Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

The concept of the Battle Royale has come a long way.

Drawing inspiration from Koshun Takami's Battle Royale novel, and Suzanne

Collins' Hunger Games trilogy, a number of battle royale themed games and mods, have

made their mark over the past several years making appearances in Minecraft

the ARMA series and DayZ along with some standalone games such as The Culling and

H1Z1: King Of The Kill and no matter what game it is the general goal remains the

same get placed into a map with a lot of people scrounge for weapons and

resources and fight for survival and hopefully you'll be the last one

standing and when the amount of surviving players is down to ten or less

for the strongest and smartest players that's when the real game begins today

we'll be focusing on two of the latest trending games in the Battle Royale

genre player unknowns battlegrounds or PUBG for short and Fortnite Battle

Royale many people are for one over the other so which one should you play let's

start with why so many people prefer PUBG. PUBG is currently the most popular

battle royale game in the world developed by player unknown or Brendan

Greene the creative director of Bluehole Studios it reflects his own vision of

what a battle royale game should play like Greene using his previous experience

from working on battle royale modes for ArmA DayZ and King of the Kill decided

to release his own standalone game naturally people tend to gravitate

toward the hottest trending games it's no secret that PUBG gains major

traction through the influence of popular twitch streamers and youtubers

with thousands upon thousands of daily viewers so much traction in fact that

during PUBG's meteoric rise to the top it managed to dethrone dota 2's all-time

peak of most players online on Steam surpassing its 1.2 million player record

with its own 2 million and Counting on twitch currently tango is alongside the

League of Legends warframe and hearthstone viewerships, a truly

impressive feat PUBG has gone with a realistic

graphical style while the graphics aren't mind-blowing by today's standards

a lot of gamers highly value a sense of visual realism in what they play weapon

models the inside of vehicles in the walls of buildings are well detailed in

both first and third person view for those preferring a more personal embody

experience this game even posts a first-person only mode all this helps

the player gets sufficiently immersed in the gameplay PUBG offers plenty of

tactical features for combat you can choose to either in third-person or aim

down the sights of your weapon in first-person for a better view of your

target you can lean around corners while aiming switch your third-person camera

shoulder to watch enemies more easily and go prone to hit the dirt if you're

getting shot at taking the time to understand these features helps you get

an edge on your adversaries in the middle of a gunfight furthermore these

features go hand in hand with PUBG's weapon modification system as you find

weapons littered across the battlegrounds so too will you discover

weapon mods like stocks scopes magazines and suppressors should the mods you find

be compatible with your weapons you will gain significant advantages such as more

bullets per magazine or the ability to engage targets more comfortably at

longer distances with a high magnification scope pop G has a very

large map that is time consuming to travel across purely by foot while not

impossible to do so some players like that there are vehicles available as an

option of course they'll need to find them to use them usually spawning next

to barren roads or inside garages players can find buggies motorcycles

UAZs & Dacias similarly on the coasts next to bodies of water PG 117 boats can

also sometimes be used as an alternative to crossing bridges by car or foot many

of these vehicles have riding capacities that allow entire squads of players to

quickly get from one location to another they're fast but loud and give away your

position to enemy players for miles around

it's a classic example of risk versus reward the chance to reach a destination

faster to gain a positional advantage at the cost of the element of surprise they

add even more to the exhilarating nature of the PUBG experienced PUBG also has

its own character customization storing cosmetics and special crates that can be

acquired by an in-game currency or on the steam marketplace these cosmetics

allow you to personalize your characters attire to your liking some of these

crates and items have real value in the steam marketplace with games come

invitational crates selling for $4 a piece and on the more expensive end of

the spectrum highly rare player unknown and school uniform cosmetics priced by

the players themselves anywhere from the hundreds to thousands of dollars to sum

up why people prefer PUBG it has realistic graphics tactical combat

weapon mods vehicles character customization and worldwide popularity

in direct competition to PUBG is Fortnite Battle Royale

developed by Epic Games it borrows many aspects of its gameplay from PUBG but

offers a plethora of unique features of its own that helps it stand out as a

solid contender in the Battle Royale market for the sake of this video I will

be referring to Fortnite battle royale as simply battle royale the first reason

why many people prefer to play battle royale is due to its free-to-play

business model battle royale itself is actually an individual PvP game mode

within Fortnite that has been released as free-to-play fortnight's PvE

counterpart save the world will also be free-to-play by 2018 literally anyone

with the proper specifications on Windows or Mac or owns a ps4 or Xbox one

can download and play battle royale free of charge once making the comparison to

pub G's $29.99 dollar price tag it's not hard for the budget savvy to make the

decision to try battle royale first this game also has its own cartoon like

visual style like something straight out of an animated cinematic it's strikingly

colourful ambience helps immerse the player in the game world

boasting bright day times lazy afternoons and sleepy evenings this game

features its very own day and night cycle that continues to transition from

the start to end of each match pub G in comparison selects a random single

ambience that persists throughout each match with no transitions also very

crucial to Battle Royale's identity as its unique base building feature

swinging a pickaxe at virtually any object in the game will net you

important resources for building your very own structures within the game

world wood stone and metal can be used to build walls floors stairs and roofs

wood having the lowest durability and metal being the toughest to destroy

using your resources to create defences around your vulnerable character is a

major key to survival make simple wood walls to create a cost-effective barrier

to cross open area safely or set up an impenetrable metal fortress atop a

massive hill stand your ground against a handful of

remaining survivors and hope none of them have a fort-busting RPG or grenade

launcher base building and destroying are among some of this game's most

intriguing aspects instead of adopting PUBG's weapon mod system Battle Royale

went with a rarity system these rarities are color-coded for easy recognition

going from common white to uncommon green rare blue epic purple and

legendary orange the rarer the weapon the more damage it can do most weapons

don't have scopes and are aimed only in third-person view the few exceptions to

this are the sniper rifles and the scope Dassault rifle battle Royales combat 2

is intentionally simplified by design the player character is always on the

left side of the screen and there is no option to switch the camera angle over

their left shoulder this means in combat players will always have a peak

advantage if they engage targets from the right side of cover as they will

expose less of their character this way there are no leaning options and

third-person or while scoped in and battle Royales map is smaller in

comparison to PUBG's forgoing the need for vehicles to sum these may seem like

negatives but to others the intentional simplicity theoretically converts into a

wider accessibility for more players whether you want a more tactical and

more massively popular offering in the form of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds or a

more cartoonish game focused around base building like Fortnite Battle Royale

both of these titles are incredibly addictive adrenaline-filled experiences

in their own right playing to our desire to fight for absolute victory no matter

which one you play making even the smallest mistake could mean permanent

death without the possibility of responding high stakes big thrills last

one standing whichever game you pick you're in for a wild ride

thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video hit that like button subscribe

button in Bell button and if you'd like to support my work feel free to do so

at slash nuclear shark ed I love you all once again thanks for

watching Rocksteady and stay classy

For more infomation >> PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds VS Fortnite Battle Royale - Which Should You Play? (PUBG VS Fortnite) - Duration: 10:04.


