Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

Oh, my head.

It's titled "I'm not your meal ticket."

Hello. I'm a woman who just turned 30.

I have a headache because of this person

who is so immature.

Our house is a mess, and she does

whatever she wants and cries when I scold her.

A middle school student?

She's my 51-year-old mother.


"People say golf is good for your health.

Ta-da. I bought golf clubs.

For $3,500."

Those clubs must be good ones.

"I need to buy new clothes. Give me $500."

"When will you grow up?

Stop causing me grief."

"I've always been like this.

Oh! I hear that water skiing is fun.

I'll start to take lessons tomorrow."

I don't know whether she's raising me,

or I'm raising her.

"Mom! What happened to your face?

What's wrong with your nose? Did you get hurt?"

"I think I fell down yesterday while I was drunk.

What's wrong with me?"

She's so gullible, too.

"Ma'am! You sing well enough to become a singer."

No! No!

- No way. / - No!

The two may form a duet today.

"Girl! I've decided.

I'm going to become a trot singer.

Produce my album."

"Mom, I'm really broke. Please stop."

Everyone wants to release albums.

"You have your savings account. Give me that."

I'm 30 years old. I need to get married soon,

but my mom is spending all my money.

When will she stop?

(Please help my mom grow up)

Is it an album special today?

What do you think of today's concerns?

I said earlier that he should release an album

once the kids are all grown up.

But that's not the right solution.

Using the children's money...

She's struggling due to supporting her mother.

Let's meet her.

Please come out.

(He disappeared!)

(He sacrificed himself and made people laugh)


(Yu Minhui)

Taeoh, are you all right?

He fell down.

We're more concerned about you.

I didn't know it was that deep.

It looked like you just collapsed.

It looked like you didn't see the balls.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm from Icheon, Gyeonggi-do.

I'm Yu Minhui.


How childish is your mother?

My parents got divorced when I was young.

A long time ago?

Yes. When I was in grade school.

So it's always been my mom and me.

People around us say that I'm the one

who's raising my mom.

Even in terms of housework.

I do everything at home.

Before my mom leaves the house,

she tries on many outfits.

- Then she leaves everything on the floor. / - Oh.

She doesn't clean up at all.

When she eats at home,

she doesn't clean up after herself.

In summer, the leftovers get moldy.

I don't go home on some days.

The food has gone bad?

It's moldy.

Food gets moldy?


She never has leftovers.

It sounds like she does whatever she wants.

Yes. If she doesn't, she gets sick.

- For example? / - She gets depressed.

A few years ago, she wanted to learn water skiing.

During her lesson, she ruptured her knee ligament.

Why is everyone rupturing ligaments today?

Her leg was in a cast.

She could hardly even go to the restroom.

But the next morning, she went to water ski again.

She's a cheerful woman.

How much did the equipment cost?

- Did she rent it? / - No.

She bought everything for $10,000.

She bought the equipment?

She has to spend an additional $2,000 a month.

You paid for everything?

Yes. I paid for most of it.

You've earned a lot of money.

Well, it's all gone because of her.

You mentioned golf?

Even before she started taking lessons,

she bought the clubs for $3,500.

Some people buy equipment first.

- She got a year-long membership, too. / - What?

After two lessons, she decided golf wasn't for her.

- What a waste. / - So she stopped going.

What is it about this album?


She goes to sing as a volunteer.

For free again?

It's an event, but it's called volunteering.

People tell her that she's a great singer.

She got so many compliments,

so she closed her store five years ago,

and she's been into trot music ever since.

So she's currently a trot singer?

She's just an unknown regional singer.

- An unknown regional singer. / - Yes.

What is that region?

Icheon in Gyeonggi-do.

- She doesn't get paid? / - No.

At a melon festival, she gets melons.

At a pottery festival, she gets a piece.

At least she gets something out of it.

How many albums has she released?

Two albums so far.

She's a regional singer.

It costs so much to produce an album.

We paid about $40,000 or 50,000 per album.

It doesn't cost that much.

- For just one song? / - I don't know.

Did she film music videos, too?


I think she was conned by some people.

Either she was conned, or you were.

$40,000 is ridiculous.

My mom also likes to buy new outfits.

She only wears an outfit once.

She buys a single outfit for $500 or $600.

They're all famous brands.

She normally performs at different events,

so she could wear the same outfit.

Even famous singers wear the same clothes

for different events.

They wear the same outfit for that one season.

You must be really rich.

No, we're not.

So far, you sound rich.

You sound very rich.

We're in so much debt right now.

I see.

She also spent the proceeds from selling her store.

We went from a lease to a monthly rented house.

- You're downgrading. / - Yes.

Let's meet her mother. Hello.


Do you think you're childish?

Yes, I do.

Did you know about your daughter's concern?

I've only thought about myself,

so I didn't know she was this concerned.

When did you start singing trot music?

I volunteered for 15 years

and sang at retirement homes.

People told me, "You sing well.

Why don't you release an album?"

- Other people told you that? / - Yes.

So I ended up making albums.

She said you don't make much money.

I normally donate talent.

- Donate talent? / - Yes.

I perform for organizations for those in need.

That's a good thing.

I love singing.

Even if I have nothing to eat tomorrow,

I'm happy while I sing.

That's great that you volunteer for others.

You didn't have to produce your own albums.

You could've just sung other singers' songs.

When I performed at events,

people called me a fake singer.

Because I performed other singers' songs.

That's what people kept calling me.

So you sing your own songs now?

Yes. Sometimes.

But people don't know your songs.

"Who is she?"

So I don't normally sing my songs.

Right. So you didn't have to produce your albums.

They were useless.

Why do you ask your daughter to pay your way?

I've always relied on her.

When it's her payday,

I wonder if she'll give me some of her money.

I walk around mumbling about money,

and she quietly leaves some money for me.

You asked her to use her savings, too?

I wanted to produce another album,

so I asked her if she had some money.

Where did you produce your album,

that it cost you $50,000?

For my first album,

I spent about that much.

Were you swindled?

I was told to get a songwriter to write for me.

But that songwriter didn't con me.

The people who introduced me to him did.

She gave that money to someone,

but she doesn't know who actually swindled her.

- Right. / - She just made the payment.

How much did the second album cost?

Less than the first one.


$20,000? $25,000!


Something like that, right?

A little less than the first album.

If she invested $50,000 in the first one,

and someone told her they'd do it for $40,000,

she probably thought it was a great deal.

So she doesn't think she was conned much.

Does she get swindled often?

About six months ago,

she brought home a contract.

I told her not to do it, because it was a fraud.

But she went behind my back

and paid $7,000 as a down payment.

She paid money

to sign a contract with a company?

(Doesn't everyone do that?)

You should all note this.

Entertainment companies never ask for money.

That's always a fraud.

When I perform at events, people give me their cards

and tell me that I need vocal training.

If I pay them for vocal training,

they will help me perform somewhere.

- It's a typical fraud. / - They still do that.

But then their phone number doesn't exist.

How much have you spent so far?

I would say about


(Oh, my!)

(This mom spent everything her daughter saved up)

Did she ever pay you back?


- Not once? / - Not once.

I will.

You will? How?

I don't know how,

but I will. Somehow.

How can you pay her back?


How did you save up that money?

After I graduated from high school,

I got into clothing sales.

I didn't eat whatever I wanted,

and I don't buy expensive clothes.

I just buy clothes under $10 on the Internet.

So I was able to save $800.

- Every month? / - Yes.

You worked very hard for that.

Then you gave that money to your mom?


I have nothing left now.

- Nothing for your future wedding? / - Zero.

- Oh, no. / - Nothing is saved for my wedding.

Did you ever refuse to give her money?

- I did. / - What did your mom say?

She started crying.

She said, "Because of me,

you don't get to do what you want to do.

I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

But then,

she changes completely after that.

You were tricked.

She can never say no to people.

What did she do for others?

When her friend asked her for a loan,

she had no money, so she used her credit card.

- Her card? / - To get cash.

The problem is that

she can never ask for the money back.

There's so much money she was never repaid.

What can we do about her?

This is terrible.

You know how hard she worked for that money, right?

Sure I do.

How can you give that money away so easily?

I'm not a good mother to her,

but I'm very good to other people.

(What is she talking about?)

How can you be so confident?

I was shocked, seeing how confident she is.

Why do you say that?

When someone tells me how hard things are,

I just can't refuse their pleas.

Your daughter is pleading with you now.

Why are you kind to others,

but not to your daughter?

When I was earning money,

my mom kept telling me to spend it on my brother.

So I decided to show her how hard I worked.

So that she could understand me.

I was quite busy then.

After two shoots in a day,

I'd go to eight different events at night.

"Did you see that?"

But I shouldn't have done that.

"You earn quite a lot."

