Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

- Colonel? - Not now, Kayla.

I've done everything you've asked.

My sister.

You said if I helped you, you'd let her go.

Kayla, it's not as simple as that. Her mutation is unique. Quite beautiful.

We just need a little more time to analyze it, that's all.

You let him go?

- Victor, please. - You can't let him go.

- You can't beat him, Victor. - Then give me the Adamantium!

- Your tests came back. - We had a deal!

You would never survive the operation.

- I can take anything he can. - No, you can't.

You're my favorite soldier, Victor. Be patient. Your time will come.

He's using us.

How about this time you die for real?

Let me go.

Your little mind games don't work on me.


Feels good, doesn't it?

All that rage.

- Do it. - Logan!

- You're not an animal. - Oh, yes, you are.

Do it.

Finish it.


My sister. They have my sister.

Please. I didn't trick you into loving me.

It was real for me, too.

Please, I'm so sorry. They have my sister.

Where is she?

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Sabretooth The Island Fight | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.


NFL: It's OVER! Every Single NFL Kneeler Just Woke To WORST News Of Their Careers – They Look RIDIC… - Duration: 4:51.

It's OVER!

Every Single NFL Kneeler Just Woke To WORST News Of Their Careers – They Look RIDICULOUS.

What started out as one man's act of rebellion against a country that supported his success,

has ballooned into the biggest political debate of the year.

It might seem sad that it took football to get so many Americans paying attention to

the difficult issues of the day, but better late than never.

The protest of the National Anthem that is being put on by the players of the National

Football League reminds many of a rebellious teenager who yells at his mom and dad and

stalks out to his Range Rover to go blow some more of his trust fund.

The ungratefulness and disrespect that should come standard to anyone who has done as well

for themselves as these players have are blatantly absent, and it's not a good look on them.

The question that many want to be answered is whether or not their protest is really


If it's a constitutional right to protest, then they can't be benched or fired or anything

else for doing it.

But, if it's not, the players face a future where their livelihood hangs on whether they

lose their bosses' money.

Attorney and constitutional law expert, Alan Dershowitz knows more about the founding of

this country than most of us.

He opened up about what he believes to be the legal ramifications of this protest.

According to an interview reported on by the Washington Examiner that Dershowitz gave on

Sunday to New York's 970 AM radio station, these players only have the rights given to

them by their employers.

He said "The players are entitled to kneel if the owners allow them to.

Now the owners could say 'no' because the players don't have a First Amendment

right in relation to the owners.

They only have a First Amendment right in relation to the government."

Despite his personal disagreement with the protesting of the National Anthem, according

to him, this is the First Amendment "working well" in the NFL, because "both sides

are being heard."

In other words, these players are allowed to do exactly as much as their bosses say

that they can do.

No one coerced them into taking their jobs, they signed on of their own free will, and

as long as what the boss is telling them to do is legal, they must comply.

As far as anyone knows, it's not illegal to make a person stand for the anthem just


If it's still unclear, let's imagine this problem in a retail setting.

Picture, if you will, that you're the owner of a shop and one of your employees has a

huge problem with anyone wearing the color green.

Maybe it's a childhood trauma or maybe they're just jerks, but either way, every time a customer

comes in wearing the color green they flip them off.

Technically, flipping people off isn't illegal, so they should be allowed to do it, right?

No, while they're wearing your store logo and representing your business, they must

keep their aversion to the color green to themselves, because it's your business and

you don't want to run people off.

If that same employee wants to flip people off on their way home, that, you can't stop

them from.

While that's an extremely simplistic explanation, the principles still apply; if the business

owner allows the players to protest, they can.

If the owners say "not on the clock" than the players have to stop.

Or they can quit their jobs and find employment elsewhere.

Dershowitz did have a few things to say about free speech elsewhere though.

According to him, the First Amendment isn't in fine form on college campuses across the


"Most college students are just a bunch of selfish spoiled brats when it comes to

this issue: 'Free speech for me but not for thee,'" Dershowitz said.

He has had some first-hand experience with that attitude, citing his experience of being

"shouted down" whenever he spoke on behalf of Israel despite the fact that he supports

the two-state solution.

"They are the first ones who want free speech for themselves, but they don't want free

speech for anyone they disagree with.

That's not the way it works," he continued.

"The Constitution doesn't distinguish between good speech and bad speech."

The idea that we can tout free speech when it comes to topics that we think are worthy,

but not when we disagree with them, flies in the face of what freedom of speech really


Let's be honest, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and all other freedoms mean that

it's the freedom to be wrong.

If we were required to be right, there would have to be someone parsing out right from

wrong and handing it down to us, and that's exactly what America was founded to get away


If history has taught us nothing else, we should take away from it that we, as a society,

should always be learning, and that can only happen if we're given the freedom to be


That being said, we also have the freedom to not financially support the wrong we see

in others, which is what Americans have decided to do to the NFL.

Thankfully we live in a nation where that is still allowed, and it's still effective.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> NFL: It's OVER! Every Single NFL Kneeler Just Woke To WORST News Of Their Careers – They Look RIDIC… - Duration: 4:51.


Kalejdoskop odc. 17 - Duration: 3:08.

Dzisiejszy trening zaczęliśmy wspólnie.

Ponieważ zdajemy sobie sprawę, iż nie możemy prowadzić takiego samego treningu dla piłkarzy, którzy rozegrali więcej minut w ostatnim meczu, zaplanowaliśmy im dzisiaj regenerację.

Dla zawodników, którzy zagrali mniej lub w ogóle nie wystąpili w niedzielę, poprowadziliśmy intensywniejszy trening, w którym kluczem były siła i dłuższe oraz bardziej wymagające ćwiczenia

Uważam, iż drużyna jest w dobrej formie fizycznej i mentalnej.

Nikomu nie podoba się to, iż przegraliśmy ostatnie spotkanie.

Ale uważam, że ogólnie jesteśmy w dobrej formie.

I mamy niemal wszystkich zawodników do dyspozycji na następny mecz, a to dla nas dobra wiadomość.

Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy, ponieważ to wpływa pozytywnie na ekipę i wyniki.

To fantastyczne uczucie, gdy widzisz cały stadion pełen kibiców.

To działa dobrze na wszystko.

For more infomation >> Kalejdoskop odc. 17 - Duration: 3:08.


Q&A #2 (for foreigners too!) - Duration: 1:12.


I've got something to tell you

Thank you very much for the 500 subscriptions!

Wait a moment, you couldn't see anything in this notebook xd

It's 500+ !

I decided to do a Q&A for my viewers

You can ask me about whatever you want

You can send a message on FB

Or in the comments

Down here

Or write to me on e-mail

Are you curious about this tram?

I'm not a tram driver :P


However I think I am a tram driver...

I love all my dear viewers

I'm making those videos for you

Take care


I'm going away from here xd

Thank you for 500 subscriptions!

For more infomation >> Q&A #2 (for foreigners too!) - Duration: 1:12.


What to Do If You Leave Something on the Plane | Tips & Tricks on Getting Your Valuables Back - Duration: 3:59.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're discussing what to do

if you leave something behind on the plane.

(light chiming music)

A couple years ago, I was flying

back from Europe, and I'd purchased a ton of chocolate at the airport as souvenirs

and travel gifts for my family. I carried everything onto the plane with me and

place it in the overhead bins, since some space. But after the flight was over

and I'd left the plane, I realized I left everything behind. At the time, I figured

it was probably a lost cause to get it back, but when a co-worker of mine who

took a red-eye flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles accidentally left his laptop

on the plane, it made me curious about the subject. So, the good news is that if

you leave something valuable behind on the plane, it's very possible you can get

it back. The only drawback is that they can take a while and you'll have to fill

out a ton of paperwork. Most of the airlines have an online form that you

can fill out and I'll include links in the video description below.

