Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

yo yo yo CPA strength here what's going on everybody what's the business Oh

peppers have a blessed day hope it happens a great day afternoon night

middle of the night I don't know whatever you're watching this I hope

you're having a good time all right I hope you're enjoying yourself you're not

really gonna have a great time in life unless you just learnt unless you learn

to love yourself unless you learn to like yourself it's a cliche with the

cliches around because they're popular

that's not even the video okay video is what are you passionate about

what are you passionate about CPA strength what are you passionate about I

like going to the gym Cody Cody what are you passionate about

helix editing in these videos Regina Regina what are you passionate about

Regina links doing my hair she likes getting in the comments that hair is on

fleek so I just got I got two comments on my recent video so far both about my

hair so whatever I guess and they're both positive hair comments I don't know

if they're serious or not SRS or not or I don't know if they're serious or not

serious but we'll take it at least they're talking right so what

are you passionate about you know what Cody and Regina's passion about you know

one of the things I'm passionate about the list goes on for me what I'm

passionate about hip-hop music you know finding a new gem of a song you know

lifting weights getting stronger at the gym going to play basketball my friends

talking shit with them what else my passionate about saving people money

through tax returns I'm passionate about growing my business during CPA LLC

passion you know passion or growing that I'm passionate about how passionate

about having happy clients at my business I'm passionate about having a

good coffee with somebody you know the good

good chat and I'm passionate about meeting someone else someone new and get

those butterflies you know like there's just so much i'm passionate about I'm

pretty much passionate about everything I do if I wasn't passionate I wouldn't

do it and stuff that I'm really passionate about I do all the time I

even mention YouTube it's almost like a foregone conclusion because I'm

uploading to youtube right now so what are you passionate about I'm passionate

about so much I'm passionate about it I don't have time for it you don't ever

really hear me say I'm bored I got nothing to do there's just so much stuff

for me to do there's not enough hours in the day I wish there was more that's one

of my main things is max oh I'm passionate about maximizing maximizing

time I'm passionate about motivational speaking I'm passionate about how that

even gets to be it's one of those things we say look at me I'm motivational man I

mean I guess some that's a whole another level me I just tell my story and it's

motivational so I want to just kind of it's kind of along the thing with comedy

you know like oh you make me laugh you should become a comedian you know I do

study comedy your craft I'm passionate about the craft of comedy

maybe I'd like to be a comedian so there's so many different things that

I'm passionate about never I don't have time so I have to pick one I'm really

super passionate about what I just get lost in where I get inflows own if you

don't know about flow you should learn about flow I'll do a video about flow in

the future about what are you passionate about tell me what are you passionate

about are you mad that I just asked you what I'm what you're passionate about

like you good huh I don't know cuz that was me 20 years

ago I was living on the I'm also passionate about the art of storytelling

I'm also a passionate about you know leaving a little nugget here a nugget

here coming from forward in time to editing putting over here you know and

then tell them the story so I'm passionate about building a story a

story line you know the the climax the Dana moi

that's the going down how can he be so smart and

so white trash and ghetto the juxtaposition is just an enigma what are

you passionate about I'm passionate about wordplay I'm passionate about a

battle rapping 20 years ago I was I was a waiter on the coast of war you know I

was 20 years old deep obey little little small-town crazy

I I lived there for I think seven months and I waited tables at this little


yeah yeah right first day on this job I was early of course because I'm early

everything i sat on the seawall I had my Tommy Hilfiger jacket on I was like a

$150 jacket I was swagging out the frame dog swagging home anyways swagging on a

bird pooped on me on the seewalds I was like oh I just said the seal all reflect

on my life and my day job and I got pooped on so they're having my new job

waiting tables and I got pooped on by I should just went home and said screw

this job but it was a learning experience and you know you can't kick

the dots going forward or backwards so anyways a little touristy touristy town

trout you know organ coasters like stuff to do so I was on one of the you know a

restaurant serve like fish it was a buffet was amazing Oh to die for in

Betty's cakes there are stories about people stealing Betty's cakes I never

stole any burgers the peanut butter and cream pie

no not Betty's eyes Oh miss Taunton I'm sorry we had a rough time you made the

best pies ever anyways across the street was me I made an organ store and they

would have you know knickknacks and this and that so this one kid Jake would come

