Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

What is sup my name is Ben

I am so excited today because we're playing finally the well delayed South Park the fractured

But home the first one we played on this channel. It was amazing. It was a daily

Let's play series and finally we're back with some video games on this channel. I'm so excited for this

I'm so excited that if this video gets


million no just five hundred thousand likes

I will upload part two right away to show how committed I am to this series. That's right

I'm that kind of youtuber right now. I don't know

I'm just really excited for this and I look forward to share this with you girl. Gross gross whatever every single day

It's gonna be awesome

From what I seen so far

Heck yeah, let's just let's just begin okay

Let's just do this if you're having trouble of winning and combat try a better game. Is that what it said

Never fart on someone's balls. This is really good info on the loading screen. I'm not glad there aren't

I'm glad they added that as well

Oh, yeah, so the game is getting terrible reviews right now on steam because Ubisoft have their you play feature


Which apparently it's like a big hiccup. I'm glad for ones actually. I play it on the PlayStation because

Probably won't require

Good hardware to run this. I don't think it's the kind of game that pushes the boundaries of

video game graphics

But it does look if I play the demo it was really fun

They may they made a whole thing about the farts in the game, which I'm very excited about

That's a nice looking cat right there

What has become of this city

Crammed is out of control cats are missing and townspeople are being victimized Oh

Pooped on my palms you

We were supposed to protect those who couldn't protect themselves or you little fucker

Now super heroes are torn apart by political differences

We are two sides and Lord

But law isn't going to save our city time job, I wonder if they will explore any political

Midst out of a satire when a new king is not in the kingdom torn apart by a power

Hi, Jana, there's no time to waste. I have to go back change the present if I can

And in doing so perhaps I could change what has happened


Look at that

So first game was sort of Lord of the Rings inspired. I guess this time. They're going superhero

They're making fun of all the Netflix shows all the franchises with Marvel vs.. DC

Alright, we're gonna make our character here. We're gonna obviously go I

Don't know what the heck man

I can change color as well. Okay. Okay, that was all options

You know we're gonna go with the big afro

There she is

Heck yeah, man. We got our hair makeup

We got to get those kawaii kawaii, I'll this blush cheeks

Oh you better believe it boy that shit bear. That's it

That's very nice no, no glasses all right we got clothes

Why don't we go with a classic red cape?

We can change this as well

Well, it's go. Yeah japanese schoolgirl. That's it


Blackton now rent

Okay, I'm pretty happy


There's ARCA White Queen choose difficulty alright haha oh ho oh oh

Don't worry this doesn't affect combat just every other aspect of your whole life

Here's a problem. I don't want to I don't want to be black. I know that sounds raised I


Let's go as slightly this is so annoying what?

You know what fuck it

Oh my god

Yes ancient Zarin thank you for the papyrus font

Where is the king

Who's the king oh

Yeah, man we look good see I play this is amazing you gotta tune in your shit

This is just like pooping in real life I

Feel like that was a terrible poop, I don't know what I did wrong


Master Sergeant douche master

Incredible we got a bottle of Glatt gas bieber guys become gas begun

What is happening are they?

Okay, let's go

We should be happy that he's made friends in this town so quickly we came here to hide more friends. Just means more trouble

You're being paranoid. You need to lay off that stuff. It's changing you

Didn't see you there your friends are downstairs kiddo get out there and play

This is great so far. They really polished it up oh

He's gonna masturbate or smoking pot

He's gonna smoke, okay?

No he's eating

Just brownies am I right kids

Okay, this is our room. It's a nice room Fred


What the heck is that dude

I'm just trying to explore cuz I remember inside a first game. I was always like

Wide we updated that thing, maybe we should keep it on keep it up

Camus to the games wait where's the fart button there it is found it

Never gets old does it okay? Let's go down check on our friends. I love our character is so beautiful I

Have this whole arc written for him

Well, I don't care, I'm just trying to loot all right I

Thought you said my friends were downstairs lying fish on the door

Okay, we're gonna get some combat


It seems like they improved it a lot this time around like you can actually move around and stuff doing this

Which doesn't sound that exciting but?

I'm told that it's really good brad has been playing a little bit as well


Agree, why do I have to be?

Start a fight by punching. Okay cool pitch black

Combat advantage, okay good because we started

It's that a shark upon

Okay, okay

Use my power very nice. Yeah double heck. Yeah powers been knocked back Cossacks of damage

Okay, I got that

Is still up to me

Well that was easy I thought we were playing on hard mode

Got the kungfu kauai fist these guys are tougher okay, and we're gonna fight as a team now probably

No, it's me versus everyone attacking an enemy first friends you come a dimension

Yeah, okay see the full combo turn order check the timeline okay?

different powers, okay

Review power okay?

We can fart I don't know what that does

Why don't we try a fart here? Maybe that will hit all of them? Oh okay it hits three squares Scott it, okay?

Alright, let's do that

Ha, oh my god, that was amazing

Hit me with a stop sign I was an axe

Yeah, they improved a comment even further since I had played it, this is really Doug

So I can't use the fart again. I gotta wait one round. What's the best?

Who's the most dead?

Alright, I guess I'm punching God

Air it is got all of them the kawaii eggs hail to the Kibaki

Guys let's keep moving are those Legos

Everything here to here is lava. You can't

Shut come on

Everything that's not fair. What do we do the kid?

Oh Magda, okay, so they attacked us first now

Enemies may attempt to attack you while you explore okay? Yeah, if any man will see you you're okay, I got that

Okay, we have a new let's just

Well that attack the dragon you know what fuck let's just try it

Yeah, okay work nice


Okay, yes fire bred striped red squares indicate damage zone. Okay? No I got that too. It's very self-explanatory have to move okay

How do they even do that

Just like playing when you're a kid was it taking his phone

It was a Wayne's word I

Can't reach him

Are you serious okay? Now I can

there we go take



King dish bag Dragon Slayer, I am man King douche bag

You know it's son, you know what what up? Where's my push ok we can in the open box?

Get off my dick, there's a way in through the garage The Keg will fight, it press and hold oh

My god

Oh, I miss it. I thought the king was going to do a sweet job, but then he just did that what?

You're good, so I hit it, I hit it all right, whatever

Speak Bard. What happened to the stick of truth the wizard had thrown into the ocean

Oh, yeah, that was the end of the first game

Slay a dragon with one glow that's right if you don't


I thought he was with you guys now. We got a distress. They know to come help him here

It's again

Wizard again

My name is the king I'm from the future

Dude, we said, we're not playing got any more. Yeah, I'll split up. What's the point? This is the void?

In my time. There is a massive crime wave and missing cats

I knew my only hope was to assemble the team hey you can't switch games like this

Where's the stick of truth shut up Kevin this isn't about some dumb stick there's a cat in trouble

And it's the key to funny the crime syndicate new to our town in the future crime syndicate said

That sounds too heavy from Hoonah friends. Well. What do you want?

I'd you're the fucking freedom pal to find the missing cat get $100 reward and make their superhero franchise more popular

That's right oops again. There's a ringing coming from your basement playroom

Come on Coon friends go get your stuff and report back to the Coon their

Friends this bimbo sorry guys you can't play with us, we're playing superheroes now, and you guys are dorks

What about me? Oh?


nice transition from

Their first game to this one can we talk to these guys see what they say well nothing left to do

But go home and play Star Trek bridge crew we could all go to my house and sit around nice

Nice little self promo there Ubisoft

I see what you're doing I've been thinking about joining a gang this might be just the kick in the pants

I need that it's a good game though to be fair. I'll let it slide oh

Hello, the boys are down in their little basement playroom. Can I slap daddy hands?

Eric and his friends are so imaginative

Really Ridley I know you ain't the weird shit take all and continue Coon Kings. Okay? Oh

Yeah, I remember this there's a pass code we have shattered. Oh, did you get locked out?

I'm afraid little Eric put a log on the door to keep me out

I'm sure he has the pass code written down here somewhere well

It's probably in his room then so let's go upstairs and check it out

What is that? What is that now?

That sounded just like a real camp

That is the most annoying


All right, we're in Cartman's room. Here's the

Who is the Coon Dame travel there must be a ton of references in here?

I think I said there's an oculus in there. I see that they were they were on point with that episode

Danishes for Danmark yes

2012 election punch, what's a cracked object get some chicken wings?

