Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

[ALICE] At Switchback we work with

18-30 year old young men

who we meet in the prisons.

We support these guys

through the prison gate

and into employment

or wherever it is that they want to go.

They're all young men who

choose to come onto

the Switchback Programme,

make a new start

and do things differently

and the Switchback Mentor

is the person at the heart of that process.

[RICHARD] Switchback Mentors work with

potential Trainees for up to

three months before release

so it's a very intensive

exploration of why and how somebody's

going to make a change when they get released.

Once someone is released from prison,

Switchback Mentors are there on the very first day,

meeting them at probation,

and getting the ball rolling

with them coming into the Cafe and

coming into the Switchback offices.

[TAPIWA] When I was in prison, Sophie came along.

She told me about Switchback

and then she told me about the Cafe and everything

so I said I was interested in it

and from there when I came out

I said to her I'm gonna get involved in it

'cause I do want to change my life

and Switchback, you know, is perfect.

So I meet Joe, and once a week

we review our action plan

and then sometimes I'd have to go to probation,

maybe go to the Job Centre,

and the Cafe shift as well.

See, if I'm feeling low I'll call him

to ask to see what he thinks about it.

[RICHARD] Often these young men have

never worked before

and to be brave enough to start afresh

can be incredibly difficult.

But seeing these guys shift

the way that they see themselves

interacting with society at large

that, in itself, for me as a Switchback Mentor is

the most rewarding aspect of the job.

[ALICE] One of the really shocking national statistics

is that 46% of people

coming out of prison

are back inside within a year

so one of the things that we're really proud of is

that, with Switchback Trainees,

our reoffending rate is actually 9%.

[TAPIWA] I used to see, like, a dark...

The darkness of the future

but I reckon I could see myself

this time definitely going somewhere.

I don't see myself, not one bit, going back

to the old lifestyle.

I'm completely a different person

to what I was there,

involved in crime and stuff.

For more infomation >> Switchback: What We Do - Duration: 2:24.


THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child! - Duration: 8:48.

THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child!

Many people believe that there has been a wave of individuals being born in order to

change the old �Iron� and industrial way of life to more �enlightened� and spiritual.

You�ve probably heard about �Indigo Children� and �Lightworkers� across the internet.

Lightworkers are just a consequence the ways of the modern world have brought to the human


Let me explain.

A Lightworker is a person who can sense that there�s a lot of healing to be done on a

large scale to the world. The modern ways of life are disharmonious and harmful to ourselves

and Nature, which we are all a part of.

This results in a subconscious awareness that something needs to be done, especially in

people who are born into the modern society.

Newer generations are unbound from �the chains� people who were constructing the

modern society have been imprisoned with.

The chains I am referring to are actually their investment of energy, their mindset,

and character developed in a different era, with far less available information.

These new generations can clearly see the bigger picture and what doesn�t work. That�s

why they have a heightened sensitivity to fix the world.

Just like there are popular terms in the science community addressing these new generations

as �generation x�, �generation y� and �generation z�, there are terms in

the spiritual movement addressing these generations as �Indigo Children�, �Crystal Children�

and �Rainbow Children�.

What kind of Lightworker are you?

Check what kind of lightworker you are. What aspect have most traits that describe you?


Born between the 1960s and the 1990s; Rebellious and warrior in spirit;

Despises the system; Loves to isolate;

Fond to addictions; Stubborn;


Born between the 1980s and 2000s; Strong and pure-hearted;

Highly developed imagination and creativity; Extremely empathetic and emotional;

Passionate about supernatural phenomena and superheroes;



Born after the new millennium; Positive and happy;

Technologically advanced and easy in understanding new gadgets;

Loving and hard to contain; Loves animals, Nature and possibly vegan;



Indigo children are born between the 1960s and the 1990s really similar as the baby boomers

of generation x.

They are rebellious and unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work,

or school. They are warriors in spirit.

They want to rage against the corrupted system that governs society and this trait projected

itself into the art, the music, the movies, the movements and the lifestyle of their youth.

They experimented with psychedelic substances, they forced their mind to be opened.

All of this resulted in the creation of new businesses and inventions that changed the

future forever, like the internet.

Crystal children are most likely to be the children of people from generation x. They

are born around the 1990s and 2000s slightly differing from generation y which addresses

people born between 1980s and 2000s.

