrolled

start lower and build it up during the test

It will count down 6 minutes for every step

I will measure your lactate from 180watt onwards with blood from your earlobe

I puncture only one little hole and than get some blood on the lactate strip on the device to see your values

and I will ask how heavy you think it is

You can call out a number from the board

And that is pretty important because I want to to be able to reach 18,19,20

Just be honest about how you are experiencing the load, and if you think from the beginning its very heavy...

thats fine

I have no experience with this

even better


Yeah that's it okay?



starting a test beginning at 120 watts just like an april

Jim is giving some lost instructions

we are starting at ''120'', right here it will count down 6 minutes

you will see your cadence, and heartrate

when heart rate monitor is showing on the screen right in front of me you know well and

Here jim is taking the first leg measurement at

180 watts

turning on the fan you're just getting warm and

This that's taking quite a lot longer than the one in april

Step is twice as long so it takes a long time though until it gets heavy but from the time

when you go past your threshold it feels like an eternity

right here still below threshold it's more than half an hour into the test

pushing 270.

right now at 330 watts

right here i'm already on my threshold i

Didn't know but i could see it on the screen of my

wattage were a lot lower my heart rate was higher than i was used to

halfway keep it up

51 minutes 360 watts i'm already pushing about 10 minutes about my threshold so it's getting really hard

another lactate measurement

we jump to 390 watts

pushing like 15 minutes above my threshold right now and it's getting really hard

trying to keep up with cadence the

more resistance the higher the cadence and

i'm just dying at the moment i

know that the

wattages are lower than the previous test so it was already mental struggle and right now just

going as long as i can hold on

these six minutes ahead they feel like an eternity

and right now i'm two minutes into 390 watts

and this is where i

I stop

hold on to the bars

nausious?, no

dizzy?, no

good job man, super

and you did reach that high heart rate

perfect, thats a good sign

That's what I wanted to see this time

it was mental...

its always mental

But you reached a super high lactate value and a high heart rate

If i'm honest, the further I got, the better my legs felt

strange enough

better than the other way around

I was seeing a lower power the hole time so I was like f*ck

its less than last time....

yeah but you just came out of your rest period you cant expect to ride the best test of you life...

I need 46hours of recovery (according to my garmin)

If you feel ok you can take a shower, and than we'll discuss the results

one eternity later

just, finish the test

took a shower and i'm still cooked

test results all right here and me and jim are gonna go through it to see

What the actual results were and we're gonna go talk about my

training plan for coming year to

improve what needs to be improved and

To have a very structured training

Yeah, that's a big difference

that will need some needed changes...

lets have a look in the report..

your weight is pretty much unchanged.

a kilogram more, thats absolutely not a focus point at the moment.


your wattages are just too low

okay we went

through the test results i

Must, say it was a bit disappointing but it's good to know where i am at the moment

jim is a very experienced trainer he's training a lot of

Pro riders at the moment so he knows what he's talking about and right now my

test values were there were a lot lower than

In the beginning of this year so we have a lot of room for improvement

okay i just got back from the test and i've got the results from beginning of this year and from

the test of today

doctor Jim

Yeah now you know sh*t's getting real..


It's going to get less fun very fas

i think I'm already about 30 watt lower than last time...

For more infomation >> FTP TEST by BLOOD LACTATE ANALYSIS - #cycling - Duration: 11:15.


Podcast Production With Let's Talk Video Production - Duration: 1:45.

producing a podcast in-house can be time-consuming and knowing where to

start can seem confusing so why not get someone else to do it for you

we produce podcasts including planning and pre-production including script writing

podcast production and editing, presenter or voiceover available if needed, advice

on hosting and promotion

let's talk about BrightonSEO

check out the description to listen to an example of a series of podcasts

created for BrightonSEO this was a series of interviews with trainers

aiming to promote sales of courses it required communication with and

coordination of a number of international interviewees to conduct

remote interviews

a presenter was provided plus post-production upload and

episode copy was included

so what does the client have to say about it?

