Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

Modern agriculture is primarily a super harvesters

But on the site we have other good helpers

Which can replace a whole combine-harvester

But sometimes what we remove will have to be disposed

And that has a suitability for efficient use

And while the waste get the right things

Which will serve long and reliably

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

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For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника #27 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Made By Hands - Duration: 8:33.


Cristiano Ronaldo vs Neymar Jr | Football Highlights and Skill - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo vs Neymar Jr | Football Highlights and Skill - Duration: 6:19.


Overwatch - Blizzcon 2017 Schedule, New Hero, Animated Short, and More Expectations! - Duration: 7:46.

What's up everybody this is Master Ian Gamer and Blizzcon 2017 is fast approaching us!

So today, I'm going to go over everything you need to know so that you don't miss

out on a minute of the event, and also mention what new things we can expect to see announced

this year.

Without further ado, let's jump on in.

First I'll go over the important dates and times.

The main event starts Friday, November 3rd at 11:00AM PDT.

This will be the Blizzcon opening ceremony, which is where Blizzard makes all their big

general announcements.

The reason why this is important for Overwatch fans is because last year at Blizzcon, this

is where Sombra and her animated short were first revealed.

This doesn't mean that something major pertaining to Overwatch will for sure get announced here

again, but you should try to watch it anyways just in case.

The other important time to tune in will be later on Friday at 2:45PM PDT for "Overwatch

- What's Next?"

Anything big that doesn't get announced during the Opening Ceremony will almost definitely

be announced here.

There will be a number of other Overwatch related events throughout the two main days

of the event, but I won't bother mentioning them all specifically because they won't

be as important for major new announcements.

Instead, you can peruse the schedule at your leisure via the link in the description below,

which will also list the events in your native timezone.

Unfortunately, I do believe you will need a virtual ticket to watch anything other than

the opening ceremony, including the "What's Next" portion.

So if you are interested in getting a virtual ticket, I will have a link to that in the

description as well.

Moving onto the actual new content we can expect to see at this year's Blizzcon, there

are a number of juicy things likely in store for us.

I'll go through these in order of what's most likely to get announced or shown, and

then move into the more speculative and wishful thinking end of things.

So to start, we have a new hero.

Now there has been some debate about whether or not this Blizzcon will in fact feature

a new hero, but if you saw my last video than I've already discussed why I'm convinced

we'll still get one.

If you haven't watched it already, I also go into who it could be and what role they'll

fill in the game, so be sure to check it out.

In short, based off of the four month hero release cycle and the fact that Blizzcon is

Blizzard's biggest event of the year, it's almost inevitable that someone new will at

least be revealed during this event.

As I mentioned before, the new hero will possibly be announced during the opening ceremony,

and if not then it will be during the "What's Next" event later on Friday.

The next major thing we will most likely be seeing at Blizzcon is a new animated short.

Given that the "Rise and Shine" Mei short released at this year's Gamescom officially

kicked off Season 2 of the cinematic shorts, we can expect to get some more at a fairly

steady and frequent pace for a while.

And just like with the the new hero, given how big of an event Blizzcon is, it will be

the perfect time to release one.

Additionally, this is almost definitely going to be revealed during the Opening Ceremony,

since it will of course be a big cinematic thing to show off.

As for who will be featured in this new short, well that's really anyone's guess.

It could be the new hero, just like it was last year with Sombra, but it may also be

someone else for all we know.

The last major thing that we'll pretty much definitely see at this year's Blizzcon is

more information regarding Overwatch League.

I haven't ever really talked about Overwatch League in my videos before, because to be

honest I'm not really that big a fan of eSports or competitive gaming.

I'm sure we've all seen the new team specific skins that have been periodically shown off

over the past month or so, but beyond that there's really not much more to go on.

It seems like Blizzard is really pushing hard for Overwatch League to be successful, so

we'll almost definitely be getting more info regarding it during this event.

Moving onto less specific things we'll see this year, we have Competitive and general

game balance or system changes.

In a way, this is basically inevitable.

I can't imagine that we'll go the entirety of Blizzcon without Jeff or some other developer

saying SOMETHING regarding upcoming Overwatch changes, the question really is just what

they will be.

There has been a lot of demand for changes to Competitive mode as well as Mercy and her

extreme presence in the game right now, but these are only a couple of the many prominent

topics people want to hear Blizzard address.

It's anyone's guess as for what will actually get discussed, so let's just hope there

are some nice improvements in store for us.

One specific thing we'll likely see are the new eSports spectator tools.

