Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

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For more infomation >> How To Brand Your YouTube Channel | custom subscribe button | Logo | Hindi | - Duration: 2:48.


ЛЕГКИЙ ФРАГ ЗА 3 СЕКУНДЫ!! - Warface - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> ЛЕГКИЙ ФРАГ ЗА 3 СЕКУНДЫ!! - Warface - Duration: 4:29.


Essence of Murli 27-10-2017 - Duration: 6:47.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 27th October 2017

( Sweet Sweet Baapdada teaches us great knowledge so that we attain elevated status, removing all defects in us )

( Today Baba has taught us on subject of respect. We need to respect each other. So Sweet Sweet Baapdada says.. )

Essence: Sweet children, you have to value this study a great deal.

If you are ill or even about to die, you must still sit in class.

It is said that you should leave your body with the nectar of knowledge on your lips.

Question: When and how do children become instrumental in turning others away from the Father?

Answer: When those who sulk with brothers and sisters stop studying and become those who defame the Guru,

many others who see them also turn away from the Father.

Today, they may be studying well but, tomorrow, they stop studying and they therefore cannot tell others to study.

Such children deprive themselves of a high status.

Song: The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering for the moths.

Essence for dharna: 1. While looking after your household, you still definitely have to make time to do spiritual service.

Consider yourself to be responsible for increasing service. Don't do any disservice.

2. The One who is teaching you is the Supreme Teacher Himself. Therefore, you definitely have to value this study a great deal.

Under no circumstances should you miss this study.

Blessing: May you be full of the eight powers and make your stage elevated according to the time and the situation.

The children who are full of the eight powers use every power according to the time and the situation in every action.

The eight powers make them one of the eight and a specially beloved deity.

Souls who are full of the eight powers easily make their stage according to the time and the situation.

Success is merged in their every step. No situation can bring them down from their elevated stage.

Slogan: "Whatever actions I perform, others who see me will do the same".....

Constantly keep this slogan in your awareness and your actions will be elevated.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 27-10-2017 - Duration: 6:47.


[SLO] KRISTIJAN BELEGIĆ FAT - song - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> [SLO] KRISTIJAN BELEGIĆ FAT - song - Duration: 1:48.


15 Youtube Video Ideas for 2018 - Duration: 7:59.

- You're ready to start your YouTube channel but you just

aren't sure what video you should get started with.

You feel a little uncomfortable,

so you wanna start with something easy.

So what's an idea to get started?

Well in today's video, I've got 15

first video ideas you can do for your channel.

Hey guys, welcome back to another

episode of Just the Tips.

My name is Trena and I help creative business owners

like you get a YouTube channel started for their business.

This is a brand new series I'm kicking off here

on my channel every Thursday for the next five weeks.

It's all about coming up with video ideas

and the videos that work best for your business.

So make sure you click subscribe down below,

and even click that little bell button,

because that's gonna let you know when I post a new video.

So like I said in today's video we're gonna

talk about 15 videos you can get started

with today for your first YouTube video.

The first idea is a creator story.

So your creator story is how you got started.

What's your why?

Why are you doing what you're doing?

If you can give people the backstory,

they're much more likely to relate to you

and be much more interested in your content, follow you,

buy from you, just be that loyal following, right?

So could you do a creator story

about how you got to where you are?

The second idea is a draw my life.

So I can link some of these below,

but these draw my life videos were huge

on YouTube a couple years ago.

But they are so fun to let your

audience get to know your more.

You don't have to be like this professional drawer.

You can just draw stick figures and tell your story

through drawing on a whiteboard.

The third video idea is an opinion piece.

And opinion pieces really help you

stand out as a leader in your niche.

So if there's some hot button item or some topic that people

always talk about in your niche, give your opinion on it.

It doesn't have to be right or wrong,

it's just how you feel.

It's gonna connect to your audience

a lot more than just some generic video.

