Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

Good morning guys!

It is 06am and Jens is already here

Today we do a journey

heading to Tilburg Netherland

Ok, hello guys

I am Nino from DanZei Blog

I am on again, today with cohost Jens Mahnke

Blog Atomlabor Wuppertal

We have been invited by Tesla for the Tilburg Tour

For more infomation >> Tesla Tilburg Factory Tour - Production Model S/X, Vlog, Roadtrip & Testdrive - Duration: 27:06.


AIRI-Thích Khách-Phân Tích Chi Tiết Có Nên Mua AIRI Vào Lúc Này Hay Không Phiên Bản Thời Đại Xạ Thủ - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> AIRI-Thích Khách-Phân Tích Chi Tiết Có Nên Mua AIRI Vào Lúc Này Hay Không Phiên Bản Thời Đại Xạ Thủ - Duration: 10:55.


போலிஸ் –க்கு தெரிஞ்சும் தெரியாமலும் சென்னையில் எங்கவெல்லாம் விபச்சாரம் நடக்குது தெரியுமா ? | Tamil - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> போலிஸ் –க்கு தெரிஞ்சும் தெரியாமலும் சென்னையில் எங்கவெல்லாம் விபச்சாரம் நடக்குது தெரியுமா ? | Tamil - Duration: 3:43.


رحلة باربي و كين للتخييم مسبح و شواء في سيارة باربي الجديدة Barbie Dream Camper - Duration: 10:06.

Oh spending good time here in the pool me and Nora

Barbie is everything ready?

Yes Ken i think everything is ready

Are you girls ready?

Yes daddy we are ready let's go

What do you think about the place here Barbie?

Mashallah beautiful views from here

alright then i will park here

let's get the stuff out then

come on girls we arrived

come on girls i want to open the camper

okay Barbie the camper is ready

oh thanks daddy it does look so pretty from the inside

i want to lay down here

Nora come on

wow so beautiful, i will watch the tv

no girls why did you sit?we want to collect some wood to prepare dinner

okay daddy we are just resting a little bit

i will go to the kitchen to start preparing

okay, let me see what will i prepare, let me see what's inside the fridge first

we have some eggs, pumpkin and rice juice and watermelon

I think that ken will bring some fish

ken are you going to go fishing and catch some fishes?

Yes, yes

Lulu do you want to collect some woods so we can start the fire ?

come on i found some woods, let's get them

daddy i got you some

Thank you Lulu

put it there i will get the fire to start

okay i have a lot of pieces i will fire the place first then go fishing

girls who wants to go fishing?

no one?okay i will go alone

girls who want to swim, Daddy prepared the pool

pool yes i want sure

but baby Lana?! no problem leave her i will watch her

yes mom i want to swim

Sara, Chelsea come on

wow the pool is so fun and big i'm so excited

it's so hot and i want to swim so bad

i don't feel like swimming i i will just watch you

oh my God the water is a bit cold

yes the water is a bit cold

i will bring the floats

Sara can you please bring the floats

yes sure, here you are

i want this turtle and i will take this

spending good time here in the pool me and Nora

okay i'm tired from the pool, is the food ready?

Yes dinner is ready come on don't forget to take a quick bath and wash your hands

i will wait for you Nora

i have finished Lulu you can come

i will wash my hands

Ken how is the chicken, the chicken is good i thing it's ready

okay girls i will prepare the table

Thank you ken the chicken looks so delecious

Lulu please come so you can help me prepare the table

Thank you you can get the stuff from the kitchen

okay mom what should i get?get the cups and the juice

i got the cups mommy

Lulu can you get baby lana here please

mmm everything looks yummy

come on girls food is ready, Mashallah looks yummy

Sara come, i will sit next to Lana

thanks daddy we are having so much fun

okay eat well girls

Baba can we make smores after we finish

yes but first you have to eat well

Yumm food is so good thank you Mommy i loved the fires and i loved the hot dog

Thanks God we are full

okay Lulu can you help me to wrap everything

don't forget to wash your hands after you finish

thanks god i have finished helping mommy and organize everything

Yummy the Marshmallow is so good

Lana don't worry i will share a piece with you from my two pieces

Baba can you take us camping more often?

Yes Lulu i'm so happy that you are spending good time

oh Tracy is here, do you want some marshmallow ?

i think dogs don't eat Marsh mellow i was just kidding

i feel tired , we will finish everything and go home

wake me up after half an hour

oh the bed here is so comfortable

okay girls tell me what's the most thing you enjoyed today?

what was the thing that you liked the most today

i loved the food

what about you Nora?

i liked the pool

i liked the fire and marshmallow the most

i also enjoyed watching you swimming and having a good time

Ken wake up the half hour is done

today's camping was so fun

we will leave the girls play a little bit more

i think it's almost night time and we have to organize everything to go to sleep

yes we talked so much

Ken i think we should leave before it's too late

Good night, today was super fun day

For more infomation >> رحلة باربي و كين للتخييم مسبح و شواء في سيارة باربي الجديدة Barbie Dream Camper - Duration: 10:06.


Bad Baby Riding Giant Pig! Baby Crying Learn Color with Finger Family song Nursery Rhyme #26 - Duration: 33:12.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Riding Giant Pig! Baby Crying Learn Color with Finger Family song Nursery Rhyme #26 - Duration: 33:12.


STELLA ET SACHA - Félix le fantôme 👻 - Duration: 24:16.

For more infomation >> STELLA ET SACHA - Félix le fantôme 👻 - Duration: 24:16.





27 специален абонат - част 2 - Minecraft - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> 27 специален абонат - част 2 - Minecraft - Duration: 6:43.


27 специален абонат - част 1 - Duration: 13:59.

For more infomation >> 27 специален абонат - част 1 - Duration: 13:59.


