Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

Pumpkin Cookies with chocolate chips...

with a lovely cream cheese frosting. An ideal recipe to...

prepare with kids.

Let's begin!


At room temperature. Let's add...


And begin to mix.

Let's add 1 CUP PUMPKIN PUREE inside.

1 EGG.



Integrate the ingredients.

Mix it well. And let's add the dry ingredients.





I have 70% cocoa solids chocolate,

which I have chopped.

Mix well.

This is looking great!

Wait a minute! You are not subscribed to my channel????

Do so please! Leave your comments below...

let me know which recipes would you like to see, you'll find lots of recipes...

sweet, spicy, vegetarian, bbq...

for young and adults, for those who love to eat...

Everything! Now...let's continue with our cookies..

Let's go!

Oven tray.

Add some oil on top, or coconut oil,

or butter.

Or olive oil, why not.

So time to make the cookies. Make them with a spoon.

Like this.

Spoon them and give them the shape you like.

The recipe serves 10 big cookies.

Let's take them to the oven at 180C/356F...

For around 10 to 15 minutes.

Cookies ready!

They are huge and lovely!

They are soft...super, super...

humid. So let's finish them with...

a frosting. Just cream cheese and honey.

Let's go. 200 GRS. CREAM CHEESE + 1 TBSP. HONEY.

Super easy, just these two ingredients.

I will not add butter to this because I prefer doing a healthier frosting.

The cookies already have butter,

so I prefer a lighter frosting on them.

If you don't like cream cheese you can replace for some yoghurt instead. Yogurt and honey.


I add the frosting with a tablespoon.

You can use anything you like for it to make them tidier...

more glamorous.

I will finish them with some PUMPKIN SEEDS.

You can toast them if you like.


You can finish them with whatever you like.

Coconut, cinnamon...

some extra chocolate, caramel drizzle.

I like them like this!

My name is Felicitas Pizarro...

remember we are what we eat and what we cook...

today we are Pumpkin Cookies.

For more infomation >> Cookies de Calabaza | Felicitas Pizarro - Duration: 4:05.


Halloween Teaser - Duration: 1:13.

Bastardoof: Uhhh what the fuck does this guy want?!

Huff... Huff... I think I lost him.

Where did I...

Fuck! I lost my Pumpkin Pie!

Oh Wow! I see my units already set up the atmosphere for Halloween!

Well they're pretty soon, I have to say. It's still 6 days until halloween!


uhh guys? What on earth are you doing?

Nya ha! We're making a commercial for Wrys's new cereals!


*Inaudible Noises*

For more infomation >> Halloween Teaser - Duration: 1:13.




At present, we are dangerously trending toward chaos, total world war, civil war, incivility,

and a complete breakdown of civil society, and to the indoctrinated, it�s difficult

to understand why exactly this is happening. As the stress of this mounts, the misinformed

lash out at friends, family members and strangers who do not fully subscribe to their worldview.

The battle really is one of understanding how the world works, and with such epidemic

false perceptions, people choose the wrong targets for their ire.

If one were to unlearn, however, many of the things we�ve been taught about how our world

works, re-educate the self, and re-orient to a more complete and truthful assessment

of the world today, the picture becomes more clear, things make more sense, and a pathway

to unity opens up. One thing we can all agree on, though, is that we�ve all been duped

in big ways, most notably in the one arena which affects everyone, everyday, at every

time. Money.

False = Money is Real and the Economy is Capitalist

Trained to worship money and the idea of infinite growth, it�s tough to understand just how

much unnatural stress is being introduced in our world by a financial system and world

economy which is operates explicitly for the profit a few key players. The money is fiat,

and its value is controlled by privately run organizations who have the power to enslave

the entire world with debt.

Furthermore, the system is not capitalism, but rather something beyond capitalism. Post

capitalism, perhaps, as it more closely resembles the zombie ghost of capitalism, soullessly

eating everything in its path with no interest at all in sustainability.

Recently speaking on this matter, financial analyst Max Keiser explained the result of

having central bank managed interest rates kept artificially low in order to enrich those

at the top of the pyramid. This is one major piece of very large and hidden puzzle.

�There�s no incentive to save money, there�s only an incentive to commit fraud. So if there�s

no incentive to save money, then there�s no capital, and without capital there�s

no capitalism. So you have, unfortunately, now a situation where it�s the survival

of the most fraudulently inclined. It�s a kakistocracy, which is rule by the least

capable of a society.� ~Max Keiser This short interview with Max Kaiser by Luke

Rudkowski sheds more insight on this issue:

The system we have today is really more akin to an elaborate slave plantation. All money

that we use today in public is borrowed from private banks, and we pay dearly for the privilege

of using it.

This is because money is created out of debt in a one-to-one increase in public debt. The

national debt is $20 Trillion. That means the (roughly) 234 million US Americans would

have to pay approximately $62,000 each to pay it off. This includes babies, children,

poor people, and homeless people. There are even those who claim that it�s mathematically

impossible to pay off the debt. And almost every country is in debt to every other country.

It�s the height of insanity.

As former Governor of the Federal Reserve Marriner Eccles said, �If there were no

debts in our money system, there wouldn�t be any money.� ~Gary �Z� McGee

The stress in our world stemming from a global banking system designed to enslave is felt

everywhere, from endless wars to unaffordable healthcare and evermore expensive food. Yet

while few people really understand how this works, we are battling a war of propaganda

and mind control.

Making sense of the world today is no easy task for those who�ve yet to abandon the

standard American diet of propaganda and mental programming. Indoctrination works in a couple

of key ways. Firstly, beliefs are instilled and reinforced by repetition, and secondly,

undesirable beliefs are ignored and cast aside as fringe. What�s left is a mind which focuses

on what it�s supposed to focus on, constructing a reality around a false and incomplete picture

of the world.

This is food for thought for free thinkers, with the aim overcoming petty division in

order to create a more prosperous

and unified future.



Fear - We Are Savvy S1 (Ep 16) - Duration: 22:42.

Hey guys, it's Annie

and I'm super scared of thunderstorms.


Pull up the covers and pass the popcorn.

This is the "Fear" episode of Savvy.

It's too high.

I wasn't scared.


It's a corn maze.

Honk, honk, nightmare.

Also in this episode

there's edible eyeballs

and a creepy ghoul makeover.

[Creepy Sounds]

And here's a fun,

but useless fact,

the word "corn" is used 32 times.


[Rhythmic Clapping]

♪ We're the kind of girls who know what we want. ♪

♪ We're savvy. ♪

♪ We're savvy. ♪

♪ Tell your friends, say it loud, ♪

♪ make it, do it, be it now. ♪

♪ Come on girls, let's be heard. ♪

♪ We are gonna rock the world. ♪

♪ You're the sort of girl we want on our side. ♪

♪ We're savvy. ♪

♪ We're savvy. ♪

♪ We're savvy. ♪

♪ We're savvy! ♪


Sarah: Nailed it.

Hey savvy girls.

We're talking fear today,

'cause one,

it's the scariest thing and two,

everybody's got it.

Including myself.

And I have my brother's video camera

so I can record any paranormal activity.

Hey, what are ya trying to say there, Spence?

Hmm. What are you afraid of?

I'm acrophobic.


Is that a fear of not knowing what a word means?

'Cause I think I might have that.

No Spencer, it means that I'm scared of heights.

If I'm more than a metre off the ground

I just start to freak out.

It's too high!

Be strong.

If I fall and then it's like an eternity of always falling

and I could never catch my ground

it's like I'm not in control.

I need to be in control.

I am terrified of centipedes.

So many legs.

All the legs.


Centipedes on your arm

and-and it won't flick off

'cause it's like in your skin.

Ugh! Don't!

[Ukulele Plucking]

So Tehya's disappeared

but she did give us this ancient plastic thingy.

She said we're supposed to watch it so...

How long do you think we're supposed to watch this for?

I know what that is.

It's a VHS tape.

My grandpa told me all about them.

Spokesman: Okay, to view a cassette turn on your TV set

and tune it to channel three.