You earn a lot.

It was the opposite effect.

She didn't know I was earning that much.

Do you have debt your daughter is unaware of?

Yes, I do.

Why are you so confident?

What is it? Please tell us.

I got a loan using my credit card.

- What loan? / - A credit card loan.

I have about $20,000 in debt.

Why did you get that loan?

I needed money to perform at events.

- To use yourself? / - Yes.

- And on clothing? / - Yes.

Transportation costs, meals...

Her friend is here. Her friend must be next to her.



What upsets you?

I didn't know the whole story until now.

Now it really frustrates me.

You didn't know about her daughter's hardship?

- How do you feel? / - I'm about to cry.

When things got tough for my business,

I borrowed $10,000 from her.

I thought she was well off.

But after hearing her family's story,

I'm choked up and speechless.

- You paid that money back, right? / - Sure.

That's how she was able to come today.

Did you know that she was swindled?

Yes, I knew about that.

She was busy producing her album

and spent money to practice singing.

And she was swindled

and lost $100,000 to $200,000 that way.

I think it was a few years ago.

$100,000 to $200,000?

All combined together.

If she got a job other than singing,

this wouldn't continue.

I think she should give up.

But when I think of her, she shouldn't give up.

- Is she a good singer? / - What?

Do you think she's a good singer?

Yes, I think she is.

We're curious about how good she is.

We saw dancing earlier, so let's hear her sing, too.

Would you like to dance in the back?

He said no.

He must be sick of it.

That's a relief, sir.

You're making a positive change.

I was going to yell at him if he said yes.

She's very tall.

She looks great.

("Honey" by Geum Jandi)

♪ Since you tell me that you love me ♪


♪ Since you say that you really do love me ♪

She's good.

♪ I get on the cloud ♪

She's good.

♪ And fly into the bright sky ♪

(Not bad)

♪ I'd like to lean on your shoulder ♪

♪ I'd like to burrow into your chest ♪

♪ I have no regrets even if I die today ♪

♪ I'm happy because I'm a woman ♪

You were surprised because she's good, right?

It felt like she was really good,

since we saw him dance earlier.

- Because of his dance. / - That wasn't as good.

What did you think, K.will?

As I watched her perform...

Oh, gee.

- What is it? / - What's wrong with you today?

She can't give that up.

She can't turn away from it.

I understand that feeling.

She wants to become a singer so badly.

But you don't need much in order to sing.

You can do it on the street.

All you need is a microphone.

All you need is a single outfit.

- I'd like to ask that. / - A one-outfit singer.

You go to many events and meet different people.

Why do you buy new outfits?

I don't want to wear the same outfit.

You're too irresponsible and greedy.

We can't help but doubt

your pure love for music.

We think you want to become famous

and become a celebrity.

You don't perform on TV,

but you never wear an outfit twice?

That doesn't show your love for music.

We can't think of it that way.

It's not just when I sing.

I normally like to buy new outfits

and wear different clothes all the time.

You must live within your means.

I don't like to wear the same outfit when I go out.

Are you insisting on living that way forever?


Shouldn't you change the way you are?

You must change your ways.

Do you like to drink, too?

- I like to drink. / - What?

I like to drink.

Why are you so boastful about it?

She once drank all week long.

She usually drinks three or four times a week.

One time, all the lights were on in our house.

All her clothes were strewn around the living room.

I thought a burglar had come into our house,

so I ran into the master bedroom.

She was passed out on her bed

in her shoes and clothes.

I was shocked to see her face.

Her entire face was scratched.

What happened?

She fell down while she was drunk.

Why do you drink so much?

I enjoy drinking.

Drinking leads to more drinking.

Yes. Then I get drunk.

The problem is that she can't remember things.

But I have no bad drinking habits.

Getting hurt is a drinking habit.

- Things are reversed in this family. / - Exactly.

She's not the mother that we picture.

Why are you like this?

I had my daughter at a young age.

I had a dream.

I was upset very often.

When I put my children to bed, I thought,

"This isn't the life that I wanted.

Why am I living this way?"

That's understandable.

Do you feel like your daughter must pay you back

because she took your dream life from you?

Whenever I drank,

I often blamed my children.

That it was their fault?

It's because I had to raise them.

They weren't born because they wanted to be.

My daughter often told me that, too.

She doesn't understand me.

Has she blamed you like that often?

Whenever she drank, she told me,

"My life is ruined because of you."

You really hurt your daughter.

She said those hurtful words.

How did you feel?

I often wondered if I really

had ruined my mom's life.

Youngji is crying.

This is beyond our imagination.

- Why are you crying? / - Why?

Is your mom like her, too?

Talk to us. She's so emotional right now.

I'm sorry.

Is your mom producing a trot album, too?

The daughter is so nonchalant about it,

but she must've been so heartbroken.

She seems unaffected now,

but she must've suffered so much.

The daughter is used to it now.

She's tired of everything.

She's never showed her emotions.

That's very upsetting.

When was the hardest time for you?

I think I was 25 or 26 years old.


It was tough.

It was mostly because of my mom.

I didn't want to go on living,

so I didn't leave the house.

I kept my phone off to avoid answering calls,

and I didn't eat.

I lost 12kg in just a week.

That happens if you don't eat at all.

I couldn't eat at the time.

How did you overcome that?

I thought of ending my life,

but I couldn't stop thinking about my mom.

I thought she couldn't live without me.

Your mom was the cause, but also your motivation.

Did you know about this?

I thought she was on a diet.

You never took an interest in your daughter.

Everything was all about you.


Ever since she was young,

I never had a real conversation with her.

What's upsetting us the most is that

you're not sorry at all.

Why is that?

We're trying to be understanding, but it's hard,

since you're not apologetic to your daughter.

So you're saying you're self-centered?


This is the toughest broadcast for me so far.

Do you have any siblings?

I have 12 siblings.

I'm the youngest of 13 children.

You're the youngest of 13 children?


You must've been doted on.

Since I was the youngest of 13 children,

I was told I was the best, I sang well, and so on.

Even after I had kids, I was always doted on.

So I became self-centered.

Yes, you're very self-centered.

You care most about what other people think,

and you want others to always love you.

You are enjoying all that,

while your daughter is in agony.

Right. Her daughter is rotting away.

As emcees, we don't normally get angry,

but today, both stories are upsetting.

- It's very tough today. / - I agree.

Hand over the microphone to the dancer.

This is my toughest day in the past 27 years.

Sir! Do you understand this concern?

She was right in coming here today.

You're just the same.

You're doing the same thing.

Look at his wife's face.

There must be a reason why you came here.

I'm curious to know what your biggest concern is.

My mom...

She wants to go to Japan.


To become a singer in Japan.

Who did she talk to?

Kangnam, did you put her up to this?

I'm feeling uneasy today.

Does she speak Japanese?

Not at all.

She's never been to Japan.

How are you planning to live there?

I'm impressed.

Why do you want to go to Japan?

I want to become a singer.

How did you get that idea?

Tell us. We'll tell you if this is for real or not.

I know someone who's lived in Japan for years.

I'll go to Japanese clubs and audition.

I want to sing on stage.

Then you must find a place to live.

You need money. Is that person going to pay?

We didn't talk about that.

Who would be willing to pay those expenses?

If you want to move to Japan to realize your dream,

that's understandable for you.

But what about your daughter?

I didn't think about her.

(That's so harsh)

She's been so mature since she was young.

Do you think your daughter will give you money?

I dropped a hint to her.

- What? / - She dropped a hint.

I asked her if she had money to lend me.

Don't you think you're being reckless?

Que sera sera. Let's just see what happens.

Aren't you mad, Taeoh?

She's just so childish.

You're right.

I admit it.

It must be so tough for the daughter.

People say that I don't act my age.

Some people in the audience are crying.

I've never met a person like this before.

People told me I don't act my age.

Don't you think you should change your ways then?

This is how life is.

Are you drunk right now?

This is the toughest shoot ever.

We're not communicating here.

I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

You're selfish. Yes, I am.

- Right. / - My words are just bounced off.

I'd like to ask you this for my comfort.

Do you feel apologetic toward your daughter?


- A lot? / - Yes.

Are you usually bad at expressing

your feelings to other people?


Oh, I'm relieved.

I don't express my feelings well.

That's why I asked you this.

I think the viewers may be too upset by you.

Because you say such selfish things.

That's why I asked you that.

Unlike pop music or ballads,

do you know what's important in trot music?


Feelings of desperate love.

When we listen to you sing,

you have great vocal talent.

But we don't hear any feelings.

To be a better singer and go to Japan,

you must start to love your daughter more.

Your daughter needs your love right now.

That's what I think.

You need to learn the feeling of love first

and sing to others. Then you can touch them.

My daughter...

Don't answer right away.

