Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

People in the United States are set to finally get the government's full account of the assassination

of former President John F. Kennedy. Thousands of never-before-seen "JFK Files"

related to the 1963 assassination are set for release on Thursday.

With more on this and other news around the world,…we turn to our Ro Aram…

Aram… the past five decades have been filled with conspiracy theories regarding that infamous

day…what can we expect from these documents?

Well Semin… this would be the final batch of documents to be unveiled.

Nearly 90 percent of the records relating to the murder have been available to the public

since the late 1990s. But, the latest release is expected to contain

more information about Kennedy's killer Lee Harvey Oswald.

This could include accounts of his life in the months leading up to the assassination

in Texas, including a trip he took to Mexico, and whether or not he acted alone.

There are said to be at least three thousand files, each of which could contain hundreds

of documents. The National Archives was scheduled to post

them on its website on Thursday in accordance with a law signed 25 years ago by then-President

George H. W. Bush. But there is nothing as of yet, and the National

Archives is said to be waiting for President Trump's approval.

He does have the power to delay the release if he wants to, but he did appear to be on

board last weekend tweeting that he would approve and another tweet on Wednesday saying

it is "so interesting."

For more infomation >> JFK files to be released Thursday - Duration: 1:30.


Dagli sviluppatori | L'evoluzione degli eSport di Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Dagli sviluppatori | L'evoluzione degli eSport di Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 9:23.


Best Boulder Build! (C.A.T.S. Build #5) - Duration: 2:39.

Are you struggling in the game of Crash Arena Turbo Stars?

Are you struggling to get those 50 win streaks in the halloween event?

Are you looking for a build that can get you easily to a 50 win streak?

Well, you've come to the right place.

With the all new boulder blade build, your opponents will stand no chance against you.

What's up guys and welcome back to GoryGaming.

In today's video, I'm going to show you the best boulder build in the game.

It charges up to the opponent with its booster and completely destroys the opponent's build.

Lemme show you guys how to build this thing.

The first thing that you'll need is a boulder body.

Preferably choose the one with the most power.

Mine can hold 20 power because I upgraded it multiple times with power boxes.

Next, you need a set of tires.

You should choose the ones with the most health, but if it has a bonus on the boulder, then

use that.

Next, you'll need a booster.

It doesn't really matter which one.

Just don't choose one that'll take too much power.

Lastly, just attach a set of your best blades and you are ready to go!

Let's head on to the halloween event and see how well we do!

This build does especially well in the quick fight because you can skip opponents that

are too hard.

For more infomation >> Best Boulder Build! (C.A.T.S. Build #5) - Duration: 2:39.


Roger Federer - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Roger Federer - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 9:21.


Essen Spiel 2017 - Martin interviews Gindie about Enchanters - Duration: 3:29.

Im here from Boardgames with Niramas

and here are two guys with a really cool game called Enchanters

Can you tell us a little bit about yourselves?

We come from Poland, I'm the publisher

this is the first version of this game we put on the english market

we had a kickstarter a while ago and it was a great sucess, 3000 backers

that sounds really good!

this game looks really cool, has really good art

is it going to be available after Essen as well?

We are working on it but we are not sure

we are looking for some partners in the retail

Can you tell me in a few words what this game is about?

Enchanters is a game where you create magical artifacts

by combining enchantment cards and item cards

then you use those artifacts to fight with monsters

and save the village. For example

and when you defeat this monster you get glory, the player with the most glory wins the game

A thing with this game is that every deck has a unique mechanic to it.

so it plays differently, whatever you choose

also there are many villages and they change between games

so the replayability of the game is really high?

and it plays 2-4 players?

whats the playing time? -15 minutes per player

this is the basic version?

all this is the basic version

the deluxe version has gamemats

but its not needed for play

Thank you very much guys, good luck with the game

Im gonna get it right now

Thank you very much for watching, live from Essen for Boardgames with Niramas, Im Martin Telinius

For more infomation >> Essen Spiel 2017 - Martin interviews Gindie about Enchanters - Duration: 3:29.


Energy Update – Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions - Duration: 5:39.

Energy Update � Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,



At the moment with people going through so much, now is not the time to go into someone

space to do what we feel is �assisting� or �rescuing� from people feeling what

they are right now!

