Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

Adrenalize me.

Come a little bit closer Before we begin. Let me tell you how I want it And exactly what I need.

I'm here for one drug. I'm only here for one thing. So come on and tell me, Can you fly like you're free?

Cause I need to feel. Yeah, I need to say.

I must confess, I'm addicted to this. Shove your kiss straight through my chest.

I can't deny, I'd die without this. Make me feel like a God.

Music, love and sex. Adrenalize me.

I crave excess, Turning wine into sweat dripping down my neck. I can't deny, I'd die without this.

Make me feel like a God. Adrenaline and sex.

Get a little bit higher, So we can fall 'til we bleed. Push a little bit harder. Pull me into the speed.

So tell me, can you feel this? Come into my dream. Are you ready to awaken? Are you ready to feed?

Cause I need to feel, Yeah, I need to say.

I must confess, I'm addicted to this. Shove your kiss straight through my chest. I can't deny, I'd die without this. Make me feel like a God. Music, love and sex. Adrenalize me.

I crave excess, Turning wine into sweat dripping down my neck. I can't deny, I'd die without this. Make me feel like a God. Adrenaline and sex.

We have to live before we die. We were born to live before we die. Don't you wanna live before you die? Let me see you live before you die.

Right here, right now, Adrenalize me. [x3]

Right here, right now. I am addicted to this.

I must confess, I'm addicted to this. Shove your kiss straight through my chest. I can't deny, I'd die without this. Make me feel like a God. Music, love and sex. Adrenalize me.

I crave excess, Turning wine into sweat dripping down my neck. I can't deny, I'd die without this. Make me feel like a God. Adrenaline and sex.

For more infomation >> In This Moment - Adrenalize lyrics (+перевод) - Duration: 4:27.


巴拉巴拉 ☏ 歐姆 - 如何拍攝手機遊戲 How to shoot mobile games!? - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 巴拉巴拉 ☏ 歐姆 - 如何拍攝手機遊戲 How to shoot mobile games!? - Duration: 1:31.


Heart Touching Shabad - ਦਇਆ ਕਰਹੁ - Bhai Jagpal Singh & Bibi Harroop Kaur - Akj - Duration: 51:25.

ਬਿਲਾਵਲੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: ਸੁਖ ਨਿਧਾਨ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਮੇਰੇ ॥ You are the treasure of peace, O my Beloved Godਅਗਨਤ ਗੁਣ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੇਰੇ ॥ Your Glories are uncounted, O God, my Lord and Master. ਮੋਹਿ ਅਨਾਥ ਤੁਮਰੀ ਸਰਣਾਈ ॥ I am an orphan, entering Your Sanctuary. ਕਰਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਹਰਿ ਚਰਨ ਧਿਆਈ ॥੧॥ Have Mercy on me, O Lord, that I may meditate on Your Feet. ||1|| ਦਇਆ ਕਰਹੁ ਬਸਹੁ ਮਨਿ ਆਇ ॥ Take pity upon me, and abide within my mind; ਮੋਹਿ ਨਿਰਗੁਨ ਲੀਜੈ ਲੜਿ ਲਾਇ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ I am worthless - please let me grasp hold of the hem of Your robe. ||1||Pause|| ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਚਿਤਿ ਆਵੈ ਤਾ ਕੈਸੀ ਭੀੜ ॥ When God comes into my consciousness, what misfortune can strike me? ਹਰਿ ਸੇਵਕ ਨਾਹੀ ਜਮ ਪੀੜ ॥ The Lord's servant does not suffer pain from the Messenger of Death. ਸਰਬ ਦੂਖ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਨਸੇ ॥ All pains are dispelled, when one remembers the Lord in meditation; ਜਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਸਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਬਸੈ ॥੨॥ God abides with him forever. ||2|| ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਆਧਾਰੁ ॥ The Name of God is the Support of my mind and body. ਬਿਸਰਤ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੋਵਤ ਤਨੁ ਛਾਰੁ ॥ Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body is reduced to ashes. ਪ੍ਰਭ ਚਿਤਿ ਆਏ ਪੂਰਨ ਸਭ ਕਾਜ ॥ When God comes into my consciousness, all my affairs are resolved. ਹਰਿ ਬਿਸਰਤ ਸਭ ਕਾ ਮੁਹਤਾਜ ॥੩॥ Forgetting the Lord, one becomes subservient to all. ||3|| ਚਰਨ ਕਮਲ ਸੰਗਿ ਲਾਗੀ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ॥ I am in love with the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ਬਿਸਰਿ ਗਈ ਸਭ ਦੁਰਮਤਿ ਰੀਤਿ ॥ I am rid of all evil-minded ways. ਮਨ ਤਨ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਮੰਤ ॥ The Mantra of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, is deep within my mind and body. ਨਾਨਕ ਭਗਤਨ ਕੈ ਘਰਿ ਸਦਾ ਅਨੰਦ ॥੪॥੩॥ O Nanak, eternal bliss fills the home of the Lord's devotees. ||4||3||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Shabad - ਦਇਆ ਕਰਹੁ - Bhai Jagpal Singh & Bibi Harroop Kaur - Akj - Duration: 51:25.


