Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017




YouTube Channel Name - Ujjal Bhowmik


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Today's Tutorial

How To Make Best Free Professional Logos Online

My Channel LOGO

Ujjal Bhowmik

My Next Video Coming Soon

How to add Branding Logo in your YouTube Channel

One Logo for all YouTube Videos

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How To Brand Your YouTube Channel


How to Create Logo

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Make Best Free Professional Logos Online

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Happy to hello you



For more infomation >> How To Make Best Free Professional Logos Online | Without Photoshop or Skill! Hindi - Duration: 5:28.


Saw IV / Testere 4 (2007) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Saw IV / Testere 4 (2007) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:03.


Saw III / Testere 3 (2006) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Saw III / Testere 3 (2006) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:08.


Youtube Está Acabando Con Nuestra Amistad 👭💔😭 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:54.

For more infomation >> Youtube Está Acabando Con Nuestra Amistad 👭💔😭 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:54.


MHealthy Event - Dow Auditorium - Duration: 1:42:20.

For more infomation >> MHealthy Event - Dow Auditorium - Duration: 1:42:20.


Why do the Yen and Yuan have the same symbol? - Duration: 2:04.

The yen was adopted as Japan's official currency in May, 1871.

Like many other countries, the roots of the currency lie in silver.

The yen was originally designed to weigh approximately 24.26 grams of pure silver, or 1.5 grams of

pure gold.

Although currently, yen coins are made of aluminium.

The word "yen" is actually pronounced as "en" in Japanese.

And the word Yen translates to "round object," describing the shape of coins used by other


The "Y" used in the yen symbol was likely adopted due to the tendency of foreigners

to pronounce the word "en" with a "y" preceding it.

the word yen in Japanese is related to the word yuan in Chinese and until language reforms

both languages used the same character symbol.

圓 – this is because the Japanese adopted many elements of Chinese to create their writing


This symbol is the basis for the internal Yen and Yuan symbols – the Chinese simplifying

it to 元 and the Japanese to 円

This relationship is the reason why both currencies use

the same symbol.

For more infomation >> Why do the Yen and Yuan have the same symbol? - Duration: 2:04.


People Are Awesome 2017 😎😎😎Most Epic Wins Compilation Part 3 - Duration: 10:15.

Help me 1000 Subscribe! Thanks you for watching!

For more infomation >> People Are Awesome 2017 😎😎😎Most Epic Wins Compilation Part 3 - Duration: 10:15.


Energy Update – Letting It All Go - Duration: 7:51.

Energy Update � Letting It All Go

The change in the air is palatable.

We know that things are moving much quicker now and there is a weight of responsibility

with this knowledge.

We are being asked to let go of it all.

All that we thought we were, all that we identify with and all the limitations we have put on


Some are feeling deep depression and anxiety.

This can be due to feeling the pull of the higher timeline while pieces within are still

operating from a lower perspective.

This is causing all that we have not completely healed within to be pulled up at a deeper


It is the time we clear up all that we were not ready to face before.

It can feel like torture until you realize that it can be the final goodbye to that pain

if you are willing.

Others are finding the need for quiet and stillness.

There is much shifting within and the deep changes require patience.

It is a fascinating time as some are finding that their guides are backing off to allow

for the integration of the higher self.

Others are finding their higher-self embedding deeply and this is allowing access to greater

contact within the universe.

It is as if a quarantine has been lifted and access to All has gotten much stronger.

This is the time of disclosure.

While it isn�t �out there� yet, it is happening within.

It is time we own all of our stuff, all of our dysfunction, and most importantly our


Spiritual teachings tell us that we must not identify with our stories that they are simply


Yet, I am reminded of Sananda saying �To look at your life and call it an illusion

is to negate the incredible work you have done.� What I am coming to understand is

that we need to honor our stories, but let the emotions that tie them to us go.

Our stories, our history, what has happened to us, are what has shaped us into who we

are now.

Often it is through difficult life experiences that we grow the most.

We have been forged, purified and strengthened in the fire.

It is understanding that you can honor your stories without having them limit your perception

of all that you are.

When we are unable to let go of the emotions that we attach to events in life, these can

then become part of our identity and secure us firmly into a reality we don�t want to

be in.

Releasing these emotions can be much like the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining,

depression, and acceptance.

Except, it is crucial to add forgiveness and the releasing of judgments we have of self

and others.

We cannot wish away the truth behind our experiences with positivity and love and light.

We must feel it, own it and then and only then can we release it.

Looking at the #metoo movement (where women are admitting to being sexually harassed or

abused) we can see where people are moving into the stages of release.

