Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

People are looking at me like...

I am like I am American.

I am sorry.

Serious advice for you guys, bring your hand towel when you come.

Definitely bring your hand towel.

You are gonna need it.

Hey YouTube we went out to the streets of Tokyo and asked the foreigners there what

epic fail time they had while they were here in Japan.

So that's gonna be funny and hopefully quite interesting.

So let's go and ask Foreigners in Japan.

Now that you came to Japan was there a moment when you failed a little bit.

When you were like... whooops no one around me did that.

Or when you looked around and realized all the Japanese people didn't do that but I did.

Well I have pink hair, and it used to be even pinker when I first got here.

That is my constant life.

So everyone just looks at you.

Looks at me really weird.

So you do stand out.

Thank you.

That's the moment...

I saw his head in the crowd and I was like "THAT PERSON, I need to interview that person."

and now here you are, thank you very much by the way.

So that's one of the things where you feel a little bit of a gap.


Like, standing out.

Maybe not being as traditional as they would prefer.

A lot of things, everything from your precise chopstick uses and what you are supposed to

do with them.

And I am like oops.

I kind of offended a lot of people.

Then, I am normally a very loud person so I am shouting in areas that are quiet and

people are looking at me like...

I am like...

I am American.

I am sorry.

I apologize.

But just a lot of little things I've noticed.

Just some minor culture clashes.


I am still learning to speak Japanese.

I have made a few mistakes, like saying the wrong thing.

Just immediately been very embarrassed because I knew immediately afterwards.

So yes, its really easy to like say the wrong syllable and say the complete wrong word that

you were expecting to say something different.

Generally Japanese people are so kind and they seem to be really understanding because

they are like "ah you are just a foreigner, you don't know any better."

So a lot of the times I am sure I have made mistakes, and they just played it off like

"oh she is so cute.


Which is kind of silly but it makes me feel better because they are not being so judgmental.

They don't expect me to be Japanese.

That's nice.

Was there any situation when you you thought "Oh I messed up a little bit."

Like that was a bit of a fail.

I probably shouldn't have done that.

Or a moment when you got lost in translation, slipped up a little bit or did something where

you were like whoops no one of the Japanese people is doing that.

I had an instance when I came to Japan before in Hiroshima.

I was at a homestay.

My homestay sister had sneezed and I said bless you.

And everybody just stopped and they looked at me.

Like "What are you talking about?

I am just sneezing this is a regular body function."

And I just didn't understand how I got lost in translation there.

So surprising.

Something as simple as that saying.

I guess it's not done here.

Not customary.

So that was a really interesting experience.

Actually that scene with the sneezing I kind of want to re-stage that if that's possible.

Can we have you sneeze, and then she goes bless you and we both just go ooooh.

Bless you.

Then we had another experience on the train.

The doors open and close so fast.

We were gonna travel together and the train was very crowded.

We were on the Chuo line.

She went into the train and said I am gonna go into the next car and then the doors closed.

She was on the platform and I was in the train.

Oh no.

What did you do?

We met at the next station.

It's good that all the trains stop exactly in the same place.

So you know they have those markers on the platform.

And the trains come very fast.

So I saw her in about 5 minutes.

It was just those 5 minutes when I was "oh my gosh, what do we do, we are separated,

she has the pocket wifi. What's going on. We can't text each other.

That was amazing.

That's shocking, getting lost without the internet.

Stranded in Tokyo.

I was so scared.

I was trying to yell "Kanda!

Get off at Kanda!"

She was just looking at me.

"I don't know."

I was like "I hope she got off at Kanda."

And I had the wifi and was like Oh no, I just lost Garcia in Tokyo oh great.

Did you have a situation in Japan where you thought "Yeah, I did that pretty well."

or like aced that situation.

We did some research before we came here about the bathrooms.

And it's interesting to see they don't have the paper towels.

So getting a napkin beforehand to have the handkerchief with you, to dry your hands,

that was like a really good thing.

We would probably have missed that if we wouldn't have it.

That was a good plan for us.

Serious advice for you guys, bring your hand towel when you come.

Definitely bring your hand towel, you are gonna need it.

That's a hard one.

I felt like I was pretty prepared when I came.

I started getting lot of phone apps with Japanese language to practice.

So I could at least be very polite how I speak how I behave and such.

So I know how to dress, a lot of fashion, I actually watch some of your videos...