Spencer: They're from a really long time ago.

I don't know why

but I have this feeling of doom.

Maybe you're just gassy.

Sarah! It is not gas!

And even if it was

I would never admit it in front of the webcam.

You're gonna cut that out, right?

Yeah, totally. -Okay good, great.

I feel like we're not alone.

[Scary Music]

You're just imagining things.

Let's watch the tape guys.

Okay, good idea.

What if you were to flip it?

Turn it. One sec.

It's your tape!

Text your grandpa.

Good idea. Good idea.

He doesn't have a cell phone!

Simply loading the cassette

automatically turns on the VCR.

Oh, here we go.

Hey guys,

so I thought since we were doing an episode about fear,

I would face one of the biggest fears that I've had

since I was a kid.

Not mice, not spiders,

it's far worse than that.

[Scary Music]

It's a corn maze.


Quick backstory,

in Junior Kindergarten my class went on a trip

to a pumpkin patch

and I got chased into the corn maze by a goose.

Honk, honk, nightmare.

The bus left without me

and it came right back

but I was already traumatized.

I'm much better now.

I can eat corn again.

But cornstalks...

cornstalks are what nightmares are made of.

This is it.

I'm about to stare down my fear.

[Cell Phone Ring Tone] Ah!

Hi Mom.

No I don't need a hat.

Yes I brought water.

Yes of course I brought sunscreen.

Okay Mom, I have to go.

Love you too.

Okay, real talk.

I didn't bring either of those things.

The gift shop said it would take like twenty minutes

so I'm not worried about it.

Like I said, it's just it's corn.

I guarantee I'm not gonna get lost

because this time I'm going to leave a marker.

This handy stalk of corn bent in half

is going to my guide to the exit.


Tehya: This isn't so bad.

This is kinda cool actually.

I think I'm almost through this thing.

Yeah, there's my handy little marker.

I'm actually really proud of myself right now

and I just want to say to anyone watching this

that you can overcome your fears no matter what anyone says.

Don't give up on yourself

or you're going to miss out on moments like this.

Okay, so the entrance should be right there.

[Scary Music]

Stuck in a corn maze again.

What the corn?

Spencer: Can you pause it right there please?

Sarah: Yeah, okay.

I don't think I'm "come face to face with my biggest fear"

kind of brave, I think I'm more

"just do a skate trick in front of a bunch of kids I don't know"

kind of brave.

And I still don't know how you can do that.

It's better than coming face to face with my fear of heights.

[Rock Music]

Savannah: When I was young we were at a street party

and I-one of my friends just had a skateboard

so I kinda started rolling around on it.

Aliya: Well I was about eight years old

and I started mostly because she started.

Savannah: We both really like skating the vert ramp the most.

Aliya: The really big ramp that goes straight down pretty much.

It took us forever to like

get the courage to do it

'cause it's not hard to do

it's just really scary

but it's really fun.

That's something that

whenever people see they're really surprised.

They're like whoa, girls can do it?

[Rock Music]

Savannah: One thing we teach the girls

is that you can't be intimidated by the guys

and you have to get out there with them

because if you're not out there

you're never going to be out there

by yourself with them.

A lot of the times

people are really shocked to see us skateboard

because we do a lot of skateboarding that

other guys don't kinda

bowls and stuff so

they don't expect things like that from a girl.

[Rock Music]

Aliya: When I'm on my skateboard I feel empowered.

When I'm on my skateboard

I feel lucky that I found this sport.

[Rock Music]

So, we're going to face each other's fears.


You go first. No you go first.

Jinx. You owe me a soda.

Okay, since it was my idea,

I volunteer to go first.

One hundred legs.

Check it out guys,

this is so gross.

It's so fast and squirmy and ew!

Squirmy, squirmy, squirmy, squirmy, squirmy, squirmy.

Sarah's up!

Over here.

No other-other-other way.

Okay, so the first picture is just a tall ladder.

There's nothing scary about a tall ladder.

Yeah, until you have to climb it.

No thank you.

Second one, whoa.

Why is he standing on the edge of a skyscraper?

Just not cool.

I think I have vertigo.

Spencer, are you okay?

I just need a second.

Guys, it's official,

I'm terrified of heights.

Welcome aboard.

They say it's lonely at the top

but we'll literally never know.

Nailed it!

Hi, I'm Sabrina and there are very few things

that truly strike terror into my heart:




and most blood curdling of all,


Now you may be thinking,

Sabrina, corn, really?

I eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I need a better diet.

Bears may seem to be all rippling muscle

and infinite strength but corn is invincible.

Those tiny yellow kernels stay stuck in your teeth forever.

And have you ever looked into your porcelain throne

after eating the yellow devil?

And ghosts?

Psft, what's so scary about them?

Invisible troublemakers.

You want to talk about invisible,

let's talk corn.

It's lurking in your popcorn,

your acorns,

your unicorns,

your yoghurt,

your toothpaste,

your diapers!

Not in that way.

But what about clowns?

Not only are they gonna scare ya

they're gonna do it with the worst fashion-sense possible:

oversize shoes,

bad make-up.

Well you know what?

Corn can do what no clown in history has ever done,

make me laugh.

There's a reason why puns,

the highest form of comedy,

are called corny.

It's a-maizing how often it crops up.

It's like it's stalk-ing me.

Though all I'm saying is would you rather fight a bear

or a giant immortal invisible corn monster?

[Ukulele Strumming]

Hi guys, it's me Tehya.

So I've been stuck in the corn maze for twenty minutes

or...or three days

there's literally no way to tell.

But I've decided to try and make the best of it

so if you'll follow me

this is my room.

[Dance Music]

Welcome to my room tour.

This is my bed.

It's from corn maize.

It's just a place where I can lay back,

you know, relax and just think about like

ow, okay, okay.

But like I was saying

I like to just put my head on my pillow slash bag

slash table and just relax

and think about life and...

corn mazes,

how I'm not afraid of corn mazes.

I miss my room.

Quack, quack.

What was that?

I love D.I.Y. so today I figured

that I would make a nameplate.

My nameplate is made out of things

that you can find in most corn mazes,

rocks, twigs, corn.

It can get lonely in the corn maze but

luckily I've made some friends.

I'd like to introduce you to the gang.

This is Greg, he's a Libra.

Ah this is Bonnie,

she loves scuba diving and horses.

And this is Joanne.

She's really shy.

So ah things in the corn maze aren't all that bad.

I mean, just look at that beautiful blue sky.

I really wish I had brought that sunscreen.

Sorry Mom.

Spencer: Can you pause it right there please?

Sarah: Yeah, okay.

Can you believe

she did not bring any sunscreen?


I know, right, and that camerawork is so shaky.

Scary stuff.

[Scary Music]

Alex: My name is Alex

and I'm a Special Effects Make-up Artist.

I have been doing make-up for nine years now.

I love my job because I can paint all day every day.

Today I'm transforming Pasha into a creepy doll.

I like monster movies a lot

and so when I found out you could go to school

to make creatures I started talking to people.

I started calling schools that had effects programs

and creature effects programs.

The best part of my job is that

it changes every day.

Every day is a different make-up.

Every day is most of the time different people.

I got to do Lady Gaga's make-up one time

and I was scared and nervous

and excited and she was really awesome

and we had a lot of fun.

She's really cool.

When I watch scary movies now I still get scared.

I like watching them, I actually get more scared now

but I'm looking.

I am looking for everything

'cause you can see the make-up sometimes if you notice

or looking for how they did whatever scare tactic

or how they made that so I'm just, like,

watching the whole time instead of hiding.

Okay, check it out.


That is so scary.

Quack, quack.

Okay you guys,

this isn't funny anymore.

I'm pretty sure the sun it's going to set any minute.

[Children Laughing]


I didn't think facing my fear

would actually be this scary.

[Wolf Howl]

Tehya's corn maze saga should definitely be a movie.

It's such a great story.

Totally, and every savvy girl

should have an awesome story in her back pocket.

Do you want to hear a freaky urban legend?

