Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

The protection of the earth

is very very important.

Because the land constitutes

the foundation of culture

for indigenous people.

The indigenous traditional knowledge is recognized as efficient

for tackling climate change situations.

Creating Pygmy organizations

it has given us some impact.

Without solidarity, there is no progress.

So we must be united.

For more infomation >> Pygmy Peoples of the DRC: A Rising Movement - teaser - Duration: 0:53.


Evolution of Masturbation - Duration: 5:10.

This episode of Sexplanations is sponsored by where you can find so

many sex toys to masturbate with!


The other day I was washing my crotch and did one of these rubbing gestures

on my clitoral hood.

My intention was to move the running water through the folds and clean things out.

But doesn't it resemble something else!?!?


It got me thinking -- maybe hygiene is the reason we masturbate!

So I present to you my hypothesis

and a handful of others actual evolutionary biologists have studied.

Just a note that the names of these hypotheses aren't official,

they're just my way of organizing them.

The Horny Hygiene Hypothesis

Masturbation IS correlated with moving cervical fluid through the reproductive system --

helping to clear out bacteria, other pathogens, and irritants.

But I propose it can do even more:

Imagine that my head is erectile tissue like a clit or a penis, and my hood is the foreskin.

Around puberty this area is kept soft and lubricated by a substance called sebum.

Sebum is great but if it's left there for a few days, it collects dead skins cells and

bacteria and all of this together becomes smegma -- represented here by tissues.

It's an odorous buildup that looks like cottage cheese, and it tends to cause the head

to stick to the foreskin so things don't move nicely anymore.

If only there was a way to simply clean this out????

Like inheriting a sense of pleasure from touching myself, which in-turn retracts the foreskin,

dislodges the smegma, and makes my body more hygienic so I'm less likely to die and more

likely to pass the horny hyGENE onto my offspring.

What do you think?

Is jostling your junk for hygiene an evolutionary explanation of masturbation?

What about this one: The By-Product Hypothesis

Basically the idea is that pleasurable sex reinforces reproduction and pair-bonding,

so stimulating your body in a similar fashion has a similar effect.

Sounds reasonable, makes me love that I have flexible digits at the end of these conveniently

long appendages so I can mimic reproductive efforts.

And that sell sex toys that do the same thing.

Next: The Iguana Hypothesis

In competitive mating systems where males fight over females, masturbation might work

as a release for those males who can't get laid.

Or as a way for them to get laid but not die trying.

An example of this is male marine iguanas that keep harems of females.

They're really aggressive toward any outside males who want in on the action.

So to reproduce, harem-less males rub against nearby rocks until they're close to coming,

then they'll mount a female all quick-like, inseminate her, then flee for safety.

Is this why we masturbate?

Or is it The Bored or Broken Hypothesis?

Take for example birds in captivity or your family dog.

Observations of them humping playthings suggest they might have incorrectly or inappropriately

adjusted to their environments -- leading to maladaptive behavior. In this case, masturbating.

That or they're adapting effectively to cope with boredom, anxiety, sexual tension, etc.

The Old Sperm Hypothesis

The thinking here is that sperm are more viable the "fresher" they are.

So by masturbating old, expired sperm are flushed out, and new athletic sperm can line

up for sex that's procreative.

There is some validity to this, but it really depends on how often masturbation happens.

The Vestigial Hypothesis

Vestigial refers to body parts, traits, or behaviors that served our ancestral species

but don't have clear functions now.

For example, tail bones and goosebumps.

Tail bones for tails we no longer have.

Goosebumps, to stand hair on it's end so we could look bigger in threatening situations.

Now we have different body hair which isn't going to do this yet we still experience goosebumps.

Similarly masturbation could have played a more prominent evolutionary role in the past.

Its origin may have more to do with how it served a species we evolved from

than how it serves us now.

The Learned Touch Hypothesis: I really like this one.

This hypothesis proposes that

masturbation evolved for a better understanding of anatomy and physiology.

If I explore my body through touch, I'll figure out what feels good,

I'll be more likely to orgasm and sometimes during orgasm

other physiological things will happen that increase fertility.

Like my cervix dipping down into my vagina repeatedly so it's easier for sperm that

could be pooled there to access an egg.

This relates to what I call the Exhibit Hypothesis.

If getting off through masturbation is something I display -- like look at me come, look at me come --

then masturbation might have evolved to teach potential partners the techniques that please me.

OR tempt them into wanting in on the sexy times I'm having.

I think my favorite is The Panacea Hypothesis.

Panacea refers to a universal remedy, a cureall for every problem --

and today I propose that's masturbation!

Certainly not for everyone or all things but masturbation is known to:

boost the immune system, decrease cancer risk,

elevate mood, enhance skin complexion, heighten senses, improve sleep, increase blood flow,

lessen cramps, lower blood pressure, minimize incontinence, reduce stress, release tension,

relieve pain, and slow signs of aging.

Not to mention it can feel amazing.

What if masturbation evolved as a built-in way for us to self-care and self-soothe, like

a handy mechanism for us to cope with the crisis of living?

Whatever the reason is -- I'm certainly thankful for it and I have a lot of curiosity

about how masturbation will continue to evolve.

Please share in the comments any ideas you have about masturbation's evolution and

stay curious!

A special thanks to evolutionary biologist Sally LePage for her review of this episode

and to Tom Price who is studying the evolution of masturbating in birds.

There are links to their work in the description

as well as an incredible deal from our sponsor

When you use the discount code DOE at checkout, Adam and Eve will give you 50% off an eligible

item and FREE shipping on orders sent to the U.S. or Canada.

For more infomation >> Evolution of Masturbation - Duration: 5:10.


SISTER Q&A: Embarrassing Stories, Biggest Fight, Childhood, Jail??? - Duration: 22:45.

hey guys so for today's video I honestly have a guest on my channel I'm so

excited for this because you guys have been dying and asking for me to do a

video with my sister and she actually has her own YouTube channel now so she's

a little bit more comfortable on camera so we're gonna be doing a Q&A so I asked

you guys to ask me some questions on snapchat so we're gonna do that and her

subscribers and her followers also asked her some questions so we're gonna be

doing a part two like another Q&A on her channel so I'm gonna leave her channel

link down below alright so let's just go ahead and get into some questions are

you ready mmm ready we're good okay so the first question is what's the biggest

fight you got into and how was it resolved oh boy I feel like we don't

really get into like really big fights at the another day I don't think we like

to argue with each other like I really think we always just want to be like

friends all the time and be super super close so I just think that we just don't

like to argue next question is what is your favorite memory with each other

from when you were kids I don't know what mine is I didn't think about this

one had my favorite memory I think I don't know if it's a specific memory but

I just loved when amy was super super young like really small I would say like

2 or 3 years old because she was so attached to me and I loved that about it

and every time she was looking for someone which she was always looking for

me so I just think like I just loved that I always looked kind of being like

a mom figure to her and I just love how she kind of like just ran to me all the

time yeah she definitely was like my mom like growing I mean obviously I have a

mom yeah but like she was like a big mother figure to me I don't know maybe

because you're 4 or 4 years older than I am she definitely like was like that but

