Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

We wanted to find the right person to tell your story to the nation. You guys want to know who it is?

We have today, Ron MacLean joining us!

So exciting. Cassie, P.K., Lanny.

First P.K. and then Ron MacLean. I can't believe this!

So, I suppose you guys want to know what your first challenge is?

December 16th will be the Scotiabank NHL 100 Classic.

To celebrate, you will be building a 100-puck pyramid with a hundred of these Scotiabank NHL 100 Classic pucks.

But, there's a twist. You've got to get 100 of these pucks out of that contraption.

Only then can you start building your pyramid.

I feel really nervous because I have never done this kind of challenge before.

The team that completes the pyramid first wins, and gets an advantage in the next challenge.

I think we can win this if we work hard enough.

We've got a judge for all three of the challenges. Please welcome Darcy Tucker!

Darcy! Hi everyone!

I've got eagle eyes. So make sure you're abiding by all the rules for the event.

You ready?

One more puck!

For more infomation >> Meeting Ron MacLean – Ep. 4 - Duration: 1:41.


Deeper With Ozzy Osbourne and Zakk Wylde - Duration: 42:35.

It's Sixx Sense

Sixx Sense nikki sixx, I'm with Jenn what's up, Jenn? Hi Nikki we're here with Ozzy hey Ozzy, Hi Nikki

Hi Nikki. Zakk. HI THERE!

That's the best one so far hey guys what's happening, it's Good to See You

Its good to say hello to you again! Its been a long time

Been a couple years yeah, I don't like that. Yeah, well. We've lived in this same neighborhood for a while

Well we've gone from snorting ants and doing other weird things in the early 80s to living in the same neighborhood and my my daughter

Who was maybe nine was selling lemonade so I'm out there with her and then Ozzy pulls up

And I guess you just got your driver's license. Gone. Are you done?

Go throw a good drunk coming and the funny thing happens to me my boy Ferrari, and he disappeared I

Went in to buy a Ferrari

You know what the Ferrari dealership right there, and I went in and I go I really you know

I really like this this one. They go oh yeah, Ozzy bought that one, but he drove it into his garage

And I go great that's the one I want that it's like even even the stories go to car dealerships

So what's going on?

It's not fast

That's coming up pretty soon. Yeah, yeah not about

Is it 21 meters over 20 years of Ozzfest yeah, he's crazy

Yeah, that was like a groundbreaking thing well

Hide Hamlisch, I'm trying to get me on a Lollapalooza Nessie that musics dead. It's over so Sean said screw you

Now that's not what they said they said

We don't like you

You're not allowed on Lollapalooza. It's probably left. What really happened


Know its first so this year you have prophets of Rage Deftones Manson zombie Stone Sour

Who else are we missing I got a clue?

Backstreet Boys, oh my god, everybody's gonna. Yes, I do that you're gonna do a spot with the Backstreet Boys

Yes, I jump on in I actually coordinate all the dances well. I mean I knew that in the past

I've seen the video I can see it in the way. They move node that yeah a little stiff you could loosen out a down

music business isn't what it used to be have to do a lot of other things a

Lot of other things out of that I have passion for dance

next question

And you guys had a pop-up store right last month, yeah

We got there it was so hot to us to us so long to get there we go in

Thank you and got back in the car went back home knows it

How long did it take you to get home two hours 12 hours all right well?

Thanks for coming. What was there lots of people?

What did you sell at the pop-up store though oh, no sensei shoes and merchandise just

Yeah, exactly you don't know about

Growth hormone steroids powerlifting secrets. Yeah the usual be really power lift. What's up mom?

Do you really power lift um a little bit? I just fondle my genitals. That's enough

I was doing I was doing deadlifts, and I gave myself a hernia. No I was like fuck

I just had a triple hernia surgery. Did you yes?

I went in had the first surgery done

And I found the net but you can't you know the best the best is this it's just

guys like

It well I couldn't you can't operate the machinery a little bit, but I remember that nothing was gonna hold me back

And Parv was out with the you know dropping the kids off at school

Blown to the house

With a

Couple jars of smokers I had to take care of business, but I reinjure do I self?

We had some more shows coming up, so I had to get ready for those so I was touring with motley with the

The hernia, and it was like towards the end of the set I'd like to start to see stars

And I remember I'd had my knee done, and then I was like what the hell's happening ya know

I was in a contact sport. You know what I mean. No. It's music. I just want to play music

What's going on here now totally?

It was a steel cage match

That's marriage. I mean how is it? How is the Aussie for you after all these years? I'm 58, and I'm like start. I'm 69

69 yeah

Voice sounds the strongest and server-side sound live it's I I

Not drinking enough to know us. I don't smoke drink. Dude you know dude. Oh, yeah

Waste while go oz quit doing everything at one point this one we were staying at the house me and Barb so

The girls went out

Mama barb they went out to the movies or went out somewhere and meet Arthur just sitting there

That's cuz he has a cup of tea Negus


Hey, what's up as you guys?

Look at me. He is I don't drink. I don't do drugs


Could smoking. I never thought I'd do that I

Don't even drink coffee anymore

And he goes I go. Oh you guys suck


Know I

Mean, I know it's gonna have anybody woke up covered in piss and puke yeah on my own somewhere. You know, that's a good time

Well good see ya

Gots a while are we good let me know

I'm waking up somewhere where I didn't intend to but yeah in in a bad state cook on stop. I mean

Let's switch from fun to look in this SFA. Yeah, I remember one time we were playing remember

You know where pops was in st. Louis you go over the bridge. I don't know I well

There's it there was a club there a strip club in the whole nine yards, right?

This is this had to be no for the wicked at the time. I remember Tony man we

MBT we're sitting there

I'm with

I'm just trying to picture this happening nowadays

Me and Oz ended up going over the bridge

We're getting it audience exactly so I want to go out, so it was just like we end up going out. We're in this club

We sit in with the house band. We play crazy train

Playing crazy train with this house band. We leave that club go to somebody's house

And we're there and they got Ozzy Osbourne hanging out in their house

Between the amount of blow that was in this house

The booze the weed, and I'm sitting there hanging out, I'm going tote, and you don't know these people right no

We don't know these people at all and I'm sitting there and we got a show the next day

Yeah, so all's I remember is we were leaving the hotel at like 10:00 in the morning the Sun was coming up

And I'm like well. I don't know who you are. Yeah well

You got to get us back that I don't picture in beatty just like destroying and and the boss Mars

You know it's like going where?

We're easy you know I mean, I'm just like because we had to do the gig the next day

But I'm just picturing Ozzy sitting there hanging around and holding court with these people in the kitchen

And I'm hanging out with these and the sun's coming up

I'm going this is really not good, but you know what imagine nowadays with these things

Like you'd be like FaceTime wiving like

Or snapchatting you

Two-bedroom in any of yo black and then do something to sharing those

Are fucking shrivel up yeah

Yeah, it still was on the ride in that took about three months

I I don't I don't really ever think about drugs or alcohol no for some reason

I don't know. I just I went over a line because I went back I was sober. I got was sober for like

Six years, and then I thought it would be a great idea to go out and and try Jagermeister Oh

36 shots I don't know why I picked that was a bad

I and I woke up in a hotel

covered in piss and shit and stuff and it got back on, but it took me a couple times, but oh

God now I'm coming up on five years five beers. That's great. I don't want it. Yeah. Pretty bad the way he's getting it was

Yeah, sometimes. He's bad. Yeah. Yeah, that's life

Mentoring like that all those years with motley. I don't know I don't know

It was fun

For a while, but then when you crush that invisible line

It's the invisible line. That's what I call you you had the invisible line

Grind it into the ground until you have a good diamond

And you know I put it this way you're in the car, and then when it wheels fall off you keep going

Yeah, sparks flying off the thing and then you just on the rims, and then when the rims are gone

and it's just the axle and then a

Police officer comes up to the side of the car and goes walks up the side of the car and goes

If you can get out of the car

That's pretty much when you know it's over. Yeah. It's over, but until then have a good time, and that's about it

yeah, cuz I asked me like exactly you think you would like to go talk to some of these kids and

One day I wake up in a fucking jail in England

I'm going

wow, what about done, so I

Says why my hand he goes. Oh, why are you here? I'm gonna read you a charge

John Michaels was arrested for attempting murder. Oh, what oh?

Do this one kill your wife or?

