Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

Top 10 deadliest everyday foods 1 fruit seeds, did you know that apple seeds contain cyanide?

Yeah, that's common knowledge and to be frank

I've eaten all the Apple I could and am still alive and kicking however

I didn't eat any cherry pits. Which are supposedly just as poisonous

if not moved same goes for peach and apricot pits and

bTW apricot jam with those pits without the hard shell

Tastes absolutely remarkable too raw honey as someone raised basically in the countryside

I've had my fair share of raw honey. The chili wax did get stuck in my teeth

But again I'm still alive yet apparently

unpasteurized honey often contains ground oxen that can cause dizziness weakness

excessive sweating nausea and vomiting that can last for hours 3 Tomatoes

Do I even need to tell you how many tomatoes are eaten throughout my entire life?

But actually it's not the fruits themselves yeah, it's a fruit

But their leaves and stems that are harmful they contain alkali poisons that can cause stomach

Agitation however you would need to eat a whole bucket load for them to be fatal still the leaves do not taste like

Candies I can tell you that much for cashews

This is nuts how can something so delicious people it turns out crawfish rooms need to be

To remove the oratio which can cause the same effect as poison ivy or poison oak and at high doses may indeed be

fatal and of course there are those who are allergic to poison ivy

Those people will most likely die if they eat an actual raw cashews the more

You know 5 nutmeg wikipedia says nutmeg is a hallucinogenic which is nice

but heating just 0.2 ounces of that stuff could lead to convulsions and

Zero-point-three answers will probably give you a seizure

Don't ask what will happen if you eat a whole jar of the stuff because the answer is r.i.p. 6 tuna

No, not the tuna anything

But the tuna you need is dangerous because of the mercury that the fish

Absorbs there are two ways this nasty chemical element can go while inside your body it either passes through your kidneys

Or goes all the way up to your brain

Which can supposedly drive you insane?

For this reason the FDA recommends children and pregnant women do not consume tuna at all just to be on the safe side

Seven potatoes I can hear islands coughing at this one taters can kill you what a load of horse dung blasts

Just like with tomatoes

It's the extremities that are harmful to us glyco alkaloids can be found in the leeds

Stems and sprouts of potatoes eating this chemical will lead to cramps diarrhea

headaches or even coma and death boy that escalated quickly eat cassava

Cassava is a tropical South American vegetable that gained popularity in Africa for some reason it's known for its Mott watering juice

Which can be fermented to produce a drink called by wory?

Here's the kicker though its leaves and roots are surprisingly rich in cyanide, so do not munch on those 9 rhubarb

Did you know that rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid which causes kidney stones?

And if you've never had one of those curse stuck down there

Let me tell you that death would be like a nice vacation compared to the painful horrors that our kidney stones

Luckily it her take 11 pounds of leaves to actually straight out kill you but way less to make you want to kill yourself

10 hotdogs before I tell you why these Reno's are dead may take a second and think I bet you won't believe the actual

Reason okay times up so the reason why these puppies are on this list is because they are a freaking choking hazard

Yeah, I know. It's freaking stupid people apparently are so hungry

They don't even chew their food just suck it all in like a Kirby vacuum cleaner granted kids are dumb

So that's that and you should always cut their food, but adults hot dogs are killing innocent people

America this has to stop

But wait we have to have an exception the fourth of July hot dog eating

Contests the current record is 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes held by Joey Chestnut

You go Joey and remember no choking allowed

For more infomation >> Top 10 Deadliest Everyday Foods - Duration: 4:17.


EPIC FAILS IN JAPAN! What do foreigners in Japan fail at? - Duration: 10:30.

People are looking at me like...

I am like I am American.

I am sorry.

Serious advice for you guys, bring your hand towel when you come.

Definitely bring your hand towel.

You are gonna need it.

Hey YouTube we went out to the streets of Tokyo and asked the foreigners there what

epic fail time they had while they were here in Japan.

So that's gonna be funny and hopefully quite interesting.

So let's go and ask Foreigners in Japan.

Now that you came to Japan was there a moment when you failed a little bit.

When you were like... whooops no one around me did that.

Or when you looked around and realized all the Japanese people didn't do that but I did.

Well I have pink hair, and it used to be even pinker when I first got here.

That is my constant life.

So everyone just looks at you.

Looks at me really weird.

So you do stand out.

Thank you.

That's the moment...

I saw his head in the crowd and I was like "THAT PERSON, I need to interview that person."

and now here you are, thank you very much by the way.

So that's one of the things where you feel a little bit of a gap.


Like, standing out.

Maybe not being as traditional as they would prefer.

A lot of things, everything from your precise chopstick uses and what you are supposed to

do with them.

And I am like oops.

I kind of offended a lot of people.

Then, I am normally a very loud person so I am shouting in areas that are quiet and

people are looking at me like...

I am like...

I am American.

I am sorry.

I apologize.

But just a lot of little things I've noticed.

Just some minor culture clashes.


I am still learning to speak Japanese.

I have made a few mistakes, like saying the wrong thing.

Just immediately been very embarrassed because I knew immediately afterwards.

So yes, its really easy to like say the wrong syllable and say the complete wrong word that

you were expecting to say something different.

Generally Japanese people are so kind and they seem to be really understanding because

they are like "ah you are just a foreigner, you don't know any better."

So a lot of the times I am sure I have made mistakes, and they just played it off like

"oh she is so cute.


Which is kind of silly but it makes me feel better because they are not being so judgmental.

They don't expect me to be Japanese.

That's nice.

Was there any situation when you you thought "Oh I messed up a little bit."