What is it telling me - oh the lamp, it's cracked

We can read this journal ok alright, so that's a great drawing of oh

It's the fanfiction

Butters, and I don't remember man fake fan Christmas list ideas

Drone hoverboard oh

Okay well he has a oh, okay. Let's keep key code. Fuck you mom

No, that's actually the key code, or is

What no I can't beat you

Seriously, okay, let's go down and check. Let me check all the room first I

Feel like this is the kind of game I actually want to explore

Because you know there's gonna be like secret references and stuff and that's always fun to look for yes officer

Somebody appears to have put lava in front of my door

But no, it's not oh my god. My son told me I will burn to death if I try and cross it

uh-huh oh

Yes, he did. Tell me that if I step on a crack. It would bring my mother's back mom I

Shouldn't play with that more

That's not enough mosquito. We have to act fast before the freedom pals can a

Hundred dollar reward do you know what that could mean to our superhero franchise that cat looks pretty old?

Maybe just died in the gutter somewhere

Do I have to remind you that as of right now freedom house have a hundred followers on Instagram we have six the five of

Us and Billy Turner who's a ginger?

This is the key to finally feeding those fuckers, but where do we start looking that cat could be anyway?

We need to split up mosquito take to the air and check out all the city parks. You got it. Let's go away

Wow, what a great superhero


What a super guy need you to use your superhuman speed to get to the mayor's office and tell her we're on the case

Don't worry Coon you can count on

Fast pass


Great excuse me

He's selling his own merch top bad guys professor chaos okay nice oh


Do not touch that that device could blow up the entire Milky Way galaxy Jesus fuck

Sorry, the new kid is trying to play with the cube of ultimate destruction

Good shower it up the fucking galaxies stupid bitch look, dude. We already told you you can't play you aren't a super hero

You don't have a costume you have any super powers


All right look you can watch us play superheroes as long as you don't get in the way

Make yourself useful go grab those costumes are tailored to the kins unique body specs you have to be pretty buff to fit them

Buff yeah, that's our holding cell for super villains. Why would we keep us the furnace II device in there?

And inspection mode to find objects by interest by holding

L2 you seriously can't find this dependency device a superheros use inspection mode you know?

Sorry, my controllers rebinding. Okay, so there's something over here

We got us yeah, okay

There's something on the table. That's cool. It makes it easy

Can't seem to reach

I'm just cleaning wait here, but how do I?

What did I do there were far

Whoa I'm powerful. Oh, I ordered him that was it

You really want to be a superhero huh play with the big boys

Yes, well maybe maybe you can be useful have a seat at the table Thursday. Okay. Let's do this

Let's see mosquitoes ABS

Jesus Christ are these even in a human language

All right in order to play superheroes you have to have a superhero persona

Yes, then you can fill out your character sheet on cocoons to Grandpa of course. He doesn't have a kunst gram page good boy

You're not even on cue Instagram. Huh well, I guess I can create one for you

All right nice so now we get to select what kind of superhero we want to be since you're a newbie

You can only choose between three for now wait so I can change later

Okay, we can be blaster


Brutalist yes, ah

Close range lost beach day


Brutus it seems like plaster is all around so let's

Let's do that

Okay, douchebag, but now we need to find out what terrible thing in your past drives you you see douche all superheroes

Have a compelling backstory. It's from that backstory that their powers gained meaning. Let's take you back to when you were just a child


You lay awake that night like so many other nights

you couldn't sleep because you knew you weren't like the other kids you walked through the mirror I

Walked to the mirror okay got it

You looked in the mirror and you felt alone, and that's when it happened a loud noise you

Swore, you could hear your mother calling for help oh

I remember this

Out in the hallway you saw two intruders know what's happening. What is happening what?

I didn't click anything. I literally just caught oh, that's so annoying

Okay, we're here now you looked in the mirror and you felt alone, and that's when it happened a loud noise

You swore you can hear your mother calling for help

You left your room

Out in the hallway you saw two intruders in front of your parents door you had to stop them from hurting your parents

You knew you had the power to stop them there we go

As a blazing blaster hero, you begin to overheat as a fire in your belly ignited. You wait. Oh, yeah, because this is my new

Okay, cool. We can do the burn thing let's do that

I have to do it from here. I'm stupid

Then oh that's cool. Oh my god

Okay perfect Oh

Hayley that's it, but the intruders wouldn't take any pushed around 90

Okay, there's no timing. I just have to press it I didn't really understand

Okay now we have the are old already little flavor. Yeah, we showed him

You were gravely injured, but the intruders blow is only awake in the fire burn me okay here we go venison

It's coming from my anus anyway

I'm glad we saw that thank you very much, South Park, and so you beat them all seem to be ok

But then you finally reached your parents door

And what you saw when you open that door changed your life forever and led you to fighting crime

You were too late because when you open that door you saw

You saw your dad fuck you man, mmm the horror. Oh

That's a pretty heavy bag

You fight crime because you never forgot the night you weren't intent and you saw your own father the man you trusted

Fuck you, man. You twisted it's like a ripple in time. You can't ever change isn't it?

Alright now that you're a superhero. I have a mission yes

I need you to go out into town and try to get as many followers as you can on currency Graham

It's the only way our franchise will survive oh

My god. We look terrible. Okay? Well that's awesome. I think that will end episode there remember fun

Hundred-thousand is that too much I feel like I'm asking too much. I feel like you guys can do it

Let's go come on part two. Thank you guys so much for watching. I'm so excited to play more of this

I'll make it the episodes longer as we go as well and it's always

Don't fist

Squad fan

For more infomation >> 💨 SOUTH PARK THE FRACTURED BUT WHOLE 💨 FULL | Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - DEMONETIZED EDITION! - Duration: 27:30.


2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 2 Tease (SKT vs MSF) - Duration: 1:25.

Before I became a pro gamer, when I would watch sports,

rather than cheering for the team that always won,

I would always cheer for the team that would challenge them.

However as one of the team members of this team that always wins,

I don't want to lose. I want to keep winning.

We have to win.

If SKT were to get knocked out at Quarterfinals,

I think it'll be an immense humiliation and a huge blow.

My goal is to make us once again a defending champion.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 2 Tease (SKT vs MSF) - Duration: 1:25.


2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Opening Tease - Duration: 1:58.

I don't believe people will remember you for making it to Quarterfinals.

In order to be remembered you have to continually perform well on a higher stage.

Just getting to Quarterfinals is a feat in and of itself.

However since we got to Finals last year

in order for us to be satisfied, we have to get to Finals.

Our opponent is an NA team.

Shouldn't we show that China is better than NA?

The name SKT itself is synonymous to winning a title.

I think, from making it out of Groups and getting into the Quarterfinals, Semifinals

these are all just part of a process.

Regardless of the sport, everyone always remembers the champions.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Opening Tease - Duration: 1:58.


2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 4 Tease (WE vs C9) - Duration: 1:11.

At this year's Worlds in China, the further we can go,

for the Chinese fans, the LPL can make its mark.

I hope we can leave this championship in our own country.

In the LPL.

I feel that we have to make it past Quarterfinals.

This time it's in my own country, so I hope we can make it out.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 4 Tease (WE vs C9) - Duration: 1:11.


Eyes on Worlds: Episode 2 (2017) - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> Eyes on Worlds: Episode 2 (2017) - Duration: 14:47.


15 Youngest Hackers Ever - Duration: 6:24.

• Who took down some of the biggest websites in the world on a dare when he was 15?

Who got his home raided by a tactical FBI team at the age of 14?

These are some of the youngest hackers that have ever been found.

15 – CyFi • CyFi is a 10-year-old girl who was bored

with the snail-like pace of farming sim games.

So she found exploits in the way the game tracks time.

• The exploit was known as a "zero-day" exploit, because she gave the developers zero

days to react to it.

In other words, she found the exploit before the developers even knew it existed.

14 – Reuben Paul • At the age of 11, Reuben Paul addressed

a cyber security audience with a teddy bear.

• Using a Raspberry Pi, he hacked an internet and Bluetooth-enabled teddy bear, and downloaded

a bunch of numbers from the people in the audience.

• In addition to being an accomplished hacker, Reuben is the youngest American to ever become

a black belt in Shaolin Kung Fu. 13 – Betsy Davies

• Betsy Davies is 7 years old.

And after watching a video tutorial, it took her exactly 10 minutes and 54 seconds to hack

a public wi-fi network.

• This was done as part of a demonstration about how embarrassingly easy it is to exploit

a public wi-fi-network with a "man in the middle" attack.

• In under 11 minutes, Betsy completed a hack that would have allowed her to monitor

every single device on that network.

12 – Nicholas Allegra • Nicholas Allegra is best-known for his

"JailBreakMe" tools for iOS operating systems.

• At age 19, he figured out not only how to jailbreak iPhones and iPads, but how to

mass-produce the process to make it usable by non-hackers.

• Consequently, Apple hired him as a security expert.

And then they let him go.

He immediately caught back on with Google to work on Android.

11 – George Hotz • When the iPhone first came out, it was

exclusive to the AT&T network in the United States.

• So if you didn't have AT&T as your carrier, no iPhone for you.