Arjun | অর্জুন | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Anubhav - Duration: 2:31:24.

No, no, don't kill me, please.

Arjun.. Arjun..

Arjun.. Arjun.. Arjun..

See what has happened?

Son, what has happened?

Why are you screaming in your sleep?

Get up, get up!


You crazy, didn't I tell you

Don't be scared.

You have made him a stupid person.

Hey, what did I do?

You have given him much attention.

A boy who will scream in his dreams..

..will get scared,

My goodness! Isn't he just a kid!

Let him be a kid forever

The present times calls for being

He will have to prove himself

Tell him to be daring, not a coward.

Oh! He is my only son,

Listen, let the exam get over

Let's go.

Sweetheart, get up.

Chumki! You?

Yes, it's me. Yesterday night did

I don't like to be irritated early

What happened? Arjun! Arjun!

Mother, help, help me..

You move, sister-in-law!

Chumki, Chumki! Arjun, Arjun!

What's going on?

What else?

Wait, wait..

Where will you go now, kid?

Come, come..come, come..


Hey, get up!

Why, are you feeling bad?

Hey, my darling, 1st class.

So shy! Take it my sweetheart,

Here you go, eat it.

Huh! Only parantha?

Dear, please have this for today,

Arjun! We have come here to

Money? There is some money in front

Bring it.

What has happened Arjun?

It's the collection

Give it to me.

We'll go broke just

Will we eat the money?

We also have Puja

Kalidada has sent us, give it quietly.

Are you threatening me?

Is it a collection

Dad, please give it to them.

You shut up, why will we give the

You go.. we will not give the money,

I say leave.

Arjun, why are you scared?

If you are scared,

Enough, enough.

You'll have to leave quickly, right?

Give it to me.

Take the money and buy

That stupid fireman

Did you take the name of Kalidada?

Yes boss, still he said no.

He said that there will be Puja in our

Hey, come here.

Are you puzzled? Will you hit me!

Take out whatever you have. Give it.

Dear, now you can go, go.

Arjun, you came back so early?

Didn't you have some food?

Yes mother, I did.

You are lying!

Isn't that right,


You gave them the money.

It's okay, take the money

Arjun, are you going somewhere?

Thing is that,

Take it, dad.

Dad, read what is

Injurious to health..

But son, it's the habit

Even if I leave it,

But son, you never pick up

Dad, mother is coming..

Mother, my dear mother,

Mother why have you come bear feted?

Why are you doing this?

Oh mother,

Don't do like this!

Leave me.

Mother please don't go there.

I am telling you to leave me!

How come you are here?

Why are you standing like this?

Then why are you standing like this?

If you are sick then take


See how far I have climbed!

Dear, come down, you'll fall!

Come down.

Why did you climb up then?

Get down, get down I say.


Why did you have to climb so high?

Has anything happened to me?

Dear, please go to

You go to the kitchen.

First you go and get the goods,

I'll just go and bring it,

If you are sick then have

Yes, yes.

Hey, does Kalidada have

The amount of money

Thing is that people

What did you just say?

What is my fault?

They also are having the Puja,

Listen Viku,

You people are making

So, are they not

Use the knife, dagger,

What happened Viku? Have you gone cold

I have heard that


Hey China, you never told

That is good, very good indeed.

Listen China,

Why? Why so Kalidada?

Stupid, will I not give the certificate

Here, I am leaving.

Arjun, my son, I am late,

Come and sit dad.

Hey, listen..uncle..

What happened?

Where will you go to?

You sit..

No, I can't take her,

Why? Am I fat?

You sit, dear.

What happened?

Dad. You sit in the front.

Oh, just sit.

Dad, the cycle is too tiring,

Is it so? If you get a distinction in your

Last year you said that a 1st class will

No, this time I'll take a loan from

Really? - Yes.

What happened?

Dad, she..

What did Chumki do?

How will I explain it to you?

You can't say it, right?

Then ride the bicycle in silence.

Let's go.

Now what?

I can't tell you that.

If you can't then keep quite and ride.

Listen, I told that I'll buy

I see that you can't even ride a

I mean father.. I mean..

Drive it properly.

Or else, the plan is cancelled.

Dear, drive it properly.


Whatever, you have reached me safely,

It's only me, not her.

Uncle..just see!

Arjun, what's this? How will she go?

That I don't know how she'll go.

You sit dear.

Not at the back.

I'll sit here, I feel good.

Move your hand.

Will I not fall then?

I'll break your hand.

Hold my hand then


Get up, get up..

Why? Didn't you like it?

Not in this birth, never again.

Now leave me, don't follow me.

What do you mean don't follow me? Will

Who do you think you are?

Why are you so proud?


Stupid, fool, idiot, brainless..

If you get married to Chumki


Hey, listen here.

Why are you so angry?

Had any one told me such wonderful

Didn't you hear what

It's not her fault,

She is in love with you.

You tell her that you love her

I'll love her! No, never.

Listen, you are so handsome that the

..Urvashi, Manaka, and Rambha..

Will fall in love with you..

And the film actors like Madhuri,

Will hug you, my son!

And Chumki?

Haven't you seen that film?

There was this song, are the angel from the heaven."

Just sing it for her.

"The couple looks wonderful,

She is an adolescent,

What? I am a kid?

What? I am a kid?

Try to grow up, to catch the attention of

Yes grandpa,

I am a kid?

She is adolescent, a kid..

She is adolescent, a kid..

I am a kid! I am a small girl!

I haven't reached the

Wait, I'll teach you a lesson.



You told me that I am a kid,

Don't you have any shame?

Huh, ashamed! You are

Go away, I'll call my mother.

Mother means aunty,

All my bad luck.



Arjun, aren't you studying?

You go now, mother will

Will not aunty see how her future

She'll be very happy to see.

Will you go or not?

Will you go or not?

