Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

Health Ranger reminds us that U.S. food safety regulators are running on corruption

It�s a new day in Washington, D.C. after Donald J. Trump defied the odds and beat the

political establishment of both parties, but unfortunately, the federal bureaucracy lives

on and until he has more time to cut it down to size, it will continue to make lives more

difficult � and dangerous � for Americans.

One group of regulators that is particularly loathsome are those who deal with food safety,

notes Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. In a recent podcast, he

asks if you�ve ever wondered why toxic food additives and ingredients that are banned

in many other countries around the world are still legal in foods sold across the USA,

or why GMOs aren�t allowed to be labeled in America, keeping consumers in the dark

about what they�re eating?

�The answer is that U.S. government regulators have been deeply corrupted by industry influence.

They now operate solely to protect the interests of food and agriculture industries by keeping

consumers ignorant of all the toxic poisons and GMOs they�re eating,� Adams says.

The Health Ranger noted that many substances like GMOs and pesticides are being banned

by other countries but not the United States, because our government �is so incredibly

corrupt� (as we�ve seen once more in recent days with new revelations about how Russian

officials bribed Hillary Clinton and her husband to get 20 percent of U.S.-held uranium � and

the FBI knew about it but did nothing).

Adams says Americans are currently living under a system of �food fascism� because

the government is so beholden to many big corporations and together they have formed

a totalitarian partnership that beats down competition while enforcing corporate- and

big government-friendly rules, even to the detriment of We the People.

�When you have big corporations write the regulatory rules, you have fascism,� he

said. �When government exists to protect the interests of the corporations while betraying

the interests of the people, you have fascism.�

And the problem is particularly inherent in the American food industry, where corporate

control over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture

(USDA) is pervasive.

�Think about it,� he said. �Why in any sane society would we not label GMOs? Why

would we not want the consumer to have more information that they can use to make an informed

decision about what they wish to eat?

And yet, every legitimate effort � by states, by advocacy groups, by organic growers � to

force the government to mandate GMO labeling has gone down in defeat or is being litigated

out of existence in the courtrooms. (Related: Check out the Health Ranger�s GMO labeling

song �Just Label It�.)

While the issue hasn�t yet come up during the Trump administration, President Obama

� who claimed in 2008 during his first presidential campaign to support GMO labeling � signed

federal legislation in August 2016 preempting states from requiring food labeling to contain

information on GMOs.

That law, Adams said, signifies to Americans that they don�t really have a right to know

what�s in their food.

�Of course, America is the headquarters of Monsanto and the biotech industry, which

of course have their financial tentacles into academia, the media� and government.

Adams noted that Trump is pro-organic and doesn�t need GMO corporate America�s money,

making him the most likely president to push for new legislation that would require food

makers to fully inform Americans about what�s in their food.

�It�s no coincidence that the people who used to argue that smoking cigarettes was

safe are now arguing that GMOs are safe,� Adams said, alluding to the similarities between

how the tobacco and GMO industries are using similar public relations tactics to keep people

in the dark about the dangers of

their products.

For more infomation >> Health Ranger reminds us that U S food safety regulators are running on corruption - Duration: 4:27.


Essence of Murli 26-10-2017 - Duration: 6:48.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 26th October 2017

( Being part of spiritual family, we are all brothers and sisters.Like in last kalpa, we have met again. Thus are also brothers )

( Now how should our behaviour, conduct be ? .. Lets hear same ...)

Essence: Sweet children, you spiritual Brahmins should have a lot of love for one another.

Meet together to discuss and decide how to give everyone the true Father's introduction.

Question: On the basis of which faith can you children make your fortune elevated?

Answer: First of all, let your intellects have the faith that the One who is teaching you here is God Himself

and that you have to claim your great fortune (hundred fold – saubhagya - fortune) from Him

Only then would you study with Him every day and be able to make your fortune elevated.

The Father's shrimat is: Children, you must study every day under any circumstances. ( Pl note this )

If you are unable to come to class, read the murli at home.

( but read murli every day without fail )

Song: You are the Ocean of Love. We thirst for one drop!

Essence for dharna: 1. Live together with a lot of love for one another.

Get together and decide how you can enable the Father's message to reach everyone.

2. This is the time of destruction.

Therefore, have true love for the one Father. Have the soul purified with yoga.

Blessing: May you be knowledge-full and trikaldarshi and remain constantly happy and content by knowing every secret of the drama.

The children who are knowledge-full and trikaldarshi can never become upset (naaraaz).