We can see where some are admitting things for the first time publicly, for others it

gives an outlet to release anger and sadness.

There is also a grouping that is saying #metoo and in those simple words, they realize that

the events no longer hold power over them.

Each person needs to be allowed their process and it doesn�t matter how messy it may seem.

If you haven�t been able to release it yet, now is the time to honor those emotions and

how they have changed you (for the good and bad), release all judgments and set yourself


There is an external energetic push to heal all of this now.

Allow the energies to help you leave behind the pain of your stories and turn them into

your story of triumph and overcoming.

All change happens from WITHIN.

What I have come to understand is this not only means within ourselves but within institutions,

belief systems, and concepts.

I came to this understanding while discussing the education system with my highest self

in regards to my 9-year-old daughter.

I have offered to homeschool her or to find a school that is better suited for sensitive


Her answer to me has been the same since she was five �Mom that is where I need to be.�

There are moments when I know she is speaking from a higher wisdom and I simply have to

trust even if I don�t understand it.

I turned to my team for understanding and they explained that all change happens from


This does not apply to just within the person but within institutions like schools, government,

healthcare and even concepts such as how women are treated in this society.

This is one reason that so many are feeling the pressure to �get back out there�.

It is time to shine the light in all areas of life on earth and allow change to happen.

It is time to see where each of us has played a part in what has been created and help fix

it by simply shining the light and our truth.

We are also being asked to let go of the ways that we have identified ourselves on this

spiritual journey.

I remember merging with Archangel Raphael and my guides telling me, �Don�t identify

with this, for you are so much more.� As we awaken and find our 3D identity stripped,

we can cling onto new identities.

These also must go as we step into the new.

It is not that it is a problem to claim yourself as a lightworker or however you define yourself

as long as you understand that is an extremely limited definition of all that you are in

your totality.

We are being asked to let go of the box we were put in or that we created for ourselves

and to instead experience ALL THAT WE ARE.

While it is a challenging time energetically, physically, and collectively, we are being

asked to let go of all resistance we still have and simply let go.

This was illustrated for me during a lucid dream:

I was on a whale watching boat and the seas were extremely rough.

I was standing on the back of the boat with another person when a huge wave came and knocked

us off.

We hit the water just as a whirlpool was created and we were being sucked down.

I looked over and the other person was fighting with all his strength to not be sucked under.

I began to fight as well when my higher-self says �Stop fighting, you have a life jacket

on.� So I stopped, took in a big breathe and allowed myself to be pulled deep below

the sea.

The suction began to ease, the sea began to calm.

I opened my eyes to see whales swimming nearby as I began to rise towards the surface.

I looked over to see that the person who had fallen off the boat with me, had lost all

his air and had died in the struggle.

I reached the surface took a giant breath of glorious air and saw the sun shining brightly.

I heard my higher-self say �All of you have life jackets, stop resisting and allow it

to help you.�

Upon returning from this vision, I asked my higher self what she meant by we all have

life jackets and she said that the soul�s natural disposition is to always rise to the

light, it is our life jacket.

Feel your life jacket and know that even though you may feel like you are being sucked under,

that you will rise again.

Your soul knows no other way.

Sending you all lots of love and calm seas.

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Letting It All Go - Duration: 7:51.


Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:33.

Hello you beautiful eagles, snakes, lions and badgers! We are in the Great Hall of

all places and you know it's that time of year's Halloween and we're

decorating! So I've got Ravenclaw Ruth with me!

Hello! and we've got everyone's favorite Gryffindor Paul. Not everyone's... in fact...

he's a great man. Hey Paul did you know that I'm gonna go

as a Gryffindor for Halloween! Yeah you'll never get away with it! I Would...I could

blend in ! *Cackle*! So because we know that you don't have all day because you're busy

busy wizards we're just gonna give you the highlights... magic these up in front

of you and have a good old looksee at what we're hanging this year! *casts spell* Pumpkinus Schmumpkin!

Some fine work! So what have you done here? Well I have made a slightly evil

Draco! Urrrmm..are you trying to say that Slytherins are not for life they're

just for Halloween? Because I've got some thoughts about that....

Slytherins ARE for life guys and we ARE NOT the bad guy's! The teeth... the teeth are

frightening! And what have you got here, Ravenclaw Ruth? I mean I went

pretty open plan.... I have got a big aperture... yeah now I went for an "R" for Ravenclaw...

and I've got a very classy gold lust. Some may call it ravenclaw bronze. Yeah

exactly. Very nice. And will the candle burning sort of be

like the flame of eternal knowledge... Yeah the blue flame of eternal knowledge.