DIY Adorno navideño, fácil y rápido - DIY Christmas ornament, easy and fast - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> DIY Adorno navideño, fácil y rápido - DIY Christmas ornament, easy and fast - Duration: 2:46.


Nhạc Phim Remix 2017 - Cậu Bé Người Rừng - Nonstop Viet Mix - Duration: 47:18.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Phim Remix 2017 - Cậu Bé Người Rừng - Nonstop Viet Mix - Duration: 47:18.


Implement Stack using Queues | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Implement Stack using Queues | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:43.


NOBLE TEA - How To Brew Blooming Beauty Tea - Duration: 2:07.

Prepare a bag of NOBLE TEA- Blooming Beauty Tea

Mix the tea very well

Add 5g approx 1.5 tbsp of tea

To active the tea, pour 150ml of boiling water for first 10 seconds to rinse the tea off

Re-steep the tea with 500ml of 100C boiling water

Prepare a tealight warmer

Brew 5-10 minutes

Enjoy hot or chilled from the fridge

This tea has ability to be re-steeped 2-3 times.

18 Royal Herbs Tea is a delicious replacement for your daily water intake.

For more infomation >> NOBLE TEA - How To Brew Blooming Beauty Tea - Duration: 2:07.


Social Video: Marketing in the Age of VIDEO - Duration: 4:09.

I want to talk to you about social video

and what it means to your business marketing plan.

Hi, I'm Tricia Clements,

ChiefFfur wrangler with

In this video, we're going to talk about social video.

What exactly is that?

That is using a complete marketing plan

to integrate video

and use that to get engagement

and social activity for your business.

There are numerous ways you can incorporate

social video into your marketing plan.

One thing is storytelling.

People love stories,

they like knowing exactly why

and how you started in your business,

and what it is that really makes

your business special and unique.

That's why you really need

to have a video that tells your story,

what you're all about.

Another way that you can use social video is in a live stream.

Yes, I love live stream with Facebook live,

Instagram, Periscope, all of those.

You can have so much fun with live stream,

and it helps your audience,

your potential customers, and customers

get to know you a little bit better.

Because you're basically, you're doing it live.

And they get to see everything all the little mistakes.

That's fine, it doesn't really matter

because they actually enjoy seeing that.

Make sure that you're doing a live stream in your video marketing.

You also want to make sure that you include

product videos, service video,

is something that tells about your product

or service and what it does.

That can be any number of things,

you can do a video promos to sell your product.

You can also do, a how-to,

on how your product works.

Your product has something that's unique,

that's different, you need to have a video,

a how-to, and show them exactly how

and why your product is different and stands out.

You can also have a FAQ, or frequently asked questions.

A lot of times if people have questions about your product,

it's more than just one customer that has the question.

Do a video and have them watch the video

to see your answers directly.

Don't forget video testimonials.

The best thing is to have your potential customers

watch videos of your current customers

praising you and telling everyone

how much they enjoyed working with you,

and what a fantastic job you did.

When you're creating your marketing plan,

don't forget that video increases conversions, and also sales.

That's why you need to make sure that

you're using social video in your marketing plan.

Once you've got that video,

don't just embed it on your website

and leave it there or put it on Youtube

or put it on Facebook once.

Make sure that you are sharing it numerous times

to really get it out there in front of people

to make sure that they do see it.

Share it on all of your social media platforms.

And here's a tip for you.

Facebook knows how much video

is important online for advertising,

and if they have a feature

where you can now for your Facebook page cover,

make that a video instead of just a picture.

Your video can be from 20 to 90 seconds.

So, you've got all that time there that you can put

and add something about your business and let people

see who you are right there, on your Facebook page.

I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

I hope you enjoy this video.

Please click the like button,

share with your friends, and subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Social Video: Marketing in the Age of VIDEO - Duration: 4:09.


episode 7/2017 Iceland - Duration: 56:23.

With a rhythm like the waves and the heart beating,

I knit one stitch after the other and one row after the other

at the same time I collect my thoughts and feelings

without the woolen threads, I get lost

but if I can knit one more row and one more, I can find my way home again

through the magic of the threads I take my way through the days and the nights

I live on Gotland, the island of the roses and the fairytales in the Baltic Sea

together with my husband and our children and Watson the cat

Kammebornia is our art project as well as our own kingdom

Kammebornia is about our wish that everyone could live in their own fairytale kingdom in this place we call reality

and it is about our wish that everyone could be the king or the queen in their own life

In the Kammebornia podcast we want to invite you to our world

that is full of thoughts, feelings and discussions

caused through the scent of the coffee and the soft peaceful rhythm of the knitting

Kammebornia podcast is about life in general and knitting in particular

Welcome to the Kammebornia podcast episode 7 2017

also welcome to Gotland that is so fantastic in the autumn

Today, you will finally meet our knitting friends Nina and Rasmus and listen to us talking about Iceland and knitting

We will also give you some poetry and you will have a report from #mybrownautumn

Dennis and I are having coffee and talking about love and how we met

I am so glad that we finally get to do this!

It is so nice to be here!

You are both knitting Icelandic sweters at the moment

Nina, can you tell us what you are knitting?

It is a sweater called Gamaldags

The pattern is made by Hélèn Magnússon

Oh, it is so beautiful! And you use almost the same colours as I do right now!

I think it is exactly the same grey and red! And we did not know that!

Have you knitted the body?

No, I started with the sleeves, it is what the pattern recommend and it felt good so I am working on the sleeves

It is a good thing to start with the sleeves, so you can check your gauge on them before you knit the body

Yes, and the boring thing is done first

You have knitted other Icelandic sweaters before havn't you?

I have knitted two before, I knitted the first one when we lived on Iceland 2011

It is knitted in the thicker yarn, not Lettlopi, so it is extremly warm

Then I made this one, it is called Öld

That is so beautiful!

I use this one very much!

Is it also knitted in Lettlopi?

Yes it is

I really like it

Why do you knit Icelandic sweaters?

It feels like I get closer to Iceland

and Iceland is always close to our hearts

so I like to have a reason to think of Iceland

Then they are very practical

they protect against wind

and drizzling rain like today

the rain does not go inside the sweater

it is so fascinating with this good material that wool is

and different wool work in different ways but it is always protecting from wind, cold and water

the Icelandic wool is unique in protecting against rain and wind

Yes, really!

It is perfect on Gotland

I think it depends on how the fiber is built up

and the lanoline

the natural wool grease

it is often the same kind of weather on Iceland and on Gotland

Yes, like today and the latest weeks, it has been Icelandic weather here

Are there more parallels?

Yes, absolutely, in addition to the wind, there is the language

The lambs, the wool

the island

they are both islands

some parts of Gotland have a barren landscape

but we have woods here

I have heard so much about Iceland since we moved to Gotland

I have also met many people here, connected to Iceland

I guess if you like one island maybe you also like the others

I think so

Many islands have a lot of sheep and wool

Yes, really

And therefore also a knitting tradition

and their own special sweaters

It is interesting. Rasmus, what are you knitting?