over sometimes he worked in the main Oregon store he was like I don't know

like 20 around my age right out of high school you know I was four all counts

right at a high school I couldn't III was no I think I just maybe just

turned 21 maybe they were just using me to buy alcohol now that I think of it

pretty ladies so Jay came over you know he gets like a grilled cheese with some

tomato soup or something away you know so we're talk you know he's doing he's

from Idaho him and his sister have a place in Newport which is like nine

miles south on the coast hey we should hang out you know we

should hang out what do you like to do I'm like and you know I just my weed

drink drink I like to get fucked up basically that was my answer I believe I

don't remember anyways I don't really you know I don't remember how you meet

somebody for the first time and then you're like hanging out with them I mean

when your main you know main thing is hey we'll get drunk and high so anyways

I I specifically remember hanging out with

him for the first time I believe I remember him telling me that him is he's

like all me and my sister boobs organ Coast we found kayaking we loved

kayaking and I'm like I was just thinking I'm like just like go out there

kayaking it's like yeah you're like a team was like no we just like to do it

and it's fun like

so what are you passionate about what are you passionate about I've ever seen

on their couch it's like facing a window each was this

way a sister was over here to the left of me and and then she was like well

John what are you passionate about I was like what was a god it's like nothing

really she's like what gets you going what would you know get too excited no

like all right like oh god I think I wanted to like I don't know like getting

fucked up and she's like yeah well what do you like to do after you get fucked

up you know like what do you what what gets you out of bed what gets you going

and I just I just didn't have an answer like as a depressed person and and the

thing is I don't know why I always thought I had to live in this this

misery but you know I think I was certainly passionate about hip-hop fun

but being like you know a white kid you know a white guy bat you know then it

was like I just didn't feel like being like oh I'm super passionate about

hip-hop and they say oh you're a rapper you know I said no I just really well

maybe I aspire to be a rapper someday you know I wouldn't have the gall the

balls to tell them that or I wouldn't just say no I just really love listening

I love listening to people tell to people tell stories about how they sell

drugs and trap music and I love to learn every single word and I love to hear

what they're talking about and they had thoughts about when I was running them

streets the same thoughts and then it's cool like that like I'm very passionate

about lyrics instead I was just like yeah

but I don't think you I don't think I would have told you I was passionate

about anything that it was just it was just trudging through life just floating

through just working at a job I didn't like to get off and then to get drunk

and high and just whatever sorry I have to think about the job I was just down

and thinking about what I'm doing tomorrow and am I happy no I hate my

life I hate me and that's our thing as there's a press person to drink alcohol

I've been a lot better since I don't drink up over the past five years anyway

so go 20 years ago my life was a complete just shit wreck and internally

externally everywhere you know and except for my baby blues I've always had

I've always had my baby booze what are you passionate about when I wasn't

passionate or anything my life was a big pile of shit now you asked me CPA

strength JT blaze JT blaze 954 door 954 at what are you passionate

about what are you passionate about lifting weights YouTube growing my

business finding new love you know I mean dude that's just off the top of my

head right now just the list goes on and on what I'm passionate I don't have time

for all my passions so here's what I'm saying

if I ask you what you're passionate about and you can rattle it off for fast

do that can you make some money out of to do it is it a lot of money doesn't

matter can you make some money because whatever you can be super passionate

about it's where you need to go so that's why I'm taking the advice off

garyvee I'm super passionate about the YouTube I can make a little money off it

I think I have a huge vision for it that's going to make me wealthy with

money and with other with with with non-monetary as it already is making me

wealthy non monetarily so I'm just super passionate about and

ask you one more time what are you passionate about

tell tomorrow I love doing these videos I love you guys I love everything about

this YouTube I was built for this this is my priority I'm not going anywhere

they should

For more infomation >> Passion: WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT ?????? / FIND SOMETHING YOUR PASSIONATE FOR IN THIS WORLD - Duration: 12:41.


Đài Loan tuyên bố: Chúng tôi lúc nào chả độc lập - Duration: 5:10.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

America has called Taiwan its unsinkable aircraft carrier

but there's one thing the US better not call it

a country.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

The One China Policy,

if you're not familiar with it,

the One China policy is an agreement between China and Taiwan.

The policy says that the People's Republic of China

and the Republic of China

both agree there's only one country called China.

Oh and they both claim they're the legitimate government of the whole thing,

which is weird when you think about it

since both regions have independent governments, laws, militaries and so on.

The way, you know, two... separate countries do.

The one China policy also means that

other countries are only allowed to have diplomatic relations with one of them.

And I will call it the Highlander policy.

There can be only one... China

It's like a bunch of people agreeing not to see the elephant's sitting in the middle of the room.

And anyone who tries to say otherwise,

well, that's a third rail issue for Beijing.

But now, Taiwan's new Premier - William Lai

has stepped on that third rail and electrocuted... China

by saying:

what are you stupid, of course, Taiwan is an independent country.

That was a loose translation.

But as you can imagine, the Chinese Communist Party was not happy.

The CCP has, in the past, promised military action

if Taiwan ever does declare independence.

Well, not to worry,

premier Lai did not declare independence, he merely said:

"Taiwan already was an independent country,

called the Republic of China,

and so had no need to declare independence.

Yeah, I'm not letting an elephant into the room,

I'm just pointing out there's already an elephant in the room

and it's been here the whole time.

How did you not notice this?

Premier Lai comments came after the CCP said on Wednesday

that Taiwan would "reap the consequences"

of promoting formal independence.