Depends. Will I be able to sleep tonight?

Oh, no definitely not.

Okay, let's do it.

[Clap, Clap]


so there was once this girl

who loved taking selfies.

She took them all the time,



waiting for the school bus,


opening her locker,

selfie, math class,


selfie, selfie, selfie, selfie.

She had no selfie control.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

So what happened?

One day during a family road trip

she decided

to take another selfie.

At that exact moment

a squirrel ran in front of her car

and her dad slammed on the brakes.

Everyone was fine.

Except for the selfie girl!

She was stuck in the selfie pose,

her arm extended

doing the duck face



Okay, I think I have one.

This happened to a friend of a friend's

brother's aunt's

best friend's uncle's son.

He was the king of texting.

He texted everything.

In fact, he came in first place as the world's fastest texter.

He could text literally paragraphs

in the blink of an eye.

That's impossible.

Impossible, but true.

The more he texted the less he spoke

until one day when his parents asked him

what flavour ice cream he would like,

he opened his mouth to say,

"Chocolate Funky Monkey"

but as he did so

his tongue stopped working.


I know, it really makes you think.

Yeah, about ice cream.

[Glitch Repeating]


Spencer, are you okay?

I think I know what's happening.

I think Spencer's having a...


[Ragtime Piano]

Hello everyone.

I'm Ava and I'm Elle

and today we're baking edible eyeballs.

[Guitar Riff]

Okay, go.

Okay, so you will need the following ingredients:

peanut butter, butter softened,

vanilla, icing sugar,

white candy coating.

We're going to melt that so don't worry

you're not going to like have bricks on eyeballs.

Shortening. -This is what it looks like.

It's like white, and these little guys.

And then you will need some red decorating gel.

Yeah to make the eyeballs look bloodshot.

How does your hair look?

Awful. -Better than mine.

Let's do this.

Cream peanut butter and butter

until light and fluffy.

Elle is gonna go.

I'm going to

melt this butter for thirty seconds, yeah. Go!

That's the wrong button.

You take your

one and a half cups of peanut butter.

We're gonna put this half a cup of butter...

The half cup of butter into... -Melted!

Into the bowl.

Mix that peanut butter, go!


We mixed it!

Look, this is what it should be like.

Now we're going to beat in

the one teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Don't do that.

Next you're going to put in

your three and three quarter cups of icing sugar.

Bam! Oooh! -Cake snow.

You can use your hands in here.

Oh this is so soft.

Roll them into like...

Not the size of a real eyeball that's for sure.

That's what it should look like.

Rolling, rolling.

Oh! Uh!

We're going to try and get these in the fridge

to cool for twenty minutes.

Oh yes!

Now it's time for the candy coating.

Take a nice microwave safe. glass bowl.


Oh, it's like a brick.

One tablespoon of shortening.

Now you microwave.

Don't do that.

It's ready.

Now we're going to mix it.

It doesn't have to be fully liquidized.

It has to be creamy.

I don't think that's a word.

And now

hopefully after twenty minutes

of trying to get the right texture.

The peanut butter balls should be ready.

So you need wax paper

so that the

candy coating does not stick.

Take your peanut butter balls

and roll them around.

You can like grab this

and like kinda...

Try to grab it.

It might be a little bit hard

since it's pretty much liquid.

That's what... -Look at it!

eyeballs look like.

Now it is time to put your milk chocolate candies

on to your eyeballs.

But only brown and blue or you can do green too.

Now you need to make sure that

your eyes look bloodshot

so that they're extra juicy.

So you're basically just gonna let it drip.

It's probably the best thing I've ever done.

Okay, so we didn't finish all of them but we've tried...

You don't need to say that.

I hope you guys enjoyed making those,

we definitely did.

We're messy but you can clean your clothes after,

don't worry.

They look scary and it's like eating an actual eyeball.

Thanks for watching.

[Creepy Music]

[Elevator Music]

Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

And three.

Before we watch the rest of Tehya's video

we've got some viewer mail.

Dear Savvy,

my friend just invited me to a slumber party

and I want to go but

scary movies really creep me out.

Maybe I should just stay home.

What do you think?

Should I go? Signed, Scaredy Cat.

I totally get it.

There's nothing worse than missing out

on a good time with friends

just because of a scary movie.

And if you do the math

that's only like,

one sixteenth of the entire party.

You're in luck

because we've put together a little something-something

called the 5 point

slumber party survival plan for anyone

who really doesn't like being scared.

Step one, spoil it.

Try to figure out which scary movie you're watching

and then read everything you can about it:

plot points,

behind the scenes, movie reviews.

That way when you watch it

you won't be scared,

you'll be prepared.

Step two,

don't be afraid to call home

because everyone does it

and let's be real,

parents are great at giving pep talks

so don't feel weird.

And if you do feel awkward

you can just make up a story

about how you promised you'd call them.

Step three, bring back-up.

Do you sleep with a stuffie?

Bring it.

If you're worried someone's going to give you a hard time

just stick it in the bottom of your sleeping bag

and no one will ever know

except you

while you doze off like a sleepy kitty.

Step four, light it up.

You may have to go to the bathroom

in the middle of the night

and you're gonna want a flashlight

so be sure to pack one.

Also, bonus tip,

bring glow sticks

'cause everyone loves glow sticks.

[Techno Music]

Step five, no pressure.


there's no sleepover law

so if you feel like you want to sleep in your own bed

go for it or you could just stick it out

and have fun with your friends.

Which is also fun too.

Oh wait, I have one last tip.

Whatever you do,

do not eat cheese before bed,


Hey, why no chee-wait,

why are you eating cheese before bed?

I am talking to my fellow cheese heads,

thank you very much.


It's a scientific fact that eating cheese before bed

causes nightmares.

You're kidding?

I don't mess around with cheese

and you shouldn't either.

[Piano Chord]

Sorry, stepped on the keyboard.

Let's just watch Tehya's video.

[Spooky Chords]

I really wish I'd brought some water with me.

Sometimes moms they're right about things.

I hate these shoes; they're giving me a blister.

And I am giving them to the corn.


Actually I really like these shoes

they just need time to break in.

I bet they'll make a movie about this one day.

The story of a girl who disappears into a corn maze.

I bet I could play the lead pretty well.

It's too bad I'm stuck in this corn maze.


Sarah: I knew she was going to make it.

Oh yeah, me too.

Especially since she texted me

while we were watching it

to ask if we were watching it.


I have an idea.

What if we faced a fear together?

If you're considering us climbing a tree...

No, no, no I would not do that to us.

So what are you thinking?

A movie. -A scary movie?

Not just any scary movie,

the scariest movie.

You wouldn't. -I would.

It's a super special, super scary edition.


Hold on.

Okay, I'm ready.

[Clap, Clap]

[Suspenseful Music]

The Wiggles Live in Concert.

Wait! [Clap, Clap]

Let's check the footage.


That doesn't look right.

Yeah what is that?


[Suspenseful Music]

Oh hey. Hey.

Could you... -Yeah.

Could you pass the popcorn?

Mmm hmm. [Clap, Clap]

How old are you?

A hundred and thirty-eight.

How big were cell phones when you were a kid?

We didn't have phones.


That's, now that's scary.

For more infomation >> Fear - We Are Savvy S1 (Ep 16) - Duration: 22:42.


GUESS WHO IS BACK (Enable Subtitles)(for real this time) - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> GUESS WHO IS BACK (Enable Subtitles)(for real this time) - Duration: 0:51.