That's it! You've got it. How about you? Um so what we've got here is Hedwig,

as you can see. Mm-hmm and Harry, Hedwig's best friend Harry Potter

himself, who for me as a Slytherin is a very scary scary scary kind of guy. If I

was Voldemort right now I'd be the most scared of this guy right here! Well I

think we better get these illuminated. How you feelin? Shall we?

Oh Yeah! LUMOS!


So thank you guys very much for joining me once again in the Great Hall! Thank you

very much to Gryffindor Paul, everyone's scare fest Halloween friend and to

eternal knowledge flame, Ruth Norris for joining us today!

And to our absent friend Danny Burke who's sending

his submission in by owl! But classic Hufflepuff, it's just not here on time. If

you're watching Danny, hellllooo!!!! So if you gyts like this video if you've made Harry

Potter pumpkins of your very own then let us know on social media all of the

links are down below. But for now if you liked it make sure you give this video a

good thumbs up share it with a friend and of course all of you eagles, snakes

lions, and Badgers stay subscribed for more fantastic Harry Potter videos! Bye!

For more infomation >> Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:33.


LLAMADAS DEL MÁS ALLÁ Y ENFERMEROS DEL CIELO - Conferencia de David Cuevas - Duration: 45:26.

For more infomation >> LLAMADAS DEL MÁS ALLÁ Y ENFERMEROS DEL CIELO - Conferencia de David Cuevas - Duration: 45:26.


HIV-Positive School Aide Accused of Sexually Assaulting 7 Boys! - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> HIV-Positive School Aide Accused of Sexually Assaulting 7 Boys! - Duration: 1:16.


HOMEMADE SAUSAGES From Chicken - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> HOMEMADE SAUSAGES From Chicken - Duration: 2:35.


Princess Crown Eye Makeup Tutorial | Julia Dantas | CBC Life - Duration: 2:24.

Hey guys, I'm Julia Dantas and today I'm going to show you how to get this really

fun theatrical princess crown eyeshadow makeup so let's get started

So we're gonna go right to the eyes since that is the main focus of this

lovely video for whatever eyeshadow look I always like to start with a warm brown

right in the crease and this is gonna be a really nice transition color and

everything's gonna fade out really nice into my brow bone so I'm starting out

with a light colour and then building into more purple tones right directly in

the crease and I'm just really taking my time and blending this in really nicely

Next for concealer I'm using my LA Girl Pro concealer and I'm putting this on

my eye and just take your time with this it helps to have a reference in front of

you so I have a reference of a princess crown in front of me so I can look down

and see exactly how it should look and using a tiny defined brush is really

gonna help you out when doing this crown makeup

So next to add in a little bit of

bling I'm using my Makeup Forever Starlet Liquid and recently I've been

obsessed with this product because it's so pigmented and right now I'm just

gonna go back into that really warm maroon colour and I'm just defining the

crown and just giving some depth to it so it looks a little bit more

3-dimensional and not so flat on my face

I'm gonna go back into that colour and just smoke up my bottom lash line to

really pull this look together

So for the gems on the crown I'm using nail art

gems just because they're so dainty and pretty looking so I'm using a bigger gem

for the very middle and then tiny ones on the outside and I'm just sticking

this on with a bit of a lash glue

So here's the finished look I hope you enjoyed this quick and creative eye shadow

makeup look if you guys want to see more from moi check out my personal channel

and i'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> Princess Crown Eye Makeup Tutorial | Julia Dantas | CBC Life - Duration: 2:24.


1080p60fps.mp4 - Duration: 2:16.


*drax happy happy christmas intensifies*

*jumps out*

do you have any idea how hard it is to breath in one of these things


What did you say N*gg*

filthy F*ck*ng casual noob fags

*Badger pls

For more infomation >> 1080p60fps.mp4 - Duration: 2:16.


Origami Dolphin for Kids - How to make a Paper Dolphin easy step by step - Duration: 4:53.

Welcome viewers. Enjoy Origami Dolphin making tutorial with Colors Paper.

You will need 14cm x 14cm or any square size paper for making paper dolphin.

Please follow the tutorial step by step for making best origami dolphin easy.

For more infomation >> Origami Dolphin for Kids - How to make a Paper Dolphin easy step by step - Duration: 4:53.


BEAN BOOZLED CHALLENGE (bad) || تحدي اكل الحلاوة المعفنه - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> BEAN BOOZLED CHALLENGE (bad) || تحدي اكل الحلاوة المعفنه - Duration: 12:03.



