Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

hey everyone you're probably wondering why I look stupid with my hat like this

trying to pull off the Sun out because it's blinding at 6:00 a.m.

I made a comment on someone's video the other day because they were wrong

just just wrong I'm not gonna candy coat stuff anymore

we're tired of playing the politically correct game if you make a wrong

statement I'm probably going to say something it won't be malicious he won't

be me or said it in ill-will because sometimes I'll make mistake too and when

someone corrects me and I'm not going to believe their correction but I will go

do some checking and then I will tell them thank you it's not something that's

worth fighting about it's a matter of learning something if someone teaches me

something I appreciate it because I'm all about knowledge and

learning I think it's the learning is something we do at her life

but I've been thinking about patrols even trolls with names that if you are

if you bless someone like you bless make them than my video if you bless someone

with your time and you go to their video not to cause trouble but just to listen

that's what we do we listen we certainly can't watch

and someone takes offense to what you say it's kind of sad that they think

they must protect someone

sometimes people should listen to their elders to people who do have a lot more

experience in things that have done the same things that they

are doing or want to do

but it's I guess it's kind of against human nature to listen

maybe I have just try to do better some people don't

there's always tomorrow they might do better we're lucky people we live in

this glass nation that we can say say what we feel and mean what we say or we

can hide behind a CB and talk crap to people because that's kind of what these

people are like they have the hand have behind YouTube or a thousand mouths and

talk some kind of stuff some of us are blessed in being pretty or beautiful or

smart or maybe you're blessed and you're a midget and you're ugly I don't know it