You must digest what you hear before you speak.

No matter how much I eat, I always digest it first.

- Really? / - Sure.

What would you like to tell your mother?

I just want more conversation with her,

like how other mothers and daughters talk.

Speak to her directly.

I don't usually talk to her.

You feel awkward, right?

Let me introduce her to you. She's your mother.



I won't always say no to you.

Please discuss even small things with me first.

Don't sign contracts without talking to me first.

I hope you don't

go to Japan.

Do you love her?

I do, but I've never said that before.

Let's start today.

She's never said it before.

Mom, I love you.

Let's be happy from now on.

Please tell us what you think.

Let's start with K.will.

It must've been so tough for her.

I am very grateful to my parents.

It's a concern.

I hope you two converse more.

I think it's a concern, too.

I think it's the most serious concern of all.

I watched the daughter as she spoke.

I'm very grateful that

she grew up to be such a great person.

I hope you're grateful to your daughter for that.

Thank her for growing up so well on her own.

I hope you give her a hug later.

Thank you.

If you can relate to her concern,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please say a word to your daughter.

I think I've relied on you a lot.

I'll discuss things with you first.

I'm sorry, and I love you.

What about your plan to go to Japan?

I won't go.

You won't?

Ma'am! You can go to Japan.

But look into it well beforehand.

I won't go.

Don't be childish and say you won't go at all.

- I'm really not going. / - All right.

You'd better not go. I'll hunt you down.

You'd better not go!

All right. Let's see how many votes they got.

Please show us the result.

(Announcing the result)

Maybe they got 156 votes.

Maybe 166?

It could be that many.




(They got 166 votes)

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | i'm not your meal ticket !! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.16] - Duration: 30:00.


ਅੱਖਾਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਕੇ ਪੂਰਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸੁਣੋ | ਸੇ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਧਨੁ ਧੰਨੁ ਹੈ | Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa | Akj - Duration: 47:41.

ਪਉੜੀ ॥ Pauree: ਸੇ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਧਨੁ ਧੰਨੁ ਹੈ ਜਿਨੀ ਗੁਰ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ਸੁਣਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਕੰਨੀ ॥ Blessed blessed are those Gursikhs who, with their ears, listen to the Guru's Teachings about the Lord. ਗੁਰਿ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਦ੍ਰਿੜਾਇਆ ਤਿਨਿ ਹੰਉਮੈ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਭੰਨੀ ॥ The Guru, the True Guru, implants the Naam within them, and their egotism and duality are silenced. ਬਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੋ ਮਿਤ੍ਰੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਵੀਚਾਰਿ ਡਿਠਾ ਹਰਿ ਜੰਨੀ ॥ There is no friend, other than the Name of the Lord; the Lord's humble servants reflect upon this and see.

ਗੂਜਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ Goojaree, Fourth Mehl: ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਖੀ ਸਹੇਲੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਦੇਵਹੁ ਦਾਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਜੀਵਾਇਆ ॥ O Gurmukhs O my friends and companions give me the gift of the Lord's Name, the life of my very life. ਹਮ ਹੋਵਹ ਲਾਲੇ ਗੋਲੇ ਗੁਰਸਿਖਾ ਕੇ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਧਿਆਇਆ ॥੧॥ I am the slave, the servant of the Guru's Sikhs, who meditate on the Lord God, the Primal Being, night and day. ||1|| ਮੇਰੈ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਬਿਰਹੁ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਪਗ ਲਾਇਆ ॥ Within my mind and body, I have enshrined love for the feet of the Guru's Sikhs. ਮੇਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਸਖਾ ਗੁਰ ਕੇ ਸਿਖ ਭਾਈ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਕਰਹੁ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ਹਰਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਮਿਲਾਇਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ O my life-mates, O Sikhs of the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, instruct me in the Teachings, that I might merge in the Lord's Merger. ||1||Pause||ਜਾ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਭਾਵੈ ਤਾ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਮੇਲੇ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਵਚਨ ਗੁਰੂ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਇਆ ॥ When it pleases the Lord God, he causes us to meet the Gurmukhs; the Hymns of the Guru, the True Guru, are very sweet to their minds. ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਗੁਰ ਕੇ ਸਿਖ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਹਰਿ ਨਿਰਬਾਣੀ ਨਿਰਬਾਣ ਪਦੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੨॥ Very fortunate are the beloved Sikhs of the Guru; through the Lord, they attain the supreme state of Nirvaanaa. ||2|| ਸਤਸੰਗਤਿ ਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਹਰਿ ਪਿਆਰੀ ਜਿਨ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਮੀਠਾ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਇਆ ॥ The Sat Sangat, the True Congregation of the Guru, is loved by the Lord. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is sweet and pleasing to their minds. ਜਿਨ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਸੰਗੁ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ਸੇ ਭਾਗਹੀਣ ਪਾਪੀ ਜਮਿ ਖਾਇਆ ॥੩॥ One who does not obtain the Association of the True Guru, is a most unfortunate sinner; he is consumed by the Messenger of Death. ||3|| ਆਪਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਲੁ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਧਾਰੇ ਹਰਿ ਆਪੇ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਮਿਲਾਇਆ ॥ If God, the Kind Master, Himself shows His kindness, then the Lord causes the Gurmukh to merge into Himself. ਜਨੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਬੋਲੇ ਗੁਣ ਬਾਣੀ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ॥੪॥੫॥ Servant Nanak chants the Glorious Words of the Guru's Bani; through them, one is absorbed into the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||5||

For more infomation >> ਅੱਖਾਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਕੇ ਪੂਰਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸੁਣੋ | ਸੇ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਧਨੁ ਧੰਨੁ ਹੈ | Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa | Akj - Duration: 47:41.


Haha confesses his love for Jihyo in a live show? Kim Jong Kook joke - Sub Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Haha confesses his love for Jihyo in a live show? Kim Jong Kook joke - Sub Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 1:58.


LIAM - Brazil - Duration: 4:11.

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

LIAM - Brazil

For more infomation >> LIAM - Brazil - Duration: 4:11.


Referencias a Otros Videojuegos Ocultas en Cuphead (PARTE 2) - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Referencias a Otros Videojuegos Ocultas en Cuphead (PARTE 2) - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 5:57.


My new channel! - Duration: 1:48.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

So I know that some of you guys like to watch plays and highlights of professional players

and streamers.

So I've checked around YouTube and to be honest, most of stream highlights channels just copy

parts of a stream and make it into a long video with no original footage at all.

It's a cheap way of making content on YouTube, and I'm not a big fan of it.

So I'm announcing a new channel called "Play The Frag".

Play The Frag is my vision of stream highlights done right.

I believe highlights should be simple and fun to watch but still have a professional

and clean look.

One of the better things about this channel and for the people following BananaGaming

is that it only focuses on highlights, so you can enjoy both channels for different reasons.

But Maximuh, can I take over the Banana channel now?


I will still be uploading new videos, like I always have.

I'm getting help from two other really talented people to manage the new channel.

One is an excellent video-editor known as Alasku, and the other is an awesome designer

known as Wave.

These two will help me with Play The Frag, so I can focus on BananaGaming.

It also means that you will have more content from both channels to look forward to.

Make sure you all subscribe to the new channel I'll put it into the video description below,

and share it with other people to really show them that there's actually a channel with

highlights that are not just straight copies from a stream.

I would also love to get your feedback on the channel and if there's anything you think

would improve the viewer experience.

That's all I wanted to announce in this video, make sure you subscribe to the new channel, I'll see you guys in the next one, go bananas!

For more infomation >> My new channel! - Duration: 1:48.


Everything Bagel Macarons | Food Network - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Everything Bagel Macarons | Food Network - Duration: 0:40.


Yêu 5 - Rhymastic (English Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 4:08.

New channel should be looking forward to everyone subscribing to follow ^^

Please press Subscribe / "Đăng Kí" (Y)

To get free tab, please message to fanpage face I Love Guitar 9999 (Link in description)

Have fun and practice successfully ^^ Thanks ^^

For more infomation >> Yêu 5 - Rhymastic (English Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 4:08.


The truth is... | Bioshock Infinite | Part 10 - Duration: 42:25.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Bioshock Infinite

Let's continue this game

Are we in Comstock House, right?

What is that?

It's really big

I think we need to get in that ship

Elizabeth, hurry up

I don't know how to get there

Come on. It's getting closer

Always.. Have to pull the lever handle

I'm gonna stand at the front of the ship

I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates

What was that?

This is really crazy

I need more salts


Oh, I see it

It's getting closer soon

We will use the skyline

We will go to the top deck

I see another one. I need to clean the skyline to reach the top deck

I'm gonna die soon

I think we should be here

Look at my health bar

I don't like the handyman


Finally, he's dead



They don't have another vending machine

What is that?