And like I said, it's gonna make you

stand out as a leader in your industry.

Next video idea is a tutorial.

Teach people how to do something.

A lot of people on YouTube just search, how to XYZ.

So what can you teach people to do on your channel?

The next one is kinda fun, it's a what's on my phone.

So you could walk people through what's on your phone.

You could also use a software that shares your phone screen

to show people the apps that you use a lot.

Now this could be very industry-specific.

So for me, I do a lot of videos,

so I would show like my iMovie app,

and different apps that I use to edit video or record video.

Maybe you're an Instagram professional.

And so maybe you could share the apps

that you use to edit video, edit photos, take photos.

It's just a fun way to allow people to get to know you

by showing what's on your phone, 'cause we all have phones,

and we we all have favorite apps, right?

The next video idea is a day in my life.

So just take the camera along with you

and share with people what you do in a day.

I actually did one of these videos a couple weeks ago.

I will link it in the card above so you can watch it.

And I mean it's nothing super exciting,

it's me working with clients, me working on a launch plan,

but it lets people get to know you behind the scenes,

behind the makeup, behind the perfectly staged background.

And it allows them to connect with you on a new level.

Another video is a how to video, so how to do something.

We talked about a tutorial video,

but maybe you could show people how to tie a shoe,

or how to post an Instagram picture

from your computer, you know?

What can you teach?

Again, teaching videos are really great on YouTube.

Favorites video, share your favorite business books,

your favorite entrepreneurs, your favorite podcasts.

People are always wanting recommendations

on what to read, what to listen to.

So share your favorites.


Everybody wants tips for success, tips for Instagram,

tips for YouTube, tips for blog posting.

You know, whatever your niche is,

people always want tips on how to do it better.

An office tour.

Now you don't have to have a perfectly curated office,

but again, it shows people a little behind-the-scenes

of what it looks like where you work.

Now this doesn't have to be like your home office.

Maybe you could do a home tour,

or show people, hey, this is where I work.

I set up in my kitchen table.

My laptop sits here, my notebook sits here,

and this is how I do work everyday.

Again, it's just a video to connect with your audience.

It's a community piece.

It helps build that community by showing people

what real life looks like.

Think we're onto idea number 11, and that's advice.

Again, goes back with tips, tutorials, how to.

These all revolve around educational pieces

that do so well on YouTube.

So what's some advice you can give people?

I did a case study a couple months ago

on posting every single day on YouTube,

and I gave my advice on what I learned from that.

You can watch that video, I'll link it below.

But I gave a lot of advice to people just starting

on YouTube and what really worked and how

you should start incorporating YouTube.

So what's an advise video you could do?

You don't have to go out and do a huge case study like that.

But give some advice, business advice, life advice,

dating advice, whatever your specialty is.

This next one is a big one,

and people love watching these videos.

It's mistakes, so mistakes you've made.

Whether mistakes you've made on Instagram,

mistakes you've made in business.

People love hearing about mistakes.

It makes us seem more human.

You may be on video, I may be on video here,

I may look perfect, the background may look perfect,

but guess what, life ain't perfect.

And I've made plenty of mistakes.

I actually talked about this a little more

in a couple videos of YouTube mistakes that I've made.

And I will link them for you to watch,

because I'm not perfect.

And I'm always learning how to do better here on YouTube

and things that I've done that were just not right.

So what's a mistakes video you could do?

Review video.

So whether it's equipment review, course reviews.

I know here in the creative industry

we take 100 courses, right?

Share your experience, whether it was good or bad.

I mean maybe you don't wanna share bad experience,

but share your experience, did you like the way they taught?

Did you like the Facebook group?

Or review a book, review an app you're using.

What can you review that's industry-specific to you

to let people get to know about

that app that could possibly help them out?

A goals video.

So I know a lot of bloggers do monthly goals.

Allie Danae at the Social Walker Agency

is always posting a blog post about the goals she's set

and whether she reached them or not.