We wanted to record podcasts but we actually have quite a lot of training courses so

we needed someone who could not only conduct a really good interview produce

a really good audio that would turn into a good podcast but also someone who

could handle the logistics of organising the interviews with people across

multiple different time zones so it was great to work law on that we knew we

were gonna get a really good interview out back of that to tempt people along to

the training, it was really good at convincing people to make a purchase

thanks Kelvin do you need podcast produced for your business?

or perhaps a video get in touch and let's talk

see more about Let's Talk Video Production in our channel trailer

and feel free to watch a few more testimonials

giving this video a like would really help us out and subscribe

for tips on video content marketing thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Podcast Production With Let's Talk Video Production - Duration: 1:45.


PASTEL DE CALABAZA (quesada) [HALLOWEEN] | Cocina Veganástica - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> PASTEL DE CALABAZA (quesada) [HALLOWEEN] | Cocina Veganástica - Duration: 6:38.





Umbilical Stem Cell Treatment | The Younger Games | Harper's BAZAAR - Duration: 3:38.

Ba ba ba baby.

Going in my face, baby.

Baby I need you.

Is there any songs about umbilical cords?

Probably not.

So they take the stem cells from a baby and they put it in your face.

That's right.

I'm going to get baby stem cells injected into my face.

These baby cells are gonna like give me plumper skin, less wrinkles and a youthful appearance.

Okay somebody bring me that baby.

Hi baby.

I'm gonna borrow some stem cells from you and put your baby essence into my skin.

So I'm here at Goldenberg Dermatology where I'm going to get my umbilical cord baby stem

cell injected and I think we should go meet the doctor and suss all this out.


How are you?

Dr. Kristina Goldenberg, nice to meet you.

And Dr. Gary Goldenberg.

They're married.

So I'm ready.

Tell me about this revolutionary new technique that we're doing today.

Stem cells from umbilical cords.

Umbilical cord baby stem cells.

Basically what the stem cells are doing is they're activating your body to produce natural

collagen so by the time the filler wears off, you have your natural skin producing collagen

to keep you looking youthful and radiant.

These stem cells are so early in development, they're so brand new, when they're injected

into your tissue, they look at the environment that they're in and they help your normal

cells to regenerate and renew so they're going to actually produce collagen as they would

normally in your body and that collagen, once you make it, it's yours to keep.

It doesn't go away like fillers usually do.

Oh yeah just put that stuff right in my face.

I'm fine with that.

Do we have a time limit here?

Are the stem cells getting older as we speak?

Because we don't want that.

Stem cells are on ice.

Okay phew.

Stem cells on ice.

That's usually the way I like my baby stem cells.

Over the rocks.

Okay let's inject some baby into my face, shall we?

Keeping the injections high in the skin because I don't want to droop the eyebrow or the eyelids.

What are you doing with that?

It's worse going to the dentist to be honest with you.

Oh my god thank god you said that.

Yeah no the dentist is way worse.

My whole goal in life is to be better than the dentist.


Very natural.


I don't know cause I don't have a mirror.

Yeah that's good.

Does not look crazy.

Now's the time babies.

How many babies are in there?

So you're going to get a total of 2 CC's.

There's 1 CC of product, which is the true stem cells.

There are over a million stem cells that you're getting injected.

One million stem, one million stem cells.

And they're gonna go in and start doing their magic.


Whenever you're ready.

I'm ready.

You just got five hundred thousand stem cells injected.

Five hundred thousand stem cells.

I got lots of babies in my skin.

Yeah I've never seen a droopy baby.


I've never seen a tired baby.

Or a droopy baby.

I mean I've seen tired babies but they don't look tired.

Thank you!

I'm very excited.

Thank you.

Ice pack please.

You were a great patient.

You are my new favorite doctors.

You are my new faves.

For more infomation >> Umbilical Stem Cell Treatment | The Younger Games | Harper's BAZAAR - Duration: 3:38.


Wolverine & Sabretooth vs Deadpool | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.

Nobody kills you but me.

Back to back!