I mean, it's funny now. It's not funny then no it was no fun. Yeah, I

Never believed you know blackheads. Oh, it was just a scare tactic, but I started to have them you know yeah


Gotta tell you it's it's it's so good to see you and see you guys back together - yeah

Can I can I ask what happened? I actually don't know what happened. Why you guys were you weren't in with Ozzie for a while

With the drinkin and then one that was no problem

Once I started doing steroids and growth hormone

Oz was just like I got it - all the line somewhere and were you like really angry and aggressive around that with the alcohol

No, I I I don't know why

Things got changed. I was cleaning the house and doing the dog run for hours. I would do it about five times

My productivity was through the roof. Yeah. I have no idea no, but at that point

I mean I was wanted to jam with some other people I mean at that time. I'm just yeah

Yeah, if the powers of big ones I'm there yeah, yeah, yeah

Zeca no family you know yeah for sure I see that our fans see that and I think after the Sabbath thing

He's smoking now he's fucking

Women's Studies actually not me pain. It's the money that I've been saving on the side for cleaning the house and everything I've got

Playing all the time anyways you have a young guy with sweater. Yes playing and he also sleeps with barb as well

That's why she's happy and as you can see she's glowing right now

So I see that Ozzie and Jack's World Tour is it's been renewed for a second season


What's the difference well, I was doing this Black Sabbath and in the breaks you eject I

Want to find getting injured and so lame, but I lean back a bit

But this one was just free to free run. It was good fun. Can you talk about the the dogs? Oh? Yeah when today soon?

We started up in Africa Key West and end up in

Alaska, I went to do it slides

You know that Yukon riser that was most went to the place that trying the dog. She was fucking great

fantastic it's like 17 dogs

Trying on this slide. We will I think it's just amazing you know good fun


Do you think that when you did?

Yes, I mean, yeah

I would think it you're like you were the first to do any version of reality when you think so yeah

Yeah, yeah, but you stopped Breanna few nice scripted reality scripted of course. Yeah, I remember when I started doing that show we were like

My bras was like

Guess what I'm doing now

We were like what are you doing you guys?

This is like TV show is Oz I go cuz I always tell them everybody just hanging around Aziz if you're watching TV

Like I'm just saying just taking a piss out of himself and taking the piss out of anything. We're watching that TV

I said you got to have a set of depends on just cuz you'd be crying laughing

But so I just figured I was like Oz well

What are you doing like comedy skits and Eminem because he's hysterical right? He just goes

Like no they just like follow me around like if I take a piss I take a crap

And he goes this will be on for about Zach

He goes give it about two weeks this thing will be on and that'll be the end of it

He goes who the hell wants to watch this this is terrible right and then next thing you know you're free for four years later

Having a camera crew in your house 24/7. You feel like a fucking an experimenter - ready girl you forget

they're there at any point you get shocked and go into a room and I'm

Failing you know when I said shit to go under I said

I this is driving me fucking nuts I thought of a syphon where I can go and stretch my eyes

I'll be on TV yeah, and so he goes

Quickie wrong on that one. No. I'll go in there one day

Fucking weird failing you know what is it, and I'll look in the corner. There's a camera on the wall I go

He'll we wanted to know where you were all sounds good you know where I am yeah

Why is it

We pull the plug because

We started to cry out ideas you know impress the fugly it became it was my own house and our gluten pills alright, so

Got rid of that. It was the Russians

Mr.. Russia

What do you think that kind of like?

Set you up for doing like like this because like you you understood like kind of how it all works. What it?

said of something you love no, it's it's

It was like cribs

Yeah, it was the we did. I think the cribs thing anyways we requested more. It was phony

You know right in can we see that on again?

I saw the guy says why you an extended version of the cribs for eight just why not brush

Girl, how many people said you regret having a part of the journey?

You know he so it was it for the beginning. It was fun. But it gets old very quick

Thank how long how long do you film for because you to do. It was Evan well what about Bo?

We aren't going to be on tour oh oh, but you mean Jeff

Yeah, yeah, Oh Jack

Finish now okay, oh no no so what's that take a few months to do that and then your

Shoes a week. Yeah. Yeah, it was a lot of traveling. Oh yeah, good fun. No Wayne

My son's brighter, but you know he's very mellow though to get

It's gonna be fun to work with your son

Ain't fun when you go when he's texted he's turning I'm driving the car go you fucking drive you know check

You know you look at kill that stuff. Yeah. I like on fucking well. I'm still fun

I'm father me out, and I can get on a phone now. Yeah. Yeah, what's

Which like one of your favorite love this new season coming up one of your plays

It's more the first season was out coming she's more relaxed, and you don't have you know

Laughing yourself yeah one problems. I'm gonna. I'm gonna wear my fucking glasses, and I couldn't really find

You're talking on it, where's the phone?

Okay, and you're talking on yeah um

Well, so can I ask you just it's just good to see you in here I mean

21 years laws fest that kind of blows my mind cuz I remember one member when that happen yeah

Most things that happened to me accidental child reduced one to autumns

Took off and there's so many bands come off

Yeah, I mean they we all looked at that as a cool festival to do I was like the best thing you know we

All like play these shows and you're like not really my like. I don't feel attached to it

You know and then like this is one any artists ever comes in here or even you know I may ever mean it was Sharon

About Molly doing it and then we did that one together know with Rob. I'm sarong health

But it's just like it's a cool thing. I'm just happy to see it's still going on

Oh you think oh, I'm twenty twenty-one yeah, it's longer than most bands careers

Just the festival career

Wow time he's not flown boy, yeah


Oh, yeah, I've done 30 years since I was in a band

Let me pass the wireless you got about really yeah, that was hard. Oh, let me just

I was just telling as the other day asked us like this serious

Sack I've been doing this for so I go look at it. This way us

Just hang in there long enough

every year

Best Male Vocalist

Everything I know because they'll have no one left of knowing and I go

recorded an album in

Temperature which cut about I built my own studio stuff in anybody, it's just I

Haven't recorded in 12 years. I haven't toured in 15 years how am I still winning all be sold. There's no one left I

Remember the the Hidden Hills house, and I went over there and I get the whole studio

Downstairs make sure when you go in you're fucking leaving there you gotta go I go God you get more done

You don't get more done out of your house. You get more dough you don't think so beanie you don't go oh

Yeah, I mean like you said I mean I have the studio

you know the black Vatican right so we have the studio up there I

Mean like you know how how they always say with prints like he was recording all the time with Hendrix

You know I mean it was just like he'd laud you know Jimmy would just always have

Getting hammered having friends down, and he would record all the time, and there's just riffs or whatever. Yeah, I mean like

Because people always asking me they're like do you record in there all the time? I'm like no

It's just almost kind of like Oz like after

You know it's always that you know I'll remember that but yeah

It's like when you buy your own exercise equipment

You know that it's there, and you just look at it and put clothes on it

I got the best gym in my garage. Do you use it? I've never used it. I go to the gym

I go get in my car, which is parked next to my high gym

And I go to the gym and every day I go fucking wrong with me

It's too close

Simon oh oh


My god

Mr.. Buffett me the fucking was and mind you it does save you a bit of coin cuz I was I remember mean me and

Nicky were just talking about like

What the budgets were throwing like I remember when you had when you had the studio when we were recording the first album

Down in your studio, I go odds could you imagine how much money you would have saved from the first Sabbath album. Ya

Know because the budgets were so ridiculous when you making these records. I mean, it's just like where you go. Oh come on

Yeah, I mean I'm just a million dollar budget for a record and you go over budget well

You know when you record the videos you pay six six million dollars for the fucking video

Now it's some great effect. If I'm this rare effect. Yeah, it's going I

Know cuz I just did a video with Wayne Isham, we all use

You saw around at least two hundred thousand-plus to make a video, right?

Say no

and it would have been and like you said we were just talking about if

the if the budgets that big you're gonna spend them all obviously what if the budget if I only give you a five grand

You're like we'll make it work

So your mom I'm coming home they did two videos for it, and then one was remember we're just fifty grand super into his fucking

A hundred grand for the first one

And then the one that they ended up using was something like ten grand or something although the brain weights

Do you know yeah? I mean the guys walking up the office out of a fucking pig. What's up?

Good Simone come

We know

What was it like back in like they're very like first Sabbath album like you there's videos of you guys we why did you make?