depends on how you want to take what you've been given by God

and some of us have problems you might you might have a disability or or

something along those lines and if if a truck and bully wants to

pick on someone for being different that's sad

we should truck drivers especially because we we there are so many

differences out here there's so many misfits in this industry

this industry leads people to that are misfits into this industry

for many different reasons and when I say misfits that's not in any way in a

bad way because being different is just another way of being yourself you are

what you are

so I try to always be a knight or right or for everyone's justice


and if you're wrong I'm gonna tell you you're wrong

and if you're right Holi for you

but people talk out of turn and that's what really really gets me they act like

there are no repercussions in this country we have become so perfect

politically perfect that people will say anything and they say I'll have the

right to say anything

you have the right to get your ass beat - did you ever think about that

sometimes if you are they kind of got it that hides behind the CB and wants to

yak your mouth or if you want to hide behind a YouTube channel and a thousand

miles you're a thousand miles to nowhere we can we can all be there tomorrow I

wouldn't never threaten no one that's not what I'm doing here I'm just saying

that when you have a big mouth can you run it off or you talk crap are you

picking on someone or if you're malicious this is a small world and

YouTube makes it easy to find anybody if you really want to people should be


I let everything slide off my back I might get a little upset for a minute I

might say something but it ain't working in trouble for it

ain't worth harboring ill will or or animosity toward anybody

just let it go but when I wore a younger man's clothes that's a different story

I remember them days a lot of you guys are still in them days

so if you go picking on somebody you might want to remember that that there

can be repercussions there are still some people out there that are younger

men there's just people out there that feel like younger men even if they're


don't pick on people

just don't do that

try to be a better person help people sometimes people don't want help help

them anyway help them till they say if they don't want any help

give somebody a hand up today

they might bite you

but one day you might need a hand up

one man brother you don't know everything

but I bet you know two or three guys that between up between the two or three

of you you know and that's a favorite thing to cover all the bases

I made a comment on someone's video I wasn't trying to be malicious at all

because just a district just I just disagree

and another YouTube personality decided to pick on me because I can't spell

that makes me mad he's ugly but I would never tell him he's ugly and in a

malicious way

but that's a disability I can't help spellcheck and I fix my spelling

that's okay

I've made millions of dollars whatever I care and I can't spell

I bet he hasn't made anything in his life but I don't know I'm still looking

maybe he has picture speaks well though I'll give me


he has a great radio personality voice it's always nice to be born into one of

those states where you don't speak like you came from how the deep woods maybe

maybe maybe that will go school and learn how to speak better oh wait a

minute I've been to college too

managed to do that and not be able to spell

after have a truck kind of choice not out of necessity

I like to see this beautiful world I like to meet all the oddities out here

the different people from different walks of society you

you meet everyone I love it

I wouldn't I would not trade this job for a corner office anywhere in the


there are jobs I would trade it for but they would still be out in the open like

this and I would have to be some time travel

job that I was you know just able to go

and there's farming jobs that you enjoy but you got to look at the revenue that

you turn over

so I love this profession and meeting everybody

but actually something for everyone to think about

we're all different we're all beautiful

we all have our differences

I wasn't making any of them wrong but if you're that YouTube bully that's CB

bully you're wrong I'll tell you you're wrong

and you take that any way you want because I don't want people like that

and I'm not the guy you want to run into acting like that

in my day we handle things a lot differently than we handle them now

good god to get the protections of the law

everybody enjoy their day

For more infomation >> To the YouTube bully - Duration: 11:39.


Значение карты Четверка Кубков. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Значение карты Четверка Кубков. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 1:43.


Ye wazifa kar len Paise kabhi khatam na hon ge | wazifa for dolat by kamran sultan - Duration: 12:03.

Ye wazifa kar len Paise kabhi khatam na hon ge | wazifa for dolat by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Ye wazifa kar len Paise kabhi khatam na hon ge | wazifa for dolat by kamran sultan - Duration: 12:03.


ஸ்டார் ஆகனும்னா இயக்குனர் என்னை அந்த மாதிரி செய்ய சொன்னார் கதறும் ஜோதிகா தங்கை | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> ஸ்டார் ஆகனும்னா இயக்குனர் என்னை அந்த மாதிரி செய்ய சொன்னார் கதறும் ஜோதிகா தங்கை | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:58.


Heart Touching Kirtan - ਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਰਾਜਾ & ਰਾਖੁ ਰਾਖੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਬੀਠੁਲਾ - Bhai Anantvir Singh - BB Harroop Kaur - Duration: 59:50.

ਕਬਿਤੁ ॥ ਤ੍ਵ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ kabith. prasaadh. KABIT, BY THY GRACE ਛਤ੍ਰਧਾਰੀ ਛਤ੍ਰੀਪਤਿ ਛੈਲ ਰੂਪ ਛਿਤਨਾਥ ਛੌਣੀ ਕਰ ਛਾਇਆ ਬਰ ਛਤ੍ਰੀਪਤ ਗਾਈਐ ॥ shhathradhhaaree shhathreepath shhail roop shhith naathh shhaanee kar shhaaeiaa bar shhathreepath gaaeeai He is sung as the canopied monarch, the Lord of canopies, a winsome entity, the Master and Creator of the earth and the superb support. ਬਿਸੁਨਾਥ ਬਿਸ੍ਵੰਭਰ ਬੇਦਨਾਥ ਬਾਲਾਕਰ ਬਾਜੀਗਰਿ ਬਾਨ ਧਾਰੀ ਬੰਧ ਨ ਬਤਾਈਐ ॥ bisunaathh bisa(n)ooubhar baedh naathh baalaa kar baajeegar baan dhhaaree ba(n)dhhan bathaaeeai. He is the Lord Sustainer of the Universe, Master of Vedas depicted as Lord having discipline. ਨਿਉਲੀ ਕਰਮ ਦੂਧਾਧਾਰੀ ਬਿਦਿਆਧਰ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਚਾਰੀ ਧਿਆਨ ਕੋ ਲਗਾਵੈ ਨੈਕ ਧਿਆਨ ਹੂੰ ਨ ਪਾਈਐ ॥ nioulee karam dhoodhhaadhhaaree bidhiaadhhar brehamachaaree dhhiaan ko lagaavai naik dhhiaan hoo(n) n paaeeai The Yogis performing Neoli Karma (cleansing of intestines), those subsisting only on milk, learned and celibates, all meditate upon Him, but without an iota of getting His comprehension. ਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਰਾਜਾ ਮਹਾਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਮਹਾਰਾਜਾ ਐਸੋ ਰਾਜ ਛੋਡਿ ਅਉਰ ਦੂਜਾ ਕਉਨ ਧਿਆਈਐ ॥੩॥੪੨॥ raajan kae raajaa mehaaraajan kae mehaaraajaa aiso raaj shhodd aour dhoojaa koun dhhiaaeeai (3)(42) He is the king of kings and emperor of emperors, Who else should be meditated upon, forsaking such a Supreme monarch?.3.42.

