Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

Hey everyone, I'm chef Alicia and in this video you're going to learn how to make these pumpkin pretzels.

The first thing that I'm doing is adding 3/4 of a cup of milk into a small saucepan

and I'm putting this on medium heat on the stove.

Next I'm adding in 3/4 of a cup of pureed pumpkin.

You can use a store-bought canned pumpkin if you would like to or I happen to be using a

pumpkin puree that I made myself and you can get this recipe in my videos.

So I'm bringing this up to 105 degrees and you want to use a thermometer if you happen to have one.

I'm kind of guessing with my finger because I'm at a hotel and I don't have my thermometer with me.

So anyway into that I'm adding one and a quarter teaspoons of yeast

And I'm just going to stir that around a little bit to kind of get the yeast mixed in

The next thing that I'm adding is a quarter cup of brown sugar, and I want to stir this up until it dissolves

Put that over to the side, and now I have a medium-sized bowl

I have three cups of flour in there along with one and a half teaspoons of kosher salt

And I'm just going to stir those together so that the salt is mixed in there evenly with the flour

Next I'm going to add in a half of a cup of brown sugar

That also has a teaspoon of pumpkin spice mixed in with it

And I'm going to stir that around to get it nice and mixed in with the flour and salt

Make a little well in the middle and then add in your milk and pumpkin puree mixture

And I'm also adding in two tablespoons of melted butter, I did cool that butter just a little bit

But it needs to be melted and that's also why you need that nice warm milk

Not just for the yeast, but so that your butter doesn't solidify when you pour it into the mixture

Don't worry

I will have a complete list of ingredients at the end of this video in case you're trying to write them down

Don't worry about it at the very end there's a list you can just pause on it

So I'm going to stir this until it's really well mixed in. It's gonna be a pretty sticky dough so just expect that to happen

The next thing I'm doing is turning my dough out onto a nice floured surface

So when I do my floured surface

I like to kind of do a thin pile in the middle and then kind of little piles on the outside that way I can

Grab, it as I need it

I'm also going to spray some cooking spray into my bowl and flour my hands as well as the top of the dough

Now I'm ready to knead my dough this takes four to six minutes

And it really just depends on I guess how hard you knead it

But I do it as hard as I can and it still takes me right around five minutes so to knead your dough properly

You're gonna fold it over

Push it down and turn it. That's the process of kneading. Add flour as you need to if you come across little sticky spots.

So this is what it looks like after four minutes of kneading the dough

And I'm just gonna do it here for another minute or two and as you can see my dough is stiffening up

And it's looking really nice here

When I feel like my dough is where I need it

I'm going to go ahead and put it into that bowl and let it rise for

about two hours until it's doubled.

So here's just a little tip for you if you happen to have one of these bench scrapers it makes cleanup like a

thousand times easier

And they're not very expensive you can get them at any cooking store probably even Amazon or one of those so anyway

Here's my little dough

I'm gonna spray cooking spray on top of it

And then I'm going to cover it up with foil because that's what I happen to have. I've made my little sugar and pumpkin spice

mixture and I made that with two tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of pumpkin spice.


This is the water

We're gonna dip the pretzels in before we bake and that's four and a half cups of water and a half a cup of baking soda.

And I also have my Silpat ready to go here on my baking sheet.

And I'm also preheating my oven at 450 degrees. So here's my lovely dough

After two hours, and I'm just gonna turn it out onto my counter where I did spray it with cooking spray

and I'm going to press the air out of it.

And as I'm pressing I'm trying to get it

into like a kind of rectangle shape because that's gonna make it easier for me to cut my strips

So now I'm going to use my little bench scraper or bench knife whatever you want to call it

And I'm going to cut my dough

into strips

And then take each strip and kind of pull on them and squeeze them at the same time

You can be fairly gentle with it because this is a really soft dough and it's very easy to work with.

So, once you get this strand about 18 to 20 inches long just depending on how big you want your pretzels to be

but mine is going to be about 18 to 20 inches and about as thick as my finger

You just hold it up in the air and make a little

U-shape and kind of twist it and lay it down and that will form a pretzel

So I am going to show you that just one more time so that you can kind of see how I got the shape.

Again, I'm cutting a long strip here.