Oh, the tower. It's a model

I see little Elizabeth


I guess we have to destory the tower so we can find the true answer

Find the controller

Looks like this is the final stage

I can command the songbird. Cool!


Join Elizabeth at the bow

Oh, we're here

The songbird needs to destory the s.... I dunno... The tower

Big Daddy Bouncer and the little sister

We're in... Rapture Metro. I thought it was Metro Rapture

Ratpure Metro... Metro Rapture... I dunno.. I don't care

Wait a minute... I remember this part from Bioshock 1

Yes, I remember that

I thought Metro Rapture was gone.. I remember it from Bioshock 2

That's really beautiful

We were in Metro Rapture...

We went up then we will go to... down

What key

Me? No, I remember I did that in the beginning for the game

Do I have to reborn again?

Comstock was here?


The baby... Is that...



Am I dead?


I want to flip the table

Elizabeth is Anna

Booker's daughter...

That's a huge - -

Huge. HUGE. H U G E. Huge!

Plot twist...

Bioshock Infinite...

That's all, folks

I say nothing... No comment...

My brain was exploding

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> The truth is... | Bioshock Infinite | Part 10 - Duration: 42:25.


Quang Vinh - Phai Dấu Cuộc Tình (黄昏 Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 5:45.

New channel should be looking forward to everyone subscribing to follow ^^

Please press Subscribe / "Đăng Kí" (Y)

To get free tab, please message to fanpage face I Love Guitar 9999 (Link in description)

Have fun and practice successfully ^^ Thanks ^^

For more infomation >> Quang Vinh - Phai Dấu Cuộc Tình (黄昏 Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 5:45.


美国 vs 欧盟 - 军力对比,谁会赢?【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:06.

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won

The world watched in wonder

When in 1993, the European Union was officially formed

Questions abounded

Would the UK and France finally be able to live harmoniously in perpetuity ?

Would Germany and the rest of Europe finally form an unbreakable alliance ?

With a currency to rival that of the US and the combined military might of 28 different countries

The EU could easily be one of America's greatest trading partners

or one of its most menacing foes

Although the American and European Alliance is the strongest today than it's ever been

We thought it would be interesting to compare the military might of these two powerhouses

and determine who would most likely win in a theoretical war in this episode of the Infographics show

The European Union vs The United States of America

Although money isn't everything

The first major difference worth pointing out is military spending

The annual defense budget of the European Union

which still includes the UK even though they recently voted to Brexit

is $227 billion or 3 times smaller than United States annual defense budget of $664 billion

When it comes to manpower, the EU has a population of 743 million people

with 1.4 million being active military personnel and 1.7 million being reserve personnel

The United States has a population of 324 million people

with 1.4 million being active military personnel and 1.1 million being reserve personnel

With programs such as Saber Strike, the 7th Army Training Command, and the Atlantic Resolve

It is safe to assume that the close connection between the US and the EU has resulted in

reasonably similar training for the army personnel of each country

In terms of land systems, the EU and the US are also similarly matched

The EU has 6700 tanks, 48971 AFVs, 2312 SPGs

3492 Towed-Artillery and 1069 MLRSs

The US, on the other hand, has a fleet of 8848 tanks, 41000 AFVs, 1934 SPGs

1300 Towed-Artillery, and 1,331 MLRSs

Despite the US having a larger number of ground tanks

Germany makes one of the top-ranked tanks, the Leopard 2

which has been purchased in the hundreds by countries all over Europe

It should be noted that while the US has troops and missiles stationed in Europe

There are no European army bases in the US

This is an obvious advantage to the US who could more easily bring the battle to European soil

keeping it away from the plants which manufacture American weapons

and again turning Europe into a war-zone similar to World War II

Of the US missiles on European soil, the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System located in Romania

has recently gone online, and is manned by 130 US sailors

This defense system is currently run by NATO but in the case of a US-EU war

It would become an ideal base for the US on European soil

With regard to air power, the US currently has a larger and more modern Air Force

with 13,444 aircraft, the most popular being the American made F-16 Fighting Falcon

EU has less than half that with 6,751 total aircraft, the most popular being the Eurofighter Typhoon

Since the US and the European Union are on two different continents

It is important to take a look at each country's naval power

The EU has a total of 61 submarines, 102 frigates, 21 destroyers

39 corvettes, 167 Mine Warfare Craft, and 210 patrol craft

The United States, on the other hand, has 75 submarines, 6 frigates, 62 destroyers

0 corvettes, 11 mine warfare craft, and 13 patrol craft

The two seem pretty tied, however the EU only has 8 aircraft carriers compared to the US's 19

In the unlikely scenario that nuclear weapons are used, the US has a stockpile of 6,800 nuclear warheads

with 150 nuclear warheads located directly in Europe

Europe barely has 500 nuclear warheads of its own, split nearly evenly between the UK and France

As we all know, a major component of this military assessment is fuel

Since almost every ground vehicle, aircraft, and naval unit needs fuel in order to operate

The European Union produces only 1.7 million barrels of oil a day

and consumes almost 8 times that each day

It also has 5.6 billion barrels of oil in reserve

The United states produces 9 million barrels of oil a day and consumes 19 million barrels

though it has 37 billion barrels of oil in reserve

It is safe to say both countries would need to rely on importing oil from other countries

The EU and the US share most of their allies

and it would be very interesting to see who allies with whom

As many will point out, experience is also a major factor when assessing military prowess

The EU and the US have been involved in the same wars for the last decade

However, the US military exists as a unified entity, and the EU runs much of their military

on a country-by-country basis making communication and tactical planning much more complicated

When it comes to the all seeing eyes from space

Both the European Union and the United States run their own Global Navigation Satellite Systems

The US has GPS and the EU has Galileo

GPS used to have the capability to block civilian signals called Selective Availability

One of the main reasons the EU developed Galileo was due to its concern

that the US could deny others access to GPS during political disagreements

The two came to a compromise and the US is now in the process of replacing old GPS satellites

with new ones that will not have selective availability enabled

So, who do you think would win the war ?

the US or the EU ?

Do you think there are factors we omitted that would make a difference

Is war between the EU and the US even a possibility ?

Let us know in the comments

And if you want to get a daily comparison or fun fact in your feed

follow us on social media

All the links are in the description of the video

Finally, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share

Thanks for watching and see you in a few days

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe my channel for more

For more infomation >> 美国 vs 欧盟 - 军力对比,谁会赢?【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:06.


BREAKING: Obama FURIOUS After What Trump Just Suddenly ENDED For 1.5 Mil Of His 'Favorite' People - Duration: 7:47.

BREAKING: Obama FURIOUS After What Trump Just Suddenly ENDED For 1.5 Mil Of His 'Favorite'


This news should be enough to make all us Donald Trump Supporters misty eyes with pride

in the man we chose to lead our great nation!

It's once again Morning in America!

Today it's being reported that more than 1.1 million Americans have dropped out of

the food stamp program since President Trump took office in January.

According to the latest United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics on food stamp

enrollment and usage, participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

(SNAP) dropped to 41,496,255 in May 2017, from 42,691,363 in January 2017.

After 8 long years of constant increases, this steep drop started the very month that

President Donald Trump took office.

Of course, this news isn't great for everyone.

Since the "Free Stuff" welfare crowd were former President Barack Hussein Obama's

most loyal voters, he and the Democrat party are livid.

But I am sure they will be just fine because we will always have a segment of society that

feels they are too good to get a normal job, are too lazy, or just simply like to sit on

their behinds all day long while the rest of us go out and provide for them.

In fact, many live better than us working stiffs do.

The Christian Post Reports:

Trump and Welfare Reform: No More Free Lunch

While the Left promotes fake scandals, President Donald Trump proposes real change.

Congressional Republicans should keep their eyes on the ball and enact his reforms into


President Lyndon Johnson unleashed "the Great Society" on America.

It treated welfare as a right and created a culture of dependency.

Expanded benefits encouraged illegitimacy, discouraged education, punished work and undermined


Entire communities suffered as families dissolved and values deteriorated.

Seeing political advantage in making more people dependent on government, Democrats

ignored the ill consequences.

But President Ronald Reagan, who pressed welfare reform as California governor, took up the

challenge in Washington.

He was advised by Bob Carleson, who led the California effort.

A Democratic House limited President Reagan's ability to make changes.

Then came the GOP Congress elected in 1994.

Carleson helped draft a new style of reform that passed in 1996.

It changed the dynamic of welfare in key ways, one of which was permitting the states to

require the able-bodied to work in exchange for their monthly benefit check.

The legislation helped reduce welfare rolls — by about 50 percent in just five years

— save taxpayer dollars and make recipients independent.

