Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

- Hey, Brenda! - Yeah?

I ask you something yeah?

If a zombie apocalypse ever happens right?

Who would you want to be in your team?

What do you mean?

I mean like.. Let's say out of everyone in the office..

If you can pick one person to be on your team..

Who would it be?

Hmmmm.. Oh, that's easy!

Brian! *Brian thumbs up*

Why Brian?

Well.. because I feel that he know alot about survival stuffs?

And.. he is also always well equipped!

*Epic rock music with Brian gearing up*

Okay! Fair enough!

Let's say I give you three people la okay?

Who would you pick to be on your team? Three people...

Ermmm... Brian.

Jamie because she's my best friend.. and...


Ernest!? Why would you pick Ernest!?

Errr... because he's a badass?

He's a badass!? All he does is just sit in front of his computer and play Hearthstone!

You think if a zombie apocalypse come he can do anything?

NEVER MIND! Don't answer that question!

Five people! Five people! I let you choose five people's name!

Okay.. err.. Let's see...


Jamie, Ernest..


Chia Hou!

*sighs* You serious ah you?


*Sighs* Fine.. Fine.. Fine..

Never mind.. Never mind.. It's okay one..

Seven People!

I let you choose seven people to be on your squad!


Brian, Jamie, Ernest..

Nick, Chia Hou, Tim..

And... Klex!

Are you serious ah!?

- What?? - No even? *points at himself*

TEN people! Ten people!

I let you choose ten people to be on your team! You just choose the best ten!

But our office only have nine people..

NEVER MIND! Never mind! You just choose your ten..

TOP TEN AH! The BEST ten of the people that you know in the office!

- Okay.. Erm.. - Go!

Brian, Jamie, Ernest..

Nick, Chia Hou, Tim..

Klex, Kelvin, Husky..



FISH!? Why would you pick Fish!?

Because I need someone to be bait?

But he's been here less than a week!

Well then, I'll miss him less!

Are you- Are you SERIOUS?


What's wrong?

Nothing lah!

*Police, Ambulance & Emergency Sirens*

Anyone? Guys? Guys? Please! Anyone there??


Dan! You're still alive! OMG, everyone else is dead!

They're coming! They're coming!

The zombies are coming!

Wait.. Wait! What are you doing!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING??


Wait, was it because I didn't choose you the other day?

Dan! Dan! I take it back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I'll choose you! I choose you! I CHOOSE YOU!


Don't pick me somemore lah.

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Zombie Squad | Office Skit - Duration: 3:45.


Megalo Strike Back 【Chara 💔 Vietsub Phụ Đề - Cover by Melt】 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Megalo Strike Back 【Chara 💔 Vietsub Phụ Đề - Cover by Melt】 - Duration: 4:12.




Kim Hunter

Denni Uilyams

For more infomation >> КИМ ХАНТЕР И ДЭННИ УИЛЬЯМС В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ l FIFA 18 - Duration: 2:44.


Ohio State Fans | Tailgating With - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Ohio State Fans | Tailgating With - Duration: 2:13.



oh hey what's going on yo yo yo CPR strength here today we're gonna be

cooking with CPA Strength one of my favorites and you might have been asking

JD you always say you boys get swallowed up dang dog gonna say JD what makes you

white trash I'm gonna show you what makes me white trash it the microwave is

like a real cooking devices just I use it more than probably anything so we're

gonna dip my favorites potatoes people always say potatoes are like some

of the best so the best foods whatever Li you can live on a potato alone so

just a regular old potato from the store I mean these are cheap a whole I get a

whole big five-pound thingy for a couple bucks so they're cheap so here let's

take you over to the microwave we're gonna go over to microwave we go over

microwave mine hey man ain't me you know we do we're here man come on

man come on me do I got the thing dude boy anyways tell me rusty man how are

you rusty I make microwave work boy so that's a big one so I say 2 potatoes to

actually that thing that making wood is like a really old but so so yes now you

got 10 minutes to wait let's see I got that going all right I got usually my

this is like my I like this book thing Amazon Prime of course right

cooking with JD so that that going what are we gonna have what you don't have

with that buddy I might have I cooked up I got three pounds of turkey meat chef-y