And I'm going to kind of pull and stretch

it gently until I get it nice and long and then round it out by rolling

it just like you did when you were a kid.

Twist it.

Lay it down and cut off the ends.

I'm gonna make pretzel bites with those so I'm not worried about the ends going over

So now I have my baking soda water mixture, and this is cool

It's not hot water, but I did have it hot to get the mixture to come together the baking soda and water

And I'm just dipping the pretzels in there quickly and then I'm going to sprinkle on that pumpkin spice and sugar mixture

All right, so these are ready to go onto my sheet pan, which again

I have my Silpat in if you don't have a Silpat though

You can either use cooking spray you can do like you know butter and flour on it

Or you could do wax paper if you wanted to but make sure you do something because they will definitely stick

So these went into the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for like eight to twelve minutes

As soon as they come out of the oven I'm brushing them with melted butter


I love the butter flavor on these so I like to really really give it a lot of butter like a nice little dose on

The front as well as the back. And on the back of this pretzel you'll notice there's some caramelization.

That's because I put my sheet pan

directly on top of a pizza stone because I like to get that nice caramelization on there. The next thing that I'm doing is making

My icing for the pretzels and obviously you can do this while they're in the oven

But it's one cup of powdered sugar along with two tablespoons of milk and a half of a teaspoon of vanilla


I'm using a fork to mix it together because that's what I'm going to use to drizzle it onto my pretzels

It just takes a few seconds to get it nice and mixed together

These pretzels are definitely better when they're served fresh out of the oven and nice and warm

but if you would like to you can freeze them before you put the icing on and then just

Rewarm them in the oven when you're ready to serve them

And as you can see I am just drizzling that icing right on top of them with my fork

This is what they're going to look like when they're all finished. Don't forget. There's an ingredient list at the very end for you

Hi again. Thank you so much for watching my video

Please give it a like and a thumbs up and share it with all of your friends because sharing is caring

And if you're not already a subscriber be sure to go ahead subscribe now. Thank you so much for watching and happy cooking everyone

Best Bites Forever dot com

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Pretzels Drizzled with Vanilla Glaze - Duration: 7:55.


Triple H returns to the ring in Santiago, Chile - Duration: 3:00.


>> All right, all right, all right.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> I do.

>> [SOUND]

>> Go, Go.



>> You can't stop.

You can't stop.

>> Okay, okay, okay.

>> Get a rhythm.

>> Okay, one, two three.

[NOISE] >> Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

Hey, Big E!

>> Yeah!

>> Hey, Big E!

>> Yeah, yeah!

>> Hey, Big E!



For more infomation >> Triple H returns to the ring in Santiago, Chile - Duration: 3:00.


Sànchez (ANC) pide el traslado a una cárcel catalana harto de oír "Viva España" - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Sànchez (ANC) pide el traslado a una cárcel catalana harto de oír "Viva España" - Duration: 2:25.


Top 25 cute and easy short hairstyles | Beautiful Hairstyles 2017 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Top 25 cute and easy short hairstyles | Beautiful Hairstyles 2017 - Duration: 3:34.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 38-Un mal día! - Duration: 17:45.

Episode 38 A bad day!

Good morning to all. Today we begin by expanding our solar farm.

Today it is time to harvest the fields and prepare them for the next sowing.

But first we will do a little of everything: we will cut and sell a few logs,

We will feed and water our animals, sell a few pigs,...

And I have the feeling that something will not go well. Take a seat and enjoy!

This is normal?

And another setback! I will not do anything well today !?

Despite all the setbacks we arrived at the end of the day.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 38-Un mal día! - Duration: 17:45.


STARBUCKS UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO Create a Sim -- The Sims 4 CAS - Duration: 9:13.