Flying the first album life-form would write a song and then Kobe we start over to jazz blues thing

Yeah, you kind of spur off that if you listen to Ellen

I'm sorry - it's just a jam you know really right we got that guy says we'd never been in a recording studio

So he went down to this place bruising sound going to four track machines bangs order for bouncing months of the earth

Uh-huh so not three or four three days where it was done. Yeah. He managed to stop over Illinois to a very good

We're doing stuff. Let's start diggin the star Chloe Hamburg yeah

We thought is my record we can rewrite then as he went on we got more more tracks or better equipment

We get spent more time yeah, that's the fighting when you got 16 tracks

And you don't know what you're doing you just use 16

Do you think you might be Sam, baby?

Doesn't know those people people always said you know like what with the Beatles like sergeant pepper's yeah and with Hendrix

You know I mean

Like because people always say could you imagine if they had all this gear and Pro Tools and this not ago those records wouldn't have

Been what they were them no, they wouldn't have because the whole thing is like we were talking about with crayons

You only have five crayons, let's see what you can do

but if I

Like that's what I'm saying so you have to be creative because you got to go if you mix a couple crayons together you get

A different color so the whole thing is you really have to use your imagination if you only have limited

amount of stuff because when you have and not only that I mean


Hendrix and the Beatles would have had everything now with Pro Tools

And then just because you have it all doesn't mean you have to use know you run

yeah, you know so you see max utilize if you can bounce a

Quarter ounces and someone the life that life goes down really clever, I remember

Her Hoover with mick mars. We're doing something in like the digit design

just came out with like it was a two-track thing Marie was just two tracks the beginning and

The guy was showing me some stuff and mixed like there's no way

There's no way I play from beginning to end might take I'm done. I'm gonna go drink and to him like later

I remember we're in the studio no fault to Mick mmm me, too

I've done it to I'd be like hey that part's great

Just pop that in the second chorus, and I was like oh, no, I'll get it

Oh, we didn't know we was Michael Barone. Yeah, Mike oh

No, I'll go sends me a tract home. I'll go I

Never saw you know why?

I'm fond of you Michael is it possible the chains of melody and

Yeah, I said, did you do?

Good, yeah

Fucking why'd you say that?


Mean it is


I mean for mixing and everything like that with Pro Tools and everything like that the whole thing is I mean think about it

I was with this all the Sabbath records and everything like that and Mali records in the beginning


We'd all be mixing at the console if you had a four track so like like as you go

Zac remember at the end to put that delay on the end of the thing you know so

We get all the way to the end of the song, and if I didn't do that then we got to do it again

Yeah, so I mean the whole thing is when your drumming

There's a certain magic that goes to when you listen to those records, but I mean nowadays

I'm you still have to have creative people and you still have to have talented people I

Think about it when you add when you add Elvis and Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis

And all those guys making the records at Sun Studios. They're actually around one microphone, and we're recording them right whereas by the time


Sabbath and Zeppelin and everything started in Hendrix and everything and the Beatles started coming around and the stones

Those guys must have been gone look at these spoiled little punks with all these like

Eight two two four tracks stuck together, you know I mean like we never had that stuff back in the day

And then you know I'm just saying every generation says that about the previous generation I was coming along first

Over though he was fuckin should be banned

Yeah, yeah, who's Ian him does is to have the band and him doing it live in this yeah?

That's the best it's always the best

Pro tool it sounds too perfect. Yeah, you have to force yourself to treat it like tape yeah

That's that's what I've learned

I treat it like tape, but yeah, this is a track on a tape machine, and I've only got so many tracks

And then I make the song around that you can reproduce it

We are doing trickery on stone love but a lot of people know don't play live

You're right. Oh

Always doing the thing we're doing we that chick bang cold well

Vixens member and bitch yeah, yeah, how much you know

I don't know the harmonies a fucking right you know

I'll cross the stage. I don't go

Slipped on the keyboard you

Know what I live in a box

I mean, but you know what though. I mean a lot of the albums that are made

I mean we're it's it's super tight like that. I mean there's an art to that as well. Here is you know so yeah?

I mean like with Oz when I

Miracle man and everything when I first joined a band

That's just me playing the guitar, and then I doubled my guitar yeah

And that's just two takes and whatever how long it takes away

I mean just knock it out, and it's and it's over and it's done with you know what I mean

But if you if you want it

Cut precision tight I mean there's a certain sound to that so I mean it

There is no right no wrong

And whatever cuz you still have to be it's what you still have to plants have to do. What you like yeah

That's if you like the sound of it, then that's what you like you know so I to me

It doesn't bother me at all. I mean you know because like I said

It doesn't matter what the technology is

the Beatles are still going to be creative, and they're still going to come up with sergeant Pepper's regardless whether it's Pro Tools or

They have to for the Saudis to you know eat rocuronium. He's doesn't he's supposed to be rung

Yeah, no no I agree. I mean like when you also know things that are toon or whatever. You know or just you

Know this be sort of sad of your first attitude. Oh, yeah, it still sells

No, that's what people don't want simple you get fanatics. Who want to talk telling you away you did wrong you know

Yeah, I think the mistakes are important. Yeah

I don't run roses in love you should go fucking let me slide the finger the potato string

It don't know eat go fucking crazy. That's

Playing the oh right. Yeah, if you wanted to mute it or something people like in diary or whatever yeah

Oh muting the parts in but yeah, like you know let me just get

Sounds good all over the place is so nice though. Yeah, I mean it sounds like something flying

To Polly she story he ain't and I use trickery on study

Yeah, but studies different completely was recorded. No. Yeah, but sometimes. It's cool like

To think of your band the way you are onstage and put it in a recording studio

Yeah, just like it's almost like rehearsals sometimes

I know this is this why can't we make this the record yeah Ursel, but you know in the past. I've done like them

I don't like demoing though. You don't like it when you demo

Sometimes you go. That's the magic gun man. I remember I remember we did mama. I'm coming home

Yeah, we had demoed those and I remember oz

Is we're all like you know we after Ozzy sang on it. Just I remember the demo and then we were constantly

trying to recapture that the Mormons you can get a similar thing so we used to bounce some demos to

Yeah, it was mama

Yeah, it was just like trying to recapture time

capturing the

Atmosphere because it's brand-new

We're excited to record it and that's would suggest just and I would used to laugh

I go why we don't just do it for real. Yeah, do it for real yeah to a demo phase for a while

I really I liked it because I'd be like let's just

Do anything we want to do and if we don't like it

We don't have to put it on the record is it DeSoto now

I realize we should have done that to put it on the record demo

When the record come every bit when the record corn is oh oh, that's that's not Motley Crue

That's the ugly you gotta sound more like you so

We're talking about

I'm glad

That's degrees a fuckin

I've had many of all you moment I

Just sell the fucking nigga

Oh my oh you know yeah. Hey when you first sang Ozzie think you have such a unique voice the first time you sang

What was it with Sabbath?

Bands before do you know like with your ear because I know like a lot of the music that you grew up when you love

You had like a unique voice to

Beta freak


I mean my Jack's my son said to me Oh

What was I like the basis?

But I don't see what what your honor as you imagine is going to bed in one world and waking up in a completely different

Exciting well, it was that's well. I remember the exact right she loves you

Oh, what the fuck is is you know I'm walking over the transistor. How much older think you know. This is cool

I mean I hear it in your melody lines. Oh, yeah

Finally I said you know what I always loved about you burn you had the greatest melodies

Thank you share with the fucking the musicianship wasn't

Good nice guy. Yeah if I've heard nothing but good something. I was kind of I was I was alluding a second ago

Don't like early days

like those Sabbath videos

Were they mostly like on Donna TV shows yeah?

German all that stuff cuz I see it come on Mike Wow look at that, and they had the crazy special effects


Thank God that because we didn't know we didn't know him -

Yeah, that's why I was not asking me, but it was that woman who?

Fucking the thing going back to go forward with in Holland and a blocker is a black opal in Germany

But it wasn't that much I mean in England. I would we did a Top of the Pops

It must have been hard to get on TV. Yeah. Oh, yeah, but anyway, and what I was going to be alright the record business

My name's evie

Oh, yeah, you've got a heavy rotation that your styling the wreck was no that was at those at game

Should we did live wire from the first motley crew of them for a couple thousand dollars

Just what it would cost me how to do it - yeah, and there was no MTV

And I think we just I don't even remember why we did it might have been for like a news agency or something

Mm-hm and there's like me lighting myself on fire and spitting blood. We're just being ridiculous

MTV came and you picked us up. It was like combined. You know that was like I miss I miss the MTV for


Political yeah, yeah, yeah, no, it's it's it's lost its heart. Yeah, but the whole thing is I mean

But it hasn't no I mean if we if we're an MTV and we put a reality show on and the ratings are higher

for the reality show

Sorry, we're putting on what people want to watch

Out of the watch music videos the ratings would be higher so what I'm just saying is. That's I mean?