The key to getting it back is to act quickly and provide as much information

as possible. Having data like the model and serial number can help identify the

item. And if you're lucky, you can sometimes have the item intercepted by

the staff before it goes into the lost and found process. If you're curious

about my coworker, he did eventually get his laptop back from Delta, but it took

about three months for the airline to locate it and ship it back to him. He

didn't notice that the laptop was missing until he came to work the next

day, which meant that it was already entered into the process. Had he noticed

it sooner, he might have been able to get it back faster. So, besides filling out a

form and waiting, here are some tips that can improve the odds of getting your

belongings back. Number one: Go to the gate if you're still at the airport. If

you're still at the terminal, ask the gate staff if they can contact the crew on board.

Having information like your seat number can really help. And if you ask nicely,

most reps should be able to coordinate a quick search as long as a plane isn't

being boarded by the next flight. Number two: Use social media to engage airline

support. Engaging airline support via Twitter can

make a huge difference. Many airlines actively monitor their

social media accounts, so sending them a quick message via Twitter or Facebook is

generally the fastest way other than going directly to the gate. Number three:

Keep a record of the model and serial number. Any specific information that you

can provide will help with expediting the location process. Having the

information available in a tool like Evernote or OneNote can help make it

easy to retrieve the information from your phone or another device. Number four:

Make sure you turn on tracking features on your device. If your laptop, tablet, or

phone has a tracking feature, then make sure it's activated. For example, Apple

devices have a "Find my Phone" or "Find my Mac" feature that can be activated for

free in the iCloud settings. Number five: Lock your device. Make sure

you add a passcode or password login to your device before your trip.

It's good practice, even when you're not traveling, as it protects information

from being stolen in the event that you lose your device. Number six: Attach a

physical tracking device. This might be overkill, but attaching a Tile or similar

device can add another way to track your item. Tile offers different adhesives that

you can use to attach one to your device. It's definitely not foolproof, but can

help if your device doesn't already have a tracking method built-in. Have you ever

left something valuable behind on the plane? If so, were you able to get it back?

Please let us know in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this video

or found it useful, please hit the "like" button and consider subscribing. Also,

visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter for travel articles, updates,

and contests. Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> What to Do If You Leave Something on the Plane | Tips & Tricks on Getting Your Valuables Back - Duration: 3:59.


NASA Might Send a Helicopter to Mars - Duration: 4:50.

Over the last 50 years, we've sent tons of cool spacecraft to Mars.

Flybys, orbiters, landers, rovers — it seems like we've done everything.

Still, there is one kind of mission we haven't done yet: No Mars mission has flown through

the air — but that might change in just a few years.

Nothing's final yet, but engineers are experimenting with the idea of including a drone, called

the Mars Helicopter, on the upcoming Mars 2020 rover.

Mars 2020 is NASA's successor to Curiosity, and it's expected to launch in — you guessed it — 2020.

It has a similar design to Curiosity and will also study potentially habitable environments.

It will also select and package samples we could return to Earth on a future mission.

Adding a helicopter could help this rover overcome one of Curiosity's biggest problems:

It just doesn't go that far.

Curiosity's been on Mars for over five years, but in that time, it's only driven about

17.5 kilometers — or an average of less than 10 meters per day.

Part of that is because the rover stops and studies things, but it's also because driving

a rover on another planet is pretty dang hard.

Radio communication with Mars takes anywhere from 8 to 48 minutes round-trip, depending

on where Earth and Mars are in their orbits, so mission controllers can't just drive

Curiosity Mario Kart style.

It can steer itself across simple terrain like a self-driving car, but it still needs

to stop every now and again to get input from Earth.

And there are some kinds of rocky or difficult terrain it just can't handle.

Picking Curiosity's path isn't always the easiest, either.

To decide where it should go, engineers rely on pictures from the rover and from satellites

in orbit — but Curiosity's cameras can only see so far.

And the satellites have a top-down view, so they can't always see the true shape of

surface features.

If Mars 2020 could launch a drone to scout out the area ahead, it could anticipate obstacles

and identify the most interesting things to study.

And someday, a Mars helicopter — or Marscopter — might even be able to explore places a

rover couldn't reach, like small channels or cliffs.

This all sounds like an amazing idea, but there's a big problem: Mars is not a very

good place to fly.

Helicopters stay in the air because they experience lift, or more pressure underneath them than above them.

And the more dense the air is, the more lift your helicopter can get, because there's

more air molecules for it to push against.

The problem is, Mars' atmosphere is really thin — like, less than a 60th the density

of Earth's atmosphere at sea level — so it's a lot harder to create lift.

But good news: There's less gravity so that's one thing working in favor for us but it is

not enough to counteract just the lack of molecules to push against.

For this to work, engineers would have to give their Marscopter extra long rotor blades.

Basically, this would let the helicopter push against more air molecules at once, even if

they're spread farther apart.

To carry just 1 kilogram across the Martian surface, the Mars Helicopter would need rotors

more than a meter across, which is a lot bigger than your neighbor's photography drone.

And that doesn't mean the drone could carry one kilogram of samples, either.

Everything, from the rotors to the flight computer to the solar panels, would need to

add up to a kilogram of mass.

But amazingly, getting airborne might actually be one of the easiest parts of a Mars helicopter.

Remember that communications delay between Earth and Mars?

Well, unlike a rover, which can sit around and wait for instructions, once the Mars Helicopter

is airborne - clock's ticking.

It would probably fly for 2 to 3 minutes and could cover up to half a kilometer of terrain

— but since we wouldn't be able to steer it in real-time, every second of that would

have to be on autopilot.

It would have to take off, judge the wind speed, fly in the right direction, take pictures,

and find a safe place to land, all in 180 seconds or less.

That might seem like a ton of work, but it could come with a big payoff.

NASA engineers estimate having a Mars Helicopter could help a rover like Mars 2020 travel three

times farther than Curiosity in a day — and when you're talking about multi-billion

dollar missions, tripling efficiency is a pretty sweet deal.

As a bonus, all those extra near-surface images would be really helpful for scientists studying Mars.

You'd get a mission that could study not only more targets, but better ones, and that's

a heck of a good thing for exploration.

So far, NASA has already tested a prototype of the helicopter design, but they'll need

to do a lot more work before we're ready to start zooming around.

Since Mars 2020 is expected to launch in less than three years, hopefully we'll be hearing

more about it soon.

Thank you for watching this episode of SciShow Space which was made possible by our Patrons

on Patreon who pay so that everybody gets to watch it for free, except for them.

That's a wonderful thing that you do.

We really appreciate it.

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For more infomation >> NASA Might Send a Helicopter to Mars - Duration: 4:50.


Another Chit-Chat · Inktober Day #24 - Duration: 4:17.

Hi guys and welcome to Day 24's inktober video.

And thank you so much for the words of encouragement on yesterdays video.

I feel so lucky to have all of you behind me spurring me on to the finish.

With today's house, I took a bit of a risk with the haunting.

It's actually being haunted by something we can't see.

Which is what makes it so haunting.

I feel like knowing that it's haunted, but not knowing whats haunting it, is creepy and

mysterious in it's own way.

So technically we're haunted by what we don't know or the unknown.

I wanted the house to look really ordinary and unassuming, probably quite boring compared

to the rest, just to give it that extra element… kind of like if you've seen Stepford Wives-

where the whole neighbourhood is so normal and unremarkable, and you find out that it's

all a front to cover up some dark secrets.

It was a risk because it's not really a visual one, compared to the rest of my hauntings,

but I'm hoping that, knowing the story behind it is enough.

I've had another slow day today, still looking at furniture that I can't afford and don't

need for my room.

