Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child!

Many people believe that there has been a wave of individuals being born in order to

change the old �Iron� and industrial way of life to more �enlightened� and spiritual.

You�ve probably heard about �Indigo Children� and �Lightworkers� across the internet.

Lightworkers are just a consequence the ways of the modern world have brought to the human


Let me explain.

A Lightworker is a person who can sense that there�s a lot of healing to be done on a

large scale to the world. The modern ways of life are disharmonious and harmful to ourselves

and Nature, which we are all a part of.

This results in a subconscious awareness that something needs to be done, especially in

people who are born into the modern society.

Newer generations are unbound from �the chains� people who were constructing the

modern society have been imprisoned with.

The chains I am referring to are actually their investment of energy, their mindset,

and character developed in a different era, with far less available information.

These new generations can clearly see the bigger picture and what doesn�t work. That�s

why they have a heightened sensitivity to fix the world.

Just like there are popular terms in the science community addressing these new generations

as �generation x�, �generation y� and �generation z�, there are terms in

the spiritual movement addressing these generations as �Indigo Children�, �Crystal Children�

and �Rainbow Children�.

What kind of Lightworker are you?

Check what kind of lightworker you are. What aspect have most traits that describe you?


Born between the 1960s and the 1990s; Rebellious and warrior in spirit;

Despises the system; Loves to isolate;

Fond to addictions; Stubborn;


Born between the 1980s and 2000s; Strong and pure-hearted;

Highly developed imagination and creativity; Extremely empathetic and emotional;

Passionate about supernatural phenomena and superheroes;



Born after the new millennium; Positive and happy;

Technologically advanced and easy in understanding new gadgets;

Loving and hard to contain; Loves animals, Nature and possibly vegan;



Indigo children are born between the 1960s and the 1990s really similar as the baby boomers

of generation x.

They are rebellious and unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work,

or school. They are warriors in spirit.

They want to rage against the corrupted system that governs society and this trait projected

itself into the art, the music, the movies, the movements and the lifestyle of their youth.

They experimented with psychedelic substances, they forced their mind to be opened.

All of this resulted in the creation of new businesses and inventions that changed the

future forever, like the internet.

Crystal children are most likely to be the children of people from generation x. They

are born around the 1990s and 2000s slightly differing from generation y which addresses

people born between 1980s and 2000s.

However, the characteristics of crystal children and generation y individuals are almost exactly

the same.

They are intuitive, spiritually aware and passionate about supernatural subjects. They

have highly developed imagination and creativity. They understand things easily, they are extremely

empathetic and very easy going.

This contradictive schism between their emotions forces them to use drugs, to visit psychiatrists,

feel high levels of anxiety, have panic attacks and sometimes even more serious issues with

their mental health.

They are born in a transition time, in a period where humanity made its biggest leap with

technological advancement which affected all areas of society.

They grew up in times without internet and times when you cannot imagine how you lived

without internet. This transition happened in only 10 years period, which is a REALLY

small amount of time for such great change.

This affected their way of seeing the world. It�s like they were forced to raise their

consciousness at an accelerated rate. But that�s ok because they are strong enough,

like crystals.

They always see the world with pure eyes, which additionally adds to their �crystal

children� description.

Because of their imagination, purity of heart and strength, they are attracted to the superhero

phenomena. Their art, music, movies, businesses, even their lifestyles are inspired and driven

by various superheroes they idolized while they were growing up.

Rainbow children are the newest generation of people, or generation z, born after the

new millennium.

They are modern and more technologically advanced than generation x andy because they are raised

in a period where humans are more connected than any time in the known human history.

They had almost all of the information in the world available to them while they were

growing up, only by pushing few buttons.

These kids are happy and positive. They are like a breath of fresh air. They are bringing

happiness and joy to the whole world through various inventions, platforms, and mediums

that generation x has developed and generation y perfected.

Their light and positivity make them freer than any generation in modern history. They

love traveling, they hate being tied up to one person and they cannot stand the old conformist

ways. It feels like a prison to them.

Think of them like light; they give warmth, life and cannot be captured. Their whole being

is pure and that�s why most of these kids are vegan.


The Indigos are here to destroy what�s not working and pave the way for a better world.

The crystal children are the ones who need to create, develop and build the new ways

uniting the best from the old and the new.

The rainbow children are here to give life and fertilize the new and improved world that�s

in harmony with Nature and the human potential.

All of these 3 spiritual archetypes need to work together so there will be a real change

to the way humanity further develops.

However, it doesn�t mean that if you are an indigo you cannot be a crystal or a rainbow

child. You can evolve through all of these 3 archetypes depending on your environment,

understanding, and purpose. And a lot of people do.

These are simply 3 different aspects of one larger program called being a �Lightworker�which

works to heal the world.


This spiritual revolution is a consequence of the collective human psyche. To understand

this you must understand how we are all connected. You must grasp the fact that EVERYTHING connects

to everything else, even our thoughts.

�mile Durkheim first introduced the collective conscious back in 1893 and described as the

set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.

However, just like our collective conscious Carl Jung called a phenomena �Collective

Unconscious� which is the subconscious mind shared by all of the humanity.

This is how we are all connected. This is how all of us, unintentionally created the

perfect environment for �Lightworkers� to be developed and act as an antidote to

the virus that could have destroyed us.

Maybe that was the defensive mechanism of our collective subconsciousness or a higher

plan of our collective psyche to help us thrive together as species.

For more infomation >> THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child! - Duration: 8:48.


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Gölge İnsanlar Ve Kameralara Yakalanan Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran İnsanları!

Ülkemizde pek fazla bilinmesede dünyada çok tartışılan gölge insanlar isimli

dalga beden varlıklar hakkında kapsamlı bilgiler paylaşıp kameralara yakalanan görüntülerini

seyrinize sunacağım bir video ile beraberiz.

Dinler, efsaneler ve inanç sistemlerinin bir dizi karanlık ruhsal varlıkları ya

da doğaüstü gibi tarif edilemeyen varlıkları tanımlamak için kullanılan tonun rengidir


Yeraltının ve çeşitli yaratıkların, halk inançlarının, hayalet hikayelerinin

tanımı olmuştur.

Gölge insanlar kentsel efsane ve mitler gibi birçok insana görünen bir fenomendir.

Bu yaratıklar, ya da her ne iseler, Siluetleri insanınki gibi olup, genellikle göz ucuyla

dışarıda görülen ve bazende evinizin odalarınızın duvarlarında bir anda ortaya


Çoğu zamanda görüldüklerini anladıklarında bir duvar veya başka bir odaya kaybolurlar.

Bu durumda onların bir bilinç sahibi olduğunu ispatlar niteliktedir.

Gölge insanların tam olarak ne olduğunu kesin değildir.

Bazen diğer tarafta onları bekleyen ışıktan korkan ve reddedenler varlıklar, toprağa,

bir mekana veya eşyaya bağlı ruhlar olarak açıklanmışlardır.

Gölge İnsanlar Efsanesi ilk defa gece radyo talk-show programlarının birinde dile getirildi.