• George Hotz, better known as "Geohot," decided to do something about that.

• At age 17, he engineered his iPhone to work with T-Mobile, thereby creating the world's

first unlocked iPhone.

10 – Tim Berners-Lee • Tim Berners-Lee isn't really famous

for being an internet hacker.

He's famous for the internet itself.

• He invented the World Wide Web in 1989, but he's a white-hat hacker at his core.

As a student, he got himself banned from university computer access at Oxford after he hacked

server access for himself.

• Before that, he created his first computer with an old television, an M6800 processor,

and a soldering iron.

9 – Kevin Mitnick • Kevin Mitnick began his hacking career

as a teenager, hacking everything from multinational corporations to a McDonald's Drive-thru


• He was caught and sent to prison in the 1990s for five years.

Several months of that sentence was spent in solitary confinement, because the judge

feared that he would be able to start a nuclear war if he whistled into a telephone the right


• Judges don't really understand how hacking works.

8 – Sven Jaschan • Sven Jaschan was 17 years old when he

created the Sasser worm, which exploited a vulnerability in Windows 2000 and Windows


• That worm did millions of dollars in damages, including a number of cancelled flights with

Delta Airlines, whose computers were overtaken with the worm.

7 – Richard Pryce • Richard Pryce was a 16-year-old student

getting a D in his computer science class when he earned a reputation as the "Datastream


• The British teen used an underpowered computer in his bedroom to hack systems at

NASA and US Air Force bases.

• His activities were considered to have done more damage than the KGB, and at one

point, he was considered the top threat to U.S. security by the Pentagon.

6 – Matthew Weigman • The fact that Matthew Weigman was a young

hacker is one of the least noteworthy things about him.

• He became one of the most accomplished phone con-men alive by the time he was about


And he's blind.

• It's not the same type of hacking you'd expect to see, but he has still used his memory

and manipulative powers to infiltrate the upper levels of a number of major organizations.

5 – Mafiaboy Michael Calce • Michael Calce, better known as "Mafiaboy,"

once took down Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, CNN, and a host of other websites when he was 15.

• And he basically did it on a dare.

• He was eventually caught and plead guilty to 56 charges related to his hacking activities.

4 – Jonathan James • In 2000, Jonathan James became the first

juvenile to be sentenced to serve time for hacking.

• He hacked the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA, downloading files and shutting down

some computers for as much as three weeks at a time.

• Had he been an adult when he did it, instead of 16 years old, he would like have served

over 10 years in prison.

• Instead, he got 6 months in juvenile hall.

3 – James Kosta • When James Kosta was 13, he had a computer

business pulling in 15 hundred dollars a month and an 18-year-old girlfriend.

• His parents tried to get him to give up on his business and his girlfriend and concentrate

on school, so he took them to court and won the right to live independently of them.

• At age 14, he was arrested for illegal hacking in an FBI raid.

• After his release, he worked for the FBI, and now runs a successful video game studio.

2 – 12-year-old Canadian boy • Because of Canada's youth protection

laws, we don't know the name or identity of the 12-year-old in question here.

• But in 2012, this boy attacked several websites belonging to the Canadian government

as a part of Anonymous.

He apparently also collected data from those sites, which he exchanged for video games.

• He was 14 when he plead guilty to the charges, making him the youngest hacker to

be charged in Canada.

1 - Kristoffer von Hassel • It's hard to say if Kristoffer von Hassel

is some sort of freak prodigy, or if he's just lucky.

• But he found a backdoor past the lock screen on his dad's phone when he was just

a year old.

• Then, when he was five, he bypassed the parental lock on his dad's Xbox, exposing

a critical security exploit just by putting in blank spaces.

• Microsoft added the boy to their list of security researchers.

They gave him 50 dollars, four free games, and a year of Xbox Live

for his trouble.

For more infomation >> 15 Youngest Hackers Ever - Duration: 6:24.


We Need To Talk.. (Important) (Clickbait) - Duration: 4:38.

What is up

Fellow squad fams.

It is I

your leader

coming at you with an update

*loud* UPDATE VLOG *noise*

I should have written a script for this video


I just felt like it's been a while since we've talked face-to-face


Down-to-earth honest discussion, which is why I'm talking normally. This is my normal voice

This is how I greet and talk to everyone. I really just wanted to say thank you things have been going well lately I am..

I'm really enjoying seeing the outcome of how you guys enjoy the videos reading all the comments


Loving all the support on the South Park series it really brings me back to have a let's play on the series finally

I've said it before but I

I really just wait for games that I know that you guys are gonna like and that I'm gonna like and it takes time

Obviously a lot of times

But once they hit it really feels like a special thing, so I really appreciate that you guys join the daily

Journey of those it's a lot of fun, so I just wanted to say thank you

I'm so glad I missed the whole like, "uh come on we need another one!" seeing that kind of thing in the comments

It's always fun. You know that's really how I fell in love with YouTube was because I watched Let's Plays

I watched daily Let's Plays really terrible Let's Plays, but still just the

Concept of everyday, you know you have a series to watch

Was such a fun thing and I love the fact that I can bring that to my audience again

You know despite all this time. I do make daily videos as normal


Nothing has really changed there, but I feel like I finally figured out this new formula when I changed to this office

I changed my style of videos completely, you know.

Some of it may have been lost but some of it was gained as well

and I love the weekly videos that I do with the fan interaction PewDiePie submission ala reddit bullshit and

"You laught you lose", and me just ranting about stuff.

I finally feel like I figured it out

You know I figured out a series of videos that I can keep up and that feels fresh

And that's fun to me to record I can do all these things in a way that I don't have to get gray hair

Ironically my hair is white so I don't

You get the point!

another thing that I'm super grateful for is that..

You guys are buying my merch


Merch for me is always like yeah, okay?

Yeah, I make money out of it obviously but I'm so happy that you guys are just interested

In the stuff that I put out

It's a it's a very humbling thing that someone chooses to support you you know publicly by wearing something that represents me

I think, I think that makes me really really proud and I think probably for the first time PewDiePie as a brand that

You probably would at least wear in public without getting punched in the face.

part of the proceeds from the represent shirts


Goes to Save the Children as well and so far

We've got twenty thousand dollars, in the name of squad fam, and that's a great thing

I really appreciate that we also have the meatball merch

Which of course is the greatest merch ever because I designed that merch my god

Can we get a picture?

look at that man

Swedish 10/10

Perfection he's like a good spaghetti meatball

except it's swedish meatball

We also have the chair, which I designed myself

It's kind of expensive for a chair, but for what you get with it?

My God!

this chair has changed my life


Okay, also if you get one now you get the meatball shirt, how about..


now it sounds like I'm just trying to sell you a bunch of stuff.. Don't

Maybe a little bit. I'm gonna be honest. Maybe a little bit, but mainly I want to say namaste

Which means apparently "nice to meet you"?

But I mean it in the context of thank you

*Thank you* in Swedish

It is kind of you!

That you bought some shirts...

other than that I'm looking forward to keep doing more videos

Which it feels like a great thing to say

sometimes the whole process of making

Videos can come and go in waves sometimes you're not bad into it. Maybe you're having a bad day

You don't feel creative and you're like. I don't know what to do, but regardless

I appreciate you guys it means a lot. I love you

I'm gonna end it here, and I think that's a good time to end it and

Just remember..

"Never grill..

.., Without a nice frill" (-_-)

57 million Subscribers Really


Thanks For leaving A Like

Squad Fam!

* Shoots CHRISTIAN Laser *

And BroFist..

For more infomation >> We Need To Talk.. (Important) (Clickbait) - Duration: 4:38.


2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 3 Tease (RNG vs FNC) - Duration: 1:26.

Everyone must think that Fnatic making it into Quarters from their 2-4 record is a miracle.

But I think they've used up all their luck to get to this point.

I, along with my team, will use our strength to make sure they don't have a chance.

Since we're playing in China, and the fans' cheers are especially loud,

it inspires me more

to play better in the match,

and become worthy of the audience.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Day 3 Tease (RNG vs FNC) - Duration: 1:26.


Are We Gonna Survive Drinking This? (100 Year Old Whiskey) - Duration: 11:09.

Hello and welcome back to whiskey... Me drinking whiskey

I am joined here today with famous Irishman...

Mr. Penizfaes

It's me


Felix: Your real name this time

Mr. Penizfaes: I know

Felix: Out of character

Felix: Today we're gonna drink some whiskey and we're also shooting in front of a live audience

*people cheering and clapping*

Felix: Wow, first time ever

Felix: So, since you're Irish

Mr. Penizfaes: Yeah...

Felix: Obviously...

Mr. Penizfaes: We're alcoholics...

Felix: Well, and also, we're gonna drink some Irish whiskey

Mr. Penizfaes: Oh, that's where you're going with it, okay..