It's about half 6 in the evening now, this drawing was pre-recorded yesterday but I haven't

drawn anything today.

Hope isn't entirely lost though, the day hasn't ended yet.

I think I might try drawing after dinner today, which is something I literally never do, my

eyes are normally too tired by then, I make silly mistakes, I can't really focus, but

I'm gonna give it a try today.

If it doesn't work out then I'll count my losses and try again tomorrow but at least

I can tick off today as another drawing day.

I don't have a lot to say today but I thought I'd check in with you all, just say hi.

I'm gonna put on a bit of music for the rest of the video.

I hope you're all doing well.

Just think, this time next week, we'll have done it!

Talk to you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> Another Chit-Chat · Inktober Day #24 - Duration: 4:17.


How To Stand Tall - Like A HIGH STATUS Man (And Make People Respect You) - Duration: 5:02.

How do you stand like I'm a man? (It's a MAN BABY! - Austin Powers) Well in this video I'm going to teach you how in

three steps but I want to tell you a story first I saw a guy in public the

other day he wasn't talking to anyone he wasn't even walking he was just standing

there and I could tell just from looking at him for a split second two things he

was not confident and he had low social status what's this gonna do for you if

you're at a networking event or you're waiting for a date and they see you and

they start assigning those attributes to you before you can start to interact

you're shooting yourself in the foot but the beauty is we can completely control

the way we stand without any question there's no variability there's no one

who's like hey buddy why standing like that right or pushing it like that

there's nothing so we need to learn how to control everything that we put out

there within our communication so we can we can encourage people to start

assigning positive attributes to us see the human brain is wired to kind of

start telling itself a story about what that person that they're watching is

probably like are they attractive are they competent are they high status do

they have a good job all these different things and the funny thing is our brains

are very good at doing it and are usually pretty spot-on and it's a strong

perspective that's coming in our mind too because once someone starts

assigning those attributes to you and say they eventually do talk to you like

if I would have gone up and talked to that guy at the park everything they say

is gonna be filtered through that perspective that was already established

in my brain so let's get that perspective strong let's give off the

right body language let's learn how to stand the right way to show and

communicate the right things so we can start with that head start alright so if

this is a bit advanced for you and you're just trying to get an

understanding of what's going on around you socially you get a really crisp good

understanding why people do what they do around you I put together a social

invincibility checklist you can touch or click right up here download it for free

and it's gonna go through five things that'll help you get up to speed on just

understanding social interaction in general all right let's jump into the

three steps step number one I want you to focus not on getting long so many

people have all these weird say you stand up super long and tall I

just want you to focus on the portion of your spine from the bait from the top of

your shoulders to connecting to your head the little portion right here just

focus on raising that that's gonna nicely raise your shoulders and nicely

stick out your chest just a little bit and it feels really good you can feel

that your body's on alignment we did it's just gonna be a quarter inch or

something like that just focus on doing that and it's gonna really bring you

into Nice alignment and a lot of linked without looking like you're trying to be

lurch out there six foot six when you're really five foot ten the second thing

you want to do is roll your shoulders back a lot of us have really become use

to having shoulders that are down see a lot of people kind of standing like this

so it's comfortable our bodies may naturally over time we're like that and

the older that we get the more you're gonna find yourself like that we need to

consciously fight this just by rolling on our shoulders back see it's very easy

to do it actually feels really good once you do it but to break the habit of

rolling forward is all you need to do so by doing this for two or three weeks

you're gonna find yourself naturally wanting to revert back to that because

it does feel a lot better now one kind of troubleshooting tip I'll tell you a

lot of people who are coming from more of a slouched body language and then you

tell him to put the shoulders back and they say this they feel like they look

like a tough guy like they're going to pick fights with people they're not

that's not does it look like I'm trying to pick fight with you when I stand like

this no but it's the difference that in their mind they feel like they're

standing like this when they're really just rolling their shoulders back a

little bit so understand it may feel a bit different when you do that to start

but once you get comfortable with it you'll realize it's a very natural and

healthy way to stand it keeps your shoulders back and it's gonna prevent

you from slowly going further and further down now the last thing you need

to do just understand how your feet impact your stands a lot of people they

put the feet a bit too close together I would encourage you nice and easy keep

your feet about shoulders width apart it's not even

a little bit wider just do it's comfortable but understand a lot of

people you know their tendency to try to not take up a lot of space so bring

their feet in really close together it doesn't look solid looks like you can

just go up and knock the dude over real easy you always want to look nice and

solid because that exudes confidence your physical strength does exude

confidence doesn't mean you have to be in the weight room six days a week but

just by standing like you've got a bit of a stature it's something that you can

easily do to combine to the third step now if you haven't seen this video right

here I highly suggest you check it out I think you're gonna like it

and if you didn't download that social invincibility checklist it's gonna give

you a good idea of social concepts and five things you can immediately go

through to understand social interaction better you can click right here to do so

I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> How To Stand Tall - Like A HIGH STATUS Man (And Make People Respect You) - Duration: 5:02.


Is Poisoned Halloween Candy a Myth? - Duration: 8:16.

So Halloween is coming up and we have one question: are sadistic strangers actually

poisoning kids' candy?

So lots of kids who trick or treat can remember bringing home pillowcases and plastic pumpkins

full of candy every October 31st.

And if you were like me, you had to fork those bags over to an adult for individual inspection

to make sure they weren't full of razors, needles, poison, and laxatives wrapped to

look like Tootsie Rolls...Which is honestly the craziest version of this story that I

heard growing up….But does all of this candy chaos come from somewhere or is it just a

ghost story?

Well I decided to do a little digging into the "killer candy" urban legend and the

answer is a resounding!...not really?

Kind of?


Because even though we've been hearing this myth for decades, there isn't a whole lot

of proof that any kids have actually been poisoned and killed by strangers.

In fact, it seems that most confirmed instances of candy tampering cropped up after the urban

legend became legendary.

But before we get deeper into candy than Charlie in Willy Wonka's factory we have to ask

ourselves: Why do kids trick or treat and get candy in the first place?

So tricking or treating on Halloween already has a spotty history as a holiday.

Turns out that Halloween has its roots in the Celtic Festival of Samhain (Saw-Win).

Celebrated on October 31st, some would gather to pay homage to the dead, or dress in costumes

to fool the demons who returned to earth.

In the ninth century when Christianity spread through Celtic regions, they converted November

2nd into All Souls' Day because they were trying to convert pagan holidays into Christian


Adults and eventually children would go around "souling" or asking for treats in exchange

for praying for the souls of strangers' deceased relatives.

Another version of this tradition is Guy Fawkes Day aka Bonfire Night, where British children

would walk around singing and begging for pennies to commemorate the foiling of the

"Gunpowder Plot" of 1605.

(Although most of us just know the Guy Fawkes Mask in V for Vendetta.)

The US got in on the act in the mid-19th century, and by the early 20th century kids begging

for candy caught on...along with a certain amount of pranks and vandalism.

But ask for candy door to door is a fairly recent custom in the US popularized in part

by Irish immigrants.

The phrase "Trick or treating" as we know it started to emerge in the 1930s and 1940s.

Today, Americans spend an estimated $2 billion on candy a year for just for Halloween! and

the average pumpkin bucket carries 250 pieces of candy, which is 9,000 calories and 3 pounds

of sugar.

So halloween is now a huge industry.

Ok so we've established a loose history of why every year we fork over tons of candy

to cute kids dressed like Spiderman and Elsa from Frozen, but that brings us to our next

question: when did we start hearing about strangers handing out candy that kills?

Well it seems like the answer here is part truth, and part hysteria and part groupthink.

And our contentious relationship to tainted treats stretches back to the late 19th century.