Easiest Way To Run DCC Buss Wires On Your Model Railroad - Duration: 16:13.

we're going to continue on the DCC discussion about wiring your layout and

I'm gonna use romex and that's what I've used throughout my

entire layout so let's get started with this right now

I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and if you're going to do DCC then it is a

good idea to run your buss wires with a good sized wire and what I did on mine

was I used some romex I had some romex leftover from a project and I and did my

entire layout with that romex I'm going to show you how to strip it and how to

set it up throughout your layout now it doesn't have to be romex could be any

wire that is suitable for DCC that is large enough to handle the amperage

through your system so you won't have any loss of signal throughout okay I got

my stripper I hope it's sharp enough because this thing is over 30 years old

all right here's the room that's right here it's a black and white wire with a

ground wire and it has a covering over top of it now this is usually used in

house wiring run this up on your on your wire and see this little little blade in

there like that that just sits down on there and you just squeeze it down the

center of it like that and you just pull and what it does is it

strips the coating off of the outside like that

so you have your black and you have your white wire and then you have a crown

wire in there and you could use your ground wire for a lot of different

things on your model railroad just showed it to you right here now I'll

measure this and give you the dimension of it so you could see what it is you

could use it for pipes you could use it for downspouts you could use it for

anything on there so save the ground wire also now I have it stripped all the

way through and I have approximately 15 foot of black and white wire and 15 foot

of bare copper wire all 14 gauge now the way you want to run your bust wires I'm

gonna give you example of my layout here as you can see behind me I have a loop

right here but it's on two levels I have a high grade and I have a low grade and

then as I move over here the low grade continues right underneath here actually

my layout is shaped like an M okay I have a circle on this side on two levels

and I go across the back and then I have a circle going across the back end

alright so I have my command station right here in the middle and what I did

because I have different levels and I was in different phases of construction

on building my model railroad what I did was I put in a PM 42 so I could have

four districts in there and what I did is I have high grade which is this whole

area up on this level here I have low grade which starts right over here as it

goes down to this level right here and it comes around underneath the camera

right here and then it terminates then I have my Mountain which goes along

the back end of my layout and goes up the Rockwood and I'll show I'll turn the

camera around and show you that in a little bit and then I have this area

right here it's not finished yet it's not connected yet but this area where I

have my computer and everything right here and where I do all my work is big

rock and that's my fourth district what I did was I run a bus wire for each

district so I actually have two bus wires going that way one for the high

grade going that way and one for the mountain route going that way going back

this way I have a bus wire going for the high grade come along the back and then

for the low grade coming along the back here on the lower level so and then the

fourth one is going to for Big Rock which is right here it'll be coming up

this way I already haven't run underneath this

table right here and I have some of it'll run over here so that's the four

districts that I have now you don't have to have run a termination on it it could

it could go out and just stop it you know if you want to you can put a wire

nut or any kind of terminal on the end of it so you know there's no bare wires

showing on it you just want to run your feeders along where your track is

underneath your track and make your feeders as short as possible

my feeders on there are no longer than six inches now you can make your feet or

wires long you can make them a foot you can make them two-foot but I chose to

keep it under six inches I'm gonna put a couple of drawings up on here of a cup

of a few sections my mountain section and my high grade you can see how I ran

my buss wires through my layout now I'm not going to show you the low grade or

the other section for Big Rock I mean it's just a repeat of what I did

in the sections for the mountain section and the high-grade behind me I have a

rough drawing of the mountain loop now as you can see I have the bus wire

running along the tracks now I'm only showing one line for the

tracks okay I'm not putting both tracks in here

but I'm showing that you have the positive the minus the positive and the

minus of the tracks coming up here now I have a siding on there and I have a loop

coming around now what I had to do was put a reversing in there the AR-1

and the reason for that is as you could see on this side you have the

negative coming around here okay and then it's matching up with the positive

right here so whenever you have that scenario you have to put a reversing

loop in there so what you do is you double gap all the track right here

there there and there what the manufacturers tell you with the

reversing loop is now this is my theory okay say you have a locomotive and it's

crossing over right here okay and you have all your cars all the way up here

and on your last car you have a decoder in it to operate a delight for your end

of train light or you have a caboose with the light in it or anything else if

your wheels are crossing this gap here the same time the wheels are crossing

the gap back there on the other end of your train then you're going to run into

a problem because your AR-1 one is going to try to reverse polarity here it's

going to try to change this to a positive and this to a negative

but over here you have another short you're gonna run into a problem I'm not

sure what it is if it's gonna stall out the train and burn up the AR-1 or even

burn up your command station or burn up your PM 42 like I have on here now this

is just to show you that I have one bus wire or a set of bus wire to black and

white running and I could you know I could

feed it with two separate tracks going all the way around and bring it around

all the way to a certain point and then I terminated here and then this is fed

by the AR one it's getting its signal from the bus wires over here I'll do a

drawing of another section so you could see how I did it now I have a rough

drawing of my high grade now again I'm only showing one line for the track and

one line for the bus to make it simple but you can see I have the this is in

the center and I have the command station I have two PM 42 and I'm not

showing all the connections for that but my command station and everything else

is in the center of everything now this from here to here is 17 foot and this

from here to here is 10 foot you have a bus wire that runs all the way down to

here and then this one over here is the same thing now I'm branched off on these

two right here where the tracks are coming apart where all where all the

tracks are close in together this one bus wire will feed all these tracks here

and the same thing for over here it came around now this is Leakin Creek right

here and this is underneath the tunnel this is underneath scenery right here

now it comes back out and I have the bus wire here and this one feeds the engine

facility that's underneath the mountain section and these are sidings right

here this buss wire that comes down here off of the terminal

board right there and I have these sidings and this is a loop that comes

around my drop bridge and goes out to and terminates right here and going this

way is to the mountain section and then this is the the close-in rail right here

from the high grade that goes to the mountain section it's terminated right

there so you can see I just have you know the pair of buss wires coming around

to feed wherever I need it now I'm keeping the feeder wires as short as

possible as I'm coming around so I'm feeding both of these tracks here

actually three three tracks right here because this one terminates right here

to go to the low grade I'm not showing that in this drawing right here you

could feed multiple tracks from a single pair of bus wires if they're close

enough together now I'm trying you know this right here from this track right

here to this track right here is no more than I'd say ten or eleven inches so

with the bus wire coming in between you know I could run short feeders to all of

these tracks right here all three of these tracks right here and then I have

a terminal board here where I I run it run it down this is the peninsula where

I have my computer right now and it feeds these sidings right here and it

feeds this loop coming around right here all the way to the drop bridge now

there's as you can remember I have a switch on a drop bridge that cuts off a

section of this whenever the bridge is down so this is all dead track right

here when the bridge is down but it's all fed

from the same bus wire at the same potential everywhere on there so you

just have one pair of buss wires that feed all these tracks in here and all of

this is connected - one section on the PM 42 you could

separate your wires here you can see where I have high-grade feed and

low-grade feed and then I split them off on this terminal board here in two

different areas and this could be done anywhere on your layout where you need

to branch off on another section I have below grade on another section I have

the high grade and on another section I have the continuation of the low grade

over here on a future city that I have called big rock the biggest thing that

you have to be concerned about is making your bus wire large enough to handle the

signal and to handle the area that you have now I did I I told you in the

previous video what you have to take into consideration I gave you all the

charts on there and I'll put another chart up here to show you the same thing

on this one here but that's the biggest thing is make sure that your bus wire is

big enough and your feeder wires you have your feeder wires close enough

together on my layout I have them every three foot or closer now I use flex

track through most of the layout here so every piece of flex track I have a

feeder wire going to it on some of them I have more because of turnouts in there

and you know you put the feeder wires on your sidings and everything else along

with your main line so I have it at three foot manufacturers and everybody

else NMRA has their standards for it in DCC

Wiki they have the standards different manufacturers have their own standards

for it so whatever you feel comfortable with is how you should do it okay if you

feel that you could stretch it out to six foot just make sure that you do the

coin test on there where you put a quarter on a

rhasta tracks to make sure that your command station shuts down as long as it

shuts down you're doing good well you know that I'm gonna have some comments

and questions on this and on the last video that I did I already had some

questions and so I'm gonna be doing a QA coming up pretty shortly so watch out

for that check out TomsTrainsandThings Dot Com

and don't forget to check out my patreon page and I want to thank Chris O'Connell

for pledging on my patreon page on Sunday thank you very much I really

appreciate it it helps out to put out better content and more content so I

could teach you things about model railroading so that'll be it for right

now and we'll see Ya!

