Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

hey guys it's Ashley and today I'm gonna be showing you guys how I got my last

minute Mermaid Halloween Costume this video

is actually a collab with Tegan talks and Clariz I'll leave a link in the

Bio like if you go check it out alright let's jump right into it so the

first thing that you want to think about my making a Halloween costume is what

kind of things you already have at home and for me that was mermaid things I

have this shirt that I got from forever 21 a while ago and it was like only five

dollars so this is perfect. The next thing that I found was this material I

got from the local fabric store and I thought this would work perfectly as a

skirt. Next I went to the dollar store and I found these glass beads that I

used to make a necklace the next thing that I got at the dollar store were

these shells that I used to make a headband I just glued them onto an old

headband that I already had but I didn't like it very much so I ended up using

this shell clip instead

all right let's go put everything on now. As you can see I already have my shirt

on and the next thing to do is put on my necklace

now time for the hair clip and here's my skirt I just hold this material and have

to make a shorter skirt but you can always keep it long depending on what

type of look you're going for I didn't safety-pin the skirt or

anything I just tied it together and I felt like it was pretty secure so I kept

it like that but you can always safety pin it if you feel like it's gonna come

off to pull the outfit together I glued some shells onto some flip-flops

and there you have it my last minute DIY Halloween costume. Don't forget to check

out Clariz and Tegans channel to see what costumes they did. The links are in

the description box below

For more infomation >> Last Minute Halloween Costume - Duration: 2:27.




In a recent Ted Talk, neuroscientist Anil Seth revealed irrefutable proof that conscious

reality is not shaped by the world around us.

In fact, quite the opposite is true.

Our brain hallucinates our reality into being.

It uses past experiences and sensory data to make a series of predictions about the

outside world.

Through this process, it generates the world.

The world we experience comes as much, if not more, from the inside out as from the

outside in.

~ Anil Seth, Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex,

United Kingdom

The Brain Creates Conscious Reality

Backed by various scientific experiments, Seth explains the process in which the brain

creates what we perceive as our conscious reality.

The brain uses sensory information in the world to help it form its best predictions

about what is possible.

Additionally, it assimilates our experiences of the physical body and applies that to our

perception of the self.

All of these experiences are further shaped by the biological functions that keep us alive.

Seth explains:

What we consciously see depends on the brain�s guess of what�s out there.

Our experienced world comes from the inside out not just the outside in.

This applies to our experiences of what is and what is not our body.

These self-related predictions depend critically on sensory signals coming from deep inside

the body.

Seth believes that once the brain has made its predictions, it hallucinates an experience

that we perceive as reality.

Thus, in a sense, we are predicting ourselves and our world into existence in real-time.

Do We Have the Power to Change Reality?

Many believe that we have the power to shape reality.

This is exactly what Seth is also saying � the brain creates, aka hallucinates, our conscious


Unfortunately, most people take their reality for granted.

We often believe that the world is what it is, and that we are just a tiny spec in a

much bigger organism.

We call this organism life, society, humanity, existence, etc.

Whatever nomenclature we choose, this bigger organism is actually a figment of our collective


A hallucination, per say, that we have all agreed on for thousands of years.

And since we�ve agreed upon it, we call it reality.

Consciousness and its influence over reality remain a great mystery of modern science.

We have yet to apprehend the full inner workings of the mind and its power over the human experience.

One thing neuroscientists, such as Anil Seth, are starting to reveal is that life is not

a random assembly of matter that sometimes produces a body and a conscious mind.

On the contrary, it is the conscious mind and our conscious experiences that create

and organize the world into being.

With a greater sense of understanding, comes a greater sense of wonder and a greater realization

that we are a part of and not apart from the rest of nature.

~ Anil Seth Final Thoughts

Let�s be honest.

The idea that we can shape reality can be very exciting, but the concept may also seem

completely implausible.

Many of us feel like we�re the product of our parents, society and culture, barely in

control of our own lives.

Yet, the reality is that this is just what we�ve been programmed to believe.

Not only programmed by culture and media, but programmed on a cellular level through

our human ancestry.

For many of us, just entertaining the possibility of creating our own reality may be enough

to reshape our perceptions about what is possible.

This in itself could motivate you to pursue an ambition or dream you thought unattainable.



The Untold Truth Of ASMR - Duration: 6:27.

What in the world is ASMR?

The Guardian called it "a feeling of otherworldly relaxation…like your brain is melting in

a good way."