JD and me baby I got three three pounds of turkey meat that I cooked that I

cooked up yesterday I ain't think I just nibbled on it I wasn't even hungry for

it but I just bought it I want to freeze it so I cooked it up and you know

sometimes I'm in meal prep mode and I would prep this with like maybe some

rice and veggies or whatever I can some veggies all the time

I don't really know I should have some veggies all right since for the camera

yeah just doing this just for the youtubes fogger not so I'll have some

green beans with the - I got kid green beans well what I was good at this is

like us this would be like a staple yeah I can have this with so many different

things just some ground it's ground turkey meat but it tastes just like

ground beef I think I did not garlic powder season it it's got a bunch of

this is my body and pepper just put liberally on there I'm a seasoned guy

you know I like to season it up so yeah what is wondering if I can talk long

enough well the potato is being cooked

look at those forearms that was obviously a joke can I talk long enough

oh Jesus Frommer's I do have problems with the can opener so yeah I'm not even

gonna really right I'm gonna keep the getting the wide at Lana see that right

on porn I'm not even gonna heat up the turkey meat of the green beans

what else am I gonna get I'm gonna get

sour cream

and some some smart like a Publix of course so I opened this yet

so yeah whoo I'm just gonna get on my night I'm gonna get on Monday morning

still used to go play football is I won't even call them out but every time

you stick out hardy go Monday coach Marnie Marnie Oh hiya how my knee was on

my knee

it sounds like is popping off I got the light sour cream it's I got the no fat

sour cream for a while but really you mean fat calories to secrete your enzyme

so you need some factor in today so that's why this I think this is a good

well-balanced meal right here with a meat and this is like 85 85 percent lean

so it's 50 percent fat I think it's 85% protein 15 percent

factor there's no carbs and meat so this is this is some protein and fats right

here basically and then the everything else is kind carbs and I'm getting some

vegetables with the green beans this is gonna be good you know a well-balanced

meal but I'm saying the potato I've seen thinking like a potato holder and sanad

and you gotta cook the potato in the oven for 45 minutes or something I mean

I've been cooking since I am white trash I'm good white trash - you know like I

do a good I've been cooking potatoes in the

microwave since since and sense sense sense

what else going on this morning

you know I put a video out about just sharing just stains how about my

addiction and you know we got a couple comments that I got you know so far on

it just been really really positive and

you know just say that I like one one of the comments was like you know you're

you're inspiring and I get up I get up and I watched your video and then I and

then I hit them books you know I stay grinding and I'm like wow that's awesome


so the way that that feels real good and that kind of goes on another thing I was

watching I'm an avid power cast watcher mark Bell's power casts he does only two

times a week now but in the past three years and I've guy I've seen every

single power cast for the past two years I catch them like every Wednesday night

isn't Wednesday and Fridays or something so I've been a little more busier now so

I I I listened I watch them on YouTube I listen to him on the podcast the Apple

iTunes podcast at night to sleep but I usually watch them I know he's Hannah

Brian Shaw today and although Brian Shaw is like the world's strongest man like

he it's still it's interesting because I'm trying to be the best you know I'm

trying to be the best Jonathan door and I can be but you know

I'm also trying to have you know I'm trying to have like I'm not really sure

you know accounting channel yes I I I seem to be really passionate about like

motivation inspiration but I'm trying to have you know the best YouTube channel

I'm trying to have the bet you know I'm trying to do the best that I can do is

something and to hear what the best in the world

his process yeah

what what what his thought process it's it's similar in a way to mine like his

you know he tried he tries to do so many small things and take the hard choice

and be uncomfortable and I just find it I find it I just see the correlation

with even though his is strongest man in the world so you're picking up like

Atlas domes or big picking up huge things you know and that's his he's

trying to be the best and he is the best in the world at that I'm over here and

I'm trying to have the best YouTube channel I can you know have the best

physique I can at the gym and but let's just say YouTube channel or best

accounting practice best business I can you know those are different picking up

being the best in the world of picking up things versus being the best in the

world at a growing of a business but there's so many the thought process is

very very similar I bet this is done now so yeah we're gonna go like that we're

gonna we're gonna mush it down all right we're gonna mush it down like so we're

gonna get some some butters cooking with JD so that's we just car just taught you