Will you go or not?

Then I will go.

Hey? Arjun, listen..

I'll not listen..

Arjun, listen..

What a scene!

"What has happened to this world.."

"..the God was wondering,

No, no, not at all..

You go home, I say.

No, I'll stay here, it's my will.

That's wonderful..

You go home, go from here.

God has given the eyes to see..

"Firing bullets with the eyes."

You are an old man,

What did you just say?

Ask them, am I old?

Hey beautiful!


"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"I have come closer to you."

"He says shame shame,

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Neither can I take it,

"In this body of mine."

"In this body of mine,

"In this body of mine,

That's very good.

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"If I touch him, he feels ashamed."

"If I hold him, he feels ashamed."

"If I give him flower,

"If I give him my heart,

"I can't bear it, can't accept, can't

"I am enraged and

All lies!

"I am enraged and

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Her walk is like the walk of shame."

"The way her body moves is shameful."

"Her heart feels no shame."

"So the love she

"Whatever you may say."

"I like it anyhow."

"I am saying the truth,

"My dear, oh my dear, I have

All rubbish!

"My dear, oh my dear, I have

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

"Shame, shame, shame."

Kalidada, Kalidada, Kalidada..

The one you asked to get, is coming!

Who is it Chandi?

That Premlata, sir.

The atmosphere seems hot!

"Whom have these eyes gazed on?"

"A beautiful young maiden!"

Oh Viku, it seems like

It is true Premlata,

Hey boys.. where are you?

Come fast, have some fun..

Premlata, you like biriyani right?

Go on then, quick! Get biriyani quick!

No one can better Premlata Viku,

What do you mean brother Kalidada?

You have had much

And today Kalidada will taste

What are you looking

He is the servant of Kalidada!

Don't do anything stupid.

Go on, go inside.

Don't worry Viku.

If I am happy then remember

And yes, go arrange to

We are putting out the fires here,

Hold this. Let me check.

Hey you!

Destroying the lives of poor people!

You scoundrel! You evil man!

Namaste brother.

I am the secretary of the

Come inside please..

Please sit.

We have come on behalf of the Nagarik

Respects? But why?

That you are a caring gentleman,

But what you have done, will be

You have risked your life and

Have saved property

What more can I say sir?

It is my duty.

It is your greatness!

And that is why we have

It's like showing respects

Do not return us away, Avinash.

Father, please do agree..

He will definitely go for

The next 25th.

Thank you. You are very kind.

Sir, everything would've burned

It would've destroyed a lot of lives.

And if Avinash hadn't stopped them..

..then goods worth lakhs

Do you'll know who is behind all this?

Yes sir, he is the terror

Now you all are screaming his name,'ll hide in your houses!

No sir, we have made a committee.

Yes sir, we have made a committee.

He is our secretary.

So, will you be a witness then?

Will you go to court and take his name,

I swear sir,

Who did it and where, why..

Okay then.

Mr. Dixit, go and arrest Kalidada.

Yes sir.

The atmosphere is hot!

Kalidada, because of this

The other market people are

This is what is called

This Kalidada is enough

The atmosphere is hot!

Hands up!

No one try to run or anything.

Or I will be forced to fire.

Sir, this is that man.

He set fire to our goods.

Go on arrest him.

Have you done this?

And this one?

And the third one?

The next?

And the one after?

What about this one?

Just do a revision of the ones left,

Okay mother.

You study, and I will just come.

And don't get up.

Hey.. hey you!

How do I look?

Mother, Chumki is disturbing me!

Hey Chumki,

No, no.. aunty.

Huh! Come to check up on studies!


Don't fight, just study please.

Study well, my dear..

Oh my, my! What a shameless girl!

Hey Chumki, go from here, get out!

Do you not understand anything?

Why butterflies sit on flowers?

Why the sea runs to meet the ocean?

And you don't know why the

No, no, no!

Hey.. hey..

I love you very much!

"Hey.. I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make love.."

"I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make romance.."

"I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make romance.."

"Baby doll! Baby doll!"

"I am your idol!"

"Baby doll! Baby doll!"

"I am your idol!"

"We will sing today."

"We will dance today."

"We will fall in love!"

"We will sing today."

"We will dance today."

"We will fall in love!"

"Today I have no fear for nothing."

"Together, hand in hand."

"We will fall in love!"

"I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make romance.."

"Let any troubles come."

"I will not back down at all."

"Let any troubles come."

"I will not back down at all."

"I will not give it a miss."

"Oh baby, give me a kiss!"

"I will not give it a miss."

"Oh baby, give me a kiss!"

"Oh no.. oh no.. oh no.."

"Today I will shake up the world!"

"I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make romance.."

"The path that I was on."

"You called me to the right path."

"The path that I was on."

"You called me to the right path."

"Now you have to handle me."

"Or else there will be trouble."

"Now you have to handle me."

"Or else there will be trouble."

"Oh no.. oh no.. oh no.."

"Today I will shake up the world!"

"I can sing."

"I can dance.."

"I can make romance.."

"We will sing today."

"We will dance today."

"We will fall in love!"

"Today I have no fear for nothing."

"Together, hand in hand."

"We will fall in love!"

If you don't do anything Viku..

..then I will involve in politics and

Oh please.

Easy to say but very hard to do.

It's true.

If everyone stands as a witness, then

Then how will we free Kalidada?

That's why,

Yes sure, so easy right?

Now what then?

What else, they will put him in jail.

Do something, if Kalidada isn't

Hey you boy,

You probably don't know,

Then what will you do?

When they will present

..we will somehow finish it all!

China.. here.

Kalidada Namaste!

Hey.. China, you here?

Yes sir, I have come to bail you out.

Good.. the atmosphere

We will make it hot again.

How is your sister, Premlata?

She is very pretty.

Yes brother, she is very pretty.