my favorite memory I don't know what what's my favorite memory that we had

together I actually maybe like vacations like

we've had a lot of really fun vacation yeah like like the Cuba beach dance

party I think that I think like vacations and I think just always being

together like every single weekend we always had something planned and we

always will yeah and going shopping a lot together yeah so what's your

ethnicity and can you speak another language love your videos much love from

Las Vegas

what's our ethnicity we're Portuguese we're Portuguese and can you speak

another language I do speak Portuguese I speak a little bit of Spanish I'm trying

to learn more because I'm obsessed with learning Spanish I speak like that I

think you can speak Portuguese but just not fluently but other than that I don't

really speak I'm teaching yeah well it's similar to Portuguese so yeah I mean I

get like a little bit but not really I can't really speak another language

fluent describe each other's personality in

three words this is a good one Amy and three words to describe Amy in three

words she's definitely very organised she is loyal

oh you're stubborn vine really yeah you're stubborn you know what you want

and you will not let someone change you for you I would say kind um

perfectionist and adaptable that would be what I how I would describe you

that's so true okay so what's one make a product that

you each cannot live without I already know my answer to this one

Oh God actually I have two products I would probably say for me I'm like

debating over foundation or bronzer like I don't know if it's more important for

me to have like a good base or if it's like my contour I would say either or I

yeah I think I know for you would be gloss gloss because you would Merida

wear no makeup and you would you would the clothes on I would say click yeah

gloss for sure or highlighter like some days if I'm doing something quick I'm

like let's just put highlighter on my face and you'll still be blowing so I

definitely think that's another one too yeah that's a good one

okay what's your funniest or most embarrassing memory together we're

literally beavis and butt-head like we are stupid and silly when we're together

so I feel like we have way too many funny memories so it's a good one I

always say to Amy that like when I'm on my own I feel like sometimes I'm

completely different and as soon as we reunite we are two five girls I'm not

like when we get together we're like children yeah very immature yeah we

change like these immature loser who just like make the stupidest jokes

and we laugh about the dumbest thing the only thing I can think of is when we

wore the same outfit and we went to the mall and everyone kept called like

everyone was staring okay so that was so embarrassing

let's tell that story it was like a green jumper right and we know love

jumper so we're in the mall we're gonna safar went to Starbucks and everywhere

and I can't remember if we did we say we're gonna wear the same thing I think

we yeah like we didn't I don't know why I thought this was a good idea I don't

know why I was like yeah I'm down I don't know I was just I was trying like

I was like let me be out of my comfort zone so I agreed to wear this and I was

shocked like I was shocked that you were going through with it because I'm like

this new allegheny I agree well we did it and we were walking around the mall

and I kid you not everybody in the bar waiting on us it was so uncomfortable

I get so uncomfortable insecure like I hate me how many funds were we stocked

are you guys are you guys are you aiming but you were loving it like yeah you are

having the time of your life you're like I'm a superstar we're wearing the same

outfit and I'm just like let me hide please I need to run away it honestly it

doesn't bother me you're like this is like so weird I don't want to be in the

same outfit as you and I'm like that was so amazing to me because you do not like

attention yeah I don't like attention I mean what's like another funny memory

we've had together oh my god this is a funny one so when I was on vacation my

friend of a we were gonna go when I was on I don't know I don't know what this

is gonna be funny to you guys but this is freaking hilarious to me so when I

went on vacation you know you see the same you see the same like staff members

and I met this he was a staff member I met him at night and he was helping us

whenever giving us drinks whatever so he saw me at nighttime I had like a full be

full face on of makeup the next morning this guy sees and by the way like he

like he knew me because he was constantly giving us hey how are you

guys so no we didn't like make friends but we made good acquaintances so he

knew me the next morning this guy sees me I'm wearing no makeup cuz I'm going

to the beach I had like no makeup on you guys this guy walked right past me and

just looked at me like as if he didn't me I legit think he did not recognize me

with no makeup on be honest with you I was so traumatized I'm like did I really

look that different um like Haley looks it away hey nah I don't owe you an Omega

boy I want to ask how your personal styles reflect on each of your

personalities you guys have such both chic style thank you styles are really

different that's what our personality especially I think she's asking how does

our style reflect our personality for a me I definitely think I was gonna say

this about her personality she loves love's love's to be comfortable that is

how I would describe a me so I think her style definitely reflects that you know

what I mean so if she is to style an outfit I think that comfortable is

always on her mind kind of thing another thing I think because of that you love

to wear black and I think it's because another thing about a Mia she loves to

be safe yo black is definitely you can't go wrong black is absolutely stunning

it's classic and like you'll love track pants but now you'll use them to style

it and use like that yeah yeah like you ain't got the new trends to our campus

um I thank you because now I can be comfortable and I look like these trends

that came out in 2017 this whole like casual making it cute I think that is so

you yeah like I'm like thinking Jesus well yeah now you can definitely do that

so I think that's how you kind of your personality can next to how you're

dressing mm-hmm first step I would say she definitely is more like she likes a

little bit more glam than I do I feel like you could totally live that

lifestyle like the Kim Kardashian everyday full freaking glam like I feel

like she could like she could be that she could live that lifestyle and

flourish she loves like the glam the glitz the you know and that I feel like

that reflects you because that's your kind of your personality your a bit more

fancy I guess the night yeah like I will stay in my fantasy world I would love to

just get up and have like this outfit prepared for me and it'd just be a

minute to me like walking on the streets like you don't a me like I could totally

see myself yeah so in that way I feel like we're very different but we do have

really similar style in the way where we both like neutrals we don't really

we're colors we like to stick with like neutral shades and a bit I would say

look more feminine kind of like I love to look yeah I'm a bit more a little bit

more edgy a little bit more edgy a little bit more I don't want to see the

word trendy but like you have a little bit of that biker chicken yeah a little

bit and then your she's a little bit more like feminine pretty I feel when

I'm in that like it when I'm in your job look I feel a little bit weird like I

would wear it like like I love a G a good jean jacket and a leather jacket

she know so did you fight as kids I will say it's funny because when Annie again

was super super young I'm talking like 1 2 3 4 years old no because we were like

glued to each other we didn't really fight that much but I will say look what

I what sticks out to me is we would fight like over the Nintendo stupid

thing all the time we used to love playing Nintendo and we would fight over

who would get the controller stuff like that yeah yeah and I literally you guys

are gonna think I'm insane but I remember biting my sister the camera

randomly shut off but I was pretty much telling you guys that the only thing I

can think about that we really would like fight over is I would always steal

her clothes like a lot of the times I would go in your closet literally take

something that I wanted to wear and the best part is I wouldn't return it I

would literally like own it like I would grab it and take it away from you and

keep it in my drawer and you would look for the shirt he would come in my room

and it would be in my drawer as if it was mine and that would make you so mad

I know it killed me about me you yeah that's the thing about set

do you think what Steph is she's such a giving person like she wouldn't be so

mad that I would do that like very annoyed I'm I got mad but she would like

she would like let it go like Steph is the person she will give the clothes off

her back for you she will bend over backwards for you she

will do anything for anybody it's true like I always describe her as a really

selfless like really kind person so that's what she was like she'd be so mad

at me but she bequite this shirt okay so what annoys you most about your sister I