We're all musician, so we you would hope that people want to tune in to see the music

Yeah, but if people are tuning in and we run MTV where the producers. It's like

Oh, my gosh look at how much higher the ratings are when we put the TV show on and you're like oh

The people have spoken I guess they want more yeah

That's what I'm saying

So I mean if people want to see more the reality shows or what I mean if if people want to hear more

rock songs at the time

I'm just saying when Rock and one was coming out when you had

Big band and everything like that and then all the sudden we start playing rock videos and all sudden all the kids are watching

Oh the ratings go up when Elvis comes on and Jerry Lewis very and that's what we're gonna go with yes

They're gonna take it personally Oh

What is it with these kadesha, I don't understand and she says well, they're become very famous

Produce nothing just for being a family and that's what the thing in America now. They won't want to be celebrities without doing anything


What are these incredible what they've done and lasted as long as I have you feel like you have to be curve pull with

The even scripted stuff like with your no no no you know this thing which other

Do you you just I just want to do what?

Yeah, yeah, it's limits. No because when we did the other one. You know you're just

A pastor's boy saw enough on it now. Everybody wants money. Yeah, you use a restaurant

They won't pine for you. We're going alright sure

Hey, this country. It's a business. Everything's $1 every night someone will make it yeah

So it's like you're still like hammering after all these years like you gave me my shot

And then I retired and thirstier going out on tour

well, it's

What I do maybe you need do you need a tech?

Be the base tech

Yeah right now. I'm just still doing it though my other thing, but I just needed a break for a while yeah

You're all come back. You know you know well. That's what you do, man. It's


Retirement to know yeah our job is hard for them fucking ones

Oh, I think we tie from this is a job. Yeah, but why didn't you say you were gonna retire once?

More towards

Retirement sucks, that's right

Really I'll be here till the fucking put a lid on my books

Yeah, yeah, you don't want to know anything else, that's crazy. Well. Yeah, good people don't know so what's up with the record

Well, I've got a few ideas, but I mean

It's not cost-effective. You don't sell them in the realm yourself you but until we die so eat it fucking Millions is gone

I such as that I mean it's a difficult or the art the passion

They Mexico Caribbean

I think it would be a great idea

Fans would love it I know he's coming abroad album

You don't need Zack you get all those songwriters that write like all the alternative pop crossovers no no

I'll deal with the choreography okay. Yeah, you get the choreography we get the song

We need a stylist I think new image update you have a black label record coming out, right?

It's called glimmers hits, and I told the record company the news is grim and there are no hits

You're very good on social media as well

I do have to say I mean it's always something new and something fresh

And we'll have fun with it either Ozzy knocking me out I go

He knocked me out all the time anyway so might as well. Just film it right

I just wanted to give you props on your social media

Well, you know I mean we were talking about it before

The cool thing about the social media and everything like that is

If Black Sabbath never got a record deal back in the day

And they're this little band in Birmingham by doing social media putting

Posts of Sabbath playing out in the little town hall when you guys first started playing and then play

Now I could see it all the way from New Jersey. You know and I go check out this band will

Great, I'm just saying cuz back in the day if you didn't get a record deal

I'm just saying then when you guys got at the end. I saw I saw you guys with Ozzy

I saw that tour you know at the garden

I think or at the spectrum in Philadelphia on the shout of the devil and the bark at the moon tour mmm

But the whole thing is this if you didn't get a record deal in

Motley Crue by the time you were thirty years old, oh, you're done the dream is over whereas

I'm saying now. It would have been like nah. We ain't quittin

It's just like you putting all this Motley Crue stuff out there. Everyone's like dude. You got to check out this Motley Crue bad

Yeah, I think you just have to know

Where as I'm saying back, then you needed a record company now

Own boss and you can and you can misspell stuff and just do it on their own any kids

I think the cool thing about it

Now is the dream ain't over it and the whole thing is if we have a blues band people get

Chloe's, but I'm making ready to go straight from left so


Yeah, you don't do Instagram or anything. I'm fucking news

Okay right cuz he's not gonna be I

Gotta get back from the dentist, I just have to get my drawer whites yet I

Think it's about not being a narcissist because because it's like like with reality scripted TV

this is so much about just me me me me me there's more to us than just

That you know with with Twitter and Instagram Facebook, you know it's about taking people on the journey

I was like saying I was looking forward to your horn thing. I know that because of

Taking the piss I mean exactly the whole things, that's I just think it's great what you watch these fucking I don't go

Fuck is this and all these go

Come on I know that voice

So good scary the boy is so funny my

And you know Sony's in an advert, but there you go, it works

Baby you guys have a do you have a la show for the Ozzfest no, but we're doing an aftershock

That's coming up on Sunday. Let's Sacramento save Bob right in Sacramento. That's

Okay, that's a Drive foot


We'll just do a Burton. Yeah, if you guys could just come back here and do the whole festival

That'd be great right around here for us. You know. I just want to see you guys play live hey

Thanks so much for coming. Thank you. It's been a long time make it quick excellent. Yeah

Awesome, thanks guys good seeing you man. What about Nick?

For more infomation >> Deeper With Ozzy Osbourne and Zakk Wylde - Duration: 42:35.


Top 10 ABANDONED PLACES You SHOULDN'T Visit (Urban Exploration) - Duration: 9:40.

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Just how brave is the urban explorer within you?

Can you stomach the empty halls of an asylum or the deepest reaches of hospitals long-since

shut down?

No matter how brave you may be, there are abandoned places around the world you should

avoid, relics overtaken by time and or claimed by nefarious groups.

These ten neglected places should be at the top of your list of areas to avoid – just

as they're at the top of ours.

Don't gear up for an expedition to these deserted places before subscribing and clicking

the bell.

If you've been to or know of any other abandoned locations that should be avoided, leave us

a comment and don't forget to give the video a like.


The Domes, Casa Grande, Arizona Featured on an episode of Ghost Adventures,

The Domes of Casa Grande are a series of unique, UFO-like structures that were the start of

a facility intended to be used for computer manufacturing.

Partway through construction, the project was abandoned and the unusual buildings were

left to crumble in the desert sun.

Beyond the safety hazard the structures pose, if you believe what the Ghost Adventures crew

has to say, these domes are a breeding ground for evil.

Even if you scoff at their claims of demonic activity, locals largely believe that the

secluded location has made them an epicenter for cultist activity and witchcraft.


Kolmanskop, Namibia As much as we'd love to encourage you to

visit the abandoned ruins of the sand-swallowed town of Kolmanskop in the Namibian desert,

we couldn't do so in good conscience.

It's not that the South African Germanic town is rife with dangerous entities or home

to sacrificial rituals, but has instead fallen victim to the persistence of Mother Nature.

The structures that one stood proud within the early 20th-century mining town have crumbled

through years of neglect, some filled nearly to the ceiling with soft desert sand.

As fascinating as it would be to experience the final days of this diamond-obsessed ghost

town, building instability may make the experience more dangerous than it's worth.


Craco, Italy Once a bustling village in Basilicata, Italy,

the now-abandoned village of Craco still towers over the nearby grassy plains.

From a distance, the towering hilltop community looks less like a home for people and more

like a breeding ground for trapped souls.

Potential paranormal inhabitants aside, the structures at Craco aren't to be trusted,

especially after the landslides, earthquakes, and floods that struck the village in the


Guided tours are available to showcase some of the safer and sturdier parts of town that

you should stick to exploring.

Potential building instability and the whispers of residents long-gone make the bulk of this

Italian village worth avoiding.


Michigan Central Station, Detroit, MI Thanks to a recent installation of new windows,

the exterior of the once proud hub of Detroit's passenger train hides the grim truth of what

lies within the walls of the early 20th-century station.

From 1913 to 1988, the station welcomed countless passengers, but today, much like the city

of Detroit, it's little more than a breeding ground of bad decisions and hidden dangers.

The striking architecture is still there, hidden beneath layers of graffiti and rubble

coating the ground.