Felix: Yeah *laughs*

Felix: Uh... One thing that kinda unifies Irish whiskey is


It's not very peaty

Mr. Penizfaes: It's not?

Felix: It's not it's not very peaty

Which is contrary to the whiskey you gave, which is very peaty

Mr. Penizfaes: I thought it was, like, the only thing it had.

Felix: No, it's actually the opposite.

So, Irish whiskey, typically, you don't want to drink with, like... ice or anything like that.

Mr. Penizfaes: Oh.

Felix: You want to drink it straight up because it's already very light and very nice.

Mr. Penizfaes: Well, we'll see about that.

Felix: Okay, we'll see. Well, why don't we start with the Jameson?

Mr. Penizfaes: Oh... the classic.

Felix: This is one of the most famous whiskey brands

of all time. You guys recognize the Jameson?

*awkward silence*

Mr. Penizfaes: This is like the cheap one that you mix with a lot of things.

Felix: It's the one will you mix it with ginger ale typically

Mr. Penizfaes: Yea..

Felix: I'm just gonna for a little bit cuz we have a lot of whiskey to go through

Apparently Jameson... Jamison?

Mr. Penizfaes: Jamison, yeah?

Felix: Jamison. People are calling the Chuck Norris of whiskey? I don't know why, they just think he's a badass

He, apparently he's a Scotsman...

Mr. Penizfaes: Oh


Felix: yeah?

Mr. Penizfaes: Fake

Felix: He moved into Ireland to do this distillery

Mr. Penizfaes: Get to learn how to spell it a different way then

Felix: I don't know

Wheh.. its Jameson...

Felix: cheers

What do you say in Ireland?

Mr. Penizfaes: Sláinte

Felix: Sláinte *swedish babble*

*Mr. Penizfaes speaking swedish*

*Audience giggles*

*Mr. Penizfaes laughts*

Felix: It's not good that of a joke. x)

I like it..

Mr. Penizfaes: It's just a whiskey

Felix: Why don't we step it up a notch

I.. This i know nothing about :l

Mr. Penizfaes: Well as an Irishman I can tell you it's-

Both: The Irishman

*Both laughing*

Felix: It's not very expensive.

Mr. Penizfaes: I made this one. (WOWREALLY?)

I'm de irish ):3- Oh no,

Felix: Why- why did they do- aw Edgar's gonna eat these

Mr. Penizfaes: Why does anybody pack anything with these??

Felix: It's so annoying right?


(aw jack why you do this)

Mr. Penizfaes: Tel- Uh tell us what you smell.

Uhhh vanilla top note

*smacking lips*

That's very easy to drink whiskey,

So kids out there,

If you wanna get into whiskey (felix interrupts)

Felix: -Yeah you're right Mr. Penizfaes:Start with "the irishman"

Felix:That was- Mr. Penizfaes: That was like a kids whiskey

Felix: Yeah well, yeah that was nice.

(BAM) Felix: Next stop we have the whiskey that-

Mr. Penizfaes: DE OLD CONNEMARA!

Felix: The old Connemara,

You gift to me this whiskey (aw how nice)

Mr. Penizfaes: I did.

Felix: Oh, this is the cheaper version, it's still nice though. Mr. Penizfaes: Yeah

Mr. Penizfaes: Connemara fun fact: Connemara's one of the places in Ireland that still speaks very heavy Gaelic

Felix: This is the last thing I drank before I got stomach flu.

Stomach sickness?

Mr. Penizfaes: Ohh. Felix: And after it i was just like:

"I couldn't drink whiskey for so long."

Mr. Penizfaes: Mmkay Felix: You- you wrote it for me.

Mr. Penizfaes: This one might mess you up, Felix: And this one also comes packed with the...

(Sean: What's wrong with Irish people?)

Felix: So this one is peated.

Mr. Penizfaes: Yeah

Felix: So why don't you tell everyone about peated Whiskey?

Mr. Penizfaes: P.

Wot P?

Or turf?

Felix: Do you know a *****?

Mr. Penizfaes: Yeah, I used to live next to it

Felix: Oh-

So it`s basically like dirty

Decayed Dirt. Yes yeah, I think what you dig up to burn in your fire well

Let's have a look. Let's go with there when live in a fancy one. Yeah, so these are made

So that you can smell it better. Oh, sorry. We're doing this now. It's do it, mr.. Oak the flavours mr.. Science over

Okay, you have

You know what mr.. Fancy, okay?

Irish people just drink it

That's good, I like that yep

It's a lot more flavor yeah, the other ones. I don't know if you can drink too much of it though. It's nice

I do like it if you prefer like smoky time. It's good. It's bolder

Has a bit of body to it

Risky Baker I didn't know you smelled this night

Look at this fancy box by the way

Ceiling, so I don't risk it did really badly for a long time

He used to be super popular and then it did really badly, and this is the first

Distillery in Dublin that opening hundred 25 years oh

Wow, you get a certificate as well. I guess yeah Jack teaming jack'd healing has signed this whiskey. Thank you jack

This is a crazy bottle by the way look at this. It's very clear

1999 it's 14 years old (It's 18 jack). I'm gonna swirl the glass

I don't know if you know this you swirl the glass cuz it invokes the smell

well, yeah, well the thing is cuz it's been in there for a long time and

You wanna you know think goes on tops you want to mix it?

It smells like something and I don't know what it is yeah, it's kind of hard to describe I understand like a manly perfume I

Don't know let's just drink it. Okay

Bottoms up, that's a weird one that's very different from the others

Yeah, kind of balances on your mouth it balances all around in my mouth right now

It's very different very nice

Is that it no way okay

Sorry, you just looked at me like okay. What next redbreast? Oh, I wish is a prayer. You know this yeah

This is what you wanna do this

It's weird with water

And there's a strong affinity

to foot 200


Like how I said we he said you

Yeah you put too much water

You kind of ruined it, then I think everyone's gonna get pissed at it, okay?

Thanks. I have been jacksepticeye

There is more whiskey Jack come back

Say that this one was their most expensive line well, I don't really know what it is

So it's made by the whiskey agency

Which I imagine?

It's just like a group of people whose their bottling what they like to drink to still in our own age

27 years distilled

That's as old as I am. Yeah. That's pretty cool

You know what they say you know you're it's a privilege to drinking whiskey as old as you are okay. This is

That's just like all of a sudden like like pierced my nose. I don't

Ii fucking it

No, it's very nice. So what i'm told

You can do is you get a like a couple drops of water and that will make the?

chemical reaction of the whiskey go they will hit your tongue the flavor I

Think I've formulated that sins quite eloquently, thank you very much


my god

That's like the teething one look like oh, I like that one way stronger damn

If it's only so damn it bites you man. It's almost like a hit your tongue, and then just like spreads out

Yeah, like I want a lot sitting still maybe that was worth the price. I would say that was definitely the best one

That's a strong whiskey

Yeah, I'm not too impressed with that, but I just did so fruity, but it's even though it's so strong and still has

So it's sort of contrast that it has so much alcohol in it that was it. What's it? That was a?

Just kidding we have one more

I was just present that was a good one to leave often we have oh my god. This looks like moonshine

this whiskey is

Vintage kober dose it's covered in test guess how all this I?

Don't know

Well the other one was 27 years, so I'm assuming it's more than that okay. Give me and give me a number come on just

35 okay wait no one in the audience one of gifts

Okay with you then you don't get


There is something hey, I was gonna say 50 originally, but I thought that was too high any other guesses

75 it's a hundred years old what?

It's from

1920 so it's almost a hundred

Jesus, I don't know if I'm supposed to open it

Because it's kind of like it's that what you do, or do you just keep it or like uh?

Whiskey channels, you're the one who watches. That's it well

That's the thing I don't know I never seen anyone have like a really really really old with

70 proof as well are we gonna die drink that is basically absinthe?

What's that

It's your birthday whiskey might as well be your death day as well. Whiskey's we're drinking right yeah

Yeah, oh

My god. I barely put any pressure on that and I should have thought about it before I did it

What's the point of having that old? Who's chief? You can't even open it says 70 proof on it

This is way older than the summer was combined in the room. This smells like someone's burnt down house doesn't it?

Yeah, it smells like a burnt down house. It's cool. Cool. What do you say launch it?

That's very strong it's good enough it tastes like my grandma's house I

Was surprised how well it tastes it's actually really get that's probably the best one out of all of them so far. I don't

It's actually very nice. Yeah. Yeah, what that how is that possible? I'm buying I think I expected points emitted

It's actually really it turns out that you what they were doing I wonder juice it turns out

They knew what they were doing we're Irish whisky is on there in sauce on the right men

Do you do you like it more than Japanese whiskey no. No Japanese whiskey is the face really?