For more infomation >> Easiest Way To Run DCC Buss Wires On Your Model Railroad - Duration: 16:13.


Fats Domino dead at 89 - fats domino death - fats domino dead - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Fats Domino dead at 89 - fats domino death - fats domino dead - Duration: 3:14.


😈👻 ▶ HISTORY OF TERROR AND MYSTERY, Let me in, TALE OF SUSPENSION AND TERROR, Creepypastas 2017 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> 😈👻 ▶ HISTORY OF TERROR AND MYSTERY, Let me in, TALE OF SUSPENSION AND TERROR, Creepypastas 2017 - Duration: 4:46.


K.A.M.P. Episode 1: There's Only One Way (Original Web Series) - Duration: 4:59.

Man, this is a great party, eh?

Yeah, you got that right!

By the way Pete, are you sure about letting my friend into the party?

Yeah why? It's not like he's doing anything wrong!

What is this piece of crap? Sam, change it back to the Blizzard Channel!

Nani (what) did you say desuka?


Well.... that's daijoubu (fine). Because I'm gonna kill ya!

You see, a bad case of anime addiction.

Well, we gotta stop it before it gets worse.

Okay, then it's time for... INTERVENTION TIME!

(NEW GAME!! opening plays)

He seems to really like the cute stuff.

Cute stuff... cute stuff... cute stuf...

I've got an idea!

Okay got it.

Which one would you prefer, this one or this one?

Well, she's got a nice face, pretty cute and she seems like a nice person. But....


Who is this kawaii shojo (cute girl)? What anime is she from?! (continues rambling in weeb Japanese)

Well, you wanna try something else?

Sure, it probably won't take...

Can I be a part of this?


What do we do now?

Well, I got a GUY.

A Guy?

Yes, a Guy. You know, from the BBC documentary?

The Guy has the ability to control minds, using advanced telepathic techniques. He is the greatest king of the animals in the jungle tree thing. I am definitely not forced to do this because he's controlling my mind...

Oh goddamn it! You're going off-script again! You're fired.

Wait, I'm not done here yet!

I'm LEAVING you too!

Wait, don't leave me here!

(Guy noises while the narrator is screaming for his life)

Martin has one too.

Well, where is he then?

Suffocating in the closet.

(Guy noises)

I'll go get him.

Hey Guy, you there?

Martin has an anime addiction. Stop it for me!

(Guy noise... you get it by now)

Nani desuka?

(Voiceover) Anime is trash, and you should stop watching...

(voiceover) Okay, nani the fuck are you doing in my mind?

(voiceover) What? How can he talk and hear me?

(voiceover) Well, I might as well take this opportunity and...

(non-voiceover) Omae wa mou shindeiru.

(voiceover) What? What does that mean? Oh, oh no, NO!

(Sonic music and Guy noises, the perfect duo)

Oh look, a chalk.

Welp, finders keepers.



It's over. He's never gonna get over anime.

Hey, have you heard of this American anime starring Jaden Smith?

American anime? Wait, is it on Netflix?

Yeah, why?

Because I have a great idea.

(2 HOURS LATER after watching an atrocity)

So, who wants to watch "The Room"?


...right after we watch this anime.


(tl: THE END)

Am I still a part of this?


But why?

(original music by Me)

And that's a wrap everyone!


For more infomation >> K.A.M.P. Episode 1: There's Only One Way (Original Web Series) - Duration: 4:59.


Putin Speech at Valdai 2017 - Duration: 34:14.

Thank you very much. I am not sure how optimistic it will sound, but I am aware that you had very lively discussions over the last three days.

I will try, as has now become customary, to share with you what I think about some of the issues. Please do not take it badly if I say something that has already been said as I did not follow all the discussions.

To begin with, I would like to welcome Mr Karzai, Mr Ma, Mr Toje, our colleagues and all our friends. I can see many familiar faces in the audience. Welcome everyone to the Valdai Club meeting.

By tradition, this forum focuses on discussing the most pressing global political as well as economic matters.

This time, the organisers, as was just mentioned again, have come up with a fairly difficult challenge asking the participants to try to look beyond the horizon, to ponder over what the coming decades may be like for Russia and the international community.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything and to take into account all the opportunities and risks that we will be faced with.

However, we need to understand and sense the key trends, to look for outside-the-box answers to the questions that the future is posing for us at the moment, and will surely pose more.

The pace of developments is such that we must react to them constantly as well as quickly.

The world has entered an era of rapid change. Things that were only recently referred to as fantastic or unattainable have become a reality and have become part of our daily lives.

Qualitatively new processes are simultaneously unfolding across all spheres. The fast-paced public life in various countries and the technological revolution are intertwined with changes on the international arena.

The competition for a place in the global hierarchy is exacerbating. However, many past recipes for global governance, overcoming conflicts as well as natural contradictions are no longer applicable, they often fail, and new ones have not been worked out yet.

Naturally, the interests of states do not always coincide, far from it. This is normal and natural. It has always been the case.

The leading powers have different geopolitical strategies and perceptions of the world. This is the immutable essence of international relations, which are built on the balance between cooperation and competition.

True, when this balance is upset, when the observance and even existence of universal rules of conduct is questioned,

when interests are pushed through at any cost, then disputes become unpredictable and dangerous and lead to violent conflicts.

Not a single real international problem can be resolved in such circumstances and such a framing of the issues, and so relations between countries simply degrade.

The world becomes less secure. Instead of progress and democracy, free rein is given to radical elements and extremist groups that reject civilization itself and seek to plunge it into the ancient past, into chaos and barbarism.

The history of the past few years graphically illustrates all of this.

It is enough to see what has happened in the Middle East, which some players have tried to reshape and reformat to their liking and to impose on it a foreign development model through externally orchestrated coups or simply by force of arms.

Instead of working together to redress the situation and deal a real blow to terrorism rather than simulating a struggle against it, some of our colleagues are doing everything they can to make the chaos in this region permanent.

Some still think that it is possible to manage this chaos.

Meanwhile, there are some positive examples in recent experience. As you have probably guessed, I am referring to the experience of Syria.

It shows that there is an alternative to this kind of arrogant and destructive policy. Russia is opposing terrorists together with the legitimate Syrian Government and other states of the region, and is acting on the basis of international law.

I must say that these actions and this forward progress has not come easy. There is a great deal of dissension in the region.

But we have fortified ourselves with patience and, weighing our every move and word, we are working with all the participants of this process with due respect for their interests.

Our efforts, the results of which were questioned by our colleagues only recently, are now – let me put it carefully – instilling us with hope. They have proved to be very important, correct, professional and timely.

Or, take another example – the clinch around the Korean Peninsula. I am sure you covered this issue extensively today as well.

Yes, we unequivocally condemn the nuclear tests conducted by the DPRK and fully comply with the UN Security Council resolutions concerning North Korea.

Colleagues, I want to emphasise this so that there is no discretionary interpretation. We comply with all UN Security Council resolutions.

However, this problem can, of course, only be resolved through dialogue. We should not drive North Korea into a corner, threaten force, stoop to unabashed rudeness or invective.

Whether someone likes or dislikes the North Korean regime, we must not forget that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a sovereign state.

All disputes must be resolved in a civilised manner. Russia has always favoured such an approach.

We are firmly convinced that even the most complex knots – be it the crisis in Syria or Libya, the Korean Peninsula or, say, Ukraine – must be disentangled rather than cut.

The situation in Spain clearly shows how fragile stability can be even in a prosperous and established state.

Who could have expected, even just recently, that the discussion of the status of Catalonia, which has a long history, would result in an acute political crisis?

Russia's position here is known. Everything that is happening is an internal matter for Spain and must be settled based on Spanish law in accordance with democratic traditions.

We are aware that the country's leadership is taking steps towards this end.

In the case of Catalonia, we saw the European Union and a number of other states unanimously condemn the supporters of independence.

You know, in this regard, I cannot help but note that more thought should have gone into this earlier. What, no one was aware of these centuries-old disagreements in Europe?

