Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

Or should I say "piss off"?

This is the guy?

He used to be.

I didn't know his wings were...

Let's get out of here.

His fighting days are done.

No, they're not.

What the hell is this?

I want to give you something.

There's nothing you can give me that I want.

Yes, there is.

Yes, my son.


Rise, my angel.


For more infomation >> Angel Gets Metal Wings | X-Men Apocalypse (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:30.


The History of Estovakia - Episode #16 - Stuff About Ace Combat - Duration: 15:45.

Welcome aces, to the History of Estovakia documentary!

The Federal Republic of Estovakia is our antagonist country in the game Ace Combat 6 and is located

on the eastern edge of the Anean continent.

Estovakia has a population of 63.5 million people according to the 2014 census and is

situated close to Strangereal's North Pole and a great deal of its territory is cold

and mountainous, however I should also mention that Estovakia has several islands and they

will become more important when we get to the Estovakian civil war.

The first thing we know about Estovakia is that on October 8 of 1990, some large offshore

oil facilities located on the northeast of the country were abandoned.

Four years later, in 1994, the Ulysses asteroid was detected and was expected only to hit

the continent of Usea, because of that the Anean countries did not take any particular

measure since they were deemed safe from the meteor catastrophe, however in 1998 a new

space probe found out that the Ulysses asteroid had a hollow interior and because of that

the asteroid would shatter into several pieces.

This new finding added the continent of Anea to the estimated area of impact and the big

thing about this is that the Anean countries had only roughly a year of notice to prepare

for the fall of the asteroid.

Emmeria, Estovakia's western neighbor, focused on building several underground shelters to

protect the civilian population while Estovakia went on the offensive by building a giant

railgun called Chandelier on the northwest of the country in an attempt to intercept

the fragments of the Ulysses asteroid.

From July 8 to July 20 of 1999, fragments of the Ulysses asteroid began falling over Strangereal.

Fortunately for Emmeria, the strategy of constructing several underground bunkers worked, however

Estovakia was unable to complete construction of its giant asteroid-intercepting railgun

because they didn't have enough time and resources to finish the monumental and complex project.

As a result, several fragments of the Ulysses asteroid rained down on Estovakia destroying

the country's economy, infrastructure and taking a very high toll of civilian casualties.

The road to Estovakia's recovery was going to be a long one and thinking about this the

neighbouring country of Emmeria started sending aid to Estovakia in an attempt to speed up

Estovakia's recovery.

However in the year of 2000, the central Estovakian government had lost power because its leaders

went into hiding after failing to properly deal with the disaster and as result several

smaller factions appeared all around the country and managed to control small regions of Estovakia.

And given that these factions started disrupting the flow of aid from Emmeria, the Emmerian

government stopped the aid program to Estovakia.

In the year of 2004 there was a initiative to merge all the three Anean countries, Estovakia,

Emmeria and Nordennavic into one called the Republic of Anea and so the preparatory agency

for the Republic of Anea was created.

On a side note, this event only happened to address the issue that in Ace Combat 5, which

takes place in the year of 2010, the continent of Anea is shown as if it was only one single

country since the borders between Estovakia, Emmeria and Nordennavic are not

displayed on the map.

Now let's go back to the documentary.

Over the years the internal problems within Estovakia continued and in 2007 one faction

called the Lyes United Front (or LUF for short) took over the western portion of the country

including the country's capital.

Emmeria, who was eager to restart its aid program, contacted the LUF about the idea

and the two sides began talking about the deal.

The LUF proposed its own project for Estovakia's rehabilitation to Emmeria, the Emmerians approved

the idea and soon after the Emmerians started sending aid to the LUF.

Now the Lyes United Front was supposed to use that aid and money to help Estovakia's

recovery after the Ulysses, right?

But that's not really what happened, they used the Emmerian funds to buy new weapons

and vehicles which in turn were used to suppress rival factions and this resulted in a LUF

expansion over the Estovakian territory.

As time passed the LUF's territory continued to grow but this doesn't mean that there was

no resistance.

One particular city, the city of Gledina, refused to obey the LUF's rule and because

of this the LUF's forces surrounded the city and cut off the city's lifelines.

As a result essential supplies, including food and aid, could enter the city and this

move by the LUF ended with a massive starvation of the civilian population resulting in over

200,000 deaths, this being the only known case of a genocide within Strangereal.

Outraged by the LUF's actions against the civilian population, several other factions

in Estovakia rose to fight against the LUF, thus officially starting the Estovakian Civil War in the year of 2007.

As you can see in the map I have divided the Estovakian territory into five different regions,

each region represents one of the main factions during the Estovakian Civil War however two

notes about this.

First, this is only a map that I created for illustration purposes only so please don't

take it was as an official map, and second, there were probably more factions in the conflict

but because they were small and less relevant I have not included them.

These five factions are the Lyes United Front, the one who started the civil war and is located

on the western portion of the country and is being funded by Emmeria by using money

from the Emmerian Aid Program to fuel its army - and for the record, this was happening

without Emmeria's knowledge.

The three next factions are the Independent Tariff Federation, the Island Coalition and

the Northern Highlands Faction which also joined the war to fight against the LUF, however

not much is known about them and they only play a minor role in the overall history of

the conflict.

Lastly we have the Eastern Faction to complete the five factions and this one is quite important.