Thank you On what to wear as fashion.

I happened to pick up this dress so I can feel myself and feel a bit more respectful

with how I dress in public.

So I feel much more comfortable since I got here.

And the fashion is amazing.

So i felt like I under-dressed some days.

I was still under dressing cause some of these heels are beyond me.

Way beyond.

It was beautiful, I love it.

On that note, watch Youtube, so you know what to do, right.

Yes definitely, the fashion.

We traveled very well too.

It was very easy for us to take the trains.

I don't know.

Because we knew the city life.

We didn't really get lost.

We looked it up and we looked exactly where it was going and it was gonna be at that platform.

It was gonna be at that time.

That was really simple so ... So get a metro app.

That's been a life saver so far.

Do you research before you come, right?


Lots of research.Lots and Lots of research.

Hours of research.

Stay up all night.

It's nice cause you never know what off the beaten path you find.

We happened to find a street in Shinjuku that was just completely off the city range.

It was almost as if you are walking to a shrine area.

But it had lots of very small bars but it was beautiful and suddenly it got really quiet.

Once we exited out of there we just...

City Life!

Everywhere. We were like Whoa where did we end up?

It's fun to walk off the beaten path sometimes and see what you find.

You find really cool things.

Good those were all the questions.

Thank you so much.

I had a great time.

Give me a hug!

So fails in Japan...

I must say I am a very clumsy person.

I do lots of adorable or very stupid fails.

Some might still be funny some of them are really not funny.

I must say I had a bit of trouble.

I just moved into Tokyo.

If you guys watch my personal channel you heard about that.

I just moved into Tokyo.

I don't have the money for a washing machine yet so I am saving up for it.

Hopefully I can afford one next month or the month after next month.

For now I have to go to the coin laundry.


That was not as easy.

I looked up on Google maps and saw there was a coin laundry about ten minutes away from

from the house.

Right now it's 33 degrees outside and that's in the shade.

I had a huge suitcase and a huge cover on top.

I don't know what just fell... anyways.

I had a huge suitcase, I had another huge bag on top.

It was incredibly heavy I carried it down the steps, I carried it out on the street,

and then in the burning sunlight I walked for 15 minutes because it was so heavy.

And while I was walking I was like "this is ok I am seeing my neighborhood."

It is really heavy and I am sweating like crazy but everything is fine."

And then I arrived at the coin laundry finally and I was so tired.

Those 15 minutes with the heavy stuff made me so tired.

So I arrived and I looked at machine number one and it had a massive red sign on it.

And I was like what does it mean?

And then I looked it up and was like ok "Under Construction".

And then the next one next to it was "under construction."

But that's fine there was another one left to it.

Which also was under construction.

That's ok there was one final one on the further left that had an error.

And there was a really old one and I was ready to use the super old washing machine but that

that was broken too.

So I went to a coin laundry salon in which literally every every washing machine was

broken apart from the drying machines.

I was like "Aaah".

I walked up and down and was like "Aaah".

There was a camera in the store they must have seen me going like


So I was like, I don't know what do to.

The next coin laundry was over 20 minutes away.

So I went back to the convenient store.

Luckily there was a taxi parked in front of it.

So I asked the Taxi driver if he can take me to the next coin laundry.

He was like ok.

He drove me to the next coin laundry that was on google maps.

And guess what?

That one was empty.

There was not a single washing machine in there anymore.

I was like AAAAAH.

So the taxi driver and I, he was a nice chap, we looked up on the phone, we found one more

that was supposed to be close to my place.

So he drove there.

Once we arrived he was like "Wait I will check for you."

So he went out of the cab, had a look and was like YAY it's there!

You can use it!

So I was like ah thank god!

So we unloaded and I finally could do my washing.

Yes but that was quite a story and it was quite... quite a strange day I had.

But finally I have fresh washing again.

The one we found is actually closer to my place, than the other one that was on Google maps.

It just wasn't registered on Google maps.

So it kind of... something good came out of it if I think of it, in the end.

So that was my fail in Japan.

Let me know about your recent fail.

Looking forward to reading that, that's gonna be lots of fun.

Looking forward to lots of funny comments and messages and stories.

Please leave a comment.

And I catch you soon on Ask Japanese!


For more infomation >> EPIC FAILS IN JAPAN! What do foreigners in Japan fail at? - Duration: 10:30.


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