Ev sahibi Art Bell röportajında gölge insanların konu edileceğini söylediğinde tarih 12

Nisan 2001 i gösteriyordu.

Programda konu uzun uzadıya tartışıldı.

Konuk Harley Reagan olarak bilinen yaşlı Kızılderili Thunder'dı.

Gösteri sırasında, dinleyiciler ve onları görmüş olanlar yaptıkları çizimleri

radyonun web sitesine göndermeye başladılar.

Bu çizimler derhal web sitesinde herkese açık olarak paylaşıldı ve gölge insanların

çizimleri ilk defa bir programda geçti.

O yıl Ekim ayında, Heidi Hollis Bu konuda ki ilk kitabını yayınladı ve daha sonra

radyo programına düzenli konuk oldu.

Hollis gölge olarak tanımlanan insanları periferik görme dışında titreme ve karanlık

profilleri siluetlerin korkudan insan şeklinde olabileceğini açıkladı.

Fakat bazı vakalarda bu varlıklar gören kişiye zarar veriyor ve onların göğüs

kısmına baskı yaparak, boğmaya çalışıyordu.

Bu konu hakkında ise belki de bunların başka boyutlardan gelen yabancı varlıklar olduğuna


Online tartışma forumlarında bazı katılımcılar paranormal ve doğaüstü konular üzerinden

onları tehditkar olarak bulduklarını diğer inananlar ve paranormal yazarlar ise gölge

insanların iyi, kötü, ya da nötr olduğunu anlatıyordu.

Spekülasyon o derece büyüdü ki bazıları gölge insanların aslında farklı boyuttan

gelen başka bir evrenin sakinleri olduklarını öne sürdü.

Çad Stambaugh gibi Bazı paranormal araştırmacılar ve yazarlar videoda gölge insanların görüntülerini

kaydettiklerini iddia ettiler.

Bazıları kırmızı veya sarı gözleri ile görülmüştür.

Çoğu böcekler gibi olup, bizlerin onlardan korktuğundan daha fazla onlar bizlerden korkarlar.

Yinede aralarında kötücül ve saldırgan olanlar da bulunmaktadır.

Gölge insanların çoğu erkek görünümlü bazıları uzun mont giymiş ve şapkalı

olarak tarif edilir.

Gözümüzün köşesinde aniden beliren ve gözlerinizin içine doğrudan bakarak gecenin

karanlığından daha kara olan bu varlıklar nadiren insanlarla iletişime geçtikleri


Bazıları sadece duman olarak belirmektedir, bazıları belden yukarısı görülmektedir,

bazıları bacakları olup gözlemci gibi binaların ve çalıların arkasında dikilir

veya evdeki dolapların içinden ve duvarlardan geçerler.

Bazı kimseler bu varlıkların karabasan denilen uyku felcine de yol açan şeyler

olduğuna inanmaktadır.

Bu Varlıklar "benimle gel" ya da "biz burada" gibi şeyler söyleyerek insanları korkuttukları

da bildirilmiştir.

Bunun Dışında Birçok metamfetamin bağımlısının da uzun süreli sanrılardan sonra uyku yoksunluğu

ile gölge insanlar gördükleri rapor edilmiştir.

2001 Yılında ki ilk programın ardından dünya üzerinde pek çok defalar kameraların

kadrajlarına girmişlerdir.

İşte bu görüntülerin küçük bir kısmını yorumları sizlere bırakarak seyirlerinize sunuyorum.

Tüm soru, görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi platformlarda

paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılabilmek

için Kült TV'ye abone olmayı unutmayın.

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Gölge İnsanlar Ve Kameralara Yakalanan Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.


क्या बिग बॉस के घर में शुरू हो गई ढिंचैक पूजा की प्रेम कहानी? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> क्या बिग बॉस के घर में शुरू हो गई ढिंचैक पूजा की प्रेम कहानी? - Duration: 6:37.


Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional in flipkart and amazon shopping online kids - Duration: 0:35.

Latest Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional Dress Designs flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional in flipkart and amazon shopping online kids - Duration: 0:35.


Learn police vehicles | Police chase | Police cars | Rhymes for Babies | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 1:02:10.

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick,

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here and a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof,there a Woof,everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pig. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink,there an Oink,everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there here a "neigh" there a "neigh" everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cow. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here and a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo there a Moo everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here and a Quack Quack there. Here a Quack there a Quack,everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day School one day, school one day

He followed her to school one day Which was against the rule

It made the children laugh and play Laugh and play, laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school

So the teacher turned it out Turned it out, turned it out

And so the teacher turned it out But still he lingered near

And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, white sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Girl Who lives down the lane.

For more infomation >> Learn police vehicles | Police chase | Police cars | Rhymes for Babies | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 1:02:10.


カップル 約束 感動話!入院している彼女との指切りげんまん。二人がした約束の内容に号泣 - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> カップル 約束 感動話!入院している彼女との指切りげんまん。二人がした約束の内容に号泣 - Duration: 8:05.


اتحداك تدخل المقطع وما ترتاح نفسيا ⭐ - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> اتحداك تدخل المقطع وما ترتاح نفسيا ⭐ - Duration: 12:21.


Свинка Пеппа все серии подряд! Сборник мультфильмов. Развивающие мультики для детей! #Игрушки - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> Свинка Пеппа все серии подряд! Сборник мультфильмов. Развивающие мультики для детей! #Игрушки - Duration: 14:45.


शाहिद कपूर की इस ऐक्ट्रेस ने किया प्रैंक, वीडियो हुआ था वायरल - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> शाहिद कपूर की इस ऐक्ट्रेस ने किया प्रैंक, वीडियो हुआ था वायरल - Duration: 7:34.


Free Thoughts, Ep. 210: How Drug Prohibition Caused the Opioid Crisis (with Jeffrey A. Singer) - Duration: 49:24.

Trevor Burrus: Welcome to Free Thoughts.

I'm Trevor Burrus.

Joining me today is Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer, a general surgeon in private practice in metropolitan

Phoenix, Arizona, and principal and founder of Valley Surgical Clinics, Limited.

He's also a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute.

Welcome to Free Thoughts, Jeff.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Happy to be here.

Trevor Burrus: Is there an opioid crisis?

Jeffrey A. Singer: I don't like to use the word "crisis" because [00:00:30] it creates

this whole atmosphere of panic.

There's a problem with too many people dying from opioid overdoses.

And there's also been a change in the mix of the type of opioids that are causing these


Of course, it's always worrisome to see that year after year there's an increase in the

number of people dying from overdose deaths, so it's a problem.

But, I don't like to use the word "crisis" because [00:01:00] every time our policy-makers

react to a crisis they usually overreact and they don't think things through, and all of

their reactions tend to create a whole new set of unintended consequences that eventually,

make it into a crisis.

Trevor Burrus: Maybe that's how we are.

But, when we talk about opioids.



Is there a, we use both of those, sometimes.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah.

Trevor Burrus: I've heard that, I think, opioids include synthetics.

Jeffrey A. Singer: That's right.


Trevor Burrus: Yes.