- I got him! - Oh, no, you don't.

For more infomation >> Wolverine & Sabretooth vs Deadpool | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.


Dolunay 17.Bölüm 3.Fragmanı !Hd - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Dolunay 17.Bölüm 3.Fragmanı !Hd - Duration: 0:54.


Quantum Teleportation Is Real, Here's How It Works - Duration: 3:52.

Oh crap, I wore my red shirt.

I'll just have to take the risk.

Quantum teleportation, to space has finally been done 'successfully.Which is super exciting,

but it's quantum -- which means we didn't teleport a thing per se, but some data.

Basically, Chinese scientists beamed photons from the ground to a satellite orbiting above

the Earth; then they messed with them using quantum entanglement

Entanglement, we've talked about before, Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance."

And it happens when you have two particles — usually photons – that are created together.

They're like twins, and their twinning can stretch across space and time – like me

and Mark Ruffalo.

Because they were entangled, when the scientists observed the spin of the Earth-photons they

could also know the spin of the photons in space too!

They spin in the exact same way!

Even though there's no physical connection between the two, they're just… mimicking

each other.


No one knows.

It's, Spooky.


They're like telepathic twins in different cities.

Like me and Mark Ruffalo.

In this case, the Chinese satellite was capable of sensing the quantum state of the photons,

so they could prove that the photons were entangled.

Even across a vast distance!

So think about this for a minute, right now, if I want to send a message I have to secure

it with encryption.

Like over secured radio waves.

But, if we could make entangled phones…

When my quantum particle moved, yours would move.

If we can take advantage of that, we could communicate without any perceivable physical


Of course, we're totally not there yet.

Quantum states are detectable, but, by the laws of quantum mechanics, once we observe

a particle, it changes.

The nice thing is, entanglement means we only have to observe one of the particles to sense

the state of the other's, but it's not two-way data transfer… yet.

So, we teleported information to space, which is a humongous accomplishment.

But the practicality of is still up in the air.

Quantum mechanics is still bound by the same laws of the universe as regular physics (in

some ways).

So we couldn't use the particles as faster-than-light communication, but we could use them sort

of like decoder rings.

For example: If a spy has one of a twin set of entangled particles, and their contact

has the other, alongside each is a coded message.

If they meet, observe their particles, and the spins match…

They'd know no one had tampered with their messages.

Ultimate security.

Companies are already working on quantum entanglement as a security protocol for the future internet.

Quantum entanglement could lead to moving data without wires or wireless frequencies.

And, because anyone who somehow observed the entangled photons (i.e. spied on them) would

alter them, security could be incredible.

The problem is, quantum mechanics isn't fully understood.

This is very much like trying to create a whole new type of computer, without fully

understanding how computer chips work.

Or, like… building an airplane without fully understanding air molecules!

Still, some Dutch researchers plan to start the first, rudimentary quantum computer network

soon, and they're not alone.

It's a huge engineering challenge.

And it's not impossible, but it's hard.

Success would most definitely change the world…

A quantum internet could change our banking system, security would be way better, but

you'd still need you balance your books.

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And Crystal, here, can tell you about how quantum computing actually could work!

Click it!

One last fun fact: In this Chinese experiment, the team sent millions of photons to their

satellite to measure them, but the sat only caught 911.

So, again, it's a tough way to send information, but not impossible

For more infomation >> Quantum Teleportation Is Real, Here's How It Works - Duration: 3:52.


Quiero Tener Sexo Con Mi Padrastro 👌😈😜 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:40.

For more infomation >> Quiero Tener Sexo Con Mi Padrastro 👌😈😜 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:40.


Adults Can't Wear Crop Tops - Duration: 2:43.

(electronic music)

(neon buzzing)

- What's up?

What's good?

How are you?

What's cookin'?

How was your day?

You know, mine was pretty good.

Should we get appetizers for the table?

- Are you gonna take your coat off?

- Yes.

Oh, you mean right now?

- What else would I mean?

(dramatic music)


Is that new?

- Okay, fine!