Hi everybody I'm Paula and I am in The Sims 4 I am going to do something a

little different today I am going to do a Starbucks drink and for this

create-a-sim I am going to try the unicorn Frappuccino because I thought

that was so awesome and of course Starbucks doesn't have

that drink right now but it was a lot of fun when they did have it and I don't

know if you had it but it was amazing so anyway I'm gonna start with this girl

and I'm gonna put a picture up here for you so you can see what the drink looks

like just in case you've never seen it and let's see how this goes okay well

the drink is pink blue and white and it was color-changing too which was really

cool so let's see here wow I really don't want a hat I would like to have

hair so let's get that hat off okay there are the ombre colors and I think

all those are so pretty I love how the how they intertwine and everything and

they have like it looks like they're dipped in another color that is so cool

that's perfect oh my gosh okay that is perfect pink and blue definitely so okay

starting out pretty good so far and let's see here we need some color on

those lips oh and I guess we could do eyes also and since I'm trying to make

her look oh wow look look at that okay well that Hey that was almost like kinda

by accident but I like how that looks I mean we're trying to make her look like

a Frappuccino right I mean anything goes seriously

okay that is definitely pink

okay let's look at the blush here

Oh her eyes we could make her eyes different colored

oh that is super cool look at that oh my gosh okay

I I know I might be overdoing it just a little bit

but is definitely different okay let's see here I like that top look at the top

and it probably oh that that is pink look at that

wait what is that on the front of that hey that could be a unicorn

I don't know the flowers might be just a little bit too much but it's so cool

okay well I don't know I kind of like that well let's see here we need bottoms

do we want to skirt do we want pants or do we just want to pick everything and

then have a look nevermind oh my gosh you did not see that here okay now we

have like alligator skin something what the heck what is even going on here oh

here you go bindi oh wow what wait what am I seen look at this

that is terrifying oh so now she has no pants late stop oh my goodness

okay those those are just a little dark aren't they

okay that is closer that is dark that is green no don't want green

okay does she need a little bit more blue I don't know those are kind of

bright I mean even in the eighties those would have been bright pants okay and I

lived through the 80s and I had some bright pants yes I did but I don't know

okay I am going to go one more time back in just one

okay I might like that with the white because actually it is way less busy

than the other one and I am not a hundred percent sure of the shoes but

I'm not gonna risk it because I have seen what happens

okay so there is our pink unicorn Frappuccino from Starbucks and even

though we can't get him right now it would be awesome to be able to get him

wouldn't it but yeah she's got like some blue eyebrows going on there which I

think she looks pretty cool and I like the white skirt because that other one

was just way too busy and actually with the flowers on her arms I think the

white looks good because those flowers are kind of busy yes they are definitely

busy but I think she looks good I love that hair oh my gosh the hair just makes

you want a pink unicorn Frappuccino doesn't it okay well there she is so

definitely the unicorn Frappuccino and I think she looks pretty good yeah I just

loved that hair seriously okay so let's see what what do you think she would be

like yeah what do you think a unicorn trapa Tina would be like I have no idea

okay let's just guess she's gonna want to cook yes because she's a chef and

she's gonna be cheerful oh she is so cheerful oh my gosh and I'm not gonna

make her a goofball I will make her a dance machine because I think that's

always cool

and let's say she's good oh my oh wow okay let's do that again

you're gonna do it again yeah okay we gotta make her a little for that one oh

my okay so what should I call her what should I name her it would be weird if

she talked to me wouldn't it okay let us call her unicorn Starbucks how's that

unicorns Starbucks yeah what a name I mean you know nobody could have that

name right so anyway guys you have fun and I want to try to do this as a guy

yeah because I don't know what all I have to make a guy pink blue and white

it's gonna be like weird so you have fun and I will talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> STARBUCKS UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO Create a Sim -- The Sims 4 CAS - Duration: 9:13.


Fantastic Familiars BookBathBox Unboxing [CC] - Duration: 3:12.

Hi, YouTube. It's Kathy.

Bookish videos three days in a row?

Yes. That is what is happening.

And that's because my BookBathBox just came in the mail.

Actually, that's a slight lie; it came in the mail a few days ago, but I had to pay

customs on it, so I had to go pick it up, and yeah.

In any case, the theme this quarter is Fantastic Familiars which is a very nice, Halloween-y

Autumnal theme.

This is the card that comes with every box that tells you on the back what's in the box,

but I'm not looking at it because I just want to look at the box as I see it.

And the first thing I see before I even open the tissue paper is a little temporary tattoo

for the S'mores Sci-fi Book Club, which is adorable.

This box is put together by Winx over at Winx & Ink, and she also runs a podcast - actually,

a couple of them, and that is one of them.