But we're talking about [00:01:30] pills that doctors like you prescribe, like OxyContin,

for example, and also heroin, and everything in between.

I don't know if those are the two, fentanyl, I guess would be maybe, the outlier.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Well, fentanyl is used medically.

Most of the time the type that is used on pain patients is actually, a patch.

Fentanyl's about 50 times the strength of morphine, and so it's made in these [00:02:00]

patches that allow it to be slowly absorbed over about 72 hours.

A brand name for that, people may have heard of is called Duragesic.

So, you prescribe, let's say, a 25 microgram patch of fentanyl, and it'll last somebody

for a couple of days.

It's also used by anesthesiologists in the operating room intravenously because it gets

the person anesthetized.

It's that powerful.

It's not prescribed in the outpatient [00:02:30] setting in any form other than the skin patch.

So when you hear about reports in the news about people who are dying from fentanyl overdoses,

they're not taking these skin patches and somehow figuring out a way to scrape the fentanyl

off of the surface of it and convert that into something suitable for injection.

This is fentanyl making its way into the country in the illegal market.

Trevor Burrus: What about OxyContin?

What [00:03:00] is that?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Well, OxyContin is long-acting, controlled-release oxycodone.

Oxycodone actually, has been around for many years.

It's an oral opiod that was invented in 1916.

And then in the mid 90s a long-acting form was developed so that you could take it, and

it could last, let's say, 12 hours as controlled-release.

In order to do that, the capsule is made in such as to have actually, [00:03:30] more

oxycodone in it, so it could release more of it slowly over a period of time.

That's what made it very popular for people who wanted to recreationally use opioids,

because if you can get a hold of an oxycodone tablet and get the ingredients out of it,

you can get a lot more oxycodone out of it than if you just got an oxycodone capsule.

So, when OxyContin came on the scene, [00:04:00] that became probably one of the most popular

opioids for people who are recreationally using opioids to try and get a hold of, because

you got more bang for your buck.

Trevor Burrus: But, you would prescribe that for people with chronic pain?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Usually.

It's for people who you know are gonna be needing a strong opioid for a long period

of time.

For a short duration, such as a patient who just had, let's say, an outpatient surgery,

oxycodone or hydrocodone, also popularly [00:04:30] known as Vicodin, is usually what you need,

because a person's not gonna need it for more than maybe, 5 to 10 days, whereas-

Trevor Burrus: Is that like getting your wisdom teeth out or something like that?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, yeah.

Whereas, if you're gonna give it to somebody who you know is gonna be on pain long-term

chronically, then if you could give them something that lasts longer so they don't have to take

it as frequently, and you know they're gonna be taking it long-term, that's more practical,

OxyContin is more practical for something [00:05:00] like that.

So, what happened was, because, first of all the narrative that everyone has bought into,

and this is very frustrating to us practitioners, is that the opioid overdose death problem

is a direct result of doctors prescribing pain medicine for patients.

So, the popular notion is that I'd write a prescription for an opioid for my patient

for pain, my patient becomes [00:05:30] a drug addict, and then starts resorting to

all sorts of illegal behavior in search of the drug.

He becomes a dope fiend, and then he eventually overdoses and dies.

That is not what's going on.

In fact, the data shows, even, I'm talking government data, the National Survey on Drug

Use and Health, showed that a non-medical opioid use, so that's recreational, peaked

in the year 2012.

[00:06:00] And total opioid use actually peaked in 2014.

And according to the National Survey on Drug Use, only about a quarter of people who are

overdose victims, even have obtained any sort of prescription for an opioid.

And of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they actually got it directly from the doctor.

They could have, could have been a stolen a prescription, it could've been that they

were doctor shopping and malingering in order to get pain medicine.

But the point is, that at least 75% [00:06:30] of the people who are overdose patients are

people who are using opioids for non-medical purposes in the illicit market.

So, I've been trying to point out that the source of the opioid overdose death problem

is drug prohibition.

Because when I go into the supermarket or liquor store to buy a bottle of liquor and

I see on the label it says, let's say, " [00:07:00] 80 proof," or "15% alcohol," the thought never

crosses my mind that it may not be that, that it could be adulterated with all sorts of

impurities or laced with something that could kill me.

I believe what it says on the label, because it's legal, and in the legal market.

Number one, they have competitors and number two, I have recourse if I've been defrauded

and injured.

[00:07:30] But, when were dealing with the illegal market, you go to somebody in a subterranean

way who says, "Yeah, I have what you want."

And you don't know if it's the dose, you don't know if it's pure, that's what's happening.

In fact, what we've learned, because of the narrative that it's a doctor's prescribing,

since about 2010, 2011, all of the policies of both the federal government and the state

governments have been aimed at curtailing the amounts of opioids prescribed.

So, [00:08:00] we just heard this past July, the CDC reported that for the seventh consecutive

year, prescriptions of opioids by healthcare practitioners have come down.

And in the meantime, the DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration, actually controls the amount

of opioids that can be manufactured.

So, in 2016, they ordered a 25% reduction in opioids manufactured.

And they've asked for another 20% reduction for this year.

So, we got the amount of opioids [00:08:30] being prescribed is down, the amount of opioids

being manufactured is down.

In addition, now all 50 states have what they call prescription drug monitoring programs,

where they're surveilling patients and doctors, doctors prescribing and patients using, opioids.

And the idea is, and it's successful in doing this, is it casts a chilling effect.

It makes doctors feel like when they're being watched, that they really, it makes them cut

back on their prescribing, even if they have [00:09:00] no doubts that they were doing

the right thing by prescribing it, just because they feel like they're being watched and they

don't want to get into trouble.

So, they don't want to be outliers, as they say.

So, all of these things have teamed up to cut back on the supply.

And what's happening?

The death rate's going.

Isn't that interesting?

So, that would make most people, I would think, wonder, "Gee, maybe it's not a matter of doctors

prescribing opioids, because we're stopping that and deaths are going up."

The other thing that has been happening is, [00:09:30] the mix of the opioid deaths has

changed, whereas it used to be the majority were from prescription-type opioids, now the

majority is from heroin.

And in the last year, the amount in 2015 numbers, over 4,000 Of the 32,000 opioid overdose deaths

were from fentanyl.

The year before it was 2,000.

So, that doubled.

They're projecting that the 2016 numbers, which come out in December, are gonna be even

[00:10:00] worse, even more heroin, which is now the predominant cause of death, and


Now, like I say, fentanyl is bad news, [crosstalk 00:10:08]

Trevor Burrus: From a recreational standpoint.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Fentanyl is super-powerful.

And here's another irony, a lot of people, they have this, there's this myth out there

that heroin is so dangerous and so evil that, take one hit of heroin and you're hooked for


Trevor Burrus: I grew up believing that.

I was taught that in D.A.R.E.

Jeffrey A. Singer: I was taught that, too.

But the fact is, heroin is [00:10:30] nothing other than diacetyl morphine.

That's the chemical name.

It's just a modified morphine.

The generic name is diamorphine.

It was invented by the Bayer company in Germany in the 1890s.