However, the characteristics of crystal children and generation y individuals are almost exactly

the same.

They are intuitive, spiritually aware and passionate about supernatural subjects. They

have highly developed imagination and creativity. They understand things easily, they are extremely

empathetic and very easy going.

This contradictive schism between their emotions forces them to use drugs, to visit psychiatrists,

feel high levels of anxiety, have panic attacks and sometimes even more serious issues with

their mental health.

They are born in a transition time, in a period where humanity made its biggest leap with

technological advancement which affected all areas of society.

They grew up in times without internet and times when you cannot imagine how you lived

without internet. This transition happened in only 10 years period, which is a REALLY

small amount of time for such great change.

This affected their way of seeing the world. It�s like they were forced to raise their

consciousness at an accelerated rate. But that�s ok because they are strong enough,

like crystals.

They always see the world with pure eyes, which additionally adds to their �crystal

children� description.

Because of their imagination, purity of heart and strength, they are attracted to the superhero

phenomena. Their art, music, movies, businesses, even their lifestyles are inspired and driven

by various superheroes they idolized while they were growing up.

Rainbow children are the newest generation of people, or generation z, born after the

new millennium.

They are modern and more technologically advanced than generation x andy because they are raised

in a period where humans are more connected than any time in the known human history.

They had almost all of the information in the world available to them while they were

growing up, only by pushing few buttons.

These kids are happy and positive. They are like a breath of fresh air. They are bringing

happiness and joy to the whole world through various inventions, platforms, and mediums

that generation x has developed and generation y perfected.

Their light and positivity make them freer than any generation in modern history. They

love traveling, they hate being tied up to one person and they cannot stand the old conformist

ways. It feels like a prison to them.

Think of them like light; they give warmth, life and cannot be captured. Their whole being

is pure and that�s why most of these kids are vegan.


The Indigos are here to destroy what�s not working and pave the way for a better world.

The crystal children are the ones who need to create, develop and build the new ways

uniting the best from the old and the new.

The rainbow children are here to give life and fertilize the new and improved world that�s

in harmony with Nature and the human potential.

All of these 3 spiritual archetypes need to work together so there will be a real change

to the way humanity further develops.

However, it doesn�t mean that if you are an indigo you cannot be a crystal or a rainbow

child. You can evolve through all of these 3 archetypes depending on your environment,

understanding, and purpose. And a lot of people do.

These are simply 3 different aspects of one larger program called being a �Lightworker�which

works to heal the world.


This spiritual revolution is a consequence of the collective human psyche. To understand

this you must understand how we are all connected. You must grasp the fact that EVERYTHING connects

to everything else, even our thoughts.

�mile Durkheim first introduced the collective conscious back in 1893 and described as the

set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.

However, just like our collective conscious Carl Jung called a phenomena �Collective

Unconscious� which is the subconscious mind shared by all of the humanity.

This is how we are all connected. This is how all of us, unintentionally created the

perfect environment for �Lightworkers� to be developed and act as an antidote to

the virus that could have destroyed us.

Maybe that was the defensive mechanism of our collective subconsciousness or a higher

plan of our collective psyche to help us thrive together as species.

For more infomation >> THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child! - Duration: 8:48.


ON THE DAY OF THE MOTORIST! Congratulations on the day of the driver! - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> ON THE DAY OF THE MOTORIST! Congratulations on the day of the driver! - Duration: 1:28.


Cheryl Hines Is a Little Worried About Her Mom Seeing A Bad Moms Christmas - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Cheryl Hines Is a Little Worried About Her Mom Seeing A Bad Moms Christmas - Duration: 4:16.


Trò Đùa Bánh Kem Đánh Răng ( Orion Prank ) | 360hot REN - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> Trò Đùa Bánh Kem Đánh Răng ( Orion Prank ) | 360hot REN - Duration: 9:25.


Sikora (RC Lens) : si vous êtes venus uniquement pour parler de Douchez, je m'en vais - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Sikora (RC Lens) : si vous êtes venus uniquement pour parler de Douchez, je m'en vais - Duration: 0:25.


COMO CREAR TU REALIDAD - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> COMO CREAR TU REALIDAD - Duration: 3:34.


People Thought Cheryl Hines Was Really Married to Larry David - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> People Thought Cheryl Hines Was Really Married to Larry David - Duration: 2:32.


Bad Drivers of Italy - Episode #93 - Duration: 3:42.

what a fuck...