think the number one thing that annoys me the most about Stephanie that I can

think of like I thought long and hard about this question and I don't know why

but I do smell Oh oh my god there's two things Wow you

know what this is getting no job I don't know what oh it makes me want to die

she'll text you the driest responses and it is so rude in my opinion I'll text

her something and her reply is lol I literally want to like try to go my

place myself I'll be on very honest with you you're not a texter

no not like I'm very I am a very nice person but if I don't care about

something I'm there like I wear my emotion so like if you're like I got

this new thing for my house and like I could care less I'm gonna be like nice

I'm so annoying another thing that bothers me about you

is she always always falls asleep oh my I literally want I literally want

to like go over there and like shake you and wake you up it's it's so annoying

we'll be watching the movie and like this is what she does scrubs the pillow

she angles the downwards and she goes I take off my glasses what I think yeah oh

you take up your drawing down or up it takes off her glasses and I'm waiting

I'm waiting I'm sorry I like to start things I'm when a movie is on and it's

dark and you put me on a sofa with a pillow it's old like there's a 90%

chance I need until the so one way annoys me

about you Amy takes yeah she takes frickin like today for example I wanted

to do our makeup together right but I knew in my mind the reason why she was

starting was because she's going to take forever

so I'm like you know what I'm not gonna say anything whatever okay so for

example we'll go out to breakfast and I know in my mind like I like I get

dressed before I do anything else before I even touch my face which you've always

found weird above me you look why do you get dressed before yeah but that's I've

always done that so I'll be dressed like I've already died Brady brushed my teeth

I've already washed my face my makeup is on and everything I don't do much on

weekends for makeup but I'm done I look in her room I'm literally naked yeah

naked or she's stranded dealing like 15 but they're still in the bathroom and

they can hear the sink and I'm like well I passed that lady because I have a

routine right and my routine has like instructions like I have to apply my

moisturizer like this and then that I love you have several like city take 10

minutes both but it has to be done in a way you know like it hostage there's

there's a there's you know there's anybody parties in the angling should I

wear this like this yeah yeah yeah I uh I never know like I already know like

I'm being honest even latter mate when I'm laying on my pillow I'm gonna wear

that hoodie strong wear my leggings and I'm going to wear my t2 shoes like I

already know I think for you you don't like picking your I need a freaking over

this leg literally the worry is okay and in my mind I'm like shit I don't think

if this is okay because she's not happy with it and then we're gonna take five

minutes picking Africa I took really long to get ready it's like bad next

question is what's one thing you can do that the other sibling can't hmm um I

would definitely say amy is a pro organizer and I have like no interest so

I would say for you something that you do that I can't do I would say it may be

the ability to style and outfit without thinking too hard like I I have to like

really sit there and think you know and then I can come up with one or two good

elements Steph can just like she can just pull them out of her ass you know

but um and then I would I do this I really color right on your hat but it

doesn't want in there right now I could and then what is you and your sister's

favorite things to do together oh god that's easy that's easy oh my god

we are always like you know time to eat like yeah we are foodie what I want to

get mm-hmm and then I would say shop eating shop we don't do anything else

together we're very boring no we like - oh yes your gals work -

yeah we're good together yeah name two things why you love that your sister

being your sister and vice of so for her too I love that I have like a

best friend in you like it obviously say like you are my best friend whenever I

need help I know like who to go to is yeah oh you're so amazing at listening

like that's just what I really love yeah cuz it's really hard to like I I don't

know I find it hard to make friends especially because I'm really shy so I

love that like I have a sister that I can just be my best friend she's like my

comfort zone she well she is my best friend regardless I feel like there's

like a really there's no there's a really good quote and it's always like

your sisters by blood but it doesn't mean you have to be best friends but I

feel like we've always just been best friends but I'm happy in that way cuz

you made a choice it's hard to find a friend you know what I'm saying like a

someone who didn't know you're going to like have your best interests at heart

and she obviously does so yeah I would say that would be yeah so we have the

same answer for that then so the next thing is you guys seemed so similar what

are the I love this question what are the biggest differences differences

between you two there's so many funny things yeah but we are very alike than

yeah we're very alike like we're both homebodies we're both like shy and we're

Pisces and cancer we're both water science we're both like

very similar you know like were you're very emotional sensitive homebodies

anything too adventurous now that you mentors yeah we're the same in that way

but we have so many differences I would be the one to chill out more with a

group of people than Amy would yeah like for sure if there was if they're all

like she's not hesitant if there's an event you're fine like you're like okay

cool like you say it I was like a glammed up and yeah you should all the

time you're like oh like why we should go to events and I'm just like I know

cool she's a little I'm more of a homebody than she if it wasn't for you I

probably would never leave the home no seriously literally

but another difference too is I am way way more chill like comfortable and she

is more like extra and fancy and extravagant

another difference I would say if I am extremely extremely traditional

yeah and you know it's weird though I'm very like

traditional you hear motive yeah I'm very traditional conservative in her

ways yeah but in different ways it's like she

loves holidays like Christmas and and like she likes very corny like yeah

you're worried that you are very corny like you to do these like traditional

corny ass things and I'm just like it's another day you oh hey oh here's this

describes the difference between me and stuff I hate my birthday it screams it

gives me talk okay yeah my bro it gives me too much attention I don't

want it don't let's just pretend it's another day steps like it's my birthday

it's my birthday week it's my birthday did you know so my dad it's my birthday

week it's my birthday weekend it's my birthday month there's a difference I

need my yeah you made you write a birthday weekend so nicknames you have

for each other we just call each other sis yeah sis okay this question is funny

who more who's more likely to go to jail let's say our answer at the same time to

