Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

If you're watching this, it must mean that world hasn't ended yet….Nibiru, or Planet

X, did not smash into earth as predicted by conspiracists.

And I have to say, here at Life's Biggest Questions, we aren't particularly surprised.

But what of this mysterious Planet…is it actually out there, and if so, did we just

get lucky?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am your Questioner Rebecca Felgate

and today we are asking Is Planet X Real?

So, how did the conversation of Nibiru or planet X even start?

Surely there must be some truth in it if we're all talking about it…although of course

many people do talk about the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, so is it folklore, and if so,

where does it stem from?

Well…a few places actually – it seems that Nirbiru and Planet X have merged to become

the same thing.

Planet X was said to have been discovered by an ancient bronze age race called the Sumerian,

who lived in the middle east.

The Sumerian were an intelligent race and their mathematics are still used today.

Allegedly they were keen astronomers and observed a 12th planet in the solar system, Nibiru.

How do we know this?

A drawing the people made.

Of course this was at a time millennia before the dawn of the telescope, so unless they

had super space vision, it is likely they were just looking at stars... or drawing something

fanciful…because we don't all draw things that take place in real life…that would

be pretty boring.

None the less, it is said that the Sumerian thought a 12th planet orbited the sun ever

3,600 years….

When I say "it is said" ….i mean it is one of those phrases internet conspriacists

say to make their statements seem like facts without any real citable source.

Somehow conspiracists put two and two together and got 17 trillion…as they seemed to think

this meant this mysterious 12th planet that the ancient race of people had no way of seeing

was going to return soon and smash into us…why?

Cause stone carvings, yo.

When was this supposed to happen?

According to conspira-theorists…2003…so…uh…yah.

Meanwhile, chatter of Nibiru began in the 1990s.

The year 1995 saw the dawn of accessible home internet, and it also saw the dawn of the

internet troll and the forum warrior….all of a sudden, crack theorists were able to

share their thoughts online for all to see.

This is exactly what happened when Winsonsin's Nancy Lieder claimed that she was warned by

aliens about a planet called Nibiru that would come and destroy earth.

The aliens were said to be from a planet 39.17 light years from earth, but of course, so

far as we know, there are no habitable planets that close to us.

Jumping on the Niribu bandwagon, along came Christian Numerologist David Meade who tied

up the concept of the planet neatly with his predictions for the rapture.

Of course it was he who claimed the planet was to smash into earth on September the 23

rd 2017…which of course we know now did not happen.

So what do actual cosmological experts have to say about the prospect of a threatening?

Well, you may be pleased to know that Nasa has a whole page dedicated to Nibiru and Planet

X….a whole page debunking them, that is.

One of the more decisive statements from their website reads: "Nibiru and other stories

about wayward planets are an Internet hoax.

There is no factual basis for these claims.

If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers

would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now

to the naked eye."

Nasa DID confirm the existence of a new planet called Eris, though… an icy teeny planet

beyond pluto that is smaller than the Earth's moon.

For a time this was referred to as Planet X because it was thought to be the tenth planet

in our solar system, however, both it and pluto were reclassified as dwarf plants, taking

the number of official planets in our solar system down to 8.

Astronomers are constantly looking to discover planets in our galaxy, and when the time comes,

look beyond that into the expanses of the universe.

Of course there will be planets and probably even life out there that we don't know about

yet, but if Nibiru or Planet X did exist, we are sophisticated enough to be able to

see it, and as we can't see anything like that in our own solar system, we can only

assume it is not there.

Could a rogue planet from elsewhere in the galaxy or beyond come and smash into us Nibiru


Well...that kind of thing is theoretically possible, we're all rocks in space, we know

about any possible collisions many, many, many years before it ever happened.

So…I hope you all feel a touch more informed about planet X, Nibiru and Eris!

Do you have any burning questions you guys want to see answered on this channel?

Let me know in the comments box below.

For now, I am Rebecca Felgate, make sure you like this video and subscribe to our channel.

Of course, as always, remember to stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

If you're still watching …here are two more videos that will answer two more if life's

biggest questons…

For more infomation >> Is Planet X Real? - Duration: 5:12.


Mafia: The city of lost heaven #20- Walkthrough - Duration: 11:30.

Greetings everyone and welcome to new video.

Welcome to the last mission before final mission

We are here in front of Paulie's apartment.