Rachel Platten - Collide | Moni Rose, Julian Auer, Sam Masghati Cover - Duration: 2:15.

Lately, I feel like I'm pushing you away Acting moody for no reason

And even though you know I'm always gonna stay I've been talking like I'm leaving

I don't know why I keep playing these dumb games Love is not a competition

And no one's winning when I'm pushing you away Sometimes darkness is a prison

Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide

Turn the lights on, honey, I'm surrendering tonight

Although I'm not perfect, I feel perfect in your eyes

Turn the lights on, honey, I don't really wanna hide, not tonight

Come and crash into me 'cause I want us to collide

Collide, collide, collide

Collide, collide

I'm a stormy ocean, but you're steady I'm like a commotion, but you get me

Too many emotions, but you let me Let me blossom in the dark

Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide Turn the lights on, honey, I'm surrendering tonight

Although I'm not perfect, I feel perfect in your eyes Turn the lights on, honey, I don't really wanna hide

Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide

Come and crash into me 'cause I want us to collide

For more infomation >> Rachel Platten - Collide | Moni Rose, Julian Auer, Sam Masghati Cover - Duration: 2:15.




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For more infomation >> КАК ИЗБИВАЮТ МЕССИ: БАРСЕЛОНА VS РЕАЛ, КЛАСИКО - Duration: 6:01.


Ninebot Segway ES1 Electric Kickscooter Review - Duration: 15:16.

So I'm back with another electric scooter review this is the ninebot kick

scooter es1 by Segway which you could say is the successor to the xiaomi M

365 that i reviewed about half a year ago. now why I say

successor is because no bot was involved with charmese model and now we

have this one here under the ninebot Segway branding so the ears one has a

maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour the es2 model which is another one which