I'm subscribed to them all, but I haven't listened to them yet.

Sorry Winx.

And that's because most of my listening time tends to be audiobooks, as opposed to podcasts,

these days, but it's on my very long list of things I would to listen to.

Alright, let's rip into some tissue paper.

I also just want to say that I really love these stickers with the logo on it.

They're really cute.

Okay, item the first... is a bath bomb.


This is a Fairy Dust bath bomb, which means I'm probably gonna be nice and glittery after

I have this bath.

And this is by Stay True Botanicals, which you can find on Etsy.

Next random item is... something in a box.

"Haunted Hotel" - oooooh!

This is from Wick Habit, Haunted Hotel is the scent of this candle.

Polished wood and soft leather - that's, that's - that's kind of the scents you get out of this bad boy.

I like it.

Next randomly picked item is... ooh!

Some English Breakfast tea; always love some tea.

So this is enough for two cups of tea from Teapigs.

Next, a couple of bookmarks.

Book Dragon, which I already love, because who doesn't want to be a book dragon?

This looks like this was made specifically by CrisperChicklet, who you can find on Instagram.

And this is a bookmark for the Marshmallow + Mimosa AND the S'more Sci-fi Book Club.

Told you she had more than one podcast.

And it looks like we're getting to the main event.

I was called a wuss the last time when I just tried to take the book out nicely, so I'll

- I'll rip it this time.

Sorcerer [to] the Crown by Zen Cho.

And if this cover is anything to go on, then the familiar of this box is a dragon, which

makes tons of sense when you go with this book dragon bookmark.

And I'm super excited because I love me a dragon story.

And this is hitting some greats for me: it's got a royal sorcerer going into a fairyland.

Of course, it's got some great misogyny because women aren't allowed to practice this type

of profession, and I just love that the sorcerer is part of something called The Royal Society

of Unnatural Philosophers.

This is really intriguing.

I'm looking forward to reading this, after I read all of the books for the readathon

I'm doing this week.

If you didn't see that video, it'll be up here and linked down below.

It's another seven books in seven days challenge, and it starts tomorrow.

And there you have it.

Another successful unboxing.

If you're interested in getting one of these boxes, they're quarterly.

I'll leave the links down below to Winx's channel, where you can find all of those details.

Which item are you most interested in from this box?

Let me know down in the comments below.

On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you very soon. Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Fantastic Familiars BookBathBox Unboxing [CC] - Duration: 3:12.


KIA International Dinner Poland - Duration: 14:58.

In Kristiansand there is an organization called KIA

and they are involved in the activation and integration of refugees and immigrants.

And they organize events such as language courses, language cafes,

but also international dinner - dinners from all over the world.

We have been to a couple of such dinners - from Eritrea, Sudan and Norway.

Now we were asked to prepare a Polish dinner.

And we will prepare dumplings, red borscht and apple pie.

Dinner will be for two hundred people, or maybe even more, so we plan to prepare 2000 pierogi.

So let's go and cook.

We have 12 kg of onions, 20 kg of potatoes, 10 kg of cottage cheese and 24 kg of apples.

- Dan, where did you learn how to cut so fast?

- If you're hungry you have to learn.

- Okay, I'm done. - No, see how much you have.

- Look at this, aunt. - Present how can you slice.

- Oh, well. - Just do not cut a finger please.

♫ song about pierogi ♫

We are making pierogi. Mrs Stasia, a pierogi expert, is with us.

- Yes, from Piła (city in Poland). - Stasia is from Piła.

Mom taught me at home. And at school we did.

Later, I made pierogi in the restaurant. We did a lot of pierogi for weddings.

- We can do these 2000 pierogi? - We have to do it somehow. We will do until we are done.

Beets make beets (polish slang).

I am making borscht in the sink.

We are mixing apples and discussing how to spice them. Such vanilla flavour must be of real vanilla.

A lot of people came to help. Ms. Stasia is our boss, but we have so many people to work,

our friends, all of Kristiansand's polish community is engaged.

It is even international, we have Dan a cook from Romania.

Roll it well.

It is a red borscht, the best in the world.

As usual - apples, apples, apples.

We are looking for people willing to stick pierogi. Who wants to stick?