Now, President Trump is following in the Gipper's footsteps.

With welfare costing $1.1 trillion last year, most paid for by the federal government, the

administration has proposed tightening eligibility requirements for several programs and hopes

to cut outlays by $274 billion over the coming decade.

President Trump's initiative revives the federal workfare requirement.

Wrote the president to Congress: "Work must be the center of our social policy."

The purpose is not to punish the needy, but to ensure that they are taken care of.

Wasted welfare "takes away scarce resources from those in real need," he explained.

The president targeted Food Stamps, now formally the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program


In 1996, Congress required work or its equivalent for cash benefits.

But the Obama administration wanted to expand welfare dependence and allowed states to waive

a provision that Congress intended to be mandatory.

Analyst James Bovard notes that the administration even ran campaigns to recruit SNAP recipients.

In 2000, 17 million people received Food Stamps.

The SNAP rolls are now at a staggering 44 million, at a cost of $71 billion annually.

Congress needs to act.

The Trump administration would require states to toss in a buck for every four spent by


Moreover, it would be conditional upon the states requiring their able-bodied to earn

their benefit.

Explained the head of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney: "If you're

on Food Stamps and you're able-bodied, then we need you to go to work."

It turns out that work works.

In 2014, Maine added a requirement that able-bodied Food Stamp recipients find a job, get job

training or volunteer at least 24 hours a month.

Within a year the number of people getting Food Stamps dropped from more than 13,000

to barely 2,700.

That's a cut of 80 percent.

At the start of 2017, thirteen Alabama counties began mandating their able-bodied adult SNAP

recipients to work, seek work, or get approved job training.

By May, the rolls had dropped by 85 percent.

Statewide, since January, the number of able-bodied adults on SNAP has declined by 55 percent.

Those of us who understand human nature are not surprised by this outcome.

The idea that giving away "free stuff with no strings attached," in this case, food,

to anyone who signs up for it results in a whole lot of people signing up is pretty basic

reasoning, except perhaps at some Ivy League institutions.

The administration expects its reforms, including workfare, will save taxpayers roughly $193

billion over the coming decade.

Equally important, noted Mulvaney, "We're no longer going to measure compassion by the

number people on these programs.

We're going to measure compassion by how many people we can get off these programs."

Which is why the administration shouldn't stop with Food Stamps.

Work requirements should be expanded to programs such as public housing.

Even if Congress passes workfare for Food Stamps, work requirements will apply to only

three of the more than 80 federal welfare programs.

The administration should move to consolidate overlapping programs and block grant them

to the states.

Welfare is an issue that belongs at the state level.

The Carleson Center for Welfare Reform has designed a program that would give states

greater flexibility, provide a continuing incentive to innovate, and cap federal expenditures.

Finally, the U.S. needs to get back into job creation.

More jobs need to be generated for all Americans.

That's why the president is pushing serious deregulation, proposing tax reform and challenging

environmental extremism.

The result will be more opportunities for all.

Some people need federal help.

But it always should be the last resort, delivered cost-effectively by institutions closest to

those in need.

Moreover, there should be reciprocity.

It is only fair to request that those who receive benefits work to earn them.

It's the Biblical model.

And it is supported by nine out of every 10 Americans.

President Trump's workfare proposal demonstrates that he is busy doing what is important for


Congress should join him.

Overall, jobs do make people happier and put more money in their pockets and food on their

table than food stamps do.

So all this is great news.

People with jobs tend to have more disposable income which is great for small business and

the entertainment industry, not just "HollyWeird," but restaurants, hotels and travel destinations,


Make America Great Again!

At least for those who aren't lazy and care to get their behinds off the couch to be self-sufficient

and stop being a leech on society.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you are proud of President Donald Trump!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama FURIOUS After What Trump Just Suddenly ENDED For 1.5 Mil Of His 'Favorite' People - Duration: 7:47.


How to use Canva | Canva Tutorial for beginners - Duration: 24:10.

Looking for a Canva tutorial to show you step-by-step how to create beautiful

graphics with ease in this video I'm going to show you how to use canva so

you can quickly and easily design your own social media images presentations

flyers invitations and more stay tuned

hi I'm Sara Nguyen your online marketing strategist helping you grow

your business using social media with ease if you're new to this channel

consider subscribing for all of the latest product reviews social media

marketing tips and training and at any time during this video make sure you

check out the description for links to all of the resources mentioned in this

video canva is a remarkable design tool that allows you to create stunning

images with ease. Even if you don't have any graphic design experience at all. I'm

going to walk you through how to navigate canva the free version to start

designing your own beautiful images if you're looking for a training on how to

use the paid version of canva canva for work I've created a video for that too

check out the description for the link and to jump to the specific training

sections let's go over to my computer now to start using canva you'll need a

canva account so from canva com you can sign up using

your Facebook account your Google account or you can sign up using your

email address once you've done that and followed the prompt you can come back to

canva and login in the top right hand corner here using your username and

email and password or login clicking on the green button with your Facebook or

your Google account I'm going to log in with my Facebook account and this then

takes me to canva in the top section where it says create a design you'll see

all of these templates for different graphics that you can create and

underneath these are the images that I've created in the past yours will be

empty in two you have some design saved so let's

start with creating a social media graphic we're going to start by clicking

on the more button or you can also click on the create a design button this takes

you to the section in canva where you can choose the different design types

you can see here there's social media posts and we have twitter social

graphics Pinterest graphics Facebook's Tumblr Instagram these are different

templates that can be have created and sized for you for these specific social

media platforms if you keep scrolling you'll see documents so we have the us

letter size as well as the International a4 size if you wanted to create

different documents and presentations we have ebook templates and book covers as

well as posters flyers brochures social media covers invitations for events and

ads as well so there really is a large array of templates and already sized

designs for you the other alternative that you can do is you can use custom

dimensions on the top right hand corner here and with this you can type in the

width and the high in pixels or in millimeters or inches of an image that

you want to design and this is something that you would use if you don't want to

go ahead and use canvas templates but I'm going to show you how to start using

their templates to create quick beautiful designs so let's have a look

at creating a Facebook post and you really can apply this to any of the

social media graphics in canvas section here so I'm going to click on Facebook

posts and this opens up the editor section where I can start to make the

magic happen now if we have a look at the left-hand side here there are some

tabs we have layouts elements text background and uploads I'm going to go

through what all of these are and how you can use them with layouts we

have designs Kemba have provided all designers in canvas marketplace have

provided and you can see as I hover over some of these designs it has a little

dollar sign on it and this means that it has a paid element on the actual design

so I've clicked on this design and you can see that there's this image and it

has can buy watermarks on it and this means that this component is a paid

feature so if I wanted to use this design and this particular image I would

have to pay for it and this happens when I go to download the image I'm going to

choose it's a JPEG when I click download canva will then

ask me to put in my credit card details because there's this paid component on

it if I didn't want to pay for it there are two options I could choose a free

design or I can delete this paid element so to delete this paid element I would

click on it go on the right-hand side click delete image and now you can see

that that in that paid image is no longer there and I can upload my own

image and I'll show you how to do that in a moment but you'll see now when I go

to download this particular image design canva don't ask me to put my credit card

details in anymore because I've removed the component of the design that's a

paid version and they will just start automatically downloading like you see

there so that is a paid design and all of the paid designs have the little

dollar sign icon in the bottom right hand corner of the design and this is

relevant whether you're doing a social media pose or whether you're creating an

invitation all of the canva layouts will be marked as either paid with paid

elements on them or if we keep scrolling we'll be able to find some free versions

like here it says free so this means that the design doesn't have any paid

elements on it so you can choose the paid versions and remove the paid

elements on them in order for them to be free or you can just use a free layout

it's really up to you so to choose a layout it's extremely

easy it's a matter of clicking on the design and as you saw before I have this

design here you can choose to replace current designs that you have by

clicking on replace or if you're playing around with different layouts in the

bottom you'll see it says at a new page and this group will create another blank

template so you can add another design and you can play between the different

layouts and see which one you like best and then you can either keep over them

or in the right-hand side here you can delete it

so it gives you options when you're designing to play with different layouts

and you don't have to necessarily commit to one or the other I've added two free

designs I'm going to add a another page and this will be a paid design and I'm

going to show you how to change this image and I'm going to add one more and

this will be a blank one and I'll show you how to freestyle a design and create

something without having to use canvas layouts if you really didn't want to so

when we go back to the design and we want to change a component whether it's

the text or the colors in this back section you simply click on the section

that you want to edit so let's say I want to change the text I would click on

this I would write some text and that will replace the text I can highlight

this text and on the top section here I can change the font type to a different

style there are lots of fonts for you to choose within the free range and there

should be something here that will work for what you need so you just simply

select the font that you like and on the right hand side as you see in the design