is almost identical to this one but it has a shock on the rear has a maximum

speed of 25 kilometers per hour and the range is 25 kilometers however if you

buy the extended battery pack which clips on to the handlebars that range

then extends up to a really big and huge 45 kilometers now that's under perfect

test track conditions will the light person know went I'll do some real-world

testing here in my review find out the range of the es1 that I have so the

differences from you could say the previous model Shelby's as they're now

got hard rubber wheels on them so no more inflated ear tires susceptible to

punctures to flats and then it's a real hassle to change those so they've done

away with that which is really good design move I feel and we also have no

disc brake on the rear it's now a manual brake so the braking probably is not

going to be as good there and it's a little lighter this one's a live in

kilos the ES 2 version is 12 kilos so it is well packaged up here and some

assembly is required you can see that the handlebars aren't in place so

installing your handlebars is easy all you need to do is just plug it in and

then using the four Torx screws that are supplied in the box and the tool screw

the handlebars in place so the front is where you will find the motor solid

rubber wheels we have this cover over here that goes across the shock there so

inside you'll find a spring there and a shock absorber that's going to help

absorb some of those little bumps and just make the right overall more

comfortable now Fork is made out of metal but this cover

over the top is plastic it's only there for aesthetic so you're not seeing the

wheel nuts and wires and all that sort of thing so the scooter has a really

clever latch mechanism here so all you need to do to open it fully it's just to

simply pull the handlebars up and you'll hear it will click into place telling

you it's secured there's also a warning here that if you stand on this while in

use well it's going to be catastrophic isn't it it's going to cause it to

collapse and you'll come off the scooter on the left side there's a discrete

alloy kickstand the clearance you get under the scooters approximately seventy

three millimeters so it's not a lot so be careful when jumping down curbs well

on the base you'll find this nice grey anti-slip rubber so the ears one model

does not have an LED brake light on it the es2 model does which will be located

just in this part here and stayed on this one we get reflectors and the brake

of course is an old-fashioned style manual ones that you press down on this

part here which in turn creates friction on the wheel slowing you down

now the rear mudguard / brake also has the slot in here where the handle clips

in allowing you to lift up the scooter the charger uses a standard common

figure 8 plug and it's rated to 71 watts with a 42 watt output at 1.7 amps so the

