Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

People in the United States are set to finally get the government's full account of the assassination

of former President John F. Kennedy. Thousands of never-before-seen "JFK Files"

related to the 1963 assassination are set for release on Thursday.

With more on this and other news around the world,…we turn to our Ro Aram…

Aram… the past five decades have been filled with conspiracy theories regarding that infamous

day…what can we expect from these documents?

Well Semin… this would be the final batch of documents to be unveiled.

Nearly 90 percent of the records relating to the murder have been available to the public

since the late 1990s. But, the latest release is expected to contain

more information about Kennedy's killer Lee Harvey Oswald.

This could include accounts of his life in the months leading up to the assassination

in Texas, including a trip he took to Mexico, and whether or not he acted alone.

There are said to be at least three thousand files, each of which could contain hundreds

of documents. The National Archives was scheduled to post

them on its website on Thursday in accordance with a law signed 25 years ago by then-President

George H. W. Bush. But there is nothing as of yet, and the National

Archives is said to be waiting for President Trump's approval.

He does have the power to delay the release if he wants to, but he did appear to be on

board last weekend tweeting that he would approve and another tweet on Wednesday saying

it is "so interesting."

For more infomation >> JFK files to be released Thursday - Duration: 1:30.


Dagli sviluppatori | L'evoluzione degli eSport di Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Dagli sviluppatori | L'evoluzione degli eSport di Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 9:23.


Best Boulder Build! (C.A.T.S. Build #5) - Duration: 2:39.

Are you struggling in the game of Crash Arena Turbo Stars?

Are you struggling to get those 50 win streaks in the halloween event?

Are you looking for a build that can get you easily to a 50 win streak?

Well, you've come to the right place.

With the all new boulder blade build, your opponents will stand no chance against you.

What's up guys and welcome back to GoryGaming.

In today's video, I'm going to show you the best boulder build in the game.

It charges up to the opponent with its booster and completely destroys the opponent's build.

Lemme show you guys how to build this thing.

The first thing that you'll need is a boulder body.

Preferably choose the one with the most power.

Mine can hold 20 power because I upgraded it multiple times with power boxes.

Next, you need a set of tires.

You should choose the ones with the most health, but if it has a bonus on the boulder, then

use that.

Next, you'll need a booster.

It doesn't really matter which one.

Just don't choose one that'll take too much power.

Lastly, just attach a set of your best blades and you are ready to go!

Let's head on to the halloween event and see how well we do!

This build does especially well in the quick fight because you can skip opponents that

are too hard.

For more infomation >> Best Boulder Build! (C.A.T.S. Build #5) - Duration: 2:39.


Energy Update – Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions - Duration: 5:39.

Energy Update � Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,



At the moment with people going through so much, now is not the time to go into someone

space to do what we feel is �assisting� or �rescuing� from people feeling what

they are right now!

This is NOT the �time� to do so.

Each person is NEEDING TO FEEL what they are.

No matter, how painful or difficult this is for someone especially when it is someone

close to us, this is NOT the TIME to go into their �space�.

And people are in some very very challenging and difficult times of �I can no longer

do this� and while I say this with so much love, this is what souls are needing to feel

and experience for their souls divine journeys.

If someone is in a �black hole� or in a muddy hole, going in or jumping in this

with them, really is not going to assist them, as they are needing to be there for themselves.

What use is it, to throw oneself into another�s �muddy hole�?

If someone feels like they are �drowning�, it serves no use for us to �jump in and

drown� with them!

As often when someone is in a �situation� for themselves, that they are needing to feel

for themselves, others can go into judging these souls.

This is where we need to �take a step back� and out of THEIR EMOTIONS and be impartial

with other souls.

The Australian Bush Flower essence that came for this is Yellow Cowslip Orchid (I love

that name ;-). Where one can read and feel into this and tap this into their crown chakra:

Yellow is the color that symbolizes the intellect and the element of Air.

This orchid has a very social and gregarious nature and is commonly found growing in clusters.

The element of Air is very concerned with social order, group activity and harmony.

When out of balance there is excessive judgement and criticism.