how to cook a big potato right so now we're gonna mix in

mixing that butter I'm gonna mix in some of that sour cream your buddy

make sense on the sour cream here yeah like I don't like it

two two mixed up kind of like a country style like some big bites you know the

different taste I don't need to talk yeah we're almost done cooking with Judy

now this didn't take me too long either three pounds this probably cook took me

I don't know 20 30 minutes said I got a bunch of meat turkey meat look at that

not for last thing the green beans

so you know that's what twelve twelve minute meal

anyways cooking with CPA strengths today hope you enjoyed it hope you crushed

your day what time you upload 8 a.m. you can see me everyday for new video like

comment share subscribe comment if you've ever microwaved a potato down

below have a blessed day I'll see you tomorrow







Yorumlarla Kazakça Şarkı Yaptık - ( БАЗАР ЖОҚ ТЕК ШЫМКЕНТ) (TÜRKÇE ALTYAZI) - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Yorumlarla Kazakça Şarkı Yaptık - ( БАЗАР ЖОҚ ТЕК ШЫМКЕНТ) (TÜRKÇE ALTYAZI) - Duration: 5:40.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.104 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.26] - Duration: 32:53.

(Episode 104) Mother, Mother.

Keep your balance.


What's wrong with Mom?

What did you two do to her?

Ms. Lee Seonok drank way too much today.

Geez. Get off me.

Mom, hold onto me.

Okay. Suhyeok.

My dear son.

Of course she's happy to see her son.

What? You two are sober.

Did you make Mom drink alone?

But I'm allergic to alcohol.

I felt bad drinking while you were working away.

These wretched girls.

They kept feeding me wine.

Wretched girls...


Why are you being such a baby?

Let's go in.

Those wretched girls.

Yes, that's right.

Thank you for tonight.

I didn't do anything.

I feel a bit better thanks to you.

I was actually very down today.

Is something wrong?


I'll send Suhyeok over quickly.

Go turn in.


What is it now?

I heard the whole story.

It wasn't just me but also Mother

who you gave a talking to, right?

Does that make you happy?

Truth is, it did make me happy.

Does that make me a bad person?

Good grief.

Suhyeok, let's go on a date tomorrow.

What for?

The party tonight wasn't enough?

You weren't there.

Make time for me tomorrow no matter what.


I'm so happy.

Mom's the one who drank,

so why do you seem drunk?

Just sleep here.

You startled me.

I really don't want to sleep alone tonight.

Our dear Ms. Lee Seonok really must be drunk.

Yes, I'm drunk.

I don't feel sleepy though.



Why? I'm tired.

Sit up, will you?

Geez. What?

You don't have to try so hard.

What did I do?

You still love Inspector Cha.

Am I wrong?

Life isn't that long.

Someone better than him

may never appear until the day you die.

Just look at me.

I might have left you two and married if someone

better than your dad showed up.

But that never happened.

Your dad was it.

You're still young.

So what if this is it?

Will you devote your life only to Uri

if no one better shows up?

Yes. I'll devote my life only to Uri.

That's fine.

It may be fine for you, but not for me.

I can't watch you live like that.

Good grief.

You should get to enjoy what everyone else does.

People don't know and criticize me.

Me, me, me.

They say I'm keeping you from marrying

because I don't want to be alone.

I don't want to be misunderstood like that.

If you can't get over him,

just be honest with Inspector Cha

and say you want to get back together.

Geez. Do you think I have no pride?

Does pride put food on the table?

I'm all set.

I'm going to be independent and alone.

Fine. That's okay too.

All I'm saying is you must know

to turn back if something is unbearable.

That takes true courage.

Do you think it's courageous

just to plow ahead foolishly?

Look at Bora.

She looks naive, but see how she is with Suhyeok.

That's how a woman should be.

While you, on the other hand...

How did I give birth

to a pigheaded fool like you?

You're so adorable, Ms. Lee Seonok.

That's how Gunghwa's husband died 7 years ago.

He got hit by a drunk driver.

Hey, that Officer Moo woman went off

about how drunk driving is preordained murder.

Wow, she was tough.

What you did was wrong,

so can I arrest you?

Where will you lock me up?

In jail?

Yes, over there.

This is nothing compared to when

Uri's dad passed away.

He died in a car accident

one day out of the blue.

Why weren't you more careful?

I didn't know it'd end up like that.

What is it?

Sir, what do we?

Speak plainly.

A drunk guy charged at Officer Choi

while we were on patrol,

so Officer Choi instinctively hit him.

But the guy fell backward

and hurt his head.


How bad is it?

The doctor said he'd need 4, 5 weeks of care.