The Eastern Faction was lead by General Gustav Dvornik and when he mobilized his forces to

fight in the Estovakian civil war he also hired mercenaries from Belka and North Osea

(which used to be South Belka before the Belkan War) to develop new weapons that were meant

to be used in the conflict.

One of the notable mercenaries that came from Belka was Lorenz Ridel, who served as Gault 7

during the Belkan War, and he brought Belkan technology coming from the XB-0 heavy command

cruiser which resulted in the development of the Aigaion Heavy Command Cruiser together

with its aerial fleet consisting of the Kottos and Gyges aircraft which were responsible

for ECM and air defence duties respectively.

Moving away from the civil war, in the year of 2008, the countries of Anea were represented

on Strangereal's G7 summit that was being hosted by Osea on the Arkbird.

However shortly after that, the Republic of Anea project was frozen due to the ongoing

Estovakian civil war.

As the civil war progressed, the LUF managed to defeat and occupy territory that belonged

to the Independent Tariff Federation, but its advance then stalled due to the rapid

expansion of the front lines.

Meanwhile the Eastern Faction had been able to absorb the Island Coalition and the Northern

Highlands Faction, therefore leaving the LUF and the Eastern Faction as the two main powers

left in the civil war.

Now do you remember that large oil facility in northern Estovakia that I mentioned in

the beginning of the video?

As it happens, that facility had been abandoned in the year of 1990, but now in 2008, the

Eastern Faction took over the facility to start building the Aigaion and the rest of

the aerial fleet.

During this time the Eastern Faction was also working on the Chandelier, however they were

not able to solve the heating problem and therefore they could not use it during the

civil war.

Two years later, in 2010, the Emmerian government finally stopped sending aid to the LUF because

of the civil war, however it was already too late because the damage had already been done.

The Eastern Faction, seeing that Emmeria had been backing the LUF for the last three years

of the conflict, now considered that Emmeria was just as bad as the LUF.

And the bloody Estovakian civil war continued for three more years until it was time for

the final showdown.

From January 15 to the 22 of 2013, the LUF executed a large scale land and sea assault

against the Eastern Faction that was meant to break the deadlock in the war.

With overwhelming numbers the LUF managed to put the Eastern Faction's troops in a

massive retreat but this didn't last long, shortly after the Eastern Faction deployed

its aerial fleet, the Strigon Team and the Vampire Team on a counter-attack mission.

The tide of the war had quickly changed and in this counter-attack, the aerial fleet and

its supporting squadrons managed to destroy about 80% of the LUF's forces in just one week.

It didn't last very long and the Eastern Faction defeated the LUF shortly after in

a battle close to the Estovakian-Emmerian border, a battle in which Lieutenant General

Lyes, the leader of the LUF, was killed.

With the civil war now over, the Eastern Faction then created a new central government under

the command of the Generals, which included military commanders of the Eastern Faction

and was primarily lead by General Gustav Dvornik.

Later in the month of November of 2013, the Estovakian foreign minister Isaac Arensky

was about to go on a trip to Emmeria in order to attend a conference however his vehicle

was attacked while he was going to the airport.

Foreign minister Arensky was knocked out by a grenade that was thrown at him and he died

a couple of days later on December the 2.

Many people believe that this incident was orchestrated by members of the Eastern Faction

since Arensky and the Estovakian Prime Minister at the time, Jacob Šuker, had bad relations.

However at least the official blame was put on surviving members of the Lyes United Front

when the minister's death was announced, something that happened only in 2014 because

his death was kept as a secret in December of 2013.

In 2014, the year after the end of the civil war, Estovakia faced the following situation:

unemployment rate of over 40%, infrastructure destroyed or non-existent and the country

was even under threat of armed groups spread across the country that wanted to proclaim

independence from the central government.

The Amherst Research Institute, an organization located in Emmeria, estimated that without

any international assistance the country of Estovakia would take over 30 years to recover

its economy to the levels of the 1990s - the pre-Ulysses levels.

Trying to help their neighbouring country, the Emmerians once more restarted their aid

program to Estovakia.

On February 4 there was actually a conference between the two nations to discuss this topic,

and while Emmeria said it had no intention of stopping the aid program, the Emmerians

also said that they feared that the program could be used to fuel and develop another

military dictatorship and therefore repeat the failure that had previously happened during

the civil war with Emmeria backing the LUF.

Estovakia's new Foreign Minister, Antonina Koznick, a former captain of the navy for

the Eastern Faction and the one who replaced foreign minister Arensky, stated that Emmeria

was partially responsible for the Estovakian civil war by assisting the LUF.

However the Emmerian Ambassador Bell stated that it wasn't the case and that the aid

program was supposed to go to the early rehabilitation of Estovakia and not to support the LUF and its atrocities.

The Emmerian Ambassador even continued and said: "Has she ever thought about their position

of being assisted?

I cannot help think that she is trying to take Estovakians' frustrations out on us Emmerians."

Because of a discussion like this the tensions between the two nations increased.

Jumping to April of 2015, a Yuktobanian spy satellite was able to spot the Aigaion at

the oil facility located in northeast Estovakia, and finally on August 30 of 2015 Estovakia

declared war and invaded Emmeria thus starting the Emmerian - Estovakian War, also known

as the Anean Continental War.