Fortunately, Premier Lai just pointed out objective reality

without specifically promoting reality.

And Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council added:

"Taiwan's future and the development of relations across the strait

will be jointly decided by Taiwan's 23 million people.

In other words,

Taiwan's government wants Taiwan's fate to be decided by the people of Taiwan

and not the Communist Party in Beijing.

Now, this may blow the minds of patriotic Chinese nationals everywhere,

who freaked out when anyone even suggests

that Taiwan might not be anything other than a breakaway province of the People's Republic of China

that's totally been a part of it all along.

We've reported before about how professors in universities

face pressure for hurting the feelings of the Chinese people

whenever sensitive topics are mentioned.

Well, just listen to this interaction between a Chinese student

and an Indian lecturer in Australia.

Student: Why you always keep saying that?

Lecturer: Saying what?

Student: Saying "Taiwan"

Student: In this class, you asid twice, as a country.

Lecturer: Yes, because from where I am standing.

Taiwan is a separate country.

Relations between China and Taiwan have been strained

ever since Taiwan's 2016 election of President Tsai Ing-wen.

She came from the Democratic Progressive Party

that believes Taiwan is already an independent country.

And in her acceptance speech,

oops she failed to acknowledge the One China principle.

China suspended direct diplomatic contact with Taiwan soon after that

and drove a wedge between Taiwan and countries around the world.

Like Panama, known for its hats and canal.

Most recently,

a Taiwanese citizen was arrested and detained for more than 170 days in mainland China,

then appeared on state-run media for a fourth television confession.

"I spread malicious attacks

that defamed the Chinese Communist Party

and China's government and China's current political system.

And I incited subversion of state power."

Good old vague subversion of state power,

they can't arrest anyone for it

So the objective reality may be that Taiwan is functionally an independent country.

But the true tests of Taiwan's status as a country

will come when other countries like the United States

start calling the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office

what it really is - the Taiwan embassy.

And also start calling Taiwan a country.

Do you see the elephant now?

What do you think of Taiwan's call of 'we've always been independent'?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

You know, Taiwan is a country

does this mean mainland China is the breakaway province?

Oh, who knows, but what I do know

is that if you went to Chinauncensored.TV

you could see more amazing content from me

and Shelley,

including a half-hour episode we upload for free every week.

So check it out now at Chinauncensored.TV.

For more infomation >> Đài Loan tuyên bố: Chúng tôi lúc nào chả độc lập - Duration: 5:10.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.102 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.24] - Duration: 33:53.

(Episode 102)

You're Spotty, right?

You punk!

Where are you right now?

Do you think I'll let you be?



Did you send this twerp to jail in my place?

Is that why you're so scared of him?


Did I... Did I

really kill someone?

Yes, that's right.

Listen carefully.

This was my doing.

You didn't know anything,

so you can just carry on as is.

You said...

You said he didn't die.

Why did you to lie to me as well?

What good would it have done?

So you could confess?


Would that have brought the dead guy back?

My life is already tainted and marred.

Adding another sin won't change anything.

But your life is different.

You didn't do it on purpose,

so why should it leave a blemish on your life?


I'd still do the same even if I went back in time.

It's said and done,

so don't worry about that anymore.

How is it said and done when

Spotty's blackmailing you?

Don't worry.

I'll take care of him very soon.

And should anything go wrong,

I'll shoulder the consequences,

so just keep living with your head held high.

He'll throw a fit

if he finds out the man

he accidentally killed was that girl's husband.


I must ensure he doesn't find that out

no matter what.

What? Where did you go?

The hair salon Cheon's girlfriend runs.

You brought this without

a warrant?

Are you crazy?

It's not that.

I went to ask her if she'd heard from Cheon,

and she threw this at me,

saying it's all she has of his,

and said not to come back.

So you brought this?

Who knows?

It might give us leads.

Good grief.

I know where you're coming from,

but this is all wrong.

If you really want to investigate,

try talking Inspector Cha into it.

I'll sift through this since you brought it,

but don't do this again.

Got it?

Darn it.

Why would anything of evidentiary value

have been left behind?

Man... It's all just junk.

I'm sorry, sir.

Be quiet.

Don't you ever do this again.

Darn it.

- I'm back. / - Hi.

Where's Uri?


She was throwing a fit all day, asking me to call

Jin Dohyeon for her.

Wonder who she gets her stubbornness from.

She'll stop eventually.

Kids go gaga over someone who's nice to them

and then forget if they don't see the person.

Why are you coming home late every day?

Is something going on?

Mom, you know about that murder here, right?

Yes. A man was killed by a debt collector, right?

Good heavens.

Truth is, it was the same perp.

Same perp?

The drunk driver that killed Yunjae.


So that's why...

No wonder you suddenly brought him up.

So what happened to him?

Has he been caught?


The police are after him, but...

That darn scumbag...

Why did he murder someone here of all places?

You're not doing anything dangerous, right?

How can I? I'm at a small police station.