Inspector Cha, come with me.

You know something similar happened recently, right?


I have a bad feeling about this.

Officer Moo and I will go check again

and find a way to help Officer Choi.

That nasty Hwang

will be here again.

I'm sure he's itching to do our station in.

Anyway, go and get more details then.

Yes, sir.

Senior Officer Jang, what do I do?

This is maddening.

An officer in a similar case

paid tens of thousands to settle.

I can't even get a loan as I just got one

to cover the hike in the housing deposit

and my younger sibling's tuition.

Why did he have to fall and hurt his head?

But it might work out better than expected.

Darn it.

What's the victim like?

Not nice.

He mouthed off at us

and was already talking about money.

I think Officer Choi's got himself in a pickle.

Officer Choi said he lives in a monthly rental.

Yes, Chairman Jin.

Dohyeon's in his office.

He must've spent the night here.

No. You need not worry.


Hey, what's all this?

Did something happen?

Hey, Jin Dohyeon.

Did you get yourself into trouble again?

What is the meaning of this?


Dr. Jang, it's me.

So how's Seonghui?

What? She's refusing to eat?

You still need to feed her something.


I'll stop by later or something.



The patient's with the doctor right now.

This is the hospital.


My mother's hospitalized?

Which hospital?


Room 710?

Yes, okay.

Mother's been hospitalized?

What happened?

She was hospitalized for stomach issues.

Must be something serious, right?

I suppose since she's hospitalized.

What brings you two here?

We came to help of course.

Mop the floor.

I'll take care of the kitchen.

You two rest today.



Huijin, what is it?

If it's something I shouldn't hear...

Mom must be very ill.

She's been hospitalized.

I could've gotten it at a store.

Don't be ridiculous.

Homemade is always better.

I'm sorry.

You're hurting my feelings.

I hope it's nothing serious.

What if it's really bad?

Our bodies malfunction here and there at our age.

I'm sure she'll be okay.

Don't worry too much.

Run along then.

Okay, Mom.

We're off.

We're off.

You even made her porridge?

She's sick.

Homemade food is better

than hospital food,

especially since it's stomach trouble.

Don't you have any backbone?

In any case, I hope she's okay.

She shows up after decades

and not only upsets the kids

but is also now sick.

What are we going to do?

I'm sure she'll be fine, Mother.

Don't worry too much.



Why are you here?

How are you feeling?

I'm fine.

No, you're not.

You look awful.

Is it something serious?

No. My stomach acts up easily,

so I'm here to get it checked out.

What did the doctor say?

It's stress-induced gastritis.

I'll be fine with rest,

so don't worry.

Are you here alone?

I have a caretaker.

Why did you come?

The family must be worried.

I brought you porridge.

It's probably gotten cold.

I should go warm it up.

Chairman Jin is quite the opponent, huh?

He sure is.

Are you happy to see me like this?


Don't worry.

I won't be defeated like this.

I'll make him sorry for degrading

and disrespecting me like this.

I hope things start looking up for you.

You're in la-la land as you always have been.

I'm penniless.

How can things look up?


Will you take me back or something?

Who are you?

You must be Mr. Cha Sangcheol's daughter.

My goodness. Long time no see.

You must be visiting Seonghui

with your daughter in tow.

Why didn't you bring Inspector Cha Taejin too?

How are you?

Oh, boy. Am I interrupting

a family get-together?

That's enough.

That's enough?


Who do you think you are showing up here?

Excuse me.

Take Huijin and go.


I said, go.

Huijin, let's go.


Why are you here?

I didn't think you'd come back.

I wasn't going to,

but Dr. Jang said you weren't eating,

so I thought there would be a funeral.

But I have nothing to worry about.

You can return to your family.

Oh, right. He remarried.

Then you can just meet up from time to time

like you're doing now.

Did you get hurt?

What are you doing?

Did you get hurt?

Is it from the night

Spotty tailed me?

It's no big deal.

This is maddening.

Excuse me?

Why are you being like this?

You could've

warned me if I was in danger.

Are you trying to be chivalrous?



Do you think I'd be moved?

I'm sorry, but I don't appreciate this.

Why are you being like this?

You said you didn't love me.

Moo Gunghwa.

So why do you make me feel bad?

Are you lashing out at me?

Yes, I'm lashing out at you.

Can't I do that?

You're always lashing out at me these days.