Did I, an adult woman,

see a picture of a sexy 19 year old

in a crop top go out, buy one,

so I could wear it to dinner tonight?

Yes. - Uh.

- Then am I, an adult woman,

now realizing that it's kinda weird

to dress like a sexy 19 year old

when you're going to a family-style Italian restaurant?

Also yes.

- Are you tucking in your crop top?

- This is a style.

It's a look.

- Why would you wear a crop top though?


- What's the alternative, Murph?

There is a nice family eating dinner over there

and I'm practically belly dancing

in their son's pasta primavera!


Ugh, I think he just made eyes at me.

This is too weird.

- This is arguably weirder.

- No, no, no.

Pretend we're in Alaska.

Shall we get some Polar Bear blubber for the table?

- They have regular appetizers in Alaska.

You could just say

do you want to get nachos or mozzarella sticks.

- I'm just role playing!

- Then role play somebody with a little swagger.

Em, it's not about your age.

You need to own it.

(soft dramatic music)

- You're right.

I don't need to be a sexy 19 year old.

- Gotta stop referencing the sexy teens.


- Excuse me, everyone look at me!

I'm wearing a crop top!

So deal with it!


(soft dramatic music)

(customers whispering)

- Okay, everyone is staring.

- Yeah, you stood up and yelled everybody look at me.

- No, I think it's the crop top.

- It was the yelling.

- What about now?

Are they looking?

- Yes.

- My coat is puffy, okay!

So go ahead and deal with it!

- You need to stop shouting!

- The kid just made eyes at me again.

(low thumping)

Hey guys, thanks for watching.

Tune in every week as Hot Date gets hotter.

(hip hop drum music)

Nope, no, no, no, please stop at the shirt.

We stop at the shirt.

Oh, okay.

For more infomation >> Adults Can't Wear Crop Tops - Duration: 2:43.


TRY NOT TO GET SATISFIED ! 😍 - Duration: 10:02.




For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO GET SATISFIED ! 😍 - Duration: 10:02.


Wolverine vs Deadpool | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.



- Kayla, get these kids out of here. - Logan...

Find another way out.

Okay. Let's go.

Wade, is that you?

Guess Stryker finally figured out how to shut you up.



You don't have to do this.

All right, maybe you do.

You're shitting me.

Shoot on sight!

- I can help! Point me at them! - Go.

Go! Now!

- Did I get them? - Yeah.

- Let's go. - I can't go.

- Kayla, come on! - I have to stay here.

You take them.

Go! Go!

Go left.


- What? - We go left.

- You can't see. - Trust me.

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Deadpool | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.


Giant River Otters Defeat Large Black Caiman - Duration: 2:06.

[Narrator] In social species,

the bonds that play solidifies

make otter families a formidable force.

Especially important for giant river otters,

who regularly face deadly predators.

With vulnerable young cubs,

this family discovered

a large black caiman in their territory.

Identifying it as a threat, they work together,

systematically attacking it.

For three hours, the otters pinned it down,

taking it in turns to attack its underside and head.

Eventually, the enormous size and power of the caiman

was no match for the family,

whose bonds are so strong

that they would risk dying for each other.

For more infomation >> Giant River Otters Defeat Large Black Caiman - Duration: 2:06.


5 HALLOWEEN OPTIFINE CAPE DESIGNS! (Top Halloween Themed Optifine Capes) - Duration: 5:14.

Hey there!

What's going on guys?!

Today I have 5 Halloween themed Optifine Cape Designs!

Now, I may or may not have one more of these videos!

I haven't quite decided yet, however...

I'm excited to share with you you these capes to fit in the current time

of year!

A lot of you have been asking for me to make a video like this so here it is!

I hope if you were wanting a video like this that you end up finding a cape that you would

like to use!

Anyways, thank you for watching this video!

Let's get started...


To start off, we have a cape that was submitted to us by xMist.

Now, this will be the only cape I have in this video that was submitted by a viewer

of my videos.

Feel free to submit any capes you have.