I have no words!

For more infomation >> Bad Drivers of Italy - Episode #93 - Duration: 3:42.


Mikey Day Reveals His Favorite Rejected SNL Pitches - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Mikey Day Reveals His Favorite Rejected SNL Pitches - Duration: 6:22.


謝謝你們的支持 | 我們對頻道做了一個重大決定 | Peter Liu vlog#238 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 謝謝你們的支持 | 我們對頻道做了一個重大決定 | Peter Liu vlog#238 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 6:01.


Gölge İnsanlar Ve Kameralara Yakalanan Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran İnsanları!

Ülkemizde pek fazla bilinmesede dünyada çok tartışılan gölge insanlar isimli

dalga beden varlıklar hakkında kapsamlı bilgiler paylaşıp kameralara yakalanan görüntülerini

seyrinize sunacağım bir video ile beraberiz.

Dinler, efsaneler ve inanç sistemlerinin bir dizi karanlık ruhsal varlıkları ya

da doğaüstü gibi tarif edilemeyen varlıkları tanımlamak için kullanılan tonun rengidir


Yeraltının ve çeşitli yaratıkların, halk inançlarının, hayalet hikayelerinin

tanımı olmuştur.

Gölge insanlar kentsel efsane ve mitler gibi birçok insana görünen bir fenomendir.

Bu yaratıklar, ya da her ne iseler, Siluetleri insanınki gibi olup, genellikle göz ucuyla

dışarıda görülen ve bazende evinizin odalarınızın duvarlarında bir anda ortaya


Çoğu zamanda görüldüklerini anladıklarında bir duvar veya başka bir odaya kaybolurlar.

Bu durumda onların bir bilinç sahibi olduğunu ispatlar niteliktedir.

Gölge insanların tam olarak ne olduğunu kesin değildir.

Bazen diğer tarafta onları bekleyen ışıktan korkan ve reddedenler varlıklar, toprağa,

bir mekana veya eşyaya bağlı ruhlar olarak açıklanmışlardır.

Gölge İnsanlar Efsanesi ilk defa gece radyo talk-show programlarının birinde dile getirildi.

Ev sahibi Art Bell röportajında gölge insanların konu edileceğini söylediğinde tarih 12

Nisan 2001 i gösteriyordu.

Programda konu uzun uzadıya tartışıldı.

Konuk Harley Reagan olarak bilinen yaşlı Kızılderili Thunder'dı.

Gösteri sırasında, dinleyiciler ve onları görmüş olanlar yaptıkları çizimleri

radyonun web sitesine göndermeye başladılar.

Bu çizimler derhal web sitesinde herkese açık olarak paylaşıldı ve gölge insanların

çizimleri ilk defa bir programda geçti.

O yıl Ekim ayında, Heidi Hollis Bu konuda ki ilk kitabını yayınladı ve daha sonra

radyo programına düzenli konuk oldu.

Hollis gölge olarak tanımlanan insanları periferik görme dışında titreme ve karanlık

profilleri siluetlerin korkudan insan şeklinde olabileceğini açıkladı.

Fakat bazı vakalarda bu varlıklar gören kişiye zarar veriyor ve onların göğüs

kısmına baskı yaparak, boğmaya çalışıyordu.

Bu konu hakkında ise belki de bunların başka boyutlardan gelen yabancı varlıklar olduğuna


Online tartışma forumlarında bazı katılımcılar paranormal ve doğaüstü konular üzerinden

onları tehditkar olarak bulduklarını diğer inananlar ve paranormal yazarlar ise gölge

insanların iyi, kötü, ya da nötr olduğunu anlatıyordu.

Spekülasyon o derece büyüdü ki bazıları gölge insanların aslında farklı boyuttan

gelen başka bir evrenin sakinleri olduklarını öne sürdü.

Çad Stambaugh gibi Bazı paranormal araştırmacılar ve yazarlar videoda gölge insanların görüntülerini

kaydettiklerini iddia ettiler.

Bazıları kırmızı veya sarı gözleri ile görülmüştür.

Çoğu böcekler gibi olup, bizlerin onlardan korktuğundan daha fazla onlar bizlerden korkarlar.

Yinede aralarında kötücül ve saldırgan olanlar da bulunmaktadır.

Gölge insanların çoğu erkek görünümlü bazıları uzun mont giymiş ve şapkalı

olarak tarif edilir.