The most important factor that lead to this war was the Estovakian hatred towards Emmeria

since Emmeria financed the Estovakian Civil War through its aid program, however another

possible reason in addition to that, and please take this as my personal opinion and not as

a fact since it is not confirmed, is that because of the horrible economic situation

in the home front the Estovakian generals wanted to rally the citizen's patriotic

feelings and unite them against a common enemy by performing a rapid invasion of the country

that financed their civil war - Emmeria.

This would serve as a distraction to the Estovakian population and their problems at home, something

that has happened in real life and was one of the causes of the Falklands War in 1982

between Argentina and the UK.

Coming back to the story, Estovakia invaded Emmeria and quickly took over the country.

Of course these are the events covered in Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation and I will

not explain the Emmerian - Estovakian war in detail this time, instead I will leave

that to another video.

What you do have to know is that even though Estovakia deployed its aerial fleet and the

Strigon Squadron, the Estovakians were unable to defend themselves from the Emmerian counter-attack

and even though they deployed their giant railgun, Chandelier, which was now ready,

they could not win the conflict.

The Emmerian - Estovakian war ended sometime after April 1 of 2016, the day when Chandelier

was destroyed, as there was a coup d'etat in Estovakia that overthrew the generals and

formed a new government, a government which quickly restored peace between the two countries.

So this was the History of Estovakia, a Strangereal documentary compiling everything we know about

the country.

I would like to thank the Acepedia staff for the help I've got in the research phase

of this video and if you want to know some more additional details about Estovakia and

related topics you can take a look at the description.

Also a fun fact, remember that the first Estovakian Foreign Minister was named Isaac?

Well, this might be a reference to Vice-Admiral Jorge Isaac Anaya of the Argentine Navy who

was involved in the Falklands War and even planned a sabotage operation against ships

from the Royal Navy in Gibraltar.

Anyways, hope you guys have enjoyed this video and that you can share it with other aces

as well to spread the Ace Combat lore.

This was Ace Combat Fan and stay tuned to the channel for more Ace Combat!

For more infomation >> The History of Estovakia - Episode #16 - Stuff About Ace Combat - Duration: 15:45.


Jesus Take the Wheel - Wild Fire Cover - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Jesus Take the Wheel - Wild Fire Cover - Duration: 4:07.


3 razões que fazem qualquer um desistir de estudar inglês, menos você! - Duration: 9:53.

My big worry was the heat and the humidity.

You're fired!

No signal!

No signal here.

No signal at all?

Ah, still no signal.

There's no signal!

The mobile phone throwing championship!

You just try to put it aside and just concentrate on your race.

I kind of told myself: try to keep running, try to stay upright.

My muscles just didn't respond.

I knew if I would stop or sit down, that would be the end of it.

I just was determined to make it to that finish line.

And then I think maybe at 20 miles

I started to really feel the heat.

But, you know, I thought it's six more miles,

and you made till here

and you're not lost, and it looks good.

At that point, it was just:

"I'm in the Olympics, I want to finish this race,

because this is my one and only chance."

It was painful for the first...

you know, in that last lap and in the first hour in the medical tent,

I was in a lot of pain and...

but then after two hours I was fine.

For more infomation >> 3 razões que fazem qualquer um desistir de estudar inglês, menos você! - Duration: 9:53.


La Mano Rancia - Dices Que Te Vas (Video Oficial) - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> La Mano Rancia - Dices Que Te Vas (Video Oficial) - Duration: 2:59.


1 Hour Hypnotic Future Progression Guided Meditation - Duration: 2:50.

1 Hour Hypnotic Future Progression Guided Meditation

This meditation is designed to allow you a positive and deeply relaxing, transpersonal

experience of meeting your own future self.

Be guided by your own subconscious, or higher self, as you seek and discover answers to

your most important life questions.

This meditation experience may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce your positive

intentions and to find answers within your own higher self�s deeper wisdom.

By your own inner direction may you continue to find your greatest waking potential.

This session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening, and regular listening

will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results.

The end of this session will offer suggestions for returning to your fully conscious, awake

and alert, positive mind state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended

to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

Please always consult your health care professional for your best advice in all medical issues.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis.

The power for positive change resides within your own mind.

If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably

knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive experience.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background

sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner

change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques

from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive

behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.

Peace & Enjoy

For more infomation >> 1 Hour Hypnotic Future Progression Guided Meditation - Duration: 2:50.


Drew Nostume's New Costumes | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 1:22.

- Hey Tommy, what are you gonna be for Halloween?

I'm gonna be a scary ghost.

- You know what scares me, Samantha?

The political climate.

That's why this year, I'm getting my costume

from Drew Nostume's New Costumes.

- [Narrator] Drew Nostume's New Costumes.

Spook your conservative neighbors

with costumes like Female God.

- I created the universe and I have a vagina.

Deal with it.

- [Narrator] Or what about Mark,

the stay at home dad?

- I'm comfortable taking care of my kids

while my wife earns for our family.

- [Narrator] Yikes!

You'll be sure to fill the right with fright

with this next costume, an all gender bathroom.

- Everybody's welcome to poop in me.

- [Ghost] Ahh!

- [Narrator] This year's newest costume,

Al Frankenstein.

We also have costumes that will make your liberal neighbors

democrap their pants

like the Breitbart homepage

and the Trump voter with a PhD.

- Without sounding pedantic,

Trump's America first ethos

has us primed for success.

- [Narrator] So this Halloween's creepin' real

at Drew Nostume's New Costumes.