Consider you just don't know who may be calling the abandoned building home or what

you'd find beneath the debris, we recommend seeing this building from afar… like here

on Top10Archive.


Ryugyong Hotel, Pyongyang, North Korea Oh, we're sorry, are the nicknames "Hotel

of Doom" and "Phantom Hotel" not deterring enough to keep you from wanting to access

this unfinished 1,080' (330 m)-tall skyscraper?

Started in 1987, construction on the Pyongyang pyramid hotel was met with numerous obstacles,

including issues with building materials, an economic crisis after the fall of the Soviet

Union, and methods used during construction.

The building is still in a partial state today, though military personnel was observed on

sight in mid-2017.

Even if you could get access, questionable building tactics may be a good reason to avoid

exploring the incomplete hotel.


Oradour, Haute-Vienne, France If you kept up with your World War II tragedies,

then you may recognize the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane as the site of the Waffen-SS

company massacre.

The remnants of the old village remain to remind of the 642 lives that were ended at

the hands of the Nazi company.

Considering the magnitude of the events of June 10th, 1944, the energy around the crumbling

memorial must be intense.

Though the massacre happened over 73 years ago, a walk through Oradour requires care,

not just for the preservation of the site, but to avoid suffering injury on a rusty piece

of equipment or on a jagged brick.


North Brother Island, New York If you're one to believe that places of

great turmoil and suffering leave behind a strong and potentially dangerous energy, then

North Brother Island between the Bronx and Riker's Island in New York may be a trip

worth skipping.

Once the site of a hospital that housed tuberculosis and yellow fever patients including "Typhoid

Mary" and, subsequently, a World War II veteran's home, the island has seen its

fair share of death.

Even if the souls of the damned aren't a concern, nature's tenacity has made much

of the old brick hospital a hazard to walk through.


Old Atlanta Prison Farm, Atlanta, Georgia Sometimes, echoes from the past can be heard

as you walk through, embedded in the walls and the articles left behind.

If you enter the halls of the desolate Atlanta Prison Farm, you can almost hear the 50-years

of activity, the sounds of prisoners shuffling in their cells, and prison cell doors slamming


It's a spooky, dangerous building hollowed out by a 2009 fire that firefighters let burn

because the building wasn't worth the risk to save, but avoiding the prison isn't just

a matter of safety.

Trespassers elicit a quick response from law enforcement.


Six Flags Jazzland, New Orleans, Louisiana One would expect visiting a place called "Jazzland"

would make for a boisterous good time, but this abandoned New Orleans theme park is a

haunting site filled with unstable structures and plenty of opportunities to contract tetanus.

The once happy place, like much of the Big Easy, was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina

and has sat unattended to for over a decade, the joy that it once provoked resounding like

ghostly memories.

Despite plans to turn the former Six Flags into a water park or shopping mall, the steel

frames continue to rust, corrode and grow even more hazardous to curious visitors.


Pripyat, Ukraine The town of Pripyat was built just under two

miles away from the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, so when the reactor blew on April 26th, 1986,

the town and its residents were not going to be protected from any fallout.

Thirty-six hours after the nuclear accident, the town was evacuated of its 50,000 inhabitants

and left to suffer the long-term effects of the catastrophe.

There are pictures of the town in its disheveled state, meaning it wasn't too deadly for

a photographer to spend any length of time within the town, but we'd still err on the

side of caution.

You're still embarking on a trek to these locations, aren't you?

Well, before we lose you, don't forget to subscribe, comment, and maybe even hold off

on your journey to check out these two videos.

For more infomation >> Top 10 ABANDONED PLACES You SHOULDN'T Visit (Urban Exploration) - Duration: 9:40.


DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 "Tala Ashe - Welcome Zari" Interview (HD) - Duration: 1:33.

- Zari Tomaz?

(dramatic music)

- Yeah, I don't know who you are or what you're doing,

but you're gonna lead Argus right here.

- No, don't worry.

We can protect you.

- Who's gonna protect you?

- I would describe Zari as an opinionated, strong woman

who, in her circumstances, is figuring out how to speak

truth to power.

- Look at this rap sheet!

Burglary, larceny, grand larceny, identity theft,

trespassing, digital trespassing, meta-human smuggling,


- Impressive.

- She's living at at time where sort of the worst version

of things from 2017 came true.

- Multiple religious infractions.

- What do you mean?

- Zari's Muslim.

And, apparently, religion is illegal in 2042.

- She is a sort of misfit.

And she's not a rule follower.

Which they are not either.

- Yeah, I can take care of myself.

- Is that right?

- She challenges the Legends.

You know, they're going back into time or forward into time

to fix these anachronisms, and she's saying, you know,

there's actually, we have the power to improve history.

And there have been so many, um, terrible things

that happened in history.

Like, can we actually be humanitarians through our work

as Legends?

- Any idea of why someone would want to kill you?

- Yeah, I can think of quite a few actually.

(dramatic music)

For more infomation >> DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 "Tala Ashe - Welcome Zari" Interview (HD) - Duration: 1:33.


VLOG GUADELOUPE : Holidays in my hometown - Duration: 14:52.

I'm just arrive

I'm at hooooooomme!!!!

I already annoying them

It's very cloudy, so we can watch sunset

Here, we can see Désirade, an inhabited island

And here, this is the "Pointe des Chateau's" cross

There is no beach anymore 😱. What time does water came in?

Today, as you can see I'm well dressed, right?

Don't watch my bed!

we are going to Vieux-Fort's headlight

And now, we are getting ready

Me: Stebitssou... Cat: What do you want?

Me: Stebitssou !...Will !

Will : If I pretend to sleep, maybe she will leave me alone

We have to leave the house at 9 am and it's 8:45 am and no one is ready except me

Because I listen to the instruction

Here is the beautiful one

Hi Rox !

We are leaving, I made a tattoo

See you later Roxou

Keep the house safe

Rox: I'll see 🙄!

We are going down

It will be hard

If I fall down, my camera will be break

The inevitable happened !

Are you ribing me? It's not funny...

30 minutes walk later

2 fingers... Jacob? (related someone living in Guadeloupe)

It's not about that

See you in october

See you in july

XoXo. Bye

Today, I going to do kite suuuuuurrrrrrfffffffff

After postponing for several day

it's finally happen.

I'm waiting for my uncle

and it's very hot!


It's me !

- Never did? -No

Marie-Galante island. 3 days after hurricane MARIA

After the hurricane, Habitation murat is ravaged

Trees are destroyed

We ate well so you'll see photos

I'm full

For more infomation >> VLOG GUADELOUPE : Holidays in my hometown - Duration: 14:52.


The Thinker Metahumans Army Plan REVEALED!!! - The Flash Season 4 Episode 3 Breakdown!!! - Duration: 6:38.