Like I said, I may make another video like this but even if I don't, I may add your cape

into a non-themed video too!

This is a ghost cape.

I think that Mist described it as an evil ghost.

I wanted to mix in general creepy or evil type capes so not all of the capes in this

video are just like orange and black or pumpkin type capes.

The next cape is one that I actually created myself.

I used a brown background as the first layer because if you use orange, well, the stripes

don't stand out.

I decided that brown worked the best.

I tried black, white, red, all the other colors.

Brown tended to look the most like a pumpkin to me with the orange fades and the orange

stripes over it.

I'm not one hundred percent happy with the way that the cape came out but it was the

best that I could get in like my five minutes of effort.

Let me see what you guys can come up with for this type of design.

Use my cape as a template.

I know I said I was trying to stay away from all pumpkin capes.

I know that this is the second one in a row.

Just bear with me here.

It's inevitable that this will happen.

The next cape won't be a pumpkin cape, I promise.

From what I sourced, the oldest place I can find this banner design or cape design was

from SpareNickel on Planet Minecraft.

I've seen this cape plenty of times but yeah, this is where I sourced it from as the original

place I could find.

It was posted to Planet Minecraft two years ago.

It's just an evil Jack-O-Latnern cape.

Nothing too crazy about it but it's perfect for this video.

The next cape is a blood themed cape.

Again, I decided to try to go with a scary, or evilish type cape.

Just a general scary type design to fit into the Halloween season.

You can use this cape all year.

There's nothing stopping you from doing that.

Especially if you like it.

I mean, I think it's a pretty cool cape in general.

The blood dripping down type design is just pretty cool,

I think.

I sourced this cape from PlanetMinecraft by user RangoCape.

It's also a black and red cape design.... and if you

are a frequent viewer of my videos, you know I like that color combination on capes!

To end off, we have a cape that I actually really like.

Again, a cape that was sourced from PlanetMinecraft.

It was created by TheCurtisTC.

The official name of this cape is the Lone Pumpkin.

I really like how this cape is a full picture.

From the top of the cape all the way to the bottom.

It doesn't give you a terribly creepy type vibe but

it gives you a Halloween vibe.

The lone pumpkin sitting on the grass in the night time.

A dark sky with dark clouds.

The black of night.

Just a lone pumpkin glowing in the dark.

I like it.

I really do.

So that's gonna do it for me guys!

I hope you enjoyed!

I know I have said this a couple times now but I'm not sure if I'll create another one

of these videos before Halloween or not.

If you guys want to see one, please let me know.

If it's overwhelming then I'll sort of have to create one for you guys!

So please, comment some capes or just ask for another one of these videos and I'll see

what I can do!

Alrighty, if you're new to my channel, thanks for stopping by!

I hope you enjoyed!

If you did, feel free to check out some of my other videos too!

If you're not new to my channel, thanks for watching another video!

If you haven't already and you would like to know when I upload, feel

free to subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications so you'll always be notified

when I upload!

That's gonna do it for me!

I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for watching!

I'm outta here!

See ya!

For more infomation >> 5 HALLOWEEN OPTIFINE CAPE DESIGNS! (Top Halloween Themed Optifine Capes) - Duration: 5:14.


23 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> 23 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:19.


Bebida de chocolate blanco y masmelos | Aleja St - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Bebida de chocolate blanco y masmelos | Aleja St - Duration: 2:19.


Hoe een voorste draagarm vervangen op een MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:15.

Use a socket №21

Using a special tool take the ball joint out of the arm

Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №21

For more infomation >> Hoe een voorste draagarm vervangen op een MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:15.


The Emoji Movie (Worst Movie Ever Made?) - INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty! - Duration: 6:51.

The Emoji Movie, the latest celluloid catastrophe from the brain-trust at Sony Pictures, has

drained audiences around the globe of their life essence like a parasitic vampire at a

blood bank, but in this cinematic court, it's...Innocent Until Proven Guilty!

Court is now in session for a retweetable episode of Innocent Until Proven Guilty!