(sad music)

For more infomation >> Drew Nostume's New Costumes | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 1:22.


Resenha Thor Ragnarok - Filme Marvel (Crítica Cinema) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Resenha Thor Ragnarok - Filme Marvel (Crítica Cinema) - Duration: 4:25.


Bill 62 is what Islamophobia looks like - Duration: 4:25.

What you choose to wear shouldn't stop you from getting on the bus,

going to the hospital,

doing, pretty much, anything.

But if you live in Quebec, that's about to change.

In October, Quebec passed Bill 62,

a law aiming to create "religious neutrality."

People who cover their faces in public will be

barred from both giving and receiving public services.

Effectively meaning, Muslim women who wear niqab and burka

can't work as doctors or teachers and

can't do things like get on the bus, take a book out from the library, or pick up

their kid from daycare without uncovering their face.

If this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because efforts to ban religious symbols

in the province have been in the news for years.

In 2013, the Parti Québécois government

tabled Bill 60, also known as the "Charter of Values."

It included a proposal to ban public servants

from wearing prominent religious symbols.

While promotion of the bill suggested it would affect workers equally, it would

likely have had a bigger impact on people of the Sikh, Jewish and Muslim faiths.

After the Parti Québécois was defeated by the Liberals 2014, the new

government introduced its own proposal the following year. This time, the focus

was on banning covered faces.

On October 18, Quebec's majority-Liberal National Assembly

officially passed the bill into law with 66 votes in favour, and 51 against.

Premier Philippe Couillard defended the law, by saying it's about communication, identification and safety.

The government said there will be a

mechanism to ensure that people won't be subject to this law because of their faith

but it's unclear how that will work, since the law now appears to be

targeting one particular expression of faith.

This could just be viewed as a typical case of overreach:

as part of Quebec's pursuit to rid itself of tyrannical religious relics

secular politics have become tyrannical.

But this ban isn't about religion, it's about one particular religion.

It's absurd to argue that these women are a threat to Quebec's secular culture

it's estimated that there are fewer than 100 of them

but their image is powerful

because they represent the kind of difference some Quebecers are uncomfortable with

and the Liberals know it.

The amount of political effort that has been thrown behind this law reveals less

about the crusade for secular society than it does about which group

is politically palatable to target.

Islamophobia conveniently hides behind the shield of secularism in Quebec

and many Quebecers have argued that Islamophobia has a particular history of acceptance there.

Last year, a Forum poll found 28 per cent of Canadians

viewed Muslims unfavourably.

Quebecers polled at 48 per cent.

Considering the impact Bill 62 will have, it's laughable to hear

Quebec Justice Minister Stéphanie Vallée

insist this new law is part of the pursuit of the neutrality of the state.

This law will only fuel Islamophobic sentiments, similar to what happened when

Donald Trump was elected U.S. President.

We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore.


If we've learned anything in the last year, it's that you

can't just shove those sentiments back in the box.

This law sends a message to these women

that choosing to express their faith in this way is an affront to

"Canadian values" that it's okay to treat some people like second-class citizens

and if they don't look like "us" they don't have a right to the services they

fund with their taxes.

In a year where six Muslim men were killed because of their faith—

in that very province—the Liberal government has chosen to send a

message that Muslims will never belong unless it's on the government's terms.

Not only does this law feed the insidious strain of Islamophobia that

has taken hold in Quebec, it puts thousands of public servants in

the awkward position of enforcing systemic discrimination. The union

representing bus drivers in Montreal has already said

that drivers don't want to be responsible for enforcement.

Many Quebecers have made clear they don't support this law.

Protesters covering their faces descended on the Metro in Montreal, the weekend after the vote.

This legislation may not withstand a legal challenge

but either way it has the added cruel effect of making this small

yet very visible group of women act as a proxy in an ongoing identity war they didn't ask to be a part of.

So no, this isn't what "religious neutrality" looks like.

This is what Islamophobia looks like.

For more infomation >> Bill 62 is what Islamophobia looks like - Duration: 4:25.


Breaking: Congress Just ENDED It For Anti-American NFL With Just One Swipe Of The Pen. - Duration: 4:29.

BREAKING: Congress Just ENDED It For Anti-American NFL With Just One Swipe Of The Pen.

Over the past couple of weeks, NFL protests have metastasized into something racist and

vile. No longer are some of these athletes happy to quietly protest by sitting or kneeling

through our National Anthem, as we're now seeing an increasing number of athletes flashing

black power salutes after they sack white players on the field.

President Trump has had enough, and several days ago spoke out about the NFL allowing

this to go on, telling Americans to turn off the game, while advising NFL owners to "get

that son of a b***h off the field right now … he's fired!"

Over the weekend, these players held massive protests across the NFL to defy President

Trump, where over 200 athletes took a knee or sat, with entire teams choosing to stay

in the locker room as the National Anthem played. These players have grown increasingly

cocky over the past week, believing they're unstoppable, while ignoring the will of their

patriotic fans, who are now causing their viewership to plummet into the double digits.

As angry Americans continue to prove they have better things to do other than being

bombarded with the anti-American sentiments of "oppressed" millionaires, Congress

is now stepping in with an action that could ruin everything overnight for the NFL, with

one simple swipe of a pen.