Negative Condition:

critical judgemental

bureaucratic nit picking

Positive Outcome:

humanitarian concern impartiality � stepping back from emotions

constructive a keener sense of arbitration

When we �help ourselves firstly� this allows us to then be able to guide/support

others, if need be.

As this is a/the time to continue to be in �one�s own space� and look after oneself

and then take this up a �notch� as well!

Increase the self-care and self-nurturing to another level of this care of one self.


Many are opening up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher


The Australian Bush Flower (ABF) essence that came for this is Bush Iris.

Which one can read and feel this, and tap this into their crown chakra:

This was one of the first Essences to be prepared.

It is an Essence to open people up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to

their higher perceptions.

It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone

who has just started meditation or �conscious� spiritual growth.

In the negative mode there will be materialism and/or atheism.

There may also be a deep seated fear of death.

Negative Condition:

fear of death materialism

atheism physical excess

avarice Positive Outcome:

awakening of spirituality acceptance of death as a transition state

clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust center


Many are feeling a �death of the old� as many are actually face a �possible�

physical death through their health.

As many souls are now blazing their own trails!

As to �blaze one�s own trail� is also pushing through and feeling � and coming

from �one�s heart and not ones head� � and pushing through/breaking through CHANGE

for themselves.

As �resistance is futile� of oneself and ones Soul Divine Journey.

Again, it is getting out of one�s head and into our heart and feeling deeply within this

and our soul.

My Spiritual family is all part of contributing a lot of what is shared in these posts, and

I just need you to know this.

Bringing through family healing energy, to be able to collate it all together, to provide

it in a way to present it to humanity.

As this is my personal sharing from personal experiences for those who may resonate to

the Divine within and Blazing their Own Trails.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions - Duration: 5:39.


Message des devs : évolution de l'eSport d'Overwatch (VOST) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Message des devs : évolution de l'eSport d'Overwatch (VOST) - Duration: 9:23.


Developer Update | Evolving Overwatch Esports - Duration: 9:23.

Greetings, everyone! I'm Jeff from the Overwatch team.

We're here to talk about esports today.

So, esports is incredibly important to the Overwatch development team.

When Overwatch was first released, we were so impressed with how many

people in the community sort of grabbed on to Overwatch and decided that they

wanted it to be the next great esport. And, throughout the year, we were

developing things like the Overwatch World Cup and Overwatch League.

We've also introduced things like Overwatch Contenders, which is sort of our

up-and-coming league, to show all the great talent coming into Overwatch esports.

But, we realized that there's a lot of challenges with Overwatch and esports in general.

And probably the top thing that we hear on the development team

is that sometimes watching Overwatch esports can be very

challenging to follow the action and know what's going on.

So, for the past few months

the Overwatch team has been extremely dedicated to working on

a number of features to improve the viewing experience for all of us,

so that when we're watching things like Overwatch World Cup

or the upcoming Overwatch League, it's an amazing, great experience.

And today, I want to walk you through some of the things that we've been doing.

Now, when I mention a lot of these features, they're gonna sound really cool

but it's important to understand who they're targeted at.

Besides the Overwatch development team working on esports

we have a lot of dedicated folks who are working tirelessly

to make the esport great. Obviously, there are people like

team owners and players, you guys know about them.

But, there's entire broadcast crews

who are working to make Overwatch the most viewable experience possible.

And, many of the tools that I'm about to talk about are really targeted at making

their jobs better so we can all enjoy watching even more.

So, the first thing that we're adding to Overwatch esports,

and you will see it premiered at the Overwatch World Cup

at BlizzCon November 3 & 4, is the concept of team uniforms.

So, all teams that qualified for the Overwatch World Cup

in the finals at BlizzCon

will have a team uniform that are both home and away colored.

The home team is always in the darker, more saturated colors

and the away team will always have a lighter color palette.

Overall, we call this system not only the "team uniform" system

but "team color paletting," that we're doing.

And, what I mean by that, is besides the teams each having

a distinct uniform, so they're not always going to be the red team and the

the blue team anymore, is that we are doing things

with the visual effects. So, things like heroes' tracers

when they're shooting their guns or when explosions are happening,

all of those things will adopt the home or away team color of that particular team.