We are going into the bank to scout situation inside bank. This mission is called Moonlighting.

In this mission our objective is to rob a bank but Paulie will tell us his plan when we get to bank.

and also he will tell us where are guards located and what we need to do.

This trip to the bank will unfortunately last a little bit long because we must go there by train.

Reason why we need to go by train is after Paulie tell us his plan he will send us to visit Yellow Pete's shop and pick-up weapons for this mission.

we will now have to walk a little. so see you when we get there.

we entered the bank.

There is first guard, there is second one.

Paulie will now tell his plan

I think we will have to go through those doors when we return.

Yes through this doors and then up the stairs.

Thats all.

Long story short he explained to us where are offices,where is safe. Now we will leave this bank.

So we dont attract attention.

But after all we need to go through that doors to get the keys.

Let's go outside and see if Paulie has anything else to say.

I think he will now send us to visit Yellow Pete's shop and Lucas Bertone.

We have 5 minutes to enter bank,to rob it and to escape from the bank.

After 5 minutes alarm will be triggered which is connected with all police units in town.

As i said we need to go to Lucas.

We will need to escape to Palermo club afte we rob a bank.

To be exact that's our safe house.

Paulie says it is best go to pickup the weapons by train but i will go by car because it is too far.

He is telling us to go by train because he thinks it is travelling with train the easiest way.

Next to the old movie house is place Yellow Pete's shop is located.

After we do everything we need to pickup Paulie at his apartment.

See you.

Lucas gave us little task to go and deliver package to his friend.

No one shouldnt follow us

I think there will be some guys waiting for us under the bridge

and we will need to fight with them.

He is under this bridge. We will stop here.

We will go down and deal with those guys

so we can continue with mission.

down here there is one guy with interesting name, you will hear it now.

Thats him.

well whatever...

No one didnt follow us but we have company anyway.

No. Where is my weapon?

I'm out of ammo.

He's dead.

and they are shooting at me also but i will escape from here.

what can I do now when he is dead. I will go to Yellow Pete's shop.

I failed.


Yellow Pete's shop should be....there is Twister...and there should be that shop.

I've found it from the first try.

We will stop here and go inside to collect weapons.


Open up please.

Let's go.

I think Yellow Pete is missing one arm.

left arm i think.

yes he doesnt have left arm.

Ok...we can now choose weapons.

I will take....

that should be enough.

Thats it.

Here we are in the bank again.

we are moving into action.

I'll go behind right away.



i must pick up these keys.

Someone just opened doors.

Stay down.

I must go up and pickup more keys.

there should be one guard.

There should be more guards.

Key is here.

Now i'll have to go down to safe.

Is someone shooting from here?

Yes he was shooting.

Lets go down.

Check this out...i cant kill them through these doors.

You will come towards me anyway.

Now you are both dead.

Safe is here.

We collected the money and now we need to escape to palermo club.

Paulie is upstairs and he is waiting for us.

I've completed this in one minute. Sometimes i need more time to do it.

How loud is that woman screaming....sounds like someone is trying to stab here with knife.

I think she wont scream anymore.

Go, go, go.

Lets go.

Go, go, go.

get in, get in.

Get in.

Thats it now all we need is to escape to Palermo club.

I will turn left here, there is one shortcut that we can use to get faster to Palermo club.

wow, that was nice drift.


never mind.

We will go down these stairs, that is shortcut that i mentioned before.

This route is a lot closer.

And then here...


and there is palermo club.

We are entering in.

we only need to shake off the cops.

and mission is completed.

They cant see us, they lost us.

We only need to wait until that red line goes down.

I hope you enjoyed watching this video. If you did SUBSCRIBE to my channel, like this video.

see you next time. cheers.

For more infomation >> Mafia: The city of lost heaven #20- Walkthrough - Duration: 11:30.


Hide Polyester Stuffing by Dyeing it - Duration: 3:37.

Have you ever needle sculpted the face of a bear only to end up with spots where you

see the stuffing? Or have you ever crocheted a bear and then after stuffing

it you see the white stuffing shining through? It's not fair!

Get this! I found a way to hide the stuffing by dyeing it. More coming up

Hi everybody Francisco The BearMaker here.

This channel is all about bear making

tips and tricks so you can make your own wonderful teddy bears and other

creatures for you to enjoy or impress your fans, if that is something you're

interested in don't forget to subscribe. Alright, so how did I do it? Well I used

Rit Dye for Synthetic Fibers. At the end of this video you'll see an image of the

polyester stuffing I died in the 12 colors of the Rit Dye More collection.