it will automatically change you can change the font size you can change the

font color you can use the document colors or you can click on this plus

button and this gives you access to change the color to be whatever color in

the color wheel that you desire you have other options such as whether

you want to Center a line lift the line or right align the text at bullet points

or you can change the spacing and the spacing allows you to increase or

decrease the text I guess horizontally or the line height if

there's text above or below it so changing the text really is as easy as

clicking on the text that you want to change and then typing the text that you

want to replace it with and then highlighting the text and clicking on

any of the menu items here to change the font the size the color and some of the

styling things that you can do here to change the background elements when I

click on it you'll see in the top left-hand corner

changes once again depending on the element that I'm changing and I can

choose different colors for this based on what I want

once again I'm able to choose from the document colors or if I click on the

plus sign it gives me access to the entire color wheel and I can then go

ahead and replace these particular colors with colors that work better for

what I'm looking to do and it's as easy as that it's literally clicking on the

element and then choosing the color from the color wheel so let's go over to

another one now this is another free one so let's have a look here as you can see

there are different elements that can be have added on this design let's say I

don't really want this to be the bottles here so I'm going to click on the

element that I don't want to be included in the design I'm going to go to the top

right hand corner and as you saw that happened really quickly I click on the

little bin button and it deletes that particular element from the actual

design so you're not stuck with components that you don't like now I'm

going to go and add something else here because I've taken out an element of it

so in the left hand side I click on elements and here's a bunch of stuff

that canva have that is really really cool you can choose to add shapes and

you click on the shape icon there are all of these components that you

add to the actual image once again there are free ones and there are paid ones if

you want to use the paid one you can add it and then you will need to enter in

your credit card details in order to be able to use the paid feature however

there are so many elements that are free I don't necessarily think that you will

need it there's definitely going to be something here that will work for what

you need so it's a matter of either scrolling or you can start typing what

you want so let's say I'm going to add another bottle so I search for bottle in

that search bar there and I click enter and all of the elements that have the

keyword bottle in it will appear and once again they're labeled free or if

it's a paid one you'll see that it has the price and the dollar sign there so

I'm going to add this free icon I clicked on it and then canva added it to

my active canvas and then I can drag it to be where I want it to be if I pull on

the right-hand corner or any of the corners it will resize it

keeping that aspect ratio in place so that's another cool feature so it's not

all out of whack and then I can move it wherever on the canvas that I want to as

you see here these are the specific colors that it came with in the top

corner here I can change it to be whatever colors that I like so there's

lots of flexibility in being able to remove the elements if you don't like

them add new ones and there are so many elements to choose from and then to

customize them as well so this was adding different shapes I can also add

lines if they're relevant to what I need to do I click on the lines button and

there are all these different line designs that I can also add to my design

by just clicking on them and locating them somewhere on the design the other

thing that I like to add from time to time is illustration so this is pretty

cool I like illustrations because they just

add a little bit of jazz so there are free ones and paid ones and it just

spices up the image a little bit more you simply click on it

resize it you can Road hate them and then just place them

somewhere on your actual design and if you've added something and you think mmm

that looks a bit weird and you don't like it that's okay too

you simply click on it once again and that little bin button delete button

here takes it away as if it never even happened so adding elements and design

components is as easy as clicking on the elements section here and choosing what

component you want to add whether it's shapes lines illustrations icons charts

candle has a massive library of things that you can use they've also got a

really amazing stock image library as well if you click on free photos you'll

see all of these beautiful images that you can use for free to help you create

these beautiful images now I'm going to show you how to upload your own images

so I've scrolled to the next design here and as you can see this is a paid image

because it has the canva watermarks on it so I'm going to go ahead and delete

this one because one I don't really think that this is the right image for

what I want to use and I want to use something else I'm going to click delete

to the image and that's gone and now to upload my own image I can choose from in

the elements section let's get rid of this bottle in the elements section I

can click on the free photos and I can choose to look for people images here

that are relevant let's have a look-see so I can either choose something here

and place it into the section here and then I click tick to accept it so that's

one option choosing the free options here if I don't like that as always I

can delete the image otherwise I can upload my own images so I'm going to go

to uploads here then upload your own images and let's go to my desktop and

I'm going to add this image of pandas because I can and canva will upload

images and it will keep the images in your upload section so you can use them

again you don't need to upload the image every time you use it you kind of have

this library of images that you can come back ups and use just by clicking on

them like that so let's have a look at how you're going it's almost there you

can see here it's uploading and now it's done

so once it's done I click on it then I drag it into the section and like that I

have uploaded and placed my own image other things that you can do with your

own images is if I click on this just once you'll see in the top corner here I

can add filters to edit the image so either choosing from canvas own filters

I can scroll across the top here that's made a different color or I can click on

the scales here and change the image filters according to the color scheme

that I like I can crop the image if I wanted it to be bigger or a different

size I have a crop option I can flip it if I wanted to horizontally and

vertically and with the space seen what does the spacing one do that just brings

the image in or out depending on the layout of the image the other thing that

you can do with your image if you click on it and if you have a look on the

right-hand side is that you can arrange it so this is the option that allows you

to move it forward or back allowing you to move things around on your canvas

putting them before or behind certain elements and you can also add a link on

the image to an external URL by putting the link here and clicking apply and

that will create a hyperlink on your design now I'm going to show you how to

freestyle your own canva design so here's a blank canvas and I'm going to

show you how to add images add text add images starting from a blank slate

so I've already uploaded a bunch of images here so I'm going to start by

adding this background so this is an image that I've uploaded earlier and I'm

going to use this as my entire backgrounds uploaded it clicked it to

add it and I'm going to resize it by just dragging it and that builds my

entire canvas now I'd like to add some text so I'm going to click on the text

section here and I have options of either adding text and then choosing a

font or I can select some of canvas pre designs here so I am going to click on

this one here so I'm going to change the text so replace that and delete this

other text that I don't want or need to up here I'm going to add some extra text

just to show you how to do it so I'm going to click on add a subheading it's

placed it there I'm going to drag it underneath it then I'm going to stretch

it just so that it's all on one line and I move it there it's a little bit hard

to read so I'm going to go to the elements section and I'm going to have a

look at different shapes that I can add so that I can have it stand out a little

bit more so I think I may do a circle keep it a little bit easy and I'm going

to arrange it to send it back so I can have the font appear in the front and

now I'm going to change the color because it's nice and it's easy to read

now but it's a little bit black so I'm going to click on the element click on

the color section and I think it's going to be a blue no mm still not feeling it

so I'm going to click on the plus button and now we're

talking now this is exciting now I'm liking that so I've just chosen

a color there and I click off it and I quite like that now how do you get the

design off canvas so that you can upload it to Facebook or to whichever social

media platform you click on the download button here and you can choose to

download the image as a JPEG a PNG or a PDF in standard or print version I'm

going to go with JPEG for the purposes of this demonstration you can choose to

download all the images as you see here because there are multiple images on

this canvas it will save all of them as a zip file or I can just choose the

certain canvas that I want so I just want this last one which is number 4 and

I'll click download and canvas doing its thing and in a couple of seconds it will

enable me to download it if it doesn't automatically download and now that's

downloaded when I click on it here's my beautiful image that I just created with

this design if I click on the title here I can name it something so I'm going to

call it Facebook post demo and this will name the image so that when you see it

in your save image section it has a meaningful name I'm going to click on

the canva icon this takes me back to my dashboard which has all of the images

that I've created so I can go back to the image and edit it and pretty much

use them as a template anytime I want so for example this Pinterest analytics

one is a YouTube thumbnail so I use this as a thumbnail for my Pinterest

tutorials and if I click on this particular image I can go back to it and

I can update it and use the same design four different videos if it's relevant

so let's say this is one on how to pin I've got the same layout I just changed

the text it saves me a lot of time I don't have to build everything from

scratch again and then I simply save it and then I can

download it once again so that's a really cool feature of doing designs in

canvas that you can set it up essentially as a template so you can go

in quickly change the text to make that same image relevant for the next piece

of work that you're doing another thing that I really love about canva which is

a new addition that they've just added recently is that if you're creating

designs or posters or business cards or or anything print related if you click

on the order prints option here you can have the design that you created in

canva arrange to be printed and delivered to you or from the one place

so you don't need to download the design go send it to your printer and then get

them to send it to you you can do it all from here and can but give you the

options and the pricing which is really really cool it's just this one-stop

solution to do your designs and arrange your print jobs all in the one place so

there you have it a step-by-step guide of how to use canva to create beautiful

images for your business if you found this video useful give me a thumbs up

and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for more

ways to grow your business using social media make sure you grab a copy of my

social media checklist it's a super simple guide to help you get up and

running on the major social media networks so you can start leveraging the

power of social to get more customers and generate more sales with ease to get

your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below and thanks


For more infomation >> How to use Canva | Canva Tutorial for beginners - Duration: 24:10.


