Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

Hello Wonderwood People! Welcome in this

2017 Halloween Collaboration! This year

the theme is... Creepy! So I

decided to sculpt one of my

favourite characters from Horror Movies: the Babadook!

I leave you all the details in the infobox! And don't

forget to check out the other Collab videos and Channels!

Have fun!

I used white clay to sculpt his face.

I defined teeth one by one.

It's body.

And his coat.

Three buttons.

And it's already time for his hairstyle!

And for his top hat as well!

Some folds and we're almost there...

I made his book too!

After baking I painted him

with acrylics.

I mostly used black for his make up. And a bit of white

for his clothing.

That's all! If you like this video:

share, comment and leave a thumbs up!

Check out the infobox to know more. See you at the next tutorial.


For more infomation >> The Babadook - Halloween Collaboration 2017 - Polymer Clay Tutorial - Duration: 6:21.





Never Let Go Of Me | Shipwrecked VBS | Group Publishing - Duration: 3:37.

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids.

Through every storm of life I know you're by my side

So I am holding on, to your promises You are the God who holds, my future, all my dreams

So I am holding on

You never let go of me!


You gave me hope when hope was all but gone A second chance to sing a brand-new song

You opened up my eyes to see You rescued me, rescued me

You showed the way when there was no way out Cleared up my mind when you erased all doubt

You made me strong when I was weak You rescued me, rescued me

Through every storm of life I know you're by my side

So I am holding on, to your promises You are the God who holds, my future, all my dreams

So I am holding on

You never let go of me!

You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


Through every storm of life I know you're by my side

So I am holding on, to your promises You are the God who holds, my future, all my dreams

So I am holding on

You never let go of me!

Through every storm of life I know you're by my side

So I am holding on, to your promises You are the God who holds, my future, all my dreams

So I am holding on

You never let go of me!

You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


You are my God; I'm holding on to you You are my God; I know you'll see me through


For more infomation >> Never Let Go Of Me | Shipwrecked VBS | Group Publishing - Duration: 3:37.


Polymer Clay Miniature 1 to 12 - Halloween Collaboration Eyes In Blod - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Polymer Clay Miniature 1 to 12 - Halloween Collaboration Eyes In Blod - Duration: 2:38.


Must Listen ( ਜ਼ਰੂਰ ਸੁਣਨਾ ) - Jian Ko Data Mera Prabh - Bhai Parminder Singh Australia - Duration: 50:01.

ਰਾਮਕਲੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: ਰਾਖਨਹਾਰ ਦਇਆਲ ॥ The Savior Lord is merciful. ਕੋਟਿ ਭਵ ਖੰਡੇ ਨਿਮਖ ਖਿਆਲ ॥ Millions of incarnations are eradicated in an instant, contemplating the Lord. ਸਗਲ ਅਰਾਧਹਿ ਜੰਤ ॥ All beings worship and adore Him. ਮਿਲੀਐ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਮੰਤ ॥੧॥ Receiving the Guru's Mantra, one meets God. ||1|| ਜੀਅਨ ਕੋ ਦਾਤਾ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ॥ My God is the Giver of souls. ਪੂਰਨ ਪਰਮੇਸੁਰ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਰਾਤਾ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Perfect Transcendent Lord Master, my God, imbues each and every heart. ||1||Pause|| ਤਾ ਕੀ ਗਹੀ ਮਨ ਓਟ ॥ My mind has grasped His Support. ਬੰਧਨ ਤੇ ਹੋਈ ਛੋਟ ॥ My bonds have been shattered. ਹਿਰਦੈ ਜਪਿ ਪਰਮਾਨੰਦ ॥ Within my heart, I meditate on the Lord, the embodiment of supreme bliss. ਮਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਭਏ ਅਨੰਦ ॥੨॥ My mind is filled with ecstasy. ||2|| ਤਾਰਣ ਤਰਣ ਹਰਿ ਸਰਣ ॥ The Lord's Sanctuary is the boat to carry us across. ਜੀਵਨ ਰੂਪ ਹਰਿ ਚਰਣ ॥ The Lord's Feet are the embodiment of life itself.ਸੰਤਨ ਕੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਣ ਅਧਾਰ ॥ They are the Support of the breath of life of the Saints. ਊਚੇ ਤੇ ਊਚ ਅਪਾਰ ॥੩॥ God is infinite, the highest of the high. ||3|| ਸੁ ਮਤਿ ਸਾਰੁ ਜਿਤੁ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰੀਜੈ ॥ That mind is excellent and sublime, which meditates in remembrance on the Lord. ਕਰਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਜਿਸੁ ਆਪੇ ਦੀਜੈ ॥ In His Mercy, the Lord Himself bestows it. ਸੂਖ ਸਹਜ ਆਨੰਦ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਉ ॥ Peace, intuitive poise and bliss are found in the Lord's Name. ਨਾਨਕ ਜਪਿਆ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਨਾਉ ॥੪॥੨੭॥੩੮॥ Meeting with the Guru, Nanak chants the Name. ||4||27||38||

For more infomation >> Must Listen ( ਜ਼ਰੂਰ ਸੁਣਨਾ ) - Jian Ko Data Mera Prabh - Bhai Parminder Singh Australia - Duration: 50:01.