Then is the best chat, at pierogi making.

Yes, then are the best conversations. For the Christmas we always make uszka and pierogi,

with grandma, mother and sisters, all together, three generations, for Christmas we make pierogi.

Apples, apples.

I think that's amazing. Firstly, there are so many people.

Also looks like they are enjoying themselves, they are having fun together. I do not understand them but they are enjoying themselves.

So that's amazing. Also, I think they are cooking and preparing very good food. So I'm really looking forward to Friday to taste the food.

So congratulations on a good start of cooking polish food for the International Dinner.

Oh no, I took too much stuffing. What a shame in front of the camera.

I would like to welcome you to the world's dinner.

My name is Mei Lian and I am the region leader of KIA South.

And this is Odd Bjarne - international pastor in Kristiansand.

Today we are going to eat delicious food from Poland.

Now we will have a small introduction to Poland. You have to listen really carefully, because after that there will be a quiz.

Poland, as you all know is located in central Europe.

And what is interesting is that it is closer to Poland then to Bodø or Tromsø.

It only takes an hour and a quarter to fly to Gdańsk.

There are many cosy places along the coastline,

but the temperature in the sea most often doesn't exceed 15 degrees.

But I think that for Norwegians who are used to swimming in fjords this is not a problem.

Do you know how many Polish people are living in Norway?

There are as many Polish people living in Norway as there are people living in Kristiansand.

I will talk about what we are going to serve today. It's called Pierogi.

And these are a kind of dumplings with different fillings.

And the one that is most popular is with potato and white cheese filling.

And then we will serve a soup - borscht.

For 3 days, from Wednesday, the Polish guys have been cooking for us, to make this delicious meal for us, so let's give them a really big hand.

Then I just want to say that in Poland we say something before we start eating - smacznego.

It means I hope it tastes well, or bon appetit.

So i just want to wish you all smacznego.

There is also polish apple pie.

How do you like pierogi? - Very, very good. - Very nice, delicious.

Yes, very good food. See, I ate everything.

- So tasty. - Like in Slovakia?

- Not like in Slovakia. - In Slovakia are different.

It's good, we are missing vodka.

Does it taste good?

- How do you like Polish food? - Very good. Thank you.

We like soup - borscht.

Elegant. (polish slang)

Like at grandmas.

- Do we like the food? - Yes, we do. - Very tasty, very tasty.

It's really good, you know that I love it, especially borscht.

This is the first time. We have something in China that looks very similar to this, but we have vegetables and meat inside.

I think that they were so good that I was almost crying.

Two pregnancies I really craved pierogis, and couldn't find them in Norway and I was really excited to come tonight.

- A lot of people? - Ojiju. Full.

Very nice, very nice people, very nice atmosphere.

We have so much food that we would have enough for three such groups.

There are so many pierogi in the kitchen that for the next 2 weeks we will eat pierogi. But good, because they are very tasty.

I ate a couple of crumbled pierogi and I'm already full, I guess they're filling.

I am not surprised that the Norwegians have enough already.

There were many pierogi left, but I've already taken care of them.

So this is an outdated information.

First, we would like to thank the Queen of Pierogi - Mrs Stasia.

It says in polish "queen of pierogi" because it was Mrs Stasia who helped us the most.

Then comes the quiz.

On the KIA quiz everyone has to get up.

For every question there is going to be three options.

If you think that the first answer is correct then you raise your one hand.

If you think that the second answer is correct you raise both your hands

and if you think the 3rd then you do an X.

If you make a mistake you have to sit down.

The first question is: How many people live in Poland? 25, 38, 50 million.

The correct answer is 38 million.

What is the capital of Poland?

What's the name of the Sea...

To which polish city...

Which vegetable was used in the soup...

How many dishes are there on...

Who is the most famous polish...

During which holiday do Poles splash water...

Which polish city is a sister city to Kristiansand?

I don't know, I have to admit.

It was Gdynia.

Yes, then we only have 2.

OK there we have the winner.

But actually we have two gifts. You two will get homemade jam.

Now we have a polish dance. So everybody should rise up and follow the leaders.

Thank you for coming today.

Next time we will travel to Africa and there will be food from Eritrea.

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