I am knitting a Riddari, that means knight, i Lettlopi

It will be a cardigan

It is the first garment I knit

I thought that if I wanted to learn how to knit I had to have a project that I really wanted to wear

I wanted it to be something to look forward to get ready and use

You started to knit this last winter, didn't you?

Dennis and I started exactly at the same time

Yes, and then we had not yet met each other

Nina and I met when you had just started to knit

And now we can meet all four of us and knit, it is so much fun

Dennis is also knitting a Riddari and he is using almost the same colours

Yes, here it is!

It is a bit darker than yours

You will look good together!

Yes, we will match each other

It is so nice to see

It is so nice to see that you, as well as Dennis, already knit sweaters!

And your knitting looks so good and even!

Thank you!

We are going to be like a wool leauge, a wool gang in Visby

walking around in our Icelandic sweaters

I have also knitted a Riddari for Dennis, that he has used a lot

it is really a great pattern

Rasmus, can you tell me why you went to Iceland?

I have always been so fascinated be Iceland

We went there to learn the Icelandic language

We started to study Icelandic at the University of Uppsala

The first time we went there was just when we had met, but later on we went there to study the language

I had wanted to go there for a long time

Ok, so the first trip there was like a vacation?

Yes, only for a couple of days

Yes, we decided to go on a Tuesday and went two days later, the following Thursday

Very spontaneous!

We were not even a couple on the first trip

And then you got together and you studied the language in Uppsala and you wanted to go there again?

Yes, we studied Nordic languages and chose Icelandic

So we wanted to really learn Icelandic and we wanted to live there

It must be easier to learn a language where it is being spoken

For how long did you live there?

At first one term together and

and then I went there for two more terms later on

So, do you understand when other people speak Icelandic?

Yes, it is no problem and we always speak Icelandic with Icelanders.

we go there pretty often, at least once a year, and it is dissappointing if someone from Iceland

do not talk to us in their language, then I feel a bit hurt

I mean if I speak to them in Icelandic and they answer in English, that hurts

You do not often get a chance to talk Icelandic outside Iceland, so of course we want to do it when we are there

But we met an artist, in the art museum here in Visby, that we could speak Icelandic with

Yes, he was happily surprised that someone on Gotland could talk in his language, I heard that he was from Iceland

And the priest at your wedding, he was also speaking Icelandic

Yes, he had studied there, it was such an amazing coincidence!

He read some of the texts both in Icelandic and in Swedish in the church

And we had the national hymn of Iceland as we walked into the church

Yes, it was so nice, and that really makes you understand that Iceland means a lot to you

We had another Icelandic song as well in church

I have heard that there are more people knitting in Iceland than here in Sweden, is that true?

I think so, you can see more people wearing knitted garments

I think almost everyone own at least one Icelandic sweater

and you do not see so many fleece sweaters?

If you see someone in a fleece it is a tourist

but the Icelanders are at the same time very casual in their way of dressing

they do not wear rainwear as often as we do here in Sweden even though it rains a lot there

I guess they do not care much since it drizzles almost all the time

Either you knit yourself or you have a mother or a friend, a father or a brother that knits for you

I think it is the same in Norway

Yes, it feels like it is more common to knit there than it is here in Sweden

We meet so many people that knit so sometimes it feels like everyone knits in Sweden too but that is not the case actually

We find each other

Do you think there is a difference here on Gotland?

I think there are more knitters on Gotland than it is in Sörmland where we used to live before

I think so because I meet many people here in other contexts than knitting and I still meet knitters there

I did not do that on the mainland at the same extent

I have read that it is more common to knit on Iceland now than it was a couple of years ago

I also read that there are more people going to the cobbler to get their shoes mended

This can be a sign of economical awareness

and also a more conscious consumption

to mend and to create instead of buying new clothes all the time

I have also read that the words for money and for sheep are almost the same in Icelandic - is that right?

Yes, it is the same word, fá

Or cattle and money

it sounds like the Swedish word fä, an old word for cattle

this must mean that the sheep are very important for your supply

the sheep and the wool are important for your income

Yes, that is right

That is interesting

There are equivalents to that in other languages too

it is very interesting that it up to this date means the same, money and cattle

The largest woolmill on Iceland, Istex, that makes the Lettlopi yarn for example

they have a deal with the farmers that they buy all the wool

this means that if the farmers want to sell their wool, Istex will always buy it

This feels like such a good thing, we are used to the opposite here

Most of the wool from sheep in Sweden are destroyed because nobody wants it or can take care of it

The wool is measured highly on Iceland

The wool is also important for the tourists

Most tourists want to buy a sweater or yarn

You can buy handknitted sweaters in the town at Handknitting association of Iceland

You can also get the name of the knitter that has knitted your sweater in a shop outside Reykjavik

That is where I bought this one, I like it and wear it very much

You like cardigans do you not?

Yes, it works like a jacket, and this is in the thicker yarn

Now I am knitting my Riddari in Lettlopi to have another cardigan, not so warm as this one

But you have such a tight gauge, like I have, because I taught you how to knit, so it will be thick anyway

It will stand against rain

Have you decided on the buttons yet?

I have bought metal buttons

They are Norwegian

Like in my Marius sweater that you made for me

It also turned into a cardigan

We often think it is so traditional with the Icelandic yokes and sweaters but they are not as old as we might think

No, that is right, I think it is since the 50's or 60's

yes it is easy to think it is traditionel since very long ago, with the yoke in different colours and so on

On the other hand, knitting has a very long history on Iceland, longer than the Icelandic yoked sweaters

As long as Iceland was a part of Denmark they were only allowed to trade with Denmark

they were not allowed to trade with any other countries

and then knitted garments were sold to Denmark

all these traditional patterns are related to each other depending on the trade routes

In the beginning of the 20th century most of the Icelandic knitting was made of unspun yarn

You can still knit with this Plötulopi yarn that is not spun

I think Plötu means teasel or something like that - is that right?

Plata means flat, so it could be...

it is flat and not spun

the Icelanders could, in the early 20th century, leave their wool to the wool mill

and get it prepared for the spinning that they did in their homes

this is how it looked when they got it to take home and spin

to save time they begun to knit with it without spinning it first

usually you use two or four threads, this "yarn" is so airy and fragile, you have to be careful not to tear it apart

You can knit up a sweater in four threads very quickly

I am sure that is a good garment for being out on a boat fishing

I have not tried knitting with it, but I understand you have to be very easy on your hand as it is so fragile

I guess it is not so easy for me with my tight knitting

The Lettlopi yarn is stronger so it is easier to use

But isn't it interesting that they started to use this unspun yarn to save time by not spinning it

Imagine to get yarn and then not be able to knit something before you have spun it!

I could not wait either, I always want to start knitting directly

And I do not dare to try spinning because then I can probably not stop and then I will not have as much time to knit as I need...

I think it would be the same for me

that is why I keep away from spinning wheels

but I am sure it is very fun and relaxing

How were you affected by living on Iceland Rasmus?

What do you mean?