So maybe you could share your goals for a quarter,

or your goals for that week or your month.

But sharing goals just resonates with people

because we all have so many,

and we just want to connect with somebody else

who's setting goals and knowing how they're reaching them.

And the last video idea I have

for you is creating a channel trailer.

I really suggest that you have

a channel trailer here on your YouTube video.

It just lets people know what you're about,

why they should subscribe,

it doesn't have to be long, 90 seconds max.

I have an entire video to walk you through how to

do a channel trailer if you wanna check that out below.

But it's so important to have that channel trailer

because that's the video that will automatically play

to non-subscribers when they find your channel.

So those are 15 video ideas,

which one stood out most to you?

Which one are you gonna create?

Let me know below, I'm definitely thinking about doing

a goals video, so I'm even gonna use some of these videos

to incorporate into my video strategy as well.

If you like me giving you video ideas like this,

make sure you give this video a thumbs up

and you click subscribe, because I've got a lot more

videos coming up on Thursdays all about

video strategy and how to come up

with those video ideas specific to your needs.

So make sure you come back, click subscribe,

and thank you so much for watching.

I'll see you next week, bye.

For more infomation >> 15 Youtube Video Ideas for 2018 - Duration: 7:59.


Time Travel in Fiction Rundown - Duration: 8:05.

This video is sponsored by the YouTube Red Sci-Fi Series "Lifeline".

For ages I've been wanting to make a video analyzing time travel in fiction – not the

magical or physical mechanisms by which the time travel is supposedly achieved , but rather,

the different ways time travel can influence causality (and thus the plot) within the universe

of each story.

Needless to say, there are spoilers ahead!

Let's start with Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card – time travel in this book is actually

100% realistic: the characters experience slower passage of time when they travel close

to light speed, allowing just a few days or months to pass for those traveling while years

pass on earth or other planets.

It's traveling forward through time like we normally do, but at different rates.

This kind of time travel doesn't "change the past" or allow characters to make different

decisions than the ones they already did – it's all one consistent historical trajectory.

The original Planet of the Apes film is similar, where astronauts experience extreme time dilation

and then crash land on a strange ape-ruled planet that (major spoiler) turns out to just

be earth in the distant future.

But what about actual time-travel time travel?

Well, I would say there are two big distinguishing features between different types of time travel

in fiction.

The first is whether or not the time traveler is there when history happens the "first time

around" – that is, is there a kind of "self-consistency" where, since time travel takes you to the

past, when the past happened the first time, the time-traveling version of you was always

there to begin with?

Or does the very act of time traveling to the past change what happened and force the

universe onto a different trajectory of history from the one you experienced prior to traveling?

And the second distinguishing feature is: who has free will when somebody is time traveling.

Like, whose actions are allowed to move history onto a different trajectory, and whose aren't?

One of the simplest time travels is "do-over" time travel, where you essentially get to

re-play history starting exactly as it was at a certain point, with the only caveat being

you remember your experiences from already having tried various possible future timelines

(while no one else does).

It's essentially like playing a video game where you can start a level over with the

foresight of what you did wrong the first time.

For example, in Groundhog Day Bill Murray's character relives the same day over and over

again, and though he can make different choices each time, he always starts back at the same

point (except with new memories of his previous choices).

That is, until he figures out the one exact set of choices that frees him from the loop.

I consider "A Christmas Carol" to be in this vein, too, even though it may not seem like

time travel.

But because Scrooge gets to visit the future of his current timeline, even though he has

no ability to affect the timeline directly while "visiting", he can still change his

actions in the present based on what he learns, essentially getting a "do-over."

The video game Braid is built on the idea of "do-overs", where you get to rewind

a few seconds and try something different (though there are some things that are immune

to going back in time and don't "rewind", which is what makes the game interesting).