After a longer than anticipated absence, it's finally time to get back to the pressing IUPG

business at hand, and while this isn't going to be the type of video you'd typically

expect for this spooky season, the subject matter sure has horrified film-fanatics far

more than Freddy or Jason ever have.

No, I'm not talking about killer clowns or creepy dolls.

Today, in the wake of its release on BluRay, we're going to bring The Emoji Movie to

trial for its alleged crimes against humanity.

The dreaded & despised Emoji Movie was unleashed upon unsuspecting theatergoers on July 28th, 2017.

It was directed & co-written by Tony Leondis, whose previous credits include Disney animated

sequels such as Lilo & Stitch 2, and features a star-studded cast led by T.J. Miller as Gene.

Gene is a meh emoji seeking to find his purpose within the communications facility of Textopolis,

the home of the titular icons.

The plot kicks into full gear when the easily excitable protagonist causes a scanning accident,

resulting in him being labeled as a malfunction & targeted for termination.

Gene escapes his death sentence & teams up with Hi-5, a fellow outcast voiced by James

Corden, in the hopes of enlisting the services of Jailbreak, a legendary hacker with the

skills required to fulfill our hero's wish of becoming nothing more than meh.

That's the basic gist of The Emoji Movie.

The story is about as paper thin as the premise and the adventure that follows is littered

with countless vapid references to social media, the latest fads of the week, & juvenile

jokes up the wazoo.

I know I usually stay impartial during the review segment, but I'm not going to lie...I

found the first half of this trendy cash grab to be insufferable.

The humor, if you can call it that, sets a new record for lowest common denominator trash

& Sony would have been better off flushing the $50,000,000 budget down the toilet.

In stark contrast to the crass, I.Q. draining comedy that permeates the screenplay, the

aesthetic architects of The Emoji Movie put some much needed effort into crafting a polished product.

The animation, while not being up to Pixar standards, is certainly passable & the aforementioned

voice cast does a pretty good job with the material they're given to work with.

Patrick Stewart clearly enjoyed his session in the recording booth as the elder Poop,

Steven Wright & Jennifer Coolidge perfectly encapsulate the meh attitude as Gene's parents

& Rachel Ray's Spam character was responsible for one of the few genuine laughs I got from this film.

As for the lead actors, my feelings are mixed.

Anna Farris was fine as Jailbreak and really sold the inner conflict that propelled her

arc, but T.J. Miller & James Corden both fell flat for me.

Miller has shown himself capable of turning in a decent performance in the past, so it

could be just a case of him being held back by a sub-par script, but Corden constantly

annoyed me throughout the duration of his screen time & delivered some of the most face-palm

worthy lines in the entire flick.

"Hey! Can I come, too?"

"Talk to the hand, Red Wagon!"

"I thought I was."'s awful beyond words, and that, sadly, is but a small taste of the "quality"

content to be found within The Emoji Movie.

In spite of the grade school caliber writing, there are some bright spots in this overwhelming

sea of mediocrity.

The latter portion of the film, involving a trip through apps such as Candy Crush & Just

Dance, uplifts the narrative & injects a sense of fun that's sorely lacking in the initial section.

The majority of the dumb humor is fortunately gone by this point & it's saying something

when someone such as myself, who doesn't give a damn about mobile gaming, is drawn

in by this string of events.

I don't know why, but there was something about these scenes that I found to be entertaining.

I suppose it could be the Candy Crush fake-out, which admittedly made me chuckle, but I can

definitely say that the Just Dance segment song choice pleased the '80s kid in me & would

be approved by Wade Wilson, the Merc with the Mouth himself, so that's a huge win

as far as I'm concerned.

Wham aside, the conclusion of the film comes close to redeeming its predecessor and I've

got to give props to the writers for developing bits that subverted the standard expectations

for the punchline, but there's still a bunch of flaws in the logic and execution that severely

irritated me and I took two full pages of Cinema Sins-esque notes during my second viewing

out of sheer frustration.