You did not knit when you lived there? You were there to study the language.

I do not know how I got affected but I learned a lot of Icelandic

I think it is always a good thing to get perspectives and to feel how it is to be new somewhere

to be a stranger in another country

I think that is what I learned most, except from the Icelandic

to live in a country where you are an alien

even if I knew the language and I was there of my own free will

but I got a feeling of how it is to be a stranger

I guess that is very educational and interesting and memorable

How was it for you Nina, you were already a knitter when you moved there right? How was your knitting affected?

Yes, even if I have been knitting since childhood,

my first advanced knitting piece was an Icelandic sweater

that I knitted when we lived there in 2011

Yes, I bought the yarn there and knitted it while we lived there

You were knitting and I was running

I tried to find a knittingcafé but could not find it, but now I know they exist

So you did not meet any knitters?

No, not at that time, but now I have a friend there who knits

But I knitted my first sweater there

earlier I had only been knitting mittens and hats and so on

so I learned a lot during that time

and maybe Icelandic sweaters mean a lot to me because of that

Why did you want to learn Icelandic? How did it all start?

Rasmus, you knew it before you went to the University

It was through music and film at first

I found it interesting that there are diphthongs in both Icelandic and in the accent on Gotland

That attracted me

I wanted to find out the similarities of the languages on Iceland and on Gotland

I have always been interested in languages

and in Nordic languages

I studied language history

and learned how well preserved the Icelandic language is

it is very similar to the old Swedish language that is no longer spoken

So the Icelandic language has not changed so much as for example the Swedish language?

That is right! So we can learn much from that.

Why is this?

There are many theories about that...

It is probably because of the isolation, Iceland is far away

If we look at other accents that have been preserved in Sweden

they are also spoken in isolated areas

if you have a lot of contact with other languages it is more likely that your own language change

It seems logic

You mentioned diphthongs as something in common

Can you explain what a diphthong is?

I will do it in Gutamål (an old language on Gotland)

A stone is called stain

ai (pronounced like I in English) is a vowel made from two tones, a gliding vowel

that is a diphthong

in Icelandic stone is called steinn

the word for sun is also almost the same in gutamål and Icelandic

you can easily hear the similarities

when I was young I loved to read the old Icelandic stories

I was fascinated both by the stories and by all the words and names

the language sounds a bit barren, just like the landscape

Yes, it sounds a bit hard with the distinct r:s for example, like my name Rasmus

But it is not a common name there, I think there are 4 people named Rasmus on Iceland

Maybe because Ras means something...

Yes, butt... maybe that is why they do not use the name so much

It is mostly people from Denmark that are called Rasmus

If you want to go to Iceland - what should you do or think about?

I think that you should take time to visit and explore Reykjavik, it is a fantastic town

You do not have to be out in the wilderness all the time

You can walk around in Reykjavik and look att all the small nicely coloured houses

Yes, and you still have contact with the nature, because you can see the ocean and the mountains from Reykjavik

and then the Westfjords are very beautiful

high mountains and deep fjords, and Akureyri in the north is also very nice

Oh, now I want to go there!

Imagine to go on a knitting trip there!

Rasmus, you know a lot about islands and languages and you are born and raised here on Gotland

you have lived on Iceland, you have travelled to Faroe islands and other islands

What do you think about the connection between the islands concerning knitting and languages?

I have been thinking about that

the landscapes on the islands are often barren

therefor it is a good place to raise sheep

then you have the wool

the wool is a very good protection from the weather

on islands the old languages are well preserved

the fact that it is islands promotes... willful languages

and knitting

when you met, you had the interest in languages in common but now you also have the knitting

maybe that was unavoidable

it only took seven years, but now you are hooked

Nina, the whole summer you have really tried to teach me to pronounce the name of the sweater I have been knitting, the Afmaeli

I have tried many different ways to pronounce it, it is just a word but it has been hard for me

I think you are getting closer

It is written Afmaeli

but that is not how you pronounce it, and in this podcast, in earlier episodes I have thought that I knew it but no...

I think it is like this....

A short A


Is it right now?

(Rasmus says Good job, in Icelandic)

Thank you!

Afmaeli! And it means birthday?

Yes, that is right and that is why you can see birthday parties if you use the hashtag #afmaeli on Instagram

Ok! Maybe with or without sweaters then...

It is happy colours, like a birthday celebration!

Thank you! I finally nailed it!

Let us keep on knitting!


We have had many questions about when we met

and this is not only easy to talk about but now we have been together for eight years

we got together in 2009 and it was meant to be

we just wanted to be together all nights and all days

but I lived in a house with my three children and Dennis lived in another house with his two children

Dennis looked me deep into my eyes, all the way into my soul, and said that

We need all or nothing from each other and we can not live with nothing so it has to be all

so we moved together and our children complained about us laughing to much

after living in the same house for a week Dennis had a myocardial infarct

a year later we got married

then I got pregnant and we had a son who died and I got ill

we rebuilt our lives to be together as much as possible

and to be able to do the things we like and have to do and are good at doing

we constructed our own kingdom to inspire others to be kings and queens in their own lives

we wish for a world that is more warm, more playful and more kind

a world that is more about happiness and together than about strip lights and profit margins

our economical margins disappeared after all the misfortunes and diseases

but we got so much instead, we had no choice and we followed our hearts

it is not easy to live on a dream but as the alternative did not work for us, we had no choice

We live day by day and we find so much happiness and strength in the things considered small but

actually are the greatest things, like the birds singing, the moments together with a cup of coffee

the sun shining through the windows and the sound of the ocean

we work together in different art projects, like the one we call In Between

In Between is about young people living together in a gap in between now and then, in between worlds,

there is a threat from the outside but a strength from the inside

it is in between imagination and the real world, in between ages and

we were thinking about now and then and later on

we were thinking about children and adults and the time in between

we were thinking about a gap and we created a peep-hole into another world that we call In Between

We also made a short film called In Between and then we started the Woodlands project

Woodlands is about our family for real, at least almost for real

What is reality and what is fairytale?

We also created a book together, called Picknick and it is about outings all year aound

it contains thoughtful texts, my pictures and Dennis drawings, some recipes and a lot of inspiration

for now it is only available in Swedish but we hope it will be translated

Now we are mostly working on the podcast and on my patterns

but also on some other projects

We have become both strong and fragile through all of our diseases and sorrows

But we can be together and we try to focus on the good things and we are so happy to be able to inspire others

Life is a precious gift and love is true grace

Coffee and talking

I like thinking of the beginning of our relationship, but it is also hard because of many tough things

But I mostly think of the romantic shimmer

I could neither eat or sleep and I was thinking of you all the time, 24 seven.

now I can be with you all the time instead

It is so much better!

It is a beautiful thing to grow together in love

But you think it is hard to talk about?


Or maybe not, but then I want to talk about everything

I find it hard only to talk about the beautiful things

In that case I also want to talk about the hard things and the darkness

but I have difficulties to express myself

I find it easier to express myself in my drawings

but you are the most romantic man I know of in your expressions for me

it is fantastic to hear so many nice things from you

I like writing poems

but I am worried to talk to much about it

many things are better without words

if I make a drawing of you for example, it is a way of saving the moment and I can not touch it then because

I do not want to destroy the moment, do you see what I mean?