According to Professor Samira Kawash, there were reports as early as 1899 and the early

20th century that kids were dropping dead from poisoned candy, although all of these

cases turned out to be related to meningitis and not toxic treats.

So have strangers ever handed out tainted candy to unsuspecting kids?

Short answer is yes.

On Halloween 1959 a California dentist named Dr. William V. Shyne passed out approximately

450 candy covered laxatives to the children in his neighborhood.

30 of those kids got seriously sick and he was charged with "outrage of public decency"

among other crimes . . .like being the worst.

According to Professor Joel Best at the University of Delaware, there's been about 80 cases

of sharp objects found in kids' halloween candy.

But even though there have been isolated instances of pins and needles found in candy bars, they

were usually placed there by family members trying to play a prank, and haven't proven


Because nothing says "gotcha" like an open blade in your kids' Snickers bar.

Ok so a deranged dentist and some sensational media coverage helped this myth take hold.

But has a child ever been Killed by poisoned halloween candy?

The answer to that is also a yes….but it wasn't by random strangers.

In 1970 a little boy's family reported he had died after ingesting tainted candy at

his home in Michigan.

Police later discovered that the boy had actually died from accidentally ingesting his uncle's

heroin supply and his family tried to cover it up by sprinkling the drugs on his halloween


Then in 1974 Ronald Clarke O'Bryan poisoned his 8-year-old son with a cyanide laced pixie


O'Bryan had taken a life insurance policy out on his two children in order to wipe out

his debts so he gave the poisoned candy to his son, daughter, and several neighborhood

children to make it look like a random act.

His son died, but his daughter and the other children never opened the candy, opting for

other treats instead.

O'Bryan was executed in Texas in 1984.

So it seems that while kids have been given candy with poison, needles, and razors, it's

actually family members and not strangers that pose the greatest risk in terms of candy

related fatalities.

Well that leaves us with our final question: if the evidence doesn't support the urban

legend, then why do tall tales of poisoned candy persist?

Because it's starting to seem like the main reason for all the candy caution was giving

my father an excuse to pick out all the fun sized Whoppers from my Halloween haul (and

seriously: who likes Whoppers???)

The 80s saw a resurgence of tainted candy fears when stories and warnings were targeted

at parents to keep their kids safe from candy criminals.

James Barron ran a 1982 article in the New York Times urging anxious parents to give

their kids' candy the once over before letting them rot their teeth and a 1983 piece by advice

columnist "Dear Abby" urged the same.

And this wasn't just a media frenzy.

This urban legend was the perfect storm of fiction, fact, and spooky sensationalism.

There's just enough accuracy to make the story credible as a widespread issue.

Plus the holiday is all about pulling pranks and dressing up in disguises, which makes

the idea of dangerous strangers more believable.

But overall it seems like you're more likely to get a neighbor who hands out toothbrushes

than toxins.

So how does it all add up?

Well it seems like Halloween trick or treat had pagan roots that eventually evolved into

kids going door to door around the US asking for food.

And even though there are scattered instances of candy that's been tampered with, there

isn't evidence to support the claim that there are hoards of strangers handing out

poison to kids.

In fact, the only fatalities from halloween candy came from family members, not strangers

on the street.

So even though both sides of this story exist to a certain extent, the actual meeting of

"stranger danger" and "candy that kills" isn't really a thing and it's definitely

not a rampant evil in our midst.

But on the plus side, it's still advisable for parents to check kids' candy and throw

away unwrapped stuff for sanitary reasons.

Because some neighbors still throw handfuls of dirty pennies into Halloween bags.

And they're the real villains here.

So what do you think?

Have any more evidence to add on killer candy?

Drop your best spooky urban legends down in the comments, let's have some fun debunking

them, and see you next week!

Hi everyone!

Before we get to your questions, just want to let you know if you like the Origin of

Everything make sure to follow to our Facebook page, subscribe on Youtube and like us on


All of the links are in the video description.

We post new episodes every Tuesday as well as interesting history related content throughout

the week.

Plus if you reach out I'm able to reply to your questions directly between episodes.

Alright, Let's see what you had to say about the history of why there is a North and South


So a lot of viewers from last week want to know more about China's involvement in the

Korean War as an ally of North Korea.

This is a great question.

You are correct in asserting that China did become an ally of North Korean forces, largely

because both nations supported communism.

The US and other nations were looking to uphold a UN proclamation that, in name, looked to

reunite the two sections of Korea and spread capitalist development.

I'll drop a link about President Truman's decision to send troops to North Korea in

the description.

Rod Prince on Facebook wonders about how much of the conflict influenced the later economic

outcomes of North Korea vs. South Korea.

Another great question!

From my research, a lot of the language surrounding the occupation of Korea from the 19th through

20th centuries has been couched in economic development, although the outcomes of each

nation have varied.

But I'm also going to pitch this one out to the audience.

Does anyone have more to offer on the economic history of Korea, either following our timeline

or a different one?

Be sure to send me a comment on the PBS Origin of Everything Facebook page (the link is in

the description) a sure to post your thoughts!

Thanks and see you next week!

For more infomation >> Is Poisoned Halloween Candy a Myth? - Duration: 8:16.


Ejercicio: Descifra El Lenguaje Corporal De Donald Trump | Expresiones Faciales - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Ejercicio: Descifra El Lenguaje Corporal De Donald Trump | Expresiones Faciales - Duration: 2:57.


Pumpkin Pretzels Drizzled with Vanilla Glaze - Duration: 7:55.

Hey everyone, I'm chef Alicia and in this video you're going to learn how to make these pumpkin pretzels.

The first thing that I'm doing is adding 3/4 of a cup of milk into a small saucepan

and I'm putting this on medium heat on the stove.

Next I'm adding in 3/4 of a cup of pureed pumpkin.

You can use a store-bought canned pumpkin if you would like to or I happen to be using a

pumpkin puree that I made myself and you can get this recipe in my videos.

So I'm bringing this up to 105 degrees and you want to use a thermometer if you happen to have one.

I'm kind of guessing with my finger because I'm at a hotel and I don't have my thermometer with me.

So anyway into that I'm adding one and a quarter teaspoons of yeast

And I'm just going to stir that around a little bit to kind of get the yeast mixed in

The next thing that I'm adding is a quarter cup of brown sugar, and I want to stir this up until it dissolves

Put that over to the side, and now I have a medium-sized bowl

I have three cups of flour in there along with one and a half teaspoons of kosher salt

And I'm just going to stir those together so that the salt is mixed in there evenly with the flour

Next I'm going to add in a half of a cup of brown sugar

That also has a teaspoon of pumpkin spice mixed in with it

And I'm going to stir that around to get it nice and mixed in with the flour and salt

Make a little well in the middle and then add in your milk and pumpkin puree mixture

And I'm also adding in two tablespoons of melted butter, I did cool that butter just a little bit

But it needs to be melted and that's also why you need that nice warm milk

Not just for the yeast, but so that your butter doesn't solidify when you pour it into the mixture

Don't worry

I will have a complete list of ingredients at the end of this video in case you're trying to write them down

Don't worry about it at the very end there's a list you can just pause on it

So I'm going to stir this until it's really well mixed in. It's gonna be a pretty sticky dough so just expect that to happen

The next thing I'm doing is turning my dough out onto a nice floured surface

So when I do my floured surface

I like to kind of do a thin pile in the middle and then kind of little piles on the outside that way I can

Grab, it as I need it

I'm also going to spray some cooking spray into my bowl and flour my hands as well as the top of the dough

Now I'm ready to knead my dough this takes four to six minutes

And it really just depends on I guess how hard you knead it

But I do it as hard as I can and it still takes me right around five minutes so to knead your dough properly

You're gonna fold it over

Push it down and turn it. That's the process of kneading. Add flour as you need to if you come across little sticky spots.