build quality overall is excellent I can't really fault it but if I was to

change one thing with the design or the materials they've used at least that's

the handgrips instead of having that foam I would have gone with rubber I

think that will last a lot longer I actually swapped out the ones on my

show me scooter because they weren't really that good so the controls of the

scooter is quite easy so here we have the accelerator then we have the brake

for the front wheel and turning it on just hold down the button and you can

see right now it's what's in the limited mode they call its own OS logo is

showing here and that limits it to what speed you sit in the application so that

would be at the moment it's 15 km/h so it's ideal for

a 14-year old you don't want accelerating accelerating too fast and

you don't want them to come off at 20 km/h if they were to come off and it

wouldn't hurt as much at 15 now double-tapping

this gets you into what's called the standard mode so normal acceleration 20

km/h maximum double tapping again the logo goes red and this is sports mode

which will accelerate slightly quicker than the standard mode but you're still

limited to that 20 km/h max unfortunately now you'll see that the

readout here shows you your speed battery percent so each of these bars is

25% battery and it's in km/h at the moment but using the app you can change

it over to miles per hour so with the ninebot app that's available in google

play store in your Apple store you can connect up to it you can view your

remaining mileage and the battery life you can also change the energy recovery

mode which is basically sitting the amount it's going to DXL rate using a

bit of braking on the motor there to help recharge the battery level now I

keep it on the weak mode I find that's the best cuz I like to be out I just

roll down hills and not have it having that resistance they're slowing you down

a little bit you can also name the vehicle set a password there for

Bluetooth you can view other information like your mileage that the scooter has

done the temperature of the mainframe they're 23 degrees at the moment and

also enable what's called the cruise mode so if you hold down the accelerator

for more than five seconds it will lock in that speed until you break or tap the

accelerate again so it's great just to hold it down let it be and then you can

just cruise along at that constant speed you set without having to hold your

finger down on the accelerator the whole time so once powered on and I'll get up

when you do is just kick off get up to 3 kilometers and then you can accelerate

now the acceleration isn't super quick or anything like that but it's

sufficient this is just in the normal mode you put into sport mode to be a

little quicker and you can see you read out there so maximum speed 21 20

kilometers per hour there's nothing amazing now it writes really well it's

quite agile and the braking most of the time I just use the front wheel brake I

don't really touch that manual brake on the rear so I hit there there's some

gravel I'm going to go over that on the scooter and you'll see how it handles it

pretty bumpy suspensions doing maybe a little not too much

so have a rocky path ahead of me right now this is unless Reuters and Enya nice

view but as you can see bumpy so let's see how it handles it scraping noises

the kickstand don't forget to pull that out of the way so you can see this is

quite a bumpy ride here so wet surface here going to do a form braking test

not too bad no skidding so it does have like an ABS Y electronic system there to

stop it from skidding or locking up so after some heavy riding and heavy

braking can see this little heat logos popped up there so that's just telling

me that it's getting warm domoto and if it gets too hot what will happen is

it'll probably end up slowing itself down a little that happens or so on

these show me me 365 so the official specs claim that you can only go up

gradients of about 10 degrees and my little test here was approximately 1520

degree climb up this little slope here and as you can see it made it about 75%

the way up and that last little quarter I just have to give it a few kicks to

get right at the top now we'll check out the kind of range I did with my very

extreme test here with very hard roads heavy going

I got eleven point two six kilometers well close to thirteen point two

according to the Segway app and it got up to 45 degrees the mainframe

temperature if I touch the front Harbert is really hot so the mileage is quite a

bit off from the claimed so the pros and cons of each I actually like the design

of the es one better the way it unfolds I feel is just an improvement overall

but you do get the faster speed on the Xiaomi scooter

you also get slightly better range probably about five kilometers more out

of a charge charge Titans on both of them are about the same - so the S 180s

- they fold down smaller than the me scooter the m 365 years you can see so

slightly smaller size and it also weighs about a kilo less one thing of course

the is one is missing is that rear disc brake so you've only got that manual

foot brake and it doesn't have the led on the rear the s2 model does the

handlebar height of them is identical in that regard but you do get a little bit

more foot space on the es one now and it's like by side drag race with my me

scooter the es one takes off about the same depending on the riders weight but

these show me will always slowly get ahead but only just to start with the

acceleration test there now this time around me on the me scooter it's

even quicker here because of our weight difference between the two writers of

about 10 kilos so once you're finished with the scooter all you need to do is

to simply press down with your foot on the quick-release

and you'll hear it click then you can fold the handlebars down and click them

into that rear mudguard brake and you're able to lift it up then

walk up stairs or into your house or wherever or put it in your car for

example it will fit in there normal sized car boot without too much of a

problem unless you have a super tiny micro car alright so just to recap here

overall I do like the scooter I love the design of it it just looks a lot more

modern now compared to my show me scooter with its air full tires now the

tires is probably one of the best things about this having the hard rubber is a

good move because on my show me I've already had two flats and that was

enough for me I've actually converted those air full tires and put solid

rubber ones on so you don't have that worry with this of course you're not

gonna get any punctures any flats or get stranded so the build really good I like

the mechanism they've got so you just press down on the the mudguard the brake

on the rear and then push it up you hear the click and it's clicked into place

and feels very sturdy and really good so the ride quality getting around town

it's quite agile and the acceleration isn't out of this world or anything like

that and sport mode slightly faster than when you have it on normal now the

maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour I do notice that difference coming from