As always all the links to all the things that are used in this video plus a link

to the video that explains why I use Morning Glory as my stuffing are in the

description of this video below. Now here's what you need.

Rit Dye More for Synthetic Fibers

in this case I used Sapphire Blue. I first tried dyeing the

stuffing with 8 teaspoons of dye which was based on the recommended amount per

pound of fabric but the fibers barely picked up the dye so just use the whole bottle

Your polyester stuffing of choice you might be able to dye a whole 12

ounce bag of stuffing but for demonstration purposes I'm only dyeing

three ounces of Morning Glory stuffing which is my favorite. A dedicated bucket

large cooking pot and spoon that you will only use for dyeing fibers or

fabrics and not for cooking, OK?

liquid soap, a steel sink, a drain stopper to

keep the stuffing from going down the drain. Your pipes and garbage disposer

will thank you! Water, a stovetop, an apron or use all clothes that you don't

care about. Protective gloves and a plastic bag to rest your spoon in

between stirrings. And here are the steps: Pour a little bit of soap in a bucket and

warm water and wash the stuffing thoroughly

then rinse and drain. Fill the cooking pot with enough hot water to cover the

stuffing. Place the cooking pot on the stove, cover and heat until the water is

boiling, turn the heat off, add a whole bottle of Rit Dye More, stir, add the

polyester stuffing to the pot, stir, and cover. Stir the dye bath every 5 minutes

After 30 minutes pour the whole dye bath with stuffing into the drain, run cold

water until the heat in the stuffing is gone. At this stage don't forget to put

on your gloves, rinse the stuffing under cold water as you massage it to get rid

of the excess dye, squeeze dry and place some paper towels on a surface and

and spread the stuffing to let dry. If you're going to store the polyester in a

plastic bag make sure it's completely dry before you do. And here you have the

stuffing I died in 12 colors from the Rit Dye More Synthetic Dye Collection

Thanks for watching

it's Friday so it's loud outside, I have to wait until a car goes by, it's like

God It's a loud one.

Once you feel It's dry.

Hm, It's not dry yet, ok

I forgot to say gloves

For more infomation >> Hide Polyester Stuffing by Dyeing it - Duration: 3:37.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight

I'm going for my first win in the state of Utah which will be state number 43

and overall win number 465. I'm at Scrud's Gourmet Grub here in Ogden, Utah which is

north of Salt Lake City I'm taking on their Bodacious Burger Challenge now

it's about a five pound burger total along with this massive side of fries

but it is my second ever stuffed burger challenge and it sounds and looks

delicious from what I've seen but it's this massive burger patty completely

stuffed with cheese bacon onions and garlic and then it's topped with some

delicious looking pastrami, and then a bunch of healthy vegetables, we've got

tomatoes we've got pickles, onions and then along with there's a ton of bun but

yes I've got one full hour to finish this thing if I win I'm going to get the

meal free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I'll be one of the few elite people up

on their Wall of Fame let's get this challenge started!

All right first of all I have a new favorite shirt thanks to my friends Jack

and Tracy from Woodland, Utah they made this shirt for me it's basically got all

my favourite girl pop singers we've got obviously Ke$ha

we've got Taylor Swift we've got Miley we've got Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry we've

got everyone they found pictures of them all eating and I'm in the center which

is freaking awesome they also made this poster here but my

friend Jamming Joe Laroo, he's got the record for this challenge which is just

over 30 minutes it's like 30 minutes and 1 or 2 seconds or something so we're

gonna try to smash that give them something give them a reason to come

back and try to beat my record but like I said we've got one hour the main thing

is to get the win my first in Utah but this Scrud's

Bodacious Burger looks awesome. 1, 2, 3... Boom! All right gonna do the

fries last!

I just separated it from the bottom bun to make sure all the juices and stuff

don't soak in but that'll be better later but let's get this patty down

that's frickin awesome so far it's definitely safe to say this thing has

loads of cheese!

Well that stuffing was falling out it's just over seven minutes seven minutes

ten seconds in the patty and everything was awesome love the bacon and

everything in there the pastrami on top please really get cheese here too

I probably won't want to do these later so I'm going to do them now let's get

this side of fries down... the part that all the ladies love!