So this is what it looks like after four minutes of kneading the dough

And I'm just gonna do it here for another minute or two and as you can see my dough is stiffening up

And it's looking really nice here

When I feel like my dough is where I need it

I'm going to go ahead and put it into that bowl and let it rise for

about two hours until it's doubled.

So here's just a little tip for you if you happen to have one of these bench scrapers it makes cleanup like a

thousand times easier

And they're not very expensive you can get them at any cooking store probably even Amazon or one of those so anyway

Here's my little dough

I'm gonna spray cooking spray on top of it

And then I'm going to cover it up with foil because that's what I happen to have. I've made my little sugar and pumpkin spice

mixture and I made that with two tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of pumpkin spice.


This is the water

We're gonna dip the pretzels in before we bake and that's four and a half cups of water and a half a cup of baking soda.

And I also have my Silpat ready to go here on my baking sheet.

And I'm also preheating my oven at 450 degrees. So here's my lovely dough

After two hours, and I'm just gonna turn it out onto my counter where I did spray it with cooking spray

and I'm going to press the air out of it.

And as I'm pressing I'm trying to get it

into like a kind of rectangle shape because that's gonna make it easier for me to cut my strips

So now I'm going to use my little bench scraper or bench knife whatever you want to call it

And I'm going to cut my dough

into strips

And then take each strip and kind of pull on them and squeeze them at the same time

You can be fairly gentle with it because this is a really soft dough and it's very easy to work with.

So, once you get this strand about 18 to 20 inches long just depending on how big you want your pretzels to be

but mine is going to be about 18 to 20 inches and about as thick as my finger

You just hold it up in the air and make a little

U-shape and kind of twist it and lay it down and that will form a pretzel

So I am going to show you that just one more time so that you can kind of see how I got the shape.

Again, I'm cutting a long strip here.

And I'm going to kind of pull and stretch

it gently until I get it nice and long and then round it out by rolling

it just like you did when you were a kid.

Twist it.

Lay it down and cut off the ends.

I'm gonna make pretzel bites with those so I'm not worried about the ends going over

So now I have my baking soda water mixture, and this is cool

It's not hot water, but I did have it hot to get the mixture to come together the baking soda and water

And I'm just dipping the pretzels in there quickly and then I'm going to sprinkle on that pumpkin spice and sugar mixture

All right, so these are ready to go onto my sheet pan, which again

I have my Silpat in if you don't have a Silpat though

You can either use cooking spray you can do like you know butter and flour on it

Or you could do wax paper if you wanted to but make sure you do something because they will definitely stick

So these went into the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for like eight to twelve minutes

As soon as they come out of the oven I'm brushing them with melted butter


I love the butter flavor on these so I like to really really give it a lot of butter like a nice little dose on

The front as well as the back. And on the back of this pretzel you'll notice there's some caramelization.

That's because I put my sheet pan

directly on top of a pizza stone because I like to get that nice caramelization on there. The next thing that I'm doing is making

My icing for the pretzels and obviously you can do this while they're in the oven

But it's one cup of powdered sugar along with two tablespoons of milk and a half of a teaspoon of vanilla


I'm using a fork to mix it together because that's what I'm going to use to drizzle it onto my pretzels

It just takes a few seconds to get it nice and mixed together

These pretzels are definitely better when they're served fresh out of the oven and nice and warm

but if you would like to you can freeze them before you put the icing on and then just

Rewarm them in the oven when you're ready to serve them

And as you can see I am just drizzling that icing right on top of them with my fork

This is what they're going to look like when they're all finished. Don't forget. There's an ingredient list at the very end for you

Hi again. Thank you so much for watching my video

Please give it a like and a thumbs up and share it with all of your friends because sharing is caring

And if you're not already a subscriber be sure to go ahead subscribe now. Thank you so much for watching and happy cooking everyone

Best Bites Forever dot com

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Pretzels Drizzled with Vanilla Glaze - Duration: 7:55.


VaKarM Box with G2 and EnVyUs - Duration: 13:04.

Welcome everyone on the VaKarM Box

Right now you're with Richard "shox" Papillon, captain of G2 Esports, and Edouard "SmithZz" Dubourdeaux

Also know as G2 Esports' coach!

Hi, it's NBK and bodyy for the VaKarM Box

Hey guys, welcome on the VaKarM Box with RpK and myself

Hi everyone, it's xms and Next from team EnVyUs for the VaKarM Box

That's all

Your favorite side?

My favorite side is CT side

I'd say CT

Right now it's CT...I'm trying to hide

CT for me too

I prefer to see them play on CT side... they make less mistakes

Same, CT side...because you just have to wait

It's easier than looking for the enemies

Right now I'd say T side

Because I feel great on any map on this side

I like the spectator side... more seriously, I like to see them play on T side right now

Your most epic match?

My most epic match is the DreamHack Winter final at... well, at the DreamHack Winter

The longest and most exhausting match I ever had was back with VeryGames

That was against Na'Vi, we played like 6 or 7... I don't remember how many overtimes we had

And in the end we even won the game, so it was a very epic match

But that was a long time ago

Our match against Astralis, where we managed to win 2-0 and thus got qualified for the finals in Dallas

Against SK at the Epicenter

That one was good as well, we took a nice 16-0 on Train against SK

It felt strange... first because we took 15-0 on a single side

Would be better if it was 14-1, but no, 15-0

And lost 1vs3 on the pistol round

AND we lost a 1vs3 on the pistol round for the final blow. We were like "O-kaaaay"

I'd say the finals of the ECS season 1

We forced Luminosity to eco round after round, it went crazy

I'd chose a very tough match

I'd say the last match of the Eleague Major qualifier against Immortals

It was so close and we had to win to survive, it was really tough

For me it wasn't this year, but rather the Major at Cluj-Napoca

What do your teammates repeat more often to you?

What they tell me the most in-game?

I don't know, they repeat a lot of things to me

That I'm too strong

No well, they joke about my one-taps, things like that

"Throw better flash" or "Are you stupid or what?"

"Be more attentive"

"You have to run"

They often say I'm stupid

What I hear the most is "flash!" or "smoke!"

What they tell me the most...

"Your communication"

Because when I shoot I can't talk

So when I have three guys in front of me, I can't talk

I kill the guys, but I say nothing

I think the words I say the most since the team started are "too bad"

Like "Oh well, too bad guys!"

Too bad you're stupid, too bad

But it's true I say it often, and "Well done" as well, that's the words I say most often

"Well done guys", really, right now I have many reasons to say "well done"

The player that inspired you?

The player that inspired me the most isn't French, it's KRiMZ

When he was at his top level with fnatic he was really strong

I really admired RpC a long time ago, when I wasn't known on the scene

Right now, I get inspired by another player I really like, it's coldzera

Because he often takes the same positions I have

I like his style, he's clever and quick to click

So I'm trying to play more like him

The player I've always respected the most is Ex6TenZ

Not French as well, he's Belgian! See, it works

But most recently, I'd say FalleN, for everything he's done in general

But especially NOT apEX

When I started playing CS I liked watching many players

I really liked RpK by the way

I liked his play style and his aim at that time

Well, not anymore :)

No of course it's still great to see him play

But I never really admired a player, only some kinds of play styles

And RpK's was one of them

So if I had to talk about one of my precursors, I'd say I like Bernard Laporte (famous French rugby coach and former player)

Who's that?

I was a fan of Edward on 1.6, and I also liked markeloff

They're only 1.6 players, like SpawN

I also liked f0rest, but not as much

Then others like Gux, Sunde... old times

Before becoming a pro player myself, I really liked ScreaM

There's another international player that I like, it's FalleN

For me it was markeloff, Walle and GeT_RiGhT

They're the three 1.6 players I really liked

Or so he says, but he's never watched a match from 1.6 in his entire life

I watched fragmovies!