This is NOT the �time� to do so.

Each person is NEEDING TO FEEL what they are.

No matter, how painful or difficult this is for someone especially when it is someone

close to us, this is NOT the TIME to go into their �space�.

And people are in some very very challenging and difficult times of �I can no longer

do this� and while I say this with so much love, this is what souls are needing to feel

and experience for their souls divine journeys.

If someone is in a �black hole� or in a muddy hole, going in or jumping in this

with them, really is not going to assist them, as they are needing to be there for themselves.

What use is it, to throw oneself into another�s �muddy hole�?

If someone feels like they are �drowning�, it serves no use for us to �jump in and

drown� with them!

As often when someone is in a �situation� for themselves, that they are needing to feel

for themselves, others can go into judging these souls.

This is where we need to �take a step back� and out of THEIR EMOTIONS and be impartial

with other souls.

The Australian Bush Flower essence that came for this is Yellow Cowslip Orchid (I love

that name ;-). Where one can read and feel into this and tap this into their crown chakra:

Yellow is the color that symbolizes the intellect and the element of Air.

This orchid has a very social and gregarious nature and is commonly found growing in clusters.

The element of Air is very concerned with social order, group activity and harmony.

When out of balance there is excessive judgement and criticism.

Negative Condition:

critical judgemental

bureaucratic nit picking

Positive Outcome:

humanitarian concern impartiality � stepping back from emotions

constructive a keener sense of arbitration

When we �help ourselves firstly� this allows us to then be able to guide/support

others, if need be.

As this is a/the time to continue to be in �one�s own space� and look after oneself

and then take this up a �notch� as well!

Increase the self-care and self-nurturing to another level of this care of one self.


Many are opening up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher


The Australian Bush Flower (ABF) essence that came for this is Bush Iris.

Which one can read and feel this, and tap this into their crown chakra:

This was one of the first Essences to be prepared.

It is an Essence to open people up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to

their higher perceptions.

It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone

who has just started meditation or �conscious� spiritual growth.

In the negative mode there will be materialism and/or atheism.

There may also be a deep seated fear of death.

Negative Condition:

fear of death materialism

atheism physical excess

avarice Positive Outcome:

awakening of spirituality acceptance of death as a transition state

clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust center


Many are feeling a �death of the old� as many are actually face a �possible�

physical death through their health.

As many souls are now blazing their own trails!

As to �blaze one�s own trail� is also pushing through and feeling � and coming

from �one�s heart and not ones head� � and pushing through/breaking through CHANGE

for themselves.

As �resistance is futile� of oneself and ones Soul Divine Journey.

Again, it is getting out of one�s head and into our heart and feeling deeply within this

and our soul.

My Spiritual family is all part of contributing a lot of what is shared in these posts, and

I just need you to know this.

Bringing through family healing energy, to be able to collate it all together, to provide

it in a way to present it to humanity.

As this is my personal sharing from personal experiences for those who may resonate to

the Divine within and Blazing their Own Trails.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Accessing The Doorway To Higher Perceptions - Duration: 5:39.


Message des devs : évolution de l'eSport d'Overwatch (VOST) - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Message des devs : évolution de l'eSport d'Overwatch (VOST) - Duration: 9:23.


Developer Update | Evolving Overwatch Esports - Duration: 9:23.

Greetings, everyone! I'm Jeff from the Overwatch team.

We're here to talk about esports today.

So, esports is incredibly important to the Overwatch development team.

When Overwatch was first released, we were so impressed with how many

people in the community sort of grabbed on to Overwatch and decided that they

wanted it to be the next great esport. And, throughout the year, we were

developing things like the Overwatch World Cup and Overwatch League.

We've also introduced things like Overwatch Contenders, which is sort of our

up-and-coming league, to show all the great talent coming into Overwatch esports.

But, we realized that there's a lot of challenges with Overwatch and esports in general.

And probably the top thing that we hear on the development team

is that sometimes watching Overwatch esports can be very

challenging to follow the action and know what's going on.

So, for the past few months

the Overwatch team has been extremely dedicated to working on

a number of features to improve the viewing experience for all of us,

so that when we're watching things like Overwatch World Cup

or the upcoming Overwatch League, it's an amazing, great experience.