One thing people don't realize is the NFL currently gets over a billion dollars in taxpayer-funded

federal subsidies. The fancy stadiums that these entitled players continue to kneel and

disrespect our country in were bought and funded by the American tax payer, where we've

foot the bill for 20 NFL stadiums since 1997.

Over the past 20 years, the American people have spent spent a whopping $7 billion to

renovate or build NFL stadiums, providing 46% of the total costs of these fancy stadiums.

But all that could soon change after what Congress just announced. In the U.S. Senate,

there is a bill currently being reviewed that would BAN the use of federal money for the

construction and financing of professional sports arenas. Conservative Fighters reports:

"Well, how about that; it turns out that there's even more that the government and

taxpayers do for those players than just show up at their games and buy their overpriced

jerseys. Apparently, our hard earned tax dollars are going to help out with those stadiums

that we only get to enter when we pay an additional fee," Kat from Freedom Daily reported.

Unfortunately for the anti-American NFL, empty stadiums and plummeting viewership could soon

be the least of their concerns. If these subsidies suddenly end, all the NFL would have to fork

out their own money to build and maintain these fancy stadiums, meaning they'd have

no choice but to listen to their angry fans and put an end to these protests.

As these cocky players continue to disrespect our country, our police, and every Oklahoma

Republican Rep. Steve Russell first presented the bill a few months ago, and now has become

an interest to others as well as the NFL players continue to express their dishonor of America.

The bill already has bipartisan support.

'The federal government is responsible for a lot of important functions, but financing

sports stadiums for multi-million – sometimes billion – dollar franchises is definitely

not one of them,' Rep. Russell said.

The financing is a form of community bonds that channel taxpayers' money into the projects

for construction of sports arenas.

For the past 17 years, 36 professional athletic stadiums have been built or renovated by federal

tax-exempted municipal bonds. This cost taxpayers $3.2 billion," the Caller explained, quoting

information from the Brookings Institute.

Advocates for the federal funding of professional sports arenas often justify the costs by pointing

to economic development, but new research shows that isn't true.

'There is no statistically significant positive correlation between sports facility construction

and economic development,' the Journal of Economic Perspectives said."

American soldier who has fought, bled, and died to protect America, the one thing they

didn't consider was the will of the American people. After refusing to listen to their

vast patriotic fanbase, now they'll be incurring the full wrath of GOP lawmakers who overnight

could ruin everything for them with this wonderful new piece of legislation.

what do you think about this? Please Share this news and Scroll down to

comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Breaking: Congress Just ENDED It For Anti-American NFL With Just One Swipe Of The Pen. - Duration: 4:29.


✧˖°Gracias ✧˖° - Duration: 0:46.

Imagine that everything was a lie

That there was no goodbye and no more tears in your face

Come now

don't cry

We can be Like yesterday and never change it♡

I will fly

where are you

Between dreams I will visit you..。o♡

For more infomation >> ✧˖°Gracias ✧˖° - Duration: 0:46.


How To Get Skinny Arms In A Week|3 Tips To Get Skinny Arms Fast - Duration: 2:05.

How to Get Skinny Arms

For more infomation >> How To Get Skinny Arms In A Week|3 Tips To Get Skinny Arms Fast - Duration: 2:05.


SNICKERS - Duration: 0:31.

Hey, man, how is the game?

Ohh, man, is bad, I can not pass the level

Try snickers

And how now?


Feel the superhero taste

For more infomation >> SNICKERS - Duration: 0:31.


Deep Inertia - Teaser Trailer - Duration: 2:08.

It was still midday when I stood over the torn earth, eyes heavy and dry from the heatwave

that made the dense forest surrounds look to be closing in.

This was the day.

This pit, the catalyst for all that would happen to make me question everything I thought

I knew.

My convictions..., my only friends left on this rock.

Any normal man would have sold out, compromised his morality, judgement, integrity.

Taken up the bottle, started acting irrationally.

Any normal man...

I'd done them all in quick succession long before.

My dramatic spiral of self-pity headed to rock bottom.

What kind of man does that make me?

It's a rhetorical question.

None of that really matters now.

None of this does.

Not anymore.

But to make sense of all of it... to be able to explain this in any sane terms...

I'd have to go further back.

My name is John Renton..

I'm the chief scientific advisor to the President…

and I have something important to tell you.

For more infomation >> Deep Inertia - Teaser Trailer - Duration: 2:08.


Royal Palm Beach High School student shot after getting off school bus - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Royal Palm Beach High School student shot after getting off school bus - Duration: 1:43.


Tig Notaro Learns How To Be An Auctioneer | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 7:45.

- Hi, I'm Tig Notaro, and I'm a bit of a slow talker, so...

I thought I'd come out of my comfort zone and head to

West Virginia and learn how to be an auctioneer.

Wish me luck.

I met with Brian Shafer. For the past 25 years, he's been

traveling the US doing charity auctions for people in need,

and has one of the best cat needlepoint collections I've

ever seen.

Brian, what are some of the terms I need to know,

to be an auctioneer?

- Client, that's who you're working for

- Client, that's who you're working for - Client

- Client

- Client

- Uh huh.

- The most important thing you need to know as an auctioneer

is the chant, and that's the actual fast

- Heyy, badda badda badda ba

- That's it.

- Do you wanna buy this for five dollars, do you?

- That's correct.

- Can I hear you, like, auction off...