(because they have knowledge of all three aspects of knowledge )

Even if someone defames or insults them, they would still remain happy (raazi)

because those who understand every secret (raaz) of the drama cannot become unhappy. ( Pls note this slogan )

Therefore, always have this awareness: if you are not happy having become a child of God, the Father, then, when would you be happy?

Those who are happy and content now are close to the Father and equal to Him.

Slogan: Those who remain innocent of waste are true saints.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 26-10-2017 - Duration: 6:48.





5 AM at Freddy's: the prequel & sequel (no swearing) - Duration: 5:21.

*Nightguard pulls down camera tablet and sees Toy Bonnie in vent, And just as Toy Bonnie

walks in, the nightguard puts on the mask* Toy Bonnie: Heyyyy, Freddy!

Nightguard: Aha, H-Hey Bonnie!

Toy Bonnie: Have you seen the nightguard?

Hes not wearing his costume again...

Nightguard: Haha, pssh.

Well, you know him.

Toy Bonnie: Yeah...

But we'll find him eventually.

Its just been difficult with that spare freddy head that hes been wearing...

Nightguard: well, as you can see, Hes no where around here, So... why dont you go look elsewhere?

Foxy (distant): NIGHTGUARD!

*Foxy dives at nightguard, nightguard flashes light on foxys face, burning his eyes*

Foxy: ARGHH!

Toy Bonnie: Wait, you saw the nightguard?

Foxy: Aye, thats the nightguard right there!

*Toy Bonnie examines nightguard* Toy Bonnie: No, thats just freddy.

Foxy: No! hes doing that thing with the... spare freddy head again.

You know, Messin with your facial scanners.

*nightguard flashes light in foxy's face* Foxy: AHHH, If hes freddy, why does he keep

flashing that wretched flashlight in my face!?

Toy Bonnie: Well, your obviously scaring him.

Foxy: SCARING him?!

*nightguard flashes light in Foxy's face again* Foxy: If you don't stop that, I'm gonna gouge

your eyes out!

Toy Bonnie: FOXY!

Calm down!

Foxy: NO!

I'm the only one in this damn place that can see through that disguise!

Balloon Boy, back me up here!

Balloon Boy: I don't really care if hes freddy, I'm just trying to get my hands on his sweet,

succulent, Double A batteries! *nightguard steps back a little*

Foxy: I've had enough of this!

*aims a flintlock pistol at nightguard* Show them your the nightguard!!!

Bonnie: Ehh, that pistol is a prop.

Foxy: *growls* You know what?

Wheres freddy?

There cant be two freddys, right?


Freddy: Yo.

Foxy: Well, now we got TWO freddys in the room.

Toy Bonnie: Cool!

Foxy: *facepalm* Bonnie, Oh my GOD, I will slap you!

Freddy: Wait, whats going on here?

Toy Bonnie: We're looking for the nightguard.


Freddy: Hmmmm...

I'm pretty sure thats freddy.

Foxy: Oh, god dammit, YOU'RE FREDDY!

*Freddy starts walking away* Foxy: Where are you going???

Freddy: I'm out.

Toy Bonnie: Uhhh...

I don't get whats confusing.

Foxy: Bonnie, Listen, Oh wait, what time is it?

*Mangle appears* Mangle: Hey fellas!

Foxy: Oi, Mangle! what time is it?

Mangle: It's about 5:59.

Foxy: 5:59?!?!?!?!?!

*Rips mask off of nightguards face* IT BE THE NIGHTGUARD!

Toy Bonnie: The nightguard?!

Freddy: The nightguard?!

Balloon Boy: Batteries!

*Nightguard puts mask back on* Nightguard: No! no!

Guys, im freddy, you know that!

*Foxy dives at nightguard, Just before Foxy reaches him, It turns 6:00*

For more infomation >> 5 AM at Freddy's: the prequel & sequel (no swearing) - Duration: 5:21.


Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online - Duration: 4:51.

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online

For more infomation >> Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Mobile Number Details Free in Pakistan |Sim Database Online - Duration: 4:51.


Corey Feldmans Wahrheitskampagne - Hollywood Kinderschänder entlarvt - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Corey Feldmans Wahrheitskampagne - Hollywood Kinderschänder entlarvt - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 6:58.



For more infomation >> ENERGIAS CÓSMICAS ACELERAM SOBRE O PLANETA p/Hilarion - Duration: 7:01.


ВВСН пшениці (частина перша) [HarvestDiary] - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> ВВСН пшениці (частина перша) [HarvestDiary] - Duration: 5:11.