Yes, I watched Rotten Tomatoes' worst nightmare in its entirety twice and lived to tell the tale.

This notorious offender presented quite a tricky challenge & I had to be completely

certain in my opinion before I delivered the final judgment.

Now that I've examined the evidence & weighed all of the pros & cons, I can safely say that

in the case of The Emoji Movie, I rule that the verdict is...


It may have grown on me, but that doesn't change the fact that The Emoji Movie is mediocre

to the core.

This is essentially everything that's wrong with today's social media society mashed

into a mindless piece of disposable pop culture that fails to amuse its intended demographic

& everyone else who's had the misfortune of being subjected to its horrors.

With that said, though, while I genuinely believe this deserves its negative reputation,

I disagree with anyone claiming that it's the worst film ever made & I'd gladly re-watch

this over Dragonball Evolution any day of the week, but that's as far as I'd go with my defense.

For me personally, it's guilty pleasure material, but I can totally understand why

people hate it.

Anyway, now that I've wrapped up this monstrous beheMEHth of a trial, it's time for another

Cygnus review.

Be sure to come back for that and to leave any suggestions for future IUPG episodes in

the comments below, but until then, court is now adjourned!

For more infomation >> The Emoji Movie (Worst Movie Ever Made?) - INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty! - Duration: 6:51.


Detector de metal no Japão. Muitas moedas encontradas na montanha. - Duration: 14:10.

-Hi Guys.

-How are you?

-I'll talk just a little bit.

-Because today the walk will be long.

-We are again on a mountain.

-Give us your like.

-And share with friends.

-And let's go on another adventure.

-Look this place.

-Good place to finding.

-It has a small river.

-There are birds already singing.

-A lot of trees.

-And the rain began.

-Let's find a good place...

-To do search.


-This is cool.

-This is a cool thing.

-Kuma chuui.

-It means there's a bear.

-I hope I do not find one of those today.


-I think it's a can.

-Is not.

-Look, there's a skull here.

-What is this?

-I thought it was a can...

-But I think it's a crumpled ring.


-There is a skull.

-Very cool.

-Let's clean it later to see better.

-It is in good condition.

-This skull.


-What is this?

-That is cool.

-Bottle Opener.

-Is it a Bottle Opener?


-No, is not.

-This is flexible.


-What is this?

-It's written 1987.

-What would that be?

-Looks like...

-A kind of leather

-But is cool.

-So cool.

-It looks like a kind of buckle for backpack or purse.

-Pass the strap inside.

-Is cool.

-And it's written 1987.

-Could it belong to a Boy Scout?

-The symbol is similar.

-Or not?

-Is cool.

-Look here, a coin.

-What coin is this?

-Is different.

-Wow, an old coin!

-An old coin.

-With dragon.

-Is not an dragon coin, is?



-Look the other side.

-Maybe you'll see the drawing of a dragon.

-Looks like.

-Guys, look this.

-An old coin.

-But only cleaning better to know what it is.

-Very nice.


-What is this?

-Is crooked.

-I have no idea.


-Do you know what this looks like?

-Candle holder.

-But is crooked.

-To put the candle.

-But have other mark here.

-Mark to use pin.

-I do not know.

-Can be to pull.

-Look Guys.

-We found here.

-Very old.

-Its defragmenting.

-This type is very different.

-Really different.

-To drill and cut.


-Look this great place!


-Be careful.

-Look this.

-It's a cliff.

-I turned the lights on.

-Because it's dark here.

-Careful, it's breaking.


-Be careful.


-I'm afraid.


-Be careful Orlando.

-Ai ai ai.

-Wait, slowly.


-Be careful that this bridge is breaking!

-So cool.

-It really is an adventure.

-Look at that stone.


-Giba looks at the tree in front of you!

-Is so big!

-Look this.

-So big!

-Look this.

-I had never seen a tree that size.


-It is very good to venture.


-This place is amazing.

-Look that size.

-Is very very big.

-So beautiful.



-Look here.


-Yes a cartridge of 12.

-Wow, a cartridge of 12.