What if you couldn't make a living of CS anymore?

If I couldn't make a living from CS, what would I do...I'd play on PUBG

I'd be a cashier in a supermarket, like I used to

Either I'd go back to someting in relation with graphic design

Or I'd try to combine my job with my other hobby, which is sailing

I like nautical sports

I... I'd be a racer

No, I don't know, but I'd surely work close to cars

If I couldn't make a living with CS anymore...

There's jail

Or the street

No more seriously, I'd try to find another job

Something to do with computers

Or maybe... I could try to become a pro on another game

Yeah like Overwatch... no not Overwatch, I don't like it

But I don't know, what are the other games?

I'd try to be a great citizen and a great husband for my wife

And a great step-father for my step-son, it's important

Professionally speaking, I'd try to work in Esports

Because I love video games and I like competitive environments, so Esports

And if it can't be CS anymore then another game, as a player...

Or even organizing, I've studied event management so I can organize a tournament, a lan, be an admin, anything like that

But I want to remain in this field

I don't know... I'd probably be studying in university, then in another, then in a third one, fourth one...

"So I'd try to be a good citizen and a good husband for my lovely wife"

"And a good master for my kitten"

No I think the same, I'd stay in Esports, if tomorrow I had to end my career as a coach

I'd like to stream I think

Stop moving the mic!

Then take it!

I'd like to stream, I've always wanted to do it but I'm too much of a perfectionist

And shy? No I'm not shy

Ok, and too shy

No it's just that I never seriously went for it, and that's it

If I didn't have a salary anymore and had to eat crackers everyday

I think I'd start streaming

Do you follow any other Esport game?

I follow every single Esport game

COD, LOL...ah non, not Dota, might be the only one

And for video games in general, I'm waiting for Destiny 2 that will be the best PC game of all time

I follow a lot of them now, all the games where EnVy is involved

Just yesterday I watched a bit of Halo

Currently, I also enjoy watching Rocket League tournaments

I mostly follow Dota

The tournament I watch every year is The International

I don't know if we can call it an "Esport game" yet, but it's H1Z1

I watch the Invitational

There was a tournament at the DreamHack in Atlanta

I don't really follow any, I'm full CS

And when I have free time, I try to take care of myself

And go out to see the sun, things like that

I've watched a few LOL games last year, but apart from that only CS:GO

No, I'm fully on CS

I tried to watch some but sometimes I don't understand anything


It's true, I don't have the time

It's true when people say that an IGL has four times more work to do

You never stop, you're here before and after the game

And you always think about something

So it takes a lot of my time

And apart from that, if you want your relationship to go well you have to make some time to spend with your loved one

Moreover we have a child at home and that takes time too

I just don't have the time

Have you ever asked for an autograph?

I've never asked for any autograph...

...Except to apEX... like as a joke

No I haven't

Wait, yes I did!

I've asked ANGE1, once, I think

No, wait... No I've signed an autograph with ANGE1... on Kenny's stomach

No, I've never asked for an autograph

...I'd like to

But I'm too shy for that

I can't say who

You can say it's me you know!

No, but I admit there's someone, and I talked about him earlier

That's one of the two people I talked about earlier

No I don't think I've ever...

Oh yes, to Shaquille O'Neal, I took a photo with him at the Eleague studio

At that time I realized I was REALLY short

Who's the laziest? Who's not into sports?

Ahh we have many candidates in my team

I'm not sure between Vincent (Happy) and SIXER

They're the laziest in the team, I try to motivate them but it doesn't work

Ced (Cédric 'RpK') always comes with me at the gym, but he's the only one

You have the choice, they're the same

There's a battle between Vincent (Happy) and Chris (SIXER)

They're competing

I'm slowly starting to do sports... it shows, right?

Ced (RpK) is pretty good

Actually he doesn't even need to workout he's strong to begin with

Adil (ScreaM) is clearly the best

I'd say Vincent (Happy) without hesitation

He's comfortable in front of his computer, we can't get him off

There's definitly a big competition between Vincent and Sixer

But actually Alex (xms) went to the gym only three times

He's still in the top 3, there's a real match between them

The less sporty guy in the team? KennyS... yep

Richard (shox) is trying at least

He assembled his weight bench in his garage during a month he already gained some muscles

But Kenny, really, if you walk more than five minutes it's already too much

I think there's a match between Eddy (SmithZz) and Kenny

apEX isn't much of an athlete as well

Him, here, for sure

...That might be me

But it's because I'm old

The older you are the less sport you do, that's a given

But have you ever done any sport?

I have!

Like, really!

That's all

Thank you!

The end already?

Thank you VaKarM for this little VaKarM Box

Thank you everyone for watching the VaKarM Box

Thanks to our team too, they're the best

I hope the viewers will smile and laugh a bit, enjoy the video

And thanks to EnVy, and to our supporters

Thank you NBK for this interview!

Yes yes thank you!

Big up to everyone, see you!

For more infomation >> VaKarM Box with G2 and EnVyUs - Duration: 13:04.


3 Reasons Saudi Arabia Is More Dangerous Than Iran | ELAI 24 - Duration: 6:29.

Hey there.

As you may have noticed, this channel has a bit of a Saudi Arabia obsession.

I describe that country's leadership as the main problem with Islam.

They are the root of worldwide Islamic radicalization, and almost every high profile act of terror

since and including 9-11 is rooted in Saudi ideology.

I believe that the US should back off its traditional alliance with Saudi Arabia.

At the same time, I am a big fan of peace with Iran.

I want that country to be welcomed back into the community of nations, and I think an end

to Iran's isolation would be great for everybody.

To some viewers It looks like there's a contradiction here.

Because superficially, Iran and Saudi Arabia look kind of similar.

Though Iran's system is much more democratic than Saudi Arabia's, the two countries positions

on radical Islam are somewhat similar.

Both countries support radical groups.

Saudi Arabia supports radical Sunni thought everywhere, and Iran supports radical Shia

thought where it can.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are also the only two countries of note that try to run their countries

by the letter of the Koran.

I obviously think that's a nutty thing to do.

So why am I so pro-Iran, and so anti-Saudi Arabia?

Here are three reasons.

1.The Shia world is tiny.

As I've mentioned before, this is the greatest flaw in the Eternal Shia Sunni struggle narrative.

The vast majority of the world's Muslims are Sunni.

Of the 50 or so Muslim majority countries.

four are majority Shia.

75 to 90% of all the world's Muslims are Sunni.

Iran had one big opportunity to radicalize another Shia country, Iraq.

That already happened thanks to George W. Bush.

In the poor Muslim countries of Asia and Africa that Saudi Arabia has damaged so seriously,

there are almost no Shia to be found.

Iran's radicalism can be ugly, but Its arena of action is constrained.

Washington DC's fantasy of Iran's hegemonic ambitions is, put simply: Dumb as Dog Shit.

I'll refer you to the rest of this series for the catastrophic world-wide effects of

Saudi Arabia's radicalism.

This is an important point.

Even if Iranian radicalism was weaponized to the degree that Saudi radicalism has been,

it wouldn't have anybody to radicalize.

2.The United States

In the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the United States is the most important factor.

This should be obvious.

Saudi Arabia is as damaging as it has been because of US support.

On two wars specifically, and in the wider world for half a century, we've worked intensively

with Saudi Arabia to turn Sunni radicalism into a world-wide force.

It's not like I want to give Iran that position.

I don't want to give anybody Saudi Arabia's position.

And I don't want to isolate Saudi Arabia either.

What we should do here is put both countries in the same position.

Neither should be isolated and invaded, but neither one should have US support for its

radical program.