Braid also has another kind of time travel, where you go back to your past as a separate

individual, and the past version of you is there with no free will, just doing exactly

what you did the first time around, while "time-traveling you" can change the course

of history.

This is also how the video "Clock Blockers" by the Corridor Digital youtube channel works.

And then there's time travel where the very act of going to the past or future creates

a fully new trajectory of history because time-traveling you weren't there the first

time around, and now you are.

This includes the typical "anything goes" time travel movies like Bill & Ted's Excellent

Adventure, Back to the Future, Star Trek First Contact, and so on, where you can kind of

instantly jump back and forth to any point in time you want, potentially resulting in

multiple versions of yourself.

From a causality perspective, anything you do in the past (and even just the act of going

back in time) redirects the course of history onto a new timeline – in Back to the Future,

Marty's interference with his parents falling in love results in the timeline of history

being redirected towards a version of the future where he doesn't exist and so he starts

to disappear from photos and real life.

And even after correcting that major deviation, his interactions with his parents while he's

in the past result in them being very different people when he returns to his present time;

he accidentally caused history to progress in a slightly different direction.

The movie "Looper" is similar, but there's a little more circularity because when you

jump to the past, you cause history to branch onto on a trajectory where, in the future,

the younger you also goes back in time the same way you just did.

Both you and your past self still have enough free will to change that forward course of

history, though, which results in weirdness like you getting new memories when your past

self does things you yourself didn't do, or if they lose a body part, suddenly you'll

lose it too, replaced by an old scar on your own body.

So, changes to the present affect not just future timelines, but also future timelines

that wrap back around to the present!

The indie film Primer is in the same vein, except that it takes the plot device of time

travel to the extreme, with time travel within time travel within time travel, time-traveling

characters interacting with other time-traveling versions of themselves, bringing time machines

with them to the past inside other time machines, and so on.

But beyond the complexity, there are two things that make Primer stand out: first, time travel

to the past isn't an instantaneous jump, but actually takes time: to go back 6 hours, you

sit in the time machine for what feels like 6 hours.

And time travel can't take you back to a time before a given time machine was initially

activated, since of course, the machine can only be taking you back in time inside it

if it's turned on, so the first time it was turned on is the farthest back in time you

can go.

There's a nice logic to it.

Which brings us to perhaps my all time favorite of all fictional time travel: Harry Potter

and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

It's an "instantly jump back in time" kind of time travel that doesn't actually generate

any new timelines.

It manages that because in this universe, while you were experiencing your initial,

pre-time-travel passage through a particular point in history, your "time-traveling clone"

was also already there, doing everything you'll eventually do when you time travel yourself.

For example, Harry and friends are saved from dying by their time-traveling selves, the

first time through that timeline.

It makes so much sense – if you go back in time, you really and truly were present

at that point in time all along!

This also means that during the period of overlap, the time-traveling you has no actual

free will, since everything you do has in some sense already been done, which Harry

comprehends when he realizes he has to save his past self because he was already saved

by his future self when he was in the past.

I think I love this kind of time travel because it manages to be logically consistent: it's

time travel to the past where you can't change the past, because the past already happened.

And there's only one timeline – the one in which time travelers arrive from the future,

do stuff, and at some later date, leave to go to the past.

Logical consistency is a primary thing that, you may have noticed, I think lays the foundation

for good time travel stories – not because logical consistency is important in an of

itself, but because, most of the time, in order to care about the characters in a story,

we have to believe that actions have consequences.

If everything is just a meaningless series of events, then we almost don't have a story.

So it's really helpful if there are rules by which the universe of the story functions,

whatever those rules may be.

Speaking of actions with consequences, I finally got the kick in the pants I needed to make

this video from my friends at the Corridor Digital YouTube channel.

They've asked me to help promote their new YouTube Red Original Series, "Lifeline",

which, minor spoilers ahead... is a sci fi action thriller with time travel in it.

What kind of time travel, you ask?