This Is Us - You Can't Grab Me Like That (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> This Is Us - You Can't Grab Me Like That (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:59.



For more infomation >> BRUXARIA INFALÍVEL PRO AMOR! - Duration: 2:24.


PARTYPOPPER PRANK!!🎉 ll BramVlog #15 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> PARTYPOPPER PRANK!!🎉 ll BramVlog #15 - Duration: 8:32.


Restaurant Tipping in America Is...Bad?! - Duration: 11:35.

A tip is supposed to be a little extra bit of money, often given to reward good service,

but nowadays in some industries in the U.S., such as restaurants in particular, tipping

has stopped being a little something extra and instead it has become the customer actually

paying most if not all of the employee's earnings.

So is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Hey everyone, Dana here!

And I think tipping is good. And bad. Hmmm, okay wait, let me start over.

When I lived in the U.S. I did work as a server for a little while.

And let me just start by saying that I'm very sorry to anyone out there who had to

have me as their server, I was not cut out for that job and it wasn't one that I enjoyed at all.

But I did like the idea -- in fact I loved the idea that what I earned each day or evening

was based on my performance, and perhaps a little bit of luck as to who I got as customers.

I would go into each shift feeling like the sky was the limit for how much money I could make.

If I could just smile and really hustle and get to as many tables as possible without

spilling or dropping anything, who knows how much I could earn.

Maybe there would be someone really generous who would come in that evening and they would

leave me a huge tip that I was probably not so deserving of because I had probably forgotten

their drink or messed up their salad -- like I said, not a good server -- but sometimes

people were just super generous.

Sometimes customers just out of their kind hearts left me a very nice tip.

But sometimes they didn't.

I was left just thirteen cents one time, and, oh boy, was that a sad moment.

I had worked and worked and worked, so hard.

I was really trying my best.

And then I got just thirteen cents because the customer decided that I didn't deserve

to earn anything more than that.

The customer made that decision, that I didn't deserve to earn my wage for the work that

I had done.

Which when you think about it, is actually a pretty strange thing.

That doesn't happen at the movie theater.

The customers at movie theaters don't get to decide how much the person who sold them

the ticket should make that evening based on how much they smiled or how many mistakes

they did or didn't make.

Or what kind of a mood the customer is in that day.

No, that is between the employee and the employer to work out.

Not the customer.

But well, I mean, whatever, this is just how it's done at restaurants everywhere around

the world, right?


And I had no idea before leaving the U.S. for the first time, but no.

It is not the case everywhere in the world that the customers at restaurants are expected

to pay most or even any of the server's wage at all.

Here in Germany it is customary for a little tip to be left, usually I would say around

ten percent, but here this is a tip in the actual sense of the word, a little something

extra on top of what the server is earning.

But, for example, in Sweden from my experience, that's not the case.

We went to Sweden a few years ago and tried to leave a tip at the restaurant, but they

expressly said no, they would not take the tip.

They said that they had just been doing their job.

They wouldn't take it.

Even though out server had actually gone, as far as I'm concerned, above and beyond

her job that day.

The restaurant that we had gone to had just recently gotten a new menu and hadn't yet

had the chance to translate it into English, so it was only in Swedish.

So our server stood there and read through the whole menu to us, translating it into

English for us.

And still she would not accept a tip.

She said no, it's just, that's part of my job.

I've also heard that there's no tipping in restaurants in Japan too.

I don't know first hand, but that's what I've heard.

Okay, fine, but still this is how it's always been done in the U.S., so just leave it be.

Nope! Wrong again.

And first of all here, even if something had always been done a certain way somewhere,

why in the world would that be a good reason to keep doing it?

Just because something has "always been done a certain way," if we realize that now it's

not actually a good way of doing things, or maybe it was a good way of doing things at

one point, but now it's not anymore, then it should be changed, regardless of how long

it's been done that way. Right?

But anyway, no, it hasn't always been done like this in the U.S.

According to several articles that I read, which I will link to down below, America actually

got their tipping practices from Europe in the latter half of the 1800s.

And actually, at first, when tipping was first introduced from Europe into the USA,

a lot of people in the U.S. did not like it.

Being able to buy better service was actually considered anti-democratic at first in the U.S.

But, obviously, over time that changed.

Whereas in Europe some of the countries from whom the U.S. had actually first gotten the

idea of tipping, had, by the middle of the 1950s started scaling back their tipping,

either with mandatory service charges on the bill or mandatory wage minimums for the employees.