And that is why I am here..

All is finished!


All will be finished!

Yesterday's Viku is today's Vikram!

Hey! Listen all of you!

From today, Vikram will be your god!

And will be the evil for this city!

Premlata.. all will be finished.

Now Kalidada will never

Not just Kalidada, whoever even looks

The shame that Kalidada has brought upon

Come.. let us get together

Dear friends, we have amongst us..

..we have had ministers

But today, we will honor someone..

Who had risked his life and saved property

For whom the police have been able

Now I request, the honorable MLA sir to

Oh mother.. Dear mother..

Have you seen this Viku brother,

What is it?

Behind the death of

..Vikram a.k.a Viku is being suspected.

What troubles brother!

Tell me then, what is the use of

The thing is.. that all fault..

They make a big deal of small issues..

Oh see..

..if one paper writes something, then the

Just throw them money Vikram brother..

Then it will shut the papers!

Money.. Not all work

Can you tell me how many people

Some people's brains are

Shut up!

All will be finished!

You all don't need to think about it.

I will do what has to be done.

Viku brother, don't get angry..

With these news reports,

And where they have photos of Amitabh

Huh? Let me see..

See here!

Hey! Get it fast!

Hey you! Get it fast!

Hey you! What's the matter old man!

Get it fast!

What? Didn't I tell

Hey you old man! Give it now!

Hey.. come with me..

How much for the tomatoes?

15 rupees per kilo.

Can you make it a little less?

Come on.. come..

Yes, we'll see him today! Come!

Oh China, go ahead!


Come on..

Give me some tomatoes please..

Yes, here you go.

Why are you pushing her? What's wrong?

Who's pushing whom!

We've been seeing that

But why?

I pushed him?

Oh my, what days have come!

He is like your son!

Do you have no shame?

Have you forgotten all values?

Watch your mouth and speak!

Look! His wife eyed our

This is the modern age!

All this infront of her husband!

Disgusting! What are you waiting for!

Stop this disgusting behavior!

What do you want? Hurry!

Sir, I am Avinash's son Arjun.

I want to meet my father.

You want to meet your father?

Then take out the cash!

Oh just take out the cash!

Give it to him..


What? Just 10 rupees?

You won't even get to see your

How much then?

Full hundred rupees! 100!

But why?

You may call it bribe,

But if you want to meet your father,

Wait now..



Okay.. now sign here.

Hey, take them to Avinash

Go now.. go!



Was the exam good?

Gayetri.. are you okay?

What has happened father?

I don't know anything son..

I know you have made no mistake..

Done nothing wrong..

I will get you out on bail, father..

Nothing will happen to you father.

If you have a son like this,

I must have done much good,

I will go now father..

Arjun.. give this to you father.

Your father might not get a chance..

Go son.. go..

Here you go father..

No Gayetri.. I will not smoke anymore.

Come mother..

Arjun, you and I both

But the court doesn't know that!

And to prove it, we will need witness.

Few witnesses will prove

And then he will be set free.

Arjun, if anyone would

.. about what happened in the market,

Arjun, the one who has died

So it might be impossible

Do something, go to the market and

Sir, a murderer happened you know anything about it?

No, no.. no murder here!

Sir, was someone murdered

No, no, no.. there is only

Sir, a murderer happened here

Why are you wasting your time?

Do you have no work or what?

Hey son.. Come here..

Tell me the truth sir..

I swear on god, I saw it all happen.

A murder did take place.

Not in the morning, but at noon.

I will go to the court son,

But I want full 5,000 rupees.

You will take money

Why do I have a shop here?

For money.. to sustain life..

If I go to the court for you, there

That's why I wanted 5,000 rupees.

If you give me 5,000 rupees

Mother.. oh mother.. mother..

Mother.. oh mother..

I have convinced

He has agreed to be

But mother..

For that witness,

Because his shop will be closed,

5,000 rupees?

Hold this..

Take this.

Here you go, your 5,000 rupees.

I will wait for you in court,

Speak the truth about

The one you pray to,

I request you, please do

One lie you say and my

You must be of my father's age sir..

..that is why I am pleading

Please do come sir..

Dear son, listen..

Take your money.

And don't worry son,

And I will be a witness too..

To for you or your father,

But you will have to

Take me from here..

Or else Vikram's people

Take me son..

Yes, yes..

No Gayetri, this is not right.

Could you not think of your brother,

I forgot.. I had so much tension..

You forgot? Why wouldn't you..

Am I a real brother or a good friend?

Didn't remember.. huh..

Mother.. oh mother..

Rahman uncle has agreed

But it risks his life a lot.

That is why we will have

Why will you worry so much,

He will stay with me.

Give me this chance, sister-in-law?

Thank you so much.

Again! Formalities again!

Come, come.. come with me..

Arjun, go to Avinash and give

Atleast it will make

Go now.. go on..

Oh my, my..

Come on now, come come..

Clear up now, clear it all..

Come on, clear clear.. come..

Get up.

Can you recognize me?

I am Vikram.

Can't recognize me right?

You have doused the

And I started that fire!

Remember now?

You did your job.

But I have mine to complete.

This Vikram leaves no job incomplete.

Whoever has even touched me,

Even my father..

That's why I have

I have only let you be,

But not anymore..

You have killed my main

From that day,

And that makes my heart cry out!

How I can I bear it?

She is the love of my life!

And you killed her brother!

Beat him up!

And this Vikram will kill you.

Then everything will

Kill him!

If you kill him then

Listen dear,

Your brother died because

They have made a mistake.

Don't put this sin on me!

And you! You should be beaten

You are not human!

Kill him..

Help me..

Kill him.. kill him..

Come on now!

Vikram, kill him!

Sir, what are you doing!

Let go.. leave..

Let him be, come..

Let go.. leave.. leave..

