Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

good morning guys how are you today is the second day after my surgery I slept

a lot better last night and I did sleep and they reclined her in the living room

again last night but I am still really sore but better

than what I was so I'm testing out thing tonight and everything and yes I suppose

that pillow there tell me to use it when I got up and down and stuff but I'm also

kind of using it because if one of the dogs jump up there's some protection

which none of them have jumped up on my stomach or anything yet but just in case

I want to have some protection right there I'm not able to get in the shower

till tomorrow but kind of just did you know just did a sponge bath this morning

and change my pyjamas did all that and if you are wondering why yesterday I did

not have like any tape or anything on my incisions it is because they put glue on

top of my stitches which are dissolvable so that is one of the reasons they

didn't put tape on top of them so that is because they put that glue and I will

try to show them to you a little bit later they look a lot better than what

he did yesterday they still not don't look you know probably as good as what

people think but they they do look a lot better than what they did yesterday so I

will try to remember to show you guys later

and Sammy Bear is pretty happy he is he says I have not been able my mommy's

been sleeping in this very the last two days what am I supposed to do

can you guys believe after this video goes

it will be my 200th video which and starting at 201 will be season 3 that's

ash daily vlogs you guys believe that it just seems like the other day that I

started vlogging and doing this on a regular basis and getting better at this

and everything and now it's like why does time go I mean how did I do that

many videos so quickly and everything it just seems like the other day I was up

like 100 or you know even below that I just think that that's amazing how fast

time goes by I hope you guys are enjoying this channel again thank you to

all my subscribers I love you guys for all your prayers for all your well

wishes I just I think I have some of the best subscribers that there are and I

really do appreciate you guys every day that you guys are watching me and that

you guys are there for me and everything like that so um I don't know how else to

say it in other words or anything but I do really appreciate you guys and I love

you guys and she can tell if it's been a few hours since I've talked to you and I

am still hanging out back here today so far so good

I'm still like I said really sore and the more I move around the floor em but

I also need to move around also I don't want to just be there all the time

because you couldn't work that's where miss out also

sorry the these vlogs were probably the mix two days two week are going to be

really boring because I can't do that much and I do apologize for that but I

will go ahead and they will probably be quite a bit shorter then

usual ones I'm trying to make them a little bit longer but it's delivered to

edit and do stuff like that little I'm also trying to keep what I do as short

as possible so I don't have to give it as much also yes I heard so let's just I

will show you guys if you guys get kindness women share anything like that

then you might not want to watch this next part but I will show you what they

look like after two days of surgery what incisions nothing like and I honestly

think it'd look better today they don't they did even yesterday which I didn't

think they were bad at all yesterday either but let me turn on this light so

you can see better maybe so focus focus so to me they do look better than what

they do yesterday don't look the best but but they're gonna look worse before

they look better so anyways guys that is going to be it for today's vlog I hope

you guys enjoy it if you guys like this video please give it a thumbs up and if

you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button and comment down below I will

talk to you guys tomorrow



BATTLE AXE Vienna Rock & Metal Pub Grand Opening! - Duration: 5:54.

Hi there!

Today I'm at the

Grand opening event of the new

Vienna Metal Bar BATTLE AXE!

If this looks familiar:

Until recently

the London Club Vienna was located here,

that has now been evaded,

and is now called "Unders",

as you can see.

Right back there around the corner

is now the Battle Axe!

And I would say,

let's just take a look, shall we?

And that's where it goes down

to the Battle Axe!


Good evening!

Here comes the High Society!

Herb: Hmm, I dunno...


Next to me I have Chrir!

He is one of the two owners of the Battle Axe!

Congratulations on the new restaurant!

Chrir: Thank you very much!

The guests are pouring in.

Chrir: Get the fuck out of my interview!

As you can see, there's a lot going on!

Open as of now,

from Tuesday to Saturday,

if I remember correctly.

Chrir: 19:00 o' clock to 02:00 o' clock

and Friday, Saturday to 04:00 o' clock.

But as we're known from the Graff,

it's clear, until 4:00 is "officially open".

Speaking of Graff!

You were managing director of the Graffiti for six years,

until it was closed last year, as we know, unfortunately.

But nothing dies without something new coming!

Chrir: The clientele is actually already here,

in the metal scene, everybody knows everyone.

The Graff also left a huge hole,

when it stopped.