And they named the brand heroin, which I understand comes from the German word "heroisch," which

has something, I don't speak German.

It has to do with meaning that it's more powerful, stronger, than morphine, which it was.

It's about 2 1/2 times the strength of morphine.

[00:11:00] Dilaudid, which is perfectly legal in this country, and in fact, routinely in

patients for whom morphine is not doing the job of controlling the pain, then we step

it up and go to Dilaudid.

Dilaudid's about 5 to 7 times more powerful than morphine.

So, it's twice as powerful as heroin.

That's legal.

And of course, fentanyl's, I guess, 50 times more, 5-0, 50 times more powerful.

Trevor Burrus: So, you think that doctors, you're talking about [00:11:30] Dilaudid as

mostly used in hospitals, correct?

[crosstalk 00:11:34]

Jeffrey A. Singer: It's available in oral form and we'll prescribe it for patients too,

as well.

Trevor Burrus: Do you think that there would be people using heroin in the hospitals and

prescribing maybe, a pill form if it were invented, if heroin were not prohibited?

Heroin would be available to doctors as one of those things-

Jeffrey A. Singer: It is, in the rest of the developed world.

Trevor Burrus: Oh, okay.

So it's not even just fantasy land, it is the real world?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, it's called diamorphine.

[00:12:00] That's the generic name.

So, they don't use the word "heroin."

In 1924, that equivalent of the drug czar, the head of the Bureau of Narcotics at the

time, became persuaded that heroin corrupted morals, unlike morphine.

It was morally corrosive.

So, he asked for Congress to completely ban it.

And within about 10 years, the number one opioid [00:12:30] to which people were addicted

became heroin.

And economists would have predicted that because, what would you rather push, something that

is totally banned or something that you can find another way to get it?

So, meanwhile, that didn't happen to other countries.

So, since the 1920s, in the UK, diamorphine as they call it, that's available.

It's very controlled, but it's used for controlled pain patients, terminal cancer patients.

And in fact, since the 1920s, [00:13:00] they have been, they've had heroin maintenance

therapy programs for heroin addicts in the UK.

It really formally developed as a project in Switzerland in 1994, but on a small level,

heroin maintenance therapy had been underway in the UK since 1920.

So, there are many countries, in fact one of my colleagues in my medical practice is

an immigrant from Singapore.

He trained in Singapore.

And he was telling me how very strict [00:13:30] the drug laws are there.

I think he said you could go [crosstalk 00:13:33]

Trevor Burrus: Oh, they're really, really-

Jeffrey A. Singer: ... to jail for life if you're found in possession of marijuana.

Trevor Burrus: Yeah, marijuana.

You can't chew gum there, you definitely can't smoke weed.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, so I said to him, "Yet, you guys prescribe heroin for your patients

in the hospital."

And he, I was teasing him.

He didn't know that, so he looked at me like, "What, are you crazy?"

And he said, "Heroin?

What are you talking about?"

And I said, 'Oh, maybe I was wrong.

I thought you used diamorphine on your severe [00:14:00] pain patients in the hospital?"

And he said, "Oh, yeah, we use diamorphine.

That's heroin?"

"Yeah, heroin's just a brand name."

So, that's the point.

The point is that, we just arbitrarily decided because of the totally unsubstantiated suspicion

that it corrupts moral character, to ban heroin.

There's no reason why if one hit of morphine for your post-surgical pain, or one hit of

Dilaudid doesn't cause you, or a fentanyl patch doesn't cause you to immediately become

a [00:14:30] drug addict, why would something that's basically, the same [crosstalk 00:14:33]

Trevor Burrus: There on the same spectrum.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Why would it be any different?

And of course, there's evidence going back decades of people who are true recreational

heroin users, lead a perfectly normal, happy, productive life, and occasionally engage in

heroin use for their own, because they want to-

Trevor Burrus: Recreational.

Jeffrey A. Singer: ... for recreational uses.

And they don't become addicts.

And that's been well documented in the medical literature.

But these [00:15:00] are the myths.

And unfortunately, these myths are influencing the policymakers.

Trevor Burrus: In terms of recreational use, you don't actually, I hadn't thought about

it that way, but you don't hear much about recreational use of morphine or Dilaudid,

even though they give you many of the same effects, if not more, of heroin.

Fentanyl has been coming in, but mostly in adulterating heroin supplies.

But, because morphine and Dilaudid are controlled and legal, [00:15:30] it seems that, that's

the reason why heroin is easier to get, would you agree, because it's not, it's illegal.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, according to the CDC, Thomas Frieden, back a few years ago,

he said that the street price of heroin was about a fifth of the street price of prescription


So what's happened is, I mean, I'm aware of people, I even know people on the personal

level, who tell me and have shown me actually, that they keep a [00:16:00] little stash of


And every once in a while, they, just like, I like to have a cocktail at the end of a

long stressful day before dinner just to relax, they like to take a Vicodin.

I even have told them, "I don't think that's an ideal thing, if you want to relax."

Well, they like it.

They take a Vicodin, maybe once every week or so.

And then they keep it hidden in their drawer because they didn't get that by getting a

prescription from a doctor.

They got it somewhere.

But in any case, [00:16:30] that's the way these things are, that's what we see.

Trevor Burrus: When we go back to the doctor prescriptions, people might be thinking, "Oh,

Dr. Singer is definitely downplaying this, but the numbers are shocking and the maps

are shocking.

And you look at states like New Hampshire, or you have some counties with addiction rates

that are unbelievable, never seen the level of overdose deaths."

And it definitely was true that starting in the 90s with drugs like OxyContin, [00:17:00]

doctors were prescribing more opiates than before, correct?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah.

Well, first of all, I remember, because I'm old enough to remember, when I graduated medical

school, that was at the height of the war on drugs.

So, it was actually drilled into us as medical students that, "Drugs are evil, drugs are

bad, narcotics."

So, most of the prescribing habits of me and my peer group were very restrictive.

So, we were really [00:17:30] stingy with the pain medicine.

Then around the end of the 80s, early 90s, a lot of articles started appearing in the

medical literature and a lot of people started speaking out about what was then be called,

came to be called "opiophobia," where we were afraid to prescribe opioids irrationally.

And patients were voicing, patients were afraid to take it when I'd prescribe it.

They tell me they're in pain, I give them a prescription for an opioid, and they won't

take it because they're afraid to become an addict, because of [00:18:00] what we've all

been indoctrinated into believing.

So, anyway, in the early 90s, we were basically exhorted to loosen up, be more compassionate,

don't be so afraid of the opioid, take care, your patients are in pain needlessly.

And so, we changed our prescribing habits.

So, as we changed our prescribing habits, obviously, more opioids got into circulation.

And if more opioids are in circulation, there are also [00:18:30] more opioids that can

get what they call in the narcotics, in the drug enforcement business, diverted.

Prescription pads could be stolen.

Trevor Burrus: Or just sold by the person who got the prescription.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right, medicine cabinets can be raided, whatever.

So, the fact that more opioids were being prescribed would lead you to think that more

opioids are available for whatever purposes you want, including recreational purposes.