Jeff Kaplan recently mentioned these in a recent Developer Update video where he talked

about how much they've been working to get Overwatch working nice and smooth in the world

of competitive gaming.

I'll have a link to that dev video down in the description.

We may also get a new game mode announced, although I doubt we'll see one for the main

Quick Play and Competitive roster, and the Arcade already seems to be overwhelmed with

the number of modes it has to offer.

I don't find a new game mode to be particularly likely, nor does it feel particularly needed

or wanted right now.

So don't expect to hear much if anything regarding this idea.

Another thing that we may see announced is the next map, or at least a map of some kind.

Blizzcon 2016 revealed two maps, one being Ecopoint: Antarctica for the new Arcade mode,

and the other being the Control Map Oasis.

The latter didn't even show up on the PTR for a couple months after the event, but Blizzard

still took advantage of Blizzcon to reveal it and start building hype.

We may see a similar thing happen again this year for a map further down the line, although

it will likely depend on how much else they have to show off.

If there is enough other Overwatch related stuff to reveal and build hype for, they might

not bother adding whatever the next main map is to that list.

The last thing I want to suggest for this year's Blizzcon is a significant overhaul

to the system or at least new kinds of cosmetics.

Now, I've mentioned this a number of times in the past, and I swear one of these days

I'll get around to collecting all my thoughts on the matter and making a dedicated video

about it.

This isn't an issue I see being brought up very often, so others in the community

may not really agree with the importance I place on it.

But I think the cosmetics system as it stands has lots of room to be expanded and the way

it works currently doesn't favor the longevity of cosmetic progression.

While I really don't expect to see something like this announced or disclosed at Blizzcon,

I would love to see anything, even just the addition of new custom weapon skins, become

a feature of the game.

As a last little note, I will mention that I expect we'll have something unexpected

announced, so I'm excited to see which new things will catch us completely by surprise.

And that wraps up everything major we can expect to have announced at Blizzcon 2017.

Thank you so much for watching and be sure to comment below with your own hopes and expectations

for Blizzcon, and check out today's poll card to cast your vote for what you're looking

forward to most.

Leave a like if you enjoyed this video, and subscribe, follow me on Twitter, and hit the

bell icon to keep up with all my future Blizzcon and Overwatch related videos.

This is Master Ian Gamer signing off.

I've got to get back to grinding the Halloween event now, because I've still got way too

many of those Legendary skins to unlock.

So until next time have a great day!

For more infomation >> Overwatch - Blizzcon 2017 Schedule, New Hero, Animated Short, and More Expectations! - Duration: 7:46.


Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 3 || game play part 3 - Duration: 12:58.

Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 3

For more infomation >> Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 3 || game play part 3 - Duration: 12:58.


Thất bại của Huyền My Việt Nam mãi mãi không thể vươn mình ra biển lớn các Sân chơi Hoa Hậu - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Thất bại của Huyền My Việt Nam mãi mãi không thể vươn mình ra biển lớn các Sân chơi Hoa Hậu - Duration: 10:07.


Determination 【Undertale AMV - Vietsub Phụ Đề 】 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Determination 【Undertale AMV - Vietsub Phụ Đề 】 - Duration: 3:16.


The man behind Kiatmookao Gym - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> The man behind Kiatmookao Gym - Duration: 4:23.


Essence of Murli 28 -10 - 2017 - Duration: 5:36.

Om Shanti

Today's Murli Date Is 28th October 2017

Essence: Sweet children, wake up early in the morning and sit in remembrance.

Even at meal times, remind one another of the Father.

By continuing to have remembrance you will pass with honours.

Question:Of which one weakness does the Father receive reports about the children?

Answer: Even now, many children have not yet become embodiments of love.

They continue to speak words that cause sorrow for others and this is why the Father receives reports about them.

( Be careful. My report should of this sort should never happen )

( This would happen when we speak words that would cause sorrow )

You children have to interact with a lot of love.

If you yourselves have defects, that is, if you have evil spirits, how would you remove the evil spirits of others?

Therefore, you have to become embodiments of love like the deities. Remove the evil spirits!

Song: At last the day for which we had been waiting has come.

Essence for dharna: 1. While carrying on with your business etc., continue to spin the discus of self-realisation.

Remind one another of the Father. No matter how many tests come, you must definitely maintain awareness.

2. After donating the vices, never take them back. Never cause sorrow for anyone.

Don't become angry. Remove any evil spirits from within you.

Blessing: May you be a jewel of contentment with happiness in the heart who flies in the plane of blessings.

A jewel of contentment is one who is content with the self, content in service and content with everyone.