And today, I want to walk you through some of the things that we've been doing.

Now, when I mention a lot of these features, they're gonna sound really cool

but it's important to understand who they're targeted at.

Besides the Overwatch development team working on esports

we have a lot of dedicated folks who are working tirelessly

to make the esport great. Obviously, there are people like

team owners and players, you guys know about them.

But, there's entire broadcast crews

who are working to make Overwatch the most viewable experience possible.

And, many of the tools that I'm about to talk about are really targeted at making

their jobs better so we can all enjoy watching even more.

So, the first thing that we're adding to Overwatch esports,

and you will see it premiered at the Overwatch World Cup

at BlizzCon November 3 & 4, is the concept of team uniforms.

So, all teams that qualified for the Overwatch World Cup

in the finals at BlizzCon

will have a team uniform that are both home and away colored.

The home team is always in the darker, more saturated colors

and the away team will always have a lighter color palette.

Overall, we call this system not only the "team uniform" system

but "team color paletting," that we're doing.

And, what I mean by that, is besides the teams each having

a distinct uniform, so they're not always going to be the red team and the

the blue team anymore, is that we are doing things

with the visual effects. So, things like heroes' tracers

when they're shooting their guns or when explosions are happening,

all of those things will adopt the home or away team color of that particular team.

We're also completely updating the entire user interface or heads-up display to

incorporate these team colors, as well. We want to make it super obvious that you

know which team you're watching and which player you're watching at all times.

So, we think both the team uniforms and the team paletting will really help

with that player and team identification. Plus, the teams are just going to look

awesome in their great uniforms, as well.

Other things that are coming to help the broadcast:

For our observers and broadcasters we are introducing

a top-down interactive map for them that lets them see all of the action at once

and know where everybody on either team is at all times. It also gives them an

indication of what there are ultimate status is, whether or not they're stunned

or frozen or rooted in place. They can see all of this information.

It basically, for them, is presented as a 2D overlay over the 3D map.

So, they can literally see things like Tracer's Blinking effects

at the same time, underneath this 2D overlay.

We think it's extremely cool technology. We've had our observers and casters

out here to work with it and they say that it makes their job a lot

easier to sort of relay information to you guys and make for a better broadcast.

We're also curious to see if some of our broadcast partners

even show this interactive top-down map at times during the

broadcasts, as well, because we think it looks pretty cool.

So, that feature is coming.

Now, speaking of the observers, these are basically the camera people

who are framing the action for esports. There are some other features that we put

in place to make life easier for them. One is something that we call our

"third-person smart camera." So, now when you observe the game in third-person mode

there is a smart camera that will automatically follow the action and

smooth out the camera so it's not quite as jerky as if a human being was moving it.

We think this makes for a much better viewing experience in third-person.

We know that third-person spectating can oftentimes be controversial and

we want to make it as good as possible and as smooth as possible. And, the cool

part about the smart camera is that it knows where the action is at all times

and is smartly following that action. So, we think that will help the observers a lot.

The other thing that we added for our observers that we think is a really

great feature is the ability for them at any point to, through the Kill Feed with

a special broadcaster interface, go in and select a replay of any moment from

the Kill Feed, replay that moment with complete time scaling and

re-positioning of cameras at all times. We're hoping that how the surfaces to us

as viewers at home is that we get these really cool instant replay moments

framed up in awesome cinematic ways. So, we're really looking forward to that

feature, as well. Now, when you run an esports tournament, there's a lot of

administration that goes on that can oftentimes be the cause of errors in the broadcast.

There can be human errors in setting up teams, just getting 12 players

into a lobby can often be a cause for human error, you put somebody on the

wrong team. So we've made a complete automated tournament interface for our

people running tournaments to be able to set everything up ahead of time to try

to minimize the amount of human error we're currently seeing in esport productions.

We think that'll be great. And we've done other things to help in

that direction, as well. For example: Now, starting at the

Overwatch World Cup, if a player in an esports tournament disconnects, the game

will automatically pause and not have to wait for an official to press the button.

It will happen right away. And we've done many things like this to

sort of preserve the integrity of the competitive state of the game.