Like that was a bit of a fail.

I probably shouldn't have done that.

Or a moment when you got lost in translation, slipped up a little bit or did something where

you were like whoops no one of the Japanese people is doing that.

I had an instance when I came to Japan before in Hiroshima.

I was at a homestay.

My homestay sister had sneezed and I said bless you.

And everybody just stopped and they looked at me.

Like "What are you talking about?

I am just sneezing this is a regular body function."

And I just didn't understand how I got lost in translation there.

So surprising.

Something as simple as that saying.

I guess it's not done here.

Not customary.

So that was a really interesting experience.

Actually that scene with the sneezing I kind of want to re-stage that if that's possible.

Can we have you sneeze, and then she goes bless you and we both just go ooooh.

Bless you.

Then we had another experience on the train.

The doors open and close so fast.

We were gonna travel together and the train was very crowded.

We were on the Chuo line.

She went into the train and said I am gonna go into the next car and then the doors closed.

She was on the platform and I was in the train.

Oh no.

What did you do?

We met at the next station.

It's good that all the trains stop exactly in the same place.

So you know they have those markers on the platform.

And the trains come very fast.

So I saw her in about 5 minutes.

It was just those 5 minutes when I was "oh my gosh, what do we do, we are separated,

she has the pocket wifi. What's going on. We can't text each other.

That was amazing.

That's shocking, getting lost without the internet.

Stranded in Tokyo.

I was so scared.

I was trying to yell "Kanda!

Get off at Kanda!"

She was just looking at me.

"I don't know."

I was like "I hope she got off at Kanda."

And I had the wifi and was like Oh no, I just lost Garcia in Tokyo oh great.

Did you have a situation in Japan where you thought "Yeah, I did that pretty well."

or like aced that situation.

We did some research before we came here about the bathrooms.

And it's interesting to see they don't have the paper towels.

So getting a napkin beforehand to have the handkerchief with you, to dry your hands,

that was like a really good thing.

We would probably have missed that if we wouldn't have it.

That was a good plan for us.

Serious advice for you guys, bring your hand towel when you come.

Definitely bring your hand towel, you are gonna need it.

That's a hard one.

I felt like I was pretty prepared when I came.

I started getting lot of phone apps with Japanese language to practice.

So I could at least be very polite how I speak how I behave and such.

So I know how to dress, a lot of fashion, I actually watch some of your videos...

Thank you On what to wear as fashion.

I happened to pick up this dress so I can feel myself and feel a bit more respectful

with how I dress in public.

So I feel much more comfortable since I got here.

And the fashion is amazing.

So i felt like I under-dressed some days.

I was still under dressing cause some of these heels are beyond me.

Way beyond.

It was beautiful, I love it.

On that note, watch Youtube, so you know what to do, right.

Yes definitely, the fashion.

We traveled very well too.

It was very easy for us to take the trains.

I don't know.

Because we knew the city life.

We didn't really get lost.

We looked it up and we looked exactly where it was going and it was gonna be at that platform.

It was gonna be at that time.

That was really simple so ... So get a metro app.

That's been a life saver so far.

Do you research before you come, right?


Lots of research.Lots and Lots of research.

Hours of research.

Stay up all night.

It's nice cause you never know what off the beaten path you find.

We happened to find a street in Shinjuku that was just completely off the city range.

It was almost as if you are walking to a shrine area.

But it had lots of very small bars but it was beautiful and suddenly it got really quiet.

Once we exited out of there we just...

City Life!

Everywhere. We were like Whoa where did we end up?

It's fun to walk off the beaten path sometimes and see what you find.

You find really cool things.

Good those were all the questions.

Thank you so much.

I had a great time.

Give me a hug!

So fails in Japan...

I must say I am a very clumsy person.

I do lots of adorable or very stupid fails.

Some might still be funny some of them are really not funny.

I must say I had a bit of trouble.

I just moved into Tokyo.

If you guys watch my personal channel you heard about that.

I just moved into Tokyo.

I don't have the money for a washing machine yet so I am saving up for it.

Hopefully I can afford one next month or the month after next month.

For now I have to go to the coin laundry.


That was not as easy.

I looked up on Google maps and saw there was a coin laundry about ten minutes away from

from the house.

Right now it's 33 degrees outside and that's in the shade.

I had a huge suitcase and a huge cover on top.

I don't know what just fell... anyways.

I had a huge suitcase, I had another huge bag on top.

It was incredibly heavy I carried it down the steps, I carried it out on the street,

and then in the burning sunlight I walked for 15 minutes because it was so heavy.

And while I was walking I was like "this is ok I am seeing my neighborhood."

It is really heavy and I am sweating like crazy but everything is fine."

And then I arrived at the coin laundry finally and I was so tired.

Those 15 minutes with the heavy stuff made me so tired.

So I arrived and I looked at machine number one and it had a massive red sign on it.

And I was like what does it mean?

And then I looked it up and was like ok "Under Construction".

And then the next one next to it was "under construction."

But that's fine there was another one left to it.

Which also was under construction.

That's ok there was one final one on the further left that had an error.

And there was a really old one and I was ready to use the super old washing machine but that

that was broken too.

So I went to a coin laundry salon in which literally every every washing machine was

broken apart from the drying machines.

I was like "Aaah".

I walked up and down and was like "Aaah".

There was a camera in the store they must have seen me going like


So I was like, I don't know what do to.

The next coin laundry was over 20 minutes away.

So I went back to the convenient store.

Luckily there was a taxi parked in front of it.

So I asked the Taxi driver if he can take me to the next coin laundry.