And, it comes from stuff like this:

Feeling good yet?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or ASMR, is a unique phenomenon that causes a distinctive

sensation of tingling, relaxation, and well-being.

Recently, ASMR has moved from the dark corners of the internet to YouTube, and now everyone

can try it out.

So how does it work, and are you one of the people who can enjoy it?

Experts and "trigger artists" weigh in on ASMR's scintillating secrets.

Trigger happy

Maybe getting your hair washed sends a wave of tingles through your scalp.

Maybe you've always felt a strange kind of relaxation watching Bob Ross.

Maybe your yoga teacher's voice makes you feel a calm and blissful static.

Sound familiar?

You may have the ability to experience ASMR.

But the ASMR feeling doesn't just pop up out of nowhere.

As described in a paper in the scientific journal PeerJ, it has to be triggered — in

a good way — causing "feelings of relaxation and well-being."

Dr. Craig Richard, professor and founder of ASMR University, divides ASMR triggers into

three categories.

First, "Tactile stimuli" can include watching or experiencing "Light touch, massage, hair

touching, grooming, and physical examination.""

Next, "Visual stimulation" can include things like "eye gazing and observing slow [often

methodical] hand movements."

And lastly, "Auditory stimuli," involves specific "vocal types [like soft whispering], oral

sounds [like chewing], and object-related sounds [like crinkling]."

"At the end of the day I just like to take my bra off right away when I walk in my house.

And I like to get my back scratched right where the bra connects.

That's it."

ASMRtist, Tony Bomboni says his favorite triggers, quote, "Have to be water sounds, whispering

up close, typing sounds, white noise, and rumbling through packaging or plastic."


One of the goals of the PeerJ study was to explore the "suggestion that ASMR may be of

use for providing temporary relief to individuals with depression, stress and chronic pain."

Self-reported results recorded a measureable improvement in mood, with the biggest margin

of relief found in the most serious sufferers.

Popular ASMR YouTubers claim that their videos will help you sleep, and so far, anecdotal

evidence seems to back them up.

Bomboni even said he avoids ASMR if he has things to do because he will too easily "drift


New sensations

Many people compare the elusive and difficult to describe phenomenon of ASMR to the likes

of synesthesia, or misophonia.

Could these conditions, along with ASMR, work through similar biological, neurological,

or chemical functions?


If you experience one, you're slightly more likely to experience another.

Notably, the results of the PeerJ study, which discussed the similarities of these three

phenomena at the outset, found that a measurably higher percentage than the general population

of people who experience ASMR also experience synesthesia, suggesting a link requiring further


Making a living

Bomboni, of the Tony Bomboni ASMR channel, makes creating online ASMR his full-time career,

using "five different microphones...two different cameras, two laptops, multiple mic stands,

[and] two sets of lighting equipment."

But Bomboni is far from the only one who makes a living creating tingly content.

Some mega-popular ASMR YouTubers, like Maria of Gentle Whispering ASMR, command over a

million subscribers.

It's not sexual

With videos of people whispering in your ear, pretending to massage your scalp, or giving

you intense, personal attention, this ASMR thing might seem like it tilts toward sex.

But most people who experience ASMR would probably tell you that's not true at all.

As one artist known as ASMR Darling says,

"…please do not think that ASMR is sexual at all.

ASMR itself is not sexual.

It is biologically not sexual."

Similarly, Bomboni says he has "given up trying to explain that it is not meant to be sexual,"

and that he does "think it is common now for ASMR to be sexualized," even if that's not

the intention.

Special request

Many ASMRtists claim they get ideas for their content based on user requests.

As a result, the web is flush with videos of roleplaying doctors giving cranial nerve

exams, makeup tutorials, neck massages, hair brushing, intimate talks with friends, and

optometrist appointments.

And there are also some super specific themes, such as roleplay vids "Store Clerk Examining

what you Stole" and "Sad Wedding Planner."

Hey, whatever makes you trigger!

There's a spa for that

In summer of 2017, BuzzFeed staffers tried out an "ASMR Spa" in New York City.

It turns out that Whisperlodge, a real ASMR day spa, doesn't necessarily feature traditional

spa treatments, but rather "trained guides [who] work one-on-one with each guest in a

series of visual, auditory, and haptic treatments designed to relax the body and mind."

With more locations set to open in California, it seems that in-person sessions might soon

become an option for ASMR enthusiasts.


Have you experienced the magic of ASMR?

Or… are you not quite sure?

If you want a methodical way of determining your status with ASMR, grab a pair of headphones,

go to YouTube, search "ASMR test," and see what happens!