There's a pub in Ireland. That's like from 900 AD that's ridiculous, and it's called Shaun's bar a

And we used to live very close to it, and it's right next to a castle well

thank you for joining me on this Irish special episode and


Don't really have an outro do drugs kids. Don't do drugs

Drink whiskey kids the only if it's 100 years old



For more infomation >> Are We Gonna Survive Drinking This? (100 Year Old Whiskey) - Duration: 11:09.


Billy Joel Reveals Favorite Bruce Springsteen Song - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Billy Joel Reveals Favorite Bruce Springsteen Song - Duration: 3:09.


Win an Uncomfortable Meal with Jimmy Kimmel & Matt Damon - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Win an Uncomfortable Meal with Jimmy Kimmel & Matt Damon - Duration: 2:43.


Tracy Morgan Reveals Who He Wants to Work with Most - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Tracy Morgan Reveals Who He Wants to Work with Most - Duration: 3:10.


The Mastermind - South Park The Fractured But Whole | Walkthrough Part 8 - Duration: 34:25.

What's up Buzzer Welcome back to another Episode of Safe pack the Fractured but

Whole Let's Continue Playing everybody let's go

Oh, oh, the support Just Rip Into Nintendo

Someone Get Polygon this is Outrageous

Real The fuck you're Singing mean, ah he Can, Pass me Anyway, oh?

Excuse me I was actually a, miss click a miss fart

Where is scrambles we're Real Close I can Feel it?


Know who is that

Well i should be Easy he has A drum that was A drone Controller

It's not a drunk

Disappointed Alright, We're Gonna Defeat general Disarray that Should, be Easy let's do This

How much Lego Can you have Dude like that's A lot, of lego let's get Really

Alright - in With the Cure Gain

The Dialogue Is so buggy like it clearly Said Get Queuing There but it Actually Say

Oh, yeah, he has A weird one That goes like Diagonally and See if We can hit more Than?

No okay, well I guess this is the attack, we're doing now?

So this will Probably, do do more damage right because It'll push him Back to Cartman Card enabled Pushing back Nice

They Have Mecha Minions Great

Yes, oh, wow

Is he Standing in the Lava

Vamonos Mecha Minion

Wow they got the Technology straight from Japan?

Who Would at that okay yeah Old?

Bring it Mr.

Hayes Almost Then

my God How, Many Minutes Does he Have my god Mexicans Everywhere

He might be able to finish him, yeah that one Does A lot of damage that

Was that We just Had to Take out the general, okay Nice?

That's what I always Say ignore the Mexicans and Take out the general

Hey we've got an Epic sign yeah man that is Great I feel Really good about This one, oh?

Wow oh no this Is love everywhere now

no, no

No I'm Already dead, okay

We're Gonna find a way to save you do something to it yet There's Nothing here my sand blaster Needs Compressed Hair to Work it's

The One From the Entrance the gates Landing Lunch not Remember it's okay, Guys

We all Knew when we signed on to be Coon Friends that it might end like this stay Calm super craig

We're Gonna get you home sorry Dude but it looks like this was a one-Way trip, no?

I'm starting With everett things like that

We found a match?

What are you doing

Are you Crazy do you know what Kind of Firepower someone Would need to Make that Work, ah don't underestimate my Power

Don't underestimate a man

that's is A

Super Craig I had to Stabilize you are you serious right now

Kill me Look fuck did You get that Carmen

Online super craig Just Stay Still you suffered a lot you Guys go ahead I'm Gonna Just Try and Stabilize him

Really cool Back There Now, We Can Clear love it Whenever we want?

We make a great Team but Lord?

All right so we Unlocked and you Bought a buddy Power by the power of Shoving Tubes in our?


Bit okay all right I guess I'll go here There's Probably will be something up, no Never mind. I can't Walk

I'm so sick of the Lava I

I agree 100%

We Can Break this Maybe?

You're Liable for Any Property Damage all right, We can use our Body Power and A wine When he'll read Kyle When Clearly

This One's Easy, They Sure Love fart Jokes in the sun but They Sure, do

Well We have This over here right but then what I have to be Up there it's to jump Down isn't it

Have i lost all Hub, well We have one More?

You Just Dying

How, oh

yes of Course

Ha ha, ok, all right ok, ok, I read again yeah yeah all right Let's Take off Buddy

Hardcore miss Tan

Someone Told me also that you Make more Money, oh my god it's so beautiful if you're White in the game I

Don't know if That's True

All Right I guess you left us huh

We got a pack of Ramen which you can't See Because I'm Covering this Screen with my beautiful Face

Where to now Actually There's some more Stuff Behind here why not, why not, We got some Bg?

Balls Whatever that Is and Some more China plates great?

Love our Outfit Though love love love it looks like, we're Gonna have to use Says, sam's Power here

Yeah, no I know and he's got A fart on it

You Gotta Fought on the Lava thank you

Nice One all right Let's Keep Going but lord it's a really good game Mechanic that I really, Enjoy him

Edgar Salute Edgar what the heck man I

Need to stop Calling out Stuff that you guys Clearly can't even See, but you know

You got to Keep Loading me

Should We Attack These Guys Are Sneaky i ran I?

Feel like, we're Gonna have to fight him right

Now okay, We can Just I can hear Cats They must be Any?

Final, oh

That's Some Real High-grade Shit There Cat. Like that Would go to the boss man Himself you idiots you, don't Talk about him now

We gotta Kill These Shits?

Okay, i'm down to kill them so

There was One Episode I remember the Long Ago Where

People Would Take the Cat Urine and to get higher or Whatever I don't know what to do with the kun kun Is so useless


Stop Here

Somebody's About to get Fixed who's it gonna be This one might do it no

All right hit him, oh Shit the Barrels Gonna Explode, ah Damn it's Gonna Explode on us Though

Shoes ok, well at least Now We know

Maybe, We can use the laser here yeah let's do it perfect?

It's gonna blow Look at that

They Can Heal Because They have Drugs

Hey, oh, oh, wow not really, we're Actually you're Doing pretty, well that ok?

We have A combat Buddy what Is that ok all right What Can Call Girls do then huh blow up Individual

That's Pretty Good

Are you texting the Barrel

Nice oh Another one They're all gonna blow it's a chain Effect

Nice very Nice

And here We go nailed it

What is in The back With the cans man Jesus?

All Right that's not very Christian man I don't know what to tell you

We just put the Cat Urine in The drug the hem Yeah?

It's like it's like he, Wants more Crime in the Streets Professor ko, no no way no Spooky man

We got to do This if They tell Us don't you get it

What a way to go not a bad way to go

Nice and here, We go, okay?

I'm Ready or do We have to use her the Password Is 0 1 2 3

uncrackable uncrackable Code Luckily, I'm a crack Master i mean I

Guess I didn't do it right

okay, Let's Try, using the Butthole in The Thing

They're Happy About that okay alright that's Interesting you're Not A Bad to beat so happy

Got'em Combat Advantage Baby Look at that Shit

No other Youtuber Could do that that Takes Skill Takes Years of Crayon my god that was beautiful

Garrett Gayo Gayo Rat okay you Come in Here Voice

Go Tell Everyone you cut Yourself Manscaping

And it's cute Tan

Hell yes I mean God church yes We?

Did it

I'm glad that thing broke I, was like Should I shoot her Or not?

But where Is he?

He got, away, we Gotta use?


What is that?

Anyway We Gotta Use said the Butthole Thing, oh?

my God if Someone

Alright Put That One There and then when This was a little Trickier?

Hell yes indeed Stain Let's go my face is Literally Inside his Butt, oh?

Wow they got A?

Yes Seriously That's A lot of love a man

Why do I say lava it's lego it's lenka, oh

my God

What is oh what?

You Mean Mecha Mexican Minion Care to play

okay, let's do This one We got a pretty Strong lineup so I

Like how One Guy Is just Literally his Crotch Look at the Guy in the Crotch, oh

My God okay, We got it move up, oh, wow, his shootings from There huh

Well you know that's a microaggression They're Saying extra Spicy Just Because you're Mexican Fuck I'm Burning?

We're Just Gonna use These I made a ton of them Anyway

Congratulations, oh you, had to do how do I shoot him that hits him, okay?

on ice

Should Probably like Split Up, oh

That was nice all those Fireworks

No, no, no, no, no no not sam Damn it

What in That what?

I'm Burning now

Damn it ah, Cuz, you're Just Walking across Whatever Just Take it

Get Caned okay I know it's gonna be a second you know it's gonna be

What Is he Saying Get the shit med by?

Yeah Phase Two

Let's go, oh!

They're Gonna Heal Them, we're Gonna have to take out the yeah they're Gonna here like dammit

I could Just use the Old and kill all of them let's do it it's the quickest Way

But we're Gonna have to?

