Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Three Excavator I found for FS 17 .

First Hitatchi EX 1200-6 Other mods used in this video VOLVO FH16 750 SHORT WHEELBASE

I have not Qarry at this map so I will load some grass

Hitatchi EX 1200-6 Bucket Capacity 19.000l 740Hp <author>Giants/L'Affreux Moddeur/DarthCain/FTModding


CAT 289C Bucket Capacity 8.400l 4.000Hp <author>LsModdingTP/josetp/hugotp/Romino's


Mini Pelle TFSG :P Bucket Capacity 100l 39Hp

The Semi trailer is the FRUEHAUF BENNE TP SDM 2 SDM Colorable 2 Design Setup 22.000l Capacity

I'm the best operator :p

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 EXCAVATOR SHOWCASE - Duration: 18:10.



Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel!

In this video I would like to tell you how I moved to the states

because lately I've been receiving many messages asking

how I moved and what process I went through.

To begin, I'd like to make it clear that I live in the States and not in Canada.

'cuz as I understood from the comments to my previous video

many people thought that I live in Canada

Usually when people ask me how I moved to the States and if

they can also use the same method

I say that for them this way probably won't work..

Because my story is a little bit different from others.

If you've been watching my channel for awhile now,

then you probably know that I'm a violinist.

When i was about 12 or 13, my older brother Alex

moved to the states with his wife who was getting

her nursing degree in Colorado.

His wife is not an american, she moved here when she was 17

to study at a christian college and eventually started the nursing program.

Again, if you've been watching me for awhile, you probably know

that around the same time my parents were going through a divorce.

When I was 15, my brother moved to Canada with his family,

because they found jobs there and were expecting a second child.

So they found jobs and a house.

That year I won several international competitions

that were held in Russia and Germany.

So my brother Sasha asked me to send him some

of the recordings of my performances.

This was nothing new to me, because he'd usually ask me

for my recordings, he was very proud of me after all

so he would show them to his friends.

After my brother and his family moved to Halifax in Canada

he mentioned to me that he might bring my recordings

to a violin professor at the university in Halifax.

I was 15, and just started studying at

the Mussorgsky Music College

I just finished 9th grade

So I didn't really have these hopes that I will

move to Canada and everything will be dandy.

But it so happened that around my 16th birthday

I received an email in English which I read

and thought that it was spam, so I deleted it.

I think any person who received spam before

can understand that anything that starts with the words

"Congratulations, you will [study/travel somewhere/etc] for free"

would make one suspicious.

So that was the reason why I deleted that email,

but later my brother asked me in our next conversation

whether I'd received anything from the university

and that's when I realized that I just deleted

my invitation letter from my university.

the next day I got another email with all

the documents to fill out and it also said that

I need to pass the TOEFL test.

Seven years ago I knew around four phrases in English.

I could say what my name was, that I play violin,

that I'm from Russia and how old I was.

While my brother was talking to the university administration,

I was freaking out cuz I realized that I need to learn English.

Pro tip - learn foreign languages.

When I asked my brother how I was admitted

without my high school diploma 'cuz I just finished 9th grade,

and without the knowledge of English,

He said that they created a program,

where I'd learn English and finish high school.

But the issue was that this program was only 9 months long

You might already know but there are 12 grades in North American schools.

So I had to complete 3 grades in 9 months,

While also practicing violin and performing quite frequently

because no one cancelled the whole violin thing

At the same time, I had six courses at school and everything in English.

So when I was learning English no one really

sat down with me to explain all the rules and how everything works.

I had to do it now and all at once.

For each course I had to write an essay

and then give presentations on each essay.

But I digress.

Today's topic is how I moved to the States.

And now you're probably thinking -

so what does all of this have to do with you moving to the States?

You probably think - tell us how you moved and how we can move.

And I'll answer to all of these questions right now.

First of all, I want to say that Canada is a wonderful country

and to be honest, I never wanted to leave after I got there..

The reason why I had to move from Canada

is that I was invited to study in Chicago

so I decided to go there to get my masters degree in violin performance.

But I'd like to give you some info for those of you

who are thinking to move to either US or Canada.

I think that Canada is much better than the US.

Perfect countries don't exist, but Canada is pretty amazing.

For example, in Canada a 14-year old can't go to a store and buy a gun.

You can move to the US in the following ways -

you can move through work,

so the knowledge of English is mandatory and the perfecter the better.

Usually Russian diplomas won't be accepted in both US or Canada

so you will have to take all the exams again..

Of course, if you have a significant other here,

you can get married and get a green card.