Essentially, if somebody dies in the future, that sends a message back to the present,

which allows people to jump forward to just before the time the person dies and change

the trajectory of history from that point onwards, averting their death.

But as you might imagine, things eventually go awry.

Anyway, you can check out the first episode of Lifeline for free on the Corridor Digital

channel or by following the links onscreen or in the description . And fun facts: I actually

know the Corridor guys from back before MinutePhysics, when I was doing special effects for the "freddiew"


We also all grew up in neighboring towns in Minnesota and even competed against each other

in high school sports , though we didn't know each other at the time.

But enough trivia – go check out their show!

For more infomation >> Time Travel in Fiction Rundown - Duration: 8:05.


Porno - Die Sucht nach Sexvideos I Y-Kollektiv Dokumentation - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> Porno - Die Sucht nach Sexvideos I Y-Kollektiv Dokumentation - Duration: 14:34.



For more infomation >> DESTINY 2 RAID PS4 ENSEÑANDO AL CLAN CON PACIENCIA xD - Duration: 2:57:30.


Видео для малышей от 1 года - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Видео для малышей от 1 года - Duration: 1:17.


The American Brahman in Bangladesh ব্রাহমান জাতের গরু থেকে ১ বছরে দিগুণের বেশি মাংস উৎপাদন সম্ভব হুম - Duration: 1:33.

The American Brahman in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> The American Brahman in Bangladesh ব্রাহমান জাতের গরু থেকে ১ বছরে দিগুণের বেশি মাংস উৎপাদন সম্ভব হুম - Duration: 1:33.


INDIA vs CHINA: ¿Guerra en el HIMALAYA? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 15:51.

For more infomation >> INDIA vs CHINA: ¿Guerra en el HIMALAYA? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 15:51.


HOW TO SHOP WITH NEWBORNS! | Twin Hacks - Duration: 1:45.

Hey guys and welcome back to Twin Hacks on BabyLeague. Shopping with kids can be difficult.

Sometimes it feels like it's easier to shop online, but if you really

want to get out of the house, we came up with a few hacks to make shopping with

kids a little more simple. Hack number one: Keep them contained.

Make your shopping trip a little easier by keeping all your kids in one cart.

Shopping cart hammocks are great for little ones so they can stay comfy while

you shop and you can keep all of your items underneath. Number two: Buy in bulk.

Keep a stack of things that you use everyday like diapers, wipes, paper towels,

toilet, paper, milk.

This will cut down on your constant trips to the store. A wholesale

membership can be a lifesaver. Hack number three: Make one trip.

Keep a laundry basket in the trunk of your car. Load all the bags into the basket.

You can carry everything into your house at once and it makes a good arm workout.

Share your tips for shopping with kids in the comments below. Make sure you

subscribe to BabyLeague and give this video a big thumbs up. And tune in next

week for some more Twin Hacks. Bye!

For more infomation >> HOW TO SHOP WITH NEWBORNS! | Twin Hacks - Duration: 1:45.


СуперСборник Лучших Песен о ЛЮБВИ к Женщине в Исполнении Мужчин - Duration: 22:13.

Collection of the Best Songs about LOVE to a Woman in the Performance of Men

For more infomation >> СуперСборник Лучших Песен о ЛЮБВИ к Женщине в Исполнении Мужчин - Duration: 22:13.


ÄVENTYRSGRUVAN | COKETV'S ROAD TRIP | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:30.

It's hard to hug in mine-outfit.

-Is it okay to jump on it. -Jonas, stop jumping!

"Go down in the adventure-mine in the "Idk-mountain"..."

-Idk? -No, what does it say?

-Is it "idg-mountain"? -Idker-mountain.

The Idker-mountain!

Well it's time to head there!

Well, let's go to Borlänge then!

Step on it!! But drive safely.

Oh, so cold!

All right! Who's ready for some cave action?

-Jonas. -Hi, Athena. Nice to meet you.