Which brings us to where we are today.

So is tipping like this in the USA bad?

Well, as someone who has worked as a server in the U.S., and as someone who has experienced

basically mandatory tipping in the USA, a little tipping in Germany, and from my experience

no tipping in Sweden, I have to say that I personally prefer the whole no tipping thing.

As a server in the U.S., yes, it was kind of exciting to think that the harder I worked

the more money I could make.

But for one, that made it all the more devastating when I didn't get a good tip, or any tip

at all, especially if I had done everything "right" and to the best of my abilities.

Just because the person eating forgot or didn't feel like tipping or whatever, just because

of that I didn't get paid for my work?

Come on, like I said, that doesn't happen in other jobs.

Sometimes at restaurants in the U.S. people don't like the food they ordered and then

because of that they don't tip the server.

Going back to the movie theater example, it's like, you can't go out and see a movie and then

if you don't like it, well sorry the person who sold you the ticket doesn't get paid that night.

But also, because of the tipping system in the U.S., when I was a server everything,

and I mean everything about my evening, became solely focused on making as much money as possible.

Because like I said I knew the sky was the limit.

So I focused so razor sharply on that bottom line that it really felt like any other measurement

of success, like enjoying the evening or making a fun connection with other people just disappeared.

Later when I worked as a hostess in a restaurant, where my earnings were the same no matter

what, I got paid per hour by the restaurant, I felt like I was finally able to enjoy my

job and enjoy the evening.

And for a while, yeah, I did think, like, well but the tipping system in the U.S. incentivizes

better service at restaurants, doesn't it.

But then I realized that actually makes no sense.

If I didn't give good customer service at the restaurant that I worked at as a server, yeah

I guess I wouldn't have gotten good tips, but I also probably would have been fired

for not doing my job because giving good customer service is a part of the job of being a server

in the U.S. Customer service is important in America, and I get good customer service

in the U.S. in places where there's no tipping at all, like at the grocery store.

Or when I worked as a hostess at the restaurant, I wasn't getting any tips, but I still gave

great customer service because that was a part of the job.

And actually I felt like I was able to give better customer service as a hostess because

I didn't have to worry about those tips.

And lastly, as a customer going out to eat, I personally would much rather just have a

set service fee that I need to pay, automatically added to my bill or, you know, just have the

server's payment included in the price of what I'm buying, just like at other places,

like at the movie theater or the bowling alley.

The cost of paying the employees is just added into the price that I have to pay when I go

do that activity.

This system seems to work just fine at other places. Why not at restaurants?

But that's just me.

So my question for you is: Do you think that tipping like this is good or bad?

Would you prefer to live in a world without tipping?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching.

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

If you enjoy these videos, please don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button.

And also a really, really, really, really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons

on Patreon who help make these videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

Which brings us to where we are today.

I'm hungry!

Then it should be changed, regardless of how long it's been done that way. Right?

Like we can learn from the past and change the way of doing something.


That's the wonderful thing about humans. I think?

Until next time...I'm waving way too soon! Auf Wiedersehen! Okay, I'm done!

For more infomation >> Restaurant Tipping in America Is...Bad?! - Duration: 11:35.


Weekly Torah Portion: Lech Lecha - Duration: 24:01.

For more infomation >> Weekly Torah Portion: Lech Lecha - Duration: 24:01.


10 Teams For True Football Romantics To Manage In Football Manager 2018 |Football Reports| - Duration: 5:28.

As you probably know, very soon the new edition of Sega's famous Football Manager is coming


In order to prepare you for the hundreds of hours you are going to spend with Football

Manager 2018, we are going to recommend you a few very interesting teams to start your

career with.

Hello and welcome to a special Report from the Romantic World of Football!

It is a very important decision, so listen carefully.

These are the teams true football romantics should start with.

We are definitely not going to talk about any PSGs, Barcelona's or Manchester United's.

The first club on our list is the German team Dynamo Dresden.

Dresden was one of the most successful Eastern German clubs, winning 8 league titles in the

former Eastern German League.

Following their relegation in 1995 from the unified Bundesliga, Dynamo took a nosedive

and have been very inconsistent.

The challenge is to restore the giants of East German football to the top of the unified

German pyramid, taking them from their place in the 2.

Bundesliga where they are competing with some very strong teams.

For those Football Manager fans that love a long-term challenge, Billericay Town, in

the seventh tier of English football, will prove to be a very popular choice in the 2018


Backed by multi-millionaire owner Glenn Tamplin, the Essex club have famously signed players

like Jamie O'Hara and Paul Konchesky, while Jermaine Pennant has also turned out for the

Isthmian League Premier Division club.