Obviously, another way is to apply for asylum (refugee status)

because many countries still persecute such individuals like LGBTQ+

In my opinion, every person deserves respect and happiness,

so if you are persecuted in your own country for some reason,

I would be very happy to help you and provide you

with the necessary resources, give you some links that can

help you move here as a refugee.

I don't know if I'm forgetting anything but if you know

of any other ways, the legal ones… please share them in the comments and I'll be very happy that you did!

for those of you who didn't know that I play violin,

I will also leave a link in the description box with

some of my performances

I think this video is a bit different than some of you might have expected.

But this is my story and that's how I moved to the States

And I almost forgot that when I came to Canada

about a year later my friends did a short documentary about me

If you also want to watch that the link will be in the description for you :)

You'll have a lot of things to watch!

Thank you for watching, I hope this video cleared up

how I immigrated to the states or I guess first to Canada.

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to respond

but I do apologize for taking a long time..

I'll try to respond faster, but I have so many messages to reply to..

So I am really sorryyyy!!!

Have a good day er'one, byeeee!!

For more infomation >> HOW I MOVED TO AMERICA [STORYTIME] - Duration: 6:45.


The Death of YouTube - The Birth of CorpTube - Duration: 25:01.

YouTube Rejects the You and Commits to Becoming Platform for the Corporate Media

YouTube, CorpTube, Corporate Media, Mainstream Media, MSM


If you like this content, be sure you click here and support iState's ability to deliver

to you news for the iStater, the state of one.

If you do a No-Filter Search on YouTube for the phrase "Las Vegas Shooting," as of

today, Thursday, October 26th, 2017, what you will find is a list of videos that come

from Mainstream news channels and mainstream news shows.

Not until you get down to video #81, do you find a non-Mainstream-created video, from

Viralhog, called "Las Vegas Festival Shooting."

At #96, we get a video from HighImpactFlix called "WTH!?!

Video of Stephen Paddock Alive AFTER Las Vegas Shooting???"

That's it in the top 100, two videos in the "Las Vegas Shooting" search, with

no filters, that are created by non-mainstream-media content creators.

Now, if you do a search of "Las Vegas Shooting" with the filter for view count (meaning, the

videos with the most views will come up), you get, in the top 10 alone, 5 videos created

by non-mainstream-media content creators.

No doubt the video views of the Mainstream content creators were helped by YouTube's

intentional promotion of them, having purposely curated the search results not to produce

what actual YouTube viewers were looking at, or even wanted to find, but simply filtering

out most non-mainstream-media content creators from the hot search results.

In addition to that, YouTube also hand-curated its Trending Videos, placing Jimmy Kimmel's

anti-human, anti-liberty, anti-gun nonsense rant at number one when, at the time, it was

clear from the view counts his video was nowhere near number one in terms of actual virality.

The constant promotion of the video, however, did help the video now get past the 9 million-mark,

and it now shows up as #1 in the "Las Vegas Shooting" search with the view count filter


What's more, as many content creators have pointed out, Jimmy Kimmel's highly politicized

video in which he basically accuses anyone who supports the 'right to bear arms'

of murder by proxy (pretty hateful speech right there if you ask me) has NOT been demonetized.

But anyone else, outside of the mainstream media, that creates content on the Las Vegas

Shooting has seen their videos demonetized, myself included (and no doubt the video that

I will create from this article will also be demonetized).

Now, before anyone accuses me of being a conspiracy theorist, let me share an excerpt from this

story featured in USA Today from October 5th, 2017:

YouTube has changed its powerful search algorithm to promote videos from more mainstream news

outlets in search results after people looking for details on the Las Vegas shooting were

served up conspiracy theories and misinformation.

YouTube confirmed the changes Thursday.

It didn't say how it decides which news sources are authoritative.

In the days after the mass shooting, videos abounded on YouTube, some questioning whether

the shooting occurred and others claiming law enforcement officials had deceived the

public about what really happened.

Searching for "Las Vegas shooting" on YouTube led many people to these videos, some

of which claimed it was a "false flag," a term conspiracy theorists use to refer to

mass shootings they believe were staged by the government to promote gun control.

Here you have YouTube telling its viewers and content creators (the overwhelming majority

of which are non-mainstream-media content creators) that if and when there are major

stories, you can expect to find content from ABC News, NBC News, Time, etc, not Sargon

of Akkad, not Contrapoints, not Tim Pool, and certainly not InfoWars.

YouTube is also telling its viewers that it knows better than you the type of content

that you should be finding.