Sarah's Monologue on Truth - Duration: 4:31.

- Okay, so today we're gonna get some life advice

from my Dad, I'm gonna find common ground

in one of the reddest counties in Texas,

I'll interview the brilliant DeRay McKesson,

and of course we'll end the show with a prayer.


But first, before we get started,

you remember this guy,

he's our special security blanket,

the white man at a desk, Mather.

- Sarah!


- Isn't he great?

If you weren't here last week, what it is,

is we go to Mather if the show gets to be a little much

and we need that reassuring comfort

of a traditional late night talk show host.

So, say we're mid-show

and I'm talking about a c**** seahorse

with floppy p**** lips (laughs),

we have Mather.

- Um, so that just happened.

- Brings us back to normalcy.

It's good, right?

It's like I never just said floppy p**** lips.

In fact, you know what,

I'm gonna go ahead and claim I never did.

I never said "floppy p**** lips,"

and frankly I'm disgusted by the accusation.

Yeah, that's good.

That's the point of this monologue, really.

It's that we don't know what is true anymore.

The truth has become subjective.

Remember when truth was facts?

(crowd laughing)

Wasn't that fun?

How are we gonna heal this divided country

if we can't even agree on what is true?

It's the Red Sox and the Yankees, right?

If you're from Boston,

even if the Yankees had the best record in all of baseball,

your truth is that the Yankees suck.

Which is true, they f****** suck, right?


But hey, a Red Sox fan is just a Yankees fan

who happened to be born in Boston.

Make no mistake, it is location-based.

It's teams, and that's what it's supposed to be.

It's sports, that's fine, it's adorable.

But that same kind of blind allegiance

has infiltrated our government.

It's party over country.

It's party over everything,

it's party over tenants of your own party.

I mean, Obama did stuff in his presidency

that should have had Republicans j****** rainbows.


He f****** murdered Osama Bin Laden.

(crowd cheers)


He took out several known terrorists with drones.

And I didn't even know this until like a month ago,

but it turns out that he deported more immigrants

than any other president.

Now, that's something for me to reconcile.

I don't know how I feel about it,

but I sure as hell know how Republicans

should feel about it.

They should be creaming their khakis.

But no, they still say Obama was weak

on terror and on immigration

because they're Red Sox and Obama was the Yankees,

and there's nothing a Yankee can do

that the Red Sox won't hate, and that is that.

People cling to the truths that they know,

and that's because...

You know, changing your mind

can feel scary.

But you've all done it.

Remember when you believed in Santa Clause,

and one day you didn't believe in Santa Clause anymore?

You did great.

You did.

You got new information and you let it change you.

Or remember 20 years ago when we were all walking around,

like, Princess Diana's totally alive.

You could never say that today.

There was even a time when I believed

that I would go blind if I masturbated.

Which of course, I have since disproved

time and time and time and time and time again, furiously.

- Too fast, too furious.

- Even the happiest people masturbate furiously,

I would say.

And that is a fact.

That's a fact.

For more infomation >> Sarah's Monologue on Truth - Duration: 4:31.


Energy Update – You Have Arrived Home - Duration: 7:45.

Energy Update � You Have Arrived Home

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

�Withdraw your awareness from everywhere and just let it rest within yourself, and

you have arrived home� � 21st October 2017

New Light Code�s North, South, East and West have come through!

Last night I was very exhausted and went to rest, then could feel I was super over-tired

and not actually able to rest.

The inner and outer were in different �places�, the �above� and �below� were also

in different �places� � energetically.

The �North, South, East and West� were out of �alignment� and had reaching a

�tipping point�.

Hence the Double exhaustion and the �not able to rest� feeling.

(As I feel this through myself in my 6D Human embodiment, as a template for humanity in

linking our Spirit to our Soul).

I then went and had a bath, which I programmed and was sent healing vibrations from a another

Master to help me�this took quite a while (nearly an hour) and than all of a sudden

my body felt a huge shudder, like a displacement feeling and it was like a �pop� out of

a bubble of energy I was in.

I felt I was then �back�.