I'm hungry.

Let's eat.

It hasn't been 3 minutes yet.

You get indigestion from uncooked noodles.

Spotty got away by seeking refuge with Chairman Jin

when I pursued him over the drug case 3 years ago.

So that's why you were at Seoul Building...

That's right.

Is Chairman Jin involved in the drug case too?

It's just speculation at this point.

Nothing's been proven yet.

And amid all this, someone we believe

to be Spotty called you.

That's where we're at.

What's wrong?

Why are you telling me all this?

Are you letting me join the case?

I'm not letting you. You forced your way in.

Eat before it gets cold.

If you need kimchi, I can...

I'm fine.

Good grief.

How much did he drink anyway?

Hello, Chairman Jin.

Hi. When did Dohyeon leave?

Right after you called, sir.


Where is he now?

I've been calling, but I can't get ahold of him.

That punk.

Did you notice anything unusual yesterday?

He was fine during the day,

but I don't know about after that.

He said he was going see Mr. Moo Suhyeok.

Good grief.

Something's definitely up.

What could it be?

Where did it go?



Are your eyes there for show only?


Can't you see my empty bottle?

I'm sorry, sir. I'll bring you another bottle.

Hey, wait.

Is there something else you need?

Get Officer Moo too.


At the intersection out front

is Chamsuri Police Station.

There's a very pretty officer there

named Moo Gunghwa.

Go tell her I want to see her.

Sir, you seem to be drunk.

Are you saying I'm rambling?

Why are you asking for a cop at a bar?

Get her.

Go and get her!

(Our Baby)

Suhyeok, I'm coming now.


Weren't we going to meet in the evening?

I miss you very, very much right now.

I'm leaving now,

so don't go anywhere.


What did Bora say?

She's coming now.

Aren't you seeing her in the evening?

She must miss me way too much.

I should get a new job to be free of this

or wash my ears out every time.

I wonder what it is.

I'm quite excited.


Leave that house right now.

I told you I can't do that.

Dad, I...

You remember your brother's accident, right?

What about it all of a sudden?

That man that was killed...


Didn't you say you took care of it by

handsomely compensating the injured victim?

A man was killed, and I had

someone do jail time in Dohyeon's place.


And the man that died

was Moo Gunghwa's husband.


So now you get why I said you couldn't

marry into that family, right?

There's nothing more to discuss.

You go and end it with him.

If you continue to be stubborn,

I'll pay Moo Suhyeok

a visit myself.

I figured he'd be scary since

his lackeys ransacked our restaurant,

but he was even scarier in person.

He's a different breed from people like us.

Did he look like a mobster boss in the movies?

It wasn't that,

but there was a feeling of ruthlessness.

When our eyes met,

I got chills down my spine.

This is bad.

What do we do about Mom?

We can't have her stay with someone like him.

What if he harbors a grudge

and does something awful to her?

Father must be distraught too.

I should have gone alone.

Why did I have to tell Dad?

Why are you drinking without any finger food?

I'm worried about Seonghui.

Is she gravely ill?

It's not that...

Then what is it?

I saw Chairman Jin there, and...

You don't have to tell me if it's too difficult.

You're not comfortable talking about her to me.

And I find it uncomfortable to listen too.

If she's not gravely ill,

you need not explain it in detail.


Just enjoy your drink.

Should I go in if you're uncomfortable?


It feels better having you by my side.

Why isn't she calling?

Try calling her.

I did, but she didn't answer.

I wonder if something's wrong.

Jin Bora, where are you?

It doesn't take this long from our house.


Wake up.


We got a call from a bar and went.

Turns out it was him.

He broke stuff there and caused a huge scene.

Isn't he your sister-in-law's brother?


Isn't he Chairman Jin's son?

Contact the family.

Oh, no.

My sister-in-law isn't answering.

His mobile phone?

Right here.


I'm Inspector Cha Taejin at Chamsuri Station.

Is this Mr. Jin Dohyeon's father?

You must come as Mr. Jin's in custody for

drunken and disorderly conduct.



Are you awake?

Drink this and pull yourself together.

You seem to be awake,

so why don't you get up?


I have talk to Officer Moo.

Snap out of it. This is a police station.

Don't you know what you did?

What did I do?

Jin Dohyeon.

Go ahead and tell me.

What did I do?

You're not at your home.

Do you have a death wish?