Bora and Suhyeok are late.

They say they're pulling an all-nighter.

Good night.


I'm saying this just in case.

You must think about Uri.

It's best to avoid a scumbag like him.

Avoid him,



The response is lackluster.

Did we waste money?

President Gu seems to be just barely managing.

Bora, your website gets a lot of traffic.

Yes, it does.

How about posting dishes made in the multi-cooker?

I think that could be more effective

than an ad.

Word of mouth among homemakers is important.

But will my website be of any help?

You don't know the power of social media.

It gets crazy once people start posting links.

And your dishes are tasty and pretty.

Let's do whatever we can.

I really want to make it big.

Why? To pay off your mom's debt?

That too,

but I also want to make my mark in that family

like my brother Taejin.

"My brother Taejin"?

You must be smitten.

Yes. He's really cool.

Tell Gunghwa to get back together with him.

Losing Taejin is losing a great catch.

You're going again?

Shouldn't I see this through?

Shouldn't you stop if you're covered

in medicated plasters?

Knots from exercise must be

undone by exercise.

Don't you dare complain of more pain.

I'll kick you out if you do.

I won't. Never.

I'm off.

Sleep tight instead of

waiting up for me.

What a noble undertaking, Kang Baekho.

What is it this late at night?

He wants to go box again

despite dozing off all day.

Dad, please stop him.

I don't know why he's causing me grief.

Now that Haechan's doing better,

he's acting up.

Why don't you do it in the morning?

The restaurant alone must wear you out.

It's just exercise.

It's been so long since I've had so much fun.

You're too old to seek what's fun.

If you get sick,

who will nurse you?

My thoughts exactly.

Baekho, a word, please.

Dad, Baekho is...

Why are you so thoughtless?

You're too old to be this selfish.

You'll be 40 soon.

How can you stay up all night boxing?

What's with you?

He just wants to work out.

You're the head of a family.

Don't you think about Huijin and Haechan?

Have you always been this irresponsible?

If you have spare time,

put it toward your restaurant.

Why are you such a disappointment?

I'm sorry.

Are you having an affair?

Good heavens. You must have lost it.

How can you say such a thing to your son-in-law?

You know Baekho would never do that.

But he insists on going

despite Huijin's opposition.

Like he's having an affair.

I must say I'm being self-indulgent.

Excuse me?

You know I'm still hung up on boxing.

It's invigorating

to be able to box after

frying chicken all day.

Of course.

It must be stifling for a man to be cooped up

and frying chicken all day.

But I don't think you should

work out all night though.

Just box for an hour or two.

Huijin's worried.

Yes, Mother.

Run along then.


Why does he have to box?


Why are you outside?

You should rest.

Why don't you tell Huijin?

It's not fair that you're put on the spot.

Don't worry.

I'm so invigorated these days

as I'm doing something for Huijin and Haechan.

But you're overexerting yourself.

How can you survive in today's world otherwise?

There are so many dads out there working 2 jobs.

This is how everyone lives.

He went despite what

I said to him?

Dad, Baekho's not going boxing.


He started working as a rent-a-driver.


Haechan's getting bigger but the restaurant's

not doing well, so he wanted to do something.

Why that squirt...

He should've just said so.

Please turn a blind eye for now.



Wake up.

What's wrong?

Is Ms. Heo under a lot of stress?

Is anyone free of stress?

Why? Is she deathly ill or something?

No, it's not that,

but her stomach's in bad shape.

So she's not deathly ill, right?

No, I suppose not.

Anyway, take good care of her.

Find her a caregiver too.

Will do.

Excuse me.


Betraying me must have

eaten you up too.

Assistant Inspector Park should be here soon.

You two are up to something, right?


You two are on a secret mission, right?

There was that tipster who called Officer Moo.

Don't worry about it.

That hurts our feelings.

Right, Officer Moo?

He must think we won't be much help.

An investigation requires a lot of legwork.

Who knows? We might find something useful.

That's right.

Many hands make light work.

We're so curious.

Please let us help.

He must be worried you'd blabber.

You can't keep any secrets.

Shh. My lips will be sealed.

Plus, the murder happened in our jurisdiction.

I appreciate the offer,

but looking the other way is how you can help.

It's a murder, which isn't our station's purview.

And the perp's ruthless.

That's why we're offering to help.

Who are we?

Suri suri Chamsuri.

We're the Chamsuri Five.

I'll let you know if I need help.


You promise?


What's there? Let's see.

This doesn't look bad.

Is the collar too high up?

Assistant Inspector Lee.

What brings you here?

How are you?

I came to get a T-shirt for my daughter.

What a pleasant surprise.

You're shopping for clothes?

My wardrobe is threadbare.

The date went badly because of your trench coat?

Oh, no.

I was only there for coffee. I swear.

I'm just kidding.

I don't know what to get though.

Let's see. Hang on.


Oh, my. Geez.

This won't do.