Know I'm Actually Impressed I totally Smell like A

King Wait, We Can't Actually Attack There what how do I attack him then?

There's No, no, no, no, no no no no you bet no

Finish him Finish him

Thank you no Whaling on my Watch

So dog in There, oh my god that's Another Face There's a third Face Everyone

Shut Up I

Think we Can Finish him?

I'm done Done Easy miss demon what up

Look at that xp. Look at it go up just like my DinG-A-Ling very Nice very Nice

Yeah Money, well spent but?

It was great Working With you again man?

Yeah, well i told you this was A one-Shot Deal?

Come on Shed Come Back to the

Can't do That Kite Freedom Pals is gonna Make Way more Money with Their Franchise you're Wrong, we're Gonna Make like a billion Dollars

We're Gonna Make like a Billion

We're Back at Headquarters

Who could it Be Maybe it's that Tommy Nothing Kid he's always Been Kind of A dick Have A seat Thundercats

Are you just at this. Is that A key Cartridge that's Kind of cool

It doesn't cost

Much a recipes


Why not

No I'm not Gonna Join them

Yeah That's Pretty cool, why not, why not?


My God Could it be no it's impossible No it is Possible

There's Only One Person I know of who Can Disguise Himself so Easily

And it's the Same Person who might have a motive for Tearing south Park apart, oh

Mitch Conner What Wait, sorry

When his Cover was Blown he was Arrested by the police but escaped but?

Why Would he want to Take Down that pie and Where Would he get all his Money

Shut Up it's not Registered With Fucking Connor

I'll be you know know Kylie's Right you Guys it Couldn't be Mitch Connor Connor died in an oil Rig Explosion in Northern Alaska

Fuck This I'm going to bed

Yes yes Good Idea hear me cut. Everyone get Back to your Homes it's getting late Let's all reconvene Tomorrow After

And Now the News Program that Starts your, day off right good Morning South Park

The South Park

Vigilante Struck again Last Night this Time at a meth lab in The downtown new Storage

Facility Here With more Is a midget in A fedora table six

men Were Arrested last Night after the vigilante Exposed A Huge meth lab in The Storage Facility Behind me

Eyewitnesses Have Come Forward With Shocking Reports That The vigilantes Parts

Were so awful they Seemed to actually Rip the Fabric of Time you ain't never heard A fart like this man he

Was like One Minute he Farted on my dick you're the next Thing my dick

Was like 20 Seconds in The Path Whoa?

Finally Someone is Standing up to all the Crime in this city if you ask me These People here all Deserve to be Farted on

He's a menace if You asked me How Long before This vigilante Gets Radical and Blows Up a school or a church huh

How Long before Captain America Becomes Captain ideology

The Third Captain America Movie

How long was that?

About Six Years About six Years

Dozens of Protesters Gathered Outside The Police Station Today as A warrant was issued for the vigilantes Arrest

Crusaders and Sneak Around and fart on People at night

We urge all citizens to arm Themselves and Fight against this kind of rectal the pressure?

Rectal Oppression I've Never Thought I heard Those Words

Yeah it's me Nobody Knows Anything about this Kid not what Race it is again

If it's a boy or a girl what

Do We do so are They Talking about a house Just Keep getting the Product

Into People's DruGs and Alcohol I'll Handle the vigilantes are You Seri Thing out of Control

You Said you Could get the Mayor out of Office you wanted to be Left alone Commissioner

Doing I'Ve Made that happen Just stay Calm and soon Everyone will Have Exactly what they Read

That's sewed up yes

My Name is Wendy nice to have you at our school hmm that little Girl told you

About it's A lot Worse the chamber of Commerce wants to get Rid of the vigilant

Oh, no, Matter what it Takes you know the Bathrooms in The Park Paul girl, wants you to meet her There right now


Let me Just Read Transform here wow that was so cool, wasn't he?

Stop don't Judge Me, don't Judge me Just Butter out a Different Clothes Came on?

That it shut Up i look cool a gala cool, get Real I look cool

Alright well Let's Tell it Transport it's now five to nine the Password

Can you be at two places at Once


Need to get Somewhere

Soda Sob that's at the end of the Shoes we're Gonna have to walk I?

Love that Episode so Funny Anyway Alyssa's Walk There this is it yeah yeah this is it

Where We see Though meet Me and They start Soda Sopa in The Space Formerly Occupied by Steed?

We Needs an Incense?

I'm Buddies Still Have Willing to help at least I mean he doesn't want to Shove Up a long in someone's dong you know

We did indeed Goodbye

Legend all right This is Kenny's House that's not it

Hey They got it in Brighton, oh?

There's The Steed I saw it now

Okay, this is it I guess, we're Meeting the king Paine Looking for answers yes

Mr.. Connor sends his Regards he Wanted to come Himself But he's A very busy, man

He Mentioned some Horrible Tragedy Happened to your Mother

Funny How A few Moments in our lives Can Completely Change who

We are and now you're gonna Be Taken out by assassins Known as the city Ninja service it was a drag

of Course

The City Ninjas you

Know what to do with them when, you're Done

After it's done

You'll Pay your Badge back Up that's on the Website you don't sound Japanese you sure you're Really Ninjas

Just get it over With Shitting in Your Service

You want to?

I don't have Five Thousand

In Business Money for Bribes so We Still have to murder you, sorry

Okay all right, oh they, join, me Even What the heck

All right, well I guess, We have to kill them?

Minja Stop so what They're korean?

What Should We Attack win Coon is Actually Getting Better he's not that Bad?

Wait They're Korean what the Heck Definitely got That Wrong?

Finish him Nice

No more what the heck. I wasn't Ready for that all right Whatever?

What does more are you Kidding me okay one of them is Down?

Yes yes Nice The white ninjas are Dead

Yes we're On A roll come on Baby?

Yeah he's dead

it'S fine

Seriously Now Super Craig I doubt it okay here, we go?

Wait I'Ve Never Seen super craig's yes, oh my God

That's my new Favorite what I can't let's finish this, oh?

And There it Is that was Hard that, was Really difficult yeah Damn Boring

Stupid Idiot Shitty Aeneas

Alright what do We get I

Guess so and now, we're Alone again that doesn't Really Make any sense for the plot I thought this, would be a solo fight


By Member of


I get down from here a Matter of days okay?

No how'd I even Get up here oh I know from here what, oh?

Alright Now, We go back to Coons lair

Okay, hello Kid Known as Butthole You got lucky one Time but CD She Didn't heed me A lurking Shadow, no no, oh man

Okay all right okay, we're Gonna Have to Watch out for them now?

Goddamn Shitty Ninjas

Let's go to the Kuhn layer and pretend Nothing Happened Nothing at out Nothin Eddo

No Girls allowed, okay?


will do

After I end This Episode

Thank You Guys so much for Watching Another one Really loved it Recording These all the support as

Always I know I keep Saying it but Appreciate you guys Squad for him

For more infomation >> The Mastermind - South Park The Fractured But Whole | Walkthrough Part 8 - Duration: 34:25.


The forbidden move - Duration: 30:46.

Stop a Papa welcome back everybody I should not be singing to another wonderful oh

We uncovered some dark secrets about our parents their house doesn't have any

Blood in it. Why don't we loot all this ah?!

Lot of client, that's good. You know I'm gonna keep looting

Something's up with our parents. We don't really know what yet I suspect that they have been putting fart juice in our food

Which has actually been helping us all alone

But something is definitely oh

You could you could say that again. That's my

Jimmy impression or Timmy they all have the same names, let's get real here


attack on the SP PD police station last night has left citizens in shock and disbelief

with prisoners now on the loose and policemen in the

Hospital one member of the Chamber of Commerce has had enough and is announcing his bid for mayor

Go around voting on people dead together

We can free ourselves from the anal terrorism that has been forced upon us my name is Mitch Conner

Oh, and I enjoyed it. Is that a transgender hand

Going into politics

Because I mean it's 2017 and I'm not really surprised, but at the same time just wanted to make sure mitch is okay

You know what my god. I can never do this bit. I did it. I don't have a thing. Oh wow oh

Tom's feel like you have no idea what to do next you

Haven't been given any direction, and you're unsure. What's even going on

And no not without it's because you've been trying to find yourself in the wrong way

Knowing your sexual identity or race or ethnicity that's nothing compared to knowing who you are

spiritual hairiness

Go to the pod. Okay. Someone is waiting for you at the pond who will finally help you find your true self

It's gonna be more pedophiles isn't it well?