We're going to get you suit up, because we're going on an adventure today.

I hope no one is afraid of heights.

We're going to try to get down in this hole.

We've got crampons to climb on.

And we're going to be attached with this. But it's 20 meters down.

-Think about what you're doing. -Just right.

And remember the minewitch.

Three knocks on the wall.


-Before you go down. -Nice.

It's hard to hug in mine-outfit.

Knock three times. One, two, three...

One, two, three...

-Looking great darling, looking great. -Well thank you, thank you.

Into the hole he went, and we never saw him again.

My god...

It's dark here.

So far so good.

Oh my goodness, oh my damn.

The minewitch, what's that?

All mines have a minewitch.

An essence.

The minewitch could either help the miners...

...or if they for example cursed to much...

...the minewitch could get very angry and cause landslip.

Wow, then we need to think about that. Not to curse and not to whistle, because then the minewitch gets mad.

All of a sudden I really need to do both of them.

Yes, just to see what happens.

-Should we continue to the next step? -Sounds good.

Guys, we've reached the 40 meters level.

-Woho! -Just right.

Just right. Halfway down.

Everyone make sure they don't have any lose objects that could fall, because then they're gone for good.

-Minewitch! -No, stop it.

This feels so unnatural.

-Is it okay to jump on it? -Jonas, stop jumping!

It's very high.

I just try not to look down.

That's my strategy.

Not look down.

It's a hole straight down like it has since we got here.

A whole straight down. That's how we work.

Think that you're a sausage going through that whole.

No, this feels great.

I would like a stronger lamp so I could see down in the big hole.

There we go.

Okay, here we go...

Are you ready?

Oh, oh, oh...

That's sick...

This is fun.

I'm so chocked.

This is so fun.

I thought that I would cry...

I though I would panic...

I though I would fall, I though I would be clumsy...

But I just... I just did it.

And that feels great.

Now we're here at 80 meters.

We don't get deeper than this.

-80 meters! -This is so cool.

We don't get any deeper if we're not diving.

Am I going to do it?

You're going to dive!


Today we've got Marzi that will take care of you.

Good day.

Listen to the echo...

-Listen closely to what Marzi says. -Yes, I'll do that.


I'm born again.

It's so cool.

That was awesome.

It's cool when the lamp is under water.

-Cheeeers! -Cheeeers!

Did you have fun?

So fun, and it was both fun and scary.

-Good. -It feels like I've been in Lord of the Rings.

Yes, the thing is... I though I would be a lot more scared.

-You were so cool. -Yes, I feel so proud of myself.

So what are we doing now? Now we should get up.

Is there an elevator or something?

No, we need to find another way to get up.

Yes, is there any other way?

I think we should take the easy way today.

Mhm, 110 meters stairs.

Okay, but you need to catch me if I pass out.

-Or if I... -You haven't been in ice cold water.

-You need to get yourself together. -Yes, but it's a lot of stairs.

-It's not easy. -Just flex a little.

-Let's go. -Yes.

Last one up is a fart.

A stinky fart.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

So close...

But still so far away...

Oh mama...

I'm free.

I'm free... After a whole day in darkness.

Now I'm finally...


Well done!

Click here to watch videos that we've done!

Exactly, and don't forget to subscribe, and that's important because...

...then you get notifications when we put up new episodes.

Yes, and then you won't miss our Bucketlist-episodes that airs every Thursday at 3pm!

Don't miss it! Kisses and hugs!

That's great.

For more infomation >> ÄVENTYRSGRUVAN | COKETV'S ROAD TRIP | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:30.


Tax Q&A, October 24, 2017, Capital Gains From Property Sale, Hindi - Duration: 4:37.

In this video, we answer a question on capital gains from sale of property

Sam asks whether for a real estate transaction of residential property of Rs 20 lakh or Rs 30 lakh, does one have to report it too the tax authorities?