In fact, the server has a much better idea now of what the competitive game state

is at any moment. So, if there are hiccups and technical challenges, or if a player

leaves for whatever reason, we're hoping that we can, more often than not, just

resume from the current competitive state and not have to do things like

replay matches. Of course, there's always going to be cause for occasionally

having to restart matches, but we're trying to minimize and mitigate those

things as much as possible. There's a lot more in terms of esport features that

are being worked on. It's something that we're extremely dedicated to.

It's important that people recognize that this isn't the final step.

This isn't the moment where we say:

"Hey. Here are all the things that we're working on and we're done."

In fact, we're looking at Overwatch World Cup as one major milestone on our

long journey to continuously improving the esports watching experience.

Beyond the Overwatch World Cup, we'll be looking towards

the Overwatch League and making that as

viewable and as watchable as possible. I think you're really gonna love—you've

already started to see some of the Overwatch League team uniforms.

I think when you see the rest of them, and all of them together, you'll realize how cool

that system is going to be. I hope that you end up being a player like me who, at

one time, didn't know a lot about esports or wasn't particularly interested in

esports, but over time grew to be a huge fan of it, because I was such a fan of

all these games that we're playing that feature esports. It welcomes more people

to our family and I think it's extremely important for the entire game ecosystem

for there to be a highly competitive space for our top players to really

prove out who's best at Overwatch.

So, please:

Join us for the Overwatch World Cup, which will be happening at BlizzCon.

You'll be able to view it online. We think it's going to be amazing

and you'll see our first steps towards making eSports much more enjoyable

for all of us to watch. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Developer Update | Evolving Overwatch Esports - Duration: 9:23.


California: A New Hell For The Homeless - Duration: 6:42.

San Diego is in the spotlight for its treatment of the homeless after a man was arrested for

sleeping in a tent in the city streets.

Authorities say he violated California's illegal lodging law, which charges homeless man decided

to challenge in court, saying that they're ignoring his side of the story, and others

like him, who have nowhere to go.

Joining me to talk about this is America's lawyer correspondent, Brigida Santos.

Brigida, these stories are popping up all over the country.

The man arrested, Richard Stevenson, what do you know about this particular story and

this case?

Mike, Richard Stevenson is a homeless man in San Diego, as you said.

Now, he has been found guilty for two counts of illegal lodging and encroachment for sleeping

in his tent 15 minutes beyond when the city's municipal code allows people to sleep in public.

Now, he was arrested back in April, but he has just been found guilty by a trial.

Now, he's been sentenced to two years of probation and he's also been ordered to stay away from

the downtown San Diego area where he had pitched that tent in the first place, Mike.

What's the story with the state's lodging law, Brigida?

What were the arguments to enact this law in the first place in a state that many sees

as progressive, friendly to the poor?

Certainly we think of California in that way.

What is your take on this?

So California lodging laws state that any person who lodges in a public or private place,

building, structure or vehicle, without the permission of the owner, is guilty of a misdemeanor,

which would be disorderly conduct.

Now, in California, we have the largest homeless population in the entire country.

And in fact, in 2016, we had over 118,000 people on the streets of California.

These illegal lodging laws are really tackling the visibility problem.

In California, we have not managed to shelter our homeless like many states on the East

Coast that have managed to find shelters.

So you have people like Richard Stevenson, who have absolutely nowhere to go, and you

have these laws, which are really trying to make it so the public doesn't have to see


They're completely out of sight.

They're being forced to leave areas, sidewalks, public spaces, neighborhoods, in order to

just make it look like the problem doesn't exist.

But in California, we're consistently looking at the symptom of homelessness and trying

to tackle that, rather than trying to tackle the causes, things like finding more affordable


We're in the middle of a housing crisis here, so that's one reason why people are becoming

more homeless.

We're also not tackling mental healthcare, addiction, domestic abuse, and even climate

change, which has now caused many fires that are forcing more people onto the streets,


Brigida, the argument is that homeless people don't need tents, they don't need tarps, they

don't need any kind of makeshift shelters for that matter.

Does that argument have any ground?

I mean, if we take a look at states around this country, we're seeing this happen more

and more, you're seeing some constitutional tests to it.

There is a way that you can deal with this problem in a way that certainly is more compassionate.

And it simply comes down to tax payers saying, 'Okay.