Let's do the side quest it seems like the game is telling us to do the side quest and I want to know who I

am as

spiritually obviously

Christian or Swiss chin as I like to call it Swedish Christian. Thank you very much um

I'm surprised. We haven't done it before I thought we were gonna do it like early in the game because you were

Deciding what kind of character you wanted to make I think we might use one of the teammate stations

It's jimothy I keep forgetting is pleading name all right. This is the pond

Okay, we can go there

It's the pond where the first game ends in where we throw the stick of truth in

spoilers a

spoiler alert

It's a big piece of the plot

Just like there you go, there you go, buddy

We getting a lot of questions about my invisible headphones, they're not for sale

You can't get it look you I'm gonna play with fire - hey, man where's Jasper

He's in trouble good talk what in the world another fast travel, okay? That's good

We have to walk all the way Oh

Get over here. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, what's up? I?

Believe we can help each other okay? Have you heard of the super best friends? Well it is I?


Powerful superhero with the amazing ability to talk to fish and swim its

Seamen that see man. It is my job to help all creatures of the sea and right now

There is a gay fish who wants help getting his mother its Oh

No all the other super best friends keep saying they're too busy, will you help?

Yes, of course then swim down to the water's depth with me. Don't worry my water defenses shall protect you

He's gonna drown us isn't he the new kid dives down through the water protected by seamen. Oh my god

I like a support made fun of cement before seamen before oh my god

It's Eman and yes, I do this child has incredible powers all right if you get my mom into heaven

I will give you three million dollars and some jewelry just touch my little gay flipper

and we shall be magically transported to help her I

Thought Kanye West would be in it for a minute

So seaman sidekick had to help the gay fishes mum fly to heaven on a stream of rainbow unicorn we're playing flappy birds oh

My god we're playing flappy bird. This is 10 times better however

Oh, I can't go too high

This is kind of nice honestly I

Hope not oh wow it's going it's going real fast you're going so fast

All they move now I

Don't want to mess up




And so Lehman sidekick has to help the gay fishes mom fly to heaven on a stream of rainbow unicorn oh my god


I see it's app isn't it a parody of it's a parody of Kanye West's game

How did I not hit me oh?

That's brilliant. He's making a game about his mom going to heaven

All the gays fishes mom of course

It all makes sense

How do I dodge this I am, but he's shooting me with fucking flame, are you serious oh?

Thank thank thank you game Thank You game. That's quite enough. I get it. Thank you

Did I do it my god, what a skill I take

So it is Kanye West

What is that?

It's James add on very well by John grace JQ. Yeah. No not you seamen the kid hey man

Oh, yeah, right?


You had no reason to help this little gay fish my child and yet you did that's right every reason to help me

I'm a lyrical genius voice of a generation

I see that you were trying to determine your spirituality my child

Allow me to help thee there are good and bad in every religion my child which are you?

Rastafari Satan Scientologist seek Unitarian

Christian Chris, okay, you're a chaotic Christian. That's me


You want a selfie with Jesus right of course Jesus

Thank you for making. It less awkward for mailed you know who you are now

You are one step closer to believing in yourself my God. Thank you Jesus hashtag blessed

That was amazing I love the side quests in this game every time. They show up

Chaotic Christian

Chaotic Racine Scandinavian

That's me dank leaders. Why are you talking like that?

dialogue tree

Got you. We don't take kindly to your types around here. Let's welcome this fan to our town

They triggered imprinted

Welcome nugget

Alright, let's just kill these guys really quick. I don't we've done it like four times. I don't think there's that much to see

Okay, we dealt with that we chose a religion chaotic Christian I

Love this like I said, I want to do more side quests. It's definitely worth it

I know your mind blown now that we're friends on the grams in real life, but keep it cool. Oh, right

I almost got hit by them. He's in trouble. Maybe we should tell his parents or something dude

He probably just found some porn anyway Jesus called, but he needs to respect artistry

This social media platform does not respect artists don't talk to me then impose game. Oh, she's back

Where's the camera set up there

Thank you classy

Can't wait to use that okay, well let's go to the what would they call friends?

Freedom fighters whatever whatever they are freedom palace, that's it freedom fires has said it's too obvious

Well it's in this great


Wonder who



This was someone who wanted to hurt us yes

It was an image

I didn't exactly and I say new kid or you will never see your parents again, and hurry or else. They'll be more

No stop it it is too much. Where is who you man, catch the new kids

You took the new kids parents because you hate that we merged with Freedom House, that's not true

I want this mega franchise more than anybody tell him dad

You have five seconds Cartman I'm on your side, yo kid you believe me, don't you?

Oh, Timmy, how are you gonna get update? Oh, No?

Ah thanks Timmy you

Wait what what Timmy Timmy Timmy No are you serious right now

I can you tell him it to me that I can use any oh my god

That one's really good that one's really good

That one's okay. Oh my god this changes the game

Yeah, no you said it before and it's kind of awkward every time

Okay, let's keep going

We have all the classes now in our back story is complete. We saw our parents

having sex

No wait we saw our dad talking her man

Have you guys ever walked in you know? What don't answer that?

Luckily never happened to me

Go to the place where people get their copy figs better hurry tick tock tick tock snake attack

If it did happen I probably blocked it out of my memory. I know it was left and right well

There's only those ways to go isn't it I know it's closed. It's what I'm trying to say

Should be quiet, please

Is the inside probably?


I don't know if you're a hero or a menace man this coffee really has me buzzed


It's for you. Oh, wow. That's real good new kid, but now I'm gonna make things a little harder on you

Okay, telling you where to go. I'm giving you a riddle you ready yes a place

Where death comes in all shapes and sizes go into this door to find what your prize is Oh Maggie dear?

I'm so wasted on this stuff

That riddle

It's impossible oh no not the shitting in yes

I do think yes, I do

You have made many enemies in this town vigilante and now you have to face

That he took our jobs that was no not crappy, but now you go cross the line

This should be interesting damn

Wish I had a titty mag oh damn look at that damaged dog ah damn boy

It wasn't that interesting actually

Haha, sorry is normal battle. I don't think you guys need to see everything as solve Connors death store riddle now

Where could that possibly be?

Hey, thanks for being the only one who believed me of course why would I not believe oh?

my god

For now just do what he says suspicious I

Can't fast travel anymore I

think the abortion center

Which is a lovely place to go and last time we went there

It was weird I still remember that from the first game my god every time. I close my eyes. I just

Imprinted in my retina

No, no thank you, thank you, we're almost there Oh

Any time now that's a rhino place. Where's the abortion clinic then?

unplanned Parenthood I

Don't listen to her okay, that's not true

Excuse me

excuse me while I

This is where I need to be we got some new stock. Which is a rare treat with our funding

Have a fabulous day. You want to feel the baby kick that sorry kind of interrupting a tender moment here kid I?

suppose not

Well then I don't know

God damn it no no

Sure you don't understand it. How could you?

What's the gay face doing they say that's my great challenge

That's the weight on my shoulders to bring understanding to the people you understand. Well I

But how could you you're working from an old model?

I'm an original

You know artists come up to me all the time

And already you get inspiration and that's all wrong because I don't get inspiration I always had it I popped

I was in game bitch day one

Original and gay fish is something that can't be changed because it's inside me and all around me. It's like air or water

But see I ain't scared because I know tomorrow I will be motherfuckin game bitch immutable

This just seems like a nice life

Yeah, she hit some columns we all hit some columns and

Columns on the way up to heaven on a motherfucking unicorn

I didn't see anybody else's mama riding the unicorn to heaven while we was up there. Did you know because that was some original?

Shit in conclusion. That's why you gotta let gay fish

Okay like some kind of weapons yeah, we're here

Not really that you see the guy standing over there take a selfie with him do it now your mom is gonna suffer

Someone's calling me

Sorry it's not a game vigilante you're gonna get somebody killed, but let's take a selfie anyway

You're gonna have to stop one more riddle and the place where seats hang from chains part desert part jungle where happiness reign

Wait there's another riddle

Oh my god, thank you

This is all Connor supporters

Oh my god, why

Cm ham kid oh that was it okay?

The community center, where is that?

God damn boy when who is the community center?

Here we are at the community center

Alright one two I feel like there's gonna be some pot with that. It is actually a nice Cartman. Oh my god

What have you done with the new kids parents badass nothing yet, but when I'm finished with you

I can't say they'll be exactly safe this has gone far enough. We end it now the only thing about the end is you mysterious

What this is like a

Smash man we're actually fighting Mitch Conner, okay?

So your parents got kidnapped, but no I can totally relate as a kidnapped victim myself all right funny, okay?

I can't actually reach him from here


Damn it

Alright, let's just sit our turn

Damn yes a lot of healthy

Then who did it

Is he not there, I can't see this is another weird thing like I can't go over there. I can't see

Whatever I'll just stop here

My muscular body

This must be like to freight at stage bias because it otherwise is too easy oh

Okay, guess what oh?