I then sat up for a while and proceeded to go to bed � again.

The energies were �different� and I was not able to settle.

Then at 3am �on-the-dot�, all eased and ceased, just like that!

Total stillness.

And not long after that I saw New Light code symbols were �put in place� � of North,

South, East and West.

I was able to see them with my �Spiritual eyes� quite clearly.

And I can still see them.

(As to �what this means�, I will share further, when/as it comes through).

(As I have grown and ascended, if I have 4hours sleep straight, that is a �bonus� for

me�as I get by on 2-3 hours usually.

And this is very okay as when one lives in the flow, one grows into �not needing�

as much.

This has been like this for some time for myself and some nights it is no sleep at all

with the energies and that is very okay as well)

After 2 hours rest, I needed to get up.

I could feel so much going on energetically and am not able to talk or be with others

right now.

I can now hear the Dragons humming, which comes through as a sign of a shift.

So much is going on for so many and am guided, that while I am in my transition of recently

coming through my (and humanities) New Birthing, to just share �what this is for myself�

at this time.

(Please know this new Birthing has been �done�, the �trail� has been �blazed� in this,

in our human embodiment linked to our Spirit.

As I shared recently a photo, which just �happened� on my day of birth here, and that morning

(as shared in previous post) was the first time I went out and looked up into the sky

and felt and thanked the Divine for my birth here at this time.

The picture, while I know on one had is a reflection, there is �no doubt� that it

was a �doorway/opening� for my New Birthing for and with humanity.

What I did not share at the time of posting that picture, was the two pictures preceding


The first one was no doorway image, the next was the doorway partially forming and then

the picture I shared of it fully formed.

If Souls would like to see all three, just comment and let me know and I will share these

all together.

As I was �sitting� in one-spot at the time and the 3pics were taken in quick succession.

The last time I took a picture of something very special like this was in 2012, of the

violet beam of energy that has within it a head and body emerging, that is how significant

these photos are.

And if one would like to see that picture as well, again just comment below � Thank


This is more of what is occurring:

Double Exhaustion Overwhelm

Feeling like �dragging� oneself through mud

Dis-ease surfacing to heal and release�yet also �teaching� one what they are needing

to change or to �slow-down� An opportunity to �do things differently�

now is being presented time and time again with all of our facets being felt

An Increase in energy �attacks� from others -whether verbally or in the �unseen� energies.

Yet others are feeling bliss and joy of where they are at and what and where they have shifted.

This is just �some� of what we are currently experiencing as the �range� is so �far

and wide� now.

While I may not be sharing as much in energy updates, due to processing and shifting so

much constantly for and with humanity as a Trailblazer in linking our Spirit to our Soul

� please know that �behind the scenes� it is non-stop.

My dedication and service to humanity and Gaia through all I share, is being done �behind

the scenes� � constantly in the flow of the Divine.

I am shifting and rotating so much energy in what I call my �loop� of shifting and


A loop of energy from Spirit to Soul and then around and around, as there really is that

much going on!

Thank you for those who have been patient and understand this.

As I am always available for 1:1 Divine Healings, for those who are �ready� for this.

As not all are.

As when one is ready, then all flows easily and effortlessly.

The �line� has been very much drawn as to those who resonate and those who do not,

and I for one am relieved at this.

So there is still an adjustment going on here with the Blue Beyond and myself.

I have a choice to share what I AM, as I have done here � or not share at all and �wait�

until I am guided further in the near future.

So if you would �like� me to share what I am going through specifically as I have

here, please comment and let me know.

As the alternative is to not share at all and continue to constantly shift all I AM

�behind the scenes�.

Thank you for being in this Divine Space.

We are moving onwards and upwards.

And now is the �time to take that step forward for oneself deep within, to allow oneself

to �come home to oneself�.

No matter what one is experiencing.

This choice needs to be made within firstly.

And one can use the prayer or mantra �Help me to help myself� from within one�s Inner

Voice to oneself and DEEPLY FEEL THIS.

As one often can feel quite emotional with this.

As when one feels and does this from within, this will be expressed and WILL BE FELT by

the Divine and assistance will come through.


It is the surrendering of ALL as we are at GROUND ZERO point and we are rebuilding or

building anew!

�Withdraw your awareness from everywhere and just let it rest within yourself, and

you have arrived home�.

As I share through these/my words here, what this is for myself, from my �within� space.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – You Have Arrived Home - Duration: 7:45.


New Japan - 東京パフォーマンスドール・浜崎香帆の美ウエストに矢口真里もびっくり「めちゃくちゃ細い!」 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> New Japan - 東京パフォーマンスドール・浜崎香帆の美ウエストに矢口真里もびっくり「めちゃくちゃ細い!」 - Duration: 5:00.