Sir, I want to meet my father!

Here sir,

Let me meet him.. please sir..

He wants to meet Avinash, sir..

Hey.. come here.

Who is Avinash to you?

My father, sir.


I have locked all the cells sir.

Then keep the key there!

I have to say something to you.

Sit down.

I know that your father is innocent.

Did nothing wrong.

Listen then, go home and get 50,000

Sir if I do so, then will

Why are you behaving like this?

Do you not feel anything

Go now and get the money!

Why are you still sitting

Do you not understand or what?

Yes sir, I understand it all.

You are asking me for a bribe!

But my father is innocent!

Why will I pay you?

I don't need to know if

I just care about the cash!

Now home and get 50,000 rupees!

Listen, my father has

And he has said that he'll

Bail? Alright then..

According to you, you father

And then will be arrested

And then?

Go now, get the money.. go!

No sir, I won't!

I will meet father and then leave!


Take him to his father.

Listen Madna, get me some tea.

Just now sir.

Father.. father..


How did all of this happen, father?

How did it happen? How?

Who hit him? Who hit my father?

Who knows!

This is a police station!

Gentlemen don't come here.

Those who come are rogues,

And I didn't know that

He ate his food and took

Then there was a fight!

All lies! You are lying!

You are making it all up!

You have plotted

I know that if father stays here,

I will take my father away!

I will take him away right now!

Hey! What are you doing!

Let go of the key! Let go!

Catch him! Hold!

Leave me! Let me go..

Hey you.. come now!

What do you think of yourself?

Is this your college that you

Showing your strength eh?

Do you know this Ishwar Banerjee?

I will fix you up in just 2 minutes!

Stay in your limits, you college kid!

If you cross that, I will break your

How dare you!

What were you telling me?

What were you telling me?

That I would kill you father eh?

I will.. I will kill him!

I will kill him inside that cell!

What will you do? What can you?

I will meet higher authority!

And tell them everything!

Higher authority!

What can any Higher authority do?

I will either be

Go then! Tell your father that!

No one can harm a hair of mine!

Students like you think

Bring a revolution in society!

Change the system!

But do you know what you actually do?

You just become pets

Become their servants!

Shout slogans and give lectures!

That my country is great!

But we.. we are the rulers!

We ruled before,

Yes.. you are right.

This is your time.

Sin, injustice..

But remember,

And all youth students

Will prepare slogans

And do you know what will happen then?

Do you know what will happen then?

Do you see this?

When my 5 fingers will come together,


Oh just let it be!

Seen many student protests!

Seen it all! Seen students like you!

And you will see thousands more!

And then there will be one.

Who will be enough for you all!

Stop! Stop you lecture!

Get lost now!

Yes.. I will go now.. yes..

But I will be back,

I will have to be back!

And I swear to my mother.

I will be back again.

Sir, you are forgetting your pen.

I will be back.. surely be back.

Sir, there's something

Hold this Chumki.

Hey, hey.. wait up, wait.

I have come to meet sir!

You can't now.

See, I am in a big trouble

Please let me!

He doesn't meet anyone now.

Please ask and try once.

It will definitely work out!

Will that be enough?

Come tomorrow morning.

But tomorrow morning

Please let me in.

I said no!

Arjun.. give this to him.


..I will do an investigation tomorrow,

But what you told

.. Go to the police station and show

Okay sir..

Go to my office and get a stamp.

It is worthless without it.

I will call the office, and Mr.

Don't worry and go. Be quick.


Yes sir, Namaste.

Mr. Jana,

Just stamp the document for him.

Understand? It's urgent.

Okay sir..

Yes, yes goodnight.

Sir, if I put a stamp here..

..then this document will become

Yes sir.

Because without the

Do you see that this seal

But do I have no value?

But the lion with

Valued at 500 rupees.

Sir, have mercy.

But I promise you,

Sir, I beg you with folded hands,

Please sir, have mercy.. please..


You see son, sitting here

I have seen many

Seeing boys like you cry,

Just get the 500 and I will


Hearing about father's condition, the DG

But to put the stamp

Wait a bit.

Here you go.

Come Chumki.

Sir.. I have permission from the DG.

To take father to the hospital.

Hospital? Which hospital?

The government hospital!

Chumki? Chumki! Get up Chumki!

Chumki.. get up! Get up Chumki!

Sister.. sister.. emergency?

Go in that direction.

Doctor, please check her.

She fell from the

Take off the cuffs.

We are letting you go.

Vikram plotted to imprison you.

You are innocent!

You on now, go.

Go before they come.. hurry now..

Hey ..

What.. what are you doing?

Listen, is Avinash your father?

Yes.. what happened?

Come with me.

To the government hospital.

Is my father there?

Yes.. you will understand

Come with me now.

Is my father here?

Oh come with me now just!

Is my father in the ICU?

O my, just come with me, will you!

Come now.

Okay sir, I will make the report.

Yes, write it and then..

Come son, come..

Was it right of your

We were bringing him to the hospital

Oh my, my.. the truck ran

Lies! All lies!

Yes. And the truth is that

Is 50,000 rupees bigger

I asked you for 50,000 rupees,

Student power! Ego! Pride!

Let it go.. nothing more to say.

Your father was a great man and now

What a dreadful death!

Like they say, 'died a dog's death!'

He died on the road,

Oh my, my.. how very bad!

The truck hit him and he was smashed!

And then the truck

And everything came out of him!

Feels so disgusting

Let it be..

Rana, move the cloth..

Let his see his father atleast.

You couldn't bear it eh?

Being his own son, you couldn't!

Now think of how difficult

Even this good soul.

He is with god now too!

There was a lot of politics involved

Gave him 10,000 and

Rana, give it..

Now sign on these papers.

Can't even hold onto a paper? Huh!