To receive contentment as the fruit of tapasya is the success of tapasya.

A jewel of contentment is one whose heart is constantly happy.

Happiness means that your heart and head are constantly restful and you have a stage of happiness and comfort.

Such jewels of contentment will experience themselves to be flying in the plane of everyone's blessings.

Slogan: Only those with true hearts who please the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune and the Bestower of Blessings can have spiritual pleasure.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 28 -10 - 2017 - Duration: 5:36.


5 Football Skills to Learn! - Duration: 4:52.

Hey everyone and welcome to a new video!

Today I have a Finnish freestyle skiller, Alexander Wessberg as a guest.

Welcome. -Thanks a lot.

We will show you five freestyle skills to learn.

Let's go!

Cool looking trick. I couldn't do it yet. I need to practice a bit more.

What are the most important things to remember for this trick?

When doing the Abbas, wait a moment after the first kick,

and the whole movement starts from the hip.

I'm sure you'll learn this next time we go to practice. -Yeah.

Stat's it. I learn a new trick today. Thanks man.

Now, important things?

The timing is very important and when you take the touch after the first round

put a lot of power to the kick so the ball goes up.

Yeah. Timing is very important when doing any of these tricks.

Important things for this?

Kick hard enough, go around the ball with a big movement and concentrate to the second touch.

It's very important to keep your ankle relaxed and move it as the ball moves.

Don't try to keep the ankle as still as possible. You won't learn this if you do so.

You should have your feet in a wide stance, body bent enough to the side and eyes on the ball.

Hopefully this was helpful. Thanks for coming.

Now you can go to practice.

On 2nd of December freestyle football Finnish championships are held in Helsinki.

I'm hosting the event. Link to the event is in the description.

That's that for today. See you in the next video, bye!

For more infomation >> 5 Football Skills to Learn! - Duration: 4:52.


6 Tipps, wie Ihr den Kuffar ("Ungläubigen") gefallen könnt! - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> 6 Tipps, wie Ihr den Kuffar ("Ungläubigen") gefallen könnt! - Duration: 4:34.


Auré­lien Entho­ven-Bruni : un fils de qui cartonne sur Youtube - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Auré­lien Entho­ven-Bruni : un fils de qui cartonne sur Youtube - Duration: 3:13.


Retro style is back for this fall - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Retro style is back for this fall - Duration: 4:44.


Halloween 2017 Bad Kids & Giant Skeleton! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Halloween 2017 Bad Kids & Giant Skeleton! - Duration: 3:48.


U.S. defense chief James Mattis says Washington's goal is to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 1:45.

Let's begin with Washington's Defense secretary's Seoul trip.

Earlier he visited the DMZ -- where the nation is divided in two.

Meeting his Korean counterpart...

James Mattis placed extra emphasis on the importance of denuclearizing the out of control


Kim Hyun-bin has our top story.

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis arrived in Seoul early Friday for his second visit

as Pentagon chief.

Mattis toured the front line units with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo and

gave a strong message towards North Korea.

The U.S. general stressed that Washington's goal is to denuclearize the regime.

"Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization

of the Korean Peninsula.

Defense Minister Song made similar comments, urging Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambitions.

(Korean) "I urge North Korea should halt its reckless

provocations and come back to the negotiating table as soon as possible."

The U.S. defense chief's visit comes as South Korea and the U.S. are scheduled to hold their

annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul on Saturday, a day after the allies' Military

Committee Meeting.

Friday's Military Committee Meeting was led by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the two allies

-- General Jeong Kyeong-doo and General Joseph Dunford.

Seoul's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and Mattis will hold their official talks at the

SCM on Saturday.

The allies plan to have in-depth discussions on enhancing extended deterrence against North

Korea's ever-expanding nuclear and ballistic missile threats.

They are also expected to discuss alliance policies, including the early transfer of

wartime operational control from Washington to Seoul, which is one of the key goals of

the Moon Jae-in administration.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. defense chief James Mattis says Washington's goal is to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 1:45.


My morning routine Are you sleeping song nursery rhymes by learn colors with Reborn - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> My morning routine Are you sleeping song nursery rhymes by learn colors with Reborn - Duration: 3:59.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run OZ Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 14:52.

Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run OZ Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Temple Run OZ Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 14:52.


S01.04: Pirates of Nusa and Gili islands, Indonesia - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> S01.04: Pirates of Nusa and Gili islands, Indonesia - Duration: 5:39.


НЕЙМАР — ТЁМНАЯ СТОРОНА - Duration: 6:25.


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