You will need to report the transaction whether you make capital gains or loss

In income tax filing, it comes under the head of capital gains

If it is more than 2 years, you get inflation indexation benefits with concessional capital gains tax of 20%

Your acquisition cost gets enhanced by the inflation index

As a result, you end up paying lower capital gains tax and lower income tax

If you have made a loss you can carry it forward in the subsequent years

For more infomation >> Tax Q&A, October 24, 2017, Capital Gains From Property Sale, Hindi - Duration: 4:37.


Colors Video for Kids Temple Run OZ Animation Children - Duration: 11:19.

Colors Video for Kids Temple Run OZ Animation Children

For more infomation >> Colors Video for Kids Temple Run OZ Animation Children - Duration: 11:19.


Cristiano Ronaldo, infiel según la prensa lusa: sale una supuesta amante de 21 años - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo, infiel según la prensa lusa: sale una supuesta amante de 21 años - Duration: 3:24.


How To Know Which Mobile Number Is Registered In Aadhar Card -आधार कार्ड पर कौन नंबर रजिस्टर्ड है ? - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> How To Know Which Mobile Number Is Registered In Aadhar Card -आधार कार्ड पर कौन नंबर रजिस्टर्ड है ? - Duration: 3:16.


Operação F.R.E.E.V.E.R.S.E. 2 - Visionários (Lou - Barna - DBraga - ED - KID KANYON - Tolk) - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Operação F.R.E.E.V.E.R.S.E. 2 - Visionários (Lou - Barna - DBraga - ED - KID KANYON - Tolk) - Duration: 7:35.


Distributing campaign materials in the campaign - Duration: 3:54.

I have already placed here the idea of Mediation on the essays . I found another use for their talents and, of course, laziness. Now we have again someone choose, deputies of local, I think. Well, they are always looking for those who, poor thing, will advertise. Sin not to use. So, what I did. First, I don't care about all their positions, so I had a look at the electoral headquarters and everywhere said that I represent a group of 10 students who are eager to work, by the way, I have the opportunity to use b & W laser printer and a wonderful thing called a copier. So, in addition to the willingness to take on the dressing of leaflets, programmes and other propaganda crap on the boxes of our suffering citizens, I have also offered their services in drawing up of this crap. I do not know really I was lucky or what, but most have met my offer, just happily hiccuping. Still, they only start to prepare for the mass treatment of citizens, and here comes a guy who says that, though not free, but is willing to include in their business time 10. However, from the services to create advertising layouts and refused almost all, well, it's just I came late, they have all the material was, but further postoperati agreed half. Of course, not all managed to agree that my friends and I will only deal with distribution of campaign materials in mailboxes, but that view after talking about the payment of a agreed. Now a little truth of life. First, I came not just because I was really 5 people ready to work, so as soon as we were given all the material they started working. I had to bring in two more, because we could not cope. Now the best part, about money. The plot average is running 3 candidates, will underestimate this number to 2, with each candidate per person managed to beat 700-1000 rubles, will underestimate this number to 500 rubles. By the way, this is money that they pay for a month. So, on one plot with the two candidates we've got 2*500*10 = 10 000. 7,000 of which I gave to the people, i.e. those who work for me, the remained 3000, though I only once a week came with friends and took agitation. I worked for 6 constituencies and 19 candidates, while I managed to get 32000 FOR the MONTH of "work". No, of course not everything is rosy. First, it is not a stable income, in the best case you will work 3 years and two to rest, well, if it does not decide to become a PR and begin to wander around the country, but that's another conversation, does the other grandmother, and slap can. And as a way of extra earnings recommend, I loved it. In principle, I could have more money to do, but I honestly pay their 1,000 from each polling station, you know that over 6000 per month 9-11 graders agree on much, and then just pulling the paper a lot, it's hard, but money for them is very large, but still private, although, of course, unlikely in the next election they will agree to work for 3000-4000. But what prevents you from finding others?

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