[00:19:00] Then, when we started to see this increase in the number of people dying from

opioid overdoses, the government responded by getting restrictive.

There's a lot of other ways, for example, in 2010, Purdue, which is the manufacturer

of OxyContin, came out with what they call an abuse-deterrent formulation, because the

people who would use OxyContin recreationally, like I said, has a higher concentration of

oxycodone, so they'd either [00:19:30] crush it and snort it, which was popular, or they'd

dissolve it and inject it.

They came out with a formulation that couldn't be crushed.

And if you tried to liquefy it, it became this gel that was not suitable for injection.

And within, and of course, they patented that, and then within about six months, they replaced

all OxyContin that was out there with this abuse-deterrent formulation.

The FDA encouraged that, and they have guidelines [00:20:00] where they're, and policies where

they're encouraging pharmaceutical manufacturers to come up with abuse-deterrent formulations.

Now, a couple of things to keep in mind.

Number one, the pharmaceutical companies love this, because this provides an opportunity

for them to evergreen their patents.

Because the abuse-deterrent formulation gets a new patent and comes sometimes, very conveniently

at the time when generics are starting to cut into their profits, because their patent

on the original OxyContin wore off.

Well, now, [00:20:30] all of the competitors making generics, they can't make the abuse-deterrent

formulation until that patent wears off.

So, that's why the pharmaceutical companies are very happy to comply and try to come up

with new abuse-deterrent formulations.

I can't blame them.

But, we've seen other things occur, which is, if you're trying to access this on the

recreational, first of all, when I prescribe oxycodone or OxyContin for my patient, I know

that they take [00:21:00] it with a glass of water.

I don't have to say to them, "By the way, don't crush this and snort this."

They never intended to.

It never even crossed their mind, because that's the setting that we doctors prescribe

it in.

So, we're talking about people trying to use recreationally.

So, what happens is, when they find that they can't use it that way, they just go on to

something else.

And that's exactly what's been happening.

Moving on to more cheaply available and easier to use heroin, or heroin laced with fentanyl.

[00:21:30] In fact, a study came out in June of this year, economists at Notre Dame University,

it's a national economic research working paper, and they studied the substitution of

heroin for OxyContin, starting with the appearance on the scene of the abuse-deterrent formulation

in 2010.

And interestingly, they found a one-to-one substitution.

Trevor Burrus: Really?

Jeffrey A. Singer: [00:22:00] Yeah, so, as OxyContin became abuse-deterrent, then everybody

moves over to heroin and that's all.

Meanwhile, some state legislators unwisely are encouraging, or actually passing laws

requiring insurance companies to cover the abuse-deterrent form.

And what they're trying to do also is encourage to replace all of the generics that are out

there, and all of the non- [00:22:30] abuse-deterrent forms with abuse-deterrent forms.

Well, like I said, getting back to the evergreening of patents, that means that people who are

paying out of their pocket for pain medication, because they're in pain, suddenly are paying

more than they have to, because the only product available is this newly-patented abuse-deterrent

form, they can't buy the cheaper generic.

In addition, by requiring the health insurance companies to cover it, because in many states,

the health insurance companies will only cover the generic, not the abuse-deterrent form.

But by passing laws [00:23:00] requiring them to, you're raising the cost to the insurance

company, which, of course, makes the premiums go up.

Trevor Burrus: I'm unclear.

Are you against the abuse-deterrent form?

Do you think that that was, you said the numbers and it might have pushed people into heroin,

but, so you think overall it was bad that they had the abuse deterrent forms?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Well, let me put it this way.

There are several studies besides this Notre Dame study showing that it tends to make people

just substitute.

It's sort of like, you push in a balloon on one end and the air comes out [00:23:30] another.

I just think that, I'm sort of, ambivalent about abuse-deterrent forms.

If you want to manufacture an abuse-deterrent form, make it available on the market, fine.

I don't think that the FDA should be promoting it, encouraging it.

I think they should take a neutral position.

Go ahead and do it if you want.

Keep that, maybe let the consumer and the prescribing doctor decide on a case-by-case


If he wants [00:24:00] to prescribe the abuse-deterrent form, maybe the practitioner's got a little

concerns about a patient that he's wondering if this patient's really in pain, maybe the

patient's trying to doctor shop to get some drugs for recreational use, so the doctor

decides, "I think I'm gonna prescribe the only abuse-deterrent form for this guy."

That should be on a case-by-case basis.

I just don't think that we, as a matter of policy, should be encouraging that abuse-deterrent

forms replace [00:24:30] the regular forms.

And also, we shouldn't be forcing insurance companies to cover it, because it's just adding

to the cost of health insurance.

Trevor Burrus: Let's talk about the doctors, here.

Is there a fear now amongst doctors about prescribing opiates because the DEA might

come after you?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Oh, absolutely, yeah.


Trevor Burrus: Do you know, is this so common that everyone knows someone?

Are they really going after doctors?

Because this idea of doctors as pushers [00:25:00] is quite prominent.

And it's gotta be true though, that some doctors probably are some bad apples, right?

Some doctors are pushers, right?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, I don't think everybody knows someone.

I don't know any.

We've all read stories, There are certain places that were hotbeds of this, like in


And we see these news reports.

So, we are all aware of it.

I can tell you the overwhelming majority of doctors, just like in every other field, are

ethical people who want to do the right thing.

There's always going to be [00:25:30] some bad apples in every field.

You can't have a perfect world.

And you shouldn't design policy based upon the exceptions to the rule.

Trevor Burrus: We had pill mills.

That was a real thing.

Maybe it still is, I'm not sure.

Jeffrey A. Singer: They've kind of, they're disappearing, because of these guys being

arrested for pushing basically, without, there were some dishonest doctors who are always

writing prescriptions, and clearly, [00:26:00] basically, with drug dealers using their medical

licenses drug dealers.

But that's the exception.

What concerns doctors is for example, in my state of Arizona, we have a prescription and

drug monitoring program that's been in effect since 2011.

And every quarter, I get a report from the State Board of Pharmacy telling me how many

prescriptions I wrote for various categories of narcotics in the last quarter and [00:26:30]

placing me on a graph with respect to my colleagues in my specialty.

And then it labels me either "normal, outlier," or "extreme outlier."

Now, interestingly, and we've all noticed this, all my colleagues, it tells you the

number of prescriptions written, but it doesn't have it broken down by the number of patients.

So, if you happen to have a busy practice, you're going to write more prescriptions.

That doesn't necessarily mean-

Trevor Burrus: Per capita.

Jeffrey A. Singer: [00:27:00] Yeah.

It doesn't have it down that way, it just has my number of prescriptions.

Trevor Burrus: Well, that's weird.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, it is.

So, meanwhile, one thing for sure is, you don't want to be an outlier, because even

though technically, it says in the report, "This is just for your informational use,

so you can see where your practicing pattern is with respect to your peers in your specialty,

and use it wisely."

That sort of thing.

But you're always in the back of your mind, "They're watching me."

One thing I don't want to be [00:27:30] is on a list of outliers.