And what had you shown

Your 5 fingers and some power! Huh!

You students are expert

Do you remember, what I had told you?

Our time will come!

The time of the youth

There will be justice

Do you remember that

Made jokes! Remember now?

Look now.. at that very hand!

And it's full power!

Want more? Want to see more

Want to see more?

Want to see how much power we have?


The revolver please?

Listen Mr. Bidhan..

Try to get the revolver from the boy.

Yes sir.

He told you that he'll be back,

For 50000 rupees you I'll give you 50 lakhs

How can you be so mean just for money?

You've killed so many

Why did you kill Rahman uncle who

You can kill everyone for money.

Get up!

You side with the liars and

Aren't you ashamed that

..and you are taking

No mother, no.

I'll not let you go inside.

I'll not let you go inside.

No mother, I'll not let you go inside.

Why, why will you

No mother, you can't go.

Move away from me, move.



Hey, you go that side.


Come here.

Sir, we didn't get anything here.

What happened?

Sir, we didn't get the

Hey, tell me quickly,

I know it very well that the revolver

Listen, your son has hit a policeman,

Listen, if I don't send

..I am not Bishwambhar Banerjee.

Let's go.

Listen, if I don't send

..I am not Bishwambhar Banerjee.

Where are you going?


It's not a proper thing

What is the proper thing?

That which has happened or

I'll not let anything happen again.


Come with me.

Sister, how can Arjun leave now?

There is a more important

Please stop.

The ornaments are worth nearly 50000.

See, don't tell lies, so many

Tell me, how much can you pay? I've

If you bluff me even


Auto, please stop.

Arjun, your father promised


Go and buy a motorcycle

Buy it now! But why now?

Don't waste time we don't

Now we have to reach

Come with me.

Hold it.

Your great exam must have started now.

The war that has begun

I am talking about the

In the Kurukshetra war, Arjun saw his

He asked Krishna,

In the name of war, do I have

He thought about it

Then Krishna appeared in his

Arjun, when the world

..I appear in the world

I am the real destroyer,

I don't know the Arjun

..but you are the warrior

You'll kill the enemies in that war.

And I'll be the chariot-driver

Just take a closer look,

You can't turn back.

You'll be the Arjun of the

"Wake up Arjun,

"Wake up Arjun,

"You have to pick up your weapon

"This road, this road."

"Wake up Arjun,

"This road, this road."

"Arjun, you have to be the winner."

"You have to be the winner."

"The cry of a mother has

"Who can have the courage

"The cry of a mother has

"Who can have the courage

"Your weapon will

"You'll be saved from all the danger as

"Arjun, you have to be the winner."

"You have to be the winner."

"Wake up Arjun,

"You have to be the winner."

Now your exam starts, Arjun.

The people,

..have shed the blood of your father..

Write down their names in this copy.

Remember Arjun the first day that we

The person who asked

Circle his name first.

Hey, stop, stop..

Namaste sir.

Yes. Take it.

Log book?


Take out a 100 rupees note.

Why sir, all the papers are okay!

I am asking for 100 rupees

..otherwise I would've

Sir, this is too much sir.

Give it.

Now take it.

Give it.

Do you recognize me?

Isn't that murderer

Taking bribe? Will you not even

Now take this. Take it!

Take this and tell everyone that I've


Go and tell everyone that I've

Bravo son, bravo!

If there are 10 more sons like you in this

"Sin has conquered the earth today."

"The society of evils."

"The good people have no freedom."

"Arjun will come now."

"Sin has conquered the earth today."

"The society of evils."

"The good people have no freedom."

"Arjun will come now."

"Wrong, injustice and oppression."

"All you evils be aware."

"Wrong, injustice and oppression."

"All you evils be aware."

"Arjun will become victorious now."

Read the news today! Come, come.

An officer killed in daylight!

Read the news today! Come, come.

An officer killed in daylight!

Read the news today! Come, come.

Sit down all of you.

Shame! Shame.

Before, the parents would be proud

But for some people,

Reduced to dust.

From the post above

..I had to justify to everyone!

That a student killed a police

That student, what's his name..?

Yes.. Arjun, is the son

He has beaten up our friend

Excuse me sir.

Why Arjun killed Bishwamber,

I have all the reports.

Thank you Gautam.


..CID Inspector Gautam has

Congratulations, Congratulations!

I have started my investigation sir.

A student hit a sub inspector Rana.

In the same way student

Whatever be the reason,

But if the police are attacked..

..then there'll be nothing

Everyone will become a criminal.

I assure you sir,

Thank you.

DSP Lahiri and ICE Bishwamber Banerjee

Okay, sir.

You must know that Bishwamber

Now Arjun,

What is he saying?

Saying that he saw

What.. saw him but not the face?

Sir, he's saying that

Can't really remember sir..

Try to remember then..

Try to remember carefully,

A lady, sir.

Okay.. tell her description.

Big, big eyes.

Longer.. long hair.

A longish nose.

Is the face coming out right?

Near to what he's saying.

Oh, I see..


Namaste Sir.

What is your need?

This is my document..

For a passport..

This is yours, and this?

For passport sir.

Everyone is after passports now!

But how will I know if

What if you fled with the

And then we will be in trouble..

No, no.. that can't be!

There will be a CBI enquiry, more

It will take 3 months?

But it's urgent, sir.

I can't do without the passport sir.

Urgent.. hmmm.. why?

Are you running away from some crime?

No sir, nothing like that.

Do I look like a criminal to you?

Please sir, help me out?

That will need money!

Yes, my son told me..


Then you will give your dialogue

Right, but not 500,

It's too much sir.

Please have mercy on the poor?

Mercy? No mercy?

Give cash and get work done.

Sir, I am very poor.

Don't waste my time.. Next!

Sir, I beg of you please.

Will begging make my family run? Huh!

Get out!