How dare you touch my son?

Cha Taejin has to be taught a proper lesson.

Where could she have gone?

She hasn't called.

Your mom must have left Chairman Jin's house.

You're not thinking of getting together with her.

I told you I can't give her up.

I'm going to make her mine.


This is Oh Deokpal.

Spotty says he wants to meet.

Who do you think you are?

Don't you dare lay a finger on him.

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.104 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.26] - Duration: 32:53.





amazing goal

goals 2017

best goals

For more infomation >> ГОЛ, КОТОРЫЙ НЕВОЗМОЖНО ПОВТОРИТЬ! - Duration: 5:34.


How To Draw Halloween Mask and Makeup For Girls Coloring Book - Art Color For Kids - Duration: 15:50.


Thank for watching

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If you like video, please share and subscribe my chanel

For more infomation >> How To Draw Halloween Mask and Makeup For Girls Coloring Book - Art Color For Kids - Duration: 15:50.


Talking Tom and Friends - Double Date Disaster | Season 2 Episode 13 - Duration: 11:08.

[wind howling]

[electronic beeping]

[thunder clap]


[thunder clap]

[spooky music]



-Ha-ha! -[Angela laughing]

And the scavenger hunt victory goes to Team Tom and Angela!

Yes! In your face, Team Ben and Xenon!

Okay, you win this round.

But we'll beat you at the movie-marathon-popcorn-eating contest.

Which will begin right after this brief stop for ice-cream floats.

You're all in a good mood. You get new pants or something?

Even better. We're on an all-day double date adventure!

It is our first double date, so it must be good.

Therefore, I have scheduled it for MFP - Maximum Fun Potential!

[Ben] First, we had a scenic bike ride! Then, an epic laser tag battle.

Then, a relaxing wind-tunnel dive!

Then, finally, the scavenger hunt brought us here.

Wow. Well, I hope your plan doesn't get messed up when tonight's big storm hits.

Tonight's big storm? [thunder clap]


[Xenon] Uh-oh. This could get in the way of our heavily planned good time.

Yeah. Rhonda, maybe hurry with those floats.

[wind howls, creaking]



♪ Wa-oah ♪

This door's blocked. There's another door in the back. Hurry, before we--

[thunder clap]



And we're trapped.

I can't breathe! The walls are closing in!

-But you're not really here. -Yeah, but I still have emotions, don't I?

Don't panic. We'll get out of this.

-Don't tell me not to panic. -Don't tell him what to tell you!

Don't tell her what to tell him what to tell you.

-Calm down. We're gonna get through this. -[arguing]

-If everyone ju-- -[eerie whining]

[Ginger] The problem isn't that you're stuck here.

The problem is...

Monsters! Ha ha ha!

-Ginger, what are you doing here? -I'm waiting for monsters! Duh!

My monster tracker says this will be a hot spot for sightings during the storm.

Check it out.

Hm. I'm not sure that I agree with the science behind this "monster tracker".

Well, you better start agreeing.

The app says there's going to be monsters and we're all stuck here

-like monster food in a tin! -Ginger.

We don't have time for this. We're on a double date.

-It's a mature, adult thing to do. -Yeah. We went in a wind tunnel.

Gross! Fine! I guess it's up to me to check for monster-tivity.


-But we can't leave the diner! -We don't need to.

The next thing on our schedule is...

-Ice-cream floats! -I bet I can drink my float the fastest!

-[slurp] -Tom, no!

Under the circumstances, we should race to see who can drink their float the slowest.

Oh, right.


Mm. This is kind of fun.

[monstrous growl]

[thunder clap] [Ginger] Did you hear that?

It sounded like... a monster!

[thunder clap]

[sad man sobs]

♪ I was right Go, Ginger! ♪

♪ Monster's coming I knew it! ♪

I know that you have an age-appropriate fascination with the bizarre

-but that was just the wind. -Wind?

Wake up! We're under attack!

We have to get to the kitchen to make battle helmets out of pots!

[Rhonda] Ooh, I've got a cast iron skillet that would make a good shield.

-Don't tell me you believe him. -I'm not taking any chances!

Guys, I think we're going to finish these floats before this crisis is over.

-Sip slower, everyone. -That won't work, Ben.

We're going to have to improvise - Tom style.

[rock 'n' roll plays]

You did it, Tom. You've turned a diner disaster into a diner dance party!