my show me the me 365 which has 25 kilometres per hour

but not as much as I thought but for those out there that want the maximum

speed you're probably gonna be disappointed with this model go for the

ES 2 model which also has a shock on the rear and it also has LED flash LED

lights on the sides and then underneath the other thing to note too that this

material that they put on the top on the ES 2 model I believe is black and not

this grey color as you can see the grey is attracting and showing all the dirt

on this I've only used this scooter now for a few days and look how dirty it is

already the other thing is when you brake using that rear brake which by the

way works particularly well it does the job I mean you can even lock up the rear

wheel if you want it to skid or do anything like that

do it comes off that every time you break and it all comes and lands along

the top here so that's going to get dirty so that's a minor complaint

another minor complaint with the design is the rubber plug that fits over there

DC in there for charging it's a little hard to get in there so so many times I

have to miss about will trying to get that plugged in properly there we go now

it's in sets alright the front shock I know it's doing something but honestly

I doesn't feel like it's doing that much it's prolly taking out some of the

shocks and vibrations a good move this well they have put a rubber grommet so

where the handlebar bolts on to the main part here with the battery is they've

got this rubber on there so that's absorbing some of those vibrations along

with the foam grips now another minor complaint is the ends here and if you

can see that they're kind of a little bit loose they should probably glue them

in place or I will probably glue that I might have to change the grips later on

in the future even though there are nice the foam ones because they dissolve

those vibrations I don't see them with standing the test of time I mean

something like one of those lock-on grips will pull you a little bit better

the ones you get for mountain bikes that's what I actually put on Michelle

me so other than that the range okay not as great as they claimed so 25

kilometers they say is what you can get out of this because that was in perfect

test conditions when they did that test so that would have probably been someone

that weighs 65 kilos I weigh 81 and they would have had no wind and a complete

smooth surface that's how they got 25 so expect less so you if you need to do

let's say 30 kilometer journey this is not going to do it now you can of course

get that extra battery that plugs in here you need to bolt it on to it and

that will extend your range up to 45 kilometers but again that's probably

only about I would say 30 kilometers or 35 with the extra battery but it's still

a really good range then when you had that the application is another contour

are you have to activate the scooter with their app and if you don't activate

it the speed of it is limited and it keeps beeping that's highly annoying I

don't know why segue need to do that so their apps not that great and it's

crashed on me a few times too but it's good that gives you that information we

can set the cruise control and there's a few other little tweaks there have a

look at the mileage of the school as well there so overall as a package I

feel this is a really nice scooter just bear in mind though if you need that 25

km/h faster speed and you want the flash LED lighting underneath and the shock on

the rear go for the ES 2 model otherwise this one to me seems a really good

choice and I'll be using this testing this out and I may have some follow-up

videos and also to compare some videos to other electric scooters that I'm

hoping to receive soon to that I will be reviewing on the channel so keep an eye

out for those and thank you so much for watching this review here you do have

any questions let me know down in the comments and I'll try and answer them

bye for now

For more infomation >> Ninebot Segway ES1 Electric Kickscooter Review - Duration: 15:16.


Parda e Bakarat Agar Suhagrat Se Pehly Phata hoya ho? | Wazaif Us Saleheen | Wazifa - Duration: 8:27.

Aurat ka parda e bakarat agar Suhagrat se pehly ka phata hoa ho to kya samjhna chahiye

For more infomation >> Parda e Bakarat Agar Suhagrat Se Pehly Phata hoya ho? | Wazaif Us Saleheen | Wazifa - Duration: 8:27.


Cheikh Mamidou 2018 || أجمل أغنية راي يعيدها الشيخ ماميدو ||Nvl Chanson || Ray Jdid Live - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Cheikh Mamidou 2018 || أجمل أغنية راي يعيدها الشيخ ماميدو ||Nvl Chanson || Ray Jdid Live - Duration: 1:51.


SUPER SINGER JUNIOR 1 TITLE WINNER கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா?|Tamil News Kollywood Talkies - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> SUPER SINGER JUNIOR 1 TITLE WINNER கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா?|Tamil News Kollywood Talkies - Duration: 1:28.



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For more infomation >> HOW TO DOWNLOAD VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE LEGALLY.100%WORKING AND FREE - Duration: 5:06.


How To Watch Age Restricted Videos On YouTube Without Signing In - Duration: 2:43.

this video is age restricted hence you can't watch it without signing in

however in this video I will teach you how to watch age restricted videos on

YouTube without signing in so stay tuned

tonight let's create this tutorial and in this video I'll teach you how to

watch your age restricted videos on YouTube without signing in if you

stumble upon a YouTube video that for a reason on another has been sent as age

restricted you can still watch the video without signing in on confirming your

age just use this little URL trick that I will teach you today and before we get

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hit 11 likes in this video if we could that would be awesome with that being

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on to now after you're on you want to go ahead and

search up an age-restricted video so I'm going to search up an age-restricted

video and I'm gonna hit enter now you can see that I'm not signed in as I

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found an image of that video you wanna click on it for my example this is the

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For more infomation >> How To Watch Age Restricted Videos On YouTube Without Signing In - Duration: 2:43.