With sub player it's normally Connor ow

What's going on? Everyone should boy Connor? How welcome back to my channel and here's another video this time?

it's gonna be on Miss connections from Craigslist, which is actually kind of ridiculous because

Take a look at Craigslist, and there's like ten or so people posting every single day on miss connections

cuz you know what miss connections are

essentially basically a place for people who

See someone in public think they have a moment write a post on Craigslist

And this person is supposed to go on a Craigslist on miss connections and look at what they said and say oh

We missed this connection

Let's get together problem being who goes on Craigslist to look at miss connections ever for any reason?

I I just don't see it

So I thought it was funny so without further ado we have a video on that before I get started

I'm gonna do a product review on this red Gatorade one quart 32 fluid ounces

I'm gonna drink this give you a quick great. Just you know try it out a segment here there. See if you guys like it

Smells smells like the red flavor. What's the fruit punch of berry here we go

I'll give it a 7 point one so yeah, let's get right into the casual encounters. Oh

Sorry about that guys the lighting is just getting messed up, so I to switch up my setup

Hopefully it doesn't get messed up in this video if it does. I'm sorry anyways today

We're going to be talking about miss connections on Craigslist

I just find it fascinating that there's dozens of people posting every single day just in San Diego talking about people they've seen and

Thought well maybe if I post something about this person. They'll see it online on

Craigslist and get back to me and email me back so what I'm gonna do is

I'm going to read through these an email back pretending to be the person. They saw I'm specifically looking at men for women, but

Missed connections has so many different variations meant for men and for women women for men and women for a woman

They have suffered transgender people they've everything and every base is covered as at the end of this video

I probably won't have any of these emails back, but it'd be interesting

I think to follow up with a where are they now of the people who are posting these casual miss connections

Sorry I keep seeing casual encounters miss connections on

Craigslist and see what they're doing so wouldn't we get started with the first one which is too bad

You're sick on 30th and poults so if you've been on this intersection in the past

However long this person specifies you might be in luck. Let's see I

Wanted to take you home with me so bad York you and you have a sexy sultry smile

I would do so many dirty things to you. I was then in the afternoon blue shirt and beer. Hope you get this

I don't go there often, but may have -

All right, let's respond

It's definitely giving any information about who he is I'm gonna say, I'm here if you want me

I like to play dirty

All right sent

One response down. I'm gonna do maybe ten of these number - you work at Planet Fitness in Vista

I'm very attracted to you or I'm always wondering if the feeling is mutual just hard to talk to you when you're always busy

You're surrounded by your co-workers you wear glasses most of the time and always do something different with your hair

Here's the thing about people who are in casual encounters as well miss connection when people are on Miss connections

They assume that these people are just like going to go on and read this about them and say yeah

This person's talking about me as if they know who this person is like this guy

says you work at Planet Fitness into this not cool, so he's one person that goes to her gym and

Somehow, she's supposed to be like oh, yeah

It's that guy maybe he's like staring at her and give me a I don't know all right

We're gonna say Ari that very tried to do, and I'm always wondering if feeling individual

Just hard talk to you and always busier, surrounded by your coworkers. I'm gonna say odd. Thanks cutie

These people who work with me

Always, they've earned my attention

But the feeling is definitely mutual

Coffee soon

Two for two third one looking for a fifth year old sexy will map haven't get me to say one okay?

This guy's 29 years old says that right here. I'm this is this a good one. I'm average body good-looking

I work out looking for a 50 years woman. I could get to know and have fun. You won't regret

I have an alias and I'm not 50 years old, but I'll say I'm 25 but

I am

Lon news my two young

Green Day concert and sorry I kind of cheated, but I've seen that this person has posted one two three

Four all right, so he's posed to the same add four times the past two days something important must be on the students fine

Let's see what it is Green Day concert who was there many beautiful women a lot of fun too would like to chat about

Lol kick me at okay. I'm gonna hopefully blur that out. I don't have kick I

Was definitely at the concert I


You almost looked

Billy Joe

But anyways

Let's see what this guy has to say this video is just going to be so trash

and I apologize in advance because I put the truck number I

naughty muffin

If this is your new nickname. Hit me up. I'd love to talk and more email here to start say something L

Know is you yo what's up dirty bagel. We both know

It's not a muffin here

You're trying to get nasty

Let me back

All right, VA hospital so for those who don't know it's that's kind of a military hospital. That's a big deal

This guy's 28 probably a military, dude

I'm pretty sure I could be wrong only six four

Bodies athletic and he lives in a pretty good area who lives by the bed

So this guy should not be posting on missed encounters

I was the guy in the gray sweater that you talked to quick seconds before they called you back

You've had on great tights with pink jackets. I wish I would have said more, but hopefully you see this hey cutie