Just call me the date-saver.

[loud scary growl]

Ow! Hey, Tom!

We leave you alone for five minutes

and you start luring the monster with this music and stomping?

That's it! We're forming a monster response team, right now!

I'll do it, if I get a costume.

-A-ha! -[Xenon gasps]

That's your idea-noise. Do you have an idea?

Indeed I do. To get this night back on track, we simply need some outside help.

[Hank humming happily]


[phone rings] Oh! Uh...

-Hi, Ben. How's the big double date? -Not good. We're stuck in the diner.

Really? You're not going to make it home for the big popcorn-eating contest?

-Because the popcorn is calling to me. -What?

-No, leave the popcorn alone! -Oh.

-I need you to turn on my Lumber-Bot. -Lumber-what-now?

It's a device I created to do yard work,

but with this code I can control it over the internet

and use it to pull away the tree so we can continue our date!

-Sure, no problem. -You can stop panicking, everyone.

-Hank will get us out of here! -You're a hero, Hank.

Happy to do it. Try to stay dry until--

[gasps] What's that? No!

No! NO!!

[all gasp]

The monster ate Hank! Why did you drag him into this, Ben?


Oh! I didn't put the cap on my glue and it all dried up!

Now I'll never finish this little diorama.

Ha! Can you believe it, Ben? I-- Hello?

Oh. I hope my ear-splitting screams didn't upset anyone.

[panicked shouts]

It's fine, everyone! The storm just shorted-out the internet.

Allow my internet girlfriend, Xenon, to explain.

Ben, I... The signal... Monster...

No, no. Xenon, stay with me!

Oh, I should have seen this coming!

[whines] It's cutting off our communication with the outside world.

Okay. Grab a pan! Get ready to fight.

It looks like Lumber-Bot turned into Lumber-Not. Ha ha--

[Angela] Quit joking, Tom. This is getting scary.

Hey, I know things look bad. [inspirational music playing]

But this date isn't over yet!

Sure, something weird is happening in this town,

but I still believe we can make tonight fun for everyone.

We can get out of here. We just have to work together.

Come on, everyone. Let's move this tree!

[wind howls]

[music stops] He's going to let the monster in!

[angry mob shouting]

Why did they tie me up, too?

[sighs] I don't think we're maximizing our fun potential right now.

[Tom] Or are we?

I'm thinking of a number between one and ten.

-Uh, four? -Nope!

-Ben, you want to guess? -Stop trying to make this fun!

I just want to pout until everyone forgets about this stupid mons--

[electricity fizzes] Seal the air conditioner!

Don't let the monster get its spiny eye stalks inside!


Stop! There's a rational non-monster explanation for this!

The storm tripped the circuit breaker. I'll just turn the power back on.

Fine, but no funny business. You see a monster, you better tell me.

I'm not gonna be telling you much because that doesn't happen.

[door creaks]

[thunder clap]

This is why every diner should have a resident scientist.

So no one wastes time worrying about--


M-m-monsters! Aagh!

I was wrong! The monster is real! I renounce science!

Monsters! Monsters! Monsters!

This is why you should always listen to children,

because our hearts are pure and we're open to seeing the world as it really is.

You don't think there's really a monster, do you, Tom?

No way. It's all just a big misunderstanding, right?

Of course! Though, I don't know what that noise was.

And Ben is pretty spooked.

[crash] [both] Monster!

We've got to get out of here! [thunder clap]

-They're trying to escape! Seize them! -Oh, no.

We can't start fighting each other. That's what the monster wants.

Angela, run!






[wind howling]

[electricity fizzes]

[boom] [Tom] Get behind me, Angela.

[Angela] No, you get behind me!

[Rhonda] Everyone get behind someone else!

[scary growl]

I don't really want to see a monster!


[everyone screams]

How's everybody holding up? Oh. Not good.

Xenon? Is that my Lumber-Bot?

Yeah, I decided to see if I could hack into this thing

after I lost contact with you.

It wasn't too hard. Also, I found these fun emergency lights that look like eyes.

So the roars we kept hearing really were just the wind?

Actually, they're the town's storm alert system.

The wind broke a speaker so it garbled the message.

[beep] [low, gruff voice] Roar!

Safety Beast says, "Stay inside!"

Sadly, this is not the first time I've been embarrassed by Safety Beast.

[beep beep] Huh?

Yes! Whoo!