He was like ok.

He drove me to the next coin laundry that was on google maps.

And guess what?

That one was empty.

There was not a single washing machine in there anymore.

I was like AAAAAH.

So the taxi driver and I, he was a nice chap, we looked up on the phone, we found one more

that was supposed to be close to my place.

So he drove there.

Once we arrived he was like "Wait I will check for you."

So he went out of the cab, had a look and was like YAY it's there!

You can use it!

So I was like ah thank god!

So we unloaded and I finally could do my washing.

Yes but that was quite a story and it was quite... quite a strange day I had.

But finally I have fresh washing again.

The one we found is actually closer to my place, than the other one that was on Google maps.

It just wasn't registered on Google maps.

So it kind of... something good came out of it if I think of it, in the end.

So that was my fail in Japan.

Let me know about your recent fail.

Looking forward to reading that, that's gonna be lots of fun.

Looking forward to lots of funny comments and messages and stories.

Please leave a comment.

And I catch you soon on Ask Japanese!


For more infomation >> EPIC FAILS IN JAPAN! What do foreigners in Japan fail at? - Duration: 10:30.


How to hack the game "FarmVille" - Duration: 2:32.

Add cash

To subscribe to the channel and the first learn about new hacks

For more infomation >> How to hack the game "FarmVille" - Duration: 2:32.


Funny video it's really funny - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Funny video it's really funny - Duration: 2:25.


Breaking NEW - UFO Seen In Arizona. Mysterious Light Has Citizens Baffled! - Duration: 9:21.

it's good guys hey guys it's just who died nameless so again it is back that

same UFO light it's been around came back two nights in a row so I got that

footage for you also about footage of this weird blue light that I really want

to talk to you guys about as well as some more UFO sightings so let's jump

right into this right now

okay guys here's the footage I want to show you again now but not helicopters

aircrafts because they do show it in orbit when i zoom into him you can

obviously see again it's just this weird blinking light and the first part of it

what I just showed you is the one a this was I believe this was Sunday night and

then footage gonna show you next is going to be Monday night

and it's where the thing again showed up a little bit different of an area but

again when i zoom in it blinks just this is a little weird blinking light but

it's no craft or anything that I can anything that commute area doesn't

materialize it just stays this light and even how much i zoom in and it's the

camera zooms in a lot I mean you've seen the other footage of the helicopters

when I zoomed into them it's pretty much like I'm at the front door the

helicopter so I don't know what these things are again but they keep showing

up just to change position just a little bit from where they are and they just

come and go they'll stay for like two or three hours that we've

like I said like you guys have seen the helicopters do watch them watch over

them are they show me the right after they're born this one I didn't catch the

helicopters it was kind of different every other time I have quoted them

helicopters have been right there for these have turned in to the avocados

but not this time but still let me know what you think on this one guys and then

I want to get into now I want to show you these new UFO sightings that I saw

that I thought were pretty cool

okay guys so here are the UFO sightings I was telling you about this one is

actually taking over Alabama they're in an airplane and they solve this white

thing right here and then they got a little bit closer to zoomed in picture

and they had no idea what it was I mean it is just a great capture just great

picture I don't know I don't have any other information on it I just know

they're in the airplane that took a picture I reached out to them and I'm

waiting for them to comment back I also wanted to show you this other one which

is just awesome find again it's this one right here oh another one this one is in

Minnesota they're just in Minnesota and they saw something weird the sky decided

to take their phone out and again snapped a couple pictures here's what we

get now this one reminds me of that drone looking one that I have in my

other video that I showed you guys it looks a lot similar a little bit

different but it's still pretty crazy find we don't know if it's a drone or

not but once again it's one of those ball shaped ones it doesn't really look

like any drones I know of again it could be advanced military weapons who knows

but once again a great find so I wanted to share these with you guys and you can

find these and more over at UFO stalker comm that's where I found these I will

put a link in the description I think it's a very great site I'm recent uh I

recently found it and I'm new to the site as well but I think if you like

UFOs and stuff like that guys which a lot of us do check out the site I mean

they have updates on them if you even find a UFO you can update them and tell

them where you are with pictures or not pictures just let them know where it's

up it's a really cool way to keep in touch with other people that have seen

UFOs it's really cool site now before I let you go guys I have one more thing I

want to show you

okay guys so I'm not sure if you caught it there but this is what I was trying

to show you but if you look very carefully jump I'll replay it look right

here all around here you guys see that blue light again you guys see that she

reserved it okay guys so I slowed down the footage

so you can see a little bit more as well as I'm sorry for the long ways it was an

old video that I took and I wasn't thinking this would ever be on a video

or on my youtube channel it was just a random video to be honest but okay go

ahead and let's check it out

it's only a little bit it'll need to be getting this video look at that

so here it is

so I don't know what it is go ahead let me know what you guys think it is or if

you know what it is let me know what you think in the description let me know

what it is in the description just comment me whatever you think it is I

just looked it up I've looked at if it could be the camera and nothing comes up

as in effects a camera maker of a cellphone camera would make that's what

I use my cell phone I think use my good camera and there's nothing in there say

the shutter would cause that there was no flash going on my flashes off there

is nothing that would cause it happen there's no glitch in the camera nothing

i I've been trying to look at this light for the last couple months and I can't

find anything on it so just a weird weird occurrence this was around the

time that I caught that blue thing my house it's creepy check out that it was

also around at the time I started waking up to things so just let me know what

you guys think because it's really creeps me out to be honest and I wanted

to show you guys other pictures to go along with this because when you think

of aliens and you think of weird sightings in it anything along that sort

there's always some kind of light that people talk about if you look at the

duck shion's there's always that light that either picks up the cow or the old

redneck truck anything along those lines but abductees have always talked about

this blue light or even UFOs having shields around them better a bluish

color to green color do you guys think that this could possibly be that type of

light was a craft nearby me or something of that sort well what do they use these