They were, were they not? Of course, they were. However, at one point they actually welcomed the disintegration of a number of states in Europe without hiding their joy.

Why were they so unthinking, driven by fleeting political considerations and their desire to please – I will put it bluntly – their big brother in Washington, in providing their unconditional support to the secession of Kosovo,

thus provoking similar processes in other regions of Europe and the world?

You may remember that when Crimea also declared its independence, and then – following the referendum – its decision to become part of Russia, this was not welcomed for some reason.

Now we have Catalonia. There is a similar issue in another region, Kurdistan. Perhaps this list is far from exhaustive.

But we have to ask ourselves, what are we going to do? What should we think about it?

It turns out that some of our colleagues think there are "good" fighters for independence and freedom and there are "separatists" who are not entitled to defend their rights, even with the use of democratic mechanisms.

As we always say in similar cases, such double standards – and this is a vivid example of double standards – pose serious danger to the stable development of Europe and other continents, and to the advancement of integration processes across the world.

At one time the apologists for globalisation were trying to convince us that universal economic interdependence was a guarantee against conflicts and geopolitical rivalry.

Alas, this did not happen. Moreover, the nature of the contradictions grew more complicated, becoming multilayer and nonlinear.

Indeed, while interconnectedness is a restraining and stabilising factor, we are also witnessing an increasing number of examples of politics crudely interfering with economic, market relations.

Quite recently there were warnings that this was unacceptable, counterproductive and must be prevented. Now those who made such warnings are doing all this themselves.

Some do not even conceal that they are using political pretexts to promote their strictly commercial interests.

For instance, the recent package of sanctions adopted by the US Congress is openly aimed at ousting Russia from European energy markets and compelling Europe to buy more expensive US-produced LNG although the scale of its production is still too small.

Attempts are being made to create obstacles in the way of our efforts to forge new energy routes – South Stream and Nord Stream – even though diversifying logistics is economically efficient, beneficial for Europe and promotes its security.

Let me repeat: it is only natural that each state has its own political, economic and other interests. The question is the means by which they are protected and promoted.

In the modern world, it is impossible to make a strategic gain at the expense of others. Such a policy based on self-assurance, egotism and claims to exceptionalism will not bring any respect or true greatness.

It will evoke natural and justified rejection and resistance. As a result, we will see the continued growth of tensions and discord instead of trying to establish together a steady and stable international order

and address the technological, environmental, climate and humanitarian challenges confronting the entire human race today.

Colleagues, Scientific and technological progress, robotic automation and digitalisation are already leading to profound economic, social, cultural changes, and changes in values as well.

We are now presented with previously inconceivable prospects and opportunities. But at the same time we will have to find answers to plenty of questions as well.

What place will people occupy in the "humans–machines–nature" triangle? What actions will be taken by states that fail to provide conditions for normal life due to changes in climate and environment?

How will employment be maintained in the era of automation? How will the Hippocratic oath be interpreted once doctors possess capabilities akin to all-powerful wizards?

And will human intelligence finally lose the ability to control artificial intelligence? Will artificial intelligence become a separate entity, independent from us?

Previously, when assessing the role and influence of countries, we spoke about the importance of the geopolitical factor, the size of a country's territory, its military power and natural resources. Of course, these factors still are of major importance today.

But now there is also another factor – the scientific and technological factor, which, without a doubt, is of great importance as well, and its importance will only increase over time.

It is also obvious that even the very latest technology will not be able to ensure sustainable development on its own.

A harmonious future is impossible without social responsibility, without freedom and justice, without respect for traditional ethical values and human dignity.

Otherwise, instead of becoming a world of prosperity and new opportunities, this "brave new world" will turn into a world of totalitarianism, castes, conflicts and greater divisions.

Today growing inequality is already building up into feelings of injustice and deprivation in millions of people and whole nations.

And the result is radicalisation, a desire to change things in any way possible, up to and including violence.

By the way, this has already happened in many countries, and in Russia, our country, as well.

Successful technological, industrial breakthroughs were followed by dramatic upheavals and revolutionary disruptions.

It all happened because the country failed to address social discord and overcome the clear anachronisms in society in time.

Revolution is always the result of an accountability deficit in both those who would like to conserve, to freeze in place the outdated order of things that clearly needs to be changed,

and those who aspire to speed the changes up, resorting to civil conflict and destructive resistance.

Today, as we turn to the lessons of a century ago, namely, the Russian Revolution of 1917, we see how ambiguous its results were, how closely the negative and, we must acknowledge, the positive consequences of those events are intertwined.

Let us ask ourselves: was it not possible to follow an evolutionary path rather than go through a revolution?

Could we not have evolved by way of gradual and consistent forward movement rather than at a cost of destroying our statehood and the ruthless fracturing of millions of human lives.

However, the largely utopian social model and ideology, which the newly formed state tried to implement initially following the 1917 revolution,

was a powerful driver of transformations across the globe (this is quite clear and must also be acknowledged), caused a major revaluation of development models,

and gave rise to rivalry and competition, the benefits of which, I would say, were mostly reaped by the West.

I am referring not only to the geopolitical victories following the Cold War. Many Western achievements of the 20th century were in answer to the challenge posed by the Soviet Union.

I am talking about raising living standards, forming a strong middle class, reforming the labour market and the social sphere, promoting education, guaranteeing human rights, including the rights of minorities and women, overcoming racial segregation,

which, as you may recall, was a shameful practice in many countries, including the United States, a few short decades ago.

Following the radical changes that took place in our country and globally at the turn of the 1990s, a really unique chance arose to open a truly new chapter in history. I mean the period after the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Unfortunately, after dividing up the geopolitical heritage of the Soviet Union, our Western partners became convinced of the justness of their cause and declared themselves the victors of the Cold War, as I just mentioned,

and started openly interfering in the affairs of sovereign states, and exporting democracy just like the Soviet leadership had tried to export the socialist revolution to the rest of the world in its time.

We were confronted with the redistribution of spheres of influence and NATO expansion. Overconfidence invariably leads to mistakes.

The outcome was unfortunate. Two and a half decades gone to waste, a lot of missed opportunities, and a heavy burden of mutual distrust. The global imbalance has only intensified as a result.

We do hear declarations about being committed to resolving global issues, but, in fact, what we see is more and more examples of selfishness.

All the international institutions designed to harmonise interests and formulate a joint agenda are being eroded,

and basic multilateral international treaties and critically important bilateral agreements are being devalued.

I was told, just a few hours ago, that the US President said something on social media about Russia-US cooperation in the important area of nuclear cooperation.

True, this is the most important sphere of interaction between Russia and the United States, bearing in mind that Russia and the United States bear a special responsibility to the world as the two largest nuclear powers.

However, I would like to use this opportunity to speak in more detail about what happened in recent decades in this crucial area, to provide a more complete picture. It will take two minutes at most.

Several landmark bilateral agreements were signed in the 1990s. The first one, the Nunn-Lugar programme, was signed on June 17, 1992.

The second one, the HEU-LEU programme, was signed on February 18, 1993. Highly enriched uranium was converted into low-enriched uranium, hence HEU-LEU.

The projects under the first agreement focused on upgrading control systems, accounting and physical protection of nuclear materials, dismantling and scrapping submarines and radioisotope thermoelectric generators.

The Americans have made – and please pay attention here, this is not secret information, simply few are aware of it – 620 verification visits to Russia to check our compliance with the agreements.

They visited the holiest of holies of the Russian nuclear weapons complex, namely, the enterprises engaged in developing nuclear warheads and ammunition, and weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.

The United States gained access to all top-secret facilities in Russia. Also, the agreement was almost unilateral in nature.

Under the second agreement, the Americans made 170 more visits to our enrichment plants, touring their most restricted areas, such as mixing units and storage facilities.

The world's most powerful nuclear enrichment plant – the Urals Electrochemical Combine – even had a permanent American observation post.

Permanent jobs were created directly at the workshops of this combine where the American specialists went to work every day.