I want both to be treated like normal countries.

One of the most frustrating things about the Discussion of the Iran Nuclear Deal in the

US is the assumption that it somehow gave Iran a bunch of money.

That's utter hogwash.

What the deal did is let Iran access its own money from foreign accounts.

The Plane load of cash that people talk about was money that was owed to Iran.

This was a vital and brave first step that the Obama administration made towards peace

with Iran.

The fact that the Trump administration and the US congress has chosen to piss all over

this progress is a tragedy, but it's certainly not Iran's fault.

Some of that money absolutely did go to organizations that the US and Israel consider to be terrorist


But not a single dime of that money has supported an attack on the US or Europe.

We know this because there haven't been any attacks Iran-linked attacks on the US

or Europe since the deal was signed.

The same cannot be said for attacks based on Saudi ideology.

In fact, a lot of the Iranian Nuclear deal money was probably used to fight ISIS.

Iran did a lot more in that fight than the United States did.

So what I want is normal treatment for both countries.

An end to support for Saudi terrorism, and an end to Iran's isolation.

This shouldn't be too much to ask.

3.Iran is a Real Country

Iran is just more of a real country.

Even now, after massive growth since the end of sanctions, Iran produces less than half

as much oil as Saudi Arabia, and it has more than twice as many people.

It has to be more than a petro-state.

Decades of isolation have meant that Iran has to actually produce things for itself.

Don't get me wrong Iran's non-oil economy is a statist, corrupt mess.

But Iran's non-oil economy exists.

Saudi Arabia's does not.

Iran's radicalism is a self-defense mechanism.

They reach out whenever the US dials our aggression down from 11.

Saudi Arabia's radicalism was undertaken voluntarily, from a position of great power

and wealth.

It's insane that we continue to punish Iran, a country that has done us much less damage,

while supporting Saudi Arabia.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are similar in some ways.

So let's treat them the same.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you'd like to help me make more videos like this one, please

click on the Patreon link here to find out how.

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Saudi Arabia Is More Dangerous Than Iran | ELAI 24 - Duration: 6:29.


TEE-BALL FOR GOLF DRILL ©2017 - Duration: 8:05.

hi everyone Don Peterson coming to you from the swing Factory golf studio just

north of Atlanta

today I want to talk to you about a drill that I've used for 25 almost 30

years and it's the tee-ball drill and I use a baseball tee ball , bat, and

plastic bat and you know kids train with this all the time for baseball but I

like to teach golfers how to use their hips correctly in their golf swing by

using this tee ball and bat so this is I guess this lot of people call this a

golf hack ok so what I noticed early on when I first started training golfers I

noticed that everybody wants to pull and hit with their arms and hands a lot of

times it's very shoulder emotion and there's very little hips in fact most

amateurs don't know how to use their they're very poor footwork so early on I

noticed that if I could improve someone's footwork then their swing got

better and if I wanted to take a power source away for instance if someone was

using their shoulders too much or their arms too much if I were gonna say

if I told them now look I don't want you to work your shoulders that hard I don't

want you use your arms that hard well that doesn't work for people because

that's their power and they're like I don't know how to hit a golf ball if you

take my power away so what I had to do is I have this substitute, give them a

different power source so that's where this drill comes in I'm teaching people

to have a power source that's more correlated it comes from more in your

center of your body which is a again closer to your hips so this is kind of a

hip training or more core training drill I have a series of drills that I've done

and a book that I've written this is this is one of many drills in a sequence

so if you want to know more about this check out my website but this one by

itself is is good but if you put them in the sequence you'll see that everything

has a building it's kind of a building block procedure as to how to build your

golf swing but I wanted to put this one online because I think it's very very

useful and people can understand it and I think people can accomplish a lot by

learning how to do this tee ball drill so basically what I did was I have

people put palms down and I'll have them hold hold the bat right to their belly

by again most people want to move their

shoulders to hit the ball so I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try to stop you from

doing that so what I want you to learn to do first is we're going to turn

through so I have people do what I call a slam the cymbals drill I have another

drill where I have golfers pretend like they have cymbals on the inside of their

knees and you're going to come forward face the target stand straight up and

down and feel like your trail cymbal or trail knee comes into your your lead

knee so it's kind of like slamming the cymbals with your knees so once you

learn that all you have to do is add the bat and you'll be turning a perfect 90

degrees so when you turn through you're gonna go from here and you're gonna

point at the target when you turn and I don't want you if you use your arms and

shoulders you'll go past pointing at the target so that's that I don't want you

to do that we're training perfectly okay so we're gonna go right to the target

and that's gonna be it right to the target and you're done okay now you're

gonna stand straight up and down on your lead leg and that'll be perfect

and once you're able to do this smoothly I want you to learn to do a little tiny

backswing okay so on the backswing I really you know I guess 30 35 40 degrees

it's not much of a turn and when you do this I want your lead knee to come in

slightly I like to see the weight come off of the lead to heal when you're

working on this because I I think it's important to feel weight transfer if

you're standing there and you're you're turning like this and like this all

kinds of bad motion it can happen so I like to see lead me up or lead me in and

lead heel up going back so for me that's left heel left knee and then I'm gonna

come through I'm gonna slam the cymbals and you can see that I'm gonna smack the

ball as I go through all right now in the beginning I don't want you to really

work on speed I want a brisk motion after you learn

how to do it perfectly so right now I just want you doing little little short

back swings don't go way back here just go right to here keep the bat right in

front of your bellybutton pointing straight away from you and then snap

through and once you get the perfect positions going back and through and

make sure again this is a several other drills that I have but make sure you're

not standing up straightening your trail leg and I want

you to stand up as you go back so kind of stay in that flex position there and

then smack through with your hips okay so here it is again and I'm going to

speed it up a little bit and again I've had students who they try to smack it as

hard as they can and generally what they'll do is they're using their arms

and hands and shoulders and while that sounds really good it doesn't create the

the motion that I want or the sequence that we want again if I smack it really

hard with my shoulders arms and hands my power is coming from up here and it's

not coming from the ground so if we can quiet down and this is a again if I go

back and I'm asking my students not to use their shoulders arms and hands they

hit the golf ball I'm taking their power source away so I'm trying to get them to

use the right power source coming from the ground up that will quiet the arms

hands and shoulders and it will allow you to feel better sequencing because

your your hips will be slinging your shoulders and your shoulders would be

swinging your arms your arms will be swinging the club and you'll get this

better sequence for longer straighter shots all right so I'm gonna once you

once you learn how to do the drill correctly and you've you've done it you

know perfect positions you can check yourself in a mirror then you do it more

briskly and then you go back and you add the club on the beginning I wouldn't

just start hitting golf balls right away you want to get the feeling of swinging

the club in front of you and you're gonna load your right leg in you're your

trail leg and your trail hip just like you did in the tee ball so you're

transferring this feeling into swinging a golf club okay so transfer that

feeling of the bat just going right to here and then smacking so I'm just going

to go right to here and then bring my hips through and when I bring my hips

through just like I did with the tee ball it slings or pulls my chest and my

shoulders and my arms around into a full follow-through okay so I swing right and

I slam the cymbals or smack the ball with the tee ball and that creates my

the force and the speed and then I started doing it faster and the faster I

rotate through with my hips this faster the club head

swings so more club head speed and like I said if you do it right more accuracy

for more and like I said this is part of a sequence so I have several other

videos and if you get on my website there's there's ways to to get all the

videos in order so that you can work on your swing correctly and build it you

know properly one step at a time thanks come back and see us again


For more infomation >> TEE-BALL FOR GOLF DRILL ©2017 - Duration: 8:05.