Take on this challenge and see Billericay Town one day promoted to the Premier League.

For a completely different kind of challenge, consider taking over Minnesota United FC in

the American Major League Soccer.

Minnesota United, in the furthest northern part of the United States, is a completely

new club and started competing in the MLS this year.

Build your squad and manage the various specific American rules, like drafts and salary caps.

And one day, be the king of soccer.

We return to Europe, but it doesn't get less exotic.

You should really consider starting a career in the brand-new Kosovo league.

Kosovo just recently became an UEFA member and the league is on the bottom of the UEFA


The best club in Kosovo is currently FC Prishtina from the country's capital.

While the league is just getting started and things aren't as organized as they should

be, there is whole lot of potential in this small country.

You should also consider managing the national team in parallel.

Our next club, Paris FC, is not to be confused with Paris Saint-Germain.

While taking over PSG is hardly a worthwhile challenge, leading Paris FC to the top of

French football should be far more entertaining.

The club plays at the rather small Stade Sébastien Charléty and hasn't played in the French

top division since 1979.

Paris FC has a very good youth setup, which you should consider when taking them from

the Ligue 2 to the Champions League.

Arsenal fans will know what I'm talking about when I mention the incredible atmosphere

at Marakana Stadium, the home of Red Star Belgrade.

You should really consider starting a career in Serbia, Red Star has an amazing stadium,

incredible fans and a lot of talent and potential.

The club even won the European Cup Aka Champions League in 1991.

A fact often forgotten by today's football fans.

You know what?

Just watch the entire video we already made about this club, the link is in the description.

For our next club we are going to the Netherlands, where Feyenoord Rotterdam celebrated its first

league title after 18 years, in front of Ajax and PSV.

The club has some amazing fans, an incredible stadium called De Kuip and a very, very talented


Youth development is everything here.

Also, you can try your luck in this year's Champions League.

We also made a video about them, link is again in the description.

A similar challenge to Red Star Belgrade, is the Croatian team Hajduk Split.

Located in the heart of beautiful Dalmatia, the club is supported by the oldest Ultras

group in Europe – the Torcida.

They make an excellent atmosphere in the beautiful stadium Poljud.

You can try to lead Hajduk back to the top of Croatian football, against teams like Dinamo

Zagreb and HNK Rijeka.

The last league title was won in 2005, so there is a lot to do.

The very talented squad should help you, the finances will not.

Also check out our video about Hajduk, link is, you guessed it, in the description.

Another great challenge can be found in Italy's Serie B. Parma Calcio once had the likes of

Gianluigi Buffon, Hernan Crespo and Fabio Cannavaro in their ranks, but times have changed

since the club lifted the UEFA Cup in both 1995 and 1999.

It has been a turbulent few seasons for the Italian outfit, but two years after bankruptcy

forced their demotion to the fourth tier, the club are back in the Serie B following

a second successive promotion.

Taking over a team that has fallen spectacularly in recent years is a task that many will be

relishing in Football Manager 2018.

Nothing is more enticing than helping a sleeping giant return to former glories.

Are you also impatiently awaiting the World Cup 2018 in Russia?

Why not get yourself in the mood by starting a career in Russia?

The best club to do so is probably Spartak Moscow.

A huge club with a lot of tradition, who plays in the Champions League in a brand-new, modern


What more do you want?

Also a lot of potential here in the giant Russian market and a very competitive league.

Thank you for watching this video!

If you have other suggestions on who to manage in FM 2018 let us know in the comments.

Like and share and see you next time!

For more infomation >> 10 Teams For True Football Romantics To Manage In Football Manager 2018 |Football Reports| - Duration: 5:28.


What to Wear on Halloween - Duration: 3:52.

Halloween is next week, meaning it's time for a slew of virtue signaling articles and

think pieces on why every costume you want to wear is racist, bigoted or some evil form

of cultural appropriation.

Allow me to spare you the mental exhaustion and propose something truly radical...wear

whatever the heck it is you want to wear this Halloween.

For me, it's gonna be the same Obi Wan Kenobi costume I've worn for about the past 10 years,

though this year I think it'll look particularly sharp with my new found beard.

Forgetting the specifics of who's offended by what today, the real issue here I'd like

to address is how the set of people who find offense everywhere are actually doing something

much more offensive than any costume could ever accomplish.