You also have YouTube telling its non-mainstream-media creators that if they hope to make any real

money on YouTube, stop making videos that address the major news stories of the day,

because they will promptly demonetize your videos.

They will not, however, demonetize videos by ABC News, NBC News, etc.

To put this more simply, YouTube has decided to take the You out of YouTube and replace

it with Corp, as in Corporation.

The entities that are increasingly finding a significant advantage on the YouTube platform

are corporations.

The very reason that YouTube became what it is today, the largest video sharing platform,

at least in the West, if not the world, is because of the YOU part of it.

I know I myself find little use in watching mainstream media videos.

I go to YouTube for content created by people outside of the halls of the corporate media.

Even for people who actually still value corporate media, they can find their shows readily enough

on cable tv, in apps, even on YouTube TV, so why would they want or need YouTube to

view videos they can view almost anywhere else?

YouTube has decided, for one reason or another (see my video, which will be included in this

article, for some of my theories on why that is), to turn away from the You and turn toward

the Corp.

YouTube is hellbent on making their platform corporate-friendly.

It will no longer be the wild and wooly independent creator home that made it what it is today.

It will become just another mainstream content outlet.

Whether their strategy works or not remains to be seen.

Perhaps, even with a smaller audience (which I have no doubt will be the result of this

move towards the corporate content creators), they will do what they have

not been able to do since their inception, turn a profit.

Even if they do (and I doubt they will), YouTube has opened the door for video platforms that

stay committed to the


in the Tube, platforms like Bitchute and DTube (I've linked my channels on both those platforms).

If their intent is beyond merely trying to change to make a profit, if their intent is

to somehow restore the great corporate filters of content that existed before such platforms

as YouTube emerged, I suspect they will fundamentally fail in the same way that the previous controllers

of information, the Church and the State, failed to stop the flow of information when

the Printing Press came into being.

The genie is out of the bottle.

Pandora's box is opened.

The age of the corporate/state gatekeepers over information is over.

There is no stopping the free flow of information, even "dangerous" information.

With the birth and rise of CorpTube (which, I believe, will

be a short-lived experiment), will come the birth and

rise of multiple platforms to replace what YouTube once was and is fast no longer being,



for independent content creators whose only filter

is the one applied by individuals, not corporatists, not state regulators making the decisions

of filtering for vast numbers of people.

The Queen, the King is Dead.

YouTube is no more.


has taken its place.

Long live the NEW Kings

and Queens.

For more infomation >> The Death of YouTube - The Birth of CorpTube - Duration: 25:01.


Justin Bieber - Love Yourself (REESE Remix) - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber - Love Yourself (REESE Remix) - Duration: 2:53.



Hello guys, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is a CVL

it was made by Tiet

it is a challenge lock

thank you very much Tiet

I have not the key

I show you the keyway

It is very open you can work very easy from here

I´ve opened up a couple of times the first it´s take me quite a while

I doesn´t do the right tension

but then I managed to open it in far less time

let's try to pick it

and if we get it, we take it apart and see what is inside

i´m not guted it yet

I will use this home made wrench, make from a wiper rod

and this Klom pick, the number two

let´s do it

I'll start from back to front, because it gives me better results

fifth is loose

fourth is loose

I use medium tension

third is binding

makes a click

second is binding

It makes a click, first nothing

fifth nothing, fourth nothing

third one click

second a light click, first is loose

Fourth nothing, third

third is binding, make a click

second and first nothing

fifth nothing


let´s see

there it is, the second has given an advance

and a turn in the core

fifth is binding

It makes a click

it´s still binding

and it´s open

I feel the pins quite loose

It's a strange feeling, let's see what is inside

Let's do it

all right

let's see what's inside

Well, this is what it has inside

As for the plug, the second and fifth chambers are threaded

It is a very good job, very clean

and about the key pins

the third is a screw, directly

It is a screw

fits perfect, it is much hooked

this is why it made me doubt and it progressed very slowly

first and fourth are very long so they has normal drivers

and they are exaggeratedly bevelled at the top

the fifth is also beveled

and the second also is bevelled

as about the driver pins, as I say first

first and fourth are normal, this is because the key pins are so long that the drivers does not come into action

the second is a Tesa te5 driver

although it may seem normal is slightly beveled

and it works very well

this is the one I overset sometimes

and third and fifth are TesaT60 drivers

also very well done

although I think there aren´t those that have presented the greatest difficulty

but it is very good combination, I like it

well, this is what is inside the CVL challenge lock

thank youvery much Tiet

I hope you liked it, and that it will be useful to you

and thank you very much for your time


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