The Amazing Iron Spider - Android GamePlay 2017 - Duration: 9:34.

the amazing iron spider

For more infomation >> The Amazing Iron Spider - Android GamePlay 2017 - Duration: 9:34.


New Japan - 宮沢氷魚インタビュー「"楽しい!"と感じている自分にびっくり」『コウノドリ』 - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> New Japan - 宮沢氷魚インタビュー「"楽しい!"と感じている自分にびっくり」『コウノドリ』 - Duration: 8:17.


#Deutschrock - Falscher Messias - Du bist gierig - Albumvorschau - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> #Deutschrock - Falscher Messias - Du bist gierig - Albumvorschau - Duration: 1:29.


Belén Esteban manda un extraño mensaje a Ares Teixidó: "Todo lo que sube, baja" - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban manda un extraño mensaje a Ares Teixidó: "Todo lo que sube, baja" - Duration: 2:41.


Ombre Watercolour Landscape | In The Studio with Steven Sabados | CBC Life - Duration: 27:31.

When I'm painting by myself generally I have headphones on really, loud music

and a vodka soda.

Today I wanted to create sort of landscape but something more

contemporary a little bit modern almost with an ombre effect and it's really

really simple. So the first thing we're gonna start with is our large canvas now

this canvas is a 2 by 3 foot I'm you get them pre-stretched at any art supply store

you can go as large or as small as you want for this project. Then we're ready

to draw on our landscape and again with this you got to think of rolling hills

and we don't want to be perfect, you don't want to be exact. With your pencil

we're gonna just start to very roughly figure out where our trees are gonna go

and you can see here these don't look like trees they don't look like anything

they're just giving us a rough idea of where maybe that hill might be and I

think the less precise you were the better it's gonna be. Be really, really

jagged about it and here would just keep some hills going in there maybe and

they're gonna be lightened out and then maybe here in the foreground there'll be

some tolerance. And again this is only a suggestion that we're doing we're not

actually maybe even gonna follow this we could do something completely different

but at least it's gonna sort of set the tone for where we want to go.

So now we need to mix our ink. We're gonna be using a series of inks to

create almost like a dark dark green we want like

almost an indigo green and the reason we want to use the ink is because we're

gonna apply a lot of water and we're gonna be doing a lot of ombre effects

and we want to build up layers instead of like acrylic paint where you paint it

and it's opaque. We want things to be really, really translucent and add layers

and you'll see as we kind of go along how we're gonna add layers and take

layers back. So I'm mixing a green, a turquoise, I'm putting a few shots

of burnt umber in and maybe a few hits of black. And what I'm gonna do is I'm

gonna create our master jar if you will of the darkest colour and then we can

work back from there. So I would say probably we're gonna need but a third of

a cup or so, so that we're gonna have enough and then again we want to keep

testing it for the right colour.

Visualize sort of misty mountains although that's not a colour we just sort

of made that up. Yeah see there's sort of a lot of blue in there I think we might be

good to go. So I'm here, we're gonna need some rags, some water bottles. So what

we're gonna do first is up here we're just gonna apply a really light light

light light green, we're almost going to activate the canvas so it looks like the

hills on the furthest, the furthest distance. So we don't really want

anything too dark and if it gets too dark then by all means we can just start

brushing it off. So the background, the the furthest sort of sky in the distance,

as you can see it's just literally scrubbing in the ink and then scrubbing

it off with a towel. We almost don't want any colour in the back but we don't want

just sort of a blank white canvas so and it's this part here you don't have to be

by any means perfect about it.

Cool okay now we can get into our um into our first sort of I guess tree line

sort of alley here so from this we're gonna get a thinner brush when you go by

your brushes make sure that your brushes are are stiff enough and they're not too

soft cuz the softer the brush is just gonna

sort of give us muted trees we still want to have a nice crisp line so get

these different ones again they're really inexpensive like two bucks for a

good brush like that so what we want to do is just we just want to get a little

bit of dimension here again you got to think cuz it's we're gonna do the ombre

right so it's gonna be sort of the tones of one color so this is our lightest

color and then we're gonna slowly start to add depth this being sort of the

darkest color down here so this we want to be really really light and again we

sort of want trees so our trees aren't there sort of evergreen trees so they

have little Peaks that kind of go up and little zigzag things and again we really