Wesley's Alan return Wesley's move counter moves what's your point simply

that mysterious stranger comes it down seeks out the flash causes us to open

the Speed Force which causes the creation of a dozen new Metis right hold

on you think the guy behind the samurai robot Sam right you think he wanted us

to create a busload of medicine I think it's all connected why would anyone want

to create Metis I don't know whoever they are they've gonna seriously warped

way of thinking they identify the target sooner than we planned

perhaps they smarter than you gave them credit perhaps

but I'm smarter

what is good Youtube Warstu here with a video on the flash season 4 episode 3

and titled luck be La Vie so this week's episode was really interesting after

last week's disappointing mixed signals episode where iris West said to Barry

Allen you're not the flash we are the flash

which is absolutely ridiculous and wrong because flash is flash flashes of

speedster flash is not a group of people so I

don't really get where she is coming from with that idea so this week we were

introduced to a new metahuman called Becky sharp who has the power to give

people bad luck which can result in the flash for than over some marbles which

was kind of funny so she basically had bad luck or life then one day she was

hit by a Speed Force thing when Barry Allen came out the Speed Force basically

there was a bus full of people and everyone that bus was hit by the Speed

Force when Barry came out it's essentially created 12 new metas method

humans who the thinker has been watching and monitoring kind of like test

subjects so by the end of the episode Harrison wells who is now back earth to

Harry figures out that everyone on this bus is going to be a kind of metahuman

and that that is going to attack Barry Allen in some shape or form or attack

central city and they need to work out who everyone that bus was so they can

figure out who the next matter to me is going to be and the thinker now has

Hazzard who is Becky sharp also in iron Heights so we've got two out of the ten

villains what's interesting is it we've seen that the show from his perspective

this week he was telling a story about three weeks ago she was nothing and

Barry came out the Speed Force and now she's got this lucky kind of superpower

where she can basically win in the casino all the time she wants but she

got caught and she's now in iron Heights so Harrison wells is back which is

awesome because the programs are always better they need her need Harrison wells

around Jesse quick had a message for Wally betta saying you dumped son which

is kind of savage that she didn't do it face to face but it was kind of funny in

a weird kind of way he's left he's going to stay with a friend but we know he

will back join the crossover the flashing eyes tried to get married

but it was failed it failed kind of odd scene has went a couple therapies last

week and now they're trying to get married kind of strange if you kind of

get where I'm coming from Cisco was a bit harsh to back to Harry but Harry is

always savage but that's what we love about Harry but what's the most

interesting thing for me this week is the fact that the fingers kind of

revealed his plan we know he wants 12 metahumans but literally we've known

that since last week's episode but what's he gonna do when he gets his man

humans that's what I can't figure out I tried to lip online I watched a couple

of videos and no one else's actually come out with what is the thinker's plan

I mean people are saying thinker's plan the revealed and that we might slightly

be too tired my video but no one's actually figured out what his plan is

what is he gonna do when he gets his 12 speedsters I think it's all about the

like reverse-flash ultimate control he wants ultimate control he wants to learn

everything that Barry Allen whilst in its before the only thing that doesn't

make sense to me is how would the thinker know exactly where the flash was

going to come out this Speed Force to obviously make the people in the bus

turn into meth humans unless the thinker Clifford DeVoe is actually from the

future and I really hope he's not going to be defeated by the cerebral inhibitor

that we heard lashed in last season and bye-bye sabotage and also I'm in the

phone name-drop Tim so I really hope we're not he's not going to be defeated

by the cerebral inhibitor not a lot actually happened this week I mean we

did get some character development from Harrison wells Harrison wells is coming

over he's been accepted he's got no purpose now that Jessie's kind of pushed

him out so it's going to be very interesting to see what Harrison wells

does this year he's gonna be pinnacle to defeating it DeVoe the thinker but we

can't really calm DeVoe because that's never actually been confirmed yet has it

guys he's just said I'm thinking so we've got an idea what his actual plan

is caitlin snow had absolutely no characters relevant this week but i

presume that's because the whole blacksmith versus a kid of frost it's

going to happen it episode 5 during them batch like during my arias wes is

bachelor episode I presume that's why they can't always

focus on side characters so really this week it kind of focused on Joe and

Cecile's kind of relationship he what they wanted to move out because they've

got bad pipes in their house and he agreed to it and she's like no I don't

and it turns out she's having a kid so maybe that's the thing that the Wright

has suggested that where they said that iris West and Cecile are going to come

to the hits and it's got nothing to do with him maybe it's the fact that the

MACD might be having a kid I can see why they created the new metahumans with

Barry coming out of speed forth rather than using the kind of speed for stormed

because everyone would jump on the August heart Godspeed 2016 DC rebirth

kind of art if they were to do that I suppose so that's all we got next week

we're getting along dating man and Gypsies father breach at bay by Danny

Trejo it's gonna be awesome anyone guys just feels a bit shorter

sorry about that I'll be doing regular flash in our videos spawn this week so

please like subscribe and comment if you can I want to get some interest on these

videos maybe thinking about joining the notification squad and I will catch you

guys later

For more infomation >> The Thinker Metahumans Army Plan REVEALED!!! - The Flash Season 4 Episode 3 Breakdown!!! - Duration: 6:38.


Dark Arts with Pierre Bohanna | Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - Duration: 1:40.

My name is Pierre Bohanna and I had the great privilege of being the Head Prop Maker for

the [Harry Potter] series of films.

There's the obvious stuff like wands and brooms, but then also we get into set pieces

– say the Goblet of Fire, or the sand timer behind us and the flambeauxs, the lights.

So, we made an enormous amount over the ten year period.

In Philosopher's Stone you see these wonderful

pumpkins hanging in the ceiling of the Great Hall.

So, we thought it would be great fun to do something special for Hallowe'en and, so

we developed the idea of seeing if we could put a large amount of floating pumpkins in

the Great Hall.

We've made little models of it and things like that and it's very, very exciting.

But, the proof's in the pudding!

In theory, they're all from Hagrid's pumpkin patch.

Real pumpkins are really heavy, and they're a bit smelly once you start cutting into them.

So, these were made with a eurothane skin and a foam inner.

Each face is individual, so we made them solid

and the guys have carved in the face on each one.

And they're going to magically float up in the air, and gently bob around

the Great Hall for a few weeks.

I'm so excited to see people's faces when they come in.

When they did the Hallowe'en scene in the film, they did it as a digital effect.

So… we're doing for real what was actually a digital effect, which is nice, because more

times than not it's the other way around!

For more infomation >> Dark Arts with Pierre Bohanna | Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - Duration: 1:40.


BEYOND A YEAR IN SPACE | The Legacy of the One Year Mission | PBS - Duration: 2:01.

(upbeat music)

- Hi Jessica, nice to meet you.

- Hi.

- [Man] Mark it.

(clapper clicking)

[Jessica] I think its always just been

part of us as humans

to have that curiosity to go further.

For decades now

we've been collecting physiological data

to try to understand how

the human body is affected by

the space flight environment.

[Scott] You know being

in space for a year,

it's really a long time.

The physical aspects of coming home.

You feel heavy, you feel dizzy,

out of balance, nauseous.

- What Scott did while

he was up there for a year.

He was a subject for a wide variety

of physiological and medical studies.

[Scott] I did this so many times in space

it's not even funny.

[Jessica] A lot of scientists all around the country

and around the world are spending

a lot of time looking

and trying to understand the effects

of the one year mission on Scott.

[Scott] I'm just the lab rat,

I'm the Guinea pig.

[Jessica] Scott has an identical twin brother

that wasn't subjected to that year

in space so we can start looking at other levels

of changes as well.

[Scott] This study with my brother and I

is really important right now

because it will help us get

to Mars some day.

Jessica: It looks comfy.

- When we go to Mars,

we look at it as sort of a three year mission.

We really need to make sure

that as scientists, as physiologists,

we have a good understanding of what

that is gonna do to the human body.

I think without risk,

there is no reward and I know

that as astronauts we are willing

to accept maybe a slightly level higher risk

than somebody else's.

But to us it's totally worth it

because we're not just doing it

for ourselves, we're really doing

it for all mankind.

[Scott] My hope is someone watches the show

and they get an appreciation for the space station,

what it's like after returning from

a really long flight and you know what

that might mean to our future.

For more infomation >> BEYOND A YEAR IN SPACE | The Legacy of the One Year Mission | PBS - Duration: 2:01.


His girlfriend hits him| Sabrina Espinoza - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> His girlfriend hits him| Sabrina Espinoza - Duration: 4:58.


Mexico X3 | Brought to You By | Airbnb - Duration: 0:41.

The place... Is it a hotel or...?

No, with Airbnb it's a house.

For me, it's important for my children to have that

experience of coming to Mexico and getting to know their roots.

- Who is this? - Me.

It's your Dad, my love.

Being all together under one roof, is a wonderful thing for us.

It's a magical thing.

For more infomation >> Mexico X3 | Brought to You By | Airbnb - Duration: 0:41.


GWF THREE COUNT, Episode 11 [English Subtitles] | German Wrestling Federation - Duration: 40:25.

[VINCENZO COCOTTI] You need to demand stonger opponents.

[MARTIN GUERRERO] Against the Berlin Champion???

[VINCENZO] Yes indeed.

[MARTIN] I wanted to ask you if you are interested in a

Title vs. Title match?


[REF] 1...2...3 [TARKAN] I am the king you douchebag.

[GEFREITER WEBER] "You need to become matchmaker.

That's the most important thing to control the GWF."

Who sent you this fax?

[LUCKY KID] You went to Ahmed to tell shit about me,

just for your own advantage.

I don't care at all.

I asked for a match: Me and Ronaldo against you and Cash Money Erkan.

And I will show you what it's like

when a real lion stands in front of you.

[PASCAL SPALTER] I heard that you can demand opponents.

[WEBER] No. No one can demand anything.

You can make suggestions to us.