The rooms they were sitting in at these top-secret Russian facilities had American flags, as is always the case.

In addition, a list was drawn up of 100 American specialists from 10 different US organisations who were entitled to conduct additional inspections at any time and without any warning.

All this lasted for 10 years. Under this agreement, 500 tonnes of weapons-grade uranium were removed from military circulation in Russia, which is equivalent to about 20,000 nuclear warheads.

The HEU-LEU programme has become one of the most effective measures of true disarmament in the history of humankind – I say this with full confidence.

Each step on the Russian side was closely monitored by American specialists,

at a time when the United States limited itself to much more modest reductions of its nuclear arsenal, and did so on a purely goodwill basis.

Our specialists also visited enterprises of the US nuclear arms complex but only at their invitation and under conditions set by the US side.

As you see, the Russian side demonstrated absolutely unprecedented openness and trust.

Incidentally – and we will probably talk about this later – it is also common knowledge what we received from this: total neglect of our national interests,

support for separatism in the Caucasus, military action that circumvented the UN Security Council, such as the bombing of Yugoslavia and Belgrade, military invasion of Iraq and so on.

Well, this is easy to understand: once the condition of the nuclear complex, the armed forces and the economy had been seen, international law appeared to be unnecessary.

In the 2000s our cooperation with the United States entered a new stage of truly equitable partnership.

It was marked by the singing of a number of strategic treaties and agreements on peaceful uses of nuclear energy, which is known in the US as the 123 Agreement.

But to all intents and purposes, the US side unilaterally halted work within its framework in 2014.

The situation around the 2000 Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) of August 20 (signed in Moscow) and September 1 (in Washington) is perplexing and alarming.

In accordance with the protocol to this agreement, the sides were supposed to take reciprocal steps to irreversibly convert weapons-grade plutonium into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel and burn it in nuclear plants, so that it could not be used for military purposes.

Any changes in this method were only allowed by consent of the sides. This is written in the agreement and protocols to it.

What did Russia do? We developed this fuel, built a plant for mass production and, as we pledged in the agreement, built a BN-800 plant that allowed us to safely burn this fuel.

I would like to emphasise that Russia fulfilled all of its commitments.

What did our American partners do? They started building a plant on the Savannah River Site.

Its initial price tag was $4.86 billon but they spent almost $8 billion, brought construction to 70 percent and then froze the project.

But, to our knowledge, the budget request for 2018 includes $270 million for the closure and mothballing of this facility.

As usual, a question arises: where is the money? Probably stolen. Or they miscalculated something when planning its construction.

Such things happen. They happen here all too often. But we are not interested in this, this is not our business.

We are interested in what happens with uranium and plutonium. What about the disposal of plutonium?

Dilution and geological storage of the plutonium is suggested. But this completely contradicts the spirit and letter of the agreement,

and, most important, does not guarantee that the dilution is not reconverted into weapons-grade plutonium. All this is very unfortunate and bewildering.

Next. Russia ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty more than 17 years ago. The USA has not done so yet.

A critical mass of problems is building up in global security. As is known, in 2002 the United States pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

And despite being initiators of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and international security, they initiated that agreement themselves, they are failing to meet their commitments.

They remain as of today the only and largest holder of this form of weapon of mass destruction. Moreover, the USA has pushed back the deadline for eliminating their chemical weapons from 2007 to as far as 2023.

It does not look proper for a nation that claims to be a champion of non-proliferation and control.

In Russia, on the contrary, the process was completed on September 27 of this year. By doing so our country has made a significant contribution to enhancing international security.

By the way, the western media preferred to keep quiet, not to notice it, though there was one fleeting mention somewhere in Canada, but that was it, then silence.

Meanwhile, the chemical weapons arsenal stockpiled by the Soviet Union is enough to destroy life on the planet multiple times over.

I believe that it is time to abandon an obsolete agenda. I am referring to what was. Without a doubt, we should be looking forward, we have to stop looking back.

I am talking about this so as to understand the origins of the current situation that is taking shape.

It is high time for a frank discussion among the global community rather than just a group of the chosen, allegedly the most worthy and advanced.

Representatives of different continents, cultural and historical traditions, political and economic systems.

In a changing world, we cannot afford to be inflexible, closed off, or unable to respond clearly and quickly.

Responsibility for the future – this is what should unite us, especially in times like the current ones when everything is changing rapidly.

Never before has humankind possessed such power as it does now. The power over nature, space, communications, and its own existence.

However, this power is diffuse: its elements are in the hands of states, corporations, public and religious associations, and even individual citizens.

Clearly, harnessing all these elements in a single, effective and manageable architecture is not an easy task. It will take hard, painstaking work to achieve this.

And Russia, I will note, is willing to take part in it together with any partners who are interested.

Colleagues, how do we see the future of the international order and the global governance system? For example, in 2045, when the UN will mark its centennial anniversary?

Its creation has become a symbol of the fact that humanity, in spite of everything, is capable of developing common rules of conduct and following them.

Whenever these rules were not followed, it inevitably resulted in crises and other negative consequences.

However, in recent decades, there have been several attempts to belittle the role of this organisation, to discredit it, or simply to assume control over it.

All these attempts predictably failed, or reached a dead end. In our opinion, the UN, with its universal legitimacy, must remain the centre of the international system.

Our common goal is to raise its authority and effectiveness. There is no alternative to the UN today.

With regard to the right of veto in the Security Council, which is also sometimes challenged, you may recall that this mechanism was designed and created in order to avoid direct confrontation of the most powerful states,

as a guarantee against arbitrariness and recklessness, so that no single country, even the most influential country, could give the appearance of legitimacy to its aggressive actions.

Of course, let us face it, the experts are here, and they know that the UN has legitimised the actions of individual participants in international affairs after the fact.

Well, at least that is something, but it will not lead to any good, either.

Reforms are needed, the UN system needs improvement, but reforms can only be gradual, evolutionary

and, of course, they must be supported by the overwhelming majority of the participants in the international process within the organisation itself, by broad consensus.

The guarantee of the UN effectiveness lies in its representative nature. The absolute majority of the world's sovereign states are represented in it.

The fundamental principles of the UN should be preserved for years and decades to come, since there is no other entity that is capable of reflecting the entire gamut of international politics.

Today, new centres of influence and growth models are emerging, civilisational alliances, and political and economic associations are taking shape.

This diversity does not lend itself to unification. So, we must strive to harmonise cooperation. Regional organisations in Eurasia, America, Africa, the Asia-Pacific region should act under the auspices of the United Nations and coordinate their work.

However, each association has the right to function according to its own ideas and principles that correspond to its cultural, historical and geographical specifics.

It is important to combine global interdependence and openness with preserving the unique identity of each nation and each region. We must respect sovereignty as the basis underlying the entire system of international relations.

Colleagues, no matter what amazing heights technology can reach, history is, of course, made by humans.

History is made by people, with all their strengths and weaknesses, great achievements and mistakes. We can have only a shared future.

There can be no separate futures for us, at least, not in the modern world. So, the responsibility for ensuring that this world is conflict-free and prosperous lies with the entire international community.

As you may be aware, the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students is taking place in Sochi.

Young people from dozens of countries are interacting with their peers and discussing matters that concern them.

They are not hampered by cultural, national or political differences, and they are all dreaming about the future.

They believe that their lives, the lives of younger generations will be better, fairer and safer.

Our responsibility today is to do our best to make sure that these hopes come true.

Thank you very much for your attention.

For more infomation >> Putin Speech at Valdai 2017 - Duration: 34:14.


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For more infomation >> Get Rid of itchy scalp|Best Essential Oils & Tips - Duration: 1:55.


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For more infomation >> Our job is to help you and your team to make more money. - Duration: 0:28.


Possum Patch Farms Pumpkin Patch In Olney IL: Barrel Train, Hay Slide, Mazes, Petting Zoo, Halloween - Duration: 11:13.

Here we go!

Donna: Ha, Ha!

That's fun! It was! I got my five dollars worth right there!

Gma Gpa Adventures go to the Possum Patch Farms!