fields for is it just for their protection on their ship or maybe is it

their cloaking device could it be that it was really close and the cloaking

device we're just coming out or were they trying to abduct something man

these are all the questions that I have for this and all the photos that you can

find on either Google or on the web if you look up aliens and blue lights these

are the things that come up so it's a very interesting subject and very weird

find but uh go ahead let me know what you guys think please and give me a

thumbs up guys and just for you I'm working on more videos already I do have

a video coming up about the Russian Batman I don't know if you guys have

heard of this yet but there is a guy in Russia and it's almost like the movie

Batman or the movie kick-ass because he is literally dressed as Batman taking

down drug lords and I know that's off the UFO topic and stuff but I still

think it's freaking awesome so I'm I'll get that out to you guys as

soon as possible so once again go ahead and give me a thumbs up and subscribe if

you guys haven't and I just want to thank you so much for being a part of i

nameless guys and making this what it is I love you all and I will be back with

the next one shortly see you later guys


For more infomation >> Breaking NEW - UFO Seen In Arizona. Mysterious Light Has Citizens Baffled! - Duration: 9:21.


BREAKING: Trump Just Ended Welfare For One HUGE Group For 5 Years! – Let The Riots ERUPT! - Duration: 5:46.

BREAKING: Trump Just Ended Welfare For One HUGE Group For 5 Years!

– Let The Riots ERUPT!

President Trump is about to end the longstanding abuse of the American welfare system and ban

migrants from getting free money and handouts for five years.

The immigration rules will prohibit migrants from coming to the country and taking advantage

of free American welfare money right away.

It will slow down, or stop, chain migration while protecting American workers and potentially

saving taxpayers money.

What used to happen is that people would migrate to America and just live on the free money

they received.

That's called welfare abuse.

America is open to migrants, but perhaps we don't want migrants who can't fend for


Maybe it's better if people who are self-sufficient migrate to the country so that we can reduce

the amount of citizens living off the system.

President Trump wants to introduce a merit-based Green card system in which migrants compete

for Visas.

Migrants can earn points for themselves by learning to speak English, gaining job training

or job offers, or doing something else that is considered a benefit to the America.

The idea seems to be that in order for America to grant Visas or citizenship, the migrant

has to give something back to the country.

It's as though the government wants to stop people coming to America and living off the

system and would prefer people coming to the country to be contributors.

Do something for America and America will do something for you.

Migrants to those countries must compete for a limited number of visas by gaining points

for English proficiency, competitive training, a job offer or another major achievement that

benefits the host country.

The concept, which is modeled after similar programs from Australia and Canada, is taking

harsh criticism from activists.

It's like they want an open border policy where everyone gets free welfare money, but

that would just be the downfall of America.

If we observe what's happening in Germany, with Merkel's "come on in" policy, then

we see a mass increase in horrible crimes like gang rape.

Do we want mass amounts of migrant gang rape in America?

There's already enough trouble with crime in sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrant


Those folks should be deported because of their bad behavior and often violent crimes

they commit on American people and even other immigrants.

If America prevents immigrants from getting free benefits for five years, then that makes

people think twice about coming here.

If a family who thinks about crossing the border to start a new life knows that they

cannot live for free, then they may not come at all.

If they have possible jobs lined up and will be almost instantly integrating successfully

with society, then that's a great match.

America is the land of the free, but not the land of the free money.

Migrants who enter the United States cannot receive welfare during their first five years

in the country, President Trump revealed from his upcoming immigration overhaul.

"Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green

Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects

our workers and our economy," he stated on his weekly radio address.

"As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country."

"You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately

and start picking up welfare.

For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems."

Compare that to Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the border to millions

of unvetted migrants who can't speak German and lack employable skills, which dooms them

to perpetual welfare paid by German taxpayers – and boredom that manifests into terrorist

attacks against, once again, German taxpayers.

Last year the German government admitted that only 2.8% of over 1.2 million migrants had

gotten a job – but even then those statistics might be exaggerated, according to journalist

Chris Menahan.

"They said back in July only 55 out of one million migrants had got jobs with any major

firms and 50 of those jobs were working at the post office," he reported.

"Two-thirds or more of these migrants are illiterate in their own languages."

"They came because Merkel promised them free money if they can just make it into the


What in tarnation would be a good reason for any country to accept illiterate people who

don't work?

There is literally no benefit to the host country to admit people like that.

I know it sounds mean to say this, but they don't offer anything to the country other

than leeching the system of funds and it's a complete downgrade to the population.

If you let too many low illiterate people into the country, then they have kids who

could be illiterate, then over time, it would only decrease the overall intelligence of

the country and civilization in America would suffer.

We need hard working and intelligent people who bring promise and productivity to further

the advancement of Americans and mankind.

That sounds like quite a stretch but think of the impact of accepting one million people

who mostly can't read or don't work.

Now the government has to pay for them.

Let's say one million immigrants each get $30,000 worth of welfare benefits per year.

That's $30,000,000,000 of free welfare money sucked out of the American budget for people

who put NOTHING back into our society, culture, or anything at all.

That is literally a $0.00 return on investment.

Not that people are a business, but that's really bad business.

And as you can see, Germany has turned into a cesspool from all the migrants flooding

the gates and ruining their nation.