This is right out in front of us.

We see it; this is real.

We've got to have an alternative plan.

We can't just arrest people because they don't have a place to sleep.'

Does this argument that, 'Gee-whiz, this was totally unnecessary and this man could

have found somewhere else to sleep, because we have alternatives all available all over


What's your take on that?

This absolutely has no grounds in reality.

In fact, right now in Los Angeles, where we have more homeless people than anywhere in

the state and in the country, it's about 100 degrees.

So if you're saying that these homeless people are not allowed to seek refuge and create

their own space for shade and protection from the elements, then that's absolutely outrageous

and inhumane.

Now, police argue that violently crime goes up when they do not crack down on these tent

laws, but again, they're cracking down on people when they simply have no ability to

provide refuge for these people.

Now, in this case, this particular one regarding Richard Stevenson, it took a judge, an activist,

a police officer, public defender, to find him a space at a homeless shelter.

So people should not be getting fined because the state simply can't help them.

Well, my take is on it, oddly enough, is you're in the Ninth Circuit there in California.

It's a very progressive, appellate circuit.

But the argument here does come down to what we call police powers: health, safety and


The state makes the argument that, 'Gee-whiz, we're not doing this to be mean, we're doing

it because it's a health issue, it's a safety issue.

And so we have to do something and this is the best we can do to clean up the streets,

is to criminalize the poor and sweep all this under a rug as evidence of homelessness in

San Diego continues to grow.'

It's seen by any group, if you take a look at it, we really know what this is about,

but the argument sounds seductive.

The argument is, 'Gee-whiz,' the constitutional argument is that, 'We have a very wide expanse

of police powers: health, safety and welfare.

We can do fairly extreme things because we're looking at the general population.

We're having to waive this individual's rights over the rights of everybody.'

That's typically the way these things are argued on a constitutional level.

What's the state's Civil Rights Department have to say about this, Brigida?

They say that these are inhumane.

And going to what you're talking about with the police, again, this is an excuse, because

when you look at the money that goes into the budget for tackling homeless people ... For

example, here in Los Angeles in 2015, 100 million dollars was given to the state to

tackle homelessness.

87 million of that 100 million went to law enforcement to crack down on homeless people.

So they can say all day that this is about really helping people, but again, it's about

filling up their own budgets here, Mike.

From the police powers standpoint, I'll make a prediction, Brigida.

You're going to start hearing a lot about this new hepatitis A outbreak that's taken

place in the city, and they're going to say part of this has to do with homelessness.

They're going to tie it into an argument under the police power: health, safety and welfare,

therefore, we had to do this.

They're going to have a pretty compelling argument from a constitutional avenue.

So don't be shocked if the Ninth Circuit even says that this might be okay.

Brigida, thank you for joining me.

As usual, great coverage on this story.

Thanks, Mike.

For more infomation >> California: A New Hell For The Homeless - Duration: 6:42.


Three Countries in One Day!: Italy, Austria, and Germany - Duration: 8:15.

time to try schnitzel

Turns out today we are going to be sitting alone because we were 10-15 minutes late

We're sorry, Steve.

We had to pick up some... I'd rather not say.

so official room tour for room number 426 begins now let's do this

This is Ibis Hotel Nuremberg let's get started so first of all we got this shelf

we got hangers then for some reason we got a second door and basically I guess

this is for "don't wake me up" I don't know what it says I can't read that

okay next we have the bathroom right here it is exactly the same as the Ibis

Hotel in Paris we got this shampoo slash soap slash body wash we've got two cups

trashcan, standard toilet I like this shower because it has a nice door again

why is there a hole what about the water that's gonna leak outside and the Paris

hotel there wasn't even door it was just like this much glass actually no the

shower was longer right so there was like 3/4 of the way covered with glass

and then just 1/4 hour just like in the open how are you not supposed to spill

water then we got our two beds hello "hi"-mom and they're just standard-issue beds

I like the lamps because there are two settings the first setting is this one

which is the number one which is like low light sort of oh my gosh oh now you

can see the weird thank you no I'm sorry okay right and then the second is a

brighter light so I don't know if you could tell the difference

it's way brighter next we got the menus and stuff I won't be reading that and

then a nice table and a chair and then a small shelf and a small TV right here cool

and that is it we also got one mirror right here hello and yeah that's it bye

we're going for a late-night run JK we're going late night run to get some snacks

I'm locked out

what the heck

I thought what ugh

gotta call my mom to get me

For more infomation >> Three Countries in One Day!: Italy, Austria, and Germany - Duration: 8:15.