We're also completely updating the entire user interface or heads-up display to

incorporate these team colors, as well. We want to make it super obvious that you

know which team you're watching and which player you're watching at all times.

So, we think both the team uniforms and the team paletting will really help

with that player and team identification. Plus, the teams are just going to look

awesome in their great uniforms, as well.

Other things that are coming to help the broadcast:

For our observers and broadcasters we are introducing

a top-down interactive map for them that lets them see all of the action at once

and know where everybody on either team is at all times. It also gives them an

indication of what there are ultimate status is, whether or not they're stunned

or frozen or rooted in place. They can see all of this information.

It basically, for them, is presented as a 2D overlay over the 3D map.

So, they can literally see things like Tracer's Blinking effects

at the same time, underneath this 2D overlay.

We think it's extremely cool technology. We've had our observers and casters

out here to work with it and they say that it makes their job a lot

easier to sort of relay information to you guys and make for a better broadcast.

We're also curious to see if some of our broadcast partners

even show this interactive top-down map at times during the

broadcasts, as well, because we think it looks pretty cool.

So, that feature is coming.

Now, speaking of the observers, these are basically the camera people

who are framing the action for esports. There are some other features that we put

in place to make life easier for them. One is something that we call our

"third-person smart camera." So, now when you observe the game in third-person mode

there is a smart camera that will automatically follow the action and

smooth out the camera so it's not quite as jerky as if a human being was moving it.

We think this makes for a much better viewing experience in third-person.

We know that third-person spectating can oftentimes be controversial and

we want to make it as good as possible and as smooth as possible. And, the cool

part about the smart camera is that it knows where the action is at all times

and is smartly following that action. So, we think that will help the observers a lot.

The other thing that we added for our observers that we think is a really

great feature is the ability for them at any point to, through the Kill Feed with

a special broadcaster interface, go in and select a replay of any moment from

the Kill Feed, replay that moment with complete time scaling and

re-positioning of cameras at all times. We're hoping that how the surfaces to us

as viewers at home is that we get these really cool instant replay moments

framed up in awesome cinematic ways. So, we're really looking forward to that

feature, as well. Now, when you run an esports tournament, there's a lot of

administration that goes on that can oftentimes be the cause of errors in the broadcast.

There can be human errors in setting up teams, just getting 12 players

into a lobby can often be a cause for human error, you put somebody on the

wrong team. So we've made a complete automated tournament interface for our

people running tournaments to be able to set everything up ahead of time to try

to minimize the amount of human error we're currently seeing in esport productions.

We think that'll be great. And we've done other things to help in

that direction, as well. For example: Now, starting at the

Overwatch World Cup, if a player in an esports tournament disconnects, the game

will automatically pause and not have to wait for an official to press the button.

It will happen right away. And we've done many things like this to

sort of preserve the integrity of the competitive state of the game.

In fact, the server has a much better idea now of what the competitive game state

is at any moment. So, if there are hiccups and technical challenges, or if a player

leaves for whatever reason, we're hoping that we can, more often than not, just

resume from the current competitive state and not have to do things like

replay matches. Of course, there's always going to be cause for occasionally

having to restart matches, but we're trying to minimize and mitigate those

things as much as possible. There's a lot more in terms of esport features that

are being worked on. It's something that we're extremely dedicated to.

It's important that people recognize that this isn't the final step.

This isn't the moment where we say:

"Hey. Here are all the things that we're working on and we're done."

In fact, we're looking at Overwatch World Cup as one major milestone on our

long journey to continuously improving the esports watching experience.

Beyond the Overwatch World Cup, we'll be looking towards

the Overwatch League and making that as

viewable and as watchable as possible. I think you're really gonna love—you've

already started to see some of the Overwatch League team uniforms.

I think when you see the rest of them, and all of them together, you'll realize how cool

that system is going to be. I hope that you end up being a player like me who, at

one time, didn't know a lot about esports or wasn't particularly interested in

esports, but over time grew to be a huge fan of it, because I was such a fan of

all these games that we're playing that feature esports. It welcomes more people

to our family and I think it's extremely important for the entire game ecosystem

for there to be a highly competitive space for our top players to really

prove out who's best at Overwatch.