-Orlando found under that stone.

-Now i'm going to find a gun.


-Wow, look this!

-Old coin!

-Go(5) sen?

-I think it's go(5) sen.

-Is not go(5) rin?

-Not good visible.

-I see the go(5) here in Kanji.

-Yes can see the 5.

-And the oder side?

-The japanese symbol.

-This one we do not have.

-It can be made of silver.

-I'm tired of digging.

-Curved, under this stone.

-But nice coin.

-It can be made of silver.

-It is very conserved.


-We will see later what material was made.

-It's written here.

-Go(5) rin, go(5) yen?

-I do not know

-But is old.

-Pretty coin.

-Yes so pretty.

-And it's signaling more in that hole.

-Let's see if there's anything else.

-Is a old button.

-Beautiful button.

-And have some details.

-Do you know this drawing?

-Is the sakura flower.

-In Japan is sakura.

-Cherry Blossom.

-That looks like a cop button.

-Or military.

-A ceramic.

-It seems to be the basis of a pottery.

-Can see this.

-Or it may be the lid of pottery.

-Let's see what we'll find here.

-And the digging continues.

-Look this.

-Found it now.

-Is jyuu yen?

-Is 10 yenes.

-How many?



-There is one more.

-Looks like there's another one.

-Right there


-No more?


-Right there, is not?

-There's a plastic bag, was not inside that plastic bag?

-Look plastic bag.

-How many did you find?

-Until this moment, you have found 4.

-40 yenes.

-Very nice.

-Guys, look this.

-Look this.

-Look 1, 2 ...

-Only with an hit of shovel.

-3 ...

-4, 5 ...

-Wow so many, look this.

-6, 7, 8 ...

-9 ...

-10 ...

-11, 12 ...

-13 ...


-Have so many, Giba.

-Guys, have so many.

-Later i'll count, and i'll put the total in the video.


-Oh my god.

-Look this.

-5 yenes.


-Look here.

-Can see so many.

-Wow, look this.


-So many.

-Later i'll count, because is so many.

-Look this.

-Wow, guys!

-Look this.

-If today is to compete, who find more coins.

-Orlando will have to pay for lunch today.

-Yes, Orlando will have to pay for lunch today.

-I will go to your place.

-Look this.

-See this?

-And there is much more.

-Yes, have so many.

-5 yenes.

-Treasure found.


-Really it's a treasure, so many coins.

-I'm going to dig in this place too.

-Look at that amount.

-This is the third and there is more.

-Certainly have more.


-Just dig a little.

-And the coins appear.

-Look this.

-So many.


-I'll use the pinpointer.

-Here it is signaling.


-Look up here.


-Could find a ring.

-Could find a jewelry too.

-Up here too.


-Look at that amount.


-Guys, there is no end.

-There is no end.

-I'm tired of pick up, because i'm under the stone.

-Orlando is tired too.

-Because there it is also picking up.

-Look this.

-So many.

-Is this the right way?





-Wow, what is this route?

-There are old people who make this way.

-They do.

-They are amazing.



-We're going faster.

-That's why this is difficult.

-Next time, we will come 6am.

-Yes, i agree.

-Stay all day.




-If a bear appears, I do not have the stamina to run.

-Tie a rope on the bear.

-This i can.


-Which is this?

-Is isen (1sen).

-This is isen (1sen) of dragon right?

-No, i see a flower here.

-Of course, it's a flower.

-Of the dragon is hansen (1/2sen).

-This is isen (1sen).

-Congratulations, it's your first old coin.

-Is happy?



-looks like a miner

-Wow is beautiful.

-Looks like a button or brooch.


-Very nice.

-We are using the lights.

-Because it's so dark now.

-And we need to go home.

-An old coin.

-Really an old coin.


-Look at this small size.

-I can not see which coin is.

-Can be isen (1sen).

-Looks like isen (1sen) aluminium.

-Isen (1sen) of aluminium.

-We do not have this one yet.

-Very cool.

-We do not have this one.

-The collection is increasing.

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