ਬਿਲਾਵਲੁ ॥ Bilaaval: ਗ੍ਰਿਹੁ ਤਜਿ ਬਨ ਖੰਡ ਜਾਈਐ ਚੁਨਿ ਖਾਈਐ ਕੰਦਾ ॥ Abandoning his household, he may go to the forest, and live by eating roots; ਅਜਹੁ ਬਿਕਾਰ ਨ ਛੋਡਈ ਪਾਪੀ ਮਨੁ ਮੰਦਾ ॥੧॥ But even so, his sinful, evil mind does not renounce corruption. ||1|| ਕਿਉ ਛੂਟਉ ਕੈਸੇ ਤਰਉ ਭਵਜਲ ਨਿਧਿ ਭਾਰੀ ॥ How can anyone be saved? How can anyone cross over the terrifying world-ocean? ਰਾਖੁ ਰਾਖੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਬੀਠੁਲਾ ਜਨੁ ਸਰਨਿ ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹਾਰੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Save me, save me, O my Lord! Your humble servant seeks Your Sanctuary. ||1||Pause|| ਬਿਖੈ ਬਿਖੈ ਕੀ ਬਾਸਨਾ ਤਜੀਅ ਨਹ ਜਾਈ ॥ I cannot escape my desire for sin and corruption. ਅਨਿਕ ਜਤਨ ਕਰਿ ਰਾਖੀਐ ਫਿਰਿ ਫਿਰਿ ਲਪਟਾਈ ॥੨॥ I make all sorts of efforts to hold back from this desire, but it clings to me, again and again. ||2||ਜਰਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਜੋਬਨੁ ਗਇਆ ਕਿਛੁ ਕੀਆ ਨ ਨੀਕਾ ॥ Youth and old age - my entire life has passed, but I haven't done any good. ਇਹੁ ਜੀਅਰਾ ਨਿਰਮੋਲਕੋ ਕਉਡੀ ਲਗਿ ਮੀਕਾ ॥੩॥ This priceless soul has been treated as if if were worth no more than a shell. ||3|| ਕਹੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਮੇਰੇ ਮਾਧਵਾ ਤੂ ਸਰਬ ਬਿਆਪੀ ॥ Says Kabeer, O my Lord, You are contained in all. ਤੁਮ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਨਾਹੀ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਮੋਹਿ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਪਾਪੀ ॥੪॥੩॥ There is none as merciful as You are, and none as sinful as I am. ||4||3||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Kirtan - ਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਰਾਜਾ & ਰਾਖੁ ਰਾਖੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਬੀਠੁਲਾ - Bhai Anantvir Singh - BB Harroop Kaur - Duration: 59:50.


Farming Simulator 17 Caterpillar Forestry Equipment - Duration: 11:10.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Three Forestry Catterpillar Cranes .

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For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Caterpillar Forestry Equipment - Duration: 11:10.


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latest maggam work

For more infomation >> blouse designs online shopping,basic embroidery stitches tutorial | hand embroidery stitches flowers - Duration: 2:15.


Bob The Train | Hello Its Halloween | Spooky Nursery Rhymes Videos For Children By KidsTv - Duration: 2:29.

Watch out..

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...

The ghosts on the spooks coming out of the nooks as a door bell ring can u here them sing..

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampires bite

The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Watch out

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...

The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite

The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

For more infomation >> Bob The Train | Hello Its Halloween | Spooky Nursery Rhymes Videos For Children By KidsTv - Duration: 2:29.


புற்று நோயால் உயிருக்கு போராடிக் கொண்டிருந்த விசு இப்ப எப்படி இருக்கார்னு தெரியுமா ? TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> புற்று நோயால் உயிருக்கு போராடிக் கொண்டிருந்த விசு இப்ப எப்படி இருக்கார்னு தெரியுமா ? TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:43.


100% Pure Motovlog - Morning ride on Yamaha FZS V2 - Duration: 14:45.

It was a beautiful morning and I decided to take the Yamaha FZS for a quick ride while telling you all, #PhantomFam about what motovlogging is or why I motovlog all the while sharing some of the best landmarks of Pune Cantonment Area. Do comment and let me know if you want to see more of my city?

For more infomation >> 100% Pure Motovlog - Morning ride on Yamaha FZS V2 - Duration: 14:45.