see if we're gonna know who it is oh oh one two three

Amy you this is you off Amy has no filter so if someone like let's say

someone calls you a name or something and like a brawl is supposed to happen

like you haven't if you're like no I'm gonna put you in your place yeah me I

may be like Amy let's go yeah I'm sorry okay so what's a weird habit your sister

has I know what I'm gonna say for this Stephanie plays with tape have you ever

heard of somebody plays tape like she takes a piece of tape rolls it like you

would when you're taping some like in a like a gift or something and she plays

with it in between her fingers yes I do it's fucking weird she's been doing that

her whole life since I was very very small weird I'm just gonna make it even

more weird it has to be the scotch tape I don't know how it started but it did

and I it's just like a comfort thing I don't do it all the time yeah but when I

see it I'm like oh I just want like I just want a piece of tape yeah so weird

um you have a couple why can't I think about it do i yeah you just did it round

it's because of my double chin yeah feel like if I just stretch it out a little

bit so Amy's weird habit she has done this ever since she was young she could

not walk normally up the stairs Alan wore down exactly so it's hard to

describe it but you take it's like a kid it's a two feet on one step yes exactly

so the last question is what was Amy like as a kid it's funny to say because

when she was really really small so yeah but I'm very so a movie she got very

moody and as a baby people would say like when I'm talking like 1 or 2 years

old people would be like come to me Amy because she was oh but you had these wet

cherry lips Oh sugar bite but you had like these red red always like so plump

and wet all the time I don't know why why the juicy lips all the time and

those bright blue eyes the porcelain perfect but like when she came out and

she turned in like already you don't want my babies come out they're not

their real selves yet but when you fully like formed and you're like one

everybody was like oh my you looks like I kid you not a Gerber baby why can't

you not you know gir because you see on the TV and you're like a beautiful baby

like that was Amy thank you no secretary really and then you hide this like gold

and ashy and light brown you going to hear like you started off like that when

you remember yeah man God you were so moody people really come to me Amy

because that's why I was saying like you people thought you were just so freaking

cute you know like come here and you're like well then as you started getting a

little bit older I would say like three or four years still like kind of Mary

moody you do not like going to school cuz you want yeah

home and I was so like how am I gonna get the score to go to school cuz you

just you love being at home and you love being in your comfort zone so you

definitely had a hard time I thought you were also obsessed with your pacifier do

you remember that yeah I was obsessive let go of my each for no longer than

that grandma yeah I would go to Grandma's house and she would have I

would be coming home from school we would come home from school and she

would have my pacifier sitting on the little the entrance table okay so that

is pretty much it for all the questions if you guys want to see us and our goofy

selfs and our talkative or really talk to themselves videos probably to be a

really long video but if you guys want to see us chat even more and answer some

even more questions then make sure you head over to her channel cuz we're gonna

answer some more questions on there so I'm gonna leave the video link down

below so make sure you guys checked it out and please don't forget to subscribe

also sign up for notifications do you know my outro is you don't watch my

videos no oh yes I yes I do know what it is yeah it's thank you guys so much for

watching and then you go like this yeah alright so that is it you guys I really

hope you enjoyed this video thank you guys so much for watching and as always

I will see you guys in my next video bye guys


For more infomation >> SISTER Q&A: Embarrassing Stories, Biggest Fight, Childhood, Jail??? - Duration: 22:45.


The Untold Truth Of Riverdale - Duration: 7:06.

In 2017, the CW debuted Riverdale, a stylish, modern take on the classic comic book characters

Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead.

This isn't your parents' or your grandparents' Archie, though.

In Riverdale, Archie isn't just deciding between Betty and Veronica — he's having an affair

with his teacher, and the gang tries to find out who offed one of their classmates.

About the only thing that's stayed the same is that Jughead is still the coolest dude

around, but even he's gotten a makeover.

So how did it all happen?

Here's a spoiler-filled look at the untold truth of Riverdale.

Rejected pitches

At its core, Riverdale is about life and loss in a small town, more Twin Peaks than Saved

by the Bell.

But it took awhile for Riverdale creator and Archie Comics chief creative officer Roberto

Aguirre-Sacasa to get there.

Aguirre-Sacasa is also the writer of the hit comic Afterlife with Archie, and the show

was initially envisioned as an adaptation of that series, which reimagines the gang

contending with the zombie apocalypse.

That wasn't the only development roadblock, however.

Aguirre-Sacasa revealed that, at one point, a TV executive suggested they do a high concept

series involving time travel with comedian Louis C.K playing an adult Archie alongside

his teenage counterpart.

"That's appropriate."


And even when Aguirre-Sacasa finally hit on the winning Riverdale formula, he originally

pitched it as a movie rather than a TV series, resulting in rejections across Hollywood.

He told Collider, "Big studios make big movies, and what we were pitching was a small character

movie about first love and first kisses."

Casting trouble

Finding the right stars to play characters as iconic as Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica,

turned out to be a pretty tall task.

One of the biggest gets for the production team was landing The Suite Life with Zack

and Cody star Cole Sprouse to play Jughead, since Sprouse had actually been retired from

acting while he earned a degree in geographic information systems from NYU.

Sprouse was already out of school and working in archaeology before he agreed to read — for

the role of Archie.

He ended up asking to play Jughead instead, as the character spoke to him on a deep level.

He told People, "He just wants to be loved really bad, like honest real care and tenderness.

I think that part of Jughead exists within all of us and it's nice to channel that."

With Sprouse out of the running for the lead role of Archie, though, the producers had

a massive challenge.

In fact, Archie was the last role cast, six months after the rest of the cast was lined

up, with star KJ Apa auditioning only three days before a scheduled test run for studio


The arduous process did produce one positive side effect, however, as the producers discovered

Casey Cott, who they gave the breakout role of Kevin Keller.

But the show's casting woes didn't stop when filming began.

While Ross Butler was great as Reggie, he didn't get much screen time because he was

busy with other projects.

As a result, the role has been recast, with Glee actor Charles Melton set to take over

as Reggie for season 2.

Riverdale is not the first Archie TV series

Since the late '60s, the Archie gang has appeared in no less than eight cartoon series, including

The Archie Show, Archie's Funhouse, and Archie's Weird Mysteries.

There was even a live-action attempt.

In 1990, NBC ran a movie-of-the-week called Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again.

The film, intended as a pilot for a weekly Archie TV series, depicted Archie and his

friends as adults with adult problems.

The series wasn't picked up, but it's survived online, in large part thanks to this amazing

video of adult Jughead showing his son how to be, uh, "cool" by doing a rap version of

the Archies hit "Sugar, Sugar."

"Sugar, aw honey honey, you are my candy girl, and you got me uh uh uh uh uh…"

KJ Apa broke his hand while filming

One of the most dramatic moments in the first season of Riverdale saw the heroic Archie

punching through a frozen river to save Cheryl Blossom.

Unfortunately, actor KJ Apa got a little too into character and actually broke his hand

filming the scene.

He told TV Line, "it was cold, so I didn't really feel it.

It wasn't until about 20 minutes after that I realized I broke my hand.

I didn't tell anyone."

Cole Sprouse is a Jughead 'purist'

Jughead may seem a little different on the show than in the comics — you know, instead

of being an unattached hamburger enthusiast, he's totally into Betty.

But Aguirre-Sacasa told MTV News that Sprouse is actually a Jughead "purist."

When the Southside Serpents appear with a dog, Aguirre-Sacasa thought the gang should

have "a junkyard dog," but Sprouse reportedly said, "you're not reinventing Hot Dog," referring

to Jughead's dog from the comics.

And so, the production tracked down a sheepdog near its Vancouver shooting locations who

"could deliver all of the nuance that Hot Dog required."

"That was probably the single greatest creative issue that Roberto and I ever butt heads about."

Sprouse is reportedly such a Jughead advocate and defender that he's even been in talks

to write some Riverdale offshoot comic books.