Gözümüzün köşesinde aniden beliren ve gözlerinizin içine doğrudan bakarak gecenin

karanlığından daha kara olan bu varlıklar nadiren insanlarla iletişime geçtikleri


Bazıları sadece duman olarak belirmektedir, bazıları belden yukarısı görülmektedir,

bazıları bacakları olup gözlemci gibi binaların ve çalıların arkasında dikilir

veya evdeki dolapların içinden ve duvarlardan geçerler.

Bazı kimseler bu varlıkların karabasan denilen uyku felcine de yol açan şeyler

olduğuna inanmaktadır.

Bu Varlıklar "benimle gel" ya da "biz burada" gibi şeyler söyleyerek insanları korkuttukları

da bildirilmiştir.

Bunun Dışında Birçok metamfetamin bağımlısının da uzun süreli sanrılardan sonra uyku yoksunluğu

ile gölge insanlar gördükleri rapor edilmiştir.

2001 Yılında ki ilk programın ardından dünya üzerinde pek çok defalar kameraların

kadrajlarına girmişlerdir.

İşte bu görüntülerin küçük bir kısmını yorumları sizlere bırakarak seyirlerinize sunuyorum.

Tüm soru, görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi platformlarda

paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılabilmek

için Kült TV'ye abone olmayı unutmayın.

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Gölge İnsanlar Ve Kameralara Yakalanan Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.


POOP COOKIES - No.2 Most Disgusting Halloween 🎃 Recipes - Duration: 5:09.

Hi and a huge Halloween welcome to Steve's Kitchen.

Today we are making and I would say you asked for it but you nobody did.

We are making something that could be the most disgusting Halloween recipe but I'm putting

it appropriately at number 2 . It is Poop cookiesNow I'm very sorry to keep bringing

you these I know It sounds disgusting but actually they are really rather good tasting

cookies and they are a bit of fun.

I hope you are enjoying the series don't forget number 1 will be coming out tomorrow.

Lets get on and make theses Poop Cookies.

One of the tips when you are making a cookie that has to keep its shape , is finding a

cookie batter that works.

Now we've decided to go with a chocolate shortbread, its ideal and I'll show you some tips along

the way to help it keep it's form.

In a mixing bowl I've got 250g thats about 9 oz of softened salted butter.

And I want it pretty soft because what I'm going to do is just whisk this together.

And I want Knock some air into it.

So you could do this in a stand mixer.

So I've got this lovely creamy butter now.

We're going to take 75g thats 2.5oz of powdered sugar or confectionary sugar and I am going

to sift the lumps out and then we are going to continue to whisk the sugar and butter


Now I am going to change over to a spoon now.

We are using all purpose or plain flourI've got 300g thats about 10.5 oz and I'm going

to sift most of this in, some of this going to drop over the side but never mind.

It's just that little easier to mix this batter if all the ingredients are been sifted.

I've got an ounce of unsweetened cocoa thats about 25g.

Also sifting in, we're adding in a teaspoon of vanilla extract as well for flavour.

And now using a spoon we're just going to mix this through until we get a nice smooth

cookie batter.

Now it's important to note that we're going to be piping this cookie batter so it doesn't

want to be too stiff, you can see there that its quite smooth a bit like a butter cream

Now I'm going to take about half of my mixture and I'm dropping that into a piping bag which

I just stretched over a glass and we're going to snip a reasonably large hole in the end

of the bag.

Now use your hands to make sure the batter stays quite warm because we are going to be

piping this.

It's going to be tricky to get out if it's too firm.

Now you want to squeeze it out into little poop cookies like this , which I actually

do think look kind of cool.

If not disgusting.

Or you can go for this great looking swirl we go round the outside into the centre and

then up in the middle.

Now if these didn't look disgusting enough what I'm actually going to do is take some

little white chocolate chips and just push them in.

They are for decoration but I think they also will taste good.

Now trust me piping these cookies might not be for the faint hearted but you know get

in the spirit of halloween We can't bake these as they are.

I am going to preheat my oven to 175C / 350F but first of all I want to pop these in the

freezer and let them really firm up So about 15-20 minutes before we bake them.

Now 12 -13 minutes worked perfectly for me in this oven.I'm ready to take these off and

put them on to a rack and let them cool down.

And they look suitably disgusting.