don't have to be perfect about it

and again you can you can hear it on the canvas it's it's a really stiff brush

and you want to almost scrub it in and then we're the were the hills sort of

coming what we're gonna do is we're gonna then just take it and we're going

to soften that and bring it down now with this we can always activate it with

water and because the ink will never fully stay in the canvas you can see

here if there's a portion you don't like you can literally just erase it so as

the ink is still wet and active we can really push it around a lot so again

this whole thing's supposed to be like misty and moody so it doesn't have to be

perfect off the top again this like a modern interpretation of of this so

don't think something's right or wrong because at this point I don't know

what's right or wrong with it you just keep it moving

I like this kind of painting because to be honest with you the nice thing is

that there's no real end result it's just sort of what happens happens and

again this is gonna be your interpretation of it right so it doesn't

have people don't have to say oh hey that looks like a flower pot or hey that

looks like a building you know this is sort of our interpretation of of a

landscape so I think if we just kind of get the idea of rolling hills it's it's

going to come across and if it looks like something else and tell everyone

it's something else with this kind of thing - you might want to even have as

reference picture of say rolling hills or something so you can kind of get the

feeling of where you want to go in different levels and valleys that might

be helpful

when I was a little kid my room was always the worst

anytime company came over my mom had to always run up and close my door because

my floor was full of paint spills and glue and she would just leave it because

she'd try and clean it up and I would just come back the next day and just

bill another tin of paint so I really had a horrible disgusting broom but I

absolutely loved it because it was like it was a total free for all and even

washing my brushes on clothes I find it quicker when you're painting

instead of trying to look for a rag just make sure you're just wearing dirty

clothes so that you can just clean your brushes it's a lot quicker

I find than reaching for a rag and don't worry about it your hands are going to

get dirty but that's part of the passion

with this process here this is sort of where you are going to kind of keep

going back and forth the back and forth and build up those intricate layers I

kind of find this therapeutic because it just it's just sort of it's really soft

and you're just kind of almost doing same repetitive motions and you don't

really have to think about anything I

love painting at night I think it's kind of cool when you're painting at night

everyone else is asleep and you're kind of doing your thing it's almost

therapeutic in a sense just trying to find out now where the next level is

gonna come from possibly in here so what I could even do is maybe I can just with

a quick little line maybe come into here so maybe I'll do it sort of a tree-lined

little Hill coming in here

you can see everything almost has the same tone right now which is cool but at

least we're kind of getting levels of valleys of things and then we can go

back into it and darken the foreground and give it some sort of dimension this

the this is the kind of painting as well because we're just using one color ink

and we're just on a rock canvas you can leave this for a day or you know it's

not something that you have to commit yourself to once you started you can

sort of go away leave it if you get frustrated and then two days later come

back or you know if you're cooking dinner and you're in the middle of

something just activate it again with water and then scrub it out and even if

you really don't like something just spray it down and get a rag or get a

stiff brush like one of these just paint or brushes and then just scrub it out so

don't feel like you've ever sort of you got to stop or you ruin something or you

can't go backwards because like I said we're on that prime canvas we can always

go back into it a lot of times for me the paintings there they're kind of

never done and that's the cool thing you keep going back into it yeah as you get

towards the bottom you kind of sort of find your last your your foreground I

should say and I kind of feel now that it's time to maybe bringing some some of

the depth of color and what I've done is I've gone back to my original jar of ink