What should be her age?

Around 38 or 39..

What is it,

This is an office!

Oh my.. who are you?

What is this! Who are you?

Hit him Arjun, hit him..

Oh my God!

You said that they were valued at 500?

How will you know its value!

Who gave you the right to sell this?

This is the Ashok Pillar!

This cannot be valued.

To know its value,

This is our nation's symbol!

Wait now..

Chakradhar Jana..

Did you see anyone leave from here?

What about you?

You? And you?

Have you seen anything?

And you?

Didn't see anyone..

Put a tick on this.

"The one who has become

"Because of the strength of a mother."

"Who has the strength to

"The one who has become

"Because of the strength of a mother."

"Who has the strength to

"You will always have

"Your mother's blessings

"Arjun, you will be victorious."

"You will be victorious."

"Wake up Arjun,

"You will be victorious."

Halt! Halt! Stop!

Or I will shoot you!


What.. you?

Who you think I am, she is home.

I know you are Chumki!

No, no.. I am Jhumki!

Why were you running but?

Do I have to take the permission

I didn't know about this new law!

No, no.. but who runs like this?

Can I not be out on a morning walk?

A morning walk? In the afternoon?

Shall I run at night then?

Do you not see that I

Alright, you may go..

Okay.. bye.


Any problem?

You were running very fast before,

What nonsense!

Okay, go on..

Okay, yes.. bye..

Mr. Lahiri, there is some

First Rana,

So they must have not


So if there is some connection

A woman was spotted

Then she should be here too!

Somehow she must be here then.

But where? How?

Where and how is she here?

Yes.. we should find out..

Yes, I have seen this woman!

But where..

Oh my god! I did see her!

She is the wife of fireman,

So there might be some connection

There may be.. there may be..

Not maybe, there is!

Then who could be the next target?

Social worker Suryakanta Goswami.

Make the call I said!

Now dial, 9 8 3 6 1 0 3 2 2 7..

Give it to me..

Hello, Vikram brother?

I am Suryakanta Goswami speaking.

Check if he's alive.

He's dead.


Is this the house


Is he home?

Oh shit!

Hello, Control Room?

This is CBI Inspector, Gautam Das.

I am speaking from the

He is dead.

Yes I'll check.

Do you know whose photo this is?

How did it get here?

Are you his mother?

How did this happen?

Who had come here?

Did a mother and her son come?

What are you shaking your head for?

Are you deaf or mute?

Tell me, who killed Suryakanta?

Tell me now..

I killed him..

I have killed that sinner!


I can't bear it anymore Arjun..

Nothing will happen to you mother!

Search the place, they are here!

But be careful.

Let them not escape. Okay?

But I can't..

Go that way, and you'll the other.


Hey Arjun!

I know you are nearby..

Just come out..

Or I'll send your

If you have courage, then come out.

Arjun, come out from hiding.

I will count till 3. 1.. 2..


You dare to hit me?

Don't you know that I'm

You dare to touch a tiger!

I will see to it that you are hanged!

Quiet! Keep quiet!


Do you not see my mother's state?

I have no enmity against you.

So I don't want to kill you.

So just leave..

Leave from here go..

Get away.. go..

Okay.. I will..

Oh mother..

Why have you come here?

So what!

Go away from here!

No, I won't go!

I said leave!

No, I won't leave you and go!

I love you with my life!

Enough of your nonsense! No more.

Go from here..

Will you decide everything?

No you don't!

Enough of your nonsense!

I have no relation with you.

Go, go from here..

Let me go!

Let me go!

I have killed a man!

And that is why the

If they spot me, they will kill me.

And if you stay with me,

I will die.. and so will my mother..

But remember,

The people responsible

..I will not die before killing them.

So why have you come to me to die?

I am destroyed and so is my life..

So why have you come to be destroyed?

Go away.. leave..

You go from here..


I cannot go back..

Because I can't live without you..

No reason of my living without you..

I have no other way..



"You have tied me with love.."

"With love and more love."

"You have tied me with love.."

"With love and more love."

"Like the skies bind the stars."

"Like the clouds bind the wind."

"Like the skies bind the stars."

"Like the clouds bind the wind."

"Even if death is near."

"There is no fear with you."

"You have tied me with love.."

"With love and more love."

"Let our hearts come together."

"We will be together

"Let our hearts come together."

"We will be together

"Till the end of my days."

"May I stay beside you."

"You have tied me with love."

"With love and more love."

"Even if I have pain

"I would smile through

"Even if I have pain

"I would smile through

"If I get lost somehow."

"May I always find you somehow."

"You have tied me with love.."

"With love and more love."

"You have tied me with love.."

"With love and more love."

"Like the skies bind the stars."

"Like the clouds bind the wind."

"Like the skies bind the stars."

"Like the clouds bind the wind."

"Even if death is near."

"There is no fear with you."

So DSP Lahiri, are you still alive?

Alive.. yes, as in.. umm.. I..

I had gone to catch Arjun.. umm..

So did you?

You can always know a hunter..

Unlike you, your face tells it!

Oh my..

Even that boy..

Hey, who got you your

Sweet talked your

Can't even catch an old woman and boy?

And your relatives are in hospital!

And you call yourself a DSP?

What.. did umm.. I do?

You don't know Vikram's power, DSP!

Vikram's brain is more

What I can do, even the police can't.

My gang will finish everything.

Listen DSP, tomorrow morning at 9..

..the boy and his mother

Tomorrow morning at 9 exactly.


Arjun, what is it?

The petrol is over mother.

Come mother, come..

Come on mother, come..

What happened?

He's attacked a lot of our people.

We can't compete!

Then attack his mother. Finish her!

Hey.. get that old woman!

Who were you calling?

Brother.. dada..

Which brother?

Vikram brother? Huh.. scoundrel!