Prepare for a massive backlash from liberals, democrats, and activists.

There's sure to be protests regarding Trump's potential immigration policy.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Just Ended Welfare For One HUGE Group For 5 Years! – Let The Riots ERUPT! - Duration: 5:46.


The National for Wednesday October 25, 2017 - Duration: 51:30.

For more infomation >> The National for Wednesday October 25, 2017 - Duration: 51:30.


Top 5 Scary Non-Horror Books - Duration: 8:49.

hi my name is Pene and welcome to my channel. Today I'm gonna do another Top 5

Wednesday video so I'll leave some links down to the group below but this week

the challenge is the top 5 books, non-horror books that scared you. So I found

this one quite difficult to come up with books. Every time I would come up

I'd look at my shelf and I find a book 'oh that one scared me' and then I'd

realized that it was a horror book and so didn't count. So I have eventually

come up with 5 books but I gave up on putting them in any kind of order

because I kept changing my mind about what was scarier so I 've just shuffled up

the books and we're gonna do them in a random order. So first of all let's talk

about the book that I don't have a physical copy of and that is Dark Matter

by Blake Crouch. In this book we've got this guy who's kind of got an ordinary

life and I'm trying to work out how much I can save without it being a spoiler

but I think what is says on the back of the book is that he gets kidnapped

and he wakes up and his life is completely different. It's definitely a spoiler to

tell you why his life is different but once you find out and just throughout

the story that kind of builds up into this crazy situation where things just

get more and more extreme and it's kind of terrifying to think about what it

would be like to be in that situation and have to go through that much just to

get your life back so even though I absolutely love this book and I think

there were some really beautiful moments and thoughts in it,

it was definitely pretty terrifying by the end. So the second book I'm gonna

talk about is the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Steven Donaldson and this

is a wrap up of the first volume. There's three books the first Chronicles and

there's also the second Chronicles. UM you can tell by the quality of this book

that it's a very old series, from the seventies. So we follow this man called

Thomas Covenant, obviously, who is... has leprosy so he's got a lot of health issues

and his wife, I can't remember if she is dead or she's just left him

but he's kind of like this grumpy old man and then he stumbles through this

portal into another world and because of where and when he comes through they

think that he is kind of prophesized to be their Savior but actually he's kind

of a piece of shit. So one thing that this book did get a lot of criticism

for is there is trigger warnings for rape and it's not particularly well

dealt with so that's a bit of a shame. What, what is this book that kind of the

world that he ends up in is kind of like Lord of the Rings world, kind of epic

proportions and there's always like, I think as he's traveling through

different parts of the world in different times of the day these

different things happen, like there's different monsters come or sometimes

it's just like fire or like acid rain that like burns you. It just, it's a really

scary world to live in. And because Thomas Covenant's like new to this world it's

all kind of a surprise to you all the time. There's less, I think there was less

surprises in the second sort of the second Chronicles? But yes this world was

definitely a scary world and not one that I would ever want to go to.l

Alright, the next book on my pile is Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, so this

is a sadly unfinished series so far and it follows Kvothe, I never know how

to say that but he ends up being an orphan after his parents are killed by

the Chandrian and then he goes off to have all these adventures and journeys

and it's really amazing world and the magic systems are great and he's a

musician and he goes to university to study magic and I mean a lot of people

have read this book so you probably know about it but the scary part in the Name of

the Wind is definitely the Chandrian themselves. So so far you only know

snippets on them but little bits that you do know are just so terrifying and I'm

really not looking forward to the third book when I expect that we're gonna get

a lot more of the Chandrian and I think the third book is just gonna be

terrifying for that reason. I mean already what Kvothe had to go through

after his family was killed was a pretty scary thing to read about and to think

about if it happened to you. Okay, so the next book on my pile is the Raven Boys

by Maggie Stiefvater, so the Raven Cycle really. I don't think

the Raven Boys book gets too much into the scary stuff but later books,

Cabeswater gets pretty terrifying. So in the Raven Cycle it's essentially about this

group of friends who are trying to find this mythical king of Glendower who will

grant their wishes if they find him and really what makes this book great is

kind of the characters and the friendships and also the depth of the

world and how many different kind of magics are kind of pulled in. What makes

it terrifying is definitely Cabeswater near the end of the series. I don't

remember which book exactly it goes crazy, it's definitely not safe, it's not

nice and because by then I'd kind of grown quite attached to the characters I was

quite scared that something was going to happen to them so I did not like that but

I did like it at the same time that's... that's what

being scared is like right especially in terms of fiction. In real life being

scared is pretty much always bad but in fiction being scared is both bad and

good. Alright so we're up to the last book on my pile which this is actually

just a stand-in for the actual book. So this is a book from the Saga of the

Exiles which is a trilogy that links into the Galactic Milieu trilogy by

Julian May and there's also another book called Intervention and I'm never sure

which series actually comes first because they deal with time travel and

the characters from one trilogy time travel back in time to the other trilogy

but things that happen in that trilogy impact what happens and the other one.

Right? That's complicated but it's also really cool.