[PASCAL] Rambo, I want an opponent comparable to Icarus.

I want to prepare.

[WEBER] You mean an High Flyer?

[PASCAL] Rambo, I want someone in the same weight class

and as fast as Icarus.

[RAMBO] Yes, we can check who is available.

[WEBER] Yes, we can check who is available. [PASCAL] Okay.


[ALI] Hey, man. What's up?

[ERKAN] Buddy, the 'Mafia' was a big posse, but all of them were fans.

I need people who support me 100%.

People like you.

So let's just stay by ourselves.

The 'Mafia' should stay the 'Mafia'

I can always count on you.

So let's leave the posse thing behind.

[ALI] I am a little disappointed, that you mention that right now,

because I just spoke to one guy who watched 'Three Count' and he said,

"Hey, you need people like me

who stand behind the 'Mafia' and interfere when it's necessary."

He's a rapper, I mean a real gangster rapper.

When things get rough, he will be there.

[ERKAN] I have had some bad experiences with rappers, so...

[ALI] But he's different. He's a man of his word.

Really, he's totally different.

[ERKAN] Ok, so we do it like this:

Tonight is the tag team match,

for this I need only you because I trust you 100%.

But next week, you may introduce that guy to me.

[ALI] Ok, we do it like this.

[ALI ASLAN] Your car?

[PASCAL] Yeah, brand new.

[ALI] Not bad, not bad at all.

Dude, you know that I don't have any issues with you, don't you?

It's Orlando, who pisses me off.

[PASCAL] Yes, I know.

He's getting on my nerves as well.

Well, are you here by car, too?

[ALI] Well, you know, normally I'm always with a classy car

but not today because it's being repaired.

[PASCAL] Ok. If you want to I'll pick you up after the show.

[ALI] Really? Ok, why not?

Let's do it.

[PASCAL] Ok. Let's do that. See you later.

[ALI] By the way Spalter, at Legacy I will be on your side.

[PASCAL] Yes? Then you are the first.

[WEBER] Sir, you wanted to talk to me?

[RAMBO] Yes, sit down.

Last time you asked me, who sent this fax.

I'll tell you today.

When it comes to a presidential election

there are always people behind a candidate.

You will never win if you don't have the right persons behind you.

[WEBER] What kind of persons?

[RAMBO] The persons who know how to win.

Not the dumb people elect the president,

noooo, the people elect who these persons want them to elect.

[WEBER] So, that means we are just obeying orders?

[RAMBO] Of course! We always did.

The whole time.

But we are on the right side.

We just don't have to lose track of the plan.

[WEBER] So, what's the plan?

[RAMBO] The presidency doesn't matter

we need to stay matchmaker.

[CHRIS COLEN] Hey Mike, how's it going?

[CRAZY SEXY MIKE] All good. And you?

[CHRIS] All good.

[MIKE] Doesn't sound that motivated.

[CHRIS] You know what, Mike?

I like to remember old times when we were in the 'Shake Tent'.

We burned down the house, we had amazing shows, we were a family.

This was really great wrestling.

It was awesome, you know!

[MIKE] Yes, but now we have a huge stage the whole world can watch us.

[CHRIS] Yes. Mike, don't get me wrong I really appreciate all of this

but I am sick of all the lies, cheats,

everyone is texting WhatsApp messages, every guy wants to be a hero,

everyone wants to be the center of attention.

[MIKE] So, what are you pointing at?

[CHRIS] What am I pointing at?

I don't know.

Maybe I am sick of it all.

[VOICE FROM OFF] Backstage everyone, admission starts.

[RAMBO] Hey, why are you smiling like this?

As you know, we are the GWF matchmakers

and I am still president, so...

[AHMED CHAER] Still. I mean, that's good.

You are satisfied and I am too, so it's all cool.

We meet in November.

[RAMBO] Just keep on laughing.

But in November, I will be the only one who remains laughing.

[AHMED] Well..

[RAMBO] You know, the matchmaking is very important.

Why? Knowing what motivates a wrestler

is the key to control and power.

[ALI] You know, I don't care who's the GWF president

as long as I have some appearances.

I really don't care.

Shit, I think I forgot my phone upstairs.

Could you wait for me?

[PASCAL] Yes, of course. I just get in the car already.

[ALI] Ok, do that. I'll be back in a minute.

[PASCAL] "I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry

I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie

I know just how to fake it And I know just how to scheme

I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream

And I know just where to touch you And I know just what to prove

I know when to pull you closer And I know when to let you loose

And I know the night is ..."


[ALI] Dude, did you just sing along?

[PASCAL] No, Ali. If I would join in crap like this.

[ALI] Yes... yes.

[MARTIN] End of work yet?

[RAMBO] Of course it is.

What do you want?

[MARTIN] May I still complain?

[RAMBO] What's the matter, Martin?

[MARTIN] Vincenzo is just telling crap.

I don't want to have anything to do with him or to hear from him.

He's the true loser and I want a match

against him for the Loserweight Title at Legacy.

So I can really beat him up.

For more infomation >> GWF THREE COUNT, Episode 11 [English Subtitles] | German Wrestling Federation - Duration: 40:25.



For more infomation >> TRUMP, 'DI DADALO SA EAST ASIAN SUMMIT SA CLARK -WHITE HOUSE—SMNI NEWSBREAK 20/26/17 @12NN - Duration: 4:17.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - Deejay Narciso - Constipação do Poco - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - Deejay Narciso - Constipação do Poco - Duration: 2:52.


Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Julieta recibe un regalo que la hace llorar - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Julieta recibe un regalo que la hace llorar - Duration: 1:42.



For more infomation >> САМЫЕ УДАЧНЫЕ ДНИ НЕДЕЛИ по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 6:28.


১৮+ শুধুমাত্র প্রাপ্ত বয়স্কদের জন্য। গোপন কথা। Bangla 360 Channel - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> ১৮+ শুধুমাত্র প্রাপ্ত বয়স্কদের জন্য। গোপন কথা। Bangla 360 Channel - Duration: 3:59.


Summer in LA in Paris, via Rhiannon McGavin | EP #11 - Duration: 8:50.

Can't get that in France.

Open 24-7. Whoosh!

This one is from City Lights in San Francisco.

This is from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Or no- wait. It's from Reef Check. I have a lot of marine biologists in my family.

This is from a lipstick company.

One of my really good mentor, big-brother type people gave me this.

"Pan Pacific Bourse"

How many of us searched the library for the new installment of fantasy dystopia comic thriller romance?

every other day, and not a single late fee.

We picked books best read by the pool next door,

for in this lucky park, where you played softball and I cheered, we also had a pool.

It dripped off us like diamonds while we reveled in tan lines from too-big swimsuits,

before we knew any amendments.

One hour of minimum wage translated to a whole summer day.

A dollar for youth admission,

four more bought a hot dog (with onions) red soda and chips please.

We vowed to try every ice cream flavor by September,

the rest of our allowance spent on chocolate and pink licorice stored for late nights reading.

When the lifeguards went on break we ate on the grass in front.

A chain in the flag pole clinks like drugstore change or shells

3 buses from the beach; ants on gingko branches whisper trade secrets.

You could hold your breath longer than me, but I read faster.

Do you remember when my hair was lime-green from chlorine and the coolest you'd ever be was shivering in the young adult section?

with a book,

a damp towel,

a stomach like an upside-down cereal bowl.

The scales in our eyes tipped between paperbacks and hardcovers,

whichever's easiest to carry, bicycle basket heavy tilting home.

The plastic wrappers at the back of my closet smell like sunscreen.

INTV: What inspired you to write this piece?

R: I was thinking about the economics of childhood.

Because I remember, when I was like ten, twenty dollars seemed like the most amount of money

that a person could ever have. (laughter)

You know, I'm at 7-11, and I'm counting out my quarters so that I could get some Red Vines

to take home. And just-- I think in any metropolitan city, there's a lot of free programs available

and open to children. Which are great. Like the library, and the pool in my neighborhood,

which was a dollar and you could stay there as long as you want. The park. Softball.

All of these things. And uh, it's before things start getting really expensive.

So, "Pan Pacific Bourse". Pan Pacific Pool, Pan Pacific Park is the place where I grew up.

And then Bourse means... it's the French stock market. So it's sort of like...

If I give you three gummy bears, will you give me half your chocolate bar? Stuff like that.

Trade. Very important.