Eleven and a half minutes in awesome challenge so far love that burger fries

we're good too! Now we just got to eat the bread I think

I'm gonna start with the bottom bun this will be the easiest double go at the top

and we've got our diet soda to help get everything down let's get the win and

smash Jamming Joe's record!

Eighteen minutes 55 seconds I was originally trying to break 20 but that'd

be forcing myself there would not be a good thing but we'll still get a good


22 minutes and 54 seconds is the official new record for the Bodacious

Burger Challenge here at Scruds Gourmet Grub here in Ogden, Utah delicious

delicious challenge! Like I said earlier only my second stuffed burger challenge!

It was awesome! Liked everything on there the pastrami,

the fries, tons of bread, glad to be done with that but overall is an awesome

challenge for winning, I'm gonna get the meal free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I

will be on top of their Wall of Fame as the new record holder and now my friend

Joe Laroo has something to come back for and try to beat but yeah so awesome

challenge my first win in the state of Utah overall win number 465 thank you to

Scrud's Gourmet Grub and thank you guys for watching! All right so I've got to

say thank you to these two right here we've got Tracy and Jack but thank you

guys for coming to watch our challenge just post through they made

and sweet they also made shirts for themselves!

He basically they watched all videos why just really don't even watch that many

to know but he's got what I should have said for this entire intro of the

challenge here at Scrubs in Ogden, Utah but also we've got Tracy with this

awesome shirt of me at the top eating the calzone and it's titled

"Randysaurus Flex" right yes so awesome shirts, plus from Portland

I freaking love this shirt I can't even believe it about to do it but nine of my

one two three four five six of eight of my favorite ladies all eating food with

me in a second they also brought up some special treats too so thank you to these

two for coming to watch the challenge and thank you guys all for watching!

For more infomation >> GOURMET STUFFED BURGER CHALLENGE IN UTAH!! - Duration: 10:38.


Jimmy Carter Just Destroyed Russian Conspiracy While Calling Out US War Propaganda & Imperialism - Duration: 7:47.

Jimmy Carter Just Destroyed Russian Conspiracy While Calling Out US War Propaganda & Imperialism

Former President Jimmy Carter pulled no punches in a recent interview with The New York Times,

clearly stating that he does not believe the widespread propaganda campaign accusing Russia

of stealing the 2016 presidential election from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

�I don�t think there�s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough

votes, or any votes,� Carter told The New York Times in an interview published on Saturday.

The damning comments from the former president, who said he voted for Bernie Sanders in the

Democratic primary, comes as the flailing anti-Russia propaganda campaign, while ongoing,

has seemingly stalled out.

As has been widely reported, a Clinton staffer wrote a book called Shattered that revealed

the �Russia did it� narrative was concocted by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta

and campaign manager Robby Mook within the first 24 hours of Clinton�s loss in the

2016 presidential election in an effort to deflect attention away from the dismal campaign

of Clinton.

The narrative forwarded by the Clinton loyalists had the intent of creating a paradigm that

would handicap the incoming Trump administration from achieving their foreign policy goal of

creating a new, less adversarial, relationship with the Russia and the Putin administration.

Although a congressional investigation and special prosecutor continue to investigate

the claims of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign, there has been no evidence presented

that intimates any type of improper relationship between Trump and Russia.

In fact, the Russophobes have become so desperate that they recently attempted to claim that

�Russia linked accounts,� which is extremely nebulous terminology, purchased $100,000 in

Facebook ads in an effort to propel Trump to the presidency.

The problem with this line of thinking is that the ludicrous idea that Russia influenced

the election with $100,000 in ads, when over a billion dollars was spent between the candidates

in an effort to influence voters, is utter lunacy.

Moreover, the Senate Judiciary Committee is now engaged in a �full-scale corruption

probe� of uranium sales to Russia during the Obama administration, overseen by then-Secretary

of State Hillary Clinton.

Interestingly, there were multi-million dollar donations made to the Clinton Foundation by

a few key players in the uranium deal, which likely implicates Hillary Clinton in this

burgeoning pay-for-play scheme, which was highlighted in the documentary Clinton Cash,

as revealed below:

� State Dept.

Approves Russian Purchase of 20% of U.S. Uranium Assets in Return for $145 million in Contributions

to the Clinton Foundation � Bill and Hillary Clinton assisted Canadian financier, Frank

Giustra, and his company, Uranium One, in the acquisition of uranium mining concessions

in Kazakhstan and the United States.