So the Galactic Milieu trilogy is the one that's set in the future when people have started

to develop different like mental powers, so like telepathy, telekinesis, all that

kind of thing and in the story you mainly followed this particular family who are

really strong in these powers. There's quite there's quite a negative

atmosphere in the world towards people with these powers. People are afraid of

what they might do, kind of like x-men movie styles, so somewhere along the way

the series turns into a murder mystery and it's quite scary because you really

don't have any idea who the murderer is but slowly you begin to realize that

it's one of the characters that you know, which of course - if it was just some random

it's not very exciting is it? And it feels like quiet a betrayal when you

find out who it is so it's just kind of terrifying to think about what it would

be like in that situation if people around you were dying and you knew it

was probably being done by someone you knew but you didn't know who it was, who

to trust, who to protect BLEAH scary! Okay so that is the end of my pile of top five

non-horror books that scared me. As I said I found this quite hard so I would

really like to know what other non horror books there are that are scary so

if you have any ideas let me know because I definitely I don't tend to

read too much real horror because it's too scary for me and also I don't like the

scariness to be the whole story. I like there to be also some other stuff going

on. So kind of books that have focused on other things and the scary is on the

side is probably quite a good option, rather than reading horror books. I just

babbled for a long time! Anyway if you have any suggestions for other books I

might read in this cahkshfs... in this category I would definitely be

interested. So thank you for watching and I'll see you next time! :)

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary Non-Horror Books - Duration: 8:49.


ハンドパワーと治療の秘密 The secret of healing qi - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> ハンドパワーと治療の秘密 The secret of healing qi - Duration: 0:41.


[FREE] Future Type Beat 2017 - "AQUAFINA" | Free Type Beat 2018 | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:39.

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For more infomation >> [FREE] Future Type Beat 2017 - "AQUAFINA" | Free Type Beat 2018 | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:39.


Assassin's Creed Origins - Launch Trailer - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins - Launch Trailer - Duration: 0:55.


Frankincense Resin Burner ASL - Duration: 5:39.


This is the Resin Burner for Frankincense resins

from Young Living

This burner right here came out of this box

and when you buy the Resin Burner, it comes included with one package of resins

the resin bag is 100 grams

I did not know the normal size package of resins came included with the resin burner, so I bought a bag of resins at the same time and now have two bags of resins.

The bag that is included in the Resin Burner box is the same size as the Resin bag you can buy separately

so after the first bag runs low, you can buy another bag of resins alone from Young Living without buying the Resin Burner again

Up to you

I actually like to touch the resins

After I touch the resins, it leaves the smell of frankincense on my hands for awhile

Here's what it looks like-

It has a cord, which I already plugged in to the wall outlet

Just put in about a dozen little pieces of the Resins on the burner plate

spread it out

one important tip

always remember to watch the temperature-

this is the temperature control


You don't want it to bubble up and overflow from getting too hot too fast or it will damage the resin burner

You want to keep the temperature as low as possible

So I will turn it on now

Then if you don't see any light on the power switch, the temperature dial might be turned down too low

The red light in the power switch will dim or brighten according to how you have adjusted the temperature dial

(oops it wasn't on)

now it's on!

see the light in the power switch?

Now I will turn it down to where I almost do not see any light in the power switch

(turning down temperature)

Did you see that?

I admit that sometimes I like to take the lid off and watch the resins melting,

it looks cool to see the resins melting!

A word of caution, do not use/ set this up where children can touch it

Keep this out of children's reach. It can reach up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit

It's beautiful and you can use it year-round.

It is available from Young Living year-round

When I want to clean it,

this scraper comes in the box with the Resin Burner

I prefer to turn it on and have it warm so the burnt resins are soft, which make it easier to scrape out the burnt resins

with a piece of cardboard, a small square will do,

then I hold the small piece of cardboard and scrape the soft resins with the scraper onto the cardboard

Then the cardboard that now has the little pile of burnt resins can now just be thrown away, no need to keep the burnt resins.

It is black and not the best smelling when it's burnt, just throw the burnt resins away

When it turns black in the resin burner, then you know it's time to scrape it all out

Then put in some fresh resins in the resin burner!

It came with a little instructions

But the most important tip I got from friends was to keep it at a low temperature and not use too many resins in it!

Just a little resins is adequate

I like using this because when I use it, I notice that while it's burning on one end of the house,

I can, after awhile, smell it on the other end of my house

The smell is deeper and more extensive than if I had diffused Frankincense essential oil in a diffuser

The frankincense resins (burned) have a deeper, more far reaching smell in the home

It's a good calming smell

This Resin Burner is NOT for use with essential oils

for use with resins only

This can be hard to get during the month of December

Because it's a very popular item from Young Living during the Christmas season

But this is available year-round!

and I actually thought when I got it for my family last Christmas that I would just use it during the Christmas season

and then put it away

But... I did not do that.

It has been out and in use in my home for the whole year

So go enjoy Frankincense all year round

oh- look, it's starting to smoke a little, time to check it!

I see it's starting to melt a little,

I will turn it down a bit

(close up view of resins starting to melt)

Good bye! Subscribe to my YouTube channel, "My Friend Phoebe" for more videos like this!


For more infomation >> Frankincense Resin Burner ASL - Duration: 5:39.


Adrian Being Adrian || RealLife Kat - Duration: 0:23.

*heavy breathing*

*bad mouth noises*

*more mouth noises*

For more infomation >> Adrian Being Adrian || RealLife Kat - Duration: 0:23.


Neutron Stars - Behind the News - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Neutron Stars - Behind the News - Duration: 3:36.


Conquering Chronic Pain! Based On Research Studies - Duration: 14:33.

0:06 Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Jacobs.

I am a doctor of physical therapy and the inventor of the Advanced Soft Tissue Release


I am a cancer survivor and I used to suffer from chronic migraines, headaches, fatigue,

and pain after my second cancer treatment.

0:26 I was able to help my condition through the discovery of Advanced Soft Tissue Release.

It is a holistic approach that treats the source of the problem with the invention of

several instruments.