So, please:

Join us for the Overwatch World Cup, which will be happening at BlizzCon.

You'll be able to view it online. We think it's going to be amazing

and you'll see our first steps towards making eSports much more enjoyable

for all of us to watch. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Developer Update | Evolving Overwatch Esports - Duration: 9:23.



For more infomation >> DÜNYANIN EN ÇILGIN KADIN FITNESS SPORCULARI 2017 #TOP20 YENİ - Duration: 10:29.


Dhanu Rashi Bhavishya (November 2017) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 2:24.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Masika Bhavishya

Dhanu Rashi

For more infomation >> Dhanu Rashi Bhavishya (November 2017) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 2:24.


En desarrollo | Los esports de Overwatch evolucionan (subtitulado) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> En desarrollo | Los esports de Overwatch evolucionan (subtitulado) - Duration: 9:23.


South Korea urges North Korea to allow business owners to visit joint industrial complex - Duration: 0:49.

The government is urging Pyongyang to allow South Korean business owners to visit their

factories in the long-shuttered Kaesong Industrial Complex in the North.

Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon said on Thursday,... the government is asking North

Korea to allow factory owners to cross the border... and to guarantee their safety.

Executives from firms operating in the complex... had asked for permission to visit the factory

park earlier this month,... following reports Pyongyang had unilaterally resumed production


South Korea closed the complex in February 2016, in protest over continued North Korean


Regarding tensions with North Korea, Minister Cho said... the period between now and next

spring would be key in resolving its nuclear threat.

For more infomation >> South Korea urges North Korea to allow business owners to visit joint industrial complex - Duration: 0:49.


Entwicklerupdate | Weiterentwicklung von Overwatch Esports | Overwatch (DE) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Entwicklerupdate | Weiterentwicklung von Overwatch Esports | Overwatch (DE) - Duration: 9:23.


South Korean president vows constitutional revision for federal government system - Duration: 3:00.

President Moon Jae-in hit the road on Thursday to highlight one of his standout campaign

pledges.... decentralizing power away from the capital, Seoul.

Speaking at a ceremony in the southern city of Yeosu,... the president said he plans to

push for a constitutional amendment to grant greater control to regional governments.

Our senior presidential office correspondent Moon Connyoung reports.

Distributing more power away from the central government to the local level... was one of

the new South Korean president's campaign pledges... and he doubled down on that vow

Thursday at a ceremony marking the day dedicated to the nation's efforts to strengthen local


(Korean) "The policy goal of the new administration

is to create a decentralized government so that the capital area and other regions can

prosper together.

. I promise to faithfully work towards that



In order to do so, the South Korean leader laid out three proposals.

(Korean) "First, I will push for a constitutional amendment

to truly decentralize power to the local level."

, .

To that end, the Moon administration will institutionalize a "secondary Cabinet" to

meet periodically with local government leaders and make constitutional amendments to give

local governments the power to legislate new laws, come up with their own welfare programs

and finance strategies.

The amendment will also make official the term "local government" rather than local

autonomous bodies.

(Korean) "Second, apart from the constitutional amendment,

we will also work on various ways to further empower regional governments.

, . I will also push forward with fiscal decentralization

to give local governments financial autonomy."


The South Korean president said the government is working to devise the tax distribution

ratio between central and local governments from the current 8 to 2 to 7 to 3 and ultimately

6 to 4 .

In addition, the new administration will roll up its sleeves to give extra boost to innovative

city projects in different regions to ensure balanced development across the entire country.

South Korea's development plan has long focused on the capital city of Seoul and the surrounding

area... resulting in huge disparity between urban and rural areas... creating a national

divide between those living in the capital area and residents of other regions.

Speaking to 17 mayors and governors of the nation ahead of the ceremony, the president

urged support and cooperation in realizing his grand plan... which will essentially set

up a virtual federal government system.

(Korean) "Centralized governance structure had certain

merits for the nation during the rapid development era.

. But, we now live in an era where centralized

power can no longer generate momentum for growth.

Self-governance and decentralization are the new growth engines for the Republic of Korea."

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.

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