- Your watch.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna sell this Rolex, whad'ya

Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna sell this Rolex, whad'ya gonna pay, how about 2000 dollars, now 2500, 3000 dollars!

gonna pay, how about 2000 dollars, now 2500, 3000 dollars!

How about 3500, 4000 dollars, who'dyagibidda four?

I've sold it, 3500 dollars.

- Wow. Do you think it's worth 3500?

- People ask me all the time, say, "can you appraise this?"

I say sure, about ten seconds after I sell it.

- Brian, if you had to auction me off, what attributes

would you use to kinda sell me?

- Wow. Um...

- What about the hair, I mean, I have good hair...

- You got great hair.

- OK... so let's start over

- OK, well... I'd say she has great hair

- Sold, duuuuuuuuuuh - What else is there?

- Uhhhhhhh, sold.

At what speed do you have to be talking, where people are

like oh, this is an auction?

- Well, it's not necessarily speed, what they do do, is

communicate numbers...

- Do do?

- Do do? - They do do, that's right, they do do. (laughs)

- They do do, that's right, they do do. (laughs)

- (laughs) let's stay on track, Brian.

- Yeah, that's right, I'm sorry.

They talk fast enough to where they can sell a lot of items

quickly, and they abbreviate terms.


Like, who would give me five dollars?

- And then you go "whood'yagimme ten"

- That's it.

And then you shorten it: whodagibbeda. Whodagibbeda...

- Whodagibbeda?

- Whodagimmeda. Whodagibmeda...

- Whodagibbeda.

- Whodagibbeda.


So you went to school, and your teacher said, "That's right,

say whodagibbeda"?

- That's called a filler word.

- Whodagimmeda ten dollars, now whodagimmeda 15 dollars,

now whodagimmeda 20 dollars.

- Whodagibbeda 3, now 4, who would gimme 5, now 6,

who would gimme 7...

who would gimme 7... - Is this someone else's... little word?

- Is this someone else's... little word?

- No. Well, I'm sure somebody uses it.

- I wanna come up with my own thing, though.

- We'll have to come up with one.

- What about "heytigganow"?

- That's great. Heytigganow one, heytigganow two,

heytigganow 3, now 4, now 5, now 6, heytigganow 7.

So you switch it up to where they do not get bored of that,

and then come back to it. -Keep the audience

It was time for the last phase of my training, so we went

outside and did the exact same thing standing up.

- You've got the basics of the chant down now.

Using your filler word "tigganow", start at ten, tigganow

20, go up to 100, and what we're gonna do is we're gonna

time you, and see if you can get it done in 10 seconds - go!

- Ten now, 20 now, 30 now, gimmenow 40now, caminnida

- Ten now, 20 now, 30 now, gimmenow 40now, caminnida tigganow, 50 now, tigganow, 50 to 60 now, tigganow, 70 now,

tigganow, 50 now, tigganow, 50 to 60 now, tigganow, 70 now,

tigganow, oh boy.

- 11 seconds.

- That was 11 seconds?

- 11 seconds.

Alright - do it again: go!

- Tigganow 10, tigganow 20, tigganow 30, tigganow 40,

tigganow 50, tigganow 60, tigganow 70 - dammit.

- You're not throwing baseballs, you're just back and forth.

- OK.

- Go!

- Ten now, 20, to gimme ten, da da tig, tiggada 30...

- Go.

- Ten now, 20 now, 30 now, 40 now, 50 now, 60 now, 70 now,

80 now, 90 now, 100 now.

- Four seconds.

- Hooooooo.

- Hooooooo. - That's awesome.

- That's awesome.

- I'll see ya at the auction.

- We got this.

- One red car coming towards me, telephone pole on the

right, blue truck right in front of me, we got a graveyard

up here on the right, no, that's not a graveyard, that's

just someone's front yard and it's got flags in it waving

in the yard theeeere's a farmer's market, that's one

farmer's market, one gas truck...

Oop, sorry...

- [Brian] Alright whaddayawanna pay, whodagibbeda 5, now 7

dollars, whodagibbeda ten, ten, 15, now 20, I've sold it,

thank you sir.


Ladies and gentlemen, one of my new best friends, Tig, would

you come up here please?


wanna use the headset?

- Thank you.

I just learned today.

- [Brian] Hey, look at this!

This is a 9/11 flag, never forget, look at this.

Now Tig's gonna sell this.

- [Tig] Never forget, let's start it out at 20.

Can you gimme 20, can you gimme 20, tiggabe 20, 20 20, 20,

20, 20, uh - yip - ten. Ten.

How am I doing?

Uh... ten... five... now five - oh, five!

OK, five, six.

Can you gimme six, six... oh, six, yeah, this is going up.

Uh, six, now seven. - [Brian] Yup!

- Seven!

- Seven! Can you gimme 8, can you gimme nine, uh, tig'llbee nine,

Can you gimme 8, can you gimme nine, uh, tig'llbee nine,

tig'llbee ten, ten!

Can you gimme 11, tig'llbee 11, tig'llbee 11, tig'llbee, uh,

did we just sell it?

- [Brian] You can.

- Sold!

- Sold! (applause)


- [Brian] Fantastic

- That went really well.

It didn't go as well as I had hoped, and I forgot everything

It didn't go as well as I had hoped, and I forgot everything and I realized I started saying a word that was never even

and I realized I started saying a word that was never even

you know, up for discussion, I just started saying

"tig'llbee"... uh, yeah, I panicked.