0:44 The goal of this video is to go over current treatments for chronic pain patients,

highlight the most effective treatments based on the studies, and also cover the 10 elements

that I have discovered to relieve my own chronic pain and also helped my patients experience

chronic pain relief.

Hopefully from this video, I would like to challenge healthcare providers to treat the

source of the problem instead of symptoms based on research studies.

1:24 Current modalities that are used for chronic pain include massage, acupuncture,

spine adjustment, joint mobilization, stretching, dry needle, and manual therapy.

In many studies, these were found to be temporary or short-term pain relief.

1:44 Let us go over a couple of studies that reviewed these modalities.

One of the studies was done by the University of Ottawa in Canada and it reviewed 270 studies.

They concluded that, "The benefit of massage, acupuncture, and spine adjustment treatments

were mostly evident immediately or shortly after the end of the treatment and then faded

with time."

2:12 Another systematic review done by Maylor looked at the manual therapy use and exercises

to relieve chronic pain and they found that there is "high quality evidence that suggests

greater short-term pain relief than exercise (manual therapy) alone but no long-term differences

across multiple outcomes for subacute/chronic neck pain with or without cervicogenic headache."

2:46 There are much more studies on dry needle, exercises, stretches, massages, and manual

therapy that show that it provides short-term pain relief but there is no promise of long-term

pain relief.

Feel free to contact me and I will send you a link to all the studies.

I am working with students of literature who compact all the studies into one paper so

it will be easier for readers and healthcare providers to have access to that.

That is work that I have been working on for the last 6 years summarized in one paper and

we will have that available for everyone to review.

3:29 It is really frustrating as a chronic pain patient to learn what I was learning

in school and what I was using on my patient provided short-term pain relief but nothing

was geared towards chronic pain patients.

This is really sad because when we look at the statistics, there are 100 million Americans

that suffer from chronic pain, but still healthcare providers use modalities that provide short-term

pain relief.

4:10 Before we start looking at a solution, we need to look at what the problem is and

how our body works, so that we will be able to gear the treatment to treat the problem

instead of the symptoms.

In order to do that, we have to understand the normal healing cycle.

You are going to the on the screen, the process of healing.

One example is an external cut.

I am going to use an external paper cut for visualization to help us understand how our

body heals.

This process is very complicated but I am going to simplify it in this video to give

you an idea about what is going on in the body.

4:52 The first stage of the paper cut is inflammation.

During that stage there is swelling, redness, blood starts to rush to that area, and pain


The second stage is the proliferation stage.

That is when he body starts to build scar tissue in order to heal.

If our body does not build scar tissue, it becomes an open wound susceptible to infection.

Scar tissue is essential for survival.

During this stage it is not only scar tissue, there is always fascia restriction, muscle

spasm, and trigger points.

It is a cascade of events.

The last stage is the maturation stage, in which the body starts to heal.

It actually starts to break down the scar tissue and the muscle spasms, trigger points,

and fascia restriction clears up and gets loose.

This process could take days, weeks, months, or years.

As we get older, our body's ability to break the scar tissue decreases significantly.

5:58 I will give you another visualization to know how this happens.

Let me go over Tom, for example Tom had a car accident.

When he had the accident, he started to experience neck pain.

I am going over this process that happens internally but you can visualize it with the

paper cut.

The first stage you have is inflammation which involves swelling and redness in that area.

The second stage is when the body starts to build scar tissue around the micro tear areas

in the muscle.

During that event, he starts o have fascia restriction, muscle spasm, tightness in his

neck, and trigger points.

After that, he starts to slouch forward and attain bad habits that lead to poor posture

and poor body mechanics.

During this event, he starts to stress out because he is unable to work properly or he

has a lot of discomfort during work.

He has a lot of stress because his car is totaled and then he starts to not eat the

proper diet that will help his body heal, so his diet is effected too.

When we look at this event or Tom's accident, there are 10 elements that are involved with

that accident.

7:30 When you look at the screen it starts with inflammation, then scar tissue, then

fascia restriction, trigger points, muscle spasms, poor posture & body mechanics, sometimes

gait problems, and then he starts to have nutrition issues because he is not eating

the proper diet, and a lot of stress and anxiety that is involved with this scenario.

At the end of it, his entire life changes and that leads to the chronic condition being


8:05 When I looked at the 10 elements, I realized that we need to treat them all simultaneously.

As a chronic pain patient, if we do not treat those 10 elements simultaneously, it will

be hard to get long-term pain relief.

From my personal experience, I had to work on all of those elements simultaneously, but

the problem that I found with current treatment models was that when we look at the studies

for massage, scar tissue, or manual therapy, they showed short-term relief but no long-term.

This was really frustrating and it actually led me to invent an instrument to treat those

issues effectively.

These are some of the instruments I use to break scar tissue, release fascia restrictions

and trigger points, and work on muscle spasms.

9:08 When I looked at current evidence of treating those 10 elements, that is exactly

what matched the biopsychosocial model.

This model was developed by Dr. George Angel in 1977 and his approach of treating chronic

conditions was based on the physical, social, and psychological problems that involved chronic


When we look at this model, we look at treating patients ergonomically, medically, treat the

posture, soft tissue to release tightness, meditation, stress relief classes, nutrition,

and exercise classes.

Currently, a lot of practitioners call it multi-discipline model that requires a patient

to go to 4, 5, or sometimes 6 practitioners to try and fix the problem holistically.

Let us look at the study that was presented on that model.

10:24 One of the studies, done by Guzman, was a systematic review that looked at 10

studies that was for chronic low back pain.