Of course I saw you

I wish it was like a heart eyes emoji others

Coffee sans

I cut a response back too bad. You're sick

These people oh my god, what is this what I said I

Said I'm here if you want me like cousin. Where do you work so I know you're real

What was this original ad oh man this guy's an idiot too because he put it on 30th and pull

North Park

Is it clearly like a club or something woohoo, I think it's rip current. I'm just gonna guess that might be wrong

Please do you rip current. I got one response. Hopefully that works out. We saw each other once more literally

I love early if you go to San Diego. Go to little sorry. I can't speak

I love San Diego if you go to San Diego go to Little Italy it's a great like little neighborhood

Has some really good food. You're a food runner. I can't agree exchange

I was working as cook one time before I said be your eyes are beautiful, but I never had the courage

I thought if you're being this tell me what you made me how am I supposed to notice news nameís?

There's girls name is definitely in thought tonight how am I supposed to answer this?

Let's just I mean maybe your response. I said Claire Claire is the name of the alias you could probably figure it out if you

Are a sleuth?

But if not whatever don't worry about it because it's not like a part of the joke this dude. He emailed me back

I guess the right place oh

My gosh what did we talk about I'm obviously gonna dodge this

But I just told you where you work. How are you? Why are you gonna dodge me?

Stop dodging

You know it's me

There you go this might make the video better, I'm sorry

I'm not like high energy and all that stuff

But I think this should be fine all right so one two three four five six seven all right all right eight now almost done

Your new upstairs in apartment five I came up to ask you to be more quiet

It's a great misconnection right I'm tall strong intelligent

I came upstairs to ask the new tenant to please be more quiet and considerate about noise coming to downstairs

I was not ready to find a sweet beautiful short feminine woman with cute wet hair inside

I love your femininity and your sweet voice. I would love to please you in all ways and you smile all over

I'd like to make me smile over and over every day

I wish you would come borrow a cup of sugar who borrows sugar nowadays come on

I wish you would come borrow a cup of sugar ask me to fix something for you move something heavy feet man kill a spider

Come for a cuddle fest or maybe have me bury my face between your beautiful legs, and oh my gosh, okay

And then we have the best nap ever together in case you can tell

There's a lot of sexual stuff all right

I bumped into you again as you were taking out your trash, and I gave you the composter locks, okay?

He doesn't didn't I say anything this dudes kind of just also. Oh yeah, by the way

I'm kind of the best person on earth is they sorry

That plenty of sugar

But I'm always down

or a cuddle fest

You know that's not a great response. I'm just gonna leave it at that stairs. I miss my buddy

She was perfect she claw and bite and hated ginger. You should remember how to get ahold of Jax. Meet me at our stupid spot




Last one too bad you're married

Glad your husband didn't come home. I really liked watching you play with your vibrator, and you let me come in your mouth

Maybe we can do it again sometime

Is this real

What is that? How do you do a bunch of sexual stuff with someone and

Not like get their number anything. I just don't understand that but anyways beyond me it's past me

I don't understand any of this that's why I'm in this video

I'm trying to get more connected in this

misconnections world you know try to see what's going on get a feel for the land become intertwine with these people follow me tonight I

wish that it was more exciting than this how about



Just destroyed a marriage

But I need definitely didn't destroy it now that I think about it the person who destroyed it is

the person who cheat on her husband, but ok I

Laugh because I wasn't at rid of her

I've been there in a bit actually in a fitted as like two blocks all right

But I don't think I'm a guy you're looking for maybe we should console each other yes, man. Oh?

I've got this dude. He's on my line right now. I just got a real man nice and slow oh

Hey, man, these people are so dumb by the way in case you couldn't tell oh. Yeah I


Dirty emoji face, where's the like?

Anyways, thank you so much for watching this video. Let me know you liked about the video

Let me know what I can do to make these videos better. We're still at the tip of the iceberg

I'm working on the noise the lighting all that stuff. We're going to get to the point where these are really good

I'm hope you guys know. I'm still at the point where I know this is still a work in progress

We're going to get to that point where I'm feeling really good about these videos and hopefully is a good step

I already have a response to be sure like I said this obscure graphical part - it's coming out

Hopefully I'll have more responses from more than just this one guy, but regardless. I'll be on misconnections more

I actually got it right that time so for me getting it, right

please leave a like on that video leave a like if you want to see me wear a hat in the next video if we

Hit a million likes. I'm going to wear a hat it at prompts it will happen

I know you might not believe me, but if I get a million likes on this video

I promise he'll be wearing a hat so until next time have a good Halloween

Have a good whatever holiday it might be Thanksgiving Christmas. I don't know up


That's a forgery small size as well beeps directly to shrink. I'm gone more time

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