I can tell you, we have our own brewed beer!

What's it called?

Chrir: Battle Brew!

Officially it's Battle Axe Brew, but we just call it Battle Brew.

I'd say you guys stop by Battle Axe as soon as you can,

it's on the U6 between Nußdorfer Straße and Spittelau.

A maximum of 5 minutes on foot from both stations.

It's super easy!

And we're gonna take a look at this Battle Brew!



Oliver: Battle Axe! Opening of the new bar!

It's super full!

Looks like this is a great start!

Yeah, I'm also looking for a new start, too!

I'm looking for a Death Metal Band.

He's a death metal singer!

I'm Oliver, I'd be the front man!

If you feel like it, why not,

just get in touch with me!


This is clearly too empty!

It's a little crowded right now,

Let's go outside!

Simon: humaldo catches me way too sober!

May I introduce: Simon Moon!

A legend of the Viennese underground!

His YouTube videos have inspired me

to start with YouTube myself!

Simon: Doubtful role models you've chosen!

But we must also say that

Mr. humaldo is quality-wise far from...

Aaaah, pure coincidence!

Simon: You can't see all the lights that are set up over there!

My 17-man crew supports me, but yeah...

Simon: Now he has demystified it!

You announced, you were planning a comeback

with your vlogs, what's the state?

Simon: Exactly! Well. What's the state?

Well, I got a great new camera,

but then my camera was stolen!

My career is over.

If you want to support Simon Moon,

then here's the donations account...

He needs a new camera!

Simon: Beer! I just want beer!

And a new camera!

Simon: And a new camera!

Ladies and gentlemen:

Simon Moon!

And that's it again!

It's a great club!

It was just today, at the opening, a little too full.

I personally really like

the played metal styles!

A lot of melodic metal!

I think I'm going to be there very often in the future!

This was my opening report

of the Battle Axe Rock & Metal Pub!

I'd really appreciate it

if you will continue to visit my channel in the future,

you can also subscribe to it

and leave comments,

that would be the greatest thing anyway!

Thanks for watching and yeah!

Metal, Oida!!!

For more infomation >> BATTLE AXE Vienna Rock & Metal Pub Grand Opening! - Duration: 5:54.


I 10 paesi del mondo con il pene più lungo - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> I 10 paesi del mondo con il pene più lungo - Duration: 4:34.


Why we must unite against Gauri Lankesh's killers - Duration: 8:34.

Why we must unite against Gauri Lankesh's killers

The killers were professionals, hired for the job by people who had invested in their services for months.

Hopefully the latest Karnataka SIT will do better than earlier probes into the murders of other rationalists such as Pansare, Kalburgi and Dabholkar.

In the unsolved murder mystery of Gauri Lankesh, the breaking news on Saturday, October 14,.

was the release of composite sketches of the two suspected killers.

Put out by Karnataka IGP and head of the SIT, B.

Singh, these images give us for the first time an idea of who may have killed Gauri.

After examining over 75 TBs of data and interrogating some 250 odd persons,.

the 150-member SIT said that the killers had recced Gauri's home and layout, avoiding CCTV cameras to hide their identity.

While the SIT ruled out a "professional," that is the journalistic angle, to the killing, all other hypotheses were still open.

What is important to recollect is that even before her blood was cold, the blame game had already begun.

Not only did the most visible Congress leader jump into the fray by blaming the ruling dispensation, so did well-known public intellectuals.

What was gained? I doubt whether the ruling BJP lost any supporters or the Congress gained many.

Immediately, a fresh barrage of attacks and counter-attacks was unleashed in the public sphere through respective armies on social media.

Wouldn't it have been better to hold their fire till more details of the investigation came out?.

Gauri's murder definitely needs to be condemned, with its culprits brought to swift and certain justice.

Which right-thinking person would doubt that, irrespective of his or her political views?.

Similarly, regardless of what she believed in or advocated, Gauri Lankesh certainly did not deserve to die.

RSS leaders, by publically condoling her death in their Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal baithak on October 12, have acknowledged this.

Gauri may have been harsh, even extreme in her criticism, but she was no anti-national.

It seems that the top brass of RSS has recognised this.

Most would say the same for Govind Pansare, the Leftist writer-intellectual, murdered on February 16, 2015,.

when his wife and he were returning home from their morning constitutional.

Pansare was 81.