It's a ginger world

Apa plays redheaded, all-American Archie on Riverdale.

But the actor is actually neither of those things.

Apa is from New Zealand and pulls off a convincing American accent.

His hair, however, requires some cosmetic creativity.

The actor has naturally dark brown locks, so he has to dye his hair red every two weeks

for the show, a process that takes two and a half hours and a fair amount of caustic

hair bleach.

He told People, "I'm probably going to be bald by the end of the series."

Surprise ending

Riverdale capped its first season with a shocking cliffhanger ending that saw Archie's dad Fred,

played by Luke Perry, get shot by an unknown gunman.

It was quite a twist, and producers wanted to make sure it remained a secret, so most

of the Riverdale team didn't know about the final scene until after the fact.

Sprouse told E!News, "They kept it so top secret, even from the cast and crew, that

we were given the final form [of the script] the day of shooting.

The people who were not in that scene didn't even get to read it."

Ratings are terrible

According to Nielsen statistics, Riverdale ranked no.

154 in total viewers among network TV shows for the 2016-2017 season, tying Jane the Virgin

for last place in the coveted 18 to 49 demographic.

Those are the kind of numbers that would get most shows canceled, but not this one.

That's because Riverdale enjoys a huge amount of buzz, with many fans watching it through

non-traditional channels such as online, or on Netflix.

CW president Mark Pedowitz said the network ultimately doesn't care about the Nielsen

ratings, because "as long as people are watching it and if they can find it, we're happy."

We'll drink a milkshake to that!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Riverdale - Duration: 7:06.


SUPERCELL IS FLYING ME SOMEWHERE SECRET! (important) - Duration: 9:47.


Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today, we're just gonna have a nice calm chill video

I'm gonna mix it up though because in many of my videos

I just played two versus two and I feel like that may be getting kind of

Repetitive so in order to change that up

We're gonna play my least favorite thing ever we're gonna battle for actual trophies as far as the deck goes

We're gonna go with the traditional goblin bate. Deck. You can never go wrong with this. It always seems to be like very

Overpowered now I do have one thing which I would kind of like to touch on and that is this Friday

I am gonna be flying to Atlanta

And I will be attending King's Cup - if you don't know what that event is essentially

There's like eight teams and on every team

There's a youtuber and a professional player

And then there's gonna be another part of the tournament where everyone there can pretty much qualify

and if you're one of the best players at the event all gotta go gotta focus got to focus as I was saying though if

You're one of the best players at the event then they put you on a team with a youtuber and a pro and essentially

Whoever wins first place gets like a big money prize, and we're getting our asses kicked right now

So we're supposed to be doing a little bit better, but whenever I tend to like tell his story while playing things

Just get a bit messy as I was saying though at King's Cup - I'm not actually gonna be like an official player

I'm just gonna kind of be there to be there. I'm not part of the main event they chose eight other youtubers

Not including me, so yeah

I'm just gonna be chilling there, and if I see you awesome

But if you're not gonna be there which I'm sure a lot of you won't then

Don't even worry about it and one thing

I just noticed is this guy's app is enough to take care of my Goblin barrel

And I noticed this guy has a lot of max

Level cards so we can just piss right off like I'm just trying to be here to have some fun

I'm not trying to play some overpowered players because it's really really unfair and honestly

It's it's not that fun and now if I want to go spend some money and upgrade my cards even more than I can

Compete with this guy, but for a level 11 max minion Ward is zaps a really high level as well

And I just don't feel like this is quite the fair match up, but we're gonna win - concerned what the hell okay?

I'm just gonna let his lumberjack take that tower on for some reason he's doing a massive push right now

I feel like that's kind of will get that zapped spell what as I was saying though?

We're gonna begin another push on this left side and this man

I don't even know matchups like this like why why are they in the game, and I understand

I'm a pretty high level 12 and to only be at 4,000 trophies is pretty bad

But like I even battled all season and the first person we go against is a dude who has like max level cards like what?

Is this like oh man don't even get me started this battle is over though not much. We can do at this point

Oh my god. He's even fire balling out the princess there, okay

I'm thinking we're gonna do another battle, and hopefully we can find someone a little bit on our skill level

No, thankfully this person is around the same trophies as me

So we're really not gonna lose like any trophies from this at all, but let's go check out this guy's cards

We got the motive boys but looking at his cards max levels zap and minion ward and all of his other cards were higher than

Mine, so not really the fairest match up there, but I'm not gonna sit here and complain all video

That's not what I intended to do so this guy's obviously gonna put a miner that was honestly like a really obvious

Play and the reason I was able to tell that was just because he sent his minions in so early

Unfortunately though he did get more damage done than my Goblin barrel, and that's just because his minor

But those spear goblins did just get us some chip damage, so that actually helps out a lot

I'm sending that night in right now part of me wants to put a princess at the bridge, but at the same time

I'm not too sure if that's the best idea

You know what we're gonna put a princess right there, and then send in a goblin barrel kind of a strange push

They did just waste their log, and I know we as a zap

But I'm not really too concerned about that at all at this point however. We have a lot of stuff

We have to deal with I assume there will be a minor incoming as well. Okay. Let's get a knight down in the back

Hopefully we can take care of that giant. He has another zap. Oh my god

I feel like this guy has quite the amount of staff spells but right there

We took care of all that he does have one back going to the tower

But that really didn't tonight and of course we countered his minor

So I feel like this guy does not have much elixir right now

He definitely has another log-in cycle, but we're still gonna send that Goblin barrel, and we didn't get any hits with it

But the goblin gang did do some work right there, so that is definitely a plus

I feel like this guy's gonna send a minor in with some minions. Oh an eye twitch okay, I do it

I really don't want to play anything right now, so I figured that rock it would be a wise move

I almost thought I was gonna miss her so I guess we dodged a bullet with that one now this guy's beginning another push

So right here, we're gonna put a princess in with a nice spirit that way if he tries to counter us

It's really not gonna work out too. Well. He's not gonna stop the princess

Okay, dude. Definitely a bold move, but next up

We have a knight there with the goblin gang unfortunately this dude has so many minions down right now

Are we gonna be able to defend this?