"First of all, if you're listening, you're beautiful.

And you're a good person."

If you're obsessed with ASMR, or want to learn more about it, hit up the ASMR Research Project

website, and take the online survey for the lucky among us who experience ASMR.

Your answers could help scientists understand this weird and wonderful phenomenon, and how

it might be used around the world as a beneficial new therapeutic practice.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of ASMR - Duration: 6:27.


Last Minute Halloween Makeup Tutorial: 1 Look, 3 Ways | Julia Dantas | CBC Life - Duration: 3:26.

Hello everybody I am Julia Dantas and today I am going to show you three really easy

classic Halloween makeup costumes all based off of this makeup look right here

so you guys want to get some Halloween inspiration then please keep on watching

So for this look I want to pale out my face I'm going in with a lighter

foundation and then of course I'm gonna be applying a little bit of concealer

underneath my eyes and on the top of my forehead

so for this look the contour is really really important and that is

what's going to make this look really come to life so I'm mixing a cool tone

contour shade with a little bit of a grey shade and when I'm hollowing out my

cheeks I'm kind of bringing that downwards and then I'm just hollowing

out all of my prominent features I'm going back into that gray shade from my

Pierre Cosmetics palette and I'm using that to do my eyebrows so that

everything is really cool tone.

Moving on to the eyes in the same palette I'm

gonna be picking up a light brown color and I'm just gonna dust that right in my

crease as a base and then I'm gonna go back in to that gray shade with a little

bit of Fix+ and put that really pigmented on my

eyelid and then of course I'm gonna smoke out my bottom lash line as well

I'm also gonna bring this underneath my eyes to make them look super sunken in

and hollowed out

To finish off my eyes I'm gonna be applying a little bit of

black eyeliner and I just went ahead and popped on my lashes

Moving on to the

lips I want them to look super muted so I'm just applying a little bit of

concealer on them and then at the very center of my lips I'm applying a little

bit of that gray eyeshadow to make them look super spooky

So my first look is

you guessed it a mummy so I have a pre-soaked my cotton bandage in a little

bit of tea overnight and this is gonna give it that decaying distressed look

that I want and I'm just wrapping it around my head and neck

Moving on to look number two we are gonna turn this mummy into a scary

vampire so I'm just swapping out my lipstick to really sell this vampire

look and I'm also gonna shade in my lips with a little bit of black eyeliner to

give it that really ombred effect

For my third and final look we're gonna be

doing something a bit more on the spooky and grungy side so I'm gonna be turning

myself now into a ghost I have teased my hair up so it's super

super big and I'm spraying some white hairspray into my hair to really sell

this ghost look this look is definitely a little bit more fun and theatrical and

last not least I'm applying some fake cobwebs to my shoulders and neck area

That is my top three favourite last-minute Halloween costumes based all off of this

makeup right here which was super easy to achieve it's crazy how your

hair and your costume can change the whole vibe of your makeup right? And if you

guys want to see more from me check out my personal channel

I'll see you guys in the next video bye

For more infomation >> Last Minute Halloween Makeup Tutorial: 1 Look, 3 Ways | Julia Dantas | CBC Life - Duration: 3:26.


Towie's Amber Turner And Chloe Sims Transform Into Sizzling Sirens as They Dress Up for Halloween - Duration: 1:48.

Newly Single Amber

Was every inch That Fallen Angel as she showed off her Curves in A black Bodysuit Which she Teamed with a matching

Corset in Thigh High Boots She Completed her Look With Black wings and

Ghoul Style Makeup While her Blond Locks, Were Styled Into Glamorous Waves

The Star Was Happy to brave the cold in her Skimpy Outfit as she Made her way to a House party

Being Held for the Reality Show

Chloe Simmons, also turned Heads in A Sheer lace gown Which Perfectly Showed Off her Surgically Enhanced

Cleavage The Mother of One wowed in the Plunging dress Which Featured a daring thigh high Split Down The front

She Completed her Look With Lace-Up Heels

Spooky Makeup and A stylish Updo why lauren Pope opted for A semi Sheer

Black Maxi dress Which She Teamed With Heels and A gray wig

Gemma Collins Went all out With the Glitter Covering her Hair and

Decolletage With Shimmering Gold She wore A black Maxi dress complete With Black Glittering Cape and

Spider Necklace


For more infomation >> Towie's Amber Turner And Chloe Sims Transform Into Sizzling Sirens as They Dress Up for Halloween - Duration: 1:48.