Subsequently, the Russian government sought to purchase Uranium One but required approval

from the Obama administration given the strategic importance of the uranium assets.

In the run-up to the approval of the deal by the State Department, nine shareholders

of Uranium One just happened to make $145mm in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Moreover, the New Yorker confirmed that Bill Clinton received $500,000 in speaking fees

from a Russian investment bank, with ties to the Kremlin, around the same time.

Needless to say, the State Department approved the deal giving Russia ownership of 20% of

U.S. uranium assets.

In addition to stating that Russia didn�t hack the election, the 93-year-old former

president established a number of other painful realities for the establishment and their

mainstream media propagandists.

Here are some major highlights from the Times interview:


The Russians didn�t steal the 2016 election.

Carter was asked �Did the Russians purloin the election from Hillary?�

�I don�t think there�s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough

votes � or any votes,� Carter said.


Obama�s failures

Carter told the Times that he did not think �there�s much hope now that Israelis will

ever permit a two-state solution,� and called Obama out for his actions in the Middle East:

�He made some very wonderful statements, in my opinion, when he first got in office,

and then he reneged on that.�

The former president opined, �we have 22 votes in our family and Obama got all 22 of

them,� complaining that Obama had �refused� to engage in diplomacy with North Korea, and

lamented the fact that Obama joined in the bombing of Yemen � which has resulted in

massive humanitarian crisis.


Media �harder on Trump than any president.�

�I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I�ve

known about,� Carter said.

�I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without


While Trump�s bombastic nature surely plays a part in the negative coverage, a recent

Harvard study proved Carter�s comment to be quite accurate, as it revealed that 93%

of news coverage about President Trump is negative.

In spite of the constant attacks on Trump for Russia and other hyperbolic and largely

irrelevant issues, the media remains entirely, and predictably, silent on Trump�s dealings

with Saudi Arabian terrorists, slaughtering innocent children in Yemen, and perpetuating

and maintaining the murderous mission of the military-industrial complex.


Negative global opinion of the U.S. predates Trump

When Carter was asked about Trump souring the image of the U.S globally, he defended

his successor and laid blame on American imperialism and its continual drive for hegemony.

�Well, he might be escalating it but I think that precedes Trump,� he said.

�The United States has been the dominant character in the whole world and now we�re

not anymore.

And we�re not going to be.

Russia�s coming back and India and China are coming forward.�


Carter on U.S. Presidents cashing in after they leave office

The famously ethical Carter was asked by the Times what he made of Obama�s post-presidential

string of $400,000 speeches.

He replied:

�I don�t care if he gets rich or Clinton gets rich or whatever,� he said.

�I don�t want to get into a bragging position; I�m not trying to do that.

But I announced when I was defeated I was not going to be on corporate boards, I was

not going to try to enrich myself with speeches.

I was patterning my policy after Harry Truman.�

When the Times journalist offered a comparison of the Clinton Foundation and the Carter Center,

Carter was quick to point out: �Rosie and I put money in the Carter Center.

We never take any out.�

And there you have it.

Even former President Carter, at 93-years-old, can clearly see what is transpiring in terms

of war propaganda, pay-for-play politics, cashing in on the presidency

and U.S. imperialism.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Carter Just Destroyed Russian Conspiracy While Calling Out US War Propaganda & Imperialism - Duration: 7:47.


be careful bear! - Duration: 0:20.

I wouldn't need to eat for a week after this one.

Be careful, Ben!


Don't worry, Ben!

I'll just lick it up.

For more infomation >> be careful bear! - Duration: 0:20.


How Starseeds Light The Path To Authentic Freedom - Duration: 3:29.

How Starseeds Light The Path To Authentic Freedom

One by one, human beings who choose to live and lead a life differently and uniquely than

all the rest, abiding by freedoms of being, thinking, and living that transcend their

present cultural belief systems, restrictions and paradigms, typically are taking on the

blessing and burden of a futuristic wisdom or mindset, one which operates on another,

higher level of awareness, that which may not be comprehended by those who surround

them because those who surround them will typically live and function at an entirely

different level of being, understanding and functioning.

It is the �different� individuals who make the difference, hence they serve as living

catalysts/influences/energy toward a more expansive and loving human experience, encompassing

a baby step upward, above what has already been done, a tiny ripple effect into the eternal

dance of ascension, evolving through time to achieve and embody our greatest spiritual

measure and capacity.