Or is this gonna be a bit sloppy all the minions are just about that and there goes his giant

and he actually set us up for a pretty good counter push as

Well there were just like nine minions there in this dude somehow managed to choke good job, dude. I'm kind of happy

I didn't play my Inferno tower right there, though. Just because I felt like um

I was just gonna have a lot to deal with and he sent all those minions in so it could have been a bit hectic

We're actually working on our second tower, though

I'm gonna send in the goblin gang and let's also just put a princess down as well

We do have this win in the bag this battle went much better than the previous one

I'm not too sure if my cards were better than this guy's cards, but overall I felt like this was a fair matchup

And I think we did decent let's get that silver chest open

And I'm thinking we should hop into one more battle for this video. Oh god

We got abandoned incoming with this so this should be a decent counter. We took care of the Goblin

They're all the goblin gang was too late. What a shame. I was hoping we'd be able to pull something off right there, but unfortunately

That just was not the case so hopefully we can take care of his princess as well get the shot off

Yes, and now part of me wants to send this goblin barrel in but I also like want to save elixir

So let's cross our fingers

And hope this wasn't a bad move mini packet a stop at goblin barrel definitely a strange counter for that

But now let's prepare for the counter push. I'm expecting another bandit. Maybe Oh

Wizard and said okay, let's get an iced beer down and a night

That should be good enough to stop whatever this guy has who actually it is not

So let's log all of that rate there. Who oh, no. I just put a goblin gang down on a wizard

I am such an idiot

Wow that that was a bad mistake and now he has a goblin barrel and this dude just totally outplayed me

Geez that was not good. This is gonna be a close battle guys. We better you better come and clutch here or else

I'm gonna be really sad let's get another Goblin barrel ready to go down

I think I'm gonna save the log for when this guy has another goblin barrel

oh We're doing some good damage now this battle is actually kind of even at this point and skeleton army in bad

This guy has a crazy Bey deck

And we do need to get a goblin gang down because I'm not trying to take any damage from that whatsoever now

Let's just chill and build up some elixir

this guy is

Laughing for some reason a little does he know I have a log and now I'm expecting a princess at the bridge

So let's prepare for that

Where is she I know he's gonna send her in any second

So let's just outsmart him real quickly because like I said there's a princess and she is about to go down oh there

She is oh I know it we were just a second late come on this dude

Just totally bamboozled us that is not even cool so right here. Let's get ready for this

I am gonna send a rocket in as well kind of wasting all my eggs to right there

But screw this guy screw his wizard. That's how it is slowly going down. Oh god. Get ready for this. Let's get them

Oh come on log. Yes okay perfect. I'm gonna put the knight down right there his ban is gonna. Go straight over luckily

We did distract his princess as well. Just Oh Knight. What are you doing over there? Okay?

Let's get that down the princess. Please snipe out those bats. Okay, never mind. Don't siphon but right here

We're destroying our first tower and right now. We have to try our absolute hardest to safeguard this left side

We are not gonna take any damage here whatsoever. I'm expecting a trick album bear. Oh. Oh God wasn't a trick oh god

He's so close to winning. Oh my god. There's fifteen seconds left in this battle

What cards does he have left in his deck? I do not pike okay?

I don't quite possibly know, but we're just gonna go all-out right now. We must stop that princess ASAP

There's five seconds left in the battle. Oh my god. He tried zapping the tower, but it wasn't enough

I don't know what that log was but holy cow we won the battle 30 more trophies for the clickbait god and returning back

We're finally back about 4000 trophies, which is good

We're gonna get that gold chest opened up

But I think we're just gonna chill for now that was a bit too much stress for me to handle in one

Video so guys this has pretty clips. Hopefully you all enjoyed this random video and

For more infomation >> SUPERCELL IS FLYING ME SOMEWHERE SECRET! (important) - Duration: 9:47.


Con Trâu ♥ Bài Hát Gọi Trâu ♥ Con Heo Đất Remix - Nhạc Thiếu Nhi Vui Nhộn - Duration: 16:30.

For more infomation >> Con Trâu ♥ Bài Hát Gọi Trâu ♥ Con Heo Đất Remix - Nhạc Thiếu Nhi Vui Nhộn - Duration: 16:30.


JJD - Adventure [NCS Release] - Duration: 2:46.



For more infomation >> JJD - Adventure [NCS Release] - Duration: 2:46.


Friends mourn the loss of Trooper Keith Rebman - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Friends mourn the loss of Trooper Keith Rebman - Duration: 1:52.


HORSE BLOOPERS WITH TIKI OCT 22 2017 - Duration: 2:43.

Hi Teek I hear ya.

He's calling me.

Tiki's calling me... come on big boy!


Oh I just couldn't I can't imagine my life without them.

Especially this boy! (laughing).

He tells me what to do...He tells me what I can and can't do...

He dictates my life to me and I'm so glad I have that kind of man in my life.

Right boy (laughs).

My baby (laughing).

Um no the horses are not all retired but everyone of them has some kind of a medical issue.

Um some of them might be able to be ridden.

I haven't fully trained them yet so on my youtube channel, Im ... (laughs)...


lol On my youtube channel I'm going through a series of training with them.

I do things very slow because I do things more out of love instead of like punishment.

Some people like things to be done really quickly.

And I will literally take years... (ahahaha) to get them trained.

Because it's a (laughing) STOOOOOP... hahaha.

Because it's a...

It's a trust issue with horses.

you know... once.. once you gain their trust then their pretty darn good.


He's BITIN my BOOT! (laughing).

That's NEXT on the training...


Oh my gawwd... stop that!

Silly goose!

It's a fetish!

He probably like them because I don't wear leather boots.

Their non leather.


I'll show you my boots.

Non leather.

I don't know if you can see them even . I really don't know if you got to see them but...

Most of my stuff is synthetic.

In fact I'm getting a new saddle that's synthetic.

the whole thing is all synthetic.

And I'll stick with that.

I'd rather that then kill animals for stuff.

We don't need to do that anymore...

So anyway yeah.

I'll put the link in there for any donations if anyone wants to help out.

With the hay today.

Or this weekend.


I think Les will be probably be here tomorrow.

Hey bubba.

I better let cha'll go.. this is gonna be really really long!

So I love you guys.

Have a GREAT day today.

And a, um.. i'll put that link there otherwise check out my ..the post on my page.


And um, Hopefully the (ahahaha) excuse me... the video quality came out ok I don't do alot

of live feeds because they haven't come out very good.

So hopefully this isn't choppy.

I hope it's come out pretty .. pretty okay. so OOOH ms LOVELY'S here.

You wanna say bye??

Oh see see... this is what I get?

She just wants snacks....

Treats... food.. you know.



Okay (laughing) I'll see you guys later.

STOOOP... haha.


For more infomation >> HORSE BLOOPERS WITH TIKI OCT 22 2017 - Duration: 2:43.


體育改革,從加入協會開始 By 楊恬欣、邱黃婷、徐林辰 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 體育改革,從加入協會開始 By 楊恬欣、邱黃婷、徐林辰 - Duration: 3:12.


DOLLAR TREE CANADA HAUL! Oct 2017 (#2!) - Duration: 4:52.

Hey guys, and welcome to my second Dollar Tree haul of October - I know, it's crazy.

Two hauls in the same month, AND posted in the same month.

It's like I don't have a day job anymore or something!

I don't know what's going on! [laughs]

This was actually a special trip that I took out to the wilds of Toronto, specifically

to visit the crazy-huge Your Dollar Store With More that a couple of different YouTubers

go to… the only Dollar Store With More that is near me is really tiny, and it carries

only a fraction of the stuff that I see people hauling, so I made a special trip out there.