I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE STILL USE THESE!! [C4 Rage] - Duration: 3:50.

I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE STILL USE THESE!! [Rage] - call of duty black ops 2 cod bo2 cut commentary gameplay walkthrough ww2 world war 2 leaked online multiplayer zombies footage and easter eggs ali a C4 Jev Faze Clan - Viiew

what is going on everybody's once again view here bring you guys my first cut

come in a pretty long time actually I haven't even played called Diddy I think

it's been like a month or so I've been playing a lot fortnight which I've been

having so much fun on that lately but the streams they just do so bad I think

it's because of how oversaturated the game is like I'm pretty sure every Call

of Duty youtuber has at least one fortnight video at least one but I do

have pub G on my PC so if any of you want to see pub G gameplay please let me

know I've never eivin even what anyway so I

haven't even opened pub G yet on my PC so if you guys want to see like a first

time playing pub G type of video please let me know because I think that would

turn out really well I think I'd like the game I think you guys would like the

game or maybe even stream it I'm probably gonna stream a pub DS a really

good game the stream okay so he just ran through every every motherfucker in

there and decides to slash me are you serious hey guys probably notice if the

video looks way different from my last video and that is because I changed up

the lighting a lot I got a completely different lighting setup I think it

looks like ten times better it looks so orange in the first video I'll probably

happen on the screen right now oh my god it's so gross also I fixed the FaceCam

black so I think that should you know definitely be better cuz I didn't notice

until I was done editing cuz I thought my ending suffer was lagging but the

face cam was just so wonky it was terrible and like almost as bad as

disconnection what the heck why was it just my connection I also had just the

white balance because you know that plays a part in how orange the video is

so yeah the quality should be way better than the first video all I say I'm not

too proud of the first video now that I'm like looking back on it just cuz of

how many like mess ups are we're like there was anything mistakes camera

mistakes of course like you know all the glitching like I've been talking about

now the only bad thing about having a DSLR in general is that you have to

restart the recording every 10 to 12 minutes I don't know how like the exact

time is for this camera is I have a really high capacity SD card but I'm not

sure if it's 10 minutes or 12 minutes I think I'm gonna do in the future is just

have a timer set on my phone so for this video I'm just gonna see if it goes to

12 minutes or 10 minutes whatever it happens to be oh my god dude I I forgot

to write to this bomb sick and congested that's why I sound like a cow but yeah

so I plan on doing a setup video soon because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna keep

this setup for a while I know I keep changing up my setup and all that but I

like the way it is right now he said nine minutes and forty seconds

watch I'm gonna forget about it and then my whole recording is just gonna have no

face cam or not the whole recording but just have the recording come on okay den

shut off I'm pretty sure it's 12 minutes because that's what it was last time I'm

gonna make sure that's like a consistent number I don't know do this camera stuff

okay why don't I feel like I'm doing good right now but I'm really not

oh wow I suck the flash me you fuck me it's not really a c4 do I just like turn

into Jeb or something but yeah I don't know how I am for trickshotting on this

game because I feel like that's just horrific like I don't even want to try

it's gonna be it's gonna be awful in what the hey markers dude I'm gonna I'm

going in Wow he literally sat there and cooked it oh my died of course I can't

wait to see this BS from a third-person play view three feet one how do I win

that Josh here we go on GX swag this guy was the only person killing me Wow look

literally three bullet rails going at me it took that log to kill me are you

serious but anyways guys give me a first video I hope you all enjoyed it if you

did be sure to give it a thumbs up and go down below and subscribe I never got

a chance to say this but thank you guys so much for 1,200 subscribers I still

think that's just such a disgusting amount and yeah I hope you all enjoyed I

will see you guys in my next video peace out everybody


For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE STILL USE THESE!! [C4 Rage] - Duration: 3:50.


Coloring Pages Mushroom for Kids - Painting and Drawing Coloring Books - How to Draw for Children - Duration: 2:07.






Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Coloring Pages Mushroom for Kids - Painting and Drawing Coloring Books - How to Draw for Children - Duration: 2:07.


Destiny 2 Strange Hive Pods Explained on Titan - Duration: 13:04.

Welcome back Guardians, in today's Destiny 2 lore episode we are going to explain what

exactly is happening on Titan, which involves those strange Hive pods, Savathun and the

giant beast in the depths of Titan.

(Titan beast footage) Once again, thank you for your support on


Gammatrap has produced some more phone wallpapers, Amanda Holliday will be uploaded very shortly

and available to Patreons.