But it brings back happy memories to look at the pictures from our wedding and so on

But we know so much more behind the scenes from the pictures

There are so many feelings and we have been bound together by all things that has happened

As you said you can wake up other memories when you see pictures. Memories connected to when the pictures were taken

then you start to think of things that happened at the same time

it can almost be a overload of feelings and things to relate to

for me it is almost always difficult to think of things that have been, it is like a heavy backpack

I want every day to be a new day which is hard to focus on if you have a heavy load to carry

These things on our old pictures are so beautiful and nice things but maybe it is hard for me to express what I mean

You are so talented in your way of expressing yourself

You are being so honest and it always comes from inside you

Thank you, but I am not always able to do that

Then you knit a sweater for me instead

and if you are tired of me you can still continue knitting and then you can give me the sweater

It is a fine thing, to knit in all the thoughts, feelings and love in a garment

Yes, that is how you do it. I do not think about that when I knit.

On the other hand, I have mostly been knitting for myself. But I made you a cowl - that felt different!

I felt that was so romantic - to get a cowl that you had knitted for me

But I think many people don't think that way - they just knit

Maybe it depends on what you are knitting and for whom?

But I guess you don't knit for someone you hate? Like: This asshole is going to get this sweater...?

You can knit evil thoughts in it - like voo doo...

Yes, like voo doo!

It sounds scary!

Are you drinking tea?

Yes, how about you?


Well, I find it hard to talk about feelings but I guess many can relate to that

But I know many people who tell me that they think you are so good at talking about feelings

Yes, but then I have to be able to talk about ALL feelings.

And I do not think that people here want to hear exactly everything

At the same time, it is a good thing to be able to share difficult and hard things

Yes, you can help to carry each other

It feels good to know you are not alone

Now it is time for us to have more of the fun stuff in life and less misery

Yes! Now we wish for more good things to happen.

That would be nice!

You often talk about togetherness

I experience that many people find it wrong to be dependent on each other

I often say that I want to talk to my wife and then they ask me if I can not decide for myself

Of course I CAN, but I WANT to talk to my wife, am I allowed to do that?

What is the point of having a wife if I can not talk to her and ask things?

Maybe this sounds strange, but for me it is important what you think and what you want

I mean, we are together, we live together, I do not want to be alone and be my own person when we are two persons.

Is it hard to get your different roles to adjust to each other?

I feel no need to. I can do things alone and without you but it is not fun.

It is much more fun to be with my family

Then you text me that you miss me

Both I and Ella were gone the other day

It was such a strange feeling, I am almost never alone

At first I thought like Wow! I am all alone, I can do whatever I want to do!

Oh, I am going to do everything!

Then I wondered what all that was?

I knitted for a while, went for a walk, baked a cake

cleaned the house, all those things I do when you are at home too

the fine thing was to long for you, which I did pretty soon

I think it is a good thing to long for each other sometimes

Yes, I think so too, that was not what I meant

I meant that it feels like the society today is so focused on the individuals and it is so egocentric

you have to be alone and lonesome is strong and that bullshit

I think we are here to help each other

I guess what you want to say is that society is so individualistic today and you are supposed to be

egoistic and selfish to be sort of approved

it would be nicer if we could help each other more and think of the people around us as well as ourselves

we do live together on this earth and we are in a context with each other

not everyone has the grace of living together with a beloved person but we can still have people close to us

We people are very dependent on each other, it is so stupid to live as we we are not

There is a very common Swedish expression "Alone is strong" - it is so strange and not true

We are much stronger together!

But now it is like we shall be independent individuals and it is not ok to ask for help, why is that?

It is a fine and nice thing to do, to help someone or being able to ask for help

it is so strange because walking around just thinking you are the best and the only one - that is nothing to bring along through life

the only thing that really counts are the things you can give and take in relations to other people

to help each other

not only in love relations but in all kind of relations

it is like we grow in the context of relations, in between each other

When you are going to die, I do not think that you wish you had been more egoistic and done more things alone

oh, what a great thing that I earned so much money for myself

I think that you think of your relations

there are studies that show that dying people talk about that they wish they had been more together with beloved ones

they do not wish they had worked more or earned more money or bought a bigger boat

time together with the ones you love is the most important thing

I think it is important to think about earlier than when you are going to die

while you still have the time

Everyone has to find their own way of course but I think it is important things to consider

it should be more normal to help each other and live for each other

Sometimes when I do things without you, it feels empty because I want to do it together with you.

I want to share my experiences with you

it is more fun to have those memories together

Do you think people who are alone get sad when we talk like this?

If you do not have someone to share your days with

I think there are many lonely people

It is a big difference in being alone and being lonely

it depends if you have chosen it or if you do not want to be alone and feel lonely

Many people like to be alone. I liked it the other day, for a couple of hours at least

But of course it can be a problem if you have been left alone or if you in some way do not want to be alone.

It is easier to be with yourself if you are a nice person

Otherwise it is very boring to be with yourself

I am so boring to be with for myself

But I think you are a nice person to be with

I become a person through other people

We all do! it is called socialization

We get developed through our experiences and meetings

You can feel very lonely even if you are together with someone - if the relation is not good

You can even feel more lonely in a bad relation than if you are all alone

Yes, I guess so, that is creepy!

If you do not feel a connection and maybe you feel exposed, then you are very lonely even though someone is there

if you are all alone you only have to take care of yourself and not cope with a bad relation and get irritated

You are so wise

Do you think so?

I just reflect on different kinds of loneliness

there is a word for loneliness that you choose, (a newly invented Swedish word)

when you spend time with yourself in a nice way

sometimes you can explain things better with a new word

I am very happy to be with you and to be able to long for you when we are not together

That is nice because I feel the same for you

Thank you! Thank you!

There are days when the echo of the dropped plate

is accompanied by the pling of the tears falling on the shards

spread on the gravel

one eyelid has fallen down, soaked by tears that never seem to stop falling

that is when stitch by stitch knitted on my needles

can be the only thing that anchors me in what calls reality

like the yarn binds, beds and warms

it also hides what is called me

in between wool and needle

Queen of Kammebornia knits

I have had a problem with the fact that beautiful knits do not go well together

That is why I last spring started to plan for my brown autumn

I have had brown as a base in my knitting

I will soon be finished with my brown cardigan

I am also knitting my Longing for Gotland socks in brown and white

My next cardigan will be a Wiola cardigan that also goes with brown

I have knitted Lucky me socks in brown and knee high Longing for Gotland in maroon

The Wisby mittens are knitted in rust brown and light grey

Ihave a brown hat that I like and Imight knit another brown hat, maybe a beret

My Brush creek shawl is pink and brown

and the white shawls go well with everything

so I am satisfied with my brown project and I have created a new hashtag #mybrownautumn

We are so happy to be able to share our yarn happiness, Gotland love and coffee moments with you!