PUBG ► THE AI GODS with StrangeMaelstrom & TomeofEnoch - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> PUBG ► THE AI GODS with StrangeMaelstrom & TomeofEnoch - Duration: 6:17.



hello Gemini this is julie with into heart space looking at the energy of

November 2017 have you looked at the collective pull video yet this is the

really really quick video about the energy surrounding you and everyone

around you it's just one card and it's just a foundational video for November

so that you know something that will connect you to everyone else and vice

versa alright Gemini it's coming the highest

about the highest of energy to guide us on this reading Kali in the divine we

have four Gemini and the energy coming in from October into November is the

eight of cups reverse so with the eight of cups reverse and I'm really feeling

like you know you know way it could be a loss of abundance but it could also feel

like you're going here like you're gaining you're gaining you're gaming but

not as fast as you would like okay so yeah let's get this energy just it

definitely feels like oh well I I've been doing all the work I've been doing

everything I need to get done but it just it's not manifesting as quickly as

I like someone's mom luckily this is the energy of October November so this is

what's just coming in no we have let's see what we've got

Knight of cups page of Pentacles reversed page of stamps reversed and

then six of stamps then we have the nine AQAP's reversed ace of swords seen of

cups seven of cops reverse the fool and then the

star so that's good alright so there it is there's a couple people showing up

here we haven't a cup of water science oh that's Pisces cancer and Scorpio and

they're showing up in the upright so this is energy this could be a new

relationship I also kinda get like the sense that it's um you know it could be

a really close friend coming back from the past but we also have a couple

people showing up in the reverse we have the page of staffs reverse and the page

of Pentacles reversed and I do feel like this could be a child or children um

there's just a lot of people going on in your life Gemini and I remember thinking

I think it was last month that you guys are going to like a lot of gym nights

are gonna be in the spotlight and things are gonna be happening to them a greater

like social level and so it does it makes sense that like all these people

are still kind of showing up in your elms but the thing that is linking

everything together is that you know the ace of swords is kind of yeah it's

touching on all these people so it's a new beginning for year so Gemini you

could be really prolific with your words it could be really prolific with

communication and starting a new even new technology but a new way of thinking

and and this is drawing all these people to you and even though it's like it's a

beginning it's moving really really fast it's moving

you know quicker than you had anticipated and they're like the growth

is almost faster than what you can produce and so I do feel like this is

kind of an I mean in work to be in your craft until you have a couple of people

showing up that are really here to help you out and it's water signs they really

care about you they want to see you succeed but then we have the page of

Pentacles in Reverse and this is kind of the younger energy and they

they don't want you to succeed they want what you have all right and the page of

staffs in Reverse here these two in Reverse is like the staffs want want to

be you you know like well how come I couldn't have done that how come I

couldn't have created what they have or have the life that they live right now

and so you have to move past this you have to move past this energy it could

be a little jolting to you it could be whoa there's like people who don't want

me to succeed and people don't want me to be a success and that could just kind

of jar you like you didn't even think that was a possibility and you're gonna

have to pass through that to get to get on get on with what you made and so we

also have a line of cops in Reverse you know the nine of cups and reverses is

feeling you know not as lucky you know feeling like you kind of got the short

end of the stick but you didn't you know we have the ace of swords there most

have the full and the Stars showing up so it's like you're sitting pretty but I

think it's more of like you've because of these people saying some negative

things to you and it could be friends to that are saying some negative things but

I think it's more people you don't you don't associate with who you don't

connect with and they're just trying to you know put their their opinion in on

you and because they're doing that it makes you feel like gosh no one cares

about me no one likes me what I'm doing isn't worthwhile since these people

don't like it how many other people don't like what I'm doing and so that

they don't go there don't go there like keep manifesting this beautiful ace of

swords and remember the clean of cups and the knight of cups who are here to

love up on you and support you don't worry about these pages they're young

and they're immature they don't know they they're not worth your time

okay so don't feel like you are at a disadvantage because young people who

are immature are bullying you okay because the masters I mean the clean and

the knight are much stronger than any page could ever be and they have your

back all right and then the seven the tops here in Reverse I actually

really love this card in this reading alright in this reading it's like you

have no problem with with a fob you have no problem with not seeing the reality

of the situation and going for what you want

so Gemini this is beautiful like having the drive to go forward on your journey

you know you know it's all out in the open who is behind you and who's not

what you need to do and what road you need to take it's all there if you just

pay attention and stay focused and and then having the fool and it's right

under the ace of swords this is like universe saying please go please do what

you're doing see as we move forward with your job that you are you you just

started and you feel connected to and you're making all these connections with

beautiful people like the fool is like yes go for it

go go go it's the beginning and it's the end that you know it's zero it's

infinite it always has your back in a way you

know this is universal yeah it could be a challenge but we're gonna push you off

this edge and we promise we'll catch you you just have to have faith you know you

can't it's also the fool is you don't always have to you know play by the

rules you don't and not saying in a negative way that you have to create a

different route than may be expected to get to the same destination like stay

open stay aware that there is so much possibility happening in your life right

now Gemini like there's so many people I mean I feel like the knight of cups and

the queen of cups are like thousands of people being like we adore you we love

you please keep going and the star I mean

having was started right next to it is like you are rising gem and I'm like I'm

ik Gemini's you have so much potential you are rising to your destiny and

people are listening and are hanging onto your every word and

and the star in the floor actually really linked together The Fool is

related to Uranus the star is related to Aquarius

guess what planet Aquarius in astrology is linked to Uranus

so Gemini and their-their your air signs they're your fellow fellow brethren you

know so if you feel like oh my gosh people think I'm weird people think I'm

crazy people think what I'm doing is is totally strange and bizarre ah bah bah

boppa that's what you're supposed to be doing and it's amazing Gemini I'm so

excited for you and like these page of Pentacles in this page up stabs in

Reverse they're just here to make you stronger they're just here to make you

realize that you have to go through these these hoops these hoops of fire

fire yep earth and fire to find your true calling and realize how important

important it is to live that so these last few months I really feel like Chum

and I are just keep reiterating though be you stay solid in yourself you will

manifest rep relationships that that that help you flourish and you'll feel

them you'll feel them in your heart just like worn you up and continue you on

okay so let's call on the mother with some deck just for the guidance Isis

devotion okay now remember Isis is a goddess and Egyptian goddess so love up

on that Isis was a goddess before the negative connotation of OHS the card of

unstinting affection and highest sacrifice Isis signifies an expansion of

your capacity to be selfless love becomes effortlessly but the hard one

art of devotion it's lent day

as we put our friends family or work grudgingly or ungrudgingly first Isis

the Egyptian goddess known as the mother of life affirms a life-giving promise of

devotion alright yeah but that's all I need to read for right now so devotion

and like I was saying like you have this new beginning happening and so keep

rising devote your time to it and the people who support you will come yes

you're gonna have some some trolls and you're going to have some haters but

they're there too for a reason to see if you are willing to go through that to

rise to your destiny if you're willing to stand up for what

you believe in so Isis is asking you to keep that

devote devotion strong alright if you would like a personal reading find me on

Facebook email me or go to my website and remember listen to your heart then

the body will follow until next time your joy and blessings


For more infomation >> GEMINI: NOVEMBER MONTHLY | ACCEPT THE CHANGE!!! - Duration: 12:43.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:35.


Wildlife Artist Kate Jenvey interviewed by Cindy Wider - Duration: 11:50.

Hi and welcome! Here I am in the Shangri-la North Bar in Cairns and it's

a gorgeous day, it's starting to clear, it's been pelting down. I've got a

really special guest here today. Kate Jenvey is an amazing wildlife and

equine artist from Victoria. Hi Kate.

Hi Cindy. Welcome to DrawPj. Thank you.

And you're just visiting Cairns aren't you. Yes, just a short visit at the moment.

And what brings you here to Cairns?

I came to visit my sister and also to see a lovely retrospective exhibition of

William T Cooper at the Atherton Regional Gallery.

And you create the most amazing... I mean Kate's work is absolutely

incredible she works in different mediums and she'll tell us about those

in a minute, but, I just want to get to know Kate a

little bit more and let you know more about Kate too - so Kate could you tell us a

bit more about yourself. I was originally from East Africa. I was born in Nairobi

and lived my whole childhood in Kenya and Tanzania which

was an incredible childhood to be out with the wild animals.

Were you scared of like the Lions and all of that? No, there's always an element of danger but

but you adapt to your environment I guess. I can remember drawing at four.

Pretty much always animals and I was lucky, educated and encouraged by my

parents. They were very supportive and my father in particular always critiqued my artwork.