But of course, since it was going to be, like, a 2-hour commute each way to get there, I

knew I was going to have to make a day of it, so I went to multiple stores while I was

down there - and the first one was Dollar Tree! [laughs]

So I did manage to find some of the stuff on my wish list, so let's get into it!

So I got some more food items - I grabbed yet another bag of the Go2Snax sour cream

& onion chips, and then I also grabbed a bag of the original, non-ruffled potato chips to try.

I was inspired by LisaLuvs here on YouTube to pick up some Halloween candy at the dollar stores this year.

I always buy a bunch of the Fun Size chocolates for myself - don't judge me - and I usually

get them at Walmart or wherever, and they're really expensive there, and the last couple

years, I went a little nuts, I totally overbought and I ended up still eating Halloween candy

in, like, December.

So I thought maybe I'd try to limit myself via the dollar stores this year.

So I picked up three of the six packs of the Fun Size Twix, and three of the six packs of the Fun Size Snickers.

I found this Nonslip Rug Underlay, which I got really excited about, because my bath

mat in my bathroom doesn't have any rubber or anything underneath it, so it slides all

around, and it's constantly bunching up and stuff.

So I'm excited to give this a try and see if it works.

I picked up this 10-pack of tab dividers, because as you've probably seen, my sticker

and ephemera collection continues to grow, and so I needed more of these to put in the

binders that I keep all that stuff in.

Next I picked up a bunch of stuff to try a number of craft ideas I have seen on YouTube

lately; actually I think everything I got in this run was for crafts that I have seen

from lyriclover810; I will link her channel below.

She's got a really great craft fair series that I've really enjoyed watching and I've

been very inspired by.

So to give some of these tutorials that she's put up a try, I picked up three of these 5x7

composition notebooks…

… two of these 3-packs of mini composition notebooks…

… two 5-packs of mini writing tablets…

… and these two sets of mechanical pencils.

So… stay tuned for that!

I grabbed two more crafty Christmas things: this pack of glitter stickers, and this pack

of mini bows.

I finally picked up the "woodgrain" activity sheet pack, with the woodgrain papers in it!

I have been looking for this everywhere since people started hauling them - and it turned

out all I had to do was make a two-hour commute into Toronto to find one! [laughs]

I picked up two different sizes of the ziploc poly bags, because I always seem to be needing

them lately.

And then, of course, I picked up ALL the stickers!

I grabbed this set of the small enamel dots; I don't think I've ever seen them at a

local store of mine before…

I picked up all of the wooden inspirational stickers that they had there, because I've

been coveting these for a long time now - so I got two sets each of the "home & family"-themed stickers…

… the "future is bright"-themed stickers…

... and the "creative"-themed stickers.

I picked up one each of the vintagey, inspirational, nature-themed stickers…

I think I may have some of these already, but that's okay [laughs] - just wanted to make

sure I had all of them.

So I got one each of these "believe" ones, "believe"-themed stickers…

... the "lovely"...

... "hopes & dreams"...

... and "you make me happy".

I grabbed these glittery flower stickers, just because I liked the hand-drawn look that

they have to them.

And finally I grabbed three sets of washi stickers - I got one each of the flower theme…

... the owl theme…

... and the birthday theme.

So that's everything from this haul; please stay tuned for my other hauls from my crazy

Toronto trip that took two hours to get to! [laughs]

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up; please subscribe if you have

not already, and I will see you guys in the next one!

For more infomation >> DOLLAR TREE CANADA HAUL! Oct 2017 (#2!) - Duration: 4:52.


01. MISERAL - Tezero Ft. Eseka (Prod. Nuttkase) [MELENA ESCARLATA Mixtape] (Ago 2016) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 01. MISERAL - Tezero Ft. Eseka (Prod. Nuttkase) [MELENA ESCARLATA Mixtape] (Ago 2016) - Duration: 3:09.


The Reason Why A Screenwriter Has Unfinished Scripts by Gary Goldstein - Duration: 2:25.

Film Courage: Have you ever given up on a script because you've lost interest?

Gary Goldstein: Here and there…you know I generally don't start writing something

unless I've done outlining and enough exploration of the idea to know it's worth going to


Particularly if I am writing somethings on spec, there are definitely things I've written

on spec that…a few things I started and for some reason I've just sort of abandoned

because I felt like I can go back and finish this sometime if I want to.

But it's not great enough, it's not going to be unique enough, so it becomes a bit of

an exercise.

But by and large I've always tried not to start writing something unless it felt like

something I was going to be able to finish or that it was really worth doing.

It's like reading a book.

It's like if I go to the trouble of starting to read a book, I might as well finish it,

you know?

But…unless an idea is terrible.

We don't always have great ideas.

Sometimes there is just not enough there.

But I usually can know that in the outline stage to save me the hardship of writing the

script and having to sort of like squash it.

Film Courage: So what if you meet with writer who is new to the industry or baby writer

(whatever you want to call them) and they just have a slew of unfinished scripts?

Gary Goldstein: Well there's a reason you have a slew of unfinished scripts.

Especially if you are starting off writing, you need one or two good solid finished scripts.

So when I hear somebody has a slew of unfinished scripts, it means that they are not really

picking and choosing their stories well.

That they are not passionate enough about the story or they are cheating themselves

out of what the story is about or they are just trying to write a thriller just because

they think it is going to sell or something like that.

And a lot of people start writing without having the necessary tools.

I think everybody thinks "You know, I can write."

But they don't really understand structure.

I'm not saying you have to take a course in it but you have to have done your homework

in one way or another and understand how to tell a story cinematically or for television

and not everybody has done that.

Some people just jump in and they're not really ready.

For more infomation >> The Reason Why A Screenwriter Has Unfinished Scripts by Gary Goldstein - Duration: 2:25.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 14:48.


Uncharted 4 PT 1080p #7 - Duration: 22:38.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Uncharted 4 PT 1080p #7 - Duration: 22:38.


The day I met Drake Bell - Duration: 15:57.

look who I'm here with





i'm so excited

it's going to be your fault if we get lost

i'm so excited

we're on our way to see Drake Bell

ask them how excited I am

she's been saying all day that she can't wait to see him

i'm a loyal fan

I love him

she couldn't stop talking about it

she kept asking me if I was going to go

ask your manager

she skipped work so she could come

I dedicated an instagram story to him

I didn't wanna text him because why waste time talking?

we're friends and he responds to my texts

just kidding

I wish

so we're on our way to see him

wish me luck

probably by the time I upload this video I will have already met him

If I meet him

please let me meet him

so let's see what happens

I wanna get there so bad

I can't wait to be there

I can't wait for you to get there

I want you out of the car

they're stressed because I don't shup up

she's so excited

she won't shup up

since yesterday night she won't stop talking about this

i'm so excited

you convinced them

of course

she texted me last night

I was working

and I have a text from Melissa Herrera

please tell us your experience

she texted me and said "do you work tomorrow?"

you always complain I don't ask you to hang out

because it's true

so she texted me at 8 pm

I was at work

and she asked me if I worked today

and I was like no, I mean yes


and then what did you tell me?