Top 25 cute and easy short hairstyles | Beautiful Hairstyles 2017 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Top 25 cute and easy short hairstyles | Beautiful Hairstyles 2017 - Duration: 3:34.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 38-Un mal día! - Duration: 17:45.

Episode 38 A bad day!

Good morning to all. Today we begin by expanding our solar farm.

Today it is time to harvest the fields and prepare them for the next sowing.

But first we will do a little of everything: we will cut and sell a few logs,

We will feed and water our animals, sell a few pigs,...

And I have the feeling that something will not go well. Take a seat and enjoy!

This is normal?

And another setback! I will not do anything well today !?

Despite all the setbacks we arrived at the end of the day.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 38-Un mal día! - Duration: 17:45.


STARBUCKS UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO Create a Sim -- The Sims 4 CAS - Duration: 9:13.

Hi everybody I'm Paula and I am in The Sims 4 I am going to do something a

little different today I am going to do a Starbucks drink and for this

create-a-sim I am going to try the unicorn Frappuccino because I thought

that was so awesome and of course Starbucks doesn't have

that drink right now but it was a lot of fun when they did have it and I don't

know if you had it but it was amazing so anyway I'm gonna start with this girl

and I'm gonna put a picture up here for you so you can see what the drink looks

like just in case you've never seen it and let's see how this goes okay well

the drink is pink blue and white and it was color-changing too which was really

cool so let's see here wow I really don't want a hat I would like to have

hair so let's get that hat off okay there are the ombre colors and I think

all those are so pretty I love how the how they intertwine and everything and

they have like it looks like they're dipped in another color that is so cool

that's perfect oh my gosh okay that is perfect pink and blue definitely so okay

starting out pretty good so far and let's see here we need some color on

those lips oh and I guess we could do eyes also and since I'm trying to make

her look oh wow look look at that okay well that Hey that was almost like kinda

by accident but I like how that looks I mean we're trying to make her look like

a Frappuccino right I mean anything goes seriously

okay that is definitely pink

okay let's look at the blush here

Oh her eyes we could make her eyes different colored

oh that is super cool look at that oh my gosh okay

I I know I might be overdoing it just a little bit

but is definitely different okay let's see here I like that top look at the top

and it probably oh that that is pink look at that

wait what is that on the front of that hey that could be a unicorn

I don't know the flowers might be just a little bit too much but it's so cool

okay well I don't know I kind of like that well let's see here we need bottoms

do we want to skirt do we want pants or do we just want to pick everything and

then have a look nevermind oh my gosh you did not see that here okay now we

have like alligator skin something what the heck what is even going on here oh

here you go bindi oh wow what wait what am I seen look at this

that is terrifying oh so now she has no pants late stop oh my goodness

okay those those are just a little dark aren't they

okay that is closer that is dark that is green no don't want green

okay does she need a little bit more blue I don't know those are kind of

bright I mean even in the eighties those would have been bright pants okay and I

lived through the 80s and I had some bright pants yes I did but I don't know

okay I am going to go one more time back in just one

okay I might like that with the white because actually it is way less busy

than the other one and I am not a hundred percent sure of the shoes but

I'm not gonna risk it because I have seen what happens

okay so there is our pink unicorn Frappuccino from Starbucks and even

though we can't get him right now it would be awesome to be able to get him

wouldn't it but yeah she's got like some blue eyebrows going on there which I

think she looks pretty cool and I like the white skirt because that other one

was just way too busy and actually with the flowers on her arms I think the

white looks good because those flowers are kind of busy yes they are definitely

busy but I think she looks good I love that hair oh my gosh the hair just makes

you want a pink unicorn Frappuccino doesn't it okay well there she is so

definitely the unicorn Frappuccino and I think she looks pretty good yeah I just

loved that hair seriously okay so let's see what what do you think she would be

like yeah what do you think a unicorn trapa Tina would be like I have no idea

okay let's just guess she's gonna want to cook yes because she's a chef and

she's gonna be cheerful oh she is so cheerful oh my gosh and I'm not gonna

make her a goofball I will make her a dance machine because I think that's

always cool

and let's say she's good oh my oh wow okay let's do that again

you're gonna do it again yeah okay we gotta make her a little for that one oh

my okay so what should I call her what should I name her it would be weird if

she talked to me wouldn't it okay let us call her unicorn Starbucks how's that

unicorns Starbucks yeah what a name I mean you know nobody could have that

name right so anyway guys you have fun and I want to try to do this as a guy

yeah because I don't know what all I have to make a guy pink blue and white

it's gonna be like weird so you have fun and I will talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> STARBUCKS UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO Create a Sim -- The Sims 4 CAS - Duration: 9:13.


Fantastic Familiars BookBathBox Unboxing [CC] - Duration: 3:12.

Hi, YouTube. It's Kathy.

Bookish videos three days in a row?

Yes. That is what is happening.

And that's because my BookBathBox just came in the mail.

Actually, that's a slight lie; it came in the mail a few days ago, but I had to pay

customs on it, so I had to go pick it up, and yeah.

In any case, the theme this quarter is Fantastic Familiars which is a very nice, Halloween-y

Autumnal theme.

This is the card that comes with every box that tells you on the back what's in the box,

but I'm not looking at it because I just want to look at the box as I see it.

And the first thing I see before I even open the tissue paper is a little temporary tattoo

for the S'mores Sci-fi Book Club, which is adorable.

This box is put together by Winx over at Winx & Ink, and she also runs a podcast - actually,

a couple of them, and that is one of them.

I'm subscribed to them all, but I haven't listened to them yet.

Sorry Winx.

And that's because most of my listening time tends to be audiobooks, as opposed to podcasts,

these days, but it's on my very long list of things I would to listen to.

Alright, let's rip into some tissue paper.

I also just want to say that I really love these stickers with the logo on it.

They're really cute.

Okay, item the first... is a bath bomb.


This is a Fairy Dust bath bomb, which means I'm probably gonna be nice and glittery after

I have this bath.

And this is by Stay True Botanicals, which you can find on Etsy.

Next random item is... something in a box.

"Haunted Hotel" - oooooh!

This is from Wick Habit, Haunted Hotel is the scent of this candle.

Polished wood and soft leather - that's, that's - that's kind of the scents you get out of this bad boy.

I like it.

Next randomly picked item is... ooh!

Some English Breakfast tea; always love some tea.

So this is enough for two cups of tea from Teapigs.

Next, a couple of bookmarks.

Book Dragon, which I already love, because who doesn't want to be a book dragon?

This looks like this was made specifically by CrisperChicklet, who you can find on Instagram.

And this is a bookmark for the Marshmallow + Mimosa AND the S'more Sci-fi Book Club.

Told you she had more than one podcast.

And it looks like we're getting to the main event.

I was called a wuss the last time when I just tried to take the book out nicely, so I'll

- I'll rip it this time.

Sorcerer [to] the Crown by Zen Cho.

And if this cover is anything to go on, then the familiar of this box is a dragon, which

makes tons of sense when you go with this book dragon bookmark.

And I'm super excited because I love me a dragon story.

And this is hitting some greats for me: it's got a royal sorcerer going into a fairyland.

Of course, it's got some great misogyny because women aren't allowed to practice this type

of profession, and I just love that the sorcerer is part of something called The Royal Society

of Unnatural Philosophers.

This is really intriguing.

I'm looking forward to reading this, after I read all of the books for the readathon

I'm doing this week.

If you didn't see that video, it'll be up here and linked down below.

It's another seven books in seven days challenge, and it starts tomorrow.

And there you have it.

Another successful unboxing.

If you're interested in getting one of these boxes, they're quarterly.

I'll leave the links down below to Winx's channel, where you can find all of those details.

Which item are you most interested in from this box?

Let me know down in the comments below.

On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you very soon. Bye!

[outro music]

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