Thank you for being with us!

We also have the best sponsors and we want to say thank you to them as well

At you can find yarns and free patterns and much more (mostly in Swedish)

At Opalicious you can find Opal yarn and much more

At Ullcentrum you can find fine Swedish wool yarn

In Uppsala you can find the cosy yarn shop YlloTyll and they are also available at

You can follow us at facebook if you search for Kammebornia

On Instagram you can find @kammebornia and @kingofkammebornia

You can also find me and my patterns on

Pia blogs in Swedish on

you can also subscribe at our Youtube channel Kammebornia

Thank you so much and welcome back!

For more infomation >> episode 7/2017 Iceland - Duration: 56:23.


#It'sMe 鴻敏、鴻杰 挑戰理想女友穿搭!高跟鞋、少女洋裝初體驗|VOGUEme - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> #It'sMe 鴻敏、鴻杰 挑戰理想女友穿搭!高跟鞋、少女洋裝初體驗|VOGUEme - Duration: 0:53.


Gateway Choice Point Assisting the Collective Timelines - Duration: 5:51.

Gateway Choice Point Assisting the Collective Timelines

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives

October 21-25.

Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening),

and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule.

by Sandra Walter,

As mentioned in last week�s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels

during the 21-25 in both October and November.

Last week�s Divine Feminine influx provided a strong geomagnetic storms, prompting a strong

release of Divine Feminine expression in the external (the Me too revelations and disclosure

dynamics increased).

Notice how quickly magnetic field stimulation causes polarity releases in the collective.

This sets us up for the second half of October�s shifts; let us actively participate in this


We, as the High-Vibe Tribe, hold tremendous vibrational influence in the collective choice

because of our activated Hearts and highest intent.

Remember the quantum effect of raising our vibration; it pulls many others up.

Highest trajectories are being attained by many; the Primary Christed Timeline has us

locked into the experience of pure Presence.

Our intent to lift as many with us into this new experience � right now � can assist

the Secondary timeline tipping points.

In brief, we can end the delay tactics by utilizing our pure intent through grounded


Assisting the Collective Timelines

Let us use this New Moon (Thursday, 12:11pmPT) and the Gateway (October 21-25) to assist

in OVERIDING and OVERWRITING the programs used to stretch time dynamics to delay the

inevitable fall of old systems and the full experience of Ascension for all concerned.

This is part of completing our Ascension; learning to use our collective consciousness

to create what we desire in the Now.

Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will

assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that

you have been procrastinating.

One small energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to break through any remaining

blockages to the highest timelines and outcomes � in the NOW.

Let us end the old waiting game through our collective action.

Just one grounded, physical action in this reality to override the procrastination programming

will help.

Whatever it is for you: a conversation you put off, a new creation you�ve been desiring,

an action to move forward, a Unity Meditation you�ve intended to participate in, a change

you have delayed, something you always wanted to create � anything shifting the personal

reality assists the global shift-point.

It doesn�t have to be huge (although that is appreciated), just forward momentum in

the Now.

Changes in the SUN

We continue to go deeper into this highly-charged area.

I AM sure you have noticed the different quality of SUNlight as Solaris receives this consciousness-shifting


Gatekeepers ask if we can collectively call forth the flashing activity we have seen in

our visions into the Now.

Events are quickening � even with the manipulation � for the Secondary timelines.

Our collective nudge will greatly assist this unfoldment of needed events.

Certain things must occur to tidy up the lower experiences, and it can be quickened by benevolent


With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended

consciousness shifts which the Solar flashing activity will create on a global level.

Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this

activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence.

We are receiving the encodements and reality-shifting frequencies already.

We are anchoring this, through embodiment, into the HUman heart collective to make it

easier for all when the brilliant moment arrives.

In this Now, that series of flashes already exists.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

It is our 18 month anniversary of this weekly activity!

Let us utilize our collective empowered BEingness to co-create the return of peace and the Christ

consciousness, shift the timelines into high gear, and assist this influx of Divine Light.

The energy field during these meditations is palpable, healing, and activating.

Add your light, every Heart is witnessed.

Join us on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pmPT.

Details can be found HERE.

We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You for your service and dedication to HUmanity, Gaia

and Source.

In Love, Light and Service,

For more infomation >> Gateway Choice Point Assisting the Collective Timelines - Duration: 5:51.


NOBLE TEA - How To Brew 18 Royal Herbs Tea - Duration: 2:07.

Prepare a bag of NOBLE TEA- 18 Royal Herbs

Mix the tea very well

Take 1 Juju berry

Add 15g approx 2 tbsp of tea

To active the tea, pour 250ml of boiling water for first 10 seconds to rinse the tea off

Re-steep the tea with 1L of 100C boiling water

Prepare a tealight warmer

Brew 5-10 minutes

Enjoy hot or chilled from the fridge

This tea has ability to be re-steeped 2-3 times.

18 Royal Herbs Tea is a delicious replacement for your daily water intake.

For more infomation >> NOBLE TEA - How To Brew 18 Royal Herbs Tea - Duration: 2:07.


Easy Donuts Goods ~Japanese 100-yen store~ - Duration: 6:39.

It's ready! Let's check it^^

It's pretty^^


I'm introducing the goods that makes a donut easily! (You can get it in Japanese 100-yen store)

I got it in "Seria". (Japanese 100-yen store)

You can make a donut for 1 min at microwave!

It's wonderful!!

So I got it^^

Today,I'm making a donut using it!

I have many question! ☆ex☆"Can you really make a donut with it?"

"Can you really make a donut pretty?"

So I'm trying to make a donut^^

I'm making a donut with the goods!

Let's open^^

The direction and donut mold are in this bag.

The material is・・・like a plastic.

The direction is written how to make a donut.

Let's make a donut^^

Stir it.

If you make a donut easily,you can give it to your friends^^

And you can make it with children^^

So let's make it!

Blend it.

It looks good^^

Let's use the goods^^

Spread oil on the goods.


The hole is fine(><)

You will remove a donut easily by spreading oil.

So if you don't spread oil, don't remove(><)

Let's spread^^

Put the batter into a mold.

Because it has a line in a mold, you put the batter up to line inside a mold.

It's cute♪

It's ready to put the batter^^

It's pretty^^

So I'll check "Can you really make a donut for 1 min at microwave"!

Let's microwave it♪

It's pretty♪

Because the batter rise largely, you should put it up to the line!

Let's remove it♪

If it is not beautiful,・・・

"I got everything wrong!!!(><)"

Remove it with a pick.

It's beautiful!!

Ah・・・uneven a few making.

When you put the butter, you have to get the air bubbles out of donut.

It's beautiful shape by getting the air^^

"☆" is more beautiful than others^^

You can get it easily and reasonably♪

So I make it with chocolate pen and color sugar^^

Like cruller♪

It's good^^

And strawberry♪

Like old-fashioned♪

It's cute^^

Sprinkle the color sugar.

It's ready! Let's eat♪

In addition,

I dished up the donuts to take a picture at this angle.