So, everybody who's, we talk at the coffee machine, the water cooler in the doctor's


Everybody's saying that they're very nervous about this [crosstalk 00:27:42].

Trevor Burrus: Outlier, yeah.

Let's take a step back to the bigger issues on this, because we were talking before we

started recording about Jacob Sullum saying "Yes."

And then the sort of, positive aspects of drug use.

I think that in order to really look at this crisis, I'm putting [00:28:00] that in scare

quotes, and think about it the right way, we have to first understand in a way that

it seems a lot of people attacking the opiate thing and saying, "We have to stop this,"

first understand that these drugs do a lot of good for people.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right.

Trevor Burrus: We have to look at the other side that yes, there might be addiction on

a higher level, because suddenly people who are in pain, they have access to things that

take them, take the pain away or at least mitigate it to some extent, [00:28:30] which

is the most of the use of this.

It's doing a lot of good, correct?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right.

And this is not obviously, gonna be the official party line of the medical profession, but

now speaking as a Libertarian physician, it's important to bear in mind number one, addiction

is actually on a molecular level, a particular behavioral health disease.

Not everybody becomes addicted.

There's a difference, first of all, between becoming chemically [00:29:00] dependent on

a drug and addicted to a drug.

If you become chemically dependent, obviously, you experience withdrawal symptoms when the

drug's taken away, but once you overcome that, you're done.

Example is when you have a hangover after having a lot of alcohol the night before.

That hangover is actually a form of withdrawal from the alcohol.

And that's why a lot of people will tell you, if you have the hair of the dog that bit you,

you have a Bloody Mary, it gets rid of the hangover.

Sure, because you just gave yourself some more of the chemical.

[00:29:30] So, that's one thing, whereas addiction is different.

Addiction, you're thinking about the next dose while you're receiving this one.

You're craving the substance, even when you're withdrawing in detox you go back to it.

That's why you see a high recidivism rate among narcotics addicts or alcoholics who

have been detoxed from their substance.

Trevor Burrus: So, [00:30:00] you wouldn't call diabetics on insulin addicts?

Jeffrey A. Singer: No.

Trevor Burrus: They would be chemically dependent?

Jeffrey A. Singer: They're chemically dependent, though, because they'll get-

Trevor Burrus: Yes, but they're not addicts, because [crosstalk 00:30:12]

Jeffrey A. Singer: They're not addicts.

Trevor Burrus: Because they don't have the, they don't, I mean they have, if you took

it away they might rob a convenience store to go get it, right?

Jeffrey A. Singer: If you took it away, they'll probably go into-

Trevor Burrus: Insulin shock.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, diabetic [crosstalk 00:30:23].

Trevor Burrus: But you know what I'm saying, if you took it away.

Or, here's one, benzodiazepines are very addictive, from what I understand.

Jeffrey A. Singer: You can get addicted to [00:30:30] that, yeah, for sure.

Trevor Burrus: And people take those consistently.

And there's that distinction, really, so you seem to be describing addiction as like-

Jeffrey A. Singer: No, because one is a behavioral disorder and one is more of a physical condition.

Trevor Burrus: But you could have that physical condition and then behavior disorder with


Jeffrey A. Singer: Absolutely.

You could be addicted and dependent.

But there's an addictive behavior.

So, that's why some people, regardless of what substance they're taking, they can have

a tendency, and it's kind of, built into the genetics, they could have a tendency to become

addicted to the substance.

Whereas the [00:31:00] majority of the population doesn't, which is why you'll see documented

episodes of people using substances like heroin, cocaine, other substances that have a record

of getting people addicted, and they use them regularly, recreationally, without any addiction

problems, because they don't have that biological condition that gives them this behavioral


Trevor Burrus: Going back to what I was, on the question, so some [00:31:30] of these

long-term pain sufferers, they have benefits from this.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right.

Trevor Burrus: Do they become at least chemically, dependent?

[crosstalk 00:31:42] But it seems like if they're really in pain, it could be worth


Jeffrey A. Singer: Right, and that's the whole idea.

That's why we see commonly, people are maintained for years on things like OxyContin, or long-acting

control release morphine pills, for their pain.

So they are chemically dependent.

[00:32:00] If they don't get their pill within a certain period of time, they start getting

withdrawal symptoms.

And also, their pain gets severe.

But, that's the trade-off.

[crosstalk 00:32:11]

Trevor Burrus: That's not necessarily a bad thing.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right.

In fact, opioids, as opposed to a lot of other chemicals, are relatively safe.

Alcohol, long-term use can kill the liver, the pancreas, the brain.

It's related to certain cancers.

Opioids, aside from causing constipation, because it slows down the gut, [00:32:30]

there's been really no-

Trevor Burrus: Demonstrated long-term effect?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Demonstrated, yeah, organic damage that it can cause.

Which is why we are comfortable having people on methadone maintenance indefinitely.

Methadone is about the same strength as heroin.

It was invented during-

Trevor Burrus: It is?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, it was invented during World War II.

Trevor Burrus: Why is it supposed to be a substitute for heroin?

What's better about it?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Well, because when you take it orally, it gets absorbed from the


It levels that bind with your opioid receptors enough so you won't experience withdrawal

[00:33:00] symptoms [crosstalk 00:33:02].

Because, the whole idea here, is you're not allowed to enjoy it.

Trevor Burrus: Okay, yes, of course.

Jeffrey A. Singer: So, that's-

Trevor Burrus: That's the problem.

It corrupts the morals.

Isn't that what they said in 1924?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah.

Trevor Burrus: Yeah, exactly.

Jeffrey A. Singer: And the idea behind methadone maintenance is that you get used to not, it's

sort of, behavior modification.

You're blunting withdrawal symptoms, but you're getting used to not feeling the high.

And [00:33:30] then it's hoped that over time, you can be tapered off the methadone.

And now you don't crave the high anymore, and you're over your addiction problem.

That's the idea behind medical-assisted treatment, whether it's methadone or Suboxone or others.

But, getting back to your earlier point, I would argue as a libertarian, if a person

is getting pleasure out of the mind-altering characteristics of a particular drug, whether

it's [00:34:00] opioid or mushrooms, or LSD-

Trevor Burrus: Or Xanax?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Or Xanax, yeah.

I mean, or marijuana, or Jim Beam, as long as they're not in any way directly threatening

my rights or safety, to each his own.

Who am I to say that, that person is wrong?

That person has a right to, they are [00:34:30] obviously deriving a pleasure, so there's

a value in it for them.

If they have a relationship with a substance that is self-destructive and has become irrational,

well then, they're probably suffering from the addictive behavioral disorder.

That's a different story.

Trevor Burrus: Can you, as a doctor, prescribe an opiate to someone merely to satiate their

addiction problems?

If you know they're an addict and they don't have pain, are you allowed [00:35:00] to prescribe

an opiate to them so they don't go through withdrawal symptoms?

Jeffrey A. Singer: That's where I get into, I could get into trouble, because I'm being

watched by my prescription drug monitoring program.

First of all, when I write a prescription for an opioid, there has to be a reason why

I'm writing the prescription in my medical records.