It was a tough crowd.

I'm gonna go back in there, I'm gonna drop tig'llbee, and

then I'm gonna up the ante, with a couple more items that I

think are gonna really pull in some cash.


- Yes?

- Yes? - I think I'm ready to give it another shot.

- I think I'm ready to give it another shot.

- Are you really?


Ladies and gentlemen, here we go.

- I've got something - a bachelor, my personal assistant,

Thomas, come on in?

- [Brian] Come on, Thomas

- Right here, Thomas is a single guy, I'm gonna auction him

off, you know, maybe you're not looking for a bachelor,

maybe you're looking for a best friend.

Sir, in the hat, you looking for a best friend?


Don't answer, think it over, I'm gonna start Thomas off at

2 dollars, (laughter)

can you gimme 2 dollars? 2 dollars for Thomas, 2 dollars.

2 dollars for Thomas, that's good with kids, has a mustache,

Thomas, you wanna take your shirt off?

See if we can really get some sales going here.


Alright. 50 dollars for Thomas, right here, 50 dollars...


- [Audience Member] Thomas, put it back on

- [Audience Member] Thomas, put it back on - 50 dollars to put his shirt back on.

- 50 dollars to put his shirt back on.


- [Brian] Yup!

- (laughs) sold, right there at the back, 50 bucks to put

his shirt back on, and he's your new best friend.

(applause and laughter)

- [Brian] You challenged yourself really well today.

You set a high bar, and I think you did well.

- I'm gonna keep practicing, and get better and better, and

one day, really blow the roof off of this church, and...

- That'd be great. There's a tradition, when you become an

auctioneer, you gain the rank of colonel.

When I graduated Nashville auction school, I got this,

When I graduated Nashville auction school, I got this, this is really important to me.

this is really important to me.

I got this when I graduated, and now, you have graduated,

and you are now a colonel.

- (laughs) oh, my gosh!

- That's yours.

- That is so - this used to be yours?

- It was mine. I've had it since I graduated auction school.

So we had your name put on it.

- Colonel Tig Notaro - Thank you!

- You earned it, you did really well.

- I feel like Luke Skywalker saying goodbye to Yoda.

- I'm gonna die now, I mean, what is that!?

- Yoda lived to be over 900 years old.

- I don't wanna be bent over, walking with a cane, that's

not, I don't wanna live 'til I'm 900.

- Even with three claws? - No. No!

- Okay. Let's get outta here.

- Okay. Let's get outta here. - Live long not. Not me.

- Live long not. Not me.

- (laughs) here you are, Yoda.

Tig'llbe one, tig'llbe two, tig'llbe three, tig'llbe four,

sold! (laughs)

For more infomation >> Tig Notaro Learns How To Be An Auctioneer | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 7:45.


Manz DRILLZ Busquet for Epic Dan Colman Confrontation - Duration: 2:49.

Come here.

Is someone following you?

Is someone following... no!

Why would someone be following me?

I have to ask you a question.

Are you off the PED's?

Manz, I was never on anything.

If you are off them, I'm worried

that you aren't going to be physically fit

You can't be off them if you were never on them!

Look, I need to take you through

a Rocky style training montage

at 10 AM tomorrow

to make sure you are physically fit

to beat Danny Colmans tomorrow.

At 10 AM tomorrow?

Why didn't you just text me that?

Dude, what if he has your phone tapped?

He's your best friend

he could sneak in your room

Manz, you brought me here

to tell me to meet you

somewhere else tomorrow?

You are going to be in fit shape

and you are going to win $200,000

when I'm done with you.

Just make sure no one sees you

No one cares that I'm here!

Shhh shhh shhh!

Get off of me!

Alright dude, let's get a little jog on

Just a nice little jog here

Get us warmed up for these steps here

Get us warmed up for tonight

This is all about the calisthenics

It's about loosening up our core

Making sure we are prepare ourselves

for the workout thats to follow

We don't want to pull a muscle

If I played poker with a torn muscle

Do you know how many chips I'd punt off?

No, this is going to prevent that, okay?

For more infomation >> Manz DRILLZ Busquet for Epic Dan Colman Confrontation - Duration: 2:49.


Crochet Flamingo Tutorial - Duration: 34:05.

Hello everyone, thank you for joining me. Today we're going to crochet this


Now I'll be using pink cotton, I use two ply cotton, black and white I'll be

using for the beak. You could use wool if you'd prefer. I'll use a crochet hook,

scissors, I use a darning needle to finish my ends

and I use sewing cotton and a needle to embroider in my eye but you could use

embroidery cotton if you'd prefer. Now I'm starting with the head. I make a

magic loop, and work three chain, into my circle I'm going to work 15 double

crochet. I'll be using US terminology.

Then I pull my circle tight and join with a slip stitch into the third chain,

and that's the head finished I'll fasten off.

For the body I also start with a magic loop, and three chain, and I work 14 double

crochet into my circle.