My god. He has a fart ability

Yes of course of course it's Connor Cartman I believe II we can use

Even the new kid and turn his back on you teen

Wow pretty up Oh guys, I'm not that will decrease your movement dude. Oh, No

Nice it's pretty easy uh-oh he's on fire nevermind

Okay alright, okay, okay, no be quiet

You seem to be taking all the damage

after further calculations that damage didn't happen


Activate again what?

All right, we need a good damage hold, I don't know if Craig has it yeah. He does oh, man. That's really good. Oh

Yeah, yes the little hamster. Love it. It's so cute. It's the best one

You're only hurting yourself oh

Whoa what the hell it's gonna sting damn

He's strong man. He ricochetted my damn it

What you get to mix up dan I

Take it back man. He's really strong no stop come on, No


Swear to God if he says that doesn't count

Come on Jesus, thank you. This is really tricky, man. I almost messed up even pathetic

Yeah, I'm chill great now she skips a turn great

So make me hella anxious yes, I said hella, that's how much you make it okay, all right?

Let me just kill him I want to counter them

Police police work, yes. Oh that feels good finally

He's dead right no no no. Thank you

What's gonna happen at

You never knew oh no he's got

Its muscular yeah, sometimes torture is the only answer you're gonna torture me for what everyone get back to Freedom House base

We have to make this shithead talk. What are you talking about guys? It's me the key?

They played him like a damn fiddle

I'm on I'm literally here. I'm literally outside. Okay. Let's get in very


Sounds they got here very nice

merriness a

Very a nurse

Okay, let's see what this is this is a but. It's wrong with you guys. I'm not your enemy

You're going to talk Cartman new kid you're going to have to make Cartman talk

Are you gonna do it. Oh my god, he's gonna fart in his face

You guys are wasting your time. I'm the king torture doesn't work against me remember. That's true. He doesn't

Watch you eat is that it? I'm not afraid

The burrito of course

He hate the aluminum foil as well

I'm pressing part you will tower Cartman. I will eat the broccoli name

The octopus

Hit him again



What cats I just remembered

The fries jog my memory

Said he must he was what to genetically alter the cats the genetics laugh doctor mephesto. Yes, that must be attack yes

Alright, let's check it out in the next episode. Thank you guys so much for watching another one. I don't know

Let's do a save there, and I'll see you guys tomorrow as always it's quite a fan

For more infomation >> The forbidden move - Duration: 30:46.


Follow The Shield through the crowd for the first time in three years: Exclusive, Oct. 18, 2017 - Duration: 2:05.


For more infomation >> Follow The Shield through the crowd for the first time in three years: Exclusive, Oct. 18, 2017 - Duration: 2:05.


2017 World Championship Group D Tease (Week 2) - Duration: 1:31.

Even though we lost all our games last week

we'll give it our all in the upcoming games.

Since we've found our form over the first week,

I think we have a really good chance to win against these two teams,

and we'll be the 1st seed out of our group.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Group D Tease (Week 2) - Duration: 1:31.


The Shield's greatest Triple Powerbombs: WWE Top 10, Oct. 23, 2017 - Duration: 3:43.


[APPLAUSE] >> We got the best seat in the house.

>> Ambrose, Ambrose!

>> I never thought I'd see this.

>> AJ doesn't want a reunion.

Ambrose, you idiot!

You're gonna SmackDown beating Raw.

Ambrose, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> Welcome back, Shield.

>> Believe it.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Wait a minute.

Come on, wait a minute.

You gotta be kidding me.

You're not gonna try this.

They're gonna try this with Khali.

Great Khali on his feet.

Roman Reigns and company.


>> A triple powerbomb.

>> Man. Talk about impressive.

[SOUND] Are they just doing the-

>> No, no, no, no, no, calling for

>> He just called for it.

This is all Shields.

>> No way.

>> This is Shields alone, the triple powerbomb.

On the table.

[APPLAUSE] The Shield.

[APPLAUSE] [NOISE] [APPLAUSE] >> No, not this.

Not this.

We've seen the Shield do this to many men, now it's the Rock's turn.

>> No! >> Bravo Bull taken

out by the triple power bomb.


>> Reigns is calling for it.

Here it is.

Straum is up top.

[NOISE] The Shield bomb as the table implodes.


>> No.

>> Cena's helpless >> He was beaten to a helpless defenseless

pulp here.

And now they're shielding and they're Triple Powerbomb.


[APPLAUSE] >> No, no, look at this John

>> Fandango off the stage.

Look at this, a triple powerbomb.

>> Powerbomb!


Here we go.

>> My God, look at this.

You've gotta be kidding me.

>> It's Randy Orton now.

>> You've gotta be kidding me.

>> Don't do that.

>> Don't do it guys, come on.

Come on this is a legend.

Don't do that.

>> Triple through the table,

Undertaker driven through the table.


attempt to do here.

We have never seen this.

We have never seen this.

Not set up for >> That is 100 years of power bomb

right there.

>> Look out.

>> There goes the >> One, Two, Three.

>> And Triple A set it for the alley here.

>> Ryback's unbelievable.

>> My god. >> What in the world, what is this.

>> Who the?

What the?

That's Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins!

All from NXT.

>> What are these guys doing?

>> No way.

[SOUND] >> Ryback sent through the table.

What is going on?

What are you guys doing out here?


For more infomation >> The Shield's greatest Triple Powerbombs: WWE Top 10, Oct. 23, 2017 - Duration: 3:43.


I KEEP GETTING RECOGNIZED... In VR - Duration: 10:53.

Today We're Going to Explore new Worlds

The Worlds inside The Vr. Anything Can Happen you've Seen that video Where the Guy Is trying to Kiss the anime girl

That Could be us, oh my God

it's Time for me to press end This moral Fresh Flesh and Become

Is that A car. Is that A Cop car. That's me

What is Happening hello?

How are you

Bring, oh Please, don't hurt me

How's your babe man of your day, I'm just Gonna go

I'm just gonna go away from you thank you

Shut Up Police isn't Pupusas

What are you gonna do fight me?

You want to go then this Bro?

You Know, What Wait Where do you go you Can, Teleport I'm gang dude your Chicken out

Pretty Good

I'm sorry

Are you I knew it get out of There will be no Top of the Morning to you

Really weird it sounds right away, okay, okay I

I move to Buy to the same week you fucking, did, oh how good does mine You Copied

Me it's i mean you can't beat Jack

don't you my brother that's Cold man a plus Makes me

Give you

do it I

Just Realized

it's me

Oh my god this is mental, oh my god are you making the video Please, don't tell me Y'all Make

Don't worry your sake Does Anyone want to Play Minecraft

Anyone want to Play Minecraft

Jesus Christ

Anybody Plays Overwatch Here Maybe yeah


Thank you so much

The Horse Please not fuck me

When you can't sure that's how We trained you oh, no I went away?

Jesus Christ Let It Take Long for Them to Recognize me what the hell

No, no, no no they Leprechaun I'm not a leprechaun I

Rip out your Lungs okay that's offensive okay, Please Apologize that's a microaggression

Please Listen I'm not A lie

Guys Cuz it I am

Jacksepticeye Top of the Morning to you laddies

I love Potatoes Please Spare me

Okay, I hate Potatoes Because I am not a leprechaun Wait how Does he Work

Totally Dangerous Potatoes

Weather Lady indeed I'll be on my merry way I


Jacksepticeye Top of the Morning to ya hey what is that guy's, oh?

my God it's rick for rick and morty I

Love Rick Good Morning, oh God

Alright Let's Just get out of Here and While no one Notices Just crawl out

Just crawl out no one will notice who wants some free Gold and Potato

your Big Quiet how dare you

You See the weight y to you thank you sir?

You want a new Avatar go Through that Portal Without Portal

I just want to see what

Rolling Me Right I'm not Dude man I'm not going

This Guy Better not Pick Trolling me

okay, There's more Advertiser

Oboe what the heck I'm gonna Pick This one This Is as close To an Anime babe

Didn't Work

Then They Work I

Think you're Worthless is it dude I'm Gonna Try it out I'm going Back hey Where do you find that I matter

I want to Look like an Anime Schoolgirl as, well now Keep that I need Help I need your help, ah

What Is this Fuzzy Looking Thing Get her away, from me back up, no i said back up what does he do it get Shush

Shush no, Shush I said Shush with you

Oh my god what are the giant Lady go, oh my God


You want to challenge me You want to challenge me, oh you want to tell me?

You want to do it your finger out of my face you want to do it huh but you think Square, oh yeah

Square Up jax Quick I

Mean The Side the Side I'm right Here


I have scooby snacks everyday


*le iconic laugh*

This is so dumb They game on the Katana Monsters Digimon you're a Champion

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