These figures/beings change the course of time and influence history simply by and through

their very existence because they live and exist in a world that is strikingly different,

one that transcends their current reality.

The chosen reality experienced by these few, or many, is still a mystery to the current

world but is felt and activated within the very beingness of these human-vehicles and

this acts as a collective lasso, reaching forth into the future potentials of human

living and harnessing that which most optimally serves humanity, drawing it closer and closer

to our place in time and existence through the very embodiment of the future within them.

The essence of a higher awareness is held strongly by the very presence of the futuristic

ones, and by this and through this, a new reality is birthed.

Generations of incubation nourishes a new paradigm into fruition; shifting, dismantling

and crumbling what once was into what is and will be.

These people may struggle to be understood and cope in a world that doesn�t match their


They carry the weight of judgement and ridicule from the masses who have yet to free themselves

from fear.

They are often misunderstood and viewed as disillusioned but truly, they are the fire-starters

to new paradigms; they are the beginnings of cultural and human evolution.

They are the ones who try on the upgraded version first to set the stage for what is

to come.

These figures, whether known by many or known by few, embody and anchor the energy of a

naturally occurring Divine Order within the very cells of their existence and they pass

on this Light to those who come searching, to ignite and awaken the Path to Freedom for

all living beings.

For more infomation >> How Starseeds Light The Path To Authentic Freedom - Duration: 3:29.


Sarah Harding's Boyfriend Chad Johnson Appears In a Video With Ex Zoe Baron - Duration: 2:21.

Sarah Harding's boyfriend cha Johnson

Risks upsetting the Girls Aloud star by appearing topless in a video with his ex the Celebrity Big Brother

Hunk flirts with his former lover though Barron in a new clip posted to her YouTube page

That will be uncomfortable viewing for the singer

Chad is seen topless in the post as he stars alongside models o who admits

There's no one she would rather have on her channel more than her ex a source says Chad and Xue were definitely

Not on speaking terms when he went into the CBB house

They had unfollowed each other on social media after their breakup

And so deleted all her pictures with Chad

But now that he's back in LA they have been spending more time together

With Chad even helping though with her new YouTube channel

Chad is planning a visit back to the UK before the end of the year

But until then him and Sarah are in a long-distance relationship

There was some speculation that Sarah and chatted already gone their separate ways

But the Bachelorette star confirmed on Twitter last week that the pair are still together

when a fan asked can you clear these rumors up and tell us if you and

Sarah are together or not he replied. We're together

Sarah had a rollercoaster right in the CBB house as her and Chad endured a topsy-turvy

Relationship with the pair even engaging in a sex act while on the channel 5 show, but she eventually

triumphed beating picked X Factor star

Amelia Lily in the final with mate in Chelsea's Sam Thompson finishing third

For more infomation >> Sarah Harding's Boyfriend Chad Johnson Appears In a Video With Ex Zoe Baron - Duration: 2:21.


Moody Mondays| The Melanin Tag - Duration: 9:28.

Hello darlings welcome back to our Channel

We are the Moody's and we post videos on Monday Wednesday and Fridays and sometimes we go love on Sundays

Today I'm going to be doing a tag that was actually created by

Angel Excel

And I'm gonna go ahead and tag them in the description box below as well

so that you can go ahead and check out their channel and check out this tag that they did as well and

It's something that I am super excited to do and very

What does the word not excited very

Encouraged and pressed, I'll figure out the word in a second, and then I'll leave it here um

But I'm excited to do this tag because this tag is the melanin tag


Going to be

Answering a bunch of questions about my melanin

So as a black mom and a black woman and a black YouTube creator

I'm excited to bring this all to you go ahead and hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any other videos from us and

Let's get into it

The first question is what flavor candy or dessert best describes your skin tone


would say like

The inside of a snicker

Like so you know like caramel gooey

That's inside the snicker when you back and pull it I think that's the color of my skin tone

If I'm wrong go ahead and leave them in the description box below you guys tell me what candy my skin tone is

But that's what I think the second question is which three words that describe your melanin beauty

They already used Beauty in the description box, so I won't say that but I will say


and Sunkist and


my skin tone in the summertime hits this beautiful golden brown color and

In the wintertime is like a cool



Creamy situation like coffee think of like coffee

That's what it hits in the winter time question number three. What colors complement my melanin best

So because my skin tone has cool yellow undertones

Purple's like dark purples

Maybe blue for screen

But I think the thing that is so beautiful about my skin tone. Is that most colors work except for yellow yellows

Don't work for me. Have you always been fond of your skin complexion whoo?