It's a family-owned farm outside of Olney, IL.

We're going into the Possum Patch Farms pumpkin patch.

Right as you drive in there's a silo where they take your money.

And there's also a cool pumpkin there where you can get your picture taken.

Admission is $5 for Adults, Kids 3 to 12 are $3, and Two and Under are Free.

This pumpkin patch is out here on this nice big farm.

It's a working farm.

Big barn, machine shed there.

So we're gonna walk over and see what they've got going on.

We're going to go in here.

And it looks like a lot of kids activities.

This is a petting zoo over here.

They've got baby goats.

That is a perfect pose, goat!

Good job.

The bunny.

He's a big bunny. There's another little bunny, but he's a really big bunny.

And over here, it's called the Hippity Hop Corral.

And they've got like these huge giant balls.

And they can jump around on those.

There's the kids bouncing.

And then they have this pumpkin bounce house.

But there's only so many people are allowed in at one time. And there's like a giant stem in the middle.

Yeah, over here

the kids are like jumping in this. Reminds me of Cornbelly's on April and Davey's channel. We can put a link to their video here.

Look at this. That is so cool. They can play in the corn.

And then here's the hay slide.

There's where you grab your gunny sack.

You go up the hay mound up there.

Wait in line.

Come down slide down here!

Here's the little hay mound with like the little tiny slide where a little bitty kids can go on it.

Donna's got her sack. She's going to go down the slide!

Go, Donna!

Looks good on you, honey!

She can hardly wait. I just hope she doesn't try to butt in front of some kid. She's next!

Any minute now!


Yeah, that sounded like her.

I need to get a "Post-Slide" interview.

It was so much fun!

I screamed all the way down!

It's got like little kinks in it so my voice was shaking.

I heard you!

My voice like vibrated.

So, now I'm gonna make Stan try it. Hey, I figured if all these moms can do it,

and dads, that a grandma and grandpa could do it too.

Okay, here comes Stan.

Here we go!

What did you think?

That's fun! It was - I got my five dollars worth right there!

And then there's a big giant sand pile over on this side that they can play with trucks.

That area in there is a lot of fun. Kids were just loving it, and we did too. And when you come outside,

you can also pick out pumpkins. There's some white ones, regular ones. They've got mums left.


And over here, they have pumpkin decorating. You can pick a pumpkin out and

decorate it any way you want to. And here's some some people have done.

So do they do pumpkin decorating like all day long?

Yeah. Okay, and it's like two dollars?

Yes, two dollars for these decorating kits that are on the pumpkins, and we just add two dollars to the price of the pumpkin.

Okay, $2 to whatever the price the pumpkin is. And then they can actually do it over here?

They don't have to take it with them they can decorate them over here?

Yeah, if they want to decorate here they can, but if they're running low on time they can take the kits home and do it.

They've got pumpkins everywhere for decorations.

We're gonna go see what they're cooking up over here.

What are you making today?

We have got hamburgers, pork burgers, fried pickles, potatoes on a stick. Yum!

Our pulled pork - we're sold out of it.

So, you've been doing well today!

Yes - there's a lot of people here. That's good!

It's a cool place! Thank you very much - it's a lot of fun.

And this is the "Hungry Possum"? Yes.

They've got a whole trunk full of gourds - $2 a piece.

Those are some big ones!

And I found Donna over here talking to the sheep.

She speaks a lot of languages. You usually find her talking to their chickens.

This area looks like a kitchen. And it's got some of their awards here for horses.

They've got a lot of awards here for American Quarter Horse competitions.

This is an animal petting area that they've set up in the stalls.

It does say, "Pet and Play At Your Own Risk".

Got some turkeys over here.

I hope they don't know Thanksgiving is coming.

And there's a donkey here.

If he gets closer, I'll see if he wants to be petted.

Seems pretty gentle!

Hey guys! They look like they're posing for a picture. that face!

Donna got to pet the little pig.

Not really sure what this guy is. I don't know if he's a different type of cattle,

or Brahma. I'm ignorant.

And I think this is a miniature horse.

So, now we're walking into their store.

And they have like these handmade walking sticks.

Some jewelry, looks like mostly turquoise jewelry. Some jade.

Over here. It looks like some candy.

There's a mustache for sale.

And there's a cat bag! Look at that.

A bag that's a cat.

They're $5.75.

Postcards - Cedar Postcards!

No sugar added apple butter. Apple pecan butter.

Sweet chili sauce.

Wow, never seen that at a pumpkin patch before. That's pretty cool. Strawberry jam.

Snake gourds are $1.75. There's all the different kinds - wow!

Over there, you can get shake ups and ice cream in that building.

They're making lemon shake ups on that side.

And over here is the ice cream.

They've got several flavors of ice cream. And sprinkles. And cotton candy.

You can also go on a hayride.

This group just got back and there was a bunch of people waiting to get on.

Here's a sign to tell you where to go. Playground, Barrel Train, Mazes and the Scorpion Speedway.

It's really pretty out here.

It's in the woods out in the country and by this pond.

There goes the barrel train!

Those are pretty popular.

They're all different kinds of animals: cow, rooster, buffalo, dog, pig.

And here's a hay bale maze.

This is really cool.

That "horse-drawn" wagon.

These kids are having fun on this track.

They just pedal around and they can race.

Here's the big trikes that the kids were riding. And they can do this for free, so that's pretty cool.

They can go all around that track,

race each other, or just have fun.

To ride the Barrel Train, or do the Corn Maze, that's just a dollar.

We're going into the Corn Maze.

Oh, no! Are we gonna live, Stan? Who knows?!?

Are we gonna find our way out? We don't know - too soon to tell!

Uh, oh! Thought I lost you there for a minute! We have to take some of this to eat. There's a little bit of it on the end.

Yeah, we might need that to survive.

They close at 6:00, so we've got only about 45 minutes to get out of here.

But i do have food with me!

I thought that was corn! That you picked something out of the field! These are Rise Krispie Treats.

Donna brought provisions.

There's the parking lot. Yeah, if we really want to chicken out we can go that way that way.

That wouldn't be fair.

There's some screaming from the middle of the corn maze.


That wasn't me.

We're out! Yeah!

We made it out of the corn maze!

Survived. It did take us two days, but we're okay.

They've got some cool horse swings there.

After that big maze I'm gonna try this one. It's more my speed.

There we go. I could probably jump over the bales if I have to - if I start to panic.

Oh, no. Starting to get worried.

There we go!

Two mazes down.

I think we're about the last hay ride of the day, so it's just me and Donna on this wagon.

And we're being driven around by the...

Possum Posse!

And this guy's sitting right behind us.

So other than him, were they only two on here.

We're going into the woods.

What you think Donna?

It's really cool. It's very, very nice.

You really do get a long ride on the wagon ride, and everything here just seems very reasonable.

Cheap, in fact.

Two dollars for a lemon shake-up.

That's incredible! A dollar for this hay ride. And the food at the food stand was very reasonable.

Like I say it was actually cheap, so you definitely get your money's worth.

I feel like I'm in a parade. There's Donna all by herself on the wagon. Pretending she's in a parade.

Princess Wave!

We're coming back into Possum Patch Farms.

So, Stan, what would you rate this pumpkin patch? Oh, gosh!

Like a 10! It was really fun. Me too! I say 10 out of 10... double thumbs up. There's mine!

Yeah, it's a really fun place for kids. Lots of kids here, and they were really having a good time.

Very reasonable, very cheap to do everything.

And a lot of the play areas, it's all free for the kids, so they can come here and have a lot of fun. And a petting zoo.

So, there weren't too many things that you really paid for: the hayride, the corn maze and

that barrel train. Oh yeah, I didn't get to do that. No, they wouldn't let Donna do adults by themselves. You had to have a kid.

So next year, we will bring Cohen. We will bring a kid. Yeah. Bring our grandson. Not just any kid.

So, thanks again for watching. Bye!

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So they'll send you a notification every time we put a new one up. That's how it works. Yeah, so goodbye. Okay, bye!

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