She will be added to the collection of digital artwork and 3D phone wallpapers.

(patreon images from Osiris) This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy

this latest Destiny 2 lore episode.

[INTRO] To really understand what is inside these

Hive pods (Hive pods, festering halls), you need to understand why the Hive are on Titan.

If you are anything like me, I didn't really understand why we were sent to Titan, apart

from trying to retrieve Zavala (Zavala on titan footage).

The basic premise is that Zavala went to Titan to try and build a resistance to strike back

at the Cabal, even though this is stated in the very first mission, I must have not read

the mission description the first time around (arrow pointing to Titan).

Sloane (Sloane as npc) also summarizes the importance of Titan in prepping a fleet, arming

guardians and specifically decrypting Red Legion transmissions.

She says.

Commander if I may, Guardian this is deputy commander Sloane.

We have a counter-offensive to plan.

To do that, we need to get this station up and running.

There's a fleet to prep, Guardians to arm, and a trove of intercepted Red Legion transmissions

to decrypt.

It's critical we gain access to the station's control center.

That's where you come in.

If the Light really is with you, send the Hive back to hell.

Decrypting Red Legion transmissions actually becomes a central mission for being on Titan,

in fact it is the reason for why Guardians are sent into the Arcology, (Golden CPU) we

are tasked with retrieving a golden age CPU which is predicted to provide enough power

to decrypt Cabal transmissions.

Although it is not every explicitly said, I imagine this is why Zavala came to Titan,

Zavala realized that Titan was a previous Golden Age colony and may contain technology

to win the war.

Many scannables reference what Titan was like during the Golden Age, including numerous

marketing campaigns to entice colonists to the moon of Saturn.

"Screen's dead, but the feed's still running.

Ooh, kind of a catchy jungle.

"New pacific archology!

The next frontier is you!"

"The screen is broken, but the data flow is intact.

It's streaming some kind of commercial, talking about all the wonders of living on

the "new frontier of humanity."


So, Zavala comes to Titan, (cutscene with Zavala) hoping to salvage any golden age relics

and formulate a plan to defeat Ghaul, BUT little did he know that the Hive had already

invested the planet (invested tunnels).

So, what are the Hive doing on Titan?

Well essentially the Hive on Titan are doing the exact same thing as what the Hive did

on the Moon in Destiny 1, they are building an army and trying to summon their Hive god,

most likely Savathun, Oryx's sister.

If you remember back to Destiny 1, in our dimension, the moon had a summoning crystal

(the wakening mission), and the same crystal existed in Crota's throne world (crota end

raid), for whatever reason, Crota needed to be summoned from his throne world to our dimension.

It is never really explained why Crota could not just enter our dimension and needed to

be summoned, but essentially the Hive were breeding an army on the Moon and then Crota

was to be summoned to the Moon to then invade Earth.

Obviously, we interrupt the summoning ritual in the Dark Below Campaign by destroying the

crystal (destroy crystals) and then we head into Crota's throne world during the Crota's

End raid, defeating Crota once a for all (killing crota).

For those who are unfamiliar with the Books of Sorrow, to truly defeat the Hive gods,

you must kill them in their Throne worlds.

Oryx and his sisters, Savathun and xivu arath each created their own throne worlds, essentially,

other dimensions that protected them from dying.

(Oryx taken himself) So like the moon, I believe the exact same

thing is occurring on Titan; the Hive are building an army and they are trying to summon

Savathun from her Throne world to our dimension.

The Strike mission, Savathun's Song, is the main evidence for this where we literally

stop a summoning ritual by the Hive.

Your ghost says, (savathun song mission) Taeko: Im looking at a hell of a summoning


Biggest Shrieker I've seen in all my lives.

Mark my words, something real mean and real old is gonna use that thing to lay eyes on

this planet Considering there are multiple Hive enemies

that reference Savathun (savathun enemy) and multiple scannables that reference Savathun

and the name of the strike mission is Savathun's Song, it is heavily implied that the Hive

are trying to summon Savathun to our dimension.

Further-more, there is a scannable that reinforces the idea of crystals being teleport links

between our dimension and the Hive throne world, have a listen,

"It seems like these floating stones mark places where the Hive have weakened the line

between our world and theirs.

Bet all the weird magic they have out here comes from sources like this."

I think you can say with a high level of confidence that the Hive are trying to summon Savathun

from her throne world to our dimension, and like the moon, the Hive already on Titan are

building and establishing Savathun's army.