INTV: Reminds me of the lunch table. "I don't really like my sandwich. What do you got?"

INTV: What's it like living in Paris, coming from LA?

R: Umm.. It's funny to think that Paris is the other city that I've lived for like a chunk of time.

And that's only because I've lived in Los Angeles my whole entire life, um, so, living in Paris

for two months is the longest I've ever lived anywhere else. Which is nuts! Just nuts.

Especially because I really like it here.

I don't know. You have to avoid all the tourist stuff. You have to avoid the romanticism that's already

been set out for you... uh... and go find grimy things.

INTV: What role does Paris play in your work?

R: For my mom and me, I think that Paris, in our household, held the place that

Jerusalem is supposed to. Where it's like "Oh yes, next year in Paris, we'll go, it'll be wonderful.

It's the motherland. It's where we're supposed to be.

It has all these wonderful things and all these streets that we just know automatically."

I didn't necessarily watch a lot of films about Paris growing up

I would have my mom to tell me about the country, and things like that.

INTV: Our concept is called Runaway Poets. What is a runaway poet, to you?

R: Runaway Poet. I think someone who's just comfortable being other places,

and they're not going to make a nuisance of themselves. That's what I always worry about when

I'm traveling. Is making a nuisance of myself.

I was walking around the city with some American friends a few days ago...

and they were very loud. Umm... and they're-- they order in English, and have their phones out...

you know, at the table, taking pictures of food, and I'm like "Ack, you guys are blowing my cover!"

Umm.. [laughs] but for the poet part,

I really do think that writing is the most accessible art form. Because...

I mean... I guess singing or something, all you need is your own voice...

But not a lot of people are born being able to sing opera or anything. I definitely can't.

Anyone can write, though. Anyone can take a pen and paper and describe their surroundings.

And that sort of accessibility is wonderful countryside, city-side, no matter where you're going.

INTV: Compared to, say, 50 years ago, poetry struggles to reach the mainstream.

How is technology affecting the art form?

R: Well, in the 60's they didn't have the internet.

So when information got around, it got around in a total blasted wave. Umm..

But nowadays we are technically connected all the time. So, there's always information.

It's never going to be like.. blackout and then "WHOA! Bunch of new stuff!"

I am interested in poetry and writing that involves technology in smart, delicate ways

that isn't necessarily Sci-Fi, um, or isn't making a gimmick of it.

Because, you know... a cell phone hasn't been around as long as a tree. A more established literary symbol.

We generally know what a tree is, we.. I can name poems dating back hundreds of years

that involve trees, right? But it's not the same with cell phones. There's a woman in front of us

taking a picture with a cell phone right now, right?

INTV: There are many women taking pictures with cell phones.

R: Exactly. It's a beautiful courtyard. But because we're still understanding what cell phones mean

within the physical world, uhh, we don't have a grasp on what it means figuratively.

People who are able to absorb all this technological information and then be able to render it

into something literary... that's-- that's the ticket.

Not to say that trees are gonna become extinct. I hope not. Oh God...

Do you ever just wake up in the night and think about climate change?

INTV: Ah, in the middle of the night? No. But as soon as I-- in the morning-- first thought?

R: First thought: WHOA! We're dying.

INTV: If you had one wish for society....

R: Oh boy. One? Environmental justice.

Listen, I work a lot in education, world, and crisis center rape culture type things, and...

it just... I hate that I have to explain this phenomenon that's like Millennia-old.

You know? Like, no, don't have sex with someone when they're unconscious.

This is such a basic principle of decent humanity, yet you still have to explain it to people

when the world is facing massive, scientific, biological, chemical disaster that's imminent!

Like, we should all be working on installing solar power! You know!?

So environmental justice, I think. Because also environmental justice is tied up with every other

shitty thing in the world. Umm...

I would really like clean air, you know? Clean planet: that's what I'd like.

For more infomation >> Summer in LA in Paris, via Rhiannon McGavin | EP #11 - Duration: 8:50.


The Balm Bonnie-Lou Manizer is COMING! NEW Highlighters from Makeup Revolution! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 25, 2017

Today's buzz is all about the brand new Bonnie Lou Manizer highlighter on the way from The Balm

and the upcoming Festival Palette from Juvia's Place

more details as they happen

At Nordstrom Rack online, the Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray is 34% off, making

it only $9.97

More from Colourpop!

The "You Had Me At Hello" Eyeshadow Palette, will launch Thursday, October 26th for $18.

Weekly Wow Spoilers: We hear that the ABH Contour kits, Stila Correcting Palette, Becca

Poured, and more will be 50% off starting Thursday!

If you're a fan of Laura Geller's Spackle, it's 50% off today at their site - use code


At the Black Up website, any purchase of $31 or more gets 31% off through Halloween

Makeup Revolution has launched 8 brand NEW shades in the Skin Kiss Highlighter range!

Get yours now at

That's it for now.

We'll see you same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> The Balm Bonnie-Lou Manizer is COMING! NEW Highlighters from Makeup Revolution! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.


Top 10 Strangest School Uniforms - Duration: 4:14.

Welcome back everyone to a most amazing top 10 video I'm Landon, and let's get started.

School uniforms are worn by the students in order to promote unity and equality.

Some uniforms are pretty typical and plain while others, are more outrageous and strange.

So here are the top 10 strangest school uniforms.

Starting off this list in at number 10 with Christ's Hospital School in West Sussex,

United Kingdom school uniforms.

These uniforms look so weird to us over in Canada because they look like they could be

a Halloween costume.

They have strange looking white neck bands and super blinding bright yellow stockings.

They definitely don't look comfortable.

I would hate to imagine what their gym uniform would look like.

Alright moving into number 9 we have the uniform from the Brighton Secondary School in Adelaide,


This uniform is pretty simple looking.

It doesn't show us any school pride though and the colour looks so dull.

It almost looks like a farmer's wife's dress.

I guess they want their students to come to school in these plain uniforms so that there

aren't any distractions.

Harrow School in London, England makes it onto this list in at number 8.

Their uniform is pretty strange because it looks so formal and something that you would

wear to a nice occasion and not for everyday use.

But then things get even more strange with that straw hat.

It seems like a requirement because in all of the pictures, students are either wearing

them or holding them.

Just imagine if you forgot it one day, I bet you would be sent home or suspended.

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson school in Islington, London.

This uniform makes it onto this list in at number 7 because it is very unique and strange.

It looks like something that a young teenage girl would want to actually wear instead of

an ugly, dull coloured uniform.

Well the students at this school helped to design these uniforms because they wanted

more freedom and to feel more comfortable with the way that they look.

Alright now in at number 6 we have the Townsville Grammar school in Queensland, Australia.

These students are forced to wear pilgrim looking school uniforms on a daily basis.

Maybe the school is trying to incorporate some of the past into their uniforms but these

are just not good.

Even though these kids look happy, I bet they are crying on the inside.

James Gillespie's in Edinburgh, Scotland brings us into number 5.

So, I know in Scotland kilts are their national dress but they are mostly worn on only special


But for the boys at this school, they love to wear kilts so much that they came to the

unanimous decision to make the kilt part of their school uniform.

Traveling all the way to Norland Nanny School in Bath, United Kingdom, these uniforms make

it into number 4.

So, if you are looking to pursue a career as a full-time nanny there is a school in

the UK just for that.

But the uniform is really strange looking.

They have to wear a Mary Poppins type hat and brown gloves.

I guess they need to look prim and proper at all times.

Next up in at number 3 we will be talking about Eton College in Windsor, England.

This is one of the world's top private institution and you can definitely tell by the way they


These boys are required to wear a top hat and a tail coat to school on a daily basis.

Talk about pretentious.

They can't escape all of the stereotypes surrounding private schools because just look

at their uniforms.

I bet they would get suspended if their uniform was wrinkly or dirty.

Mooseheart High School Concert Band in Iowa, United States makes it onto this list in at

number 2.

These uniforms have puffy pants and a blazer with a fancy pattern down the chest that looks

like flowers.

They look really stiff and uncomfortable.

These students also look like the could be in the army or military.

And judging by the picture, they don't seem to be having any fun in that band.

Finally in at number 1 we have the Beichuan County school in China.

These everyday uniforms make these kids look like they are going to school in the wilderness.

Their jackets are so puffy and they have a strange bandana around their necks.

They are even required to wear these huge jackets inside the school as well.

It must be cold in that part of China.

Well there you guys have it…

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