the really intense one and then go back into it again you can see how little ink

we've used on this because you you don't need a lot

the cool thing that this is when you're because we're painting a landscape and

we're talking about horizon so when you're spraying at the natural gravity

of the water pulling it down kind of gives you this feeling of like trees so

that kind of that vertical pull is kind of nice the stuff that using the

foreground here this will primarily be the darkest color because you kind of

want all the darker colors to sort of advance it's slowly going back into like

this white of mist and we want everything to be kind of misty that's

where you got to kind of take your time and just kind of go back and forth and

use the spray bottle to kind of diffuse things because we don't really we want

all blurred edges and blurred lines nothing too obvious because again it's

sort of a modern version of our contemporary version of landscape as

opposed to traditional landscapes with details and trees and clouds and

babbling brooks the thing with this painting is once you sort of have your

landscape sort of figured it you really want to kind of keep going back into it

back into it back for the back forth we want to sort of build up slowly if we

went right into this with a dark color it's harder to go back it's easier to

sort of build so that's what we're gonna do for this is layer the like the color

on top of each other this painting kind of reminds me of when I was in the

Golden Triangle in Thailand in Chiang Mai there was sort of these ruling hills

in every single morning it was thick thick jungle and you just sort of had

these misty sort of shapes and it kind of had this kind of feeling and it was

just sort of these greens and blues and grays and it was really quite quite

haunting it was fantastic and it was just basically the steam of the forest

coming off as the Sun was rising so that's the kind of the feeling that we

want I could never really pick out hey that's a tree or that so that it was

just sort of these shapes and these interpretations of hills and I think

that's sort of where we want to go with this just kind of feeling now that it's

feeling a bit flat but I think maybe I want a deeper or a different shade of

this same color so I may be mixing up some colors I'm not sure yeah and that's

the whole thing when you're painting is just you're exploring it with it you

kind of see it's really cool you can kind of create um awesome texture with

just a rag by spraying water on it and then it kind of just does its own thing

as you're sort of painting and working it if you add something in and now to

affecting everything else was like a domino effect it's like cooking right

it's like a recipe oh look added too much salt so in an owwie to adjust and

add potatoes to take away the salt so this is same kind of thing so this was

you maybe add a layer and it's feeling a little dark now I've got a darken this

or I've got a light in that or lighten that again don't sort of think in your

head that once it's done it's done because it's not it's a it's gonna keep

moving that's why I keep going all over the place because certain things are

reacting in different ways and sort of pushing me in different directions

that's why I like doing this on on canvas as opposed to trying to do this

on paper we need to do in watercolor on paper or doing it using inks inks on

paper it's a lot more permanent because the paper that using is a rag paper and

it's soaked in the ink immediately and it's harder to sort of go back where is

because this is a gesso canvas the ink is still kind of just floating on the

top it never released soaks in to the canvas so you're sort of allowed to sort

of go back and forth a lot more you could certainly try this on paper it

would be I just think mi is a little different journey a lot more difficult

with this type of painting you can choose any color you could do this and

blues and grays and me purples and Mo's or whatever because um again this sort

of like rolling landscape on different weather conditions and light conditions

could be virtually any color so don't feel that you have to go into these

greens the one thing you don't want to do is you don't want to match your

colors to your sofa so I'm not gonna buy a green sofa to pick up on these colors

art should complement your space and tell a story but it doesn't necessarily

and I don't really feel that it needs to match your space that's why you have

fabrics in wall color that's what they do their job is to tie the room together

art is to sort of stand out and complement a space you can use these

them big brushes here which are great it's almost dry really really lightly

damp to sort of scrub and blend a lot of times when you use the mist bottle you

start to get a lot of job so we don't want to soak the canvas but then there

are just some areas that look a bit scrubby and we want to just sort of

soften the mouth

people always get intimidated by um by painting and sort of never once seen the

white canvas and with the type of brushes and you know and you don't need

to never once spend a lot of money canvases pre-stretch canvases are quite

affordable and the brushes in the materials are using the ink is just a

few dollars a bottle and these are just regular house paint brushes and these

small ones that I get from the art supply store are just synthetic stiff

brushes by the end by no means you know expensive squirrel hair and things like

that I mean I've got them specialty brushes like this one here which is a

badger hair brush which is quite expensive but it's used for blending and

softening which we certainly don't need on this because we're just using water

but these are more for faux finishes that creating marble so I mean if you

are gonna invest in great brushes you take care of them any use them for the

purpose that they're intended to I also have some really expensive soft brushes

like these ones which are all real fur so I'm certainly not going to scrub into

a painting I'm just gonna damage and crack all the bristles so for this sort

of scrubby work that I call it I'm just gonna use synthetic brushes and they're

gonna wear down they're gonna break down and when they do you toss them and you

get new and so you don't have to be intimidated by getting really expensive

materials so at the bottom here this is going to be probably the deepest of

color and you can kind of see when the inks would have builds up it almost goes

to a black which is good so again you can see I've only used this one color

but the layers of the color get sort of these different depths here

so you can go as light as white right down to almost pure black so that's why

we don't want to go too dark too fast it's the layering up that's gonna give

us dimension and depth don't ever think anything second do you think anything's