How odd.

Suhyeok looks rich and

sophisticated in colors like this.

Hang on.

Okay. This.

Oh, no. This one's worse.

Oh, right. Have you tried our new dishes?

Yes. Of course I have.

What did you think?

I feel bad saying this,

but I got worried.


The new menu is wonderful,

but it wasn't as good as the old one.

Oh, my. That can't be.

My daughter-in-law is a cooking instructor.

I don't know.

The original menu had deep flavors

and was very nice,

but the new one's perhaps a bit light.

I'm so sorry

for babbling.

No, it's fine.

Let's see. What would be nice?

Not this.

This. This looks good.

Oh, wow. This is even better.

You should wear colors like this,

shades that aren't too vibrant

and have depth to them.


I tend to like everything that has depth.

Then I'll take this.

Why? You should shop around more.

There's no need for that.

This one has depth.

You startled me.

Who's that man?

The head of Gunghwa's police station, okay?

The head?

You must be tired.

No. It was fun.

Then you're fine.

Having fun is what's most important.


What's this?

The food you made.

Give it to your parents.

They must be worried,

but they'll be amazed once they taste this.

Are you sure that's all there is?

From what I saw, there was more going on.

What could be going on?

Good grief. You're always so silly.

You only see what you want to.




A student of yours?


Whoever his parents are, he sure looks smart.

And well-mannered too.

He's Inspector Cha's nephew.

Oh... Inspector Cha, the handsome cop?

But how did he end up here?

Juyeong asked me to teach him

as he really wants to learn cooking.

Oh, wow. It's so pretty here.

It'd be great to post pictures on the website.

Oh. I was actually thinking it'd be nice

to post a picture of us

working together on the website.

What do you think, Mother?

Why include me in the pictures?

You're the young, pretty one.

I'm just the sidekick.

You're the star.

I'm no star.

Is this how you're going to be, Lee Seonok?

I'm your partner. You shouldn't leave me out.

We're not leaving you out.

It's just the concept.

Homemade meals by mother- and daughter-in-law.

More the reason I should be included.

I have that homemade vibe more than anyone else.


Come to my office right now!

It's been a long time, Dad.


That twerp didn't say anything?

Did you see him?

Yes, I saw him.

What did you say to him?

That I'd pay him handsomely

if he walks away from you.


What's the matter with you?

Is that a rhetorical question?

No matter what you do,

I'm never leaving him.

I wouldn't have pursued him

if he'd waver over something like that.

Leave before I make you.

Don't whine and cry later.

You know what I'll do

if you refuse to cave, right?

That's fine.

No matter how great a challenge,

Suhyeok and I will work together to overcome it.

Must you see him die to come to your senses?


I'll die too if something

happens to him.

So if you don't want to see me die,

leave him alone.

Excuse me?

Go wait in my office.



Why are you being like this?

Why are you harassing her like this?


She says she's madly in love with Moo Suhyeok.

I'm sure you know how that feels.

Although Ms. Heo betrayed you,

you can't kick her out.

Give him money

if it bothers you that he's poor.

What will do you with all your money?

Take it with you to your grave?

I think Ms. Heo will steal it all before then.

How dare you!

Bora's already married.


Is there yet another secret?

Is there something else I don't know about?

Please stop this!

It's Bora's life.

So even if her life ends up in the gutter,

leave her alone to live as she wishes.

Where are you right now?

You seem to have lost weight.

I do?

You look better than you did.

But nothing good's happened to me.

Are you happy?

Yes, I'm happy.

You should've taken your time

to answer for my sake.

You little squirt, you're especially mean to me.

Although this was especially hurtful.

I hope you meet your soulmate soon.

I wonder if I even have a soulmate.

Why did you come?

How could I not when Dad asked me to?

You came because

he told you to, knowing full well what he'd say?


Don't come anymore even if he asks.

Got it?

And tell Suhyeok not to either,

even if Dad calls him.

Cut all contact with him,


Is something going on with him?

I don't know. How odd.

I wonder what it is.

Why are you here?

You didn't call first.

Where's Juyeong?

He had outside work.

What's going on?

Why are your eyes closed?

We're at the office.

I'm sorry.

And thank you.

It's not "I'm sorry, but I love you"?


Why are you so passionate all of a sudden?

On my way over,

I was reminded of all that's happened.

I wondered what I'd do if you weren't with me.

Why would you wonder like a fool?

I'm right here by your side.

You won't leave me no matter what, right?

Jin Bora.

Promise me

you'll never leave me again.

Don't you disappear on me.

Keep your phone handy and always answer.

Officer Moo, come here.

How did it go?

Did you find anything?

What would I have found?

It was a big dud.


There was nothing.

Detectives wouldn't leave anything behind.

They're not stupid.

Don't do something like this again.

Now I know why Inspector Cha was so opposed.

Tell him I'm in the interview room when he comes.

Yes, sir.