Pull the circle tight and slip stitch into the third chain. For row two you

start with three chain and work one double crochet in the same place as the

chain, and then we work two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll

complete this row and I'll meet you at the end. At the end of the row we slip

stitch into the third chain. For row three we begin with three chain, and work

a double crochet into the same place as the chain. Now we work one double crochet

into each of the next two stitches, and then two double crochet into the

following stitch, and we repeat that round. One double crochet into each of

the next two stitches, and then two double crochet into the following stitch

all the way round. So I'll do this row and I'll be back. At the end of the row

we join with a slip stitch into the third chain and that's the body done, but

we don't fasten off, we begin with the tail. So we start with three chain, and we

work one double crochet into each of the next four stitches,

and then a decrease double crochet over the next two stitches. For row two of the

tail we start with three chain, and turn, and we work 2 decrease double crochet

over the next four stitches. So a decrease double crochet into the first

two stitches, a decrease double crochet into the next two, and then we work one

double crochet into the last stitch, and then work three chain, and turn. Now we're

going to work a double crochet cluster over the three remaining stitches,

and that's our tail finished so I'll fasten off. Now I'll just weave in my ends and

I'll be back and we'll do the neck. Now for the neck I join my cotton

straight across from the middle of the tail, so in that stitch, and I work twenty


And then I join to my head just anywhere, into the first stitch I work

one single crochet, and then I work a decrease single crochet over the next

two stitches so I pick up a loop from the next two stitches and yarn around

and through two, and then a single crochet into the next stitch, another

decrease single crochet over the following two stitches, and now I work

one single crochet into each of the next nine chain.

Now two single crochet into the next stitch, one single crochet into the

following stitch, and then two single crochet into the next, and now work a

single crochet in the remaining chain.

Now we work a single crochet in each stitch around the body, I'm going to

crochet in my end.

Now I'll stop one stitch before the end, the beginning of the neck, so I'll do

that and I'll be back. We work a double crochet cluster into the last stitch of

the body, the stitch between the body and the neck, and then the first stitch of

the neck.

Now we work into the back of the chain along the neck. Into the first stitch we

work a half double crochet, into the next stitch we work a decrease half double


and a single crochet into the next, and

a decrease single crochet into the following stitch. Now we work one single

crochet into each of the next nine stitches,

two single crochet into the following stitch, then one single crochet, two

single crochet into the next stitch, and then a single crochet into any remaining

stitches, and then a single crochet into each stitch around the head.

And then we slip stitch into the beginning, just in the neck, and fasten


And that's the body, head, and neck done. Now I'm going to start on the front leg now.

I miss about six stitches, and start, join my yarn there. I start with 24 chain,

now I miss the first chain and I slip stitch into the next two chain, and then I

half double crochet into the following chain, and that's the first toe. Now I

work four chain, I miss the first chain, I slip stitch into each of the next three


and then just into the top of the half double crochet. For the third toe I work

four chain, miss the first, and slip stitch into the three chain,

and then into the top of the half double crochet again.

Once our toes are complete we work three single crochet into the stitch

just behind our foot,

and then we work one single crochet into each chain until we have four left,

and then we work one half double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and

then one double crochet into each of the last two,

and then slip stitch into the body,

and that's the front leg done. Now slip stitch into the next stitch and we'll

start the back leg. We start with 24 chain,

now miss the first chain and slip stitch into each of the next three chain,

then work four chain, miss the first chain and slip stitch into each of the next

three chain,

and then into the top of the other toe. Now we work three single crochet into

the next stitch, and now one single crochet into each of the next eight


Now work five single crochet into the next chain,

and then one single crochet into each chain until the last four,

and then work one half double crochet into each of the next two, and one

double crochet into each of the last two, and then slip stitch into the body

and fasten off.

And that's the legs done, they go just like that, I'll have to

give them a bit of an iron. I'll start on the wing now. I attach my cotton at

the end of the tail, and work one chain and a single crochet, now I work five

chain, I miss the next two stitches and work a

single crochet into the following stitch, and then work five chain, and work a

single crochet into the third stitch, and I repeat that across, five chain, miss

two stitches and work a single crochet into the third, I work, do that right

across to the neck,

and that's the first row complete.

I work one chain and turn, and work a single crochet in to the top of the loop,

and then I work five chain, and single crochet into the next loop, and just

repeat across.

I work a single crochet into the top of the last loop and then work one chain

and turn, and work a single crochet into this loop. I get less loops each time, and

I continue this way till I have six rows.

So I'll continue on and I'll be back just towards the end of the sixth row.

Now that's the end of the sixth row, I've only got three loops left then, so I'll

fasten off.

And our wing folds down over the body, I'll iron it down when I iron the

feet flat. I'm going to start on the beak now. I start with white and I join my

yarn five stitches up from the neck, in there, and I work two chain, a half double

crochet in the same spot as the chain,

and then two half double crochet into the next stitch. For row two I work two

chain, I work a decrease half double crochet into the same place as the chain

and the next stitch, and then I work another decrease half double crochet in

the same place as the last stitch from the last half double crochet and the next

stitch, and then I fasten off my white,

and join my black in,

and work two chain,

and I work a half double crochet cluster over the next two stitches, and that's

the beak done, I'll fasten it off.

Now I'll finish off my endings and give it an iron and then I'll just have to

put on the eye. Now that's the Flamingo ironed, finished off and ironed. All I've

got to do now is cover the center circle with black. So I just stitch that on, I

just stitch over the circle,

just like that. So I'll finish that one off and I'll be back to show you the

finished flamingo. Now that's the flamingo finished. If you like my

videos please like, subscribe, and share. I'm also on Instagram, Twitter, and

Facebook, the details are in the description below. Thank you for watching,

see you next time. Bye.

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