Well, I'm glad we're alive, but I am sorry our double date got ruined.

What are you talking about?

-I got to be a robot! -[Angela] Yeah!

There was danger and action.

-As dates go, this was exciting. -I guess that's true.

Hey, is anyone still up for a movie-marathon-popcorn-eating contest?

[everyone cheers] All right!

[nervous laugh]

No one must ever learn the terrible truth about what happened tonight.

[thunder clap]


I'm the real monster.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Double Date Disaster | Season 2 Episode 13 - Duration: 11:08.


How to find the total views of your YouTube channel - Duration: 1:07.

Hi I'm Paul from SOS Creative and today we've got a quick video how to show the

lifetime views of any channel on youtube since youtube has stopped allowing you

to monetize your videos until your channel has 10,000 lifetime views

let's start by choosing one of my favorite channels on the kitchen table

by Simon Newton as you can see once with channel loads each video shows the

number of views and how long ago it was uploaded

if we click on the About tab at the top of the page we can then see in the stats

on the right-hand side the date the channel was started and the total

lifetime views of the channel so when this gets to 10,000 you can start

monetizing your videos I hope this helps

For more infomation >> How to find the total views of your YouTube channel - Duration: 1:07.





ESCAPE FROM SPACE SHIP GET adventure cartoon hero IN SPACE ROBLOX game like minecraft - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE FROM SPACE SHIP GET adventure cartoon hero IN SPACE ROBLOX game like minecraft - Duration: 8:22.


Quên người đã quá yêu ║ Nhạc trẻ hay nhất ( HÀ DUY THÁI ) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Quên người đã quá yêu ║ Nhạc trẻ hay nhất ( HÀ DUY THÁI ) - Duration: 4:44.


結婚予定だった 英国兵士が 最後に残した恋人宛ての 手紙が泣ける…。 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 結婚予定だった 英国兵士が 最後に残した恋人宛ての 手紙が泣ける…。 - Duration: 4:51.


Parkour talent Show Finals - Duration: 24:33.

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[한글자막] I Am Alive (Rick and Morty Remix) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> [한글자막] I Am Alive (Rick and Morty Remix) - Duration: 2:20.


: South Korean president vows constitutional revision for federal government system - Duration: 2:55.

Power decentralization.

One of the standout campaign pledges by President Moon Jae-in.

While visiting Yeoso, south of the capital, expressed his resolve in delivering on that

promse, by pushing for a constitutional amendment to empower regional governments.

Our presidential office correspondent Moon Connyoung starts us off.

Distributing more power away from the central government to the local level... was one of

the new South Korean president's campaign pledges... and he doubled down on that vow

Thursday at a ceremony marking the day dedicated to the nation's efforts to strengthen local


(Korean) "The policy goal of the new administration

is to create a decentralized government so that the capital area and other regions can

prosper together.

. I promise to faithfully work towards that



In order to do so, the South Korean leader laid out three proposals.

(Korean) "First, I will push for a constitutional amendment

to truly decentralize power to the local level."

, .

To that end, the Moon administration will institutionalize a "secondary Cabinet" to

meet periodically with local government leaders and make constitutional amendments to give

local governments the power to legislate new laws, come up with their own welfare programs

and finance strategies.

The amendment will also make official the term "local government" rather than local

autonomous bodies.

(Korean) "Second, apart from the constitutional amendment,

we will also work on various ways to further empower regional governments.

, . I will also push forward with fiscal decentralization

to give local governments financial autonomy."


The South Korean president said the government is working to devise the tax distribution

ratio between central and local governments from the current 8 to 2 to 7 to 3 and ultimately

6 to 4 .

In addition, the new administration will roll up its sleeves to give extra boost to innovative

city projects in different regions to ensure balanced development across the entire country.

South Korea's development plan has long focused on the capital city of Seoul and the surrounding

area... resulting in huge disparity between urban and rural areas... creating a national

divide between those living in the capital area and residents of other regions.

Speaking to 17 mayors and governors of the nation ahead of the ceremony, the president

urged support and cooperation in realizing his grand plan... which will essentially set

up a virtual federal government system.

(Korean) "Centralized governance structure had certain

merits for the nation during the rapid development era.

. But, we now live in an era where centralized

power can no longer generate momentum for growth.

Self-governance and decentralization are the new growth engines for the Republic of Korea."

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.

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