Oh Deokpal, an informant who worked

for Chairman Jin back then,

said his men also complained

that he gave refuge to Spotty.

Jin had to have known Spotty was wanted.


Then there really must be something.

There was a police academy gathering yesterday,

and my former classmates said the drug case

is being discussed again with Spotty's reappearance.

There's a lot of talk about Hwang too.

So imagine how unsettled Hwang must be.

You know

if you merely stir the hornet's nest

without getting to the bottom of it,

Hwang will try to get you fired before all else.

He's probably already trying to do that.

So Inspector Cha...

I won't be done in twice.

Don't worry too much.

You have a death wish, don't you?

You're not thinking of killing me, are you?

You know very well I'm not such easy prey.

I recorded you

asking me to go to jail

in your son's place.


I wouldn't have come to you without leverage,

would I?

What happened?

Where's my bag?

A cop came by, so I gave it away.

Are you crazy?

Now I have nothing of yours,

so don't come again!

I'm sick and tired of you!

Do you know what's in there?

If it's so important to you,

get it back from that cop!

Are you sure it was a cop?

Yes, since she told me she was

Officer Moo Gunghwa of Chamsuri Station.

Why would I make this up?

What? Who?

Sir, aren't you going home?

Go ahead.

Call us if you need help.

That won't happen today,

so go rest up.

- Have a good evening. / - Have a good evening.

Let's go.

Have a good evening.

You too.

Did I... Did I

really kill someone?

Yes, that's right.


Mr. Jin.

What are you doing?

I must go home.

That house is no longer your home.


You never know what life holds.

It can get unbearably hard,

but then there's good news.

I'll take care of everything else,

so you need not worry.

It was all in the past.

It's all over now.

Inspector Cha is furious,

so you'd better brace yourself.

I'll be careful not to let this happen again.

You'd better.

Because if it does happen again,

one of us will get fired.

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.102 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.24] - Duration: 33:53.


Yamaha FZ FI Long Term Review - VS Suzuki Gixxer - Motovlog - Duration: 12:09.

This is my long term ownership review of the 2017 Yamaha FZ S FI Version 2.0 after riding it in all sorts of conditions and how does it hold up against its competition, namely the Suzuki Gixxer.

For more infomation >> Yamaha FZ FI Long Term Review - VS Suzuki Gixxer - Motovlog - Duration: 12:09.


感動話! 交差点で曲がろうと していた車に イラつき阻止しようと していたらおじさんが 出てきて…。 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 感動話! 交差点で曲がろうと していた車に イラつき阻止しようと していたらおじさんが 出てきて…。 - Duration: 3:59.


Как правильно оформить страницу доставки интернет-магазина? Практические советы - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Как правильно оформить страницу доставки интернет-магазина? Практические советы - Duration: 6:48.


MindlessFate Fire Rainbow 2017 hay nhat moi thoi dai - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> MindlessFate Fire Rainbow 2017 hay nhat moi thoi dai - Duration: 3:17.


President Moon applauds process of reaching social agreement through state commission's ... - Duration: 0:57.

The people have spoken.

More Koreans want the construction of Shin Kori 5 and 6 nuclear reactors to resume.

The government is set to abide by that recommendation.

President Moon applauded the state commission's role in running the three-month-long survey

and debate.

(KOREAN) "The recent process of gathering public opinion

has not only matured our democracy, but also presented a new model for resolving social


( .)

Moon also addressed the 53 percent of respondents who want to reduce the nation's dependency

on nuclear power.

His administration will continue to work hard to devise follow-up measures that reflect

the will of the people and the state commission's recommendations.

According to the top office, the president and the Cabinet have decided to publish a

white paper and documentary on the public survey process, and develop a standardized

manual for such surveys for future reference.

For more infomation >> President Moon applauds process of reaching social agreement through state commission's ... - Duration: 0:57.


Un tuitero avispado abochorna al Jemad de Podemos por burlarse del 155 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Un tuitero avispado abochorna al Jemad de Podemos por burlarse del 155 - Duration: 2:01.


Adventure cartoon games ROBLOX in the country McDonald's! Roblox McDonalds Obby Escape Kids games - Duration: 7:19.

Adventure cartoon games ROBLOX in the country McDonald's! Roblox McDonalds Obby Escape Kids games

For more infomation >> Adventure cartoon games ROBLOX in the country McDonald's! Roblox McDonalds Obby Escape Kids games - Duration: 7:19.


Машинки гонки мультики развивающие супер игра Exion Hill Racing Серия 1 - Duration: 13:07.

For more infomation >> Машинки гонки мультики развивающие супер игра Exion Hill Racing Серия 1 - Duration: 13:07.