I have to have a diagnosis.

And the diagnosis can't be that he doesn't want to go into withdrawal.

Trevor Burrus: But, that's an interesting distinction, right?

And I'm actually doing work on it right now, because this has been a fight [00:35:30] for

a very long time, since the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914, that we are to make a distinction,

first of all, the distinction between medicine and dope, an illicit drug, is not exactly

clear, obviously, as we talked about with heroin.

But also, this question of, "Why isn't withdrawal a sort of, disease, a medical problem that

you can alleviate as a doctor?"

Jeffrey A. Singer: I've said that.

In fact, when [00:36:00] I gave that hill briefing for the Cato Institute back in June,

I remarked to the group, "It's okay for me to have a person on methadone maintenance.

Why can't I have them on OxyContin maintenance?"

In fact, pain specialists do have people on OxyContin maintenance, but they're doing it-

Trevor Burrus: With special permission?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Well, they're treating pain.

They're pre-treating a diagnosis of pain.

They're not treating the chemical dependency.

It's a fine line, right?

Obviously, the patient who's a [00:36:30] chronic pain patient, when he starts to withdraw

from the OxyContin, he develops worsening pain and withdrawal symptoms.

But, he's being treated for his pain condition, not for his chemical dependency, officially.

Officially, I'm talking about here.

Listeners can't see the sarcastic look in my face while I'm talking.

But, I would argue, if it's okay, if the government gives permission to doctors to prescribe Suboxone

for people who [00:37:00] are addicted and don't want to go into withdrawal, or gives

permission for methadone maintenance clinics to be established, and there is a rigorous

application process and all that, that you have to go through.

But let's say, it does give permission for that.

So, it's kind of arbitrary.

The only difference between methadone and OxyContin is a couple of molecules.

That's it.

They're all in the same category of drug.

They all have the same long- [00:37:30] term lack of deleterious effects on the organs.

Now, some are more beneficial than others, if you're trying to do a substitution, just

because of their nature.

For example, studies suggest, the jury's still out on this, but a lot of studies suggest

that methadone is more effective than Suboxone because it binds to more of the opioid receptors

[00:38:00] than Suboxone does.

So, it gives a more complete satiation, sense of satiation than does Suboxone.

A lot of studies have suggested that more people stay on methadone maintenance than

stay on Suboxone programs.

They tend to, has more of a, a smaller retention rate than does methadone.

So, each of these opioids has different characteristics that make one be more advantageous than another,

but they're all [00:38:30] basically, the same kind of chemical.

Trevor Burrus: And that's why the word is super-interesting, when you hear people talk

about, "We have to stop these addicts," or something like that.

They're using "addicts."

And so, that's a word that makes people think of bad people.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, addict's a vice.

Trevor Burrus: Addict addiction is a vice.

And it seems to me that we can't ever really deal with this "opioid crisis" until we accept

the fact that it's okay for some people to be addicted to opiates.

I mean, in general, [00:39:00] we accept that for nicotine, to some extent.

We accept that for, I get headaches if I don't have coffee.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, we jokingly say, "I'm addicted to coffee," or, "I'm addicted

to chocolate."

Trevor Burrus: Exactly.

Jeffrey A. Singer: These things are actually true things.

Trevor Burrus: Can people be contributing members of society, which is, I'm rolling

my eyes when I say that, because I find that to be a very loaded phrase, but can people

be contributing members of society and be opiate addicts?

Jeffrey A. Singer: We see it all the time.

First of all, we see it with alcohol, [00:39:30] very commonly in the workplace.

I'm sure we all know of people that we suspect might have a drinking problem.

Maybe they show up for work and they smell from the alcohol, or when we do get together

socially, they tend to drink a lot.

But they show up for work, we don't ask questions.

They perform well.

And we don't see them drinking on the job.

So, we just mind our own business.

We see that all the time.

But even with opiates, in fact, my specialty's iconic figure, [00:40:00] William Halsted,

he was considered the Father of American Surgery.

He was professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins, and created the residency program as we know

it today.

He invented a concept, many of the earliest major operations were designed by him.

To this day, there's the Halsted Technique of this, the Halsted Technique of that.

I mean, he's a historic figure.

He was a morphine addict.

Originally, he was [00:40:30] a cocaine addict, actually.

I jokingly say, "Oh, that explains why we have to start our first surgery of the day

at 7:30 in the morning, and we have to show up at 5 a.m. for rounds."

Now I get it."

Because he started this long ago.

He was a cocaine addict.

And there are books written about this.

A number of his colleagues had an intervention.

They took them on an ocean cruise, because they were worried about him.

And it was popular in the 19- teens and 20s, to treat cocaine addiction by substituting

your addiction [00:41:00] with morphine.

Trevor Burrus: Okay.

I'm not sure what the [crosstalk 00:41:03]

Jeffrey A. Singer: It doesn't make sense to me, but that was what they thought back then.

So they ended up getting him addicted to morphine.

And that was kind of, a well-kept secret among just his closest associates until he retired.

He used to come home from a long day at work and take enough morphine to prevent his withdrawal

symptoms, and take enough in the morning to again, prevent it.

And he was a great professor and academic and surgeon.

And nobody really knew about [00:41:30] that until afterwards.

Trevor Burrus: So, if we accept that addicts, I think I'm going to stop using that word.

I want to use a different word, because dependents, that's an okay thing.

If we can accept that and we can say that maybe just the raw number of opiates being

used is not a good indicator of only badness, the people are getting pain treated, or getting

pleasure from it, and they're contributing to society, that we can accept that.

Then we have to still deal with this death problem.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Right.

Trevor Burrus: And we talked before [00:42:00] we started recording, that that really should

be the focus, is how to stop people from dying.

And that's going to, what you think that ultimately, that's going to take?

Jeffrey A. Singer: That, I wish that all of the people in the public policy arena who

are passing laws, to switch their focus to that.

Instead of saying we can't allow people to have, underlying their approaches, we can't

allow people to engage in these vices.

But if instead, they said, "We need to have less people dying."

Well, what is the source of people dying?

[00:42:30] It's drug prohibition.

Just like [crosstalk 00:42:33]

Trevor Burrus: The adulteration of heroin.

Jeffrey A. Singer: Yeah, you don't know what's in it.

You by a Percocet pill or an oxycodone pill on the black market, and we see more and more

cases of these pills are being imported from, let's say, China, and then are being also,

laced with fentanyl.

You think you're taking an oxycodone.

You're taking a fentanyl.

You stop breathing, because it's so powerful.

Trevor Burrus: Actually, just to stop you for a sec.

Do you know actually, if we, when we may qualify that as an overdose death, [00:43:00] do we

do enough toxicology to say, "Okay, it was fentanyl-laced OxyContin?"

Or do we just look at the jar and say, "Oh, there's an OxyContin jar.

He overdosed with OxyContin"?

Jeffrey A. Singer: Late in the last several years actually, this is about 2006 or so,

they've been getting more specific.