Spartanburg family without power for days share advice for future potential storm victims - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Spartanburg family without power for days share advice for future potential storm victims - Duration: 1:29.


Atajadón del portero de Columbus Crew ahogó el grito de gol en Atlanta - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Atajadón del portero de Columbus Crew ahogó el grito de gol en Atlanta - Duration: 0:56.


NJAD-NJRID Biennial Conference: ADA Workshop - Duration: 2:56.

Hello, I am Elias Papazis and on the NJAD board. I am thrilled to share about the event.

NJAD-NJRID hosts the State conference on Nov. 10-12. Where? Aloft Hotel in Mt. Laurel, NJ.

More information, see the website at

One of many workshops at the conference is ADA workshop. Who? Sean Gerlis is Deaf and has a certified ADA.

He involves three things: employs for ADA, trains and teaches people to get the certificate, and travels to provide workshops.

When? Nov. 11 at 9:00-10:30 AM (and 10:45-12:15pm). You better grab to register and go to watch the presentation. It's important!

He explains five different titles. Title 1: Employment.Title 2: Federal/State and Public Transportation such as airplane, subway, train, & bus.

Title 3: Public Accommodations such as mall, park, museum, police station, daycare, etc. Title 4: Telecommunications such as video relay service.

Title 5: Miscellaneous Provisions such as Section 504 and 508 related to deaf and disability.

The event is critical. Recently, in Washington DC, the House of Representatives proposed the bill called HR 620 to diminish some area of ADA.

Sean Gerlis knows about it and will explain in the workshop. Please come and see you there.

For more infomation >> NJAD-NJRID Biennial Conference: ADA Workshop - Duration: 2:56.


TROLL tin nhắn "1234'"Chi Dân - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> TROLL tin nhắn "1234'"Chi Dân - Duration: 3:44.


Lenda do Herói #21 - O Famigerado Feiticeiro - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> Lenda do Herói #21 - O Famigerado Feiticeiro - Duration: 12:13.


CarMax: Hidden Recall Defects That Create Big Risks - Duration: 4:10.

You're going to love this story.

Used cars that are under recall status are being sold without their safety flaws or deadly

defects being corrected.

Joining me now to talk about this is Executive Editor for Trial Lawyer Magazines, Farron


Farron, let me ask you this, you cover all stories.

You see every odd iteration of corporate America, trying to pull of a scam.

This is a big scam.

It really is.

CarMax, the company doing this, one of the largest auto resellers in the United States.

A recent survey found out that as many as 25% of their vehicles are being sold with

existing active recalls on the vehicles.

We've known this for a long time.

A lot of recalls might be minor, but we do have very major, life-threatening recalls

out there in the country now.

We have the ignition switch recall, Takata airbags, where the airbag is essentially exploding,

and shooting shrapnel instead of protecting somebody in the event of an accident.

CarMax knows that these defects are there, knows that they don't even have to pay to

fix them.

But they don't want to take the time, because any time that car's not sitting on the lot,

getting a recall fixed, they can't sell it that day, and it costs them money, I guess,

in the long run.

Of course, it's sold "as is".

An explosion with the airbags, shrapnel in your head.

That's your responsibility.

You bought the car.

But truthfully, this is going to end up in some serious lawsuits.

It absolutely is.

Eric Schneiderman in New York City has already taken on similar cases with auto dealers knowingly

selling a vehicle that has an active recall, insisting the vehicle is safe.

Because that's the thing; it's not just that they're selling it with the recall, it's that

they know there's a recall, they're not telling the consumer about it, the consumer's not

going back and checking, because you assume this dealership has done the due diligence.

Because they know.

When they get a new car in, they run the VIN.

They know what's out there.

It's one thing to sell a car that maybe has defective paint, maybe a defective windshield

wiper, but when you're selling a car where you have a defect that can cause death, that's

a little different.

The standards are raised a little bit.