Kids Girls Frock Design Girls Dress Design in flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:36.

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For more infomation >> Kids Girls Frock Design Girls Dress Design in flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:36.


China says it hopes to restore friendly ties with South Korea - Duration: 2:09.

With President Xi Jinping having secured his second term as China's leader,... there are

signs of tensions thawing between Seoul and Beijing... over South Korea's deployment of

the THAAD missile defense system.

This,... amid reports of Chinese travel agencies resuming the sale of group tour packages to

South Korea,... perhaps signaling an end to Beijing's unofficial travel ban... adopted

earlier this year.

Yu Joonhee reports.

In its first press briefing... following the end of China's 19th Communist Party Congress...

China's foreign ministry expressed hopes... of restoring friendly ties with South Korea.

Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang... said Beijing wanted to work out its differences

with Seoul,... adding that bilateral relations have brought many tangible economic and trade

benefits... to both countries.

(Mandarin) "We are willing to work with South Korea to

overcome the obstacles in the development of bilateral ties, resume friendly exchanges

in all fields step-by-step, and push forward with the steady and sound China-South Korea


These comments and other recent developments have indicated... that South Korea and China

are looking to bury the hatchet... over Seoul's deployment of a U.S. THAAD anti-missile battery.

On Tuesday, the two countries' defense ministers... held talks on the sidelines of the ASEAN security

forum... the first such meeting in two years.

The neighbors also renewed... a 56 billion-dollar currency swap deal earlier this month... while

discussion are also underway... for a possible summit meeting between Presidents Moon Jae-in

and Xi Jinping.

Beijing's unofficial travel ban to South Korea... may also be coming to an end... with reports

emerging that Chinese travel agencies... are resuming the sale of group tour packages to

the country.

The new advertisements promoting travel to South Korea... are the first of their kind

seen in seven months... when Beijing started engaging in economic reprisals... in protest

of Seoul's THAAD deployment.

South Korea's tourism industry had suffered a heavy blow over the fallout... with the

number of Chinese tourists plunging by more than half... between March and August of this


Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> China says it hopes to restore friendly ties with South Korea - Duration: 2:09.


BIGG BOSS 11 में टूटा ढिंचैक पूजा के सब्र का बांध,जानिए आखिर क्यों रो-रोकर कर लिया बुरा हाल - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> BIGG BOSS 11 में टूटा ढिंचैक पूजा के सब्र का बांध,जानिए आखिर क्यों रो-रोकर कर लिया बुरा हाल - Duration: 8:07.


World's Tallest Filing Cabinet - DIY Network - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> World's Tallest Filing Cabinet - DIY Network - Duration: 1:01.


Little Red Car | Trick Or Treat | Spooky Halloween Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:45.

"Let's go from door to door! No one will know it's us!

We'll get tons of candies in these costumes!"

Knock knock trick or treat Be careful look I'm a ghost

Knock knock trick or treat I'm hungry look I'm a Ghoul

"Hahaha. That scared them! Let's go to the next house!"

Knock knock trick or treat Beware you look I'm a Zombie

Knock knock trick or treat just tell me look I'm a Monster

"I can still eat lots more! Let's keep going!"

Knock knock trick or treat Be careful Hahaaaa I'm a witch

Knock knock trick or treat I'll eat you growwl I'm a werewolf

"Now I'm full! That was fun, everyone looked so scared of us! Hahaha."

For more infomation >> Little Red Car | Trick Or Treat | Spooky Halloween Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:45.


Nurse Staffing Conference - 28 September 2017 - Duration: 4:46.

for me having the right nursing workforce ensures that we have a

high-quality safe service for patients and nurses work right across our

services in the community, within the hospital, with the young, with the old and

making sure that we have a workforce that has the right skill set in the

right numbers, deployed at the right time, is essential for patient care.