I dished up one side ^^

It's good^^ (I can't tell whether I microwaved)

I used pancake mix.So it's fluffy^^

And it is like a "French-Cruller" (Japanese fluffy donuts)

So I introduced it!

I made a donut with the goods that makes it easily!

It's easy^^

[POINT]① Put the batter up to line ② Use a chocolate pen and color sugar

You can get it in Seria!(Japanese 100-yen store) Let's try it♪

※ self-assertive^^

Please subscribe to my channel and hit the like button!

And please spread this video if you agree!

Thank you for watching♪

See you next time☆

For more infomation >> Easy Donuts Goods ~Japanese 100-yen store~ - Duration: 6:39.


Special menu for sheep from Bruges | #secretsofbruges - Duration: 1:51.

Our Japanese friends have a special beef.

Wagyu beef. You know it? - Yes.

They've had a special treatment.

Bruges also has nature in the city.

We don't do it with cows, we do it with sheep.

We don't 'do it' with sheep, but...

Every day around noon,

they come to give the sheep a kind of cookie.

And it's 'bald-headed cookies'.

You see the barrel there? They already had one...

But they drink a very dark malted beer, called 'Bourgogne des Flandres'.

It's good for the taste of the meat.

You can take pictures, yes, of course, take pictures.

Do they get drunk?

Well, every now and then they dance around.

Of course these sheep are treated well.

They only eat the grass they love.

However, people from Bruges are really quite excited about their food.

Your taste buds will surely be exhilarated.

As you can imagine, with its wide variety of world-class restaurants,

Bruges has become the centre of world gastronomy.

And we know it's tempting for you, foodies, to hashtag all of this,

but people in Bruges are rather old-fashioned when it comes to food.

They will still tell it like it is.

What do you think you're doing? Eat it before it gets cold.

Sorry. - I hope you enjoy it.

For more infomation >> Special menu for sheep from Bruges | #secretsofbruges - Duration: 1:51.


Tom Halloween Songs - Tom and Jerry Full Episodes - Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:03.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Tom Halloween Songs - Tom and Jerry Full Episodes - Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:03.


How to Clean a Mattress - How to House - HGTV - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> How to Clean a Mattress - How to House - HGTV - Duration: 2:07.


HIV - Quello che devi sapere - Duration: 6:55.

Seropositivty: a word that since its creation, brings a lot of fear,

especially beacuse of the dire expectations it brings.

This because HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus causes the so called AIDS, or

Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome, causing the fall of immunitary defenses

thus making the infected subject much more susceptible to infections,

Like most viruses, it needs in order to replicate a cellulare host

In most cases, every virus has a preference, or tropism, towards a specific

kind of cells, and the disease they cause is in fact the consequence of this preference.

However, HIV presents a tropismo as much particular as Dangerous: CD4+ T lymphocytes,

also known as T Helper, which task is to assist immune response with the

production of molecules known as cytokines, capable of inducing the activation of other cells

of the immune system such as macrofages. Because of that, this virus is the

perfect sapper, attacking the immune system directly

But in order for this to happen completely the virus needs to spread to

most lymphocytes, not an easy task since in a single milliliter of water there

can be as much as 5000, this is why we need to study the staging

of the disease, and because of that, the behaviour of the HIV.

It all starts with the virus access to the circulatory system. Viral particles

are located in the blood and the semen, and this limits the infection to events

such as using dirty Needles, unprotected sex and pregancy with transplacentar transfer

The virus is not found neither in the saliva nor in the sweat, thus it is possible

to kiss and share the bathroom with an infected person without risk of infection, especially

because the virus is really fragile and even in an ideal enviroiment it can't survive more than 72 hours

more than 72 hours. Once it enters the body, the virus

comes in contact with the firs line of defens of the organism: Memory T lymphocytes

and macrophages, starting the acute fase. Hold on, didn't we say that.....

exactly. This happens because the HIV presents some variants, or strains,

or strains, called M-trophic or T.trophic, beacuse they are capable of attacking

macrophages and T lymphocytes. These cells attack the virus with bravery and determination

obvlious to the fact that this will bring their doom, since the virus during

its replication process creates a protein called VPU capable of destroying their

membrane, bringing to the mass Death of the lymphocytes.

Since Mucose membranes are the main placing for CD4+ T lymphocytes, this causes

a great reduction in their number, as low as 500 units per cubic millimter, against the

regular 1000. Simultaneously there is the spreading of the pathogen

in the circulatory system, process also known as viraemia. Thi causes the activation of primary

immune response with the starting of a condition knwon as "flu-like disease"

with symptoms like, fever, malaise and enlarged lymphonodes that all begin 3-6 weeks after

contagion and last for about a week. This is a critical phase for the infection

because it is often ignored, especially because of what happens next.

The immune system counts in its

ranks a divison of cells calle APC or "Antigen Presenting Cells"

capable of isolating and expose on their Surface pathogens' antigens.

They serve as a "search & recovery" team, since once gathered this antigens

they reach the various lymphonodal stations to allow B lymphocytes to produce

specific antibodies so that they can reduce the viraemia, allowing the partial recovery of the leukocytes count

and the disappareance of the symptoms. This is the phase where the subject becomes

"seropositive", because in its serum, the liquid part of the blood after

the removal of the coagulative factors, presents anti-HIV antibodies, sign of

an happened infection. In most cases

this is the end of the disease, but the HIV is different. It is a retrovirus, meaning

its genetic code is made of an RNA filament that, inside the cells,

is converted into DNA that will be inserted in the gentic code of the host cell

This terrible but fascinating mechanism not only renders the cell incapable of removing the infection

of removing the infection, but as long as it will be vital it will produce viral particles, delocating

energy from its vital processes, risking Death.

The virus the, reaches the various lymphonodal station thanks to the APCs, where it will infect

all the T lymphocytes. However when there is the antibody respons

Something peculiar happens that is still not fully understood.

For some reason, the viraemia resetting causes the viral replication to decrease

to the poinf where infected cells are capable of surving, even though they keep producing

other viruses. This is the start of the "latency phase"

phase where the virus slowly spreads in the whole body, albeit without

giving off any sign, except a slow reduction in the number of lymphocytes, estimated

in the range of 1-2 Billions per day. This phase can last many years, until

for reasons not fully undestood, viral replication steps up, causing

a massive fall in leukocytes count because of the extent of the infection

When T lymphocytes fall below 200 units per cubic millimeter, the subject is

affected by opportunitsts pathogen, that are pathohens normally not strong enough

to cause disesae, but in immunodeficient subjects can reproduce easily

This includes fungal infections li candidiasis or pneumonia by Pneumocisti Jirovecii

extended bacterial and parasitic infections, and the beginning of tumoral diseases

like kaposi sarcoma, because the immune system also protects against tumors, and kidney diseases

and neural diseases caused by the virus itself. Not long ago, this phase usually

ended with the Death of the patient, because there was not a way og blocking

the virus, today however there is the HAART, an Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy

that uses a mixture of drugs capable of inhibiting viral replication

This therapy however is effective only in the early stages, since it does not remove

the virus from the organism, this if it is started in late stages when there are reduced

leukocytes, their distruction cannot be reverted, thus it is imperative

in case there is the suspect of being infected, to do all the needed tests,

so to eventually be able to start the therapy early nad avoiding AIDS onset

thus conducting a normal life

And that is the end for today, I hope it was instructive and pleasing,

if yes push the like button and subscribe to the channel, this tells me i am doing a good job

Don't forget to follow us on facebook and

and Instagram, and, if you like our designs, you can finde these beautiful shirts

in the link down below. That is all for today, until the next time.