GOURMET GUM!? Taste Test Tuesday | LesleyyX1 - Duration: 6:20.

and first we're raising the thumbnail so you're gonna get up close and you're

gonna get your face in here even though it's gonna look washed out and you're

gonna do it and we're like like look at each other or something like

hey guys welcome back to my channel for those of you who are new here hi we are

doing a taste test challenge video and what we have is gourmet gum that we got

when we went to awesome together now some of you may not know that this is

Olivia she's been my best friend for so many years you might have seen her in

the olden days during the music videos that was her so I'm still dragging her

into my videos now I'm going to be trying these out for fun but she's gonna

be blind so what I have here is my bra and we're gonna put this over her eyes

okay let's see you might get the other way good okay can you see no my eyes are

wet I guess that comes with gourmet gum

rainbow sure or the cone yes let's do the next one I can just tear bug too

weak to tear okay I got here I said no I'm already embarrassed

this is the head of line I know I won't really grab that and like oh my god

non heartbeat you do yeah that's what

birthday cake final answer

just listen your senses yeah with the cake

well what's there I mean could it be cotton candy ding ding ding we're that

cake yeah oh this one's gonna go yeah not like this one this one is also

included with your birthday cakes birthday present if you don't think of

margarita you think it's one you're not gonna be able to guess this one

it's nice lemonade my calories every two pieces no no now what we're going to do

is we're going to try every piece at once

because we have nothing better to do

Cheers no Carrie I gotta have one bite of one flavor and then the other bunny

other sounds in dollars so weird like a little acidic like stomach acids by my

feet like oh it's like taking limpid a report again okay

these rules alone to myself oh so how long do we dis know I'm retired blow a

bubble or the planet

oh I look great I'm granular okay let me try anyone felt

like planet right yeah okay now I stuck to the room I go okay huh monitor whew

I gotta do it oh okay I'm gonna wrap up this video so she can watch me get my

breathing treatment but um thanks for watching thanks for watching

like and comment subscribe

For more infomation >> GOURMET GUM!? Taste Test Tuesday | LesleyyX1 - Duration: 6:20.


What Is P/E Ratio In Stock MarkET?How Calculate ?Find Out Higher/Lower P/E Valued Stock.What Is Eps? - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> What Is P/E Ratio In Stock MarkET?How Calculate ?Find Out Higher/Lower P/E Valued Stock.What Is Eps? - Duration: 11:27.






neymar goals

neymar goals football

For more infomation >> НЕЙМАРА ЧУТЬ НЕ УБИЛИ. ГОЛЫ, ПОРВАВШИЕ ФУТБОЛ - Duration: 7:40.


Продукты для иммунитета и против застоя желчи. Как повышать иммунитет осенью - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Продукты для иммунитета и против застоя желчи. Как повышать иммунитет осенью - Duration: 5:23.


Play that funky music | Bass Boosted - Duration: 4:14.

Yay hey

Yeah, there was a funky singer

Playin' in a rock and roll band

And never had no problems yeah

Burnin' down one night stands

And everything around me, yeah

Got to stop to feelin' so low

And I decided quickly, yes I did

To disco down and check out the show

Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die

I tried to understand this

I thought that they were out of their minds

How could I be so foolish

To not see I was the one behind

So still I kept on fighting

Well, loosing every step of the way

I said, I must go back there

And check to see if things still the same

Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die, ya

Till you die

Now first it wasn't easy

Changin' Rock and Roll and minds and things were getting shaky

I thought I'd have to leave it behind

But now its so much better

I'm funking out in every way

But I'll never lose that feelin'

Of how I learned my lesson that day

When they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die

Oh' till you die

They shouted play that funky music

Play that funky music

For more infomation >> Play that funky music | Bass Boosted - Duration: 4:14.


These Bollywood And Tv Stars Confirmed That They Will Marry In 2018 !! - Duration: 5:53.

These Bollywood And Tv Stars Confirmed That They Will Marry In 2018

For more infomation >> These Bollywood And Tv Stars Confirmed That They Will Marry In 2018 !! - Duration: 5:53.


14 идей почувствовать себя лучше прямо сейчас–Что делать если плохое настроение и как радовать себя - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 14 идей почувствовать себя лучше прямо сейчас–Что делать если плохое настроение и как радовать себя - Duration: 3:42.


The Goddess Feminine Warrior Energy Is on the Rise! Watch it Grow Everywhere! - Duration: 8:12.

The Goddess Feminine Warrior Energy Is on the Rise!

Watch it Grow Everywhere!

by Therese Zumi Sumner

From my heart to yours � Therese Zumi

As a direct result of actresses in Hollywood openly admitting that they were victims of

Harvey Weinstein�s sexually abusive behaviours Sweden is now experiencing an avalanche of

effects which grows by the hour.

Thousands upon thousands of women are telling about their experiences of being sexually

abused by men under the # Me Too!

Many women are telling of experiences that they have never dared to share with anyone


This has so far, within only a few days resulted in 2 journalists being fired.

One from a main newspaper and one from Sweden�s main official TV channel.

Another well-known and liked TV personality has also been fired from another channel having

been exposed as being derogatory to women using sexist comments and unwanted sexual

invitations on several occasions.