I told you Drake Bell was coming and that I was inviting you

oh yes

and I said who's that? I completely forgot

and then she told me

so I said, I don't know, we'll see

and she said yes and I bought her ticket and now we're on our way to see him


we're 10 minutes away

from the love of my life

the love of your life?

Drake Bell

he's like 30 years old and i'm 18

but age doesn't matter when there's love

our wedding is going to be so soon

I'll let you know

I will send you an invitation

don't worry

you're all invited

i'm kidding

he was my first crush from TV

i'm serious

I like Josh

he was my first crush

and Zac Efron too

Troy Bolton

oh yes he was my crush too

I know

everyone loves him

when I was younger I used to play soccer

so when they asked us to pick a number for our first jersey

I picked 14

because Zac Efron was number 14

her face

i'm serious

I found the jersey a few days ago

right mom? we just found it

i'll show it to you later

I was so young

I was 6 years old

i'm more excited now

we're here

it's called Opening Bell coffee

i'm sosososo excited

I don't know what to say

her excitement makes me excited


we're walking

yeah we're here

we're here and I still can't believe it

we're so close

he's going to be there

i'm so excited

I want him to come out already

i'm so desperate

look who I'm here with

we're leaving and I can't believe this

I can't believe it

i'm sweating

I really can't believe it

we were so happy

I was in shock I couldn't move

I love him

it's a new day but i'm going to tell you the whole story

i'm going to tell you how was it

how did I know he was going to be there


you won't believe this

it all started a few weeks ago

so Lorena texted me and said guess what

and I said what?

and she said guess

and I said what?

and she said "Drake Bell is coming to my high school"

and I was like


this can't be happening

she said I swear he is coming

to Sycamore, my old high school back at Ohio

I was like, this can't be happening

I just left and he is going to be there

I do love him

i'm a fan since I was a little girl

I really like his songs, I listen to his music all the time

so she told me that and I was like no, this can't be happening

I told her I was so happy for her

she was going to meet him and I was so excited

I told her to take videos and pictures and everything

so he went to my old high school

Lorena couldn't take a picture with him

because it was a concert for the whole school

it wasn't something small

everyone wanted pictures

so she couldn't take a picture with him

but still, I was like wow

you saw him, live

so, I had followed him on twitter for a while now

and he followed me back like a year ago

it was on my birthday

he tweeted, "what about a follow spree? tweet me for a follow back"

I didn't think he would follow me back, because there was a lot of people doing this

but he did, I tweeted "I love you"

and he followed me back

so i'm always aware of his tweets

and then yesterday night

well, the day before the show

he posted a picture on twitter

and he said, "Hey Dallas"

he posted this picture

so I was like

oh my god

I told my parents

and they told me to go with someone

and I was like, I don't care I can go by myself

they said, you're not going alone, are you crazy or what?

so I told Meliza and Mirian

Mirian said she couldn't go because she had to work

and Meliza said she had something important to do

I told begged them to come with me

and they did

all day at school I was so stressed

I posted an instastory saying I needed to buy the tickets for the show

I was so stressed

because I thought they were gonna be sold out

and then on my last class, my friends told me they were coming with me

so I bought the tickets online

then I came home

I got ready and at 4:30 I left

the show was at 6 but it was far away from my house

it took us like an hour to get there because I picked up Mirian and then Meliza

it was supposed to be 40 minutes away

we got there at 5:50

on the way there I was stressed too because I thought we weren't gonna make it

so we got there, it was a coffee shop

that place was so nice I loved it

so we went downstairs

and then there was the coffee station

and then on the corner the "stage"

but it was so close to us

and I was like

is he really going to be this close?

I was a few inches away from the stage

it was so close to me

I couldn't believe it

he was going to be so close to me

I still can't believe it

so we were waiting for him to show up

and I thought he was going to come from a different door

and then he just walks past beside me

and I was like

I couldn't believe it

so he just went to the stage and started singing

I loved it

i'm impressed

his voice is so beautiful


I love his songs

and watching him perform live was amazing

so I was at the very front

and when he was singing, he looked at me

he looked at everyone, but when he looked at me I got so nervous

I didn't know what to do, I was smiling and recording and everything

so the show ended, it was just an hour

and he started picking up his things

and I was like, should I talk to him?

I wanted to talk to him

I wanted to tell him about my YouTube Channel

so he could be in it

but I didn't know how to talk to him

and then he turns around and a girl asked him if she could take a picture with him

but she asked in Spanish and I was like

I told her I could take the picture

so I took their picture

and then I told him I wanted a picture too

so we took this picture

this picture is on my Instagram if you want to see it

we took 2 pictures

here's my Instagram so you can go and see the pictures

so we took that picture

and then I told him I wanted to make a video for my YouTube channel

he was like yeah sure

so we recorded the videos you just watched

then I waited for him because I wanted his autograph

he didn't have a marker but someone gave him one

he signed my phone case


this is the case

there was more people there, we were like 50 or 60

so everyone wanted pictures too

we talked to him

it was so cool

I really loved it

at the end, I asked him if we could take another picture

because I didn't like the first one

so we took this one

and then after that picture

I waited

he was talking to more people and taking more pictures

then I asked him for a 3rd picture, one for my YouTube thumbnail

so we took that picture, I said thank you, and I left

I still can't believe it

I can't believe I met him

I talked to him

so that was the story

if you were wondering how did I meet him

what did I do

this is the story

so this is it

I hope you liked it

this vlog and story time combined in one video

and be sure to check my channel to watch the next video

for the ones who saw my Instagram story, it was pajama day at my high school

so I made a video

so be sure to check my channel because i'm going to upload it this week

so this was today's video

I hope you really liked it

I really loved this experience

I hope I can meet more people like this

this was amazing

so if you want to see the pictures, you know my Instagram

also on my twitter I posted 2 videos of him

here's my twitter

so go follow me and watch the videos

so i'll see you on the next video

For more infomation >> The day I met Drake Bell - Duration: 15:57.


Apply for a Job & Stand Out - Duration: 1:08.

- So, what I would suggest is

one, obviously, apply in whatever way that they're asking

and then go way above and beyond.

Take out your phone, make a two minute video,

a 60 second video, I am so and so,

I am applying for your job for XYZ,

and find a specific person, like who's the hiring person?

Who's the person you'll be working for?

Who's the CE-whatever?

And be like, I'm so passionate about this,

here's why I wanna work here,

here's why I'm gonna help you do this,

and why I wanna be there, I wanna

be a part of this because ...

Get that passion across, send them a video link

in addition to what you just ...

No one does it.

Out of the thousand people that apply, no one does it.

The one person that does, if you have that right connection,

you're at least gonna get a reply

and best case, you're gonna get hired.

And I can tell you, as a company

that hires so many people and getting to see so many resumes

it's just like, no one does it,

no one's willing to do it and if you are,

oh my God, you stand out like crazy, crazy.

For more infomation >> Apply for a Job & Stand Out - Duration: 1:08.


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