For more infomation >> HIV - Quello che devi sapere - Duration: 6:55.


Deadshot's Intro | Batman vs Deadshot (Scene) | Suicide Squad (2016) CLIP - Duration: 4:49.

We lose a national hero,

but you sit there looking like the cat that ate the canary.

I've eaten a lot of canaries.

It's taken some work.

But I finally have them. The worst of the worst.

There's rumors, Amanda, that some of them have abilities.

Well, the rumors are right.

You know what the problem with a metahuman is?

The human part.

We got lucky with Superman. He shared our values.

The next Superman might not.

You're playing with fire, Amanda.

I'm fighting fire with fire.

You're not going to pitch us that

Task Force X project of yours again, are you?


But this time, you're gonna listen.

Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot.

He's the most wanted hitman in the world.

Let's say he has an elite clientele.

- What? - Hey, Angelo.

This is the exterminator you called for your rat problem.

My account's looking a little thin.

No one gets paid until what needs to get done gets done.

Nope. That's not the rules. No money, no honey.

Whoa. Here's your boy right now.

With about 20 of his new best friends.

I'm still seeing zeroes over here, Angie.

Listen, stop being cute and do your job!

They're taking him outta the car now.

In about 30 seconds, your window is gonna close forever.

Okay. Okay, okay. Relax. There was an accounting error.

We sent it.

Now double it for being a dickhead. You got 10 seconds.

We're not the kind of people you play with.

Did you just... Did you threaten me?

This dude's gonna get a sore throat from all the singing he's about to do.

You son of a bitch.

Pleasure doing business with you, Angie.

But everyone has a weakness. And a weakness can be leveraged.

His is an 11 -year-old honor student in Gotham City.

His daughter.

So we watched her and waited.

You should talk to Mama more.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Mama stays in bed a lot.

Yeah. She's still going out at night?

Dad, it's okay. I can take care of her.

I know how to make pancakes now.

Hey, babe, that's beautiful.

Um, she's supposed to be taking care of you.

You know, that's how that's supposed to work.

I want you to come live with me.

All right? I came into some resources. I'mma get us a spot.

It's gonna be nice, all right?

Mama says I can't live with you because you kill people.

That's not true. That's a lie. She's lying to you.

Daddy... I know you do bad things.

Don't worry, I still love you.

Come on.

- And you caught him? - Not me.

I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City.

I'mma figure this out. All right?

It's over, Deadshot.

I don't want to do this in front of your daughter.

- Daddy, please. - Zoe, move!

Please, Daddy. Don't do it.


Don't do it.

All right.

Love you, Daddy.

For more infomation >> Deadshot's Intro | Batman vs Deadshot (Scene) | Suicide Squad (2016) CLIP - Duration: 4:49.


Психология воспитания детей: как финансовое воспитание в детстве влияет на конфликты в семье 0+ - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Психология воспитания детей: как финансовое воспитание в детстве влияет на конфликты в семье 0+ - Duration: 2:02.


Yunomi - 東京シュノーケル (feat. nicamoq) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Yunomi - 東京シュノーケル (feat. nicamoq) - Duration: 2:49.


(ENG SUB)This is my first time laughing when I see MV! HIGHLIGHT-Can be better reaction - Duration: 8:09.

Happy Haloween :)

Let's party!!!!!

Hello. GoFeet :) This is GoToe

Today's video is

(I'm falling in hairband nowadays)

Can be better of Highligh

It's been a long time

after the MV released

(I shoot this at 20th)

To prepare the MV reaction

I didn't listen that song for a while

to do this reaction but yesterday

I saw weekly idol

and Highligh was there

and when they appeared

background song was....

So I listened this song at that time...

So I feel sad...

But because of that situation

I can sing when I see this MV

When I think about Highlight

as I told it my last video

they are typical beagle idol

They really looks like... free

(free runny nose)

rather than cool and awesome image

They looks really free at their broadcast

It looks so nice to me

When I think about idol

In case of other group

they are Long-awaited object

celebrity. idol itself

that is the typical image of idol

In case of Highlight

the best point of that is

They feels like my real friend

I think we are almost in a same age

Cuz they debuted 9 years ago

I saw them for a long time

from when they were a BEAST

So their music is so familiar to me

and their face too

Feels like my friend growing up together

That is the best

advantage of the Highlight

I talked a lot even before the MV

Let's see the MV first

and talk it later more

That is not normal from the beginning

(relaxation of 9 year idol)

they are beagle

(I am always wondering what can I do when I drop my cellphone in there)

That situations like..

They are related

with the title of the song

(I shocked in here)

This is the 9-year idol!!!!

They show us how to play

Like... Do it everything what you want to do~~!

(and actually they are..)

It look so good~!


do the MV reaction for about... 2~3 months?

When I see the MV

This is my first time laughing when I see MV

(Welcome to this Historic moment)

(I really want to know the purpose of this scene)

(They are so serious)

They are so free~~~~

(I don't know what to say in my sub.. cuz they are so free)

Just do it what they want to do

where their foots and hands are going

They doesn't have own choreo.??

(I think they have cuz they always have)

Why he grab that chicken...

I love this mood a lot

that bright feeling

(My 3rd shock point)

(I need commentary video of this MV a lot)

Nobody can do like this

except Highlight

I think Superjunior can do that..?

at least


So we saw the

Can be better MV together

I think we think about same things

(What we saw....?)

They are really comfortable

at their idol activity

just like winds blowing


Like a party with your friends

That is

only allowed to them

They looks same in their broadcast

when they talked with MC

like talking with their friend

"Hey~! What's wring with you~~!"

It looks so free and good

Especially Highlight

they are good at bright song like 'Plz don't be sad'

and also ballad songs too

(Like calling you)

They sings so well too

That is their advantage

feels like real friends

with really deep friendship

It looks so nice

That is totally different

How they dancing well and singing well

That is the charming point of Highlight

and I did 20~30 reactions

until now

and I think I've never laughing

or smiling too maybe...?

I am always like.

Falling in MV

(I am really happy when I see each MV at the first time)

So my face is always not working when I see that

But today

I think I laugh several times

That is really interesting

and in the past

They changed members

and as I know they established company

by their own

and in that process, they had a lot of situations

In the process, between singer and dans

they are so friendly

I can feel it

when I see the message and

comment of their fans

It makes me encourage them

Those are

the only thing that they have

Their deep relationship

It looks so nice

That is the end of today's reaction

See you soon in my next video

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