Save YouTube Video To Gallery - New Method Offline YouTube Videos Direct In File Manager - Duration: 4:12.

save youtube video to gallery

New Method Offline Youtube Video Direct In Gallery

For more infomation >> Save YouTube Video To Gallery - New Method Offline YouTube Videos Direct In File Manager - Duration: 4:12.


TheFatRat - Oblivion (ft. Lola Blanc) - Duration: 3:38.

Edit and Subtitles by YT/Sv443

I ... I ... want you to lift me up so high ... high

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to Oblivion

Ooh ... Ooh ... I wanna feel the dark with you ... Oh

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to Oblivion

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to Oblivion

I ... I ... want you to lift me up so high ... high

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to Oblivion

Ooh ... Ooh ... I wanna feel the dark with you ... Oh

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to Oblivion

Take me to Obli....

^^^ Edit and Subtitles by YT/Sv443

For more infomation >> TheFatRat - Oblivion (ft. Lola Blanc) - Duration: 3:38.


Northern Ireland - Ballintoy Harbour (Game of Thrones Location) - [ Na Owrajcie ] - Duration: 14:55.

For more infomation >> Northern Ireland - Ballintoy Harbour (Game of Thrones Location) - [ Na Owrajcie ] - Duration: 14:55.


Нейлоновый поводок для собак Rogz Utility - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Нейлоновый поводок для собак Rogz Utility - Duration: 0:53.


Trans people no longer considered mentally ill - Duration: 4:06.

In my view, I was always a woman.

And only society or the people around me

thought I was a man - because I looked like one.

And so that's what I changed.

I really only adapted my appearance to

how I feel.

I didn't change my sex.

Up to the age of 29 Stefanie Hetjens lived as a man.

Although she already realized as a child

that this wasn't right for her.

I acted a role for years.

And I trained myself in types of behaviour

which I can then simply call up,

so that, in my view, people don't notice

that I really feel like a woman

or that I am a woman.

Stefanie suppressed and delayed her coming-out until five years ago.

In the meantime she had a career in advertising,

lived in a partnership.

Until she couldn't take it any more.

The very first thing you have to do is come out to yourself

and say: "Hey, I can stand behind the fact

that my feelings are correct."

And then I came out to friends

who know me well.

Then at some point to my family

and then to everyone else and my employer.

Since undergoing transition

Stefanie Hetjens has become politically active.

She is now Co-President

of the Swiss association for trans people.

The community is growing steadily.

This year, 150 trans people

attended the fifth meeting in Sursee.

I've attended the meeting myself for five years

and I've followed my transition within the meeting context too.

For me, the meeting is an extremely good place for dialogue,

and to help people on their own paths.

For many participants, just attending the meeting

is already a huge step.

An outing in public is inconceivable.

Those who wish to remain anonymous can wear a special badge.

In one of the many workshops on this weekend,

Stefanie Hetjens gives advice

on what to consider when coming out at the workplace.

It's your coming-out.

It's not the company's, it's about you.

So you have a great deal of power to shape it.

Or lots of power to shape what it looks like.

All people are equal before the law.

This is set out in the Swiss Constitution.

Neither the state nor an employer

can discriminate against people on account of their gender.

However, for trans people, going public

can be tricky, at work too.

If something goes wrong during the coming-out

and you lose your job

or maybe don't find another job,

then this has a huge impact on your life

and it's an important part of the whole transition process.

It's important to handle it properly

and get everyone in and outside the company on board.

Stefanie Hetjens shows how it can succeed and states:

For her, the transition process is everything.

For her surroundings, however, almost nothing changes.

Now I'm happy.

I know who I am, what I am and I'm living life to the full.

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