This endlessly outraged crowd are trying to suck the joy out of every facet of life from

comedy to Halloween.

It's just one of the many techniques these control freaks masked as the good guys use

to whittle down your own sense of what's right and wrong until you bow to their demand of

total conformity.

Once they can get you to stop joking, stop wearing costumes you want and most importantly

stop thinking for yourself, it's very easy to manipulate you socially, politically or


It's also one of the reasons we've seen so many thoughtful, decent people purged by this

hysterical shrieking movement over the past few years such as some of my former guests

like Bret Weinstein and Laura Kipnis.

When conformity of thought is your number one goal, then diversity of thought is your

number one enemy.

This leaves little room for conversation, comedy or costumes.

It's precisely why comedy seems largely dead right now.

Who turns on late night TV to watch a comedian lecture you about politics?

Come to think of it, who turns on latenight comedy at all anymore?

What I wouldn't give for Johnny Carson to be resurrected from the dead to show these

guys a thing or two.

Actually, zombie Johnny Carson would be a pretty great Halloween costume.

Someone make it happen, I'll retweet you.

Once conversation and honest debate is taken away all that left is yelling.

Once comedy is taken away all that's left is lecturing and once costumes are taken away

all that's left is conformity.

None of this adds up to how a healthy society should operate.

Does this mean that some conversations are hard to have?


Does that mean that some jokes are offensive?


Does it mean that some costumes might trigger someone?


But we shouldn't trade in the distinctly human trait of using our minds to talk, to joke,

or to express ourselves though dressing how we please, just because it might offend someone.

Of course with that all in mind, it's up to you where that line from edginess to offense


This is what great satirists and comics and writers have had to deal with for all time.

If you get close to the line, you might just trip over it, and rightly or wrongly, there

probably will be consequences for your misstep.

One year in high school I dressed up as an Amish guy, one of my friends dressed up as

an Orthodox Jew and another dressed up as a Catholic priest.

We didn't do it to offend anyone, we did it because it was different and in some ways

that's Halloween is all about.

We also egged a bunch of houses and stole candy, but fortunately that was before Twitter.

As for me, I have no desire to go out of my way to offend anyone, but I understand why

it's so important to live in a society that allows us to do just that.

So this Halloween whether you're a slutty nun, a sexy pocahantas, or a good old fashioned

geisha, remember, it's better to be any of those than a mindless, conformist zombie just

looking for brains.

For more infomation >> What to Wear on Halloween - Duration: 3:52.


TASTY HALLOWEEN CARAMEL APPLES! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 2:47.

You're watching Little Wanders on BabyLeague. And Halloween is next week, so we thought we

would make some spooky caramel apples. This is always a fun Halloween

traditions. Anything apple. Bobbing for apples, cider... caramel apples is one of my favorites.

And for this episode Judge Juny here will be trying baked apple.

Here's what you need to make your Halloween caramel apples. Apples of course, caramel,

sticks to put the caramel apples on, and heavy cream. All the other ingredients

are optional and it's really just what you want to decorate your caramel apples with.

Whether it's chocolate chips, color chips that you can melt and make your

apples different colors, crushed graham cracker, M&Ms, or even candy googly eyes.

To get started you're gonna line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.

Next you're gonna firmly place a stick into the top of each Apple. Place the

caramels in a medium saucepan set over medium-low heat.

Then you're gonna add the heavy cream and cook the caramels, stirring

occasionally, until they melt and the mixture is a smooth consistency.

Then reduce the heat to low. Dip each of the apples into the caramel mixture, shaking

off any excess and scraping any caramel off the bottom of the apples.

Then roll the apples in your preferred toppings and place them on the lined

baking sheet. This is where you can get really creative and just kind of have fun.

I'm gonna use melted, colored chocolate

to coat mine. That way you can do different colors, different designs, and

really just make it spooktacular. Okay, now it's time for Judge Juney to see

if she likes the main ingredient, baked apple.

Hmm. I'm not sure if she likes this one. what do you think? Leave a comment below.

Do you think this was a yes or a no?

Okay, that's it. I think they turned out pretty well. There's was a few mishaps,

but I think we ended up doing pretty good. My white one here, the eyes drooped a little bit,

but that's part of the fun of it... is just like experimenting and decorating it

however you want. But that's it for today's episode. Go ahead and hit that

subscribe button if you haven't already to watch every episode of Little

Wanders. Also subscribe to our Channel Steps to Wander where we daily blog.

And be sure to leave a comment below how you decorate your caramel apples.

Thanks for watching! See you next week!

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