There's an international shortage of nurses so a challenge about getting the

right numbers - but crucially how those nurses work. So today I'm announcing how

we're going to take forward the Nurse Staffing Act and the measures we're taking

to do that. Developing evidence-based workforce tools to have a sound basis on

which to move forward and of course not just that mix of staff and the

numbers, but how they work with other healthcare professionals - and obviously key

messages around pay and planning as well. This is a pioneering piece of work: it's

groundbreaking. It will make a difference to ensuring that we have tools and

techniques that really help us understand what are the workforce

requirements; what are the skill mix requirements in each of our clinical

areas; it means that we can workforce plan more accurately it means that we

can allow for better multidisciplinary working when we understand what our

patients needs are. Day to day it'll mean that the staffing levels are what they

should be to look after these patients - to give them the time that they need and

to look after these patients with dignity and respect and to make sure

as well, it's important it affects the staff on the ward the staff morale

is kept well because they know there's enough staff there on duty to look after

these patients to give them the care that we need to give them. This law is

unique: no other law in the world actually describes a methodology that

says you must look to see what is happening to your patients and match the

number and skillset of your staff to their need.

It will help us ensure that we are using our resources prudently - both nursing

resources and our financial resources. Most importantly it will help the public

understand how we allocate nursing staff to work with them to care for our

patients and keep them safe. Nurse Staffing for me is the right staff with the right skills in the right place, ensuring we've got quality care for our patients.

For Nurse Staffing, it's not just having the numbers on the wards having the right staff. if you've got the right stuff you can feel good

about the job you do you don't have to rush and that will improve your confidence

and your ability to perform. For patients it means being in receipt of good quality care.

For their relatives and their family with members it means that they can be

confident in the care that their loved ones are receiving and for

nurses it's about joy and pride in being able to deliver the care and enjoying

coming to work. I think it's working with my ward managers to make sure that we're

inputting the data correctly and trying to interpretate what those

visualizers are telling us really. The main thing is that we need to invest in

making sure that the collection of this information is as simple as possible so

that staff can use this not just on a twice year basis but can embed this into

the way that they monitor their staffing levels on a daily shift by shift basis. I

think some of the challenges will be will be recruitment as one of the

biggest ones making sure if there's enough staff to fill the posts that are

out there and it's looking at recruitment and what the needs of the

workforce are these days because the workforce has changed such a lot the

needs with family restraints we need to be more flexible we're looking at how we

recruit our staff. The the TrainWorkLive campaign for nurses has had a high

level of recognition so lots of nurses within Wales but further afield as well.

so we've had lots and lots of interest in our Facebook and social media pages

and we're seeing NHS trusts and Health Boards here in Wales looking to

recruit as well so there's real interest right across the UK and further afield

as well and we're particularly pleased with some of the international campaign

response as well. There's always going to be challenges and we need to setting this up - people hold dear to what they know: this is new

going to be hard work to get to push through and get people involved in but

soon as they see the benefits that it can have, I'm sure it'll be easy.

For more infomation >> Nurse Staffing Conference - 28 September 2017 - Duration: 4:46.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers New Orleans Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 17:21.

Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers New Orleans Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Subway Surfers New Orleans Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 17:21.


Indian Dresses for Kids dress design for girls in flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:35.

Latest Fashion Indian Dresses for Kids dress design for girls in flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Indian Dresses for Kids dress design for girls in flipkart and amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:35.


: U.S. defense chief James Mattis says Washington's goal is to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 1:45.

U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis arrived in Seoul this morning,... and was at the North

Korean border -- the DMZ -- with his South Korean counterpart, Song Young-moo.

Mattis took the opportunity to stress the importance of denuclearizing the regime.

Kim Hyun-bin reports.

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis arrived in Seoul early Friday for his second visit

as Pentagon chief.

Mattis toured the front line units with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo and

gave a strong message towards North Korea.

The U.S. general stressed that Washington's goal is to denuclearize the regime.

"Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization

of the Korean Peninsula.

Defense Minister Song made similar comments, urging Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambitions.

(Korean) "I urge North Korea should halt its reckless

provocations and come back to the negotiating table as soon as possible."

The U.S. defense chief's visit comes as South Korea and the U.S. are scheduled to hold their

annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul on Saturday, a day after the allies' Military

Committee Meeting.

Friday's Military Committee Meeting was led by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the two allies

-- General Jeong Kyeong-doo and General Joseph Dunford.

Seoul's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and Mattis will hold their official talks at the

SCM on Saturday.

The allies plan to have in-depth discussions on enhancing extended deterrence against North

Korea's ever-expanding nuclear and ballistic missile threats.

They are also expected to discuss alliance policies, including the early transfer of

wartime operational control from Washington to Seoul, which is one of the key goals of

the Moon Jae-in administration.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

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