Wow! Was he an artist? No, well he could draw very well but he didn't do it

as a hobby. I've got some beautiful drawings of his.

He was honest and he would say what was good about it but he'd also

point out what was lacking. They were also both of them great

photographers so I think its their eye for detail that, you know, passed on to me that I

love to get the detail. And when did you move to... was it to Australia

next that you moved to? We did a year in England

and then out to Australia. So I arrived in Australia when I was 10.

Kate creates the most amazing artworks and

she chooses to create wildlife and equine and I'd love to know a bit more

about that, about what inspires her to do that, so Kate can you tell us some more

about that. I've got some images here... we'll have a look at those in a moment

but can you tell me what inspires you and when you were first inspired

to create the subject matter that you create?

Cindy, my passion was African wildlife growing up and being involved in the bush as I was.

And I kept on a realistic path because I think nature is the best designer and

I like to pay homage to that and not change it and abstract it. But when I arrived in Australia I

was taken aback that there was no large wildlife here so...

Because you also have...

you also create equine art, what's the connection there?

Well I just developed

that more in Australia because I suppose it's accepted more

than the African wildlife although that is my deepest love is the African wildlife

but I equally do enjoy horses...drawing horses. So I've actually got some

images because I asked you to send some for me so we could chat about it

and I thought we'd just spend some time... I'm going to go through these images with

you, and with Kate, and we're just going to chat about them. So let's have a look

at this first one here. Now this is... this is a beautiful lion... can you tell me

some more about that... oh I just love the look on that lions face... I mean how did you get...

did you get the reference photographs yourself? I do... I pretty much

always use my own reference. I still go on safari whenever I can every few years

to just soak up a bit more Africa and collect my own reference. Because I think you

build it into the artwork, you've experienced the sight and sounds

and the atmosphere that's there,

It comes more from your heart.

You can portray certain things that you've seen and experienced.

And I don't know about you but getting reference photos of a lion could be pretty

scary. Kate can you tell us how do you actually get those reference photographs?

Are you up close and personal with these animals. Tell us about that, that's so interesting.

Well I use safari companies that have open sided vehicles

and very good guides, so they know where to find the wildlife and I only have a

300 millimeter lens but you can get up pretty close to them, but you've got to

be lucky as well to see them...

Now I'm really excited to show you some more of

Kate's work so let me show you some of her equine art, and the thing I

really love about her work so much is her ability to truthfully capture the

muscles and the skeletal structure, the details in the horse.

Something you have

to realize when you're drawing is it's not just the surface that you are

portraying. Everything on the surface relates to the structure underneath. So you've got the

muscle structure and you've got the skeletal structure which causes the highlights

and the shadows in the animal and they have to be exact too, and I think a

horse in particular has to be exact otherwise people notice and its always

a challenge to get them to look accurate and...

You've done a great job there...

Absolutely beautiful and I love this one here, this zebra and the way that you've

just captured the little bird right in that focal point area.

Yes, that was a lovely photograph that

I cropped down just to make the bird... I guess... the accent of the drawing.

And was that bird actually really there in the photograph...oh you're joking! Oh wow!

...and you've just captured that so so beautifully. You know one of my favourite

subjects that Kate is just absolutely amazing at drawing is elephants. She's

incredible at it and elephants have got all that texture it must be so fun to

draw them. Can you tell me Kate about your experiences with this particular image.

They were spectacular for not only their size but their texture.

Their huge ears its all

just amazing and she was very close to the vehicle so I just sat there and watched

her for ages... and to capture that in pencils is just a labour love I suppose

because that was huge.

Now don't tell me that you just actually drew in front

of her while she's stood there. No no no... because these take hours don't they

They do... weeks. Yeah, weeks isn't it... absolutely.

What's that like 120 hours or more? Could have been, probably more... yeah plus.

So you took a lot of reference photos then when she was close. I did.

Do you work from very many reference photos at one time?

It depends on the subject. But I always take as many as I can...

different angles to cover everything. In case you need to zoom in on one

particular area. Yes. So that's really important to you. And when I look at your

work the thing that I'm in awe of is, she creates all these amazing delicate

gradations in graphite and they're beautiful soft edges and hard edges and

you can really see that she's thought about the form, not only the outer form

but also the underneath form too. I can clearly see that she's got an incredible

understanding of the muscle structure and everything. Do you research

anatomy when you're drawing. I do... yeah? so tell us about that. oh I've got

some fabulous reference books.

Yes I constantly do study them and I think just handling animals as well

helps... so, yes as much knowledge as you can get before you tackle your subject is the best.

So I know how busy you are Kate and I know you're about to fly out, you're going

home shortly, but I've just got a few more quick questions I have to fit in here.

One question I've been dying to ask Kate is

if you only had one piece of equipment... or your favorite piece of equipment...

I know there will be plenty but is there one that's really special to you that you

just couldn't do without? Yes, I think it's my rotary pencil sharpener because I do so

much sharpening through a day. It's just a brilliant tool that's quick

and efficient and helps me out. So is that a handheld or is it battery-operated or electric operated?

Its hand wound, yes. Does it clamp to the desk does it? No, no I move it around so. Oh great!

So if you could describe your process how would you say that you get started for

example in a graphite drawing? I start with a light outline.

Either I draw... if it's a complex piece I draw directly on the tracing paper because that will take a lot of erasing

and...yeah, moving around without damaging the paper or I'll do a sketch on just cartridge paper and then transfer it to my good paper.

So with your initial image do you use anything like construction drawing or a grid

method or anything? No... look, I think because I've drawn from

little I've used shapes. So I start with basic shapes. Construction! That's what we love at

DrawPj! We love construction drawing. See! Even the most professional artists

still use the construction drawing method so it's not just something that

you begin with and then lose along the way, so that's great to hear. Now I'm

really curious because I know that Kate works in several mediums but Kate what

is your favourite medium that you like to work in?

Oh I love the graphite Cindy. I began with that and its very much my favourite.

Why is that your favourite? You work in coloured pencil and oils but why is graphite your favourite?

I think because it's the most simple of tools. You've just got a pencil and paper

and sit there with a large sheet of paper glaring at you. To bring it to life is the challenge, that's what I love.

Wow! and to be able to get that incredibly realistic art like you get... and you know

Kate can get this amazing realistic art just from a few pencils on paper.

That's truly incredible. So obviously Kate loves her drawing

experience so much. Kate, what is one piece of advice that you'd love to give

to others, to help keep them inspired and motivated just like you are after all

these years? What keeps you going? What can you advise others to do?

oh definitely, I think practice, follow your passion, use patience and

perseverance and you can do anything with your drawing. Just keep at it!

That is beautiful advice and I agree. Just keep on going! Now Kate we're

gonna wind up now because I know you've got to go, but where can other people find out

more about your art? I have a website which is and a Facebook page which is kate jenvey fine art.

That's perfect, and we'll put a link for you just below so you can take a look

down there. Now, I just want to say thank you so much Kate for coming along to this fun interview in Cairns at

the Shangri-la, and thank you for watching as well it's been great having

you here today with my coffee and I'm going to see you next time, so, just remember

to show up at the table and the rest take care of itself.

For more infomation >> Wildlife Artist Kate Jenvey interviewed by Cindy Wider - Duration: 11:50.


Rabba Khair Kare | Devotional Song | Kuljeet Singh | USP TV - Duration: 5:37.


Khair karin

Asi bachde aan

Saiyan meher rakhin

Zaraa kachde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

Saiyan meher rakhi

Maula meher rakhin, zaraa kachde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

Uth bendeyan tainu yaad karaan

Japp naam jivan ardaas karaan

Uth bendeyan tainu yaad karaan

Japp naam jivan ardaas karaan

Japp naam jivan ardaas karaan

Tere naam de rang vich rachde aan

Saiyan meher rakhi

Maula meher rakhin, zaraa kachde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

Tu deen-duni da maalik ain

Saari duniya da paalak ain

Tu deen-duni da maalik ain

Saari duniya da paalak ain

Vasdi duniya da paalak ain

Saanu charan-sharan vich rakh saiyan

Bhanvein jhoothe aan, bhanvein sachde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

Kirpa jis te teri ho jave

Japp naam tera bhav tarr jaye

Kirpa jis te teri ho jaye

Japp naam tera bhav tarr jaye

Japp naam tera bhav tarr jaye

Kujj meher karam di kar maula

Lakh chaurasi vich jakde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

Saiyan meher rakhi

Maula meher rakhin, zaraa kachde aan

Rabba khair karin, asi bachde aan

For more infomation >> Rabba Khair Kare | Devotional Song | Kuljeet Singh | USP TV - Duration: 5:37.


Top 10 Laptop Brands in the World - Duration: 0:21.

Top 10 Laptop Brands in the World

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