Later, on August 30 of the same year, two assailants shot and killed Malleshappa Madivalappa Kalburgi at his residence in Dharwad.

Kalburgi, a Lingayat scholar and Sahitya Akademi award winner, was former vice-chancellor of Kannada University, Hampi.

He was 75.

Two years earlier, medical doctor, author, and activist, Narendra Achyut Dabholkar, was murdered in Pune on August 10, 2013.

He too was out on a morning walk.

Since his life had been threatened many times for his unpopular "anti-superstition" drive, he had been offered police protection.

He refused saying, "If I have to take police protection in my own country from my own people, then there is something wrong with me.

Regardless of whether we agree or disagree with these four murdered writer-activists,.

we must respect their right to life, property, and freedom to express their views.

After all, as Dabholkar used to say, "I'm fighting within the framework of the Indian constitution and it is not against anyone, but for everyone.

It may not be advisable to be an armchair detective,.

but you don't have to be a latter-day Sherlock Homes or Hercule Poirot to surmise that the killers were professionals, hired for the job by people who had invested in their services for months.

The parallels in all four killings are also obvious.

In each case, two motorcycle bound assailants fired point blank at their targets, killing them instantly.

The gunshots were fired from country-made firearms.

All four appear to be well-planned, contract killings, carried out by specialists, not spontaneous,.

reactive lynchings or murders by the groups that were supposedly angered by the views of dead.

More obvious and incontrovertible than any of these deductions is the unfortunate fact that none of these cases has been solved.

Hopefully the latest Karnataka SIT will do better than earlier probes.

What is shocking and utterly unacceptable about these unsolved slayings is not just the inability, some would say incompetence, of the various investigative agencies,.

but the even more unscrupulous and reprehensive attempts to extract political capital out of them.

Again, the link between these two aspects should be evident:.

the longer the crimes remain unsolved the more certain political groups and parties might stand to benefit from them by pointing the needle of suspicion where they wish.

I would argue, instead, that none actually benefits from such political chicanery and skullduggery.

On the contrary, our divisiveness on matters of common interest erodes the culture of democracy, polarising society and narrowing the scope of healthy debate.

Shouldn't political leaders make a common cause against anti-democratic forces?.

Shouldn't opinion makers and leaders of civil society follow suit in coming together to condemn the killings of writers, scholars, activists, and thinkers, regardless of their political differences?.

And shouldn't we, the common people of India, unite against such heinous threats to debate and democracy?.

For more infomation >> Why we must unite against Gauri Lankesh's killers - Duration: 8:34.


Origami toys #122 - How to make an origami envelope XIV - Duration: 6:15.

Please subscribe to the LTK diy channel!

This will give me more motivation to do better in the next videos.

Thank you for your support!! :D

For more infomation >> Origami toys #122 - How to make an origami envelope XIV - Duration: 6:15.


DIY Paper crafts #9 - How to make a paper tetris I - Duration: 10:48.

Please subscribe to the LTK diy channel!

This will give me more motivation to do better in the next videos.

Thank you for your support!! :D

For more infomation >> DIY Paper crafts #9 - How to make a paper tetris I - Duration: 10:48.


Tháng 11/2017: 3 Con Giáp Nhanh Chóng Giàu Có, Vận May Tiền Bạc Cứ Ùn Ùn Kéo Đến - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Tháng 11/2017: 3 Con Giáp Nhanh Chóng Giàu Có, Vận May Tiền Bạc Cứ Ùn Ùn Kéo Đến - Duration: 6:01.


2017 Subaru Impreza Review and Price - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 2017 Subaru Impreza Review and Price - Duration: 7:49.


HUNTING ZOMBIES met RADIOACTIVE ZOMBAREY Cartoon game for kids ZOMBIE Zombie Catchers #7 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> HUNTING ZOMBIES met RADIOACTIVE ZOMBAREY Cartoon game for kids ZOMBIE Zombie Catchers #7 - Duration: 6:05.


Origami animals #19 - How to make an origami fish III - Duration: 4:47.

Please subscribe to the LTK diy channel!

This will give me more motivation to do better in the next videos.

Thank you for your support!! :D

For more infomation >> Origami animals #19 - How to make an origami fish III - Duration: 4:47.


How To Make Fluffy slime without borax or contact solution or shaving cream - Duration: 45:15.

How To Make Fluffy slime without borax or contact solution or shaving cream

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