What surprises me, shouldn't the FTC step in and do something here?

If the government functioned like it was supposed to function in the United States, it absolutely


But we know for a fact, that regulatory agencies, everything from the FTC to the EPA to the

FDA, for decades have been captured by industry.

They're not going to step in and regulate their buddies.

They're going to do what they have to, to make sure that their buddies are taken care


That their bottom lines aren't affected, so we change the rules.

We don't enforce certain rules, and that's why we end up in situations like this, where

a massive corporation can get away with just selling you a vehicle that may, or may not,

kill you.

They know it, but they won't tell you.

Well here's the issue; I think the case is going to turn on this.

The case is going say, 'Look, we sold this '"s is".'

But to sell "as is" with a hidden safety issue, a danger, a hidden danger that could result

in your death ... Maybe the car burns up.

Maybe an electrical fire takes place.

Maybe that shrapnel problem that they're having with the Takata airbags becomes an issue.

For a used care dealer to say, 'We're on good ground.

I'm not worried about this.', buddy you better take a reality check.

I'm calling this.

You're going to see some cases come out of this, where somebody's killed because of one

of these latent defects, where there's been a recall.

There's going to be a big problem there.

As someone watching this program, what should they know about CarMax before they go buying

a car there?

Well, first and foremost, any time you go to buy a vehicle, do not .... I don't want

to say, 'Don't trust the dealership.', but you got to do your own research.

Get the VIN number.

They're all available online.

The NHTSA government website, look for recalls, look for defects.

Get the VIN and do your research.

Thank you, Farron.

For more infomation >> CarMax: Hidden Recall Defects That Create Big Risks - Duration: 4:10.


Vlog: Standing Up To POTS 5k 2017! 🙌 [CC] - Duration: 7:39.


Guess where we're going!?

Well you probably already know by the title of the video . . .

but in case you missed it, we're going to the POTS walk today!

And I'm so excited.

It's put on by Standing Up To POTS and it's my first POTS walk.

And it's going to be fun!

It's Springfield, Ohio.

Um, and that's where we're going.

Nick: Because everybody at work is like, "POTS? She has POTS? I got some."

And I'm like no you're dumb, it's not the same POTS.


They'll be like, "I'll sell it to ya."



Announcer: As a parent of a person with POTS, let me tell ya, it's just heartwarming . . .

to see all of these people out here.

It's just really really amazing.

So thank you for coming.

Have a wonderful time, be safe.

And if you want to move up here on the mat, some of our runners that are competing . . .

we'll be ready to go.

On you're mark, get set, GO!!


Nick: 25 minutes, probably 26 by the time we get there.

[Laughter] Mahala: Yeah.

Nick: Here we go!



Hey guys, we've been home for awhile now and I am not feeling good.

It's six o'clock and I slept for a little bit, but I woke up with a fever.

And I can't tell if I'm like sick, sick or if I'm just having a flare-up.

But I think I might be sick, sick, like with a cold and stuff.

Because my nose is kind of stuffy and my throat has been sore.

But I thought my throat was just sore from acid reflux and Gastritis and stuff.

But . . .

And you know, I get fevers sometimes anyways with POTS, but this feels like I might be sick, sick . . .

with the stuffy nose and the fact that it's all happening together at the same time.

But, that sucks.

Because it's our five year anniversary and we still have something we're going to do tomorrow . . .

and I have an Accounting test this week that I haven't started studying for yet . . .

and I was hoping I would have, but I've just been so tired and was trying to rest up for the weekend.

And I knew I would probably feel bad, but I'm always surprised by how bad I feel after stuff like this.

So I really . . .

I guess I need to start changing my expectations.

Just sweaty and I have my ice pack and a really bad headache in the front and the back of my head.

So I have two ice packs.

And . . . [sigh]

I don't know.

Just oh, and I woke up with my heart rate being at like 115 bpm.

Which is the first time that, that's happened for awhile.

Like I was for awhile, waking up after laying flat, still being at the 130s and stuff.

But I thought it was under control.

So, I don't know.

I think I probably have a cold and that's what's happening.

It's just so hard to tell.

So maybe I should get some cold medicine or something.

I don't know.

Not the way I intended to spend my five year anniversary weekend, but at least we did things.


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