There are 10 cookies on that tray, in total I made about 30 cookies.We'll just let these

cool down a little bit and I'll show you how we're going to serve them.

Now to serve theses poop cookies you are going to want some cat litter and a cat litter tray

Actually you are going to want some rice pops or rice krispies and a baking tray.

I've also got a cat litter scoop don't worry it's a brand new one it hasn't been used.

Now I'm going to pour the rice krispies into my baking tray Give it a little shake to flatten

it down and now we're going to take our poop cookies and this is going to look pretty disgusting

We're just going to pop them in amongst the rice krispies or rice baubles.

I am going to lay them in fairly quickly so you can see what they look like.

And that disgusting little serving tray is ready for halloween.

Time to give this a try.

Poop cookies pretty disgusting but wait till you see tomorrows video as well.

Now I've already tried one of these and I can tell you although they look disgusting

they taste absolutely gorgeous they are a melt in your mouth shortbread cookie.With

Chocolate chips as well.

Anyway i'm going to try one on camera, never thought I'd have to do this here goes.

Umm As I expected it tastes absolutely delicious.

You are going to have heaps of fun enjoy yourself, be silly this halloween and share this video

with your friends and family and I will see you tomorrow for another great halloween disgusting


Take care, see you then.

For more infomation >> POOP COOKIES - No.2 Most Disgusting Halloween 🎃 Recipes - Duration: 5:09.


क्या बिग बॉस के घर में शुरू हो गई ढिंचैक पूजा की प्रेम कहानी? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> क्या बिग बॉस के घर में शुरू हो गई ढिंचैक पूजा की प्रेम कहानी? - Duration: 6:37.


Vegetarianism 🌱 - Duration: 2:16.

Very often people ask me about vegetarianism.

They also ask what I can eat.

Today, I'll try to present vegetarianism as objectively as I can.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy if you decided to have this lifestyle.

Of course I would!

However, if you don't want to change, at least, watch the video until the end.

So the next time you're with a vegetarian/vegan you won't have to ask so many questions.

First things first, vegetarianism: The practice of not eating meat or fish.

Also, being vegan and being vegetarian isn't the same.

When I heard for the first time, I thought vegan was just a "cooler" word.

But then I realised veganism, apart from meat and fish, excludes all the products of animal origin,

such as eggs, milk, gelatine and honey, among others.

Anyway, this is more than a diet.

What's the point of not eating animals, if I use fur coats,

use makeup tested in animals,

or a circus where they're explored?

There are a few kinds of vegetarians.

The lacto-ovo vegetarians, who do consume dairy products and egg products.

The lacto-vegetarians, who consume dairy products but exclud eggs.

Finally, the ovo-vegetarians who consume eggs but take dairy products from their diet.

If you're thinking about leaving animals alone,

do it gradually. Otherwise, you'll end up giving up a few days later.

One of the thing you'll be need to compensate are the proteins.

Vegetarians don't eat only soya!

There are many possibilitys such as tofu, beans and lentiles.

You only have to search.

If you've any doubts look for the answer in the Internet. There are many blogs and channels who might help.

If you can't find the answer, talk to a nutricionist.

Finally, before asking again why being a vegetarian,

Imagine a dog and cow running outdoors.

Now imagine you're petting the cow and eating the dog.

For more infomation >> Vegetarianism 🌱 - Duration: 2:16.


Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional in flipkart and amazon shopping online kids - Duration: 0:35.

Latest Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional Dress Designs flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Girls Dress Design Kids Party Wear Traditional in flipkart and amazon shopping online kids - Duration: 0:35.


Bemutatjuk a gyerekzár használatát | Ford Magyarország - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Bemutatjuk a gyerekzár használatát | Ford Magyarország - Duration: 1:32.


Learn police vehicles | Police chase | Police cars | Rhymes for Babies | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 1:02:10.

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick,

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here and a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof,there a Woof,everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pig. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink,there an Oink,everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there here a "neigh" there a "neigh" everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cow. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here and a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo there a Moo everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here and a Quack Quack there. Here a Quack there a Quack,everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day School one day, school one day

He followed her to school one day Which was against the rule

It made the children laugh and play Laugh and play, laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school

So the teacher turned it out Turned it out, turned it out

And so the teacher turned it out But still he lingered near

And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, white sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Girl Who lives down the lane.

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