Got really deep really quick

Honestly, I wasn't growing up

I went to school and a lot of suburbs and I grew up around a lot of white kids naughty like

Other races it was predominantly white or the very few of us that were black



did not like my

Skintone mostly because it made me stand out and the only thing I wanted to do was to just fit in and kind of like

Be unnoticed

Question 5 what do you like most about your melanin skins?

I like that my skin and the way we the melanin reacts with my skins

It's very tight and so I forever looked young for those of you

Who don't know I am about to be on base 26 in December

And I've had two children

I'm married, but my melanin who refuses to quit and I love it

Because by the time. I'm 40 I'm gonna look like I'm 25 and not like a 15 year old high schooler

question 6 name of melanin celebrity or celebrities you admire most

Man this is hard, okay?

so I

Think someone that I really and mine all of this is hard. I don't know

I don't really know I mean obviously I like our from our

former First Lady

Michelle Obama, she has done a lot not only for

Like the people of America, but I know that she does a lot for Chicago as well



really like


he's doing a lot for Chicago - yeah most of the people that I

Like I like them because they're not just trying to change the world on a global snow, but they're they're thinking about home also

And I think it's really important to remember where you're from and try to better that place as well question number

Seven who is your faith melanin couple me and my husband

Question eight what is your faith melanin page or feed on social media?


really like there's a

Kind of group and collective that one of a person that I know started her name is Lauren Asher

And she and a couple of her friends started this group

thing page called party noir and

What they do is they throw these parties in Chicago that are?

Centered around enjoying blackness being around black people in a safe space where we can enjoy ourselves and have fun

I'm old so I don't go. I'm old sphere so I don't go all the time

But when we do go it's always a really fun time and I always enjoy the time that I get to spend there

And she has a lot of break offers there that she's trying to

Just really give a lot back to the black community in Chicago

Another group that I enjoy

Is sister Afiya which she?

heard the creator

I did a interview with her on my blog and I'll be the link to the post in the description box

but she is trying to

Give back and do more for black women and their mental health

So she gets resources she holds support groups

and she does a lot to make sure that women have access and

Resources that we need to take care of ourselves in our mental health

Who are your favor and youtubers? I?

Have been following natural 85


Since way before I went on my natural hair journey. I've probably been following her from around like

2000 and maybe before sometime before 2010 I've been following her since then

and I

love her

I think that her and I would be great friends if

You know her reach out to her and tell her that we would be great friends our kids would have a blast together

But I just love her

I love what she's doing I love what she stands for and she seems like a very sweet person her and Filipe I

Love her shut up


What advice would you give to someone that struggles and breaks their melanin skin? I?

Think that if you're struggling to embrace your skin, I think that something that you need to do is

before you go off and do whatever endeavor that you're working on now whether it be your career goals with our personal goals I

Think you need to take some time to sit down and really truly learn to love yourself because if you're trying to go on

all these

Adventures and grow up and do all these things that life and actually progresses you towards

But you're holding some sort of self hatred or self-doubt it's gonna. Hold you back and

You're not gonna be able to thrive and flourish the way that God wants you to because you are denying a part of yourself

So I think you've got to learn to love your skin. You've got to learn to love the skin that God has made you in

And accept that as who you are

because for me personally

Growing up I always used to hate that I wasn't darker. Also. I've always wanted to be like a chocolate brown girl um

And I had to realize that that's not who God made me and made me

Um a LuPone high yellow red phone. I got all of it

But until I learned to embrace that part of me. It was always going to be something that held me back

But I don't have to let it anymore so that is the tag I'm so excited to

Tag some youtubers in the description box below to invite them to do this as well, and yeah

I'm glad you guys got to know me in my melanin a little bit better

So that's the end of this video, and we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Moody Mondays| The Melanin Tag - Duration: 9:28.



Say we take what had been torn apart

Say we mend any patchwork discord

Turning eyes to the trypo-puppeteer

I can't exhale anymore

So, one, two, three, and we'll tie the tourniquet

Pull my skin and swallow ichor

Fire burns, and the rags are torn apart

I can't inhale anymore

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