Come mother..

Come on mother.. come!

Come mother.. sit.

Chumki, come to the market

Come fast!

Come on now, fast..

Mother, meet the doctor and come

You be safe dear.

Come on Chumki, fast..

Do you have no shame?

What! What for?

What will happen now Arjun?

Just hold tight and sit still!

Mother did you meet the doctor?

You are fine right?

Come now..

The way I planned everything,

If not then how will

Give me a kilo of potato..

All will be finished!

Praise be to goddess Kali! Oh mother!

You will be praised

You have kept my name and respect..

Oh Arjun!


Arjun! Arjun! Arjun! Get him up..

Listen DSP, put security

Because seeing her son in pain..

..the mother will take him

And that's when all

Because he's yours, mine..

Gautam? Gautam!

All the hospitals and nursing homes

But why sir?

Arjun has been seriously injured!

And how did you know that?

I know! He's hurt badly

And how did you know that sir?

I know and that's why

I'm asking you, how did you know that?

I am the DSP!

Will I know or you?

I am asking you again,

Listen inspector,

And you are behaving

I will make you lose your job!

Shut up you criminal!

I knew it all along but kept quiet!

I was 100% sure that you

And you will have

Tell me, who all do

How much money did

Tell me! Answer me!

I will know everything today!

And you will tell me all the secrets!

You have made 3 to 4 houses

And you buy sarees and jewellery for your


The government pays you well..

..but due to greed you have

You are a cheat!

You have betrayed the police

Just accept the truth,

Just say it!

If you had surrendered earlier..

..then it wouldn't

Remember that I am good enough alone.

Don't need betrayers like you.

Hey, bring sir down.

And then he will write

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Didn't take silver nor gold."

"Didn't take any diamonds nor rubies."

"Didn't take silver nor gold."

"Didn't take any diamonds nor rubies."

"He stole away my heart!"

"All will be finished!"

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"My heart is restless, I can't sleep."

"I twist and turn in my bed."

"My heart is restless, I can't sleep."

"I twist and turn in my bed."

"He touched me like fire last night."

"And my heart is still burning!"

"How do I stop this fire."

"It might just consume me whole!"

Yes, let it burn you..

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"He had a beetle leaf from

"Ran a current through my whole body!"

"He had a beetle leaf from

"Ran a current through my whole body!"

"I cannot get rid of his touch."

"He didn't just touch my body,

"He has made a temple in my heart."

"And that is where

And then?

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Listen all of you listen."

"A thief had come last night!"

"Didn't take silver nor gold."

"Didn't take any diamonds nor rubies."

"Didn't take silver nor gold."

"Didn't take any diamonds nor rubies."

"He stole away my heart!"

All will be finished!

I am Gautam Das.

Officer of the Crime Branch.

I'm here for an investigation.

For the case of murder for Arjun.

Charge on Viku brother, a.k.a. Vikram.

You must be celebrating Arjun's death?

But you should actually be alert.

You have made a big

He will come back and

Listen officer, are you

Just how much you want!

Oh Viku brother, you think everyone

You should know that

..this Gautam is one of them.

Because of true officers,

Don't give any lectures!

Just to have walked in here? No shame?

I could finish your whole

Quiet now!

You don't know this Arjun!

He is like the mythical Arjun..

Who saw not the fish or its eye..

..but its reflection on water

And that Arjun has come

Be careful, now you are on his list!

I had just come to tell you that..

Remember that..


In this Kalyug,

And this Vikram will finish him.

Good luck.

Madam, if you spot a middle aged woman

Either inform us or the security.

The police are on duty.

I'm sure you know that

Mr. Banerjee is in the ICU.

Please do remember.

And do inform us..

Doctor? Doctor!

Doctor, the patient is very serious.


Hey.. you..

I'm sorry.

Her blood pressure is low.

I have given her an injection.

After some rest she will be fine.

Nothing to worry, she will be fine.

Just get these medicines please.

Okay, I will leave now.

"Run when you can run..

Oh my.. that girl..

Maybe she's crazy or something.


Get up now, lets go mother.. come..

Cannot be late..

Come dear.

Arjun, what are you doing?

You can't just kill him like this.

He should know that we had come.

Now wake him up Arjun.

Hey you! Get up, up! Up!

What then, can you recognize me?

Can't recognize us?

I am Arjun!

Son of Avinash Banerjee, Arjun!

And I am his wife.

You and Vikram had killed him.

I have said nothing since that day,

Arjun, kill him! Kill him now!

Sir, come sir.. - Where?

Come mother..

If there were more mothers like you,

Oh shit!

Oh mother!


Oh mother..

All will be finished!

Premlata, seeing her son like this..

..she won't be able to do anything!

Come on here..

You had left him half dead Premlata..

Now hit him! Kill him off!

Hit him! More! Beat him up!

You old woman,

And look now at all your training!

And you had him inside you for

This pains you much, yes?

You old woman, it pains

You will be finished!

Hey.. keep that down! Down!

That's the idol of the mother goddess!

Don't do it!

Everything will be finished!

Just keep that down! Down!

Everything.. is finished!

Come now..



Arjun has done nothing wrong.

It is all my fault.

I accept it all. It is all my fault.

My Arjun is innocent.

I had taught him to

He is innocent.

He is a bright student with

Please, let him be and arrest me!

No sir, mother is lying to save me.

I have done it all.

The day you took on this mission,

Not just the police department,

These bribes and all have stopped.

If I arrest you..

..evil people will come

I am a protector of law.

And I cannot make this mistake.

If I want, I can arrest you two..

I have the proof too.

Here you go.

I let you two free.. go now.

And I pay my respects

You two have started this revolution.

You have concern for

That is what I feel is right ..

You may go..


I'll say that I had come

And in self-protection,

Go on now..

Remember to not tell anyone this..

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