Now, here is where it gets really interesting and the Hive do something that we have not

quite seen before.

They have two components for breeding the Hive, the first component is the Hive bodies

themselves and the second component is the worm inside the Hive.

Most of you likely know by now, but just in case you don't, the Hive have a worm inside

of them (worm popping out).

Oryx formed a symbiotic pact with the worm gods on the planet the fundament, Oryx struck

a bargain with the worms gods, who are agents of the Darkness, similar to how the Traveler

is an agent of the light.

The pact with the worms required the Hive to keep killing, death fed their worms and

in turn granted more power, however, if they Hive failed to feed their worms through killing,

their worm would consume them.

So, I believe that the yellow sacs on Titan contain the physical bodies of the Hive being


This is reinforced in the first Titan mission called Hope.

In that mission we have to clear out the Hive Breeding ground by destroying the yellow sacs.

(yellow breeding sacs) The second component to create the Hive, is

the worm.

It appears that the Hive are breeding the worms too.

Have a listen, "It's a cocoon of some kind.

The life inside it isn't Hive, exactly.

This could be how the Hive's symbiont worms grow."

Now, this is interesting for multiple reasons.

In the Books of Sorrow, Oryx was given the worm larvae from the worm gods, and even though

we saw the worms on the Dreadnaught, I don't believe we have seen the Hive breed the worms


In fact, this is what Oryx discovered is that he could never truly become powerful because

he was given the worms, and the Sword logic demands that they take, it was this realization

that led Oryx to kill one of the worm gods, Aka, which then gave Oryx the power to become

the Taken king.

So, instantly I think, Savathun is the sister of trickery and cunning, she is breeding the

worms, if she has the ability to breed the worms, would you she not breed them so that

they would no longer harm the Hive, whilst still granting them power?

So this is what I am speculating, the Hive are exactly doing this, they are breeding

a different version of worms on Titan and we can see this evolution and experimentation

in the cocoons of the Worm as the Hive perfect the breeding.

Have a listen to this scannable, "These Hive spawn pods are different from

the ones we say before.

Maybe a different brood.

Or a different generation.

Gross and confusing."

As you can see this cocoon looks different from the first worm scannable.

Is this the first stage of upgrading the worms.

Then we find another cocoon that reads, "Yet another strain of Hive.

They're doing an awful lot of testing out here.

Trying new things with magic and ugh breeding."

This to me confirms my theory, the Hive are experiment with breeding and I think they

are specifically experimenting with breeding the Hive worms.

Lastly, we can see what I believe to be the final form of the experiment, a very advanced

looking cocoon with a rune etched on the side.

Have a listen, "We saw this rune before, on the Dreadnaught.

It means either "doorway" or "treasure" or "chamber" Perhaps the Hive use this

run to tap into their Throne-world dimensions."

Could this be the final worm experiment, that the Hive created this cocoon and using their

magic connected the cocoon to their throne world, changing the very nature of the worms,

allowing the Hive to breed the worms to grant them power but without any of the drawbacks.

Of course this is complete speculation, however I do believe it reasonable that this rune

cocoon contains the worms because the pods are often consistently positioned next to

live worms, almost as if they have hatched.

(worm pods next to each other) Furthermore, we see Titan hollowed out by Hive tunnels,

filled with the yellow sacs and these strange pods.

Which once again to me indicates that this is the final stage of their worm experiment.

Their breeding grounds are full of the yellow sacs and these strange pods. (tank mission)

I think at the very least, there is enough evidence in the scannables to suggest that

the Hive are experimenting with breeding the worms.

From my point of view, the idea of the Hive creating a synthetic worms on Titan makes

sense, because Savathun is the sister of cunning and trickery and in addition, she was in possession

of the Vex mind, Quria blade transform and this vex mind that was trying to simulate

the Hive worms.

I wonder if the Vex mind was used in the process of experimentation and breeding of the worms.

If you believe this theory, then this is where things really start to get scary, because

in the depths of Archology lurks what I believe to be massive Hive worm, which I believe is

supported not only by the appearance of the creature but because we know the Hcive are

experimenting with worm breeding on Titan.

So if this is a worm, who is the most likely candidate… that's right a Hive god?

What other Hive entity would be large enough to receive this worm?

Has Savathun created a Giant synthetic worm to replace her own and free her of the worm


Lets just hope we can prevent Savathun from ever being summoned.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 lore episode, if you would like to support the

channel, leave the word, Worms, to symbolize the new breed of worms on Titan.

As usual it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


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