too precious it's ruined because it should be always evolving and don't

think oh that's perfect I shouldn't touch it and if you touch it then you

think oh I destroyed it you didn't you can always do it again

so never look at a piece of work that you're creating and think it's lack of

better terms I just call it precious because it should never be precious it

should be it's like a journey I would say if you're starting out and doing

this this type of project it is probably a great way to go because it's so

forgiving and you can sort of layer it up if you're working in acrylics it's

there opaque and thick and you sort of have to have sort of more of a more of a

direction of where you're going to go it's harder so to go back with acrylics

but this kind of thing the building up and taking off or building up and taking

off again should be it shouldn't be a thought-out thing it should be a

therapeutic thing to me this is one of those things you get to shut your brain

off and just kind of go like I said having the stimulation of music you know

having in your headphones can sort of put you in a certain low mood and and

you shouldn't really be thinking about it I should be thinking about it's like

hills and trees and hills and trees don't think about work and what you have

to do don't think about you got to pick up the kids or you haven't made dinner

you just kind of get lost in it if they're so happy with the depth like in

here there's sort of a nice sort of depth and sort of layering in here

that's what I'm just going to go back into it now with some really dark with

the with the ink and that's some the the full dilution of the ink so it's uh

that's going to be our deepest color and then it's kind of let that sit for a

minute I kind of think some of these the hills in the background here cantenna

top out a little bit so we can just really lightly kind of go back in and

scrub out some of these trees

so now what I think I'm gonna do is some there's some areas that I'm happy with

and some that I'm not I find this Ridge to be a bit uncomfortable but towards

the bottom here and liking the depth so we're gonna go back in with some of the

darkest here and then maybe lighten up some of these areas here or kind of tidy

them up or fade them out even I'm kind of thinking in here it's feeling a bit

my sort of monotone and sort of muddy so maybe if we go in with a bit of dark ink

it'll kind of just push it a bit and kind of give it a little bit more depth

like there's something happening back there and again it's just sort of the

the expression of something so a few little scrubs of dark paint we'll just

all of a sudden push that into the into the background so the whole idea and

where we're trying to go with this is that we're trying to create that ombre

kind of feel where the background here is almost white and then as we slowly go

into the foreground here it's literally almost black so that's gonna kind of

give us some depth and even within some of these little spots we can add some

darker tones and that's going to kind of give us some sort of sense of dimension

to the to the piece

okay so there we go I think I'm kind of happy with

Brothers's now I think we have the levels and the layers which is kind of

nice with the ombre to me it kind of looks like some misty kind of Hills we

can then get a small brush and in the corner you can sign it

perfect okay let's hang it up

so there we go I hope inspired you to get up and start

painting again you should never really be intimidated it's just canvas and ink

and your own imagination


For more infomation >> Ombre Watercolour Landscape | In The Studio with Steven Sabados | CBC Life - Duration: 27:31.


Ninja Turtles Shake Rumble - Duration: 11:22.

Ninja Turtles Shake Rumble

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

It time for the Ninja Turtles Shake Rumble. Let's watch the Ninja Turtles Toys battle royal in the Shake Rumble League.

It's the half shell hero team versus the evil Shredder team.

Let's see who's on the half shell hero team the leader of the half shell heroes is, Leonardo

He's the oldest turtle brother, and he wears a blue bandana, and he fights as these awesome katana sword

turtle flip

Next we have Donatello

Donatello wears a purple mask and he is the engineer and super smart brainiac of the group

She can repair and invent all sorts of super cool turtle gadget. He fights with a wrench and awesome bow staff

These two saves Ralph is the hothead of danger group

And then we have Mikey

Michelangelo, there's an orange pendant, and he fights with in shacks. He's a party animal

he loves pizza and

Super funny and loves to pull prick still Mikey and the last member of the half-shell Heroes is Casey Jones

Casey Jones wearing his hockey mask and he's best friends with the entrails and

Max is the members of the evil shredder team he's the leader of the Foot Clan and wears these super powerful sharp blade armors

He's always trying to defeat the indicators, and next is Rocksteady Rocksteady is a rhinoceros

He's got a serve big horn room

He's the bodyguard of the shredder and mixed that guy is bebop be bob is a warthog pig

He's also a bodyguard of the shredder and his best friend is

City and the last evil center team member is the evil cross

He's the big evil brain that drives a super big robot

It's time for round one the winner will move into the finals member

Shudders gone, and the turtles run its Donatello's left the truck and Casey Jones the Battle of Prague Scott whoa?

Casey Joan is the first winner he moves out into the finals to try to win the gold trophy get chopped jinkies

That's one for the engine turtle half show heroes

It's time for round two here you go now. It's just shredder in Leonardo left

Leonardo is the winner and he moves on to the finals ah

That's two for the inter turtles turtle flip there's only two more spots left for the finals. They're still Michelangelo Donatello

Raphael for the half-shell heroes and on the eagle shredder team the whole team is dead here. They haven't won once. They're shredder

Okay get into the rink and time to shake rumba three

Versus the shredder well

Michelangelo wins

On to the next round good job, Mikey. This is the final round there's only one final spot left who's gonna win shake Rumble

Mikey fellow, it's just darling versus for that guy goes Rocksteady. Johnny's still in there so shredder

Johnny fell off progress is beaver

Krog is the last one to fall out he moves into the final spot

These are the finalists, it's Michelangelo Leonardo, Casey Jones and krahgg who's gonna win first place

Phillip, it's just like you Casey Jones left. Well. There's no badly real hard who's gonna win

Michelangelo fellas he's the winner and gets the gold prize good job, Mikey

This is for the second-place winner Rumble

Hello fellow whoa Prague is the second place where he beat out Leo and Casey?