There were 1,964 participants involved in the study and they found that, "Strong evidence

suggests that the biopsychosocial treatment approach was more effective with functional

improvement compared to non-multidisciplinary treatment."

This is just one study, there are tons of other studies and I have the link to those

studies at the bottom of this video.

Feel free to contact me if you need more studies, there are many more studies that show the

holistic approach when we treat the problem from all aspects that lead to chronic pain


That is actually what I utilize through ASTR treatment.

11:20 The problem with the multidiscipline model or the biopsychosocial model is that

the patient has to go to several practitioners.

They have to go to meditation class, nutrition class, manual therapy, exercise class, work

with a physical therapist, get a massage for soft tissue, and ergonomic training.

When you look at this and I was reading many forms where patients were complaining that

it was very time consuming and very expensive.

You would need to block 5-6 hours a week just to treat the source of the problem instead

of the symptoms.

That is what led me to reinvent the way we treat patients.

Through ASTR treatment, I addressed the 10 elements of the problem simultaneously and

I figured out a way to readdress it in 2-3 treatments.

12:25 When I see the patient, we can address it in 2-3 treatments.

I had to reinvent manual therapy to get a good result in a short period of time.

Feel free to check the real treatment videos that I posted on my Youtube channel so you

can see the manual power of it.

Behind the scenes, I actually go over the 10 elements and I figure out more about several

conditions like tension headaches or migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, back pain.

I developed these over the period of 6 years based on the fastest, most efficient way to

relieve pain.

So far, these have worked really well for patients and I am constantly working on new

protocol and better ways to treat a patient.

I update these protocol and teach it in my classes to healthcare providers while constantly

working on new inventions and instruments.

13:37 Feel free to subscribe to my channel, you will get updated with tips on how to relieve


Also, there is over 150 videos on ASTR treatment and you can see the instruments that I invented

and the results I get with my patients.

If you are a healthcare provider who are interested in being an ASTR licensed provider, feel free

to click the link below to register for the next class.

I also included the link for my TedTalks where I shared how i discovered ASTR treatment.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Conquering Chronic Pain! Based On Research Studies - Duration: 14:33.


বিল গ্রেটস এর সফলতার কাহিনী Bill Gates Life History Success Story of Microsoft habit for success - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> বিল গ্রেটস এর সফলতার কাহিনী Bill Gates Life History Success Story of Microsoft habit for success - Duration: 4:17.


New security measures for flights begin - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> New security measures for flights begin - Duration: 1:21.


朝と夜の物語 (Asa to Yoru no Monogatari) Sound Horizon The Assorted Horizons English Subtitles - Duration: 6:47.

The Story [Roman] of The Morning of Birth and The Night of Death... Laurant...

Ah... this loneliness of ours bears a color similar to Jewels [La Pierre]...

"The meaning of being born"

"The meaning of dying"

"The present time you're living in"

"A 11-Lettered Message, A Fantasy Story [Roman]"

"The Fifth Horizon"


"Could a Story [Roman] be found here?"

Along the way, we'll come while crying


(All whilst embracing the same sorrow)

Along the way, we'll go while laughing

Across that distant Horizon

On your lips that I come across...

Ah... bring The Joy of Life [La Vie] to my song...

A Story [Roman] connecting us someday...

Along the way, we'll come while crying


(All while embracing the same sorrow)

Along the way, we'll go while laughing

"Come on!"

(Across that distant Horizon)

On your lips that I come across...

Ah... bring The Joy of Life [La Vie] to my song...

A Story [Roman] connecting each of us...

The Story [Roman] of The Morning of Birth and The Night of Death... Laurant...

Ah... this conciseness of ours bears a color similar to Flowers [La Fluer]

"The Windmill of the Sun, The Cradle of the Moon"

"The Story [Roman] of a Wandering Flame [Light]"

"Two Broken Dolls, The Corpse of a Man"

"The Story [Roman] of a Fantasy [Darkness] that twists time"

"This is the Mistress Violette, She is on my right arm" [C'est Mademoiselle Violette qui est dans le bras droit…]

"And... This is the Mistress Hortensia, She is on my left arm" [Et... C'est Mademoiselle Hortense qui est dans le bras gauche…]

"In my stead, go and circle around... in that world-"

"Could there be a Story [Roman] that leads to my birth?"

"Now, set off..."

"Yes, master" [Oui, monsieur]

"The coming commotion of Life, The Windmill of the Sun"

"The going peace of Death, The Cradle of the Moon"


"Spinning in remembrance, we are wandering Windmills [Moulin a vent]"

"Whichever Horizon we may wander across, we shall bring life to a song..."

This is My Story [Roman], where death became before life... Laurant

Ah... even if we were to never meet again, Our Stories [Roman] shall live on in the Present

"I'll keep on singing..." (We'll keep on searching...)

So that you'll never lose your way...

"Between Morning and Night,"

"The Flame wavers,"

"Desiring to grasp The Jewel,"

"An Arm reaches out to grab it,"

"If the Windmill were to spin,"

"Stardust will continue to glitter"

"The Angel Smiles upon"

"Beautiful Illusions"

"Dreams charmed by Wine"

"Are avoided by The Sage"

"The true meaning of The Message is know by The Horizon"

"Death in his right hand, and Life in his left"

"The Winter'S Balance remains consistent..."

For more infomation >> 朝と夜の物語 (Asa to Yoru no Monogatari) Sound Horizon The Assorted Horizons English Subtitles - Duration: 6:47.


baby learn colors | sofia the first | pencils | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes | colors learn fun - Duration: 2:21.

baby learn colors | sofia the first | pencils | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

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