There have been a lot of articles written about how, depending on who the medical examiner

is, some are more conscientious than others in trying to distinguish, but since the attention

has focused on [00:43:30] this, efforts have been made to get more uniform toxicology when

autopsies are performed.

So, we are starting to be able to differentiate.

But that's, the cause of the deaths is drug prohibition.

And we know from experience in countries that have decriminalized drugs, like Portugal,

the death rate has gone down dramatically.

In fact, in 2015, the overdose death rate from [00:44:00] opioids in Portugal was six

per 100,000.

In the United States the same year, it's 312 per 100,000.

So, these were all opioids.

So, and apparently, the Portuguese equivalent of the drug czar says they estimate there

are 25,000 heroin addicts in Portugal today.

There were 100,000 and they started, when they decriminalized drugs there.

So, obviously, that would be [00:44:30] the smartest thing to do.

In this political environment, that's probably what they would say is a bridge too far.

So, then okay, at least let's stop killing people.

So, why don't we focus all of these efforts that right now are focused on restricting

doctors from helping their patients in pain, and restricting the production of legal pharmaceutical

grade opioids.

Instead of putting those efforts into that, why don't we put them into harm reduction

programs, [00:45:00] so that people will be less likely to kill themselves.

Harm reduction programs such as, in addition to medical assisted treatment programs like

methadone maintenance or Suboxone, there's needle exchange programs, so people aren't

spreading hepatitis and HIV.

Even better, there's safe injection rooms.

They've been around for 25+ years.

They're in every country but the United States, in the developed world.

The idea there is with a [00:45:30] clean needle exchange program, which is very prominent

in this country, you go in, you're given a clean needle and syringe.

But then, once you get out on the street, if you're a minority in the inner-city, you're

arrested for possession of paraphernalia.

If you're white in the suburbs, you just, maybe you sell it, or after you use it you

give it to somebody else.

So, it's not perfect.

But whereas, with the safe injection room, you go into the room, you inject there, and

then you leave.

The needle is then discarded by the people who run the place.

And not only [00:46:00] that, but you have the bonus of somebody being around there with

Narcan so if you overdose, because again, you're using an illegally obtained substance,

so you don't know really what's in it.

So, let's say you overdose.

Well, there's somebody there to detox, to give you the antidote of Narcan, which doesn't

happen with needle exchange programs.

Actually, the CDC is okay with that.

They encourage what they call "safe syringe programs."

It's kind of, a generic term, whether you do clean needle exchange or safe injection

room, [00:46:30] it comes under the safe syringe program.

They think that's a good idea, because it stops the spread of disease and death.

But, in this country, for example, when the City Council of Seattle at the beginning of

this year, voted to have a pilot program for safe injection, a whole bunch of the state

legislatures, state legislators tried to stop it, because it "sends the wrong message."

So, there's a resistance on that kind of, cultural level here in this country.

That's a good harm reduction [00:47:00] program.

Several countries, about a half-dozen, have heroin-assisted treatment programs, started

in Switzerland in 1994.

It's still going, 23 years later.

And it's in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Canada.

Belgium is about to start a program.

Spain has that program.

And in this case, what they find is, people have not been able to be retained in methadone

maintenance programs, because like I say, it's hard to keep people, [00:47:30] there's

a lot of dropouts.

What they did in Switzerland, they say, "If you have failed a methadone maintenance program

and you're an addict for at least two years, you're 18 or older, and you're willing to

surrender your driver's license, we'll let you come in here up to three times a day and

inject diamorphine, which is not on the illegal market.

This is the pure stuff.

Because it's made there, it's available.

And we'll give you clean needles where you inject yourself.

You sign in, you sign out."

[00:48:00] 23 years later, 20% of the people who signed up in 1994 are still in the program.

It has a very successful retention rate.

Average rate is three years.

And what they found is a 62% reduction in street crime.

The sale of heroin on the streets has pretty much disappeared, because a lot of these people

were selling heroin to support their habit.

Well, now they don't have to.

And interestingly, in Switzerland, they reported that teen heroin [00:48:30] use has come down,

because when the kids see these people going in and out of the clinic to get their injection,

it doesn't look cool.

So, it's kind of, lost its appeal.

Also, a lot of these people have gotten to work.

In Germany, they started a program shortly after Switzerland, and they reported 40% of

their clients have full-time jobs.

So, these are things that we can think of.

If we can't bring ourselves to end drug prohibition, at least, [00:49:00] let's stop making people


Because the drug prohibition, that's what's making people die.

Trevor Burrus: Thanks for listening.

This episode of Free Thoughts was produced by Tess Terrible and Evan Banks.

To learn more, visit us on the web at

For more infomation >> Free Thoughts, Ep. 210: How Drug Prohibition Caused the Opioid Crisis (with Jeffrey A. Singer) - Duration: 49:24.


Plastic Bottle Hacks - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Plastic Bottle Hacks - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:31.


சீமானால் காதலித்து சீரழிக்கப்பட்ட நடிகை விஜயலட்சுமி | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News |Tamil News - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> சீமானால் காதலித்து சீரழிக்கப்பட்ட நடிகை விஜயலட்சுமி | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News |Tamil News - Duration: 2:32.


கலைஞருக்கு சம்மந்தியாகும் நடிகை அமலா இது எங்க போய் முடியும்னு தெரியல| Tamil Cinema News | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> கலைஞருக்கு சம்மந்தியாகும் நடிகை அமலா இது எங்க போய் முடியும்னு தெரியல| Tamil Cinema News | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:47.


Truck For Kids | Learn Colors With Trucks | Rhymes For Toddlers | Educational Video - Duration: 45:27.

I can see an incy wincy spider!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the spout again

Look at him climb up the baby this time!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the baby's knee

The baby cried out loud And made the spider flee

Out came his mom And the baby went to sleep

And the incy wincy spider Once more climbed up the knee

The spider is climbing up the mansion this time!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the mansion wall

Down came the rain And made the spider fall

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the wall again

There the spider goes into the shopping mart!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the shopping cart

The shopping lady screamed And ran out of the mart

Out came the cleaners And cleaned from down to up

But the incy wincy spider Ate all the cookies up

That's the insy wincy spider!

"Let's sing the ABC Song!"

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

I just love my ABCs 26 Letters from A to Zee

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me?

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

I just love my ABCs 26 Letters from A to Zee

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...



Three Little Numbers...



Six Little Numbers…



Nine Little Numbers…



Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

Ten little numbers…

Ten little numbers…

For more infomation >> Truck For Kids | Learn Colors With Trucks | Rhymes For Toddlers | Educational Video - Duration: 45:27.


Resepi Biskut Red Velvet @ Red Velvet Cookies recipe - Duration: 1:56.

beat butter, ghee, brown sugar, egg yolk and vanilla essence until it become fluffy

then add the food colouring, cocoa, vinegar, baking powder & soda bicarbonate.mix well

after that add the flour, emplex and cornstarch. Mix well

then add white choc chips and almond flakes.mix it

wrap the dough and put in the chiller for 30 min

use spoon to place the soft dough on a baking tray.make sure grease the baking tray first.

Baked the cookies at 170C for 30 min, depends on your oven

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