Not only has this person been fired but all his popular TV shows have been shut down immediately

and planned recordings of new shows have been cancelled.

Everyone is now talking about this and lively discussions are taking place in the media

asking men to come forward now and discuss with men of every age how women should be

treated starting at a very early age.

This last week has focused on these types of male dominance and sexist behaviours in

the area of media, TV, newspapers and so forth, this week it would seem that it�s time for

this discussion in the sports world.

In fact, it seems as if these discussions will now take place in every area of people�s


It will!

Nothing can stop this now everyone has had �enough�.

Women are now finding their inner Goddess Warrior energy and are no longer willing to

accept being treated as second class citizens and worse by men.

This will now escalate and grow all over Gaia to finally put a stop to the abominable, barbarian,

maltreatment of women everywhere.

It will reach countries where to this very day genital mutilation of small girls is acceptable.

Where prostitution of young women is a way for a family to survive economically.

Where women�s rights are almost nonexistent such as in rich Saudi Arabia where women have

just recently been allowed to drive a car.

This list could go on a mile and would still not cover everything going on regarding the

derogatory behaviours towards women that exists everywhere.

Finally, through this HW revelation the dominoes have truly started to fall and will continue

until no stone is left unturned.

Yes, our controllers have seen too it in a myriad of ways through the media, control

of artists, religion etc. that everything to do with true love and caring between men

and women was sullied and degraded and allowed to become normal, even acceptable.

We Need and Will Now Have TRUE Feminist Behavior

There have been many wonderful truly feminine warrior women using their divine feminine

aspect to bring healing to many areas of Swedish life for a long time now.

Recently before the Weinstein revelation two female stand-up comics were interviewed on

morning tv about their desire to change stand-up comedy using comedy that does not in any way

target any group in society.

They want an end to the acceptance of sexist, homophobic, racist type of jokes that have

been �acceptable� by both men and women working in these areas.

However marvelous this news might be we cannot abide a growing feminist movement where men

are on the outside and where they are targets.

In the earlier days of the feminist movement there have been many women who have aggressively

targeted men and this type of attitude cannot support the growth of true feminism on this


Women have also played their part in the use of patriarchal controlling dominant male energy.

I know this through firsthand experience.

I grew up in a home completely dominated by a cynical mother using control, threats, and

emotional blackmail.

I lived in daily fear in this home my entire childhood and teen years.

It has taken me most of 44-45 years to become free of this experience.

There are already many wonderful men who make claim to being feminists at least in this


Here men and women share the care of young children to a greater extent than in other

European countries.

Many years ago, many women were raped by someone in a northern town resulting in women of all

ages not daring to go out alone.

The men in that town decided to go out and demonstrate in huge numbers to show the women

in the town that they were greatly supported and that they too considered themselves feminists.

This occurred about 7-8 years ago.

The Divine Masculine Energy

We now need to uphold and show clearly what true divine masculine energy is like.

This goes without saying for both men and women.

In using our divine masculine energy, we must be very clear that when speaking or writing

our truth it must be done lovingly and respectfully and in this way, it is also more powerful.

Yes, there may be moments when the divine masculine energy needs to be expressed in

a stronger, more confronting statement.

A true gentleman / woman can bring clarity to a discussion without oppressing or being

derogatory to others.

In fact, if we take a closer look at this we will each and every one of us see that

we not only have experience of being the victims of negatively used male energy but in fact

we too can surely find instances when we have also used our masculine divine creative energy

to �get our way�.

There will be no use for this type of energy on Nova Gaia and that�s why these discussions

are now taking place.

Here in Sweden we now have younger family fathers openly speaking in the media and pointing

out that men should lead the way here about keeping an open dialogue with their sons and

daughters from an early age, as to what is acceptable, respectful behavior towards girls

and women.

It�s truly wonderful to see this and it�s only the beginning of what we will now see

spreading worldwide � yet it�s all happening so fast.

This is a sure sign that the forces of evil on every dimension are losing their hold on


Truths are coming out at an enormous rate and this process will prepare the many for

the full disclosure process that The Event will ignite.

You might enjoy reading the following article from 2012 when Jada Pinkett Smith spoke out

on this matter;

Jada Pinkett-Smith: The War on Men through the Degradation of Woman

My own feminine warrior energy is no longer allowing / accepting any kind of derogatory

comments on PFC or my blog.

If someone wishes to criticize then they can do so with respect and constructive criticism.

Any cynical, aggressive, negative comments will not be allowed, so take them somewhere

else because here they will be deleted.

Here some advice on this subject from Divine Mother

PS: Divine Mother has clearly stated that as we move into Nova Gaia there will be a

focus on the energy of the Divine Feminine.

This focus will mean that there may well be a disproportionate amount of the divine feminine

energy to begin with on Nova Gaia.

This will be a necessity to counter balance the age old patriarchal rule

that has existed for so long.

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