This is the last match for third place, rumba

Leonardo's the winner he comes in third place time for the trophy ceremony

GC is the winner and gets the gold trophy

the second place silver trophy is krahgg and

Leonardo wins third place bronze

in KC wins surprise toys

There's so many toys, which one should we open up first let's open up these superhero surprise eggs this one

It's Captain America. He's the leader of The Avengers

Cool this is Gordon he's a blue train, and he's number four

Gordon has all this painted graffiti on him. He's the number four Gordon and since he's all painted we call graffiti Gordon

And his partner is

It's a green tree, and he's number three

That means he's Percy how cute percy also has all these drawings at him. He's pixel percy here. We go pixel. Waha

And that's we have this Iron Man egg Iron Man is a leader of The Avengers

And he wears a power armor suit sister shake good begin

Whoa hey, we got another Gordon

But this court doesn't have any painting on him his regular Gordon just a blue train with red shirt and blue wheels

Let's go Gordon whoa

He's a red train he's got a really big nose, and he's number five the red train is James

James is the all red train with black wheels and a black chimney. How cute let's go J

And then we have this hog surprise egg you better be careful if you get the Hulk angry. He'll I'll smash you shake shake shake

Cool wow we got special Halloween edition ones

She's got his black mask on and he's got a yellow cape and there's our for Robin and

Cool it's the Riddler he's the Green Riddler train

Question that's why there's a big question mark on him

Now he's become a green train. It's a Halloween Riddler train

Look at how many trees we got guys oh

Let's check out that red egg cool. It's the ultimate spider-man egg with the Avengers

There's a Captain America and Iron Man The Hulk and even Thor shake shake shake. Let's see who we got

We got spider-man he's so cool he's hanging on to the wall. He's wearing his red and blue suit spider-man

He's ready to shoot his win so he gets winget action Wow

And then we have this big dragon egg Wow I see toothless and hiccup, and there's a big blue dragon egg

I wonder how many trips we're gonna have here we go

Here's the first dragon it's a green one. This is the dragon they're fresh legs

He's got a lot of little warts on him and he can perk gasps

Then we got this blue edge shake shake shake, let's see what Dragons we got

This is the dress and the Astrid rides

Especially is to shoot spike and blue

this clear dragon is

He's a baby alpha

You've got two big horns, and he can control other dragons our last dragon is a Night Fury

And he's a light brown one just like toothless he has green eyes. No theories. I can fly really fast

And nice we have this super cute milk carton. It's a mafia and she looked just like milk you guys like to drink milk guy

There's a carton

Have you guys seen this whale milk let's open up this lufia

It opens up just like a milk carton. Is there milk inside nope, but there's a toy. Let's get out the toy guys

Snoopy's good time

Here we go

Super cute

We got the latch a moon wow he's so cute. He's white and blue and he's holding up the cookie

He's also got these two little horns

Yummy, yummy let's see the back wow there's a unicorn on the back how cute and he even has a little tail

Yummy, yummy remember to drink your milk, so you can grow really very strong

In our next blind bag is whoa it said ghostbusters, so cool look at all the awesome ghostbusters

Did we get and even the scary goes?

Or it. Goes here we go

We got a

Ghostbuster how awesome he's got his goggles, and there is Ghostbuster blaster

And it's connected to his backpack so we don't have to worry if it's ghosts cuz he'll catch them

and this is

Awesome, it's another Thomas and Friends mystery mini

We got a bunch of friends, but we didn't get Thomas yet

Can we get Thomas guys the rarest one is the golden Thomas let's try and get that?

We got a purple train, and he's number 14 his name is Charlie

It's Charlie the purple Trey Charlie's all purple with the black chimney red wheels and a blob top

Oh, he looks so friendly. Let's go Charlie wahoo Charlie. Led us right to our last toy

Wow, so scary there's a bunch of monsters. It's the cute Jeffrey series and here all the monsters

We can get wow it's so creepy, but don't worry. We have a Ghostbuster here. Let's open it up

Here we go

Who's this?


She's a dark elf warrior

She's got white hair super long mouth ears, and she's wearing a super cool armor

How cool and she has red eyes so scary?

But she's actually really friendly and her and well we're gonna go practice in jitsu shower sup sup sup sha well

They're G Turtles one two shake Rumble battle and got all these awesome awesome toys

I hope everyone is a super awesome day, and I'll see you in the next toy rex video

Thanks for watching dino pals you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the dino club

For more infomation >> Ninja Turtles Shake Rumble - Duration: 11:22.


top 10 topics for youtube channel - Duration: 6:51.



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